Study visits 2007-2008

Study visits 2007-2008

Study visits 2007-2008


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www.study<strong>visits</strong>.netCatalogue <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Studienbesuchefür Bildungsexpertenund Entscheidungsträger<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong>for education specialistsand decision makersVisites d'étudepour spécialisiteset décideurs de l'éducationEUROPÄISCHE KOMMISSIONG.D. Bildung und KulturEUROPEAN COMMISSIOND.G. Education and CultureCOMMISSION EUROPÉENNED.G. Education et Culture

Catalogue <strong>2007</strong> - <strong>2008</strong>____________________________________________________Studienbesuche für Bildungsexperten undEntscheidungsträger<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialists and decisionmakersVisites d'étude pour spécialistes et décideurs del'éducation1

INTRODUCTIONThe study <strong>visits</strong>, which aim at better information and sensibilisation of educationspecialists and decision-makers to new developments of the education systems in thecountries participating in the action, are facing new expectations and demands.Instead of programmes which are too general or too wide and mixed in their approach,the organisers now tend to offer programmes which are better targeted, or whichconcentrate on a specific aspect of one of the themes of the programme.For this reason it was decided to issue this 12 th edition of the catalogue of study <strong>visits</strong>for education specialists and decision makers for the <strong>2007</strong> – <strong>2008</strong> programme. Theinformation sheets on the study <strong>visits</strong>, drafted on the basis of information forwarded bythe Member States, the EFTA countries or the new countries which participate in theprogramme, aim at helping the education specialists to make an appropriate choice.In March 2002, the European Council of Barcelona adopted the detailed workprogramme on the subject of the “Concrete Future Objectives of Education andTraining until 2010”. It is the Commission’s opinion that the study <strong>visits</strong> programme isreally appropriate to implement the objectives as defined by the Ministers. Thiscatalogue refers to the objectives and to activities for exchanging information. Ananalytical summary is attached to this catalogue. On pages 9 to 13 the reader will finda description of the expected approaches of the <strong>visits</strong> in relation with the workprogramme on “Concrete Future Objectives of Education and Training”.* **Les visites d’étude, qui visent à mieux informer et sensibiliser les spécialistes etdécideurs de l’éducation aux nouveaux éléments introduits dans les systèmeséducatifs dans les différents pays qui participent à l’action, sont confrontées à denouvelles attentes. S’écartant progressivement de programmes trop généraux ouayant des contenus relevant de plusieurs secteurs, les organisateurs tendentdésormais à offrir ces programmes mieux ciblés, ou qui se concentrent sur un aspectparticulier d’un des thèmes du programme.C’est pour cette raison que la douzième édition du catalogue des visites d’étude pourspécialistes et décideurs de l’éducation est présentée pour le programme <strong>2007</strong> –<strong>2008</strong>. Les fiches d’information sur les visites d’étude, rédigées sur base d’informationsfournies par les Etats membres, les pays de l’AELE ainsi que les nouveaux paysparticipant au programme, ont comme objectif d’aider les spécialistes de l’éducation àmieux orienter et cibler leur candidature.En Mars 2002 le Conseil Européen de Barcelona a adopté le programme de travaildétaillé au sujet des “Objectifs Futurs Concrets de l’Education et la Formation d’ici2010”. La Commission est d’avis que les visites d’étude constituent un programmetout à fait appropriée pour la mise en oeuvre des objectifs définis par les Ministres. Cecatalogue fait référence aux objectifs ainsi qu’aux activités d’échanges d’information.Un résumé analytique se trouve en annexe à ce catalogue. Aux pages 9 à 13 setrouve une description des approches attendues par rapport au programme de travailsur les “Objectifs Futurs Concrets de l’Education et la Formation”.3

EINFÜHRUNGDie Studienbesuche haben zum Ziel, Bildungsexperten und Entscheidungsträgerbesser zu informieren und zu sensibilisieren. Die Experten sehen sich kontinuierlichmit neuen Erwartungen und Herausforderungen konfrontiert, daher genießtWeiterbildung im Bildungssektor und das Aufzeigen von Entwicklungen in denBildungssystemen der teilnehmenden Ländern einen hohen Stellenwert. StattStudienprogrammen, die zu allgemein oder zu breit und uneinheitlich in ihrem Ansatzsind, bieten die Organisatoren nunmehr Programme an, die besser abgestimmt sindund sich nur auf einen spezifischen Aspekt der Themen des Programms beziehen.Aus diesem Grund wurde die 12. Ausgabe des Studienbesuchskatalogs für dasProgramm <strong>2007</strong> – <strong>2008</strong> veröffentlicht. Der Katalog wurde auf Basis von Informationsmaterialaus den Mitgliedsländern, den EFTA Ländern und den neuenTeilnehmerländer erstellt. Er ermöglicht den Bildungsexperten eine gute undausgewogene Wahl ihres Studienbesuchs zu treffen.Im Mai 2002 hat der Europäische Rat von Barcelona das detaillierte Arbeitsprogramm„Konkrete zukünftige Ziele der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung bis 2010“verabschiedet. Die Kommission vertritt die Meinung, dass das Studienbesuchsprogrammoptimal für die Implementierung dieser Ziele, die von den Ministern definiertwurden, geeignet ist. Der Katalog bezieht sich auf die Ziele und die Intention desInformations- und Erfahrungsaustauschs. Eine analytische Zusammenfassung derThemen ist im Anhang des Katalogs zu finden. Auf den Seiten 9 bis 13 werden dieerwarteten Inhalte der Besuche in Bezug auf das Arbeitsprogramm „Konkretezukünftige Ziele der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung“ beschrieben.5

Note for the readerEach information sheet of this catalogue contains the data, which should enable thecandidates to choose the study visit which suits them best: the theme, the organiser,the period, the objectives, the programme description, the working language,… Mostinformation sheets also contain the address of the web page of the organiser, thusgiving way to more detailed information. Special attention should be paid to theworking language. The first language mentioned is the language of the country visited.The second language is the real working language of the study visit. Severalorganisers also filled out a third language. They would offer linguistic support in thislanguage. This language will thus not be the working language of the programme.Finally, for some study <strong>visits</strong> the organisers also provide additional linguistic support inanother language. It goes without saying that candidates should preferably have agood command of the working language of the study visit, so as to get maximal benefitof their participation in the programme.Avis au lecteurChaque fiche de ce catalogue contient les données de base que devraient permettreaux candidats de choisir la visite d’étude qui leur convient le mieux: le thème,l’organisateur, la période, les objectifs, une description du programme, les langues detravail, … La majorité des fiches contient également l’adresse de la page web del’organisateur, ce qui permet d’accéder à davantage d’informations.Les langues de travail méritent une attention particulière. La première languementionnée est la langue du pays visité. La deuxième langue est la vraie langue detravail de la visite d’étude. Certains organisateurs ont également rempli une troisièmelangue. Ils fourniront un support linguistique pour cette langue. Cette troisième languene sera donc pas la langue véhiculaire du programme. Enfin, pour quelques visitesd’étude, les organisateurs ont prévu un support linguistique pour une autre languecomplémentaire. Il va de soi que de préférence les candidats maîtrisent la langue detravail des visites d’étude, afin de tirer le profit maximal de leur participation auprogramme.Für den LeserJedes Informationsblatt dieses Katalogs umfasst sämtliche Daten, die es denKandidaten erlauben, den best geeigneten Studienbesuch auszuwählen: das Thema,den Organisator, den Termin, die Ziele, die Programmbeschreibung, dieArbeitssprache, … Die meisten Informationsblätter beinhalten auch die Internetseitedes Organisators, wodurch der Zugang zu detaillierter Information möglich wird.Spezielle Sorgfalt sollte auf die Arbeitssprache gelegt werden. Die erste erwähnteSprache ist die Landessprache des Studienbesuchorts. Erst die zweite Sprache ist diewirkliche Arbeitssprache. Einige Organisatoren füllen auch die dritte Sprache aus. Indieser Sprache können die Organisatoren sprachliche Unterstützung leisten. DieseSprache ist allerdings nicht auch Arbeitssprache. In manchen Studienbesuchenstellen die Organisatoren außerdem zusätzliches Unterrichtsmaterial in einer weiterenFremdsprache zur Verfügung. Es ist selbstverständlich, dass die Kandidaten die ersteArbeitssprache gut beherrschen sollten, um optimal von ihrem Studienaufenthalt zuprofitieren.7

LINKING UP WITH THE WORK PROGRAMMEOF THE OBJECTIVES REPORTIt is quite natural to establish links between the study <strong>visits</strong> foreducation specialists and decision makers and the “Workprogramme on the objectives in education and training up to 2010”.The participants are partners by excellence to exchange experienceon good practice for almost all of the 13 objectives. So it is logicalthat room should be made for this type of exchanges in theprogrammes of the study <strong>visits</strong> and to report on this. But of course,the study <strong>visits</strong> are much more than that. They should continue to bea multilateral learning tool on educational developments throughoutEurope, so as to realise the main objectives of this action.1. ScopeThe themes of the study <strong>visits</strong> for education specialists and decision makers aim atstudying one or more aspects of the education system of the visited country. For some ofthe themes there is no reference at all to the Objectives Work Programme. Very often,the scope of the study visit is much wider than what is asked for in the Objectives report,but organisers are invited to pay enough attention to its topics for exchanging experience,whenever possible.2. Reference to the objectives report and themes for exchanging experienceMost of the information sheets on the study <strong>visits</strong> make a reference to the appropriateobjective. Further information on the specific themes for exchanging experience canbe found in the table at the end of the catalogue.3. Inclusion of these themes in the study <strong>visits</strong> programmeThe organisers are invited to check if these themes for exchanging experience can beincluded in their programmes and what attention can be given to them. In most cases,this exercise will enable them to add an extra dimension to their programmes and it isexpected that participants exchange information on the situation in their respectivecountries.4. Reporting elementsIt is expected that the reports of participants will contain a specific section referring tothe themes for exchanging experience of the Objectives Report. These topics may bediscussed throughout the week’s programme and a final format should be discussedduring the closing session of the study visit.9

RELIER AVEC LE PROGRAMME DE TRAVAILDU RAPPORT SUR LES OBJECTIFSIl est tout à fait naturel d'établir des liens entre les visites d'étudepour spécialistes et décideurs de l’éducation et "le programme detravail sur les objectifs de l’éducation et la formation d’ici 2010". Lesparticipants sont des partenaires par excellence pour échangerl'expérience sur la bonne pratique pour presque tous les 13objectifs. Ainsi, il est logique d’offrir de l’espace pour ce typed'échanges dans les programmes des visites d'étude et de produiredes rapports sur cette expérience. Mais évidemment, les visitesd'étude sont beaucoup plus que ça. Elles devraient rester un outild'apprentissage multilatéral sur les développements scolaires dansl'ensemble de l'Europe, afin de réaliser les objectifs principaux decette action.1. ObjectifLes thèmes des visites d'étude pour s spécialistes et décideurs de l’éducation visent àétudier un ou plusieurs aspects du système d'enseignement du pays visité. Pourquelques-uns des thèmes il n'y a aucune référence du tout au programme de travail surles objectifs. Très souvent, le champ d'application de la visite d'étude est beaucoup pluslarge que ce qui est demandé dans le rapport sur les objectifs, mais les organisateurssont invités à prêter assez d'attention à ses sujets pour échanger l'expérience, autant quepossible.2. La référence au rapport sur les objectifs et les thèmes pour échangerl'expérienceLa plupart des fiches d'informations sur des visites d'étude font référence aux objectifsappropriés. Des informations complémentaires sur les thèmes spécifiques pouréchanger l'expérience peuvent être consultées au tableau à la fin du catalogue.3. Inclusion de ces thèmes dans le programme de visites d'étudeLes organisateurs sont invités à vérifier si ces thèmes pour échanger l'expériencepeuvent être inclus dans leurs programmes et quelle attention leur peut être accordée.Dans la plupart des cas, cet exercice leur permettra d'ajouter une dimensionsupplémentaire à leurs programmes et on s'attend à ce que les participants échangentdes informations sur la situation dans leurs pays respectifs.4. Elements de rapportageOn s'attend à ce que les rapports des participants contiennent une section spécifiquefaisant référence aux thèmes d’échange d'expérience du rapport sur les objectifs. Cessujets peuvent être examinés au cours de tout le programme de la semaine et unformat final devrait être examiné pendant la session de clôture de la visite d'étude.11

VERBINDUNG ZU DEM ARBEITSPROGRAMMDES ZIELBERICHTSEs ist bedeutend, dass Verbindungen zwischen denStudienbesuchen für Bildungsexperten und Entscheidungsträgerund dem Arbeitsprogramm „Konkrete zukünftige Ziele derallgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung bis 2010“ geschaffen werden.Die Teilnehmer sind Partner par excellence, um Erfahrungen zu bestpractice Beispielen betreffs aller 13 Ziele auszutauschen. Daher istes sehr wichtig, auch den Austausch über diese Studienbesuche zugewährleisten und darüber zu berichten. Das Hauptziel dieser Aktionist allerdings, ein multilaterales Lerntool für Bildungssysteme inganz Europa zu etablieren.1. ZweckDie Themen der Studienbesuche für Bildungsexperten und Entscheidungsträger habenzum Ziel, ein oder mehr Aspekte des Bildungssystems des besuchten Landes kennen zulernen. Einige Themen haben überhaupt keinen Bezug zu dem Arbeitsprogramm vonBarcelona. Oft ist der Inhalt viel breiter als in dem Zielbericht. Das wichtigste istallerdings, vor allem den internationalen Erfahrungsaustausch zu fördern.2. Bezug zu dem Zielbericht und den Themen für den ErfahrungsaustauschDie meisten Informationsblätter enthalten einen Hinweis zu dem entsprechenden Ziel.Weitere Informationen zu den spezifischen Themen für den Erfahrungsaustauschkönnen im Anhang des Katalogs gefunden werden.3. Einbezug dieser Themen in das StudienbesuchsprogrammDie Organisatoren werden dazu eingeladen, Verknüpfungen zu den Themen für denErfahrungsaustausch zu ihrem Arbeitsprogramm herzustellen und den Stellenwertdieser festzulegen. In den meisten Fällen, gestattet ihnen diese Vorgangsweise eineextra Dimension in ihrem Programm einzuführen. Die Teilnehmer werden ersucht, ihreErfahrungen in ihrer Heimat weiterzugeben.4. ReportingEs wird erwartet, dass die Teilnehmerberichte einen separaten Bereich enthalten, dersich auf die Themen für den Erfahrungsaustausch aus dem Zielbericht beziehen.Diese Inhalte könnten während des Wochenprogramms diskutiert werden und einEndformat sollte am Ende des Studienbesuchs beschlossen werden.13

ContentsIntroduction 03Note for the reader 07Linking up with the work programme of the Objectives Report 09Table of contents 15Theme 1: General study education systems 22 – 52Theme 2:Certification and assessmentTheme 3: Combating illiteracy 53 – 55Theme 4: ICT in education 56 – 72Theme 5: Education of disabled pupils 73 – 96Theme 6: Equal opportunities in education 97–101Theme 7: Intercultural education 102–104Theme 8: Measures to prevent school failure 105–120Theme 9: European dimension in education 121–139Theme 10: The teaching profession 140–154Theme 11: The role of parents 155–157Theme 12: Language teaching 158–173Theme 13: Health education 174–175Theme 14: Environmental education 176–185Theme 15: The heads of schools 186–191Theme 16: The school 192–200Theme 17: The pupils 201–212Theme 18: Adult education 213–231Theme 19: Violence and protection of children 232–240Theme 20: Quality in education 241–270Theme 23: The role of the inspector 271–272Theme 25: The curriculum 273* * *Linking up themes for education specialists and decision makers with the report on the“Concrete future objectives in education and training” 274–278Useful addresses 290–30015

Table des matièresIntroduction 03Avis au lecteur 07Relier avec le programme de travail du Rapport sur les Objectifs 11Table des matières 17Thème 1: Etude générale des systèmes éducatifs 22 – 52Thème 2:Certification et évaluationThème 3: Lutte contre l’analphabétisme 53 – 55Thème 4: TIC dans l'éducation 56 – 72Thème 5: Education des enfants handicapés 73 – 96Thème 6: Egalité des chances en éducation 97–101Thème 7: Education interculturelle 102–104Thème 8: Echec scolaire 105–120Thème 9: Dimension européenne de l'éducation 121–139Thème 10: La profession de l'enseignant 140–154Thème 11: Le rôle des parents 155–157Thème 12: L'enseignement des langues 158–173Thème 13: L'éducation à la santé 174–175Thème 14: Education à l'environnement 176–185Thème 15: Les chefs d'établissement 186–191Thème 16: Le projet d'établissement 192–200Thème 17: Les élèves 201–212Thème 18: Education des adultes 213–231Thème 19: La violence et la protection des enfants 232–240Thème 20: La qualité de l'éducation 241–270Thème 23: Le rôle de l’inspecteur 271–272Thème 25: Le curriculum 273* * *Lien entre les thèmes pour spécialistes et décideurs de l'éducation etle “Rapport sur les Objectifs futures concrets de l’Education et de la Formation“ 279–284Indications utiles 290–30017

InhaltsverzeichnisEinführung 05Für den Leser 07Verbindung zu dem Arbeitsprogramm des Zielberichts 13Inhaltsverzeichnis 19Thema 1: Allgemeine Untersuchung der Unterrichtssysteme 22 – 52Thema 2:Notengebung und Beurteilung der SchülerThema 3: Bekämpfung des Analphabetismus 53 – 55Thema 4: IKT in der Schule 56 – 72Thema 5: Eingliederung Jugendlicher mit Behinderung in das Regelschulwesen 73 – 96Thema 6: Chancengleichheit für Burschen und Mädchen 97–101Thema 7: Interkulturelle Erziehung 102–104Thema 8: Maßnahmen zur Verhinderung von Schulversagen 105–120Thema 9: Einführung der europäischen Dimension 121–139Thema 10: Die Lehrkräfte 140–154Thema 11: Die Rolle der Eltern 155–157Thema 12: Fremdsprachenunterricht 158–173Thema 13: Gesundheitserziehung 174–175Thema 14: Umwelterziehung 176–185Thema 15: Die Schulleiter 186–191Thema 16: Die Schule 192–200Thema 17: Die Schüler 201–212Thema 18: Erwachsenenbildung 213–231Thema 19: Gewalt und Schutz von Kindern und Jugendlichen 232–240Thema 20: Bildungsqualität 241–270Thema 23: Der Schulaufsichtsbeamter 271–272Thema 25: Das Curriculum 273* * *Verbindung der Studienbesuchsthemen zu dem Bericht“Konkrete zukünftige Ziele der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung” 285–289Nützliche Adressen 290–30019

