CRAPHIS ScnIPTA - Universitetet i Oslo

CRAPHIS ScnIPTA - Universitetet i Oslo

CRAPHIS ScnIPTA - Universitetet i Oslo


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<strong>CRAPHIS</strong> <strong>ScnIPTA</strong><br />

Volyrn 5, heifte '1., 1993<br />

Nordisk Lichenologsk Forening

Nordisk Lichenolo k F0renin<br />

Ordf6rande Presidenr: Tor Tonsberg, Botanisk<br />

Institutt, <strong>Universitetet</strong> i Bergen, All6gaten 41,<br />

N-5007 Bergen, Norge.<br />

Vice ordf6rande Vice-president: H6rdur<br />

Kristinsson, The Akureyri Museum of Natural<br />

History, P.O. Box 580, ffiz Akureyri, Island.<br />

Sekreterare Secretary: H6kon Holien, Botanisk<br />

Institutt AVH, <strong>Universitetet</strong> i Trondheim,<br />

N-7055 Dragvoll, Norge.<br />

Graphis Scripta utges av Nordisk Lichenologisk<br />

F6rening (NLF) med 2 nummer per 6r.<br />

Graphis Scripta publicerar vetenskapliga<br />

artiklar av intresse f6r nordisk lichenologi och<br />

f6reningsmeddelanden. Medlemskap i NLF 6r<br />

6ppet fbr alla intresserade. Personligt<br />

medlemskap i NLF kostar 200 SEK f6r L99L -<br />

1993. Medlemmar i NLF fhr Graphis Scripta<br />

utan kostnad. Prenumeration (bibliotek, institutioner)<br />

f6r 1992 l993 kostar 250 SEK.<br />

Priset f6r volym 1 - 3 (1986 - 1991) itr 250<br />

SEK. Bestiillning g6rs hos kass6ren.<br />

Medlems- eller prenumerationsavgift sdtts in<br />

pi foreningens postgirokonto eller betalas med<br />

check i wenska kronor. Adressindring<br />

meddelas till kassoren.<br />

Redakt6r Managing editor: Vagn Alstrup,<br />

Institut for Okologisk botanik, @. Farimagsgade<br />

2D, DK-1353 Kobenhavn K, Danmark.<br />

Telefan (45) 33 145719, telefon (45) 33<br />

322919.<br />

Teknisk redaktion Technical board: Gunnar<br />

Carlin, Anders Nordin, G0ran Thor (teknisk<br />

redakt6r, technical editor) och Mats Wedin.<br />

Framsidans teckning Frontpagei Ulf Arup<br />

Edhagens Grafiska AB<br />

Nordic Lichen Society<br />

l-l<br />

Kassor Treasurer: Ingemar Herber, Majgflrdsvtigen<br />

7, S- l4l U Huddinge, Sverige.<br />

Ovriga styrelsemedlemmar Other committee<br />

memberc: Eric Steen Hansen, Botanisk<br />

Museum, Gothersgade 130, DK-1L23 KObenhavn<br />

K, Danmark.<br />

Arto Puolasmaa, Dept. of Biolory, Universlty<br />

of Turku, SF-20500 Turku; Finland.<br />

Graphis Scripta is published by the Nordic<br />

Lichen Society (NLF) twice a year. Graphis<br />

Scripta publishes papers of interest to Nordic<br />

lichenology and information from NLF.<br />

Membership of NLF is open to all persons.<br />

Membership in NLF is personal and costs<br />

SEK 200 for 1992 1993. Members receive<br />

Graphis Scripta free of charge. The subscription<br />

price is SEK 250 for 1992 L993.<br />

Volume I - 3 (1986 - 1991) can be ordered<br />

from the treasurer and the price is SEK 250.<br />

The membership or subscription fee should be<br />

sent to the treasurer (postal account or cheque<br />

in Swedish currency). Change of address<br />

should be directed to the treasurer.<br />

Adress: Goran Thor, Botaniska institutionen,<br />

Stockholms'Universitet, 5-106 91 Stockholm,<br />

Sverige.<br />

NLF's postgirokonto Postal account: Ml 57<br />

93-1., Nordisk Lichenologisk F6redng, clo I.<br />

Herber, Majgirdwigen 7, 5-141 M Huddinge,<br />

Sverige.<br />

Stockholm, januai 1993<br />

ISSN WOr-7593

Gunnar D.gelius: A Birthday Tribute<br />

Gunnar Degelius med den ftirsta Acharius-medaljen. Hemmesl

Gunnar Degelius 90 frr<br />

Mitt forsta m6te med Gunnar Degelius iigde<br />

rum i borjan av augusti 1968. Vi var en grupp<br />

studenter som stod infor Z-betygskursen i<br />

botanik, dAr han gjorde sin sista termin som<br />

universitetslektor fore pensioneringen. En och<br />

en kallades vi in till professorn som forhorde<br />

sig om studentbetyg i biologi, tidigare liirare<br />

mm. Snart kom vi att uppskatta denne tankspridde,<br />

sprdngliirde och mycket morgontr6tte<br />

f6reliisare. Gunnar iir en biolog av den gamla<br />

stammen, diir latinet iir lika naturligt som<br />

svenska, tyska eller engelska. "Idag stg jag en<br />

Vulpes vulpes" (rtiv) kan det heta, eller "vi fflr<br />

Psetta maxima till middog", det vill sSga piggvar.<br />

Det tir inte alltid s6 ltitt att hiinga med och<br />

om man nigon g8ng ser undrande ut kommer<br />

frigan blixtsnabbt: "Du har viil klassisk bildning?".<br />

Motet med Gunnar Degelius kom att<br />

betyda mycket for oss och hans encyklopediska<br />

vetande stimulerade oerh6rt. Det var ocksi<br />

6tskilliga ur kursen som kom att fortstitta med<br />

botanik och inte mindre rin tre specialiserade<br />

sig pi lichenologi.<br />

Degelius samlade sin forsta lav (Peltigera<br />

canina) som tolv6ring 61 1915. Den f6rsta<br />

kunskapen om viixter fick Gunnar fr5n sin<br />

fader, apotekaren och amatorbotanisten Bror<br />

Nilsson. Kapten Carl Stenholm bistod tidigt<br />

med identifieringar av lavar liksom sedermera<br />

A. H. Magnusson. De legendariska professorerna<br />

i viixtbiologi i Uppsala, Rutger Sernander<br />

och G. Einar Du Rietz, stimulerade<br />

Degelius studier av de oceaniska lavarna och<br />

tillsammans kom de att bilda ett centrum for<br />

lichenologisk forskning i vilket ocksi ingick<br />

Sten Ahlner, Torsten Hasselrot och Rolf Santesson.<br />

Ingen annan nu levande lavforskare har sA<br />

l6ng erfarenhet av iimnet som Degelius. Hans<br />

forsta publikation (om ett fynd av Anhonia<br />

spadicea) trycktes redan L923. Sedan dess har<br />

han publicerat en l6ng rad avhandlingar,<br />

m6nga redan klassiska. Han skriver fbr<br />

tilltiillet p5 ett arbete om nya Collema-arter.<br />

Det handlar om 70 6r av lichenologisk forskning!<br />

Gunnar 6r en god beriittare och det iir<br />

alltid spiinnande att hora om de vidstriickta<br />

resorna och personliga moten med lichenologer<br />

som Anders, Erichsen, Gyelnik, Havaas,<br />

Hillmann, kttau, Malme, Redinger, Watson<br />

och hhlbruckner.<br />

Generositet och hjalpsamhet ktinnetecknar<br />

hans person och de studenter och etablerade<br />

lichenologer som besdkt honom i Askim har<br />

under hemttirden dignat under stora hogar av<br />

bocker och siirtryck som han frikostigt skiinkt.<br />

Minga har konsulterat honom i knepiga<br />

nomenklaturfrflgor eller med latinska diagnoser.<br />

Noggrannhet 6r en annan egenskap hos<br />

Gunnar och han klagar ofta over slarvfel och<br />

diligt latin i yngre kollegers arbeten. Det<br />

makalosa biblioteket har varit till oskattbar<br />

hjalp och mitt eget avhandlingsarbete hade<br />

blivit mycket svirare utan hans assistans.<br />

Genom Gunnars frikostighet fick jag 1986<br />

folja honom pi en oforglomlig tiird till<br />

Azorerna.<br />

Efter en viss overtalning reste Degelius till<br />

det internationella lavsymposiet i Hemmesl6v i<br />

september 192. HAr kom han att erhilla den<br />

forsta Acharius-medaljen, instiftad av IAL,<br />

den internationella sammanslutningen av<br />

lavforskare. For m6nga av deltagarna blev det<br />

en h6gtidsstund att te triiffa honom och insvept<br />

i cigarr6k syntes han ivrigt diskutera<br />

lichenologiska frigor till l6ngt in pi smAtimmarna.<br />

Det iir en i sinnet ung 90-6ring, sgffi<br />

med en hiirlig sjtilvironi litet f6rsynt gav<br />

foljande omdome om en kollega som nyss ryllt<br />

sjuttio: "Han Ar urgammal".<br />

Gunnar, dina lichenologiska vdnner runt om i<br />

viirlden hyllar dig i samband med 90-6rsdagen<br />

genom detta hiifte av Graphis Scripta.<br />

Vi onskar dig fortsatt lycka till pi din fiird<br />

genom lavarnas rike!<br />

Lars Aruidsson

Stigmidium degelii, s new lichenicolous fungus<br />


Santesson, R. 1993: Stigmidium degelii, a new lichenicolous fungus. Graphis<br />

Scipta 5: 3-4. Stockholm. ISSN 0901 -7593.<br />

A commensalistic (parasymbiotic) fungus, Srign idium degelii R. Sant. sp. nov.,<br />

on Degelia plumbea is reported from Sweden, Nonvay and Scotland.<br />

Rolf Santesson, Botanical Museum (Fytoteket), Uppsala University, Box 541,<br />

5-751 21 Uppsala, Sweden.<br />

In 1981 the lichen genus Degelia was established<br />

to accomodate some species from the<br />

Southern Hemisphere (Arvidsson & Galloway<br />

1981). later the genus was circumscribed to<br />

include also the Parmeliella plumbea-group<br />

(Jorgensen & James 1990), which had been<br />

thoroughly studied by G. Degelius (1935) and<br />

tqeated in his important work on oceanic<br />

lichens.<br />

Very few lichenicolous fungi have been<br />

reported as living on Degelia plumbea. A<br />

common and widely distributed species confined<br />

to this host was described in L862 by<br />

Anzi as Leciographa plumbina. Recently<br />

Timdal (1991) has shown that this species<br />

belongs to the genus Toninia. It is a commensalistic<br />

fungus often collected especially in<br />

Scandinavia as seen from the distribution map<br />

published by Timdal. Nectria lecanodes Ces., a<br />

species with very wide host range (most common<br />

on Peltigera) was reported as growing on<br />

Degelia plumbea in France by Vouau (1912,<br />

"v. euryspora").<br />

Degelia duietzii and D. gayana (syn. Coccocarpia<br />

gayana) from South America and<br />

New Zealand are hosts of Roselliniella coccocarpiae<br />

(Pat.) Matzer & R. Sant., (Matzer &<br />

Hafellner 1990).<br />

A species of Stigmidium not seldom seen<br />

on Degelia plumbea represents a hitherto<br />

undescribed species and is now named in hon-<br />

our of Professor Gunnar Degelius, my first<br />

teacher in lichenology.<br />

Stigmidium degelii R. Sant., sp. nov.<br />

Fungus lichenicola. Mycelium immersuffi,<br />

hyalinum. Perithecia dispersa, primum<br />

immersa, demum leviter erumpentia, subglobosa,<br />

c. 0.1 mm diam. Asci obclavati, 6 (-8?)spori.<br />

Hamathecium haud evolutum. Sporae<br />

l"-septatae, hyalinae, clavatae, 11-16 x 4-5<br />

pm. Scnidia immersa, globosa, 30-50 pm<br />

diam. Conidia bacillaria,4-5 x 0.8 pm.<br />

Typus: Norvegia, Hordaland, paroecia<br />

Tysnes, Sunde prope Lnksund, in thallo<br />

Degeliae plumbeae, 5.VI[.1932, leg. G.<br />

Degelius (UPS, holotypus).<br />

No formation of galls or discoloration of the<br />

host thallus. Perithecia rather evenly scattered,<br />

not confluent, immersed in the surface layers<br />

of the host lichen, only the dark upper part of<br />

the perithecium visible in surface view, finally<br />

slightly protruding, subglobose, 80- 110 pm<br />

wide, 100- L30 pm tall, perithecial wall pseudoparenchymatous,<br />

composed of 3-4 layers of<br />

slightly compressed cells, the upper part dark<br />

brown, 10-15,rzm thick, lateral and basal parts<br />

pale brown, 5-10 pm thick. Hamathecium<br />

absent. Asci usually obclavate, I-, apex<br />

strongly thickened, discharge not seen, 30-35<br />

x 10-15 Fn,6(-8?)-spored. Ascospores

4 Rolf Santesson<br />

irregularly arranged in the asci, hyaline, 1septate,<br />

clavate to ellipsoid, the upper cell<br />

somewhat broader, (9-)11-16 x (3-)4-5 pm.<br />

Pycnidia often numerous, immersed in the<br />

surface layers of the lichen, globose, 30-50,rm<br />

in diam., wall pale brownish. Conidia bacillar,<br />

4-5 x 0.8- 1.0 pm.<br />

Specimens examined (all on Degelia plumbea<br />

and all in UPS): Sweden. Smdland: on the<br />

island Jungfrun, in the southern forest, on<br />

Quercus, I9.Vl.l9l4, G. E. Du Rietz, will be<br />

distributed as Santesson, Fungi Lichenic. exs.<br />

L74. Vdsteryhtland: Mt Halleberg, V6nersniis<br />

parish, Hallesnipen at Predikstolen, on<br />

Populus tremula in a rather dark forest,<br />

23.IX.I96L, R. Santesson, I4377c. Nonuay.<br />

Hordaland: see above Wpus, G. Degelius.<br />

More og Romsdal: BjOrkedalseidet, oD Sorbus<br />

and Betula in an E-slope, 31..VIII.1933, T. E.<br />

Hasselrot. Nordland: Evenes (Skf,nland?),<br />

I-avangeidet above Evenes, J. M. Norman;<br />

Kjerrin gay, 25.V.1807, G. Wahlenberg. British<br />

Isles, Scotland. East Inverness: (V.C. 96), 3.5<br />

km E of Fort Augustus, Gren Doc, 57o09'N,<br />

4o38'W, alt. 150 m, on a trunk of Corylus<br />

avellana in shaded situation, 26.V.I976, L.<br />

Tibell 6538b; West Inverness: (V.C. 97), I-och<br />

nan Uamh, 3-4 km E of Arisaig, on Fagus in<br />

a Fagus forest. 12.VII.I969, R. Santesson<br />

20243e.<br />

Discussion<br />

Stigmidium Trevisan (syn. Pharcidia Korber),<br />

a genus in the Mycosphaerellaceae, requires a<br />

monographic treatment. In Sweden and Norway<br />

we know at present 20 species of a total<br />

number of perhaps 40 species which are all<br />

lichenicolous. Most species are confined to a<br />

very restricted number of host lichens, only<br />

few are found on species of different, nonrelated<br />

lichen genera.<br />

In many cases it is diffrcult to state the<br />

true relationship betrveen the different species<br />

of Stigmidium since the interpretation of the<br />

evolutionary value of many characters is very<br />

difficult.<br />

A species which seems to be related to S.<br />

degelii is S. schaerei (Massal.) Trevisan<br />

GRAPHIS SCRIPTA 5 (lee3)<br />

(Santesson 1960, Hawksworth 1983, Triebel<br />

1989). The name ,S. schaereri has often been<br />

used in a very broad sense, including several<br />

species which are clearly different. S. schaerei<br />

sensu stricto is a fungus living commensally on<br />

the terricolous lichen usually referred to as<br />

Dacampia hookeri. S. degelii has somewhat<br />

larger and less protruding perithecia than S.<br />

schaerei. Pycnidia are regularly found in S.<br />

degelii and are often abundant. They have not<br />

been found in S. schaereri.<br />

It is diffrcult to get spores free from the<br />

asci of S. degelii. At present a detailed study of<br />

the spore size of this species compared with<br />

other species of Stigmidium is not possible. It<br />

has to be left until a monographic treatment of<br />

the genus is made.<br />

References<br />

Arvidsson, L. & Galloway, D. J. L981: Degelia,<br />

a new lichen genus in the Pannariaceae.<br />

Lichenologist I 3 : 27 -50.<br />

Degelius, G. 1935: Das ozeanische Element<br />

der Strauch- und laubflechtenflora von<br />

Skandinavien. Acta Phyngeogr. Suecica 7.<br />

Hawksworth, D. L. 1983: A key to the lichenforming,<br />

parasitic, parasymbiotic and saprophytic<br />

fungi occuring on lichens in the<br />

British Isles. Lichenologist 15: L-44,<br />

Jorgensen, P. M. & James, P. W. 190: Studies<br />

in the lichen family Pannariaceae IV: The<br />

genus Degelia. Bibl. Lichenol. 38:<br />

253-276.<br />

Matzer, M. & Hafellner, J. l9X): Eine Revision<br />

der lichenicolen Arten der Sammelgattung<br />

Rosellinia (Ascomycetes). Bibl.<br />

Lichenol. 37.<br />

Santesson, R. 1960: Lichenicolous fungi from<br />

northern Spain. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 54:<br />

499-522.<br />

Timdal, E. l99l: A monograph of the genus<br />

Toninia (kcideaceae, Ascomycetes).<br />

Opera Bot. 110: t-I37.<br />

Triebel, D. 1989: Ircideicole Ascomyceten.<br />

Bibl. Lichenol. 35.<br />

Vouaur, L. l9l2: Synopsis des Champignons<br />

parasites de Lichens. Bull. Soc. Myc.<br />

France 28: L78-256.

Leptogium degelii, a new species from South America<br />


Lindstrbr, M. 1993: kptogium degelii, a new species from South America.<br />

Graphis Scipta 5:5-7. Stockholm. ISSN 0901-7593.<br />

A new species, Leptogium degelii, belonging to the non-hairy Leptogium<br />

azureum group is described from French Guyana.<br />

Maie Lindstrom, University of Goteborg, Department<br />

Carl Skottsbetgs Gata 22, 5-413 19 Goteborg, Sweden.<br />

During my work on a revision of the nonhairy<br />

species of Leptogium in South America,<br />

several new species have been found, one of<br />

which is described below. Terms for anatomical<br />

structures of apothecia follow Henssen and<br />

Jahns (1973). Statistical calculations of spore<br />

measurements were performed in accordance<br />

with the method of Infgren and Tibell (1979).<br />

I-eptogium degelii M. Lindstrdm, sp.<br />

rl.<br />

nov.<br />

Thallus inter muscos corticola, 35-72 mm<br />

crassus, rhizinis sparsis, tomento nullo, isidiis<br />

absentibus, cortice utrimque unistrato; lobi<br />

tenues, papyracei, 1-3 mm lati,2-6 mm longi.<br />

Apothecia vulgaria, laminaria, sessilia, 1.0-2.5<br />

mm diam., rubro-brunnescenti; hymenium<br />

90-1L8 ,nm altum. Ascospone 2l-25 x 8-10<br />

Itfr, fusiformes, 3-5 transverse septatae, 0-1<br />

longitudinalitu septatae.<br />

Type: French Guyana, Trois Sauts, Wilatspi<br />

(Way6pi), 02o15'N, 52"40'W, on lianas and<br />

horizontal branches, 18 October L976,<br />

Jacquemin 1898 (U, holotype).Figure 1.<br />

*Thir ta:ron is named in honour of professor<br />

Gunnar Degelius, Goteborg, who collected the<br />

first material of this new species during his<br />

field trip to French Guyana in 1958.<br />

of Systematic Botanl,<br />

Thallus orbicular to irregular, loosely attached<br />

to closely adnate, 2-5(-8) cm diam., foliose,<br />

lobate. Lobes regular, flat, spreading, papyraceous,<br />

easily fragmented, flabellate, discrete,<br />

l-3 mm wide, 2-6 mm long. Apices of lobes<br />

rounded, with entire, sparingly undulate margins.<br />

Upper surface roughened, matt, usually<br />

weakly bullate-faveolate, without isidia, but<br />

sometimes with phyllidia along lobe margins;<br />

pale blue-grey, occasionally with a brownish<br />

cast when dry, blue to mauve when wet. Lower<br />

surface similar to upper, occasionally with<br />

scattered tufts of pale, very short rhizohyphae.<br />

Apothecia usually present, more or less<br />

abundant, laminal on the upper surface, scattered<br />

to crowded, sessile to short stipitate,<br />

rounded to ellipsoid, 1.0- 1.5(-2.0) mm diam.<br />

Disc plane to convex, pale brown to redbrown.<br />

Thalline margin distinct, persistent,<br />

pale, with small irregular, granular to terete<br />

appendag€s, concolourous with the thallus.<br />

Pycnidia sometimes present, laminal near<br />

lobe margins, wart-like, red to red-brown or<br />

almost black.<br />

Anatomy<br />

Thallus 35-72,rzm thick. Upper cortex distinct,<br />

hyaline, 6-L2 pm thick, of one single layer of<br />

thick-walled isodiametric cells. Inner portion<br />

of thallus homoiomerous, 24- 47 pm thick, of

6 Marie Lindstrdnt<br />

irregularly orientated, intenn oven hyphae and<br />

photobiont cells; hyphae 2.5-3.5 pm thick.<br />

Photobiont Nostoc; cells 6-8 x 3.5-5 Ffr,<br />

ellipsoid or rarely globose, in short chains.<br />

l,ower cortex similar to upper cortex, 6-17 pm<br />

thick, occasionally with short rhizo-hyphae of<br />

hyaline, cylindrical cells, 2.5-3.5 pm.<br />

Apothecia zeorine with a narrow, poorly<br />

developed, cupulate excipulum of periclinal<br />

hyphae, best observed at the margins where it<br />

is 35-47 pm thick. Thalline margin 45-65 pm<br />

thick. Mature apothecia with prominent basal<br />

and marginal supporting tissue of hyaline cortical<br />

cells; at the margins 5-7 cells thick, 45-<br />

%) pm thick, underneath the hymenium 8- 10<br />

cells thick, 94-118 pm thick, distinctly paraplectenchymatous.<br />

Subhymenial layer 45-95<br />

pm thick, of closely compacted, irregularly<br />

orientated hyphae, opsgu€, yellowish.<br />

Hymenium 90-118 pm high. Epihymenium 6-<br />

18 pm high, reddish-brown, pigment external<br />

to apices of the paraphyses, paraphyses<br />

conglutinated in a gelatinous matrix, 1-2.5 pm<br />

thick below, apical cells 3.5 pm wide, septated.<br />

Asci clavate to cylindrical, 71-100 x 9.5-1,4<br />

pm. Ascospores mono- to distichous, hyaline,<br />

usually ellipsoid to fusiform, occasionally with<br />

acute apices and apiculi, 2L-25 x 8- 10 ,rzm<br />

(length: mean value 23.2 Fn, SD 2.0 Ffr,<br />

L.min. I7.7 Ffr, L.mar. 28.3 Fffi, n=90; width:<br />

meanvalue 9.3 pm, SD 1.2 Ffr, W.min. 7.I pm,<br />

W.ma)r. 1L.8 Ffr, n=90), eight per ascus,<br />

usually more or less submuriform with 3 (-5)<br />

transverse septa, 1 longitudinal septum (rarely<br />

without longitudinal septum). Epispore c. I pm<br />

thick, usually more or less smooth, sometimes<br />

minutely pitted.<br />

Pycnospores hyaline, bacillariform, c. 3.5 x<br />

0.5-L.0 pm.<br />

Distribution, habitat and ecoloEr<br />

Leptogium degefii is a neotropic species with,<br />

as far as knowo, & very limited distribution in<br />

French Guyana. Unfortunately I have no own<br />

field experience of this new taxon, and the<br />

notations on habitat and ecology are usually<br />

very scanty. However, it seems to be more or<br />

less restricted to the primary lowland rainfor-<br />

GRAPHTS SCRIPTA 5 (1ee3)<br />

est in the central and southern parts of French<br />

Guyana.<br />

Leptogium degelii is a corticolous species<br />

and has been collected on the trunk and<br />

branches of various trees (e.g. Theobroma),<br />

and lianas. One of the specimens (Jacquemin<br />

2329) was found growing submerged<br />

(presumably on rocks) in the Qapock River.<br />

L. degelii grows usually intermingled with<br />

bryophytes and other lichens, occasionally with<br />

filmy ferns. Sometimes it is associated with<br />

other species of Leptogium, vrz. L. (uureum<br />

(S*.) Mont., L. diaphanum (S*.) Mont., and<br />

L. reticulatum Mont.<br />

The altitudinal distribution ranges from c.<br />

35 m to 200-300 m.<br />

Remarks<br />

Leptogium degelii is characterized by the<br />

thin, papyraceous thallus with a roughened,<br />

matt and weakly bullate-faveolate upper surface,<br />

the shortly stipitate apothecia with small<br />

irregular, granular to terete appendages on the<br />

thalline margin. L. degelii seems to have a<br />

more or less constant morphology. Some variation<br />

is observed in the colour of lobes and<br />

apothecia. This new species belong to the<br />

Leptogium azureum group since the anatomy<br />

and ontogeny of the apothecia and the spores<br />

agrees well with that of L. azureum. L. degelii<br />

is easily separated from L. azureum by smaller,<br />

thinner and spreading lobes, matt, bullatefaveolate<br />

upper surface, the thalline margin<br />

with irregular appendages, and ascospores with<br />

a more or less smooth epispore.<br />

Additional specimens examined; French<br />

Guyana. River Comt4: between Belizon and<br />

Jalbot, M'15'N, 52"38'W, 35 m, L3 June 1.958,<br />

Degelius s.n. pro ma(. parte (Herb. Degelius);<br />

Saiil, near Boeuf Mort, 03'38'N, 53"L2'W,<br />

200-300 m, March 1985, Aptroot 15243 pro<br />

parte, 15345 (U); Saiil, near Roche Bateau,<br />

03"38'N, 53"10'W, 200-300 m, March 1985,<br />

Aptroot 15392, 15444 (U); Trois Sauts,<br />

Oyapock, 02'15'N , 52"40'W, 16 March 1979,<br />

Jacquemin 2329 (U).

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA s (1ee3)<br />

Figure 1. Leptogium degelii, part of holotype (U). Scale=l cm.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

I wish to thank the curator of the Utrecht<br />

herbarium for loan of material and professor<br />

Gunnar Degelius for loan of material from his<br />

private herbarium in G6teborg. I am also very<br />

grateful to professor Gunnar Harling for help<br />

with the latin diagnosis and to Dr l-ars<br />

Leptogium degelii 7<br />

Arvidsson for his comments on the manuscript.<br />

References<br />

Henssen, A. & Jahns, H. M. L973 ("L974"):<br />

Lichenes, eine Einftihrung in die Flechtenkunde.<br />

Thieme Verlag. Stuttgart.<br />

l-ofgren, O. & Tibell, L. 1979: Sphinctrina in<br />

Europe . Lichenologist 11: 109-L37 .

