Gardening Houseplants Types of Houseplants

How to Grow and Care for Philodendron Brandtianum

Philodendron Brandtianum houseplant on a floating shelf

The Spruce / Adelyn Duchala

Philodendron brandtianum is a climbing vine with medium to large heart-shaped leaves. The leaves have heavy white to silver markings, so it’s common for this plant to be referred to as silver leaf philodendron. Alternatively, it’s sometimes known as Philodendron brandi. 

In its natural tropical climate, it has a climbing growth habit but can be easily grown as a potted or hanging houseplant. The plant is a moderately fast-growing species that will reach a total height of 4 to 5 feet when grown as a houseplant. Keep it out of the reach of children or pets, since all parts of the Philodendron brandtianum are toxic to people and animals.

Common Name Silver leaf philodendron, philodendron brandi
Botanical Name Philodendron brandtianum
Family Araceae
Plant Type Vine
Mature Size 15 ft. (outdoors), 4-5 ft. (indoors), 1 ft. wide
Sun Exposure Partial
Soil Type Moist, well-drained
Soil pH Neutral to acidic 
Hardiness Zones 9b-11 (USDA)
Native Area South America
Toxicity Toxic to pets, toxic to people

Philodendron Brandtianum Care

For the best success in growing Philodendron brandtianum, take note of these main care requirements. 

  • Plant in rich, well-draining soil.
  • Pick a spot with bright, indirect light. 
  • Water deeply when the top few inches of soil become dry.
  • Fertilize if desired during spring and summer months.
Closeup of Philodendron Brandtianum

The Spruce / Adelyn Duchala

Closeup of Philodendron Brandtianum leaves

The Spruce / Adelyn Duchala

Closeup of Philodendron Brandtianum unfurling

The Spruce / Adelyn Duchala

Frontal view of Philodendron Brandtianum on a shelf

The Spruce / Adelyn Duchala


Philodendron brandtianum grows best with bright, indirect light. Keep in mind that in its native tropical environment, it receives frequent and abundant sunshine but is protected from direct sun by the canopy of foliage. Mimic these conditions by choosing a sunny spot in the room, but avoid a windowsill with direct sun, which is too harsh for this plant. 


Well-draining soil is essential for Philodendron brandtianum. If you pot this plant using standard potting soil mix, it's best to amend the soil using a 3:1 ratio with perlite or coir. In addition, pick a nutrient-rich mix or add compost to ensure the soil is rich enough to support the plant’s moderately fast growth rate. The pH level should hover between neutral and slightly acidic. 


Philodendron brandtianum should be watered deeply and regularly, with frequency depending on the specific environment. The best approach is to water when the top few inches of soil feel dry; this may be as often as every other day or as infrequent as once per week. Aside from dry soil, drooping or curling leaves indicate the plant needs moisture. Avoid watering leaves, which can lead to fungal growth.

Temperature and Humidity

These plants prefer warm, humid environment with an ideal temperature range between 65 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit, although the plant can tolerate temperatures down to about 50 degrees F. for a short period of time.

When it comes to humidity, these plants do best in levels between 50 and 60 percent. If the humidity in your home is low (during the winter), you may need to put the plant on a pebble tray filled with water to provide more moisture in surrounding air. Just keep in mind that root rot is a real threat to these plants, so the container bottom should not sit directly in water.


Philodendron brandi is a moderate to fast-growing plant that doesn’t necessarily require fertilizer. To encourage lush growth and leaf development, you can fertilize Philodendron brandtianum with a well-balanced fertilizer for indoor plants. Feed the plant during the spring and summer growing season, and withhold fertilizer during the fall and winter. 

