DIVAS 4 Christ Ministries

DIVAS 4 Christ DIVAS 4 ChristDIVAS 4 Christ Ministries was birthed through Elder Yolanda Townsend in April of 2010. God spoke to her spirit and said, "The women are ministering in bondage and need to be reminded that HE is a healer of all pain!" So many women are still hurting and dealing with generational curses. God wants us to know that we can and SHALL be set free in HIS name! We cannot continue to minister one to another carrying the bondage of our past. We not only need to be delivered, but so that we can bridge the gap from sister to sister.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to empower women and all walks of life about the love of Jesus Christ through workshops, conferences, prayer, praise, and worship! We are here to encourage one another and lift one another up with a spirit of excellence. Our sole purpose is to encourage relationships between mothers of today and our daughters of tomorrow and bridge the gap with the now generation and the next.

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to break the chains of generational bondage from families that have endured abuse; either it was, is, or may come to be emotional, physical, mental, or verbal abuse. Our purpose is to instill in our sisters of today the true meaning behind the scripture, "fearfully and wonderfully made." God knew you in your mothers womb before your were even thought of, and HE said you shall be beautiful and HE has a purpose and plan for your life! In Psalm 139:5 the scripture says, "Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand on me." David had faith in God's protective hand upon His life. Psalm 139:13-14 says, "For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made! Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well." Every individual is specifically created by God in the mother's womb--a place that God intended as a place of protection for the developing person. God desires to see you propser, even as your soul proposers! He wants you to love yourself, see yourself, respect yourself; just as HE sees you!

Through the vision God has given Elder Townsend, she started, what will be, the annual "Pink Pajama Party" on Feburary 26, 2011. As an offset to DIVAS 4 Christ, this annual gathering is to bridge the gap between mothers and daughters. It was also placed in her spirit because most mothers of today have found themselves alone weather by choice or not, which is in turn a mirror image to the daughters. We want to teach our young ladies that weather you have someone in your life or not, God has already validated you! Our goal is to empower women, one sister at a time.

Another annual spin-off of this ministry coming soon; is for our young girls who have been placed in DSS system called, "The DIVA in You!" Our goal and purpose behind this area of ministry is to beautify the outer appearance and to illuminate the radiant beauty from within. As a foster and adoptive mother, Elder Townsend was honored to take on the task of being a mentor to one of the young ladies who found herself in a foster home of the upstate. She had the responsibility of being a stylist for this young lady. The look of joy on her face and the "renewed light" in that little girl's eyes spoke volumes! Having someone to take care of your hair and your outer appearance, CAN and WILL make all the difference in the world to a woman! All it took was for her to know that someone was there; and that they cared! It was at that moment that the Lord gave Elder Townsend this vision of having a annual back-to-school "DIVA in You" day. So many young girls are in the system of DSS, for whatever reason, and need to know they are worthy of the love, attention, and beauty that is so deserving to them. Remember, our goal is to empower women, one sister at a time.