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> catalogue <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong><strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialists and decision makersVisites d'études pour spécialistes et décideurs de l'éducationStudienbesuche für Bildungsexperten und Entscheidungsträger13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 21 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,01Organiser Phone:+903488131013Organiser Fax:+903488131969Organiser Email:Organiser name: Sonay AKINType: Vocational/tech. secondary school (EDU 3.2)Organiser address: Mustafa Kin Anadolu Meslek ve Kiz Meslek LisesiMustafa Kin Anadolu Meslekve Kiz Meslek Lisesi KILISozgurozbilgin@hotmail.comPostal Code: 79000Title:01,01 - TUR - The vocational schools in Europe and the struggles against literacy of girlsBeginning date: 03.09.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 07.09.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:TurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.2 :DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Literacy and numeracydevelopments; Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign language and mathematics.Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Participants will be met with the teachers on vocational fields. They will follow and observe the courses. Then they canevaluate the courses by comparing them with their courses in their schools. They will attend the workshops in everybranch. They will observe that how girls attend to school and how the ministry works to reduce the literacy numbersespecially in girls. In additon during the study <strong>visits</strong> they will see that in every branch they have vocational English,German besides English in the mother tongue. They will visit G.Antep’s, Kahramanmaras’s, Antakya’s vocationalschools as well as historical places. They will visit the major, the governor, and the management of the ministry ofEducation. In addition to them they can observe the campaigns for girls to attend school and they can visit the studentswho attend schools as a result of these campaigns. The contact person Sonay AKSOY has attended Arion study visitin 2005 in Spain and will be glad to see her collegues in our country. http://kilis.bel.tr13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 22 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,02Organiser Phone:+46 40 34 30 59Organiser Fax:+46 40 34 30 01Organiser Email:birgitta.johansson.uf@malmo.seOrganiser name: Birgitta JohanssonType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Utbildningsförvaltningen i MalmöLedebursgatan 5Box 17 195MalmöPostal Code: 20010Title:01,02 - SE - The education system and their valuesBeginning date: 17.09.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 21.09.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:MalmöSwedenLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Swedish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.2 :DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Literacy and numeracydevelopments; Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign language and mathematicsNr of places: 15 Min required: 10Description:Studiebesöket kommer att fokuseras på:-Studier av utbildningssystemet( struktur, metoder) och inkluderautvärdering, bedömning och betygsättning inom grundskola, gymnasium och vuxenutbildning.-Åtgärder för attförhindra att eleverna misslyckas med sina studier( inkl. språkinlärning och alfabetisering).-Kvalitet i utbildningenoch lika möjligheter för alla i ett mångkulturellt samhälle.-Den europeiska dimensionen i utbildningenThe study visit will focus on:-General study of education systems(structure, methods) as well as the evaluation ofeducation systems, including certification and assessment of pupils/students.-Measures to prevent schoolfailure(including the fight against illiteracy).-Quality in education and equal opportunities in a multiculturalenvironment.-The European Dimension in education. www.malmo.se13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 23 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,03Organiser Phone:32 24134011Organiser name:Type:Nadine FrançoisOrganiser Fax:Organiser address: Ministère de la Communauté françaisebld Léopold II , 44Organiser Email:nadine.francois@cfwb.beBruxellesPostal Code: 1080Title:01,03 - BEF - Le système éducatif en Communauté française de BelgiqueBeginning date: 15.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 19.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:BruxellesBelgium (French speaking)Languages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 1.2 : Développer les compétences nécessaires dans la société de la connaissance: niveauet résultats dans la langue maternelle, les langues étrangères et en mathématiques; progrès enmatière de lecture, d'écriture et de calcul.Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:Notre système se singularise par l’absence de certification externe basée sur des épreuves standardisées de typeAbitur, baccalauréat ou GCSE en fin de scolarité obligatoire. Ceci lui donne plus de souplesse, mais crée un certainnombre de problèmes qui seront débattus en cours de séjour. De plus notre enseignement est organisé par différentspouvoirs qui jouissent tous de la liberté pédagogique, ce qui nécessite un pilotage du système. Enfin, beaucoupd’écoles doivent faire face à des élèves en difficulté et s’adapter à la présence d’un nombre élevé d’élèves issus del’immigration.Les participants auront l’occasion de visiter des établissements scolaires du niveau primaire,secondaire, supérieur non-universitaire, ainsi qu’une école d’enseignement spécialisé et de rencontrer desresponsables du pilotage du système.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 24 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,04Organiser Phone:+902125192836-219Organiser Fax:+902125268230Organiser Email:Organiser name: Volkan ATAType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Local Education Authority of ISTANBULil Milli Egitim Mud. B BlokBabiali Cad.No:40 Cagalogluatavolkan@gmail.comPostal Code: 34110Title:01,04 - TUR - General study of education systems and evaluation of education systemsBeginning date: 15.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 19.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:IstanbulTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.2 :DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Literacy and numeracydevelopments; Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign language and mathematics.Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:During the visit, the participants will be introduced with the education system of Turkey and the various educationinstitutions in Istanbul; such as, a kindergarden, a primary, a secondary and a vocational school. Participants will shareexperiences with European colleaugues on their own systems of education They will look at examples of goodpractice. Furthermore, they will have a chance to follow the activities in the institutions: in the lessons, curriculum,cultural and sports activities. There will be opportunities for participants to have discussions with the headteachers,teachers, and students during the visit. www.istanbul.meb.gov.tr13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 25 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,05Organiser Phone:+359 331 6 48 47Organiser Fax:Organiser name: Doz. Dr. Borjana IvanovaType: Higher education inst. (EDU.4)Organiser address: Universitat PlovdivZar Asen 24Organiser Email:borjana_ivanova@abv.bgPlovdivPostal Code: BG 4000Title:01,05 - BG - The education system and their valuesBeginning date: 22.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 26.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:PlovdivBulgariaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Bulgarian German ?ReferenceObjectivesReportZIEL 1.2 : Die Entwicklung der notwendigen Fähigkeiten für die Wissensgesellschaft.Nr of places: 10 Min required: 5Description:Dem Problem der Vorbereitung der Kinder auf die Schule und der Schulfahigkeit der Vorschulkinder kommt ein hoherStellenwert in der Vorschul- und Schulpadagogik zu.Das Seminar bietet mit Besuchen von Kindergarten und Schuleneinen Uberblick uber padagogische Formen und Verfahren, die positiv die Vorbereitung der Kinder auf die Schule unddie Kontinuitat zwischen Kindergarten und Schule beeinflussen.Die intensive Entwicklung der Kindergartenkindersetzt Anwendung vielfaltiger Verfahren zur Forderung der intellektuellen, emotionalen, motivationen und sozialsittlichenSeiten der Personlichkeit der Kinder voraus.Im Seminar werden sowohl die Probleme derVorschulerziehung und Bildung in europaischen Landern als auch die Qualifikation der Erzieher/innen undLehrer/innen diskutiert werden.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 26 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,06Organiser Phone:+44 (0)1294 324451Organiser Fax:+44 (0)1294 324444Organiser Email:acowieson@north-ayrshire.gov.ukOrganiser name: Allan R CowiesonType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: North Ayrshire CouncilNorth Ayrshire CouncilEducational ServicesScotlandPostal Code: KA12 8EETitle:01,06 - GB - Beyond Special Educational Needs: Changing SystemsBeginning date: 05.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 09.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Irvine, North AyrshireUnited KingdomLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.2 :DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Literacy and numeracydevelopments; Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign language and mathematics.Nr of places: 20 Min required: 7Description:Beautiful Ayrshire in Scotland will be the setting for this visit focusing on Special Educational Needs provision andpolicy in the Scotland and the wider UK. The visit will develop a number of strands to show the need for consistencybetween policy and practice. Inclusion is a very demanding process: The visit will enable a range of solutions to beexplored. In practice, three seminars will be run to link with <strong>visits</strong> to Additional Support schools, a range of inclusionservices and provisions within mainstream Primary and Secondary schools. We welcome the opportunity to comparepractice across Europe. www.ers.north-ayrshire.gov.uk13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 27 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,07Organiser Phone:+39 0966 660056Organiser Fax:+39 0966 661120Organiser Email:Organiser name: Vincenzo NassoType: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)Organiser address: Liceo Scientifico Statale M. GuerrisiVia G. AlessioCittanova - RCrcps060002@istruzione.itPostal Code: I-89022Title:01,07 - IT - General <strong>Study</strong> of the School (Educational) Systems - Studio generale dei sistemi educativi.Beginning date: 05.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 09.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Cittanova (Reggio Calabria)ItalyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Italian English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.2 :DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Literacy and numeracydevelopments; Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign language and mathematics.Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Obiettivi: Analizzare le trasformazioni socio-culturali e della Scuola in Europa; confrontarsi sulle competenzedirigenziali; conoscere le differenze degli ordinamenti scolastici e dei sistemi educativi; Contenuti: a) Il processo dicambiamento in Europa e in Italia - Ovunque ci si chiede se i sistemi di insegnamento sono in grado di rispondere allesfide portate dalle trasformazioni del mercato del lavoro e dall’evoluzione scientifica e tecnologica b) il ruolo delDirigente Scolastico – Rimane aperto il dibattito internazionale sulla messa in luce delle competenze che devonoessere assicurate ai Dirigenti scolastici perché siano all’altezza di un’attività essenziale al miglioramento della scuolac) Ordinamenti scolastici a confronto – L’Unione Europea sembra ispirarsi al principio che è più ragionevole accordarsisul riconoscimento dei diplomi e dei percorsi di studio piuttosto che tentare di standardizzare sistemi educativi la cuidisomogeneità rappresenta una ricchezza culturale da preservare. Attività: accoglienza; consegna dispense;seminario; uscite per visite di scuole; visita della Direzione Scolastica Regionale; conferenza stampa con la Rai TV;stampa locale e nazionale; saluto e consegna Attestato di partecipazione. Soggetti: Dirigente del Liceo, Ispettoriscolastici, Dirigenti europei. Ulteriore contatto: tel. +39 328 4934319. www.liceoguerrisi.itAims: To analyse the social, cultural and educational changes in Europe; to compare the executive skills; to becomeacquainted with the differences of the various educational systems. Contents: a) the process of change in Europe andin Italy – Everywhere people wonder if the systems of teaching are able to face the challenges that derive from the everchanging job market and from the scientific and technologic evolution. b) the role of the Head teacher – Theinternational debate focusing on the skills that Head teachers need to improve their schools is still open c) comparisonamong the various school systems: the European Union seems to agree with the principle that it is more reasonable toreach an agreement on the acknowledement of the diplomas and of the courses of studies rather than to try tostandardize the educational systems whose diversity represents a cultural wealth to be preserved. Activities:welcoming, distribution of appropriate reading meterial; lectures, <strong>visits</strong> to the schools and to the General RegionalEducation Office; press conferences with Rai TV; local and national press; goodbyes and distribution of the certificatesof attendance. People involved: the headmaster of Liceo Scientifico M. Guerrisi; School Inspectors. Further contact: tel.+39 328 4934319. www.liceoguerrisi.it13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 28 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,08Organiser Phone:00 33 2 43 50 16 70Organiser Fax:00 33 2 43 50 16 79Organiser name: GIL FLORES Marie-LaureType: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)Organiser address: Lycée Notre Dame de Sainte Croix25 rue Saint ExupéryOrganiser Email:marie-laure.gilflores@wanadoo.frLE MANSPostal Code: F-72000Title:01,08 - FR - Comment harmoniser les systèmes éducatifs européens pour accroître la mobilité et leséchangesBeginning date: 12.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 16.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:LE MANS (région de la Sarthe)FranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 1.2 : Développer les compétences nécessaires dans la société de la connaissance: niveauet résultats dans la langue maternelle, les langues étrangères et en mathématiques; progrès enmatière de lecture, d'écriture et de calcul.Nr of places: 8 Min required: 4Description:Afin de permettre la mobilité des élèves et les échanges internationaux, il semble important d’établir une coopérationentre les différents pays d’Europe et que leurs systèmes d’enseignement soient harmonisés. La visite a pour objectifde partager nos expériences afin de continuer à faire évoluer nos pratiques. Les participants échangeront avecl’équipe éducative (directeur, conseiller pédagogique, coordinateurs, enseignants …). Ils assisteront à plusieurs coursavec les étudiants afin d’observer notre système d’enseignement et rencontreront des étudiants qui partageront aveceux leurs expériences de mobilité et d’échanges. Ils seront reçus par l’une de nos entreprises partenaires qui accueilleles étudiants en stage et dialogueront avec un chef d’entreprise. Une réception est prévue à la mairie suivie d’unerencontre avec un conseiller municipal sur le thème des échanges internationaux. Les traductions pendant la visiteseront assurées par les différents professeurs de langue et de commerce international de l’établissement.www.lyceestcroix.comTo allow students mobility and international exchanges, it seems very important to establish cooperation between thedifferent European countries and also to harmonize theirs education systems. The goal of this visit is to share oursexperiences in order to progress concerning this matter. The participants will talk about theirs practices with theeducational team (supervisor, educational director, teachers …).The participants will be present during the lesson withthe students to observe our education system. They will meet students, so they’ll have the opportunity to shareexperiences concerning mobility and international exchanges. The participants will be received by a firm in whichstudents make their training period and they’ll meet the manager. A meeting, organized by the Mayor of Le Mans andits team, will take place and all the participants will have the opportunity to talk about international exchanges. 2ndlanguage : Spanish www.lyceestcroix.com13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 29 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,09Organiser Phone:00 33 5 46 85 45 05Organiser Fax:00 33 5 46 85 98 08Organiser name: JOUINOT GuyType: General and vocat./tech. secondary school (EDU 3)Organiser address: Lycée de la Mer et du LittoralRue William BertrandOrganiser Email:legta.bourcefranc@educagri.frBOURCEFRANC LECHAPUSPostal Code: F-17560Title:01,09 - FR - Comment adapter les formations professionnelles aux besoins des entreprisesBeginning date: 19.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 23.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:MARENNE OLERON (Région de Poitou Charente)FranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.2 :DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Literacy and numeracydevelopments; Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign language and mathematicsNr of places: 12 Min required: 8Description:Public visé : personnes impliquées dans la conception et l'organisation des dispositifs de formationprofessionnelle.Présentation d'un système d'enseignement et de formation professionnels français au travers de ses5 missions : formation initiale et continue, insertion, développement territorial, expérimentation, coopérationinternationale.- Présentation d'outils et de méthodes pour adapter les formations aux évolutions des métiers, desemplois et des territoires, dans les secteurs de l'agro-alimentaire, de la pêche, des services en milieu rural, del'aménagement environnement et de la production agricole.Ces présentations se feront à partir d'exemples régionauxet nationaux, de la visite d'établissements de formation professionnelle agricole, d'exploitations agricoles et d'ateliersd'applications. Les présentations seront enrichies de la rencontre d'équipes de formateurs et de représentantsprofessionnels et autres partenaires institutionnels locaux.Des temps de réflexions et des ateliers d'échanges depratiques seront mis en place pour :- découvrir les différents systèmes de formation professionnels européenspartagerdes outils et des méthodes en lien avec l'activité des métiers de la formation.La traduction français/anglaissera assurée. La visite aura lieu dans la région de la Rochelle et des moments conviviaux (avec produits de terroirs)seront proposés aux participants.Introduction of a french educational and vocational system with it's five missions : initial and further education andtraining, inclusion, territory development, experimentation and international cooperationPresentations of tools andmethods to adapt training to the evolutions of professions, jobs and territories, in the fields of food industry, fishing,services in rural areas, land-developement, environment and farm production.Theses presentations will be based onregional and national examples, with <strong>visits</strong> of vocational agricultural schools, farms and work shops. Meetings withtrainers, professionals and other local institutional partners wil be organised.Times for thought and exchange practiceworkshops will be provided in order to :- learn about the different european vocational training systems- share toolsand methods in the field of training-related jobsLanguages of the visit : French/English. The visit will take place in laRochelle region. Times for friendly informal exchanges will be provided for the participants (with "terroir" local products).13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 30 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,10Organiser Phone:00 33 4 98 10 40 10Organiser Fax:00 33 4 98 10 40 14Organiser name: ENJUANES PierreType: Vocational/tech. secondary school (EDU 3.2)Organiser address: Lycée Professionnel Agricole "Les Magnanarelles"BP 30Organiser Email:pierre.enjuanes@educagri.frLES ARCS SUR ARGENSPostal Code: F-83460Title:01,10 - FR - Le projet d'un établissement d'enseignement technique et professionnel : de l'élaboration àl'évaluationBeginning date: 12.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 16.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:LES ARCS SUR ARGENS (Région Provence Alpes CôFranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French English FrenchReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 1.2 : Développer les compétences nécessaires dans la société de la connaissance: niveauet résultats dans la langue maternelle, les langues étrangères et en mathématiques; progrès enmatière de lecture, d'écriture et de calcul.Nr of places: 12 Min required: 8Description:Public ciblé :* responsables administratifs et pédagogiques de systèmes éducatifs* inspecteurs de l'enseignementet de la formation professionnelle* directeurs d'établissements et de centres de formation* chargés de missionsrelations extérieures* enseignants et formateursCe public peut provenir de l'enseignement technique, professionnelou technologique du Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Education Nationale ou des structures équivalentes européennesexistantes.L'objectif de la visite d'étude est d'organiser un échange sur le thème, "le projet d'établissement commeoutil de management". Il comprend une vision à moyen terme de 5 ans et une partie prospective en fonction desrelations avec les partenaires.Le projet d'établissement est la manière dont l'établissement organise ses activités(formation initiale, formation continue, animation rurale…) avec ses différents partenaires (profession agricole,entreprises, parents d'élèves, collectivités territoriales, ministère…) dans son territoire.L'objectif de la visite d'étudeest d'échanger sur la mise en œuvre, des projets d'établissements, des systèmes éducatifs en Europe. Rencontresavec les Equipes pédagogiques, les partenaires.Quels objectifs ? Pour Quel public ? De l'élaboration àl'évaluation?Au cours de la visite sera organisée une visite de l'arrière pays varois et de la Côte d'Azur. La visited'étude aura lieu en anglais et en français.Notre Lycée se trouve près de l'aéroport de Nice et de la gare TGV Les Arcs-Draguignan.Français : traduction simultanée disponible (avec valise guidée d'interprétariat si possible, sinon avecprésence d'interprète pour un petit groupe). http://perso.wanadoo.fr/lpaA simultaneous translation into French will be available with a translation kit if is possible. Otherwise, there will be aninterpreter for a small group of non French-speaking people.The aim of the study visit is to exchange about "theschool project as a management tool". It is planned for 5 years but some parts may change related to links withpartners.The fifth mission as it is meant in our Ministry of Agriculture, International Cooperation, will be mentioned aswell since we are aprt of a Comenius project on a European basis dealing with the quality of water."The schoolproject is meant to enable the school to organise its activities (Education, vocational education, rural extension) withdifferent partners (enterprises, parents, ministry, local bodies, professionals) in their territory.The aim of the study visitis to exchange about how a the school project is organised, and to exchange about European educational systems.Some meetings with the school teams and partners will be organised. The school project will be analysed : whichobjectives ? Which target groups? How to go from its inception to its assesment ?A visit wil be organised in the southof France in the Var and côte d'Azur areas. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/lpa13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 31 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,11Organiser Phone:+358 44 7809547Organiser Fax:+358 6 8289253Organiser name: Ms. Jaana LaitinenType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Kokkola city, Education departmentKauppatori 1Organiser Email:jaana.laitinen@kokkola.fiKokkolaPostal Code: FI-67100Title:01,11 - FIN - Keys for lifelong learning – curriculum, co-operation and ICT as tools for successBeginning date: 26.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 30.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:KokkolaFinlandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Finnish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.2 :DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Literacy and numeracydevelopments; Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign language and mathematicsNr of places: 15 Min required: 10Description:Vierailun tavoitteena on tutustua osallistujamaiden koulutusjärjestelmiin esiopetuksesta aikuisopiskeluun ja vertaillaniitä elämänikäisen oppimisen näkökulmasta. Osallistujat tutustuvat suomalaiseen yhtenäisen perusopetuksenperiaatteisiin ja toteutukseen, uuteen opettajuuteen, opiskeluun toisella asteella kuten myös opettajankoulutukseenaikuiskoulutusväylänä sekä asiantuntijaluentojen, opettaja- / rehtori- ja virkamiestapaamisten että kouluvierailujenkautta. Myös Suomen PISA-menestyksen taustalla olevia seikkoja käsitellään vierailun aikana. Kouluvierailuillakeskitytään erityisesti opetussuunnitelman avaamiseen, aihekokonaisuuksiin opetusta eheyttävinä tekijöinä,kielikylpyopetukseen ja tieto- ja viestintätekniikan tehokkaaseen opetuskäyttöön. Koko vierailun ajan käytetääntoiminnallisia, osallistavia ja dialogiin pohjautuvia työmenetelmiä aiheiden käsittelyssä, jolloin osallistujat saavatmukaansa paitsi tietoa, materiaalia ja kontakteja , myös useita eri työskentelytapoja ja menetelmiä levitettäväksialueensa kouluihin ja opettajainhuoneisiin ja muihin työfoorumeihinsa http://kokkola-arion.blogspot.com/The aim of the visit is to learn about the education systems of the participating countries from preschool up to adulteducation and to compare the systems with each other from the point of view of lifelong learning. The participants learnabout the principles and implementation of the Finnish integrated basic education, the new teachership, studying insecondary education as well as teacher training as an adult education path via lectures, teacher / principal / schoolofficial meetings and school <strong>visits</strong>. Also backgrounds for the Finnish PISA success are dealt with during the visitTheschool <strong>visits</strong> concentrate especially on the opening of the curriculum, on cross-curricular themes as uniting factors inteaching, immersion education and the efficient use of information and communication technologies inteaching.Functional and inclusive work methods basing on dialogue are used during the entire visit in order to givethe participants not only knowledge, materials and contacts but also various communicative working methods to bespread in the schools, teachers’ rooms and other work forums of the participants.http://kokkola-arion.blogspot.com/13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 32 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,12Organiser Phone:+420 558 633 368Organiser Fax:+420 558 624 982Organiser Email:pschwarzova@post.czOrganiser name: Petra SchwarzovaType: Vocational/tech. secondary school (EDU 3.2)Organiser address: Stredni skola odevni a obchodne podnikatelskaPotocni 1094Frydek-MistekFrydek-MistekPostal Code: 73801Title:01,12 - CZE - Connection of Theoretical and Practical Education at Secondary SchoolsBeginning date: 03.12.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 07.12.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Frydek-MistekCzech RepublicLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Czech English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.2 :DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Literacy and numeracydevelopments; Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign language and mathematics.Nr of places: 15 Min required: 6Description:V poslední dobì se ve vzdìlávacím procesu v CR klade dùraz zejména na propojenost teoretické výuky a praxe. JakoStøední škola odìvní a obchodnì podnikatelská máme dlouholetou zkušenost s pøípravou odborníkù v odìvní profesi aproto propojenost teorie a praxe ve výuce sledujeme a vìnujeme ji pozornost. Cílem studijní návštìvy bude seznámitúèastníky se vztahem mezi teoretickým a praktickým vyuèováním, a tak jim zároveò umožnit nahlédnout do systémuèeského školství jako takového. Pøedstaví se jim i podnikatelské subjekty, které spolupracují se školou a mimo jinézajišují na svých pracovištích souvislou praxi žákù. Schopnosti a dovednosti žáku uvidí úèastníci na velké módníprohlídce organizované naší školou. Na pøehlídky již tradiènì navrhují, zhotovují a pøedvádìjí modely naše studentky.Souèástí studijní návštìvy budou také exkurze do jiných odborných škol a firem v našem regionu.The interconnection between theoretical and practical parts of education in the whole process of education isbecoming more and more emphasized in these days. As a Secondary Vocational School of Clothing and Business wehave had a long experience with preparing future specialists in the sphere of clothing and therefore we monitor andpay attention to the interconnection of theory and practice. The aim of this study visit is to give the participantsinformation about the relationship between theoretical and practical education and at the same time to give them ageneral insight into the Czech education system as a whole. The participants will also get to know the business andenterprises that cooperate with the school and also provide 2 weeks practical training for the students in their ownfacilities. The participans will see the abilities and skills of our students during a big fashion show organised by ourschool. Our students traditionally design, make and show all their models at fashion show. Excursions to othersecondary vocational schools and companies in our region are part of the programmes.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 33 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,13Organiser Phone:+358 20 776 2295Organiser Fax:+358 20 776 2309Organiser name: Ms. Susanna RuusuType: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)Organiser address: Jämsän Lukio, Jämsä General Upper Secondary SchoKeskuskatu 16Organiser Email:koulu.lukio@jamsa.fiJämsäPostal Code: FI-42100Title:01,13 - FIN - The Finnish School System – The whole range in a small country townBeginning date: 18.02.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 22.02.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:JämsäFinlandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Finnish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.2 :DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Literacy and numeracydevelopments; Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign language and mathematicsNr of places: 15 Min required: 10Description:Vierailun tavoitteena on antaa kattava esittely suomalaisesta koulujärjestelmästä. Tutustutaan esikoulutoimintaan,perusopetukseen sekä pienessä kyläkoulussa että isohkossa keskustan modernissa uudisrakennuksessa sekäyhtenäiskouluun (luokat 1-9 samassa rakennuksessa).Toisen asteen opetuksesta esitellään koko kirjo: lukio-opetussekä viisi ammatillista oppilaitosta (Ammattioppilaitos, Kauppaoppilaitos, Metsäoppilaitos, Maatalous- jaPuutarhaoppilaitos sekä Sosiaali- ja terveysalan oppilaitos). Esitellään myös mahdollisuutta suorittaa kaksoistutkintoyhdistäen lukiota ja ammatillista opetusta sekä syrjäytymisen ehkäisyyn luotua Tsemppi-ryhmää. Toisen asteenjälkeisestä opetuksesta esitellään Ammattikorkeakoulun toimipiste. Esittelyissä hyödynnetään paikallisten rehtoreiden,opettajien, oppilaskuntien ja ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijoiden työpanosta. Vierailuilla korostetaan paikallistayhteistoimintaa ja toiminnan laajuutta suhteellisen pienellä paikkakunnalla. Seudun elinkeinoelämän yhteyksistäkoulumaailmaan esitellään mm. hiihtokeskus Himos. http://lukio.jamsa.fi, www.jamsa.fi www.himos.fiThe aim of the visit is to give a broad view of the Finnish school system in a relatively small country town. The studyvisit will include <strong>visits</strong> to different types of preschools and compulsory education schools e.g. small village school,bigger town centre school. Secondary level education is introduced by presenting the general upper secondary schooland vocational education institutes. Also the possibility to combine the two forms of secondary education is presentedas well as the group Tsemppi which prevents social exclusion. We emphasize the close local cooperation of the actorsin the field of education and the wideness of their activities in Jämsä region. The local business life and its links to theschools are included as well, eg. the ski resort of Himos. Important links: http://lukio.jamsa.fi, www.jamsa.fi,www.himos.fi.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 34 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,14Organiser Phone:00 33 3 88 45 50 45Organiser Fax:00 33 3 88 45 51 79Organiser Email:sandrine.diesel@crdp-strasbourg.frOrganiser name: DIESEL SandrineType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: CRDP d'Alsace23 rue du Maréchal JuinBP 279/R7STRASBOURGPostal Code: F-67007Title:01,14 - FR - La documentation dans le système éducatif français (enseignement scolaire) : fonctionnement,spécificités, rôle dans l'ouverture européenneBeginning date: 03.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 07.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:STRASBOURG (région d'Alsace)FranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French GermanReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 1.2 : Développer les compétences nécessaires dans la société de la connaissance: niveauet résultats dans la langue maternelle, les langues étrangères et en mathématiques; progrès enmatière de lecture, d'écriture et de calcul.Nr of places: 20 Min required: 8Description:Public visé : Personnels de l’enseignement scolaire: chefs d’établissements, corps d’inspection, cadres de l’éducation,professionnels de la documentation, autres. Objectifs :-présenter une spécificité du système éducatif français : ladocumentation pédagogique•le documentaliste français : un enseignant pas comme les autres (statuts etmissions)•le rôle des centres de documentation dans les établissements scolaires (Bibliothèque CentreDocumentaire / Centre de Documentation et d’Information) : lieu d’apprentissage, d’échanges et d’ouverturespermettreune étude comparative de la documentation pédagogique dans les pays représentés-montrer lescontributions de la documentation aux projets européensModalités :-exposés, tables rondes, ateliers-visitesd’établissements-rencontres et échanges avec des collègues et des élèvesTraduction :-supports traduits écrits(powerpoint, supports papier…)-interprétariat pour les visites-constitution de groupes par langue lors des atelierswww.crdp-strasbourg.frEine Besonderheit des französischen Schulsystems vorstellen: pädagogische Medien und Medienzentren derSchule•der französische Medienreferent: eine Lehrkraft mit spezifischem Status und Aufgaben•die Rolle derMedienzentren in der Schule / Medien- und Informationszentrum): ein Ort zum lernen, austauschen und entdecken-Eine vergleichende Studie der pädagogischen Medienzentren der vertretenen Länder ermöglichen- Den Beitragdieser Medienzentren zu den europäischen Projekten zeigenVerfahrensweisen:- Referate, Diskussionsrunden,Workshops- Schulbesuche- Treffen und Austausch mit Kollegen und SchülernSprachbarrieren überwindenmit:- Übersetzten schriftlichen Arbeitsmaterialien (Powerpoint, Unterlagen...)- Dolmetschern für die Besuche-Zusammensetzung von Gruppen je nach Sprache in den Workshops www.crdp-strasbourg.fr13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 35 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,15Organiser Phone:+353 1 8731316Organiser name:Type:Lorraine Mc DyerOrganiser Fax:+353 1 8731316Organiser Email:lmcdyer@leargas.ieOrganiser address: Leargas189 Parnell StreetDublin 1DublinPostal Code:Title:01,15 - IRL - A General <strong>Study</strong> of the Education SystemBeginning date: 03.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 07.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Dublin, IrelandIrelandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.2 :DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Literacy and numeracydevelopments; Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign language and mathematics.Nr of places: 10 Min required: 5Description:This study visit will begin with a presentation of the educational structure in Ireland and will focus on the followingareas; the primary education system, the secondary education system, and the work of the inspectorate. Theremainder of the week will be spent visiting primary and secondary schools in addition to Colleges of Education, toobserve the system on operation. There will be opportunities for participants to have discussions with teachers andstudents about school life during the visit. www.leargas.ie/education13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 36 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,16Organiser Phone:++351 249 812 008Organiser Fax:++351 249 822 668Organiser Email:de.gape@cm-torresnovas.ptOrganiser name: Jorge Manuel Salgado SimõesType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Câmara Municipal de Torres NovasRua General António Césarde Vasconcelos CorreiaTorres NovasPostal Code: 2350421Title:01,16 - PT - The Portuguese education system and the role of local organisationsBeginning date: 03.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 07.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Torres Novas MunicipalityPortugalLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Portuguese English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.2 :DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Literacy and numeracydevelopments; Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign language and mathematicsNr of places: 12 Min required: 6Description:Tendo como central o objectivo 1.5. Making the best use of resources, do tema 1. General study of education systemsand evaluation of education systems, a visita pretende mostrar a realidade dos instrumentos e práticas do sistemaeducativo português, discutindo em particular o papel das autoridades locais como actor da comunidade educativa.Procura-se também promover a troca de experiências entre os membros dos vários países participantes, reforçando adimensão europeia e discutindo as diferentes práticas e soluções que podem ser aplicadas em situaçõessemelhantes.Das discussões e debates que terão lugar, deverá resultar um melhor conhecimento dos diferentessistemas educativos europeus e das suas especificidades tendo em vista a procura dos melhores resultados com osrecursos disponíveis na comunidade local. Será disponibilizado aos visitantes um panorama global do sistemaeducativo português, sendo apresentadas e discutidos os diferentes níveis de escolaridade, desde a educação préescolarao ensino secundário, profissional e superior. Serão também abordados a formação de professores, aeducação extra-escolar, a educação não formal, assim como os diferentes projectos educativos desenvolvidos porestabelecimentos de ensino e outras entidades locais. Será dada especial atenção ao conceito de cidade educadora eà intervenção do município no sistema educativo, às formas e conteúdos da sua articulação com a comunidadeeducativa.Durante a visita os participantes terão oportunidade de visitar escolas e organismos de formaçãoprofissional, inseridos em diferentes realidades territoriais e sociais, públicos e privados, observando os alunos nassuas actividades escolares e extra-escolares. Em cada escola será promovido o debate com professores, alunos edirectores, a apresentação de projectos e a troca de experiências. Para além da visita a outros organismos deeducação e formação, os visitantes vão puder experimentar e discutir a acção educativa do município de TorresNovas, tomando também contacto com algumas das singularidades do seu território. O público-alvo: Gestores edirectores de estabelecimentos de ensino, técnicos e políticos de autarquias e organismos da administração local eregional.http://www.cm-torresnovas.pt13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 37 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>In reference to central objective 1.5. Making the best uses of resources, from theme 1. General Studies of educationsystems and evaluation of education systems, the visit intends to demonstrate the Portuguese education systeminstruments and practices, discussing in particular the role of local authorities as an actor of the educativecommunity.The program will promote the exchange of experiences between the members of participant countries,strengthening the European dimension and presenting the different practices or solutions that can be applied indifferent territorial contexts. From forums and discussions that will take place, should result a better knowledge of thedifferent European educative systems and their particular aspects, specially those ones with better results in whatconcerns to take advantage from the available resources of the local community. Participants will get to knowPortuguese education system in general, and they will have the opportunity to visit schools and students from preprimaryeducation to upper secondary level. Vocational school experiences, higher education and teachers trainingprocess, extra-school activities and informal education will be also boarded, and the same with the variety of educativeprojects developed by education establishments and other local entities. The program will give special attention to theeducation city concept and to the municipality intervention in the education system, to the contents and solutions of itsarticulation with educative community. During the visit participants will have the chance to visit schools and organismsof professional formation, concerned to different territorial and social contexts, public and private realities, observingthe pupils in school and extra-school activities. In each establishment the debate with professors, pupils and directors,the presentation of projects and the exchange of experiences will be promoted. Beside the visit to other education andtraining institutions, visitors will experiment and discuss the municipal education activities, taking part with somesingular aspects of Torres Novas territory. The target audience is: Education Managers, Heads of Schools, Expertsand personnel at local and regional level (including local administration bodies and municipalities). http://www.cmtorresnovas.pt13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 38 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,17Organiser Phone:+386 1 580 05 37Organiser Fax:+386 1 568 25 27Organiser name: Živa PeljhanType: Establishment for learners with spec. learning needs(EOrganiser address: Zavod za gluhe in naglusne LjubljanaVojkova 74Organiser Email:ziva.peljhan@gmail.comLjubljanaPostal Code: SI-1000Title:01,17 - SLO - Deaf and hard of hearing in educational systems in EuropeBeginning date: 03.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 07.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Ljubljana, SloveniaSloveniaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Slovene English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.2 :DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Literacy and numeracydevelopments; Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign language and mathematics.Nr of places: 12 Min required: 8Description:Študijski obisk, ki se bo odvijal v marcu <strong>2008</strong> v Ljubljani, pripravlja Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana kot osrednjaustanova za gluhe v Sloveniji. Tema študijskega obiska je Raziskovanje in vrednotenje izobraževalnih sistemov zagluhe in naglušne otroke in mladostnike. Zato je študijski obisk namenjen vsem strokovnjakom, ki delujejo na podrocjugluhote: tako uciteljem, vodstvenim delavcem kot predstavnikom iz nevladnih organizacij, ki delujejo na podrocjuizobraževanja gluhih. Udeležencem obiska želimo predstaviti izobraževanje gluhih na vseh ravneh: od predšolskevzgoje pa do zakljucka srednje šole. Rahlo se bomo dotaknili tudi problematike univerzitetnega študija. Prikazatiželimo tako prakso ustanov, namenjenih le gluhim kot sistem integracije gluhih v redne izobraževalne sisteme. Drugidel študijskega obiska je za nas prav tako velikega pomena: želimo primerjati lastne izkušnje z izkušnjami udeležencevter spoznati njihove izobraževalne sisteme za gluhe. Poudariti moramo, da imamo pogosto, kljub nacionalnim razlikam,razlicnosti izobraževalnih sistemov v Evropi, skupne cilje ter podobne probleme. Osredotociti se želimo na evropskeizobraževalne prakse izobraževanja gluhih ter poiskati pot k boljši opismenjenosti gluhih, boljšemu znanju nacionalnihjezikov ter nacionalnih znakovnih jezikov. Pricakujemo, da se bo študijskega obiska udeležilo tudi nekaj gluhih oseb, kise ukvarjajo s tem podrocjem, spremljali pa jih bodo tudi njihovi tolmaci. Prav tako bodo pri organizaciji ter izvedbištudijskega obiska sodelovali gluhi ucitelji iz našega zavoda ter drugi predstavniki gluhe skupnosti v Sloveniji. Edenizmed ciljev tega obiska je tudi izgradnja informacijske mreže šol za gluhe v Evropi. Ves cas pa bo udeležencem navoljo spletna stran z vsemi informacijami o obisku.The Ljubljana School for the Deaf is the organizer of the study visit which is going to take place in March <strong>2008</strong>. Theorganizer of the visit is the main educational institution for the deaf and hard of hearing in Slovenia. The theme of thestudy visit is going to be the General study of education systems and evaluation of educational systems focusing onthe education of deaf children and youngsters. The invited participants are trainers, principals and other experts in thefield of deaf education and deafness. The organizer is going to present the education of the deaf at all levels: preschool,primary and secondary education and education at the university level. We would like to share our experienceswith special schools for the deaf and with the integration of the deaf into regular schools. The second part of the visit isgoing to consist of the comparison of the educational systems in Slovenia and countries which participants are from.We want to emphasize that our educational aims and problems are often similar – despite national differences we allwork with the deaf. We would like to focus on the European educational practice and on finding ways to better literacy,better knowledge of national sign languages and better knowledge of national languages. We are expecting a few deafexperts accompanied with their sign language interpreters. (www.zgnl.si).13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 39 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,18Organiser Phone:+43^512^52033234Organiser Fax:+43^512^52033342Organiser name: Cornelia HacklType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Landesschulrat für TirolInnrain 1Organiser Email:c.hackl@lsr-t.gv.atInnsbruckPostal Code: AT 6020Title:01,18 - AT - Schulische Unterstützungssysteme in TirolBeginning date: 03.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 07.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:InnsbruckAustriaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2German German EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportZIEL 1.2 : DIE ENTWICKLUNG DER NOTWENDIGEN FÄHIGKEITEN FÜR DIEWISSENGESELLSCHAFTNr of places: 15 Min required: 10Description:Die Schule ist ein Spiegelbild aller gesellschaftlichen Themen und auch Sammelbecken für Probleme, die in derGesellschaft existieren. Die Ansprüche und Aufgaben, die an die Schule gestellt werden, gehen daher weit über diereine Vermittlung von Wissen und Können hinaus. Damit die Schule und die Lehrerinnen und Lehrer diesemerweiterten Aufgabenbereich auch gerecht werden können, ist es notwendig, dass sie auch Unterstützung von außenbekommen. Es sollen die in Tirol vorhandenen Unterstützungssysteme für Schulen vorgestellt werden (alsDiskussionsanregung und zum Austausch von Erfahrungen).Schools may be seen as a reflection of all social themes, but they can also be a pool for social problems. Thus, thechallenges and tasks set to schools go far beyond the imparting of knowledge and skills. To enable schools andteachers to take up the challenge, support form outside is necessary. During this ARION Visit, the support system inTyrol will be shown (as an impulse for discussion and exchange of experience)13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 40 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,19Organiser Phone:00 33 2 48 71 17 24Organiser Fax:00 33 2 48 71 96 11Organiser name: LE GOFF PatriciaType: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)Organiser address: Lycée Edouard Vaillant41 bis rue C. HurvoyOrganiser Email:patle-goff@laposte.netVIERZONPostal Code: F-18100Title:01,19 - FR - L'organisation du service "Vie scolaire" en France et le rôle spécifique du conseiller principald'éducationBeginning date: 10.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 14.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:VIERZON (Région Centre)FranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 1.2 : Développer les compétences nécessaires dans la société de la connaissance: niveauet résultats dans la langue maternelle, les langues étrangères et en mathématiques; progrès enmatière de lecture, d'écriture et de calcul.Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:L'objectif du stage est de présenter le service Vie Scolaire et le rôle spécifique du conseiller principal d'éducation. Lestage sera organisé sur trois thèmes : 1)présentaion du système éducatif français, historique du service vie scolaire etrôle du C.P.E. 2) place du projet vie scolaire dans le projet d'établissement. 3) collaboration avec les différentspersonnels de l'établissement pour le suivi éducatif des élèves. Durant la visite des exemples concrets d'actions misesen place par le service vie scolaire seront évoqués.The aim is to present and describe the"vie scolaire" department and the specific role which is palyed by the "conseillerprincipal d'éducatio". The visit will be organized around three axes : 1) presentation of the french educational system.The emphasis put on the history and evolution of the vie scolairedepartment : roles,missions and training of theconseiller pincipal d'éducation. 2) the posiiton of the project vie scolaireinthe overall educational policy of the school. 3)the cooperation of the C.P.E with the other staffto improve the student's academic standards:principal,teachers,careers officers, welfare workers,nurses and the medical staff. The visit will give the participants theopportunity to observe concrete examples launched by the vie scolaire department,including European exchangeprogrammes.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 41 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,20Organiser Phone:0040254213315Organiser Fax:0040254220911Organiser name: MATE MARTAType: Education authorityOrganiser address: School Inspectorat from Hunedoara2nd, G. Baritiu Street, DevaOrganiser Email:inspectorat@isj.hd.edu.ro,mate@isj.hd.edu.roPostal Code: 330065Title:01,20 - RO - L'impact de l'enseignement dans les langues maternelles des minorites nationales sur lapersonnalite des futurs citoyens europeensBeginning date: 10.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 14.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:DevaRomaniaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Romanian French ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 1.2 : Développer les compétences nécessaires dans la société de la connaissance: niveauet résultats dans la langue maternelle, les langues étrangères et en mathématiques; progrès enmatière de lecture, d'écriture et de calcul.Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:La presentation du systeme educatif roumain et de l'enseignement dans les langues des minorites nationales par lerepresentant du ministere de l'education. Etude de cas dans le departement de Hunedoara ou 5% de la population estminoritaire et seulement 2% des eleves suivent cette forme d'education. La visite des ecoles du departement oul'enseignement se deroule dans les langues des minorites nationales (hongroise, allemande). Des debats sur desthemes comme: assurer le nombre des eleves, l'embauche des enseignants, le deroulement des concours scolaires etdes examens nationaux, le reseau des universites et des ecoles superieures dans les langues des minoritesnationales, l'integration des jeunes dans les travaux. Des recontres avec des eleves, des enseignants, desrepresentants de la communaute locale et des ONG qui soutiennent la population minoritaire. La visite des objectifsculturels du departement.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 42 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,21Organiser Phone:00 33 4 42 93 88 04Organiser Fax:00 33 4 42 93 88 19Organiser name: KASTLER RolandType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Rectorat Aix-MarseillePlace Lucien PayeOrganiser Email:ce.daet@ac-aix-marseille.frAixenProvence cedex1Postal Code: F-13621Title:01,21 - FR - Etude générale des systèmes éducatifsBeginning date: 17.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 21.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:AIX EN PROVENCE (Région Provence Alpes Côte d'AFranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 1.2 : Développer les compétences nécessaires dans la société de la connaissance: niveauet résultats dans la langue maternelle, les langues étrangères et en mathématiques; progrès enmatière de lecture, d'écriture et de calcul.Nr of places: 20 Min required: 12Description:Public visé : responsables régionaux et nationaux des systèmes éducatifs en formation professionnelle.Objectifs :-Découvrir le mode d'organisation des formations professionnalisantes permettant aux jeunes d'une région d'accéder àun premier emploi après une première qualification dans le cadre d'une formation en alternance en Lycée (sous statutscolaire ou avec un contrat d'apprentissage).- Cette semaine donnera la possibilité de découvrir les modalités departenariat entre Ecoles et Entreprises, ainsi que les systèmes de certification professionnelle (conception desdiplômes et modalités d'accès dont la Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience).- Cette visite sera également l'occasiond'échanger sur les différents systèmes de formation et de certification des différents pays participants.Approche ettypes d'activités :Présentation synthétique des objectifs et du mode d'organisation de la formation et de lacertification professionnelle en France; visites dans des établissements; rencontres avec des entreprises partenaires etdes responsables du milieu économique échanges et débats; synthèseOrganisation de la traduction : par desinterprètes présents sur place-- Debates and presentation will be translated into English This week-long workshop will inform young people aboutdifferent types of partnerships between schools and businesses and how to obtain a vocational degree.There will be anexplanation of degree requirements with information on obtaining a degree by fulfilling requirements for past workexperience.This will also be an excellent opportunity for all participating countries to share ideas on vocationaltraining and degrees.Program content :- give an overall picture of the objectives and methods used in France forcarrying out vocational training and obtaining degrees- observe programs in various secondary schools for vocationaltraining- meet up with corporate partners and business leaders in order to discuss and debate issues.The idea is toallow young people to understand the inner workings of vocational training. The program enables students fromspecific areas to complete a school course combined with work experience, obtain skills and diplomas, and thus find ajob (the trainee is considered either as a student or as an apprentice).13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 43 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,22Organiser Phone:+46 35 17 98 29Organiser Fax:+46 35 17 98 98Organiser name: Christer ErikssonType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Region HallandKristian IV:s väg 1Organiser Email:christer.eriksson@regionhalland.seHalmstadPostal Code: 30180Title:01,22 - SE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> of educational development projects in compulsory and upper secondary schools ina variety of municipalitiesBeginning date: 07.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 11.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:HalmstadSwedenLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Swedish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.2 :DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Literacy and numeracydevelopments; Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign language and mathematics.Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:Hur utvecklar vi skolan? Studiebesök av skolutvecklingsprojekt på grundskolan och gymnasiet i ett antal kommuner iHalland. Besöken avser att visa framgångsrika exempel på skolutveckling, tex elevinflytande, miljöundervisning,hälsofrämjande skola och entreprenörskap.How do we develop the school?<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> of school development projects in compulsory schools and uppersecondary schools in a variety of municipals in Halland. The <strong>visits</strong> will show some successful examples of schooldevelopment projects for example pupils participation in school governance, environmental education, healtheducation and entrepreneurship. www.regionhalland.se13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 44 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,23Organiser Phone:+902166261000Organiser Fax:+902166261010Organiser Email:Organiser name: Tuncay SAMDANType: Primary school (EDU.2)Organiser address: Marmara Education GroupOzel Marmara Ilkogretim OkuluBasibuyuk Maltepe Istanbulmarilk@mek.k12.trPostal Code: 34857Title:01,23 - TUR - General study of Education Systems and Evaluation of Education SystemsBeginning date: 07.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 11.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:IstanbulTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.2 :DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Literacy and numeracydevelopments; Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign language and mathematicsNr of places: 20 Min required: 6Description:The aim of the visit is to introduce and share good teaching practices at primary school level and compare the Turkishnational education system with the participants’ education systems.Being an authorized IB (InternationalBaccalaureate) - MYP and a candidate PYP school,we will also inform the participants about our implementations.Theparticipants will have an opportunity to tour the city .The city tour will include a Bosphourus boat trip, visiting famoushistorical palaces and mosques such as The Blue Mosque,Topkapi Palace,Covered Bazaar,St.Sophia and otherssince Istanbul is one of the most popular historical places in the world. The programme will focus on the followingissues: the Turkish national education system, the integration of areas of interaction into national curriculum,MYPinterdisciplinary projects with the presentations of the students, designing curriculum according to the organisingthemes in PYP with the good samples of transdisciplinary PYP inquiry units and international school projects.Theprogrammme will also include a visit to a state school to be informed about the Turkish national education system anda university to be briefed on teacher training in Turkey. For further information about our school, you can visitwww.mek.k12.tr13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 45 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,24Organiser Phone:+371 7201536Organiser Fax:+371 7223804Organiser name: Ms Laura Iveta StrodeType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Riga Dictrict CouncilLacplesa iela 24Organiser Email:laura_s@inbox.lvRigaPostal Code: LV-1011Title:01,24 - LV - General study of education systemBeginning date: 07.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 11.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Riga regionLatviaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Latvian English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.2 :DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Literacy and numeracydevelopments; Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign language and mathematicsNr of places: 15 Min required: 4Description:Vizîtes dalîbnieki tiks iepazîstinâti ar Latvijas izglîtîbas sistçmu, ar Rîgas rajona daþâdu veidu izglîtîbas iestâdçm:pirmsskolas, vispârçjâs izglîtîbas iestâdes, mûzikas un mâkslas skolas, bçrnu un jaunieðu intereðu centri, sportaskolas. Vizîtes dalîbnieki varçs iepazîties ar skolu izglîtîbas programmâm,vçrot izglîtîbas procesu, kâ daþâdas intereðuizglîtîbas programmas tiek realizçtas skolâs, kâ tiek realizçta skolotâju tâlâkizglîtîba, skolçnu ar îpaðâm vajadzîbâmintegrçðana izglîtîbas sistçmâ.The participants of the visit are going to be acquainted with Latvian education system, with different schools in Rigadistrict, nursery schools, primary schools, secondary schools,music and art schools, children and youth interesteducation centres, sport schools. The participants of the visit are going to be acquainted with school curriculums, toobserve the education process, lessons and after class activities. The participants will see how interest education isrealized in schools, how teachers in-service training is organized in Latvia, how children with special needs areintegrated in schools. www.rrp.lv13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 46 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,25Organiser Phone:+ Fax:+30-210-32.21.863Organiser name: ARION teamType: Public authority national (PUB.3)Organiser address: IKYD. Aeropagitou & Makri 1Organiser Email:study<strong>visits</strong>@iky.gr; apispa@iky.grAthensPostal Code: GR 11742Title:01,25 - GR - Extra curriculum project as a means to promote school attractivenessBeginning date: 07.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 11.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Nafplion, PeloponnesusGreeceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Greek English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.2 :DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Literacy and numeracydevelopments; Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign language and mathematics.Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Venue: the city of Nafplion, Peloponnesus. The object of this study visit is to present a variety of projects dealing withcultural, environmental or health promoting issues. These projects use a cross-curriculum approach and they areproposed to pupils as a voluntary extra-curriculum activity involving the whole school community. The objective is notsimply to promote learning, but also to make school more attractive through the development of the pupils' personalinitiative, inventiveness and imagination and by encouraging team work. www.iky.gr13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 47 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,26Organiser Phone:+36 30 3135873Organiser Fax:+36 68 510380Organiser name: Dr. Gál JózsefType: Inst. for initial teacher training (EDU 7)Organiser address: Kodolányi János FõiskolaFürdõ u. 1.Organiser Email:galhorvi@freemail.huSzékesfehérvárPostal Code: HU-8000Title:01,26 - HUN - Equal opportunities in EducationBeginning date: 14.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 18.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:OrosházaHungaryLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Hungarian English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.2 :DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Literacy and numeracydevelopments; Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign language and mathematicsNr of places: 20 Min required: 8Description:Célunk, hogy beszéljünk az oktatás kapcsán az esélyegyenlõségrõl, az elfogadásról és a megfelelésrõl. Szeretnénkbemutatni eredményeinket és megkérdezni más országok képviselõit, beszélni gondolataikról, eredményeikrõl.Különbözõ országok határai közelében helyezkedünk el, ezért a nemzetközi együttmûködés az iskolák életébennagyon fontos. A továbbképzés Orosházán és Hódmezõvásárhelyen történne. Szeretnénk meglátogatni általános ésközépiskolát, egyetemet, magánszféra által üzemeltetett felnõttképzõ intézményt és a helyi önkormányzat oktatásibizottságát. Beszélünk, tapasztalatot szerzünk az oktatás kapcsán az integráció európai dimenzióiról általános, közép,szakképzõ iskolák nemzetiségiek, kisebbségek, a nõk, a környezeti nevelés, a sport, az egészségmegõrzés, aproblémás és fogyatékkal élõ gyerekek és diákok tekintetében, valamint a kábítószer és az alkohol összefüggésében.Beszélünk az európai trendekrõl és az iskola felelõsségérõl, a megelõzésrõl európai dimenzióban. Nem csupán alegjobb gyakorlatról, hanem a valóságról szeretnénk beszélni.Our goal is to speak about chance, acceptance and equality in education. We would like to present our results and getacquainted with the results of other countries. We live close to borders of three different countries; thereforeinternational cooperation in our region is very important for schools. The course will be in a training center based inOroshaza and Hodmezovasarhely. We would like to visit primary, secondary schools, a university, adult training centeroperated by private enterprise, and the educational council of local government. We plan to speak about differentEuropean aspects of education, equality in elementary, secondary, vocational shools, nationalities, minorities,environmental education, sport, health prevention, problematic and handicapped children and students. We also intendto examine the prevention in European dimension and the responsability of the educational institutions. We do notwant to speak about only best practice, reality too. www.kodolanyi.hu13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 48 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,27Organiser Phone:+371 7047835Organiser Fax:+371 7047835Organiser name: Ms Ilze BuliginaType: Public authority national (PUB.3)Organiser address: Ministry of Education and ScienceValnu iela 2Organiser Email:ilze.buligina@izm.gov.lvRigaPostal Code: LV-1050Title:01,27 - LV - General study of education systemsBeginning date: 14.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 18.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:RigaLatviaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Latvian English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.2 :DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Literacy and numeracydevelopments; Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign language and mathematicsNr of places: 15 Min required: 7Description:Vizîtes mçríis ir sniegt dalîbniekiem ieskatu Latvijas izglîtîbas sistçmâ, koncentrçjot uzmanîbu uz Eiropas Savienîbasstruktûrfondu lîdzfinansçto projektu sniegto ieguldîjumu valsts izglîtîbas politikas îstenoðanâ visâs izglîtîbas pakâpçs –vispârçjâ, profesionâlajâ un augstâkajâ izglîtîbâ, kâ arî (pieauguðo) tâlâkizglîtîbâ. Tiks organizçtas tikðanâs undiskusijas ar valsts un paðvaldîbu amatpersonâm, kâ arî ar projektu vadîtâjiem. Pârrunas notiks par tâdam tçmâm kâvispârçjâ procesa plânoðana, projektu atlase, îstenoðana un uzraudzîba. Dalîbnieki tiks iepazîstinâti ar labas praksespiemçriem projektu îstenoðanâ daþâda veida izglîtîbas iestâdçs.The aim of the visit is to present to its participants the system of education in Latvia and more specifically how the EUstructural funds’ co-finaced projects contribute to the implementation of state educational policy at all levels – general,professional and higher education, as well as (adult) continuing education. Meetings and discussions with national andlocal authorities, as well as with project managers will be organised. Various aspects, such as overall planning of theprocess, selection, implementation and monitoring of projects will be discussed. Examples of good practice in projectimplementation at various types of educational institutions will be presented to the participants. www.izm.gov.lv13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 49 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,28Organiser Phone:+90 252 358 61 13Organiser Fax:+90 252 358 61 15Organiser Email:Organiser name: Ebru ERGUNEYType: Primary school (EDU.2)Organiser address: Bodrum Marmara CollegeBodrum Marmara KolejiOrtakent/Bodrum/Muglaebruerguney@bodrummarmara.k12.trPostal Code: 48420Title:01,28 - TUR - Education for the SocietyBeginning date: 04.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 08.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:BodrumTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.2 :DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Literacy and numeracydevelopments; Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign language and mathematics.Nr of places: 20 Min required: 10Description:During the visit the guests will be informed about the general educational system of Turkiye.As we mentioned aboveour school has Kindergarten,Primary School,Secondary School and High School,therefore; we have the opportunity toshow the different approaches to education in different age groups.Bodrum Marmara College is a private school.Asa school we have a big budget therefore; we have all the technical equipment and the facilities needed.We think theschools have more responsibility than just educating the kids so, as an institution we have quite a lot sportive, socialand cultural activities for the students,for their families and for the people who live in Bodrum.During this visit we wouldlike to emphesize the importance of the role of the school for the society.Bodrum Marmara College has bilingualstudents;we have a lot of foreign students so the guests have the chance to observe our system. The guests will alsohave the chance to visit the different Kindergartens,Primary Schools,Secondary Schools and General and VocationalHighschoolsThe Head of Bodrum Private Marmara Elemantary School,Ebru Ergüney,joined one of the <strong>visits</strong> last yearand shared the knowledge with the school she gained pointing out how she benefited from the visit so as a school wegrasped the importance of these <strong>visits</strong> and will welcome everybody with this spirit. Bodrum is a place which has amulti-cultural history.We,as people living here,feel ourselves very lucky to have such a historical place; full of sightseeingsand natural beauties.We think this is another opportunity for all people joining from different countries andcultures to share the same atmosphere and benefit from each other whilst breathing the historical environment.Web site:www.mek.k12.tr13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 50 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,29Organiser Phone:+43^1^7481450Organiser Fax:+43^1^7495242Organiser name: Mag. Ursula HuberType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Stadtschulrat für Wien EuropabüroAuerspergstraße 15/22Organiser Email:hs11enkp004k1@m56ssr.wien.atWienPostal Code: A- 1080Title:01,29 - AT - Das österreichische Schulsystem im europäischen VergleichBeginning date: 05.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 09.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:WienAustriaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2German German EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportZIEL 1.5 : OPTIMALE NUTZUNG DER RESSOURCEN: Selbstevaluierung zur Verbesserung deranbebotenen BildungsqualitätNr of places: 20 Min required: 10Description:Kennen Lernen verschiedenster Projekte des SSR für Wien im Pflichtschulwesen wie Bilingualität, Integration,Berufsbildendes Schulwesen anhand von Schulbesuchen in Volksschulen, kooperativen Mittelschulen,allgemeinbildenden höheren und berufsbildenden Schulen.Visit to a Primary, Grammar, Secondary higher and vocational school focusing the aspects of various projects withinthe Vienna Board of Eduation (Integration of handicapped pupils, bilingual teaching, vocational schooling)13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 51 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07001,30Organiser Phone:+48 85 653-77-99Organiser Fax:+48 85 653-77-99Organiser name: Maria Mieszalska - Goroszkiewicz, Jerzy ManturType: Other type of organisation (OTH)Organiser address: ZNP Zarzad Oddzialu w Bialymstokuul. Sienkiewicza 57Organiser Email:mantur@poczta.onet.plBialystokPostal Code: PL15002Title:01,30 - POL - Modern methodology in the early language teachingBeginning date: 11.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 16.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:BiałystokPolandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Polish English PolishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.2 :DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Literacy and numeracydevelopments; Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign language and mathematicsNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Nasze zalozenia koncentruja sie na doskonaleniu kompetencji jezykowych nauczycieli przedszkolnych w zakresieefektywnego nauczania jezyka angielskiego. Uczestnicy programu zidentyfikuja swoje mocne i slabe strony w celuulepszenia swego warsztatu jezykowego - uzyskaja wskazówki dotyczace jezykowej przestrzeni dydaktycznej, którawymaga dopracowania; zostana wyposazeni w „przewodnik pracy wlasnej“.Dzielenie sie doswiadczeniem stanowinieodzowny element uczestnictwa.Our programmes aim to improve the English language competence of the kindergarten teachers and their abilitiesto perform as effective teachers of English.The participants of the programme will have the opportunity to identify theirstrengths and weaknesses, to improve their command of the language and their teaching skills, they will receiveguidance on what needs improvement and on strategies for continuing improvement on a self-study basis. Much of thecourse will focus on giving the participants the opportunity to share their experience as it is an indispensable elementof the programme. www.znpzobialystok.ovh.org13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 52 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07003,01Organiser Phone:+46 320 217 652Organiser Fax:+46 320 310 55Organiser name: Agneta JohanssonType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Vuxenutbildningen i Marks kommunKunskapens HusOrganiser Email:agneta.m.johansson@mark.seKinnaPostal Code: 51180Title:03,01 - SE - Adult pupils with difficulties in reading, writing and numbers - a presentation of successfulmodels in order to help and support and exchange of experiencesBeginning date: 17.09.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 21.09.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:KinnaSwedenLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Swedish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.2 :DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Literacy and numeracydevelopments; Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign language and mathematicsNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:Vuxenutbildningen i Mark har ca 400 elever, från SFI till gymnasial nivå. Vuxenutbildningen samarbetar även med endel högskolor och universitet ochkan genom detta erbjuda högskoleutbildningar på distans via videokonferens.Ettallt större antal elever på grundskolenivå, både med och utan invandrarbakgrund har läs- och skrivsvårigheter,dyslexi och har ävenproblem med siffror, dyskalkyli. Ett antal elever med invandrarbakgrundäranalfabeter.Vuxenutbildningen har två pedagoger, specialutbildade för att ta hand om dessa elever och har uppnåttgoda resultat. Under besöket vill vi presentera Vuxenutbildningen i en liten kommun, Mark, hur vi arbetar medflyktingmottagning, undervisning i Svenska som Andra språk (SFI),alfabetisering och dyslexi/dyskalkyli. Vi vill ocksådiskutera erfarenhetermed kollegor i andra länder. En del studiebesök på andra vuxenutbildnings-enheter planerasunder besöket.The adult education in the municipality of Mark has about 400 students, different levels, from the level of Swedish forimmigrants up to uppersecondary school. The adult education also cooperate with some collegesand universitiesand offer university educations at a distance with the help of modern technology.An increasing number of adultpupils, both immigrants and Swedes,studying at a basic level have severe problems in reading and writing( dyslexi)and problems with numbers (dyskalkyli). A number of immigrants are illiterates.The adult education has two specialteachers, educated to help and support these pupils and the have achieved very good results.During the visit wewould like to introduce the adult education in a small municipality, our plan to integrate immigrants, the teaching ofSwedish for immigrants, how we fight against the illiteracy and how we help pupils with severe problems in reading,writing and mathematics. We also would like to discuss and exchange experiences with colleagues in other countries.We are also planning to visit other adult education units in municipalities nearby.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 53 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07003,02Organiser Phone:+34 985568786/522559Organiser Fax:+34 985566323Organiser name: María A. Cao Fernández/Begoña Jiménez PérezType: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)Organiser address: Centro de Profesorado y Recursos de AvilésTravesía de la Iglesia 5Organiser Email:mauxiliacf@educastur.princast.esAvilésPostal Code: 33401Title:03,02 - ES - School Libraries as Promoters of educative changeBeginning date: 15.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 19.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:AVILÉSSpainLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Spanish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.2 :DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Literacy and numeracydevelopments; Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign language and mathematicsNr of places: 15 Min required: 7Description:El objetivo es mostrar las experiencias más innovadoras que se están llevando a cabo en la comarca en relación conlas bibliotecas escolares. Se pondrá especial atención en los procesos de cambio y mejora de estos espacios y suinfluencia en los procesos de enseñanza–aprendizaje en toda la comunidad educativa. Durante las visitas a losdiferentes centros educativos (de primaria, secundaria, educación especial y un centro específico de alumnado gitano)se podrá observar la diversidad de intervenciones posibles desde las bibliotecas para adecuarse al contexto. Otro delos contenidos será el programa específico de bibliotecas escolares del Principado de Asturias y la formación delprofesorado en este campo. Se finalizará con una sesión de trabajo para reflexión e intercambio de experiencias entrelos participantes. La visita se completará con un programa cultural.The aim of the visit is to show participants the most innovative experiences that are being developed in the arearelated to school libraries. The focus will be on the processes of change and improvement of the school library and itsinfluence on teaching and learning and on the educative community. During the <strong>visits</strong> to the schools (primary,secondary, special education and a specific school with only gypsy students), the participants will have the chance ofexamining the different strategies carried out from libraries to adapt to the context. Another content will be the specificaction of the Regional Public Education Authority (Consejería de Educación y Ciencia) on School Libraries and inserviceteachers training centres. The visit will finish with a workshop where participants will be able to reflect on whatthey have seen and to exchange their personal experiences on the topic. The programme will be complemented withcultural activities.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 54 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07003,03Organiser Phone:+32 2 553 95 80Organiser Fax:+32 2 553 95 65Organiser name: Nina MaresType: Public authority national (PUB.3)Organiser address: Departement Onderwijs en VormingKoning Albert II-laan 15Organiser Email:nina.mares@ond.vlaanderen.beBrusselPostal Code: 1210Title:03,03 - BEN - Improving SkillsBeginning date: 19.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 23.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:BrusselsBelgium (Flemish speaking)Languages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Dutch English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.2 :DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Literacy and numeracydevelopments; Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreign language and mathematicsNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:Een van de aandachtspunten van de Vlaamse Regering is het verhogen van de geletterdheid van de bevolking.Geletterdheid is veel meer dan ‘kunnen lezen en schrijven’. Het gaat om alle kennis en vaardigheden om viageschreven taal te communiceren en informatie te verwerken (bv. ook omgaan met cijfers, werken met de computer).Het werken aan ‘geletterdheid’ wordt het best verruimd tot het werken aan ‘sleutelcompetenties’ of life skills, namelijkalle basisvaardigheden die volwassenen nodig hebben om breed inzetbaar te zijn op de arbeidsmarkt en om goed tefunctioneren in het maatschappelijk leven. Trainingen voor geletterdheid en sleutelcompetenties die functioneelingebed zijn in een technische opleiding of toegepast worden op taken in het bedrijf, leiden tot betere resultaten.Erzal een instrument worden ontwikkeld dat een snelle, diepgaande en systematische screening van de geletterdheidvan kansengroepen mogelijk maakt. Op basis daarvan kan worden doorverwezen voor een intensieve opleiding entrajectbegeleiding.Via bezoeken aan het Departement Onderwijs en Vorming aan onderwijsinstellingen, bedrijven,opleidingsinstellingen en gesprekken met ambtenaren, experts, directeurs en leerkrachten wordt een inzicht gegevenin deze thematiek.One of the points of special interest of the Flemish Government is to increase the literacy of the citizens. Literacy ismore than “knowing how to read and write”. It’s about all knowledge and skills required to communicate via writtenlanguage and to assimilate information (for example dealing with figures, working with a computer). Working on‘literacy’ needs to be broaden to working on ‘key competences’ or ‘life skills’, namely all basic competences adultsneed to have in order to be employable (in a broad sense) on the labour market and to function well in the society.Training for literacy and key competences which are embedded in a technical education or which are applied in tasksin the company lead to better results. An instrument will be developed to ensure a fast, profound and systematicscreening of the literacy of groups at risk. On this basis an intensive training and guidance can be suggested. Thistheme is clarified during <strong>visits</strong> to the Education Department and schools, companies, training institutes and throughdiscussions with civil servants, experts, heads of institutions, teachers and trainers www.ond.vlaanderen.be13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 55 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07004,01Organiser Phone:+ 44 151 928 4449Organiser Fax:+ 44 151 286 6867Organiser Email:jim.donnelly@sefton.gov.ukOrganiser name: Jim DonnellyType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Jim DonnellySefton Childrens ServiceTown Hall, BootleLiverpoolPostal Code: L20 7AETitle:04,01 - GB - The impact of government ICT expenditure on schoolsBeginning date: 17.09.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 21.09.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Sefton, MerseysideUnited KingdomLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.3 :ENSURING ACCESS TO ICT FOR EVERYONE: Quality hardware and software inschools; Use of ICTs; Qualitative assessment of the use of ICTNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:The British Government has invested £billions in ICT in schools, thus ensuring that most schools in England haveschool networks, broadband access to the Internet and many other leading edge technologies, including InteractiveWhiteboards.The objectives of the visit are to:a) Allow participants to see how this technology works in schools (primary and secondary phasesb) To discuss with colleagues in England how the technology impacts upon learning and management (e.g.assessment)c) To have an outside view of how effective such expenditure has been.The study visit will introduce Sefton Children’s Services to participants. They will learn about how Governmentallocates funding to schools and how there has been a major central initiative to put the latest ICT technology intoschools. Visitors will then see schools in practice and both the hosts and the visitors will be able to reflect on thedifferences that the ICT expenditure has made to schools.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 56 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07004,02Organiser Phone:+ 48 85 65 15 855Organiser Fax:+ 48 85 65 15 855Organiser name: Ewa Maria ChociejType: Adult/cont. education provider (EDU.5)Organiser address: Centrum Ksztalcenia Ustawicznego w Bialymstokuul. Zabia 5Organiser Email:ewachociej@op.plBialystokPostal Code: PL15488Title:04,02 - POL - Innovative ICT tools for learning and teaching adults activitiesBeginning date: 24.09.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 28.09.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:BialystokPolandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Polish English PolishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.3 :ENSURING ACCESS TO ICT FOR EVERYONE: Quality hardware and software inschools; Use of ICTs; Qualitative assessment of the use of ICTNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Celem wizyty studyjnej jest wymiana informacji i doswiadczeñ w obszarze edukacji formalnej i nieformalnej, zuwzglednieniem innowacyjnych metod ICT w uczeniu sie i nauczaniu doroslych. Innym waznym celem wizyty jestumozliwienie osobom odpowiedzialnym za edukacje porównania funkcjonowania i zarzadzania placówkamiksztalcenia doroslych w róznych krajach oraz podjecie dzialañ majacych na celu nawiazanie wspólpracy pomiedzy tymiinstytucjami. Zostana one osiagniete poprzez prezentacje przykladów dobrej praktyki i rozwiazañ stosowanych wkrajach przedstawicieli bioracych udzial w wizycie. Ponadto nauczyciele beda mogli praktycznie doswiadczyczastosowania technologii informatycznych w zdalnym nauczaniu doroslych poprzez udzial w zorganizowanejwideokonferencji, obserwacji lekcji z zastosowaniem ICT, spotkaniach z nauczycielami i uczniami szkól - instytucjiregionu Podlasia.The main aim of the study visit is the exchange of information and experiences in area of adult education with using theinnovative ICT tools in various subjects of formal and non-formal education. The second aim is making possible thepersons liable for the education comparison of kelter and management the posts of constant education in differentcountries as well as referring of the cooperation between participants of the study visit. Participants will have theopportunity to observe and share good practice experiences. The visit will include: videoconference, meetings anddiscussions with experts, <strong>visits</strong> to pre-vocational, vocational and higher-vocational schools, institutions dealing withadult education in the Podlaskie province; including those with ICT projects, and observation of teaching and learningin the classroom. The visit is an opportunity to see the contribution of innovative technology and its impact on studentslearning and training experiences. ewachociej@op.pl13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 57 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07004,03Organiser Phone:+44 (0)1294 215716Organiser Fax:+44 (0)1294 216681Organiser Email:dhopkins@north-ayrshire.gov.ukOrganiser name: Dennis HopkinsType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: North Ayrshire CouncilSt John Ogilvie Primary SchoolTowerlands Farm RoadScotlandPostal Code: KA11 1PZTitle:04,03 - GB - The impact of ICT on learning and teachingBeginning date: 01.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 05.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Irvine, North AyrshireUnited KingdomLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.3 :ENSURING ACCESS TO ICT FOR EVERYONE: Quality hardware and software inschools; Use of ICTs; Qualitative assessment of the use of ICTNr of places: 16 Min required: 7Description:The beautiful coastal town of Irvine in Scotland will be the setting for this visit focusing on the impact of ICT ineducation. The visit will consider: --the use of ICT in various subjects in North Ayrshire Nursery, Primary andSecondary schools. --the enhancement of ICT across the curriculum through provision of quality hardware andsoftware, with a focus on application programmes, interactive resources and staff-tutor produced materials.Opportunities will be available to look at online support for teachers and pupils, as a classroom resource and as anarea where pupils can present ideas and respond to challenges. www.ers.north-ayrshire.gov.uk13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 58 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07004,04Organiser Phone:+90 370 4122280Organiser Fax:+90 370 4242333Organiser Email:Organiser name: ERDAL UNGORENType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: KARABUK NATIONAL EDUCATION DIRECTORATEIL MILLI EGITIM MUDURLUGUKARABUK - TURKEYerdal078@hotmail.comPostal Code: 78100Title:04,04 - TUR - Catch The Poverty With TechnologyBeginning date: 01.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 05.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:KARABUKTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.3 :ENSURING ACCESS TO ICT FOR EVERYONE: Quality hardware and software inschools; Use of ICTs; Qualitative assessment of the use of ICTNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Karabük National Education Directorate is a formal instution which is a public responsable for education in the provinceKarabük of 20.000 students population. The focus of this visit will be the virtual dimension of european cooperation ineducation and training. Participants will discuss about the contribution of information and comminucationtechonologies(ICT) to the quality of education and training. Participants will have a chance to compare the socialawareness of the students in some rather disadvantaged regions such as village schools between the students whoare educated in Safranbolu which is famous for the old wooden based Turkish Anotolian Houses that are under theprotection of UNICEF and where many tourists come from all over the world and the citizens are under comminucationand interaction with them. Also the computer science classes in different level of schools and their utility to grow thestudents especially as european citizens will be emphasized and also the practices within the participants’ countrieswill be discussed to come to a common idea for further applications to establish European coopearation. Web Sites forfurher information about the instution and the region are 1) http://karabuk.meb.gov.tr 2)www.safranbolu.gov.tr13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 59 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07004,05Organiser Phone:+ 353 1 8731411Organiser Fax:+ 353 1 8731316Organiser Email:lmcdyer@leargas.ieOrganiser name: Lorraine Mc DyerType: Non-profit association - national (ASS.3)Organiser address: Leargas189 Parnell StreetDublin 1DublinPostal Code:Title:04,05 - IRL - Information and Communications Technology in the Irish Education SystemBeginning date: 08.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 12.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Dublin, IrelandIrelandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.3 :ENSURING ACCESS TO ICT FOR EVERYONE: Quality hardware and software inschools; Use of ICTs; Qualitative assessment of the use of ICTNr of places: 10 Min required: 5Description:The visit will focus on the result of the increased investment by the Irish Government in the installation of Informationand Communications Technology (I.C.T.) in schools since 1997. It will include <strong>visits</strong> to primary/secondary schools toobserve workshops and classes in action. There will be an opportunity to talk with teachers and students about theissues involved in developing I.C.T. in schools. Education centres provide continuous training and professionaldevelopment for teachers. It also gives support to schools in the implementation of educational programmes such asthe various I.C.T. initiatives that have been introduced in recent years. There will also be an overview of the IrishEducation System bu the Inspectorate to the Department of Education and Science. Finally, the National Centre forTechnology in Education (N.C.T.E.) a body which advises the Depatment of Education and Science on I.C.T. issues,will give a talk on the installation of I.C.T. in the Irish Education System. www.leargas.ie/education13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 60 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07004,06Organiser Phone:+49 711 2850 718Organiser Fax:+49 711 2850 780Organiser name: Peter SchmidtType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Landesmedienzentrum Baden-WürttembergRotenbergstr. 111Organiser Email:schmidt@lmz-bw.deStuttgartPostal Code: D-70190Title:04,06 - DE - Medienunterstützung für den Unterricht im baden-württembergischen SchulwesenBeginning date: 04.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 09.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Stuttgart und KarlsruheGermanyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2German German EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportZIEL 1.3: GEWÄHRLEISTUNG DES ALLGEMEINEN ZUGANG ZUR IKT: Hochwertige Hardware undSoftware in Schulen, Verwendung von IKT in Projekten, qualitative Beurteilung der Verwendung vonIKTNr of places: 10 Min required: 8Description:Das Landesmedienzentrum mit Standorten in Stuttgart und Karlsruhe und die kommunalen Medienzentren in Baden-Württemberg unterstützen mit ihrer Arbeit als Projektpartner der Medienoffensive II des Landes Baden-Württembergund ihren Medien- und Fortbildungsangeboten schulisches und außerschulisches Lehren und Lernen. DieTeilnehmer/innen lernen die Inhalte, Methoden und Zielsetzungen der Einzelprojekte kennen, arbeiten in Workshopsan Aufgaben praktischer Medienarbeit, besuchen Einrichtungen und Schulen, in denen verstärkt mit demMedienangebot gearbeitet wird und tauschen ihre Erfahrungen aus dem eigenen Land mit Lehrkräften undSchulleitungen aus. Wir sind stark daran interessiert, wie europäische Partner unsere Arbeit beurteilen und wollen mitder Ausrichtung der Besuchswoche auch im Rahmen eines kulturellen Programms dazu beitragen, Grundlagen füreine weitere Zusammenarbeit mit den Partnern zu legen. Weitere Informationen zum Studienbesuch sind ab Februar<strong>2007</strong> unter www.lmz-bw.de zugänglich.The media centre of Baden-Württemberg (LMZ) and its related media centers support with their variety of media andmedia related seminars as a main partner of the so-called Medienoffensive II, initiated by the country of Baden-Württemberg the process of learning and teaching at schools and other educational institutions throughout the country.The participants will learn more about the tasks of regional media centres and the projects offered to schools. They willhave the opportunity to have a closer look at projects and to visit schools that use media in a special way to strengthenteaching and learning processes. We are very interested to get a feedback to our work from outside and perhaps togive helpful suggestions for European collaboration projects between the participating partners. In order to allowintense personal exchange of information we provide a media related cultural program. Further information will beavailable from the Media Center´s website under www.lmz-bw.de as of February <strong>2007</strong>.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 61 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07004,07Organiser Phone:+30-210-37.26.392Organiser Fax:+30-210-32.21.863Organiser name: ARION teamType: Public authority national (PUB.3)Organiser address: IKYD. Aeropagitou & Makri 1Organiser Email:study<strong>visits</strong>@iky.gr; apispa@iky.grAthensPostal Code: GR-11742Title:04,07 - GR - The importance of ICT for school improvementBeginning date: 05.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 09.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:AthensGreeceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Greek English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.3 :ENSURING ACCESS TO ICT FOR EVERYONE: Quality hardware and software inschools; Use of ICTs; Qualitative assessment of the use of ICTNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:This study visit focuses mainly on the use of ICT's for pre-primary and primary education. A special emphasis will begiven to the pedagogical issues of teaching and learning through ICT. The study visit includes <strong>visits</strong> to schools andobservation of teaching and learning in classroom. There will also be meetings with experts and opportunities toexchange experience with teachers and specialists. This study visit takes place in Athens. www.iky.gr13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 62 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07004,08Organiser Phone:+90 5059260000Organiser Fax:+90 442 2351032Organiser Email:Organiser name: Fikret GEDIKLIType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Erzurum National Education DirectorateMilli Egitim MudurluguErzurum/TURKEYfgedikli@meb.gov.tr;fikretgedikli@hotmail.comPostal Code: 25100Title:04,08 - TUR - Using ICT to Enhance Learning and Teaching CreativelyBeginning date: 17.12.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 21.12.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:ErzurumTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.3 :ENSURING ACCESS TO ICT FOR EVERYONE: Quality hardware and software inschools; Use of ICTs; Qualitative assessment of the use of ICTNr of places: 10 Min required: 5Description:The aim of this visit is to enable the participant to observe the importance of ICT in whole schools improvement. Thisprogram will include <strong>visits</strong> to primary, high schools including those school’s ICT structure and project,training teacher inICT and observation of teaching and learning in the classroom. This program will also include meetings anddiscussions with experts. Participants will discuss about the contribution of information and communicationtechnologies (ICT) to the quality of education and training. The visit will focus on the result of increasedinvestment by the Turkish Government in the installation of ICT in schools since 1998 especially since 2004 and willinclude <strong>visits</strong> to primary and high schools to observe workshops and classes in action. There will be an opportunity totalk with teachers and students about the issues involved in developing ICT in schools. In addition to visiting schools inErzurum City, there will also be <strong>visits</strong> Center of –In Service Training which is located in Erzurum.This center providecontinuous training and professional development for teachers. It is also will give support teachers in theimplementation education programmes such as the ICT initiatives and activities that have been introduced in recentyears. There will also be an overview of Turkish Education and Inspection System by an inspector from ‘Board ofInspectors’and meeting (Director of –Department of- in Service Training in Ankara) on 21st Century Learning.The program will include <strong>visits</strong> to range of schools – resources and training- to allow to make comparisons with Turkeyas well as in their own country.There will be an opportunity to visit schools involved in the project to see the use of ICTmaterials. We will present some special project that focused on ICT (Training for teachers). We plan exchange theexperience from other countries and there will be possibility to discuss future co- operation, at the same timeparticipants will share experiences with European colleagues on the use of ICT in their countries. www.erzurum.gov.tr13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 63 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07004,09Organiser Phone:+ 351 243 304 200Organiser Fax:+ 351 243 329 014Organiser name: Ligia Batalha, Ana PortugalType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Câmara Municipal de SantarémPraça do MunicípioOrganiser Email:ana.portugal@cm-santarem.ptSantarémPostal Code: 2000027Title:04,09 - PT - A Different Use for ICT resourcesBeginning date: 03.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 07.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:SantarémPortugalLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Portuguese English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.3 :ENSURING ACCESS TO ICT FOR EVERYONE: Quality hardware and software inschools; Use of ICTs; Qualitative assessment of the use of ICTNr of places: 12 Min required: 6Description:Avaliação da integração das TIC no rotina do pessoal auxiliar das escolas.Avaliação do impacto de diferentes idadese níveis de instrução no desenvolvimento do projecto. Incremento de parcerias entre o pessoal auxiliar e os restantesactores do contexto escolar. Observação da integração das TIC no contexto laboral do pessoal auxiliar. Observaçãodos resultados obtidos desde o arranque do projecto.Contactos com diversos elementos envolvidos noprojecto.Avaliação das situações em curso. Estudo de casos problemáticos e proposta de correcção. O público-alvo:Peritos, Directores de estabelecimentos de ensino, Técnicos ao nível local, regional e nacional (incluíndo municípios).Conselheiros Pedagógicos. http://www.cm-santarem.ptEvaluation of the integration of ICT resources among the Schools´ Assistants in a regular term. Similar approach toICT between Schools´ Assistances with different ages and different educational backgrounds.To motivate partnershipsbetween Schools´ Assistants and all the others school actors. •Observation of the relationship between ICT andSchools´ Assistants. Observation of the results achieved meanwhile.•To establish contact with the Schools´ Assistantsinvolved. •Evaluation of the current situation. <strong>Study</strong> of solutions for the most complex situations. The target audience is:Experts, Heads of schools, personnel at local, regional and national level (including municipalities), Educationadvisors/counsellors. http://www.cm-santarem.pt13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 64 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07004,10Organiser Phone:+32 2 553 95 80Organiser Fax:+32 2 553 95 65Organiser name: Nina MaresType: Public authority national (PUB.3)Organiser address: Departement Onderwijs en VormingKoning Albert II-laan 15Organiser Email:nina.mares@ond.vlaanderen.beBrusselPostal Code: 1210Title:04,10 - BEN - ICT-skillsBeginning date: 10.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 14.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:BrusselBelgium (Flemish speaking)Languages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Dutch English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.3 :ENSURING ACCESS TO ICT FOR EVERYONE: Quality hardware and software inschools; Use of ICTs; Qualitative assessment of the use of ICTNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:De dertien doelstellingen van het Europees Doelstellingenrapport zijn voor een groot deel gericht op het verbeterenvan de vaardigheden van jongeren en volwassenen. In dit kader moeten de EU-Lidstaten inspanningen leveren omalgemene basis- en ICT-vaardigheden te stimuleren.Cruciaal is dat leerlingen leren hoe ze hun leerproces zelf inhanden kunnen nemen en over de vaardigheden beschikken om levenslang hun competenties op punt te stellen. Inhet zelfgestuurd leren speelt ICT een belangrijke rol.Het Vlaamse Ministerie van Onderwijs en Vorming werkte eenbeleidsplan uit waarin de verschillende initiatieven en projecten rond ICT vanuit een duidelijke visie worden gebundeld.Dat beleid moet de nodige voorwaarden scheppen opdat iedereen de basiscompetenties voor ICT kan verwerven.Deze basiscompetenties voor ICT werden geïntegreerd in de vakoverschrijdende eindtermen en ontwikkelingsdoelenvoor het lager onderwijs en de eerste graad secundair onderwijs. Via bezoeken aan het Departement Onderwijs enVorming, aan scholen en organisaties, gesprekken met ambtenaren, experts, schoolhoofden en leerkrachten wordteen inzicht gegeven in deze thematiek. Centraal in dit bezoek staan de uitwerking van de ICT-competenties en hetondersteunend beleid waaronder initiatieven rond de verspreiding van digitale leermiddelen, open source software enbreedbandapplicaties.The thirteen objectives of the ‘Concrete Future Objectives of Education and Training’ are mainly aimed at theimprovement of skills of youngsters and adults. In this framework the EU Member States need to put in a great effort tostimulate general basic and ICT competences.Pupils need to learn how to take control of their own learning processand to dispose the skills to adjust their competences during the rest of their lives. ICT plays an important role in thisprocess.The Flemish Ministry of Education and Training worked out a policy plan, starting from a clear vision, inwhich the different initiatives and projects on ICT were clustered. This policy needs to create the conditions in order foreverybody acquiring the basic competences for ICT. These basic competences were integrated in cross-curricularattainment targets and developmental objectives for the primary education and the first grade of the secondaryeducation. This theme is clarified during <strong>visits</strong> to the Department of Education and Training, schools andorganisations, and through discussions with civil servants, experts, head teachers and teachers. Central topics of thisvisit are the development of ICT-competences and the policy support, including the initiatives on the dissemination ofdigital teaching materials, open source software and broadband applications. www.ond.vlaanderen.be13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 65 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07004,11Organiser Phone:+34 956336573Organiser Fax:+34 956324274Organiser name: José Juan Domínguez RodríguezType: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)Organiser address: Centro de Profesores de JerezAlameda Cristina, 11-2ª plantaOrganiser Email:cepca2.ced@juntadeandalucia.esJerez de la FronteraPostal Code: 11403Title:04,11 - ES - Ensuring access to ICT for everyoneBeginning date: 07.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 11.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz)SpainLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Spanish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.3 :ENSURING ACCESS TO ICT FOR EVERYONE: Quality hardware and software inschools; Use of ICTs; Qualitative assessment of the use of ICTNr of places: 15 Min required: 6Description:Esta visita de estudio tiene por objeto que los participantes constaten la importancia del las TICs en la mejora de laescuela. Se pondrá especial énfasis en los aspectos pedagógicos del aprendizaje y la enseñanza a través de lautilización de estas herramientas. Los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de observar e intercambiar buenasprácticas. La visita incluye: encuentros y discusiones con expertos y visitas a centros escolares de educación primariay secundaria que realizan proyectos con TIC para apreciar su contribución e impacto en el aprendizaje de losalumnos. También se mostrarán experiencias de formación de profesorado específico, plataformas informáticas yaplicaciones de software educativo, sistemas colaborativos de aprendizaje, etc.The aim of this visit is to enable the participants to appreciate the importance of ICT in whole school improvement. Aspecial emphasis will be given to the pedagogical issues of teaching and learning through ICT. Participants will havethe opportunity to observe and share good practice experiences. The visit will include: meetings and discussions withexperts, <strong>visits</strong> to both primary and secondary schools, including those with ICT projects, and observation of teachingand learning in the classroom. The visit is an opportunity to see the contribution ofinnovative technology and itsimpact on pupil learning and training experiences. Main topics of the visit include: learning communities, collaborativelearning systems, free code, computer platforms and software educationalapplications, training teacher in ICT and soon.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 66 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07004,12Organiser Phone:+43^732^7071 9321Organiser Fax:+43^732^7071 9210Organiser name: Mag. Wilfried NaglType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Landesschulrat für OberösterreichSonnensteinstraße 20Organiser Email:wilfried.nagl@lsr-ooe.gv.atLinzPostal Code: A 4020Title:04,12 - AT - eLearing Cluster Schools in Upper Austria- Practical eLearning Models on Upper SecondaryLevelBeginning date: 21.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 25.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:LinzAustriaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2German German EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportZIEL 1.3: GEWÄHRLEISTUNG DES ALLGEMEINEN ZUGANG ZUR IKT: Hochwertige Hardware undSoftware in Schulen, Verwendung von IKT in Projekten, qualitative Beurteilung der Verwendung vonIKTNr of places: 15 Min required: 12Description:Präsentation des eLearning Clusters Oberösterreich als Teil der österreichischen eLearning Initiative: 10 innovativeModellschulen der Sekundarstufe II kooperieren im Bereich eLearning. Vorstellung der praktischen Arbeit undErfahrung in Notebook Klassen in elektronischen Lernumgebungen. Vorstellung und Diskussion von Konzepten in derLehrerfortbildung zur Verbesserung der IT-Fähigkeit und Kenntnisse des Lehrpersonals. Präsentation vonelektronischen Lernmaterialien. Schulbesuche und Möglichkeiten des Erfahrungsaustausches mit Lehrerinnen undLehrern, Schulleiterinnen und Schulleitern und Vertreterinnen und Vertretern von Behörden.Presentation of the “eLearning Cluster Upper Austria” as a part of the Austrian eLearning initiative: 10 innovative modelschools (Upper Secondary) co-operate in the implementation of eLearning. Presentation for the practical work andexperience in laptop – computer classes in electronic learning environments. Presentation and discussion of conceptsin the further training of teachers to enhance their IT- skills and knowledge. Presentation and discussion of electroniclearning material. School <strong>visits</strong> will be organised to offer the opportunity to exchange experience with teachers, headsof school and representatives of educational authorities.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 67 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07004,13Organiser Phone:0040212525871Organiser Fax:0040212525700Organiser Email:Organiser name: POPA SEVERType: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)Organiser address: National College "Mihai Viteazul"62nd, Bdul Pache Protopopescusector 2, Bucurestidirector@cnmv.roPostal Code: 021414Title:04,13 - RO - Improving education by ICTBeginning date: 05.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 09.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:BucharestRomaniaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Romanian English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.3 :ENSURING ACCESS TO ICT FOR EVERYONE: Quality hardware and software inschools; Use of ICTs; Qualitative assessment of the use of ICTNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Presentations (ICT based eucational system; educational software, opportunities and directions in teacher training).Demonstrative activities (lessons on different subjects, including ICT). Workshops. Visits in schools and culturalestablishments.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 68 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07004,14Organiser Phone:+34 985108614Organiser Fax:+34 985108615Organiser name: Nicanor García/Pilar CortejosoType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Consejeria de Educación y CienciaPlaza de España, nº 5Organiser Email:nicanor@educastur.princast.es/pilarch@princast.esOVIEDOPostal Code: 33007Title:04,14 - ES - ICT in education/Modelos de integración de las TIC en los sistemas educativos europeosBeginning date: 12.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 17.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:OVIEDOSpainLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Spanish English FrenchReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.3 :ENSURING ACCESS TO ICT FOR EVERYONE: Quality hardware and software inschools; Use of ICTs; Qualitative assessment of the use of ICTNr of places: 18 Min required: 8Description:En el transcurso de la visita de estudio los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de participar en las siguientesactividades: Sesiones de trabajo, presentaciones y debates para conocer los modelos de integración de las TIC en laeducación en Asturias, reflexionar sobre ellos y contrastarlos con los utilizados en los países de los participantes.Visitas a centros educativos y a centros de formación del profesorado en los que se puedan ver buenas prácticasDuring the <strong>Study</strong> Visit, participants will have the opportunity to participate in the following activities : Working sessions,presentations and debates in order to know the models of integrating ICT in the teaching and learning process inAsturias, to reflect upon them and to compare them with those used in the participants´ countrie, and <strong>visits</strong> to schoolsand teacher training centres with good practices.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 69 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07004,15Organiser Phone:+420 596 513 561Organiser Fax:+420 596 513 561Organiser Email:Organiser name: Miroslava SromkovaType: Vocational/tech. secondary school (EDU 3.2)Organiser address: Obchodni akademie-Business AcademyPolni 964Orlova-Lutynesromkova@obaka-orlova.czPostal Code: 73514Title:04,15 - CZE - ICT in Primary and Secondary Education - Identifying and Sparing Good PracticeBeginning date: 19.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 23.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:OrlovaCzech RepublicLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Czech English GermanReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.3 :ENSURING ACCESS TO ICT FOR EVERYONE: Quality hardware and software inschools; Use of ICTs; Qualitative assessment of the use of ICTNr of places: 15 Min required: 6Description:Cílem studijní návštìvy je vymìnit si zkušenosti úèastníkù s implementací prostøedkù IT a Learning managementsystému s použitím notebookù ve výuce oboru Informatika v ekonomice a Informaèní technologie. Jsme autoryuèebních dokumentù pro vzdìlavání v oboru Informatika v ekonomice, jehož hlavní charakteristikou je používánínotebookù v co nejvìtší míøe a poètu pøedmetu pøímo ve výuce. Naše snaha o úplnou zmìnu pojetí výuky u tohotooboru byla vedena probíhající reformou školského systému v Èesku. Snažíme se naplnit její zámìry, zmìnit systémvzdìlávání v posunu od znalosti ke kompetencím, ve schopnosti najít relevantní informace a zpracovat je ve prospìchprobíraného tématu a pøipravit studenty k pøijetí filozofie celoživotního vzdìlávání, napø. formou e-learningu avýchovou k learning management system. Do setkaní bude zapojena i soukromá Støední odborná škola NET OFFICEv Orlové vyuèující obor Informaèní technologie (workshopy s ukázkami aplikace poèítaèù pøi výuce odbornýchpøedmetù). Máme zájem o formu benmarkingu, která umožní seznámit se s postupy uplatòovanými na jiných školácha vzdìl.institucích a vymìnit si informace o efektivitì rùzných pøístupù a metod uplatòovaných ve výuce rùznýchpøedmetù. Jelikož jsme jedna z mála støedních škol s podobným vzdìlávácím programem, rádi bychom provedlisrovnání na evropské úrovni.We support learning management system. The main purpose of the study visit is the exchange of experience in IT andLearning Management System and their implementation into classwork supported by notebooks. We are authors ofcurricula for 4 years courses "ICT in Economics" whose main characteristics is using of notebooks connected to theInternet in most subjects and as much as necessary and right in the classwork. Our effort to modify the presentconception of classwork was led by educational reforms that are in progress in the Czech Republic. We are working onthe accomplishment of these aims, i.e. to change the system of classwork in a shift from knowledge to competences, inability to search for relevant information and to use it in accordance with the subject matter, and to prepare students toaccept lifelong education philosophy by means of e-learning, for example. We would like to do benchmarking and meetmethods used at some other schools or educational institutions and thus exchange information on efficiency of chosenapproaches and methods. Since our institution is just one of a few secondary schools in the country with suchprogramme, we long for making a comparison in the European context. NET OFFICE Ltd. School, teaching IT, willalso be involved (presentation of methods used during classwork of different subjects and workshops, e.g. usage ofAutoCad, etc). No less importatnt is the reason to create long-term ties with institutions with similar programmes sothat we do not stay isolated in our work.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 70 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07004,16Organiser Phone:+4775641455Organiser Fax:+4775641441Organiser Email:rkkis@online.noOrganiser name: Per Jon OlsenType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Regional Competence and Development OfficeRKK Indre SaltenBox 394FauskePostal Code: 8201Title:04,16 - NO - Education and its toolsBeginning date: 02.06.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 06.06.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:FauskeNorwayLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Norwegian English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.3 :ENSURING ACCESS TO ICT FOR EVERYONE: Quality hardware and software inschools; Use of ICTs; Qualitative assessment of the use of ICTNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Kurset skal vise strategi for læring gjennom nettverk, sammmen med Høgskolen i Bodø, kommuner og skoler. Det viloppmuntre til nye tilnærminger i arbeidet for kontinuerlig faglig utvikling, diskutere klasseromsstrategier, lærerstrategierfor å hjelpe elever og faglig utviukling av den digitale didaktikken til lærerne.The course will demonstrate strategies for teaching and learning through networking, in cooperation with schools , aUniversity College and the municipalities.It will encourage new approaches to the continual professional developmentof teachers by using the Learning networks and discuss strategies in the classroom, teaching strategies to assistchildren/pupils and the continuous professional development of digital didactics of teachers.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 71 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07004,17Organiser Phone:44 (0)1253 476631Organiser Fax:44 (0)1253 476502Organiser Email:Organiser name: Adrian MetcalfType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Blackpool Local Education AuthorityBlackpool Education DeptProgress House, Clifton Roadadrian.metcalf@blackpool.gov.ukPostal Code: FY4 4USTitle:04,17 - GB - Using ICT to enhance teaching and learningBeginning date: 16.06.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 20.06.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:BlackpoolUnited KingdomLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.3 :ENSURING ACCESS TO ICT FOR EVERYONE: Quality hardware and software inschools; Use of ICTs; Qualitative assessment of the use of ICTNr of places: 14 Min required: 6Description:Participants will have the opportunity to focus on the use of ICT in Education in Blackpool Schools and Colleges andthe rest of Europe. School <strong>visits</strong> will allow participants to talk to school managers about how they have strategicallydeveloped the ICT resources in their schools, In particular the implementation of interactive whiteboard technology, thecreative use of digital video and the use of ICT as a tool to support all subject areas. Visits will include the BlackpoolSixth Form College, Blackpool and Fylde College and a range of Primary, Special and Secondary Schools. TheBlackpool City Learning Centre and the Solaris Environmental Centre will be visited to see the work they are doing insupporting the Community and Schools. The Schools VLE will be used to provide information before during and afterthe visit to all applicants for the course. Opportunity will be given to see the Blackpool 4Me Online Information andLearning MLE which has been developed for all residents of Blackpool. Finally there will be <strong>visits</strong> to the annual DigitalMedia Awards in the Odeon Cinema and an opportunity to learn more about the history of Blackpool.Objective:Quality hardware and software in schools: use of ICTs in various subjects: Use of ICTs in non-formal education:Qualitative assessment of the use of ICT in education www.blackpool.gov.uk13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 72 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07005,01Organiser Phone:+420 485 355 106Organiser Fax:Organiser Email:libor.novosad@tul.czOrganiser name: Libor NovosadType: Higher education inst. (EDU.4)Organiser address: Academic Guidance Council at Technical UniversityHálkova 6LiberecLiberecPostal Code: 46117Title:05,01 - CZE - Education and intregration of disabled young people - comparison of the situation in the CzechRepublic with other European countriesBeginning date: 17.09.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 21.09.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:LiberecCzech RepublicLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Czech English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 :SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESION: Integration and access to disadvantaged groups; models for encouraging to formalqualificationsNr of places: 12 Min required: 7Description:Technická univerzita v Liberci již tøináctým rokem realizuje program podpory zdravotnì postižených studentù. Jehocílem je zpøístupnit vysokoškolské studium lidem s postižením a na principu partnerské podpory jim tak pøibližovatindividuální pøíležitosti k seberozvoji, seberealizaci a následnému pracovnímu uplatnìní. Ke koordinování podpùrnýchaktivit a poskytování odborné pomoci byla ustavena "Akademická poradna a poradna pro obèany se zdravotnímpostižením", jež je organizaèní složkou dalšího vzdìlávání. Cílem studijní návštìvy je pøedstavit výsledky a metodypráce Akademické poradny a vzájemná výmìna zkušeností èi podnetù mezi úèastníky a porovnání pøístupù kevzdìlávání a sociální integraci osob se zdravotním postižením. Náplní této studijní návštìvy budou exkurze a následnékomparativní workshopy na školách vzdìlávajících osoby se zdravotním postižením, v domovech, chránìných dílnách,specializovaných poradnách a podobmých zaøízeních podílejících se na podpoøe a realizaci vzdìlávání, osobníhorozvoje, seberealizace a pracovního uplatnìní osob se zdravotním postižením. Souèástí programu bude úèast nadiseminaèním semináøi "Komparace zkušeností, trendù a systémových opor v oblasti vzdìlávání, ucelené rehabilitacea sociální integrace mladých lidí se zdravotním postižením v Evropì". Tohoto semináøe se zúèastní i pøední èeštíodborníci vèetnì vysokoškolských pedagogù, kteøí se zabývají touto problematikou.Technical University in Liberec has a 13-year history in creating support programmes for disabled students. The aim ofthis project is to make higher education more accessible to this target group and to give them an opportunity for selfdevelopmentand further work placement. "The Academic Guidance Council for Disabled People" was established inorder to coordinate these supportive activities. The objective of this study visit is to introduce results and methods ofwork achieved by the Academic Guidance Council. In addition to that, the aim also is to create conditions for mutualexchange of experience and incentives among the participants as well, and to compare approaches to education andintegration of disabled people. The participants will be given the opportunity to visit schools, homes and protectedworkshops where programmes for disabled people are created and implemented. Institutions dealing with education,specialized counselling services, self-development and placement in the labour market for disabled people will also bevisited. These <strong>visits</strong> will be followed by practical workshops. Participation in a dissemination seminar for the Czechspecialists "Comparison of experience and trends in the field of education and social integration of young disabledpeople in Europe" is planned as part of the programme. At this seminar, there will be notable Czech experts dealingwith this topic, including university teachers.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 73 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07005,02Organiser Phone:+46 19 301 602Organiser name:Type:Karin AngerbyOrganiser Fax:+46 19 33 39 19Organiser Email:karin.angerby@bi.spm.seOrganiser address: SpecialskolemyndighetenDrottninggatan 25Box 6074ÖrebroPostal Code: 70006Title:05,02 - SE - Education of the deaf and hard of hearingBeginning date: 08.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 13.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:ÖrebroSwedenLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Swedish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 :SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESION: Integration and access to disadvantaged groups; models for encouraging to formalqualificationsNr of places: 20 Min required: 10Description:Studiebesöket ska fokusera på undervisningssystemet för döva och hörselskadade i grundskolan. Besök kommerockså att göras på andra skolor och institutioner och på universitetet för att diskutera flerspråkig undervisning av dövaoch hörselskadade idag, både i specialskolan och i vanlig grundskola. Begreppet integration, eller inclusion kommer attdiskuteras, och vad det betyder för elevgruppen i olika åldrar, och i relation till utbildningens generella mål.Nyforskning om flerspråkighet som finns idag är viktig, när så många döva barn får cochlea implantat. Denlärarkompetens som behövs för gruppen, vare sig eleverna går i specialskolan eller i grundskolan,är också ettområde som behöver diskuteras.Örebro är centrum för undervisning av döva och hörselskadade i Sverige ocherbjuder kunskap på alla dessa områden som grund för diskussion och informations / kunskaps- och åsiktsutbyte inomundervisning av döva och hörselskadade.The study visit will focus on the educational system for Deaf and Hard of Hearing pupils/students in compulsory school,But we will also visit other schools and institutions and the university to discuss multilingual education of the deaf andhard of hearing today, both in special schools and mainstream settings. We will discuss integration, or inclusion, andwhat that stands for for example in relation to age and also in relation to the overall goals for the pupils.New researchin multilingual education today is important, when so many deaf children get cochlear implants.The teachercompetence required for the group, wether the pupils are in special schools or in mainstream settings is also an area todiscuss.Örebro is the center of education for the deaf and hard of hearing in Sweden and offers knowledge in allthose areas as a basis for discussion and exchange of information, knowledge and views. www.spm.se13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 74 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07005,03Organiser Phone:+371 7811175Organiser Fax:+371 7811176Organiser name: Ms Inese KarklinaType: Primary school (EDU.2)Organiser address: Vaivari Primary SchoolSkautu iela 2Organiser Email:vaivarupsk@navigator.lvJurmalaPostal Code: LV-<strong>2008</strong>Title:05,03 - LV - Integration of handicapped childrenBeginning date: 15.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 19.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:JurmalaLatviaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Latvian English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 :SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESION: Integration and access to disadvantaged groups; models for encouraging to formalqualificationsNr of places: 15 Min required: 6Description:Vizîtes laikâ dalîbnieki iepazîsies ar Latvijas pieredzi skolçnu ar speciâlâm vajadzîbâm integrâcijâ vispârçjâs izglîtîbasskolu sistçmâ. Programmâ paredzçtas tikðanâs ar atbildîgiem ierçdòiem un speciâlistiem Izglîtîbas un zinâtnesministrijâ un paðvaldîbâs; daþâda tipa skolu apmeklçjumi un tikðanâs ar skolu administrâciju, pedagogiem, skolçniem;iepazîðanâs ar dokumentiem un normatîvajiem aktiem, kas nosaka skolçnu ar speciâlâm vajadzîbâm integrâcijuvispârizglîtojoðâ skolâDuring the visit participants will get acquainted with the integration of pupils with special needs in the general educationschools. The programme will offer the meetings with the officials and specialists in the Ministry of Education and localmunicipalities; the <strong>visits</strong> to different schools and the meetings with the school administration, teachers and pupils; thepossibility to get acquainted with the documentation and legislation which is at the basis of the integration of pupils withspecial needs in the school of general education www.vaivari.lv13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 75 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07005,04Organiser Phone:++351 225 191 100Organiser Fax:++351 225 191 123Organiser name: Ana XavierType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Direcção Regional de Educação do NorteRua António Carneiro, 8Organiser Email:ana.xavier@dren.min-edu.ptPortoPostal Code: 4349003Title:05,04 - PT - Integration of disabled students in regular schoolsBeginning date: 05.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 09.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Porto e zona norte de PortugalPortugalLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Portuguese English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 :SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESION: Integration and access to disadvantaged groups; models for encouraging to formalqualificationsNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:- Pedagogical and teaching strategies to promote the integration of physically or mentally disabled students in thePortuguese education system, in Basic (1st, 2nd and 3rd Cycles) and Secondary Schools.- Curricular adaptations orindividual educational plans designed to pupils with special needs.- Use of ICT as a tool to work with disabledchildren. - Social issues about the inclusion of disabled children. The activities invloved are the following: Visits toBasic and Secondary Schools. Workshops. The target audience is: Experts, personnel at national, regional and locallevel, Heads of shcools and education advisors/counsellors. http://www.dren.min-edu.pt13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 76 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07005,05Organiser Phone:+44 (0)1530 513600Organiser Fax:+44 (0)1530 513610Organiser Email:abennington@leics.gov.ukOrganiser name: Andrea BenningtonType: Other type of organisation (OTH)Organiser address: Specialist Teaching ServiceRothley HouseJackson StreetLeicestershirePostal Code: LE67 3NRTitle:05,05 - GB - Inclusion for children with SENBeginning date: 12.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 16.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Coalville, LeicestershireUnited KingdomLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 :SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESION: Integration and access to disadvantaged groups; models for encouraging to formalqualificationsNr of places: 12 Min required: 6Description:You will be welcomed to Leicestershire in the East Midlands of the UK for this visit highlighting good practice in thearea of special needs integration. The 2006 Annual Performance Assessment of services for children and youngpeople designated Leicestershire a 4 star authority. This visit will be hosted by the Specialist Teaching Service whichincludes the following teams: Autism Outreach, Early Years (SEN) Inclusion, Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment,Physical/Medical Needs and Learning Support. Visitors will have the opportunity to observe and discuss howLeicestershire’s inclusive ethos has enabled early years settings and mainstream schools to provide for the needs ofchildren and young people with a wide range of special educational needs. www.leics.gov.uk13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 77 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07005,06Organiser Phone:+353 1 8731411Organiser Fax:+353 1 8731316Organiser Email:lmcdyer@leargas.ieOrganiser name: Lorraine Mc DyerType: Non-profit association - national (ASS.3)Organiser address: Leargas189 Parnell StreetDublin 1DublinPostal Code:Title:05,06 - IRL - The Development of Special Needs Education in the Irish Education SystemBeginning date: 19.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 23.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Dublin, IrelandIrelandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 :SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESION: Integration and access to disadvantaged groups; models for encouraging to formalqualificationsNr of places: 10 Min required: 5Description:This visit will present participants with an opportunity to visit schools which provide specialist education for childrenwith special needs. Since the enactment of the 1998 Education Act there is an obligation on the Department ofEducation and Science to ensure that there is made available to each person, including every person with a disabilityor other educational needs, support services and a level and quality of education appropriate to meeting the needs andabilities of that person. The visit will also, therefore, afford participants an opportunity to observe the education ofstudents with special needs in a mainstreaming educational setting. There will also be a series of talks on the history,current structure and future developments of the overall Irish education system. In addition there will be a presentationon special needs education in Ireland. Participants will have the opportunity to visit schools, observe classes in actionwhile also having occasion to talk with students and teachers about their experiences of special education in Ireland.www.leargas.ie/education13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 78 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07005,07Organiser Phone:+903582122992Organiser Fax:+903582315031Organiser Email:Organiser name: Ozcan ERKOLType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: The Province National Education DirectorateElmasiye cad. No:13Amasyaab05@meb.gov.trPostal Code: 05100Title:05,07 - TUR - General <strong>Study</strong> at Integration of Handicapped Children in TurkeyBeginning date: 20.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 24.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:AmasyaTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 :SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESION: Integration and access to disadvantaged groups; models for encouraging to formalqualificationsNr of places: 20 Min required: 5Description:Integration of handicapped children (blind, deaf and dumb, mental retardation)! The aim of this study visit is to studythe education given for integration of handicapped children in Turkey and other European Countries participated in thevisit. Different methods in different schools and in different countries will be seen, analysed and compared in the visit.Knowledge of Europe will be built up and handicapped children’s equal opportunities in their education and training willbe emphasized. The visit will make it possible to exchange of experience of the participants who will make presentationabout the education for integration of handicapped children in their countries. The documents prepared by evaluationof the studied handicapped children education systems will be the final report of the visit. These documents will beabout the similarities and differences, management systems, poor and rich sides and financial sources of studiedintegration of handicapped children education systems. By the visit there will be a network among all the participanthandicapped children education institutions and the handicapped children education institutions the participant workingrelated area. After the <strong>visits</strong> the final report and the evaluations will be available on the web site so the integration ofhandicapped institutions in all European Countries will get benefit from this visit. Web site:http://amasya.meb.gov.tr/ab/index.htm13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 79 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07005,08Organiser Phone:00 33 2 47 88 51 00Organiser Fax:00 33 2 47 88 51 29Organiser name: LECOQ-SUREAU ChristineType: Non-profit association - national (ASS.3)Organiser address: AFP Ville de Tours8, Allée R LecottéOrganiser Email:information@cfa-tours.netTOURSPostal Code: F-37100Title:05,08 - FR - La valorisation et la reconnaissance des acquis formels et informels de l'expérienceBeginning date: 26.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 30.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:TOURS (Région Centre)FranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 2.3 : La citoyenneté active, égalité des chances et cohésion sociale pourintégrer lespersonnes défavorisées; modèles permettant à acquérir des qualifications formellesNr of places: 12 Min required: 8Description:Public visé : professionnels des formations en alternance : responsables pédagogiques , enseignants, formateurs.Professionnels de l'orientation et du bilan (conseillers bilan, conseillers techniques), conseillers en formationcontinue.Objectif général : faciliter l'échange d'informations et d'expériences entre les décideurs et les spécialisteseuropéens en matière d'éducation et d'orientation, sur le thème suivant : comment valoriser les acquis et lesapprentissages expérientiels dans les pratiques de formation et dans l'orientation ?Objectif spécifique : mutualisationet partage d'expériences sur la reconnaissance des acquis formels et informels de l'expérience.Notre approche :comment développer le repérage, la formalisation et la capitalisation des différents acquis de l'expérience, qui soitpartagée par les différents acteurs et valorisée aux différentes étapes de la vie professionnelle Le partenariatconstitutif de la visite d'étude est : le centre de formation des apprentis (CFA de la ville de Tours), et le centre de bilansde compétences ATEC Bilan Conseil, Tours.Notre approche vise à apporter un éclairage concret en favorisant larencontre des différents acteurs permettant de connaitre les dispositifs mis en place et prenant en compte lesdifférents contextes d'acquisition et de reconnaissance d'expériences. Un espace collaboratif permettra decapitaliser, tout au long de la visite d'études, les apports des différentes interventions, mais aussi des acquis liés auxvisites et rencontres avec les acteurs (apprentis, enseignants, formateurs, tuteurs en entreprises, conseillers en bilanet conseillers en orientation, publics bénéficiaires, partenaires institutionnels).Organisation de la traduction : pourchaque langue proposée, un intervenant, ayant une très bonne maitrise de la langue, mais aussi une bonneconnaissance des dispositifs présentés assurera une traduction immédiate des différentes interventions.A l'issue dela visite d'étude, une synthèse sera rédigée dans les langues proposées.Un colloque sera organisé sur le mêmethème d'études pendant la visite, afin d'avoir un effet démultiplicateur (en lien avec l'université de Tours-SUFCO) et devaloriser notre démarche au niveau régional.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 80 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Objetivo General : facilitar y mejorar el intercambio de información y de experiencias entre los organismos encargadosde tomar decisiones y los especialistas europeos en materia de educación y de orientación sobre el tema: ¿comovalorizar las competencias y las experiencias en las practicas de formación y de orientación?Objetivo especifico :reunir y compartir opiniones en vista de un reconocimiento de los conocimientos formales e informales adquiridos dela experiencia.Nuestro enfoque: ¿como identificar, formalizar y desarrollar el capital de conocimientos para que elmismo sea comprendido y compartido por les diferentes actores y sea valorizado en las diferentes etapas de la vidaprofesional?La colaboración de la visita de estudios esta constituido por : el Centro de Formación de Aprendices(CFA de la ciudad de Tours), y el centro para el reconocimiento de competencias ATEC bilan Conseil, Tours.Nuestroenfoque busca de aportar una respuesta o explicación concreta, para favorecer el encuentro de los diferentes actoresafín de mejor conocer los dispositivos disponibles, tomando en cuenta los diferentes contextos de adquisición y dereconocimiento de experiencias.Un espacio de colaboración podrá permitir de reunir, a lo largo de la visita deestudios, la información aportada en cada una de las intervenciones, así como los conocimientos adquiridos durantelas visitas y los encuentros con los diferentes actores (aprendices, docentes, formadores, tutores de empresas,consejeros en análisis de competencias y consejeros en orientación, públicos beneficiarios, sociosinstitucionales).Organización de la traducción: para cada lengua propuesta, un interventor, que posea un muy buendominio de la lengua así como buenos conocimientos de los diferentes dispositivos a presentar, asegurara unatraducción inmediata de las distintas intervenciones. Al final de esta visita de estudios, un resumen de la misma seráredactado en las lenguas propuestas.Un coloquio será organizado sobre el tema de estudios durante la visita, afínde tener un efecto multiplicador (en acuerdo con la universidad de Tours-SUFCO) y al mismo tiempo de valorizar lagestión a nivel regional.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 81 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07005,09Organiser Phone:+46 13 255 613Organiser Fax:+46 13 255 601Organiser Email:uksn@ostsam.seOrganiser name: Ulla-Karin Sundqvist-NilssonType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Regionförbundet ÖstsamSnickaregatan 40Box 1236LinköpingPostal Code: 58112Title:05,09 - SE - Inclusion - from theory to practiceBeginning date: 03.12.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 07.12.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:LinköpingSwedenLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Swedish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 :SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESION: Integration and access to disadvantaged groups; models for encouraging to formalqualificationsNr of places: 12 Min required: 7Description:Besöket avser att ge en bred bild av inkludering ; olika former och grader av inkludering, olika anpassningar ochstödfunktioner för att underlätta för elever med funktionshinder att helt eller delvis få sin undervisning igrundskola.Tydliggöra ansvarsfördelning mellan kommun, stat och landsting, och visa hur stödinsatserna till barnmed funktionshinder organiseras. Exempel på inkludering av barn med språkstörning, hörselskada,förståndshandikapp mfl.Besök på bla enhet för pedagogiskt specialiststöd och dyslexi, samt på pedagogiskahörselvården.The study visit aims at giving broad variety of examples of different levels of inclusion of children with handicap.It willexplain the responsibility of bodies at local and national level in Sweden, and show examples of how the support isorganized and delivered.Visits for example at centres for pedagogy specialist consultants and dyslexia, departmentfor pedagogical and technical support for hearing impaired, and examples of good practice in schools.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 82 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07005,10Organiser Phone:+31703814448Organiser Fax:+31703831958Organiser name: Frank Smit and Jan Lutje SchipholtType: Public authority national (PUB.3)Organiser address: Europees Platform voor het Nederlandse onderwijsBezuidenhoutseweg 253Organiser Email:fsmit@europeesplatform.nlDen HaagPostal Code: NL 2594Title:05,10 - NL - Integration of handicapped childrenBeginning date: 14.01.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 18.01.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Haarlem, NetherlandsNetherlandsLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Dutch English EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 :SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESION: Integration and access to disadvantaged groups; models for encouraging to formalqualificationsNr of places: 13 Min required: 6Description:Het studiebezoek wordt georganiseerd door het openbaar primair onderwijs te Haarlem. Bezoek aan beleidsmakers opgemeentelijk niveau; lezingen over beleidsontwikkeling, vragen en discussie. Bezoek aan scholen, instellingen ensamenwerkingsprojecten op basis- en voortgezet onderwijs; inclusief in regulier onderwijs, gespecialisserdeonderwijsinstellingen, leergebonden financiering (Rugzak); discussie met leraren, bezoek aan klassen, waar mogelijkhet bijwonen van lessen.europeesplatform.nlThis visit will be orginised by the public primary authorities in Haarlem.Visit to municipal authorities; lectures on policydevelopments,questions and discussion. Visits to schools, institutes and cooperation-projects primary and secondaryeducation; inclusion in regular education, specialised schools and institutes, pupilbound financing system (Backpack);discussion with teachers and managers, visit to classes; where possible observation of lessons. Websitewww.europeesplatform.nl.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 83 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07005,11Organiser Phone:+36 1 3585500Organiser Fax:+36 1 2809701Organiser name: Szekeres ÁgotaType: Inst. for initial teacher training (EDU 7)Organiser address: ELTE Bárczi Gusztáv Gyógypedagógiai Fõiskolai KarEcseri út 3.Organiser Email:agota.szekeres@barczi.huBudapestPostal Code: HU-1097Title:05,11 - HUN - Children with learning disability in HungaryBeginning date: 18.02.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 22.02.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:BudapestHungaryLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Hungarian English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 :SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESION: Integration and access to disadvantaged groups; models for encouraging to formalqualifications.Nr of places: 12 Min required: 6Description:A tanulmányút célja bemutatni a tanulásban akadályozott gyermekek és fiatalok helyzetét Magyarországon. Ennekkeretében bepillantást adunk a több mint 100 éves múltra visszatekintõ szegregált nevelésre, ezen belül kifejezettenaz enyhén értelmi fogyatékos gyermekek megsegítésére vonatkozóan. A résztvevõk megismerkednek agyógypedagógiai centrumok kialakulásának hazai folyamatával. Ezentúl integrációs modellek bemutatására is sorkerül az egy hét alaltt (kéttanáros modell, kooperatív tanulási módok, szabad tanulás). Az intézmények megtekintéséntúl, hospitálásokra és a tapasztalatok megbeszélésére is lehetõség nyílik. A tanulmányút civil szervezetek bemutatásátis fontosnak tartja, melynek során a tanulásban akadályozott fiatalok szakképzésérõl, valamint elhelyezkedésük,foglalkoztatásuk támogatásáról adunk információt.The intention of the study visit is to present the position of the children and the youth with learning disability in Hungary.Within the frame of this we give an insight into the segregated education that has more than 100 years history,especially the help of the children with mild mental retardation. The participants get acquainted with the process of thedevelopment of special education centres. Hereafter we introduce different integration models during the week (coteaching,cooperative learning methods, "free learning"). Beyond the studying the institutions, there would be anopportunity to visit classes in schools and to discuss experiences. The study visit also considers the introduction ofimportant civil organizations where we inform the participants about the vocational training and the support of theemployment of youth with learning disability. www.barczi.hu13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 84 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07005,12Organiser Phone:++351 21 923 61 30Organiser Fax:++351 21 923 61 52Organiser name: Maria Cristino e Marina BarrosType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Câmara Municipal de Sintra - Divisão de EducaçãoRua do Roseiral n.º 20Organiser Email:dedu@cm-sintra.ptSintraPostal Code: 2710501Title:05,12 - PT - Integration of handicapped Children, Inclusive Education and ICTBeginning date: 04.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 08.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Sintra - Escola Secundária de Gama Barros, Escola SePortugalLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Portuguese English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 :SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESION: Integration and access to disadvantaged groups; models for encouraging to formalqualificationsNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Observar projectos no âmbito dos temas Arion, que estão a decorrer em escolas do concelho de Sintra. Visitar opatrimónio histórico-cultural do concelho de Sintra. As actividades incluem: visitas ás instalações escolares, palestrasde divulgação dos projectos desenvolvidos pelas escolas, intervenção dos alunos participantes no trabalho, partilhade produtos elaborados pelos alunos, visitas aos diferentes marcos históricos que contribuíram para a classificação,pela UNESCO em 1995, de Sintra como Património da Humanidade. As instituições envolvidas são: EscolaSecundária Gama Barros; Escola Secundária Leal da Câmara; Escola Básica Integrada D. Carlos I; Escola 2/3António Sérgio; Escola 2/3 Padre Alberto Neto and Divisão de Educação da Câmara Municipal de Sintra. O públicoalvo:Peritos, funcionários designados pelas autoridades nacionais, regionais e locais (incluindo autarquias),Directores de estabelecimento de ensino, Conselheiros pedagógicos e Formadores de Professores.http://www.cmsintra.ptIntegration of handicapped children into the ordinary school system, equal opportunities for boys and girls in education,ICT in schools, quality in education. The activities will include: visit to schools, seminars concerning the projectsdeveloped by the schools, workshops and exhibitions organized by the students involved in the projects, <strong>visits</strong> toseveral landmarks which allowed Sintra to be classified as World Heritage in 1995 by UNESCO. The institutionsinvolved in this visit are: Escola Secundária Gama Barros; Escola Secundária Leal da Câmara; Escola BásicaIntegrada D. Carlos I; Escola 2/3 António Sérgio; Escola 2/3 Padre Alberto Neto and Divisão de Educação da CâmaraMunicipal de Sintra. The target audience is: Experts; Heads of Institutions; Inspectors; educationaladvisors/counsellors; personnel at local, regional and National level (including Municipalities); TeacherTrainers.http://www.cm-sintra.pt13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 85 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07005,13Organiser Phone:+34 917203319Organiser Fax:+34 917203084Organiser Email:Carmen.Castilla@madrid.orgOrganiser name: Teresa Cabello/Carmen Castilla ElenaType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Area Territorial Madrid Capital.Unidad de ProgramasVitruvio, 2MadridPostal Code: 28071Title:05,13 - ES - La atención educativa al niño enfermo en el Área Territorial de Madrid CapitalBeginning date: 10.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 14.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:MADRIDSpainLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Spanish French SpanishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 2.3 : La citoyenneté active, égalité des chances et cohésion sociale pourintégrer lespersonnes défavorisées; modèles permettant à acquérir des qualifications formellesNr of places: 15 Min required: 6Description:El objetivo de esta visita es dar a conocer cómo la Administración de Madrid proporciona apoyo educativo al niñoenfermo en el Área Territorial de Madrid Capital a través de las tres vías existentes en el momento actual: 1) AulasHospitalarias: atención educativa al niño cuando está hospitalizado. 2) S.A.E.D. (Servicio de Apoyo EducativoDomiciliario), apoyo educativo al niño cuando permanece en su domicilio a causa de una enfermedad y no puedeasistir de forma normalizada al centro escolar. 3) Unidades de Psiquiatría: refuerzo educativo al alumno con patologíapsiquiátrica dentro de un centro hospitalario. Estos tres canales se enmarcan dentro de la “Compensación Educativa”,respondiendo así al derecho a la educación de los niños que se encuentran en situación de desventaja educativa pormotivo de enfermedad. Actividades: a) Visitas a las Aulas Hospitalarias de Madrid Capital; b) Reuniones de trabajocon los profesores de estas aulas; c) Encuentro con los profesores del S.A.E.D (Servicio de Apoyo EducativoDomiciliario) y d) Contactos con las Unidades Psiquiatría y sus profesores especialistas.Le but de cette visite est de montrer comme l´Administration procure d´appui éducatif aux enfants malades de larégion de Madrid capitale à travers des trois voies existantes au moment actuel. 1) Des Salles Hospitalières:d'attention éducative à l´enfant quand il est hospitalisé ; 2) S.A.E.D.: l´attention éducative à l´enfant quand il reste danssa maison à cause de sa maladie et ne peut pas assister d´une forme normalisée à son centre scolaire ; 3) Unités depsychiatrie, de renfort éducatif dans un centre hospitalier à l´élève avec une pathologie psychiatrique. Ces trois voiess´encadrent dans la «Compensation Éducative», programme qui donne réponse au droit à l' éducation des enfants quise trouvent en situation de désavantage éducative à cause de la maladie. Cette visite se développera à travers desactivités suivantes : A) Visite aux Salles Hospitalières de Madrid Capitale. B) Des réunions de travail avec lesprofesseurs du S.A.E.D. (Service d´Appui Éducatif Domiciliaire). C) Des rapports avec les Unités de Psychiatrie et sesprofesseurs spécialistes. D) Des réunions avec de différents professionnels du moyen éducatif de la PédagogieHospitalière: du personnel médical, des pédiatres, des volontaires des ONGS et des Associations, des travailleurssociaux, des éducateurs et du personnel de l´administration responsable.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 86 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07005,14Organiser Phone:+43^316^271796Organiser Fax:+43^316^820740Organiser name: Direktorin Eva BernatType: Establishment for learners with spec. learning needs(EOrganiser address: Sprachheilschule-Sonderpädagogisches Zentrum GrazBrockmanngasse 119Organiser Email:eva.bernat@stadt.graz.atGrazPostal Code: AT 8010Title:05,14 - AT - Integration of handicapped children into the ordinary school systemBeginning date: 21.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 26.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:GrazAustriaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2German German EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportZIEL 2.3: UNTERSTÜTZUNG DER AKTIVEN STAATSBÜRGERSCHAFT, CHANCENGLEICHHEITUND SOZIALE INTEGRATION: Integrationsmodelle, Zugang zu Bildung für benachteiligte Gruppen,Förderungsmodelle zur Verfolgung formeller QualifikationenNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:In der Steiermark sind 85% aller Kinder mit "besonderen Bedürfnissen" in Regelschulen integriert. Während desStudienbesuchs werden die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer die Integration von Kindern und Jugendlichen "mitBehinderung" in das Regelschulwesen in Graz kennen lernen. Das Programm wird 1) Treffen mit der zuständigenSchulaufsicht Steiermark sowie den lokalen Schulbehörden und dem Schulerhalter in Graz 2) Schulbesuche, Treffenmit Direktorinnen und Direktoren und Lehrerinnen und Lehrern 3) Kennenlernen der gesetzlichen und administrativenGrundlagen für die Integration von Kindern mit sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf in Regelschulen in Österreichsowie von Modellen der individuellen Förderung von allen Kindern im Rahmen des flexiblen Schuleinganges 4)Präsentation des EU- Projektes „IRIS- Improvement through research in the inclusive classroom“ des SPZ Grazbeinhalten.In Styria 85% of all children with SEN are integrated in mainstream schools. During the study visit the participants willget to know the system of integration of children with SEN in regular schools (primary and secondary) in Graz. Theprogram will contain 1) meetings with the Styrian school authorities and the local school authorities in Graz 2) <strong>visits</strong> ofdifferent types of schools and meetings with head teachers and teachers 3) getting acquainted with the legal andadministrative regulations that define the integration of pupils with SEN in Austria as well as getting to know newmodels for differentiated teaching in primary schools 4) presentation of the EU-project “IRIS- Improvement throughresearch in the Inclusive classroom” organized by SPZ Graz.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 87 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07005,15Organiser Phone:+370 5 2426403Organiser Fax:+370 5 2427002Organiser name: Irma CizieneType: Establishment for learners with spec. learning needs(EOrganiser address: National center for special needs educationVirsuliskiu str. 103Organiser Email:info@sppc.ltVilniusPostal Code: 05115Title:05,15 - LT - Pedagogical-psychological support system and education of SEN children in LithuanianBeginning date: 05.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 09.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:VilniusLithuaniaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Lithuanian English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 :SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESION: Integration and access to disadvantaged groups; models for encouraging to formalqualificationsNr of places: 10 Min required: 7Description:Vizito tikslas apzvelgti specialiu poreikiu vaiku ir jaunimo nuo 3 iki 21 metu ugdymo metodus. Dalyviai aplankys visupakopu (ikimokyklinio, pradinio, vidurinio ir profesinio) bendrojo lavinimo mokyklas, kuriuose integruotai ugdomispecialiuju poreikiu vaikai, specialiojo ugdymo centrus ir pedagogines psichologines tarnybas. Numatyti susitikimai susvietimo administracijos atstovais, specialiojo ugdymo ekspertais, specialistais, direktoriais. Dalyviai bus supazindintisu Lietuvoje veikiancia triju lygiu specialiosios pedagogines – psichologines pagalbos sistema, kurios tikslas – uztikrintisios pagalbos teikima vaikams, tevams ir svietimo istaigoms.The visit will focus on ways of working with children with special educational needs (SEN) from 3 to 21 years old. Theparticipants will visit host schools (including children with special educational needs in general educational system inpre-primary, primary, secondary and vocational schools), special needs education centers, pedagogical psychologicalservices; Meetings with educational authorities, special needs education experts, practitioners, headmasters areplanned. The participants will be introduced to the three level model of the pedagogical and psychological support withthe focus on children‘s health, a special pedagogical and psychological support for family and school in Lithuanianeducation system.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 88 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07005,16Organiser Phone:+90 452 223 16 30Organiser Fax:+90 452 225 01 44Organiser Email:Organiser name: ilhan OZTURKType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: National Education Directorate of Ordu Provinceil Milli Egitim MudurluguOrduab52@meb.gov.trPostal Code: 52100Title:05,16 - TUR - Integration of handicapped childrenBeginning date: 05.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 09.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:OrduTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 :SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESION: Integration and access to disadvantaged groups; models for encouraging to formalqualificationsNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:The study visit aims to offer its participants an overall vision of the reality of Turkish education where disabled pupilsare integrated. Local schools for the integration and good practice will be shown to the guests during their stay. Theparticipants will have the opportunity to visit schools, observe classes in action while having occasion to talk withstudents and teachers about their experiences of special education; and also, they will have the opportunity to talk tothe parents in order to get their point of view about their children. The organiser will provide the participants with a lot ofinformation about how to raise awareness in the community of issues facing the disabled pupil’s situation during theireducation, and how to campaign for their equal educational rights. The participants will meet with local principals andteachers from different schools, meet local education authorities. During the visit it is possible to exchange goodpractices and experiences with each other from different countries. On the other hand, some social and culturalactivities will also be within the content of our programme.Web address: http://ordu.meb.gov.tr13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 89 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07005,17Organiser Phone:00 33 2 40 37 38 81Organiser name:MICHALEWICZ ChristianeType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser Fax:Organiser address: Rectorat de Nantes00 33 2 40 37 33 56La HoussinièreOrganiser Email:BP 72 616christiane.michalewicz@ac-nantes.fr NANTES CEDEX 3Postal Code: F-44326Title:05,17 - FR - Assistance pédagogique à domicile pour les élèves maladesBeginning date: 12.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 16.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:NANTES (région Pays de la Loire)FranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 2.3 : La citoyenneté active, égalité des chances et cohésion sociale pourintégrer lespersonnes défavorisées; modèles permettant à acquérir des qualifications formellesNr of places: 10 Min required: 5Description:Public visé : enseignants des collèges et lycée, chefs d'établissement, administratifs, personnels médicaux et sociaux.La visite a pour objectif de montrer comment en voulant mettre les technologies de l'information et de lacommunication pour l'enseignement au service des élèves malades, les responsables de l'assistance pédagogique àdomicile ont créé une nouvelle dynamique au niveau de la région dans un partenariat très large école, hôpital,associations.Quatre axes vont être développés :1°) L'organisation rapide de l'assistance pédagogique à domicile àla demande des parents. 2°) L'utilitsation large de l'outil informatique par la mise à disposition d'ordinateur portableindividuel, de logiciel d'entrainement, et d'une plate forme de communication par internet3°) La création d'un portailde communication internet pour tout élève malade quelque soit son lieu d'hospitalisation ou de convalescence 4°) Laparticipation à distance par l'élève malade au cours qui se déroule dans son établissementDes visites des différentesstructures, établissements scolaires, hôpital, centre de rééducation, seront organisées. Une traduction en anglais et sipossible en allemand est prévue.The visit aims to show how while wanting to put communication and information technologies for teaching at theservice of the sick pupils, the persons in charge for the teaching assistance at home created a new dynamic with apartnership very broad including the school, the hospital, and the associations. Four topics will be developed : 1°) thefast organization of the teaching assistance at home after the request of the parents. 2°) the using of individualportable computer, of software for training , and of virtual class by Internet 3°) the creation of a gate of communicationthrough Internet for any pupil sick, wherever the pupil is in the hospital or in convalescence 4°) the participation bythe sick pupil at home, in the course which proceeds at the same time in its school. Visits of the various structures,school establishments, hospital, center of rehabilitation, will be organized. A translation in English and if possible inGerman is laid down.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 90 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07005,18Organiser Phone:00 33 2 40 80 56 26Organiser Fax:00 33 2 40 80 51 23Organiser name: LUGADET Jean BernardType: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)Organiser address: Collège Iles de Loire1, Avenue de GlindeOrganiser Email:jean.lugadet@ac-nantes.frST SEBASTIEN / LOIREPostal Code: F-44230Title:05,18 - FR - La scolarisation des jeunes présentant un handicap sensoriel (déficience visuelle, surdité)Beginning date: 12.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 16.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:NANTES (Région Pays de la Loire)FranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 2.3 : La citoyenneté active, égalité des chances et cohésion sociale pourintégrer lespersonnes défavorisées; modèles permettant à acquérir des qualifications formellesNr of places: 14 Min required: 5Description:Public visé : directeurs d'établissement scolaires ou spécialisés, inspecteurs, chercheurs.Plusieurs écoles, collègeset lycées du sud de l’agglomération nantaise ont mis en place des dispositifs d’intégration en liaison avec des institutsmédico-sociaux publics (La Persagotière, Les Hauts Thébaudières : www.iphv.fr) recevant des personnes présentantdes déficiences auditives et visuelles. Ces dispositifs traduisent sur le terrain les demandes exprimées par la nouvelleloi française sur le handicap (2005). Il convient de les confronter aux pratiques développées en Europe au regard deleurs objectifs, de leurs résultats et des problèmes nouveaux qu’ils soulèvent (pédagogiques, éducatifs, médicaux,matériels, juridiques). Le stage permettra de présenter la politique du handicap notamment à travers lapersonnalisation de la scolarisation et de rencontrer les acteurs de ces actions (élèves, professeurs, personnels dedirection et d’inspection) dans les instituts et les établissements concernés.Activités: Conférences. Visitesd'établissements spécialisés. Visites de collège(s) et de lycée(s) pratiquant l'intégration.Traduction: Conférence enAnglais. Visites traduites en Anglais. Possibilité d'accompagnement d'éventuels stagiaires polonais et espagnols.Several schools and secondary schools of southern Nantes have implemented an integration policy with social-medicalinstitutes specialized in the treatment of visual defficiency (Les Hauts Thebaudières:www.iphv.fr) and deafness (LaPersagotière).These deapness measures apply the new French law on disability. It seems important to comparethem with the practices developped in Europe regardind their objectives, their results and the new problems created(educational, educative, medical,material,juridical).The session will be anable us to present the policy on disabilitythrough the thematics of personalized educatio and to meet those involved this project (children,teachers,headmasters, inspectors) in the concerned school and the institutes.Some meetings will be held in sea side resorts(Atlantic coast).13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 91 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07005,19Organiser Phone:+44 (0)1790 755003Organiser Fax:+44 (0)1790754058Organiser Email:graham.parkin@linkage.org.ukOrganiser name: Graham ParkinType: Other type of organisation (OTH)Organiser address: Linkage CollegeToynton HallMain Road, Toynton All SaintsSpilsbyPostal Code: PE23 5AWTitle:05,19 - GB - Preparing young adults with severe learning difficulties for Life through Education, Care andEmploymentBeginning date: 14.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 18.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:SpilsbyUnited KingdomLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 :SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESION: Integration and access to disadvantaged groups; models for encouraging to formalqualificationsNr of places: 12 Min required: 6Description:Linkage Community Trust is located in Lincolnshire, a beautiful, rural area of Eastern England. Linkage Collegeprovides residential education for students aged 16-24 from across the whole of the United Kingdom. It provideseducation, care, residences and employment opportunities for adults with learning difficulties. Participants will learnabout the work undertaken by Linkage College as part of the visit that will focus on the way young people with SpecialNeeds are prepared for life in the UK. The visit will show how an integrated service, between the College, LinkageCare Services, Linkage Residential Services and Linkage Employment Services, is provided for adults and students toenable them to be as independent as their abilities or disabilities allow. The visit will also include a visit to a local SENschool (ages 11—16) and the national overview of SEN provision discussed by the Chief Executive of the localLearning Skills Council. www.linkage.org.uk13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 92 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07005,20Organiser Phone:0040253237713Organiser Fax:0040253237713Organiser Email:Organiser name: BALUTESCU NICOLAE OVIDIUType: Primary school (EDU.2)Organiser address: Gymnasial School "Constantin Brancusi"1st, Liviu Rebreanu StreetTargu-Jiu, Gorjdirectorul04@yahoo.comPostal Code:Title:05,20 - RO - L'integration des enfants avec des desabilitiees dans l'insegnement general dans la RoumanieBeginning date: 19.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 23.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Targu-JiuRomaniaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Romanian French ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 2.3 : La citoyenneté active, égalité des chances et cohésion sociale pourintégrer lespersonnes défavorisées; modèles permettant à acquérir des qualifications formellesNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Modeles permettant d'integrer les personnes defavorisees et de leur donner acces a l'education et a la formation.Modeles permettant de les encourager a acquerir des qualifications formelles.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 93 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07005,21Organiser Phone:+39 0935 653671Organiser Fax:+39 0935 657657Organiser name: Salvatore GrippaldiType: Primary school (EDU.2)Organiser address: Direzione Didattica Borgovia G. Abbate, 16Organiser Email:direzioneborgo@virgilio.itTroina - ENPostal Code: I-94018Title:05,21 - IT - Handicap: problematiche educative e non.Beginning date: 26.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 30.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Troina (Enna)ItalyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Italian French ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 2.3 : La citoyenneté active, égalité des chances et cohésion sociale pourintégrer lespersonnes défavorisées; modèles permettant à acquérir des qualifications formellesNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:I Paesi dell’U.E. a confronto sul tema dell’Handicap: grado di sensibilità, ritardi, innovazioni, esperienze pilota.Catalogazione del soggetto disabile in 2 macrocategorie: grave e “normale”.Gli aspetti burocratici : modello di schedadi valutazione periodica. Quale modello di attestato lo Stato rilascia o dovrebbe rilasciare. Modelli e livelli di formazioneper il personale docente di sostegno. Integrazione e/o rigetto verso il disabile. Livelli di attenzione riservati dai Paesidell’U.E. al tema della integrazione del disabile all’interno del tessuto scolastico. Visite a scuole e strutture didatticoriabilitative, incontri. Soggetti coinvolti: scuole con alunni disabili, Istituto OASI, docenti, medici, pedagogisti,rappresentanti del Ministero della P.I. Sito web: www.direzioneborgo.netLes Pays de l'U.E. à comparaison sur le sujet du handicap: degrés de sensibilité, retards, innovations, expériencespilotes. Catalogage du sujet handicapé en deux macrocatégories: grave et "normale." Les aspects bureaucratiques:modèle de fiche d'évaluation périodique. Quel modèle d'attestation l'État relâche ou il devrait relâcher. Modèles etniveaux de formation pour le professeur de soutien. Intégration et /ou rejette vers l' handicapé. Niveaux d'attentionréservés par les Pays de l'U.E. au sujet de l'intégration du handicapé à l'intérieur du tissu scolaire. Visites à écoles etstructures didactique - réhabilitatives, rencontres. Sujets impliqués: écoles avec des élèves handicapés, Institut OASI,professeurs, médecins, pédagogues, représentants du Ministère de l'Education. Web site: www.direzioneborgo.net13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 94 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07005,22Organiser Phone:+49 5251 150950Organiser Fax:+49 5251 150956Organiser name: Carola Becker; Andrea PetersType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Bezirksregierung DetmoldLeopoldstr. 15Organiser Email:carola.becker@brdt.nrw.deDetmoldPostal Code: D-32756Title:05,22 - DE - Modelle der Integration und Unterstützung benachteiligter und beeinträchtigter Kinder undJugendlicher mit sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf im deutschen SchulsystemBeginning date: 26.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 30.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:PaderbornGermanyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2German English GermanReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 :SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESION: Integration and access to disadvantaged groups; models for encouraging to formalqualificationsNr of places: 12 Min required: 5Description:Kinder und Jugendliche mit Beeinträchtigungen oder mit sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf angemessen zuunterstützen und einzugliedern ist eine besondere Herausforderung sowohl für die Fachkräfte an Schulen als auch fürdie Eltern solcher Schüler.Dieser Studienbesuch will den ausländischen Teilnehmern einen Einblick in das deutsche Schulsystem und seineEinrichtungen für Schüler mit sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf vermitteln. Sie werden die Gelegenheit erhalten,unterschiedliche Schulen und andere Einrichtungen zu besuchen und Erfahrungen, Beobachtungen und Ideen mitLehrern, sozialpädagogischen und psychologischen Fachkräften, sowie mit Repräsentant/innen der regionalenSchulaufsicht auszutauschen und zu diskutieren. Dabei sollen sie integrative Modelle schulischer Förderung anRegelschulen ebenso kennen lernen wie die Fördermöglichkeiten für verschiedene Zielgruppen, die von Sonder- bzw.Förderschulen angeboten werden. Darüber hinaus wird sich das Programm mit Beispielen der Kooperation zwischenSchulen und Einrichtungen der Jugendhilfe auseinandersetzen sowie mit einigen innovativen Projekten derJugendhilfe, die sich an mehrfach belastete Familien und ihre Kinder wenden. www.fbz-pb.deThe integration and support of pupils with physical or mental impairments, learning difficulties and special needs is achallenge for school staff as well as for parents.This study visit wants to introduce the participants to the German school system and its provisions for pupils withspecial needs. They will have the opportunity to visit a variety of schools and other institutions concerned with the careof such children and to meet social workers, psychologists, teachers, inspectors and administrators from the regionalschool authority in order to exchange experiences, compare observations and discuss ideas. The programme willpresent both, models of inclusive integration for schoolchildren and young people with special needs in mainstreamschools as well as the support arrangements provided by special schools for various target groups. Furthermore, it isgoing to consider the possibilities for cooperation between schools and the institutions of the youth welfare service andpresent a number of such cooperative schemes as well as some examples of innovative projects run by the youthwelfare service and targeted at multiply disadvantaged families and their children. www.fbz-pb.deThe study visit will take place in the city of Paderborn, well known for its historic city centre, its famous cathedral andthe more than 200 sources of the river Pader (http://www.paderborn.de/microsite/welcome/index.php).13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 95 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07005,23Organiser Phone:+49 7131 94690Organiser Fax:+49 7131 9469444Organiser name: Christiane StoepplerType: Establishment for learners with spec. learning needs(EOrganiser address: LindenparkschuleLachmannstr. 2-12Organiser Email:poststelle@04111491.schule.bwl.deHeilbronnPostal Code: D-74076Title:05,23 - DE - Integration von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Autismus in Arbeit und Leben - Integrating autisticchildren and yound people into the work process and everyday lifeBeginning date: 16.06.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 20.06.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:HeilbronnGermanyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2German German EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportZIEL 2.3: UNTERSTÜTZUNG DER AKTIVEN STAATSBÜRGERSCHAFT, CHANCENGLEICHHEITUND SOZIALE INTEGRATION: Integrationsmodelle, Zugang zu Bildung für benachteiligte Gruppen,Förderungsmodelle zur Verfolgung formeller QualifikationenNr of places: 10 Min required: 5Description:Dieser Studienaufenthalt wendet sich an Entscheidungsträger und Experten, die im Bereich der Integration vonMenschen mit autistischem Verhalten selbst über praktische Erfahrungen verfügen und an der qualitativenWeiterentwicklung des Angebots zur Integration dieses Personenkreises beteiligt sind. Ausgehend von denErfahrungen der ausländischen Teilnehmer/innen auf dem komplexen und schwierigen Gebiet der Integration vonMenschen mit autistischem Verhalten, werden sie gebeten Beispiele aus ihren Heimatländern im Rahmen derVeranstaltung zu präsentieren und sich durch Hospitationen und Gespräche mit einer Reihe von besonderen Projektenin Baden-Württemberg auseinanderzusetzen. Dabei sollen sie insbesondere Gelegenheit erhalten, Netzwerke zurIntegration von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Autismus in den Regionen Heilbronn und Stuttgart kennen zu lernen.Ziel des Studienbesuchs ist es, gemeinsam den Entwicklungsbedarf von Maßnahmen auf diesem Gebiet zuanalysieren und Standards für zukünftige Maßnahmen zu formulieren. Weitere Informationen zu dem geplantenStudienaufenthalt sind ab Februar über die Website www.lindenparkschule.de zugänglich.Veranstaltungsort istHEILBRONN, ein Regionalzentrum mit Industrieschwerpunkten (z.B. AUDI/Neckarsulm) nördlich von Stuttgart ineinem Weinbaugebiet gelegen. Auch die baden-württembergische Landeshauptstadt STUTTGART wird im Verlauf derVeranstaltung besucht werden. Informationen zu Heilbronn und Umgebung können Interessenten von der Websitewww.Heilbronn,de herunterladen, die auch Informationen in englischer und französischer Sprache enthält.Informationen zu Stuttgart finden Sie unter http://www.stgt.com/stuttgart/homee.htm .13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 96 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07006,01Organiser Phone:+44 1482 616645Organiser Fax:+44 1482 616648Organiser Email:dez.allenby@hullcc.gov.ukOrganiser name: Dr Dez AllenbyType: Other type of organisation (OTH)Organiser address: Special Educational Needs Support Service (SENSS)The Priory CentrePrioty RoadHullPostal Code: HU5 5RUTitle:06,01 - GB - Including children with additional needsBeginning date: 10.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 17.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:HullUnited KingdomLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 :SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESIONNr of places: 12 Min required: 5Description:Hull SENSS helps children with additional needs to learn in their mainstream schools and in some specialistprovision. The service works with children with learning difficulties and disabilities, children with medical needs,looked after children and children who are bullied. The visit will explore the work of the service in Hull schools andother settings.SENSS•Promotes inclusion•Raises achievement•Is solution focused13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 97 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07006,02Organiser Phone:+44 (0)20 8937 3312Organiser Fax:+44 (0)20 8937 3368Organiser Email:maggie.woonton@brent.gov.ukOrganiser name: Maggie WoontonType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: London Borough of BrentEarly Years Service240 Brentfield RoadLondonPostal Code: NW10 8HETitle:06,02 - GB - Equality and Diversity in the Early YearsBeginning date: 12.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 16.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:LondonUnited KingdomLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 :SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESIONNr of places: 22 Min required: 8Description:The Borough of Brent is situated in North West London and is the second most ethnically diverse local authority in thecountry. We are committed to equality of opportunity for all and for each child to develop to their potential. This visitwill give participants the opportunity to visit a number of early years settings that meet children’s needs and offerparental choice, including world faith and bilingual schools. The area has many aspects of cultural interest that youcan visit.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 98 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07006,03Organiser Phone:+46 31 366 50 24Organiser Fax:+46 31 366 49 00Organiser name: Erén AnderssonType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Göteborgs stad, Torslanda; BiskopsgårdenAmhults torg 7, Box 226Organiser Email:eren.andersson@torslanda.goteborg.seTorslandaPostal Code: 42322Title:06,03 - SE - Making the European future togetherBeginning date: 12.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 18.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:GöteborgSwedenLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Swedish English GermanReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 :SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESIONNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:Biskopsgården och Torslanda i Göteborg, Sveriges andra största stad med 500 000 invånare inbjuder till enspännande vecka med temat Gemensam framtid i det nya Europa. Göteborg har 26 % invandrare. I Biskopsgården,25800 invånare, är andelen ca 36 % och i Torslanda, 21 000 invånare, endast 6 %. Stadsdelarna gränsar till varandramen har helt olika struktur. Biskopsgården är en mångkulturell stadsdel med skolundervisning på 35 språk och envarierad bebyggelse. Torslanda är en segregerad stadsdel med få personer av utländsk härkomst. Biskopsgården harsedan många år arbetat med det mångkulturella perspektivet. I Torslanda prioriteras internationellt arbete i skolan menman ser ändå tendenser till rasism växa fram. Nu vill de båda stadsdelarna visa upp vad man kan lära av varandrainom områdena värdegrund, läromiljöer ute och inne, projektering av nya skolor och utveckling av befintliga, rörelse påschemat, kost, lärande för livet, språkutveckling och särskilt stöd. Veckan kommer att innehålla studiebesök hos skolori de båda stadsdelarna. Vidare kommer besök göras hos centrala myndigheter och politiker samt lokala företag.District Biskopsgården and district Torslanda in Göteborg, the second biggest city in Göteborg, app.500 000 inh.hereby invite you to an exciting week featuring the common future in the new Europe. Göteborg has 26 % immigrantsin all. Biskopsgården, 28500 inh. has 36% and Torslanda, 21000 inh. only has 6 %. The districts border each other buthave quite different structure due to cultural, economical and social issues. Biskopsgården is a multicultural district withschool teaching in 35 different languages. Torslanda is a segregated district with very few immigrants and refugeesand privately owned expensive private houses. B has worked for many years with a multicultural perspective. T givespriority to international work in the schools but still sees tendencies of racism growing. Now both districts want to showwhat to learn from each other in the fields of groundwork of a good education, methods for teaching indoors andoutdoors, projecting new schools and develop old ones, food, learning for life, educational training and teachingchildren with special needs. Many other cities in Europe face the same situation with segregation and lack of tolerance.We are looking forward to change experiences with these. The week will include study-<strong>visits</strong> to schools in the twodistricts, to the city administration, politicians and to local companies. www.goteborg.se13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 99 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07006,04Organiser Phone:+39 0922 875524Organiser name:Type:Francesco ProvenzanoOrganiser Fax:+39 0922 875524Organiser Email:Organiser address: Istituto Comprensivo Manzonivia Tintoria, 1Ravanusa - AGfrancesco.52@alice.itPostal Code: I-92029Title:06,04 - IT - Percorsi di cittadinanza attiva e promozione del successo formativo - Percours de citoyannetéactive et promotion du succès formatifBeginning date: 26.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 30.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Ravanusa (Agrigento)ItalyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Italian French ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 2.3 : Favoriser la citoyenneté active, l'égalité des chances et la cohésion sociale égalitédes chances entre les sexes dans l'enseignement supérieur et la formation continueNr of places: 30 Min required: 10Description:Il tema della visita nasce dall’esperienza che l’Istituto Comprensivo A. Manzoni di Ravanusa (premio E-Quality neiprogetti Comenius) ha acquisito in questi ultimi anni sia nel campo della formazione alla cittadinanza attiva, sia nelcampo della promozione del successo formativo, per cui l’istituto è dal 2004 Centro Risorse, riconosciuto dal MIUR,contro la dispersione scolastica e l’esclusione sociale. In particolare con la Visita di Studio si vuole costruireun’opportunità di confronto e riflessione tra decisori di diversi paesi europei su queste due coordinate fondamentali siaper sostenere efficacemente le politiche europee nel campo dell’istruzione e della formazione e gli obiettivi di Lisbona,sia per condividere, pur nella specificità dei diversi sistemi scolastici, un quadro di interventi capaci di facilitare ipercorsi di apprendimento e l’acquisizione di competenze decisive nella nuova Europa della conoscenza. La Visita distudio, perciò, vedrà diversi attori coinvolti (docenti ed operatori della scuola, figure professionali esterne edassociazioni, centri a dominanza istruttiva del territorio) perchè l’azione della scuola possa essere agita nell’ambito diuna formazione integrata. Oltre alla visita dei Laboratori del Centro Risorse sono previste le visite guidate presso laValle dei Templi di Agrigento e l’incontro con alcuni rappresentanti delle istituzioni.www.icmanzoni.itLe thème de la visite est proposé par les éxperiences que l’Istituto Comprensivo A. Manzoni de Ravanusa (E-Qualiypour les projects Comenius) a realisé soit dans le domaine de la formation à la citoyenneté active soit dans le domainede la promotion du succès formatif (l’ecole est devenu dés 2004 Centre Ressourses contre l'echec scolaire etl’esclusion sociale). Avec la visite on veux construire une opportunité d’echange et réflexion entre deciseurs dedifferents Pays, soit pour soutenir le deroulement des Objectives de Lisbona, soit pour partager des activités defacilitation des percours d’apprentissage avec des competences strategiques dans le cadre de l’Europe de laconnaissance. La visite aura differents acteurs (professeurs et educateurs, experts et associations, centres scolaires etsociaux du territoire), dans le cadre d’une formation integrée. Sont prevues aussi rencontres avec certainsrépresentants des Istitutions.www.icmanzoni.it13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 100 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07006,05Organiser Phone:+44 (0)116 222 2617Organiser Fax:+44 (0)116 222 2525Organiser Email:clive.billingham@leicester.gov.ukOrganiser name: Clive BillinghamType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Leicester City CouncilForest Lodge Education CentreCharnor RoadLeicesterPostal Code: LE3 6LHTitle:06,05 - GB - Dealing with Diversity, Race Equality & Community Cohesion in Leicester schoolsBeginning date: 16.06.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 20.06.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:LeicesterUnited KingdomLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 :SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESIONNr of places: 15 Min required: 10Description:Leicester has a diverse population: 50% of pupils in our schools are of minority ethnic origin. Forover 30 years theEducation Department and city schools have been developing practice with regard to issuesof cultural diversity andtackling racism. The City Council has achieved Beacon Status for Race Equality andfor Community Cohesionbecause of its efforts in these fields. The city has a reputation for good communityrelations and is seen as a model ofgood practice by local and national government agencies. The visit will introduce participants to education inLeicester, providing information about its recent history, demography and educational policy responses to diversity,which will be set in the context of national policy initiatives and recent legislation. The main focus will be on localinitiatives in schools, especially primary, through exploring various projects:• "Young, Gifted and Equal" - usingRace Equality Standards in school self-evaluation to develop wholeschool approaches to race equality• “Islam &Education” - guidance & training for schools• "Throwing Stones" - video resource pack to tackle racism in juniorschools• “Persona Dolls” - ways to use special dolls in tackling racism in younger/primary childrenComplementary schools – working with community-based schools• Collaborative methods for languagedevelopment• Multi-lingualism in classroom & school• Active Citizenship • Community Cohesion projects •"Get-in!" - Comenius project encouraging schools with high minority ethnic populations to participate ininternationalprojectsThere will also be <strong>visits</strong> to the Multicultural Resource Centre, cultural/faith centres & communityschool/organizations. www.leicester.gov.uk/mce13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 101 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07007,01Organiser Phone:+90 236 653 10 32Organiser Fax:+90 236 653 30 21Organiser Email:Organiser name: Gulgun TUNAType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Education Directorate Town of AlasehirHukumet Konagi Kat:4Alasehir - Manisaalasehir@meb.gov.trPostal Code: 45600Title:07,01 - TUR - Integration of Migrants’ Children in Education SystemBeginning date: 15.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 19.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Alasehir- ManisaTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 6Description:The study visit will be held in Alasehir which was called Philadelphia which meant “city of brotherly love”. During thevisit we will try to answer to the following core question: What are the consequences of child migration on their schoolattendance? We will try to explore the characteristics of child migrants, trying to understand the factors contributing totheir migration and how their decision to leave home varies according to gender, age, education and family’s socioeconomicbackgrounds. Workshops also will be held on the setting up of a relationship between schools and migrantfamilies. The participants will meet local principals and teachers from different schoools, meet local educationauthorities. The visit will also include social visit to the Philadelphia. It was built upon an elevated terrace above thevalley which lay on the Persian Royal Road. Philadelphia achieved its fame as one of the Seven Churches ofRevelation.http://www.alasehir.gov.tr/http://www.alasehir.bel.tr/http://alasehir.meb.gov.tr/13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 102 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07007,02Organiser Phone:+31703814448Organiser Fax:+31703831958Organiser name: Frank Smit and Jan Lutje SchipholtType: Public authority national (PUB.3)Organiser address: Europees Platform voor het Nederlandse onderwijsBezuidenhoutseweg 253Organiser Email:fsmit@europeesplatform.nlDen HaagPostal Code: NL 2594Title:07,02 - NL - Etnic minority issusesBeginning date: 10.12.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 14.12.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Den Haag (The Hague) and surrounding areaNetherlandsLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Dutch English EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 13 Min required: 6Description:Bezoek aan beleidsmakers op Ministerie- en gemeentelijk niveau; lezingen over beleidsontwikkeling in kader vanmaatschappelijke veranderingen; vragen en discussie. Bezoek aan scholen en instellingen op Primair, Voortgezet enVoorbereidend Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs, niveau met gemengde leerlingen bevolking en wisselende problematiek.Bezoek aan basisscholen op Islamitische basis. Discussies met leraren en leerlingen over achterstand- enbinnenstadsproblematiek. Bezoeken van klassen en waar mogelijk het bijwonen van lessen.www.europeesplatform.nlVisit to the Ministry of Education and municipal authorities; lectures on policy-developments in framework of currentchanges in urban society; questions and discussions. Visits to schools and institutes for primary-, secondary- and prevocational education with mixed student population and various problems. Visit to primary Islamitic schools. Discussionwith teachers, staff and students on innercity intercultural education and education for disadvantaged pupils. Visit ofclassrooms and if possible observation of lessons. Website www.europeesplatform.nl13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 103 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07007,03Organiser Phone:+34 917203163Organiser Fax:+34 917203084Organiser Email:Susana.montemayor@madrid.orgOrganiser name: Teresa Cabello/Susana MontemayorType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Area Territorial Madrid CapitalUnidad de ProgramasVitruvio 2MadridPostal Code: 28071Title:07,03 - ES - La atención educativa al alumno con desconocimiento del español como segunda lenguaBeginning date: 21.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 25.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:MADRIDSpainLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Spanish Spanish ?ReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 6Description:El objetivo de esta visita es dar a conocer la manera en la que la Administración educativa atiende a los alumnosinmigrantes con desconocimiento del español en el Área Territorial de Madrid Capital, a través de un modelo deintervención que se basa en cuatro acciones: 1) Las Aulas de Enlace a través de las que se posibilita una atenciónespecífica al alumnado extranjero con desconocimiento del idioma español. 2) La propuesta de inmersión yadaptación al contexto escolar, social, cultural y lingüístico desde el respeto a su identidad cultural: proceso deacogida e interculturalidad. 3) El Servicio de Apoyo itinerante al alumnado inmigrante (S.A.I.). 4) La formación delprofesorado. Esta visita se desarrollará a través de las siguientes actividades: a) Visita a Aulas de Enlace de MadridCapital. b) Reuniones de trabajo con los profesores de estas aulas. c) Encuentros con los profesores de S.A.I.(Servicio de Apoyo itinerante al alumnado inmigrante). d) Reuniones con diferentes profesionales de enseñanza delespañol como lengua extranjera. e) Recursos metodológicos de la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjerapara el alumnado inmigrante, interculturalidad, educación en valores y atención a la diversidad.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 104 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07008,01Organiser Phone:+45 33 95 70 82Organiser Fax:+45 33 95 70 01Organiser name: Ingrid JohansenType: Public authority national (PUB.3)Organiser address: CIRIUSFiolstræde 44Organiser Email:ij@ciriusmail.dkKøbenhavn KPostal Code: 1171Title:08,01 - DNK - How to make learning attractiveBeginning date: 30.09.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 05.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Aarhus City - Jutland.DenmarkLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:The study visit takes it starting point in Aarhus, the 2nd biggest city in Denmark and the "capital" of Jutland. During thestudy visit, you will be introduced to different ways of making learning attractive to young people, with special focus on15-17 year olds. This includes the transition from compulsory school (Folkeskole) to youth educations. In thistransition, there are some very important elements: Guidance, bridge-building activities and an attractive learningenvironment, which are all factors influencing the successful continuation into youth education, lifelong learning andactive citizenship. A stay at one of the continuation schools in Denmark is one of the many options for young people.You will get a general introduction to the Danish education system, a presentation of and <strong>visits</strong> to a 10th form school, ayouth school and some characteristic continuation schools – or in Danish “Efterskoler”. An "Efterskole" is a free andindependent type of residential school, supported by the state, but where tuition is partly paid by parents. An"Efterskole" may be offering different special subject-lines, some are especially for children with disabilities, some arequite academic and others have focus on creative subjects. The schools and their national association have an overallaim for the schools’ teaching and school-life: life enlightenment, active citizenship, and democratic formation. You willhave the opportunity to discuss with European colleagues and Danish hosts during the week. What are the strengthsand weaknesses? Can good practice, when it comes to promoting active citizenship, be identified? www.uvm.dk;www.aarhus.dk; http://www.efterskole.dk/Top%20menu/English.aspx13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 105 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07008,02Organiser Phone:+90 416 2147998Organiser Fax:+90 416 2147998Organiser Email:Organiser name: Ahmet GUNAYDINType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: National Education Directorate of AdiyamanMilli egitim MudurluguAtaturk Bulvari - Adiyamanadiyamanmem@meb.gov.trPostal Code: 02100Title:08,02 - TUR - Measures to Prevent School FailureBeginning date: 15.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 19.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:AdiyamanTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:During the programme, we will introduce the education system in Turkey. The participants will visit different schools (Primary, Secondary and Vocational ) , Teacher Training Faculty in our City and get acquainted with education systemin our country.We will take part in lessons and discuss the topic with pupils, teachers, principal, inspectors and teachertrainers. We will be able to compare the education systems, share experineces with colleagues and developexchanges.We would like to emphasis on the implementation of the European and global dimension into education.We will try to increase the pupils’ responsibility of school and offer a variety of supportive measures by cooperatingwith parents and teachers’ Union. There will be opportunities for sharing ideas on the theme of Measures to preventschool failure. There will be <strong>visits</strong> to tourist attraction places and cultural programmes will be organsied.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 106 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07008,03Organiser Phone:+39 070 522071Organiser Fax:+39 070 505912Organiser Email:Organiser name: Caterina CarliniType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: IRRE Sardegnavia Galassi, 2Cagliaricaterinacarlini@tiscali.itPostal Code: I-09131Title: 08,03 - IT - Quale didattica e quali misure per prevenire la dispersione scolastica e favorire l'integrazione -Quelle didactique et quelles mesures pour prévenir l'échec scolaire et favoriser l'intégration?Beginning date: 15.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 19.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:CagliariItalyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Italian French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Il fenomeno della dispersione scolastica nel nostro territorio è molto forte e colpisce diversi ordini di scuole. Puressendo consapevoli che la radice del problema abbia notevoli fattori esterni collegati al contesto socio-economico eculturale della nostra regione, gli operatori della scuola sono indubbiamente chiamati ad analizzare le problematichestrettamente connesse con l’intervento della scuola attraverso il proprio piano dell’offerta formativa, con riguardoparticolare all’azione didattica e con la sperimentazione di misure che possano arginare il fenomeno. Noi ciproponiamo quindi di alimentare il dibattito europeo sul tema in oggetto dando voce a tutti i soggetti impegnati inquesto settore: l’Irre in quanto istituto di ricerca educativa, le Scuole, l’Università, le Associazioni, gli Enti territoriali.Contenuti del dibattito saranno la ricerca in corso, lo scambio di esperienze, la riflessione sulle buone pratichedidattiche, le scelte in fatto di politiche educative. Pertanto durante la visita di studio verrano organizzati dibattiti, tavolerotonde, seminari, visite alle istituzioni scolastiche, incontri con i rappresentanti degli enti territoriali.www.irre.sardegna.itLe problème de l’échec scolaire dans notre région est fortement ressenti à tous les niveaux scolaires. Même si l’on estconscient que la racine du problème réside dans des facteurs externes au monde scolaire relevant du contexte socialéconomique et culturel de notre région, tous les acteurs scolaires sont appelés à analyser les problèmes relatifs àl’action de l’école à travers son programme d’éducation et de formation et en particulier avec les choix pédagogiqes etl’expérimentation de mesures capables de contraster ce phénomène. Nous nous proposons d’alimenter le débateuropéen sur ce sujet tout en donnant la parole à tous les acteurs engagés dans ce domaine : l’IRRE Sardegna Institutde recherche éducative, les écoles, l’université, les associations, les institutions locales. Les contenus du débat serontla recherche en cours, l’échange d’expériences, la réflexion sur les bonnes pratiques pédagogiques, les choix faits auniveau de politique éducative. Pendant la visite d’étude on organisera des débats, des tables rondes, des séminaires,des visites aux écoles, des rencontres avec les responsables des politiques éducatives.www.irre.sardegna.it13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 107 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07008,04Organiser Phone:+358 8439 3364Organiser Fax:+358 8439 3175Organiser name: Mr. Jorma NenonenType: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)Organiser address: Antinkankaan koulu / Antinkankaan schoolSuvitie 4Organiser Email:jorma.nenonen@raahe.fiRaahePostal Code: FI-92130Title:08,04 - FIN - Measures to prevent school failureBeginning date: 15.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 19.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:City of RaaheFinlandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Finnish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 12 Min required: 5Description:Osanottajat vierailevat yleisopetuksen kouluissa ja tutustuvat siellä keinoihin, joita käytetään tuettaessa erityistä tukeatarvitsevia oppilaita. Keinot ovat lähinnä tukiopetus ja laaja-alainen erityisopetus. Kun yleisopetuksesta on saatuselvä mielikuva jatketaan veirailuilla erityiskouluihin ja –luokkiin. Raahessa on kaksi erityiskoulua ja yhdelläyleisopetuksen koululla on erityisluokkia. Raahessa on myös toiminnassa Omauraluokka ja JOPO-ryhmä. Viimemainittu on opetusministeriön hanke syrjäytymisvaarassa oleville yläluokkien oppilaille. Näissä luokissa vieraillaanmyös.Osanottajilla on mahdollisuus keskustella ja tehdä kysymyksiä opettajille, oppilaile, rehtoreille jaopetustoimenjohtajalle.Tarkoitus on antaa selvä kuva Suomen ja erityisesti Raahen opetustoimen järjestelyistä.The aim of the visit is to give a clear overview of the special needs education in Finland, and especially in Raahe. Theparticipants will first visit general schools and become acquainted with the measures that are used in the special needseducation (mainly remedial teaching and extensive special needs education).Once the general idea of the specialneeds education is clear, the visit continues to the special needs education schools and classes. In Raahe there aretwo schools for special needs teaching, and in one general school there are special needs education classes. We willalso visit Omauraluokka (class for pupils in danger to drop out of school) and JOPO-group (flexible basic education)(project of the ministry of education for pupils in danger for social exclusion). The participants will have a possibilityto ask questions and discuss with the teachers, pupils, headmasters in the schools visited and the education systemmanager in Raahe.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 108 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07008,05Organiser Phone:+ 48 14 6760858Organiser Fax:+ 48 14 6803129Organiser name: Ms. Hanna Stasicka, Ms. Barbara Pelczar - BialekType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Wydzial Edukacji Starostwa Powiatowego w Debicyul. Ogrodowa 4Organiser Email:h_stasicka@op.pl; edukacja3@op.plDebicaPostal Code: PL39200Title:08,05 - POL - Educational success of pupils via european perspective. Good practice models.Beginning date: 15.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 20.