Famous for their foliage color and texture, rex begonias bring the sparkle

Rosanne Loparco
Utica Observer Dispatch

The genus Begonia includes more than 1,300 species and countless hybrids which are broken into several classes according to their appearance and cultural requirements.  

However, many begonias are famous only for their foliage color and texture. These are rex begonias. They do have small flowers, but it is all about the dramatic foliage with these plants. 

The origin of rex begonias comes from the forests of northern India. Today, there are numerous cultivars, and it is hard to find a rex begonia you won’t like, especially as breeders bring more selections with intriguing leaf veins and even leaf puckering.  

Leaf sizes vary but can grow to 9 inches long and 5 inches wide; the mounding habit of this plant can reach 12 to 18 inches tall and wide. Rex begonias look great by themselves, or they can be mixed in with other plants.  

Rex begonias are known for their beautiful foliage.

This plant is considered tropical; it can be grown outside but it is frost tender. 

Growing conditions: The key to success with rex begonias is to avoid over-watering and to add humidity. These plants thrive in organic, well-drained soil.  

Watering when the soil is dry to the touch is the way to keep these plants happy. Avoid soggy conditions, but do not allow the plants to wilt before watering. To keep the humidity level up, place containers on a tray of gravel or pebbles, where runoff water can collect, evaporate, and raise the air-moisture level.  

Avoid placing the plants near a heat source or near drafts. Indirect light works best; a location with morning sunlight or filtered sunlight is good. Rotate the plants if light is only on one side of the plant. They like growing in temperatures around 70 degrees F.; no lower than 60 degrees F. Use a diluted dose of water-soluble fertilizer every four to six weeks. 

The difficulty will be which variety to buy. Words cannot describe the foliage variety of these plants.  

Rex begonia ‘Fireworks’ features dark black, metallic silver, and vivid purple foliage. Begonia ‘Stained Glass’ is ruby red, with silver tips. Begonia ‘Escargot’ is popular because of its name-inspired, snail-shaped curl of color shown where the base of the leaf meets the leaf stem.  

The poinsettia may be the quintessential holiday plant, but there are other plants such as rex begonias which are just as beautiful and deserving of giving their own holiday cheer. Add a creative container and these plants make an excellent gift. 

For more information on begonias, visit the American Begonia Society website at www.begonias.org. 

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