Present of German verb fortmüssen

The conjugation of fortmüssen (have to go) in the present tense is: ich muss fort, du musst fort, er muss fort, wir müssen fort, ihr müsst fort, sie müssen fort. As an irregular verb (preteritopresentia) the modified stem muss- is used in the singular. In the second person singular the ending is -t; the 1st and 3rd person are without any endings. In the plural is the unaltered stem müss with the endings -en, -t, -en. The ending in the second person singular is shortened by "s", since the stem already ends on -s. The prefix fort- of fortmüssen is separated.The formation of the forms corresponds to the grammatical rules for the conjugation of the verbs in the present tense. Comments


Examples of Active Present of the verb fortmüssen

  • Ich muss in höchster Eile von hier fort . 


Translation of German fortmüssen

German fortmüssen
English have to go
Russian нужно уходить, должен уйти, приходится уходить
Spanish tener que partir, tener que marcharse, tener que irse
French devoir disparaître, devoir s'en aller, devoir partir
Turkish ayrılmak zorunda olmak, gitmek zorunda olmak
Portuguese ter de partir, ter de ir embora, precisar sair
Italian dover andare via, dover andarsene
Romanian trebui să plece, fi nevoit să plece
Hungarian távoznia kell, el kell mennie, el kell távoznia, mennie kell
Polish musieć iść
Greek πρέπει να αναχωρήσω, πρέπει να φύγω
Dutch moeten weggaan, moeten vertrekken
Czech muset odjet, muset odejít, muset pryč
Danish måtte gå
Ukrainian мусіти йти, мусіти відходити, мусіти покидати
Arabicيتعين عليه المغادرة، يجب أن يغادر
Persianباید رفت، مجبور به رفتن
Urduجانا ضروری ہونا، مجبوراً روانہ ہونا

fortmüssen in
fortmüssen in Beolingus


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Verb forms in Present of fortmüssen

The verb fortmüssen fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Present Indicative

Present IndicativePresence

  • ich muss fort (1st PersonSingular)
  • du musst fort (2nd PersonSingular)
  • er muss fort (3rd PersonSingular)
  • wir müssen fort (1st PersonPlural)
  • ihr müsst fort (2nd PersonPlural)
  • sie müssen fort (3rd PersonPlural)


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