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:DebicaPolandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Polish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 20 Min required: 8Description:Obecnie szczególnego znaczenia nabiera wyksztalcenie i kompetencje, a co sie z tym wiaze, przygotowanie mlodegoczlowieka do doroslego zycia w Nowej Europie. Glównym celem wizyty bedzie zaprezentowanie ciekawych formwspierania rozwoju uczniów. Podczas wizyty uczestnicy odwiedza rózne typy szkól w powiecie, ukazujace polskisystem oswiaty. Zostana zapoznani z przykladami rozwiazañ, zarówno dydaktycznych jak i wychowawczych,zapobiegajacych niepowodzeniom szkolnym. Proponujemy wymiane doswiadczeñ w zakresie rozpoznania i rozwijaniapotencjalnych uzdolnieñ, wspomagania uczniów z zaburzeniami (integracja), zapobiegania trudnosciomwychowawczympoprzez realizacje alternatywnych sposobów spedzania wolnego czasu. W dyskusji poswiecimy uwage rolinauczyciela oraz wykorzystaniu ICT w zdobywaniu wiedzy i kluczowych kompetencji przez uczniów. Umozliwimynawiazanie przyszlych kontaktów. Uczestnikom zapewnimy poznanie uroczych zakatków okolicy.Nowadays education and high qualifications are mainly emphasised as they play vital role in preparation of youngindividuals for life in New Europe. The major aim of the visit will be to demonstrate interesting forms of supportingpupils’ development. During their stay in Poland the participants will visit different types of local schools in order toacquaint themselves with the Polish System of Education. The participants will also be aquainted with both didacticand social upbringing solutions preventing school failures. We would like to offer the exchange of experience regardingrecognition and development of potential talents, work with children with different disorders, prevention of educationalproblems through realisation of alternative ways of spending free time by students. The significance of ICT and the roleof the teacher as the guide in learning will also be discussed.What is more we would also like to offer permanentcooperation. Furthermore we would like to ensure sightseeing of our beautiful and interesting region.www.powiatdebicki.pl13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 109 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07008,06Organiser Phone:00 33 4 94 18 90 30Organiser Fax:00 33 4 94 18 90 31Organiser Email:jm.fouquet@laposte.netOrganiser name: FOUQUET Jean-MichelType: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)Organiser address: Lycée BonaparteAvenue Winston ChurchillBP 5504TOULON CEDEXPostal Code: F-83097Title: 08,06 - FR - Egalité des chances et réussite scolaire : l'école peut-elle gommer les inégalités sociales ?Beginning date: 12.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 16.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:TOULON (Région Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur)FranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 10Description:Public visé : chefs d'établissement, inspecteurs, responsables de l'orientation.Objectifs : - Connaître les dispositifsmis en place aujourd'hui dans les établissements pour lutter contre les inégalités sociales (dispositifs institutionnels etmises en oeuvres locales).Les inégalités sociales se retrouvent naturellemnt à l'école dont le but est de donner lesmêmes chances à tous.Comment se manifestent ces inégalités constitue le 1er point le l'étude : comportement aucollège et au lycée, absentéisme, accès aux filières d'excellence et taux de réussite aux examens, ambition etpoursuite d'études dans l'enseignement supérieur.Quels sont les dispositifs institutionnels pour lutter contre cesinégalités, quelles sont les réponses des lycées et collèges, quelle est leur efficacité ?Des visites d'établissementsscolaires du second degré, (collèges, lycées, lycées professionnels) où sont mis en place des dispositifs spécifiquespour des élèves en difficulté ou pour des élèves doués, d'autres visites aux partenaires institutionnels (inspectionacadémique ou région apporteront des éléments de réponse. Les contributions des particpants sur la situation dansleur pays d'exercice seront les bienvenues. Une traduction de Français en Anglais ou l'inverse sera assurée tout aulong de la visite.Social inequalities are naturally found at school which none the less aims at providing equal opportunities to all.Firstwe shall see what expressions these inequallities take : school behaviour and results, absenteeism, access toselective streams ans success rate at national examinations, ambition ans success to university etc What responsesare provided by the Ministry of Education and by individual schools (especially higher ans lower secondary schools),How efficient these responses are.The group will visit several scholls (mainly higher/lower/vocational secondaryschools) as well as specific "remedial" classes or tutorials for talented students.We shall also visit local authoritieswhich, as owners of lycées or colleges, provide funds to support "equality" in schools.Participants will be encouragedto share their own experience of the question with the group.Translation from French into English and vice - versa willbe provided during the visit.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 110 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07008,07Organiser Phone:+90-338-213 16 66Organiser Fax:+90-338-212 27 83Organiser Email:Organiser name: Yakup SAGDASType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Province National Education Directorate of KaramanKaraman il Milli EgitimMudurlugu - Karamanab70@meb.gov.trPostal Code: 70100Title:08,07 - TUR - Measures to prevent school failureBeginning date: 19.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 23.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:KaramanTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Many teens experince a time when keeping up with school work is difficult. These periods may last several weeks andmay include social problems as well as a slide in academic performance. Research suggests that problems are morelikely to occur during a transitional year, such as moving from elementary to middle school, or middle school to highschool. Some adolescents are able to get through this time with minimal assistance from their parents or teachers. Itmay be enough for a parent to be available simply to listen and suggest coping strategies, provide a supportive homeenvironment, and encourage the child’s participation in school activities.However, when the difficulties last longerthan a single grading period, or are linked to a long-term pattern of poor school performance or behaviour problems,parents and teachers need to interevene. As a result, we are planning to find out how to overcome the school failure bythe help of some academicians from European countries.The province of Karaman is located to the South of centralAnatolian Region and is between Konya-Icel-Antalya provinces. The province is a major commerce, culture and artcenter. Karaman province and its vicinity is known to be inhabited from the beginning of BC 8000 and the regioncharms and fascinates the visitors with the touristic beauties as underground cities, caves, religious centers such asBinbir ( A thousand and one ) church ( Maden Sehri-Degle ) ( The church is located the North of Karaman Province at50 km distance and at the skirts of Karadag Mountain. As there are numerous ruins of church at the vicinity ofKaradag, the churches at the region is named as Binbir-a thousand and one churches ) and also with natural beautiesas plateaus and other natural flora and fauna, rich hand crafted art work. The city is located on level-2 developmentposition in the middle of Anatolia. Website address of our Directorate is; http://karaman.meb.gov.tr13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 111 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07008,08Organiser Phone:00 33 4 91 09 27 01Organiser Fax:00 33 4 91 09 26 98Organiser name: RIBAUD Jean RogerType: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)Organiser address: Collège H. BARNIER269 Boulevard H. BarnierOrganiser Email:pr.clg.barnier@ac-aix-marseille.frMARSEILLEPostal Code: F-13016Title:08,08 - FR - Lutter contre l'échec scolaire dans les banlieues défavoriséesBeginning date: 21.01.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 25.01.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:MARSEILLE NORD (région de Provence)FranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French English FrenchReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 24 Min required: 12Description:Dans le cadre de la relance de l'éducation prioritaire, le bassin Nord littoral de Marseille qui par ses établissements(collèges "ambition reussite", lycées Zep et lycées professionnels Zep) accueille un public multiculturel, multiethniquedéfavorisé propose une semaine de travail axé sur les dispositifs actuels de lutte contre l'echec scolaire et ladescolarisation. A partir du réseau des établissements du bassin, nous proposons d'alterner des séances d'exposés,de visites d'établissements et de rencontres des acteurs autour des axes de travaux suivants: La lutte contre l'échec scolaire par l'individualisationdes parcours.La lutte contre l'échec scolaire par des dispositifs alternatifs.La lutte contre l'échec scolaire par lepartenariat. La lutte contre l'echec scolaire par la mise en place de liaison intercycle.La lutte contre l'échec scolairepar l'éducation à l'orientation.Les travaux auront lieu dans les établissements du bassin Nord littoral. Des étudiantsassureront certaines traductions ; les exposés illustrés et en vidéo projection seront favorisés.L'ensemble destravaux seront pilotés par les membres de la commission des relations Internationales du bassin. Les animationsassurées par des chefs d'établissements, des inspecteurs et des acteurs de l'enseignement en zone défavorisée.Within the context of the boosting of the priority education, the area called « le bassin Nord littoral de Marseille » whichcounts schools with a multicultural and underprivileged audience,Proposes a week’s work centred on the presentplans of action to fight against academic failure and school drop-outs.Working with the network of these schools,we offer to alternate with talks, school <strong>visits</strong> and meetings with contributors on the following main lines :1. Toprevent academic failure with the individualization of pupil projects.2. To prevent academic failure with alternativeplans of actions3. To prevent academic failure with partnership4. To prevent academic failure with setting ofintercycle contacts5. To prevent academic failure with careers guidance educationThe work sessions will takeplace in schools of North area of Marseille, some traduction will be made by students, as for lectures those withillustrations and video projection will be favoured.The whole work session will be directed by the members of theinternational relationship commission of the local area; The activities will be directed by heads of schools, schoolinspectors, teachers and some participants in the field of teaching in underprivileged areas.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 112 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07008,09Organiser Phone:+39 011 786077Organiser name:Type:Maddalena ZanOrganiser Fax:+39 011 785690Organiser Email:Organiser address: Istituto Comprensivo 66 MartiriVia Olevano 81Grugliasco - TOpoggiezan@alice.itPostal Code: I-10095Title:08,09 - IT - Le scuole come luoghi di promozione culturale e sociale - Schools as places of social andcultural promotionBeginning date: 03.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 07.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:TorinoItalyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Italian English SpanishReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 7Description:In questa visita, con la collaborazione di dirigenti, ispettori ed esperti dell'educazione, si intende chiarire e mettere aconfronto la finalità primaria della scuola: promuovere, attraverso il potenziamento dei talenti e la realizzazione delsuccesso formativo di tutti, la realizzazione di un progresso democratico della società. Si focalizzeranno i seguentipunti: l'ambiente della classe e la relazione dell'efficacia rispetto all'ambiente esterno; la consuetudine di buonepratiche dell'insegnamento e della valorizzazione degli alunni in situazione di svantaggio; progetti di accoglienza dialunni stranieri e insegnamento della lingua per studiare; reclutamento e formazione dei docenti. Ulteriori contatti: e-mail: segreteria@ic66martirigrugliasco.it; www.ic66martirigrugliasco.itWe intend to compare the school systems focusing the following points: promotion of student's success; evaluation ofclass climate; promotion of good practices in teaching; enhancement of disadvantaged students; projects for foreignstudents; teacher's recruitment and teacher's training. Further contacts: e-mail segreteria@ic66martirigrugliasco.it;www.ic66martirigrugliasco.it13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 113 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07008,10Organiser Phone:00 33 4 67 47 67 21Organiser Fax:Organiser name: ROQUES GeorgesType: Non-profit association - regional (ASS.4)Organiser address: Maison de l'Europe14 descente en BarratOrganiser Email:georgesroques@club-internet.frMONTPELLIERPostal Code: F-34000Title:08,10 - FR - L'intégration des enfants des migrants et des primo-arrivantsBeginning date: 10.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 14.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:MONTPELLIER (Région du Languedoc-Roussillon)FranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French SpanishReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 20 Min required: 12Description:Public visé : Responsables administratifs et pédagogiques des systèmes éducatifs: chefs d'établissements, corpsd'inspection, formateurs, organismes de formation.Comme toutes les régions du monde, la partie européenne del'Europe est confrontée à de fortes turbulences démographiques. Les enjeux géopolitiques influencent le lien social.Ils'agit de rendre possible la vie entre des communautés qui n'ont pas forcément l'habitude de vivre ensemble sur lemême territoire. L'éducation des jeunes soumis à des mobilités parfois contraintes mérite une attention particulière quipasse fréquemment par la maîtrise d'outils et de pratiques pédagogiques qu'il semble utile de confronter entre desacteurs soumis aux mêmes impératifs dans des contextes différents mais concernant souvent des publics de mêmeorigine spatiale (on pense en particulier ici aux Roumains et aux Maghrébins). Une conférence introductive posera laproblématique de la visite et présentera l'état de la question. On confrontera alors les solutions apportées danschaque pays présent, on dégagera les points les plus importants (exposé de chacun des participants pour chaquepays). On recevra alors une information théorique de l'état de ces questions dans le domaine de la recherche. Desrencontres et des visites permettront de procéder à des analyses de pratiques actuelles et à se projeter dans l'avenirsous forme de rapports collectif et individuels.Como en todas las regiones del mundo, la parte meridional de Europa se halla confrentada hoy con fuertesturbulencias demográficas. Los intereses geopolíticos se repercuten en el vínculo social. Se trata de hacer posible lavida entre comunidades que no suelen obligatoriamente vivir juntas en el mismo territorio. La Educación de jóvenessometidos a mobilidades a veces forzadas, merece un cuido especial lo cual pasa a menudo por el dominio deherramientas y de prácticas pedagógicas que parecen útiles de ser confrentadas entre actores sometidos a lasmismas necesidades en contextos diferentes pero relacionados, a menudo, con públicos de mismo orígen espacial (se alude en particular aquí a los rumanos y a los magrebíes). Una conferencia introductiva planteará la problemáticade la visita y presentará el estado de la cuestión. Se confrentarán entonces, las soluciones aportadas en cada paíspresente; se destacarán los elementos más importantes (ponencia de cada participante para cada país). Se recibiráentonces una información teórica del estado de esos temas por investigadores universitarios.Encuentros y visitaspermitirán el paso a análisis de prácticas actuales y proyecciones futuras. Las perspectivas de asociaciones se podránpues articular en torno a prácticas acertadas.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 114 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07008,11Organiser Phone:+34 942208012Organiser Fax:+34 942207504Organiser name: Claudia LázaroType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Consejería de Educación de CantabriaVargas, 53. 5ºOrganiser Email:lazaro_mc@gobcantabria.esSANTANDERPostal Code: 39010Title:08,11 - ES - Prevention of school failureBeginning date: 31.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 04.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:SANTANDERSpainLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Spanish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Visión general del sistema educativo español y de algunas medidas para prevenir el fracaso escolar, principalmentecentradas en el plan de atención a la diversidad desarrollado por la Consejería de Educación del Gobierno deCantabria.Se aportará información acerca de actuaciones destinadas a jóvenes sin titulación. El programa incluirávisitas a centros escolares y a otras instituciones educativasOverview of the Spanish educational system and measures to prevent school failure, mainly focused on the Attentionto Diversity Plan developed by the Educational Authority of the Regional Government of Cantabria. We will giveinformation about measures to assist young people who have left the education without qualifications.The programmewill include <strong>visits</strong> to schools and other educational institutions.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 115 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07008,12Organiser Phone:352 26 31 40 201Organiser Fax:352 26 31 40 200Organiser name: Wagner JeanType: General and vocat./tech. secondary school (EDU 3)Organiser address: Lycée technique Josy BarthelTossebiergOrganiser Email:directeur@ltjbm.luMamerPostal Code: L – 8268Title:08,12 - LU - Apprendre pour la vieBeginning date: 13.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 18.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:MamerLuxembourgLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 12 Min required: 10Description:ALe Lycée technique Josy Barthel, un tout nouveau lycée, s’est engagé dans des innovations pédagogiques pourfavoriser la réussite scolaire.Ainsi, il introduit les cycles d’apprentissage, il avance vers un enseignement plus différencié, il élabore des objectifs defin de cycle, il a introduit à partir de l’année scolaire 2006-<strong>2007</strong> une évaluation de compétences sans recours à desnotes, ils se sont engagés dans le projet COMENIUS SEVOLIO sur l’utilisation d’un portfolio d’apprentissage.Nous souhaitons présenter, partager, discuter l’expérience de ce « learning by doing » dans le cadre dudéveloppement scolaire, de sa mise en œuvre, de son accompagnement, son évolution avec les participants à cettevisite. Il s’agit de les mettre en contact avec le vécu scolaire au quotidien, mais aussi avec notre approche del’innovation pédagogique. Les participants visiteront d’autres établissements scolaires du primaire et du secondaire quioeuvrent dans la recherche de la réussite scolaire des élèves.Le public visé Directeurs et inspecteurs d’écoles, décideurs enseignants impliqués dans leurs établissements dansl’innovation pédagogique. www.ltjbm.luThe Lycée technique Josy Barthel, a new secondary school in Luxembourg, committed itself to realize pedagogicalinnovations in order to further school success and prevent school failure.The school thus introduces apprenticeship cycles and a differentiated teaching, it elaborates objectives to be reachedat the end of each cycle and has introduced, since the beginning of the 2006 school year, a competence basedevaluation where no more school notes are given. On top of this the school participates actively in a COMENIUSproject called SEVOLIO which focuses on the use of a learning portfolio.We wish to present this "learning by doing" experience to the participants of the visit, share and discuss it’s realization,evolution, monitoring and evaluation. Participants will get to know how we work on a daily basis with our pedagogicalapproach. We will visit primary and secondary schools which are actively working with methods to prevent schoolfailure. www.ltjbm.lu13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 116 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07008,13Organiser Phone:+37 2 55 41311Organiser Fax:+37 2 3377781Organiser name: Anu-Lei VinkelType: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)Organiser address: Kohtla-Järve GesamtgymnasiumMaleva 4Organiser Email:anu-lei@hot.eeKohtla-JärvePostal Code: 31021Title:08,13 - EE - Measures to Prevent School FailureBeginning date: 14.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 18.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Kohtla-JärveEstoniaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Estonian English GermanReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 8 Min required: 4Description:Tööstuse arengu ja majanduse kasvuga suureneb ka nõudlus oma ala tundvate spetsialistide ja hea hariduse järele,kuid ikka leidub lapsi, kes ei ole leidnud endale sobivat moodust ega piisavalt motivatsiooni, et tänapäevaõppimistingimuste ja nõudlustega iseseisvalt hakkama saada. Raskused ilmnevad juba II-III kooliastmes. Kooliülesanne on toetada neid õpilasi, kellel on õpi- ja käitumisraskused. Kohtla- Järve Ühisgümnaasiumis ja IisakuGümnaasiumis on leitud lahendus, kuidas aidata neid lapsi - loodud on nn.Tootsi klass, õpilaskodu. Sellistele lasteleon välja töötatud pedagoogide ja spetsialistide abil eriprogramm (hindamine, õppekava), mis võimaldab tunda endinimväärsena ning saada haridus, mis kindlustab parema tuleviku. Õppelähetuse eesmärgiks on oma kogemustetutvustamine, teiste samalaadse töö tundmaõppimine ning üheskoos uute lahenduste otsimine.Unfortunately there are still children who have not found suitable abilities or enough motivation to cape individually withdemanding studying conditions. Difficulties appear already in the basic school. The task of the school is to support thechildren having studying difficulties and problems with their behaviour. Kohtla-Järve Gymnasium and IisakuGymnasium have found a solution to help these children. A special learning method called „Tootsi class“ has beenformed for them. Thanks to teachers the special studying programme is made (involving assessment and curriculum)wihich allows these children to gain education that will be necessary for their better future. The purpose of exchangingexperiences is to get to know how to work with these problems and how to find new solutions. www.kjug.edu.ee13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 117 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07008,14Organiser Phone:++351 225 191 100Organiser Fax:++351 225 191 123Organiser name: Ana XavierType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Direcção Regional de Educação do NorteRua António Carneiro, 8Organiser Email:ana.xavier@dren.min-edu.ptPortoPostal Code: 4349003Title:08,14 - PT - New opportunities in educationBeginning date: 05.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 09.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Porto e zona norte de PortugalPortugalLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Portuguese English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:Overview of the Portuguese education system measures to prevent school failure and drop-outs: - Educational andtraining courses specially designed for youngsters over 15 years old. With specific curricula and included in regularschools, these courses prove themselves to be of the utmost importance to prevent school failure raising thequalification level of Portuguese young people.- Courses specially designed for adults who wish to improve theirKnowledge and achieve validation and certification of competences.- Vocational courses. This visit involves thefollowing activities: Visits to Basic, Secondary and Vocational Schools Workshops. The target audience is: Experts,personnel at local, regional and local level, heads of schools and education advisors/counsellors. http://www.dren.minedu.pt13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 118 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07008,15Organiser Phone:+49 385 588 7240Organiser Fax:+49 385 588 7082Organiser name: Norbert Frank; Birgit Bomhauer-BeinsType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und KulturWerderstr. 124Organiser Email:n.frank@bm.mv-regierung.deSchwerinPostal Code: D-19055Title:08,15 - DE - Unqualified School Leavers (USK) - pathways towards solutionsBeginning date: 05.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 09.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:SchwerinGermanyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2German German EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 7Description:Die Ursachen und Gründe für vorzeitige Schulabbrüche sind vielfältig. Die Teilnehmer dieses Studienbesuchs werdendie Möglichkeit erhalten, das Problem mit Lehrern und Schulleitern verschiedener Einrichtungen zu diskutieren.Weiterhin wird erwartet, dass sie Beispiele aus ihrem eigenen Heimatland / ihrer Region einbringen, wie dort mit demProblem umgegangen wird und wie mögliche Lösungen aussehen könnten.Mecklenburg-Vorpommern alsVeranstalter des Studienbesuchs wird den Teilnehmern das „Produktive Lernen“ als Teil der flexiblenSchulausgangsphase in der Sekundarstufe I an Regionalen Schulen vorgestellen. Als Partner im europäischen ProjektEdGATE ist Mecklenburg-Vorpommern federführend in der Arbeitsgruppe „Unqualified School Leavers (USL)“, in derdas „Produktive Lernen“ eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Ab März <strong>2007</strong> steht die Website www.edgate-usl.eu zur Verfügung.Hier werden umfangreiche Informationen zum Projekt USL und zu den Partnern des Projektes zu finden sein. Anfragenzum Studienbesuch sollten per E-Mail direkt an den Veranstalter gerichtet werden.Schwerin, der Veranstaltungsortdieses Studienbesuchs, ist eine Stadt der Seen und Wälder. Sie ist zugleich die Landeshauptstadt des LandesMecklenburg-Vorpommern. Gelegen zwischen Hamburg und Berlin ist sie über diese Flughäfen und per Bahn leicht zuerreichen.There are many reasons for breaking off schooling. The participants of this study visit will have the opportunity todiscuss the problem with teachers and headteachers from different schools. They will be expected, moreover, topresent examples from their own country / region, how the problem is being dealt with and what kind of solutions arebeing considered. As organiser of the study visit Mecklenburg-West Pomerania will introduce the participants to„Productive Learning“ as a central element of an integrated secondary school system. Mecklenburg-West Pomerania isthe leader of the task force “Unqualified School Leavers” within the European Project EdGATE where “ProductiveLearning” plays an important role. In March <strong>2007</strong> the website www.edgate-usl.eu will be online. Here you will findextensive information about the project USL and the project partners. Questions about the study visit please maildirectly to the organiser.Schwerin, the city of lakes and forests, is the venue for this study visit. It is the capital ofMecklenburg-West Pomerania. Situated between Hamburg and Berlin you can get there easily by public transport viathe Hamburg or Berlin airports and by train.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 119 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07008,16Organiser Phone:32 24134011Organiser name:Type:Nadine FrançoisOrganiser Fax:Organiser address: Communauté françaiseBld Léopold II , 44Organiser Email:nadine.francois@cfwb.beBruxellesPostal Code: 1080Title:08,16 - BEF - Lutte contre l’échec scolaire, intégration des jeunes migrants en Communauté française deBelgiqueBeginning date: 19.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 23.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:BruxellesBelgium (French speaking)Languages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French ?ReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:Un grande partie de la semaine sera consacrée à examiner les solutions proposées par certains établissements de larégion bruxelloise pour faciliter l’intégration des enfants de migrants dans le système scolaire (entre autres les classespasserelles). En outre la Communauté française de Belgique doit faire face à un grand taux d’échecs à tous lesniveaux d’enseignement. Les participants seront conviés à prendre connaissance d’expériences destinées àpromouvoir une pédagogie du succès.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 120 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07009,01Organiser Phone:+48 32 2077453Organiser Fax:+48 32 2571396Organiser name: Ms.Joanna Sobotnik, Mr. Adam ZabiegalaType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Kuratorium Oswiaty w Katowicachul. Jagielloñska 25Organiser Email:europa@kuratorium.katowice.plKatowicePostal Code: PL40032Title:09,01 - POL - European dimension at schoolBeginning date: 01.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 05.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Silesia regionPolandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Polish English FrenchReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.5 :STRENGTHENING EUROPEAN CO-OPERATIONNr of places: 10 Min required: 5Description:Wizyta bedzie obejmowac przedstawienie doswiadczeñ szkól naszego regionu w dziedzinie edukacji europejskiej -projektów realizowanych w ramach programu Socrates-Comenius, bedacych przykladami dobrej praktyki, projektów wziedzinie nauczania jezyków obcych, wyróznionych European Label, innowacyjnych form i metod nauczania jezykówobcych oraz prezentacje pracy instytucji dpowiedzialnych za ksztalcenie i doskonalenie nauczycieli, instytucjizajmujacych sie wspieraniem wspólpracy miedzynarodowej i integracji europejskiej oraz inicjatyw promujacych wymiareuropejski i znajomosc jezyków obcych. Wizyta bedzie tez uwzgledniac prezentacje doswiadczeñ uczestników,zwiazanych z wprowadzaniem wymiaru europejskiego w szkole. Udzial w wizycie umozliwi poznanie regionu, jegowielokulturowego charakteru. Mamy nadzieje, ze wizyta pozwoli na nawilzanie wspólpracy w ramach programóweuropejskich.We would like to present in the frame of study visit experiences of schools from our region in the field of Europeandimension - Socrates-Comenius projects, examples of good practice, projects in the field of foreign languages teachingawarded with European Label, innovative forms and methods of foreign languages teaching (i.e. bilingual schools,DELF programme), work of teacher training institutes and of teacher in-service training centres, of internationalcollaboration and european integration centres and activities in the field of promotion of european dimension andforeign language teaching. Participants also will be asked to present their experiences in the area of implementation ofeuropean dimension in education. The visit will be an opportunity to know Silesia, intercultural dimension of thisregion. We hope the visit will encourage participants start collaboration in the frame of European Union programmes.www.kuratorium.katowice.pl13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 121 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07009,02Organiser Phone:+90 332 3472282Organiser Fax:+90 332 3472283Organiser Email:Organiser name: Erol YAPIRType: Primary school (EDU.2)Organiser address: Sehit Sadik Ilkogretim OkuluKaracihan Mh. Karakayis Cd.Konyasehitsadikioo@hotmail.comPostal Code: 42050Title:09,02 - TUR - We are the worldBeginning date: 04.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 08.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:KonyaTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.5 :STRENGTHENING EUROPEAN CO-OPERATIONNr of places: 10 Min required: 5Description:The phenomenon of immigration is increasing all over Europe and society is becoming more and more multicultural.So an international education is essential for a school which wants to educate children to appreciate the value ofpeaceful living together, solidarity, respect for others and diversity, social, religious and cultural tolerance. It’s veryimportant for children to understand that awareness of different peoples enriches all our lives. The best things are bornof collaboration between different people, just as each of us partners gives the best of themselves to our project group.The coordinating school has reorganized and changed its own educational approaches and didactic methodologies..The Project will operate on two levels: one involving intercultural linguistic exchange between pupils, teachers, familiesand staff at the partner schools; the other involving teachers from the different partner countries in the exchange anddevelopment of improved didactic approaches.Web-site : www.sehitsadik.k12.tr13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 122 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07009,03Organiser Phone:+36 22 500667Organiser Fax:+36 22 313352Organiser name: Szemeti OttiliaType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Fejér Megyei Pedagógiai Szakmai és Szaksz. IntézetIII. Béla király tér 1.Organiser Email:mpi@mail.pedint-szfvar.sulinet.huSzékesfehérvárPostal Code: HU-8000Title:09,03 - HUN - Intercultural and multicultural education in different institutionsBeginning date: 15.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 19.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:SzékesfehérvárHungaryLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Hungarian English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.5 : STRENGTHENING EUROPEAN CO-OPERATIONNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Hagyományosan befogadó ország: történeti áttekintés kisebbségi szempontból - kisebbségek és a magyar oktatásirendszer - kisebbségi intézmények, önkormányzatok - kulturális autonómia bemutatása. Magyarországi népcsoportokkialakulás szempontjából: - történelmileg kialakult (bevándorolt), mára õslakosnak számító, (német, szlovák, szerb); - aXX. században háború okozta migráció nyomán (görög); - a globalizáció kiváltotta bevándorlók (kínai). E népcsoportokszórványosan és koncentráltan telepedtek le. E három népcsoport összehasonlítása a kultúrában, oktatásban ésterületi szempontból. A kommunikatív kompetenciákat, a multikulturális értékeket kiterjesztõ módszereket (kisebbség,többség), és identitásuk megõrzését segítik az intézmények. Módszertani támogató programokat mutatnak be a nyelviés metakommunikatív kódok feloldására, migrációs frusztráció kezelésére, az interkulturális konfliktusok legyõzésére.A traditionally receptive country. A historical summary from the point of view of minorities; minorities and the Hungarianeducational system - minority institutions, municipalities - introducing their cultural autonomy. Ethnic groups from thepoint of view for their appearance in Hungary: -'historical minorities' are considered to be natives (German, Slovak andSerb); - due to the migration after the war in the 20th century (Greek); -immigrants of globalisation (Chinese). Theseethnic groups have settled sporadically and are concentrated within certain areas. The institutions help to preserveidentity and methods of extending communicative competences and multicultural values (minority, majority). Theyshow methodical supporting programmes for decoding the linguistic and metacommunicative codes, for handling thefrustration of migration and for overcoming the intercultural conflicts. www.pedint-szfvar.sulinet.hu13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 123 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07009,04Organiser Phone:+39 099 47.06.866;Organiser name:Type:Gennaro Esposito - Cristina PersonèOrganiser Fax:+39 099 47.07.447Organiser Email:Organiser address: Istituto Comprensivo “Galilei”Vico Carducci 9Tarantoistitutogalileita@libero.itPostal Code: I-74100Title:09,04 - IT - From international cooperation to the global Peace: the role of the school in the Europeanprogram of education achievementBeginning date: 10.12.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 14.12.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:TarantoItalyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Italian English FrenchReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.5 :STRENGTHENING EUROPEAN CO-OPERATIONNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Il mondo contemporaneo è caratterizzato dall’infittirsi delle comunicazioni e delle relazioni interculturali. Ciò puòcostituire una grande opportunità per la diffusione di un’efficace cultura della Pace. I giovani, pur differenti perprovenienza geografica, sono accomunati da un ricco patrimonio di valori e da una comune e sincera aspirazione allaPace. E’ necessario, però, che le scuole aiutino i ragazzi nella formazione degli strumenti intellettuali necessariaffinché le loro aspirazioni alla Tolleranza, al Dialogo Interculturale ed allo Sviluppo sostenibile possano trovareconcreta attuazione. Obiettivi della Visita saranno lo “SCAMBIO DELLE BUONE PRATICHE” nonché ilRAFFORZAMENTO della COOPERAZIONE EUROPEA” nell’ambito della educa-zione alla Pace. Si acquisirannocompetenze utili ad integrare i percorsi formativi e ad individuare metodologie didattiche efficaci verso i giovani. Verràrafforzata la dimensione europea nella pratica educativa. Oltre alla visita alle scuole sono previsti, in presenza diOperatori della Scuola, delle Amministrazioni Regionali e Locali:Ø2 tavole rotonde su: ”Cittadinanza attiva:appartenenza alla realtà locale, nazionale ed europea, rispetto della diversità e delle culture altre” e “La mediazionedidattica nei rapporti interculturali”;Ø2 giornate di “ Master class” e Workshop di illustrazione sulle esperienze attuatenelle scuole. Further contacts: e-mail info@progettorussia.it - web site: www.progettorussia.itThe contemporary word is marked by the more frequent communication and intercultural relations. This is a greatchance to spread an effective culture of peace. The young even if from different countries, are joined by a greatheritage of values and by a sincere yearning for peace. It’s neces-sary therefore, that schools help the young to havethe means to develope the feelings of tolerance and intercultural dialogue. The objective of this visit will be TO MAKEA BEST USE OF RESOUR-CES and TO STRENGHTEN THE EUROPEAN COOPERATION in Education to Peace.We’ll acquire competence to better and to enrich to our teaching method towards the young. Besides the <strong>visits</strong> toschools in the presence of school operators and regional and local administration we’ll have: two meetings on “ActiveNationality” belonging to local, national and european reality, respect of difference and of other cultures.·two days of“Master class and workshop of experiences fullfilled at schools”. Further contacts: e-mail info@progettorussia.it - website: www.progettorussia.it13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 124 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07009,05Organiser Phone:+34 950268622Organiser Fax:+34 950268693Organiser name: Manuel Jesús Rubia MateosType: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)Organiser address: Centro de Profesorado de AlmeríaPaseo de la Caridad 125Organiser Email:manuelj.rubia.ext@juntadeandalucia.esALMERÍAPostal Code: 04004Title:09,05 - ES - Educate to peace in a European dimension. Conviencia escolar, un compromiso europeoBeginning date: 21.01.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 25.01.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:AlmeriaSpainLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Spanish Spanish EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.5 :STRENGTHENING EUROPEAN CO-OPERATIONNr of places: 20 Min required: 8Description:El propósito general de la visita será “Educar para la paz en una dimensión europea”. Se presentarán propuestasteóricas y experiencias prácticas, centradas en la promoción de la educación para la ciudadanía, la educaciónintercultural y la cohesión social para los centros de primaria y secundaria europeos. Igualmente se presentará elPrograma Educativo desarrollado a través de un proyecto Comenius 2.1, que incluye medidas para la prevención de laviolencia, el bulling en el entorno escolar así como su aplicación práctica. Los participantes podrán examinar nuevasperspectivas del desarrollo profesional del profesorado y conocer materiales curriculares innovadores, así comoejemplos de buenas prácticas a través de la visita a instituciones educativas locales y centros educativos. Tambiénhabrá tiempo para intercambiar, compartir y debatir experiencias educativas. Al final de la visita, esperamos haberestablecido las bases para una futura red de cooperación Europea y el desarrollo de nuevos proyectos.Purpose of the visit will be “Educate to peace in a European dimension”. In addition, this study visit is aimed at thepresentation of a theoretical proposal as well as some practical experiences focused on the promotion of education forcitizenship, intercultural education and social cohesion in Europe nowadays form Primary and Secondary Educationschools. During the study visit will be presented a the School Programme developed in a COMENIUS 2.1 project, thatincludes measures to prevent violence and bullying in school life and its implementation. The participants will have theopportunity to examine new approaches to teacher professional development and to know innovative curricularmaterials and examples of good practice through the visit to local education authorities, institutions and to schools.There will be time for exchanging, sharing and debating participant experiences. At the end of the visit, we aim athaving established a basis for future European networking and projects between participants and hosting institutions.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 125 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07009,06Organiser Phone:00 33 5 90 93 83 28Organiser Fax:00 33 5 90 82 00 17Organiser Email:monique.vidal@ac-guadeloupe.frOrganiser name: VIDAL MoniqueType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Rectorat de l'Académie de la GuadeloupeBoulevard de l'unionBP 480LES ABYMES CEDEXPostal Code: F-97183Title:09,06 - FR - L'Europe dans la CaraïbeBeginning date: 11.02.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 15.02.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:LES ABYMES (Guadeloupe)FranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 3.5 : Renforcer la coopération européenne Inclusion de la dimension européenne dansl’éducation et la formationNr of places: 12 Min required: 6Description:Public visé : chefs d'établissements, inspecteurs, porteurs de projets des systèmes éducationnels.Renforcer ladimension européenne dans une région ultramarine en permettant d'établir des liens qui faciliteront la mobilité, leséchanges et les partenariats vers L'Europe continentale et réciproquement. Les participants pourront constater lavariété des possibilités offertes par l'archipel Guadeloupéen et ses dépendances.Comparer et échanger leursexpériences sur les actions et les moyens mis en œuvre pour faciliter la prise en compte de la dimension européennedans le système éducatif français. Faciliter la construction de partenariats, d'échanges et de mobilités les plusappropriés pour cette région ultrapériphérique.Des visites seront organisées dans les établissements scolaires ainsique des rencontres avec les décideurs locaux(exécutifs régional/départemental/communal).Des visites culturelles,des visites de sites naturels, qui synthétisent le mieux la plus-value qu'offre la spécificité de la Guadeloupe sontégalement prévues.Nous proposons une traduction simultanée dans les 2 langues de travail (anglais /espagnol).www.ac-guadeloupe.fr/daric/index.htmTarget audience : principal/head, inspectors.Bridges between Continental and CaribbeanEurop.STRENGTHENING THE EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION in a caribbean archipelago by creating connections tohelp exchanges, mobility programs and partnerships with continental europ and vice versa. Participants will realize thevariety of possibilities offered by Guadeloupe and its dependances.They will be able to compare and exchange ontheir respective experiences to develop the european dimension in the different educational systems. They will help setup partnerships, exchange and mobility projects that are more appropriate to this overseas european area.Visits willbe organised in schools and we will meet heads of schools, mayors, regional executive representatives.Cultural<strong>visits</strong> will be organised to the crucial natural historical and economical sites; (rainforest/mangrove/waterfalls/reserveCousteau and natural energies solar and wind) as well as industrial and handicraft complexes,parts of the commercialnetwork(zone industrielle de Jarry).There will be translations in both working languages (english and spanish) atevery stage of the visit. www.ac-guadeloupe.fr/daric/index.htm13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 126 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07009,07Organiser Phone:00 33 5 96 72 88 58Organiser Fax:00 33 5 96 61 59 78Organiser Email:ee.pastel@wanadoo.frOrganiser name: PASTEL Emile-EdouardType: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)Organiser address: Lycée de BellevueRue Marie-Thérèse GertrudeBP 637FORT DE FrancePostal Code: F-97200Title:09,07 - FR - Intégration européenne et éducation en milieu insulaire : forces et handicapsBeginning date: 25.02.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 29.02.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:FORT DE France (Martinique)FranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 3.5 : Renforcer la coopération européenne Inclusion de la dimension européenne dansl’éducation et la formationNr of places: 15 Min required: 10Description:Faire découvrir les outils d'intégration européenne dans une Région Ultra-Périphérique (R.U.P).Confronter lesexpériences de l'école primaire jusqu'au post-bac avec d'autres européens.Seront programmés,des rencontres etdes échanges avec le responsable régional de la coopération internationale, avec le responsable de la DélégationAcadémique aux Relations Internationales et à la Coopération, (D.A.R.I.C) avec des établissements ayant mené à leurterme des projets européens.La traduction sera assurée en simultanné en anglais et en espagnol par nosprofesseurs.Help discover the integration tools to the EC used in an ultra peripheral region.Confront local school experiencesfrom primary to further education with other islands.Meetings and exchanges will be planned with the local Head ofInternational Cooperation, the Head of the District Commission for International Relations and Cooperation and withteachers who have carried European projects through completion.Simultaneous translation into english and spanishwill be done by our teachers.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 127 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07009,08Organiser Phone:+30-210-37.26.392Organiser Fax:+30-210-32.21.863Organiser name: ARION teamType: Public authority national (PUB.3)Organiser address: IKYD. Aeropagitou & Makri 1Organiser Email:study<strong>visits</strong>@iky.gr; apispa@iky.grAthensPostal Code: GR-11742Title:09,08 - GR - The European dimension through cultural and european educational projectsBeginning date: 03.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 07.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:ThessalonikiGreeceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Greek English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.5 :STRENGTHENING EUROPEAN CO-OPERATIONNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Venue: the city of Thessaloniki, northern Greece. The object of this study visit is to present a number of projectsdeveloped as extra curriculum activties within the framework of European, cultural or other projects which aim topromote the idea of multiculturalism in a city the past of which was distinctly multicultural. There will be <strong>visits</strong> to schoolsof both primary and secondary level. www.iky.gr13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 128 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07009,09Organiser Phone:+39 080 3111707Organiser Fax:+39 080 3113053Organiser Email:Organiser name: Filippo TarantinoType: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)Organiser address: Liceo Classico Statale CagnazziP.zza Zanardelli, 30Altamura - BAfiltaran@tin.it; cagnazzi@tin.itPostal Code: I-70022Title: 09,09 - IT - L'azione di rete per la valorizzazione delle buone pratiche nella formazione liceale europea -L'action de réseau vise à la valorisation des pratiques optimales dans la formation des lycées en EuropeBeginning date: 31.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 04.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Altamura (Bari)ItalyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Italian French ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 3.5 : Renforcer la coopération européenne Inclusion de la dimension européenne dansl’éducation et la formationNr of places: 20 Min required: 8Description:Obiettivi: Favorire la conoscenza, il confronto e lo scambio di buone pratiche nelle attività organizzate in rete per ladimensione europea della formazione liceale. Promuovere la riflessione culturale sull’azione di rete per l’Europa dellaconoscenza (obiettivi 1.1, 1.5, 3.1, 3.5 di Lisbona) con il coinvolgimento delle Istituzioni locali e regionali, delleuniversità, degli editori, della stampa e dei decisori politici. Promuovere contatti e relazioni per futuripartenariati.Contenuti: Incontri seminariali con capi d’istituto, docenti, responsabili di istituti di ricerca, espertiimpegnati in attività di cooperazione internazionale, di formazione e di ricerca, di analisi e osservazione di esperienzetransnazionali significative. Visite a università e ad istituti scolastici impegnati in attività di studio, ricerca edisseminazione ad effetto moltiplicatore a livello nazionale ed europeo. Utilizzazione e valorizzazione dell’esperienzadi coordinamento di ReteTematica Comenius 3 EWHUM (European Humanism in the World) realizzata dall’istitutoorganizzatore. Attività: tavole rotonde, seminari, visite, incontri-dibattito, valutazione esperienze. Soggetti coinvolti:Scuole, Università, Istituti di ricerca, Agenzia Nazionale Socrates, Istituzioni governative. Sito web:www.liceocagnazzi.it, www.ewhum.orgObjectifs: favoriser la connaissance, la comparaison et la valorisation des pratiques optimales dans les activités enréseau pour la dimension européenne de la formation à niveau des lycées. Promouvoir le réflexion culturelleconcernant l’action de réseau pour l’Europe de la connaissance (Ob. 1.1, 1.5, 3.1, 3.5 de Lisbonne) au soutien desInstitutions locales et régionales, des universités, des éditeurs, de la presse et des décideurs politiques. Promouvoirles contacts et les relations visant au lancement de nouveaux partenariats.Contenus: rencontres-séminaires avecchefs d’établissement, enseignants, responsables d’instituts de recherche, experts et professionnels engagés enactivités de coopération internationale, de formation et recherche, d’analyse et observation d’expériences significativesà niveau transnational.Visites à universités et à établissements scolaires engagés en activités d’étude, de rechercheet de dissémination ayant un effet multiplicateur à niveau national et européen. Exploitation et valorisation del’expérience de coordination du Réseau Thématique Comenius 3 EWHUM (European Humanism in the World)réalisée par l’institut organisateur de la visite. Activités : tables rondes, séminaires, visites, rencontres-débats,évaluation des expériences. Sujets engagés : établissements scolaires, universités, instituts de recherche, AgenceNationale Socrates, décideurs politiques. Web site: www.liceocagnazzi.it, www.ewhum.org13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 129 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07009,10Organiser Phone:+37 2 43429Organiser Fax:+37 2 43429Organiser name: Silja SinitammType: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)Organiser address: Rakvere Russian GymnasiumTallinna 29Organiser Email:kantselei@rakven.edu.eeRakverePostal Code: 44311Title:09,10 - EE - European Cooperation - Intercultural DialogueBeginning date: 07.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 11.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:RakvereEstoniaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Estonian English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.5 :STRENGTHENING EUROPEAN CO-OPERATIONNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Ühinenud multikultuurses Euroopas on saanud vajalikuks dialoog rahvuste ja keelte vahel. <strong>2008</strong>. aasta on kuulutatudEuroopa kultuuridevahelise dialoogi aastaks. Euroopa kultuur pole mitte üks, vaid koosneb paljudest erinevatestaspektidest: kohalikud, piirkondlikud, rahvuslikud traditsioonid, jagatud ajalugu, konfliktid ja filosoofilised ningreligioossed liikumised. Meie eesmärk on tutvustada Eesti haridussüsteemi ning Lääne-Virumaa haridussüsteemi. Mekülastame maakonna mõisakoole ja tutvustame Eesti ajalugu. Samuti külastame Lahemaa Rahvusparki, kus räägimekeskkonnahariduse teemadel. Õppelähetuse jooksul külastavad osavõtjad Lääne-Virumaa haridusasutusilasteaedadest keskkoolideni ning kohtuvad vastava ala spetsialistidega.The dialogue between people and cultures has become a necessity in multicultural Europe. <strong>2008</strong> has been declaredas the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue. European culture is, in fact, not one but many cultures: local, regionaland national traditions, shared histories and philosophical and religious developments. We are going to present to theparticipants the education system in Estonia and Estonian West- Virumaa County. We visit manor schools of ourcounty and introduce Estonian history to our participans. We also visit Lahemaa National Park to talk aboutenviromental education. To present the Estonian education system we are planning to organize <strong>visits</strong> to all levels ofeducation: kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in West- Virumaa County and will meet the specialists of thefield. www.rakven.edu.ee13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 130 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07009,11Organiser Phone:++351 249 720 220Organiser Fax:++351 249 720 227Organiser Email:juditesimoes@hotmail.comOrganiser name: Judite SimõesType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Agrupamento de Escolas de Vila Nova da BarquinhaEscola EB 2/3 S D. Maria IIRua do PedregosoVila Nova BarquinhaPostal Code: 2260435Title:09,11 - PT - Learning and teaching about EuropeBeginning date: 07.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 11.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Vila Nova da Barquinha (Municipality and School)PortugalLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Portuguese English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.5 :STRENGTHENING EUROPEAN CO-OPERATIONNr of places: 10 Min required: 5Description:Promover a dimensão Europeia;Discutir sobre como a dimensão Europeia pode contribuir para desenvolver qualidadena educação e para alcançar os objectivos estratégicos de 2010;Reconhecer a importância que advém da interacçãocom instituições europeias no sentido de fortalecer laços com a Europa e levar a um melhor reconhecimento de quetodos somos cidadãos europeus, consequentemente muito dependentes dos outros cidadãos de tão vasta e ricacomunidade.Capacitar alunos, professores, pais, (…) a aceitarem as suas responsabilidades como cidadãos daEuropa e a desenvolverem atitudes construtivas em relação a assuntos tão premente como a Paz e os DireitosHumanos na Europa e no Mundo. Os assuntos centrais terão a ver, ao longo de toda a semana, com o tema baseescolhido: Dimensão Europeia na escola e na comunidade em geral. Assim… O conteúdo dos subtemas desenvolverse-áatravés de palestras, discussões e workshops relativas à promoção da dimensão europeia nasescolas/comunidades dos delegados presentes, tendo em conta, por exemplo, o papel desempenhado por meiosdiversos – incluindo programas e instituições;Como são /deveriam ser avaliadas as actividades que integram estavertente;Que formação é oferecida a quem lida com estes assuntos; Como se aprende a “Europa” in loco (visitas adiferentes realidades). As instituições envolvidas são: ?Escola EB2-3/S. D. Maria II (sede do Agrupamento de Escolasde Vila Nova da Barquinha); Câmara Municipal de Vila Nova da Barquinha. Como convidados a enriquecer diferentessessões: Clubes Europeus/Ministério da Educação, CIEJDelors, a Comissão para a Igualdade e Direitos das Mulherese a delegação de Santarém do Europe Direct Centre. Se possível, muito gostaríamos de contar com umarepresentação da Agência Nacional. O Público-Alvo: Directores de estabelecimentos de ensino, Responsáveis porAssuntos Europeus a nível de Escola, Autarquias e Bibliotecas Públicas; Formadores de Professores; Inspectores.http://arionportugal.blog.comTo promote The European Dimension;To discuss about the way the European Dimension can contribute to improvequality in education and reach the strategic objectives for 2010;To get aware of the importance of interacting withEuropean institutions in order to strengthen our links to Europe and better recognise we all are European citizenstherefore very much dependent on the other citizens of such a huge and rich community.To enable pupils, teachers,parents, (…) to accept their responsibilities as citizens of Europe and develop constructive attitudes towards pressingissues such as Peace and Human Rights throughout Europe and the world. For the whole week …The central contentswill be related with the mother topic of the Visit: The European Dimension inside a school and in the community (ingeneral). So the subtopics will be developed as follows: By means of lectures, discussions and workshops related tothe promotion of the European dimension in the schools and communities of the participating European delegates and13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 131 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>the role played by different possible means to carry it out will be taken into account — including the help coming fromEuropean Programmes and Institutions. Discussing how the activities involving such issues are/should beevaluated;What kind of training is offered to the teachers and/or any other responsible for this challenging task.Recognizing how important is to learn about Europe in loco (interesting sightseeing and study <strong>visits</strong> will be part of theprogramme). The institutions involved: Basic and Secondary School D. Maria II together with the Municipality of VilaNova da Barquinha. Some European institutions will join us in different sessions presenting lectures and/or any kind ofmaterials and experiences able to enrich our meeting and consequent reflections. We can name representatives from:The European Clubs Bureau/ Ministry of Education; The European Jacques Delors Centre in Lisbon; The Comissionfor the Equality-and the Rights of the Women and The Europe Direct Centre from Santarém. If possible we still woudlike to have with us a representative from The National Agency in Lisbon. The target audience is: Heads of Schools,Responsible delegates for European issues at different levels (Schools, Municipalities, Public Libraries), TeacherTrainers Administrators at local, regional and national level and Inspectors. http://arionportugal.blog.com13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 132 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07009,12Organiser Phone:+49 561 8078 135Organiser Fax:+49 561 8078 110Organiser name: Dr. Ludwig HochgeschwenderType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Staatl. Schulamt f.d. Landkreis & d. Stadt KasselHolländische Straße 141Organiser Email:l.hochgeschwender@ks.ssa.hessen.deKasselPostal Code: D-34127Title:09,12 - DE - Schools in cooperation with industrial centresBeginning date: 14.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 18.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Kassel + HofgeismarGermanyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2German English GermanReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.5 :STRENGTHENING EUROPEAN CO-OPERATIONNr of places: 14 Min required: 7Description:Kassel ist durch seine geographische Lage in Europa ein industrielles und logistisches Zentrum. Darüber hinaus istKassel weltweit bekannt als Stadt der Documenta und der Brüder Grimm. Vor diesem Hintergrund wollen wirMöglichkeiten zeigen, wie Schule (z.B. Europaschule, UNESCO-Projekt-Schule etc.) in Zusammenarbeit mitindustriellen Einrichtungen (Volkswagen, Daimler-Chrysler, Thyssen-Henschel, SMA etc.) – mitBetriebsbesichtigungen – junge Menschen auf einen beruflichen Weg in Europa vorbereiten kann: Duale Ausbildung;Coaching-Progrramme; Betriebspraktika; Berufserkundungstage; Humanresourcen und Bildungsnetzwerke in derRegion.Kassel, because of its geographical location in Europe, is a centre of industry and logistics. Moreover it has become acultural centre of worldwide renown through “Documenta” and the Brothers Grimm. Before this backdrop we want toshow ways of cooperation between schools (for instance Europaschule, UNESCO-Project-School, etc.) and industrialplants (like Volkswagen, Daimler-Chrysler, Thyssen-Henschel, SMA etc.) – including <strong>visits</strong> to the plants – in preparingyoung people for their working-life in Europe: Dual vocational training; coaching-programmes; temporary practice incompanies or in particular jobs; human resources and educational networks in the region.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 133 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07009,13Organiser Phone:+90 272 2137604-204Organiser Fax:+90 272 2137605Organiser Email:Organiser name: Abdurrahman GUNAYType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Afyonkarahisar Directorate of National EducationAfyonkarahisar Milli EgitimMudurlugu Hukumet Konagiavbir03@meb.gov.trPostal Code: 03200Title:09,13 - TUR - European Dimension and Co-operation at Local EducationBeginning date: 05.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 09.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:AfyonkarahisarTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English GermanReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.5 :STRENGTHENING EUROPEAN CO-OPERATIONNr of places: 20 Min required: 5Description:The purpose of the study visit is to empower the European collaboration through <strong>visits</strong> and activities, to bring new pointof views to education and learning, to review best practices and to open an intercultural gate to friendship. During thestudy visit, the participants will have an opportunity of on-site survey of project examples going on in our province(Comenius, Grundtvig, Leonardo Da Vinci). The study visit aims to provide workshops, meetings with experts, roundtablemeetings, presentations in the European dimension to help them share their knowledge and experiences, toestablish networks between educators to empower the European cooperation. Every day of the study visit will compriseof <strong>visits</strong> to innovative and different schools and institutions, other public institutions and NGOs which supporteducation, historical places ( Phrygian Valley, Millet Hamam, Karahisar Castle, mosques, mansions) and touristicattractions (spas, thermal facilities, monasteries), focusing on different themes such as traveling and surveying. Targetgroups: Headmasters, principals, teachers, education experts, inspectors, decision makers. Web page:http://afyon.meb.gov.trDer Grundgedanke dieses Besuches ist es, die Zusammenarbeit mit Europa mit verschiedenen Besuchen undAktivitäten zu stärken. Dabei sollen verschiedene Gesichtspunkte von Bildung kennen gelernt werden, Erfahrungenausgetauscht und gute Beispiele untersucht werden, wobei dies ein Schritt in Richtung interkultureller Freundschaft ist.Während des Besuches werden die Teilnehmer die Gelegenheit bekommen, verschiedene Projekte kennen zu lernen,die in unserer Stadt leben gefunden haben (z.B. Comenius, Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci). Außerdem werdenverschiedene Besichtigungen der Arbeitsplätze, Workshops, Unterhaltungen mit Experten, Diskussionskreise undVorträge für den Austausch von Erfahrungen und Wissen bezüglich der Europäischen Union sorgen. So werden diePädagogen Möglichkeiten haben Netzwerke auf zu bauen und so die Zusammenarbeit mit der EU zu stärken. JederTag des Besuches wird mit verschiedenen Unternehmungen wie Besichtigungen von erfolgreichen undherausragenden Schulen und Einrichtungen, sowie von allgemeinen oder gemeinnützigen Einrichtungen, die Bildungunterstützen gefüllt sein. Außerdem werden Gelegenheiten geboten historische (das Frig Tal, Millet Hamam, die Burgvon Afyon, Herberge, Moscheen usw.) und touristische Örtlichkeiten (Termalbäder, Kloster usw.) zu besichtigen. DieZielgruppe dieses Besuches sind: Lehrer, Schulleiter, Bildungsexperten, Pädagogen. Web Seite:http://afyon.meb.gov.tr13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 134 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07009,14Organiser Phone:+39 0971 449927Organiser Fax:+39 0971 445103Organiser Email:Organiser name: Marialuisa SabinoType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la BasilicataPiazza delle RegioniPotenzamlsab@tiscali.itPostal Code: I-85100Title:09,14 - IT - eTwinning - Developing the European DimensionBeginning date: 12.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 16.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:MateraItalyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Italian English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.5 :STRENGTHENING EUROPEAN CO-OPERATIONNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:La dimensione virtuale della cooperazione europea nell’educazione, nella formazione e nella mobilità virtuale costituiràil punto focale della visita. Il lavoro in rete tra le scuole e la collaborazione in progetti educativi con partner europeiappare determinante nel conferire dimensione europea all’educazione scolastica e a rendere i giovani consapevolidell’aspetto multilinguistico e multiculturale della moderna società della conoscenza. I partecipanti alla visitaprenderanno in considerazione anche il contributo del gemellaggio elettronico nell’aggiornamento professionale deidocenti e dei formatori, e si confronteranno sul contributo fornito dalle tecnologie dell’informazione e dellacomunicazione (TIC) alla qualità dell’educazione e della formazione. Saranno organizzate visite a scuole cherealizzano gemellaggi elettronici di qualità. Ulteriori contatti telefonici: +39 0971 44 9911 (centralino).www.basilicata.istruzione.itThe focus of the visit will be the virtual dimension to European co-operation in education and virtual mobility.Networking among schools and cooperation in an educational project with their partners in other European countriesprove to be decisive both in fostering a European dimension in education and in increasing awarness of the Europeanmultilingual and multicultural knowledge society. Participants will also analyse how eTwinning of schools help updateteachers’ and trainers’ professional skills; they will talk about the contribution of information and communicationtechnologies (ICT) to the quality of education and training. Visits to structures where eTwinning is developed to a highlevel will be organised. Further contacts: +39 0971 449927. www.basilicata.istruzione.it13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 135 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07009,15Organiser Phone:+ 48943747908Organiser Fax:+ 48943743505Organiser name: Beata Ceglarz, Piotr SkoczylasType: General and vocat./tech. secondary school (EDU 3)Organiser address: Gimnazjum Nr 1 im. Zjednoczonej Europyul. Armii Krajowej 29Organiser Email:euroskok@wp.pl; betace@wp.plSzczecinekPostal Code: PL78400Title:09,15 - POL - Vergleich europäischer Ausbildungssysteme in der Zusammenarbeit und dem Schulaustauschzwischen Schulen in EuropaBeginning date: 19.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 24.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:SzczecinekPolandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Polish German FrenchReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.5 :STRENGTHENING EUROPEAN CO-OPERATIONNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Ukazanie nowych technologii w edukacji. Poprawa jakosci i efektywnosci systemów edukacji w Polsce i UE. Otwarciesystemów edukacji na srodowisko i Europe oraz wspólne dzialania edukacyjne. Stworzenie uczniom bezposredniegodoswiadczenia wymiaru europejskiego z wykorzystaniem nowych systemów w edukacji w polaczeniu z nauka jezykówobcych. Europejski sposób zarzadzania szkola publiczna w porównaniu z polskim systemem edukacyjnym. Sposóbzarzadzania oswiata na szczeblu samorzadowym. Zajecia praktyczne. Spotkanie z wladzami samorzadowymi,Burmistrzem Miasta Szczecinka, Starosta Powiatu Szczecineckiego. Prezentacja placówek oswiatowych na tereniePowiatu Szczecineckiego. Gimnazjum Nr 1 im. Zjednoczonej Europy w Szczecinku- Zachodniopomorska SzkolaJakosci.Ziel des Besuchs ist durch neue Lehrtechniken die Qualität und neue Technologie in der europäischen Ausbildung zuzeigen. Vorstellung neuer Fortbildungs-möglichkeiten und Lehrmethoden in der Ausbildung. Verbesserung der Qualitätund Effektivität des Lehr- und Ausbildungssystems. /Gimnasium Nr 1 in Szczecinek ist Westpommern Qualität –Schule/. Vergleich mit der europäischen Öffnung des Lehrerssystems für Umwelt und Europa. Den Schülern direktErfahrungen in der europäischen Dimensionen bieten. Vorstellung des neuen polnischen Schulsystems in Theorie undPraxis. Vorstellung interessanter Lehrmethoden für die einzelnen Schulstufen. Vertreterin des Bürgermeister vonSzczecinek Oberkreisdirektor von Szczecinek, und Direktoren der Schulen und der Firma des Kreisrateswww.gim1_szczecinek.glt.pl13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 136 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07009,16Organiser Phone:0040236465551Organiser Fax:0040236465551Organiser Email:Organiser name: RUSU STEFANIA-FLORENTINAType: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)Organiser address: Secondary school "Elena Doamna"169th, Domneasca StreetGalatisfrusu34@yahoo.comPostal Code:Title:09,16 - RO - Institutional development through European co-operation projectsBeginning date: 19.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 23.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:GalatiRomaniaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Romanian English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.5 :STRENGTHENING EUROPEAN CO-OPERATIONNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Presentations and debates based on exchanging experience regarding the ways of accessing co-operation projects,their ways of implementation and development as well as the examples of good practice from each participant'sactivity. Visit the institutions on secondary and higher education from both the urban and rural areas, which developedEuropean projects. The education experts will meet representatives of the local authorities and of the Galati educationand will discuss about the way in which these authorities support the initiatives of schools to develop Europeanprojects.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 137 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07009,17Organiser Phone:+49 4331 434080Organiser Fax:+49 4331 26239Organiser name: Marko Krahmer; Dr. Klaus StellmacherType: Tech/vocat. edu. in conjunction with work(EDU 3.3)Organiser address: Berufliche Schulen Rendsburg -GTL-Herrenstr. 30 - 32Organiser Email:krahmer@bsrd.euRendsburgPostal Code: D-24768Title:09,17 - DE - Möglichkeiten der Mobilität in der europäischen Berufsausbildung. Welche Chancen bietet dasEuropean Credit System for Vocational Educational Training (ECVET)?Beginning date: 26.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 30.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:RendsburgGermanyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2German English GermanReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 3.5 : Renforcer la coopération européenne Inclusion de la dimension européenne dansl’éducation et la formationNr of places: 18 Min required: 5Description:Das Seminar findet statt in Rendsburg (Schleswig-Holstein), im Land zwischen den Meeren. Das Seminar befasst sichmit der Rolle und Bedeutung von Mobilität und Austausch in der beruflichen Erstausbildung. Wie kann Mobilität in derErstausbildung und das European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) die Auszubildendenauf einen europäischen Arbeitsmarkt vorbereiten?Es werden kurz die Berufsbildungssysteme der teilnehmendenLänder vorgestellt. Ausgehend von den Nationalen Qualifikationsrahmen (NQR) sollen im weiteren Verlauf Ansätze füreinen Europäischen Qualifikationsrahmen (EQR) gesucht werden. Dafür wird von den Teilnehmern erwartet, dass sieeine ausgewählte Lerneinheit aus der beruflichen Erstausbildung ihres Landes für das Seminar zur Verfügung stellenund daraus gemeinsam Ansätze für ein ECVET zu entwickeln.In der Region werden europaweit tätigeAusbildungsunternehmen, u.a. die Firma Hobby Wohnwagen- und Wohnmobilwerk und die Peter Wolters AG besucht.Ebenso sollen der schleswig-holsteinische Landtag und die Ostseeküstenregion um die Städte Kiel und Flensburgherum besucht werden. Weitere Informationen zum Programm und zur Region stehen ab dem 1.3.<strong>2007</strong> unterfolgender Adresse zur Verfügung: http://www.bsrd.eu .This study visit will take place in Rendsburg/Schleswig-Holstein situated in the North of Germany between the NorthSea and the Baltic Sea. The study visit wants to explore the role and the significance of mobility in initial vocationaleducation and training and follow up the question in which way mobility and the new European Credit System forVocational Education and Training (ECVET) can prepare trainees for the European labour market.After a shortpresentation of the systems of vocational education and training in the countries taking part in the study visit theparticipants will be expected to search for approaches towards a common European Qualification Framework (EQF) onthe basis of their various National Qualification Frameworks (NQF). For this purpose they will be asked to selectaspects of their national systems of vocational education and training, submit them to the study visit group fordiscussion and jointly develop elements for an ECVET. In the course of the study visit participants will have theopportunity to visit a number of companies offering training places and active on a European scale, e.g. “HobbyCaravans & Campers” and “Peter Wolters AG”, a tool manufacturer of international renown. They will be visiting,moreover, the “Landtag Schleswig-Holstein”, the regional legislature, the coastal area of the Baltic Sea as well as thecities of Kiel and Flensburg.From 01 March <strong>2007</strong> more information on both, the programme as well as the region willbe available under http://www.bsrd.eu.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 138 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07009,18Organiser Phone:+90 342 230 80 42Organiser Fax:+90 342 232 24 10Organiser Email:Organiser name: Burhan AKYILMAZType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: GAZIANTEP IL MILLI EGITIM MUDURLUGUYENI HUKUMET KONAGI NO:3GAZIANTEPburhanakyilmaz@hotmail.comPostal Code: 27000Title:09,18 - TUR - NEW BRIDGES IN EUROPEBeginning date: 26.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 30.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:GaziantepTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.5 :STRENGTHENING EUROPEAN CO-OPERATIONNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:The study visit aims at sharing ideas and experiences for further cooperation in education in Europe. It involvespresentations, seminars, workshops, conferences, <strong>visits</strong> to pre-primary, primary, secondary schools ( general,vocational and technical ), also <strong>visits</strong> to NGOs concerned education, round-table discussions on the importance andbenefits of cooperation, interviews with local authorities, talks with people benefited from EU Education and Youthprogrammes, <strong>visits</strong> to Governorship and Municipality. It will help the institutions and people to get to know differentcultures, to know about educational systems, to see how people benefit from European Euducation and YouthProgrammes in different countries, to offer solutions for problems on cooperation, to realise that cooperation isnecessary for integration in Europe and quality in education in Europe. You can find more information about Gaziantepat www.gso.org.tr and about us at www.gaziantep-meb.gov.tr or www.gaziantepmem.net.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 139 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07010,01Organiser Phone:+370 5 2772964Organiser Fax:+370 5 2772191Organiser name: Violeta ValiuskevicieneType: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)Organiser address: Teacher Professional Development CenterDidlaukio str. 82Organiser Email:v.valiuskeviciene@pprc.ltVilniusPostal Code: 08303Title:10,01 - LT - In-service Teacher Training in LithuaniaBeginning date: 24.09.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 28.09.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:VilniusLithuaniaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Lithuanian English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.1: Improving education and training for teachers and trainersNr of places: 12 Min required: 7Description:Vizito metu dalyviai susipazins su Lietuvos pedagogu kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistema. Dalyviai tures galimybepristatyti savo saliu svietimo sistemas, pasikeisti patirtimi pedagogu kvalifikacijos tobulinimo srityje ir aptartibendradarbiavimo gaires. Bus pristatyti aktualiausi pedagogu kvalifikacijos tobulinimo projektai/programos, vykdomiįvairių švietimo instituciju. Dalyviams bus organizuotas vizitas į Svietimo ir mokslo ministerija, Pedagogu profesinesraidos centra, Lietuvos regioninius pedagogu kvalifikacijos tobulinimo centrus, bendrojo lavinimo mokyklas. Kulturineprograma pades geriau pazinti sali.During the visit the participants will be acquainted with the In-service Teacher Training system in Lithuania. Theparticipants will have the opportunity to present the education systems and in-service training institutions of theircountry. Discussions on similarities and differences of in-service teacher training, experience exchange with theexperts from the other countries, opportunities for future co-operation. The programme will include the most relevantprogrammes/projects in the field of in-service teacher training in preschool, primary and secondary level. Visits to theMinistry of Education and Science, Teacher Professional Development Center, regional in-service teacher trainingcentres, different types of general education schools. Cultural programme will be provided to the participants.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 140 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07010,02Organiser Phone:+ 48 32 2313515Organiser Fax:+ 48 32 3351809Organiser name: Anna SuchonType: Inst. for initial teacher training (EDU 7)Organiser address: Kolegium NauczycielskieHutnicza 9Organiser Email:suchana@wp.plGliwicePostal Code: PL44100Title: 10,02 - POL - Lehrer – ein zukunftsreicher Beruf ?Beginning date: 22.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 26.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:GliwicePolandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Polish German ?ReferenceObjectivesReportZIEL 1.1: VERBESSERUNG VON AUSBILDUNG UND TRAINING VON LEHRERN UND TRAINERNNr of places: 12 Min required: 6Description:Celem wizyty jest przyblizenie uczestnikom specyfiki organizacji i zasad funkcjonowania systemu edukacji w Polsce zeszczególnym uwzglednieniem oferty ksztalcenia dla uczniów ze specyficznymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi. Stanowic tobedzie baze dla analizy kierunku rozwoju systemu ksztalcenia przyszlych nauczycieli i usytuowania w tym obszarzezalozeñ dotyczacych kompetencji zawodowych, zapotrzebowaniu na rynku pracy oraz mozliwosci rozwojuzawodowego nauczycieli i wychowawców przygotowujacych sie do roli pedagoga specjalnego zarówno dla potrzeblacówek o charakterze segregacyjnym jak i rozwiazañ uwzgledniajacych integracyjny model edukacji.Das Programm beinhaltet folgende Themenbereiche:•Vorstellung von wichtigen Ausbildungsprogrammen undMöglichkeiten für geistig Behinderte in Polen•Vorstellung von Lehrerausbildungssystemen.•BeruflicheEntwicklungsmöglichkeit oder Pflicht?•Pädagogische Inhalte und Methoden die sich besonders auf Erwachsene alsLerner beziehen•Öffentlichkeitsarbeit http://www.kn-gliwice.edu.pl/13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 141 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07010,03Organiser Phone:+90 462 230 04 40Organiser Fax:+90 462 230 04 40Organiser Email:Organiser name: Eda TIRYAKI & Muhammet TÜRKMENType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Trabzon Il Milli Egitim MüdürlügüHukumet Konagi Trabzon IlMilli Egitim Mudurlugu Kat:2trabzon_abb@yahoo.comPostal Code: 61040Title:10,03 - TUR - The teaching profession in TurkeyBeginning date: 22.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 26.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:TrabzonTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.1 :IMPROVING EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERSNr of places: 25 Min required: 10Description:The study visit programme provides an overview of the education and teacher training system in Turkey. This visitfocuses on themes of conditions for becoming a teacher and trainer according to educational level, promotion systemsin the teaching profession during a teacher’s career and improvement of working conditions of teachers. The studyvisit is organized by Directorate of Provincial and District National Education in cooperation with Karadeniz TechnicalUniversity, Fatih Faculty of Education. The week’s programme includes the presentation of Turkish National EducationSystem (an overview of the historical development, organizational structure of the education system, formal and nonformaleducation, education statistics, budgets and investments, in-service-training system, training of teachers whohave just started teaching, social security system, facilities for teachers’ spare time- teacher’s houses, teacher holidaycamps), information about Turkish School Inspection System including teacher promotion system (new system“profession of teachers”, Teacher’s Proficiency Exam). During this study visit Trabzon Provincial and District NationalEducation Directorate, Besikdüzü and Arakli Anatolian Teacher Training High Schools will be visited. There will beclass observations. Teacher education and training system (theoric and practical education) in Karadeniz TechnicalUniversity, Fatih Faculty of Education will be observed. The participants will share experiences with EuropeanCollegues and this will help to improve the education and training for teachers, to be aware of new approaches, toapply new techniques to our educational system. The paticipants’ points of view will be reported at the end of the studyvisit. There will also be some <strong>visits</strong> to historical places and also a chorus and a folk dance group consist of teachers’will sing traditional songs and show traditional folk dances in Akçaabat Non-Formal Training Centre as teachers’ freetime activities.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 142 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07010,04Organiser Phone:+902122226545Organiser Fax:+902122226548Organiser Email:Organiser name: Mustafa Kemal DEMIRERType: Tech/vocat. edu. in conjunction with work(EDU 3.3)Organiser address: Sisli vocational school of technicAbide-i Hurriyet Cad. 316Sisli ISTANBUL162355@meb.gov.trPostal Code: 34381Title:10,04 - TUR - Enhancing co-operation between school and industryBeginning date: 22.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 26.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:IstanbulTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.1 :IMPROVING EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERSNr of places: 20 Min required: 10Description:Sisli vocational school is a technical school which located in central of Istanbul. The school has more experience onvocational education. It is established in 1965 and has five departments that are car mechanic, car repairing, Electricelectronic,Telecommunication, Computer.We are going to visit to present to the participant the education system inTurkey with the emphasis on the implementation of the European and global dimensions into vocational education.There will be opportunities for participant to have discussions with teacher and students about school life during thevisit. We will organize to visit at vocational school The main aim is this project is to improve to co-operation betweenvocational technical schools to industrial institution .The main problem of vocational education is in adequacy ofrelationship school and workplace. Moreover, the school has succeeded under co-operating with Mercedes, Toyota,Siemens and Fiat. These companies have founded their vocational education laboratory in school. One of the mostimportant benefits of this co-operation is to give job guarantee the student after graduation. www.sisli.k12.tr13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 143 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07010,05Organiser Phone:+34 955034314Organiser Fax:+34 955034421Organiser name: Antonio Fernández BermudoType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Delegación Provincial de EducaciónRonda del Tamarguillo, s/nOrganiser Email:antonio.fernandez.bermudo@juntadeandalucia.esSevillaPostal Code: 41005Title:10,05 - ES - The teaching profession/La profesión docenteBeginning date: 12.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 16.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:SevillaSpainLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Spanish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.1: Improving education and training for teachers and trainersNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:El objetivo de la visita es apreciar la importancia del rol del profesorado en la educación de nuestro siglo. Se dará unespecial énfasis a cuestiones educativas relacionadas con las TIC, la enseñanza bilingüe, la dimensión europea de laeducación y la formación del profesorado. Los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de compartir ejemplos de buenasprácticas, incluyendo reuniones y discusiones con expertos, además de visitas a centros educativos de educaciónprimaria y secundaria.The aim of this visit is to enable the participants to appreciate the importance of the teachers´ role in the education ofour century. A special emphasis will be given to the pedagogical issues of teaching and learning through ICT, bilingualteaching, European dimension of education and in-service teachers training. Participants will have the opportunity toobserve and share good practice. The visit will include: Meetings, discussions with experts and <strong>visits</strong> to primary andsecondary schools.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 144 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07010,06Organiser Phone:+420 222 715 691Organiser Fax:+420 222 715 691Organiser Email:hausner@lupacovka.czOrganiser name: Milan HausnerType: Primary school (EDU.2)Organiser address: Junior Language SchoolLupáèova 1Prague 3PraguePostal Code: 13000Title:10,06 - CZE - DOMINO - Dynamic, Original, Motivating, Interactive, Narrative and Open to change learningobject for primary and secondary educationBeginning date: 12.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 16.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:PragueCzech RepublicLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Czech English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.1 :IMPROVING EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERSNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:Interaktivní média a výukové objekty jsou v souèasné dobì støedem zájmu evropského školství, nejinak je tomu i vÈesku. Naše Základní škola Lupáèova má v oblasti využívání interaktivních médií výsadní postavení, proto je za ÈRgarantem projektu CALIBRATE (http://calibrate.eun.org), nositelem ceny 100 Best elearning Award SchoolNet pro rok2005. Je centrem postgraduálního vzdìlávání pedagogických pracovníkù (900 absolventù 2002-2006). Protoževýukové objekty lze využívat v mìstských i zemìdìlských oblastech, bude souèástí programu i návštìva partnerské školyve Znojmì s pøedstavením unikátních rysù této vinaøské oblasti. Cílem studijní návštìvy je vytvoøit evropskoukomunitu uèitelù pracujících s interaktivními médii, kteøí jsou ochotni vytváøet, testovat a sdílet výukové objekty.Úèastníci budou mít možnost zapojit se do praktického procesu (pracovat s dvìma nejèastìji využívanými typy tabulí,vyvinout vlastní výukové objekty pro rùzné pøedmìty, vymìnit si zkušenosti s uèiteli, hospitovat nìkteré hodiny s pomocívýukových objektù, atd.).European education has recently focused an interactive teaching media and learning objects. There is the samesituation in the Czech Republic. Junior Language School (JLS) has acquired a privileged position in the area of usingIWBs for elementary and secondary education. That ´s why it became a centre of teachers´ postgraduate studies inthis field. Portal www.veskole.cz, which is dedicated to IWB users, won the BEST 100 ELEARNING SOLUTION 2005from European SchoolNet. Learning objects (LOs) can be used not only in municipal regions but also run in rural ones.That´ s why a visit to the twinschool in Znojmo will be part of the programme. Unique features of Znojmo winery regionwill be presented, too. The aim of the study visit is to create a community of teachers using the interactive media, whoare keen to develop, test and share new interactive learning objects in a school practice. The participants will have theopportunity to join the practical process (work with two most frequently used types of IWBs, develop their own objectsfor various subjects, especially to present their own countries, exchange their experience with the Czech teachers, takepart in some lessons where the objects are used, etc.). Participants are expected to arrive on Sunday, November 11 atthe latest. A meeting of all participants is planned for Sunday evening.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 145 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07010,07Organiser Phone:+49 7051 9229 14Organiser Fax:+49 7051 9229 10Organiser name: Carmen MattheisType: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)Organiser address: Landesakademie f Fortbildung & PersonalentwicklungSchillerstr. 8Organiser Email:Carmen.Mattheis@landesakademie.orgCalwPostal Code: D-75365Title:10,07 - DE - Das gesellschaftliche Ansehen des "guten" Lehrers in den Mitgliedstaaten der EuropäischenUnion. The social standing of "good" teachers in the member states of the European UnionBeginning date: 26.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 30.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:CalwGermanyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2German German EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportZIEL 1.1: VERBESSERUNG VON AUSBILDUNG UND TRAINING VON LEHRERN UND TRAINERNNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:Innerhalb des Studienbesuchs sollen gemeinsam Kriterien erörtert und erarbeitet werden, die einen guten Lehrer bzw.eine gute Lehrerin auszeichnen. Gleichzeitig sollen Wege und Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt werden, wie eine gegenseitigeWertschätzung aller, insbesondere aber der an der Schule beteiligten Personengruppen geschehen und derLehrerberuf als solches eine Aufwertung in den europäischen Gesellschaften erleben kann.In den Studienaufenthaltsind in unterschiedlicher Weise Vertreter aus dem allgemein bildenden Schulbereich (Sekundarstufe I + II), aus derLehreraus- und Lehrerfortbildung sowie der Eltern- und Schülerschaft eingebunden. Ein detailliertes Programm wird imFebruar <strong>2007</strong> ins Netz der Landesakademie hier abrufbar sein: http://www.lehrerfortbildungbw.de/akaprojekte/lehrg/WeitereInformationen zur Landesakademie gibt es unter:www.landesakademie.org.Dieser Studienaufenthalt für Bildungsfachleute wird im bis dahin fertig gestelltenAkademiestandort Bad Wildbad im Nordschwarzwald (Baden-Württemberg) durchgeführt. Der Schwarzwald gilt alseine der schönsten Tourismusregionen Deutschlands. Nähere Informationen zu Bad Wildbad gibt es unter: www.badwildbad.de;www.landesakademie.org13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 146 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07010,08Organiser Phone:+30-21037.26.392Organiser Fax:+30-210-32.21.863Organiser name: ARION teamType: Public authority national (PUB.3)Organiser address: IKYD. Aeropagitou & Makri 1Organiser Email:study<strong>visits</strong>@iky.gr; apispa@iky.grAthensPostal Code: GR-11742Title:10,08 - GR - The role of school advisers in the Greek primary and secondary educationBeginning date: 21.01.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 25.01.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:AthensGreeceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Greek English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.1 :IMPROVING EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERSNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:The aim of the study visit is to present the work of school advisers in primary and secondary education. Schooladvisers act as supporters of teachers in their daily work and help teachers mainly to solve pedagogic matters as wellas to introduce them to innovative forms of teaching. There will be <strong>visits</strong> to schools and discussions with head mastersand teachers, observation of teaching in classroom and a round table discussion. The study visit takes place in Athens.www.iky.gr13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 147 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07010,09Organiser Phone:+44 (0)1324 506671Organiser Fax:+44 (0)1324 506642Organiser Email:andy.christie@falkirk.gov.ukOrganiser name: Andy Christie, Anne HutchisonType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Falkirk Council Education ServicesMcLaren HouseMarchmont Avenue, PolmontScotlandPostal Code: FK2 0NZTitle:10,09 - GB - Continuing Professional Development (CPD) ProvisionBeginning date: 10.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 14.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Falkirk, ScotlandUnited KingdomLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.1 :IMPROVING EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERSNr of places: 12 Min required: 8Description:Falkirk Council Education Services provides a substantial programme of staff development and continuing professionaldevelopment for teachers and support staff. As an education authority and in partnership with neighbouringauthorities, leadership programme and management courses are offered. An annual programme is constructed anddistributed to all educational establishments covering a range of activities to assist staff in taking forward the keypriorities of the Service. There is a clear focus on Learning & Teaching, Creativity and Thinking Skills, 5-14 issuesand upper school curriculum and ICT. In addition there is a well developed programme for probationer teachers andstaff returning to teaching and supply teachers. Arrangements for professional Review and Development are anintegral and important part of the Authority’s CPD provision. Participants will be given comprehensive informationon the development and delivery of this programme, have the opportunity to meet with centrally deployed support staff,to visit schools undertaking in-school professional development and to attend centrally organised events.www.falkirk.gov.uk13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 148 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07010,10Organiser Phone:+358-13-2512815Organiser Fax:+358-13-2513322Organiser name: Ms. Eija Liisa Sokka-MeaneyType: Inst. for initial teacher training (EDU 7)Organiser address: Joensuu University Teacher Training SchoolTulliportinkatu 1A,P.O.BOX 111Organiser Email:eija.liisa.sokka-meaney@jnor.joensuu.fiJoensuuPostal Code: FI-80101Title:10,10 - FIN - The Teaching Profession and Teacher Education in FinlandBeginning date: 31.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 04.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Joensuu University Teacher Training School, JoensuuFinlandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Finnish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.1 :IMPROVING EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERSNr of places: 15 Min required: 10Description:Tavoitteena on luoda yleiskuva suomalaisesta yleissivistävän koulun opettajankoulutuksesta, opetusharjoittelusta sekäharjoittelukouluista. Samalla esitellään suomalaista koulutusjärjestelmää ja sen erityispiirteitä sekä keskustellaanSuomen hyvän menestymisen taustoista PISA-arvioinneissa.Osallistujille esitellään suomalaisenopettajankoulutuksen opetussuunnitelmien yleispiirteet sekä opetusharjoittelusuunnitelmien keskeiset tavoitteet jatoteuttamismuodot. Tutustutaan opetusharjoittelun ohjauksen periaatteisiin sekä keskeisiinohjauskäytänteisiin.Osallistujat tapaavat paikallisia opettajankouluttajia, harjoittelukoulun opettajia ja muita opettajia.Ohjelmaan liittyy opetuksen ja opetusharjoittelun seuraamista ja ohjauskeskusteluihin osallistumista harjoittelukoulussa.The aim of the Arion <strong>Study</strong> Visit is to give the participants a general view of Finnish teacher education, practiceteaching and teacher training schools. It will include an introduction to the Finnish education system and its specialfeatures, and there will be some discussion of the reasons for Finland's successful performance in the Programme forInternational Student Assessment, PISA.The participants will be familiarized with the teacher training curriculum andwith the main aims of teacher training and the ways in which these are realized. They will also be familiarized with theprinciples and practices of practice teaching guidance. They will meet with local teachers and with teachers andteacher trainers at the University Teacher Training School.The programme will include observation of teaching andpractice teaching at the Teacher Training School and participation in post-lesson discussions between teacher trainersand students. http://jnor.joensuu.fi13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 149 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07010,11Organiser Phone:+34 968362261Organiser Fax:+34 968365362Organiser Email:mluisa.iglesias@carm.esOrganiser name: Mª. Luisa IglesiasType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Consejería de Educación y CulturaGran Vía Francisco Salzillo,322ª escalera. 4º pisoMURCIAPostal Code: 30005Title:10,11 - ES - Quality in teacher trainingBeginning date: 06.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 11.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:MURCIASpainLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Spanish English SpanishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.1 :IMPROVING EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERSNr of places: 14 Min required: 6Description:Durante la visita de estudio se explicarán y mostrarán las actuaciones y medidas mediante las cuales la Consejeríade Educación y Cultura de la Region de Murcia desarrolla la formación permanente del profesorado. Se abordarán demanera especial los siguientes aspectos: el sistema educativo español; estudio de la red de formación del profesoradoy las diferentes modalidades de formación; visita a un centro de profesores y recursos; muestra del Plan Regional deFormación del Profesorado; proyecto PLUMIER de integración de las TIC en la educación y procesos de calidad en laformación del profesorado.The aim of this study visit is to show the actions and measures established by the Council of Education and Culture inthe Region of Murcia in terms of quality in education and in-service teacher training. Participants will have theopportunity to look into different aspects of the Spanish Educational System and the in-service teacher trainingnetwork. The programme includes <strong>visits</strong> to one Resource and Teacher Training Centre to observe different methods oftraining; an exhibition of the Regional Planning of Teacher Training; the PLUMIER project for the integration of the ICTin the education and the quality process for in-service teacher training.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 150 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07010,12Organiser Phone:+48^41^3624548Organiser Fax:+48^41^3624899Organiser name: Stanislaw Raczkowski, Maria Krogulec - SobowiecType: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)Organiser address: Swietokrzyskie Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieliul. Marsz. J. Pilsudskiego 42Organiser Email:msobow@wom.kielce.plKielcePostal Code: PL25431Title:10,12 - POL - In which way is the teacher to be supported in the 21st century?Beginning date: 07.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 11.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:KielcePolandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Polish English GermanReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.1 :IMPROVING EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERSNr of places: 15 Min required: 4Description:W malowniczo polozonym sercu Gór Swietokrzyskich – Kielcach, uczestnicy wizyty zapoznaja sie z systemamiksztalcenia i doskonalenia nauczycieli w Polsce i innych krajach Europy. Zaplanowano spotkania z nauczycielamipodnoszacymi swoje kwalifikacje zawodowe w instytucjach edukacyjnych (W malowniczo polozonym sercu GórSwietokrzyskich – Kielcach, uczestnicy wizyty zapoznaja sie z systemami ksztalcenia i doskonalenia nauczycieli wPolsce i innych krajach Europy. Zaplanowano spotkania z nauczycielami podnoszacymi swoje kwalifikacje zawodowew instytucjach edukacyjnych (takich jak: Akademia Swietokrzyska, Swietokrzyskie Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli).W trakcie wizyty uczestnicy wezma udzial razem z polskimi nauczycielami w sesjach metodycznych Rozwój-Aktywnosc-Motywacja, a takze innych kursach doskonalacych organizowanych przez ŒCDN. Uczestnicy wizytyodwiedza rózne typy szkól w województwie swietokrzyskim (szkoly podstawowe, gimnazja, szkoly ponadgimnazjalne) ibeda w nich obserwowac proces nauczania – uczenia sie prowadzony metodami aktywizujacymi. Zaplanowano takzespotkania z wladzami miasta, województwa i Kuratorium Oswiaty. Podsumowaniem wizyty bedzie wydanie plyty CD zBiuletynem, w którym znajda sie m. in. materialy udostepnione przez uczestników. www.wom.kielce.plIn the capital of the picturesque Swietokrzyskie Mountains – Kielce participants of the visit will get to know the systemsof initial and in – service teacher training in Poland and other countries in Europe. It is planned to meet teachers whoimprove their job qualifications at educational institutions such as Swietokrzyskie Academy, Swietokrzyskie Centre forIn-service Teacher Training. During the visit the participants together with Polish teachers will take part inmethodological classes of Development – Activity – Motivation, and also other qualification and training coursesorganized by ŒCDN in Kielce. The participants will visit different types of schools in Swietokrzyskie Voivodship(primary schools, middle schools, secondary schools) and there they will observe the teaching-learning process carriedout by means of motivating and stimulating methods. It is also planned to visit local authorities (both city andvoivodship) and the Educational Inspectorate. Publishing the <strong>Study</strong> Visit Bulletin, in which among other thingsinformative and educational material prepared by the participants will be included, will become a summary of the visit.www.wom.kielce.pl13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 151 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07010,13Organiser Phone:+34 946640027Organiser Fax:+34 946641684Organiser name: Martín CasadoType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Dirección General de Innovación EducativaDonostia San Sebastián, nº 1Organiser Email:arionbilbao@berritzeguneak.netVitoriaPostal Code: 01010Title:10,13 - ES - Educational priorities, System description, in service training for teachers: Advisory SystemBeginning date: 14.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 18.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:BilbaoSpainLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Spanish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.1 :IMPROVING EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERSNr of places: 15 Min required: 6Description:La Red de formación permanente, estructura y funciones. Política educativa del País Vasco: escuelas multilingües ysociedad bilingüe, servicios de apoyo en primaria y secundaria: teoría (planes de formación) y práctica (Planes deinnovación); seminarios, necesidades educativas especiales en el País Vasco, etc. Presentación del SistemaEducativo Vasco y visitas a centros, servicios de apoyo y formación, ofertas educativas paralelas (municipal...).Intercambio de experiencias entre visitantes. Museo Guggenheim. Para más información, visitar www.bilbaoarion.tk(programa, lista de visitantes e informes finales de años anteriores, información acerca del País Vasco, etc).www.bilbaoarion.tkThis study visit includes an informal welcome meeting, official welcome and lectures by authorities with a generalintroduction to the Basque education system. There will be as well <strong>visits</strong> to and presentations about Advisory Centresand support services network (priorities, in-service teacher trainig, projects with students at schools, qualityprograms,etc). Other aspects to look into will be: foreign language teaching in the Basque Country; schools conflictsolving and multilingual school and bilingual society. Visits to Educational Services provided by Bilbao City Council, toenvironmental education centres and to Primary and Secondary schools are scheduled. The programme iscomplemented by an official dinner and a visit to the Guggenheim museum. For more information, please, visitwww.bilbaoarion.tk (programme, visitors list and final reports from previous years, information about the country, etc.)www.bilbaoarion.tk13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 152 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07010,14Organiser Phone:+39 06 80.96.7/1Organiser Fax:+39 06 80.70.791Organiser Email:Organiser name: Annunziata MarcianoType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: IRRE Laziovia Guidubaldo del Monte, 54Romamarciano@irre.lazio.it; istituto@irre.lazio.itPostal Code: I-00197Title:10,14 - IT - La formazione degli insegnanti delle scuole di ogni ordine e grado: riflessioni su esperienze,materiali e metodologieBeginning date: 12.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 16.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:RomaItalyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Italian French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 1.1 :Améliorer l'éducation et la formation des enseignants et des formateursNr of places: 14 Min required: 5Description:Obiettivi: - affrontare i problemi educativi e trovare le possibili soluzioni pedagogicamente corrette, - analizzare ibisogni degli insegnanti per orientare la loro formazione, - favorire indirettamente la formazione del cittadino d’Europae del mondo. Contenuti: Presentazione processi, esiti, ricerca educativa per la diffusione delle buone pratiche sultema: materiali Montessori, modello sistemico, esperienza “Spazio lettura”, didattica del linguaggio dei media. Attività: -accoglienza presso l’IRRE Lazio, - presentazione, confronto e riflessione sulle tematiche, - incontro con referentiistituzionali e di Istituti di ricerca e Associazioni per la formazione degli insegnanti, Soggetti coinvolti:_IRRE, USR, MPI,Ente Montessori, LUMSA, SISS, , SRPF, Comune di Roma, scuole e asilo nido - web site: www.irre.lazio.itObjectifs : - affronter les problèmes d’éducation et trouver les solutions possibles et correctes du point de vuepédagogique, - analyser les besoins des enseignants pour orienter leur formation, - favoriser indirectement laformation du citoyen d’Europe et du monde. Contenus : Les processus, les résultats, la recherche éducative pour ladiffusion des bonnes pratiques sur ce theme : materiels Montessori, modèle systémique, expérience «Espace delecture », pédagogie des media. Activité : - accueil auprès de l’IRRE Lazio (Latium), - présentation, comparaison etréflexion sur les thématiques, - rencontre avec les représentants institutionnels et les délégués des Instituts derecherche et des Associations pour la formation des enseignants, - visite dans les écoles de tous niveaux et dans lesinstituts de formation des enseignants. Participants :IRRE, USR, MPI, Ente Montessori, LUMSA, SISS, SRPF, Mairiede Rome, écoles et créches - web site: www.irre.lazio.it13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 153 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07010,15Organiser Phone:+34 934006933Organiser Fax:+34 934006981Organiser name: Joana VidalType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN Y UNIVERSIDADVIA AUGUSTA 202Organiser Email:jvidal@xtec.catBARCELONAPostal Code: 08021Title:10,15 - ES - Formación permanente del profesorado: la formación del profesorado formadorBeginning date: 19.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 23.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:BARCELONASpainLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Spanish French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.1: Improving education and training for teachers and trainersNr of places: 16 Min required: 6Description:Presentación de la formación continua del profesorado en Cataluña: características, modelos de gestión, estructura yapoyo a la formación, tipología de las acciones formativas, seguimiento, evaluación y recursos. Presentación de losprogramas de formación de formadores. Competencias básicas en el curriculum escolar. Presentación de programasde formación para profesores de ciencias. Intercambio de información entre participantes.Présentation de la formation continue des professeurs en Catalogne: caractéristiques principales, modèles de gestion:structure et support à la formation; typologie d'actions formatives, suivi, évaluation et ressources. Présentation deprogrammes de formation de formateurs: Compétences de base dans différents domaines du curriculum scolaire.Présentation de programmes de formation pour les professeurs de sciences. Échanges d´information entreparticipants.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 154 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07011,01Organiser Phone:+90 258 7912139Organiser Fax:+90 258 7912436Organiser Email:Organiser name: Aysun BURSALIType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Educational Directorate of District of BekilliBekilli Hukumet KonagiBekilli - Denizliaysunbursali@yahoo.comPostal Code: 20930Title:11,01 - TUR - Hand in hand with parentsBeginning date: 19.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 23.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Bekilli - DenizliTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.1 :IMPROVING EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERSNr of places: 12 Min required: 6Description:‘’All kinds of people grind away at them ... but parents are the big rocks in the thumbler’’ (Otto,1989,p. 2-3)Parentsare the major sources of influence in the lives of children and major partners for schools. Parental involvement inchild’s life and learning remains as being one of the major determinants of success in the education of children.Especially when parental involvement takes an active form the results are optimal. It is well-known that those childrenwhose parents are involved at their schooling perform better educationally and are at lower risk of involving in theproblem behavior which interferes both with their learning outcomes and personal well being. There are variety of waysparents and school can work together to promote the well-being and educational outcomes of students though theremight also be considerable challenges and difficultes in terms of establishing and maintaining such an activecommunication and partnership.In this Arion study visit we are aiming at discussing parent school re4lations ,oarental participation in children’s schooling , ways of overcoming possible obstacles that may prevent parentalinvolvement , training courses for parents that may inform them and encourage their active participation in children’sschooling and sharing variety of good practices. Information on the family and parenting in different cultures will beshared along with the general education system of each country. The venue of the study visit is Pamukkale,http://www.pamukkale.gov.tr/EN/ . Visits to schools and meeting with educational authorities and parents will be held.Excursion to Cotton Castle, other sources of thermal water and natural beauties such as Karahayit , <strong>visits</strong> to museumsand historical remainings, coming into contact with Turkish culture , cousine and family will be but nice side effects o0fthe study visit.Below is the preliminary schema of the visit which is going to be held in Pamukkale between.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 155 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07011,02Organiser Phone:+45 33 95 70 82Organiser Fax:+45 33 95 70 01Organiser name: Ingrid JohansenType: Public authority national (PUB.3)Organiser address: CIRIUSFiolstræde 44Organiser Email:ij@ciriusmail.dkKøbenhavn KPostal Code: 1171Title:11,02 - DNK - The role of parentsBeginning date: 07.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 11.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:CopenhagenDenmarkLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.1 : STRENGTHENING THE LINKS WITH WORKING LIFE AND RESEARCH, ANDSOCIETY AT LARGE: Participation of parents in school life and in children's learning in generalNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Parents play an important role in children’s school life. This is a well-known fact, but often parents are more concernedwith the general well-being of their children during school life than with directly supporting the learning of the child. Theobligation to give your children the best opportunities by strengthening their learning processes is non-formal.Therefore it is important to know how schools may support parents’ active participation in their children’s school life.During the study visit, you will get an insight into the role of parents in the school system in Denmark in general andknowledge about initiatives taken by the National Association of Schoolparents. The National Association ofSchoolparents supports and develops courses and materials both for parent representatives on school boards(Folkeskole) and for schoolparents in general. There will be <strong>visits</strong> to Copenhagen and other local school authorities,The National Association of Schoolparents and to schools. www.uvm.dk; www.kl.dk; www.skole-samfund.dk13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 156 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07011,03Organiser Phone:+90 (0) 368 3153644Organiser Fax:+90 (0) 368 3151869Organiser name: Abdullah ERAVCI (GSM:+90 (0) 505 386 9847)Type: Vocational secondary school (EDU 3.2.1)Organiser address: Boyabat Kız Meslek Lisesi ve Boyabat İlçeMilli Eğitim MüdürlüğüOrganiser Email:kmlboyabat@hotmail.com;aeravcia@yahoo.co.ukBoyabat/SİNOPPostal Code: 90 57200-Title:11,03 - TUR - Co-operation between school and family on school developmentBeginning date: 26.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 30.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Boyabat/SİNOPTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.1 : STRENGTHENING THE LINKS WITH WORKING LIFE AND RESEARCH, ANDSOCIETY AT LARGE: Participation of parents in school life and in children's learning in generalNr of places: 15 Min required: 7Description:During the last three years the schools in Boyabat obtained a visible development on cooperation between parents andschools. However, school development and relationship between parents and schools will be discussed at differentschools and this study visit will be benefit for all participants.Together with the staff of the schools and heads of the school parent units we will get benefical results. During thestudy visit participants will have opportunity to see diffirent kinds of schools activities and meet heads of parent unitsand school administrators. Participants will have opportunity to see Bazalt Rocks near Boyabat, old prison in Sinop,Bandırma Vapour (steamship which Atatürk sailed in it from Istanbul, capital city of Ottoman Empire, to Samsun) ofATATÜRK in Samsun and a few historical houses in Boyabat or in other towns near Boyabat.Boyabat National Educational Directorate and Boyabat Municipality will contribute to this study visit.Boyabat Kız Meslek Lisesi (Boyabat Vocational School for Girls): www.boyabatkml.k12.trBoyabat İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü Boyabat National Educational Directorate : http://boyabat.meb.gov.tr/Boyabat Belediyesi (Boayabat Municipality) http://www.boyabat.bel.tr/13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 157 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07012,01Organiser Phone:+902324837414Organiser Fax:+902324899945Organiser Email:Organiser name: Mehmet ATESType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: IZMIR PROVINCE NATIONAL EDUCATION DIRECTOIzmir Il Milli Egitim Md.Egitim Sube Konak - Izmiregitim35@meb.gov.trPostal Code: 35268Title:12,01 - TUR - Material Development/English Coursebook Writing ProjectBeginning date: 01.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 05.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:IzmirTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.3 : IMPROVING FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING: Methods and ways of organisingthe teaching of languages Early language learning Ways of promoting the learning of foreign languagesNr of places: 20 Min required: 10Description:Ministry of Education of Turkey, Directorate of Secondary Education has been running a coursebook writing project for4 years. The aim of this project is to prepare the English coursebooks of Anadolu Lycee. Anadolu Lycee is one of themany types of high schools which require an exam for entrance when students complete the 8th grade. The authors ofthe project are English teachers with a long term experience and competent profile. The coursebooks writing initiativeis based on the belief that coursebook should be designed by local teachers who have got a class experience, culturaland social background of the country/students. On the other hand, authors are also supposed to grasp the globalculture and the soul of the country where the target language is spoken. Since the beginning of this project in 2003,the team of the authors has managed to write and publish four coursebooks with their supplementary materials. Today,we would like to share this valuable experience with specialists and experts who are engaged with materialdevelopment since we think that this is one of the several precious projects all across Europe. We also would like toexchange ideas and share knowledge across cultures and discuss how to reflect the European dimension into thecoursebooks in our dreams. Our ultimate goal is to seek cooperation between coursebook writing and curriculumdevelopment projects and set up joint initiatives. The study visit will take place in Izmir which is located in the verywest of Turkey by the Aegean Sea. Our guests will have the opportunity to study our project, learn about Turkisheducation system, foreign language teaching system, the culture and the history in details as well as experiencingIzmir, which reflects the harmony of west and east with the magnificent historical sites such as Ephesus and Pergamonnearby. We will focus on the following points throughout the visit:a.Turkish Education systemb.TurkishForeign Language Systemc.The history of English coursebook writingd.The rationale behind the idea of writingEnglish coursebooks,e.The criteria for selecting the authors, art teachers and designers.f.The13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 158 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>curriculum,g.The target users of the coursebooks,h.The writing stage,i.The post- writingstage,j.Revising&editing stage,k.Publishing and delivering the coursebooksThe schedule of the VisitDay1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Introduction/opening ceremonyIntroduction of Turkish EducationSystemIntroduction of Foreign Education SystemCity TourSchool <strong>visits</strong> (primary/secondary)The history ofEnglish Coursebook writing projectThe rationale behind the idea of writing English coursebooksVisit toEphesusThe curriculum The writing stage of the coursebooksThe target users of the coursebooksAdinner by the gulfThe post writing stageRevising and editing stageA visit to PergamonThe presentations ofthe guestsThe presentations of the guestsClosing ceremonyIzmir will take the pleasure of hosting you.Contact:Mehmet Ates, Co-author mehmettates@yahoo.com http://izmir.meb.gov.tr/13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 159 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07012,02Organiser Phone:+34 934006933Organiser Fax:+34 934006981Organiser name: Joana VidalType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Departamento de Educación y UniversidadesVia Augusta, 202Organiser Email:jvidal@xtec.catBARCELONAPostal Code: 08021Title:12,02 - ES - Language and Cohesion Plan: a resource for newcomersBeginning date: 22.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 26.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:BARCELONASpainLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Spanish English FrenchReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.3 : IMPROVING FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING: Methods and ways of organisingthe teaching of languages Early language learning Ways of promoting the learning of foreign languagesNr of places: 16 Min required: 6Description:Presentación del Plan para la Lengua y la Cohesión Social puesto en marcha en Cataluña para conseguir el éxitoescolar de todo el alumnado, poniendo especial énfasis en la acogida del alumnado recién llegado. Se analizarán losrecursos dedicados a este fin (Aula de acogida, Plan educativo de entorno) y las actividades de formación para elprofesorado implicado. El programa incluye visitas a escuelas que disponen de estos recursosPresentation of the Language and Cohesion Plan initiated in Catalonia to achieve the school success for all students,putting special emphasis on newcomers. The resources (Insertion scheme, Local plans) dedicated to this purpose andthe training activities for teachers involved in the Plan will be analysed. The program will include <strong>visits</strong> to schoolsdeveloping these resources.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 160 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07012,03Organiser Phone:+44 (0)1294 212716Organiser Fax:+44 (0)1294 222509Organiser Email:vbruce@north-ayrshire.gov.ukOrganiser name: Vivien BruceType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: North Ayrshire CouncilGreenwood Teachers' CentreDreghorn, Irvine, AyrshireScotlandPostal Code: KA11 4HLTitle:12,03 - GB - Using ICT to enhance learning and teaching of Foreign LanguagesBeginning date: 19.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 23.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Irvine, ScotlandUnited KingdomLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.3 : IMPROVING FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING: Methods and ways of organisingthe teaching of languages Early language learning Ways of promoting the learning of foreign languagesNr of places: 16 Min required: 7Description:The beautiful coastal town of Irvine will be the setting for this visit focusing on the teaching of languages usingICT.Podcasting, blogging, carton strips, film making and animation are just some examples of the creative use ofICT in North Ayrshire to enhance the learning & teaching of Foreign Languages. This visit will include workshops,discussion groups and <strong>visits</strong> to a range of schools. These <strong>visits</strong> will allow participants to talk to pupils, teachers,Principal Teachers and school managers about the uptake and attainment in Foreign languages through the creativeuse of ICT. www.ers.north-ayrshire.gov.uk13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 161 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07012,04Organiser Phone:+39 0122 83.11.51Organiser Fax:+39 0122 83.23.92Organiser Email:Organiser name: Pietro AinardiType: General and vocat./tech. secondary school (EDU 3)Organiser address: Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore "Des Ambrois"P. Garambois, 4Torinodesambro@tin.itPostal Code: I-10056Title:12,04 - IT - La scuola del vicino (cooperazione transfrontaliera) / L’école du voisin (coopérationinterfrontalière)Beginning date: 04.02.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 08.02.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:OULX (Torino)ItalyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Italian French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 3.3 : Améliorer l'enseignement dans langues étrangèresNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:Obiettivi: Conoscenza dei sistemi scolastici italiani e francesi. Conoscenza esperienze di insegnamento linguestraniere di ogni ordine e grado; Conoscenze di esperienze di validazione binazionali di curricoli comuni. Contenuti:L’insegnamento linguistico nelle scuole; Progetti di cooperazione transfrontaliera: Progetti interregionali, gemellaggi eScambi; Progetto ESABAC: verso un curricolo comune per un titolo di studio con valore binazionale; La flessibilitàdidattica ed organizzativa per la formazione scolastica e professionale. Attività previste: Oulx e la Valle di Susa:l’insegnamento delle lingue in un territorio di frontiera; Visita a Torino: crocevia culturale dell’Europa; Visita a Aosta:l’esperienza di insegnamento bilingue; Visita a Embrun e Chambery (Francia): l’esperienza di scuole francesi eprogetti transfrontalieri. Soggetti coinvolti: Rete di scuole transfrontaliere italiane e francesi, Centri di documentazionetransfrontaliera di Torino (Italia) e di Chambery (Francia), Centre culturel français di Torino.www.desambrois.itObjectifs: Connaissance des systèmes scolaires italiens et français. Connaissance d’expériences d’enseignement deslangues étrangères dans les écoles de tout type et de tout niveau. Connaissance des expériences de validation binationalede curriculum communs. Contenuts : L’enseignement linguistique dans les écoles; Projets de coopérationtransfrontalière : projets interreg, jumelages, échanges; Projet ESABAC : vers un curriculum commun pour un titred’étude à valeur bi-nationale; La flexibilité didactique et organisative pour la formation scolaire et professionnelle.Activités prévues: Oulx et la Vallée de Suse: l’enseignement des langues dans un territoire de frontière; Visite deTurin, croisée culturelle d’Europe; Visite d’Aoste : l’expérience de l’enseignement bilingue; Visite d’ Embrun et deChambéry (France): l’expérience des écoles françaises et les projets interfrontaliers. Organismes intéressés : Réseaudes écoles interfrontalières italiennes et françaises, Centres de documentation interfrontalière de Turin (Italie) et deChambéry (France), Centre Culturel Français de Turin. www.desambrois.it13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 162 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07012,05Organiser Phone:+31703814448Organiser Fax:+31703831958Organiser name: Frank Smit and Jan Lutje SchipholtType: Public authority national (PUB.3)Organiser address: Europees Platform voor het Nederlandse onderwijsBezuidenhoutseweg 253Organiser Email:fsmit@europeesplatform.nlDen HaagPostal Code: NL 2594Title:12,05 - NL - Foreign language teachingBeginning date: 11.02.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 15.02.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Den Haag (The Hague and surrounding area)NetherlandsLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Dutch English EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.3 : IMPROVING FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING: Methods and ways of organisingthe teaching of languages Early language learning Ways of promoting the learning of foreign languagesNr of places: 13 Min required: 6Description:Bezoek aan beleidsmakers op Ministerieel- en gemeentelijk niveau: lezingen en discussie. Bezoek aan scholen eninstellingen op basis- en voortgezet onderwijs niveau met vreemdetalenonderwijs als regulier onderwijs, versterktvreemdetalen- onderwijs (Engels) tweetalig onderwijs (Engels), moedertaalonderwijs (Turks, Arabisch Zuid Europesetalen etc.); discussie met leraren en leerlingen, waar mogelijk het bijwonen van lessen.www.europeesplatform.nlVisit to the Ministry of Education and municipal authorities; lectures on national and municipal polices; discussion &questions. Visits to schools and institutes for primary and secondary education where foreign languages and classicallanguages are taught as regular subjects (English, French, German, Latin, Greek), through language instruction(English), or through bilingual education (English); discussions with teachers and students, if possible observation oflessons. Web site www.europeesplatform.nl13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 163 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07012,06Organiser Phone:+39 06 Fax:39 06 80 70 791Organiser Email:Organiser name: Adelaide Iula Perilli, Patrizia GiordanoType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: IRRE Laziovia Guidubaldo del Monte, 54Romaperilli@irre.lazio.it; giordano@irre.lazio.itPostal Code: I-00197Title:12,06 - IT - Insegnamento plurilingue come veicolo di intercultura/ L’enseignement de plusieurs langues dansune perspective interculturelleBeginning date: 03.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 07.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:RomaItalyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Italian French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 3.3 : Améliorer l'enseignement dans langues étrangèresNr of places: 15 Min required: 7Description:La conoscenza delle lingue nell’Europa multilingue o meglio ancora, plurilingue è un fatto di innegabile importanza. Gliobiettivi di Lisbona, nello specifico l’Obiettivo strategico 3 “Aprire i sistemi di istruzione e formazione al resto delmondo”, per un’Europa della conoscenza mirano al raggiungimento di livelli di competenza in due o più linguestraniere per tutti gli Europei a vari livelli di diversificazione secondo competenze anche parziali descritte dal QCERL.In tale contesto, il sotto-obiettivo 3.3 “Migliorare l’apprendimento delle lingue straniere”, sottolinea l’importanza crucialedell’insegnamento delle lingue. L’osservazione di metodologie di insegnamento linguistico in lingue quali il Francese,l’Inglese, il Tedesco e lo Spagnolo da parte di attori qualificati nei differenti settori è il punto cardine della visita distudio proposta. A tal fine, si coinvolgeranno i vari Istituti di Cultura per l’insegnamento linguistico che operano suRoma (GOETHE INSTITUT, BUREAU DE COOPÉRATION LINGUISTIQUE, CERVANTES, BRITISH COUNCIL),Associazioni Nazionali di Insegnanti di Lingua (LEND) oltre ad Istituzioni scolastiche di ogni ordine e grado cheoperano nei settori dell’insegnamento delle lingue straniere mettendo in rilievo metodologie, strumenti e buonepratiche dei differenti insegnamenti. Il confronto con i visitatori partecipanti potrà essere uno strumento di promozionedel plurilinguismo come attivatore di cultura in un’ottica interculturale di scambio e di crescita. Ulteriori contatti:tel. +3906 80967222, web site: www.irre.lazio.it;La connaissance des langues dans l’Europe multi/langues ou, mieux, pluri/langues constitue une donnéed’importance fondamentale. Les objectifs de Lisbonne, en ce cas l’Objectif 3 « Ouvrir les systèmes d’instruction et dela formation au monde », pour une Europe de la connaissance ont pour but de rejoindre des niveaux de compétencedans deux ou plusieurs langues pour tous les Européens à différents niveaux et selon des compétences partiellesdécrites dans le CECR. Dans ce contexte, le sous-objectif 3.3 « Améliorer l’apprentissage des langues étrangères »met l’accent sur l’importance de l’enseignement des langues. L’observation de méthodes d’enseignement de languestelles que le Français, l’Anglais, l’Allemand et l’Espagnol de la part d’acteurs hautement qualifiés dans les différentssecteurs constitue le point le plus important de notre proposition de visite. Pour poursuivre ce but, on travaillerastrictement avec les Instituts de Culture qui opèrent sur Rome (GOETHE INSTITUT, BUREAU DE COOPÉRATIONLINGUISTIQUE, CERVANTES, BRITISH COUNCIL), avec les Associations Nationales des Enseignants de LanguesEtrangères (LEND) et avec les Institutions Scolaires (tous niveaux) en mettant en relief méthodes, moyens et bonnespratiques dans l’enseignement des langues. L’interrelation avec les visiteurs Arion pourra constituer un moyen depromotion du concept de « plurilinguisme » comme activateur de culture dans une optique interculturelle d’échange debonnes pratiques. Further contacts: tel. +39 06 80967222, web site: www.irre.lazio.it;13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 164 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07012,07Organiser Phone:+34 985240794Organiser Fax:+34 985240554Organiser name: Gilberto Terente FernándezType: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)Organiser address: Centro de Profesorado y Recursos de Oviedo.El Monticu s/nOrganiser Email:gilbertotf@educastur.princast.esOVIEDOPostal Code: 33008Title:12,07 - ES - Improving foreign language teachingBeginning date: 03.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 07.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:OVIEDOSpainLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Spanish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.3 : IMPROVING FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING: Methods and ways of organisingthe teaching of languages Early language learning Ways of promoting the learning of foreign languagesNr of places: 15 Min required: 7Description:El objetivo es mostrar las experiencias más innovadoras que se están llevando a cabo en la comarca. Se pondráespecial atención en la enseñanza precoz de lenguas (en educación infantil y primer ciclo de educación primaria) y enla enseñanza de lenguas a través de contenidos (secciones bilingües y centros de currículo integrado español –inglés), pero también se incluirán otros aspectos tales como la formación del profesorado, la enseñanza de adultos yel uso de las TIC. Durante las visitas a los centros educativos de diferentes niveles habrá oportunidad de hablar conalumnado, profesorado y equipos directivos, pero la prioridad será la observación de las clases y la reflexión sobre lasiniciativas que se llevan a cabo para mejorar el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras. Se dará a los participantes laoportunidad de compartir sus conocimientos y experiencia sobre el tema. El programa de estudio se completará conun programa cultural.The objective of the <strong>Study</strong> Visit is to show participants the most innovative experiences that are being developed in thearea. The focus will be on Early Language teaching (in Infant and first years of Primary education) and in CLIL,teaching foreign languages through content (in bilingual classes and in schools with an integrated curriculum Spanish– English). Other aspects will also be considered: in-service training of foreign languages teachers and teachers whoteach through English or French, teaching adults, using ICT, etc). During the <strong>visits</strong> to the schools, there will be a wideopportunity to speak with pupils, students, teachers and the management, but priority will be given to classroomobservation and the reflection upon the initiatives that the Asturian Education Administration is fostering in order toimprove the learning of foreign languages. There will also be workshops where participants could share theirknowledge and experience. The programme will be complemented with cultural activities.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 165 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07012,08Organiser Phone:32 24134011Organiser name:Type:Nadine FrançoisOrganiser Fax:Organiser address: Communauté françaiseBld Léopold II, 44Organiser Email:nadine.francois@cfwb.beBruxellesPostal Code: 1080Title:12,08 - BEF - L’enseignement des langues en Communauté française de BelgiqueBeginning date: 10.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 14.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:BruxellesBelgium (French speaking)Languages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 3.3 : Améliorer l'enseignement dans langues étrangèresNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:La Belgique est un pays où cohabitent trois communautés linguistiques : néerlandophone, francophone etgermanophone. En outre elle est le siège de nombreuses institutions européennes et internationales. La connaissanced’une, voire de plusieurs langues vivantes est donc absolument indispensable dans le pays. En Communautéfrançaise les langues les plus souvent apprises à côté du français sont le néerlandais, l’allemand et l’anglais. Depuisplusieurs années les expériences d’apprentissage d’une langue étrangère en immersion (une partie des matières estenseignée dans cette langue étrangère) se multiplient. Par ailleurs, pour faire face à la présence grandissanted’enfants issus de l’immigration, une attention particulière a dû être accordée à l’apprentissage du français, langueétrangèreNos hôtes étrangers auront l’occasion d’observer l’apprentissage des langues à l’école fondamentale ,dans l’enseignement secondaire et dans l’enseignement aux adultes.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 166 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07012,10Organiser Phone:++351 21 843 39 12Organiser Fax:++351 21 849 99 13Organiser name: Antonieta Lourenço e Teresa TomásType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: DIRECÇÃO REGIONAL DE EDUCAÇÃO DE LISBOAPRAÇA DE ALVALADE, Nº 12Organiser Email:Antonieta.lourenco@drel.min-edu.ptLisboaPostal Code: 1749070Title:12,10 - PT - Early language learningBeginning date: 12.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 16.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:LisboaPortugalLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Portuguese English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.3 : IMPROVING FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING: Methods and ways of organisingthe teaching of languages Early language learning Ways of promoting the learning of foreign languagesNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:With the Portuguese Government introducing an entitlement to the English language learning for all 6-10 year olds, thisstudy visit will examine approaches to primary English language learning in Portugal. We look forward to sharing bestpractice with our European colleagues. The visit will cover the current situation in Portugal and highlight the nationalstrategy. We will investigate methodology and classroom observation and include a look at teacher training. Discussionand evaluation of the benefits of learning early English as, an example, of a foreign language. The activities will includeConferences and debates about the national strategy to improve the Early Language learning in the first years ofprimary school and visit to schools to observe the national current situation and for the exchange of practices in orderto achive an European dimension in this matter.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 167 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07012,10Organiser Phone:351 219 893 543Organiser Fax:351 219 898 345Organiser Email:Organiser name: Paula Oleiro,Marília Nóbrega,Maria do Rosário LuísType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Centro de Formação de Associação de EscolasEscola S/3 José Cardoso PiresRua Vergílio Ferreiracenfores@netcabo.ptPostal Code: 2660-350Title:12,10 - PT - Teaching the Portuguese language as an example to motivate students towards foreignlanguages learningBeginning date: 07.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 11.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Santo António dos CavaleirosPortugalLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Portuguese English FrenchReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.3 : IMPROVING FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING: Methods and ways of organisingthe teaching of languages Early language learning Ways of promoting the learning of foreign languagesNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Os participantes serão acolhidos pelas Autoridades de Educação Locais e contactarão com o Sistema de Educaçãoportuguês, com a metodologia organização das turmas, conteúdos, sequências de ensino, distribuição de materiais erecursos para formadores e avaliação. Terão também a oportunidade de trocar contactos culturais e experiências anível da docência s http://cenfores.no-ip.org/The main aim of the visit is to observe the Portuguese Method as a favourable environment for studying foreignlanguages and the pedagogical approach of this method within Nursery and Primary Schools. There will bediscussions with teachers and pupils and observation of classes.To achieve this aim, the Centro de Formação Cenfores will organise schools <strong>visits</strong> in the regions of Loures andOdivelas, near Lisbon, to show participants the innovate experiences that are being developed in the regions.Additionally there will be a cultural programme. http://cenfores.no-ip.org/13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 168 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07012,11Organiser Phone:+359 34 44 50 02Organiser Fax:+359 34 44 38 72Organiser name: Veselka BoevaType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Inspectorate of EducationBul Yavorov 1Organiser Email:vesselka_boeva@yahoo.frPazardzhikPostal Code: BG 4400Title:12,11 - BG - L'enseignement des langues vivantes en BulgarieBeginning date: 14.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 18.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:PazardjikBulgariaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Bulgarian French ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 3.3 : Améliorer l'enseignement dans langues étrangèresNr of places: 20 Min required: 10Description:-Le but de la visite d'etudes sera de presenter l'enseignement des langues vivantes en Bulgarie a l'articulation descycles: le cycle primaire - l'enseignement precoce, le cycle secondaire -les specificites des cursus suivant les voiesproposees par le systeme educatif bulgare en vue d'une certification diversifiee:lycees techniques, lyceesd'enseignement general, lycee d'enseignement bilingue. Niveaux de connaissance de langues vivantes d'apres leCadre Europeen Commun de reference:Le Portfolio des langues vivantes: La nouvelle conception. Les participantsauront aussi la possibilite de decouvrir le patrimoine culturel - tres riche de cette region: visite des villes etmonuments historiques / Pechtera, Velingrad, Batak, Panagurichte / et visite gudee de la ville /13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 169 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07012,12Organiser Phone:+34 955064391Organiser Fax:+34 955064015Organiser Email:anai.sanchez.ext@juntadeandalucia.esOrganiser name: Ana Isabel Sánchez SalmerónType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Consejería de EducaciónJuan A. De Vizarrón, s/n.Edificio TorretrianaSevillaPostal Code: 41071Title:12,12 - ES - El fomento del aprendizaje de idiomas en el sistema educativo andaluz-Promoting foreignlanguage learning in the Andalucian Education SystemBeginning date: 19.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 23.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:SevillaSpainLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Spanish English SpanishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.3 : IMPROVING FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING: Methods and ways of organisingthe teaching of languages Early language learning Ways of promoting the learning of foreign languagesNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Esta visita tiene por objetivo ofrecer una visión de conjunto de los programas educativos incluidos en el Plan deFomento del Plurilingüismo en Andalucía. Se presentarán los siguientes programas: 1) Objetivos generales del Plan,los programas de anticipación lingüística y el Programa "Idiomas y Juventud" 2) Centros bilingües: organización de lasenseñanzas, curriculum integrado, participación en los mismos de Auxiliares de conversación y escuelas de padres. 3)Las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas. 4) La Formación del profesorado de centros bilingües 5) Plurilingüismo eInterculturalidad: programas de adaptación lingüística para alumnos 6) Programas europeos y otros programasinternacionales vinculados al Plan de Fomento del Plurilingüismo. Se presentarán casos prácticos y visitas a centrosescolares que desarrollen los citados programas. Se desarrollará un programa de actividades culturales para losparticipantes.This study visit aims at providing the participants with overview of the education programs related to the AndalucianPlan for the promotion of Plurilinguism. 1) General Objectives of the Plan, Early Language Learning and "Languagesand Youth" programmes. 2)Bilingual schools: organizational principles, integrated curriculum, the role of the languageand cultural assistants and language instruction for parents. 3) The Official School of languages. 4) Teacher training inbilingual schools 5) Plurilinguism and Intercultural education: temporary linguistic adaptation classes for immigrantstudents and potential dual immersion programmes 6) European programmes and other international programmesrelated to the Andalacuian Plan for the Promotion of Plurilinguism. Each presentation will be accompanied by eitherpresentations on behalf of schools that are implementing the program or <strong>visits</strong> to the schools themselves. The studyvisit will be supplemented by a cultural programme.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 170 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07012,13Organiser Phone:+359 73831984Organiser Fax:+359 73831984Organiser name: Katerina MarchevaType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: "St. Kliment Ohridski" Language SchoolPost Box: 410Organiser Email:kmarcheva@gmail.comBlagoevgradPostal Code: BG 2700Title:12,13 - BG - Language teachingBeginning date: 21.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 25.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:BlagoevgradBulgariaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Bulgarian English FrenchReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.3 : IMPROVING FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING: Methods and ways of organisingthe teaching of languages Early language learning Ways of promoting the learning of foreign languagesNr of places: 10 Min required: 5Description:The visit is intended to heads of schools, supervisors, teacher trainers, inspectors and experts. Language teaching inthe Bulgarian educational system will be presented to the applicants. The participants will have the possibilities tocompare with their national educational systems. They will be able to observe some lessons in the host school and inother educational institutions at different levels (state and private). Visits at kindergartens, primary schools, secondaryschools and Universities are planned. There will be also presentations of the best practices and a wide range ofextracurricular activities. The role of drama, music, arts, European literature, and ICT in language education will bediscussed. The in-service training of teachers will be presented in the discussions. The participants will have theopportunity to get in touch with the cultural identity of the country. They will take part in the celebration of the day ofCyrillic alphabet (24 th of May). Visits to the Rila monastery, and other natural, and cultural monuments are included inthe program. Linguistic support in French will be available.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 171 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07012,14Organiser Phone:+48 607 414 545Organiser Fax:+48 85 676 29 82Organiser name: Beata Wyszyñska , Wlodzimierz AdamskiType: Private company - services (SER)Organiser address: Audytor Service sp. z o.o. Biuro w Bia³ymstokuul. Waszyngtona 18/111Organiser Email:betty.w@poczta.fm camp77@interia.plBialystokPostal Code: PL15281Title:12,14 - POL - How effective English works - creative methods of teaching - learning English.Beginning date: 26.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 31.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Bialystok (countryside hotel RITOWISKO)PolandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Polish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.3 : IMPROVING FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING: Methods and ways of organisingthe teaching of languages Early language learning Ways of promoting the learning of foreign languagesNr of places: 12 Min required: 5Description:Celem wizyty jest podnoszenie jakosci nauczania jezyków. Program spotkania ukierunkowany jest na metody, technikii formy nauczania - uczenia sie jezyka angielskiego. Odbiorcami sa nauczyciele jezyka angielskiego. Grupa nauczanaijednoczesnie beneficjentami sa dorosli. Ksztalcenie doroslych znajdujemy jako priorytetowa plaszczyzne wspólpracymiedzynarodowej. Analiza metodologii nauczania-uczenia sie jezyka , zwiazana z odkrywaniem i testowaniemkreatywnych i autorskich metod, jest niezbednym elementem warsztatu kazdego nauczyciela. Wlasciwa i efektywaorganizacja pracy na zajeciach jezykowych warunkuje uzyskanie umiejetnosci jezykowych na poziomiekomunikacyjnym.Jednoczeœnie ukazanie strategii zachecajacych doroslych do podejmowania ksztalcenia jezykowego - stanowibazowy cel wizyty. Dostosowanie zdobywanej-zdobytej komunikacji jezykowej do indywidualnych potrzeb zaistnienia -istnienia na rynku pracy nazywamy wartoscia dodana tej wizyty.The aim of our study visit is to improve the quality of teaching languages. The programme focuses on methods,techniques and forms of teaching - learning English. The audience is related to English teachers. The beneficients areadults - taught English. We find adult education as a core field for the international cooperation.The analysis ofmethodology issues roots in discovering and testing creative methods, that we find crucial at teachers`work. Theeffective organization of classroom management leads to achieving the level of communicative language. At the sametime sharing our experience in the area of enhancing adults to continue language dvelopment we find the essentialfactor of our European collaboration. Using language knowledge to suit to individual needs of students to the jobmarket, we call the added value of our visit.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 172 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07012,15Organiser Phone:00 90 342 230 80 42Organiser Fax:00 90 342 232 24 10Organiser Email:Organiser name: Mehmet Kursat HAMURLUType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Provincial Education Directorate of GaziantepYeni Hukumet Konagi Kat:3Gaziantepgaziantep-meb@meb.gov.trPostal Code: 27000Title:12,15 - TUR - Multi-Lingual EuropeBeginning date: 02.06.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 06.06.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:GaziantepTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.3 : IMPROVING FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING: Methods and ways of organisingthe teaching of languages Early language learning Ways of promoting the learning of foreign languagesNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:In the study visit, participants will discuss about the reasons to learn and teach foreign languages ( WHY? ), the topicsand skills to teach and learn ( WHAT?), and the ways to teach and learn foreign languages ( HOW?). It will involvepresentations, seminars, workshops, discussions, study <strong>visits</strong> to state and private schools ( pre-primary, primary andsecondary ), visit also Gaziantep university Foreign Languages Department, interviews with foreign languagesteachers and students, <strong>visits</strong> to Youth Training Centre and public Training Centre. The participants will get to knowdifferent cultures, share ideas and experiences on foreign languages learning/teaching, offer solutions for problems,have long-lasting contacts with each other, cooperate in different projects related to foreign languageslearning/teaching. You can find more about Gaziantep at www.gso.org.tr and about us at www.gaziantep-meb.gov.tr orwww. gaziantepmem.net13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 173 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07013,01Organiser Phone:++351 295 401 100Organiser Fax:++351 295 401 182Organiser Email:Luis.M.Silva@azores.gov.ptOrganiser name: Luis Maciel SilvaType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Direcção Regional da Educação dos AçoresPaços da Junta GeralCarreira dos CavalosAngra do HeroísmoPostal Code: 9700167Title:13,01 - PT - Physical Education and Sports in a Life-Long Learning PerspectiveBeginning date: 14.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 18.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Terceira Island – Azores – PortugalPortugalLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Portuguese English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:Educação Física CurricularInstalações desportivas escolares e gestãoProgramas específicos de promoção daactividade desportiva Visitas às instalações desportivas escolares e públicas Visitas a programasdesportivos em desenvolvimento?Sessões de esclarecimento. O público-alvo inclui: Peritos, funcionáriosdesignados pelas autoridades nacionais, regionais e locais (incluindo autarquias); Directores de estabelecimentos deensino; Inspectores; Conselheiros pedagógicos; Pessoal administrativo a nível local/regional/nacional (incluindofuncionários dos ministérios e/ou organismos públicos e autarquias); Formadores de professores; Parceiros sociais.http://srec.azores.gov.pt/derCurricular Physical EducationManagement of school sports facilities. Specific programs for the promotion ofphysical activity. Visits to public and school sports facilitiesVisits to sports and physical activity programs inprogressGroup discussions. The target audience includes: Experts, personnel at local, regional and national level(including municipalities), Heads of school, Heads of department, Inspectors, education advisors/counsellors, Teachertrainers and social partners. http://srec.azores.gov.pt/der13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 174 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07013,02Organiser Phone:+ 48 41 362 45 48Organiser Fax:+ 48 41 362 48 99Organiser name: Stanislaw Raczkowski, Maria BednarskaType: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)Organiser address: Swietokrzyskie Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieliul. Marsz. J. Pilsudskiego 42Organiser Email:mabed@wom.kielce.plKielcePostal Code: PL25431Title:13,02 - POL - “Extra classes promoting motor activity and healthy lifestyle”Beginning date: 12.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 16.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:KielcePolandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Polish English SpanishReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Uczestnicy beda mieli okazje poznac szkolne kluby sportowe promujace zdrowie oraz przyklady innych aktywnychform spedzania czasu wolnego uczniów. Wymienia sie doswiadczeniami i przykladami dobrej praktyki. Uczestnicypodziela sie wiedza w jaki sposób wspomaga sie nauczycieli w popularyzowaniu/ motywowaniu uczniów do zajecruchowych w szkole i poza szkola. Róznorodne spojrzenie na problematyke umozliwi analize przyczyn niecheci dozajec ruchowych i konsekwencje tego stanu rzeczy. Efektem wizyty beda: wypracowane wspólnie wskazówki,scenariusze zajec dla nauczycieli w obszarze zajec ruchowych, które dostepne beda na CD, stronie internetowejorganizatora i uczestników. Wnioski i materialy wypracowane podczas wizyty zostana wykorzystane przez SCDNpodczas konferencji dla nauczycieli, trenerów i instruktorów sportu. Uczestnicy beda mieli równiez okazje poznacurocza, goscinna ziemie swietokrzyska.Participants will have an opportunity to get to know existing school sports teams promoting healthy lifestyle andexamples of the other active forms of spending free time by pupils. An exchange of the experiences and examples ofthe good practice. Participants will share with knowledge about the way of supporting teachers with popularizing motoractivity or motivating students to take part in motor activities both at school and outside school.A multiple outlook onthe issue enables an analysis of the reasons of students’ reluctance to this kind of activities and the subsequentconsequences. The effect of this visit will be hints worked out together, lesson plans concerning motor activity forteachers available on CDs and on the websites of the organizer and participants. The conclusions and materialsworked out during the ARION study visit will be used by Swietokrzyskie In-service Teacher Training Centre duringconferences for trainers, teachers, sports instructors. Participants will also have a chance to get to know picturesque,hospitable Swietokrzyskie region www.wom.kielce.pl13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 175 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07014,01Organiser Phone:+39 075 951452Organiser Fax:+39 075 5042732Organiser Email:Organiser name: Mariella MorbidelliType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: CRIDEA Regione UmbriaP.zza Partigiani, 1Perugia - PGlabdelcittadino@libero.itPostal Code: I-06100Title:14,01 - IT - La scuola come spazio di educazione all'ambiente e alla cittadinanza attiva - Ecole: espaced'éducation à l'environnement et à la citoyenneté active.Beginning date: 08.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 12.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Perugia (Lago Trasimeno)ItalyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Italian French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:Questo percorso di studio dà continuità al progetto pluriennale Ecoatlante del CRIDEA, che ha creato una rete diCentri di monitoraggio dell’ambiente nel territorio regionale. Intende scambiare conoscenze e migliorare lasensibilizzazione verso le tematiche ambientali tra le scuole di diversi gradi, con percorsi articolati sul biomonitoraggiodelle acque, dell’aria, dell’ozono, dell’inquinamento luminoso, del rumore, della biodiversità, sostenute anche datecniche di ricerca universitaria. Inoltre lo scopo è quello di evidenziare le finalità educative delle attività didattichecondotte nelle scuole, in modo trasversale ed interdisciplinare. Oltre ad una escursioni all’Isola Polvere, sisvolgeranno: incontri con le Scuole del Comprensorio del Trasimeno; seminari sul tema “Scuola e Ambiente”, persensibilizzare alla tutela e alla salvaguardia del patrimonio naturale, illustrando esempi di buone pratiche nei progettidella rete dei Centri di Educazione Ambientale (CEA). Con l’Università si individueranno nuove competenze di basescientifico-tecnologiche di tutela da integrare nei piani di studio, per trasferirle come valori di cittadinanza attiva agliallievi, istituendo nuovi partenariati tra vari istituti d’istruzione e formazione, imprese e amministrazioni.Sarà previsto unsupporto linguistico in inglese e francese. Sito web: www.cridea.itCe parcours d’étude poursuit le projet pluriannuel Eco@tlante du CRIDEA, qui a créé un réseau de Centresd’évaluation de l’environnement du territoire régional. Cette étude vise à échanger des connaissances et à améliorerla sensibilisation envers les thèmes environnementaux entre les écoles primaires et secondaires, avec des parcoursarticulés sur une évaluation des eaux, de l’air, de l’ozone, de la pollution lumineuse, du bruit, de la biodiversité, épaulépar des techniques de recherche universitaire. En outre, l’objectif est celui d’identifier les finalités éducatives desactivités didactiques menées dans les écoles, de manière transversale et interdisciplinaire. Outre à une excursion àl’Isola Polvese, des rencontres se dérouleront avec les écoles du territoire du Trasimène; séminaires sur le thème«Ecole et Environnement», pour sensibiliser à la protection et la sauvegarde du patrimoine naturel, illustrant exemplesde bonnes pratiques des projets du réseau des Centres d’Education Environnementale. Avec l’Université de nouvellescompétences scientifico-technologiques de sauvegarde seront cernées pour les intégrer dans les programmes decours scolaires, pour les transférer aux élèves en valeurs de citoyenneté active, instituant nouveaux partenariats entrediverses institutions formative et d’instruction, entreprises et administrations.Sera prévu un support linguistique enanglais et en français. Web site: www.cridea.it13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 176 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07014,02Organiser Phone:+44 (0)1743 852160Organiser Fax:+44 (0)1743 852101Organiser Email:fscee@field-studies-council.orgOrganiser name: Richard DawsonType: Other type of organisation (OTH)Organiser address: Field Studies CouncilPreston MontfordShrewsburyShrewsburyPostal Code: SY4 1HWTitle:14,02 - GB - Education for Sustainable Development: Learning for a ChangeBeginning date: 25.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 01.12.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:ShrewsburyUnited KingdomLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 20 Min required: 10Description:This study visit will explore emerging Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) theory and practice in the UK andhighlight a range of innovative education approaches. Participants will critically assess how learning can make a realdifference in the move towards sustainability. The core of the study visit will be the opportunity to question key expertsof sustainable development and learning as witnesses. The visit will also examine examples of ESD in action,synthesise learning and propose developments in ESD. Participants will be given a copy of "Rethink, refuse, reduce" -a new book for educators on education for sustainability. Full information on our global work can be accessed viawww.field-studies-council.org/global and www.efseurope.org13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 177 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07014,03Organiser Phone:+39 329 73.22.131Organiser Fax:+39 075 96.52.269Organiser Email:Organiser name: Benédicte RossettiType: Non-profit association - region/national (ASS.1)Organiser address: Laboratorio del Cittadino - Cittadinanza Onlusvia B.Buozzi, 48Castiglione del Lagobenerossetti@alice.itPostal Code: I-06161Title:14,03 - IT - Acqua: mito e realtà/ Eau: mythe et réalitéBeginning date: 11.02.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 15.02.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Castiglione del Lago - Lago Trasimeno (Perugia)ItalyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Italian French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:Questo percorso di studio, rivolto a docenti, formatori ed operatori culturali, affronterà il tema “bruciante” dell’acqua,base dello sviluppo sostenibile, per capire meglio il suo valore, che oggi viene sottovalutato ma finisce spesso perprovocare crisi e conflitti. L’acqua verrà storicamente indagata in chiave multi ed inter-disciplinare, dall’antichità ainostri giorni, in rapporto all’ambiente e alla cultura, enfatizzandone le problematiche nel mondo moderno.Le attività siripartiranno tra seminari con esperti e docenti universitari e gruppi di lavoro in cui si individueranno nuove competenzedi base e ludico-formative da integrare nei piani di studio, per avviare un processo critico personale di costruzionedelle conoscenze. Oltre a visite in “luoghi d’acqua” come il lago Trasimeno, Fonti del Clitunno e Cascata delleMarmore, verranno illustrati progetti pedagogici di buone pratiche attuati dall’Associazione che rendono consapevoli igiovani che è l’umanità intera a trarre vantaggio dalla loro responsabilità di salvaguardare l’acqua, sia dal punto di vistaambientale, economico, della salute, che della solidarietà fraterna nel mondo. Inoltre il tema si presenta adatto adoffrire occasioni di cooperazione tra scuola, rappresentative locali, istituzioni e strutture economiche, per costituire unarete europea.Sarà previsto un supporto linguistico in inglese efranceseweb site: www.labcittadino.orgCe parcours d’étude, adressé aux enseignants, formateurs et opérateurs culturels, affrontera le thème «brûlant» del’eau, base du développement durable, pour mieux comprendre sa valeur, qui aujourd’hui plus que jamais est sousévaluémais finit par provoquer crises et conflits. L’eau sera historiquement approfondie de manière interdisciplinaire,de l’Antiquité à nos jours, par rapport à l’environnement et à la culture, mettant l’accent sur ses problématiques auxtemps et dans le monde modernes.Les activités se répartiront en séminaires avec experts et professeurs universitaireset groupes de travail où se distingueront nouvelles compétences de base et ludico-formatives à intégrer dans lesprogramme de cours scolaires, pour lancer un processus critique personnel de construction des connaissances.Outreà visites des «lieux d’eau» tels que le lac Trasimène, les sources du Clitunno et la cascade des Marmore, serontillustrés des projets pédagogiques de bonnes pratiques réalisés par l’Association qui rendent conscients les jeunesque c’est l’humanité entière qui tire avantage de leur responsabilités de sauvegarder l’eau que ce soit du point de vueenvironnementale, économique, de la santé, que de la solidarité fraternelle dans le monde. En outre le thème estpertinent pour offrir des occasions de coopération entre l’école locale, les institutions et les structures économiques,pour constituer un réseau régional et européen.Sera prévu un support linguistique en anglais et enfrançais.web site: www.labcittadino.org13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 178 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07014,04Organiser Phone:+358 14 659790Organiser Fax:+358 14 659796Organiser name: Mr. Pekka RiskuType: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)Organiser address: Muuramen lukio, Muurame Upper Sec. SchoolNisulatie 1Organiser Email:Pekka.Risku@edu.muurame.fiMuuramePostal Code: FI-40950Title:14,04 - FIN - Sustainable development and institutional certification in educationBeginning date: 03.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 07.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Muurame, Central FinlandFinlandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Finnish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:The objective of the study visit is to offer the participants insight into sustainable development in the Finnish UpperSecondary Schools and share European experiences on sustainable development. Muurame Upper Secondary school(in central Finland, 16 km south of Jyväskylä)) is the first Finnish upper secondary school to be awarded a nationalcertificate granting a status of an educational institution that is very active in terms of promoting sustainabledevelopment and environmental studies. An extensive amount of work has been put into evaluating school practicesand writing a school policy, which involves teachers, students and different reference groups to work towards acommon goal. Besides giving the participants a chance to become acquainted with the school and share experiences,there will be Finnish experts on education and environment offering further perspectives. www.muuramenlukio.fi13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 179 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07014,05Organiser Phone:00 33 5 61 75 32 60Organiser Fax:00 33 5 61 75 03 09Organiser name: DARBOUR JeanType: Higher education inst. (EDU.4)Organiser address: ENFA ToulouseBP 22687Organiser Email:jean.darbour@gmail.comCASTANET-TOLOSAN cedPostal Code: F-31326Title:14,05 - FR - Embedding environmental education into the curriculumBeginning date: 31.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 04.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:TOULOUSE (Région Midi-Pyrénées)FranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French English FrenchReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 6Description:Public cible : chefs d'établissement, inspecteurs, autorités nationales et régionales, formateurs d'enseignant. Le but dela visite est de donner aux participants une vision d'ensemble sur les récents développements de l' éducation àl'environnement en milieu scolaire dans le Sud-Ouest de la France et une occasion d'échanger et comparer lespratiques éducatives en usage dans la région de Toulouse et dans leur propre pays. Visites de lycées et collègesautour de Toulouse, dont la plupart sont engagés dans des projets européens. Discussions avec les professeurs et lesélèves. Présentation de projets-pilotes impliquant des thématiques variées : économies d'énergie, filtration de l'eau,recyclage des déchets, agriculture biologique, biodiversité en montagne, serres géothermiques. Présentation del'opération "Mille défis pour ma planète" conduite par les Ministères de l'Ecologie, de l'Education et de l'Agriculture etimpliquant des actions pratiques pour préserver l'environnement. Rencontres avec les autorités régionales et lesorganisations non-gouvernementales impliquées dans la thématique. Présentation des programmes publicsd'encouragement et d'incitation aux actions d'éducation à l'environnement. http://www.enfa.frTarget audience : principal/head, inspectors, national and regional authorities, teacher trainers. The aim of the studyvisit is to give participants an overview of the recent developments of environmental education in Southwestern Franceand an opportunity to exchange and compare educational practices in use in the region of Toulouse and in their owncountry. Visits to local secondary, vocational and agricultural schools, most of which are involved in European projects.Discussions with teachers and students. Presentation of pilot-projects involving various topics: energy savings, waterfiltration, waste recycling, organic farming, mountain biodiversity, geothermal greenhouses. Presentation of theoperation entitled “1,000 challenges for my planet” being conducted by the Ministry of Ecology, the Ministry ofEducation and the Ministry of Agriculture and involving practical action to preserve the environment and prevent orrepair damage to it. Meetings with regional authorities and non-governmental organisations. Presentation ofprogrammes of public support to environmental education projects. http://www.enfa.fr13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 180 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07014,06Organiser Phone:+48 55 6435252Organiser Fax:+48 55 6435252Organiser name: K.Szostak, M. Chodakowska, M.KubackaType: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)Organiser address: Warminsko-Mazurski Osrod. Dosk. Nauczycieliul. Saperów 20Organiser Email:M.chodakowska@wmodn.elblag.pl;ElblagPostal Code: PL82300Title:14,06 - POL - The European dimension of regional education and its influence on raising children and youthin democracy.Beginning date: 21.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 25.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:ElblagPolandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Polish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 12 Min required: 5Description:Wizyta studyjna bedzie realizowana w szkolach województwa warmiñsko – mazurskiego. Beda to male lokalne szkoly,które podjely próbe realizacji projektu edukacyjnego polegajacego na motywowaniu uczniów do poznania dziedzictwakulturowego regionu o specyficznym charakterze historycznym (dziedzictwo ludów pogañskich, Niemców, Zydów,Polaków) i ugruntowaniu poczucia tozsamosci regionalnej i narodowej przy jednoczesnym ksztaltowaniu postawotwartosci i tolerancji.Rozwijanie poczucia odpowiedzialnosci za ochrone wartosci kulturowych wspólnegoeuropejskiego domu. Ponadto uczestnicy wizyty beda mieli okazje odwiedzic miejsca wazne dla dziedzictwakulturowego Europy i swiata, takie jak Rombork, w którym Mikolaj Kopernik dokonal swojego odkrycia, Gdañsk, slynnemiasto portowe oraz Malbork, siedzibe zakonu krzyzackiego z okresu sredniowiecza.the study visit will be realised in warminsko-mazurski voivodeship. There will be small local schools that have beenworking on the educational project aiming at motivating students to know their regional culture heritage (pagansheritage, germans, jews and poles)and reinforce students' national and regional identity. What is also important is„shaping” their oppeness, tolerance and responsibility for unique culture values in our european house.Theparticipants will visit the places important for europe and world culture heritage such as frombork famous forcopernicus, a famous harbour city gdansk and malbork with its castle – the seat of teutonic knightswww.wmodn.elblag.pl13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 181 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07014,07Organiser Phone:+36 1 3214796Organiser name:Type:Takács EszterOrganiser Fax:+36 1 3214796Organiser address: Magyar Környezeti Nevelési EgyesületZsombolyai u. 6.Organiser Email:mkne@mail.datanet.huBudapestPostal Code: HU-1113Title:14,07 - HUN - Education for Sustainability in Traditional as well as Modern Society in Central EuropeBeginning date: 21.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 25.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:VeszprémHungaryLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Hungarian English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 16 Min required: 12Description:A tanulmányút célja, hogy az 5 nap alatt a résztvevõk a nemzetközi szinten is kiemelkedõnek tekinthetõ projektek, jógyakorlatok megtapasztalása által megismerjék a fenntarthatóságra nevelés magyarországi gyakorlatát és alapjait amagyar kultúrában. A fenntarthatóságra nevelés különbözõ szempontokból történõ körüljárása mellett teret éslehetõséget kívánunk biztosítani a résztvevõknek arra, hogy az ENSZ Fenntarthatóságra nevelés Évtizedének 3.évében saját tapasztalataikat megosztva eszmét cseréljenek arról, vajon milyen utakon, ösvényeken haladhatunktovább? A tanulmányút egyes napjainak kiemelt témái: 1. Európai közös kulturális és történelmi alapjaink, nemzetisajátosságok a fenntarthatóságra nevelésben; 2. Fenntarthatóság és hagyományok különbözõ léptékekben a Kárpátmedencében;3. Fenntarthatóság és generációk, a fenntarthatóságra nevelés színterei; 4. A fenntarthatóságot szolgálóközösségi és oktatási együttmûködések a Közép-dunántúli régióban; 5. Közös összegzés és útkeresés.The participants get acquainted with the Hungarian practice of education for sustainability and its foundations inHungarian culture through experiencing projects and best practices outstanding even in international comparison.Besides discussing education for sustainability from different aspects we intend to offer possibility for participants toshare experiences and views on how to proceed (in the third year of UN Decade of Education for Sustainability). Maintopics: 1. Our common European foundations of culture and history; national characteristics in education forsustainability. 2. Sustainability and traditions of different scales in the Carpathian Basin. 3. Sustainability andgenerations, scenes of education for sustainability. 4. Community and educational networks cooperations forsustainability in region of Middle Transdanubia. 5. Common summary and looking for ways. www.mkne.hu13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 182 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07014,08Organiser Phone:+44 (0)1243 81<strong>2008</strong>Organiser Fax:+44 (0)1243 812000Organiser Email:d.reavey@chi.ac.ukOrganiser name: Dr Duncan ReaveyType: Other type of organisation (OTH)Organiser address: University of ChichesterBognor Regis CampusUpper Bognor RoadWest SussexPostal Code: PO21 1HRTitle:14,08 - GB - Responding to Urgent Environmental Issues. Love it! Learn it! Live it!Beginning date: 12.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 16.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Bognor Regis, West SussexUnited KingdomLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 14 Min required: 7Description:West Sussex, on England’s south coast, is a mosaic of city settlement, traditional English countryside and outstandingcoastal habitats. Our children are exposed to many different environmental issues, not only through school andtelevision, but also in their every day lives. For example, children now spend longer in traffic queues on the way toschool, and winter storms increasingly threaten homes on the coast. Scientists and politicians urge us to addressenvironmental issues but persuading ordinary people to change their way of life is a challenge. This visit will focuson how pupils must love their environment if they are to learn effectively. Both are essential if children are to choose tolive in a more sustainable way now and in later life. We will look at environmental and sustainability education. Wewish to share best practice as we explore ways in which children, teachers, whole schools, and decision makersrespond to urgent environmental issues. Together, hosts and participants will develop a deeper understanding of waysin which effective learning (and perhaps change) can be made to happen. www.chiuni.ac.uk13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 183 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07014,09Organiser Phone:+359 56 813252Organiser Fax:+359 56 813259Organiser name: Yanka Georgieva ShurelovaType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Regional Inspectorate of Education - Burgas150, Gladstone str.Organiser Email:YANA_SHURELOVA@ABV.BG;YANA_SHURELOVABourgasPostal Code: BG 8000Title:14,09 - BG - The Environmental Education in BulgariaBeginning date: 19.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 23.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:BourgasBulgariaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Bulgarian English FrenchReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 6Description:Participants will visit the Regional Inspectorate of Education and Burgas Municipality for a presentation of theBulgarian educational system, the state educational requirements for environmental education, the projects „Ecoschools-Bulgaria”,“Green Burgas”, “Burgas wet zone”, “Bulgarian blue flag”, etc. The study <strong>visits</strong> will includeobservation of lessons in different subjects with an ecological context in and out of schools. Meeting and discussionwill be organized with experts, heads of schools, teachers and pupils. Visits are foreseen to the environmental andeducational centres “Poda” and “Ropotamo”, Natural reservations in the “Strandja Natural Park”, the Salt Museum inPomorie lake and local cultural heritage13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 184 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07014,10Organiser Phone:+ 48 33 8611216Organiser Fax:+ 48 33 8611216Organiser name: Maciej GibasType: General and vocat./tech. secondary school (EDU 3)Organiser address: Gimnazjum nr 2 im. Stanislawa Staszica w Zywcuul. Zielona 1Organiser Email:macgibas@interia.plZywiecPostal Code: PL34300Title:14,10 - POL - Enviromental education - the realization of the issue outside the classroom; different kinds ofclasses in the open air.Beginning date: 26.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 30.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:ZywiecPolandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Polish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Propozycja wizyty studyjnej skierowana jest do osób kierujacych placówkami oswiatowymi a takze do osóbodpowiedzialnych za edukacje srodowiskowa. Szczególne miejsce ma tu edukacja prowadzona poza szkola, naterenach chronionych: jak parki narodowe, rezerwaty przyrody czy parki krajobrazowe. Cennym doswiadczeniem satez wycieczki do obiektów takich jak skladowiska odpadów czy oczyszczalnie scieków. Znakomitym miejscem edukacjipozaszkolnej sa tez osrodki edukacji ekologicznej i tzw. sciezki dydaktyczne. Stwarzaja one dla mlodziezy szerokiemozliwosci atrakcyjnego poznawania zagadnieñ zwiazanych z naturalnym srodowiskiem oraz prowadzeniasamodzielnych badañ. Miasto Zywiec i jego okolice stanowia doskonale miejsce do realizacji takich dzialañ zmlodzieza a tym samym do zaprezentowania tych mozliwosci uczestnikom wizyty studyjnej z róznych krajów Europy.Miejsca przewidziane do realizacji programu wizyty to: Babiogórski Park Narodowy nalezacy do swiatowej siecirezerwatów biosfery i Osrodek Edukacji Ekologicznej w Zawoji, trzy parki krajobrazowe Beskidu Zywieckiego,Slaskiego i Malego, wybrane rezerwaty przyrody jak: "Zródla Wisly" z osrodkiem hodowli wolierowej gluszca,"Madohora" i "Pilsko" z ich sciezkami dydaktycznymi, a takze skladowisko odpadów z zakladem recyklingu,oczyszczalnia scieków, szkolna stacja monitoringu stanu srodowiska przy Gimnazjum nr 2 w Zywcu. W programieprzewiduje sie równiez spotkania z przedstawicielami wladz samorzadowych, przedstawicielami wydzialu ochronysrodowiska Urzedu Miasta oraz mlodzieza i nauczycielami podczas zajec w terenie i w osrodkach edukacyjnych.The study visit is aimed to principals of school and persons responsible for environment education at schools.Education that take place outside the school is especially important. It is conducted in the open air, as such as nationalparks, nature reserves or landscape parks. Trips to places such as: landfill or sewage treatment plant are of greateducation value. Ecological education institutions are also great places for educational outside the classroom, as wellas so called educational paths, that give students the opportunity to learn in an interesting way about naturalenvironment as well as to carry out experiments on their own. Zywiec and its nearby surroundings are great location forrealizing these kind of activities with students, as well as presenting these possibilities to participants of the study visitfrom different European countries. Places anticipaded for the realization of the study visit: Babia Góra National Parkand Ecological Education Centre in Zawoja, three Landscape Parks of Beskidy Mountains, selected natural reserves:"Vistula sources" together with the place of capercaille breeding, "Madohora" and "Pilsko" with their education paths,and also landfill with places of recykling, sewage treatment plant and environment monitoring station by the Gimnazjumnr 2.The programme also anticipates the meetings with town authorities, as well as with the representatives ofenvironmental reservation institutions and municipal council. The meetings with the school children during the open air13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 185 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>classes and in educational centres are also anticipated. www.gim2.zywiec.prv.plVisit No:07015,01Organiser Phone:+902163467536Organiser Fax:+902163469979Organiser Email:Organiser name: Ayfer Budak SONMEZType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: National Education Directorate of KadikoyBahariye Str. Kuzu KestanesiRd. No:3 Kadikoy - ISTANBULkadikoy34@meb.gov.trPostal Code: 34710Title:15,01 - TUR - The Models of School ManagementBeginning date: 22.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 26.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:IstanbulTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 25 Min required: 5Description:THE AIM OF THIS VISIT IS TO ANALYSE THE MODELS OF SCHOOL MANAGEMENT WITH THE REFERANCE TOTHEME 18:ADULT EDUCATION AND THEME 20: QUALITY IN EDUCATION. WE WANT TO EMPHASIZE SCHOOLADMINISTRATION CONSIDERING THE SCHOOL MANAGEMENT MODEL, ENVIRONMENT,STAFF,EDUCATIONAL AND FINANCIAL DIMENSIONS. WE ALSO WANT TO MAKE A COMPARISON OFLEADERSHIP ASPECTS. PARTICIPANTS ALSO DISCUSS THE MODELS OF TRAINING OF EDUCATIONMANAGERS AND MODELS OF ASSESSMENT OF PERFORMANCE IN THEIR COUNTRIES AND SHARE THEIREXPERIENCES. VISITS TO KINDERGARTENS, PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS, GENERAL ANDVOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOLS,PUBLIC EDUCATION CENTERS , EDUCATION MANAGEMENT ANDINSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF MARMARA UNIVERSITY WILL BE HELD. THE HEADS OF THESE SCHOOLSAND UNIVERSITY WILL BE INVITED TO THE SESSIONS AND THEY WILL SHARE THEIR EXPERIENCES WITHTHE PARTICIPANTS. FINALLY A VISIT TO HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL PLACES OF ISTANBUL (TOPKAPIPALACE,BLUE MOSQUE, HAGIA SOFIA MUSEUM, BASILICA CISTERN ETC.) AND A BOAT TRIP TOBOSPHORUS WILL BE HELD.WEBSITE:http://www.kadikoy-meb.gov.tr13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 186 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07015,02Organiser Phone:+46 70 480 85 89Organiser Fax:+46 8 580 284 65Organiser name: Christina Ericsson EggegårdhType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Järfälla kommunMälarvägen 2Organiser Email:ceh@jakgym.seJärfällaPostal Code: 17742Title:15,02 - SE - School management from a Eurpean perspectiveBeginning date: 22.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 26.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:JärfällaSwedenLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Swedish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:Studiebesöket handlar om hur man arbetar med ledarskap på förskola upp tom gymnasienivå samtidigt som mantillgodoser behovet av ökad likvärdighet inom utbildningsområdet .Hur ser ledarskapet ut på europeisk nivå?There are many different methods for forming or managing a school or a learning institution.How can we learn fromeach other ´s ways of managing schools from a European perspective?Järfälla municipality is located just about 25km outside Stockholm, the Swedish capital. There are about 65.000 inhabitants in a multicultural society with manyschools. It is also a rich area with many SME `s. In the strategy or vision of the municipality we stress thefollowing:The closeness to the lake Mälaren , the innovative, the co-operative and the open Järfälla. The open and cooperativeJärfälla shows the openness and the close links between politicians and the citizens. The study visit willcover different aspects on leadership and management of schools. During our visit we will cover different schools frompre-school to upper secondary schools. We focus on the following topics:?What possibilities do you have as a headto form your school within the municipal organisation? ?How is it possible for a head to form and influence his / herown organisation??How do we meet the need of extended equivalence within the field of education when thefreedom and the independence of the units is increasingWe would like to invite a group from the European countriesinterested in management related issue to come to Järfälla for an exchange of know-how and ideas. www.jarfalla.se13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 187 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07015,03Organiser Phone:00 33 1 60 93 12 11Organiser Fax:00 33 1 60 93 12 25Organiser Email:daniel.gruat@free.frOrganiser name: GRUAT DanielType: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)Organiser address: Lycée Louis Lumière32 Avenue de l'EuropeBP 25 bisCHELLESPostal Code: F-77505Title:15,03 - FR - Le Chef d'établissement dans le système éducatif françaisBeginning date: 11.02.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 15.02.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Chelles (près de Paris)FranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French SpanishReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 18 Min required: 8Description:Site web : http://tursan.ac-creteil.fr/Lycees/77/louislumierechelles/spip/ Le métier de Chef d'établissement : unefonction passionnante qui recouvre en europe des statuts et des compétences très diversifiés. Présentation du Chefd'établissement dans le système éducatif français (procédure de recrutement, statut, formation initiale, formationcontinue, responsabilité,…) qui favorisera une analyse critique comparative riche en diversité. Le contenu de cestage s'adresse tout naturellement aux chefs d'établissement en exercice mais aussi aux formateurs, inspecteurs etaux candidats à ces fonctions.Visites d'établissements, visites culturelles sur PARIS, rencontres avec lescollectivités, des responsables élus et institutionnels, historique et évolution du métier; traduction des documents etdes intervenants par un co-animateur…ou par un assistant.El director (escolar) : su fonction es apasionante y remite a diversos estatutos y competencias.Una presentacion deldirector dentro del sistema francès (como se recruta, su formation inicial, sus miciones, su estatuto, su formationcontinua, sus responsabilidades…) favorecera un analisis critico y comparativo lleno de diversidades…El contenido deeste cursillo se dirige muy naturalmente a los que ejercen actualmente la funcion de director asi como a los quedesean ejercer estas mismas funciones.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 188 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07015,04Organiser Phone:00 33 5 49 91 03 97Organiser Fax:00 33 5 49 91 51 96Organiser name: MIGNON PatrickType: Vocational/tech. secondary school (EDU 3.2)Organiser address: EPLEFPA Jean-Marie BoulouxBP 47 - Château RinguetOrganiser Email:patrick.mignon@educagri.frMONTMORILLON CEDEXPostal Code: F-86501Title:15,04 - FR - Pratiques de ManagementBeginning date: 10.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 14.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:MONTMORILLON (région de Poitou-Charentes)FranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 10Description:Public visé : responsables, chefs d'établissement, adjoints. Les responsables sont souvent seuls dans leur prise defonction. Dans de nombreux pays de l'Union Européenne, l'organisation de l'enseignement agricole se réforme. Lavisite d'étude ARION développera les thématiques suivantes : - gestion des ressources humaines et techniques denégociation et de communication dans les établissements européens - les pratiques de partenariat et de réseau dansle management des établissements- les sources de financement des établissements- la politique de coopérationinternationaleAteliers d'échanges de pratiques, rencontres avec des décideurs et autorités régionales / nationales,visites touristiques (Futuroscope, parc du Multimédia et de l'image).Ce séminaire sera assuré en traductionsimultanée par un organisme de formation. www.formations-agrinature.comThe leaders are often when they have to take decisions. In many countries of the European Union, the agriculturalteaching organization is reforming. The study visit Arion will develop the following thermes :- human resourcesmanagement, communication and negociation techniques in European schools - practices of partners system andnetwork in the school management- the school's financial sources- the international cooperationpolicyDiscussions and exchanges in working group on participants ' experiences, meetings with leaders and nationaland regional authorities, cultural <strong>visits</strong> (Futuroscope, multimedia and image show).A training organisation will carryout this training by simultaneous translation. www.formations-agrinature.com13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 189 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07015,05Organiser Phone:00 33 5 49 91 03 97Organiser Fax:00 33 5 49 91 51 96Organiser name: MIGNON PatrickType: Vocational/tech. secondary school (EDU 3.2)Organiser address: EPLEFPA Jean-Marie BoulouxBP 47 - Château RinguetOrganiser Email:patrick.mignon@educagri.frMONTMORILLON CEDEXPostal Code: F-86501Title:15,05 - FR - Nouvelles pédagogies et organisations des établissementsBeginning date: 12.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 16.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:MONTMORILLON (région de Poitou-Charentes)FranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 10Description:Public visé : responsables, chefs d'établissement, adjoints. Dans de nombreux pays de l'Union Européenne,l'organisation de l'enseignement agricole s'oriente vers l'utilisation de nouvelles pédagogies afin de rendre l'apprenantacteur de son parcours. Toutefois, pour permettre à ces dernières d'évoluer favorablement, l'établissement agricoledoit s'organiser différemment. La visite d'étude Arion développera les thématiques suivantes :- La pluridisciplinaritél'autoformation-le e-learning- l'individualisationAteliers d'échanges de pratiques, rencontres avec des décideurset autorités régionales / nationales, visites touristiques (Futuroscope, parc du Multimédia et de l'image).Ce séminairesera assuré en traduction simultanée par un organisme de formation. www.formations-agrinature.comIn many countries of the European Community, the agricultural teaching organisation is focused on the use of newpedagogies, so the students become the actors of their own learning process. So, in order to enable to the newpedagogies to have a favorable evolution, the agricultural schools have to organise themselves in different ways. Thestudy visit Arion will develop the following themes :- multidisciplinarity- self-training- E-learningindividualisationPracticeexchange workshops, meeting with leaders and national and regional authorities, cultural<strong>visits</strong> (Futuroscope, multimedia park and image show).The training will provide with a simultaneous translation by atraininig organism. www.formations-agrinature.com13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 190 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07015,06Organiser Phone:+46 920 45 34 87Organiser Fax:+46 920 45 33 26Organiser name: Kristina WahlbergType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Luleå kommunRepslagargatan 6Organiser Email:kristina.wahlberg@skol.lulea.seLuleåPostal Code: 97185Title:15,06 - SE - Learning leadershipBeginning date: 26.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 30.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:LuleåSwedenLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Swedish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 10Description:Luleås skolpolitiker har fastslagit ledarskapets betydelse för att lyckas. Detta är särskilt viktigt eftersom de kommunalaskolorna nu har fått konkurrens av fristående skolor. Våra rektorers lärande och utveckling är i fokus och vi arbetar iden lärande organisationens anda. Rektorerna får kontinuerligt stöd i sitt arbete som pedagogiska ledare. Vi har ettutbildningsprogram i flera steg för dels nya rektorer men också för de blivande. Alla rektorer, även de erfarna, deltar iregelbundna rektorskonferenser och ledardagar. Då har vi föreläsningar och seminarier. Rektorerna bjuder på godaexempel men också på ett och annat misslyckande. Samtalsledare möjliggör arbete i smågrupper. Vissa satsningarsker i samarbete med Luleå tekniska universitet och Centrum för skolledarutveckling vid Umeå universitet. En särskildutvecklingsenhet stödjer och handleder rektorerna. Frågor som kan ställas är: Vilka skolledare vill kommunen ha?Vad säger styrdokumenten? Vad säger forskningen? Hur kan en kommun/arbetsgivare med hjälp av olika insatserutveckla framgångsrika skolledare? Hur lyckas samarbetet med universiteten? Programmet består av föreläsningar,seminarier, studiebesök och eget arbete. Deltagarna möter skolledare och politiker från Luleå samt olika skolforskare.Deltagarna gör också olika utflykter och får ta del av Norrbottens vackra natur och intressanta kultur.The school board in Luleå has proclaimed the importance of leadership for schools. It´s extra important these dayswhen public schools compete with independent schools. The principals learning and development are the focus andeverybody work together in a learning organisation. The principals are supported as pedagogical leaders. There areeducational programs for new principals and also for teachers who want to be recruited. All principals take part inspecial conferences for school leaders. There are different lecturers and seminars. There are also workshops wherethe principals discuss their own experiences. Al discussions are in small groups led by special leaders.Chiefinstructors support and supervise the principals and they also cooperate with the universities in Luleå and Umeå.Key questions are: What school leaders are requested? What says the law and the curriculum? What says science?How can you create successful school leaders? How can you collaborate with the universities?During the week theparticipants will have lectures, seminars and different <strong>visits</strong>. The participants meet principals, politicians and schoolresearchers. They also make daytrips in the beautiful nature and interesting culture. www.lulea.se13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 191 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07016,01Organiser Phone:+39 0935 682015Organiser Fax:+39 0935 682016Organiser Email:Organiser name: Lucia GiuntaType: Vocational/tech. secondary school (EDU 3.2)Organiser address: Istituto Tecnico Industriale e Turistico Majoranapiazza Senatore Marescalchi, 2Piazza Armerina - ENgiunta.lucia@virgilio.it; itispiazza@hotmail.comPostal Code: I-94015Title: 16,01 - IT - Il POF: strumento per la collaborazione e la cooperazione delle scuole con le organizzazionilocali e con le imprese. Le projet d'établissement, instrument d'une coopération des écoles avec lesorganisations locales et les enterprises.Beginning date: 15.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue: Piazza Armerina (Enna)End Date: 19.10.<strong>2007</strong>Country: ItalyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Italian French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 3.1 :Renforcer les liens avec le monde du travail, la recherche et la société dans sonensembleNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Obiettivi: scopo dello stage è studiare in che modo il Piano dell’Offerta Formativa delle scuole può favorire: - nuovimetodi pedagogici, - l’apertura del sistema scolastico al mondo economico ed alla vita professionale, migliorando cosìil processo di orientamento degli alunni, - la partecipazione dei rappresentanti enti locali e delle organizzazioni delterritorio alla vita scolastica, - la collaborazione delle scuole con la società nel suo insieme. Attività previste:conferenze, dibattiti, scambi di esperienze, visite ad istituti scolastici, incontri con dirigenti scolastici, rappresentati degliEnti Locali, rappresentanti della formazione; scoperta del patrimonio culturale della Sicilia (visite a Catania, Palermo,Taormina ecc.). Soggetti coinvolti: scuole della provincia di vario ordine e grado, Ufficio Scolastico Regionale,Università Kore di Enna, Enti Locali, Agenzia Regionale per il lavoro, Confindustria.Objectifs: But du stage: étudier en quoi le projet d’établissement peut être l’instrument d’une dynamique qui favorise : -la mise en oeuvre de nouvelles méthodes pèdagogiques, - l’ouverture du système scolaire au monde économique et àla vie professionnelle tout en améliorant le processus d’orientation des élèves, - la participation des représentantslocaux et des organisations locales à la vie scolaire, - la collaboration des écoles avec la société dans son ensemble.Méthodologie d’intervention : conférences, débats, échanges d'expériences, visites d’établissements, rencontres deresponsables de l’éducation et des collectivités locales, responsables de formation ; découverte du patrimoine culturelde la Sicile (Catania, Palermo, Taormina, etc.). Intervenants : établissements scolaires locaux, Inspection Académiqued’Enna, Surintendance Régionale aux études, Consortium Universitaire d’Enna, Collectivités locales, AgenceRégionale pour l’emploi, Confindustria, autres associationes de catégorie13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 192 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07016,02Organiser Phone:+39 075 5828236Organiser Fax:+39 075 5828269Organiser name: Janine FournierType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per l'Umbriavia PalermoOrganiser Email:janine.fournier@istruzione.itPerugiaPostal Code: I-02129Title:16,02 - IT - L'alteranza Scuola Lavoro e l'Offerta formativa integrataBeginning date: 22.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 26.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:PerugiaItalyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Italian French ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 3.1 :Renforcer les liens avec le monde du travail, la recherche et la société dans sonensembleNr of places: 12 Min required: 8Description:L’alternanza scuola lavoro, così come l’offerta formativa integrata, è uno degli strumenti prioritari per rafforzare irapporti tra il sistema scolastico, il mondo del lavoro, la formazione professionale ed il territorio. Entrambecostituiscono una opportunità per offrire percorsi più flessibili e rispondenti alle esigenze degli studenti delle scuolesecondarie di 2° grado e per prevenire e contrastare la dispersione scolastica (Obiettivo 3.1 di Lisbona: “rafforzare ilegami con il mondo del lavoro, la ricerca e la società nel suo insieme"). Sono previsti interventi per presentare lebuone pratiche di cooperazione fra istituzioni scolastiche, agenzie formative ed imprese nonché visite alle scuole cheattuano percorsi di alternanza o di offerta formativa integrata ed incontri con rappresentanti delle Camere diCommercio, degli Enti locali e delle Aziende coinvolte .Gli incontri saranno strutturati in modo da permettere ilconfronto sia con i responsabili delle istituzioni visitate che con i rappresentanti di tutti gli attori coinvolti . Sono previsteanche visite a località di particolare interesse storico-culturale. Soggetti coinvolti: Ufficio Scolastico Regionale perl’Umbria, Istituti secondari di secondo grado, Enti locali, Imprese e Camere di Commercio.www.istruzione.umbria.itL’alternance école/entreprise, ainsi que l’intégration entre les systèmes de l’éducation et de la formation, est l’un desprincipaux instruments pour renforcer les liens entre le système scolaire, le monde du travail, la formationprofessionelle et le territoire. Toutes deux constituent une opportunité pour offrir des filières plus flexibles et quirépondent mieux aux besoins des étudiants des écoles secondaires du deuxième cycle et pour lutter contre l’échecscolaire (Objectif 3.1 de Lisbone: “renforcer les liens avec le monde du travail, la recherche et la société dans sonensemble”.) Lors de la visite sont prévues des interventions pour présenter les bonnes pratiques de coopération entreinstitutions scolaires, agences de formation et entreprises ainsi que des visites aux établissements scolaires qui ontmis en place des parcours d’alternance ou de formation intégrée et des rencontres avec les représentants desChambres de Commerce, les Elus locaux et les Entreprises. Les rencontres sont structurées de façon telle qu’ellespermettent un échange reel entre tous les acteurs. On prévoit aussi la visite de localités qui presentent un intérêtculturel certain. Participants au Projet: Ufficio scolastico regionale per l’Umbria, Etablissements scolaires du 2 èmecycle, Elus locaux, Chambres de Commerce. www.istruzione.umbria.it13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 193 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07016,03Organiser Phone:+37 2 6232234Organiser Fax:+37 2 6232234Organiser name: Kersti VanaType: Primary school (EDU.2)Organiser address: Merivälja SchoolHeki 16Organiser Email:merialg@merialg.tln.edu.eeTalinnPostal Code: 12112Title:16,03 - EE - Innovation in SchoolBeginning date: 19.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 23.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:TalinnEstoniaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Estonian English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.1 : STRENGTHENING THE LINKS WITH WORKING LIFE AND RESEARCH, ANDSOCIETY AT LARGENr of places: 20 Min required: 5Description:Iga kool Euroopas püüab erineda teistest sarnastest, pakkuda paremaid tingimusi, olla atraktiivsem. See õppelähetuspakub osalejatele võimalust vahetada innovaatilisi ideid, tutvustada oma kogemusi kooli huvitavamaks,lapsesõbralikumaks muutmisel. Õpetab osalejatele, kuidas reklaamida koole. Kuidas muuta kooli õpikeskkonda nii, etsee toetaks õpilasi erinevates tegevustes ja kuidas on koolis kasutatud kaasaegse tehnika võimalusi. Õppelähetuselvahetatakse isiklikke kogemusi ja külastatakse Tallinna erinevaid edumeelseid koole. Presenteeritakse koolide kohtavalminud materjale.Every school in Europe tries to differ from the other similar ones by offering better conditions, to be more attractive.The aim of this study visit is to promote innovational ideas of the participating countries, offer participants’ ownexperiences changing the school more interesting and friendlier place. Teaches how to promote schools. How tochange school’s environment thus to support students in different activities, how to use ICT in school life. This visitprovides the comparison of exeriences among participants and the opportunity to look round in the progressive schoolsin Tallinn and nearby. During the stay presentations made by participants will be introduced. www.meripohi.edu.ee13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 194 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07016,04Organiser Phone:+39 0961 32819Organiser Fax:+39 0961 32621Organiser Email:Organiser name: Santo MancusoType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: IRRE Calabriavia Crotone, 27/ACatanzaro Lido - CZsmancuso@abramo.itPostal Code: I-88100Title:16,04 - IT - La scuola e il suo ambiente. La dimensione europea nell'interazione con il patrimonio culturale eambientale della Calabria.Beginning date: 18.02.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 22.02.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Reggio CalabriaItalyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Italian French GermanReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 3.1 :Renforcer les liens avec le monde du travail, la recherche et la société dans sonensembleNr of places: 12 Min required: 8Description:OBIETTIVO: far conoscere al più vasto mondo europeo, attraverso le istituzioni scolastiche e formative operanti sulterritorio, il volto della Calabria: la sua storia, originale sintesi di processi di pacifica e integrazione culturale di varipopoli, il suo ambiente, particolarmente dotato di potenzialità turistiche per la salubrità del clima e la bellezza del suoecosistema, felicemente armonizzato tra mari colline laghi e monti, popolato da città di media grandezza, villaggi ecentri ricchi di testimonianze del passato, animati da originali iniziative sociali, economiche e culturali, le sue istituzioniimpegnate ad interpretare, costruire e diffondere la nuova dimensione del cittadino europeo. IL PROGRAMMA: ReggioCalabria: incontro con autorità regionali provinciali e comunali, politiche, amministrative e scolastiche; presentazionedel sistema formativo –attuazione della riforma - autonomia - dimensione europea dell'educazione - funzioni e ruolodell'IRRE nel sistema scolastico - rapporti tra Ministero, Direzione Scolastica Regionale, INVALSI Istituto NazionaleValutazione Sistema Istruzione, INDIRE/Agenzia Nazionale per l'Autonomia Scolastica e per l’Innovazione e la RicercaEducativa,– programmi innovativi - Università Mediterranea - Parco Archeologico di Locri – Melito – Bova – comunitàlinguistiche minoritarie grechaniche – discussione e confronti. Parchi letterari - Palmi - Gioia Tauro – Cittanova, VillaSan Giovanni - Parco Nazionale dell'Aspromonte. Scuole in rete – EDA – esperienze esemplari – settore artisticostorico-antropologico. Area metropolitana dello stretto – Sistema di collegamento con Messina e la Sicilia – MuseoArcheologico Nazionale della Magna Grecia. Disponibile un servizio di traduzione per la lingua inglese. Ulteriorirecapiti dell'organizzatore: tel. +39 0961 731081, e-mail: irre.calabria@istruzione.it.Objectif: faire connaître au plus vaste monde européen, à travers les institutions scolaires de la région les facettes deCalabre: -son histoire; une synthèse originale d'une intégration culturelle pacifique des peuples divers, -sonenvironnement ambiant doué pour le tourisme favorisé par son climat et la beauté de son environnement, -des villagesriches en témoignages du passé, animé par des initiatives culturelles, sociales et économiques originales et par desinstitutions vouée à réprandre les nouvelles dimensions du citoyenneté européenne. Le programme: Rencontre avecdes autorités régionaux, communaux, politiques et scolaires; -le Système scolaire et de formation, -Réalisation de laRéforme, -Autonomie, -Dimension européenne de l'Education, -Initiatives du support et du monitoring, -fonctions etrôle de l'IRRE, rencontre avec la Ministère, la Direction Scolaire régionale, l'INDIRE/Agence Nationale pourl'Autonomie éducative et l'Innovation et la Recherche éducative, INVAlSI-Institut National d'Evaluation de Systèmed'Enseignement, programmes innovatifs, etc. D'autres coordonnées de l'organisateur: tel. +39 0961 731081, e-mail:irre.calabria@istruzione.it Translation available also in English.www.irre-calabria.it13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 195 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07016,05Organiser Phone:+49 331 866 3749Organiser Fax:+49 331 866 3959Organiser name: Evelyn FriedrichType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Ministerium für Bildung, Jugend und SportHeinrich-Mann-Allee 107Organiser Email:evelyn.friedrich@mbjs.brandenburg.dePotsdamPostal Code: D-14473Title:16,05 - DE - Der Olympiasieger - ein Schüler unserer Schule? The Olympic Champion - a pupil of our school?Beginning date: 24.