A molecule is the union of two or more atoms and is the smallest particle that makes up a substance. A molecule has chemical and physical properties. Atoms that make up a molecule can be the same or different.

What Is A Molecule

For example, the water molecule is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen; or the case of oxygen is made up of two oxygen atoms. In the case of molecules made up of two, they are called diatomic; In addition to water, there are molecules of air nitrogen or gaseous chlorine. A molecule can be made up of at least two atoms, but there are molecules made up of hundreds of them; for example, the chlorophyll molecule has 137 atoms.

Additionally, there is something known as a molecular movement. It turns out that the molecules are in constant movement, producing vibrations generated by tension or bending.

Likewise, molecules can have an electrical charge or be neutral. When they have a charge, they are known as ion molecules. For example, water that is made up of 3 atoms (2 hydrogens and one oxygen) has a partial negative charge from oxygen and two partial positive charges from hydrogen, which makes it have a dipolar character structure.