Hyperhidrosis in Young Children

The Causes of Excessive Sweating

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Are you concerned your child sweats too much? Unlike older children and teens, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweat) in younger children isn't common. Children with hyperhidrosis can sweat up to five times as much as other children. The amount of sweating is beyond what's needed to keep their body cool. It can be an inherited trait or, in some cases, it can be a symptom of an underlying health problem.

This article describes the different types of children's hyperhidrosis, and the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment options for each.

Causes of Excessive Sweating in Young Children

Verywell / Brianna Gilmartin

Types of Excessive Sweating

There are two different types of excessive sweating.

These include:

  • Generalized excessive sweating happens all over the body. It can result in your clothes becoming soaked.
  • Local excessive sweating happens in only one region, such as in the armpits or only on the face and neck.

The origin of excess sweating also helps define it:

  • Primary hyperhidrosis is a stand-alone condition not linked to other medical conditions. With this type, the sweating is only in the armpits, palms of the hands, and feet. It affects 1% to 3% of the population. Primary hyperhidrosis means at least one episode each week of excessive sweating in the affected area. Both sides of the body are equally affected.
  • Secondary hyperhidrosis happens as a symptom of another condition, like thyroid disorder. The whole body will sweat too much, rather than one specific area, and sweating does not stop during sleep. Secondary hyperhidrosis most often appears in adulthood.

Symptoms of Hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating in preteens and teens is quite common. They often have sweaty palms, feet, or armpits. Their faces might also sweat too much.

Young children don't often sweat excessively. If the heat and humidity are high, then sweating is completely normal. You can often get an idea of whether your child should be sweaty based on whether you are sweating.

If you notice that your child's face and arms are sweaty even in a comfortable, mild environment or they're frequently sweating and soaking through their clothes, you should talk to their healthcare provider about it.

If your baby, toddler, or elementary-age child appears to sweat heavily, it's important to make an appointment to see their pediatrician.

What Causes Excessive Sweating?

The possible causes of excessive sweating in young children can range from normal to serious and can also be genetic.

A common cause of excessive sweating is over-bundling (overdressing your child) or keeping your home too warm. In general, babies and young children should be dressed similarly to adults in the home. Yet many parents bundle their children much more than they bundle themselves.

Other "normal" causes of excessive sweating include anxiety, a fever, or physical activity. With young children, you're probably familiar with the amount of sweat typical when they're active.

Primary hyperhidrosis is often thought to be an inherited trait. If one parent has hyperhidrosis, the likelihood of a child also having it is much higher. Research indicates that hyperhidrosis is a dominant trait, which increases the chances of inheritance. An estimated 35% to 55% of people with hyperhidrosis have at least one family member with the condition. 

With secondary hyperhidrosis, the conditions that cause excessive sweating can range from mild to serious. These conditions include:

  • Infections: Any type of infection—mild or severe—may lead to excess sweating. Sometimes sweating is the only symptom of low-grade or "smoldering" infections (that get worse over time), like tuberculosis (a contagious disease of the lungs).
  • Hyperthyroidism: Hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid) may cause excess sweating. Sweating may be the only symptom, or your child may also experience weight loss, rapid heartbeat, and anxiety.
  • Diabetes: Excessive sweating can be a symptom of diabetes. A child with diabetes may also be thirstier, pee more than usual, or lose weight. Their sweat may smell like acetone (nail polish remover).
  • High blood pressure: Certain medications can cause high blood pressure in children. The rise in blood pressure can make them sweat more. Rare disorders, like pheochromocytoma (a tumor of the adrenal gland) or neuroblastoma (a brain tumor), can have the same effect.
  • Congenital heart disease: Babies with heart problems usually have other symptoms along with excess sweating. They get tired easily during feedings, have a fast breathing rate, cough often, and have poor weight gain.
  • Cardiac arrhythmia: Supraventricular tachycardia may cause sweating in infants and children
  • Prescription drugs: Some prescription medications can cause generalized (whole-body) sweating.
  • Other metabolic and hormonal disorders

Excessive Night Sweating

Sweating, especially on the head, is common for babies and young children at night. It's usually a result of a warm environment but is sometimes caused by a medical condition. Check with your pediatrician if it continues or if your child has other symptoms, like a fever.


If your child seems to sweat excessively, it's important to see their pediatrician. Excess sweating doesn't mean that your child has a serious medical condition. Many children who have excessive sweating are healthy. Still, since hyperhidrosis can be an early symptom of several health conditions, it's best to have it checked out.

As part of the evaluation, your child's pediatrician will consider the pace of your child's growth and development. Then they will carefully examine your child and may do some blood tests.

Treating Excessive Sweating

Treatment options depend on the type and cause of your child's hyperhidrosis—primary or secondary.

If the diagnosis is secondary hyperhidrosis, the approach is to find and treat the underlying cause of the sweating, rather than to treat the sweating (a symptom) itself.

If your child has primary hyperhidrosis there are several treatment options:

  • Antiperspirants, topical treatments that plug the sweat ducts
  • Anticholinergic medications that block the stimulation of sweat glands
  • Iontophoresis, which uses mild electrical currents to reduce sweating in the hands or feet
  • Botox, which blocks nerves that cause sweating

For preteens and teens, treatment may help with sweaty (and smelly) feet.


Excessive sweating during childhood can be caused by wearing clothes that are too heavy, an infection, or simple physical activity. However, consistent issues with unusual sweating in children can indicate hyperhidrosis, which may be inherited or have an underlying medical cause.

It is important to make an appointment with your child's pediatrician if you notice excessive sweating. Most causes can be effectively treated, especially if they are diagnosed early.

6 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Riley Children's Health. Hyperhidrosis. Indiana University Health.

  2. Riley Children's Health Indiana University Health. Hyperhidrosis.

  3. Grabell DA, Hebert AA. Current and emerging medical therapies for primary hyperhidrosisDermatol Ther (Heidelb). 2017;7(1):25–36. doi:10.1007/s13555-016-0148-z

  4. Center for Hyperhidrosis at Columbia University Medical Center. Is Hyperhidrosis Genetic?

  5. Mount Sinai. Hyperhidrosis.

  6. PediatricEducation.org. What causes sweaty babies?

By Vincent Iannelli, MD
 Vincent Iannelli, MD, is a board-certified pediatrician and fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Dr. Iannelli has cared for children for more than 20 years.