Palaeotropical species of Pseudocyphellaria collected by Gunnar<br />

Degelius in 1964 and 1970<br />


Galloway, D. J. & Kemp, S. 1993: Palaeotropical species of Pseudocyphellaria<br />

collected by Gunnar Degelius in 1964 and L970. Graphis Scipta 5: 8-11.<br />

Stockholm. ISSN 090I-7 593.<br />

A list of 11 species of Pseudocyphellaria collected by Gunnar Degelius from<br />

Japan, Malaya (Malaysia), the Philippines, India and Ceylon (Sri I-anka) in<br />

1964, and from Frji, New Caledonia and Tahiti in L970 is presented and<br />

includes the following tana: P. argtracea, P. aurata, P. crocata, P. desfontainii,<br />

P. gilva, P. inticata, P. pickeringu" p. reineckeana and P. sulphurea. Pseudoqphellaia<br />

crocatoi.des D. J. Galloway is newly described from material<br />

collected in Flji, and the new combination P. punctillaris (Miill. Arg.) D. J.<br />

Galloway is proposed.<br />

David l. Galloway, Department of Botany, The Natural History Museum,<br />

Cromwell Road, London SW7 sBD, United Kingdom.<br />

Sophie Kemp, West View Cottage, 12 Weswiew Road, Warlingham, Sunq CR6<br />

gJD, United Kingdom.<br />

Gunnar Degelius has made many collections<br />

of the genus Pseudoqphellaia during his<br />

travels in search of species of Collerna and his<br />

name is already associated with the genus in<br />

the New bland species P. degelli (Galloway<br />

1985a, 1988). During studies on palaeotropical<br />

species of Pseudoqtphellaria I examined material<br />

collected by Gunnar Degelius during two<br />

different visits to Indian Ocean and Pacific<br />

Ocean localities. In L964 he visited India,<br />

Ceylon (Sri [anka), Japan, Malaya (Malaysia)<br />

and the Philippines, and in 1970 Tahiti, Fiji<br />

and New Caledonia (Degelius L974). These<br />

collections are of considerable biogeographical<br />

importance since they extend known ranges of<br />

a number of ta

GRAPHIS SCRTPTA s (1ee3)<br />

apothecia rara, disco albo-pruinoso, sporae<br />

8:nae.<br />

Typer Flji, Taveuni, Mt Utuigatau, near<br />

summit, tree trunks in rainforest, c. 1140 m,22<br />

April 1970, G. Degelius P-236 (Herb. Degelius!,<br />

holotype; BM!, isotype).<br />

This is a characteristic species in the P.<br />

crocata-group, i.e. taxa having a white medulla,<br />

a cyanobacterial photobiont, yellow<br />

pseudocyphellae on the lower surface and a<br />

chemistry containing stictic acid metabolites,<br />

hopane -6a,7 $,Z?-triol as the dominant triterpenoid,<br />

and the pigments calycin, pulvinic<br />

dilactone and pulvinic acid (Galloway 1988). It<br />

is distinguished by the distinctive marginal<br />

(rarely laminal) lobulate proliferations, and a<br />

smooth upper surface without isidia or soredia.<br />

Additional specimen: Taveuni, Mt Utuigatau,<br />

tree trunks in rainforest, c. 840 m, 1970,<br />

DegeliusP-243.<br />

Pseudocyphellaria punctillaris (Mtill.<br />

Atg.) D. J. Galloway, comb. nov.<br />

Basionym: Stictina punctillaris Mtill. Atg.,<br />

Hedwigia 30: 48 (189L). - Stictina fragillima f.<br />

punctillaris (MUll. Arg.) Stizenb., Flora, Jena<br />

81": L29 (L895). - Sticta fragillima f. punctillaris<br />

(Miill. Arg.) Zu,hlbr., Cat. Lich. Univ. 3:<br />

382 (rezs).<br />

Type: Australia, Queensland, near Mt<br />

Bellenden Ker, "Whelman Pools, Austral.<br />

orient." L889, F. M. Bailey 567 (G W25441,<br />

holotype).<br />

This species has rather shortly + subdichotomously<br />

branching lobes with a white medulla,<br />

a cyanobacterial photobiont, and white pseudocyphellae<br />

on both upper and lower surfaces.<br />

It has a simple two-hopane chemistry, with<br />

tenuiorin and gyrophoric acid present as<br />

accessories. Formerly known only from eastern<br />

Australia.<br />

Philippines. Ltnon: Prov. I-aguna, Mt<br />

Makiling, rainforest, c. 700 m, 1964, Degelius<br />

As-704, As-706.<br />

Palaeotropical Pseudoqtphellaria 9<br />

Pseudoqtphellaria arglracea (Delise) Vainio.<br />

- A widespread, palaeotropical species<br />

known also from New T.ealand and Chile<br />

(Galloway 1988, 1992). India. Madras:<br />

Palni Hills, Kodaikanal Bombay Shola, c.<br />

ZLm m, L964. Degelius As-356. Sri<br />

Lanka. Central Prov.: Hakgalla, Botanical<br />

Garden, c. 1675 m, 1964, Degelius As-<br />

4121, Nuwara Eliya, Near Golf Club, c.<br />

L850 m, L964, Degelius As-436, As- 487;<br />

Ibid., Grand Hotel, on tree in garden, 1850<br />

m, 196/', Degelius As-482; Ibid.,<br />

Mahagastotte Tea Factory, c. 1800 m,<br />

l9&, Degelius As-430. Malaysia.<br />

Pahang: Cameron Highlands, Tanak Rata,<br />

c. 1500 m, I9&, Degelius As-573, As-<br />

597; Fraser's Hill, below Fraser's Hill<br />

Hotel, c. L300 m, 196{ Degelius As-67L.<br />

P. aurata (Ach.) Vainio. A characteristic<br />

sorediate, yellow-medulla species widespread<br />

in both tropical and cool temperate<br />

regions (Galloway 1998, t992, Galloway &<br />

Arvidsson 1990). Malaysia. Pahang:<br />

Cameron Highlands, Tanak Rata, Golf<br />

Links, c. 1500 m, 1964, Degelius As-547,<br />

As-550. Philippines. Luzon' Prov.<br />

Benguet, Baguio, Luneta Hill, c. 1500 m,<br />

1964, Degelius As-905.<br />

P. crocata (L.) Vainio. A widespread, cosmopolitan<br />

species (Galloway 1988, 1992,<br />

Galloway & Arvidsson 1990). Japan.<br />

Honshu.' Prov. Kai, Mt Fuji near Komitake<br />

Shrine, c. 2370 m, L964, Degelius<br />

As-974; Mt Fuji, base Goten-nima, c.970<br />

m, 1964, Degelius As-996. Malaysia.<br />

Pahang: Cameron Highlands, Tanak Rata,<br />

c. L500 m, L954, Degelius As-567. Philippines.<br />

Ltnon: Prov. Benguet, Baguio, Mt<br />

Santo Tomas, N. side, c. 2100 m, 1964,<br />

Degelius As-850, As-860.<br />

P. desfontainii (Delise) Vainio. A palaeotropical<br />

ta:ron, the isidiate, non-sorediate<br />

counterpart of P. crocata and formerly<br />

known from South Africa, the Indian<br />

Ocean islands, New Caledonia and northeastern<br />

Australia (Galloway 1985b). Sri<br />

Lanka. Central Prov.: Hakgalla, Botanical<br />

Garden, c. 1675 m, l9@, Degelius As-<br />

4lL; Nuwara Eliya, near Golf Club, c.

10 David J. Galloway and Sophie Kemp<br />

1850 m, 196/, Degelius As- 440. Malaysia.<br />

Pahang: Cameron Highlands, Tanak Rata,<br />

Golf Links, c. 1500 m, LW, Degelius As-<br />

568, As-576; Pahang: Fraser's Hill,<br />

Fraser's Hill Hotel, c. 1350 m, 1964,<br />

Degelius As-611, As-620. FUi. Taveuni:<br />

Mt Utuigatau, near summit, c. 1140 m,<br />

1970, Degelius P-205; Ibid., c. 840 m,<br />

1970, Degelius P-230. Tahiti. Onohea<br />

Valley, N. of Taravao, otr Hibiscus<br />

tiliaceus, 1970, Degelius P-346; Belvedere,<br />

near Papeete, tree trunks in light forest,<br />

c. 550 m, 1970, Degelius P-390.<br />

P. gilva (Ach.) Malme. - A palaeotropical fertile<br />

species having a white medulla, a<br />

cyanobacterial photobiont and yellow<br />

pseudocyphellae on the lower surface and<br />

at the lobe margins. It is known from<br />

South Africa (the type locality) to southern<br />

South America (Galloway 1992). Philippines.<br />

Luzon' Prov. Benguet, Baguio,<br />

Mt Santo Tomas, N. side, c. ?IW m and<br />

summit, c. 2200 m, 1964, Degelius As-<br />

854, As-876.<br />

P. intricata (Delise) Vainio. - A cosmopolitan<br />

sorediate species (Galloway 1988, 1992,<br />

Galloway & Arvidsson 1990). Sri Lanka.<br />

Central Prov.: Nuwara Eliya, near the Golf<br />

Club, c. 1850 m, 1964, Degelius As-443;<br />

Nuwara Eliya, Grand Hotel c. 1850 m,<br />

1964, Degelius As-479. Malaysia. Pahang:<br />

Fraser's Hill, Fraser's Hill Hotel, c.<br />

1.350 m, L964, Degelius As-608, As-612,<br />

As-622; Fraser's Hill, below Fraser's Hill<br />

Hotel, c. 13ffi m, 1964, Degelius As-653.<br />

Philippines. Ltnon: Prov. Benguet,<br />

Baguio, Mt Santo Tomas N. side, c. 2100<br />

m, L964, Degelius As-855; Ibid., c. 1560<br />

m, 1964, Degelius As-896.<br />

P. pickeringii (Tuck.) D. J. Galloway. - A<br />

characteristic isidiate, yellow medulla species<br />

widely distributed in the palaeotropics<br />

(Galloway 1988, Elix, Streimann & Archer<br />

1992). Philippines. Luzon: Prov. Benguet,<br />

Baguio, Mt Santo Tomas, N. side, c. 1800<br />

m, 1964, Degelius As-822.<br />

P. reineckeana (Mull. Arg.) D. J. Galloway.<br />

- Apparently endemic to FUi, and characterised<br />

by narrow, subdichotomously<br />

GRAPHTS SCRIPTA 5 (19e3)<br />

branching lobes with a white medulla, a<br />

green photobiont, and white pseudocyphellae<br />

on both upper and lower surfaces<br />

(Galloway 1985b). Fiii. Vanua Irvu,<br />

Mt Delaikoro, near summit, tree trunks in<br />

rainforest, c. 900 m, 1970, Degelius P-L80,<br />

P-200.<br />

P. sulphurea (Schaerer) D. J. Galloway. - A<br />

widespread palaeotropical species having a<br />

white medulla, a green photobiont, a dimpled,<br />

impressed upper surface (not faveolate)<br />

and white pseduocyphellae on the<br />

lower surface (Galloway 1985b). New<br />

Caledonia, Mont Koghi, W. side, base,<br />

tree trunks along a stream, c. L50 m, 1970,<br />

Degelius P-87; Riviere, rainforest not far<br />

from Ouenarou, tree trunks, c. 100 m,<br />

1970, Degelius P-109. Fiji. Taveuni, Mt<br />

Utuigalau, tree trunks in rainforest, c. 870<br />

m, 1970, Degelius P-208; Ibid., near<br />

summit, tree trunks in rainforest, c. 1110<br />

m, common and often abundant!, 1970,<br />

Degelius P-210.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

We are grateful to Prof. Gunnar Degelius<br />

(Askim) for allowing us to study his palaeotropical<br />

collections of. Pseudoqtphellaria, and<br />

to Prof. Per Magnus Jorgensen (Bergen) for<br />

help with the latin diagnosis.<br />

References<br />

DegeliuS, G. L974: The lichen genus Collema<br />

with special reference to the extra-European<br />

species. Symb. Bot. Upsal.20: L-215.<br />

Elix, J. A., Streimann, H. & Archer, A. 'W.<br />

1992: The lichens of Norfolk Island 2. The<br />

genera Cladonia, Pertusaria, Pseudocyphellaria<br />

and Ramalina. Proceedings of<br />

the Linnean Society of New South Wales<br />

113:57-76.<br />

Galloway, D. J. 1985a: Flora of New Zealand<br />

Lichens. New kaland Government<br />

Printer, Wellington.<br />

Galloway, D. J. 1985b: Nomenclatural notes<br />

on Pseudocyphellaria II: some Southern<br />

Hemisphere tara. Lichenologist 17: 303-<br />


GRAPHTS SCRTPTA s (1ee3)<br />

Galloway, D. J. 1988: Studies in Pseudoryphellaria<br />

(lichens) I. The New Zealand<br />

species. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Bot.) 17:<br />

r-267.<br />

Galloway, D. J. 1992: Studies in Pseudocyphellaria<br />

(lichens) III. The South<br />

American species. Bibliotheca Lichenologica<br />

46: l-275.<br />

Palaeotropical Pseudoqtphellaia 1 1<br />

Galloway, D. J. & Arvidsson, L. 1990: Studies<br />

in Pseudocyphellaria (lichens) II.<br />

Ecuadorean species. Lichenologist 22:<br />

103- 135.<br />

White, F. J. & James, P. W. 1985: A new<br />

guide to microchemical techniques for the<br />

identification of lichen substances. Bull.<br />

Br. Lichen Soc. 57 (Supplement): l-41.

Physma omphalarioides - its taxonomic position and<br />

phytogeography<br />


J6rgensen, P. M. & Henssen, A. L993: Physma omphalarioides its taronomic<br />

position and phytogeography. Graphis Scripta 5: L2-17. Stockholm.<br />

ISSN 0901 -7593.<br />

Physma omphalaioides (Anzl) Arnold is shown not to belong in the mainly<br />

tropical genus Physma Massal., but rather to the temperate Staurolemma<br />

K6rber, a genus closely related to the primarily Pacific genus Ramalodiam<br />

Nyl. Staurolemma omphalarioides (Anzi) P. M. JOrg. & Henssen comb. nov.<br />

is basically a Mediterranean lichen, reaching Macaronesia, including the<br />

Cape Verde Is., with a remarkably disjunct occurrence on the west-coast of<br />

Nonray, just south of the Arctic Circle.<br />

Per M. Jgrgensen, p.t. Botany Dept., Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road,<br />

London SW7 sBD, England.<br />

Aino Henssen, Fachbereich Biologie, Philipps-(Jniversitiit, D-3550 MarburglLahn,<br />

Germany.<br />

To discover a new genus of foliose lichens in<br />

Scandinavia in our time, is a rare event. It is<br />

therefore remarkable that no less than three<br />

such genera were discovered about the time of<br />

the Second World War by the two Swedish<br />

botanists, Sten Ahlner and Gunnar Degelius.<br />

While the cases of Cavernulaia hultenii<br />

Degel. and Erioderma pedicellatum (Hue) P.<br />

M. JOrg. are well-known (Ahlner 1948,<br />

Degelius 1952, J6rgensen L990), that of Physma<br />

omphalaioides (Anzi) Arnold (Degelius<br />

1955) has nearly been forgotten, to the degree<br />

that it was not even included in the two most<br />

recent macrolichen floras of Nonvay (Dahl &<br />

Krog 1973, Krog et al. 1980). This oversight<br />

may be the result of the fact that this species,<br />

unlike the other two, was not used in the<br />

debate on glacial survival of the Scandinavian<br />

flora. The phytogeographical problems concerning<br />

P. omphalaioides are, however, as<br />

shown below, as intriguing as those of the<br />

other two.<br />

It is now more than 40 Years since<br />

Degelius discovered this interesting lichen. We<br />

would therefore like to take this opportunity to<br />

update the knowledge of this undeservedly<br />

neglected species.<br />

The generic problem<br />

As seen from the synonomy listed below, this<br />

lichen was placed in several different genera<br />

through the years, most frequently appearing<br />

in the literature as a Lempholemma K6rber,<br />

or Physma Massal. Arnold (1867) who<br />

referred it to the latter, paid most attention to<br />

the similarity in apothecia. Zahlbruckner<br />

(1924) definitely based his transfer to Lempholemma<br />

on thalline characters. As already<br />

pointed out by Dughi (1946) this species has<br />

no close relationship with Lempholemma<br />

which belongs in the Lichinaceae, which has<br />

quite different fruitbodies (mostly pycnoascocarps),<br />

paraphyses and asci (see Henssen

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (1ee3)<br />

,|mm,<br />

Figure 1. Staurolemma omphalaioides (from<br />

Galun 1970).<br />

L963), and different form of lichenization<br />

(algae penetrated by fungal haustoria). Our<br />

lichen definitely belongs in the Collemataceae,<br />

close to Physma. Dughi (1946) regarded the<br />

anatomical differences in the thallus to be<br />

insufficient to accept the genus Staurolemma<br />

K0rber, based on this species, as distinct, and<br />

instead created a section Gymnophysma within<br />

Physma for it. Although anatomical differences<br />

should be used with care when establishing<br />

genera, we do not hesitate to accept<br />

Staurolemma. In terms of its habit and distribution<br />

pattern this genus is quite distinct from<br />

Physma, which has a special thallus anatomy.<br />

The nearly leatherlike (when dry) upper pseudocortex<br />

consists of compacted, intricately<br />

intervowen hyphae, and on the lower surface<br />

the hyphae form numerous tufted rhizohyphae<br />

which completely cover the surface, features<br />

not at all found in Staurolemma. Furthermore<br />

Physma has a I+ blue hymeniuffi, and a<br />

distinct amyloid ring-structure in the asci. In<br />

Staurolemma only the lower part of the<br />

hymenium and the ascus wall react with<br />

iodine, and there are no amyloid apical<br />

structures in the asci.<br />

Physma omphalarioides 13<br />

The closest relative of Staurolemma<br />

appears instead to be Ramalodium Nyl., a<br />

genus originally described from Australia<br />

(Henssen 1%5). This genus has a similar<br />

thallus-anatomy, but the apothecia do not<br />

have a thalline margin. However, the development<br />

of the apothecia in Staurolemma is basically<br />

the same as that found in Ramalodium<br />

(Henssen 1979), and further studies are necessary<br />

to evaluate the taronomic importance of<br />

this difference.<br />

Staurolemma omphalarioides (Anzi)<br />

P. M. IArg. & Henssen, comb. nov.<br />

Collema omphalaioides Arzi, Comm. Soc.<br />

critt. Ital. 1(3): 131 $frez} Physma<br />

omphalaioides (Anzi) Arnold, Flora 50: 1,19<br />

(1867). Lempholemma omphalarioides<br />

(Anzi) hhlbr., Catal. Lich. Univ.3: 19 (1924).<br />

- Type: Italy, "Ad castanearum cupressuumque<br />

cortice Fiesole, Monte S. Giuliano, Anzr"<br />

(Lich. Rar. etr. 46, BM, lectotype, selected<br />

here; isolectotypes FH!, O!, UPS!).<br />

Staurolemma dalmaticum Korber, Verh.<br />

zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 17: 706 (1867).<br />

Physma dalmaticum (Korber) hhlbr., Ann.<br />

K. K. Naturh. Hofmus. Wien 5: 47 (1890).<br />

Typet "ad quercuum vetustarum cortices circa<br />

Obornik Dalmatiae nec non ad Phillyreae<br />

truncos prope Karagiurgievic in Herzegowina,<br />

leg. Dr. Weiss" (L, lectotype, selected here;<br />

isolectotypes distributed in Lich. Sel. Germ.<br />

329, O!, UPS!)<br />

Physma hispanicum Samp., Congr. Sevilla<br />

Ass. esp. Progr. Cien. 8: 136 (1917) - Lempholemma<br />

hispanicum (Samp.) hhlbr., Catal.<br />

Lich. Univ. 3: 17 (1924). - Type' "Hab. prope<br />

Malacam, ex. hb. Haenseler L844" (Herb.<br />

Willkomm, COI, holotype)<br />

Thallus foliose in rounded olivaceus black<br />

cushions up to 3 cm diam, swelling and gelatinous<br />

when wet, composed of more or less<br />

ligulate lobules, most of which are ascendent,<br />

producing apothecia marginally; upper surface<br />

markedly wrinkled when dry, more or less<br />

covered in granular, isidia-like structures.

1,4 Per M. Jpryensen and Aino Henssen GRAPHTS SCRTPTA s (1ee3)<br />

Figure 2. World-distribution of ,S.<br />

omphalaioides. Dots: studied material; triangles:<br />

records from literature.<br />

Apothecia numerous up to 1(-1.5) mm diam,<br />

appearing more or less stalked at the top of<br />

the lobules (see Figure 1) with reddish to<br />

blackish brown disc and with a granulose thalline<br />

exciple. Pycnidia immersed, about 0.1 mm<br />

diam. with blackish ostiole.<br />

Anatomy<br />

a'<br />

l"<br />

Thallus homoiomerous without distinct cortex,<br />

but with concentration of hyphae and algae at<br />

the surfaces, up to 400 pm thick, with Nostoc<br />

in chains, individual cells 4-5 pm diam.<br />

Apothecia with 150-200 pm wide thalline<br />

exciple; proper exciple distinctly paraplectenchymatous,<br />

60-90 pm wide; subhymenium of<br />

compacted, unorientated, gelatinous hyphae,<br />

yellowish, 40-70 pm wide; hymenium to 100<br />

pm high, hyaline or pale yellow, except in<br />

upper parts where it is brown-pigmented, I+<br />

blue in lower parts; paraphyses simple, septate,<br />

d<br />

t, r(<br />

t<br />

q\v/<br />

oXcair<br />

{.s<br />

to!<br />

-<br />

t<br />

c<br />

simple, hyaline, rather thick-walled, globular<br />

(7-10,am diam) to oblong (L2-15 x 7-I0 Fm),<br />

surface usually somewhat warted.<br />

Pycnidia with branched, fairly short-celled<br />

conidiophores, producing rod-like conidia, c. 3<br />

x L pm, laterally and terminally.<br />

Variation<br />

S. omphalarioides is not a very variable species,<br />

mostly varying in size, degree of granulosity,<br />

and colour of thallus and apothecial<br />

disc, a variation certainly caused by environmental<br />

factors. The variation in size and form<br />

of the spores reported above, can be found<br />

within one apothecium, and shows no pattern<br />

indicating differences benreen populations.<br />

Possible confusion<br />

As has already been pointed out by Aru:i<br />

(186?), S. omphalaioides can be confused<br />

with Collema fasciculare (L.) G. H. Weber,<br />

which has similarly caespitose thalli with<br />

numerous apothecia produced on ascending<br />

lobes. That species, however, does not produce<br />

such granular, isidia-like structures, has more<br />

undulating lobe-margins, and in any case of<br />

doubt the long, vermiform, multi-septate<br />

spores will always serve to identiff it conclusively.<br />

Clearly these two species represent a<br />

notable example of convergence between rpo<br />

different, though related genera.<br />

Ecology<br />

S. omphalaioides is a mainly corticolous species,<br />

only recorded from soil or mossy rocks<br />

twice (Mies 1989). It appears to prefer coarsebarked<br />

trees, Quercus and Olea being the most<br />

frequently recorded, followed by Castanea.<br />

Degelius (1955) has recorded several other<br />

less important phorophytes to which can be<br />

added Acacia, Cednts, Eucatyptus, Euphorbia<br />

tuckqana and Pinus canariensrs (from the<br />

Cape Verde Is., Mies 1989) and Pistacia (from<br />

Israel). Most of these are acid-barked trees. It

GRAPHIS SCRIPTA 5 (1ee3)<br />

is therefore interesting to note that S.<br />

omphalarioides on its northernmost localities<br />

(in Nonvay) prefers the less acidic Populus<br />

temula, a phorophyte it also occurs on in its<br />

northernmost Portugese localities. .S.<br />

omphalaioides quite frequently occurs in<br />

orchards, parks, churchyards, along roads (see<br />

Tavares 1954) etc. where the porous bark of<br />

the trees are nutrient-enriched. It appears also<br />

to be dependent on rather high humidity.<br />

,S. omphalarioides is normally a lowland<br />

species occuring from sea-level to a few hundred<br />

meters altitude. Exceptions are from the<br />

southernmost localities in southern Spain,<br />

where it ascends to 1000 m (Degelius 1955),<br />

the Canaries (1300 m) and Cape Verde Is.<br />

(1500 m, Mies 1989), certainly avoiding the<br />

drier, hotter lowlands there.<br />

Phytogeography<br />

S. omphalarioides is basically a Mediterranean<br />

species with a western tenderc!, also reaching<br />

Macaronesia (Figure 2). This is a well-known<br />

pattern, shared by a number of lichens, for<br />

example Pannaia olivacea P. M. JOrg.<br />

(Jorgensen 1978). Such lowland Mediterranean<br />

species rarely reach far north on the<br />

Atlantic coast of Europe, although there are a<br />

few examples of this, e.g. Leptogium coralloideum<br />

(Meyen & Flotow) Vainio (Jorgensen<br />

1993), a species which has its northernmost<br />

locality in Scotland. The highly disjunct,<br />

northern localities of S. omphalarioides near<br />

the Arctic Circle, are anomalous. Species<br />

reaching this far north, normally have much<br />

wider distributions in the atlantic-mediterranean<br />

region and reach much higher altitudes<br />

in the south. Pannaria ignobilb may serve as a<br />

useful comparison, since it has some ecologically<br />

anomalous occurances close to the Arctic<br />

Circle (JOrgensen 1.978). In the Mediterranean<br />

region it reaches 1600 m altitude, and in<br />

Yugoslavia is mostly found in the Fagus<br />

forests at 700-900 m altitude; in contrast there<br />

are no records above 1000 m for S.<br />

omphalarioides in the region, and in<br />

Yugoslavia none above 300 m. P. ignobilis<br />

although not occurring continuosly along the<br />

Physma omphalarioides 15<br />

coasts of Europe, is present both in Great<br />

Britain as well as in southern Nonray.<br />

From these facts it is not unreasonable to<br />

conclude that it would be impossible for ,S.<br />

omphalarioides to grow so far north, and to<br />

challenge the identification of these collections.<br />

The material is, however, quite typical<br />

and in one locality (Tjotta, Offersoya) richly<br />

developed (see Degelius 1955). The type of<br />

habitat is very similar to that found further<br />

south: coarse-barked trees (here Populus)<br />

near a road close to the sea, but the temperatures<br />

are at considerably lower levels, about 10<br />

degrees lower on average. The mean January<br />

temperature of the Nonvegian localities is<br />

about 0 oC, frosts occur several times during<br />

the winter, and the mean July temperature is<br />

about L4 "C.<br />

Obviously S. omphalaioides must have a<br />

wider ecological amplitude than its distribution<br />

in the Mediterranean region indicates. It is<br />

therefore hard to understand why there should<br />

not be any suitable habitats between southern<br />

Portugal and the Arctic Circle. Like Degelius<br />

(1955) we therefore believe that S.<br />

omphalaioides still remains to be discovered<br />

there, but must admit that 40 years have<br />

passed without records of this species, in spite<br />

of high collecting activity. Perhaps this after all<br />

is one of those inexplicable, unlikely cases of a<br />

chance long-distance dispersal which succeeded.<br />

Specimens examined (selected).' Nontay.<br />

Nordland: Alstahaug, Alsten, Skei, 195L,<br />

Degelius (Degel.). Tjotta, Offersoyo, N point,<br />

1951, Degelius (BG, BM, Degel., O, S, UPS).<br />

Nord-Trqndelag: Kolvereid, N of lake Mulstadvann,<br />

1938 & t954, Ahlner (Degel., S);<br />

Namsos, Otteroya, Finnanger, L992, Tpnsberg<br />

(BG). Portugal. Beira Littorah Coimbra, near<br />

town, L93I, Degelius (Degel.); d:o, on western<br />

river bank, 1980, Moberg (UPS). Estemadura:<br />

Almelao (near Setubal), L943, Solerinho<br />

(UPS); between l,ousa and Venda do Pinheiro<br />

near Lisboa, 1955, Tavares (Lich. Lus. Sel.<br />

Exs. 57, BM, O, UPS). Algarve; Rocha de<br />

Pena, Bonafim, L973, Jones (BM); Vale de

16 Per M. Jgryensen and Aino Henssen<br />

Boa Hora, near Parragil, 197 4, Jones (BM);<br />

Palmeira, Caldas de Monchique, L973, Jones<br />

(BM). Spain. Cadiz: Grazalema Distr., by road<br />

to Ronda, 1952, Degelius (Degel.). Malaga:<br />

Ronda Distr., Ronda, valley W of town, L952,<br />

Degelius (Degel.). Islas Baleares: Mallorca,<br />

Coma Freda, E of Masanella, L978, Tonsberg<br />

(TRH). France. Herault; Caussignojouls, A.<br />

De Crozals (Lich. Gall. Rar. 8, L, UPS). Var:<br />

HyBres, Ste-Claire le ChAteau, 1946, Degelius<br />

(Degel.). Italy. Liguia; Genova, Valle<br />

Bisagno, 1931, & t947, Sbarbaro (O, UPS); S.<br />

Michele di Pagana near Rapallo, L934,<br />

Sbarbaro (Lich. Parva 183, BG, UPS);<br />

Portofino, L972, Jorgensen (BG); Yarazze,<br />

near Mola, L9I9, Gresino (FH). Yugoslavia.<br />

Slovenia: Albona (t abin), Valle Senizia, 1925,<br />

Baumgartner (O); Istria, Weiler Fetchi,<br />

between Barabana and Dimino, 1924,<br />

Baumgartner (O, UPS). Hrvatska; East-<br />

Meleda (Mljet), near the village Koriti, 1910,<br />

Baumgartner (O); South-Lunga (Dugi),<br />

Dugopolje near Sale, 1913, Baumgartner (O);<br />

Ragusa, near village Slano, 1968, Yezda (Lich.<br />

sel. exs. 703, BM, UPS). Crna Gora: Kotor,<br />

near village Donji Morinj, L984, Yezda (BM).<br />

Israel. Upper Gallilee; Har Meron, NW<br />

summit, t966., Galun (BM). Tunisia. Ain<br />

Draham, slope of Djebel Bir, 1948, Degelius<br />

(Degel., UPS); I-es Ch0nes, 1948, Degelius<br />

(Degel.). Canary fs. Gran Canaria, Cruz de<br />

Tejeda, between Cueva Corcho and Pinos de<br />

Caldar, 1972, Almborn (Lich. exs. afr.79, BM,<br />

UPS). Cape Verde ls. Santo Antao: Lombado<br />

Pelado, 1987, Mies (Herb. Henssen); Bando<br />

do Ferro, 1.988, Mies (UPS).<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

It gives us particular pleasure to dedicate this<br />

contribution to our nonagenerian friend Gunnar<br />

Degelius, who found this interesting lichen<br />

at its northernmost locality, and who has spent<br />

a lifetime studying the Collemataceae. We are<br />

further indebted to the directors and curators<br />

of the cited herbaria for sending material on<br />

loan.<br />

References<br />

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA s (1ee3)<br />

Ahlner, S. L948: Utbredningstyper bland<br />

nordiska barrtriidslavar. Acta Phytogeogr,<br />

Suec. 22.<br />

Arui, M. 1862: Manipulus lichenum variorum<br />

vel novorum, quos in I-angobardia et<br />

Etruria collegit et enumeravit. Comm. Soc.<br />

Crin. Ital. /. Genova.<br />

Arnold, F. L867: Lichenologische Fragmente<br />

I-ilI. Flora 50: lI9-123.<br />

Dahl, E. & Krog, H. 1973: Macrolichens of<br />

Denmarh Finland, Norway and Sweden.<br />

<strong>Oslo</strong>-Bergen-Tromsp.<br />

Degelius, G. L952: On the lichen Cavernularia<br />

hultenii Degel. and the problem of the<br />

glacial survival of spruce in Scandinavia.<br />

Svensk Bot. Tidslcr. 46: 53-6L.<br />

DegeliuS, G. 1955: Studies in the lichen family<br />

Collemataceae I. Physma omphalarioides<br />

(Anzi) Arn. in Nonvay, new to northern<br />

Europe. Svensk Bot. Tidsl

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA s (1ee3)<br />

Krog, H., @sthagen, H. & Tonsberg, T. 1980:<br />

Lavflora. Norske busk- og bladlay. <strong>Oslo</strong>-<br />

Bergen-TromsO.<br />

Mies, B.-A. 1989: Vorarbeiten zu einer<br />

Flechtenflora der Kapverdischen Inseln.<br />

Diss. KOln.<br />

Physma omphalarioides 17<br />

Tavares, C. N. 1954: Notes lich6nologique<br />

VIII. Rev. Fac, Cidn. Lisboa 2.ser.,C, il1,2:<br />

365-379.<br />

Zahlbruckner, A. 1924-25: Catalogus lichenum<br />

universalis III. Leipzig.

