Hill Giant Species in Felstadt | World Anvil

Hill Giant


"Hill Giants live to eat. Anyone who understands this one fact about them knows everything there is to know."
-Volothamp Geddarm
  Largely considered selfish, dimwitted brutes, Hill Giants hunt, forage, and raid in constant search of food. They blunder through hills and forests devouring what they can, bullying smaller creatures into feeding them. Their laziness and dullness would long ago have spelled their end if not for their formidable size and strength.  

Physical Description and Abilities

Hill Giants are the weakest of the true giants. They have the shortest stature, the smallest brains, and the least ambition. The only area in which they excel is girth. The skins of Hill Giants are tan from lives spent lumbering up and down hilly slopes and dozing beneath the sun. The sweat of their bodies adds to the reek of the crude animal skins they wear, poorly stitched together with hair and leather thongs.  


Hill Giants dwell in hills and mountain valleys across the world, congregating in steadings built of rough timber or in clusters of well-defended mud-and-wattle huts. Hill Giant dens are filthy, reeking places. Decaying carcasses and cracked bones are strewn about, and the ground is saturated with blood and the giants' own filth.  

Historical Figures

  Chief Nosnra
Genetic Ancestor(s)