Are You Calcium Deficient? Top 12 Foods High In Calcium

Calcium deficiency is more common than you might think!

It’s estimated that over half the Australian adult population consumes inadequate levels of daily dietary calcium. This is of concern as it increases the risk of losing significant amounts of bone mineral density, which can lead to conditions such as osteoporosis and osteopenia (weak and brittle bones which increase the risk of fractures, falls, and poor health status/quality of life). What’s more is that while bones are the greatest store of bodily calcium, this nutrient plays many other roles in maintaining vital functions! A few of these include nerve conduction, skeletal muscle and cardiac contractions, blood clotting and enzymatic function (such as releasing insulin from your pancreas).

So the question is… how can we combat this?

It is recommended that the average healthy adult aims to consume a minimum of 1000mg of calcium per day. As this infographic infers you can reach this target by consuming a variety of foods from both animal and plant-based products. Our best advice is to be strategic with your food choices to ensure you achieve your daily targets. Bear in mind that portion size and total energy intake may need to be considered if you are consuming calcium primarily from plant sources, which is why dairy products are generally recommended as a nutritious, calcium-rich choice.

Let us know, were you surprised that some of these foods contained calcium? Do you consume enough per day?