Imperfect Subjunctive of German verb knistern

The conjugation of knistern (crackle, crepitate) in subjunctive II is: ich knisterte, du knistertest, er knisterte, wir knisterten, ihr knistertet, sie knisterten. As a regular verb the unmodified stem knister is used. The subjunctive endings -te, -test, -te, -ten, -tet, -ten are appended to this stem. The conjugation of these forms conforms to the grammatical rules for verbs in the subjunctive II tense.


Translation of German knistern

German knistern
English crackle, crepitate, crinkle, rustle, spit, sizzle, crack, creak
Russian потрескивать, шелестеть, шуршать, хрустнуть, хрустеть, треснуть, трещать
Spanish crepitar, crujir, chisporrotear
French crépiter, grésiller, froufrouter, décrépiter, crachoter, craqueter, pétiller
Turkish çıtır çıtır yanmak, çıtırdamak, fışırdamak
Portuguese crepitar, estalejar, estalar, ranger
Italian crepitare, scoppiettare, scrocchiare, cricchiare, sfrigolare, frusciare, sfriggere, scricchiolare
Romanian pârâi, trosni
Hungarian serceg, zizeg
Polish trzaskać, zaszeleścić, potrzaskiwać, zachrzęścić, chrzęścić, szeleścić
Greek μεγάλη αγωνία, τσιτσιρίζω, τρίζω
Dutch knapperen, knetteren, knisteren, ritselen
Czech praskat, zapraskat, zašustit, šustit
Swedish spraka, knastra, gnistra, prassla, frasa
Danish knirke, knitre
Catalan crepitar, espetarregar
Finnish räiskyä, rapista, rätistä
Norwegian knitre
Serbian пуцкетати
Macedonian пуцкета
Slovenian prasketati
Slowakisch praskať
Bosnian pucketati
Croatian pucketati
Ukrainian потріскувати
Belorussian патрэскваць
Arabicخشخش، طقطق
Persianترق ترق کردن، جرقه زدن، تردید کردن
Urduکھڑکھڑانا، سرسرانا

knistern in
knistern in Beolingus


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Verb forms in Imperfect Subjunctive of knistern

The verb knistern fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Subjunctive Imperfect

Subjunctive ImperfectForm of possibility

  • ich knisterte (1st PersonSingular)
  • du knistertest (2nd PersonSingular)
  • er knisterte (3rd PersonSingular)
  • wir knisterten (1st PersonPlural)
  • ihr knistertet (2nd PersonPlural)
  • sie knisterten (3rd PersonPlural)


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