Further observations on the association between the lichen Lecanora<br />

conizaeoides and its parasites Lichenoconium erodens and L. lecanorae<br />

(Sphaeropsidales)<br />


Christiansen, M. S. 1993: Further observations on the association between<br />

the lichen kcanora conizaeoides and its parasites Lichenoconium erodens<br />

and L. lecanorae (Sphaeropsidales). Graphis Scripta 5: I9-ZL. Stockholm.<br />

ISSN 0901-7593.<br />

A thallus of the lich en Lecanora conizaeoides has shown ability to outgrow<br />

an infection due to the parasitic fungus Lichenoconium lecanorae. The<br />

destroyed hymenium together with the pycnidia of the parasite are buried into<br />

the lichen thallus by vigorous growth of the margin of the apothecium. The<br />

lichen thallus is also infected by other fungi of minor importance.<br />

M. Stque Christiansen, Botanisk Centralbiblioteh Splvgade 83, DK-1307<br />

Copenhagen K Denmark.<br />

Some years ago professor Gunnar Degelius<br />

handed me over for study a specimen of<br />

Lecanora conizaeoides which was attacked by<br />

an unidentified coelomycete with acervular<br />

conidiomata and filiform conidia. In addition<br />

the lichen was also attacked by the lichenicolous<br />

coelomycetes Lichenoconium erodens<br />

M. S. Christ. & D. Hawksw. and L. lecanorae<br />

(Jaap) D. Hawksw. (syn. L. parasiticum D.<br />

Hawksw.). The lichen was collected by Degelius<br />

in Sweden, G6teborg, Askim, on a branch<br />

of Betula pendula in a garden, 27 November<br />

1985.<br />

When sectioning the lichen thallus in<br />

search of development stages of the abovementioned<br />

still undetermined coelomycete I<br />

had also occasion to study the association<br />

between the lichen and the tvto Lichenoconium<br />

species and to see how the lichen was<br />

able to recover from an attack, resulting in<br />

destruction of the apothecial disc, by growth of<br />

the amphithecium, which finally enfolds the<br />

destroyed hymenium into the thallus (Figure<br />

2).<br />

Lichenoconium lecanorae was the more<br />

conspicuous of the two species, easily recognized<br />

by the black discs of the lichen apothecia.<br />

On the contrary the presence of L. erodens<br />

was not detected until the sections of the<br />

lichen thallus were studied more closely. I did<br />

not succeed in finding the two species together<br />

on the same apothecium as in the case described<br />

by Hawksvorth (1977) for Parmelia galbina<br />

Ach. The two species did, however, occur<br />

in close proximity to each other as shown in<br />

Figure I. L. erodens did occur on the hymenium<br />

of some apothecia, but never together<br />

with L. lecanorae.<br />

When the two Lichenoconium species<br />

attack Lecanora conizaeoides separately, they<br />

exhibit very different symptoms, L. erodens<br />

causing much more damage on the host lichen<br />

than L. lecanorae (Christiansen 1980). It was<br />

consequently surprising, that L. erodens played

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (lee3) On Lichenoconium erodens and L. lecanorae 19<br />

. .t...r..,,. .lt .<br />

Figure 1. Section of an apothecium of Lecanora conizaeoides with the hymenium destroyed by<br />

Lichenoconium lecanorae. The surface of the hymenium is blackened by a dense layer of conidia<br />

as well as by the pycnidia of the parasite. The hymenium is pale brownish with only faint traces of<br />

its original structure. The algae below the hypothecium are likewise brownish and of unhealthy<br />

appearance, while algae in the amphithecium are undamaged. The pycnidium in the centre of the<br />

hymenium is photographed at a higher magnification in Figure 3.<br />

Below to the right a small pycnidilm of Lichenoconiam erodens is seen, situated on a thallus-granule,<br />

which is overgrown by the apothecium. This pycnidium is depicted at a higher magnification<br />

in Figure 4. (Bar = 100 pm, neg. no. 92.762, slide no.92630, unstained).<br />

such a modest part, when participating in a<br />

mixed infection with L. lecanorae.<br />

A possible explanation might be, that l.<br />

lecanorae had been the first to establish itself<br />

as a parasite on the lichen. At any rate the<br />

pycnidia of L. lecanorae were often old, with<br />

decayed conidiogenous cells, while the conidiogenous<br />

cells could still be seen in the less<br />

prominent pycnidia of L. erodens. Moreover,<br />

some of the pycnidia of L. lecanorae, which<br />

still contained a layer of conidia along the wall,<br />

showed signs of deterioration and were inhabited<br />

by colonies of bacteria and protococcoid<br />

algae (Figure 3).<br />

In sections the pycnidia of L. erodens were<br />

identified by their generally (but not always)<br />

smaller size and by their rather small conidia<br />

(Figure 3).<br />

The sections depicted in Figs. L-4 are<br />

from two small bits of the same thallus of Lecanora<br />

conizaeoides, taken within a distance of<br />

less than 2 mm from each other. The sections<br />

are made on a l-eitz Kryomat freezing microtome<br />

at a thickness of 15 pm. The<br />

preparations are mounted in lactophenol with<br />

or without addition of stains, and photographed<br />

with a Reichert Tntopan microscope<br />

provided with photoautomatic equipment.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

I am very greatful to my old friend, Gunnar<br />

Degelius, for entrusting me with this interesting<br />

material. Unfortunately, I have not yet<br />

been able to conclude my studies on the still<br />

undescribed coelomycete with acervular conidiomata.<br />

The present note froy, however,<br />

serve as a small advance.

20 M. Skytte Christiansen GRAPHTS SCzuPTA 5 (19e3)<br />

s i\x<br />

'*S<br />

;il ri<br />

sli..<br />

*.<br />

.*<br />

Figure 2. Section of an apothecitm of Lecanora conizaeoides recovering from an attack by<br />

Lichenoconium lecanorae by burying its destroyed hymenium together with the pycnidia of the<br />

parasite into the lichen thallus. After the infection of the hymenium the still undamaged<br />

imphithecium has grown vigorously and folded itself over the apothecial disc. The conidia of the<br />

parasite form black trails towards the surface. These conidia have, however, not shown any signs<br />

of germination. (Bar = L00 pm, neg. no. 92.781, slide no.92.633, stained with Azo black).<br />

Figure 3. Section of the destroyed hymenium of Lecanora conizaeoides with an old pycnidium of<br />

Lichenoconium lecanorae. The surface of the hymenium is covered by conidia of the parasite.<br />

Some conidia are still left in the interior of the pycnidium, which also shelter protococcoid algae<br />

and a colony of bacteria. (Bar = 10 pm, neg. no. 92.755, slide rlo. 92.630, unstained)'

GRAPHTS SCRIPTA 5 (19e3) On Lichenoconium erodens and L. lecanorae 2L<br />

Figure 4. Section of a pycnidium of. Lichenoconium erodens on a thallus-granule of Lecanora<br />

conizaeoides (see also Figure 1). The conidia of Lichenoconium erodens are markedly smaller<br />

than those of L. lecanorae depicted on Figure 3 at the same magnification. (Bar = 10 pm, neg. no.<br />

92.759, slide no. 92.630, unstained).<br />

Referrnces<br />

Christiansen, M. S. 1980: Lichenoconium erodens<br />

and some other fungi parasitic on<br />

Lecanora conizaeoides. Lichenologist 12:<br />

149- 15 L.<br />

Hawksworth, D. L. L977: Ta

Collema leptaleum new to Europe<br />


TOnsberg, T. 1993: Collema leptaleum new to Europe. Graphis Scripta 5: 22-<br />

23. Stockholm. ISSN 0901-7593.<br />

Collema leptaleum is reported as new to Europe from Sogn og Fjordane,<br />

western Norway. It occurred abundantly on sun-exposed trunks of Fraxinus<br />

excelsior.<br />

Tor Tensberg, Botanical Institute, Universiry of Beryen, All€gt. 41, N-5007<br />

Bergen, Norway.<br />

Collema leptaleurn Tuck., a species previously<br />

not known to occur in Europe, has recently<br />

been collected in Sogn og Fjordane, western<br />

Nonvay. The specimens were growing on bark<br />

on the sun-exposed side of trunks of Fracinus<br />

excelsior in the steep south facing slope north<br />

of Sogne{orden at altitudes between 70 and<br />

L25 m. Some of the specimens were from the<br />

under side of slightly leaning trunks. The species<br />

was richly present and collections were<br />

made on at least eight trunks. Close associates<br />

included Acrocordia gemmata, Bacidia rubella,<br />

Collema flaccidum, C. nigrescens, Gyalecta<br />

truncigena, Leptogium saturninum, L. teretiusculum,<br />

Nephroma resupinatum, Opegrapha<br />

rufescens, Parmelia glabratula, Parmeliella<br />

triptophylla and the bryophyte Leucodon<br />

sciuroides.<br />

In Europe Collema leptaleum is the only<br />

member of the leptaleum group of Degelius<br />

(L974). The species is characterized by a minute<br />

(up to 1.5(-3) cm in diameter), crustose to<br />

subfoliose thallus, apothecia with an euparaplectenchymatous<br />

excipulum proprium (see<br />

Degelius 1954 p. 83), and bacillar, 3-septate<br />

spores with rounded ends.<br />

Collema leptaleum is a polymorphous<br />

species. Usually it is without isidia. A distinctly<br />

isidiate and rarely fertile form is distinguished<br />

as var. biliosum (Mont.) Degel. Most of the<br />

Nonvegian specimens corresponded well to the<br />

main form, but some specimens tended to be<br />

somewhat isidiate. However, as apothecia were<br />

richly present in all specimens and no welldeveloped<br />

isidia were observed, the material is<br />

here referred exclusively to the main form.<br />

Pulvinate forms of C. leptaleum may<br />

superficially resemble C. fasciculare. That<br />

species has accessory -{- lump-like lobules<br />

developed from wrinkles, an euthyplectenchymatous<br />

excipulum proprium, and polyseptate,<br />

vermiform and much longer spores (52-<br />

95 pm according to Degelius 1954) and should<br />

not be confused with C. leptaleum on closer<br />

examination.<br />

According to Degelius (L974, 1986)<br />

Collema leptaleum is widely distributed in<br />

temperate and tropical areas and is known<br />

from America, Africa, Asia and Australia.<br />

Var. biliosum is mainly a tropical tn(on. Apart<br />

from the Nonuegian locality, var. leptaleum<br />

has a southeast North America - eastern Asia<br />

disjunct distribution in the northern hemisphere.<br />

The presently cited find in northern<br />

Europe (iust north of 61" northern latitude) is<br />

surprising as it represents a very isolated outpost<br />

population, not only for C. leptaleum, bvt<br />

also for the leptaleum grovp of species. Being<br />

known from Nonvay, it is strange that the<br />

species does not seem to occur also in the

GRAPHIS SCRIPTA 5 (1ee3)<br />

Mediterranean region of Europe. Collema<br />

leptaleurn is an addition to the small group of<br />

Collema species known to occur on all continents<br />

(see Degelius L974 p.26).<br />

Specimens examined (BG, if not othenvise<br />

stated): Norwqy. Sogn of Fjordane: Leikanger,<br />

farm Vestreim, 1991, G. Gaarder (det. G.<br />

Degelius); L992, Tonsberg 18609 & 18611<br />

(det. G. Degelius), 18613 (BG, herb.<br />

Degelius), L8fL4 (BG, O), 18615, lf362l,<br />

t8625 (UPS), 18628.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

Prof. Dr. Gunnar Degelius, G6teborg, to<br />

whom I dedicate this paper, kindly identified<br />

some of the specimens. Thanks are also due to<br />

Collema leptaleum 23<br />

Mr. Geir Gaarder, kna, for sending interesting<br />

lichen material to herbarium BG, including<br />

the first known European collection of<br />

Collema leptaleum.<br />

References<br />

DegeliuS, G. L954: The lichen genus Collema<br />

in Europe. Morphology, taxonomy, ecology.<br />

Symb. Bot. Up* 13 (2).<br />

Degelius, G. 1974: The lichen genus Collema<br />

with special reference to the extra-European<br />

species. Symb. Bot. Ups. 20 (2).<br />

DegeliuS, G. 1986: Studies in the lichen family<br />

Collemataceae V. Notes on some interesting<br />

Collema species. Nord. J. Bot. 6: 345-<br />


Om nfrgra oceaniska lavar i Sydvfistsverige<br />


Hultengren, S., Kannesten, C. & Svensson, S. 1993: Om nAgra oceaniska<br />

lavar i Sydvilstsverige. [On some oceanic lichens in southwestern Sweden.]<br />

Graphis Scripta 5:24-38. Stockholm. ISSN 090L-7593.<br />

The actual status of the oceanic lichens Degelia plumbea, Lobaria amplbsima,<br />

L. scrobiculata, L. virens, Normandina pulchella, Pannaia conoplea, P.<br />

meditenanea and P. rubiginosa in southwest Sweden is presented and several<br />

new localities are recorded. The results are compared with those of Degelius<br />

(1935). Pannaia rubiginosa seems to be rare (6 localities) and maybe<br />

decreasing while most of the other species still have vital populations in the<br />

area. Major threats like forestry, air pollution and collecting are discussed.<br />

Svante Hultengren, Braskeviigen 8, 5-444 45 Stenungsund, Sweden.<br />

Claes Kannesten, Kompassgatan 10, S-ffi2 00 Amdl, Sweden.<br />

Sven Svensson, Sandklintsviigen 2, 5-510 20 Fitsla, Sweden.<br />

Under 1980-talet har ett stort antal forskningsrapporter,<br />

foretr6desvis frin Sverige,<br />

meddelat en starkt vikande tendens f6r mAnga<br />

lavarter. De oceaniska lavarna har ofta intagit<br />

en framtridande position bland dessa. De<br />

nedslfrende rapporterna om den oceaniska<br />

lavflorans utarmning (t. ex. l.ofgren & Moberg<br />

L98/,, Hallingbiick 1986, Hallingbiick & Thor<br />

L988, Hallingbtick & Olsson 1987) har sporrat<br />

ett antal viistsvenska lichenologer till intensifierad<br />

inventering av s6viil gamla som nya<br />

lavlokaler. Den huvudsakliga orsaken till de<br />

behandlade arternas tillbakagAng har tillskrivits<br />

det moderna skogsbruket och luftfororeningar.<br />

Nu, efter n6gra 6rs extensivt men<br />

milmedvetet letande har si minga nya lokaler<br />

pfltraffats att det kiinns angeliiget att rapportera<br />

en del f6rdndringar jtimfort med dessa<br />

resultat. Utg6ngsmaterialet f6r studierna av de<br />

oceaniska lavarna och deras utbredning har i<br />

samtliga fall varit Gunnar Degelius legendariska<br />

avhandling "Das ozeanische Element<br />

der Strauch- und I-aubflechtenflora von<br />

Skandinavien" fr6n 1935.<br />

Bakgrundsmaterial<br />

Foreliggande sammanstiillning bygger pa uppgifter<br />

fr6n litteraturen, olika herbarier, fflltobservationer<br />

av f6rfattarna och pA uppgifter<br />

inhiimtade fr6n andra lichenologiskt intresserade<br />

mdnniskor. Khllorna har i lokalredovisningen<br />

angetts med olika fdrkortningar.<br />

lokalerna redovisas sist i denna sammanstiillning.<br />

Nfigra siirskilt lavrika skogsmiljiier inom<br />

omrfrdet<br />

I det aktuella inventeringsomr8det kan ffra<br />

huvudtyper av viixtplatser f6r den oceaniska<br />

lavfloran urskiljas:<br />

1". Urskogsartade iidellovskogar (lonn, lind,<br />

ask och alm). Oldgrowth broad-leaved<br />

deciduous forests (Acer platanoides, Tilia<br />

cordata, Fraxinus excelsior, Ulmus glabra).

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (lee3)<br />

2. Kulturp6verkade ddellovskogar. Broadleaved<br />

deciduous forests intluenced by<br />

man.<br />

3. Krattekskog i vindutsatta syd- och viistbranter.<br />

Coastal oak forests in windexposed<br />

south- and westfactng slopes.<br />

4. Skogstyper med stort inslag av asp. Populus<br />

tremula-rich forests.<br />

En iakttagelse iir att flertalet av de oceaniska<br />

lavarna niistan alltid har sitt populationsmarimum<br />

i anslutning till ljus6ppna partier av<br />

respektive skogstyp.<br />

Urskogsartade iidelltivskogar. Den urskogsartade<br />

idellovskogen kiinnetecknas av h6ga,<br />

smala trddstammar, stor rikedom av h6gstubbar<br />

och ligor. Inslaget av ek 6r ofta tiimligen<br />

litet i denna skogstyp. l,ovurskogen forekommer<br />

alltid i branta bergssluttningar diir ordindrt<br />

skogsbruk eller betesgAng inte kunnat<br />

bedrivas och dessa skogar ai troligen de dldsta<br />

inom omrfldet. Mycket goda exempel pi lovurskogar<br />

iir Bast6sen i Amils kommun och<br />

Hunnebergs 6st- och sydsluttningar i Viinersborgs<br />

och Trollhiittans kommuner. I de<br />

beskrivna iidellbvskogstyperna dominerar ofta<br />

Lobaia-arter over Pannariace6r och en god<br />

indikatorart for fortsatt letande dr Lobaia<br />

pulmonaria.<br />

Kulturpiverkade iidelliivskogar. Skogstypen<br />

pitriiffas oftast i anslutning till storre dalstrik,<br />

d6r ntiringstillgingen 6r stor och kulturpiverkan<br />

miirks ofta genom avsaknad av h6gstubbar<br />

och l6gor samt genom de mycket grova<br />

och ofta spiirrkroniga triiden. Inslaget av ek dr<br />

ofta stort. Merparten av dessa skogar har<br />

betats men iir idag oh6vdade och att beteckna<br />

som lundar. De kulturpiverkade skogarnas<br />

artificiella luckighet har troligen en gynnsam<br />

inverkan pe sivtil lavflora som h6gre vtixtlighet<br />

och de kulturp6verkade skogarna hyser ofta en<br />

rik och frodig fanerogamflora. Skogstypen har<br />

sin huvudutbredning i den kalkrikare centrala<br />

och nord6stra delen av Dalsland, utmed skalgrusrika<br />

bergskanter i Bohusliin samt i de<br />

stora ilvdalarnas sluttningar i den sodra och<br />

Oceaniska lavar i SydvAstnerige 25<br />

mellersta delen av Alvsborgs liin. Exempel p5<br />

s6dana skogar med rft, oceanisk lavflora ir<br />

N6verkiirr i Lysekils kommun, skogsmarkerna<br />

kring Ljushults priistg6rd i Bor6s kommun och<br />

Rdnsliden i Melleruds kommun. Aven gamla<br />

tings- och hagmarker med tildre lolrtriid i<br />

g6rdsnira liige pi iniigomarken kan utgora<br />

fina lavlokaler och ett stort antal stroffnd av<br />

oceaniska lavar finns pi gamla hamlade virdtriid.<br />

Ekskogar. Den ekskogstyp som iir rikast med<br />

avseende pi oceaniska lavar ir den starkt<br />

vindtuktade krattekskogen som ofta pitrtiffas i<br />

branta syd- eller vistligen. Krattekskogarna<br />

5r troligen mycket gamla och trots att flertalet<br />

triid iir smala 6r de troligen mycket gamla och<br />

har tillviixt mycket lingsamt. Det klimatologiska<br />

liiget motsiiger ofta forekomst av oceaniska<br />

arter men ofta pitraffas sAdana arter diir<br />

man minst anar det i denna typ av skogar. Ett<br />

flertal goda exempel pi lavrika krattekskogar<br />

finns inom omridet, f6retrldesvis i Bohusliin,<br />

med en tyngdpunkt i det kuperade landskapet<br />

mellan Stenungsund, Kung6lv och Trollhiittan.<br />

Det b6sta exemplet iir branterna vid Hasterod<br />

i Hjiirtums sn. Aven i krattekskogen dominerar<br />

lavsamhiillet l,obarion.<br />

Skogstyper med stort inslag Bv asp. Asp iir ett<br />

synnerligen intressant triidslag niir det giiller<br />

f6rekomst av oceanisk lavflora och flera olika<br />

aspskogstyper finns. En intressant typ er den<br />

iildre barrskogen med stort inslag av asp.<br />

Denna skogstyp som ofta har mycket begrdnsad<br />

areell utbredning iir en av de artrikaste<br />

med avseende pi oceaniska lavar. Omridena<br />

utgOrs ofta av nigon eller nigra hektar<br />

skogsmark i anslutning till en bergbrant eller<br />

ett plockhugget barrskogsparti. Tidigare har<br />

dessa skogar ofta varit betesmarker vilket kan<br />

noteras genom stor rikedom pi rester av<br />

enbuskar. En annan vanlig aspdominerad och<br />

lavrik skogstyp er den igenviixande Akerkanten<br />

eller hagmarken. Ibland har de sistnimnda<br />

skogarna karaktiir av rena skriipskogar och<br />

har troligen ingen siirskilt l6ng skoglig kontinuitet.<br />

De lavrika aspskogarna f6refaller att

26 Svante Hultengren rn. /1.<br />

GRAPHTS SCRIPTA s (lee3)<br />

Tabell 1. Antal Snd av olika lavarter i olika inventeringar frin G0teborgs och Bohus samt Alvsborgs<br />

liin (O respektive P liin i tabellen). (A) Degelius (1935) publicerade allt kAnt material fram<br />

till 1935. (B) Infgren och Moberg (1984) redovisar tterbesok pl n6gra av Degelius lokaler. (C)<br />

Hallingbnck (1986), (D) Hallingbiick & Thor (1988) och (E) fdreliggande rapport redovisar<br />

dagsliiget I sista kolumnen (F) redovisas den procentuella Aterfi.,rndsfrekvensen i denna rapport<br />

jiimfOrt med Degelius (1935).<br />

Table 1. Comparisons of the number of findings of some lichen species between diferent investigations<br />

in the administative provinces of Gdtebory and Bohus, and of Alvsbotg. (O and P kin in the<br />

Table). (L) Degelias (1935) reported all lcnown fndings from Scandinavi"a, (B) Lofgren & Moberg<br />

(1984) presented reinvestigations of some of Degelias' locialilizs in Sweden. (C) Hallingbdck<br />

(1986), (D) HaUingbAck & Thor (1988) and (E) tfttr paper present the actual status h southwestem<br />

Sweden. The last column, (F) sluows the percentage of refindings compared to Degelius<br />