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 28.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:PotsdamGermanyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2German English GermanReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.1 : STRENGTHENING THE LINKS WITH WORKING LIFE AND RESEARCH, ANDSOCIETY AT LARGENr of places: 12 Min required: 8Description:Im Jahr <strong>2008</strong> finden die Olympischen Sommerspiele in Peking statt. Ein großer Teil der Sportlerinnen und Sportler sindjunge Leute und befinden sich noch in der Schul- bzw. Ausbildungszeit. Wie können jugendliche Sportler optimal ihreschulische Ausbildung, Training und sportliche Höchstleistungen in Einklang bringen? Es ist nachgewiesen, dass dieseJugendlichen sehr gute schulische Ergebnisse aufweisen. Wie kann die Schule den Tagesablauf so organisieren, dassTraining und Lernen Höchstleistungen garantieren? Wie werden sportliche Talente schulisch optimal gefördert? Wielernen zukünftige Weltmeister und Olympiasieger? Die Teilnehmer des Studienbesuchs werden den Weg von sportlichtalentierten Kindern und Jugendlichen vom Kindergarten über sportorientierte Grundschulen bis zu den 3 Eliteschulendes Sports in Potsdam, Cottbus und Frankfurt/Oder verfolgen können. Daneben werden die Teilnehmer auch eineSchülermannschaft aus Potsdam beim Finale des bedeutendsten deutschen schulischen Sportwettbewerbs „Jugendtrainiert für Olympia“ in Berlin beobachten. Die kulturell-touristischen Angebote der Stadt Potsdam mit Park Sanssouciund seinen Schlössern sowie die Hauptstadt Berlin als politisches und kulturelles Zentrum (nur ca. 20 Min. mit demZug entfernt) ergänzen das Programm. Eine spezielle Website wird bald zur Verfügung stehen:www.mbjs.brandenburg.deIn August <strong>2008</strong> the XXIX. Olympic Games will take place in Beijing. Most of the sportswomen and sportsmen areyoung people and students who learn at schools or universities. How can these students manage to gain good resultsat school and at their sports training? It has been proved that they achieve extremely good results in the learningprocess. How can schools organize the school-day to guarantee best performance in training and learning? How cansports talents be optimally supported? How do future world champions learn? The participants of this study visit will getto know the progress of talented children from kindergarten to primary schools of sport and finally to one of the thethree elite grammar schools of sport in Potsdam, Cottbus and Frankfurt/Oder. Apart from the <strong>visits</strong> of these schools,they will have a chance to talk with headmasters, teachers and students. A highlight is the opportunity to watch aPotsdam team at the most important German school-sports competition in Berlin. The programme is completed by thecultural offers of Potsdam (Sanssouci Park and its palaces) and Berlin (only 20 min. by train). A special website willsoon be available: www.mbjs.brandenburgd.de.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 196 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07016,06Organiser Phone:+39 0961 32819Organiser Fax:+39 0961 32621Organiser Email:Organiser name: Santo MancusoType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: IRRE Calabriaviale Crotone, 27/ACatanzaro Lido - CZsmancuso@abramo.itPostal Code: I-88100Title:16,06 - IT - La scuola e il suo ambiente - Die Schule und ihre Umgebung, die europäische Dimension in derInteraktion mit den geschichtlichen, kulturellen und landschaftlichen Schätzen Kalabriens.Beginning date: 31.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 04.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:CosenzaItalyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Italian German FrenchReferenceObjectivesReportZIEL 3.1 :VERSTÄRKUNG DER VERKNÜPFUNG ZWISCHEN ARBEITSWELT, FORSCHUNG UNDDER GESELLSCHAFTNr of places: 12 Min required: 8Description:OBIETTIVO: far conoscere al più vasto mondo europeo, attraverso le istituzioni scolastiche e formative operanti sulterritorio, il volto della Calabria: la sua storia, originale sintesi di processi di pacifica integrazione culturale di vari popoli;il suo ambiente, particolarmente dotato di potenzialità turistiche per la salubrità del clima e la bellezza del suoecosistema, felicemente armonizzato tra mari colline laghi e monti, popolato da città di media grandezza, villaggi ecentri ricchi di testimonianze del passato, animati da originali iniziative sociali, economiche e culturali, le sue istituzioniimpegnate ad interpretare, costruire e diffondere la nuova dimensione del cittadino europeo. PROGRAMMA: Cosenza:incontro con autorità provinciali e comunali, politiche, amministrative e scolastiche; presentazione del sistemaformativo, attuazione della riforma - autonomia - dimensione europea dell'educazione – iniziative di supporto emonitoraggio - funzione e ruolo dell'IRRE nel sistema scolastico e formativo– rapporti tra Ministero, DirezioneScolastica Regionale, INDIRE – Agenzia Nazionale per lo Sviluppo dell'Autonomia e per l’Innovazione e la RicercaEducativa, INValSI – Istituto Nazionale Valutazione Sistema Istruzione – programmi innovativi. L’interazione conl’Università della Calabria – Il rapporto con il territorio: costa ionica: Rossano – parco archeologico della Sibaritide;Castrovillari; i parchi nazionali: Pollino e Sila – La costa tirrenica: Amantea - Paola – Diamante – Praia – Comunitàlinguistiche albanesi e occitane – scuole in rete – discussione e confronti – esperienze esemplari nei settori artisticostorico-antropologico – Museo – Teatro. Disponibile il servizio di traduzione per la lingua inglese. Ulteriori recapitidell'organizzatore: tel.: +39 0961 731081, e-mail: irre.calabria@istruzione.it; www.irre-calabria.itObjektiv dieser Reise ist die Bekanntschaft mit Kalabrien über die Schule und Institutionen, mit seinemgeschichtlichen, friedlichen Ursprung, der Integration von vielen Völkern. Auch die Gastfreundschaft gegenüber denTouristen, das gesunde Klima und das Ecosystem, die harmonisch zwischen Meer, Seen und Bergen herrschen,sowie die mittelgroßen Städte, Dörfer und vor allem die kulturellen Zentren, die reich an Zeugnissen derVergangenheit sind, beherrschen unsere Themen. Das Programm: Cosenza: Regional-, Stadt-, politischeVerwaltungs- und Schulvertreter; Vorstellung der Schulbildung - Autonomie - Entwicklung der europäischen Bildung -IRRE Calabria - DEURE Vertretung - Gegenüberstellung - Universität - Besuche von Schulen aller Stufen - EDA -didaktische Erfahrungen, neue Projekte, Museen, Naturparks, archäologische Zeugnisse - Castrovillari - Rossano -Amantea - Paola. Translation also available in English. Tel.: +39 0961 731081; e-mail: irre.calabria@istruzione.it;www.irre-calabria.it13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 197 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07016,07Organiser Phone:+49 9071 53136Organiser Fax:+49 9071 535174Organiser name: Claudia ReichmannType: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)Organiser address: Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und PersonalführungKardinal-von-Waldburg-Str. 6-7Organiser Email:c.reichmann@alp.dillingen.deDillingenPostal Code: D-899407Title:16,07 - DE - Innovation durch Autonomie - neue Wege in der Unterrichts- und Personalentwicklung anbayerischen SchulenBeginning date: 05.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 09.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:MünchenGermanyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2German German EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportZIEL 3.1 :VERSTÄRKUNG DER VERKNÜPFUNG ZWISCHEN ARBEITSWELT, FORSCHUNG UNDDER GESELLSCHAFTNr of places: 15 Min required: 7Description:Die Ergebnisse der internationalen Vergleichsstudie PISA stellen eine Zäsur in der deutschen Bildungspolitik dar, aufdie auch Bayern mit unterschiedlichen Maßnahmen reagiert hat.Auf eine gemeinsame Initiative vonKultusministerium und Vertretern der Wirtschaft hin entstand das Modellprojekt MODUS21, dessen Grundthese war,dass mehr Selbständigkeit und Eigenverantwortung auch die fachliche und pädagogische Qualität von Schulensteigern kann. An insgesamt 44 bayerischen Schulen wurde daher nicht nur erprobt, sondern gleichzeitig auchprozessbegleitend evaluiert, inwieweit bereits vorhandene gesetzliche Spielräume besser genutzt und möglicherweisenoch erweitert werden können. Die thematischen Schwerpunkte reichten dabei von der Qualität von Unterricht undErziehung über Personalmanagement und Personalführung bis hin zu inner- und außerschulischen Partnerschaftenund der Verantwortung für das Schulbudget. Vor diesem Hintergrund bietet das Seminar mit Besuchen vonSchulen und anderen Institutionen des bayerischen Bildungswesens einen Überblick über die konkreten Maßnahmenim Rahmen des Modellversuchs MODUS21und zeigt darüber hinaus, wie diese innovativen Impulse mittlerweile auchflächendeckend wirksam geworden sind.The results of the comparative survey PISA represent a turning point in German educational policy to which the federalGerman state of Bavaria has also responded with a variety of measures.The Bavarian Ministry of Education andleading representatives of industry have joined forces and initiated the pilot project MODUS21, which is based on theassumption that more independence and individual responsibility will enable schools to increase their professional andpedagogical quality.The assumption that the already existing legal scope can be used more efficiently and possiblyeven extended within the educational system was put to the test and simultaneously evaluated at 44 Bavarianschools.Here a wide range of areas was assessed: the professional and the pedagogical competence of the teachingstaff, the personnel management of the principals, internal teamwork, cooperative partnerships with other schools aswell as the management of the school budget. Against this background, the seminar offers an overview of themeasures adopted within the pilot project MODUS21 by offering an opportunity to visit Bavarian schools and othereducational institutions. Moreover, it endeavours to show which other innovative impulses have meanwhile becomeeffective all over the federal state.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 198 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07016,08Organiser Phone:+ 48 54 2338163Organiser Fax:+ 48 54 2338163Organiser name: Anna Ru³ka-Jab³czyñska , Izabela StolfType: Primary school (EDU.2)Organiser address: Szkola Podstawowa Nr 2 we Wloclawkuul. Zytnia 47Organiser Email:nr2nr2@wp.plWloclawekPostal Code: PL87800Title:16,08 - POL - Teaching for the futureBeginning date: 14.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 18.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Wloclawek (Kujawy region)PolandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Polish English FrenchReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.1 : STRENGTHENING THE LINKS WITH WORKING LIFE AND RESEARCH, ANDSOCIETY AT LARGENr of places: 12 Min required: 6Description:Podczas wizyty studyjnej we Wloclawku- sercu Kujaw, malowniczo polozonym nad Wisla i w otoczeniu lasowskrywajacych czyste jeziora - zaprezentujemy: a) wspolprace miedzy szkola i roznymi instytucjami na przykladziekonkretnych projektow, b) aktywizujace metody nauczania jezykow obcych, c) technologie informatyczne jakonarzedzie nauczania. Glownym celem wizyty jest ukazanie, w jaki sposob szkola przygotowuje uczniow do przyszlegozycia w nowoczesnym spoleczenstwie. Dodatkowo uczestnicy zostana zapoznani z systemami edukacji w Polsce i winnych krajach europejskich. Program przewiduje nastepujace formy zajec: wizyty w szkolach trzech etapow edukacji,konferencje, warsztaty, wycieczki szkolne, spotkania z nauczycielami, dyrektorami, przedstawicielami lokalnych wladzoswiatowych. Prezentacji zajec dydaktyczno – wychowawczych beda sluzyly wizyty w miejscach o charakterzehistorycznym, kulturalnym i naturalnym zwiazanych z naszym miastem i regionem. Planujemy takze specjalneatrakcje. www.sp2.wlc.plDuring the study visit in Wloclawek - the heart of Kujawy region, picturesque located by the Vistula River, inenvironment of woods hiding clear lakes – we would like to present:a) cooperation between schools and variousinstitutions by means of solid projects; b) active learning methods in foreign languages teaching; c) using ICT as a toolin teaching. The main aim of this visit is to show how the school prepares pupils to the future life in modern society.Furthermore the participants will be acquainted with the reformed Polish educational system and school systems inother European countries. The programme will include the following activities: <strong>visits</strong> to schools of three different levels,conferences, workshops, team work, school outings, meetings with teachers, head teachers, representatives of thelocal education authorities. During their stay the participants will be able to visit a variety of historical, cultural andnatural sites of our town and region – leading to pedagogical activities. We also plan special attractions. www.sp2.wlc.pl13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 199 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07016,09Organiser Phone:+48^41^3624548,Organiser Fax:+48^41^3624899Organiser name: Stanislaw Raczkowski, Maria Krogulec - SobowiecType: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)Organiser address: Swietokrzyskie Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieliul. Marsz. J. Pilsudskiego 42Organiser Email:msobow@wom.kielce.plKielcePostal Code: PL25431Title:16,09 - POL - How do the school and its environment support a student in choosing his/her profession?Beginning date: 26.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 30.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:KielcePolandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Polish English GermanReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 3.1 : STRENGTHENING THE LINKS WITH WORKING LIFE AND RESEARCH, ANDSOCIETY AT LARGENr of places: 15 Min required: 4Description:W malowniczo polozonym sercu Gór Swietokrzyskich – Kielcach, uczestnicy wizyty beda wymieniac doswiadczeniazwiazane z orientacja i doradztwem zawodowym mlodych Europejczyków. Zapoznaja sie oni z dzialaniami szkoly i jejotoczenia (instytucji oswiatowych, samorzadów lokalnych, banków, organizacji pozarzadowych, przedsiebiorców),które pomagaja dzieciom i mlodziezy województwa swietokrzyskiego dokonac wyboru zawodu. W trakcie wizytyuczestnicy beda brali udzial w róznorodnych zajeciach zawodoznawczych skierowanych do nauczycieli i uczniów.Uczestnicy odwiedza wladze miasta i województwa, a takze Kuratorium Oswiaty i Wojewódzki Urzad Pracy. Bedatakzeuczestniczyc w prezentacji i podsumowaniu projektu uczniów gimnazjów i szkól ponadgimnazjalnych „Mojewymarzone miejsce pracy” oraz projektu uczniów szkól podstawowych „Moja przyszlosc – moje marzenia”, które sarealizowaneprzez Swietokrzyskie Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli w Kielcach w ramach programu „Edukacja Ekonomiczna“www.wom.kielce.plIn the picturesque heart of the Swietokrzyskie Mountains – Kielce all participants of the visit will exchange experiencesconnected with Young Europeans’ knowledge and professional consultancy. They will get to know the school andschool environment (educational institutions, local self – governments, banks, non – governmental organizations,entrepreneurs) operations that help the children and teenagers from Swietokrzyskie Voivodship to choose theirprofessions. During the visit the participants will take part in various educational activities concerning selectingprofessions for both teachers and students. The participants will visit not only local authorities (city and voivodship) butalso the Educational Inspectorate and the Labour Office. They will also take part in the presentation and the summingupof the project of the students of junior high school and senior high school – “My perfect workplace” and the projectof the students of primary school – “My future – my dreams” which are carried out by Swietokrzyskie In-serviceTeacher Training Centre within the framework of the programme: “Economic Education” www.wom.kielce.pl.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 200 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07017,01Organiser Phone:+90 388 2323272Organiser Fax:+90 388 2323274Organiser Email:Organiser name: Mesut ALKANType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Nigde, National Education Administrationil Milli egitim MudurluguNigdeab51@meb.gov.trPostal Code: 51100Title:17,01 - TUR - Violence in school and the solutions.Beginning date: 08.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 12.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:NigdeTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 : SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESIONNr of places: 12 Min required: 5Description:The world is turning faster today than yesterday. In spite of the better conditions, more modern school buildings andcontemporary equipments, better opportunities to access the knowledge, education becomes more and more complexand difficult, in the information age. It can be said that violence among students and family is the first coming problemof cosmopolite societies. There are many reasons such as migration for work, generation gap, forming ethnic groups inschools, etc…This Arion meeting aims to find out the most important reasons for violence, to propose possiblesolutions and to share the experience. On the each day of the meeting different subjects will be discussed in the localeducation administration building’s meeting hall. Such as role of the family in pupils’ aggressive behaviors, dealingmethods with these kind of students, consultancy techniques in schools role of teachers-headmasters and integrationprocess. At the end of the meeting a final report will be declared by the participants. There will be <strong>visits</strong> to schools andfamilies. Sharing experience will be the most beneficial side of this meeting. The target group consists of headmasters,decision makers, inspectors and consulters in administration positions. In the lodging and travel process, any help willbe given to the participanys. To learn more about us, please visit www.nigde.meb.gov.trTel: +90 3882323272Fax: +90 388 232327413 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 201 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07017,02Organiser Phone:+45 33 95 70 82Organiser Fax:+45 33 95 70 01Organiser name: Ingrid JohansenType: Public authority national (PUB.3)Organiser address: CIRIUSFiolstræde 44Organiser Email:ij@ciriusmail.dkKøbenhavn KPostal Code: 1171Title:17,02 - DNK - How to create happiness in learningBeginning date: 28.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 02.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Fredericia City, JutlandDenmarkLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Danish English EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 : SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESIONNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:The local government of Fredericia, which is a municipality of around 60.000 in Mid-Jutland, wants to become the bestcity for children in Denmark by 2012. The school department has initiated new means and methods in order to reachthis goal. The underlying philosophy is that happy children learn better, and that the learning environment - broadlyspeaking - must support the attractiveness of learning. Keywords: Flow - the psychology of happiness, the multipleintelligences, a good learning environment, joyful challenges, enlightenment and optimal learning, a good life, anengaged life, a meaningful life. You will visit the local school authorities in the municipality of Fredericia, be introducedto the national frames for the comprehensive school for 6- 17 year-olds, the "Folkeskole" and learn about the educationpriorities in Fredericia. You will visit schools ranging from pre-school class and preparatory activities to the 10th formcentre. You will meet with practitioners, developers and researchers and you will take part in discussions and workinggroups with Danish hosts and with colleagues from all over Europe. www.uvm.dk; www.fredericiakommune.dk13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 202 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07017,03Organiser Phone:+49 6181 257390Organiser Fax:+49 6181 9062199Organiser name: Wolfgang J. Hombach, Sylvia Ruppel, Ewald DyroffType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Staatliches Schulamt für den Main-Kinzig-KreisHessen-Homburg-Platz 8Organiser Email:wjhgz@t-online.deHanauPostal Code: D-63452Title:17,03 - DE - Who is responsible for the learning process? Developing sustainable structures in education.Wer veantwortet den Lernprozess? Die Entwicklung nachhaltiger schulischer Strukturen.Beginning date: 03.12.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 07.12.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Hanau / Frankfurt a.M.GermanyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2German English GermanReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 : SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESIONNr of places: 16 Min required: 8Description:The study visit will focus on the question why taking responsibility for their own learning process is essential for allpupils; the group will examine and discuss how this can be realised in schools` daily routines and which conditions willbe necessary to change educational structures.In order to find out we will visit schools and take part in lessons(elementary, secondary, vocational) and discuss our topic with pupils, teachers, heads of schools, inspectors andteacher trainers.Participants are asked to provide and present own experiences, concepts, materials from theirprofessional background concerning the topic of our course.The schools and institutions involved are situated in andaround Hanau which is east of Frankfurt. Hanau is within easy reach of Frankfurt Airport by public transport.Thecultural program will include aspects of the Hanau region and its people, taking into account the numerous connectionswith the Brothers Grimm and J.W.von Goethe.English and German will be the working languages throughout thecourse.www.schulamt-hanau.deIm Studienbesuch wird gemeinsam der Frage nachgegangen, warum eigenverantwortliches Lernen notwendig ist, wiees konkret praktiziert wird und welche Rahmenbedingungen notwendig sind, damit eine nachhaltige Veränderungschulischer Strukturen erreicht wird. Dazu wird die Gruppe Unterricht in Schulen und Ausbildungsstätten(Grundschule, Sekundarstufe I, berufliche Bildung) besuchen und unsere Fragestellung mit Schüler/innen,Lehrkräften, Schulleitungen, Vertretern der Schulaufsicht und der Lehrerbildung erörtern. Es wird erwartet, dass dieTeilnehmer Erfahrungen, Konzepte, Materialien aus ihren beruflichen Erfahrungsbereichen einbringen und vorstellen.Die beteiligten Schulen und Institutionen befinden sich alle in Hanau und Umgebung im Osten von Frankfurt. Es gibteine direkte Verkehrsverbindung zum Flughafen Frankfurt. Die kulturellen Angebote werden u.a. der Region, ihrerBevölkerung sowie der Tatsache Rechnung tragen, dass es in Hanau, der Stadt der Brüder Grimm und in der Nähevon Goethes Geburtsstadt Frankfurt zahlreiche literarische Bezüge gibt. Die Arbeitssprachen des Lehrgangs sindEnglisch und Deutsch.www.schulamt-hanau.de13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 203 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07017,04Organiser Phone:+46 70 274 35 60Organiser Fax:+46 19 211 104Organiser Email:ronnie.wirslund@orebro.seOrganiser name: Ronnie WirslundType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Örebro kommunÅbylundsvägen 8Box 31170ÖrebroPostal Code: 70135Title:17,04 - SE - Why a child`s voice should be heard!Beginning date: 09.12.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 14.12.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:ÖrebroSwedenLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Swedish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 : SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESIONNr of places: 22 Min required: 15Description:Studiebesöket utgår från FN:s barnkonvention. När vuxna och barn möts ”i ögonhöjd” med ömsesidig respekt blirdemokratiprocessen helt enkelt äkta vara. ” Barnperspektiv” och ”Barnens perspektiv” är båda lika viktiga för attgenomföra barnkonventionen i praktiken. Genom att arbeta med FN: s barnkonventions olika artiklar ökas förståelsenför barns rättigheter. I möte med barn i olika åldrar, pedagoger i olika skolformer och beslutsfattare på olika plan växeren bild fram över hur man i en kommun har valt att ta arbetet med barns inflytande på allvar. Det ges exempel på olikastrategier i att engagera vuxna såväl som barn.Studiebesök i olika barnmiljöer och utbyte av exempel lägger en godgrund för eget agerande på hemmaplan. Den teoretiska grunden fås vid besök på Örebro universitet.The study visit has its focus in UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. When adults and children meet at the same”level” and with mutual respect a true process of democracy will start. All perspectives on the Rights of the Child areimportant to carry out the Convention in practise. Working with different articles of the Convention will give a betterunderstanding of the rights of a child. Meeting children of all ages, professionals of a broad spectra and managers ondifferent levels will give a picture of how a community seriously has take upon the task to implement the Convention.Examples of different strategies to engage both adults and children will be shown. <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> in a variety of placesimportant to children will put examples as a ground for acting back home. The theoretical base will be given at theUniversity of Örebro. www.orebro.se13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 204 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07017,05Organiser Phone:+44 (0)20 8351 5271Organiser Fax:+44 (0)20 8836 78626Organiser Email:clara.seery@enfieldpdc.org.ukOrganiser name: Clara SeeryType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: London Borough of EnfieldEnfield PDC,George Spicer SiteSketty RoadEnfield, MiddlesexPostal Code: EN1 1YFTitle:17,05 - GB - Inclusive Education in ScienceBeginning date: 04.02.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 08.02.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Enfield, MiddlesexUnited KingdomLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 : SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESIONNr of places: 15 Min required: 6Description:We have been using partnership planning and teaching to improve pupils achievement in science at Key Stage 3 (age11-14). Exam results in end of key stage tests have shown that attainment has increased in the target classes. Theproject is now spreading across the core curriculum in schools and embedding in science departments. This project iscollaboration between subject advisors and ethnic minority achievement advisors and it part of the UK GovernmentSecondary National Strategy.This visit will provide an opportunity to see teaching strategies that have beeneffective in raising attainment of target classes. There will be an opportunity to discuss the methods and managementof the project with senior leaders at local authority and school level and with classroom teachers. We will demonstratethe partnerships that have been effective in raising achievement in science and discuss how the project can moveacross curriculum areas. We are involved in developing this project in a wide range of schools and there will beopportunities to see the teachers in action.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 205 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07017,06Organiser Phone:+44 (0)121 429 2542Organiser Fax:+44 (0)121 429 5824Organiser Email:Organiser name: E BowenType: Other type of organisation (OTH)Organiser address: Lightwoods Primary with Sandwell LEACastle Road EastOldburyheadteacher@lightwoods.sandwell.sch.ukPostal Code: B68 9BGTitle:17,06 - GB - The Pupil's Voice and democracy. Their learning - Our teaching. Every Child MattersBeginning date: 10.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 14.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Oldbury, West MidlandsUnited KingdomLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 : SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESIONNr of places: 15 Min required: 7Description:We would like to welcome you to Oldbury to see our work with pupils and to meet our Mayor and Local EducationAuthority advisors. •The visit will look at the work of a Learning Network consisting of 10 schools and othernetworking activities linked to raising standards.•The visit will provide opportunity to visit primary schools of yourchoice to see practice. •Meet with Heads, Lead Learners, teachers and pupil researchers.•See a pupil voiceconference in action.•Look at professional development work undertaken in collaboration with NewmanCollegeWe will especially focus on our work with pupils, including giving pupil’s a voice, pupil parliament anddemocracy, school councils and buddies.Other topics--Assessment for Learning/ Learning styles/ Independent andCollaborative Learning/ / Pupil researchers/ Thematic curriculum and creative curriculum.www.schools.sandwell.net/lightwoodspri13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 206 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07017,07Organiser Phone:+34 983412602Organiser Fax:+34 983412678Organiser name: Eduardo Delgado GonzálezType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Dirección Provincial de EducaciónAntonio Lorenzo Hurtado 6Organiser Email:delgoned@jcyl.esValladolidPostal Code: 47014Title:17,07 - ES - Educational response to students cultural diversityBeginning date: 07.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 11.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:ValladolidSpainLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Spanish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 : SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESIONNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:La diversidad cultural se está convirtiendo en nuestros dias en una característica social de primera magnitud y en unode los principales factores que influyen en el comportamiento y en el proceso educativo del alumnado. Nuestrosistema educativo se plantea el logro efectivo de una educación integral para todos los alumnos, es decir, de unaeducación completa, equilibrada y personalizada, que se adapte a las caraterístias de los distintos alumnos. LaConsejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León presta una especial atención a esta situación desde la ampliaperspectiva de las necesidades del alumnado, desarrollando distintas iniciativas para asegurar la integración delalumnado de otras culturas en los procesos educativos de nuestros centros, con el pleno respeto a sus característicasculturales de origen y propiciando una convivencia enriquecedora entre culturas.Nowadays, cultural diversity is becoming a full-scalle social characteristic and one of the main factors that influence thebehaviour and the educational process of the pupils. Our educational system considers the effective achievement of acomprehensive education for all the students, that is to say, of a complete, balanced and personalized education thatadapts to the characteristics of the different students. The Regional Education Department pays special attention tothis situation from the wide perspective of the needs of the pupils, developing different initiatives to assure theintegration of pupils from other cultures in the educational processes of our institutions, with full respect to their culturalcharateristics from birth and propitiating an enriching coexistence among cultures.The participants will have theopportunity to know diverse experiences, that are being carried out in educational institutions of the province: AulasAliso (attention to immigrant student´s linguistic needs), Welcome Plan, Plan of Absenteeism, Proa (school failure).13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 207 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07017,08Organiser Phone:+34 917<strong>2008</strong>08Organiser Fax:+34 917<strong>2008</strong>07Organiser name: Mª. Victoria Reyzábal/Francisco J. García TarteraType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Dirección General de Promoción EducativaAlcalá Galiano, 4-4ªOrganiser Email:edu.programasinternacionales@madrid.orgMadridPostal Code: 28020Title:17,08 - ES - Diversity Attention. An Educational answer to social changesBeginning date: 07.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 11.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:MADRIDSpainLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Spanish Spanish ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 : SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESIONNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:La sociedad madrileña ha sufrido en muy poco tiempo un fuerte cambio social. Ello ha sido debido, entre otrosfactores, a un rápido proceso de modernización y desarrollo económico. Asimismo, ha tenido lugar un cambio en laestructura social, debido fundamentalmente a los procesos inmigratorios. Como consecuencia, el sistema educativoha tenido que dar una respuesta inmediata, a través de la Atención a la Diversidad, como instrumento integrador delos procesos interculturales en la escuela. En función de esta realidad se visitará la Unidad Gestora, donde seexpondrán los fundamentos teóricos y se visitarán los centros y servicios educativos donde se podrá comprobar in situla dinámica escolar, manteniendo a su vez encuentros de trabajo con los profesionales. Para ello está previstomostrar la intervención educativa en los modelos dirigidos a tres tipos de alumnado: 1- Alumnado extranjero, 2-Alumnado con fuerte retraso curricular y en situaciones de desventaja sociocultural y 3- Alumnado enfermo oconvaleciente. Igualmente se expondrá en uno de los centros visitados (IES) la dimensión europea presente en elcurrículo de las asignaturas impartidas. Están programadas visitas a centros de Madrid Capital y de otras localidadesque puedan mostrar, a la vez, la diversidad regional existente en la Comunidad de Madrid. También se realizaránvisitas culturales.Madrid society has changed quickly in a short time. The main factor for this change has been a fast modernization andthe economic development process. Social structure has also changed because of immigration. Therefore, theeducational system must give an immediate answer by paying attention to diversity, an inclusion instrument ofintercultural processes in the school. According to this reality we will visit the Management Unit, where theoreticalbases will be explained. Educational centres and services will be visited too. Working meeting with the professionalswill take place there and, at the same time, we will have a chance to observe school dynamics in situ. Educationalaction will be shown through patterns specifically designed for three types of pupils: 1. Foreign pupils, 2. Pupils withstrong curricular failure and socially and culturally disadvantaged pupils, 3. Sick pupils. Participants will have theopportunity to see how the European dimension has been introduced into particular subject areas in a Secondaryschool and will visit different education centres in the capital city and in the region, that show the diversity of Madrid.The program will also be implemented with several cultural <strong>visits</strong>.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 208 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07017,09Organiser Phone:+ 48 41 362 45 48Organiser Fax:+ 48 41 362 48 99Organiser name: Stanislaw Raczkowski, Maria BednarskaType: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)Organiser address: Swietokrzyskie Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieliul. Marsz. J. Pilsudskiego 42Organiser Email:mabed@wom.kielce.plKielcePostal Code: PL25431Title:17,09 - POL - “Like Mozart. Supporting and developing students’abilities”Beginning date: 21.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 25.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:KielcePolandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Polish English SpanishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 : SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESIONNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Uczestnicy wymienia sie informacjami i doswiadczeniami odnosnie umiejetnosci nauczycieli zwiazanych zdiagnozowaniem uczniów zdolnych i sposobami przygotowania ich w tym zakresie w placówkach doskonalenia.Tematyka spotkañ: Jak w szkole indywidualizowac nauczanie? Jak pracowac ze zdolnymi uczniami na zajeciachdydaktycznych, kolach zainteresowañ, fakultetach? Jakie stosowac metody? Uczestnicy beda mieli okazje poznacprace polskich pedagogów i porównac ja z rozwiazaniami w swoich krajach. Goscie beda mieli mozliwosc poznacprojekt naszego Centrum pt. „Taki jak Mozart. Wspieranie i rozwijanie zdolnosci uczniów”. Podczas wizytyzaplanowano udzial w warsztacie z mlodzieza uzdolniona, zapoznanie z funkcjonowaniem sieci wsparcia dlanauczycieli i uczniów województwa swietokrzyskiego obejmujaca rózne instytucje. Efektem wizyty bedzieumieszczenie ciekawych rozwiazañ – scenariuszy zajec edukacyjnych, szkoleñ na plytach CD, stronie wwworganizatora i Biuletynie wizyty – wersja papierowa. Wizyta umozliwi naszym gosciom poznanie ciekawego regionu ijego uroczych zakatków.Participants will exchange information and experience concerning teachers’ abilities connected with evaluating aptstudents and ways of preparing them for this in in-service teacher training centres. The subjects of meetings: How toindividualize teaching? How to work with gifted students during teaching classes? Special interest groups, optionalclasses? What methods should be applied? Participants will have an opportunity to get to know Polish educationalists’work and compare it with solutions in their countries. Guests will have an opportunity to get to know with the project ofour center “ Like Mozart. Supporting and developing students’abilities”. The following things are planned during thestudy visit: a workshop with apt students, familiarizing with functioning of a support net for teachers and students fromŒwiêtokrzyskie Province, which comprises different institutions. An effect of the visit will be the placing of interestingsolutions on CDS, VHS cassettes, the website of the organizer and a visit bulletin – a paper version. The visitenables our guests to get to know an interesting region and its beauty spots www.wom.kielce.pl13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 209 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07017,10Organiser Phone:+44 (0)1305 224661Organiser Fax:+44 (0)1305 224348Organiser Email:k.stevenson@dorsetcc.gov.ukOrganiser name: Ken StevensonType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Dorset County CouncilChildren's ServicesCounty HallDorchesterPostal Code: DT1 1XJTitle:17,10 - GB - Using self-evaluation to raise the achievement of pupils in vulnerable groupsBeginning date: 19.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 23.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:DorsetUnited KingdomLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 : SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESIONNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:Effective self-evaluation leads to improvement at both pupil and organisational level. Dorset Children’s Services useself-evaluation extensively to review the impact of their work and to set new targets. We know that this works for us asa local authority, for our schools and curriculum areas and for individual pupils. In particular this has been the mainapproach we have used to improve our provision for pupils in vulnerable groups and those at risk ofunderachievement. This includes children with special educational needs, those in public care and those from minoritygroups. We have worked closely with our school staff to develop frameworks for self-evaluation and the skills to usethem. We would like you to visit us to see our work and to share ideas with you on how this approach can developfurther.In the visit we will explain the national context for this development and show you how we have used selfevaluationto improve provision and outcomes for children. You will see this in the local authority’s work and particularlyin Dorset schools. You will develop a good understanding of the strengths and dangers in the systems, and be able toreturn to your own practice with new ideas on how to use self-evaluation to raise the achievement of pupils invulnerable groups. www.dorsetforyou.com13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 210 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07017,11Organiser Phone:+49 4941 13 1010Organiser Fax:+49 4941 13 1016Organiser name: Achim SchuppType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Landesschulbehörde Niedersachsen, AurichLambertshof 8Organiser Email:Achim.Schupp@Lschb-os.niedersachsen.deAurichPostal Code: D-26603Title:17,11 - DE - The role of Consultation Teachers in the schools of Lower Saxony in GermanyBeginning date: 26.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 30.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:AurichGermanyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2German English GermanReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.3 : SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIALCOHESIONNr of places: 15 Min required: 7Description:Beratung in Schule dient der Optimierung der Hauptaufgaben von Schule. Zu diesem Zweck gibt es imniedersächsischen Schulsystem an größeren Schulen Beratungslehrer. Diese Lehrkräfte, die für die Beratung mit einergewissen Stundenzahl von der Unterrichtsverpflichtung freigestellt sind, werden durch Schulpsychologen zu Beraternweitergebildet und später in der Wahrnehmung der täglichen Beratungsarbeit betreut. Bei der konkreten Beratung vorOrt geht es um schülerbezogene Beratung, Beratung bzgl. spezifischer Problemlagen über die Schullaufbahnberatungbis hin zur Systemberatung. Schüler, Eltern, Lehrer wie auch die Schulleitung suchen die Beratung auf. Das gesamteArbeitsfeld wird inhaltlich durch die Schulpsychologie konzeptioniert, durchgeführt und weiterentwickelt. Unterstütztwird die Arbeit durch die Universität Hildesheim. Sie werden die Rolle des Beratungslehrers im System kennen lernen,ihre rechtliche Verankerung und Zielsetzung, die bereitgestellten Ressourcen, die Weiterbildung, das Curriculum sowiedie Arbeit vor Ort. Dieses soll für Sie möglichst konkret über die Teilnahme an einem Weiterbildungszirkel, derTeilnahme an einer Dienstbesprechung sowie Besuchen in Schulen realisiert werden. Vor- und Nachteile einerBeratung durch Lehrer im Unterschied zu anderen schulinternen oder externen Beratern werden besprochen. DieGruppe wird jeweils nach den einzelnen Phasen über das Gelernte reflektieren.Consultation at school promotes the improvement of the most important purposes of school. Therefore specialteachers have been installed as consultants at populated schools in Lower Saxony. These teachers being exemptedfrom their lectures at school for some lessons are educated by school psychologists. Later on they are assisted by thepsychologists when running their daily jobs of consulting. The definite consultation on the spot deals with students,their specific problems, the discussion about an adequate career at school or systems analysis. Students, parents,teachers and, above all, the headship go to the consultants. School psychology creates, develops and carries out thewhole idea. The University of Hildesheim supports the activities. You will become acquainted with the parts of theconsultants within the system of learning and education. Furthermore you will get to know its legal establishment, itsobjectives, the provided resources, the additional education, the curriculum, and the job on the spot. This should berealized for you as accurately as possible by taking part in a session of the additional education circle and by attendingan official meeting at school as well. Besides you will visit different schools. Advantages and disadvantages of aconsultation by teachers in contrast to other internal or external advisers will be discussed. The team will reflect onyour new skills each time after separate phases.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 211 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07017,12Organiser Phone:+43^1^7481450Organiser Fax:+43^1^7495242Organiser name: Mag. Ursula HuberType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Stadtschulrat für Wien EuropabüroAuerspergstraße 15/22Organiser Email:hs11enkp004k1@m56ssr.wien.atWienPostal Code: AT 1080Title:17,12 - AT - Was tun mit 15 Jahren?Beginning date: 26.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 30.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:AustriaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2German German EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportZIEL 2.3 : UNTERSTÜTZUNG DER AKTIVEN STAATSBÜRGERSCHAFT, CHANCENGLEICHHEITUND SOZIALE INTEGRATIONNr of places: 18 Min required: 12Description:Dieses Arion Seminar konzentriert sich vor allem auf jene Jugendliche, die keinen qualifizierten Schulabschlussaufweisen und für die entsprechende Nachqualifizierungsangebote sichergestellt werden. Das Wiener Konzeptumfasst verschiedene Projekte zur Förderung der Ausbildung von Jugendlichen im Alter zwischen 15 und 18 Jahren(nach Beendigung ihrer Schulpflicht, wie z.B. Fachmittelschule, Duale Berufsausbildung), Kennenlernen desberufsbildenden Schulwesens, Projekte zur Förderung der Ausbildung von Jugendlichen nach der Pflichtschule, Lehre,Fachmittelschule, etc.This Arion Seminar focuses on supporting unqualified school leavers in order to give them a change to qualify aftercompulsory schooling. The Viennese project comprises a variety of initiatives such as Pre-Vocational Middle School,Dual Vocation Training, etc.Projects for pupils to find a job after finishing their compulsory schooling; specialprograms for pupils at the age of 1513 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 212 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07018,01Organiser Phone:+46 550 392 74Organiser Fax:+46 550 810 08Organiser name: Jörgen TorehammarType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Regional utbildning, Region VärmlandStrömbergsgatan 15Organiser Email:jorgent@kps.liv.seKristinehamnPostal Code: 68132Title:18,01 - SE - Strengthen citizenship for regional developmentBeginning date: 10.09.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 14.09.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Arvika, Ingesunds folkhögskolaSwedenLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Swedish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.1 : OPEN LEARNING ENVIRONMENTNr of places: 14 Min required: 8Description:Syftet med detta studiebesök är att ge en bild av den svenska folkhögskolemodellen. Denna skolform är inriktad motvuxna i syfte att stärka individens bildning, samhällsengagemang och medborgarskap. Den svenska folkbildningen ochfolkhögskolorna har haft stor betydelse för den svenska samhällsutvecklingen och dess grundtankar är fortfarandeaktuella för att förverkliga det livslånga lärandet och medborgaransvaret. Vi vill visa vilken effekt denna skolform har förden regionala utvecklingen. I studiebesöket ingår en rundresa till några av folkhögskolorna i länet. Dessutom kommerdeltagarna att få ta del av olika utvecklingsprojekt där folkhögskolan samverkat med andra samhällsinstitutioner,näringslivet och ideella föreningar (NGO).The purpose of this visit is to introduce the Swedish folk high-school model.This type of school focuses on adults:improving their general educational level, promoting their commitment to civic issues and strengthening their positionas citizens in general. The Swedish folk high-schools have played and still play an important part in the developmentof society and their basic ideas are still valid as regards civic responsibilities and life-long learning.We wish to presentthe effect produced by this type of education on regional development. A tour of some folk high-schools in the regionwill be included in the programme. Participants will also have the opportunity of studying a variety of projects in which afolk high-school co-operates with other institutions, NGOs and industry.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 213 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07018,02Organiser Phone:+48 607 414 545 ;Organiser Fax:+ 48 85 676 29 82Organiser name:Type: Private company - services (SER)Organiser address: Audytor Service sp. z o.o. Biuro w Bialymstokuul.Waszyngtona 18/111Organiser Email:betty.w@poczta.fm ; camp77@interia.plBialystokPostal Code: PL15281Title:18,02 - POL - Mechanisms to enhance adults to continue educationBeginning date: 16.09.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 22.09.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Bialystok (countryside hotel RITOWISKO)PolandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Polish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.1 : OPEN LEARNING ENVIRONMENTNr of places: 12 Min required: 5Description:Celem wizyty jest tworzenie otwartego srodowiska edukacyjnego ukierunkowanego na ksztalcenie doroslych. Analizamechanizmów finansowania i zachecania doroslych do podejmowania ksztalcenia jest naszym priorytetowymzalozeniem. Elastycznosc i kreatywnosc metod dzialania na plaszczyznie edukacji doroslych, warunkuje efektywnoscwspólpracy miedzynarodowej, wymiany doswiadczeñ bedacej wartoscia dodana. Propagujemy formy i metodyksztalcenia doroslych skierowane na potrzeby rynku pracy; znajdujemy korelacje tych dwóch skladowych jakoniezbedna w procesie ksztalcenia ustawicznego.The aim of our study visit is to create the open educational environment, focused on adult education. The analysis ofmechanisms of financing and enhancing adults to continue education is the key to success. Using flexible and creativemethods to cooperate in the area of adult education, leading to the effective international collaboration, seems to bethe added value of the process of continuing development.We popularize the concept of methods and forms of adulteducation that direct towards the needs for job markets. The correlation of these two we find crucial as the basis inadult education.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 214 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07018,03Organiser Phone:+39 0964 64366Organiser Fax:+39 0964 624804Organiser Email:Organiser name: Gianfranco SorbaraType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Comune di ArdorePiazza Umberto I, 1Ardore - RCsorbarag@libero.itPostal Code: I-89031Title:18,03 - IT - La dimensione europea e l'educazione per gli adulti in Calabra/The European dimension andAdult Education in CalabriaBeginning date: 24.09.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 28.09.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Ardore - RCItalyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Italian English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.1 : OPEN LEARNING ENVIRONMENTNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:Questa visita di studio si focalizza sull'istruzione per adulti con il supporto delle ICT. Il bisogno è ovvio: una maggioreconoscenza all'istruzione per gli adulti sia formale che informale. In questa visita di studio vogliamo scambiareesperienze con i nostri ospiti in questo settore. I partecipanti familiarizzeranno con il sistema dell'educazione degliadulti e della formazione in generale, sia nella scuola che al di fuori dal suo contesto. Visiteranno una varietà diistituzioni che lavorano nella formazione continua. Acquisiranno conoscenze riguardanti programmi innovativi esyllabus e vedranno come le conoscenze e le abilità degli studenti vengano messe in pratica. I partecipanti avrannol'opportunità di osservare gli studenti nel corso del loro apprendistato. Nella nostra regione esistono reti di educatoridegli adulti e tutti insieme cooperano con istituzioni locali e regionali che supportano l'educazione degli adulti edaiutano i disoccupati, come i centri per l'impiego, le industrie e le università. Condivideremo la nostra esperienzanell'organizzare corsi di formazione professionale di riqualificazione e d'adattamento per immigranti. Ci sarannoapprofondimenti sugli obiettivi europei di Lisbona. Attività: visite ai CTP, incontro con il Comitato locale dell'educazionedegli adulti presso il Comune. I partecipanti avranno anche l'opportunità di godere dei bei paesaggi del lato Ionico dellaCalabria.This study visit aims to focus on adult education with the support of ICT. The need is obvious of more knowledge withinadult education both formal and informal. In this study visit we want to exchange experiences with our guests in thisarea. The participants will be familiar with the system of vocational and general adult education both formal andinformal education. They will visit a variety of institutions working in the adult education field. They will learn innovativeprogrammes and syllabus and see how the student's knowledge and skills are put into practice. The participants willhave the opportunities to observe students while they are learning. In our region we have a network of adult educationcentres, centre of studies and research and municipalities. We will also discuss the cooperation with local and regionalauthorities which support adult education and other organisations which help unemployed people (job centres,universities and factories). We will share our experiences in organizing vocational, requalifying courses (especially forimmigrants). Our visit is focused in Lisbon objectives. Activities: visiting CTP (formal and permanent adult educationcentre), meeting with local Committee for adult people in the City hall. The participants will have the opportunity otenjoy the beautiful views of the Ionic coast of Calabria.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 215 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07018,04Organiser Phone:+90 284 225 30 75Organiser Fax:+90 284 225 49 08Organiser Email:laletuzuner@hotmail.comOrganiser name: Lale TUZUNER (GSM:+90 505 776 02 75)Type: General and vocat./tech. secondary school (EDU 3)Organiser address: Edirne National EduDirectoryHükümet Cad.ValilikBinası Kat 3EDIRNEPostal Code: 22100Title:18,04 - TUR - European Perspective and possible successfull cooperation in the field of adult educationBeginning date: 24.09.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 28.09.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:EDIRNETurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.1 : OPEN LEARNING ENVIRONMENTNr of places: 22 Min required: 5Description:The visit will make possible to exchange of experience of the visit’s participants who will present the adult educationsystems and ICT in their home countries . The participants will also have opportunity of brain storming and exchangingideas about possible successfull cooperation such as mobility and integration and organization and managementamong EU programme candidate countries for the future as well as bringing up new European perspectives formodules and forms and methods in adult training. The <strong>visits</strong> to observe adult education system , and ındustral AreasWhich are the hearth of Edirne region and big companies from different sectors and Edirne Vocational EducationCentre and 7 more vocational high schools and Trakya University and local managers with their views on the role ofadult education in Edirne/Turkiye will be included.The report presenting adult education systems and ideas andexperiences and solutions and offers of participants for European Perspective in the field of Adult Education will be thefinal outcome of the visit.We plan to start the network with participants,This network aims to give answer to the needsof employees such as finding jobs, courses,seminars and many usefull subjects and education activities for edults.edirnemem@meb.gov.tr13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 216 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07018,05Organiser Phone:+44 (0)116 2044281Organiser Fax:+44 (0)116 2854514Organiser Email:Organiser name: Kathryn JamesType: Non-profit association - national (ASS.3)Organiser address: NIACE21 De Montfort StreetLeicesterkathryn.james@niace.org.ukPostal Code: LE1 7GETitle:18,05 - GB - Inclusive learning for adults with learning difficulties and/or disabilitiesBeginning date: 08.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 12.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:LeicesterUnited KingdomLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.1 : OPEN LEARNING ENVIRONMENTNr of places: 20 Min required: 8Description:The aim of the visit is to look at inclusive learning for adults with learning difficulties and/or disabilities (including mentalhealth difficulties). The study visit will focus on the legislation, policy and strategy which impacts on the learning andskills opportunities available for people with disabilities. It will include topics such as what is meant by inclusivelearning, qualifications and curriculum, assistive technology, opportunities for people with learning difficulties andopportunities for people with mental health difficulties and transition from education to employment. Participants will beable to hear from leading experts in this area of work. Participants will also visit learning providers to look at examplesof good practice in teaching and learning for people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities and will attend a nationalconference on inclusive learning. The visit will be suitable for teachers of adults with disabilities, but will be particularlyuseful for managers and policy makers of provision for learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities.www.niace.org.uk13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 217 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07018,06Organiser Phone:+361 4614500Organiser Fax:+361 4614586Organiser name: Szabóné Molnár AnnaType: Higher education inst. (EDU.4)Organiser address: ELTE Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai KarKazinczy u. 23-27.Organiser Email:molnar.anna@ppk.elte.huBudapestPostal Code: HU-1075Title:18,06 - HUN - Adult education in the context of Bolognese ProcessBeginning date: 08.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 12.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:BudapestHungaryLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Hungarian English FrenchReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.1 : OPEN LEARNING ENVIRONMENTNr of places: 16 Min required: 8Description:A tapasztalatcsere célja, hogy az andragógiai szak magyarországi megalapítása és indítása kapcsán gorcsõ alá vegyea hazai és partnerországok - bolognai folyamat kapcsán átalakuló - felsõoktatásában a felnõttképzésiszakemberképzés helyzetét. Emellett kitekintsen az intézményes (állami) és NGO szervezetek innovációira, a lifelonglearning-gel foglalkozó hálózatokra, keresse az eredmények hazai adaptálásának lehetõségét és megismertesse amagyar kezdeményezéseket és sikereket. A tapasztalatcsere kiváló alkalmat teremt arra, hogy elemezzük az európaiandragógiai jellegû szakokon folyó képzések elméleti és gyakorlati feladatait, különös tekintettel a kompetencia alapúképzési lehetõségekre, illetve megtaláljuk és kiszélesítsük a szakok közötti átjárhatóság, valamint hallgatói és oktatóicsere lehetõségét. A projekt lehetõséget ad a három nagy hagyományú, az andragógiai szak elõzményeiszempontjából kiemelkedõ jelentõségû magyar egyetemen folyó oktató és kutatómunka megismerésére; azandragógia szak elméleti, metodikai és szakmai gyakorlati képzési anyagainak megismerésére, összefüggésben azátalakuló félben lévõ magyar felnõttképzési gyakorlattal.The aim of exchanging experience is to scrutinize the national and partner countries situation in trainings forprofessionals concerned with adult education in the context of Bolognese Process. It also aims to provide an overviewon the innovations of institutional (governmental) bodies and NGOs, on the networks of lifelong learning, furthermore,to search for the possibilities of national adaptation of the results and to introduce the national initiatives andachievements. The exchange of experience is a great opprotunity to analyse the theoretical and practical tasks of theEuropean faculties involved in andragology, notably the competence-based training opportunities, and to find andextend the opportunity of the mobilitiy among the faculties and of the exchange of students and instructors/tutors. Theproject will provide opportunity to get acquainted with educational and research work of three Hungarian universitieshaving considerable experience in andragology, including the theoretical, methodological and professional trainingmaterials of the faculty of andragology in relation with the Hungarian adult education practice that is undertransformation. http:/ppk.elte.hu13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 218 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07018,07Organiser Phone:+36 1 4294097Organiser Fax:+36 1 338-3944Organiser name: Bethleni ZsuzsannaType: Inst. for in-service teacher training (EDU 8)Organiser address: Egészségügyi Szakképzõ és Továbbképzõ IntézetHoránszky u. 15.Organiser Email:eti@eti.huBudapestPostal Code: HU-1085Title:18,07 - HUN - Programme development in alternative medicineBeginning date: 05.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 09.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:BudapestHungaryLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Hungarian English GermanReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.1 : OPEN LEARNING ENVIRONMENTNr of places: 12 Min required: 5Description:Hazánkban és Európa szerte is egyre nagyobb az érdeklõdés az alternatív medicina iránt. Magyarországon jelenleg 10hivatalosan elismert szakon lehet ilyen irányú szakképesítést szerezni. Évente 1200 fõ szerez szakképesítést. AzEurópai Unió különbözõ országaiban igen nagy eltérés tapasztalható az alternatív medicina gyakorlásában, a jogiszabályozás és a képzési programok, formák tekintetében egyaránt. A tanulmányút célja a tapasztalatcsere, a jógyakorlatok megosztása, a közös gondolkodás az alternatív medicina oktatása és fejlesztése területén. A résztvevõkmegismerkedhetnek a magyarországi felnõttképzés és ezen belül az egészségügyi szakképzés és továbbképzésrendszerével, az alternatív medicina oktatási programjaival és a fejlesztés módszereivel.The interest in alternative therapy is continuously growing in Europe and in Hungary too. At present in Hungary thereare 10 official qualifications in alternative therapy. 1200 students acquire qualifcation annualy. In the Member States ofthe EU the practice of the alternative therapy is very different from the legal background' s and from the qualification'spoint of view. The goals of the study visit are the followings: exchange of experiences, share the good practices,common thinking in the field of the education and development of the alternative therapy. The Hungarian adulteducation and the vocational education in health care, the curriculums and the development of the alternative therapycan be introduced to the participants. www.eti.hu13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 219 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07018,08Organiser Phone:+34 969176350Organiser Fax:+34 969176403Organiser name: Julia Marta Recuenco LujánType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Delegación Provincial de Educación y CienciaAvda. República Argentina, 16Organiser Email:jmarta@jccm.esCuencaPostal Code: 16002Title:18,08 - ES - Un modelo de educación de Personas Adultas en el medio rural/A model of Adult Education in arural environmentBeginning date: 12.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 16.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:CUENCASpainLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Spanish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.1 : OPEN LEARNING ENVIRONMENTNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:Los objetivos de esta visita son: conocer el tratamiento de la educación de personas adultas en los diferentessistemas educativos; intercambiar experiencias educativas, incidiendo especialmente en las de carácter innovador(enseñanza a distancia, alfabetización, integración de minorías, etc.); conocer la práctica diaria y la organización decentros docentes de educación de personas adultas; conocer la respuesta de la Educación de personas adultas enpequeñas localidades del medio rural y las posibilidades de formación del profesorado en los propios centrosdocentes y en los Centros de Profesores y valorar los cauces de colaboración con la comunidad educativa. Losparticipantes podrán presentar y discutir estrategias reales y potenciales dirigidas a ofrecer oportunidades deformación al alumnado de zonas rurales y urbanas y analizar la organización de estos centros, así como conocer elpapel de la Administración local. METODOLOGÍA: Visitas a Centros de Educación de Personas Adultas. Reunionesinformativas y de intercambio de experiencias. Valoraciones y conclusiones. Más detalles en jmarta@jccm.esThe objectives of this study visit are: To know the organisation of adult education in the different European educationsystems; to exchange experiences, focusing on those of innovative character (distance learning, literacy, integration ofminorities, etc.); to know the daily practice and the organization of teaching institutions visited; to know the offer foradult education/training in small rural towns and the teacher training possibilities, and to value the ways ofcollaboration with the education community. Participants will be able to present and discuss real and potentialstrategies aimed to offer opportunities of training to learners in rural and urban zones. There will be time for analysingthe organization of these centers and the role of the local and regional administrations. METHODOLOGY: Visits toCenters of Adult Education. Informative and exchanging experience meetings. Evaluation and conclusions. Moredetails in jmarta@jccm.es.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 220 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07018,09Organiser Phone:0040230520638Organiser Fax:0040230520637Organiser Email:Organiser name: STARICA LIDIAType: Education authorityOrganiser address: School Inspectorate from Suceava15th, Calea UniriiSuceavalidiastarica@yahoo.comPostal Code: 720018Title:18,09 - RO - Le professeur - facteur cle dans l'educationBeginning date: 07.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 11.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:SuceavaRomaniaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Romanian French ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 2.1 : Créer un environnement propice à l'apprentissageNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Visites d'information dans unites d'enseignement d'etat et privees, concernnant le curriculum national et la realisationdu management institutionnel. L'organisation des ateliers de travail par lesquels se definissent le rol, lesresponsabilities, les fonctions et les attributions du professeur dans le processus d'education dans les differents payseuropeens. L'elaboration d'une strategie integree concernant le perfectionnement des cadres didactiques. Visitesculturalles pour connatre les valeurs locales du Bucovine.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 221 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07018,10Organiser Phone:00 33 4 70 45 33 74Organiser Fax:00 33 4 70 45 99 33Organiser name: BRINCOURT-BAILLEUL VéroniqueType: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)Organiser address: Lycée Blaise de Vigenère51, Avenue PasteurOrganiser Email:veronique.brincourt-bailleul@ac-clermont.frST POURCAIN / SIOULEPostal Code: F-03500Title:18,10 - FR - Former tout au long de la vieBeginning date: 07.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 11.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:MOULINS (Région d'Auvergne)FranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 2.1 : Créer un environnement propice à l'apprentissageNr of places: 15 Min required: 7Description:Public visé : Responsables en formation des adultes, personnels d'inspection et de direction responsablesd'orientation.La région de MOULINS est située au centre de la France, dans une zone rurale possédant unpatrimoine historique riche, lieu d’origine de l’ancienne famille royale des Bourbons.Cette région, agricole, viticole,partiellement industrialisée, écartelée entre plusieurs villes et traversée par des grands axes routiers retient peu sapopulation. Les élèves s’orientent plus qu’en zone urbaine vers des études courtes, à finalités professionnelles.Dansce contexte, trois questions seront étudiées :1) La formation des adultes : formation tout au long de la vie ?2)Quelles validations de la formation des adultes ?3) De la validation de la formation à une reconnaissanceEuropéenne ? Ces questions seront étudiées dans le cadre de conférences, rencontres et de visites de pôles deformations et d’entreprises. 15 personnes maximum. http://www3.ac-clermont.fr/etabliss/StpourcainThe Moulins district lies in the centre of France, in a rural area. Being the place where the old Bourbon royal Familyoriginated, it has a rich historical heritage.The agricultural, wine-growing, partly industrialized area which is tornbetween several towns and crossed by major roads, has fewer and fewer inhabitants.More than in urban areas, thepupils there tend to prefer short studies and vocational training.In that context, three questions will be dealt with :1)Adult training : life-long training ?2) How to validate adult training ?3) From training validation to regnition on aEuropean Level?All these points shall be examined during conferences, meetings and <strong>visits</strong> training centers andfactories. Maximum of 15 people. http://www3.ac-clermont.fr/etabliss/Stpourcain13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 222 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07018,11Organiser Phone:+34 951038019Organiser Fax:+34 951038024Organiser name: Guillermo Jiménez ArandaType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Delegación Provincial de EducaciónAvda. de la Aurora, 47Organiser Email:guillermo.jimenez.ext@juntadeandalucia.esMálagaPostal Code: 29071Title:18,11 - ES - Adult educationBeginning date: 14.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 18.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:MálagaSpainLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Spanish English SpanishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.1 : OPEN LEARNING ENVIRONMENTNr of places: 20 Min required: 8Description:El objetivo de la visita es tener una visión global de la Formación Permanente, Educación Formal e Informal, en laComunidad Autónoma de Andalucía dirigida a las personas adultas, así como intercambiar información sobre laFormación Permanente en Europa. Durante la semana se efectuarán varias visitas centradas en diferentes puntosrelativos al tema principal: la Formación Permanente, formación para inmigrantes, la cualificación profesional depersonas adultas, el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras, la formación del profesorado de Educación Permanente, etc.The aim of the visit is to give an overview of the LIFELONG LEARNING system (Formal and informal adult education)in the Spanish region of Andalucía and to exchange views on the meaning of adult education in Europe. Each visit willfocus on different points related to the main theme: adult education in the education system, teachers of adulteducation, education of migrants, professional qualifications of the adults, learning of foreign language, in-serviceteacher training of adult education.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 223 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07018,12Organiser Phone:+31703814448Organiser Fax:+31703831958Organiser name: Frank Smit and Jan Lutje SchipholtType: Public authority national (PUB.3)Organiser address: Europees Platform voor het Nederlandse onderwijsBezuidenhoutseweg 253Organiser Email:fsmit@europeesplatform.nlDen HaagPostal Code: NL 2594Title:18,12 - NL - Adult and Vocational educationBeginning date: 14.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 18.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Den Haag (The Hague) and surrounding areaNetherlandsLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Dutch English EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.1 : OPEN LEARNING ENVIRONMENTNr of places: 13 Min required: 6Description:Bezoek aan beleidsmakers op Ministerie van Onderwijs en gemeentelijk niveau; lezingen over beleid m.b.t. inrichtingvan beroepsonderwijs en projecten volwassenen onderwijs; vragen en discussies. Bezoek aan CINOP (Centrum voorInnovatie en beroeps en volwassen onderwijs), scholen, instituten en projecten op BVE-niveau; discussie metdocenten coördinatoren en studenten/deelnemers. Zo mogelijk observatie van lessen eninstructies.www.europeesplatform.nlVisit to Ministry of Education and municipal authorities; lectures on policy regarding financing and equipping vocationalschools and projects for adult education; questions and discussions. Visit to CINOP (national Centre for the Innovationof education and training in the Netherlands), schools institutes and projects concerning idem; discussion withteachers, instructors, coordinators, students and particpants in (municipal) projects. Visit tot instruction rooms, ifpossible observation of lessons and instruction. Website www.europeesplatform.nl13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 224 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07018,13Organiser Phone:+90 458 2117334Organiser Fax:+90 458 2117437Organiser Email:Organiser name: Raziye ONERType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Bayburt Directorship of Public Training2 No’lu Sair CelaliStreet, Bayburtraziye_oner@hotmail.comPostal Code: TUR-69000Title:18,13 - TUR - A <strong>Study</strong> of Adult Training in Bayburt Where Skill and Enthusiasm JoinBeginning date: 12.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 16.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:BayburtTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.1 : OPEN LEARNING ENVIRONMENTNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:This study visit focuses on adult education and the main objective of the visit is introducing the structure of adulttraining in Turkey giving a detailled example from Bayburt ; meeting the standards of Europe in the field of adulteducation and having a wide range of knoweledge of renewals through Exchange.In Bayburt , adult education isimplemented by The Center of Public Training where vocational and technical methods skills are taught , social andcultural courses are provided giving an opprtunity for people who are in need of technical and vocational renewals fortheir job to keep up with currnt improvements.This center is mostly efficient in giving a chance for those who have jobs, on thr verge of being out of date, to prove themselves in modern fields.At the end of the visit,our target is to printboks and record CDs out of most outstanding of our existing experiences and studies and to share them with theinstitutions working for familiar objectives around the country.During the week of the study , there will be * a visit toThe Center of Adult Training where participants can see the organisation , methods , social participation and theoutcome of enthusiasm and skill.*a meeting with trainers , teachers and local authorities. *a visit to museums* a visit tohistorical places and natural beauties* a visit to The House of Teachers’ for a cultural activity ( a daily local programme) For more detailed information about the city : www.bayburt.gov.tr; www.bayburt.meb.gov.tr; www.bayburtrehberi.com13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 225 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07018,14Organiser Phone:+386 5 612 8003Organiser Fax:+386 5 627 1291Organiser name: Kristina UdovicType: Adult/cont. education provider (EDU.5)Organiser address: Ljudska univerza KoperCankarjeva 33Organiser Email:kristina.udovic@lu-koper.siKoperPostal Code: SI-6000Title:18,14 - SLO - Counseling in Adult education – – the importance of local partnership and regional coverageBeginning date: 12.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 16.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Koper, SloveniaSloveniaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Slovene English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.1 : OPEN LEARNING ENVIRONMENTNr of places: 15 Min required: 10Description:Udeležencem želimo predvsem predstaviti prakso brezplacnega svetovanja v izobraževanju odraslim v sloveniji naprimeru Svetovalnega središca - ISIO Koper, ki se je uspešno umestil v slovenski in lokalni prostor, se uspešnopromovira, skrbi za strokovno rast svetovalk. Predstaviti želimo, na katero ciljno publiko se ISIO pravzaprav obraca inkako se dopolnjuje z ostalimi svetovalnimi dejavnostmi za druge populacije v lokalnem okolju. Poleg tega bi želeli, dase udeleženci aktivno vkljucijo v razprave in predvidene etape obiska, ter delijo z nami svoje izkušnje, svoje dobreprakse. Želeli bi namrec, da bi dejavnost svetovanja za izobraževanje odraslih tudi dejansko sledila skupni evropskipraksi. Menimo namrec, da je razvita svetovalna dejavnost za izobraževanje odraslih podlaga vseživljenjskega ucenja.¬¬Natancnejši opis: predstavitev sodelujocih in njihovih organizacij ter predstavitev Ljudske univerze Koper inSvetovalnega središca Koper in dejavnosti ISIA v Sloveniji nasploh. Promocijske dejavnosti in sodelovanje z mediji.ISIO Koper je eno izmed 14. svetovalnih središc v Sloveniji. - predstavitev bo vodila slovenska koordinatorka projekta.Organizirali bomo delavnico – Svetovalna dejavnost in izkušnje udeležencev obiska. Obisk dveh partnerjev v lokalnemokolju – Kakšna je vloga brezplacnega svetovanja za izobraževanje odraslih v podjetjih, kjer so kadrovske službeslabo razvite ali jih sploh ni. Obisk ostalih ponudnikov svetovalnih storitev za študente, mladostnike in brezposelne.We'd like to present the participants the gratuitous counselling practice in adult education in Slovenia through the casestudy of the Centre for counselling - ISIO Koper, that has been successfully collocate in the region and the Sloveneeducational system. The Counselling centre for adult education of Koper is successfully promoted and takes care forthe professional growth of the experts that are working there. We'll present which target groups are covered and howdo we cooperate with other counselling facilities in the local area. One of our objectives is also the active participationof all the visiting participants due to workshops and debates with the intention to exchange other good practices fromEurope. We'd like to see the counselling activity that is the base for lifelong learning to become a common Europeanpractice. (http://www.lu-koper.si)Specific: Presentation of Ljudska univerza Koper, the counselling activity of ISIO Koper, promotion activities. ISIOKoper as one of the 14th Slovenian counselling centres – with the participation of the national ISIO Coordinator.Workshop – experiences shared by the visitors. Two <strong>visits</strong> by the ISIO local partners – the role of the counsellingservice in companies where care for the education of the employees lack; <strong>visits</strong> of other counselling services forunemployed, youths and students.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 226 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07018,15Organiser Phone:+34 976715512Organiser Fax:+34 976716399Organiser Email:Isaez@aragon.esOrganiser name: Luciano Sáez RodríguezType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Departamento de Educación, Cultura y DeporteDirección General de F.P.Avda. Gómez Laguna n 25, 6 plaZaragozaPostal Code: 50009Title:18,15 - ES - Longlife Education in AragónBeginning date: 12.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 16.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:ZaragozaSpainLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Spanish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.1 : OPEN LEARNING ENVIRONMENTNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:El objetivo de la visita es conocer cómo está organizado y cómo se está desarrollando la Educación Permanente enAragón. La visita está centrada en el Plan de Educación Permanente ofertado por el Departamento de Educación delGobierno de Aragón. Todas las ofertas dirigidas a la población adulta están integradas en este Plan, tanto formalescomo no formales y todas ellas se financian con fondos públicos. La visita girará en torno a tres ejes: Centros deEducación de Personas Adultas (uno en la zona rural y otro en la urbana), Educación Secundaria (ESPA yBachillerato) por Internet y Educación Profesional. Los contenidos se desarrollarán alrededor de visitas a lasinstituciones donde se imparten esas enseñanzas.The visit aim is getting to know the organization and implementation ot Longlife Education and training in Aragón. Thevisit will focus on the project developed by the Education Department of Aragón: Plan de Educación Permanente. Alltype of studies and training for adults are incorporated into this Plan, including formal and non formal education, and allof them are supported by public funds. The study visit contents will pivot on three main aspects: Adult EducationCentres, in a rural area and in an urban environment; Secondary Education for adult people by e-learning, andVocational Training. Participants will have the opportunity to visit centres and institutions providing this type ofeducation and training.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 227 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07018,16Organiser Phone:+34 917<strong>2008</strong>08Organiser Fax:+34 917<strong>2008</strong>07Organiser name: Mª Victoria Reyzábal/Francisco J. García TarteraType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Dirección General de Promoción EducativaAlacalá Galiano, 4-4ªOrganiser Email:edu.programasinternacionales@madrid.orgMadridPostal Code: 28020Title:18,16 - ES - Adult Education in the Community of Madrid. The Lifelong LearningBeginning date: 19.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 23.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:MadridSpainLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Spanish Spanish ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.1 : OPEN LEARNING ENVIRONMENTNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:Desde que en 1999 la Comunidad de Madrid asumió las competencias de educación, se está realizando un procesode desarrollo normativo para la educación de personas adultas en consonancia con las orientaciones que la UniónEuropea viene realizando en torno a la Educación a lo largo de la vida (Lifelong Learning). El objetivo de la visita esmostrar la red de Educación de Personas Adultas y la estructura de apoyo que la Administración Autonómica deMadrid posee en el ámbito regional. Se organizarán visitas a centros urbanos y rurales de educación de personasadultas (CEPA), centros penitenciarios, centros que ofrecen educación a distancia y al centro regional de educaciónde personas adultas (CREPA). Se mantendrán encuentros con el profesorado y el alumnado, reuniones de trabajo conresponsables del centro regional y otros representantes de la Administración educativa.Since the assumption of educational competences by the Government of the Community of Madrid, a process ofdevelopment of general basic regulations for Adult Education is being achieved, according to the guidance given bythe European Union concerning the Lifelong Learning. The objective of this study visit is to show the provision for AdultEducation and the regional supportive structure of Madrid Community. Visits will take place in different settings: AdultEducation centres (urban and rural), Adult Education in prisons, open and distance learning centres and the RegionalCentre for Adult Education. Meetings at schools with education staff and learners are scheduled, as well as workingsessions in the regional centre with responsible staff and representatives of the Educational Administration.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 228 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07018,17Organiser Phone:+49 711 279 2844Organiser Fax:+49 711 279 14 2844Organiser name: Karl-Heinz DullmaierType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Ministerium für Kultus, Jugend und SportSchloßplatz 4Organiser Email:Karl-Heinz.Dullmaier@km.kv.bwl.deStuttgartPostal Code: D-70173Title:18,17 - DE - Lebenslanges Lernen - eine regionale Perspektive in EuropaBeginning date: 26.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 30.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:StuttgartGermanyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2German German EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportZIEL 2.1 : OFFENES LERNUMFELDNr of places: 12 Min required: 8Description:Dieser Studienbesuch will die Angebots- und Nachfragestruktur der Erwachsenenbildung am Beispiel der aktuellenTrends und Entwicklungen in Baden-Württemberg im Vergleich zur Situation der Erwachsenenbildung in den Ländernund Regionen der Teilnehmer/innen analysieren und diskutieren. Dabei soll der Frage nachgegangen werden, in wieweit die regionalen Unterschiede im Hinblick auf Angebot und Struktur der Erwachsenenbildung und die Schaffungeines offenen Lernumfelds für die Stärkung des Lebenslangen Lernens und die Umsetzung der Lissabon Agendagenutzt werden können. Erörtert werden sollen auch die unterschiedlichen Finanzierungsmechanismen und möglicheAnreize für Erwachsene sich weiterzubilden. Während des Studienbesuchs werden die Teilnehmer/innen dieMöglichkeit erhalten, Einrichtungen der allgemeinen wie der beruflichen Weiterbildung zu besuchen, um Maßnahmenund Aktivitäten im Raum Stuttgart kennen zu lernen. Stuttgart ist nicht nur die Landeshauptstadt von BadenWürttemberg, Die Stadt ist auch bekannt als Automobilstadt, Medienstadt, Kulturstadt, Sportstadt usw. Außerdem sindzahlreiche bedeutende Persönlichkeiten des deutschen Geisteslebens und der Entwicklung von Naturwissenschaftenund Technik in Deutschland eng mit Stuttgart verbunden. Schließlich macht auch die Lage Stuttgarts mitten in einerWeinbauregion einen besonderen Reiz aus. Nähere Informationen zur Stadt und ihre Umgebung findenInteressent/innen auf der Website http://www.stuttgart.de.This study visit wants to compare and contrast the demand and supply side of adult education in Baden Württembergwith the situation of adult education in the participants’ home countries and regions. Moreover, it wants to pursue thequestion to what extent the regional differences in terms of structure and opportunities offered by adult education andthe realisation of an open learning environment for adults can be used for strengthening lifelong learning andimplementing the Lisbon agenda. In this context the study visit also wants to discuss the mechanisms of financing adulteducation in the various countries and possible stimuli to increase the participation of adults in measures of furthereducation.In the course of the study visit participants will get the opportunity to visit institutions of general as well asvocational further education and experience current projects and activities in the Stuttgart area. Stuttgart is not only thecapital of Baden Württemberg, it is also well known as a centre of the motor industry, the media, culture, sports etc.Furthermore, there are numerous important personalities from German intellectual history as well as the history ofscience and technology in Germany closely associated with Stuttgart. Finally, it is part of the charm of Stuttgart that it issituated in the middle of a wine growing area. More detailed information on Stuttgart and its surroundings can be foundat http://www.stuttgart.de.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 229 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07018,18Organiser Phone:00 90 378 2274938Organiser Fax:00 90 378 2287653Organiser Email:Organiser name: CEVDET DURANType: Vocational/tech. secondary school (EDU 3.2)Organiser address: PUBLIC EDUCATION CENTER OF BARTIN PROVINCGolbucagi Mah. 4 Nolu CevreYolu Cad BARTINcevdetduran18@yahoo.comPostal Code: 74100Title:18,18 - TUR - The New LLP And European Perspectives for Adult EducationBeginning date: 26.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 30.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:BartinTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English GermanReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.1 : OPEN LEARNING ENVIRONMENTNr of places: 20 Min required: 5Description:The main emphasis of this study visit is ever-lasting learning in adult education and vocational training. This visit willinclude observation <strong>visits</strong> to public and non-public adult education centers. The hosting local authorities will exchangeexperiences on issues such as: How to create marketing areas for hand-crafts, How to improve the knowledge level onInformation and Communication Technologies of adults who had no opportunity to get them in pre-service period, Inwhich ways local authorities can vary the courses about vocational training, How to increase the rate of vocationaltraining courses for physically disadvantages adults. The study visit also aims to establish future partner cooperationopportunity of common educational projects related to adult education. www.bartinhalkegitim.gov.trwww.bartin74.netwww.amasra.nethttp://bartin.info/Hauptziel dieser Besuchsstudie ist dauerhaftes Lernen in Erwachsenenbildung und Berufsausbildung. Die Studieumfasst Besuche bei öffentlichen und privaten Bildungszentren für Erwachsene. Die Gastgeber der jeweiligenInstitutionen werden ihre Erfahrungen in Themen wie z.B. Entwickeln von Marktplätzen für Handwerkprodukte, Wegeund Lösungen zur Weiterbildung von Erwachsenen im Bereich Informatik, Maßnahmen zur Bereicherung desUnterrichts im Berufsausbildungsprogramm und Methoden zur Steigerung der Anzahl von Berufsausbildungskursen fürbehinderte Erwachsene übermitteln. Die Besuchsstudie soll zu gleich eine Gelegenheitsebene für zukünftigePartnerschaftsmöglichkeiten in Projekten zur Erwachsenenbildungformen.www.bartinhalkegitim.gov.trwww.bartin74.net www.amasra.nethttp://bartin.info/13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 230 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07018,19Organiser Phone:+359 2 9836543Organiser Fax:+359 2 9836482Organiser name: Maria TodorovaType: Non-profit association - international (ASS.2)Organiser address: IIZDVV Bulgaria“Kniaz Boris ²”, 147Organiser Email:todorova@iizdvv-bg.org,SofiaPostal Code: BG 1000Title:18,19 - BG - Adult Education ( Accreditation of prior learning/ Funding mechanisms and incentives for adults)Beginning date: 01.06.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 06.06.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:SofiaBulgariaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Bulgarian English GermanReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 2.1 : OPEN LEARNING ENVIRONMENTNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Short description of the visit:-Presentation of the education and the training of adults in Bulgaria – presentation-Visits of Ministries, Agencies, social partners-Discussion with representatives of the abovementioned institutions,regarding the questions of recognition of knowledge, skills and competences, acquired by non-formal and informalway-Presentations and meetings with teams of successful projects for education and training of adults in thecontext of Lifelong Learning-Demonstration of interactive methods for adult training-Visits of an adult school inKyustendil/ alternatively - PlovdivKurze Beschreibung des Besuchs:-Vortrag ueber Bildung und Ausbildung von Erwachsenen in Bulgarien –Praesentation-Besuch von Ministerien, Agenturen, Sozialpartnern-Diskussion mit den Repraesentanten derobengenannten Institutionen zu den Fragen zur Anerkennung des Wissens, der Faehigkeiten und Kompetenzen -nonformell und informell-Praesentationen und Treffen mit Teams von erfolgreichen Projekten (Bildung undAusbildung von Erwachsenen im Kontext des Lebenlangen Lernens)-Demonstration von interaktivenAusbildungsmethoden fuer Erwachsene-Besuch der Erwachsenschule in Kjustendil/alternative-Plovdiv www.iizdvvbg.org13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 231 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07019,01Organiser Phone:+31703814448Organiser Fax:+31703831958Organiser name: Frank Smit and Jan Lutje SchipholtType: Public authority national (PUB.3)Organiser address: Europees Platform voor het Nederlands OnderwijsBezuidenhoutseweg 253Organiser Email:fsmit@europeesplatform.nlDen HaagPostal Code: NL 2594Title:19,01 - NL - Violence and the protection of childrenBeginning date: 08.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 12.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Leeuwarden and surrounding area, The NetherlandsNetherlandsLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Dutch English EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 13 Min required: 6Description:Bezoek aan scholen die the peaceable school als Leitmotiv hanteren. Workshops door Walter Korinek, medeorganisatoruit Duitsland, over Yapma Lan (fysieke weerbaarheid). Discussie met leraren over geweld en conflicten opschool. Hoe te verkomen? Hoe te bestrijden? Het bijwonen van lessen inzake conflict oplossing. Verhandelingen overde democratische school. Uitwisseling van gedachten inzake mediatie door leeftijdsgenoten. Openbare les aangaandementale veerkracht bij kinderen (lichaamstaal)www.europeesplatform.nlVisit to schools, which the peaceable school as a guideline. Workshops by Walter Korinek, schooldirector fromGermany about Yapma Lan (physical resilience). Discussion with teachers about violence and conflics at school. Howto prevent them? How to deal with them? Attending lessons conflict-resolution. Short lectures on the democratic schoolsociety.Exchange of thoughts concerning mediation through peers. Public lesson about mental resilience fromchildren. Website www.europeesplatform.nl13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 232 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07019,02Organiser Phone:+90 505 839 46 35Organiser Fax:+90 382 213 68 14Organiser Email:mocakli@yahoo.comOrganiser name: Emin TEMELType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF AMEM Sofular MahallesiHassa Cad. No:1AksarayPostal Code: 68100Title:19,02 - TUR - Basic PreventionBeginning date: 05.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 09.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:AksarayTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 20 Min required: 5Description:This Arion <strong>Study</strong> Visit includes B A S I C - P R E V E N T I O N, i.e. preventing violence BEFORE it happens. Themain idea is to prevent the individuals from committing any of the ‘violent’ actions instead of punishing after theseactions are done. Participants will get insight into new innovative developments and trends in preventing violenceand be able to discuss the measures which are intended to ‘prevent’ violence. Content and activities will be:Possibilities for autonomous developments for schools to prevent crime, possibilities for setting special focus pointsespecially for the upper grades of secondary education, <strong>visits</strong> to educational authorities like educational boards,departments of the ministry, teacher training institutions and schools.Our website is: http://aksaray.meb.gov.tr/13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 233 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07019,03Organiser Phone:+49 7022 904981Organiser Fax:+49 7022 9329940Organiser name: Walter Korinek; Jan Oosterhuis, Leeuwarden, NLType: General and vocat./tech. secondary school (EDU 3)Organiser address: Auwiesenschule GHWRS NeckartenzlingenAuwiesen 1Organiser Email:walter.korinek@ntz.deNeckartenzlingenPostal Code: D-72654Title:19,03 - DE - Konflikte und Provokation in der Schule - Wie können wir sie eindämmen und wie können wirdamit umgehen?Beginning date: 12.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 16.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:NeckarztenzlingenGermanyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2German English GermanReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 14 Min required: 6Description:In vielen Schulen gibt es gibt es Konflikte. Lehrer haben Schwierigkeiten, ihre eigentliche Aufgabe der Bildung undErziehung auzuüben. Immer häufiger kommt es auch vor, dass Lehrkräfte von Schülern verbal und physischprovoziert werden und es dann an geeigneten Reaktionsmöglichkeiten fehlt. Das Seminar gibt Hilfen zur Diagnose unddem praktischen Umgang mit diesen Problemen vor dem Hintergrund der Erfahrungen in deutschen undniederländischen Schulen. Das Seminar sieht folgende Elemente vor: Austausch über eigene Erfahrungen; Aufgreifender Problematik mit Elementen des Programms „The peaceable school“ ; Interpretationen der Situation mit Hilfe vonModellen der Transaktionsanalyse; Deutung der kommunikativen Struktur des Konflikts; Selbstbehauptungstrainingin Konfliktsituationen; Erarbeiten von Lösungsmöglichkeiten.Angestrebt werden sollen damit folgendeZiele:Diagnoseinstrumente kennen lernen, Erarbeitung individueller Projekte der Teilnehmer unter Bezug aufbestehenden Konzeptionen emphatischer und konfrontativer Pädagogik („The peaceable school“ - “Yapma lan –erfolgreicher Umgang mit Provokationen“ – „Rock & water“).Die Teilnehmer werden voraussichtlich in einem Hotelam Stadtrand von Nürtingen wohnen, das Seminar findet in der Auwiesenschule in Neckartenzlingen statt. DieTeilnehmer können hier einen guten Einblick in das gegliederte Schulwesen in Baden-Württemberg bekommen(http://www.neckartenzlingen.de/servlet/PB/menu/1036414_l1/) .In many schools are a lot of conflicts. Teachers have difficulties to fulfil their main tasks: To transfer knowledge to thepupils.More and more it occurs, that teachers are provoked by pupils verbally and even physically. And thepossibilities to react in a proper way are rare.This seminar helps to create a better diagnose and gives a chance todeal better with these conflicts with respect to the background in Dutch and German schools.The seminar exists ofthe following elements: Exchange of experiences; To have a detailed look at the problems and try to get a solution bythe program “ the peaceable school”; Pointing at the communicative structure of conflicts; Interpretation of the situationwith help of the model “Transactional analysis”; selfsupporting training in conflictsituations; To work out possibilities tosolve the problems. Aims of the study visit are as follows:getting to know diagnostic tools, construction of individualprojects of the participants with reference to existing concepts of emphatical and confrontative pedagogics (“ThePeaceable School” – “Yapma Lan – succesfull handling with provocations” – “Rock & Water”).13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 234 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07019,04Organiser Phone:+39 0736 34.39.69;Organiser Fax:+39 0736 34.99.30Organiser Email:Organiser name: Alfredo Mazzocchi - Gianna PrapotnichType: General and vocat./tech. secondary school (EDU 3)Organiser address: ITAS "G.Mazzocchi"via Marche - Pennile di SottoAscoli Picenoalfredo.mazzocchi@istruzione.itPostal Code: I-63100Title:19,04 - IT - The prevention of violence among and against schoolchildren in an European dimension inEducation - How to make schools safer homesBeginning date: 26.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 30.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Ascoli PicenoItalyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Italian English FrenchReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:FINALITA’ / OBIETTIVI. Scambi di esperienze e buone pratiche sono gli strumenti centrali del follow up seguente laCall di rilancio degli Obiettivi strategici di Lisbona, che in Italia ha avuto grande successo con la campagna nazionale“Istruzione e Formazione 2010”, della quale l’ITSAS Mazzocchi è stata Istituzione della rete tematica “Educareall’Europa”, direttamente coinvolta in seno al Processo nazionale “Europa Istruzione” con l’USR Marche, l’INDIREFirenze e la DGAIIS del Ministero. Il tema proposto, di estrema attualità per l’incremento preoccupante fenomeni dibullismo e di violenza riscontrati nelle scuole europee, può portare a una profonda rilettura degli obiettivi di Lisbona(OBJECTIVE 2.3 :SUPPORTING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIAL COHESION), in unquadro di generale rafforzamento della dimensione sociale motivato fortemente dalla necessità di intensificare la lottacontro tutte le forme di esclusione, di emarginazione, di solitudine e di abuso. Il focus sarà sul confronto tra le diverserealtà multinazionali, nel rispetto delle peculiarità proprie dei diversi Sistemi educativi nazionali; dovrà apportare valoreaggiunto e contribuire con azioni positive all’analisi del concetto di “violenza” in ambito socio-scolasticoeducativo.CONTENUTI.La promozione dell’integrazione dei programmi e delle azioni positive per migliorare il clima ascuola, combattere l’assenteismo e l’abbandono scolastico, favorire le sinergie tra le scuole ed i servizi socio-psicopedagogici.ATTIVITA’.Verranno presentate esperienze significative sul territorio, pubblicazioni, accesso ai siti web,partecipazioni a lezioni in classe e/o a corsi di formazione docenti, esempi di buone pratiche progettuali. Verrannoorganizzati workshops ed incontri con le autorità scolastiche (Ufficio Scolastico Regionale – Ministero DGAIIS), con gliEnti Locali, Università, Strutture Sanitarie.Verranno effettuate visite sul territorio regionale.PRODOTTI FINALI ATTESI:Prototipi di programmi validati e di attività di aggiornamento; linee guida per l’integrazione dei programmi; un kit dimateriali per l’insegnamento e l’aggiornamento; gli elementi per un efficace sistema di valutazione; un sito internetpermanente, con blogs e forum. Web site: www.itsasap.it; www.europa-2010.eu13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 235 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>AIMS / OBJECTIVES. Exchanging experiences and best practices is central in the Call follow-up activities aimed atenhancing Lisbon’s strategies. The Call reached in Italy a wide success through the 2006 campaign “Education andTraining 2010”, in which ITSAS “G. Mazzocchi” was involved as a school in the “Education to Europe” network for theprocess “Europe for Education”, along with USR Marche, INDIRE in Florence and DGAIIS of MPI. The proposed themecould lead to a profound re-examination of Lisbon’s objectives (OBJECTIVE 2.3 :SUPPORTING ACTIVECITIZENSHIP, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SOCIAL COHESION), with an eye to reinforcing the social dimensionin education through a more intensive fight against all forms of exclusion, isolation, solitude and abuses. The focus willbe on the comparison between different multinational realities, with a special attention for the peculiarities of thedifferent European educational systems, which should lead to a positive analysis of the concept of “violence” from asocial and educational viewpoint. CONTENTS. The study visit central topic will be promoting the integration ofprogrammes on violence and the positive actions to improve school climate, fight absenteeism and early schoolleaving, favour synergies between schools and social-psycho-pedagogic services.ACTIVITIES. Presentation of bestpractices from the territory; exploitation of publications and websites; class lessons, seminars, workshops and trainingcourses; meetings with regional educational authorities (Head Office for Marche Schools and DGAIIS of MPI) and localauthorities, universities, research institutes; <strong>visits</strong> to cultural and welfare institutions, territorial resource centres, otherplaces of cultural and institutional interest. EXPECTED OUTCOMES. Sets of validated prototype programmes andtraining activities; guidelines for the integration of programmes; a kit of educational and training material; thecomponents of an effective evaluation system; an interactive permanent website, with blogs and forum. Web site:www.itsasap.it; www.europa-2010.eu13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 236 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07019,05Organiser Phone:+39 06 Fax:+39 06 80.70.791Organiser Email:Organiser name: Maria Brigida VinciguerraType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: IRRE Laziovia Guidubaldo del Monte, 54Romavinciguerra@irre.lazio.it; istituto@irre.lazio.itPostal Code: I-00197Title:19,05 - IT - Prevenire la violenza nei contesti scolastici - Prévenir la violence en milieu scolaireBeginning date: 03.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 07.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:RomaItalyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Italian French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 10 Min required: 5Description:Molti avvenimenti contemporanei, ci danno modo di constatare l’aumento dei comportamenti violenti nei diversicontesti della società. A scuola, la violenza prende forme differenti (aggressione verbale, minacce, abusi fisici, rifiuto,vandalismo..) che necessitano dell’azione significativa degli insegnanti in modo da sconfiggere la violenza fin dalle sueprime apparizioni. Contenuti: La prevenzione della violenza a scuola nei sistemi scolastici europei. Obiettivi: Procedereal confronto, a partire dalle esperienze e dalle conoscenze dei partecipanti alla visita, delle definizioni di violenzapresenti nei diversi istituti scolastici e dei metodi di intervento utilizzati. Analizzare i dati di un’indagine, realizzatadall’IRRE Lazio, relativa alle forme di violenza più diffuse nelle scuole della regione. Conoscere i progetti realizzatidalle scuole per il miglioramento del clima scolastico e la prevenzione della violenza. Attività: Accoglienza e visita dellacittà. Organizzazione di dibattiti, incontri con esperti, visita alle scuole. Soggetti coinvolti: IRRE Lazio, IstituzioniScolastiche, esperti dell’educazione.Possibilità di supporto per la lingua spagnolawww.irre.lazio.itPlesieurs événements nous donnent l’occasion de constater l’augmentation des comportements violents dans lesdifférents contextes de la société. En milieu scolaire, la violence prend des formes trés variées (agression verbale,menaces, abus physique, rejet, vandalisme..) qui nécessitent de l’action significative des enseignents de façon àdetecter la violence dans ses premiers débuts. Contenus : La prévention de la violence à l’école, dans les systèmesscolaires européens. Objectif : Procéder à la comparaison, à partir des expériences et des connaissances despartecipants à la visite, des définitions de violence en milieu scolaire et des méthodes d’intervention utilisées. Analyserles donnés d’un étude, réalisé par l’IRRE Lazio, concernant les formes de violences les plus rèpandues dans lesécoles de la region. Connaitre les projets réalisés des écoles pour l’amélioration du climat scolaire et la prévention dela violence. Activités : Accueil et visite de la ville. Organisation de débats, rencontres avec des experts, visites auxétablissements scolaires. Sujets Intéressés: IRRE Lazio, Insistutions scolaires, experts de l’education. Es disponibleuna traduci?n en espanol. Web site: www.irre.lazio.it13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 237 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07019,06Organiser Phone:00 33 1 42 60 10 44Organiser Fax:00 33 1 42 60 30 83Organiser name: RENOULT AnneType: Education authorityOrganiser address: CIO Près le tribunal pour enfants de Paris54, rue de l'Arbre SecOrganiser Email:ce.ciotrib@ac-paris.frPARISPostal Code: F-75001Title:19,06 - FR - Orientation, scolarisation, formation des jeunes en difficultéBeginning date: 31.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 04.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:PARIS (Région Ile de France)FranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 12 Min required: 8Description:Public visé : conseillers d'orientation psychologues, travailleurs sociaux, chefs d'établissement.Les CIO spécialisésprès les tribunaux pour enfants sont des structures de l'Education Nationale qui travaillent en lien avec la justice desmineurs, l'aide sociale à l'enfance pour le suivi des jeunes les plus en difficulté, en danger ou délinquants. Notretravail s'appuie sur un partenariat largement diversifié qui permet une prise en charge globale de ces jeunes.Il s'agirade présenter et d'échanger sur nos pratiques professionnells, de présenter les politiques éducatives mises en placepour ces jeunes.Nous proposons d'exposer notre travail autour de 3 axes :- rôle des CIO spécialisés, leur placedans les politiques éducatives,- présentation des partenaires : aide sociale à l'enfance, justice. ...- présentation desstructures d'aide mises en place pour ces publics.Target audience : psychological careers advisers, social workers, secondary school head masters.Generalexplanatory leaflet of the visit :- the specialized CIOs next to the courts of the childhood are National Educationstructures which work in link with juvenile court, social assistance with childhood for the assistance to the teenagers ingreat difficulty, in danger or to young offenders.- our work rests on a widely diversified partnership, which allows aglobal care of the young people.- it will be a question of presenting and exchanging in connection with ourprofessionnal practices and of presenting the educational policies installation for these young people.- we propose toexpose ourwork around 3 axes : * role of the specialized CIOs and their place in the educational policies, *presentation of the partners social assistance with childhood, justice, * presentation of the assistance structuresinstallations for these publics.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 238 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07019,07Organiser Phone:00903123493531Organiser Fax:00903123535073Organiser Email:Organiser name: Desen YALIMType: Primary school (EDU.2)Organiser address: Kasgarli Mahmut Ilkogretim OkuluBaspinar Mah. 93.sok. SitelerANKARAydesen@yahoo.comPostal Code: 06360Title:19,07 - TUR - Protect the children from violenceBeginning date: 05.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 10.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:ANKARATurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 10 Min required: 5Description:The study visit will begin with introducing Turkish Education System and then making some trips to some national andprivate schools. The objective of those <strong>visits</strong> will be to get some idea of different schools about ways of protectingchildren from violence. Then the guests will share their own education system and approaches of protecting childrenfrom violence. At the end of the visit there will be also some trip to historical places of Ankara for our guests.Www.kasgarlimahmutioo.com13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 239 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07019,08Organiser Phone:Organiser name:Colin MoorhouseType: Other type of organisation (OTH)Organiser Fax:+44 (0)20 8345 2190Organiser Email:Organiser address: Metropolitan Police, HaringeyMuswell Hill Police Station115 Fortis Greencolin.moorhouse@met.police.ukPostal Code: N2 9HWTitle:19,08 - GB - European Safer School Partnerships - Protection through Partnership workingBeginning date: 12.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 16.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:United KingdomLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 25 Min required: 15Description:Schools are under increasing pressure to deal with, risk manage and respond to an ever increasing and more complexrange of social issues which are a product of the new Europe that is emerging from rapidly changing populationthrough migration and economic growth in some areas and hardship in others. They are increasingly becoming one ofthe flash points where frustrations and emotions develop into behaviours which are threatening, violent and destabalizingto communities. This study visit will bring together those key people at local and regional governmentlevel with a special responsibility for the development and delivery of Education Services and Community Safety. Theywill to examine, share, compare and contrast approaches which can support the objectives of the Comenius 3 NetworkProject 230211-CP-1-2006-1-UK. – creating safer more peaceful schools through Partnerships with Education forDemocratic Citizenship, at its heart. The project will develop good practice in this emerging area.Currently the partnercountries are; Sweden, Finland, UK, Ireland, France, Poland, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria and Romania. met.police.uk13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 240 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,01Organiser Phone:+48 85 662 63 00Organiser Fax:+48 85 662 63 00Organiser name: Danuta WierzbickaType: Private company - services (SER)Organiser address: Osrodek Szkoleniowy "Ekspert"ul. Zwyciestwa 10AOrganiser Email:ekspert_edu@wp.plBialystokPostal Code: PL15703Title:20,01 - POL - Correction of efficiency of adult educationBeginning date: 09.09.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 14.09.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:BialystokPolandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Polish English PolishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.5 : MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES: Self-evaluation to improve the qualityof education provided Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator).Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Cele: wzmocnienie europejskiej wspólpracy miedzy mniejszymi instytucjami/organizacjami dzialajacymi na rzeczksztalcenia doroslych; poprawa jakosci edukacji doroslych poprzez szeroka wymiane doswiadczeñ, praktyk i metodksztalcenia doroslych; promowanie wiedzy na temat róznorodnosci kulturowej, spolecznej oraz gospodarczej Europywraz z popularyzacja dobrych, sprawdzonych rozwiazañ w zakresie edukacji doroslych i polityki zatrudnienia.Uczestnicy seminarium beda pracowali nad porównywaniem podstaw programowych, programów, podreczników wszkolach dla doroslych oraz uczestniczyli w zajeciach.Aims:- strenghtening the European cooperation between minor institutions or organisations working upon adulteducation;- the improvement of the quality of adult education through best practice in this area;- the promotion ofknowledge in relation to cultural, social or economic diversities between European countries;- sharing efficientsolutions to adult education facilities and then politics of employment;- the participants are asked to work uponcomparing various curriculms at schools for adults and the whole accompanying environment through theirparticipations in lectures, lessons etc. ekspert_edu@wp.pl13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 241 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,02Organiser Phone:+4755337900Organiser Fax:+4755337901Organiser name: Maria Sanchez OlsenType: General and vocat./tech. secondary school (EDU 3)Organiser address: Bjørgvin videregående skoleStrandgt. 195 Pb 1979Organiser Email:capirota39@hotmail.comBergenPostal Code: 5817Title:20,02 - NO - Methodological variety and learning styles: a practical approachBeginning date: 10.09.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 15.09.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:BergenNorwayLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Norwegian English SpanishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.5 : MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES: Self-evaluation to improve the qualityof education provided Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator).Nr of places: 15 Min required: 6Description:After the school reform (L-06) in Norway the requirements for what must be learned, how it is going to be learned andthe pupil documentation of learning are stricter. The focus is mainly on basic skills and the pupil's codetermination inthe process of learning. The main goal is to adapt the learning process to every pupil's abilities and qualifications andtherefore we must examine pupil's learning styles in order to implement at most their own skills. The new role of thecontact teachers requires that he or she is more an adviser. The course will give an introduction to how we canorganize for pupils' process of learning at several levels in order to prevent school failure. We will present differentexamples of entrepreneurship in education, participation of local representatives in school life and making learningmore attractive.Después de la reforma escolar (L-06) de la educación en Noruega las exigencias sobre lo que se aprende, de cómose aprende y la documentación de dicho aprendizaje están cada vez mas presentes. La atención se ha dirigido muchomás hacia las destrezas básicas del alumno y la codeterminación del alumno en el proceso del aprendizaje. Se exigeque la ensênanza se adapte a las cualificaciones y abilidades de cada alumno. Por lo tanto el nuevo rol del profesores el de mentor/consejero. Este curso pretende dar una introducción de cómo se puede organizar y adaptar elaprendizaje de los alumnos de diferentes niveles para prevenir el absentismo escolar. Presentaremos diferentesejemplos de promover el espíritu empresiarial en la escuela, la participatión de los representates de la comunidadlocal en la vida escolar y como hacer el aprendizaje más atractivo para los alumnos.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 242 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,03Organiser Phone:+44 (0)1522 881144Organiser Fax:+44 (0)1522 881145Organiser Email:Organiser name: Chris WilliamsType: Vocational/tech. secondary school (EDU 3.2)Organiser address: Lincoln Christ's Hospital SchoolWragby RoadLincolncrwilliams@christs-hospital.lincs.sch.ukPostal Code: LN2 4PNTitle:20,03 - GB - Quality of Education: raising standards through self-evaluationBeginning date: 08.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 12.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:LincolnUnited KingdomLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English SpanishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.5 : MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES: Self-evaluation to improve the qualityof education provided Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator).Nr of places: 15 Min required: 6Description:In recent years schools and colleges across the United Kingdom have made increasing use of self-evaluation as wellas external inspection to identify strengths and weaknesses. This has allowed school leaders, teachers, students andparents to become increasingly pro-active in developing strategies and action plans for addressing particular difficultiesand raising standards in general. During this seminar, participants will visit primary, secondary and tertiaryeducational establishments in Lincolnshire and hear from practitioners who are using self-evaluation. The main focuswill be on how self-evaluation is used to improve teaching and learning in the classroom. Participants will leaveequipped with exemplar materials which can be adopted for their own needs www.christs-hospital.lincs.sch.ukEn los últimos años, los colegios e institutos del Reino Unido han comenzado a hacer un uso mayor de lasautoevalucaciones, así como de las inspecciones externas con el objeto de identificar sus puntos débiles y fuertes.Esto ha permitido que los directivos de los colegios, los profesores, alumnos y padres participen más activamente enel desarrollo de estrategias y planes de acción para tratar determinadas dificultades y, en general, mejorar susestándares.Durante este seminario, los participantes visitarán centros de educación primaria, secundaria y deeducación superior en Lincolnshire. Asimismo, escucharán a profesionales que utililizan actualmente lasautoevaluaciones. El seminario se centrará principalmente en cómo estas sirven para mejorar la enseñanza y elaprendizaje que tienen lugar en el aula.Los participantes recibirán meterial ejemplar que podrán adoptar para suspropias necesidades. www.christs-hospital.lincs.sch.uk13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 243 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,04Organiser Phone:+46 706 750 840Organiser Fax:+46 322 616 340Organiser name: Mats JonssonType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Alingsås kommunKristineholmsvägen 12Organiser Email:mats.jonsson@alingsas.seAlingsåsPostal Code: 44181Title:20,04 - SE - Colleague evaluation as a tool for improving the quality of teachingBeginning date: 15.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 19.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:Alingsås, Lerum, PartilleSwedenLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Swedish English GermanReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.5 : MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES: Self-evaluation to improve the qualityof education provided Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator).Nr of places: 12 Min required: 6Description:ALP är ett samarbete mellan tre grannkommuner i Västsverige: Alingsås, Lerum och Partille. Samarbetet syftar till attöka kvaliteten inom skola och barnomsorg. Lärare och ledare lär med och av varandra när de använder varandrasolika perspektiv och låter sina vardagserfarenheter utmanas. De gör ”lärande besök”, vilket innebär att pedagoger ochledare från en kommun besöker en enhet i grannkommunen, gör besök hos pedagogerna i deras verksamhet medefterföljande samtal där man tillsammans analyserar och försöker se mönster. Samarbetet som startade i projektformhar blivit mycket framgångsrikt där vi ser konkreta kvalitetsförbättringar i undervisningen. ALP är nu en permanentverksamhet som har rönt stort intresse bland andra kommuner i Sverige.Under veckan kommer deltagarna istudiebesöket att delta som observatörer under ”lärande besök” i förskolor, grundskolor och gymnasier. Vi kommer attsamtala med lärare och skolledare om kvalitetsutveckling och utvärderingsarbete inom ramen för det svenskaskolsystemet. Vi ser fram emot intressanta diskussioner med de europeiska deltagarna om hur man kan förbättrakvaliteten i undervisningen. Vi vänder oss till alla som är intresserade av kvalitetsutveckling och metoder förutvärdering.ALP is a cooperation network between three neighbouring municipalities in the Western Sweden: Alingsås, Lerum andPartille. The cooperation aims to improve the quality of teaching in schools and child-care. Teachers and decisionsmakers learn from eachother when they put different perspectives and different experiences to use. They perform“learning <strong>visits</strong>” which can be explained as <strong>visits</strong> where teachers and decision makers go to schools in the othermunicipalities and observe the activities in the classroom. Afterwords they have a discussion where they analyse andsearch for patterns together with the teacher. The cooperation that started as a project has been very succesful andhas shown significant results in the quality of the education. ALP is now an integrated part of the activity in the threemunicipalities and it has received great attention among other municipalities of Sweden. During the study visit theguests will participate as observers during “learning <strong>visits</strong>” in primary, seconday and upper secondary school. We willdiscuss with teachers and headmasters about evaluation and quality improvement in the frame of the swedisheducational system. We look forward to interesting discussions with the European participants on different methods onhow to improve the quality of education. The target group for this study visit is anyone interested in quality developmentand methods for evaluation. www.alp-projektet.nu; www.alingsas.se13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 244 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,05Organiser Phone:00 33 5 46 74 28 30Organiser Fax:00 33 5 46 93 52 87Organiser name: TOUZEAU ChristianType: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)Organiser address: Collège Edgar QUINET2, Cours de l'EuropeOrganiser Email:christian.touzeau@ac-poitiers.frSAINTESPostal Code: F-17100Title:20,05 - FR - La prise en compte de la qualité dans la conduite pédagogique des établissementsd'enseignement : comparaisons internationalesBeginning date: 22.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 26.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:ROYAN et SAINTES (Région de Poitou-Charentes)FranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French English FrenchReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 1.5 : Optimiser l'utilisation des ressources: auto-évaluation dans le but d'améliorer laqualité de l'enseignement prodigué; dépenses publiques et privées consacrées à l'éducation(indicateur structurel)Nr of places: 10 Min required: 6Description:La démarche Qualité dans le fonctionnement d'un établissement est souvent implicite. Le projet est de l'expliciter enétudiant et en comparant ensemble les possibilités d'amélioration continue de la gestion de nos établissementsd'enseignement. La démarche proposée est de partir de problématiques qualité observées dans différents typesd'établissement (écoles, collège, lycée général et professionnel, établissement d'enseignement adapté) sous l'angledes infrastructures, de la sécurité, de l'environnement et du management. Quelle qualité du cadre de vie et de travailpour les élèves ? Comment mettre en œuvre les exigences de la sécurité ? Comment faire partager par les personnelset les élèves la démarche qualité dans une optique de développement durable ? Comment optimiser la gestion desressources mises à la disposition des établissements ? Comment peut-on orienter au mieux les élèves vers desformations et vers le monde du travail ?Target audience : principal/head, trainers, educative responsibles.The manner in which Quality is created in anestablishment is often implicit. Our aim is to establish this process through study and by comparing different examplesso as to improve the management of our various educational establishments. We will begin by considering the differentproblems of quality found in the different types of establishments (primary and secondary schools, institutions forgeneral and vocational education, special education), for example : premises, security, environment andmanagement.a/ What is the quality of the environment and how are the working conditions with regards to the pupils?b/ How can the security requirements best be implemented ?c/ How can staff and pupils be involved in creatingquality as a long term aim ?d/ How can we best manage the resources available to the establishments ?e/ How canwe best direct the pupils towards formation and towards work ?We need to identify the points of convergencebetween the different (represented) educational systems and to clarify those elements that prevent the creation of amanagement system based on quality alone.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 245 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,06Organiser Phone:+90 312 413 16 54Organiser Fax:+90 312 417 14 37Organiser Email:Organiser name: Metin CAKIRType: Public authority national (PUB.3)Organiser address: The Ministery Of National EducationIl Milli Egitim MudurluguANTALYAmetincakir10@hotmail.comPostal Code: 07100Title:20,06 - TUR - Improving quality in education thruogh self-evaulationBeginning date: 22.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 26.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:AntalyaTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English FrenchReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.5 : MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES: Self-evaluation to improve the qualityof education provided Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator).Nr of places: 16 Min required: 6Description:The purpose of this study visit is to provide the interaction of the study groups in order to develop improving quality ineducation through self evaluation. The participants will share their experiences which has been used through theireducation and inspection systems in their countries. Also they will participate actively in a school study which ischosen as a model school.To introduce education systems of our country and to give a chance of making comparisonbetween countries, school <strong>visits</strong> will be realised.At the same time organisations like visiting museums, will be made todescribe our country on the side of culture and history.We are also planning to reflect our traditions by organising someactivities.Our web address is http://tkb.meb.gov.tr .L'objectif de cette visite d'étude est d'assurer l'interaction parmi les participants dans le but de développer la qualité del'éducation par la voie de notre propre évaluation. Les participants partageront leurs connaissances et leursexpériences acquises lors de leurs études faites pour développer l'éducation et l'application des systemes d'éducationdans leur pays.En outre, ils participeront activement a l'application de l'évalution faite de notre part comme conseild'inspection dans une école choisie modele.Il est envisagé de réaliser des visites d'école dans le but de présenter noslieux d'enseignement et de pouvoir comparer ceux des participants dans leur pays .En meme temps pour pouvoir faireconnaitre notre culture et notre histoire il est prévu de réaliser des visites de musées et des activités reflétant nostraditions et nos moeurs.Notre adresse web est:http://tkb.meb.gov.tr13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 246 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,07Organiser Phone:+420 224 872 286Organiser name:Michaela TuzilovaType: Education authorityOrganiser Fax:Organiser address: L´Institut Nationale des Enfants et de la Jeunesse+420 224 872 280Samova 3Organiser Email:Prague 10michaelat@youth.cz Prague 10Postal Code: 10100Title:20,07 - CZE- L´enfant surdoué au systéme de l´education nonformelle de la République TchequeBeginning date: 22.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 26.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:PragueCzech RepublicLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Czech French ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.5 : MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES: Self-evaluation to improve the qualityof education provided Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator).Nr of places: 12 Min required: 6Description:Národní institut dìtí a mládeže se zabývá veškerými aspekty neformálního a zájmového vzdìlávání v Èeské republice.Uvedená studijní návštìva chce seznámit úèastníky s možnostmni nadaných dìtí, jak rozvíjet svùj talent vorganizovaných mimovyuèovacích aktivitách: - pøíležitost školy, jak ovlivòovat své žáky bìhem jejich volného èasu; -nabídky volnoèasových aktivit, které mohou atraktivním zpùsobem rozvíjet znalosti a praktické dovednosti mládeže; -systém základních umìleckých škol ÈR, jejich financování, podmínky pøijetí žákù, prùbìžné hodnocení, možnostinásledného studia; - systém vyhledávání sportovních talentù, sportovní školy, obèanská sdružení, kluby; - projektTalent - komplexní zpùsob péèe o talentované, spojující oblast volnoèasových aktivit s vyuèovacím procesem (fyzika,chemie, biologie, geografie); - prázdninové pobyty pro talentované; - kluby deskových her organisace Mensa; - systémpøedmìtových soutìží pro talentovanou mládež; - aktivity nabízené volnoèasovými zaøízeními pro výraznì nadané dìtia mládež; Úèastníci budou mít pøíležitost navštívit a poznat nìkteré základní umìlecké školy, sportovní školy,obèanské sdružení Mensa, tvùrce projektu Talent, nìkterá zaøízení volného èasu a samozøejmì i Národní institut dìtí amládeže.L ´Institut nationale des Enfants et de la Jeunesse s´occupe de tous les aspects de la formation non formele et d ´interest de la République Tcheque. Le séjour d ´études a pour le but de faire connaitre tous les participants lespossibilités des enfants surdoués de dévélopper leur talent par intermédiaire des activités extrascolaires. - lespossibilités de l ´école d ´influir les eléves meme dans les loisirs; - l ´offre des activités des loisirs qui peuventdévelopper les connaissances et les pratiques des jeunes par des formes atractives; - le systéme des écoles d ´artspendant les loisirs de la Rép. Tcheque, leurs financement, les conditions d ´admission, l ´évaluation continue, lespossibilités des études suivantes; - le dépistage des enfants doués pour les sports, les écoles, les associations et lesclubs des sports; - le projet Talent - le moyen complexe d ´assistance aux talenteux rattachant les activités des loisirsau proces scolaire (physique, chemie, biologie, géographie); - les séjours de vacances pour les surdoués; - les clubsdes jeux de table de l ´association Mensa; - le systéme des compétitions en matieres d ´école pour les jeunessurdoués. Les participants vont avoir la possibilité de visiter et connaitre les écoles d ´arts et de sports, l ´associationMensa, les responsables du projet Talent, les centres des loisirs et l ´Instutut des Enfants et de la Jeunesse biensure.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 247 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,08Organiser Phone:+39 011 81.53.611Organiser Fax:+39 011 81.53.700Organiser Email:Organiser name: Tommaso Deluca, Maddalena ZanType: Vocational/tech. secondary school (EDU 3.2)Organiser address: ITIS A. AvogadroC.so S.Maurizio, 8Torinopoggiezan@alice.itPostal Code: I-10124Title:20,08 - IT - La qualità dell'insegnamento come fulcro della qualità della scuola - Quality teaching as fulcrumof school qualityBeginning date: 12.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 16.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:TorinoItalyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Italian English SpanishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.5 : MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES: Self-evaluation to improve the qualityof education provided Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator).Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:Si cercherà di dare risposta, attraverso la comparazione dei sistemi scolastici e l’apporto dei partecipanti (dirigenti,ispettori, esperti dell’educazione), alle seguenti domande: - Che cosa si intende per qualità di insegnamento?, - Comesi valuta l’insegnamento?, - La valutazione aiuta a migliorare la qualità? . Si focalizzeranno anche i seguenti punti: -formazione continua e reclutamento dei docenti, - l’ambiente della classe e la relazione dell’efficacia rispettoall’ambiente esterno, - la consuetudine di buone pratiche per il potenziamento dei talenti e il conseguimento delsuccesso formativo per tutti, - integrazione per gli alunni con necessità speciali, - progetti di accoglienza e di lingua distudio per alunni stranieri.ulteriori contatti: deluca.tommaso@scuole.piemonte.it;segreteria.iti.avogadro.torino@scuole.piemonte.itWe try to answer some questions: - What we mean by quality teaching?, - Who makes the quality of a school?, - Howwe evaluate teaching?, - Evaluation helps to improve quality? . We also focus on the following points: - teacherstraining and teachers recruitment, - class environment and its effects on society, - good practices to strength talents, -integration of students with special needs, - projects for foreign students. Further contacts:deluca.tommaso@scuole.piemonte.it ; segreteria.iti.avogadro.torino@scuole.piemonte.it13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 248 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,09Organiser Phone:00 33 5 55 79 95 67Organiser Fax:00 33 5 55 32 46 86Organiser name: ESCOLA PatrickType: Non-profit association - region/national (ASS.1)Organiser address: AROEVEN88 rue du Pont Saint MartialOrganiser Email:aroeven-limoges@wanadoo.frLIMOGESPostal Code: F-87000Title:20,09 - FR - Mixité et diversité des jeunes accueillis : un atout éducatifBeginning date: 26.11.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 30.11.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:LIMOGES (Région du Limousin)FranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 1.5 : Optimiser l'utilisation des ressources: auto-évaluation dans le but d'améliorer laqualité de l'enseignement prodigué; dépenses publiques et privées consacrées à l'éducation(indicateur structurel)Nr of places: 16 Min required: 6Description:Public visé : Toutes personnes qui s’intéressent et interviennent dans des actions d’éducation formelle ou non formelle(chefs d'établissements et adjoints, inspecteurs, cadres de divers systèmes scolaires européens). La mixité et lesmixités posent la problématique de l’unité et de la diversité, dont la lectureest plurielle et les implications diverses :mixités sociales et de territoires, mixités culturelles, mixité de condition (sexes, âges, santé).Pour être efficaces etpertinentes, les réponses apportées (individuellement et collectivement) doivent reposer sur la cohérence des discourset la cohésion de l’action. Organisation : A partir de visites et de témoignages (del'école au lycée) les participantspourront analyser et échanger sur les divers aspects et modalités particulières mises en place dans le systèmeéducatif français et de les comparer avec les participants à la visite : o Enseignements, Comité d'Education Santé etCitoyenneté, école ouverte,o Dispositifs : Contrat Educatif Local, Contrat Temps Libre, partenariatso Voletassociatif au sein des établissements scolaires et péri - scolaire,En amont de la visite, un document de préparationsera adressé au groupe afin de dégager les premiers éléments de la problématique exposé dans ceprojetL'hébergement se fera en hôtel, et un transport collectif sera prévu,Une traduction pourra être assuréeessentiellement en anglais par des spécialistes, mais fera l'objet d'une attention particulière selon la composition dugroupe. Ainsi, les assistants de langues vivantes seront sollicités pour développer les possibilités de traduction.aroeven.imaginance.comGeneral issue :A wider mix in various areas of society (social, cultural conditions, gender, age..) is a matter whichraises the issue of unity and diversity.To be efficient and relevant, the answer given to this question, both on theindividual and the collective level, must lie on coherence of speach and cohesion of action.OBJECTVES:discoveringand discussing new educational and pedagogical reasoning whose aim is to promote citizenship.-Discussing the conditions that are necessary to make the diversity of schoolchildren in schools and out of school aneducational asset.-<strong>Study</strong>ing the various interactions between education in schools (formal education) and out ofschool (informal education).- Assessing the impact of these interactions as regards the results of the mostdisadvantaged pupils.ORGANISATION :- Visits and different types of observations will provide materiel foranalysis and discussion about the french educational system: the various sorts of teaching, open school andassociations inside and outside of schools. These <strong>visits</strong> will mainly take place in Limoges .- institutions dealing witheducation: The Rectorat, the County Counsel, the Townhall.- schools: primary and secondary schools, with specificthemes to study, one example from the University.Before the visit, a document meant to prepare it will be given to thegroup so as to spot the main elements of the issue.Translation into English can be provided according to the needs13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 249 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>of the group. The language assistants will bring their help for this purpose. aroeven.imaginance.comVisit No:07020,10Organiser Phone:+358 2051 78614Organiser Fax:+ 358 2051 78602Organiser name: Ms Arja-Sisko HolappaType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: The Provincial State Office of OuluLinnankatu 3, P.O.BOX 293Organiser Email:arja-sisko.holappa@olh.intermin.fiOuluPostal Code: FI-90101Title:20,10 - FIN - Equality and Innovation in Finnish Education SystemBeginning date: 25.02.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 29.02.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:City of OuluFinlandLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Finnish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.5 : MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES: Self-evaluation to improve the qualityof education provided Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator).Nr of places: 18 Min required: 10Description:Tavoitteena on, että osallistujat saavat yleiskuvan suomalaisesta koulutusjärjestelmästä, pääsevät tutustumaan erikouluasteiden toimintaan ja ajankohtaiseen koulun kehittämiseen sekä tapaavat suomalaisia opettajia ja rehtoreitasekä kouluhallinnon edustajia ja opettajan kouluttajia. (terva.edu.ouka.fi/portaali and www.norssi.oulu.fi)Vierailunaikana osallistujilla on mahdollisuus tutustua innovatiiviseen koulun kehittämistyöhön oululaisissa peruskouluissa jatoisen asteen oppilaitoksissa (lukio ja ammatillinen koulutus). Kehittämisen tavoitteena on yhtenäinen oppimisen polkuja tasa-arvoiset koulutusmahdollisuudet. Vierailun aikana tutustutaan mm. mobiilioppimiseen, kulttuuriopetukseen jaerityisopetukseen. Keskeisenä tutustumiskohteena on myös suomalainen opettajankoulutus (www.oulu.fi/ktk/kasope).The programme will provide an overview of the comprehensive and upper secondary level (general education andvocational education) education system and teacher education in Finland. The participants will visit schools and meetteachers and heads of schools in different levels of education, as well as education authorities and teachers in teachereducation (terva.edu.ouka.fi/portaali and www.norssi.oulu.fi) . During the visit the participants will be able to get anoverview of up to date school improvement projects in the City of Oulu. This development is focusing on the continuityof school path and equal opportunities in education. The participants will be able to get to know local innovations in thefields of mobile learning, cultural learning and special education. The participants will also get an overview of theFinnish teacher education system (www.oulu.fi/ktk/kasope).13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 250 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,11Organiser Phone:+31703814448Organiser Fax:+31703831958Organiser name: Frank Smit and Jan Lutje SchipholtType: Public authority national (PUB.3)Organiser address: Europees Platform voor het Nederlandse onderwijsBezuidenhoutseweg 253Organiser Email:fsmit@europeesplatform.nlDen HaagPostal Code: NL 2594Title:20,11 - NL - Quality in EducationBeginning date: 10.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 14.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Den Haag (The Hague) and surrounding area.NetherlandsLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Dutch English EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.5 : MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES: Self-evaluation to improve the qualityof education provided Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator).Nr of places: 13 Min required: 6Description:Bezoek aan beleidsmakers op gemeentelijk niveau en de onderwijs inspectie; lezingen over kwaliteitsbepaling enbewaking van het onderwijs op PO en VO niveau; taak inspectie en hantering kwaliteitskaart. Gelegenheid tot hetstellen van vragen en discussie. Bezoek aan scholen op Primair, Voortgezet, VMBO en MBO-niveau; discussie metleraren en staf; discussie met leerlingen. Bezoek aan klassen en zo mogelijk bijwonen vanlessen.www.europeesplatform.nlVisit to municipal authorities and the Inspectorate; lectures on national and municipal policy concerning safe-guardingand determining quality of education; function and objectives of the (privatised) inspectorate; use of so called 'Quality'card. Visit to schools and institutes Primary, Secondary, Pre-vocational and Vocational education; discussion withteachers and Staff; discussion with students. Visit of classes and - if possible- observation of lessons.Website:www.europeesplatform.nl13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 251 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,12Organiser Phone:00 33 4 72 80 66 10Organiser name:FLEURY JeanType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser Fax:Organiser address: Rectorat - PASI00 33 4 72 80 63 3792 rue de MarseilleOrganiser Email:BP 7227pasi.lyon@ac-lyon.fr LYON cedex 7Postal Code: F-69354Title:20,12 - FR - INNOVATION - Pilotage des innovations dans l'académie de Lyon-Echange de pratiquesBeginning date: 10.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 14.03.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:LYON (Région Rhône-Alpes)FranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 1.5 : Optimiser l'utilisation des ressources: auto-évaluation dans le but d'améliorer laqualité de l'enseignement prodigué; dépenses publiques et privées consacrées à l'éducation(indicateur structurel)Nr of places: 12 Min required: 8Description:Public visé : - Fonctionnaires des administrations locales, régionales- Membres des corps d’inspection- Chefsd’établissementLes personnes souhaitant participer au séminaire doivent avoir une expérience de suivi d’innovationspédagogiques au sein des établissements scolaires ou au niveau d'un dispositif régional ou national.- L'objectif de lavisite est d'échanger sur les systèmes en comparant les pratiques mises en oeuvre dans le cadre du suivi, del’accompagnement, du pilotage des innovations pédagogiques au niveau de la communauté européenne ; decontribuer à améliorer les pratiques au niveau des établissements scolaires et à un niveau plus élargi. Elle pourraitpermettre de constituer un réseau de réflexion à l’échelle européenne sur cette question en apportant des éléments deréponse sur le pilotage du changement dans les établissements scolaires, et de nourrir la réflexion du groupe derecherche déjà existant. Cette visite s'inscrit dans le projet académique d'ouverture internationale, elle favorise ladiffusion des pratiques par une mutualisation à l'échelle européenne. De plus, ce séminaire s’inscrit dans unedémarche plus globale de création de réseaux de partenaires qui, par la suite, peuvent travailler ensemble dans lecadre d’un projet d'actions communautaires.Le séminaire s'articulera autour de visites d'établissements innovants etde temps de d'échanges et d'élaboration avec des chefs d'établissement, des inspecteurs et les membres du groupede recherche mis en place dans l'académie de Lyon.des temps d'échange et d'évaluation seront organisés à la finde chaque journée, à la suite des vistes. Conférences et visites culturelles dans la région de Lyon seront incluesdans le séjour. www2.ac-lyon.fr/services/pasiObjectives of the study visit :The scope of the visitors is to exchange information on their respective systems ofeducation while comparing their own practices in the following-through, the escorting, the piloting of innovation amongteaching methods in the E.C.The members of the visit would then take part in building up a network on the Europeanscale in the field of innovation, allowing thus a more adapted approach of change and improvement within theschools.The vision of the practice of innovation will be enforced with <strong>visits</strong> of schools that are experiencing such amethod, these <strong>visits</strong> will involving the group as a whole or in pairs. Meetings with Principals, Inspectors, and membersof the research team of the Académie de Lyon will also take place.Assessment times will be organized at the end ofeach day following the group <strong>visits</strong>. Lectures and cultural excursions in the Lyon area will be included in the stay.www2.ac-lyon.fr/services/pasi13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 252 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,13Organiser Phone:+90 505 434 6708Organiser Fax:+90 322 458 8395Organiser Email:Organiser name: Murat AKGUL – Remzi KUSCUOGLUType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Directorate of National Education of ADANAAdana il Milli EgitimMudurlugu - Adanaakgulmurat1@hotmail.comPostal Code: 01330Title:20,13 - TUR - Examining the roles of the career education process in Turkey and teachers' educationprocess for Turks who, are living in Europe, to increase the quality of career education that is arranged.Beginning date: 14.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 18.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:AdanaTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.5 : MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES: Self-evaluation to improve the qualityof education provided Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator).Nr of places: 20 Min required: 8Description:The teacher's role during education process in Turkey, shows big difference according to the teachers who are inUnion Countries. Especially the teachers who are in career education aren't only giving knowledge, at the same timethey prepare the students to the life in all ways. Majority they have more affection over the students in the process ofcanalize and raise than their families, and this affection has been adopted by the majority of the society. The studentswho are having career education, for the lab and workshop work, are being employed in the private enterprises. In thisframe the relationship is being arranged among the students who have been employed in the enterprises and theexperts in there. This process which was called “Ahi System” in the past, but still going on now in spite of decreasingits affects.Understanding the affect over the students from teachers and expert teachers in Turkey, and widespreading these kind of schools in the places where Turks living will increase the youths' joining in educationalprocess, having profit from education will increase and so integration to the society will be faster and faster.Thetrainers that take part in this program, ''the trainers who works in the career school in Adana which has more immigrantthan other cities of Turkey'', will be shown the role and affects in education process of expert trainers in the enterprises.Apart from this, what affects the students' motivational factors, and what Turkish students wait from education andteachers will be introduce to them.Organising Institution’s Web Site: www.adana-meb.gov.tr13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 253 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,14Organiser Phone:+420 569 452 441Organiser Fax:+569 432 231Organiser Email:Organiser name: Michal SimekType: Vocational/tech. secondary school (EDU 3.2)Organiser address: Academy and Arts and Crafts Secondary SchoolSazavska 547Svetla nad Sazavouskola@vossvetla.czPostal Code: 582 91Title:20,14 - CZE - Creating High Quality Education in the Field of Arts and Crafts Secondary Schools or Colleges,Forming a Network of European Arts and Crafts Schools.Beginning date: 14.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 18.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Svetla nad SazavouCzech RepublicLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Czech English GermanReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.5 : MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES: Self-evaluation to improve the qualityof education provided Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator).Nr of places: 12 Min required: 6Description:Cílem studijní návštìvy bude pøedstavit úèastníkùm rozvoj a koncepci umìleckoøemeslného støedoškolskéhovzdìlávání v souladu s dlouhodobým zamìøením regionu Vysoèina. Škola ma 40-letou tradici v oblasti skláøství a vsouèasnosti nabízí umìleckoøemeslné vzdìlávání i v oblasti keramické výroby a kamenosochaøství ve více nez 20rùzných oborech. Ukážeme si, že je možné slouèit tyto rùzné umìleckoøemeslné obory do jedné instituce, vzájmenìspolupracovat a pøedstavíme úèastníkùm formy a výsledky našeho výukového procesu. Pøedstavíme propojeníumìleckoøemeslné tvorby a ICT technologií v projektu Virtuální umìlecké galerie (v rámci programu sTwinning).Seznámíme úèastníky se zapojením studentù do naší umìlecké tvorby pro veøejnost (žulové plastiky ve skalníchmasivech) a pøedstavíme myšlenku a zkušenosti s organizací Kamenosochaøského sympozia (sympozium studentù apedagogù) v prostorách støedovìkeho hradu Lipnice coby atrakce pro turisty. Prodiskutujeme i studentskou tvorbu,která vznikla v rámci spolupráce školy a umìleckých galerií. Souèástí programu bude návštìva dvou dalších umìleckýchškol. Pøedstavíme uplatnìní našich studentù na trhu práce a v dalším studiu. Spoleènì vytvoøíme základ evropské sítìumìleckoøemeslnych škol s cílem další spoleèné tvorby mezinárodních projektù v rámci evropských programù.The aim of the study visit is to present the development and the conception of handicraft secondary education inaccordance with a long-term regional plan. We´ll demonstrate the possibility of fusing different Arts and Craft branchesinto one institution in the process of reducing the number of schools here. We´ll present joining handicraft with ICT in aproject "Virtual Art Gallery" (eTwinning programme). The author of outdoors granite sculptures will present thecollaboration of students who worked on the creation of the sculptures. The outdoor gallery can attract tourist what is abenefit for our region. An open-air students´work exhibition in the surrounding of a medieval castle will be presented aswell. We ´ ll discuss the co-operation of schools and art galleries that show students´work. We ´ll present the assertionof our graduates in the labour market or in further study. The programme includes <strong>visits</strong> to other art schools. We expectexchange of experience, contacts and the establishment of the network of arts and craft schools in Europe with the aimto make new common projects in the frame of European programmes.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 254 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,15Organiser Phone:00 33 2 62 27 34 52Organiser Fax:00 33 2 62 27 88 97Organiser name: COMBES YvesType: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)Organiser address: Collège du 14ème km98, Chemin ArmanetteOrganiser Email:yves.combes@ac-reunion.frLE TAMPONPostal Code: F-97430Title:20,15 - FR - How to improve quality in educationBeginning date: 14.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 18.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:LE TAMPON (Ile de la Réunion)FranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 1.5 : Optimiser l'utilisation des ressources: auto-évaluation dans le but d'améliorer laqualité de l'enseignement prodigué; dépenses publiques et privées consacrées à l'éducation(indicateur structurel)Nr of places: 15 Min required: 12Description:C'est la seconde visite sur le thème de la qualité de l'éducation organisée à la Réunion. Il s'agit de présenter lesdispositifs innovants mis en place pour faire mieux réussir les élèves, de favoriser l'égalité des chances, de mettre enréseau les établissements, de promouvoir la coopération entre les partenaires impliqués dans l'acte éducatif(collectivités, communes, parents, coopération européenne …).Approche méthodologique : visites de terrain avecprésentation d'un dispositif (ambition réussite, école ouverte, pompier junior, équipe de réussite éducative, unitépédagogique intégrée, clis …) animé par un expert reconnu.Présentation par les missionnaires d'un dispositif de leurpays qui soit transférable (prévoir support). La traduction sera effectuée par 2 professeurs et l'organisateur.General outline of the visit : this is the second visit about the quality of education organized in La Réunion. It is aimedat :- presenting new plans of actions set up to help the pupils to succeed in their studies- favouring equality ofopportunity- connecting/network schools- promoting cooperation between different partners involved in education(european network, local communities, district councils, parents).Methodological approach : <strong>visits</strong> on sites withpresentation by an acknowledged expert of different actions (ambition and success in education, junior firemanclasses, teaching staff for a better education, opening school, UPI, CLIS) - Presentation by representatives of their ownexperiences which could be transferable to other countries. Translation by two teachers and organizer.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 255 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,16Organiser Phone:+36 30 9122146Organiser Fax:+36 1 434 5791Organiser name: Salakta TündeType: Research institute (RES)Organiser address: Nemzeti Szakképzési IntézetBerzsenyi u. 6.Organiser Email:salakta.tunde@szakma.huBudapestPostal Code: HU-1087Title:20,16 - HUN - A Comprehensive School Development Program of Initial Vocational TrainingBeginning date: 21.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 25.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:BudapestHungaryLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Hungarian English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.5 : MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES: Self-evaluation to improve the qualityof education provided Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator).Nr of places: 15 Min required: 6Description:A tanulmányút bemutatja azt a magyar szakképzésben folyó átfogó fejlesztési programot, amely a képzés céljainak,tartalmának és módszereinek megújításával, alternatív képzés kidolgozásával, az értékelési kultúra fejlesztéséval ésaz ITEM programrendszerrel az egyéni szükségletek figyelembe vételét és a teljesítmény, valamintszemélyiségfejlõdés egyéni követését teszi lehetõvé a szakiskolákban, ahol az oktatás-képzés hagyományosmódszerekkel nem eredményes. Az iskolavezetõk számára kidolgozott önfejlesztõ program és az intézmény mûködésirendszerét átfogó, EU/CQAF alapú önértékelési modell a folyamatos fejlesztés képességének megteremtését ésmegõrzését hivatott szolgálni. A résztvevõk a tervezett programoknak megfelelõen elõre strukturált portfolió szerintdolgoznak. A portfolió kitöltéséhez szükséges információkat a résztvevõk az egyes fejlesztési területek szakértõivel, azágazat oktatáspolitikusaival folytatott konzultációkon, kerekasztalmegbeszéléseken és kiscsoportos mûhelymunkáksorán szerzik meg, továbbá az intézménylátogatásokon, amelyek keretében tanórákat látogathatnak ésiskolavezetõkkel, pedagógusokkal és diákokkal beszélgethetnek.The study visit presents the development program in Hungarian initial vocational training whose objective is to facilitatethe appreciation of trainees' individual needs and the monitoring of their performance and personality development invocational schools where traditional methods are ineffective. The objectives are achieved through the innovation of thecontents and methodology of the training, the development of alternative training possibilities, the development ofschools assessment and evaluation and the implmentation of ITEM program. The self-development program for schoolmanagers and the EU/CQAF-based self-assesssment model for the operation system of schools serve to create andmaintain the ability of continuous improvement. The participants will work with portfolios the structure of which is builton the study visit program. The information and experience needed to fill in the portfolios will be provided and acquiredthrough school <strong>visits</strong> where participants are to observe classes and talk to head teachers, class teachers and students,and through consultations, round-table discussions and small group workshops with the experts and the decisionmarkers of vocational education and training. www.nive.hu; www.szakma.hu13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 256 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,17Organiser Phone:+386 4 5809 452Organiser Fax:+386 4 5809 470Organiser name: mag. Barbara DebeljakType: General secondary school (EDU 3.1)Organiser address: Gimnazija JeseniceTrg Toneta Cufarja 1Organiser Email:barbara.debeljak@guest.arnes.siJesenicePostal Code: SI-4270Title:20,17 - SLO - Quality in school management and learning processBeginning date: 21.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 25.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Jesenice, SloveniaSloveniaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Slovene English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.5 : MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES: Self-evaluation to improve the qualityof education provided Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator).Nr of places: 15 Min required: 10Description:Študijski obisk je namenjen izmenjavi izkušenj udeležencev na podrocju kvalitete šolskega vodenja ter procesupoucevanja. Udeleženci obiska bodo razpravljali in vrednotili njihove izkušnje o kvaliteti z razlicnimi ucitelji, ravnatelji,psihologi in dijaki. Prvi dan študijskega obiska bo namenjen seznanitvi s: (i) slovenskim šolskim sistemom, (ii)slovensko kulturo in navadami Slovencev, (iii) Gimnazijo Jesenice (razlicni oddelki gimnazijskega izobraževanja: (i)evropski, (ii) športni in (iii) splošni oddelek) in (iv) projektom Kakovost za prihodnost vzgoje in izobraževanja, vkaterega je Gimnazija Jesenice vkljucena od 1. 9. 2006 naprej. Drugi dan študijskega obiska bo organiziran obiskglavnega mesta Ljubljane, ki bo povezan z ogledom razlicnih institucij na podrocju vzgoje in izobraževanja. Tretji danobiska bodo udeleženci spoznali evropske oddelke (interdisciplinarne predmetne povezave, timsko poucevanje, principakcijskega raziskovanja), cetrti dan športne oddelke, zadnji dan študijskega obiska bo namenjen razlicnim razpravam:(i) nacini merjenja kvalitete, (ii) kako doseci kvaliteto v vrtcu, (iii) kako doseci kvaliteto v osnovni šoli, (iv) kako dosecikvaliteto v srednji šoli, (v) kako doseci kvaliteto na fakulteti in (vi) implicitna – eksplicitna pojmovanja kvalitete vrazlicnih kulturah.¬Ugodnosti za organizatorja: primerjava pogledov udeležencev na kvaliteto skozi razlicne nivoješolanja (vrtec, osnovna šola, srednja šola, fakulteta); primerjava slovenskih standardov kvalitete s standardi kvalitete vdržavah udeležencev študijskega obiska; možnost navezovanja novih kontaktov s šolami udeležencev …The study visit is designed to exchange the experience of quality in school management and learning process.Participants will discuss and evaluate their experiences in school quality with different teachers, headmasters,psychologists and students. On the first day there will be an introduction of: (i) the Slovenian school system; (ii) theSlovenian culture and customs; (iii) Grammar School Jesenice (different classes: (i) European, (ii) sport and (iii)general classes) and the Slovenian Quality project, part of which is also Grammar School Jesenice. On the second dayparticipants will visit the capital city Ljubljana with several different school institutes <strong>visits</strong>. On the third day participantsof the study visit will have specific presentation of European classes (intersubjects relations, team teaching, the idea ofaction research). On the fourth day there will be a presentation of sports classes (intersubjects relations, teamteaching, the idea of action research). The last day will be dedicated to several debates on: (i) different ways ofmeasuring Quality, (ii) how to reach Quality in kindergarten, (iii) how to reach Quality in primary school, (iv) how toreach Quality in secondary school, (v) how to reach Quality in faculty and (vi) implicit – explicit conceptions of Quality indifferent cultures. ¬Benefits for organization: we will exchange participants views to Quality.( http://www.gimjes.si/)13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 257 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,18Organiser Phone:+4756553000Organiser Fax:+4756553001Organiser name: Jorunn ØyenType: Public authority international (PUB.4)Organiser address: Kvam HeradGrovagjelet 16Organiser Email:jorunn.oeyen@kvam.kommune.noNorheimsundPostal Code: 5600Title:20,18 - NO - Quality work in Kindergardens and Vocational Tranining for Child and Youth WorkersBeginning date: 21.04.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 25.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:The Municipality of Kvam - Kvam kommuneNorwayLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Norwegian English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.5 : MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES: Self-evaluation to improve the qualityof education provided Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator).Nr of places: 8 Min required: 4Description:Kindergarden: Målet for studiebesøket er å se nærmere på nasjonalt og lokalt kvalitetsarbeid i barnehagesektoren. Vivil gi informasjon om ulike arbeidsdokument som inneholder strategiske mål for økonomi samt planer for evaluering,personalutvikling, pedagogisk innhold og kurs. Vi vil også se på hvordan IKT kan brukes somevalueringsverktøy.Vocational training: Vi vil informere om hvordan vi organiserer opplæringen av barne- ogungdomsarbeidere. På grunnlag av den nasjonale læreplanen har kommunen utviklet en lokal læreplan. Deltakerne fårbesøke barnehager, naturavdelinger og/eller besøk av fagopplæringsinsitusjoner. Her får en snakke medfagarbeidere, pedagoger, styrere og/eller instruktører og institusjonsledere. Det legges opp til diskusjoner ogerfaringsutveksling i grupper. Fokuset er på hvordan vi kan utvikle kvalitet i barnehager og førskoler.Kindergarden: This study visit will focus on national and local quality work within the department of childcare. We willgive information about “BALANSERT MÅLSTYRING” (Balanced Scorecard ), a working document which gives ameasurement system for economy and further edcuation for staff. We will also look at methods for reflection andifferent forms of evaluation, for example how to use ICT for evaluation in kindergardens.Vocational training: We willpresent how we organise the education of child- and youth workers. Based on the national curriculum we havedevelopped a local curriculum with “local certificate supplement” and qualitative assessment after every module. Weare also involved in a Leonardo-project which gives young workers the possibility to visit kindergardens in Ireland. We will visit small and large kindergardens, out-doors kindergarden and/or institutions for vocational education. Therewill be discussions both among the participants and with pedagigical staff and heads of kindergartens. In thediscussions we will focus on how can we further develope the quality of our work in kindergarden. Web page:www.kvam.no13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 258 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,19Organiser Phone:+49 511 646198 11Organiser Fax:+49 511 8665081Organiser name: Reiner BehrendType: Tech/vocat. edu. in conjunction with work(EDU 3.3)Organiser address: Multi Media Berufsbildende Schulen der HannoverEXPO Plaza 3Organiser Email:info@mmbbs.de; behrend@mmbbs.deHannoverPostal Code: D-30539Title:20,19 - DE - Development of quality of schools in Lower SaxonyBeginning date: 05.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 09.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:HannoverGermanyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2German English GermanReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.5 : MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES: Self-evaluation to improve the qualityof education provided Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator).Nr of places: 15 Min required: 8Description:Aufgrund von Änderungen des Schulgesetzes des Landes Niedersachsen werden mit Wirkung vom 01.08.<strong>2007</strong> alleniedersächsischen Schulen in die Eigenverantwortung entlassen. Diese Eigenverantwortlichkeit beinhaltet dieDeregulierung umfangreicher rechtlicher Vorgaben. Von entscheidender Bedeutung für den Erfolg dieses Prozessesist die Qualitätsentwicklung und –sicherung in den Schulen, die sich auf der Grundlage desniedersäOrientierungsrahmens „Schulqualität“ vollziehen wird, der landesweit die verschiedenen Aspekte der Qualitätvon Schule definiert. Der geplante Studienbesuch soll den Teilnehmern einen Einblick in diesen Prozess anverschiedenen Schulen und Schulformen des allgemeinbildenden und des berufsbildenden Schulwesens ermöglichenund ihnen die Gelegenheit bieten, im Rahmen von Schulbesuchen Methoden und Instrumente derQualitätsentwicklung und –sicherung kennen zu lernen und Erfahrungen mit Lehrkräften, Schulleitungen undVertretern übergeordneter Behörden auszutauschen.Mehr Informationen zur niedersächsischen LandeshauptstadtHannover, dem Veranstaltungsort dieses Studienbesuchs können unter http://www.hannover.de abgerufen werden.Weitere Informationen zu den Inhalten und zum Programm des Studienbesuch werden ab 01.02.<strong>2007</strong> auf derInternertseite http://www.mmbbs-study<strong>visits</strong>.de zugänglich sein.Following changes in the Lower Saxony laws governing schools all schools in this part of Germany will becomeautonomous as of 01-08-<strong>2007</strong>. This process will require the deregulation of a substantial number of guidelines andlegal provisions. Decisive for the success of the scheme will be the implementation of quality development and qualityassurance of schools for which the Lower Saxony policy guideline “school quality” is supposed to provide theframework and the necessary definitions of all aspects of quality of schools.This study visit will give participants theopportunity to observe this process at close quarters in both the general education as well as the vocational educationsector. Visits at a variety of schools will allow them to get to know methods and tools of quality development andassurance. Furthermore, it will provide them with ample opportunities to exchange experiences with teachers, heads,representatives of the inspectorate and of educational administration.Information on Hannover, the capital of LowerSaxony and venue of this study visit, can be found on the website http://www.hannover.de. More information on thecontents and the programme of the study visit will be available from 01-02-<strong>2007</strong> from the website http://www.mmbbsstudy<strong>visits</strong>.de.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 259 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,20Organiser Phone:+37 2 7447857Organiser Fax:+37 2 7447851Organiser name: Maie KitsingType: Public authority national (PUB.3)Organiser address: Ministry of Education and ResearchMunga 18Organiser Email:maie.kitsing@hm.eeTartuPostal Code: 50088Title:20,20 - EE - Quality Assurance through Synergy of Internal and External EvaluationBeginning date: 05.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 09.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:TartuEstoniaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Estonian English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.5 : MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES: Self-evaluation to improve the qualityof education provided Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator).Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Põhieesmärk õppelähetusel on levitada parimaid kogemusi sünergiast, mis tekib õppeasutuse sise- ja välishindamisevahel. Me tutvustame, kuidas koolid ja kutseõppeasutused on järjest enam kasutanud õppeasutuse sisehindamist omaarengu hindamisel. Külastuse ajal antakse ülevaade ministeeriumi tegevustest koolide toetamisel viimaks läbiõppeasutuse sisehindamist. Osalejad külastavad koole ja saavad diskuteerida õpetajate ja koolijuhtidega kvaliteedihindamise teemal. Samuti võrdleme koos erinevate riikide hariduse kvaliteedi hindamise süsteeme.The main goal of study visit is to share ideas and best practices in the field of synergy between internal and externalevaluation. We invite you to see how schools and vocational institutions in Estonia have made increasing use of selfevaluation.An overview about activities how ministry has supported the self-evaluation process of the schools. Theparticipants will visit schools and meet teachers and headmasters to discuss different ways of measuring quality.Together we will compare the different systems of the quality assurance in the general and vocational education.www.hm.ee13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 260 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,21Organiser Phone:+49 30 9026 6563Organiser Fax:+49 30 9026 6444Organiser name: Georg Coenen; Christine WuergerType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Senatsverwaltung Bildung, Wissenschaft, ForschungBeuthstr. 6-8Organiser Email:georg.coenen@senbwf.verwalt-berlin.deBerlinPostal Code: D-10117Title:20,21 - DE - Ganztagsgrundschulen als Lebens- und Lernorte. Living and learning at all-day schoolsBeginning date: 05.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 09.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:BerlinGermanyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2German German EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportZIEL 1.5 : OPTIMALE NUTZUNG DER RESSOURCEN: Selbstevaluierung zur Verbesserung derangebotenen Bildungsqualität, Öffentliche und private BildungsausgabenNr of places: 18 Min required: 8Description:Kooperationen mit außerschulischen sozialen und kulturellen Einrichtungen können den Schulalltag und diepädagogischen Bedingungen an Ganztagsschulen in sozial schwierigen Gebieten nachhaltig verbessern helfen.Gezeigt werden soll auch, wie die Konzentration von Ressourcen zu einer Erhöhung von Qualität von Unterricht undErziehung sowie einer Verbesserung der Lebenschancen allgemein in den Ganztagsschulen in sozial schwierigenGebieten führen kann. Wichtig dafür sind die Verbesserung der räumlichen Voraussetzungen durch dasGanztagsschulprogramm (Investitionsprogramm der Bundesregierung „Zukunft Bildung und Betreuung“), dieQualifizierung der Außenanlagen im Rahmen pädagogischer Projekte („Grün macht Schule“) und die Errichtung vonComputerkabinetten zur ganztägigen Nutzung (u.a. durch AGs, Kurse für Eltern. Vorgestellt werden Schulen imZentrum Berlins und ihre vielfältigen Maßnahmen u. a. zur Schulgesundheit, Bewegungsförderung, Ernährung,Partizipation, Gewaltprävention, Streitschlichter-Maßnahmen, Integration Benachteiligter. Weitere Informationen:www.gruen-macht-schule.de/arion.htm (ab 12. Februar <strong>2007</strong>)The participants will be shown typical examples of how co-operation with social and cultural out-of-school institutionshelp to continuously improve the educational conditions at all-day schools in socially difficult areas. These measuresare meant to influence positively life chances of pupils in socially disadvantaged areas in generally concentratingresources. We will show measures for better use of school spaces in the context of the new capital investmentprogram “Zukunft Bildung und Betreuung” (“Future Education and Care”) by the German federal government. Thisinvolves improvement measures for schoolyards in context of educational projects ("Grün macht Schule") and theorganization of computer cabinets for all-day use (e.g. by study groups, courses for parents etc.). We will <strong>visits</strong>chools in the center of Berlin and show the various measures taken to improve e.g. school health, promotion ofmovement, better nutrition, active participation by students and the community, prevention of violence, mediationmeasures in conflict situations and the integration of disabled persons.For more information: www.gruen-machtschule.de/arion.htm(after February 12, <strong>2007</strong>)13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 261 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,22Organiser Phone:+34 925288910Organiser Fax:+34 925288918Organiser Email:afelpeto@jccm.es/nzamarreno@jccm.esOrganiser name: Angel Felpeto EnríquezType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Consejería de Educación y CienciaDelegación Provincial de Educ.Avda. Europa 26TOLEDOPostal Code: 45003Title:20,22 - ES - Innovative education projects of Castilla-La Mancha. Good practice modelsBeginning date: 05.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 09.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:TOLEDOSpainLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Spanish English SpanishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.5 : MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES: Self-evaluation to improve the qualityof education provided Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator).Nr of places: 12 Min required: 8Description:Cada año la Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de Castilla-La Mancha subvenciona proyectos de innovacióneducativa en los centros escolares no universitarios, como medio de favorecer cambios significativos dirigidos amejorar la calidad de los procesos educativos que desarrollan. Tales iniciativas innovadoras tienen como contenidolas distintas áreas curriculares, especialmente la educación en valores, la enseñanza plurilingüe y el desarrollo de lascompetencias claves promovidas por la Unión Europea. A lo largo de la Visita, los participantes tendrán la oportunidadde conocer y observar de cerca los proyectos innovadores que constituyen ejemplos de buenas prácticas. Tambiénpodrán entrevistarse con profesores y alumnos, así como discutir y compartir sus propias experiencias en torno altema de estudio.Página web: http://www.jccm.es/educacion/prog_europ/socrates/arion.htmEvery year the Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha gives financial support to schools whose teachers carryout innovative schemes as a way to introduce significant changes aimed to improve the quality of the educationalprocess. Those initiatives have contents of several different curriculum subjects specially the education in values,multilingual learning and development of key competences promoted by the Community. Along this study visit theparticipants will have the opportunity to observe good practices, interview with teachers and pupils, as well as discussand share their own experiences on the study theme. Website :http://www.jccm.es/educacion/prog_europ/socrates/arion.htm13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 262 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,23Organiser Phone:+359 2 970 56 22Organiser Fax:+359 2 970 20 62Organiser name: Tanya LukanovaType: Public authority national (PUB.3)Organiser address: Centre for Control and Assessment of EducationBul "Tsarigradsko shosse" 125,Organiser Email:t.lukanova@minedu.government.bg;SofiaPostal Code: BG 1113Title:20,23 - BG - External Assessment - important factor for the quality in educationBeginning date: 05.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 09.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:SofiaBulgariaLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Bulgarian German EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportZIEL 1.5 : OPTIMALE NUTZUNG DER RESSOURCEN: Selbstevaluierung zur Verbesserung derangebotenen Bildungsqualität, Öffentliche und private BildungsausgabenNr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Die Teilnehmer des Studienbesuchs werden die Gelegenheit erhalten, das Evaluationssystem in den bulgarischenSchulen kennen zu lernen und sich uber den Prozess der Einfuhrung von externen Prufungen am Ende jederBildungsstufe, staatlichen Reifeprufungen und Tests als Prufungsform, zu informieren. Es werden die gutenErfahrungen von verschiedenen europaischen Bildungsssystemen diskutiert. An Studienseminaren und Arbeitstreffenwerden die Ergebnisse von den internationalen Vergleichsuntersuchungen PISA und TIMSS der bulgarischen Schulerdargestellt und diskutiert, und wie sich diese Resultate zusammen mit den Ergebnissen der externen Evaluation aufdie Verbesserung der Qualitat des Studiums und der Ausbildung auswirken. Entsprechend den Erfahrungen und denEmpfehlungen der EU werden die Moglichkeiten fur ein weiteres Verbreiten der besten Methoden zur Erhohung dieserQualitat besprochen. Es werden Besuche von Schulen und Bildungsinstitutionen, wie das Ministerium fur Bildung undWissentschaft sowie das Zentrum fur Evaluatiîn und Kontrolle der Bildungsqualitat, organisiert.The participants in the study visit will get acquainted with the evaluation system in Bulgarian schools, the process ofintroduction of external exams at the end of each educational level, state matriculation exam and the test form ofexamining. The best practices of some European educational systems will be discussed. At the study seminars andworkshops the results of the international comparative researches PISA and TIMSS will be discussed as well as theachievements of the Bulgarian students and also how these results, together with the results of the external evaluation,influence the improvement of the quality of training and education. In accordance with the practices and therecommendations of the EU, the opportunities for wider dissemination of the best methods of this quality increase.Visits of schools and educational institutions such as the Ministry of Education and Science and the Center for Controland Assessment of the Quality in Education will be held.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 263 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,24Organiser Phone:+4753748091Organiser Fax:+4753748001Organiser name: Jan EnerstvedtType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: Forum for oppvekst i SunnhordlandPostbox 40Organiser Email:jan.enerstvedt@sveio.kommune.noSveioPostal Code: 5559Title:20,24 - NO - Schools and school systems in a Norwegian regionBeginning date: 05.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 09.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Rådhuset (Town Hall), Leirvik, StordNorwayLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Norwegian English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.5 : MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES: Self-evaluation to improve the qualityof education provided Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator).Nr of places: 15 Min required: 10Description:Programmet omfatter besøk til fleire av dei seks samarbeidande kommunane i Sunnhordland og vil ta deltakarane tilskuler frå 30 til 400 elevar. Sentralt i programmet vil skulane sitt arbeid med å implementera Kunnskapsløftet stå.Integrering av handikappa born, tilpassa opplæring og andre viktige utdanningsspørsmål vil også stå på agendaen.Felles tiltak i regionen og FOS si rolle vil bli belyst. Deltakarane vil og få høve til å besøka videregående skule samtden lokale høgskulen som utdannar dei fleste lærarane i regionen, Høgskulen i Stord/Haugesund.The aim of this study visit is to show the variety of methods used to solve pedagogical challenges in a small localsociety.The study visit takes place in one of the most spectacular regions in western Norway. The participants will getto know the Norwegian school system in general, but more important, how a small region has created cooperationbetween municipalities, and how they are working together on important issues concerning implementation of the newschool reform "The Knowledge Promotion". Integration of pupils with special educational needs, the use of nature andenvironment in education are all important topics. The course will include <strong>visits</strong> to primary and secondary schools in theregion. A visit to the regional university colleege of Stord/Haugesund is also on the agenda. www.fos-sunnh.no13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 264 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,25Organiser Phone:44 (0)1851 708663Organiser Fax:44 (0)1851 708674Organiser Email:rmacdonald@cne-siar.gov.ukOrganiser name: Rona MacDonaldType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Rona MacDonaldEducation Development Centre6 Kenneth Street, StornowayScotlandPostal Code: HS1 2DRTitle:20,25 - GB - Quality in EducationBeginning date: 12.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 16.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:Isle of Lewis, Hebrides, ScotlandUnited KingdomLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2English English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.5 : MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES: Self-evaluation to improve the qualityof education provided Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator).Nr of places: 15 Min required: 10Description:The visit will focus on Quality assurance in a bilingual setting. There will be presentations from members of theEducation Department and a series of <strong>visits</strong> to schools to study aspects of quality assurance as they apply in abilingual school system.Participants will:•have the opportunity to share experiences in relation to qualityassurance systems in their respective countries.•receive copies of documentation used in schools to support selfevaluation•havethe opportunity to discuss with head teachers the systems in place to evaluate the quality ofprovision in their schools.•will observe how self evaluation is used to improve teaching and learning in theclassroom.•will attend meetings with head teachers, speak to individual members of staff and observe lessonsbeing taught. www.cne-siar.gov.uk13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 265 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,26Organiser Phone:+46 485 881 42Organiser Fax:+46 485 130 34Organiser Email:yvonne.berneke@borgholm.seOrganiser name: Yvonne BernekeType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Borgholms kommunA-huset, SjukhusområdetBox 500BorgholmPostal Code: 38701Title:20,26 - SE - Quality work in pre-schools and schoolsBeginning date: 12.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 16.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:BorgholmSwedenLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Swedish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.5 : MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES: Self-evaluation to improve the qualityof education provided Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator).Nr of places: 12 Min required: 10Description:Information om kvalitetsarbetet inom utbildningsförvaltningen i Borgholms kommun samt om hur det lokala ochnationella kvalitetsarbetet knyts ihop. Information om hur erfarenheter från kvalitetsarbetet används inom olika delar avutbildningsförvaltningen och sprids inom och utanför kommunen. Jämförelser och utbyten av erfarenheter mellandeltagare från olika länder. Studiebesök på förskolor och skolor efter deltagarnas egna önskemål, med möjlighet tillstudier av speciella kvalitetsområden och samtal med elever och pedagoger om det lokala kvalitetsarbetet.Gemensamma studiebesök på några förskolor eller skolor. Diskussioner i grupper och gemensamt om hur vi kanutveckla kvalitetsarbetet i olika länder. Diskussioner om kvalitetsarbete och erfarenhetsutbyten tillsammans medrektorer och skolledare, samt med nyckelpersoner inom olika kvalitetsområden i kommunen.Information about quality work within the department of education in Borgholm municipality and abouthow the localand national quality work are tied together. Information about how experiences are used within different parts of thedepartment of education and are spread within and outside the municipality. Comparisons and sharing of experiencesbetween participants from different countries. <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> to pre-schools and schools due to the participants’ ownrequests, with the possibility of studies of special quality areas and conversations with pupils and teachers about thelocal quality work. Joint study <strong>visits</strong> at some pre-schools or schools. Discussions in small groups as well as with allparticipants together about how we can develop our quality work in different countries. Discussions about quality workand sharing of experiences together with principals and heads of schools, as well as with key persons within differentquality areas in the municipality. www.borgholm.se13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 266 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,27Organiser Phone:++351 222 061 750Organiser Fax:++351 222 061 798Organiser name: Maria Manuela RezendeType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Câmara Municipal do Porto - Departamento EducaçãoPraça General Humberto DelgadoOrganiser Email:manuela.rezende@cm-porto.ptPortoPostal Code: 4049001Title:20,27 - PT - Porto Ville ÉducatriceBeginning date: 12.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 16.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:PortoPortugalLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Portuguese French ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 1.5 : Optimiser l'utilisation des ressources: auto-évaluation dans le but d'améliorer laqualité de l'enseignement prodigué; dépenses publiques et privées consacrées à l'éducation(indicateur structurel)Nr of places: 16 Min required: 8Description:Dar a conhecer o trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito do “Porto – Cidade Educadora”; Valorizar a optimização derecursos da comunidade; Realçar todas as valências que giram em função da educação, em todos os níveis deescolaridade. O sistema educativo português (geral); As competências municipais em matéria de educação(geral); O Município do Porto (Conselho Municipal de Educação e Carta Educativa); O Projecto Educativomunicipal do Porto; O papel das Associações de Pais em matéria de educação; A articulação entre o sistemaeducativo, o Município e as Comissões de Protecção de Crianças e Jovens. Contacto com os responsáveis doMunicípio, em matéria de educação e explicitação das competências atribuídas; Contacto com os ServiçosRegionais de Educação e explicitação do sistema educativo nacional; Apresentação do Projecto EducativoMunicipal; Visitas a estabelecimentos de ensino (desde o pré-escolar até ao secundário) e tomada de contactocom os respectivos Projectos Educativos, bem como com as actividades do projecto educativo Municipal; Reuniãode trabalho com um Serviço de Psicologia e Orientação e devido enquadramento no Projecto Educativo de Escola;Visita a uma Comissão de Protecção de Crianças e Jovens e respectiva explicitação do trabalho desenvolvido;Reunião de trabalho com representantes das Associações de Pais; Implementação de um Módulo de Formação,ministrado pela Universidade do Porto. http://www.cm-porto.ptLe système éducatif portugais (général) ; Les compétences Municipales en matière d'Éducation (général); LaMunicipalité de Porto (Conseil Municipal d’Éducation et Carte Éducative) ; Le Projet Éducatif Municipal de Porto;Le rôle des Associations de Parents, en matière d'education; L'articulation entre le système éducatif, le Municipeet le Commissions de Protection d’Enfants et des Jeunes; Contact avec les responsables du Municipe, en matièred'Education, et explicitation des compétences attribuées; Contact avec les Services Régionaux d'Education etexplicitation du système éducatif national ; Présentation du Projet Éducatif Municipal ; Visites à desétablissements d'enseignement (depuis l'écolier jusqu’à la secondaire) et pris de contact avec les respectifs projetséducatifs, ainsi qu'avec les activités du Projet Éducatif Municipal; Réunion de travail avec un Service dePsychologie et d'Orientation et son encadrement dans le Projet Éducatif d'École ; Visite à une Commission deProtection d’Enfants et Jeunes et respective explicitation du travail développé ; Réunion de travail avec desreprésentants des Association de Parents ; Implémentation d'un Module de Formation, donné par l'Université dePorto.http://www.cm-porto.pt13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 267 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,28Organiser Phone:+49 355 4866320Organiser Fax:+49 355 4866399Organiser name: Brunhilde ToensmannType: Education authorityOrganiser address: Staatliches Schulamt CottbusBlechenstr. 1Organiser Email:brunhilde.toensmann@schulaemter.brandenburg.deCottbusPostal Code: D-03046Title:20,28 - DE - Macht europäischer Austausch Schule besser? Do European exchanges improve schoolquality?Beginning date: 19.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 23.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:CottbusGermanyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2German German EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportZIEL 1.5 : OPTIMALE NUTZUNG DER RESSOURCEN; ZIEL 3.5: STÄRKUNG DEREUROPÄISCHEN ZUSAMMENARBEITNr of places: 15 Min required: 7Description:Als eine Konsequenz der europäischen Debatte um Schulqualität wurde im Land Brandenburg die Schulinspektioneingeführt. In diesem Zusammenhang ergab sich auch die Frage, ob und in welchem Maße europäischeZusammenarbeit die Schulqualität beeinflussen kann. Diese Frage wollen wir durch Erfahrungsaustausch derTeilnehmer/innen, durch Schulbesuche und Gespräche mit ortsansässigen Bildungsfachleuten beantworten. DasErgebnis ist offen. Anhand konkreter Beispiele (Schulpartnerschaften, COMENIUS-Projekte, Lehreraustausch usw.)werden Anregungen für verschiedene Formen europäischer Kooperation gegeben. Eingeladen sind insbesondereVertreter/innen aller Schulformen und Bildungsfachleute, die Erfahrungen mit oder Interesse an europäischerZusammenarbeit haben. Weitere Informationen auch unter www.bildung-brandenburg.de/arion_cottbus.htmCottbusliegt unweit der polnischen Grenze; Berlin und Dresden sind leicht erreichbar. Die Teilnehmer/innen lernen durchBesuche im Spreewald (eine einzigartige Fluss- und Auenlandschaft, Näheres unter www.spreewald.de) und in derLandeshauptstadt Potdsdam (bekannt durch seine Schlösser und Gärten wie z.B. Sanssouci, Näheres unterwww.potsdam.de) auch regionale Besonderheiten kennen.As a consequence of the European discussion about school quality, school inspection was established in the LandBrandenburg. In this connection the question arose, whether and to which extend European collaboration caninfluence the quality of schools positively. We would like to answer this question by exchanging the experience of theparticipants, by visiting schools and by discussing with local educational experts. The result is open. Concreteexamples (school links, COMENIUS projects, teachers’exchanges etc.) will provide ideas for different forms ofEuropean cooperation. In particular there are invited representatives of all school forms and stages as well aseducational experts who are experienced or interested in the field of European collaboration. For further informationplease also refer to www.bildung-brandenburg.de/arion_cottbus.htmCottbus is situated near the Polish border;Berlin and Dresden are easily to be reached. By visiting the Spreewald Forest ( a unique river and meadow landscape,see www.spreewald.de) and the capital Potsdam (well known for its castles and gardens such as Sanssouci, seewww.potsdam.de), the participants will also get to know regional peculiarities.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 268 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,29Organiser Phone:+90 324 3291481Organiser Fax:+90 324 3273518Organiser Email:Organiser name: Hamide YASARType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: National Education Directorate of Mersin ProvinceIl Milli Egitim Md. DumlupinarMah. Adnan Menderes Bul.Mersinab33@meb.gov.trPostal Code: 33130Title:20,29 - TUR - Total Quality Management In The Process Of Education As a Tool For ChangeBeginning date: 19.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 23.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:MersinTurkeyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Turkish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.5 : MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES: Self-evaluation to improve the qualityof education provided Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator).Nr of places: 15 Min required: 5Description:Through this study visit we aim to promote the people involved in the education system to use the resources morequalified and effectively for the continual development and provide the total quality concepts more understandable andappliable.It will enable the participants to analyze the use of planning and evaluation techniques to manage those inthe education system with personal qualities required and develop strategies for changing and renovation . Thevisit will consist of presentations giving general introduction for the existing education system and <strong>visits</strong> to differenteducational establishments to understand the structure,discussions to underline the strong and the weak points ofimplementations of Total Quality Management with the involvement of the participants as well as the teachers,head ofschools,university teachers etc...The participants will be able to introduce themselves by taking part into workshopsand the reporting the implementations of Total Quality Management in their countries.Sub-titles such as how toorganise the educational proccess for an individual ,the role of in-service training,the importance of lifelong continuingeducation in terms of ensuring high qality in the education proccess. We gladly welcome the participants of theeducational establishments from the European countries.Cultural <strong>visits</strong> and excursions will also help us to get benefitfrom the co-operation at large and raise intercultural awareness of European dimension.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 269 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07020,30Organiser Phone:+46 921 62 959Organiser Fax:+46 921 100 74Organiser name: Kjell KemiType: Public authority local (PUB.1)Organiser address: Barn- och utbildningsförvaltningenStadshusetOrganiser Email:kjell.kemi@edu.boden.seBodenPostal Code: 96186Title:20,30 - SE - Quality - an holistic approach to environmental educationBeginning date: 26.05.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 30.05.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:BodenSwedenLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Swedish English ?ReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIVE 1.5 : MAKING THE BEST USE OF RESOURCES: Self-evaluation to improve the qualityof education provided Public and private expenditure on education (structural indicator).Nr of places: 20 Min required: 12Description:Studier och information avseende kvalitetsarbete i Bodens kommuns utbildningsförvaltning i perspektivet livslångtlärande, samt hur det lokala och nationella kvalitetsarbetet knyts ihop. Studierna avser hela organisationen frånförskola till gymnasium.Deltagarna får möta företrädare för Bodens kommun, rektorer, lärare, elever och ges dåtillfälle till samtal om det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet. Studiebesök kommer att genomföras på ett antal skolor frånförskola till gymnasieskola. Dessa kommer att ske dels gemensamt och valbart efter deltagarnas önskemål.Diskussioner och erfarenhetsutbyten om kvalitetsarbete mellan deltagare från olika länder och lokala skolledarekommer att genomföras. Här har deltagarna möjlighet till jämförelse mellan olika länders utbildningssystem.Vidare ärvi belägna i en intressant del av norra Sverige nära Polcirkeln.Studies and information about the quality work within the department of education in Boden municipality in theperspective of lifelong learning and how the local and national quality work are tied together. The studies are about thewhole organization from pre-shoool to upper secondary school.The partipicants will meet authorities from Bodensmunicipality, principals, teachers, students and will get the opportunity to talk about the systematical quality work.<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> will be arranged to some schools from pre-shool to upper secondary school. They will be in the form ofjoint study <strong>visits</strong> and due to the partipicants own requests. Discussions and sharing of experience about quality worktogether with partipicants from different countries and local heads of schools in the municipality will be implemented.Here the partipicants have the oppotunity to comparison between the education system in different countries. Finallywe are situated in the very north of Sweden quite nearby the Arctic Circle.13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 270 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07023,01Organiser Phone:+39 0961 32819Organiser Fax:+39 0961 32621Organiser Email:Organiser name: Santo MancusoType: Public authority regional (PUB.2)Organiser address: IRRE Calabriaviale Crotone, 27/ACatanzaro Lido - CZsmancuso@abramo.itPostal Code: I-88100Title:23,01 - IT - La funzione ispettiva nella scuola - La fonction d'inspection dans l'école, pour l'augmentation dela dimension européenne dans l'interaction avec le patrimoine historique culturel et naturel de Calabre.Beginning date: 15.10.<strong>2007</strong>End Date: 19.10.<strong>2007</strong>Venue:Country:CatanzaroItalyLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2Italian French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportNr of places: 12 Min required: 8Description:OBIETTIVO: promuovere l’incontro e la riflessione congiunta tra decisori europei e locali sui temi della dimensioneeuropea dell’educazione e sul sistema scolastico; - conseguire un più attivo coinvolgimento della funzione ispettivasecondo il 3° obiettivo della strategia di Lisbona per sostenere l’azione didattica e formativa della scuola nelle suediverse articolazioni, elevare la qualità del sistema formativo, migliorare la performance di docenti e allievi; - farconoscere al più vasto mondo europeo, attraverso la scuola attiva sul territorio, il volto della Calabria; - esaminare ediscutere lo stato di attuazione degli obiettivi di Lisbona nell’azione delle singole istituzioni scolastiche, amministrativee politiche coinvolte; confrontare metodi e strumenti di verifica e valutazione. Attività previste: Catanzaro e territoriointerprovinciale, incontri con autorità regionali provinciali e comunali, politiche, amministrative; visite tematiche nellescuole su: conoscenza del sistema formativo – attuazione della Riforma – Autonomia - Dimensione Europea – funzionie ruolo dell’IRRE/Agenzia sul territorio per lo sviluppo dell’Autonomia della scuola, nel rapporto con il sistemascolastico, il Ministero, l’Ufficio Scolastico Regionale, INDIRE/Agenzia Nazionale per lo sviluppo dell'Autonomiascolastica e per l'Innovazione e la Ricerca Educativa – INValSI – Istituto Nazionale Valutazione Sistemi Istruzione;progetti innovativi; l’incontro con l’Università – Visita a siti archeologici come Locri, Reggio, Sibari, Crotone. Patrimonioartistico e naturale – comunità linguistiche minoritarie grecofone/albanofone. Parchi letterari, itinerari turistico-culturali.Aspromonte – Serre – Sila – scuole in rete – EDA – esprienze esemplari nel settore artistico-antropologico. MuseoNazionale della Magna Grecia. Ulteriori contatti: tel. 0039 0961 731081, e-mail: irre.calabria@istruzione.itObjectif: Object: - promouvoir la rencontre et la réflexion entre décisoires européens et locaux sur les thèmes de ladimension européenne et sur le système scolaire; - atteindre plus active implication de la fonction d’inspection surobjectes de la III d’apres les stratégie de Lisbone pour soutenir l’action didactique/formative de l’école, élever la qualitédu système, amèliorer les performances des professeurs et des élève; - faire connaître au monde européen, à traversl’école active sur le territoire, la face dela Calabre; examniner et discuter l’état de réalisation de objectes de Lisbonedans l’action des istitutions scolaires, administratives, politiques; confronter méthodes et moyens de vérifie etévaluation. Activités: Catanzaro et territoire interprovinciale: rencontre avec des autorités politiques, administratifs ;visites thématiques dans les écoles sur: connaissance du système formatif - Réalisation de la Réforme, -Autonomie, -Dimension européenne de l'Education, - fonctions et rôle de l'IRRE/Agence Nationale territorile de développementAutonomie de l’école, le rapport avec le système scolaire, le Ministére, le Bureau Scolaire Régional, INVALSI - InstitutNational d'Evaluation de Système d'Enseignement; INDIRE (Agence Nationale pour l'Autonomie éducative etl'Innovation et la Recherche éducative) – programmes innovatives – rencontre avec l’Université – visite à centres13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 271 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>archéologiques comme Locri, Reggio, Sibari, Crotone. Patrimoine artistique et naturel – communautés minoritairesgrecophones/albanophones. Parcs littéraires, itinéraires touristique-culturels. Aspromonte – Serre – Sila. Ecoles enreseau – EDA – experiences exemplaires de secteur artistique historique-anthropologique. Musés National de laMagna Graecia. D'autres coordonnées de l'organisateur: tel.: +39 0961 731081; e-mail: irre.calabria@istruzione.it13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 272 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2008</strong>Visit No:07025,01Organiser Phone:00 33 2 43 86 24 16Organiser Fax:00 33 2 43 86 61 96Organiser name: MALEYRAN JamilType: General and vocat./tech. secondary school (EDU 3)Organiser address: Lycée Le Mans Sud128, rue Henri ChampionOrganiser Email:jamil.maleyran@ac-nantes.fr LE MANS cedex 2Postal Code: F-72058Title:25,01 - FR - Etudes et pratique sportive de haut niveauBeginning date: 31.03.<strong>2008</strong>End Date: 04.04.<strong>2008</strong>Venue:Country:LE MANS (Région du Pays de la Loire)FranceLanguages:Country Language Working Language 1 Working Language 2French French EnglishReferenceObjectivesReportOBJECTIF 1.4 : Augmenter le recrutement dans les filières scientifiques et techniquesNr of places: 11 Min required: 5Description:Public visé : personnels d'encadrement à fonction administrative et/ou pédagogique dans l'enseignement secondaire(premier et second degré) général et professionnel avec priorité aux personnes déjà impliquées dans les sportsétudes.Une des spécificités française est de savoir organiser l'accompagnement scolaire de la pratique sportiveindividuelle, dans le cadre du sport amateur et professionnel, à travers la notion de sections sport études. L'objectif dustage est donc d'offrir une meilleure compréhension de l'articulation entre études et sport à l'intérieur du systèmescolaire français. C'est à partir des réalités du Lycée Le Mans Sud (150 élèves sportifs, 8 sections) que seront abordésles points suivants : 1. la pratique du sport à l'école; 2. l'organisation de la scolarité des élèves sportifs : gestionadministrative et coordination de la scolarité des sportifs; 3. l'intégration des élèves sportifs étrangers et les dispositifsde remise à niveau scolaire; 4. les rapports entre les sports amateur et professionnel et leurs besoins respectifs; 5. letemps extra-scolaire pour ces élèves en sport études; 6. les interactions valorisantes entre le sport (sportifs etstructures) et les études;Types d'activités : intervention de personnels de l'Education Nationale et d'intervenantsextérieurs impliqués dans l'élaboration et l'application des cursus; visite de clubs sportifs renommés; visite d'autresétablissements de formation (collèges et université); assistance aux entraînement et, si possible, auxcompétitions.Les traductions seront assurées par les enseignants des langues concernées de l'établissement.www.lemanssudLe Mans Sud High School is eager to offer the best understanding of how studies and the pratice of a sport at a highlevel can be articulated within the French Educationnal System. Therefore, specialists will inform you and deal with thefollowing questions : the practice of sports at school; how the education of sports students is organized ; the integrationof foreign students ; the up-to standarts courses; and the valuable interactions between sports and our scholl. Thesewill also be illustrated with <strong>visits</strong> to sports clubs and training courses. Translations will be provided in English andGerman. www.lemanssud13 February <strong>2007</strong>Page 273 of 273CENTRAL SERVICE EUROPE - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialistswww.study<strong>visits</strong>.net

