Present of German verb schlucken

The conjugation of schlucken (swallow, swig) in the present tense is: ich schlucke, du schluckst, er schluckt, wir schlucken, ihr schluckt, sie schlucken. For this purpose, the endings -e, -st, -t, -en, -t, -en are appended to the stem schluck. The formation of the forms corresponds to the grammatical rules for the conjugation of the verbs in the present tense. Comments


Examples of Active Present of the verb schlucken

  • Mein Auto schluckt ordentlich. 
  • Ich schlucke Arzneien lieber, als eine Spritze zu bekommen. 
  • Diese Klimaanlage schluckt viel Strom. 


Translation of German schlucken

German schlucken
English swallow, swig, run on, absorb, gulp, booze, guzzle, stomach
Russian глотать, проглатывать, абсорбировать, проглотить, глотнуть, принимать (жарг.), поглощать, икнуть
Spanish tragar, deglutir, ingerir, absorber, aguantar, tragarse, gastar, beber
French avaler, consommer, déglutir, absorber, assourdir, encaisser, bouffer, picoler
Turkish yutmak
Portuguese engolir, tragar
Italian inghiottire, assorbire, deglutire, ingoiare, mandare giù, bere
Romanian înghiți, sorbi
Hungarian nyel
Polish przełknąć, połykać, połknąć, łyknąć, łykać, przełykać
Greek απορροφώ, καταπίνω, καίω, τρώω, αποδέχομαι
Dutch slikken, inslikken, zich laten welgevallen, accepteren, drinken, opnemen, slokken
Czech pohlcovathltit, polykatlknout, pohlcovat, spolknout, polykat, snášet, snést
Swedish svälja, sluka
Danish hikke, sluge, synke
Japanese 飲み込む
Catalan empassar-se, tragar
Finnish nielaista, niellä
Norwegian svelge
Serbian progutati
Ukrainian ковтати, проковтнути, поглинути, поглинати
Arabicابتلع، بلع، جرع
Persianبلعیدن، فرو بردن، قورت دادن
Urduنگلنا، گٹکنا

schlucken in
schlucken in Beolingus


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Verb forms in Present of schlucken

The verb schlucken fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Present Indicative

Present IndicativePresence

  • ich schlucke (1st PersonSingular)
  • du schluckst (2nd PersonSingular)
  • er schluckt (3rd PersonSingular)
  • wir schlucken (1st PersonPlural)
  • ihr schluckt (2nd PersonPlural)
  • sie schlucken (3rd PersonPlural)


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