(1e35).<br />

Unders6kning:<br />

Omfattning:<br />

Utdrag for jiimforelse:<br />

Degelia plumbea<br />

Lobaria amplissima<br />

L. pulmonaia (P-Hn)<br />

L. pulmonarilr (O-Hn)<br />

L. scrobiculata<br />

L. virens<br />

Normandina pulchella<br />

Pannaia conoplea<br />

P. mediteftanea<br />

P. rubiginosa<br />

A<br />

Norden<br />

o, P liin<br />

94<br />

25<br />

18<br />

3<br />

44<br />

vara siirskilt vanliga i nordvSstra Dalsland och<br />

i Sjuharadsbygden med en tyngdpunkt kring<br />

Frisj6n, Fritsla och Kinnarumma. Gliidjande<br />

nog kan man konstatera att ett stort antal nya<br />

fynd av oceaniska lavar noteras just med asp<br />

som vardtrad de detta tradslag ocks6 tidigare<br />

utgjorde det vanligaste substratet f6r oceaniska<br />

lavar i sydvtistra Sverige enligt Degelius (1935)<br />

vilket antyder att naturtypen inte iir akut hotad<br />

trots att den anses ha drabbats mer 5n andra<br />

av de senaste irtiondenas rationella skogsbruksmetoder.<br />

Liiget Lgg2j&imftirt med tidigare uppgifter<br />

Degelius avhandling om de oceaniska lavarna<br />

iir en utomordentlig kunskapskiilla. Hiir redovisas<br />

all kunskap om dessa lavar fram till 1935<br />

L2<br />

BC<br />

Sverige Sverige<br />

O, P-l6n O, P-liin<br />

4<br />

; 1<br />

2<br />

0<br />

0<br />

minskande<br />

6<br />

DEF<br />

Sverige O, P-liin 1935-<br />

O, P-l6n O, P-liin L993<br />

7<br />

61,<br />

15<br />

325<br />

100<br />

57<br />

31<br />

22<br />

24<br />

4l<br />

6<br />

7<br />

L6<br />

oo<br />

67<br />

9<br />

och arbetet utg6r diirfor en mycket god grund<br />

f6r jtimforelser i tiden. L984 kom en rapport<br />

(lnfgren & Moberg 1984) som syftade till att<br />

studera foriindringar av den oceaniska<br />

lavfloran som Degelius sammansfiillt 50 ir<br />

tidigare. Arbetet hade ockse ambitionen att<br />

diskutera orsaker till eventuella f6rtindringar.<br />

Inventeringsresultatet soq publicerades var<br />

minst sagt nedsliende. Aterffndsfrelrvensen<br />

varierade mellan 0-35 Vo och flera arter hade<br />

d6tt ut medan flertalet arter hade gett mycket<br />

kraftigt tillbaka. Den art som enligt rapporten<br />

klarat sig biist var Lobaria virens med 35 %<br />

iterffndsfrekvens. Resultatet frin denna<br />

inventering har sedermera fitt ett mycket stort<br />

genomslag bland s6v5l lichenologer som professionella<br />

naturv6rdare och lett fram till att<br />

lavarna blivit en mycket uppmiirksammad<br />


GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (lee3)<br />

organismgrupp. Emellertid iir inte tillstindet<br />

f6r flertalet i denna artikel behandlade arter si<br />

alarmerande som lnfgren & Moberg (1984)<br />

ger intryck av, och det totala antalet ffnd tir i<br />

stort sett detsamma som under den tidsrymd<br />

som Degelius avhandling omspiinner (se tabell<br />

L). Degelius anger ffnd fr6n tidigt 1800-tal<br />

och fram till 1935 vilket i vissa fall kan ha<br />

inneburit att laven inte fanns 1935. F6religgande<br />

artikel behandlar aktuella viixtplatser -<br />

det vill siiga platser diir laven finns idag eller<br />

har funnits till helt nyligen. Figurerna 1-8<br />

visar de olika behandlade arternas nuvarande<br />

utbredning inom omridet.<br />

Hotbilden idag<br />

Ftirsurning och luftftiroreningar. Forsurning<br />

och luftf6roreningar anses tillsammans med<br />

det moderna skogsbruket utg6ra de storsta<br />

hoten mot den oceaniska lavfloran. Pi ett stort<br />

antal gamla lokaler, vilka inte p6verkats av<br />

skogsbruk och awerkningar, har man kunnat<br />

konstatera att ett antal oceaniska och ekologiskt<br />

niira relaterade arter f6rsvunnit. Det<br />

faktum att lavarna forsvunnit frin intakta<br />

skogar kan emellertid inte anses vara tillrtickligt<br />

f6r att dra slutsatser om surt nedfall och de<br />

gasformiga luftfororeningar som huvudorsak<br />

till forsvinnandet. Motsiigelserna iir mflnga och<br />

ett flertal andra faktorer som t. ex. alltf6r<br />

frikostig insamling, igenviixning genom<br />

naturlig succession, alltfor dfiliga fiterinventeringar,<br />

angrepp av djur eller svampar m. m.,<br />

kan ocks6 anses som mycket viktiga niir man<br />

behandlar orsakssammanhanget. En viktig<br />

inviindning mot att surt regn skulle vara ett<br />

hot mot de behandlade lavarna iir att de<br />

rikaste fbrekomsterna av oceaniska lavar idag<br />

p6trdffas i de omriden som mottager mest<br />

nederbord och d5rmed oftast ocksi forsurande<br />

6mnen, fdretriidesvis sulfat. Detta faktum<br />

giiller dven de viistligaste delarna av Norge<br />

med sina mycket rika forekomster av dessa<br />

arter. Det forefaller mer troligt att de behandlade<br />

arterna inte reagerar ndmnviirt pi dagens<br />

sura nederbord utan kanske mer pA torrdeponerade<br />

f6roreningar och gaser vilket antyds<br />

genom att inga ffnd av de behandlade arterna<br />

Oceaniska lavar i Sydvastsverige 27<br />

fdreligger inom tiitbebyggt omr6de eller i de<br />

st6rre tiitorternas omedelbara omgivning. Hiir<br />

bdr man emellertid notera att liimpliga miljoer<br />

kan saknas i de t6tortsniira omr6dena. Ett<br />

exempel som st6der antagandet att dagens sura<br />

regn inte pAverkar flertalet av de behandlade<br />

arterna 5r den sydviinda branten i Hasterffi,<br />

Lilla Edets kommun i Alvsborgs ltin. Denna<br />

lokal ligger i ett omride med h6g nederbord<br />

(=stor piverkan av sulfat) del av Bohuslfln, i<br />

ett mycket exponerat sydliige, rakt i nedfallsriktningen<br />

fr6n oljekraftverket i Stenungsund.<br />

Triidskiktet utgors n6stan enbart av ek, vilken<br />

anses vara ett svagt och niiringsfattigt substrat<br />

som snart urlakas av surt regn varvid kiinsliga<br />

oceaniska arter t. ex. Lobaria amplissima<br />

skulle fA sv6rt att etablera sig eller overleva. I<br />

Hasterodsbranten, som hyser alla tiinkbara<br />

nackdelar, p6triiffas ett av de b6da liinens allra<br />

rikaste forekomster av oceaniska lavar med<br />

arter som Lobaia amplissima, L. virens,<br />

Degelia plumbea, Pannaia conoplea och<br />

Normandina pulchella jiimte rikliga bestind av<br />

Lobaia pulmonaria och i ett angriinsande<br />

omr6de ocks6 l. scrobiculata w,h Nephroma<br />

laevigatum samtliga viixande pi ek. Ett<br />

liknande forhillande, diir rika best6nd av<br />

oceaniska lavar pitraffas niira en storre<br />

utsliippskiilla for svavel, noteras i Niiverkflrrskogen<br />

vilken iir beltigen nhra det stora oljeraffinaderiet<br />

i Bro{orden i Lysekils kommun.<br />

Svaveldioxidhalterna i bakgrundsmiljoerna 5r<br />

idag mycket lhga och ligger pfl ca. 1,-3 mg<br />

SOym3, medan NO2-halterna iir nflgot hogre,<br />

ca 4-6 pglm3 (Hultengren & I-arsson, i<br />

manuskript). Sulfatdeposition inom omridet<br />

ligger mellan 10 och 18 kg S/ha (Hallgrenlarsson<br />

& Westling l99L).<br />

Det iir emellertid t6nkbart att lavarna<br />

under 60-70 talet piverkades av luftfororeningar.<br />

Oljekraftverket i Stenungsund<br />

anvdndes dA dagligen och de irliga utsl6ppen<br />

var ca 30 000 ton svaveldioxid. Dessutom uppviirmdes<br />

villor och hus i regel med olja vilken<br />

inneholl avseviirt hogre halter svavel iin idag.<br />

Vi kan idag konstatera att lavarna i minga for<br />

luftf6roreningar mycket utsatta delar dverlevt<br />

och nu bildar vitala best6nd (Hunnehrg,

28 Svante Hultengren m. fl.<br />

Halleberg, Hasterod). Hallingbiick & Olsson<br />

(1987) konstaterar att lunglaven g6tt starkt<br />

tillbaka i Sk6ne och noterade enbart 6 iter$nd<br />

p5 25 gamla lokaler. Om verkliga skillnader<br />

foreligger mellan de b6da studerade omridena,<br />

kan man konstatera att den storsta skillnaden i<br />

bakgrundsfaktorer i f6rsta hand torde utgoras<br />

av ett st6rre liickage av ammonium frin de<br />

vidstrlckta Skermarkerna i Sk6ne.<br />

Insamling. M6nga herbarier iir idag fyllda av<br />

kollekter av oceaniska lavar frin olika<br />

lavlokaler i s6viil Viistsverige som ovriga delar<br />

av landet och det kan inte uteslutas att detta<br />

insamlande giort att m6nga arter gitt tillbaka.<br />

Ofta 5r det de siillsyntaste arterna som belagts<br />

vilket naturligtvis missgynnat de som alltid<br />

upptriider i liten numerdr. Pannaia rubiginosa<br />

iir en art som niistan alltid p6triiffas i mycket<br />

litet antal i vArt omrflde. Pe en rik Pannaialokal<br />

gir det kanske 100 individer av Degelia<br />

plumbea oc,h Pannaia conoplea pi varje P.<br />

rubiginosa varp6 en enda insamling av arten<br />

eller ens en liten del frAn den kan resultera i<br />

att den helt f6rsvann frin lokalen. Samtliga av<br />

de oceaniska arterna 5r liittidentifierade men<br />

skulle artbest6mmningen misslyckas kan man<br />

ju alltid ta med sig nigon mer artkunnig<br />

lichenolog ut i ralt pA nytt. Fotografering 5r en<br />

annan utmtirkt metod for att beliigga fynd.<br />

Fotografiet utgor dessutom ett utomordentligt<br />

bra dokument for framtida j5mf6relser.<br />

Vetskapen om att hotade och siillsynta arter<br />

insamlats och insamlas har medfOrt att ett<br />

flertal botanister siiger sig inte liingre vilja<br />

publicera eller sprida information om stirskilt<br />

siillsynta eller hotade arter. Uppmaningen blir<br />

sfllunda bidra inte till att de oceaniska<br />

lavarna fOrsvinner fr6n vir flora genom onodig<br />

insamling.<br />

Skogsbrulc Idag iir skogsbruket enligt v8r och<br />

m6ngas uppfattning det allra st6rsta hotet. Ett<br />

mycket stort antal lokaler har forsvunnit<br />

genom awerkningar i de restbiotoper diir<br />

dessa arter forekommer idag d.v.s. kantsko9lt,<br />

sluttnin1dt, mindre tidell6vskogsbest6nd med<br />

mera. Det stora flertalet awerkningar som<br />

idag gOrs i lavrika biotoper tir smi och troligen<br />

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (19e3)<br />

inte sdrskilt lonsamma. Frin ovrig skog har<br />

arterna i stort sett f6rsvunnit. Trots att det<br />

finns stora praktiska problem i samband med<br />

hiinsynen inom skogsbruket sfl finns det Sndi<br />

stora mojligheter de det 16r sig om<br />

forhAllandevis sm5 omr6den i mer eller mindre<br />

sv6ritkomliga terrdngavsnitt som skulle<br />

behova undantas frin ordiniirt skogsbruk.<br />

Ovriga hot. Djur av olika slag kan ge sig pi<br />

lavarna. Sniglar kan ata av lavar och<br />

forfattarna har tiilterfareheter av att Lobaria<br />

pulmonarin angripits. Det iir emellertid troligt<br />

att lavarna 5r bland det sista som lockar en<br />

hungrig snigelmage och faran for att de<br />

oceaniska lavarna skall ltas upp kan nog anses<br />

som ringa. Olika flglar kan riva bort lavar<br />

under sin jakt pA insekter. Triidkrypare och<br />

n6tvticka ses allt som oftast leta insekter pi<br />

triid med lOssittande bark. Ofta ser man spir<br />

efter f6gelfodos6k genom fr6nvaro av 6ldre<br />

bark pi alar i fuktiga partier och en av v5ra<br />

mer ovanliga arter Menegazzia terebrata<br />

kan nog stundom befinna sig i riskzonen.<br />

Hackspettar av olika slag kan ocksfl leta<br />

insekter bakom lavtiicken pe trAdstammar. I de<br />

omriden diir man finner rika bestind av<br />

oceaniska lavar p6trtiffas ibland de sillsynta<br />

eller hotade arterna vitryggig hackspett,<br />

spillkrflka och mindre hackspett och mojligen<br />

kan d6 smiirre naturv6rdskonflikter uppst6.<br />

Igenvlixning. lavarna tycks ocksA tyna bort<br />

om skogen blir f6r tiit och en lagom luckig och<br />

olikildrig skog med stabil fuktighet tycks siledes<br />

gynna den oceaniska lavfloran biist. Detta<br />

kan observeras i flertalet av de studerade miljoerna<br />

diir de oceaniska arterna glrna p6traffas<br />

i de olika skogsbestflndens mest oppna<br />

delar, t. ex. intill en bergskant, i ett stup eller i<br />

ett kronlhge, i anslutning till en gliinta i skogen<br />

eller i ett skogsbryn. Undantagen frln regeln<br />

bland de behandlade arterna utg6rs frimst av<br />

Lobaria virens men ocksi av Normandina<br />

pulchella vilka helst pitriiffas i de mest skuggiga<br />

och fuktiga delarna av lovrika skogsmilj6er.<br />

Detta kan innebdra att skogar med rika<br />

f6rekomster av vissa av de behandlade arterna<br />

borde skotas sl att en viss luckighet och ett

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA s (1ee3)<br />

visst ljusinslhpp alltid finns f6r att p6 se satt<br />

bibehella lavbestinden. Det kan ocks6 noteras<br />

att de arter som 6kat mest jiimfort med tidigare<br />

iakttagelser, niimligen Lobaia virens och<br />

Normandina pulchella, ocks6 6r de arter som<br />

helst pfltraffas i de fuktigaste och skuggigaste<br />

delarna av iildre lovskogar. Detta faktum kan<br />

ocksi noteras i v6stra Norge. Kanske h6ller<br />

vira lOvskogar pA att bli allt skuggigare och<br />

m6rkare. Det kan ocksl noteras att flera<br />

oceaniska arter (Pannariace6r, L. pulmonaria<br />

och L. scrobiculata) har sitt populationsmarimum<br />

i ett successionsstadium diir foretriidesvis<br />

pionjbrtr6det asp f6redras som underlag.<br />

Pionjirtriiden asp, ask, bjork, al, siilg och hassel<br />

ersiitts successivt av sekundiira triid som<br />

gran, bok, alm och ek. Det f6refaller dock<br />

troligt att samtliga av de behandlade arter tillh6r<br />

urskogarnas lavflora men att de i mycket<br />

gamla skogar foretriidesvis p6triiffas i luckiga<br />

partier kring nedfallna triid, i branter och<br />

sluttningar. Sammanfattningsvis kan man stiga<br />

att balansen mellan ljusinsliippet och luftfuktigheten<br />

f6refaller att vara en mycket viktig<br />

faktor.<br />

Skydd och sktitsel<br />

Ett stort antal nya ffnd av oceaniska lavlokaler<br />

har p8trdffats under senare tid. Fynden ligger<br />

emellertid oftast pfl retriittlokaler, i och niira<br />

branter diir det inte har bedrivits skogsbruk.<br />

Som regel ror det sig om enstaka trad eiler<br />

grupper av trtid med omgivande yngre eller<br />

brukad skog. Nflgra av de pltraffade lavfdrekomsterna<br />

utg6rs av stbrre omrflden vilket<br />

ibland stiirker skyddsmotiven. I de allra flesta<br />

fallen 16r det sig om synnerligen liittavgriinsade<br />

lokaler med ttimligen ltittdefinierad sk6tsel<br />

som t. ex. fri utveckling, luckhuggning,<br />

plockhuggning eller generella hiinsyn mot<br />

iildre trdd eller bevarande av skrtipskog.<br />

Samtliga av de rikare lavforekomsterna skulle<br />

med lltthet kunna s6kerstiillas med hjalp av<br />

naturv8rdslagstiftningen. Omriden rika pi<br />

siillsynta, oceaniska lavar och mossor utgor<br />

kanske de mest viirdefulla biotoperna inom det<br />

behandlade omrAdet.<br />

Oceaniska lavar i Sydvastsverige 29<br />

Fiirfindringar av hotstatus<br />

Trots att ett stort antal nya lokaler pitriiffats,<br />

vilket i vissa fall ger intrycket av nf,gra av de<br />

behandlade arterna 6r mer eller mindre<br />

vanliga, sA m6ste man ta i beaktande att<br />

flertalet arter har sin huvudutbredning i landet<br />

inom det beskrivna omr6det. De angivna<br />

lokalerna utgor sivitt kiint huvuddelen av de<br />

k6nda svenska f6rekomsterna. Okningen i ffnd<br />

av de olika arterna bor inte foranleda n6gra<br />

f6riindringar i den av floravirdskommittdn for<br />

lavar upprdttade hotlistan (Databanken f6r<br />

hotade arter och NaturvArdsverket I99I)<br />

snarare tvirtom.<br />

Fiirteckning iiver arter och fyndplatser<br />

Nedan foljer en lokalf6rteckning for ett urval<br />

av oceaniska arter och aktuella ffndplatser i<br />

Goteborgs och Bohus liin samt Alvsborgs liin.<br />

Aven Lobaia scrobiculata och L. pulmonaria<br />

har medtagits dven om de inte rdknas till de<br />

Akta oceaniska lavarna. Enbart initialer efter<br />

ffndplatsen avser fiiltobservationer. I de fall<br />

lavarna finns belagda i herbarier har detta<br />

angivits med herb. Om n6gon annan insamlat<br />

arten har detta angetts med en forkortning<br />

f6re det aktuella herbariet. I nfrgra fall finns<br />

uppgifterna publicerade i rapporter eller andra<br />

publikationer vilket df, angivits i f6rsta hand.<br />

Aldre uppgifter som finns i nfrgon publikation<br />

har angivits med t. ex. (Degelius 1935) med<br />

h6nvisning till detta arbete f6r ytterligare<br />

information om ffndplats och uppgiftsliimnare.<br />

Fiirkortningar av herbarier och<br />

uppgiftsltimnare.<br />

Anders Bohlin (AB); Anders Frpell (AF); A.<br />

H. Magnusson (AHm); Bertil Lundahl (BL);<br />

Bj6rn Norddn (BN); Carl Bergstr6m (CB);<br />

Carl Henrik larsson (CHL); C. J. I-atin<br />

(CJL); Claes Kannesten (CK); Dan Nilsson<br />

(DN); Erik Olausson (EO); Goteborgs<br />

Botaniska museum (GB); Gunnar Degelius<br />

(GD); G0sta Svensson (GS); H. Noring (HN);<br />

Hikan Pleijel (HP); Ingemar Andersson<br />

(IAn); Inryar Arvidsson (IAr); Ingemar

30 Svante Hultengren nt. fl.<br />

.-- --)<br />

\)<br />

\<br />

/<br />

(<br />

Figur l. Aktuella &nd av<br />

inom undersokningsomr6det.<br />

r-/--v*.,<br />

)rl<br />

(-?<br />

,<br />

-t rrrl'<br />

rtt<br />

Degelia plumbea<br />

lettersson (IP); John Eriksson (JE); kna<br />

Asegird (LA); Johan Hulting (JHg); Johannes<br />

Henriksson (JHn); Jonas Stenstrom (JS); [.ars<br />

Arvidsson (LAr); kif Andersson (LAn);<br />

I-ena Gustafsson (LG); Marie Lindstr6m<br />

(MLm); Mats Lindquist (MLt); Mikael Nor€n<br />

(MN); Piir Eriksson (PE); Ola Bengtsson<br />

(OB); Per-Olof Martinsson (POM); Roger<br />

Gran (RG); Rolf Johansson (RJ); Ronny<br />

Fallberg (RF); herbariet vid Naturhistoriska<br />

riksmuseet (S); Sixten Bergstrom (SB); Sven<br />

Bergquist (SB0; Svante Hultengren (SH);<br />

Sven Svensson (SS); Thomas Appelqvist (TA);<br />

Tomas Hallingbiick (TH); Torsten Ortenblad<br />

(TO); Ulrika Svensson (US).<br />

\/l<br />

U<br />

/-j<br />

I<br />

----) \)<br />

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (1ee3)<br />

{-"t .-" A<br />

)-rl -r,<br />

/rl<br />

t- -l-/- /v.-. -'\-,,_ -)<br />

,rt<br />

-) rj<br />

l t-rlL-\(<br />

-a.-'<br />

Figur 2. Aktuella ffnd av Lobaria amplissima<br />

inom undersOkningsomrAdet.<br />

Degelia plumbea<br />

+ I<br />

I<br />

f<br />

\<br />

/<br />

/<br />

Hotkate gori 2, s6rbar i Sverige. Figur L visar<br />

artens nuvarande utbredning i liinet.<br />

Status i omrddet: Totalt finns idag 6l<br />

lokaler i Goteborgs och Bohus liin och<br />

Alvsborgs liin. Degelius (1935) anger ca 94<br />

ffndplatser och Sandberg & Soderberg (L942)<br />

anger ytterligere ett tiotal. P5 Degelius lokaler<br />

finns laven kvar pA Stminstone 7 lokaler<br />

(Hasterod, Algon, Lyseg[rden, Plrlebo,<br />

Flenstorp, Skephult och Ramneklev).<br />

Ater$rndsfrekvensen iir silunda mycket l5g,<br />

enbart 7 % men hela 54 nytillkomna ffnd<br />

noteras.<br />

(<br />

I<br />


GRAPHTS SCRIPTA 5 (1ee3)<br />

Aktuella viixtplatser: COffnORGS OCH<br />

BOHUS tAN: Hiirryda kn Landvetter sn:<br />

Snugga, L99l (Appelquist 1992). Kungiilvs kn<br />

Lycke sn: Algon, l93L (Degelius 1935), 1972<br />

(herb. LAr); Rommelanda sn: Lysegflrden,<br />

1992 (herb. LA). Uddevalla kn Skredsvilcs sn:<br />

Lilla Born6, 1983 (ML|.ArvsnoRGS LAN:<br />

Bengtsfors kn Laxorby sn: NO Rudetjiirn,<br />

I99I (CK); VSV Ebberudsknatten, 1991,<br />

(CK); Tisselskog sn: Korpeberget, Skirdalen,<br />

L99l (CK); Odskolts sn: S. Gunbjorbysjon,<br />

L992 (CK). Borfrs kn Bollebygd sn; Tubbared,<br />

l99I (BN); Knnarumma sn: Flenstorp NO<br />

och NV (tue lokaler), 1992 (RF & SS)t<br />

Hiiggirda, 1991 (LA & RF); Skarnhalla, 1992<br />

(LA & SH); Karlag6rden, 1990 (RF);<br />

Krokstorp, L992 (RF & SS); S. Piirlebo, 1992<br />

(RF). Dals Bcls kn Dals Ed sn: NV. Lidtjiirn,<br />

l99L (BL); SV Skotterud, 1992 (BL);<br />

Krapps6ter, L987 (Hultengren L987);<br />

Bengtsviken, 1992 (BL); Hdbol sn:<br />

Slottskullen, I99L (CK & BL); Vtist om<br />

Grann, l99L (BL); SSV l-adden, L99l (BL);<br />

Sigmon, 1991, (BL); Norra BOle, 1991, (BL);<br />

SV O. Olasbyn, t99t (BL); Sannerud, L992<br />

(PE); Asslerud, l99L ([An, PE & CK)t<br />

Nossemark sn: Bomarken, L992 (BL); S6dra<br />

delen av N6ssemark, L976 (LG, herb. S);<br />

Hagekullen, 1992 (CK); Dalen, L99L (PE);<br />

Rdlanda sn: Kirbdle, L992 (BL); Toftedal sn:<br />

N. Delestjiirn, 1992 (BL). Flirgelanda kn Torp<br />

sn: Huseby, l99I (CK); Hogsiiter sn:<br />

Ragnerudssjon, L982 (LAn & Tn)t<br />

Rdnnelanda sn: V Anhem, 1992 (BL); JArbo<br />

sn: Rivattnet, L99L (BL). Lilta Edets kn<br />

Hjiinum sn: Haster6d, 1992 (SH & JS).<br />

Lysekils kn Bro sn: Niiverkiirr 1983<br />

(Arvidsson m. fl. 1988). Marks ln Skephult sn:<br />

Klockaregirden, 1992 (SH); Botten 1988 (SS<br />

& JS). Melleruds kn Dalskog sn: Rinsliden,<br />

1944 (Magn. herb. S), Aterffnd 1989 (CK);<br />

Rannebergsomr6det, L975 (herb. DN), 1990<br />

(CK); Lundebo, 1986 (BN, herb. GB);<br />

Hallersbyn, L992 (CK); SSO Rbnn, L992<br />

(CK); St. Olsjon, 1992 (BN); Gunnarsniis sn:<br />

JulsSngen, L99I (CK & U); Holm sn:<br />

Hokeliden, 1989 (Martinsson 1989).<br />

Svenljunga kn Orsds sn: Kartsnds, 1987<br />

Oceaniska lavar i Sydvastsverige 31<br />

(Martinsson 1988). Trollhiittans kn Nona<br />

Bjorke sn: Histens klev. 1989 (SH); Nona<br />


32 Svante Hultengren m.Jl. GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (1ee3)<br />

----><br />

ltr<br />

\ (.,<br />

fota<br />

o o1<br />

)o<br />

rt<br />

Figur 3. Aktuella Snd av Lobaria<br />

scrobiculata inom undersOkningsomridet.<br />

Lobaria pulmonaria<br />

I<br />

'r /--\ o<br />

e- ty'.<br />

-\ r-r.ru/<br />

Minskande i Sydsverige? Allmiinnare norrut.<br />

Aktuella vtixtplatser: Arten noterades niir<br />

sammansttillningen pib6rjades men pi grund<br />

av lokaluppgifternas miingd kan de av<br />

platsbrist inte anges hdr. En uppskattning av<br />

liiget iir f6ljande: 120 lokaler i Dalsland, 125 i<br />

Sjuhiiradsbygden, ca 80 i resterande delar av<br />

Alvsborgs l6n. I G0teborgs och Bohus liin<br />

finns laven p6 uppskattningsvis 100 platser.<br />

Totalt finns alltsl ca 425 aktuella lokaler for<br />

arten inom det behandlade omr6det.<br />

.tJ<br />

f-"\i-"t .<br />

.i. "-i-r,^r,<br />

f/bl<br />

U<br />

O<br />

--\--<br />

)rl<br />

/<br />

,rr'<br />

(-?<br />

_rvry/_I<br />

Figur 4. Aktuella Snd av Lobarin. virens inom<br />

undersOkningsomrAdet.<br />

Lobaria scrobiculata<br />

Forsvinnande i Sydsverige. Allmiinnare norrut.<br />

Figur 3 visar artens nuvarande utbredning i<br />

l6net.<br />

Status i omrddet: Totalt finns idag 57<br />

lokaler i Goteborgs och Bohus l6n och<br />

Alvsborgs liin. Hallingbiick (1936) anger<br />

endast 6 lokaler frAn omr6det frin tiden efter<br />

1950 fram till 1986 och enbart 4 fynd i hela<br />

G6taland vid tiden kring 1986. Denna<br />

katastrofala uweckling iir emellertid inte helt<br />

korrekt utan laven finns, om mycket sparsamt,<br />

kvar pi m6nga hflll. Det iir mojligt att arten 5r<br />

pfl frammarsch efter flera irs mycket starkt

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (19e3)<br />

tillbakag6ende. En annan orsak kan vara brist<br />

pi mer ingiende tdltstudier.<br />

Aktuella vdxtplatser: GOTEBORGS OCH<br />

BOHUS IAN: Giiteborgs kn Yuerby sn:<br />

Ragnhildsholmen, 1983 (BN, herb. LAr).<br />

Hfirryda kn Hiirryda sn: Kolabiicken, l99L<br />

(TA, OB & MN). Kungiilvs kn Rommelanda<br />

sn: Lysegflrden, 1992 (BN). Munkedals kn<br />

Iftokstad sn: SV Smedsvattnet, I99L (OB).<br />

Tanums kn Skee sn: Biicke, L987 (TH).<br />

AIvSBORGS IAN: Alingsfis kn Atingsds sr?..<br />

St. Tillfiillan, 1985 (Appelqvist l9S7).<br />

Bengtsfors kn Oasmh sn: L. Hhngesten, L992<br />

(CK); Lund, 1992 (BL); Uleviken, Nacketjiirn,<br />

L9l9 (SB & CB, herb. GB), iterSnd 1989<br />

(CK); Biicke sn: St. Olsjon, 1992 (BN). Bor6s<br />

kn Kinnarumma sn: Flenstorp, 1987 (SS &<br />

RF); P6rlebo, 1987 (TH); Haggirda, L99l<br />

(RF); Svanshult, l99l (RF); Stomsisen, L992<br />

(US); Skiillends, 1988 (Appelqvist 1990);<br />

Seglora sn..^ Hulu V. och O. (2 lokaler), lggz<br />

(RF & LA); Rdngedala sn: Drdngegfrrden,<br />

1988 (Appelqvist 1990); Hedared sn:<br />

Vemmenhult, l99l (HP & SH). Dals Eds kn<br />

Dals Ed sn: SV K6rsliitt, I99I (BL); VSV<br />

Mon, L992 (BL); NO Onsb,odeg6rden, 1992<br />

(BL); Grorud, l99L (BL); Vassdnda, I99l<br />

(BL); Krappsdter, 1987 (Hultengren L987);<br />

Knipan, 1992 (BL); Dalarne, 1992 (BL);<br />

ONO Blacketjirn, 1992 (BL); Hdbol sn; SSV<br />

Ladden, L99l (BL); S6gmon, L99L (BL);<br />

Hilpottans N-iinde, I99l (BL);<br />

Klockarekasen, L99I (BL); Rammsjon, l99I<br />

(BL); Asslerud, 1991 (IAn); Nossemark sn:<br />

S6dra delen av Nossemarks socken, L984<br />

(CHL & LG, herb. S); Bomarken, L992 (BL);<br />

Hagekullen, 1992 (CK); Dalen, l99l (PE);<br />

Rdlanda sn: K6rbole, 1992 (BL). Fiirgetanda<br />

kn Torp sn: Huseby, 1988 (Jannert &<br />

Martinsson 1990). Lilla Edets kn Hjtirtum sn:<br />

Lysevattnet, 1992 (SH & JS). Marks t

34 Svante Hultengren m,fl. GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (lee3)<br />

%<br />

\/<br />

rl<br />

L-t<br />

I<br />

/-<br />

I<br />

t<br />

t: f-l<br />

\,<br />

\n..23<br />

- i-rr^r,<br />

t/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

t.<br />

\<br />

!.*--1 9-rt\-trr1<br />

L-+. (<br />

(<br />

I<br />

/<br />

+<br />

oj<br />

loo (<br />

/<br />

(o oz-..<br />

l-/ \.". -\r(-r-r.rl,<br />

,tt<br />

rt<br />

Figur 5. Aktuella &nd av Normandina<br />

pulchella inom unders6kningsomridet.<br />

(Degelius 1935), 1992 (SH & JS). Marks kn<br />

Hyssna sn: Liagiirde, 1989 (TA). Trollhiittans<br />

kn N. Bjorke sn: Hflstens klev, 1972 (AB),<br />

Ramne klev, 1933 (Degelius 1935), 1979 (AB).<br />

Vfinersborgs kn Srzn dals Ryr sn: NO Flytjtirn,<br />

1989 (CK); V:a Tunhems sn: Nygird, 1876<br />

(Degelius 1935), 1989 (Martinsson 1991); V<br />

Fristorps gransj6 , 1972 (AB); Fristorps<br />

gransjo, 1972 (AB); Storeklev, 1972 (AB),<br />

1990 (SH); Viinersniis sn: Hallesnipen,<br />

Hallesnipen och Ovandalen, 1876, 1927, I93L,<br />

2 lokaler (Degelius 1935), L987, 3 lokaler<br />

(Svantesson 1987). Am6ls l

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (1993)<br />

utbredning i omrfidet. Den stora okningen av<br />

fynd antyder en reell okning under senare tid.<br />

Aktuella viixtplatser: COfnnORGS OCH<br />

BOHUS IAN: Kungiilvs kn Romelanda sn:<br />

Lysegflrden, L925 (Degelius 1935), iterffnd<br />

1992 (herb. LAr). Partille l

36 Svante Hultengren m. fl.<br />

I<br />

v---'><br />

\ )<br />

\ I<br />

( l-/<br />

'* oa<br />

o .tf<br />

--'rlt tt<br />

"-) rj<br />

(-? I<br />

.t'<br />

-.q/,.<br />

Figur 7. Aktuella fynd av Pannari"a<br />

meditenane a inom unde rs6kningsomridet.<br />

(DN, herb. LAr), L992 (SS, RF); Kroken,<br />

I99l (LA & RF); Karlag&rden, L99L ($F);<br />

Stomfisen, 1992 (US); Piirlebo, I99L (LA &<br />

RF); Sktillenbs, 1991, (SS & RF); Haggirda,<br />

I99l (LA & RF) ; Seglora sn: R6llebdck, I99L<br />

(SS); Bollebygd sn: Aborrtjdrn, 1992 (LA);<br />

Tubbared, L99L (herb. BN); Viinga. N.<br />

Assmundared, 1987 (SH, herb. LAr). Dals Eds<br />

lrn Dals Eds snr Odegirden, L987 (Hultengren<br />

1987); Lund, 1986 (Hultengren L987); Knipan,<br />

1992 (BL); Nossemark sn.' Dalen, L99L (CK).<br />

Fiirgelanda kn Rtinnelanda sn: Rud, 1975<br />

(herb. LAr). Marks kn Fnrsla sn: Stiinge, L99I<br />

(SH); Skephult sn.' Brudkullen, 1988<br />

(Andersson & Appelqvist t*)t Eneberg,<br />

L992 we lokaler (SH, herb. LAr och SS);<br />

Kiilleberg, 1992 (US); Gunnarsbo, I99L (RF);<br />

GRAPHTS SCRIPTA 5 (1ee3)<br />

--// I I<br />

t ,<br />

r<br />

\<br />

(<br />

I<br />

/<br />

.''-- ''j t)<br />

\ /<br />

r-/<br />

I<br />

,<br />

I<br />

I<br />

/<br />

Figur 8. Aktuella ffnd av Pannaia<br />

rubiginosa inom undersokningsomridet.<br />

Skephult k:a. 1988 (TA); O Tyvik, 1990 (SS);<br />

Tryik, Kullen, l99L (RF); Tryik 1:13, L99l<br />

(SS & US); Torestorp sn: Lyckan, 1988<br />

(Andersson & Appelqvist 190)t Alekulla sn:<br />

Sjobacken, 1992 (SH, herb. LAr); Killlings6s,<br />

1992 (SS & US); Alshult, 1992 (SS & US)t<br />

Sventjunga kn Hillared sn: V H6gnen, L99t<br />

(SS); G6shult, l99L (RF); Stombacken, 1987<br />

(Martinsson 1983); Holsljunga sn: Yttre<br />

M6lhult, 1987 (Martinsson 1988); Revesio sn:<br />

Revesjo k:a, 1991 (LA & RF) ; Kalv sn; Kalvs<br />

krona, 1987 (Martinsson 1988); Mjdback sn:<br />

St. Skog, 1987 (Martinsson 1988); Orsds sn:<br />

Kartn6s, L987 (Martinsson 1988); Ugglebo,<br />

1990 (JS). Am6ls kn Animslcog sn; Rote skog,<br />

Slobol, 1977 (herb. DNn), 1989 (CK).

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (lee3)<br />

Pannaria rubiginosa<br />

Hotkategori 1, akut hotad. Figur 8 visar artens<br />

nuvarande utbredning i l6net.<br />

Status i omrddet: Totalt finns idag 6<br />

lokaler i Goteborgs och Bohus liin och<br />

Alvsborgs ldn. Degelius (1935) anger 12<br />

lokaler i omr&det och laven finns idag kvar pA<br />

en (Flenstorp). Aterffndsfrekvensen 61 8 %.<br />

Fem nytillkomna fynd har giorts. Fynden<br />

noteras i norra delen av Dalsland och frln<br />

omrfldet kring Frisj6n i Bor8s och Marks<br />

kommuner och ett strOffnd pA Kalv6n i<br />

Bohusliin. Arten har minskat tydligt och p[ de<br />

ffl lrvarvarande platser ddr Pannaria rubiginosa<br />

viixer pttrlffas den enbart i ett f6tal exemplar<br />

till skillnad frin mAnga av de andra<br />

behandlade arterna. Detta f6ranleder oss att<br />

beteckna den som den mest hotade av dessa.<br />

Aktuella viixtplatser: GOTEBORGS OCH<br />

BOHUS lAtl: Uddevalla kn Bokeniis sn:<br />

Kalv6, 1975 (herb. LAr). Af,vSnORGS IAN:<br />

Borfrs kn Knnarumma sn: Flenstorp, 1934<br />

(Degelius 1935), L992 (SH & RF). Marks kn<br />

Skephult sn: Tryik, 1992 (SH). Dals Eds kn<br />

Nossemark sn: Sfira delen av N6ssemarks<br />

socken, tve lokaler: A. 1976 (LG, herb. S),<br />

f6rgiives efters6kt 1992 (CK); B. 1992 (BL);<br />

Dalen, l99l (CK).<br />

Referenser<br />

Andersson, L. & Appelqvist, T 1982:<br />

Inventering av Egerslcnattenomrddet med<br />

utgdngspunkt friimst frdn mossor och<br />

lavar. Stencil. Miljbvfirsenheten, Uinsstyrelsen<br />

i Alvsborgs ldn.<br />

Appelqvist, T. & Hallingbtick, T. 1984: Ndgot<br />

om bol

38 Svante Hultengren m. fl.<br />

Hultengren, S. 1987: Lavarna och luften pd<br />

Dal och i Trestad. Liinsstyrelsen i Alvsborgs<br />

l6n. Viinersborg.<br />

Hultengren, S. & von Proschwitz, T. 1988:<br />

Lindskogen pi Bastisen. Natur pA Dal 14:<br />

25-33.<br />

Hulting, J. 1900: Dalslands lafoar. Bih. ^Sy.<br />

Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. Bd. 26, Afd. III<br />

N:o 3. Stockholm.<br />

Jannert, J. & Martinsson, P.-O. 1990:<br />

Lovskogar i Fiiryelanda. Miljovflrdsenheten.<br />

I;Snsstyrelsen i Alvsborgs liin.<br />

1990: 3.<br />

lnfgren, O. & Moberg, R. 1984: Oceaniska<br />

lavar i Sveige och deras tillbakagdng.<br />

SNV PM: 1819.<br />

Magnusson, A. H. 1946: I-avfloran. /; Grim-<br />

vall, N. (red.), Ranebo Lund; ett numera<br />

fredat lbvskogsomrdde i Bohusldn. Medd.<br />

Goteborgs Bot. Triidgdrd 1 6: 2lI-2I4.<br />

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (lee3)<br />

Martinsson, P.-O. 1988: Ldvskogar i Svenljunga<br />

kommun Uinsstyrelsen i Alvsborgs<br />

liin. 1988:9.<br />

Martinsson, P.-O. I99L: Naturinventering i<br />

riJcsintresseomrddet Hogheden-Baljdsen,<br />

Dalsland. Milj6virdsenheten. I-iinsstyrelsen<br />

i Alvsborgs l6n. 1991:1.<br />

Myrin, C.-G. 1832: Anm. om Wermlands och<br />

Dalslands vegetation. K Sv. Vet. Ak.<br />

Handl. for 1831: L7l-269.<br />

Sandberg, C. & Soderberg, I. 1942: Busk- och<br />

bladlavarnas utbredning i s6dra<br />

Viisterg6tland, speciellt Boristrakten. Bot.<br />

Notiser 1942: L78-190.<br />

Svantesson, A. 1987: Undersdkn@ och jiimforelse<br />

av lavsliiktena Lobaria, Nephroma<br />

och Peltigeras forekomst pd Hallesnipen<br />

1933 och 1987. Stencil. Milj6v6rdsenheten.<br />

Liinsstyrelsen i Alvsborgs ldn.

