La palabra del día - "lamentar"

La palabra del día - "lamentar"


lamentar (lah-mehn-tar’)

(verb) to regret

We are looking for an official corrector for the Spanish sentences. If you are interested, please send me a PM.

Estamos buscando un corrector oficial de las frases en español. Si usted está interesado, por favor envíeme un PM.

Sinmeta will be correcting the Spanish sentences as his time permits. We still need more help with this very important task. Please correct your sentences according to his suggestions.

There are many native English speakers here, most of us can offer great suggestions to the English sentences. I will do my best to go through them all, too. Use today's Word of the Day in your own Spanish sentence (and include the English translation as well). Try to use the word in a completely new way and vote on the sentences you like best. The winner will be chosen based upon the correct use of the word as well as the number of votes.


Write sentences at least 5 words long, but don't write a paragraph either. Write your Spanish sentence, but include the English translation as well. Make the corrections suggested by other users and moderators in the comments section (try not to use personal pronouns unless absolutely necessary). Use your own words! (Don't use a translator, copy from a book, use song lyrics, etc.) Have fun experimenting with Spanish.

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** 1. Lamento haberte hecho daño. Te juro que no fue mi intención herirte con mis acciones.**

  • I regret having hurt you. I swear it wasn't my intention to do you any wrong with my actions.*

** 2. Hacía ya 15 años que Enrique trabajaba como distribuidor de comida con su padre. Pero no fue hasta ese día fatídico que lamentó su decisión de quedarse en el negocio.**

It had been 15 years that Enrique worked with his father as a food distributor. But it wasn't until that fateful day that he regretted his decision to stay in the business.

Its back! The 2nd example sentence is part of our Word of the Day "novela" series. Stay tuned tomorrow for the next chapter!

Thanks to everyone that has been helping to correct in the palabra del día. I know it is a time-consuming job and we all are very appreciative of your work and dedication to us and to SD!!

updated May 10, 2013
edited by martha-sd
posted by martha-sd
Thanks Martha for doing these each day . Todo los días. - ray76, May 3, 2013
Thanks Martha. - katydew, May 3, 2013
You are welcome. - martha-sd, May 4, 2013
I add also, my thanks. You deserve lots of gratitude for this work! - RichardKa, May 4, 2013

11 Answers


Sería agradable si podría decir que no lamento nada en la vida, pero había varias cosas que habría hecho diferentemente.

It would be nice if I could say that I don't regret anything in life, but there were things that I would have done differently.

enter image description here

updated May 7, 2013
edited by Noetol
posted by Noetol
¡Caramba! - readytodictate, May 3, 2013

"Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you'll ever regret."(Ambrose Bierce)

Habla cuando estés enojado y harás el mejor discurso que jamás lamentarás. enter image description here

updated May 10, 2013
edited by shish75
posted by shish75
Been there done that :-( - pmikan-pam, May 10, 2013

¡cesa de lamentar y haz algo!

Stop complaining and do something!

updated May 10, 2013
posted by gohern
I did, I did, I wrote this comment. ;o) - katydew, May 3, 2013
hazlo ... do it - readytodictate, May 3, 2013
:-) and be productive right? - pmikan-pam, May 10, 2013

Yo no lamento de nada .

¡Sólo bromeando!

I do not regret anything .

Only joking !

Je ne regrette de rien !

enter image description here

updated May 7, 2013
edited by ray76
posted by ray76
Thanks for the "music to do palabra del dia' by. - katydew, May 3, 2013
"Francamente, querida, no me importa un bledo" es una famosa frase de la película de 1939 Lo que el viento protagonizada con Clark Gable - readytodictate, May 3, 2013
You are welcome Katya, she is one of my old favourites. - ray76, May 7, 2013
@ Readytodicta, and what a memorable moment that was mate , they do not make movies like that anymore . There are still good movies around , but they do not have the passion of deep feelings. - ray76, May 7, 2013

It seems that we would be close to contentment if we could think about yesterday without regret and tomorrow without fear. Parece ser que nos estaría cerca de la alegría si podríamos sin lamentar en ayer y mañana sin pesar sin temor.

updated May 7, 2013
edited by pmikan-pam
posted by pmikan-pam
bien hecho eso es la verdad ... hay tienes muchos años - readytodictate, May 3, 2013
muchísimas gracias readytodicta :-) - pmikan-pam, May 3, 2013
Beautiful :) - Manity, May 3, 2013
Gracias Manity - pmikan-pam, May 3, 2013

Más vale prevenir que lamentar.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Literally: It is better to prevent than to lament.

enter image description here

updated May 4, 2013
posted by PumpkinCalabaza
True, so true. - Manity, May 3, 2013

He has not regretted that he heeded his mother's advice.

No ha lamentado que hizo caso del consejo de su madre.

enter image description here

updated May 7, 2013
edited by katydew
posted by katydew

Desafortunadamente no sirve de nada lamentarse de la situación.

Unfortunately it's no use to complain about the situation.

enter image description here

updated May 5, 2013
posted by Castor77
Awww hehe, what a great picture :) - Manity, May 3, 2013

They cursed their bad luck, not realising that what happened was caused by their own actions.

Se lamentaron de su mala suerte, no se dando cuenta de que sus acciónes causaron lo que ocurrió.

updated May 4, 2013
posted by Manity
una bueno - pmikan-pam, May 3, 2013

Creo que hay muchas personas que van a lametar sus tatuajes en las años que viene. Este es sólo en la espalda, pero hay muchos que son en lugares mucho más visible, por ejemplo en la cara.

I think there are many people who are going to regret their tatoos in years to come. This one is only on his back, but there are many that are much more visible, for example on the face.

enter image description here

updated May 10, 2013
posted by jennysk
I would regret it - pmikan-pam, May 10, 2013

Yo lamento que yo no ha encuentre este pregunta antes.

I regret that I didn't find this question sooner.

updated May 10, 2013
edited by RichardKa
posted by RichardKa
I have no idea if this is correct, but I am trying to experiment like Katydew and others advise. - RichardKa, May 4, 2013
You're more than welcome to experiment! You could drop the two 'yo'-s, the verbs show who the subject is. And 'ha encuentre' should be 'he encontrado' if you're looking for the present perfect tense :) - Manity, May 4, 2013
I can't tell one tense from the other most of the time. Ha Ha! - RichardKa, May 5, 2013
Is that the tense I should be looking for? I thought I was looking for the past tense. - RichardKa, May 5, 2013