Hematoma vs. Bruise

How their appearance, size, and healing time compare

A bruise describes localized bleeding from smaller blood vessels, which typically doesn't require treatment. A hematoma is a pooling of blood due to larger blood vessel leakage, which might need draining. Both occur due to trauma to a blood vessel.

Comparing the appearance and symptoms of a bruise vs. a hematoma helps set them apart. For example, bruises are flat and tender to the touch. Hematomas are raised, hard, and painful.

This article explains more about how to distinguish a hematoma from a bruise. It also covers why they occur and treatment options.

Key Differences: Hematoma vs. Bruise

You can explore more specifics about hematomas and bruises below. But to get an initial sense of which you might be dealing with, here's a summary of some key differences between the two.

Verywell / Laura Porter

  • Flat

  • Tender to the touch

  • Generally has few complications

  • Raised, firm

  • Painful

  • Some can cause serious and even life-threatening complications

Characteristics of a Bruise

A bruise is a mark on the skin caused by small amounts of blood leaking from crushed small blood vessels, like capillaries. A bruise may also be referred to as ecchymosis or a contusion.

Those that occur under the surface of your skin are usually quite visible. The initial black-and-blue skin discoloration will change to a yellow, green, or light brown color within five to 10 days.

Bruises are flat, although mild swelling may be present. They can be tender to the touch.

Bruises can also form in deeper tissues, including muscles and bones. Though you won’t see them, you will feel pain and soreness in the area of the injury.

Bruise on upper leg near buttock.

Art_rich / Getty Images

Bruises usually heal on their own within a week or two. They rarely cause serious complications, but can if there are additional injuries. For example, a black eye from a face injury may cause vision problems.

Characteristics of a Hematoma

Hematomas are larger bleeds that often involve larger blood vessels. With a hematoma, the leaking blood will pool and clot, or form clumps of blood. This can cause a hard and tender mass.

Hematomas can develop deep within the body, like in a muscle or in or around an internal organ. They can also form beneath the skin, on the scalp, nose, ears, or under a toenail or fingernail.

When it is closer to the surface of the skin, a hematoma may look like a painful red, black, or blue lump. As it breaks down, the skin will eventually change to a yellow or brown color.

How long it takes a hematoma lump to go away will vary. Healing time ranges from weeks to months, depending on the size and location of the hematoma.

Hematoma on upper leg.

Aliaksandr Litviniuk / Getty Images

Hematomas may be something to be concerned about. They can cause serious harm and if they get large enough, they may cause blood pressure to drop. They can even lead to shock, a life-threatening condition that happens when organs in the body don’t get enough blood or oxygen.

Very large hematomas can cause adjacent organs to shift and affect how they function.

A large hematoma is generally considered to be thicker than 10 millimeters (mm) or wider than 5 mm, though this can vary.

Brain and Skull Hematomas

The most dangerous and life-threatening hematomas are in the brain and skull. With these, the blood can become trapped within the skull and put pressure on the brain.

This can cause:

  • Brain damage
  • A coma, or a state of long term unconsciousness
  • Paralysis, or weakness or total loss of movement in the muscles in part of your body
  • Seizure, or a sudden burst of uncontrolled activity in the brain

Causes and Risk Factors

Bruises and hematomas both occur when a force—usually a blunt force—directly impacts the body, causing blood vessels to break open. Examples include falls, car accidents, and sports injuries.

After surgery, such as a breast augmentation procedure, as well as broken bones can also lead to bruises and hematomas.

There are certain factors that may increase a person’s risk of bruises or hematomas:

  • Older age
  • Bleeding disorders, like hemophilia, a condition that causes difficulty with blood clotting
  • Thrombocytopenia, or a low count of a type of blood cell that helps stop bleeding
  • Alcohol use disorder
  • Liver disease, or a group of conditions that lead to liver damage
  • Vitamin C or K deficiency
  • Severe viral infection
  • Blood cancer

Certain drugs can also increase the risk of bruises or hematomas:

Diagnosing Hematomas and Bruises

Most of the time, healthcare providers can diagnose a bruise or hematoma on the skin just by looking at it during a physical exam. For suspected bone bruises, an imaging test, like an X-ray, may be ordered to check for broken bones.

In the case of an internal hematoma, including one in the skull or brain, imaging tests like a computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be required.


You may be able to treat mild bruises or hematomas at home. Larger or internal hematomas may require medical care.

Bruises and Superficial Hematomas

Bruises and superficial hematomas may go away on their own, but may benefit from treatments like the RICE method (rest, ice, compression, and elevation).

To speed up the healing of a superficial hematoma or bruise:

  • Rest and elevate the area where the bruise/hematoma is to minimize swelling and ease discomfort.
  • For the first day or two after the injury/trauma, apply a bag of frozen peas or an ice pack wrapped in a towel to the affected area for 10 to 15 minutes several times a day.
  • Gently compress the injured area with an elastic bandage if swelling is present.

Hematomas on the skin may benefit from a similar approach, although a splint may be advised to keep an injured limb from moving and prevent the larger vessel from breaking open again.

If needed, pain can be controlled with Tylenol (acetaminophen) rather than an NSAID like Advil (ibuprofen). NSAIDs promote bleeding and can make the condition worse.

Larger or Deeper Hematomas

Hematomas that are pressing on a nerve or blood vessel, or are causing tissue damage, may require surgical drainage or removal. The drainage of any hematoma must be done before the blood clots and forms a solid mass.

In terms of skull hematomas:

  • Bed rest and observation may be all that is needed for small skull hematomas.
  • For large skull hematomas, a procedure known as burr hole surgery may be used to drill a hole in the skull in order to drain the trapped blood.
  • Severe cases may require a craniotomy, during which a piece of skull bone is temporarily removed to extract the trapped blood.

If a procedure is needed for a severe hematoma, after surgery, a drain may be left in place for a couple of days while the individual is closely monitored in the hospital.

The treatment of internal hematomas elsewhere in the body may involve a watch-and-wait approach under observation, or immediate surgical investigation may be needed.


Bruises result from an injury to smaller blood vessels, while hematomas result from injury to larger blood vessels.

While bruises rarely cause serious complications, hematomas can—particularly those in the skull or brain.

Most bruises and superficial hematomas can be diagnosed with a physical exam and treated with the RICE method. Larger or deeper hematomas may require imaging studies and surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How dangerous is a hematoma during pregnancy?

    Certain hematomas increase the risk of miscarriage within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy if:

    • You are also experiencing vaginal bleeding and cramping
    • The hematoma is subchorionic, meaning there is bleeding between the area around the embryo and uterine wall
  • Is a hematoma the same thing as a contusion?

    No. A contusion is another word for a bruise and results from small leaks from small blood vessels. Hematomas occur when large vessels break.

  • How serious is a subdural hematoma?

    A subdural hematoma can be very serious and even deadly. This can lead to brain damage, so it’s important to seek immediate medical attention if one is suspected.

  • Does a hematoma need to be drained?

    A hematoma may need to be drained in some cases, like if you are at risk for an infection or other complications.

15 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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Lana Barhum

By Lana Barhum
Barhum is a freelance medical writer with 15 years of experience with a focus on living and coping with chronic diseases.