Imperfect of German verb eislaufen

The conjugation of eislaufen (skate, ice-skate) in the past tense is ich lief eis, du liefst eis, er lief eis, wir liefen eis, ihr lieft eis, sie liefen eis. As an irregular, strong verb with ablaut -ie- the preterite stem lief- is used. The preterite endings -st, -en, -t, -en are appended to this stem. The 1st and 3rd person singular have no endings.The prefix eis- of eislaufen is separated.The conjugation of these forms conforms to the grammatical rules for verbs in the past tense. Comments


Translation of German eislaufen

German eislaufen
English skate, ice-skate
Russian кататься на коньках
Spanish patinar, patinar sobre hielo
French patiner
Turkish buz pateni yapmak, buz pateni kaymak
Portuguese patinar
Italian pattinare, pattinare su ghiaccio
Romanian patina
Hungarian jégen korcsolyázni, korcsolyázni
Polish jeździć na łyżwach
Greek κάνω παγοδρομία
Dutch schaatsen, schaatsenrijden
Czech bruslit
Swedish åka skridskor
Catalan patinar
Finnish luistella
Ukrainian катання на ковзанах, кататися на ковзанах
Arabicالتزلج على الجليد
Persianاسکیت روی یخ
Urduبرف پر پھسلنا، آئس سکیٹنگ

eislaufen in
eislaufen in Beolingus


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Verb forms in Imperfect of eislaufen

The verb eislaufen fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Imperfect Indicative

Imperfect IndicativePast

  • ich lief eis (1st PersonSingular)
  • du liefst eis (2nd PersonSingular)
  • er lief eis (3rd PersonSingular)
  • wir liefen eis (1st PersonPlural)
  • ihr lieft eis (2nd PersonPlural)
  • sie liefen eis (3rd PersonPlural)


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