Linking up themes for education specialists and decision makers with the “Report on the ConcreteFuture Objectives in Education and Training”In the following table, the point of departure is the list of existing study visit themes. The assumption is that this list remains valid, since thethemes where either approved or requested by the participating countries.The next step was to weight these themes against the 13 objectives of the objectives report, and the possible themes for exchangingexperience. This leads to the following conclusions:‣ There is a high degree of convergence between the existing list of study visit themes and the 13 objectives.‣ For 10 themes, there is no identifiable corresponding objective. Obviously, the reason for this is that the nature of thesethemes is quite topical as for example education statistics.‣ For 4 objectives, there is no corresponding study visit theme. The reason for this is that these objectives do not fit in theframework of the existing scheme, either because they primarily deal with vocational training (objective 3.2) or that theirscope is very general (Objectives 2.2, 3.4 and 3.5).‣ For all themes, the number of topics for exchanging experience is much higher than the ones mentioned in the objectivesreport. This must of course be highlighted in our communication with the partners involved, otherwise the outcome of thestudy <strong>visits</strong> would become poorer.274

Theme Arion themes Reference« Concrete futureobjectives »1. General study of educationsystems and evaluation ofeducation systemsOBJECTIVE 1.2 :Developing skills for theknowledge societyOBJECTIVE 1.5 :Making the best use ofresources2. Certification and assessment ofpupils.3. The fight against illiteracy4. ICT in schools OBJECTIVE 1.3 :Ensuring access to theICT for everyone5. Integration of handicappedchildrenOBJECTIVE 2.3 :Supporting activecitizenship, equalopportunities and socialcohesion6. Equal opportunities in education OBJECTIVE 2.3 :Supporting activecitizenship, equalopportunities and socialcohesionThemes for exchanging experience‣ Literacy and numeracy developments in schools and inprovision for adults‣ Performance and results in the mother tongue, foreignlanguage and mathematics up to the end of compulsoryeducation‣ Self-evaluation to improve the quality of education provided‣ Public and private expenditure on education (structuralindicator)‣ Quality hardware and software in schools‣ Use of ICTs in various subjects‣ Use of ICTs in non-formal education‣ Qualitative assessment of the use of ICT in education‣ Models for integration of and giving access to disadvantagedgroups to education and training; models for encouragingthem to pursue formal qualifications‣ Gender equality in tertiary education and continuous training7. Intercultural education8. Measures to prevent schoolfailure275

