Moderate drinking no riskier than driving, say new guidelines

The guidelines will set the recommended weekly alcohol limit at 14 units for men and women. It is 21 for men at the moment
The guidelines will set the recommended weekly alcohol limit at 14 units for men and women. It is 21 for men at the moment

Ministers are to say that the risks of drinking moderately are no higher than everyday activities such as driving a car, in statements that appear to contradict the hardline stance taken by the country’s top doctor.

When alcohol consumption guidelines were published this year, Professor Dame Sally Davies, the chief medical officer, said that every time she reached for a glass of wine she thought about the increased risk of breast cancer. However, in a move that could be interpreted as a change of tone, a document from Jeremy Hunt, the health secretary, will make clear that there is only very small risk of moderate drinking.

The new guidelines, which will be subject to consultation, will set the recommended weekly limit for both men and