Propagating Philodendron Brandtianum

Philodendron brandtianum is easy to propagate using cuttings. The best time to propagate this plant is during the warm spring and summer months growth is at its peak. Here’s how to propagate using cuttings: 

  1. Gathers scissors (or pruning shears), a glass jar (for growing cuttings in water), a small plant pot, potting soil mix, and rooting hormone (optional). 
  2. Use the scissors to, cut three to six inches of healthy stem with at least a few leaves. Ideally, cut the stem at a node—just above another leaf. Remove leaves from the bottom half of the cutting. Depending on the size of the parent plant, you can take several cuttings at once.
  3.  To grow cuttings in water, fill the glass jar with water, then place the stems into the jar. The leaves should not be submerged, but any nodes where you removed a leaf should be below the water line. Change the water every few days or if it becomes cloudy. 
  4. To grow cuttings in soil, fill a small pot with potting mix. If desired, dip the cut ends of each stem into rooting hormone. Then plant the stems of the cuttings into the soil, with the leaves above the soil line. Water as needed to ensure the soil stays moist but does not become soggy. 
  5. Place the cuttings in a location that receives bright, indirect light and a warm temperature. 
  6. After 3 to 4 weeks, check for root development. For cuttings grown in water, it will be easy to spot the thin, white roots emerging from the stem. When cuttings are planted in soil, very lightly grasp the stem and pull, checking for resistance from newly-formed roots. When evidence of roots exists, transfer the plant to a pot with well-draining soil and water thoroughly. 

Potting and Repotting Philodendron Brandtianum

You’ll need to repot this plant occasionally. To determine if it’s time to repot, check for roots poking out from drainage holes at the bottom of the pot.  Gently loosen soil around the sides of the pot to free the plant and its root ball. Fill a new pot, 2 inches larger, with a rich, loose potting mix that drains well. Plant your Philodendron brandtianum to the same depth and cover the roots. Water thoroughly. 

Common Problems With Philodendron Brandtianum

Philodendrons are known to be easy-to-grow plants. Philodendron brandtianum holds true but there are a few potential challenges caring for this houseplant. 

Leaves Turning Yellow

If your silver leaf philodendron develops yellow leaves, it indicates an imbalance in the plant’s environment. Yellow leaves usually signal two possibilities: not enough sunlight or too much water. 

Start by checking the soil moisture level. Is it overly damp and soggy? Examine the plant’s root system for signs of rot, like mushy, foul-smelling roots that are dark rather than white and firm. 

If your plant shows no evidence of overwatering, the problem may be insufficient sun exposure. While Philodendron brandtianum shouldn’t receive prolonged direct sunlight, these plants do thrive in bright light conditions.

Browning Tips

Another problem that sometimes develops in Philodendron brandtianum is browning on leaf tips. This signals the plant is receiving too much sun. Too much direct sun can cause the leaves to turn brown and crispy. 

The browning effect can't be reversed, but you can take steps to prevent it from becoming more widespread. Move your plant to a location with less direct sun.

  • How fast does Philodendron brandtianum grow?

    Philodendron brandtianum is a moderately fast-growing species that will reach a total height of four to five feet as a houseplant

  • Are Philodendron brandtianum hard to care for?

    Philodendron brantianum is easy to care for as long as you provide the right water, light, and humidity conditions.

  • What is the difference between Philodendron brandtianum and brandtianum wild form?

    The main difference between Philodendron brandtianum and brandtianum wild form is leaf size and variegation—brandtianum wild form has larger, thicker leaves.

  • Where should I put Philodendron brandtianum in my house?

    An east-facing window is the best choice for this plant. If that’s not possible, a west-facing or south-facing window may work, as long as you keep the plant several feet away from the window itself.

  • Is Philodendron brandtianum a climbing plant?

    Philodendron brandtianum is a vine and, when given support, it has a climbing growth habit. However, you don't need to provide a structure to climb. In the absence of a moss pole or other stake, the plant has a trailing growth habit, with stems and leaves cascading over the edge of the pot.

  • Is Philodendron brandtianum rare?

    While philodendrons as a whole are a common houseplant, philodendron brandi plants are rarer and harder to find than other varieties. They are highly prized for their unique silver leaf markings.

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  1. Are philodendrons poisonous. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.