9. The European dimension OBJECTIVE 3.5 :Strengthening Europeanco-operation‣ Inclusion of the European dimension in education andtraining10. The teaching profession11. The role of parentsOBJECTIVE 1.1 :Improving education andtraining for teachers andtrainersOBJECTIVE 3.1 :Strengthening the linkswith working life andresearch, and society atlargeOBJECTIVE 2.3 :Supporting activecitizenship, equalopportunities and socialcohesion‣ Evaluation of training programmes for teachers and trainers‣ Conditions for becoming a teacher or trainer according toeducational level‣ Inclusion of the following subjects in study and trainingplans: ICT, foreign languages, European dimension ofeducation and intercultural education‣ Promotion systems in the teaching profession during ateacher's career‣ Improvement of working conditions of teachers‣ Co-operation of education and training institutions withbusiness enterprises, for example concerning placementsand training opportunities‣ Participation of teachers in training organised and carried inco-operation with business‣ Participation of pupils, parents and other stakeholders inschool governanceOBJECTIVE 3.1 :Strengthening the linkswith working life andresearch, and society atlarge12. Language teaching OBJECTIVE 3.3 :Improving foreignlanguage learning13. Health education14. Environmental education15. The heads of schools‣ Participation of parents in school life and in children'slearning in general‣ Methods and ways of organising the teaching of languages‣ Early language learning‣ Ways of promoting the learning of foreign languages276

