Welcome to the TBSA

The Tasmanian Billiards and Snooker Association (TBSA) is made up from three affiliate Associations from around the State of Tasmania.

The Southern Tasmanian Billiards and Snooker Association (STBSA), The Northern Tasmanian Billiards and Snooker Association (NTBSA) and The North Western Billiards and Snooker Association (NWBSA).

Robert Higgins awarded Life Membership of the
Australian Billiards and Snooker Council

Robert became the 33rd Life Member of ABSC, joining the late Ron Atkins OAM,
the late John Williams and Rex Swain as the 4th Tasmanian honoured.
As we know Robert became involved with Billiards and Snooker in 1983,
was Delegate to ABSC AGM’s in 1990’s, was elected Tasmanian Executive Member
in 2002 and had 12 years on the Board of ABSC. Robert has clocked up 40 years
as an Administrator, is a well renowned Referee and Referee Examiner and has been
involved in countless Australian and Tasmanian championships and tournaments
over the journey.


ABSC 100 Club - An Australian Billiards & Snooker Council initiative....

read more

National Championships and Events entry forms available from the following links

Australian Billiards & Snooker Council - Calendar of Events and Entry Forms (Click on the event)