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You’ve been toasting your bread all wrong & it’s all to do with the order of events

FOOD has been the focus of our attention over the past few days - with turkey basting, cheese boards and debates over what to have for dessert taking centre stage.

But the humble slice of toast doesn't get much of a look in at Christmas - and your current technique might need some work.

A chef has revealed how we've been making our toast wrong
A chef has revealed how we've been making our toast wrongCredit: Getty

It turns out most of us have been toasting our bread wrong and this new way could make your breakfast much tastier.

All you have to do is change the order, adding the butter BEFORE toasting it.

Now, before we continue, please don't add butter to your conventional upright kitchen toaster - as that's a fire risk.

But you can safely brown your buttery bread using the grill, toastie maker or even an air fryer.

Chef David Tamarkin told Epicurious it was time to "flip the script" and stop buttering your bread after it's toasted.

Kelly Jacques, the Operations Manager of Breads Bakery, told him: "(When you butter your bread before toasting) the butter melts all the way through, soaking into the toast," creating a richer taste.

"There's a frying action" that happens, adds Kelly, meaning you end up with toast which is "crispy on the outside, and soft and fluffy on the inside."

David recommends using a soft, salted butter and says to "lay it on thick".

He adds, as already discussed: "Don't even think about toasting buttered bread in a pop-up toaster — the butter will melt, scorch, and possibly start a fire.

"Instead, use your toaster oven, or use the broiler in a regular oven.

"And always place the toast on a sheet tray, which will catch any butter that melts through so that the underside of your toast gets crispy, too."

Wherever you're making the toast, when cooking with butter it's important to stay in the kitchen and watch it cook - as there could be a fire risk.

Under the grill, your toast should be ready in around two minutes - but remember to flip it.

I send messages to my husband on his morning toast when I’m annoyed...people say I'm pathetic but it works for me