This chapter provides information on the uses, folk medicine, chemistry, germplasm, distribution, ecology, cultivation, harvesting, yields, energy, and biotic factors of Bacury. Seeds are the source of Bacury Kernel Oil, nondrying oil used in the manufacture of candles and soaps. Fruits are used for pastry and preserves, and are highly esteemed in the Amazon region for the delicious pulp from the large fruit, used in sweets and ice cream. Bark is white, exfoliating, fibrous, used for cordage, and yielding a black viscous resin used for caulking boats. Bacury tolerates sand and some waterlogging. Oilseed specialists might breed in the other direction. Trees grow naturally from seeds in the forests, and the tree is not known to be cultivated. Trees are cut from the forest for timber. Fruits and seeds are collected by natives and sold at trading centers. Most of the products are used locally by the natives.