Grilled Golden Pompano

Get your fish on!!!  On the grill that is.  Once a while, you just got to eat these grilled fish. In this recipe, I used Golden Pompano fish. Where we come from the entire fish is cooked, not just the filets. We will be preparing the whole fish in this recipe, so make sure you are careful to check for bones while eating.  Golden Pompano fish is often my choice due to the sweet and tasteful meat in this fish. In addition, when cooked on the grill, it develops a wonderful grilled crispy skin. We all need to have fish once or twice a week to maintain a healthy diet.  A majority of adults these days are deficient in Vitamin D.  Incorporating fish into your diet helps increase and maintain a healthy level of Vitamin D.   Next time you are fish shopping, keep this type of fish in mind.

The pompano fish is nutritious and delicious. It is a good source of B12, selenium, protein, calcium, vitamin A, phosphorus, potassium, and vitamin D.

Serves 5 to 6


Two Pompano fish about 1.5 pounds each. One pompano has about three servings. There is a lot of meat in each Pompano so one can go a long way!


Course ground black pepper

Extra virgin olive oil


Clean the pompano fish thoroughly and drain, keep the tail and the head on the fish. The good thing about pompano skin is you don’t have to scale it.

Cover the outside the fish with extra virgin olive oil.

Sprinkle the salt inside the fish and outside both sides

Sprinkle the black pepper over the fish on both sides.

Temperature and cooking time may vary depending on if you use gas or charcoal grill.  In this recipe, we used a gas grill.

Preheat the grill to 350 degrees. Brushing the grill with a very light coat of oil before heating will prevent the fish from sticking to the grill.

Lower the grill heat to medium and place the fish flat on the grill.

For the single pompano fish that weight about 1.5 pounds requires 6 minutes to cook on each side.

When Pompano fish cooked, remove from the grill, and place in serving dish or board with parsley and lemon garnish on the side.

My favorite part is the crispy skin.  You can eat the skin if you wish or remove prior eating and can eat the flesh. Squeeze some lemon on the top for some extra flavor. Avoid the boney part in the middle that is easily removed. Enjoy!

Check back on a youtube video on how to cook and eat.