16. The school OBJECTIVE 3.1 :Strengthening the linkswith working life andresearch, and society atlarge17. The pupils OBJECTIVE 2.3 :Supporting activecitizenship, equalopportunities and socialcohesion18. Adult education OBJECTIVE 2.1 :Open learningenvironment19. Violence and the protection ofchildren20. Quality in education (theme 20). OBJECTIVE 1.5 :Making the best use ofresources21.22.23. The inspector.24. Education statistics (theme 24).25. The curriculum (theme 25). OBJECTIVE 1.4 :Increasing recruitment toscientific and technicalstudies‣ Participation of local representatives in school life‣ Collaboration of schools with local organisations‣ Co-operation of education and training institutions withbusiness enterprises, for example concerning placementsand training opportunities‣ Descriptive studies about how education and trainingestablishments seek to attract and involve those currentlyoutside education and training systems‣ Participation of pupils, parents and other stakeholders inschool governance‣ Availability of child-care and flexible learning times tolearners‣ Possibilities of educational leave for employees‣ Accreditation of prior learning‣ Funding mechanisms and incentives for adults‣ Self-evaluation to improve the quality of education provided‣ Public and private expenditure on education (structuralindicator)‣ Inclusion of scientific and technical subjects in secondaryeducation‣ Development strategies aiming at the performance ofschools in encouraging pupils to study natural science,technology and mathematics and in teaching these subjects277

