Present of German verb necken

The conjugation of necken (rib, taunt) in the present tense is: ich necke, du neckst, er neckt, wir necken, ihr neckt, sie necken. For this purpose, the endings -e, -st, -t, -en, -t, -en are appended to the stem neck. The formation of the forms corresponds to the grammatical rules for the conjugation of the verbs in the present tense. Comments

Necken, der


Examples of Active Present of the verb necken

  • Was sich liebt, das neckt sich. 


Translation of German necken

German necken
English rib, taunt, rally, tease, chaff, banter with, banter, bait
Russian дразнить, раздразнивать, поддразнивать, подтрунивать, раздразнить, поддразнить, подтрунить, подразнить
Spanish burlarse de, bromear, burlarse
French taquiner, s’agacer, plaisanter, blaguer, agacer, brimer, asticoter, se taquiner
Turkish şakalaşmak, takılmak
Portuguese fazer troça de, brincar com, gozar com
Italian sfruculiare, canzonare, punzecchiarsi, stuzzicarsi, punzecchiare, stuzzicare
Romanian tachina
Hungarian bosszant, évődik
Polish drażnić
Greek πειράζω
Dutch foppen, plagen
Czech poškádlit, škádlit
Swedish reta, retas, retas med
Danish drille
Japanese からかう
Finnish kiusoitella
Norwegian erte
Ukrainian підколювати, знущатися, дражнити
Arabicداعب، عاكس
Persianتحریک کردن، دست انداختن، غافلگیر کردن
Urduچھیڑنا، تنگ کرنا، طنز کرنا

necken in
necken in Beolingus


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Verb forms in Present of necken

The verb necken fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Present Indicative

Present IndicativePresence

  • ich necke (1st PersonSingular)
  • du neckst (2nd PersonSingular)
  • er neckt (3rd PersonSingular)
  • wir necken (1st PersonPlural)
  • ihr neckt (2nd PersonPlural)
  • sie necken (3rd PersonPlural)


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