Additions to the lichen flora of Angermanland, Central Sweden<br />


Moberg, R. & Thor, G. 1993: Additions to the lichen flora of Angermanland,<br />

Central Sweden. Graphis Scipta 5:39-44. Stockholm. ISSN 0901-7593.<br />

One lichen species new to Sweden, Lepraria jackii, is reported in addition to<br />

36 species new to the province of Angermanland. In total 69 species are<br />

treated with short information on localities and chemistry.<br />

Roland Moberg, Botanical Museum, Uppsala University, P.O. Box 541,<br />

5-751 21 Uppsala, Sweden.<br />

Goran Thor, Department of Botanl, Stockholm University, 5-106 91 Stockholm,<br />

Sweden.<br />

The title of this paper refers to the publication<br />

lV Gunnar Degelius, "ZLr Flechtenflora von<br />

Angermanland" from 1931. This publication<br />

concludes thq lichenological research in the<br />

province of Angermanland since Olof Rudbeck<br />

the younger and gives a geographical,<br />

geological and climatological overview. Plant<br />

geography in relation to widespread, southern,<br />

northern, eastern and western species is also<br />

presented. Degelius (1931) reported 347 species<br />

of which 129 were new to Angermanland.<br />

Very few additions have been made during the<br />

last sixty years and this report is ment as a<br />

celebration on the birthday of the ninety year<br />

old nestor of Swedish lichenology, Professor<br />

Gunnar Degelius.<br />

In October L99L the Swedish expert<br />

committee on threatened lichens (Florav6rdskommitten<br />

for lavar) visited some localities in<br />

the central eastern part of Angermanland.<br />

Four of these localities are of particular<br />

interest with several species new to Angermanland,<br />

viz. Mt Valaberget (63'01'N,<br />

18"23'E) in Vibygger6 parish, Mt Ringkallen<br />

(62"53'N, 18"20'E) in Nordingri parish, parts<br />

of Mt Viistanfrhojden (63"LL'N, I8'24'E) in<br />

Ntitra parish, and an Alnus glutinosa swamp<br />

south of [^ake Hinnsjon (63"12'N, 18"L1'E) in<br />

Niitra parish. Mt Valaberget is a southexposed,<br />

almost 10 m high, steep, rocky cape<br />

of granitic bedrock with some diabasic streaks<br />

facing the Bothnian Sea. Mt Ringkallen has in<br />

its northeastern part a very steep rocky slope<br />

with big boulders below the almost perpendicular<br />

rock wall. It is known as an interesting<br />

locality for vascular plants where southern and<br />

northern elements meet (Mascher 1990). Mt<br />

Vistanfihojden has recently been discovered as<br />

one of the most extensive localities in Sweden<br />

for the threatened lichen Usnea longissima<br />

and is now proposed to be protected. The<br />

Alnus glutinosa swamp south of Hinnsj6n is an<br />

interesting relict site for Alnus glutinosa situated<br />

250 m above the sea level.<br />

As a complement to the plant geography<br />

given by Degelius (1931) we have, following<br />

him, grouped some of the new species in<br />

southern, northern and extremely northern<br />

elements.<br />

Southern: Dimerella lutea, Lobaria amplissima<br />

(oceanic), Ochrolechia arborea, Opegrapha<br />

glrocarpa, Pertusaria coronata, P. flavida,<br />

P. leucostoma, P. pupillaris, Psilolecin lucida,<br />

Rhizocafpon virid,iatrum, Nmulari^a insularis,<br />

Tephromela grumosa.

40 Roland Moberg and Goran Thor<br />

Northern: Aspicilia aspicilioides, Caloplaca<br />

borealis, C. grimmine, Cladonia luteoalba,<br />

Helocarpon crqssipes, Penusaria dactylina,<br />

Mizoplac a s ubdb c re p ans, Umbilic aria arctic a.<br />

Bxtremely northern: Bryoria nitidula, Dimelaena<br />

oreina.<br />

Species list<br />

The following list includes not only species<br />

here reported as new to Angermanland but<br />

also new records of rare or othenvise interesting<br />

species. In total 69 species are listed of<br />

r"fiicn 36 are new to Angermanland (marked<br />

*) and L new to Sweden (marked * *). Collections<br />

by Roland Moberg (RM) are kept at the<br />

Botanical Museum (Fytoteket), Uppsala University<br />

(UPS) and collections by G6ran Thor<br />

(GT) are kept at the Swedish Museum of<br />

Natural History, Stockholm (S). Author's citation<br />

is given only for those species not treated<br />

or treated under a different name by Santesson<br />

(1984). Species treated by Degelius (1931) are<br />

cited by page after the names. Information on<br />

localities follows the same principle as<br />

Degelius which means parish and a brief locality<br />

information. Detailed information is available<br />

from the authors.<br />

Alectoria nigricansz Degel. p. 98. Hiirnosand,<br />

Hhrndn, Klubbberget, L986, RM; Siibri<br />

Hems6n, Mt Hultomsberget, 1986, RM. -<br />

Outside the alpine area only known from<br />

the coastal mountains in Angermanland<br />

and one locality in Medelpad. It is growing<br />

in the exposed, not forested, rocky upper<br />

parts of the mountains covered only with<br />

small cushions of vegetation.<br />

Arthonia didyma: Degel. p. 28. Nordingri,<br />

Ringkallen, L99L, GT; VibyggerA, Valaberget,<br />

199t, GT. On Sa/u caprea and<br />

on Sorbus aucupaia at the seashore (see<br />

Dimerella lutea).<br />

Arthonia vinosa: Degel. p. 28, as A. luri.da.<br />

Nordingri, Ringkalleberget, 1990, RM; A.<br />

Nordin (UPS); Niitra, S of Hinnsj6n, L99'1.,<br />

GT. - At base of Alnus glutinosa and Salix<br />

caprea.<br />

GRAPHIS SCRIPTA s (lee3)<br />

Anhopyrenia pithyophila Th. Fr. & Blomb. in<br />

Th. Fr.: Vibyggeri, Valaberget, 199I, GT.<br />

- On Prunus padus (see Dimerella lutea)<br />

(Foucard 1992).<br />

*Aspicilia aspicilioidea: Niitra, S6rsvedje,<br />

I%7, RM. On a boulder in oPen situation.<br />

Bi"atora ffiorescens (Hedlund) Erichsen:<br />

Degel. p. 49.Nordingri, Ringkallen, L990,<br />

RM; 1991, GT; Nltra, S of Hinnsj6n,<br />

1991, GT; RM; Vibyggerl, Valaberget,<br />

1991, GT. - Argopsin (TLC) in all collections<br />

by GT.<br />

Bintora epixanthoides (L.) Diederich: Degel. p.<br />

56. Vibyggeri, Valaberget, l99l, GT.<br />

On Sorbus aucuparia at the seashore (see<br />

Dimerella lutea). Nil (TLC).<br />

Bryoria nadvornikiana: - Reported from several<br />

localities by Ahlner (1948). Still present<br />

in primary forests, but such forests<br />

are rapidly disappearing because of intense<br />

forestry.<br />

Bryori"a nitidula: Htirn6sand, Htirn6n, Mt<br />

Klubberget, 1.986, RM; Siibr6, Hems6n,<br />

Mt Hultomsberget 1986, RM. - The species<br />

is known only from a few localities in<br />

Scandinavia, all in alpine or arctic areas. It<br />

was briefly mentioned from Angermanland<br />

(Ahlner 1953) but not included in<br />

Hawksworth (1972). In Angermanland it is<br />

growing on the very top of some coastal<br />

mountains strongly exposed to wind. The<br />

climate is thus similar to the arcticlalpine<br />

situation.<br />

Buellia badia: Nordingrl, Mt Omneberget,<br />

I98/,, RM. Reported by Santesson (1984).<br />

Buellia griseovirens: Degel. p. L09. Nfltra, S of<br />

Hinnsj6n, 1991, GT. On Alnus glutinosa.<br />

Atranorin, norstictic acid (TLC).<br />

Calicium trabinellum: Degel. p. 27. Vifr4t1ggeri,<br />

Valaber get, I99L, RM (det. L. Tibell).<br />

Caloplaca borealis: Vibygger6, Valaberget,<br />

t99t, RM. Reported by Santesson (L984).<br />

*Caloplaca grimmiae (Nyl.) H. Olivier (syn.<br />

Caloplaca congrediens (Nyl.) Za,hlbt.):<br />

Vrbyggerfr, Valaberget, (parasitic on Candelariella<br />

vitellina), L986, RM - Previously<br />

only known from two other localities in<br />

Scandinavia (Poelt & Buschardt 1978),

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (1ee3)<br />

one in Sweden, Torne lappmark, and one<br />

in Nonvay, Oppland. In Central Europe it<br />

is known as an alpine species and the<br />

records in Scandinavia also indicate an<br />

alpine preference. Earlier records are from<br />

calcareous bedrock but Mt Valaberget is<br />

granitic or slightly diabasic. Maybe the<br />

exposed habitat is more important for the<br />

species than the bedrock.<br />

*Caloplaca vitellinula: Ramsele, Mt Stockberget,<br />

1987, A. Nordin (UPS). On<br />

overhanging rock.<br />

Carbonea supersparsa (Nyl.) Hertel:<br />

Nordingri, Mt Omneberget, 1984, RM.<br />

Reported by Santesson (1984). On<br />

Lecanora potytropa in the steep western<br />

slope.<br />

*Chaenotheca laevigata: Ramsele, Mt Nottjiirnsberget,<br />

1987, A. Nordin (UPS). - At<br />

the base of a decorticated stump of Pinus<br />

sylvestris.<br />

*Chaenothecopsis fennica (I-aurila) Tibell:<br />

Sjiilevad, Og.ltjiirnsmyren, 199I, H.<br />

Sundin (UPS). - On dry wood of pine in a<br />

mire.<br />

Chaenothecopsis vainioana (Nadv.) Tibell:<br />

Nordingri, Ringkallen, l9n, L991, RM;<br />

N6tra, S of Hinnsj6n, I99t, RM, GT, all<br />

det. L. Tibell. On Acer platanoides,<br />

Alnus glutinosa, and Salix caprea.<br />

Reported by Tibell 1981.<br />

+Chaenothecopsis viridialba (Krempelh.) A.<br />

Schmidt: Ndtra, S of Hinnsjon, 199'1,, GT.<br />

- On Alnus glutinosa.<br />

*Chrysothrix candelaris: Nordingri, Ringkallen,<br />

L990, A. Nordin (UPS). - At the base<br />

of an old Salix caprea.<br />

Cladonia luteoalba: Moberg (1990). Nordingr6,<br />

Ringkallen, 1990, RM. Fairly<br />

common on big boulders in the northeastern<br />

steep slope. As pointed out by Stenroos<br />

(1990) it is associated with C.<br />

metacorallifera.<br />

*Cladonia metacorallifera: NordingrS, Ringkallen,<br />

l99o, RM. - Fairly common on big<br />

boulders in the northeastern steep slope.<br />

Cybebe gracilenta (Ach.) Tibell: Nordingr8,<br />

Ringkallen, 1991, RM; L99o, A. Nordin<br />

(UPS). Reported by Tibell (1975). On<br />

Additions to the lichen flora of Angermanland 4l<br />

Acer platanoides and Salix caprea in<br />

shaded positions.<br />

*Dimelaena oreina: Vibyggeri, Valaberget,<br />

L986, RM. This is the only record in<br />

Sweden outside the alpine region. It is<br />

growing on exposed rocks.<br />

*Dimerella lutea (Dickson) Trevisan: Nordingr6,<br />

Ringkallen, 1990, A. Nordin & J. O.<br />

Hermansson (UPS); Vibygger[, Valaberget,<br />

1991, GT. - It was first reported from<br />

Sweden (Gtistrikland) by Nordin (1990)<br />

and recently published as new to Sk6ne<br />

(Johansson 1992) and Smiland (Arup &<br />

Ekman (1992). On Ringkallen it is<br />

growing in a shady situation at the base of<br />

old Salix caprea. On Valaberget it is<br />

growing on Sorbus aucuparia in a small<br />

glen (20 x 20 m) at the seashore. On<br />

deciduous trees several other rare, mainly<br />

southern species as Anhonia didyma,<br />

Anhopyrenia pithyophila, Biatora epixanthoides,<br />

Lepraria lobiftcans, Pertusaria<br />

coronata, P. flavida, P. leucostoffia, and<br />

Thelopsis flaveola arc found.<br />

Dimerella pineti: Degel. p. 3L. Nordingri,<br />

*ff ::'l'?"?tr' fr nT:fii,.,*,3, t';<br />

Hinnsj6n, L99l, GT. - On Acer platanoides<br />

and Alnus glutinosa in a shaded position.<br />

*Fellhanera subtilis (Vezda) Diederich &<br />

Serusiarur: Niitra, Viistanih6jden, 1991,<br />

GT. - On Vaccinium myrtillus stems in a<br />

moist spruce forest.<br />

*Fusci^dea arboricola Coppins & Tonsberg:<br />

Niitra, S of Hinnsj6n, 199I, GT; Vrbyggerf,,<br />

Valaberget, 1991, GT. On Alnus<br />

glutinosa. Probably an overlooked species.<br />

Fumarprotocetraric acid (TLC).<br />

* Fuscidea pusilla Tonsberg: Nordingri,<br />

Ringkallen, 199L, GT; N6tra, VSstanAhojden,<br />

199L, GT; S of Hinnsj6n, l99l,<br />

GT. - On Alnus glutinosa, A. incana, and<br />

Betula. Divaricatic acid (TLC).<br />

Graphis scripta: Degel. p. 30. Nordingrfl,<br />

Halsviksravinen, 1991", RM; Ntitra, S of<br />

Hinnsjon, 1991., GT; RM; Sjiilevad, Ogeltjiirnsmyran,<br />

1991, H. Sundin (UPS).

42 Roland Moberg and Garan Thor<br />

*Helocarpon crassipes Th. Fr. (Micarea crassipes):<br />

Nordingre, Ringkallen, 1991, GT. -<br />

On mossy, wet and shady vertical rock.<br />

Hypogmn.ia vittata: Degel. p. 88. H6rn6sand,<br />

Mt Orsjoberget, 1990, R. Fryleskog<br />

(UPS); Ntitra, Norra Ulv6n, 1980, RM;<br />

Viksjo, ViistanAfallet, l99I Sundin (UPS).<br />

*Iapewia subaurifera Muhr & Tonsberg:<br />

Nordingr6, Ringkallen, 1991, GT. On<br />

Picea abics.<br />

*Lecanora circumborealis Brodo &<br />

Vitikainen: Niitra, Viistanflhojden, L99L<br />

GT; Vibygger6, Valaberget, 199L, GT.<br />

OnAlnus glutinosa and Betula.<br />

*Lecidea margaritella: N6tra, Viistan6h6jden,<br />

I99I, GT. On Ptilidium pulcherimum<br />

on the base of Betula in an open mixed<br />

forest.<br />

Lecidea pullata: Degel. p. 51. Nordingr6,<br />

Ringkallen, L991, GT; Niitra, Viistan6hojden,<br />

1991, GT. Sphaerophorin<br />

(rLC).<br />

* Lepraria elobata Tonsberg: Vibyggeri,<br />

Valaberget, L99L, GT. On Alnus glutinosa<br />

at the seashore. Atranorin, zeorin,<br />

divaricatic acid, stictic acid complex (3<br />

spots) (TLC).<br />

Lepraria incana: Niitra, S of Hinnsjon, L99L,<br />

GT. - korin, divaricatic acid (TLC).<br />

* * Lepraria jackii Tonsberg: N6tra,<br />

Viistan6hojden, I99I, GT. On the base<br />

of Picea abies in spruce a forest. The<br />

collections of L. incana from Lule<br />

lappmark reported by Karstrom & Thor<br />

(1991) are also L. Jackii (atranorin,<br />

roccellic acid and rangiformic acid, TLC).<br />

*Lepraia lobiftcans Nyl.: Vibygger6, Valaberget,<br />

199I, GT. - On Sorbus aucupaia<br />

at the shore (see Dimerella lutea).<br />

Atranorin, zeorin, divaricatic acid, stictic<br />

acid complex (3 spots) (TLC).<br />

Leprocaulon microscopicum: Degel. p. 7I.<br />

Nordingr&, Mt Omneberget, 1984, RM;<br />

Vibygger6, Valaberget, 1986, RM. On<br />

mosses in steep rocky slopes facing south.<br />

Letharia vulpina: Ytterldnniis, Korsmyran,<br />

L9X), RM. - Found by l.ygry. Rullander<br />

and reported as new to Angermanland by<br />

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (1e93)<br />

Rydkvist (1990). Growing on a dead, still<br />

standing old trunk of Pinus sylvestris.<br />

Lobaia amplissima: Nordingri, Ringkallen,<br />

1990 R. Fryleskog (UPS); RM. Rydkvist<br />

(1990).- Growing on trunk of an old Salu<br />

caprea in the steep northeastern slope.<br />

Micarea globulosella: Nordingri, Ringkallen,<br />

I99t, GT; Ntitra, S of Hinnsjon, 1991, GT.<br />

The third and fourth Swedish records.<br />

Earlier known from Angermanland<br />

(Santesson 1984) and from Asele l,appmark<br />

(Thor L992). Growing at the base of<br />

Alnus glutinosa and Picea abies in moist<br />

and shady situations in oldgrowth forest.<br />

Micarea prasina: Degel. p. 55. Ndtra, S of<br />

Hinnsj6n, 1991., GT.<br />

*Mycoblastus fucatus (M. sterilis): Ntitra, S of<br />

Hinnsjdn, I99L GT; Vibyggeri, Valaberget,<br />

L99I, GT. On Alnus glutinosa and<br />

Sorbus aucuparia. Atranorin, fumarprotocetraric<br />

acid (TLC).<br />

*Ochrolechia arborea: Vibyggeri, Valaberget,<br />

I99L, GT. On Alnus glutinosa. Earlier<br />

known only as far north as to Uppland and<br />

Vtistmanland.<br />

*Ochrolechia microstictoi"des Rbstinen: Nordingr6,<br />

Ringkallen, L99I GT; Nitra, S of<br />

Hinnsjon, I99I GT; Vibygger6, Valaberget,<br />

L991, GT. On Alnus glutinosa and<br />

Picea abies. Variolaric, lichesterinic acids<br />

GLC).<br />

Opegrapha g/rocafpa: Nordingri, Ringkallen,<br />

1990 A. Nordin (UPS). Reported by Santesson<br />

(1984). Growing at the shady<br />

base of a NE exposed rock wall.<br />

*Pertusaria coronata: Vibygger6, Valaberget,<br />

GT. On Sorbus aucupaia at the seashore<br />

(see Dimerella lutea). Coronaton,<br />

stictic acid (TLC).<br />

*Pertusaria dactylina: Nordingrfr, Ringkallen,<br />

I99I, RM. An alpine species with two<br />

earlier records in the lowland of Sweden<br />

s,,I" iff Lffil;,'i#ill,3:;:'l5dl<br />

eastern rocky slope.<br />

* Pertusaia tlavida: Vibygger6, Valaberget,<br />

I99L, GT. On Sorbus aucuparia at the<br />

seashore (see Dimerella lutea). Thiophan-

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA s (lee3)<br />

inic acid, 2'-O-methylperlatolic acid<br />

(TLC).<br />

*Pertusaria<br />

leucostoma: Vibygger6, Valaberget,<br />

I99t, GT. - On Sorbus aucupaia at<br />

the seashore (see Dimerella lutea).<br />

*Pertusaria pupillaris: Vibygger6, Valaberget,<br />

1991, GT. Earlier known only from<br />

Sktne and Smiland in Sweden. On Alnus<br />

glutinosa and Prunus padus at the seashore.<br />

Fumarprotocetraric acid (TLC).<br />

Platismatia norvegica: Htirnosand, Hlrndn,<br />

1942, Ahlner (S, UPS); Mt Orsj6berget,<br />

t982, O. l-ofgren (UPS); 1990, R. Fryleskog<br />

(UPS); Nitra, N. Ulv6n, 1951, A.<br />

Friesendahl (S, UPS); L980, RM; Tisj6,<br />

Mt T6sj6berget,1939, S. Ahlner (S, UPS);<br />

Vibyggeri, Mjiilt6n, 1962, S. Ahlner (S,<br />

UPS). Growing on mossy rocks and on<br />

Picea abies in shady situations.<br />

* Psilolechia lucida: Nordingrfl, Ringkallen,<br />

1991, GT. - On shaded rocks.<br />

*Mizocarpon viridiatrum: Nordingri, Mt<br />

Omneberget, RM. - On rocks in the steep<br />

western slope.<br />

Rhizoplaca subdiscrepansi VibyggerS, Valaberget,<br />

1986, RM. Reported by Santesson<br />

(1984). - Only a few records from Sweden,<br />

mainly in the mountains. This is the only<br />

coastal locality. Growing on rocks in<br />

exposed situations.<br />

*Rimulaia insularis: Vibygger6, Valaberget,<br />

1986, RM. Parasite on Lecanora rupicola<br />

in exposed situation.<br />

* Rinodina ffiorescens i Vibyggeri, Valaberget,<br />

L99I, GT. On moribund thalli of<br />

Parmelia sulcata on Alnus glutinosa. Pannarin<br />

(TLC).<br />

*Ropalospora viridis (TOnsberg) Tonsberg:<br />

Vrbygger6, Valaberget, t991, RM; GT.<br />

On Alnus glutinosa and Sorbus aucupaia<br />

at the seashore. Perlatolic acid in the GT<br />

collection (TLC).<br />

*Sarcogtne clavus: Ramsele, Mt Valasjoberggt,<br />

1987, A. Nordin (UPS). Reported as<br />

"Ang?" by Santesson (1984). On Eexposed<br />

vertical rock.<br />

Sclerophora coniophaea (Norman) Mattsson<br />

& Middelborg: Niitra, S of Hinnsjon, 199t,<br />

RM; GT. - On oldAlnus glutinosa.<br />

Additions to the lichen /Iora of Angermanland 43<br />

* Steinia geophana: Ramsele, Mt Stockberget,<br />

1987, A. Nordin (UPS). On sandy<br />

ground at a roadside.<br />

*Tephromela grumosa (Pers.) Hafellner &<br />

Rotx: Nordingr6, Mt Omneberget, l9E/-<br />

RM; Vtbygger6, Valaberget, 1986, RM. -<br />

On exposed rocks.<br />

*Thelopsis tlaveola: Nordingr6, Ringkallen,<br />

1991, GT; Vibygger6, Valaberget, 1991,<br />

GT. On Salix caprea and on Sorbus<br />

aucuparia at the seashore (see Dimerella<br />

lutea).<br />

Trapeliopsis flexuosa (Fr.) Coppins & P.<br />

James: Vibyggeri, Valaberget, 1991, GT.<br />

- On Alnus glutinosa.<br />

Umbilicaia arctica: First reported from<br />

Angermanland by Nordin (1991). Addition:<br />

Sjdlevad, Krokalviken, 199L, H.<br />

Sundin (UPS). - On seashore rocks.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

We wish to thank R. Fryleskog, T. Rullander<br />

and T. Rydlrvist for information on localities, J.<br />

O. Hermansson, A. Nordin and H. Sundin<br />

who placed their material at our disposal, and<br />

L. Tibell for the determination of some<br />

Caliciales.<br />

References<br />

Ahlner, S. L948: Utbredningstyper bland<br />

nordiska barrtriidslavar. Acta Phytogeogr.<br />

Suecica 22.<br />

Ahlner, S. 1953: Om Angermanlands lavflora.<br />

In: Elofsson, O. & Curry-Lindahl, K.<br />

(eds.), Natur i Angermanland och Medelpad:<br />

I9L-196. Uppsala.<br />

Arup, U. & Ekman, S. 19922 Nyheter i s6dra<br />

Sveriges lavflora. Graphis Scripta 4: 81-<br />

86.<br />

Degelius, G. L93L: Zur Flechtenflora von<br />

Angermanland. Arkiv Bot. 24A(3): L-122.<br />

Foucard, T. 1992: Notes on the corticolous<br />

Arthopyrenia-species in Sweden. Graphis<br />

Scipta 4: 49-60.<br />

Hawksworth, D. L. 1972: Regional studies in<br />

Alectoria II. The British species. Lichenologist<br />

5; 181 -261,.

44 Roland Moberg and Garan Thor<br />

Johansson, P. t992: Bark- och vedlavar pi<br />

Kullaberg fOriindringar under 80 6r.<br />

Svensk Bot. Tidsl

Notes on the cetrarioid lichens<br />


During our work on the phylogeny and evolution<br />

in cetrarioid lichens (Kbrnefelt et al.<br />

L992) two specimens were studied which<br />

should need further attention regarding search<br />

for additional material, preferably in nature in<br />

remote and isolated localities not visited frequently<br />

by lichenologists. Therefore it is our<br />

main intention with this paper to invite lichenologists<br />

(1) to pay attention to a peculiar<br />

lichen occurring on higher elevations in the<br />

Andes which presumably belongs to Cetraria<br />

and (2) to look for the presence of. Cetraia<br />

nivalis also in higher elevations in New<br />

Guinea and adjacent mountainous regions<br />

within the tropical zone. Since the reproductive<br />

structures have not been presented earlier<br />

for C. nivalis a full description is also provided<br />

of this species.<br />

This work is dedicated to professor Gunnar<br />

Degelius on the occasion of his ninetieth<br />

birthday. Gunnar was the senior author's first<br />

botanical teacher to and also introduced him<br />

into the fascinating field of lichenology.<br />

Materials and methods<br />

K6rnefelt, I. & Thell, A. 1993: Notes on the cetrarioid lichens. Graphis<br />

Scripta 5: 45-48. Stockholm. ISSN 0901 -7593.<br />

The new species Cetraria peruviana is described and its systematic position is<br />

discussed. Cetraria nivalrs is reported as new from New Guinea, and its ascomata<br />

are described.<br />

Ingvar KAmefelt and Ante Thell, Depanment of Systematic Botany, University<br />

of Lund, Ostra Vallgatan 18 - 20, 223 61 Lund, Sweden.<br />

This work mainly originates from the earlier<br />

primarily survey of the cetrarioid lichens<br />

(Kiirnefelt et al. L992). The results have been<br />

based on herbarium material examined from a<br />

large number of herbaria, i.e. ALA, BM, BP,<br />

CANL, COLO, H, FH, G, GZU, L, LAM,<br />

LE, LD, M, MB, NY, O, S, SFSU, TUR,<br />

UBC, UME, UPS, US, and WIS.<br />

For anatomical obsenrations, fragments of<br />

lichens and condiomata were sectioned with a<br />

Kryomat, Lnitz freezing microtome and sections<br />

put in lactophenol cotton-blue. After<br />

pretreatment with lUVo KOH-solution, asci<br />

were squashed in a 0.3 % Lugol's solution.<br />

Hymenial characters were studied with a Zeiss<br />

Axioscope light microscop€, and photomicrographs<br />

made with a Zeiss M 35 W camera.<br />

Cetraria peruviana Kiirnef. & Thell,<br />

sp. nov.<br />

Thallus eo C. nepalensr"s similis, sed lobis minoribus<br />

magis canaliculatis sine emergentiis<br />

marginalibus differt. Strata corticalia hyphis<br />

pachydermaticis paraplectenchymaticis composita.<br />

Thallus PD-, K-, C-, acida lichesterinicum<br />

et protolichestericum continens.<br />

Type: Peru, Dep. of Cuzco, C. Bues, alt.<br />

4000 m, Herb. G. K. Merrill (FH, holotype).<br />

Thallus composed of rather curved lobes, c. I<br />

cm high, lobes c. I-2 mm wide, c. L30-150 pm<br />

thick, dorsiventral and canaliculate, dark<br />

brownish on both surfaces, rather smooth, Do

46 Ingvar Kcirnefelt and Arne Thell<br />

W<br />

Figure 1. Cetraia peruviana habit (Holotype, FH). Bar L mm.<br />

cilia or projections seen on the margins, pSeudocyphellae<br />

not observed; cortical layers covered<br />

with a distinct epicortex, c. 5 pm thick on<br />

the upper surface and somewhat thinner on<br />

the lower, upper and lower cortical layers c.<br />

20-30 pm thick, composed of 2-3 layers of<br />

pachydermatous paraplectenchymatous cells,<br />

cells in the outer layer large, 5-7 pm in<br />

diameter, algal cells sparse, treborxioid,<br />

medulla rather lar, medullary hyphae thick, c.<br />

5 pm, strongly gelatinized. Apothecia and conidiomata<br />

not observed. Thallus K-, C-, PDand<br />

UV-. Lichesterinic and protolichesterinic<br />

acids present.<br />

This species is only known from the type<br />

collection carrying the unpublished name<br />

Platysma peruvianum given by G. K. Merrill.<br />

The specimen was carefully examined in anatomical,<br />

structural and chemical characteristics.<br />

It reminds a little in thallus morphology of<br />

Cetraria kamczatica although the lobes are<br />

much more curved and shortened (Figure 1).<br />

Furthermore there are also some similarities<br />

with C. nepalensis (Kiirnefelt 1979) although<br />

C. peruviana has much less distinctly canalicu-<br />

GRAPHTS SCRIPTA 5 (1e93)<br />

late and almost subtubular lobes. Unfortunately<br />

the material is very limited and there<br />

were no ascomata or mature conidiomata<br />

found. Some undeveloped marginal pycnidia<br />

were observed, although mature conidia could<br />

not be located. Both ascus structures and conidia<br />

are othenvise characters of major importance<br />

for the recognition of species belonging<br />

to Cetraia (Kiirnefelt et al. 1992, 1993). The<br />

evidence from the anatomical characters of the<br />

thallus in addition to presence of lichesterinic<br />

and protolichesterinic acids are, however,<br />

strong arguments that this species should<br />

actually belong within Cetraria.<br />

There is no information about the habitat<br />

ecology on the label. Cetraia peruviana is,<br />

however, most probably a terricolous species.<br />

There was no information in Soukup (1%5)<br />

that a lichen of this kind was earlier known to<br />

Peru.<br />

Cetraria nivalis (L.) Acharius<br />

Methodus Lichenum, 1803: 293. Basionym:<br />

Lichen nivalb L., Spec. Plant., L753: LL45.

