Participle of German verb mildern

The participles of mildern (assuage, attenuate) are: mildernd, gemildert. For participle I, the ending -nd is shortened by e and appended to the base milder (verb stem), because the stem ends with -er. To form the past participle, the regular ending -t (suffix) is added to the base milder. In addition to the ending, the past participle is preceded by a ge-. The formation of the forms corresponds to the grammatical rules for the conjugation of verbs in the participle. Comments


Examples of Active Participle of the verb mildern

  • Leider konnten mich seine weltmännischen Erkenntnisse nicht trösten und mir war bewusst, dass meine Schuldgefühle gegenüber dem Eichsfeld keinesfalls durch globale Denkansätze gemildert würden. 


Translation of German mildern

German mildern
English assuage, attenuate, mellow, relieve, alleviate, mitigate, appease, soften
Russian ослаблять, облегчать, облегчить, смягчать, смягчить, ослабить, унимать, унять
Spanish amortiguar, atemperar, lenificar, ablandar, suavizar, aplacar, atenuar, mitigar
French desserrer, atténuer, corriger, estomper, lénifier, tempérer, adoucir, modérer
Turkish yatıştırmak, hafiflemek, yumuşatmak, azaltmak
Portuguese abrandar, afrouxar, amenizar, suavizar, atenuar, minorar, mitigar, moderar
Italian contemperare, disacerbare, raddolcire, allentare, alleviare, attenuare, temperare, attutire
Romanian ameliora, reduce, atenua, diminua
Hungarian mérsékel, enyhít
Polish uśmierzać, złagodzić, uśmierzyć, łagodzić, zmniejszać się, zmniejszyć się, uspokajać się, uspokoić się
Greek καταπραΰνω, κατευνάζω, ελαφρύνω, μετριάζω
Dutch milder worden, milder maken, zich matigen, verminderen, verlichten, verzachten, afzwakken, afnemen
Czech zmírnit, mírnit
Swedish mildra, lindra
Danish formilde, lindre, mildne
Japanese 和らげる
Finnish lauhduttaa, lieventää, helpottaa
Norwegian mildne
Ukrainian пом'якшувати, полегшувати, зменшувати
Arabicخفف، لطف، سكّن
Persianتخفیف دادن، ملایم کردن، کاهش دادن
Urduنرم کرنا، کم کرنا، ہلکا کرنا

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Verb forms in Participle of mildern

The verb mildern fully conjugated in all persons and numbers in the Participle Present Perfect

Participle Present Perfect

  • ich mild(e)re (1st PersonSingular)
  • du mild(e)rst (2nd PersonSingular)
  • er mild(e)rt (3rd PersonSingular)
  • wir mildern (1st PersonPlural)
  • ihr mildert (2nd PersonPlural)
  • sie mildern (3rd PersonPlural)


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