Double chin or submental fullness


Did you know that almost 6 out of 10 Australian women are concerned about double chin?

You might be surprised to know that it affects both men and women, regardless of age and body type. A double chin may make you feel like you look older and heavier than you actually are. This can be caused by ageing, genetics or weight changes. Sometimes the fullness in this area may not go away no matter how much you diet or exercise. This can make you feel older and heavier than you are.

The good news is there is a non-surgical treatment to improve the appearance of a double chin.

The treatment

This fat reduction treatment is now available here in Australia and it's an injectable treatment. The active ingredient in this injectable is a synthesized deoxycholic acid which occurs naturally in the body where it helps to break down fat. Once injected into the subcutaneous fat, it causes the destruction of fat cells and these fat cells cannot store or accumulate fat.

This is injected below the chin, which reduces fat and resulting in a more contoured neck jawline and profile. This is a prescription-only medicine and treatment is only available from your clinician.

The treatment for double chin itself should take approximately 15-20 minutes and depend on the individual anatomy and circumstances, you may require from 2 to 6 treatments. Many experienced visible improvement of their chin profile in 2-4 treatments.

This double chin injectable treatment session involves a series of injections into the area under the chin. Prior to administering the injection, ice packs are applied to the treatment area. Patients will experience some mild to moderate pain or discomfort and that usually lasts about 5-10 minutes. Paracetamol can be taken orally prior to the treatment. Common side effects are pain, bruising, redness, swelling, numbness, tingling, formation of small areas of hardness and itching around the treatment area. Swelling usually lasts from one to two weeks.

If you do experience trouble swallowing, an uneven smile, taste disturbances, discolouration or ulcer, although unlikely, you need to contact your clinician immediately.


This treatment is now available at True Skin Cosmetic & Laser Clinic. Contact us now on 0415 620 008   


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