Not Just Celebrities, You Can Fight The Signs Of Ageing Too

Not Just Celebrities, You Can Fight The Signs Of Ageing Too

Are you afraid that ageing will get the best of your skin? Fret not! Here are some expert-approved natural ways to fight the signs of ageing.

Written by Arushi Bidhuri |Updated : April 27, 2022 10:53 AM IST

In today's day and age, no one wants to look even a year older than their actual age but ageing is a natural process you can't stop. And digitalization is making the process faster and more difficult to control. With the amount of time that we spend on our phones contributes to ageing. But that doesn't make it an impossible task to slow down the signs of ageing.

If you think only celebrities can reverse the signs of ageing by undergoing the knife, you're wrong. While most surgical methods are expensive and not everyone can afford to do it to maintain a youthful appearance. However, it's never too late to fight the signs of ageing the natural way. Scroll down to know all about the natural ways to slow down the signs of ageing.

Anti-Ageing The Natural Way

Some natural anti-ageing suggestions, such as applying sunscreen and consuming a well-balanced diet, can produce results," says Dr Joseph Thomas, Medical Director, Medlounges. Following are some of the common natural ways to avoid premature skin ageing suggested by the expert.

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Use a self-tanner instead of getting a tan

When you tan, your skin ages quickly. This is true whether you tan outside, in a tanning bed, or with other indoor tanning equipment. They are all harmful. Ultraviolet radiation is a type of radiation that accelerates the ageing of your skin.

If you ever decide to stop smoking, do so

Smoking affects the body's natural signs of ageing. It wrinkles and has a lifeless, sallow appearance.

You must work out most days of the week

According to research, daily exercise can enhance circulation and strengthen the immune system. As a result, the skin may appear to be younger.

Carefully clean your face

It can be uncomfortable to scrub your skin to maintain its health. Irritation hastens the process of ageing. Impurities, cosmetics, and other particles are removed with care, without irritating your skin.

Mental wellness is important

It takes a long way towards making you live and age properly to be joyful and stress-free.

  • Make time with your friends and family: Longevity, as well as mental and physical well-being, are enhanced by loving relationships and a good social environment.
  • Accept your age as it is: There is research that persons who have a good mindset toward ageing survive longer and heal from problems more quickly. Ageing is an unavoidable fact of life, and understanding and accepting it can lead to a great.
  • Engage in activities that you love: Investing time in things that you love will only add to your pleasure. Invest time outdoors, learn a new skill, volunteer, or whatever it is that makes you happy.

Have enough sleep

Sleep is necessary for your physical and mental health. Also, it affects skin health. The amount of sleep you require is determined by your age. Adults over the age of 18 should try for seven to eight hours of sleep each night.

Water for beauty and health

Water cannot be avoided when we talk about healthy skin. Drink at least 8 glasses of filtered water per day to maintain your skin looking young and boost your overall health. Dehydration causes your skin to appear dry and dull, highlighting wrinkles and other symptoms of ageing.

Cleansing and the regular moisturization

Cleaning and moisturizing aid to protect and maintain skin's health; however, ordinary soap, which can be drying to aged skin, should be avoided. Instead, use a gentle cleanser that won't deprive your skin of its natural moisture. Skin toners with an astringent or alcohol basis should be avoided. Morning and night, use a decent moisturizer.

Consume more grapes

Sorbitol, the sweetener found in grapes, berries, plums, and pears, is a humectant, a chemical that draws water and helps the skin absorb and retain moisture.

Widen your grin!

Young, middle-aged, and elderly people were asked to look at hundreds of photos and predict the age of models with varied facial expressions. The most accurate results came from neutral emotions, whereas terrified expressions made participants appear older; cheerful faces were judged as younger than they were.

Word From The Expert

Looking and feeling your best as you get older isn't just a side effect of what you owe yourself to work towards as you progress through your one wild and precious life: pursuing happiness and fulfilment, achieving some of your dreams, and cultivating enriching relationships with yourself and your loved ones, all to the best of your ability and circumstances allow. Nevertheless, there's no denying that some aspects of youth's vigour are desirable to keep or re-capture as you get older. This might be as simple as going for a brisk stroll with a friend (the exercise and social interaction will lift your spirits and get your blood flowing) or pampering yourself with one of the best hand lotions.