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How to check in with your friends using the WYO abbreviation
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Feeling stumped after someone texted you the acronym WYO? We’re here to answer all your questions. “WYO” is a popular slang term used in texts and on Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram, and other social media platforms. It means “What you on?” and it’s mainly used between friends to make plans together. However, there are a few other possible uses for WYO—so read on for a complete guide to this handy acronym!

Things You Should Know

  • WYO means “What you on?” Use the abbreviation when you want to ask people if they’re free and make plans to hang out with them.
  • Alternatively, use WYO to catch up with a friend and ask them what’s going on in their life or flirt with a date (or someone you’re crushing on).
  • WYO is synonymous with other acronyms like WYD, which means “What you doing?” They’re both used for arranging activities and getting together with friends.
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WYO Meaning

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  1. Most often, “What you on” can be used interchangeably with phrases like, “What are you up to?” “How’s it going?” or “Are you busy?” WYO is essentially another way to ask someone what they’re doing and find out if they want to make plans or do an activity with you. You might see someone send this phrase when they want to hang out or simply catch up with you.[1]
    • “WYO? Let’s hang out later! 🙏”
    • “Wyo I’m soooo bored!! 😩”
    • WYO first became a popular online acronym in 2015 and officially became a slang term when it was added to the Urban Dictionary website in 2017.
    • “What are you on?” is a similar phrase to WYO but has a very different meaning; it’s used to tell someone they’re behaving erratically (and implies that drugs are the cause).
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Using WYO

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  1. Want to meet up with a friend? Send them WYO to find out when they’re free and if they want to spend some time with you. If you have a specific activity in mind, include that in your message as well. Just remember not to use this acronym for professional meet-ups—it’s strictly casual internet slang![2]
    • “Hey friend, WYO? I miss hanging out with you!”
    • “WYO? Wanna hit up the mall with me later? 🛍️”
  2. This acronym can also be used to connect with someone without necessarily trying to make concrete plans with them. If you want to know how your friend’s day is going or get updated on their life if you haven’t chatted much recently, send them a message with WYO to let them know you’re curious about what they’ve been up to.
    • “WYO? I haven’t heard from you in a bit!”
    • “Hey, just checking in!! WYO? 😊”
  3. When you’re texting someone you’re interested in, WYO can have a flirty implication. Use it to tell someone you like that they’ve been on your mind—or, alternatively, show your date you’d like to spend some one-on-one time getting cozy with them. To make your intentions clear, add a flirty emoji or two to your message!
    • “Hey cutie, WYO? I wanna see you again soon! 😘”
    • “WYO? Can’t stop thinking about you today 😍”
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Responding to WYO

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  1. If you’re interested in hanging out with a friend, family member, or significant other who texts you WYO, tell them that! Let them know you’re eager to spend some time together and make a plan for when you’re going to meet up. If they suggested an activity, you could also either agree to it or suggest one of your own instead.
    • Them: “WYO? Let’s grab coffee today! ☕️”
    • You: “Sounds great! Wanna take a walk around the park after?”
  2. Someone might send you WYO because they want to know what’s new in your life—so if you want to share that information, go for it! Take the opportunity to chat about anything new and interesting happening on your end—and be sure to ask them about themselves, too, so you can both get caught up with one another.
    • Them: “WYO? How’s your week going?? 😄”
    • You: “Not too bad. Got a concert tomorrow that I’m pretty excited about! 🎉”
    • Them: “Ooh, nice!”
    • You: “What about you, WYO?”
  3. If you like the person who starts flirting with you via text (or you’re already dating them and want to express your affection), shoot back a flirty message of your own. Then, if they want to hang out, agree to meet up and make solid plans with them. Of course, if you’re not interested in them, you can just tell them so.
    • Them: “WYO, gorgeous? 💋 Let’s hang out tomorrow!”
    • You: “I’m free tomorrow! It’s just gonna be you and me, though, right? 👀”
    • Them: “Absolutely!!”
    • You: “Perfect 😘”
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Other Meanings of WYO

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  1. Wyoming is one of the 50 United States. Although the official abbreviation for postal purposes is “WY,” some people also abbreviate it “Wyo” when they mention the state casually. You might see someone from Wyoming (or just familiar with the state) shorten it to WYO via text or on social media, for example.[3]
    • You: “So, where are you from?”
    • Them: “I grew up in Wyo!”
  2. The World Youth Orchestra, sometimes shortened to WYO, is an organization dedicated to bringing young musicians across several continents together. Musicians from various colleges, universities, and conservatories are able to audition for the World Youth Orchestra and, if admitted, play in a multinational orchestra with other talented youths.[4]
    • "Auditions for the WYO are coming up. Interested?"
    • "How cool would it be to play for the WYO?"
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About This Article

Glenn Carreau
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wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Glenn Carreau. Glenn Carreau is a wikiHow Staff Writer, currently based in Los Angeles. With over four years of experience writing for several online publications, she has covered topics ranging from world history to the entertainment industry. Glenn graduated with honors from Columbia College Chicago, earning a B.A. in Interactive Arts and Media and a minor in Professional Writing. Today, Glenn continues to feed her lifelong love of learning while serving wikiHow's many readers. This article has been viewed 21,848 times.
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Updated: August 23, 2023
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Categories: Texting
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