XX Xxxx OBJECTIVE 2.2 :Making learning moreattractiveXX xxxx OBJECTIVE 3.2 :Developing the spirit ofenterpriseXX Xxxx OBJECTIVE 3.4 :Increasing mobility andexchangeXX xxxx OBJECTIVE 3.5 :Strengthening Europeanco-operation‣ Ongoing training courses in order to motivate learners‣ Possibility of following open courses, on-line or distancelearning‣ Validation of experience acquired‣ Qualitative assessment of young graduates startingenterprises according to economic sector; viability of theseenterprises‣ Promotion of self-employment‣ Teaching of entrepreneurship at various educational levels.‣ Financing, participation and geographical distribution of EUand national exchange programmes‣ Social benefits, i.e. in public transportation, museums etc,granted to people during mobility‣ Evaluation of the results and development of EUROPASS‣ Information on mobility offers and conditions of the EU andthe Member States‣ ECTS in vocational training‣ Development of "certificate supplement" in vocationaltraining (similar to diploma supplements in higher education)‣ Transferability of national grants for foreign education andtraining periods‣ Promotion of accreditation in higher education‣ Promotion of joint courses and degrees in Europe which areinternationally recognised; promotion of relevant marketinginitiatives278

Lien entre les thèmes pour spécialistes et décideurs de l'éducation et le “Rapport sur les Objectifsfuturs concrets de l’Education et de la Formation”Dans la table qui suit, le point de départ est la liste des thèmes tel qu’elle existe. On considère que cette liste reste valide, puisque tous lesthèmes sont approuvés par le Conseil ou par les Etats membres individuels.L’étape suivante était de comparer ces thèmes avec les 13 objectifs du “rapport sur les objectifs” et avec les thèmes possibles pour l’échanged’expériences contenus dans celui-ci. Ceci nous amène aux conclusions suivantes:‣ Il y a un grand degré de convergence entre la liste des thèmes et les 13 objectifs.‣ Pour 10 des thèmes il n’y a pas un objectif correspondant. En l’occurrence, il s’agit là de thèmes très spécifiques (éducationd’enfants migrants et tsiganes, statistiques de l’éducation, etc…)‣ Pour 4 des objectifs, il n’y pas de thème correspondant. La raison est que ces objectifs n’ont pas de lien avec cette action,parce qu’il s’agit de sujets liés à la formation professionnelle (objectif 3.2.), ou bien qu’ils soient d’une nature très générale(objectifs 2.2, 3.4 et 3.5).‣ Pour tous les thèmes, le nombre de sujets pour l’échange d’expérience est beaucoup plus élevé que ceux mentionnés dansle rapport sur les objectifs. Ceci doit être mis au clair dans nos contacts avec les partenaires concernés, pour éviter que lerésultat des visites d’étude diminue.279

Thème Thèmes Arion Référence« Objectifs concretsfuturs »1. Etude générale des systèmeséducatifs ainsi que l'évaluation dessystèmes éducatifs2. la certification et l'évaluation del'élève.3. lutte contre l'analphabétisme4. Les technologies de l’information etde la communication à l’école5. Intégration des jeunes handicapésdans le système scolaire normal6. Egalité des chances entre filles etgarçons dans l'enseignement7. Scolarisation des enfants detravailleurs migrants et tziganes8. Mesures préventives contre l'échecscolaireOBJECTIF 1.2 :Développer lescompétencesnécessaires dans lasociété de laconnaissanceOBJECTIF 1.5 :Optimiser l'utilisation desressourcesOBJECTIF 1.3 :Permettre à tous d'avoiraccès au TICOBJECTIF 2.3 :Favoriser la citoyennetéactive, l'égalité deschances et la cohésionsocialeOBJECTIF 2.3 :Favoriser la citoyennetéactive, l'égalité deschances et la cohésionsocialeThèmes pour l’échange d’expérience‣ niveau et résultats dans la langue maternelle, les languesétrangères et en mathématiques jusqu'à la fin del'enseignement obligatoire‣ progrès en matière de lecture, d'écriture et de calcul dansles établissements scolaires et la formation dispensée auxadultes‣ auto-évaluation dans le but d'améliorer la qualité del'enseignement prodigué‣ dépenses publiques et privées consacrées à l'éducation(indicateur structurel)‣ présence de matériel informatique et de logiciels de qualitédans les écoles‣ utilisation des TIC dans diverses matières‣ utilisation des TIC dans l'éducation non formelle‣ évaluation qualitative de l'utilisation des TIC dansl'enseignement‣ modèles permettant d'intégrer les personnes défavorisées etde leur donner accès à l'éducation et à la formation,modèles permettant de les encourager à acquérir desqualifications formelles‣ égalité des chances entre les sexes dans l'enseignementsupérieur et la formation continue280

9. La dimension européenne OBJECTIF 3.5 :Renforcer la coopérationeuropéenne‣ Inclusion de la dimension européenne dans l’éducation et laformation10. La profession de l'enseignant11. Le rôle des parents.OBJECTIF 1.1 :Améliorer l'éducation etla formation desenseignants et desformateursOBJECTIF 3.1 :Renforcer les liens avecle monde du travail, larecherche et la sociétédans son ensembleOBJECTIF 2.3 :Favoriser la citoyennetéactive, l'égalité deschances et la cohésionsocialeOBJECTIF 3.1 :Renforcer les liens avecle monde du travail, larecherche et la sociétédans son ensemble‣ Evaluation des programmes de formation destinés auxenseignants et aux formateurs‣ Conditions pour devenir enseignant ou formateur en fonctiondu niveau d'enseignement‣ Inclusion des sujets ci-après dans les programmes d'étudeet de formation: TIC, langues étrangères, dimensioneuropéenne de l'éducation et éducation interculturelle‣ Systèmes de promotion des enseignants pendant leurcarrière‣ Amélioration des conditions de travail des enseignants.‣ coopération des institutions d'éducation et de formation avecles entreprises, par exemple en ce qui concerne lespossibilités de stage et de formation‣ participation des enseignants à des formations organiséeset données en coopération avec les entreprises‣ participation des élèves, des parents et des autres acteurs àla gestion des écoles‣ participation des parents à la vie de l'école et àl'apprentissage des enfants en général281

12. Enseignement des langues OBJECTIF 3.3 :Améliorer l'enseignementdans langues étrangères13. Education à la santé14. Education à l’environnement15. Les chefs d’établissement.16. Le projet d’établissement OBJECTIF 3.1 :Renforcer les liens avecle monde du travail, larecherche et la sociétédans son ensemble17. Les élèves. OBJECTIF 2.3 :Favoriser la citoyennetéactive, l'égalité deschances et la cohésionsociale18. Education des adultes OBJECTIF 2.1 :Créer un environnementpropice à l'apprentissage‣ méthodes et moyens pour organiser l'enseignement deslangues étrangères‣ apprentissage précoce des langues‣ manières de promouvoir l'apprentissage des languesétrangères‣ participation des représentants locaux à la vie scolaire‣ collaboration des écoles avec les organisations locales‣ coopération des institutions d'éducation et de formation avecles entreprises, par exemple en ce qui concerne lespossibilités de stage et de formation‣ Etudes descriptives sur les mesures prises par lesétablissements d'éducation et de formation pour intéresseret intégrer les personnes qui ne sont dans aucun systèmed'éducation et de formation.‣ participation des élèves, des parents et des autres acteurs àla gestion des écoles‣ existence de services de garde d'enfants et d'horaires decours souples pour les apprenants‣ possibilités pour les salariés de bénéficier d'un congé deformation‣ validation des études et formations antérieures‣ mécanismes de financement et mesures d'incitation pour lesadultes282

19. Violence et la protection desenfants.20. Qualité de l’éducation. OBJECTIF 1.5 :Optimiser l'utilisation desressources21.22.23. Les inspecteurs.24. Statistiques de l’éducation.25. Le curriculum OBJECTIF 1.4 :Augmenter lerecrutement dans lesfilières scientifiques ettechniques‣ auto-évaluation dans le but d'améliorer la qualité del'enseignement prodigué‣ dépenses publiques et privées consacrées à l'éducation(indicateur structurel)‣ inclusion de matières scientifiques et techniques dansl'enseignement secondaire‣ Stratégies de développement pour que les écoles soient enmesure d'encourager les élèves à étudier les sciencesnaturelles, la technologie et les mathématiques etd'enseigner ces matières.XX Xxxx OBJECTIF 2.2 :Rendre l'éducation et laformation plusattrayantesXX xxxx OBJECTIF 3.2 :Développer l'espritd'entrepriseXX Xxxx OBJECTIF 3.4 :Accroître la mobilité etles échanges‣ cours de formation continue visant à motiver les apprenants‣ possibilité de suivre des cours ouverts, en ligne ou àdistance‣ Validation de l'expérience acquise.‣ Evaluation qualitative des jeunes diplômés qui créent uneentreprise par secteur de l'économie; viabilité de cesentreprises‣ promotion des activités d'indépendant‣ enseignement de l'esprit d'entreprise à différents niveaux dusystème d'éducation‣ financement et distribution géographique des programmescommunautaires et nationaux d'échanges et participation àces programmes‣ Avantages sociaux, par ex. concernant les transportspublics, les musées, etc., accordés aux personnesparticipant à une action de mobilité‣ évaluation des résultats et de l'évolution d'EUROPASS283

XX xxxx OBJECTIF 3.5 :Renforcer la coopérationeuropéenne‣ informations sur les possibilités de mobilité proposées parl'UE et les États membres et sur les conditions qui y sontliées‣ ECTS en matière de formation professionnelle‣ Elaboration d'un "supplément au certificat" pour la formationprofessionnelle (similaire aux suppléments au diplômeexistant dans l'enseignement supérieur‣ Possibilité de transférer des bourses nationales durant lespériodes d'éducation et de formation à l'étranger‣ promotion de la validation des études accomplies dansl'enseignement supérieur‣ Promotion en Europe des cycles d'études et des diplômescommuns bénéficiant d'une reconnaissance internationale;promotion des initiatives pertinentes à cet égard284

Verbindung der Studienbesuchsthemen mit dem Bericht “Konkrete zukünftige Ziele derallgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung”Der Ausgangspunkt der folgenden Tabelle ist die Liste der bestehenden Studienbesuchsthemen. Es liegt die Annahme zugrunde,dass diese Liste weiterhin gültig ist, da diese Themen weiterhin von den teilnehmenden Ländern bestätigt und nachgefragt wurden.Der nächste Schritt war die Gewichtung dieser Themen im Bezug auf die 13 Ziele des Zielberichts und die Festlegung dermöglichen Themen für den Erfahrungsaustausch. Diese Vorgehensweise führt zu den nachfolgenden Schlussfolgerungen:‣ Es besteht einer hoher Grad der Übereinstimmung zwischen der bereits bestehenden Liste von Themen und den 13 Zielen.‣ Für 10 Themen gibt es kein eindeutig entsprechendes Ziel. Diese Tatsache resultiert aus der sehr engen inhaltlichen Naturdieser Themen wie beispielsweise das Thema Bildungsstatistik.‣ Für 4 Ziele gibt es kein entsprechendes Thema. Der Grund liegt darin, dass diese Ziele nicht in den Rahmen desexistierenden Schemas fallen, entweder weil sie hauptsächlich mit beruflicher Ausbildung (Ziel 3.2) zu tun haben oder weilsie zu allgemein gehalten sind (Ziele 2.2, 3.4, 3.5).‣ Für alle Themen des Schemas, ist die Anzahl der Themen für den Erfahrungsaustausch sehr viel höher als die, die in demZielbericht erwähnt werden. Dies muss vor allem bei der Kommunikation mit den involvierten Partnern betont werden, sonstwürde das Ergebnis der Studienbesuche beträchtlich geringer ausfallen.285

Thema Arion Themen Verbindung zu demZielbericht1. Allgemeine Untersuchung der ZIEL 1.2.:UnterrichtssystemeDie Entwicklung dernotwendigen Fähigkeitenfür dieWissensgesellschaftZIEL 1.5:Optimale Nutzung derRessourcenThemen zum Erfahrungsaustausch‣ Selbstevaluierung zur Verbesserung der angebotenenBildungsqualität‣ Öffentliche und private Bildungsausgaben (Strukturindikator)2. Notengebung und Beurteilungder Schüler3. Bekämpfung desAnalphabetismus4. Informations- undKommunikationstechnologien inder Schule5. Eingliederung Jugendlicher mitBehinderung in dasRegelschulwesen6. Chancengleichheit für Burschenund Mädchen7. Interkulturelle Bildung8. Maßnahmen zur Verhinderungvon SchulversagenZIELE 1.3:Gewährleistung desallgemeinen Zugangs zurIKTZIELE 2.3:Unterstützung der aktivenStaatsbürgerschaft,Chancengleichheit undsoziale IntegrationZIELE 2.3:Unterstützung der aktivenStaatsbürgerschaft,Chancengleichheit undsoziale Integration‣ Hochwertige Hardware und Software in Schulen‣ Verwendung von IKT in verschiedenen Projekten‣ Verwendung von IKT im informellen Bereich‣ Qualitative Beurteilung der Verwendung von IKT in derSchule‣ Integrationsmodelle‣ Zugang zu Bildung und Training für benachteiligte Gruppen‣ Förderungsmodelle zur Verfolgung formeller Qualifikationen‣ Gleichbehandlung von Burschen und Mädchen in höherenBildungseinrichtungen und kontinuierliches Training286

9. Einführung der europäischenDimension10. Die Lehrkräfte11. Die Rolle der ElternZIEL 3.5:Stärkung dereuropäischenZusammenarbeitZIEL 1.1:Verbesserung vonAusbildung und Trainingvon Lehrern und TrainernZIEL 3.1:Verstärkung derVerknüpfungen zwischenArbeitswelt, Forschungund der GesellschaftZIELE 2.3:Unterstützung der aktivenStaatsbürgerschaft,Chancengleichheit undsoziale IntegrationZIEL 3.1:Verstärkung derVerknüpfungen zwischenArbeitswelt, Forschungund der Gesellschaft‣ Einbezug der europäischen Dimension in Ausbildung undTraining12. Fremdsprachenunterricht ZIEL 3.3:Verbesserung desFremdsprachenunterrichts‣ Methoden und Möglichkeiten zur Organisation vonFremdsprachenunterricht‣ Frühzeitiger Erwerb von Fremdsprachen‣ Möglichkeiten zur Förderung von Fremdsprachenunterricht13. Gesundheitserziehung14. Umwelterziehung15. Die Schulleiter287

16. Die Schule ZIEL 3.1:Verstärkung derVerknüpfungen zwischenArbeitswelt, Forschungund der Gesellschaft17. Die Schüler ZIELE 2.3:Unterstützung der aktivenStaatsbürgerschaft,Chancengleichheit undsoziale Integration18. Erwachsenenbildung ZIEL 2.1:Offenes Lernumfeld19. Gewalt und Schutz von Kindernund Jugendlichen20. Bildungsqualität ZIEL 1.5:Optimale Nutzung derRessourcen21.22.23. Der Schulaufsichtsbeamter24. Bildungsstatistik25. Das Curriculum ZIEL 1.4:ZunehmendeRekrutierung zuwissenschaftlichen undtechnischenAusbildungen‣ Zusammenarbeit der Schulen mit lokalen Organisationen‣ Kooperation mit Unternehmen betreffs Praktika undBerufsausbildungen‣ Aktive Teilnahme von Schülern, Eltern und anderenInteressensgruppen an der Schulpolitik‣ Verfügbarkeit von Kinderbetreuungsstätten und flexibleLernzeiten für Lernende‣ Möglichkeiten des Bildungsurlaubs für Arbeitnehmer‣ Akkreditierung der höheren Priorität der Weiterbildung‣ Aufbringen von Mitteln und Incentives für Erwachsene‣ Interaktion von Kindern zwischen 6 und 11 Jahre, die inproblematischen geografischen Gebieten leben‣ Entwicklung, Implementierung und Studium der Methodikzur Verhinderung von Gewalt gegen Kinder‣ Selbstevaluierung zur Verbesserung der angebotenenBildungsqualität‣ Öffentliche und private Bildungsausgaben (Strukturindikator)‣ Entwicklung von Strategien zur Ermutigung von SchülernNaturwissenschaften, Technik und Mathematik zu studierensowie diese zu lehren288

XX Xxxx ZIEL 2.2:Steigerung derAttraktivität desLernprozessesXX xxxx ZIEL 3.2:Entwicklung desUnternehmertumsXX Xxxx ZIEL 3.4:Steigerung der Mobilitätund des AustauschsXX xxxx ZIEL 3.5:Stärkung dereuropäischenZusammenarbeit‣ Kontinuierliche Weiterbildung zur Motivation der Lernenden‣ Möglichkeit für weiterführende Kurse, online oder Fernkurse‣ Beurteilung der erworbenen Erfahrung‣ Qualitative Beurteilung der Unternehmen, die vonStudienabsolventen gegründet wurden, sowie dieLebensfähigkeit dieser (je Wirtschaftssektor)‣ Förderung der Selbständigkeit‣ Vermittlung des Unternehmertums auf verschiedenenEntwicklungsstufen‣ Finanzierung, Teilnahme und geografische Verteilung derEU und nationale Austauschprogramme‣ Soziale Leistungen, z.B. öffentliche Transportmittel, Museenetc., die den Studienbesuchern während ihres Aufenthaltsgewährt werden‣ Evaluierung der Ergebnisse und Entwicklung desEUROPASS‣ Informationen über Austauschangebote und Bedingungender EU und der anderen Mitgliedsstaaten‣ ECTS für berufliche Weiterbildung‣ Entwicklung von einem “Zertifikat Supplement” für beruflicheWeiterbildung (ähnlich zu einem Diplom Supplement fürhöhere Bildung)‣ Übertragbarkeit von nationalen Zuschüssen fürWeiterbildung im Ausland‣ Förderung der Akkreditierung von höherer Bildung‣ Förderung von länderübergreifenden Kursen und Titeln inEuropa, die international anerkannt werden‣ Setzung der entsprechenden Marketing Aktivitäten289

STUDY VISITSFOR EDUCATION SPECIALISTSAND DECISION MAKERSNational Agencies in the Member Statesand the new countries(List updated13.2.<strong>2007</strong>)290

AUSTRIANationalagentur Lebenslanges Lernen Ms Romana BEIKIRCHERÖsterreichSchreyvogelgasse 2 Tel.: +43 1 53408-61A – 1010 WIEN Fax: +43 1 53408-20E-mail: romana.beikircher@oead.atWeb: www.lebenlanges-lernen.atBELGIË - BELGIQUEMinisterie van de Vlaamse GemeenschapMrs Nina MARESDepartement OnderwijsKoning Albert II laan15, lokaal 5C15 Tel.: (32-2) 553.95.80B - 1210 BRUSSEL Fax: (32-2) 553.95.65E-mail: nina.mares@ond.vlaanderen.beWeb: www.ond.vlaanderen.be/socratesMinistère de l’EducationMrs Françoise DAOUTSecrétariat généralDirection des Relations InternationalesEspace 27 septembre - 6ème étage A Tel.: (32-2) 413.40.12Boulevard Léopold II, 44 Fax: (32-2) 413.29.82B - 1080 BRUXELLESE-mail: francoise.daout@cfwb.beWeb: www.socrates.beMinisterium der Deutschsprachigen Mrs Suzanne KÜCHENBERGGemeinschaft - Agentur fürEuropäische Bildungsprogramme Tel.: (32-87) 59.63.00Gospert 1 Fax: (32-87) 55.77.16B - 4700 EUPENE-mail: suzanne.kuechenberg@dgov.beWeb: www.dglive.beDEUTSCHLANDSekretariat der Ständigen Konferenz Mr Thomas SPIELKAMPder Kultusminister der LänderMs Mechthild DRZISGAin der Bundesrepublik DeutschlandPädagogischer Austauschdienst Tel.: (49-228) 50.12.52 / 50.12.56Lennéstr. 6 Fax: (49-228) 50.12.59D - 53113 BONN 1 E-mail: pad.spielkamp@kmk.orgpad.drzisga@kmk.orgWeb: www.kmk.org/pad/sokrates2291

DANMARKCIRIUSMrs Ingrid JOHANSENMs Lia LEFFLANDFiolstraede 44DK - 1171 KOEBENHAVN Tel.: (45) 33 95.70.82/ 95.70.00Fax: (45) 33 95.70.01E-mail:ij@ciriusmail.dkll@ciriusmail.dkWeb: www.ciriusonline.dkELLADA - GREECEHellenic State ScolarshipsMr Fotis ATHANASSOPOULOSFoundation (IKY)Ms Aspasia PISPALLP National AgencyD. Areopagitou & Makri 1 Tel. :(30-210) 37.26.314, 392, 345GR - 11742 ATHENS Fax.: (30-210) 32.21.863E-mail: fatheo@iky.grapispa@iky.grstudy<strong>visits</strong>@iky.grWeb: www.ypepth.grESPAÑAMinisterio de Educación y Ciencia Mrs Lola LOPEZSubdirección General deMs Cristina FIGUEROAProgramas EuropeosPaseo del Prado 28 - 1° Tel.: (34-91) 506.55.69E - 28014 MADRID Fax: (34-91) 506.56.89E-mail:mdolores.lopez@mec.esCristina.figueroa@mec.esWeb: www.mec.es/programas-europeosFINLANDCentre for International Mobility- Ms Tytti VOUTILAINENCIMOP.O. Box 343 Tel.: (358) 207 868 560Säästöpankinranta 2A Fax: (358) 207 868 601FIN - 00531 HELSINKIE-mail: tytti.voutilainen@cimo.fiWeb: www.cimo.fi292

FRANCEAgence Europe EducationMr Patrice DELEGUEFormation FranceMs Christelle PEN25, Quai des ChartronsF - 33080 Bordeaux Cedex Tel. (33-5) – (33-5) www.europe-education-formation.frIRELANDLeargas the Exchange Bureau Ms Lorraine MC DYER189 Parnell StreetIRL – Dublin 1 Tel.: (353-1) 87.31.411Fax: (353-1) 87.31.316E-mail: lmcdyer@leargas.ieWeb: www.leargas.ieDepartment of Education & Science Ms Karen TIGHEInternational SectionMs Aideen MARTINMarlborough StreetIRL - DUBLIN 1 Tel.: (353-1) 889.24.56 – 889.20.18Fax: (353-1) 889.23.76E-mail:karen_tighe@education.gov.ieaideen_martin@education.gov.ieWeb: www.irlgov.ie/educITALIAINDIREMrs Fiora IMBERCIADORIAgenzia Socrates/LLP ItaliaMs Silvia RETTORIVia Buonarroti, 10I - 50122 FIRENZE Tel.: (39-055) 23.80.326-328-338-387-388-389Fax: (39-055) 23.80.343-399E-mail: visitestudio@indire.itWeb: http://www.indire.it/socratesMinistero dell’Istruzione,Mrs Paola Gigantedell’Università e della RicercaDirezione Generale per gli Tel.: (39-06) 58 49 33.88Affari Internazionali – Uff. II Fax: (39-06) Trastevere 76/aE.mail: paola.gigante@istruzione.itI - 00153 ROMA293

LIECHTENSTEINNationale Agentur SokratesAustrasse 79FL - 9490 VADUZMr Helmut KONRADMrs Nadine BATLINERTel.: (+423) 236 67 58 – 236 67 82Fax: (+423) 236 67 71E.mail:helmut.konrad@sa.llv.linadine.batliner@sa.llv.liWeb: www.socrates.liLUXEMBOURGMinistère de l'Education nationale, Mrs Karin PUNDELla Formation professionnelle et des SportsAgence Nationale Socrates Tel.: (352) 478 52.89 / 478.52.9034-36 Avenue de la Porte Neuve Fax: (352) 24.18.84L - 2227 LUXEMBOURGE-mail: karin.pundel@men.luWeb: www.socrates.luNEDERLANDContact for Dutch grant holders:Europees Platform voor hetMr Jan Willem WILKENSNederlandse Onderwijs,Vestiging Alkmaar Tel.: (31-72) 511 85 02Nassauplein 8 Fax: (31-72) 515 12 21NL - 1815 GM ALKMAARE-mail: arion@europeesplatform.nlWeb: http://www.europeesplatform.nlContact for incoming Arion visitors:Europees Platform voor hetMr Frank SMITNederlandse Onderwijs,Vestiging Den Haag Tel.: (31-70) 381 44 48Bezuidenhoutseweg 253 Fax: (31-70) 383 19 58NL – 2594 AM DEN HAAGE-mail: fsmit@europeesplatform.nlWeb: http://www.europeesplatform.nlNORGES.I.U.- Senter for internasjonalt Ms Vigdis BERGuniversitetssamarbeidSOKRATES programmet i Norge Tel.: (00-47) 39 – PO Box 7800 Fax: (00-47) - 5020 BERGENE-mail: vigdis.berg@siu.noWeb: www.siu.no/sokrates/arion294

PORTUGALAgencia Nacional para os Programas Mrs Sandra RAMALHOComunitárions Sócrates eMrs Vera CAEIROLeonardo da VinciAv. Infante Santo, N. 2-7 Tel.: (351-21) 394 47 32P-1350-178 LISBOA Fax: (351-21) 394 47 37E-mail:sramalho@socleo.ptvcaeiro@socleo.ptWebsite: www.socleo.ptUNITED KINGDOMECOTEC Research & Consulting Ms Faye LEWIS12-26 Albert Street Ms Michele PHIZACKLEAUK - Birmingham B4 7 UDTel.: (44)<strong>visits</strong>@ecotec.comWeb: www.ecotec.comwww.transversal.org.ukSVERIGE - SWEDENInternational Programme Office for Ms Anna GUDMUNDSSONEducation and TrainingMs Anna ANDERSSONBox 2<strong>2007</strong>Kungsbroplan 3A, 2 nd Floor Tel.: (46-8) 453.72.00 – 453.72.72S - 104 22 STOCKHOLM Fax: (46-8) 453 72 01E-mail:anna.gudmundsson@programkontoret.seAnna.andersson@programkontoret.seWeb: www.programkontoret.seISLANDOffice of International Education Mrs Thorgerdur Eva BJORNSDOTTIRSocrates National AgencyNeshagi 16 Tel.: (354) 525.43.11 – 525.58.53IS - 107 REYKJAVIK Fax: (354) 525.58.50E-mail: teva@hi.isWeb: www.ask.hi.is/socrates/arion295

HUNGARYSocrates National AgencyMr Janos JENEITempus Public FoundationLónyay utca 31. Tel.: (36 1) 237 1300H - 1134 BUDAPEST Fax: (36 1) 239 1329E-mail: janos.jenei@tpf.huWeb: www.tka.huCZECH REPUBLICCentre for International Services Mrs Danusa PASIAKOVAMoEYS – National Agency forEuropaen Education Programmes Tel.: (420) 234.621.117/NAEP/ - LLP Fax: (420) 234.621.103Senovážné nám. 24E-mail: pasiakova@socrates.czCZ – 116 47 PRAHA 1Web: www.socrates.czBULGARIAMinistry of Education and Science Ms Margarita PENEVADepartment “European IntegrationAnd Bilateral Cooperation” Tel.: (359-2) 921.77.27Bld. Dondukov, 2-A Fax: (359-2)988.06.00/ 988.49.74BG - 1000 SOFIAE-mail: m.peneva@minedu.government.bgWeb: www.minedu.governement.bgHuman ResourceMrs Vanya TIVIDOSHEVADevelopment Centre15, Graf Ignatiev Street, floor 4 Tel.: +359 2 91 550 19BG – 1000 SOFIA Fax: +359 2 91 550 49E-mail: vtividosheva@hrdc.bgWeb: http://www.hrdc.bgSLOVAC REPUBLICSAAIC-National Agency ofMrs Viera FARKAŠOVÁ (Director)Lifelong Learning Programme Mrs Renata MEZEIOVA (Arion)Staré Grunty 52SK - 84244 BRATISLAVA Tel.: (421-2) (421-2) renata@saaic.skWeb: www.saaic.sk296

POLSKA - POLANDFoundation for the Development Mrs Anna DEBSKAof the Education SystemNational Agency for the Socrates Programme Tel.: (48-22) 622.34.47 – 629.25.74Ul. Mokotowska 43 Fax.: (48.22) 622.37.10PL - 00551 WARSZAWAE-mail: anna.debska@socrates.org.plWeb: www.socrates.org.plROMANIANational Agency forMrs Cristina STEFANCommunity Programmesin the Field of Education and Tel.: (40-21) 311.35.05 – 312.11.87Vocational Training (ANPCDEFP) Fax: (40-21) 311.35.00Calea Serban Voda nr.133, sector 4 E-mail:cristina.stefan@leonardo.roRO – 040205 BUCARESTtWeb: www.socrates.roEESTI - ESTONIACentre for EducationalMs Sirli TANILOOProgrammes,Foundation Archimedes Tel.: (372) 696.24.10Koidula 13A Fax: (372) 696.24.26EE - 10125 TALLINNE-mail: sirli@archimedes.eeWeb: www.archimedes.ee/hkkLITHUANIAEducation exchanges support Mrs Lina GRIUSYTEFoundationMrs Zana ORLAVAGelezinio Vilko str. 12LT – 01112 VILNIUS Tel.: (370 5) 261 05 92 – 212 24 81Fax: (370 5) 249 71 37E-mail:lina@leonardo.ltvisit@socrates.ltWeb: www.smpf.lt; www.socrates.ltLATVIAAcademic Programme Agency Mrs Baiba SERMULINABlaumana iela 28LV - 1011 RIGA Tel.: (371) 7 28.01.38Fax: (371) 7 28.01.08E-mail: apa@apa.lvWeb: www.socrates.lv297

SLOVENIACMEPIUS – Centre of the Republic Mr Borut KORADAof Slovenia for Mobility andEuropean Educational and Training Tel.: (386) 1 586 42 71Programmes Fax: (386) 1 586 42 31Ob zeleznici 16E-mail: borut.korada@cmepius.siSLO – 1000 LJUBLJANAWeb: www.cmepius.siCYPRUSMinistry of Education and Culture Mrs Sylvia SOLOMONIDOUSocrates National Coordination Unit Mrs Christiana HAPERIKimon and Thoukydides StreetCY – 1434 NICOSIA Tel: (357) 22 800 991 – 773Fax: (357) 22 800 941 – 428 268E-mail: ssolomonidou@socrates.org.cyncysoc.haperi.christiana@nety.cec.eu.intWeb: www.moec.gov.cyMALTAEuropean Union Programmes Mr Silvano CRISTAUROUnit (EUPU)EUPU, 36 Old Mint Street, Valletta Tel. (356) 21 255 086VLT – 12 MALTA Fax: (356) 2558 6139E-mail: silvano.cristauro@gov.mtTURKEYUlusal Ajans (National Agency) Mr Davut Gazi BENLISocrates / Arion ProgramıMr Yavuz MORANHuseyin Rahmi Sok. No:206680 CANKAYA-ANKARA Tel.: (90) 312 409 61 18 - 409 61 40Fax: (90) 312 409 60 09 or 98E-mail:davut.benli@ua.gov.tryavuz.moran@ua.gov.trWeb: www.ua.gov.tr298

THE COMMISSIONEuropean CommissionMr Guido BOELDirectorate-General for Educationand Culture Tel.: (32-2) 295 60 31 – 296.39.37Rue de la Loi 200 Fax: (32-2) 299 22 31 – 298.94.99B - 1049 BRUXELLESE-mail: guido.boel@cec.europa.euWeb:http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/socrates/arion/index.htmlCentral Service Europe – <strong>Study</strong> <strong>visits</strong> for education specialists:Central Service EuropeMs Katrin BAIERNationalagentur Lebenslanges Lernen Ms Teresa GERLICHÖsterreichSchreyvogelgasse 2 Tel. (43) 1 534.08.27 or 23A – 1010 WIEN Fax: (43) 1 534.08.20E-mail:office@arion-<strong>visits</strong>.netteresa.gerlich@oead.atkatrin.baier@oead.atWeb: http://www.study<strong>visits</strong>.netEURYDICE EUROPEAN UNITLouisalaan 240B - 1050 BRUSSELMs Gisèle DE LELTel.: (32 2) 600.53.61Fax: (32 2) 600.53.63E-mail: gisele.delel@eurydice.orgWeb: http://www.eurydice.org299


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