Imperative of German verb abnehmen

The conjugation of abnehmen (take away, take off) in the imperative is: nimm (du) ab, nehmen wir ab, nehmt (ihr) ab, nehmen Sie ab. The imperative is formed with the stem of present tense nehm. As an irregular verb there is the changed stem nimm in the second person singular. The endings -, -en, -t, -en are appended to the stem. The ending of the 2nd person singular has been shortened by one e, as the stem ends on m. The prefix ab- of abnehmen is separated.The personal pronoun is usually omitted in the 2nd person singular.The formation of the forms corresponds to the grammatical rules for the conjugation of the verbs in imperative. Comments


Translation of German abnehmen

German abnehmen
English take away, take off, remove, take down, amputate, take over, buy, purchase
Russian снять, удалить, взять, перенять, принять, поверить, забрать, отобрать
Spanish bajar, quitarse, extirpar, tomar, comprar, creer, aceptar, aprobar
French décharger, débarrasser, gober, recevoir, contrôler, piquer, diminuer, décroître
Turkish almak, çıkarmak, üstlenmek, inanmak, tasdik etmek, çalmak, aşırmak, ufalmak
Portuguese diminuir, emagrecer, remover, desengordar, perder peso, adelgaçar, decrescer, comprar
Italian tirare via, togliere, rimuovere, tirare giù, togliersi, amputare, assumere, prendere
Romanian scădea, slăbi, da jos, confisca, scoate, prelua, îndepărta, a primi
Hungarian csökken, levesz, leszed, apad
Polish zdjąć, ufać, wierzyć, zmniejszyć, schudnąć, podnieść, zmniejszać, odchudzać
Greek ακρωτηριάζω, ελαττώνομαι, αδυνατίζω, απαλλάσσω, μειώνομαι, επιθεωρώ, αγοράζω, εξετάζω
Dutch afnemen, uit handen nemen, controleren, inspecteren, verminderen, verwijderen, aanvaarden, vermageren
Czech sejmout, odebrat, odebírat, ubýt, ujmout, ujímat, ubývat, uvolnit
Swedish ta ner, ta av, ta bort, ta över, köpa, ta för givet, tro på, ta emot
Danish tage telefonen, sætte af, tabe sig, amputere, fratage, tage af, afrage, aftage
Japanese 瘠せる, 痩せる, 取り外す, やせる, 取る, 減る, 脱ぐ
Catalan prendre, comprar, creure, acceptar, aprobar, disminuir, minvar, aprimar-se
Finnish vähetä, laihtua, laihduttaa, vähentyä, nostaa, kulua, ostaa, aleta
Norwegian slanke seg, minske, motta, ta av, avta
Serbian smršati, skinuti, preuzeti
Macedonian земи
Ukrainian скинути вагу, схуднути, прийняти, забрати незаконно, зменшити
Arabicانزل، نقص وزنه، نزع، خف وزنه، اشترى، انخفض، تراجع، تناقص
Persianکاستن، کم شدن، وزن کم کردن، لاغرشدن، برداشتن کلاه وپالتو، برداشتن از دوش، وزن ک، از دست دادن
Urduگھٹانا، وزن کم کرنا، کم ہونا

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Verb forms in Imperative of abnehmen

The verb abnehmen fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Imperative Present

Imperative PresentImperative

  • - (1st PersonSingular)
  • nimm (du) ab (2nd PersonSingular)
  • - (3rd PersonSingular)
  • nehmen wir ab (1st PersonPlural)
  • nehmt (ihr) ab (2nd PersonPlural)
  • nehmen sie ab (3rd PersonPlural)


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