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erroneous is a synonym of wrong

adjective [ ih-roh-nee-uhs, e-roh- ]

erroneous is another word for wrong

The adjective wrong is used in a few different ways. It can describe something that is not in accordance with what is morally right or good (a wrong deed), something that is out of order or awry (something’s wrong with your computer), or something that deviates from the truth or fact (a wrong answer). That third sense is where the synonym erroneous comes in. Erroneous means “containing error” or “mistaken; incorrect.” This adjective is commonly used to describe flawed reasoning or incorrect information. Erroneous originally described people or things that moved aimlessly or wandered about. While that sense is now obsolete, the idea of deviating or straying from a correct path, albeit a figurative one, still figures into its meaning.

Commonly found as

erroneous assumption
The director's decision to move the first performance up a weekend was based on the erroneous assumption that his cast members had been rehearsing diligently.
clearly erroneous
She could not believe the outcome of the trial; in her view the court's findings were clearly erroneous.

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flaunt is a synonym of display

verb [ flawnt ]

flaunt is another word for display

The verb display is one that usually flies under the radar; it means simply “to show” or “to make visible.” A shopkeeper might display a sign in their window. The verb flaunt is much more of a show-off! Flaunt is defined as “to parade or display ostentatiously.” A person who flaunts their wealth actively draws attention to it. The boastfulness baked into this term explains why flaunt is often couched in disapproving contexts. But sometimes the word is used more affirmingly to reject a stigma associated with an idea, circumstance, or behavior.

Commonly found as

flaunt + wealth
The local paper criticized the celebrity for shamelessly flaunting his wealth when he came to tour neighborhoods that had been destroyed just a week earlier by the hurricane.
proudly flaunt
He proudly flaunted his VIP badge at the prestigious event.

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hodgepodge is a synonym of jumble

noun [ hoj-poj ]

hodgepodge is another word for jumble

A jumble is a confused mixture of something or a disordered heap or mass, as a jumble of paper clips, rubber bands, and string (oh my!). In the U.K., jumble is also short for jumble sale, the equivalent of a rummage sale in the U.S. This disorderly noun is pretty close in meaning to the synonym hodgepodge. A hodgepodge, strictly speaking, is a mixture of incongruous items. But of course there’s nothing strict about this term, which is commonly used to talk about styles or ideas that are crammed together with no apparent rhyme or reason.

Commonly found as

result + hodgepodge
Too many managers wanted to put their stamp on the project; the result was a hodgepodge of conflicting ideas that fell flat.
hodgepodge of styles
A stark contrast to the meticulously crafted concept albums of its early days, the band's latest work was a hodgepodge of styles and narrative themes

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