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (lee3)<br />

Lobaria nivalis Hoffm., Deutschl. Flora, 1796:<br />

L43. - Platysma nivale Frege, Deutsch. Botan.<br />

Taschenbuch, 2. Theil, t8L2: l6L. - Parmeli"a<br />

nivalis Sprgl., Syst. Veget., vol. III, 1831 :525. -<br />

Allocetraria nivalis (L.) Randl. et Saag,<br />

Mycotaron 44, L992: 492.<br />

Lichen candidus Lam., Flore Franc. ed.2,<br />

vol. I, 1788: 81.<br />

Thallus erect foliose, 5-8 cm high, lobes up to<br />

7 mm broad, rather flat, lower surface pale<br />

yellow, foveolate, upper surface yellow, usually<br />

smooth and glossy, pseudocyphellae absent,<br />

marginal projections absent; upper cortex 20-<br />

30 pm thick, paraplectenchymatous, consisting<br />

of usually small, pachydermatous, thick-walled<br />

cells with small lumina, lower cortex 20-30 pm<br />

thick composed of the same type of cells.<br />

Apothecia rare, marginal, at lobe ends, diameter<br />

3-8 ffiffi, disc brown; asci 30-40 x 8-10<br />

Itffi, spores ellipsoidal 5-6 x 3-4 Ffr, arial<br />

body c. 0.3 pm broad, tholus with an amyloid<br />

ring structure; paraphyses 40-50 x L pm; pycnidia<br />

black, marginal, 50-70 x 50-70 Fffi,<br />

without cortical tissue beneath the pycnidium,<br />

conidia slightly bifusiform, c. 6 x I pm.Usnic<br />

acid present in the cortical layer. No medullary<br />

compounds detected.<br />

Apart from some structural differences in<br />

the thallus in addition to differences in secondary<br />

compounds Cetraia nivalrs and C. cucullata<br />

presumably represent closely associated<br />

talra based upon characters in the asci and<br />

conidiomata. The significance of these characters<br />

will be discussed in a forthcoming paper<br />

by Kiirnfelt et al. (1993). Both species in addition<br />

seem to occur in the same habitats within<br />

arctic-boreal areas mainly in the northern<br />

hemisphere (Hasselrot L953, Hillmann L936,<br />

Rassadina 1950, Thomson 1984). Both species,<br />

however, also occur in scattered areas in cold<br />

temperate regions in the Andes (Hasselrot<br />

1953) and there are also a few records from<br />

southernmost South America. During studies<br />

of herbarium material from the Farlow Herbarium,<br />

however, one collection from New<br />

Guinea (Mt Wilhelm, 1938, Brass & Myer-<br />

Dress) seemed to belong to C. nivalis. The<br />

Notes on the cetrarioid lichens 47<br />

specimen is unusually luuriant with rather<br />

broad and strongly yellowish lobes with several<br />

well developed apothecia. After anatomical<br />

investigations of asci, conidia and thallus<br />

structures in addition to secondary chemistry<br />

there is, however, no doubt that this specimen<br />

actually belong to C. nivalis. There are no<br />

indication of a known distribution of C. nivalis<br />

from this part of the world earlier (Streimann<br />

1986) and it is reported as new for New<br />

Guinea. Both C. nivalis and C. cucullata are<br />

not known from the Australasian region<br />

including New kaland (Filson & Rogers<br />

L979, Galloway L985, Weber & Wetmore<br />

re72).<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

We would like to thank Per I-assen for help<br />

with the latin diagnosis and for general comments<br />

on the text. Financial support for this<br />

study has been granted by Anna and Svante<br />

Murbiicks fond.<br />

References<br />

Filson, R. & Rogers, R. 'W. L979: Lichens of<br />

South Australia. Adelaide.<br />

Galloway, D. 1985: Flora of New Zealand Lichens.<br />

New Zealand Government Printer,<br />

Wellington.<br />

Hasselrot, T. E. 1953: Nordliga lavar i Sydoch<br />

Mellansverige. Acta Phytogeogr. Suec.<br />

33.<br />

Hillmann, J. L936: Parmeliaceae. Rabenhorst<br />

IOypt.-Fl. Deutschl. Osten. Schweiz, ed. 2,<br />

IX, 5(3).L-eipzig.<br />

Ktirnefelt, I. 1979: The brown fruticose species<br />

of Cetraria. Opera Bot. 46: I-150.<br />

Kdrnefelt, f., Mattsson, J.-E. & Thell, A.<br />

1992: Evolution and phylogeny of cetrarioid<br />

lichens. PL Syst. Evol. In press.<br />

Kiirnefelt, I., Mattsson, J.-E. & Thell, A.<br />

t993: The lichen genera Arctocetraria,<br />

Cetraria and Cetrariella (Parmeliaceae)<br />

and their presumed evolutionary affinities.<br />

Bryologisf. In press.

48 Ingvar Kcirnefelt and Arne Thell<br />

Rassadina, K. A. 1950: Tsetraria (Cetraria)<br />

CCCP. Trav. Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR<br />

Spor. Rast. Ser. 2 (5): L7l-304.<br />

Soukup, J. 1965: Lista de liquenes de Peru.<br />

Biota, Lima 6:28-45.<br />

Streimann, H. 1986: Catalogue of the lichens<br />

of Papua New Guinea and Irian Jaya. Bibl.<br />

Lich. 22: l-1.45.<br />

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (lee3)<br />

Thomsotr, J. 1984: American Arctic lichens. I<br />

The macrolichens. New York.<br />

Weber, 'W. & Wetmore, C. M. L972: Catalogue<br />

of the lichens of Australia exclusive<br />

of Tasmania. Beih. Nova Hedwigia 41: 1-<br />


Ramonia, a lichen genus new to Scandinavia<br />


Botnen, A. L993: Ramonia, a lichen genus new to Scandinavia. Graphb<br />

Scripta 5: 49-50. Stockholm. ISSN 0901-7593.<br />

The genus Ramonia with the species R subsphaeroides (Tav.) Yezda is<br />

reported as new to Scandinavia from Hordaland, western Nonvay. It has been<br />

found on old, pollarded trunks of Fraxinus excelsior.<br />

Asti Botnen, Botanical Institute, University of Bergen, Alligt. 41, 5007 Bergen,<br />

Norway.<br />

Recent studies of the epiphytic flora of old,<br />

pollarded trunks of Fraxinus excelsior in western<br />

Norway have lead to discoveries of many<br />

rare lichen species. One of these, Ramonia<br />

subsphaeroides, is here reported as new to<br />

northern Europe.<br />

Ramonia subsphaeroides is characterized<br />

within Ramonia by small apothecia, 0.?-0.4<br />

mm in diameter, poriform ostioles up to 0.2<br />

rrun, fusiform, mostly 9-septate spores, with a<br />

gelatinous epispore (Vezda 19ffi, Coppins<br />

1987). In the Nonregian material the spores<br />

are 38-52 x 4-5.5(-7) pm. This is in accordance<br />

with the measurements given by Tavares<br />

(1950 p. 59), based on material from the type<br />

locality in Portugal. Ramoni"a subsphaeroides<br />

is closely related to an undescribed species<br />

treated by Coppins (1987) as R. luteola<br />

(Coppins pers. comm.), but this species has a<br />

widely gaping ostiolum, and narrowly clavate<br />

spores without epispore.<br />

Ramonia subsphaeroides occurred on old,<br />

pollarded trunks of Fracinus excelsior in a<br />

dense, mixed deciduous forest at 30 m altitude<br />

in a steep, southfacing slope in the old cultural<br />

landscape surrounding the farmhouses at<br />

Havrfltunet, on the Island of Osterey, westernmost<br />

Nonray. It was sparse, and grew<br />

rather high up on the trunks, on soft bark,<br />

mainly in bark crevices or partly overgrown by<br />

bryophytes and foliose lichens. Associated<br />

species included Lecidella elaeochroma, Leptogium<br />

cyanescens, Thelopsis rubella, and the<br />

livenrorths Frullania sp. and Meugeri"a sp.<br />

Ecologically it seems to be similar to Thelopsis<br />

tlaveola which occurs in the same niches.<br />

Distribution<br />

Ramonia subsphaeroides was previously<br />

known only from the type-locality in Serra do<br />

Ger€s in northern Portugal where it was collected<br />

on Acer pseudoplatanus at an altitude of<br />

350 m (Tavares 1950) and from the Algarve<br />

area in southern Portugal (leg. M. P. Jones<br />

(BM), Coppins pers. comm.).<br />

With the presently cited finds in western<br />

Nonvay, Ramonin subsphaeroides shows 'a<br />

remarkable disjunct distribution. Although the<br />

species is probably rare, it is likely to have a<br />

more continuous distribution in western<br />

Europe. Because of its minute size, it is easily<br />

overlooked.<br />

Specimens examined.' Nonvay. Hordaland:<br />

Osteroy, Havritunet, July 1992, Botnen (BG).<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

Thanks are due to Dr. Brian Coppins, Edinburgh,<br />

for confirming the identity of Ramonia

50 Astri Botnen<br />

subsphaeroid,es, and<br />

ments.<br />

References<br />

Coppins, B. J. 1987:<br />

the British Isles.<br />

417.<br />

for taxonomical com-<br />

The genus Ramonin in<br />

Lichenologist 19: 409-<br />

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA s (1ee3)<br />

Tavares, C. N. 1950: Liquenes da Serra do<br />

Ger€s. Portugalia Acta Biologica, ser B. 3<br />

(112):1-189.<br />

Yezda, A. Lgffi: Flechtensystematische Studien<br />

III. Die Gattungen Ramonia Stiz. und<br />

Gloeolecta I-ett. Folia geobotanica et<br />

phytotaxonomica, Praha I : 154-t75.

Floristic notes on some Swedish Lepraria and Leproloma species<br />


Muhr, L.-8. 1993: Floristic notes on some lrpraria and Leproloma species.<br />

Graphis Scipta 5; 51-52. Stockholm. ISSN 0901 -7593.<br />

Lepraia eburnea, L. elobata, L. igidula and Leproloma diffusum var. dfusum<br />

are reported as new to Sweden. New localities are given for Lepraria lesdainii,<br />

L. lobificares and Leproloma diffusum var. chrysodetoi^des. All specimens<br />

were investigated by TLC.<br />

Lars-Erik Muhr, Selkrol

52 Lars-Erik Muhr<br />

Muhr, UPS), 12452 (UPS). New to<br />

Sweden. Oxypannaric acid (TLC).<br />

var. chrysodetoid.es laundon. Dalsland: Dalskog<br />

por., Norra B6sane, mossy rock in a<br />

ravine, 1989, Muhr 11815 (UPS). Niirl

Nfrgra hotade lavar i Smfland<br />


Lindbloffi, L. & Mattsson J.-8. L993: N6gra hotade lavar i Smiland. [Some<br />

threatened lichens i Sm6land, southern Sweden.] Graphis Scripta 5: 53-59.<br />

Stockholm. ISSN 0901 -7593.<br />

In order to study the present occurrence of threatened lichens in the province<br />

of Sm6land, southern Sweden, 45 old localities of 9 species (Collema nigrescens,<br />

C. occttltatum, Degelin plumbea, Lethaia vulpina, Moelleropsis nebulosa,<br />

Pannaia meditercanea, Ramalina thrausta, Usnea barbata, and U.<br />

longissima) were investigated. With the exception of nvo finds of Degelia<br />

plumbea, none of these lichen species were refound. The causes for the<br />

extinction of the populations are discussed, as well as the limits of the methods<br />

used.<br />

Louise Lindblom och Jan-Eric Mattsson, Instituti.onen fdr Systematisk<br />

Botanik. O. VaUgatan 18-20, S-223 61 Lund, Sweden.<br />

Av Sveriges lavar anses omkring 10 % eller<br />

2I2 arter vara hotade (Databanken f6r hotade<br />

arter och Naturv6rdsverket 1991). For m6nga<br />

av dessa arter iir kunskapen om biologi,<br />

utbredning och nuvarande status otillr6cklig<br />

f6r att en siker beskrivning av hot och for att<br />

liimpliga skyddsitgtirder skall kunna g6ras. I<br />

forsta hand ghller detta ett 50-tal arter f6r<br />

vilka aktuella utbredningsuppgifter saknas och<br />

som antingen har fe tidigare kiinda lokaler i<br />

Sverige eller som tidigare f6rekommit pi ett<br />

stort antal lokaler (> 100) men som sannolikt<br />

minskat kraftigt under senare tid.<br />

Floravlrdskommittdn f6r lavar ([ars<br />

Arvidsson, Per-Anders Esseen, Mats Karstrom,<br />

Jan-Eric Mattsson och Gbran Thor)<br />

genomf6r d6rfor sedan 1990 ett fem6rigt<br />

forskningsprojekt, med ekonomiskt stod frin<br />

VSrldsnaturfonden (WWF), for att forbiittra<br />

kunskapen om dessa arter. Projektet har dessutom<br />

som ytterligare syfte att (1) Ge<br />

beslutsunderlag fOr att avg6ra liimpliga hotkategorier,<br />

trh for att f6resli liimpliga Atgiirder<br />

till skydd for dessa arter. (2) Vidareutveckla en<br />

metod f6r overvakning av hotade arter och p[<br />

sikt etablera lawiiktarverksamhet. (3)<br />

Vidareutveckla inventeringsmetoder liimpliga<br />

for undersdkning av lavar med olika utbredningsm0nster,<br />

ekologi osv. .<br />

Projektet leds av' Florav6rdskommittdn f6r<br />

lavar, men en stor del av ftiltarbetet genomfors<br />

av personer utanfOr kommitt6n, vilka liven har<br />

m6jlighet att sjtilvstiindigt publicera sina<br />

resultat.<br />

Hiir redovisas resultat av en f,terinventering<br />

av 9 arter i Smiland utford sommaren<br />

1990 med nAgon senare komplettering. Inventeringsarbetet<br />

har genomforts av l,ouise Lindblom<br />

i niira samarbete med projektet "Hotade<br />

lavar i sodra Sverige" i Lund. Ytterligare nigra<br />

arter som inventerades vid samma tillfllle<br />

kommer att redovisas senare.<br />

Urval av arter<br />

En fullstiindig lista over uppgifter om hotade<br />

lavar i Sm6land erh6lls ur databasen vid Databanken<br />

f6r hotade arter vid Sveriges [^antbruksuniversitet<br />

i Uppsala. Tio arter med fe

54 Loube Lindblom och Jan-Eric Mattsson GRAPHTS SCRTPTA s (1ee3)<br />

Figur 1. Bestikta lokaler i Sm6land. l,okalnummer refererar till Tabell 1 och Appendix. F=<br />

J6nkopings liin, G= Kronobergs liin, H= Kalmar liin, f{= Hallands liin.<br />

gamla lokaluppgifter i Smiland inventerades:<br />

Bryoria smithii, Collema nigrescens, C. occultatum,<br />

Leptogium q)anescens ) Lethaia<br />

vulpina, Menegazzia terebrata, Moelleropsis<br />

nebulosa, Pannaia meditenanea, Usnea barbata<br />

och U. longbsima. Aven Degelia<br />

(Parmeliella) plumbea och Ramalina thrausta<br />

inventerades. Dfl dessa arter var kanda fr6n ett<br />

stort antal iildre lokaler, valdes ett begriinsat<br />

antal av dessa ut f6r iterinventering. Bland de<br />

viildefinierade lokalerna f6r dessa arter valdes<br />

sidana att en god spridning i landskapet<br />

erhOlls.<br />

Metodik<br />

l.okalerna som Aterbes6ktes identifierades se<br />

noggrant som mOjligt med hjalp av topografiska<br />

kartor Gh, f6r lokaler med iildre namn,<br />

generalstabskartan. De utvalda lokalerna 6ter-<br />

besdktes under en ftiltvecka i augusti 1990.<br />

Ambitionen vid Aterbes6ken var att finna<br />

arterna i deras biotop, p6 ursprungslokalen<br />

eller i niirheten av den. Den tid som lades ned<br />

pA varje lokal varierade avsevSrt, dels pi grund<br />

av skiftande noggrannhet i lokal- och biotopangivelser<br />

f6r de ursprungliga ffnden, dels<br />

beroende pa hur stora omrflden i ntirheten av<br />

lokalen som bedomdes vara vtirda att genomsoka.<br />

Om substratet tidigare var khnt, s6ktes<br />

laven i f6rsta hand pfl detta, men den<br />

efters6ktes iiven pi andra liimpliga substrat.<br />

Vegetationstyp, markanviindning, populationsstorlek<br />

och individstatus noterades i falt.<br />

Resultat<br />

Resultaten for 9 av de LZ inventerade arterna<br />

redovisas nedan. Inga 6ter$rnd gjordes under

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (1e93)<br />

Tabell 1. Bes6kta lokaler for varje inventerad art,<br />

arten ej Aterfanns. Lokalnummer hiinvisar till<br />

Appendix.<br />

Hotade lavar i Smdland 55<br />

uppgift om Aterffnd samt m6jliga orsaker till att<br />

Figur 1. FOr fullstiindiga lokaluppgifter se<br />

Art Inkal (nr) Trolie orsak till<br />

forsvinnande<br />

Collema nigresceru<br />

Collema occultatum<br />

Degelia plumbea<br />

Letharia vulpina<br />

Moelleropsb nebulosa<br />

Pannaria meditenanea<br />

Rarnalina tlvausta<br />

Usnea barbata<br />

Usnea longissima<br />

Almes6kra, Toranes (1)<br />

Almes8kra, prdstgErdstrbdgirden (2)<br />

Eksj6, Sotsen (3)<br />

Gryteryd, S. Roshult (4)<br />

Korsberga, Holmstorpet (5)<br />

Nbssjo, Sdr6ngens folkhogskola (6)<br />

Reftele, Vimmelstorp, vid gtrden (7)<br />

Oggestorp (8)<br />

Oreryd, Nissafors bruk, all6n (9)<br />

Bottnaryd, Tokebo, Qvarnsjon (10)<br />

Gnosjo, Lid (11)<br />

Kristdala, Humlends, SO g8rden (13)<br />

Niissjo, Soriingens folkhogskola (6)<br />

Tornsfall, by the church (14)<br />

fuenhoga, V-sidan Gotarpssjon (12)<br />

Annerstad, 1,5 km SO kyrkan (20)<br />

Hinneryd, € 1 km N kyrkan (21)<br />

Ktllerstad, vid vdgen O kyrkan (15)<br />

Torpa, strax S kyrkan (22)<br />

Torskinge, Gummarp (16)<br />

As, niira viigen N Svaneholm (17)<br />

fuenhoga, ca 1 km N kyrkan (18)<br />

fuenhoga, V-sidan Gotarpssjon (12)<br />

Ingatorp (26)<br />

Mtlilla, Mtlilla stn, Dalsbacken (27)<br />

N. Sandsjo, v6gkorset vid kyrkan (23)<br />

Nottebiick, Granhult, kyrkan (28)<br />

Niissjo, V sydl. gtrden i Istsa (24)<br />

fu, e gamla kyrkotaket (25)<br />

Rydaholm, Mohyltan, Fridebo rg (29)<br />

Giillaryd, Os, vid vbgen O ut (30)<br />

Killerstad, O viigskiilet S kyrkan (15)<br />

Almestkra, N-Viebeck (31)<br />

Almundsryd, Alshult (39)<br />

Giillaryd, Os, v. vdgen osterut (30)<br />

Hjorted, 1 km N Morhult, Gissjdn (33)<br />

Hogsby, Sinnerbo (34)<br />

knhovda, Alatorp (40)<br />

Locknevi , 378 V Viistantorp (35)<br />

Monsteris, ca 1,5 km O Baggemfrla (36)<br />

Monster5s, Tj6rorshiill, N-sluttn (37)<br />

Niissjo, Spexhult (32)<br />

Rumskulla, S St. Holmsjdn (38)<br />

Rumskulla, N fu;on 1fa;<br />

Alghult, NV Viinatorp (41)<br />

Alghult, S Algasjon (2)<br />

Alghult, V Hageskruv (43)<br />

Eksj6, Lunnag8rd (3)<br />

Eksj6, Sotsen (3)<br />

Agunnaryd, MSlensts (a5)<br />

N. Hestra, m kyrkan och jvgstn (44)<br />

Skogsbruk<br />

?<br />

Skogsbruk/bebyggelse<br />

?<br />

Osiker lokalidentifi ering<br />

Bebyggelse/skogsbruk<br />

?<br />

Os5ker lokalidentifiering<br />

Bebyggelse<br />

Skogsbruk<br />

?<br />

?<br />

Bebyggelse/skogsbruk<br />

Substrat borta<br />

?<br />

Aterfunn en I9 {t2<br />

Skogsbruk<br />

?<br />

Bebyggelse<br />

?<br />

Gallring<br />

?<br />

?<br />

OsAker lokalidentifiering<br />

Substrat borta<br />

Substrat borta<br />

Substrat ytbehandlat<br />

?<br />

Substrat borta<br />

Tillf?illig<br />

?<br />

?<br />

S kogsbruk/osiiker lokalid.<br />

Skogsbruk<br />

?<br />

Skogsbruk<br />

Skogsbru k/osiiker lokalid.<br />

Skogsbruk/oshker lokalid.<br />

Skogsbruk<br />

Skogsbruk<br />

Skogsbruk<br />

Skogsbruk/osbker lokalid.<br />

Skogsbruk<br />

Skogsbruk<br />

Skogsbruk/osiiker lokalid.<br />

Skogsbruk<br />

Skogsbruk/oshker lokalid.<br />

Skogsbruk/bebyggelse<br />

S kogsbru kr/bebyggelse<br />

Skogsbruk/osiiker lokalid.<br />


56 Louise Lindblom och lan-Eic Mattsson<br />

tdltveckan. M6jliga orsaker till forsvinnandet<br />

framg6r av Tabell 1.<br />

Resultat av inventeringen av Bryoia<br />

smithii, Leptogium qanescens och Menegazzia<br />

terebrata kommer att redovisas i samband med<br />

att ovriga inventeringar av dessa arter publiceras.<br />

Ater$nd av D. plumbea har gjorts pA BIA<br />

Jungfrun, Misterhult socken (lokal 19, Figur<br />

1) av Ivar Ottosson (muntl.). Ett Aterffnd av<br />

D. plumbea pA lokalen i Annerstad socken<br />

(lokal 20, Figur 1) gjordes 1992, sedan exaktare<br />

lokaluppgifter hade erh6llits, inom projektet<br />

"Hotade lavar i sodra Sverige" i Lund.<br />

Diskussion<br />

Utdrag ur databasen vid Databanken for<br />

hotade arter visar att flera lichenologer, t. ex.<br />

O. Almborn, G. DegeliuS, G. Haglund och T.<br />

E. Hasselrot, var aktiva i Sm6land 1920-50.<br />

Det forklarar det h6ga antalet ffnd av hotade<br />

arter under denna period. Ett stort antal &nd<br />

av en viss art under denna period behover<br />

alltsi inte innebtira att den var vanlig. Vissa<br />

hotade arter kan redan dA ha varit pA tillbakagang.<br />

De inventerade arterna kan generellt<br />

grupperas efter den troliga orsaken till att de<br />

ej Aterfanns. Lethaia vulpina har huvudsakligen<br />

forsvunnit p6 grund av direkt mtinsklig<br />

piverkan. Denna orsak glller delvis dven vissa<br />

andra arter pA nigra lokaler, t. ex. Collema<br />

nigrescens och C. occultatum vid S6riingens<br />

folkh6gskola. Orsaken till att Moelleropsis<br />

nebulosa ej fiterfanns iir troligen att arten<br />

f6rekommer i st6rda miljoer, t. ex. nyanlagda<br />

vAgskiirningar och diirf6r ej kan forviintas<br />

finnas kvar pi den ursprungliga lokalen, som<br />

dessutom var relativt vagt angiven. Enligt<br />

Floravflrdskommitt€n f6r lavar (1987) har<br />

endast wA ffnd av M. nebulosa gjorts i Sverige<br />

efter 1950.<br />

Arter som Collema nigrescens, Ramalina<br />

thrausta, Usnea barbata och U. longissima<br />

verkar vara drabbade av det moderna skogsbruket.<br />

Arton 6ldre lokaler for R thrausta<br />

besoktes, men inga 6terffnd gjordes. De flesta<br />

av dessa lokaler 6r piverkade av skogsbruk<br />

GRAPHIS SCRIPTA 5 (1993)<br />

och hiinglavar 6r sparsamt forekommande.<br />

Allan Nicklasson har bes6kt ytterligare ett<br />

antal lokaler for denna art i Viixj6-omrAdet<br />

utan n6got ffnd (muntl.). Ett utdrag ur databasen<br />

vid Databanken f6r hotade arter visar<br />

att det finns ett ffnd av R thrausta fr6n 1860talet,<br />

sju &nd fr6n L920-talet, 52 fynd fr6n<br />

1930-talet och dtirefter inga ffnd 6ver huvud<br />

taget i Smflland (Tabell2). DA flera lichenologer<br />

var aktiva i Sm6land 1920-50, kan detta<br />

forklara det h6ga antalet ffnd, trots att arten<br />

redan di sannolikt var pi tillbakaging. Pi de<br />

tre lokaler i Smiland som Degelius (1934)<br />

niimner forekom arten i ett exemplar eller<br />

sparsamt. Enligt Ahlner (1948) forekom R.<br />

thrausta mestadels i ringa miingd pi dess<br />

enskilda lokaler. U. longissima forekom i<br />

tr6gviixande gamla trtidbestind, vilka bor vara<br />

skuggiga och vindskyddade, och den iir mycket<br />

kiinslig f6r rationellt skogsbruk (Ahlner 1931,<br />

1948). Esseen m. fl. (1981) framhiiver f6r U.<br />

longissima oceaniteten (liten temperaturamplitud<br />

och hog och stabil relativ luftfuktighet),<br />

samt dess krav pA gammal skog. Endast fragment<br />

av skogen i N. Hestra fanns lrvar pfl<br />

grund av bebyggelse, medan lokalen i Agunnaryd<br />

socken iir piverkad av skogsbruk.<br />

Samtliga dessa arter var sannolikt p6 titlbakag6ng<br />

redan i bdrjan av detta sekel.<br />

Oceaniska arter, som Pannaria mediterranea,<br />

Degelia plumbea och Collema nigrescens<br />

tycks ha forsvunnit frfln sina Ostliga<br />

lokaler och diirmed f6tt en mer viistlig utbredning<br />

(I-eif Bjorkman muntl., Hultengren m. fl.<br />

1993).<br />

Vid iterinventering med syfte att<br />

dokumentera arters forekomst p6 tidigare<br />

k6nda lokaler, tir det nodviindigt att identifiera<br />

dessa lokaler. M6jligheten att identifiera en<br />

lokal exakt varierar med hur noggrann<br />

beskrivningen av det ursprungliga ffndet 6r.<br />

Enklast 6r de lokalen best6r av en byggnad<br />

eller dylikt, t. ex. en kyrka eller ett solitiirt trhd.<br />

Sv6rare iir homogena biotoper, diir endast<br />

noggrant utmiitta lokalangivelser kan s6kerstllla<br />

identifieringen. An storre problem bjuder<br />

en viildefinierad och rumsligt begrinsad<br />

biotop, men med nflgot vaga angivelser inom<br />

denna. I samtliga dessa tre fall 5r det oftast

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (1ee3)<br />

Tabell 2. Totala antalet registrerade fynd av hotade arter i<br />

vid Databanken f6r hotade arter samt antalet registrerade<br />

eventuella dubletter).<br />

C, nigrescens<br />

D. plumbea<br />

R thrausta<br />

Totalt*<br />

Antal ffnd av:<br />

Almborn<br />

0<br />

Degelius<br />

0<br />

Du Rietz<br />

0<br />

Fries 8., & Th. M. 44<br />

Haglund<br />

0<br />

Hasselrot<br />

0<br />

Hedvall<br />

0<br />

Hotade lavar i Smdland 57<br />

Smiland per decennium i databasen<br />

ffnd f6r vissa insamlare (inklusive<br />

18s0 60 70 80 90 1900 10 20 30 40 1950 60 70 80 90<br />

01<br />

102<br />

01<br />

69 23<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

2<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

00<br />

21<br />

00<br />

24 31<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

* Totalt antal Snd av hotade lavar i Sm8land.<br />

mojligt att avgora om man besoker riitt lokal<br />

eller ej och dtirmed ta stiillning till om ett fynd<br />

tir ett ny$nd eller ett 6ter$'nd. I vlrsta fall<br />

finns endast vaga angivelser i homogena<br />

biotoper, d det blir praktiskt taget om6jligt att<br />

avgora om man befinner sig pi den ursprungliga<br />

lokalen.<br />

I denna undersokning f6rekom lokalangivelser<br />

av samtliga ffra typer. Lokalen f6r<br />

Collema vid S6rtingens folkh6gskola och<br />

flertalet av lokalerna fU Letharia vulpina 5r<br />

exempel pA den enklast identifierade lokalbeskrivningen.<br />

lokalen for Ramalina thrausta<br />

i Incknevi socken visar att en noggrant utmiitt<br />

lokal 6r m6jlig att identifiera trots en homogen<br />

biotop. l,okalerna for Degelia plumbea i<br />

K6llerstad och Torpa socknar iir exempel pA<br />

vaga angivelser i begriinsade biotoper. Flertalet<br />

av lokalerna for Ramalina thrausta utg6r<br />

exempel pi det sviraste fallet av lokalidentifiering.<br />

Vill man undersoka en arts nuvarande<br />

status m8ste en iterinventering kompletteras<br />

med undersokningar av andra f6r arten liimpliga<br />

miljoer. Aven om en art ar utgingen frin<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

