January 16, 2024

Propagating Begonias from Stem Cuttings in My Greenhouse

I always enjoy growing my own plants, but there’s something even more exciting and gratifying about propagating them - producing plants by dividing, grafting, or taking the cuttings from existing stems. It’s an interesting and very easy-to-follow process.

One of the easiest plants to propagate is the begonia. I have a large collection of beautiful begonias in my greenhouse. The genus begonia contains about 1500 different plant species and hundreds of hybrids. Rhizomatous begonias are grown for their interesting and spectacular leaves. They come in many sizes, colors and textures, and can be small or large, smooth or veiny, decorated in bold accents of red, copper and silver or subtle shades of green. Last week, my head gardener, Ryan McCallister, selected some varieties to root.

Enjoy these photos.