Sentences with German verb vermindern

Examples for using the conjugation of the verb vermindern. These are real sentences and sentences from the project Tatoeba. For each conjugated form, such a sentence example is displayed. The verb form is highlighted. If there are more than one sentence, an example with the German verb vermindern is selected. In order to understand the conjugation not only by the examples, but also to train, worksheets for the verb vermindern are available.


Examples sentences for realis mood Active for vermindern

  • Das Körpergewicht vermindert sich. 
  • Klugheit vermindert den Hang zur Sünde. 
  • Die Kürzung der Flügel vermindert die Flugeigenschaft. 

 Verb table


Usage for conjunctive mood Active for vermindern

Conditional (würde)

Conditional (würde)


Sentences for imperative Active for vermindern


Translation of German vermindern

German vermindern
English reduce, decrease, diminish, alleviate, attenuate, bate, curtail, cut
Russian уменьшать, убавлять, сбавлять, убавить, сбавить, сокращать, уменьшить, сократить
Spanish reducir, decrecer, disminuir, menoscabar, aminorar, atenuar, capar, disminuirse
French réduire, diminuer, amoindrir, comprimer, abaisser, atténuer, alléger, baisser
Turkish indirgemek, eksiltmek, azaltmak, kısmak
Portuguese diminuir, minorar, abrandar, mitigar, reduzir
Italian ridurre, diminuire, decrescere, deprezzare, rallentare, abbassare, attenuare, attenuarsi
Romanian reduce, diminua, scădea
Hungarian csökkent, csökken
Polish pomniejszać, pomniejszyć, zmniejszać, zredukować, zmniejszyć, redukować, zmniejszać się, zmniejszyć się
Greek μειώνω, ελαττώνομαι, μειώνομαι, ελαττώνω
Dutch verminderen, verlagen, afnemen
Czech zmenšovatšit, zmenšovat
Swedish reducera, förminska, minska, avta
Danish formindskes, formindske, tage af
Japanese 減らす
Finnish pienentyä, vähentää
Norwegian forminske
Basque txikitu
Serbian смањити
Macedonian смањи
Slovenian zmanjševati
Bosnian смањити
Ukrainian знижувати, понижувати, поменшувати, зменшувати
Arabicانخفض، أنقص، خفض، نقص، قل
Persianکم کردن، تقلیل دادن، کاهش دادن
Urduگھٹانا، کم کرنا، تخفیف کرنا

vermindern in
vermindern in Beolingus


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Meanings and synonyms of vermindern

  • kleiner/weniger/geringer machen; herabsetzen; verkleinern; verringern
  • erleichtern; verkleinern; verringern; weniger werden; mildern; ermäßigen

vermindern in

Meanings  Synonyms 

Conjugation rules

Detailed rules for conjugation


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* Synonyms come partly from OpenThesaurus ( and may have been changed afterwards. They are freely available under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 ( license: vermindern

* Definitions come partly from Wiktionary (> and may have been changed afterwards. They are freely available under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 ( license: 128641

* Sentences from the Wiktionary ( are freely available under the license CC BY-SA 3.0 ( Some of them were changed. The authors of the sentences can be looked up via: 126115, 128641

* Sentences by Tatoeba ( are freely available under the CC BY 2.0 FR ( Some of them were changed. The authors of the sentences can be looked up via: 1135231, 2066996, 4829899