3<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

10<br />

03<br />

00<br />

723<br />

00<br />

00<br />

015<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

401<br />

11 2t 5<br />

752 0<br />

96 138 48<br />

10<br />

1<br />

0<br />

15<br />

0143 0<br />

2034 3 15<br />

0100<br />

0000<br />

59 15 0 0<br />

054 0 0<br />

1522 1 0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

6<br />

0<br />

0<br />

I<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

3<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

07<br />

01<br />

00<br />

629<br />

en gammal lokal iir sannolikheten relativt h6g<br />

att den kan &terfinnas i en liimplig biotop i<br />

niirheten. Vill man unders6ka om en art finns<br />

n6ra ursprungslokalen b6r artens biologi vara<br />

k6nd. Kunskapen om detta kan erhAllas pi<br />

olika s6tt, vilka hbr anges i fallande ordning<br />

efter fordelaktighet: (1) Inventeraren har tidigare<br />

erfarenheter av den eftersokta arten och<br />

dess biologi. (2) Artens biotop iir noggrant<br />

beskriven vid det tidigare ffndtilltiillet. (3)<br />

Information om artens biologi erhills muntligen<br />

av n8gon med erfarenhet av arten. (4)<br />

Information om artens biologi erh6lls genom<br />

litteraturstudier.<br />

Det finns alltsi minga problem niir man<br />

vill avg6ra en arts status. Mer eller mindre<br />

fullstiindiga undersokningar av ldmpliga<br />

biotoper iir sannolikt nodvtindiga for att<br />

erhfllia siikra resultat. Aterinvenleringar av<br />

kiinda lokaler kan aldrig vara till$llest for att<br />

klargOra en arts nuvarande status.<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />


58 Louise Lindblom cch Jan-Eric Mattsson<br />

Tack<br />

Ekonomiskt stod for denna undersokning har<br />

tacksamt mottagits fr6n wwF.<br />

Referenser<br />

Ahlner, S. I93L: Usnea longissima Ach. i<br />

' Skandinavien. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 25:<br />

395-416.<br />

Ahlner, S. L948: Utbredningstyper bland<br />

nordiska barrtrtidslavar. Acta Phytogeogr.<br />

Suec. 22: l-257.<br />

Databanken for hotade arter och Naturv6rdsverket<br />

L99l: Hotade vitxter i Sverige Lggl.<br />

Lund.<br />

Degelius, G. 1934: Anteckningar till Smilands<br />

busk- och bladlavflora. Svensk Bot. Ti^dskr.<br />

28: 405-435.<br />

DegeliuS, G. 1939: Fynd av miirkligare buskoch<br />

bladlavar i sydviistra Sverige sommaren<br />

1938. Bot. Notiser 1939: 393-396.<br />

Esseen, P.-A., Ericson, L., Lindstr6m, H. &<br />

Zackrisson, O. 1981: Occurrence and<br />

Ecology of Usnea longissima in central<br />

Sweden . Lichenologist 13: 177- 190.<br />

Floravflrdskommittdn for lavar 1987: Prelimindr<br />

lista over hotade lavar i Sverige.<br />

Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 81: 237 -256.<br />

Hultengren, S., Kannesten, C. & Svenssotr, S.<br />

1993: Om nigra oceaniska lavar i<br />

Sydviistsverige. Graphis Scipta 5: 24-38.<br />

Appendix<br />

Fullstiindig lokalforteckning f6r de redovisade<br />

arterna. Kod i parentes efter artnamn innebiir<br />

hotkategori och biotop enligt Databanken f6r<br />

hotade viixter och Naturv6rdsverket (1991).<br />

Varje nedanstiende lokalangivelse inleds med<br />

sockennamn. Forkortningar anger vilket<br />

herbarium som forvarar ursprungskollekten:<br />

G. Degelius privata herbarium (Degel.),<br />

Goteborgs universitet (GB), Botaniska museet,<br />

Lund (LD), Naturhistoriska riksmuseet,<br />

Stockholm (S), Umei universitet (UME),<br />

Uppsala universitet (UPS), annat herbarium<br />

(AH). I tv6 fall anges var litteraturuppgiften iir<br />

hiimtad. Nummer sist inom parentes refererar<br />

till figur 1.<br />

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA s (1993)<br />

Collema nigrescens (2S): Jonkopings ltin:<br />

Almes6kra, Toranbs, 1865, ktterctedt (UPS)<br />

(1); Almesikra, prtistgflrdstrtidgfirden, pi ask,<br />

1927, Haglund (LD) (2); Eksjo, So6sen, pA<br />

aSp, fA ex, LX)7 , Johansson (S) (3); Grytetyd,<br />

S. Roshult, fristiende medelstor mossig Acer<br />

platanoides i hagmark v. g6rdarna, rikl., tiiml.<br />

skuggigt, 1951., Degelius (GB) (4); Korsbet9l,<br />

Holmstorpet, Yngves hage, 1927, Gaunitz<br />

(UME) (5); Nassjo, Sordngen, L927, Haglund<br />

(S) (6); Niissj6, vid Sdrtingens folkh6gskola, pi<br />

osp, 1927, Hedvall (LD) (6); Reftele,<br />

Vimmelstorp, e 3 iildre ldnnar (Acer<br />

platanoides) v. girden (vtigen), lokalt rikl. (!<br />

lFuggigt<br />

och fuktigt), 1951, Degelius (GB) (7);<br />

Oggestorp So, 1869, Fries, (S) (8); Oreryd,<br />

Nissafors bruk, all€n, gammal Populus stam<br />

mot SV, 1949, Du Rietz (AH) (9).<br />

Collema occultatum (2S): Ionkopings liin:<br />

Bottnaryd, Tokebo, NO-iinden av Qvarnsjon,<br />

i skogsbryn n6ra stranden, on trunk of<br />

Populus, Igffi, Du Rietz (UPS) (10); Gnosj6,<br />

Lid (asp i blandskog), 1932, Degelius (Degel.)<br />

(11); Niissjo, N. Sordngens folkh6gskola, p8<br />

&sp, 1937, Haglund (LD) (6); Asenhoga, Vsidan<br />

av Gotarpssjon, ngt fuktig bjorkaspskog,<br />

rikl., 5 en ung asp (c. L.5-2 m upp),<br />

tiiml. exp. liige, 1951, Degelius (Degel.) (LZ).<br />

Kalmar liin: Kristdala, Humleniis, yngre ask<br />

vid viigen SO girden, lovskog, riklig, L949,<br />

Degelius (Degel.) (13); Tornsfall, by the<br />

church on old Fracinus, 1949, Magnusson<br />

(uPS) (14).<br />

Degelia plumbea (2S): Jonkopings liin:<br />

Killerstad, hagmark vid vdgen O tyrtan, asp,<br />

1933, Degelius (Degel.) (15); Torskinge,<br />

Gummarp, asp i nordsluttning, L933, Degelius<br />

(Degel.) (16); As, ndra viigen N Svaneholm,<br />

tsp<br />

i bjorkbacke, 1929, Degelius (Degel.) (17);<br />

Asenhoga, ca 1 km N kyrkan, alp i bjorkskog,<br />

L932, Degelius (Degel.) (18); Asenh6ga, Vsidan<br />

av G6tarpssjon, ngt fuktig bj6rkaspskog,<br />

spars e basen av en aSp, 1951,<br />

Degelius (Degel.) (12). Kalmar liin:<br />

Misterhult, Ble Jungfrun, pi 11 lonnar och 3<br />

ekar, 1990, Ottosson (muntlig uppgift) (19)

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (1ee3)<br />

Kronobetgs ltin: Annerstad, holme i mossen<br />

1.5 km SO kyrkan, torr aspstam, 194?, Tor6n<br />

(Degel.) (20); Hinneryd, ca 1 km N kyrkan vid<br />

v?igen till Torpa, asp, 193?, Degelius (Degel.)<br />

(2L); Torpa, osp i ekbacke stran S kyrkan,<br />

1932, Degelius (Degel.) (22).<br />

Letharia vulpina (4SV): Ionkdpings liin: N.<br />

Sandsj6, vigkorset vid kyrkan, gammalt staket,<br />

1930, Haglund (LD) (23); Niissjo, pe v?iggarna<br />

av en gammal bngslada ca 600 m V sydligaste<br />

girden i Isflsa, L929, Hedvall (LD) (24); As,<br />

Ans e gamla kyrkotaket, t876, Bengtsson<br />

(LD) (25); Ingatorp, 1888, Tolf (LD) (26).<br />

Kalmar liin: M6lilla, M6lilla stn, Dalsbacken<br />

pi en gdrdsgirdsstolpe strax invid landsviig€o,<br />

ett fetal €X, 1,908, Johansson (S) (27).<br />

Kronobetgs liin: Nottebdck, Granhult, kyrkan,<br />

1920, Brundin (S) (28).<br />

Moelleropsis nebulosa (3J): Jdnkopings ltin:<br />

Rydaholm, Mohyltan, Frideborg, naken sandig<br />

jord, tiiml riklig, 1944, Degelius (S) (29\.<br />

Pannaia meditenanea (2S): Ihnkopings ltin:<br />

Giillaryd, Os, asp v. viigen O. ut, 1932,<br />

Degelius (Degel.) (30); K6llerstad, strar O<br />

viigskiilet S kyrkan, aspar i nedre delen av<br />

glest bevuxen skogsbacke mot N, 1938, Du<br />

Rietz (S) (15).<br />

Ramalina thrausta (1SB): Ihnkdpings liin:<br />

Almesflkra, N. Viebiick pA doda grangrenar,<br />

1928, Haglund (LD) (31); Gdllaryd, Os, r6nn<br />

v. viigen osterut, 1932, Degelius (Degel.) (30);<br />

Ntissj6, Spexhult, pi dod grangren, 1928,<br />

Haglund (LD) (32).Kalmar liin: Hjorted, 1 km<br />

N M6rhult, brant mot Gissj6n; pe gran och en,<br />

Hotade lavar i Smdland 59<br />

1938, Hasselrot (UPS) (33); H6gsby, Sinnerbo,<br />

gran i mossrik blAbdrsgranskog, 1938,<br />

Hasselrot (S) (34); Locknevi, S-iindan av sjon<br />

378 V. Vbstantorp, gran i granskog, sparsam,<br />

1938, Hasselrot (S) (35); M6nsteris, ca 1.5 km<br />

O Baggem6la, i barrskog, 1938 Haglund (S)<br />

(36); M6nsteris, Baggemila, i granskog vid<br />

v6gen mot T6lebo, 1938, Haglund (S) (36),<br />

Monsteris, mellan Koperhult och Baggem6la,<br />

pA gran, L938 Haglund (LD) (36); Monster8s,<br />

Tjdrorshail, N-sluttningen pi gran, 1935,<br />

Hasselrot (S) (37); Monsteris, Tjiir6rshiill, pi<br />

N-exponerad klippviigg, 1.935, Hasselrot (S)<br />

(37); Rumskulla, S St. Holmsj6n, en i<br />

granskog, L938, Hasselrot (S) (38); Rumskulla,<br />

N Asj6n, en i barrblandskog, 1938_, Hasselrot<br />

(S) (38). Kronoberys liin: Almundsryd, Alshult,<br />

pA gran i granskog vid landwSg€tr, t935,<br />

Hasselrot (S) (39); Irnhovda, Alatorp, gran i<br />

mossrik granskog, 1939, Hasselrot (S) (40);<br />

Atgtrutt, NV V6natorp, gran i mossrik<br />

blflbiirsgranskog, L938, Hasselrot (LD) (41);<br />

Alghult, S Algasj6n, gran och en i<br />

barrblandskog, 1939, Hasselrot (S) (2);<br />

Alghult, V Hageskruv, gran i mossrik<br />

granskog, 1939, Hasselrot (S) (43).<br />

Usnea barbata (3S): Ionkopings liin: Eksjo,<br />

Lunnagird, pi Salix, fe €X, L910, Johansson<br />

(S) (3); Eksjo, So6sen, t906, Johansson (S)<br />

(3).<br />

Usnea longissima (1S): Jonkopings liin: N.<br />

Hestra, skog m kyrkan och jiirnviigsstationen,<br />

1938, Stenholm (Degelius L939) (44).<br />

Kronobergs ltin: Agunnaryd, Mfllensfls, ca<br />

1928, Karlsson (Ahlner l93I) (45).

Notes on some lichenicolous fungi from Denmark<br />


Alstrup, V. 1993: Notes on some lichenicolous fungi from Denmark. Graphis<br />

Scipta 5: 60-64. Stockholm. ISSN 0901 -7593.<br />

Two species are new to science: Endococcus tricolorans and Taeniolella<br />

cladinicola. Twelve other species are reported as new to Denmark.<br />

Vagn Alstrup, Institut for gkologisk botanilE @. Farimagsgade 2D, DK-1353<br />

Copenhagen K Denmark.<br />

After a "down-period" the lichenicolous fungi<br />

have received much attention during the last<br />

20 years. Identification keys to the group have<br />

been produced for the British Isles<br />

(Hawksworth 1983), Greenland (Alstrup &<br />

Hawksworth 1990), for the lecideicolous<br />

ascomycetes (Triebel 1989) and for the entire<br />

world (Clauzade, Diederich & Rou 1989).<br />

Exsiccates exclusively of lichenicolous fungi<br />

have been distributed by Santesson (1984,<br />

1986), and lichenicolous fungi will be included<br />

in the forthcoming Znd edition of Santesson's<br />

The lichens of Sweden and Noruay and in The<br />

lichens of the Faroes by Alstrup et al. (1993).<br />

Although the first Danish lichenologists E.<br />

Rostrup and J. S. Deichmann Branth were<br />

aware of lichenicolous fungi, the lichenicolous<br />

fungi of Denmark are still insufficiently<br />

known. Christiansen (1954) described the new<br />

genus Nanostictis from Denmark, and later<br />

(1956, 1980) he dealt with the taxonomy and<br />

biology of the genus Lichenoconium. Also<br />

Gunnar Degelius, whose 90 years we celebrate<br />

with this issue of Graphis Scripta, has contributed<br />

to the knowledge of the Danish lichenicolous<br />

fungi through the inclusion of an<br />

appendix of the group in his work on the<br />

lichens of Anholt (Christiansen 1936). Many<br />

Danish collections made by Skytte Christiansen<br />

were treated in cooperation with David<br />

Hawksworth in Hawksworth (I979b, 1981).<br />

About 70 species have now been reported<br />

from Denmark, and I know about 10 further<br />

species which are not safely identified and may<br />

represent undescribed species. The material<br />

reported here was partly collected by myself<br />

(VA), partly found in the lichen herbaria in<br />

Copenhagen and Hamburg, or given to me by<br />

collectors. The collections are found in C unless<br />

othenvise stated.<br />

The districts are abbreviated according to<br />

Alstrup & Sochting (1990).<br />

Endococcus tricolorans Alstrup, sp.<br />

nov.<br />

Pyrenomyces parasiticus, lichenicola. Maculae<br />

infectae ad complures cm diam.; pars centralis<br />

mortua, cinerea, perithecia numerosa, congregata<br />

praebens, zona transitoria rosea, L-2 mm<br />

lata, perithecia sparse praebente et zona marginali<br />

fusca vel nigra, circiter 1 mm lata<br />

peritheciis carente cincta. Perithecia semiimmersa,<br />

nigra, circiter 50 ,nm diam. Excipulum<br />

pseudoparenchymaticum e cellulis nigris formatum.<br />

Hamathecium nullum. Asci subcylindrici<br />

pedibus pands, 8spori, 45-50 x 10- 13 pm<br />

magni. Ascosporae fuscae, laeves, septis singulis<br />

divisae, ad septa constrictae cellula superiore<br />

inferiorem latitudine superante, L1-13(-<br />

15) x 4-5 pm magnae.

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (lee3)<br />

NC<br />

v J8000<br />

Figure 1. Endococcus ticolorans, holotype. Ascus and ascospores. Scale = 10 pm.<br />

Typer Denmark, Notheast Jutland,<br />

Bunken Strand between Frederikshavn and<br />

Skagen, oo Platismatia glauca found on the<br />

ground in a sand-dune, ZS May 1992, V.<br />

Alstrup & U. SOchting (C, holotype). Figure 1.<br />

Lichenicolous, parasitic, pyrenomycete. Infection<br />

areas up to several cm in diam.; the central<br />

part dead and grey with numerous, aggregated<br />

perithecia, surrounded by a rose transition<br />

zone l-2 mm broad, with scattered<br />

perithecia, and a dark brown to black marginal<br />

zone about 1 mm broad, without perithecia.<br />

Perithecia semi-immersed, black, c. 50 pm<br />

diam. Exciple black, of pseudoparenchymatous<br />

cells. Hamathecium absent. Asci subcylindrical<br />

with a small foot, 8-spored, 45-50 x 10-13<br />

pm. Ascospores dark brown, smooth, l-septate,<br />

constricted at the septum, the upper cell<br />

broader than the lower one, 11-13(-15) x 4-s<br />

pm.<br />

The genus Endococcus was revised by<br />

Hawksworth (1979a} and Triebel (1989)<br />

treated several species occurring on Lecidea s.<br />

lat. A further species, E. vemtcosporu.s Alstrup<br />

Notes on some lichenicolous fungi from Denmark 6l<br />

F-f<br />

is being described from the Faroe Islands on<br />

Hymenelia lacustris (Alstrup et al. L993).<br />

Although several species of. Endococcus are<br />

known, the genus has not been reported from<br />

Platismatia before. E. parictinus (Lindsay)<br />

Clauz. & Rotx is probably its closest relative;<br />

it is a species having dense groups of perithecia<br />

on the host's apothecia, which turn black<br />

or on the thallus, which becomes decolorrzed.<br />

The species is known only from the holotype.<br />

Taeniolella cladinicola Alstrup, sp.<br />

nov,<br />

Hyphomycetes parasiticus, lichenicola. Mycelium<br />

in hyphis hospitis intracellulare, ramificatum,<br />

circiter 2 pm crassum, in aqua achroa<br />

vix visibile, in tinctura LCB manifestum.<br />

Conidiophori breves, superficiales, quisque ex<br />

unica vel paucis cellulis constitutus. Cellulae<br />

conidiogenae integratae, terminales. Conidiogenesis<br />

enteroblastica. Conidia laevia, unicellularia,<br />

7-8 x 3.5-4 pm magna vel raro bicel-

62 Vagn Alstrup<br />

GRAPHrs<br />

scRrPTA 5 (lee3)<br />

Figure 2. Taenialella cladinicola, holotype. l,eft: Mycelium growing inside the host hyphae, in<br />

places penetrating to the surface and starting conidiogenesis, in LCB. Center: Mature-conidiophores<br />

in water. Right: Conidia in water. Scale = l0 rrm.<br />

lularia, Il-14 x 3.5-4.5 pm magna, catenas<br />

formantia, facile separata.<br />

Type: Denmark, Northeast Zealand, Frederiksvrerk<br />

Kommune, Asserbo Plantage,<br />

Strengehus, on Cladonia arbuscula, Nov. I99I,<br />

U. Sochting (C, holotype). Figure 2.<br />

A lichenicolous, parasitic, hyphomycete.<br />

Mycelium intracellular in the host's hyphae,<br />

branching, c. 2 pm thick, uncoloured and<br />

hardly visible in water, becoming distinct in<br />

LCB. Conidiophores short, of one or a few<br />

cells, superficial. Conidiogenous cells integrated,<br />

terminal. Conidiogenesis enteroblastic,<br />

conidia smooth, l-celled, 7-8 x 3.5-4 ltm, or<br />

rarely 2-celled and 1,I-I4 x 3.5-4.5 Fn,<br />

adhering in chains, easily separating.<br />

The new species is rather close to ?i delicata<br />

M. S. Christ. & D. Hawksw. but differs in<br />

the mostly nonseptate, easily separating conidia.<br />

T. beschiana Diederich known from Ctadonia<br />

chlorophaea in Lu

GRAPHIS SCRIPTA 5 (lee3)<br />

Solorina crocea. On Peltigera didactyla,<br />

NWJ, Sallingsund Kommune, Pinen, at the<br />

start of the bridge, April 1989, VA.<br />

Dactylospora homoclinella (Nyl.) Hafellner. A<br />

rarely reported discomycete parasymbiotic<br />

on Lecanora spp.; known from Sweden,<br />

Finland and ltaly. On Lecanora salina<br />

and possibly Rinodina gennari, F, H6rby,<br />

Agernres, at the dam to Helnns, 22 Oct.<br />

1988, VA.<br />

Dactylospora parasitica (Fl6rke) Zopt.A discomycete<br />

known from Pertusat?a spp. and<br />

Ochrolechi"a spp. in Europe and North<br />

Africa. On Pertusaria leucostoma on<br />

Fagus, NEJ, Bjergeskov 1.5 km NNW of<br />

Rebild, 15 Oct. L988, S. N. Christensen,<br />

det. SNC & VA.<br />

Endococcus propinquus (Kirber) D. Hawksw.<br />

A widely distributed and common pyrenomycete<br />

parasitic on Porpidia spp. and<br />

related genera. - On Porpidia musiva, B,<br />

Ro, Helligdommen, Gronlund, probably<br />

1858, det. VA. On P. soredbodes, NEZ,<br />

Jregerspris, Skoven Kirke, May L898, VA.<br />

Endococcus rugulosrzs Nyl. A frequently found<br />

and widely distributed parasitic pyrenomycete<br />

on epilithic crustose hosts. On<br />

Aspicilia caesiocinerea, F, Fiborg Kommune,<br />

Brahetrolleborg, stone fence, 2L<br />

Oct. 1988, VA.<br />

Fayodia leucophyUa (Glll.) Iange & Sivertsen.<br />

A hat-forming basidiemycete parasitic on<br />

Peltigera spp. known from northern<br />

Europe and North America. - On Peltigera<br />

praetextata, NEZ, Asserbo Plantage, 5.<br />

Nov. L973, H. Knudsen (C).<br />

Graphium aphthosae Alstrup & D. Hawksw.<br />

A recently described synnemataceous<br />

hyphomycete frequently occurring<br />

saprophytically on Peltigera aphthosa,<br />

rarely on other Peltigerd spp., known from<br />

Greenland and Scandinavia. - On Peltigera<br />

didactyla, NEZ, AllerOd, road bank,<br />

April 1989, VA.<br />

Potycoccum galligenum Yezda. A pyrenomycete,<br />

forming galls on Physcla spp. and on<br />

Xanthoria elegans, known from Europe. -<br />

On Physcia caesia, NEZ, SkibbY Kommune,<br />

Sonderby, May L989, VA.<br />

Notes on some lichenicolous fungi from Denmark 63<br />

Psammina stipitata D. Hawksw. A parasitic<br />

hyphomycete previously reported from<br />

Lepraria sp. and Schismatomma decolorans<br />

in England. - On Schismatomma<br />

decolorans on oak, LFM, Vindeholme<br />

Skov south of Naksakov, 24 July L977,<br />

SBchting, det. VA. On an unidentified<br />

lichen on oak, WJ, NOrholm near Varde,<br />

11 May 1990, VA.<br />

Scutula miliaris (Wallr.) Trevis. A common<br />

and widespread parasitic discomycete on<br />

Peltigera and Soloina spp. - On Peltigera<br />

praetextata, LFM, MOns Klinteskov, 1979,<br />

Sochting, det VA.<br />

Stigmidium fuscatae (Arnold) R. Sant. A<br />

parasitic pyrenomycete known from<br />

Acarospora fuscata in EuroPe. - On<br />

Acarospora fuscata, NWZ, on a stone<br />

fence at Granly, Gelting L943, det. VA.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

I wish to thank Ulrik Sochting, Steen N.<br />

Christensen and Henning Knudsen for supplying<br />

material, M. Skytte Christiansen for<br />

discussion of some of the species, Tyge Christensen<br />

for translation of the diagnoses into<br />

[,atin, and the herbaria C and HBG for loan<br />

of material.<br />

References<br />

Alstrup, V., Christensen, S. N., Hansen, E. S.<br />

& Svane, S. 1993: The lichens of the<br />

Faroes. Frodskaparrit. In Press.<br />

Alstrup, V. & Hawksworth, D. L. L90: The<br />

lichenicolous fungi of Greenland. Meddr.<br />

Gr^nland, Bioscience 3 1.<br />

Alstrup, V. & Sgchting, U. 1989: Checkliste og<br />

status over Danmarl

64 Vagn Alstrup<br />

The lichen flora of the bland of Anholt,<br />

Denmark, Acta R g. Soc. Sci. Litt. Gothob.,<br />

Botanica 3.<br />

Clauzad€, G., Diederich, P. & Rou, C. 1989:<br />

Nelikenigintaj fungoj likenlogaj. Bull, Soc.<br />

linn. Prov, nllm. spec. 1,<br />

Diederich, P. 1992: New or interesting lichenicolous<br />

fungi. 2. Taeniolella beschiana sp.<br />

nov. and T. serusiarxii sp. nov.<br />

(Hyphomycetes). BuU. Soc. Nat. Luxemb.<br />

93: 155-162.<br />

Hawksworth, D. L. I979a: Studies in the<br />

genus Endococcus (Ascomycotina,<br />

Dothideales). Bot Notiser I 32: 283-290.<br />

Hawksworth, D. L. L979b The lichenicolous<br />

hyphomycetes. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist.<br />

(Bot.) 6; 183-300.<br />

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (19e3)<br />

Hawksworth, D. L. 1981: The lichenicolous<br />

coelomycetes. Bull. Br. Mus, nat. Hist.<br />

(Bot.) 9: l-98.<br />

Hawksworth, D. L. 1983: A key to the lichenforming,<br />

parasitic, parasymbiotic and saprophytic<br />

fungi occurring on lichens in the<br />

British Isles. Lichenologist 15: 1-44.<br />

Santesson, R. L9M: Fungi lichenicoli exsiccati<br />

L-2. Publ. Herb. Univ. Uppsala, Sweden<br />

13.<br />

Santesson, R. 1986: Fungi lichenicoli exsiccati<br />

3-4. Thunbergia 3.<br />

Triebel, D. 1989: kcideicole ascomyceten.<br />

Bibliotheca Lichenologica 3 5.

