A few days earlier... Or is this the truth or dare game? Oh well.

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*Begins at random part of story*

Latvia ran as fast as he could from Russia, but the Larger nation tackled him. Russia laughed maniacally revealing his pipe, beginning to raise it over his head. Latvia trembled violently his hands going up to his face as if to protect himself. Before Russia swung the pipe down, his sanity returned. Russia stood up looking at his pipe and then smaller nation. A horrified look crossing his face, before he hid his expression. Russia put his pipe back into his coat saying "Latvia, come here." He said his voice gruff and commanding. Latvia continues trembling violently "W-Why should I?" Latvia questions scaredly. Russia looked at Latvia, still shocked by what he had almost done. He never hit Latvia with the pipe, Estonia and Lithuania? Yes. But never Latvia, for he was young and innocent. "I need to check over you, da?" Latvia trembles still but moves towards Russia. Russia sighed as Latvia Hesitantly came towards him. Russia knew that Latvia was scared, for Latvia had never seen Russia fully lose control. Russia grabbed Latvia and began inspecting the smaller nation for any harm. Latvia trembled more when Russia began checking him over. Scared that Russia might go insane once more.

Russia looked at Latvia "you will be fine, and calm down, I will not hurt you. I have yet to do so." Russia stood up from where he was crouching from examining Latvia. Latvia tries to stop shaking but he can not despite Russia's words. Russia sighed and shook his head "You may go. I suggest you talk this over with someone since you obviously don't trust me." Latvia shook "N-no I t-trust you, you just f-frighten me m-more now" Russia shook his head "Nyet. Go talk to the other Baltics. You need them right now." Russia turned around and walked out of the room. Latvia stood then runs to find the other Baltics still shaking.

A twisted Love story: Latvia and Russia (Hetalia Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now