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Made in Canada: How globalization has hit the Canadian apparel industry

Globalization was touted as the path to affluency, but for Canada’s garment industry it has been calamitous.

10 min read

“Fashion changes faster and faster and our biggest edge is being able to react very quickly compared to clothes being made anywhere else in the world,” says Eric Wazana, co-owner of Montreal-based Second Denim.

CAMBRIDGE, ONT.—The unusual mission statement for the fledging Canadian-Made Apparel company is written on a board overlooking sewing machines and computerized fabric cutters. It’s nothing more than a date and time — Feb. 21, 2013, 1 p.m.

It’s the reminder of an event not to be repeated.

Sandro Contenta

Sandro Contenta is a former feature writer for the Star.

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