Notes on the variation of Caloplaca obscurella<br />


Arvidsson, L. & Martinsson, P.-O. 1992: Notes on the variation of Caloplaca<br />

obscurella. Graphis Scripta 5:65-68. Stockholm. ISSN 0901-7593.<br />

The variation of Caloplaca obscurella (K6rber) Th. Fr. is discussed and its<br />

distribution in Sweden is mapped. Caloplaca sarcopisoides (Korber) hhlbr. is<br />

reduced to synonym with C. obscurella.<br />

Lars Arvidsson, Naturhistoriska museet, Box 7283, 5-402 35 Gdtebory, Sweden.<br />

Per-Olof Martinsson, Hamneskiirsgatan 10 A, 5-414 61 Goteborg, Sweden.<br />

During recent years we have often come<br />

across C. obscurella in southwestern Sweden.<br />

A great morphological variation was observed,<br />

and a small investigation with the intent to<br />

depict this was undertaken.<br />

Materials and methods<br />

Specimens of C. obscurella and C. sarcopisoides<br />

were examined from the following herbaria:<br />

BG, C, GB, H, L, LD, M, O, S, TUR,<br />

UPS and the private herbaria of I-ars Arvidsson<br />

(LA), Gunnar Degelius (GD) and Per-<br />

Olof Martinsson (POM). An attempt was<br />

made to correlate the morphological variation<br />

with the enviromental conditions. Attention<br />

was also paid to the variation within single<br />

populations.<br />

Nomenclaturrc<br />

Caloplaca obscurella (K6rber) Th. Fries<br />

(1871: L82) (not (I-ahm) Th. Fr.) - Blastenia<br />

obscurella Korber (1860: 130) (as "8.<br />

obscurella [^ahm in litt ad Koerb.") - Typet<br />

Germany, Westfalen, Miinster. Am Grunde<br />

der Stiimme alter Pappeln und Obstbtiume<br />

1858, J. G. F. X. I-ahm (L 910.145 -62L!,<br />

lectotype, here designated).<br />

Caloplaca sarcopisoides (K6rber) T,ahlbruckner<br />

(1901: 346) Callopisma sarcopisoides<br />

Korber (L867 z 7M) (as uC. sarcopisioi"das")<br />

Typet Yugoslavia, Dalmatia,<br />

Comolaz, in valle Ombla, ad Cupressorum<br />

truncos, 1867, E. Weiss (L 9L0.L47 -L50!,<br />

lectotype, here designated).<br />

Lecanora refellens Nylander (1877: 458) -<br />

Typet Ireland, prope Kylemore, super corticem<br />

populi, without date, C. D. I-arbalastier (H-<br />

NIYL 293891, lectotype, here designated).<br />

Caloplaca obscurella was described by K6rber<br />

in 1860 as "Illastenia obscurella L^ahm in litt<br />

ad Kbr". In a letter to Korber [-ahm gave the<br />

name "Callopisma Koerberi n. sp." to this<br />

taxon. What appears to be part of the original<br />

letter by I-ahm is glued to the package of the<br />

type material. However, K6rber evidently<br />

changed the name in his publication. In addition,<br />

he also gave a detailed description in his<br />

own words. Therefore the author citation must<br />

be Korber and not l,ahm.<br />

We have chosen the specimen with both<br />

Lahms' and K6rbers' annotations on as a lectotype.<br />

There exists also additional material of<br />

this taxon collected by Lahm (L! annotated<br />

"Blasteni"a obscurella mihi") from Populus at<br />

Miinster. One specimen (H!) has the annota-

66 Lars Arvidsson and Per-Olof Martinsson<br />

Figure l. The distribution of Caloplaca<br />

obscurella in Sweden.<br />

tion "1164" which might refer to January L864.<br />

Four specimens (H-NYL 29396-97!, S! and<br />

M!) are undated. These specimens are probably<br />

part of the original material and can be<br />

regarded as isotypes.<br />

In Fries (1871 p. I8Z) Lecanora rylitella<br />

(Nylander 1867) is given as a synonym of C.<br />

obscurella. However, the original material (H-<br />

NYL 2L493!) has simple, oblong spores.<br />

Description<br />

Thallus finely areolate or pustulate or uneven<br />

to smooth, sometimes + disappearing. Areolae<br />

usually distinct, round or irregular, plane to<br />

convex, epruiose, discrete at first, becoming *<br />

confluent with og€, 0.2-0.5(-1.0) mm diam.<br />

Areolae rarely minutely lobulate or crenulate,<br />

almost squamulose. Thallus usually greyish<br />

white to grey, occasionally yellowish grey,<br />

greyish green, bluish grey to almost black.<br />

Fresh material of specimens with thick areolae<br />

is greenish when moist.<br />

Soralia usually frequent and prominent,<br />

sometimes scarce, round or irregular, deeply<br />

concave, delimited by a ring of minute cortex<br />

lobes, white or green (fresh material), some-<br />

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (lee3)<br />

times yellowish or bluish green, 0.1-0.5 mm<br />

diam; starting as a shallow pustule which splits<br />

open to a crater. Soredia leprose or fine<br />

granular, formed at the bottom and on the<br />

internal walls of craters. In old soralia the dispersed<br />

soredia leave characteristic, empty cups.<br />

Apothecia biatorine to lecanorine, often<br />

present (found in 90 Vo of the examined<br />

specimens) and sometimes numerous, scattered,<br />

0.2-0.5(-0.9) mm diam., usually sessile,<br />

sometimes innate when young. Disc plane or<br />

concave when young, usually becoming slightly<br />

convex whith z9e', brown, sometimes pale<br />

brown or yellowish, dark reddish brown or<br />

black. Proper margin I distinct, often becoming<br />

excluded in convex apothecia, usually concolorous<br />

with the disc or slightly paler. proper<br />

margin often surrounded by or occluded by a<br />

greyish white and thick thallus margin.<br />

Spores polarilocular, colourless, (10-)11-<br />

15(-16) x (5-)6-7(-3) pm. Septum usually<br />

thick,<br />

spores.<br />

frcnidida absent.<br />

Thallus and soralia K-, C-, KC-, pdand<br />

UV-.<br />

Variation<br />

The habit of Caloplaca obscurella is quite<br />

variable and can be correlated with ecological<br />

conditions. Specimens growing i open, exposed<br />

habitats usually have a very thin thallus, which<br />

often is reduced to scattered soralia. Under<br />

more humid conditions, e.g. at the base of<br />

alders along streams and lakes, the thallus is<br />

prominent and sometimes slightly lobulate at<br />

the margins (e.9. Viistergotland, G6teborg,<br />

Liirjeholm, 4.1.L990, Arvidsson (LA)). The<br />

thallus of these specimens become fresh green<br />

when moist (e.g. Dalsland, Ftirgelatr&,<br />

17.VII.1988, Martinsson (POM); G6tehrg,<br />

Angered 31.X.1986, 23.IV.Lgg7, Arvidsson<br />

(LA)).<br />

Typical crater-like soralia are always present<br />

but more or less well developed according<br />

to a pattern similar to the rest of the thallus.<br />

Thus, specimens from humid situations with a<br />

prominent thallus also have numerous, well

GRAPHIS SCRIPTA 5 (1ee3)<br />

developed soralia and vice versa. The K+ violet<br />

soralia found rarely in Nonpegian material<br />

(TOnsberg 1992) was not observed in our<br />

specimens.<br />

The size of the discocarps varies and can<br />

be correlated with humidity and degree of<br />

exposition. Under moist conditions the size<br />

seems to increase and vice versa. Usually the<br />

discocarps are biatorine with a persistent, thin<br />

proper margin, and plane at maturity. In the<br />

examined material we have found only a few<br />

specimens with convex, mature apothecia. A<br />

variation from slightly concave, young discocarps<br />

to convex, mature discocarps can be seen<br />

in a single thallus. Ircanorine discocarps are<br />

sometimes found, preferably in specimens with<br />

a prominent thallus (e.g. Dalsland, Fiirgelanda,<br />

17.VII.19S, Martinsson (POM); Smiland,<br />

Svennaby, Feskaby, L877, P. G. E. Theorin<br />

(UPS)). A variation from pale brown to black<br />

apothecia can be seen in a single thallus or<br />

even in a single apothecium (e.g. Vtisterg6tland,<br />

Vilske-Kleva, 17.VII.1920, Malme (S)).<br />

The differences between specimens with a<br />

thin, almost disappearing thallus with plane,<br />

biatorine discocarps and specimens with<br />

prominent, -'- placodiomorph thallus and<br />

lecanorine discocarps at first gave the impression<br />

of nro different species. However, a close<br />

examination of the present material revealed<br />

several intermediate forms (e.g. Dalsland, Or,<br />

Striinge, 22.VI1.938, Magnusson, 16473<br />

(UPS); Germany, Heidelberg, 5.VI.1874, v.<br />

Zwackh-Holzhausen 474 (S)). The differences<br />

in habit must therefore be regarded as intraspecific<br />

variation. A similar correlation<br />

between thallus structure and presence of<br />

thalline margine was observed also in Nonvegian<br />

material (TOnsberg pers. comm.).<br />

Taxonomical remarks<br />

When sterile C. obscurella and C. ulcerosa<br />

Coppins & James can be difficult to distinguish.<br />

However, sometimes C. ulcerosa has minute,<br />

orange (K* red) pycnidia, a character not<br />

found in C. obscurella. Fertile specimens are<br />

easily separated since C. ulcerosa has orange<br />

or orange-red apothecia with presence of<br />

Caloplaca obscurella 67<br />

anthraquinones (K*) (Coppins & James L979,<br />

Arup & Ekman 1991).<br />

Sometimes sterile specimens of C. chlorina<br />

(Flot.) Sandst. can be confused with C. obscurella.<br />

However, the thallus of C. chlorina is<br />

prominent and has a typical bluish tinge. The<br />

soralia are convex and more or less confluent,<br />

sometimes isidia-like with coarsely granular<br />

soredia, never crater-formed as in C.<br />

obscurella.<br />

Discussion<br />

Sterile specimens of C. obscurella are probably<br />

quite common but overlooked since the thallus,<br />

particularly when very thin or even reduced<br />

to scattered soralia, can be difficult to<br />

observe even with a lense.<br />

In the past, determination of sterile specimens<br />

has been difficult as different morphological<br />

characteristics are presented in various<br />

lichen-floras. For instance Almborn (L952)<br />

gives C. obscurella as non-sorediate. C.<br />

sarcopisoides is often given as non-sorediate<br />

(e.g. Foucard 1990 p. 99, Poelt 1969 p. L78).<br />

These authors op. cit. also give C. sarcopisoides<br />

as having apothecia with soon disappearing<br />

white-pruinose proper margin. However, a<br />

close examination of the sparse type material<br />

shows minute soralia but no pruinose proper<br />

margins. Therefore we regafi C. sarcopisoides<br />

as conspecific with C. obscurella.<br />

Fertile specimens are easily assigned to<br />

Caloplaca by the polarilocular spores, and the<br />

absence of anthraquinones leave a limited<br />

number of possible species. The material<br />

examined in this paper is to 90 Vo fertile, a<br />

figure that probably is misleading as to the rate<br />

of fertility of this species, and more reflects the<br />

difficulty to determine sterile specimens.<br />

Tonsberg (1992), who is particularly<br />

specialized in sterile lichens, reports apothecia<br />

in merely 41, % of Nonregian specimens.<br />

Habitat<br />

Caloplaca obscurella is mainly a corticolous<br />

species growing on deciduous trees (e.g. Acen<br />

Ulmus, Fraxinus, Alnus, Salix etc.). Occasionally<br />

it is found on lignum (e.g. Uppland'

68 Lars Arttidsson and Per-Olof Martinsson<br />

Uppsala, Eklundshov, IV.1866, Th. M. Fries<br />

(uPS)).<br />

It is usually collected on trunks of solitary<br />

trees in open situations, at churchyards, in<br />

gardens and parks, along alleys etc. It is preferably<br />

growing at the base of trees. Another<br />

common substrate is at the base of Alnus glutinosa<br />

in more or less exposed situations along<br />

streams and lakes.<br />

Associated species are: Bacidia rubella,<br />

Buellia punctata, Caloplaca cerina, C. chlorina,<br />

C. chrysophthalma, Candellariella xanthostigma,<br />

Cladonia coniocraea, Lecanora<br />

hagenir, L. subfusca coll, Lecidella elaeochroma,<br />

Leptogiam teretiusculum (Viistergotland),<br />

Pachyphiale fagtcola (Viirmland),<br />

Parmelia glabratula, P. sulcata, Phaeophyscia<br />

ciliata, P. orbicularis, P. nigicans, Physcia<br />

tenella, P. adscendens, Physconia perisidiosa,<br />

P. distona, P. enteroxantha, Ramalina<br />

pollinaria (Gotland), R. fainacea, Xanthoria<br />

parietina and X. potycafpa.<br />

Distribution<br />

C. obscurella has a scattered distribution in<br />

southern Sweden (Figure 1) up to Limes<br />

Norrlandicus. The absence of records from<br />

south and southeast Sweden might reflect the<br />

lack of field investigations. The Nonregian<br />

distribution was recently mapped by TOnsberg<br />

(L99z). In addition we have also seen material<br />

from central Europe.<br />

A complete list of specimens examined can<br />

be obtained from the authors.<br />

Exsiccates<br />

Arnold Lich. Mon. Exs. 377 (H) as "Blastenia<br />

obscurella ". Kiirber Lich. Sel. Germ. 185 (M)<br />

as "Blastenia obscurella". Material of this<br />

exsiccate in O has yellowish, K+ red apothecia<br />

with a greyish proper margin and minute<br />

soralia. This is probably C. chlorina. Larbala-<br />

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (lee3)<br />

stier Lich. Herb. 24 (H) as "Lecanora refellens".<br />

Vezda Lich. Sel. Exs. 595 (H, S, UPS) as<br />

"Caloplaca sacopisoides", y. Zwackh-Holzhausen<br />

Lich. Exs. 474 (S) as "Blastenia obscurella".<br />

The material distributed in C. N. Tavares,<br />

Lich. Lus. Sel. Exs.2M (H) as "Caloplaca sarcopisoides"<br />

is not this species.<br />

Refercnces<br />

Almboro, O. 1952: A key to the sterile corticolous<br />

crustaceous lichens occuring in<br />

South Sweden. Bot. Notiser 1952: 239-<br />

263.<br />

fuup, u. & Ekman, S. l99l: Caloplaca<br />

ulcerosa new to Sweden. Graphis Scripta<br />

3: 46-48.<br />

CoppinS, B. J. & James, P. W. 1979: New or<br />

interesting British Lichens [V. Lichenologist<br />

11: 139-179.<br />

Foucard, T. l9X): Svensk skorplavsflora.<br />

Stockholm.<br />

Fries, Th. M. I87l: Lichenographin Scandinavica,<br />

Pars /. Uppsala.<br />

K6rber, G. W. 1860: Parerga Lichenologica,<br />

Pars ^[/. Breslau.<br />

Korber, G. W. lK7: Lichenes novi, a Dr<br />

Weiss in Dalmatia lecti. Verhandl. Zool.-<br />

Bot. Ges. Wien XVII:703-708.<br />

Nylander, W. 1867: Addenda nova ad lichenographiam<br />

europaeam. Flora D(V: 326-<br />

380.<br />

Nylander, W. 1877: Addenda nova ad lichenographiam<br />

europaeam. Flora LX: 457-463.<br />

Poelt, J . 1969: Bestimmungsschliissel Europiiischer<br />

Flechten. khre.<br />

Tgnsberg, T. 1992: The sorediate and isidiate,<br />

corticolous crustose lichens in Nonray.<br />

Sommerfeltia I 4: 1. -331..<br />

Zahlbruckner, A. 1901: Vorarbeiten zu einer<br />

Flechtenflora Dalmatiens. Osten. Bot.<br />

Zeitschr. LI: 324-350.

Contributions to the knowledge of the lichen llora of the Himalayas<br />

IX. Sagema, a new lichen genus (Lecanorales, Lecanoraceae)<br />


Grube, M. & Poelt, J. 1993: Contributions to the knowledge of the lichen<br />

flora of the Himalayas IX. Sagema, a new lichen genus (kcanorales, Ircanoraceae).<br />

Graphis Scipta 5: 69-72. Stockholm. ISSN W0L-7593.<br />

Sagema potentillae gen. et spec. nov. from the Central Himalayas is described<br />

and illustrated. Superficially, it resembles some species of the Lecanora subfusca<br />

group but is different in the structures of the asci, the anatomy of cortex<br />

of the ascocarps, and in the thichvalled spores. At least for the time being<br />

Sagema is positioned in the I-ecanoraceae.<br />

Martin Grube and losef Poelt, Institut fur Botanilq Holteigasse 6, A-8010<br />

Graz, Austia.<br />

In the concept of hhlbruckner (e.9. 1926 p.<br />

22L) the genus Lecanora was extremely large<br />

and heterogeneous. In the last decades the<br />

number of. Lecanora species was of course<br />

reduced by the exclusion of remote groups, e.g.<br />

Aspicilia, Eiglera, Orceolina, Placopsis, Trapelia<br />

etc. On the other hand several taxa - some<br />

of them formerly placed in Lecidea were<br />

combined into Lecanora dve to principal concordance<br />

concerning ascus characteristics.<br />

Nevertheless the genus is rather inhomogeneous<br />

even today. It would be desirable to<br />

split the whole complex into smaller and<br />

clearly delimited genera. But as long as the<br />

diagnostic value of the characters is unclear,<br />

any splitting is a gambling with the chance of<br />

long instability.<br />

The genus described below at the<br />

moment represented by a single species is<br />

based on a lichen which would obviously be<br />

placed in the genus Lecanora in hhlbruckner's<br />

scheme. However, it is well distinguished<br />

by a number of characters and the description<br />

of a new genus is legitimate and not too rashy.<br />

Sagema potentillae* Poelt & Grube,<br />

gen, et sp. nov.<br />

Thallus crustaceus, subindistinctus. Apothecia<br />

sessilia basi distincte angustata, lecanoroidea,<br />

discis rubrofuscis, interdum verruculosis, et<br />

marginibus distinctis subalbidis, vix elevatis,<br />

demum reclusis. Amphithecium corticatuffi,<br />

cortice hyphis anticlinalibus valde conglutinatis<br />

constructo. Hypothecium paratheciumque<br />

incoloratum. Hymenium incoloratum paraphysibus<br />

anastomosantibus conglutinatis, vix<br />

capitatis. Asci unitunicati-rostrati, tholo basin<br />

versus valde producto. Sporae octonae ellipsoideae,<br />

maiores, pariete percrasso, stratis<br />

compluribus constructo. Continet acidum isousnicum.<br />

Type: Nepal, Central Himalaya, Langtang<br />

Area, Dupka, 4000 m, on Potentilla arbuscula,<br />

* The name of the genus is an acronym of<br />

Sabine and Georg Mrehe, the collectors of the<br />

new lichen. The epitheton refers to the host<br />


70 Manin Grube and Josef Poelt<br />

Figure 1. Sagema potentillae. a) ascus (bar = 20 pm) with a detail of the tholus stained in iodine.<br />

b) spores (bar = 20 pm); one spore with a detail of the wall; another spore with reticulate plasma.<br />

c) secfion through an ascocarp @ar = 200 pm).<br />

30 July 1986, G. & S. Miehe 7307a (GZIJ,<br />

holotype; M, UPS, isotypes). (Soc. c. Cetraia<br />

sp. Nephroma sp.)<br />

In the holotype material the lichen grows on<br />

rather thin, dead twigs of. Potentilla arbuscula<br />

S. Don (group of P. fruticosa L.).The thallus<br />

is thin, crustose, well developed only at the<br />

circumference of the apothecia, whitish to<br />

sordid greyish-white, ecorticate, and it contains<br />

coccal greenalgae. The algal cells are<br />

roundish and rarely exceeding 1,I pm in diameter.<br />

Apothecia often arranged to groups, about<br />

0.3-0.6 pm in diameter, sessile, with constricted<br />

base. Disc dark red-brown, epruinose,<br />

even, but occasionally with minute humps<br />

caused by protruding ascus tips; when moistened<br />

the asci are recognized as clear points<br />

under the stereo microscope. Thalline margin<br />

distinct, not or only when young slightly protruding,<br />

then dwinilling, whitish to ochraceous<br />

white, not or slightly crenate. The amphithe-<br />

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (1993)<br />

l0H<br />

cium consists of an dense algal layer extending<br />

up into the rim of the margin, where a ringformed<br />

pseudocyphella is formed betrveen the<br />

cortex and the parathecium. Below the algal<br />

layer, in the centre of the apothecia, a hydrophobous<br />

medulla extends down to the substrate.<br />

The amphithecium is bordered by a<br />

cortex 60- 100 pm built up by anticlinal,<br />

strongly gelatinized hyphae with filiform<br />

lumina. The cortex is studded by polarizing<br />

grains (soluble in K, insoluble in N).<br />

Hypothecium up to I0 pm thick, of slightly<br />

horizontal hyphae, c. L pm wide, embedded in<br />

a diffuse matrix. Subhymenium c. L5 pm in<br />

height. Hymenium c. L20-140 pm high; the<br />

pale brown epihymenium occupying c. 20 pm<br />

of the hymenium height. Paraphyses with +<br />

distinct anastomoses, the lumina c. 0.5-0.7 pm<br />

thick, the outer wall layer gelatinized; polarrzing<br />

grains (soluble in K, insoluble in N) are<br />

present between the tips of the paraphyses,<br />

too. Asci functionally unitunicate, with rostrate<br />

mechanism, clavate to saccate, c. 80- 100 x

GRAPHTS SCRIPTA 4 (r99?)<br />

30-35 Fn, c. 4 pm thick at the base. The<br />

amyloid tholus is not sharply delimited from<br />

the lateral ascus wall, but extending and fading<br />

out downwards; 'chambre oculaire' often<br />

indistinct. Ascospores regularly 8 per ascus,<br />

broadly ellipsoid (when free) to narrowly<br />

ellipsoid (when enclosed-in the ascus), c. 30-<br />

40 x l5-2I pm; the spore plasma often<br />

appearing somewhat reticulate in structure.<br />

Spore wall 2-4 pm thick, comprising several<br />

layers. Most of these layers can only be discerned<br />

occasionally and only at certain stages<br />

of the spore ontogeny. An outer wall layer, c.2<br />

pm thick, can be distinguished quite clearly,<br />

delimited by a thin lamella on the outside, and<br />

a more refractive layer on the inside.<br />

Iodine reactions (lVo Lugol's without pretreatments):<br />

Ascus plasma red brown. Exoascus<br />

reddish-brown, with an inner, unstained<br />

layer. Endoascus resp. tholus deep blue. In the<br />

case that the 'chambre oculaire' is distinct, a<br />

thin, unstained borderline can be recognized,<br />

which is sometimes enlarged to form a broad<br />

domelike 'masse ariale'. Therefore the asci<br />

refer to a derived Lecanora-type. Spermogonia<br />

not found.<br />

Chemistry: thallus resp. thalline margins<br />

K-, C-, KC- or pale yellowish, PD-. Epihymenium<br />

in N slightly brighter brown, without<br />

reddish tones. TLC reveals isousnic acid plus a<br />

not identified triterpenoid.<br />

In habit, the new species is somewhat similar<br />

to some Lecanora species of the subfusca<br />

group. However, the anatomical characters<br />

indicate that Sagema potentillae is not closely<br />

related. Firstly, the asci with their laterally<br />

extended tholus are untypical for Lecanora. In<br />

addition, the characteristic multilayered spore<br />

walls are apparently quite unique. Thickwalled<br />

spores are also present in several other<br />

taxa comprising crustose lichens, e.g. Megalosporaceae,<br />

Mycoblastaceae, Pertusariaceae<br />

or the recently described genus Japewia, based<br />

on the arctic alpine distributed Lecidea<br />

tornohnsis Nyl. (TOnsberg 1990), but Sagema<br />

is unrelated to all these tru

72 Manin Grube and losef Poelt<br />

References<br />

Hue, A. 1915: Lichenes novos vel melius cognitos<br />

II.Ann. Mycol. 13:73-1.03.<br />

Miehe, G. 1990: I-angtang Himal. Flora und<br />

Vegetation als Klimazeiger und -zeugen<br />

im Himalaya. Dus. Bot. 158.<br />

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA s (1ee3)<br />

Tonsberg, T. 190: Japewia subaurifera, a new<br />

lichen genus and species from North-<br />

West-Europe and western North-America.<br />

Lichenologist 22: 205-212.<br />

Zahlbruckner, A. 1926: Dic natilrlichen<br />

Ptlaruenfamilien 8. Lichenes (Flechten).<br />


Cetraria inermis new to Europe<br />


Tgnsberg, T. & Elvebakk, A. 1,993: Cetraria inermis new to Europe. Graphis<br />

Scripta 5: 73-74. Stockholm. ISSN 0901-7593,<br />

Cetrarin inermis is reported as new to Europe from Svalbard.<br />

Tor Tqnsberg, Botanical Institute, University of Bergen, All6gt. 41, N-5007<br />

Bergen, Notway.<br />

Arve Elvebalch University of Troms4, Institute of Biologt and Geologl,<br />

N-9037 Troms4, Nonvay.<br />

As a participant on the Nonvegian Svalbard<br />

Expeditions 1936, "our Benjamin, the young<br />

student Mr. Eilif Dahl" (quotation from Lynge<br />

1938 p. 6) collected an interesting Cetraria<br />

specimen which until recently has escaped<br />

appropriate scientific attention. The specimen<br />

represents C. inermis (Nyl.) Krog, a species<br />

which previously was regarded as having an<br />

amphi-Beringian distribution with a very<br />

limited range (Kirnefelt L979). Dahl collected<br />

Cetraria inermis on the SjuOyane archipelago,<br />

northernmost Svalbard, at almost 81o northern<br />

latitude.<br />

The present material has been compared<br />

with material from Alaska (O) collected by H.<br />

Krog and Pegau. The Svalbard material is up<br />

to L.5 cm high and typical in all important<br />

characters including marginal pseudocyphellae,<br />

subglobose to globose spores, and the presence<br />

of lichesterinic and protolichesterinic acids.<br />

lateral and substipitate apothecia are richly<br />

present. A detailed description of the species is<br />

given by Kiirnefelt (1979).<br />

Associated species found with Cetraria<br />

inermis in the herbarium packet included<br />

Sphaerophorus globosus and the bryophytes<br />

Pohlia cruda and Potytichum alpinum.<br />

The Sju0yane archipelago belongs to the<br />

Arctic Polar Desert bne (Elvebakk 1985).<br />

The bedrock of Phippsoya is gneissic/schistose<br />

(Winsnes 1988) and the habitat is probably<br />

oligotrophic. In Alaska Cetrarin inermis is<br />

most often corticolous (Kiirnefelt L979). At<br />

present no other plant or lichen is known to<br />

have a similar distribution pattern. There are<br />

several species, mainly bryophytes like<br />

Anoectangtam tenuinente, Bryobriaonia<br />

longipes, Cryptocolea imbicata, Didymydon<br />

johansenii, and Mesoptychia sahlberyii<br />

(Frisvoll 1978, 1981) which have related, but<br />

less disjunctive patterns. Horton (L982)<br />

indicated that most of the disjunctions<br />

displayed by these bryophytes reflected<br />

insufficient floristic documentation or absence<br />

of suitable habitats.<br />

Cetraia inermis is one of several rare<br />

species of. Cetraria which recently have been<br />

published as new to Europe; C. andrejevli was<br />

recorded from Finnmark, northernmost<br />

Nonray (Alstrup & SOchting 1986) and C.<br />

nigricascens from Svalbard (Elvebakk &<br />

Tonsberg l99?). Cetrari"a inermis and C.<br />

nigricascens both have their most northerly<br />

known sites on Svalbard.<br />

Specimen examined: Svalbard. Sju6yane, the<br />

southernmost peninsula on the Island of<br />

Phippsoya, 18 Aug. L936, E. Dahl (O).

74 Tor Tsnsberg and An,e Elvebakk<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

Thanks are due to the curator of the lichen<br />

herbarium at the University of <strong>Oslo</strong>, for giving<br />

the senior author access to lichen collections<br />

from Svalbard made by E. Dahl.<br />

References<br />

Alstrup, V. & SOchting, U. 1986: Lichens from<br />

east Finnmark. Graphis Scipta 1: 11-13.<br />

Elvebakk, A. 1985: Higher phytosociological<br />

synta€ on Svalbard and their use in<br />

subdivision of the Arctic. Nord. J. Bot. 5:<br />

273-2U.<br />

Elvebakk, A. & Tonsberg, T. L992: Additions<br />

to the lichen flora of Svalbard. Graphis<br />

Scipta 3: 140-1,47.<br />

Frisvoll, A. A. 1978: Twenty-eight bryophytes<br />

new to Svalbard. Bryologist 81: 122-136.<br />

GRAPHTS SCRTPTA 5 (lee3)<br />

Frisvoll, A. A. 1981: Fifteen bryophytes new to<br />

Svalbard, including notes on some rare or<br />

interesting species. Lindbergia 7: 9L-I02.<br />

Horton, D. G. L982: The status and<br />

significance, relative to refugial theory, of<br />

bryofloristic research in western Canada.<br />

Beiheft Nova Hedwigia 71: 435-449.<br />

Kiirnefelt, I. 1979: The brown fruticose species<br />

of Cetraria. Opera Botanica 46: 1- 150.<br />

Lynge, B. 1938: Lichens from the west and<br />

north coasts of Spitsbergen and the<br />

North-East land collected by numerous<br />

expeditions. I. The macrolichens. Skr.<br />

norske Vid.-Akad. <strong>Oslo</strong>. I. Nat.-natury.<br />

Kt. 1e38 (6).<br />

WinsneS, T. S. 1988: Bedrock map of Svalbard<br />

and Jan Mayen. Norsk Polainst. Temakan<br />


Nordic Lichen Society. Field meeting in Norway L993<br />

Excursions are planned to lichen rich localities<br />

in the coastal spruce forests of Nord-<br />

Trondelag county, central Nonvay, 26 30<br />

July I993. If you are interested in receiving<br />

Ekskursion till Bialowieza-skovetrr Polen<br />

Dansk botanisk forening arrangerer ekskursion<br />

til Mellemeuropas vildeste natur.<br />

Varighed ca. en uge. Afrejse fra Kgbenhavn<br />

formentlig25.juni eller 18. juni med natb6den<br />

further information on the excursions please<br />

write to the President, Dr. T. Tonshtg, or the<br />

Secretary, Mr. Hikon Holien, before the end<br />

of January 1993.<br />

til Swinoujscie. For nrermere oplysninger kontakt<br />

Vagn Alstrup, Ronneholmsvej 15, 2610<br />

Rodovre, telefon 36720947 eller 33322919.

Till ftirfattare i Graphis Scripta<br />

Manuslript. Manuskript shnds till redaktOren<br />

(Vagn Alstrup) och skrivs pA engelska eller ett<br />

skandinaviskt spr6k med en kort engelsk<br />

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Citerad litteratur. FOlj dessa exempel:<br />

Krog, H. 1991,: Lichenological observations in<br />

low montane rainforests of eastern<br />

Tanzania. In: Galloway, D. J. (ed.),<br />

Tropical Lichens: Their systematics,<br />

conseryation and ecologt. The Systematics<br />

Association Special Volume 43: 85-94.<br />

Santesson, R. L984: The lichens of Sweden and<br />

Norway. Stockholm & Uppsala. Swedish<br />

Museum of Natural History.<br />

Hansen, E. S. l99l: The lichen flora near a<br />

lead-zinc mine at Maarmorilik in West<br />

Greenland. Lichenologist 23 : 381 -391.<br />

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GRAPHIS <strong>ScnIPTA</strong><br />

Volym 5, h5fte 1, 1993<br />

Innehlll<br />

2 Gunnar Degelius 90 tr<br />

L.Amidsson<br />

3 Stigmidium degelii" a na, lichenicolous fungus<br />

R Santesson<br />

5 l.epogium degelii, a nev species from South America<br />

M.Lindsnfin<br />

8 Paheotropical species of Pseudocyphellaria collected by Gunnar Degelius in 1964 and<br />

Lno<br />

D. I. Galloway & S. Iiemp<br />

12 Physma omphalarioides - its taxonomic position and phytogeography<br />

P. M. Igrgensen &A. Hewsen<br />

18 Further obsenrations on the association betrreen the lichen I-ecanora conizaeoides and<br />

its parasites Lichenoconium erodens and L lecanorae (Sphaeropsidales)<br />

M. S. Clvistiansen<br />

22 Collentr leptaleum new to Europe<br />

T. Tpnsbery<br />

A Omntgra oceaniska lavar i SydvAstwerige<br />

[On some oceanic lichens in southwestern Sweden]<br />

S. Hulungren C. I(annesten &,S. ,Svensson<br />

39 Additions to the lichen flora of Angermanlan4 Central Sweden<br />

R Mobery &G. Tlar<br />

45 Notes on the cetrarioid lichens<br />

I. Iftnefelt &A. TheA<br />

49 Ramonia, a lichen genus new to Scandinavia<br />

A. funen<br />

51 Floristic notes on some Swedish kpraria and kproloma species<br />

L.-E. Muhr<br />

53 NAgra hotade lavar i Smeland [Some threatened lichens in Smaland, southern Sweden]<br />

L. Lindblom & I.- E. Matuson<br />

60 Notes on some lichenicolous fungi from Denmark<br />

V.Abaup<br />

65 Notes on the variation of Caloplaca obccurella<br />

L. Amidsson & P.-O. Mattinsson<br />

69 Contributions to the knonledge of the lichen flora of the Himalayas. IX Sagema, a nenr<br />

lichen genus (-ecanorales, I-ecanoraceae)<br />

M. Grube &J. Poelt<br />

73 C-etraria inermis nor to Europe<br />

T. Tgnsbery &A. Elvebakk

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