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第 4 卷 第 4 期古 生 物 学 文 摘 ( 网 络 版 )目录2008 年 12 月古 生 物 学综 论 ………………………(1)遗 迹 化 石 …………………(4)分 子 古 生 物 学 ……………(5)古 生 态 学 …………………(6)微 体 古 生 物 学综 论 ………………………(14)孢 粉 ………………………(15)疑 源 类 ……………………(22)牙 形 石 ……………………(22)小 壳 化 石 …………………(23)古 植 物 学综 论 ………………………(24)藻 类 ………………………(27)真 菌 ………………………(33)蕨 类 植 物 ( 广 义 )………(34)早 期 种 子 植 物 ……………(36)裸 子 植 物 …………………(38)被 子 植 物 …………………(41)古 无 脊 椎 动 物 学综 论 ………………………(42)原 生 动 物 …………………(44)古 杯 、 多 孔 及 腔 肠 动 物 …(105)苔 藓 动 物 …………………(106)腕 足 动 物 …………………(107)软 体 动 物 …………………(111)节 肢 动 物 …………………(116)棘 皮 动 物 …………………(122)笔 石 动 物 …………………(123)分 类 位 置 不 明 ……………(123)古 脊 椎 动 物 学综 论 ………………………(126)鱼 类 ………………………(126)两 栖 类 ……………………(128)爬 行 类 ……………………(128)鸟 类 ………………………(140)哺 乳 类 ……………………(141)古 人 类 学古 人 类 学 …………………(145)历 史 地 质 学 、 地 层 学综 论 ………………………(147)古 地 理 学 、 古 气 候 学 ……(151)前 古 生 界 …………………(151)古 生 界 ……………………(153)中 生 界 ……………………(160)新 生 界 ……………………(171)

第 4 卷 第 4 期古 生 物 学 文 摘 ( 网 络 版 )2008 年 12 月古 生 物 学综 论2008040001动 物 的 最 早 化 石 记 录 及 其 意 义 = The earliestfossil record of the animals and its significance.( 英 文 ). Budd1 G E. Philosophical Transactionsof the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences,2008, 363(1496): 1425-1434The fossil record of the earliest animals hasbeen enlivened in recent years by a series ofspectacular discoveries, including embryos, fromthe Ediacaran to the Cambrian, but many issues,not least of dating and interpretation, remaincontroversial. In particular, aspects of taphonomyof the earliest fossils require careful considerationbefore pronouncements about their affinities.Nevertheless, a reasonable case can nowbe made for the extension of the fossil record ofat least basal animals (sponges and perhaps cnidarians)to a period of time significantly beforethe beginning of the Cambrian. The Cambrianexplosion itself still seems to represent the arrivalof the bilaterians, and many new fossils inrecent years have added significant data on theorigin of the three major bilaterian clades. Whyanimals appear so late in the fossil record is stillunclear, but the recent trend to embrace risingoxygen levels as being the proximate cause remainsunproven and may even involve a degreeof circularity2008040002化 石 记 录 中 全 球 温 度 与 生 物 多 样 性 、 起 源 及灭 绝 之 间 的 长 期 对 应 关 系 = A long-term associationbetween global temperature and biodiversity,origination and extinction in the fossilrecord. ( 英 文 ). Mayhew P J; Jenkins G B; BentonT G. Proceedings of the Royal Society B:Biological Sciences, 2008, 275(1630): 47-53The past relationship between global temperatureand levels of biological diversity is of increasingconcern due to anthropogenic climatewarming. However, no consistent link betweenthese variables has yet been demonstrated. Weanalysed the fossil record for the last 520Myragainst estimates of low latitude sea surfacetemperature for the same period. We found thatglobal biodiversity (the richness of families andgenera) is related to temperature and has beenrelatively low during warm ‘greenhouse’ phases,while during the same phases extinction andorigination rates of taxonomic lineages havebeen relatively high. These findings are consistentfor terrestrial and marine environments andare robust to a number of alternative assumptionsand potential biases. Our results providethe first clear evidence that global climate mayexplain substantial variation in the fossil recordin a simple and consistent manner. Our findingsmay have implications for extinction and biodiversitychange under future climate warming.2008040003地 史 时 期 最 大 规 模 集 群 灭 绝 后 的 复 苏 = Recoveryfrom the most profound mass extinctionof all time. ( 英 文 ). Sahney S; Benton M J. Proceedingsof the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences,2008, 275(1636): 759-765The end-Permian mass extinction, 251 millionyears (Myr) ago, was the most devastating ecologicalevent of all time, and it was exacerbatedby two earlier events at the beginning and end ofthe Guadalupian, 270 and 260Myr ago. Ecosystemswere destroyed worldwide, communitieswere restructured and organisms were left strugglingto recover. Disaster taxa, such as Lystrosaurus,insinuated themselves into almost everycorner of the sparsely populated landscape in theearliest Triassic, and a quick taxonomic recoveryapparently occurred on a global scale. However,close study of ecosystem evolution shows thattrue ecological recovery was slower. After theend-Guadalupian event, faunas began rebuildingcomplex trophic structures and refilling guilds,but were hit again by the end-Permian event.Taxonomic diversity at the alpha (community)level did not recover to pre-extinction levels; itreached only a low plateau after each pulse andcontinued low into the Late Triassic. Our datashowed that though there was an initial rise incosmopolitanism after the extinction pulses,large drops subsequently occurred and, counterintuitively,a surprisingly low level of cosmopolitanismwas sustained through the Early andMiddle Triassic.2008040004第 七 届 国 际 侏 罗 系 大 会 (2006 年 9 月 6-18 日于 波 兰 克 拉 科 夫 ) = VII International Congresson the Jurassic System (September 6–18,2006, Krakow, Poland). ( 英 文 ). Zakharov V A;Rogov M A. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation,2007, 15(2): 236-2382008040005时 间 信 息 、 化 石 记 录 和 系 统 发 育 = Temporalinformation, fossil record and phylogeny. ( 法 文 ).Lelièvre H; Bagils R Z; Rouget I. Comptes RendusPalevol, 2008, 7(1): 27-361

Fossils, i.e. remains of living organisms, providecritical data to reconstruct the history of lifeon Earth because they are the source of uniqueinformation concerning the past. Fossils allowstatements to be made about morphological featuresthat would otherwise remain unknown, thatalso help clarifying the phylogenetic relationshipsof organisms, which results in a betterknowledge of the fossil record and, partly, of thestratigraphic record. The latter constitutes thebasic source for palaeontologists in order to reconstructthe History of Life. Some palaeontologistsconsider that the stratigraphical record providesus with essential information necessary topropose phylogenetic hypotheses and to buildevolutionary scenarios. However, this point ofview is not generally accepted, some authorsputting forward that the fossil record is toofragmentary to be accurate (see, e.g.: G.J. Nelson,N.I. Platnick, Systematics and Biogeography:Cladistics and Vicariance, Columbia UniversityPress, New York, 1981; K.J. Peterson, Aphylogenetic test of the calcichordate scenario,Lethaia 28 (1995) 25–38). We critically analyzethe indices used to estimate the quality of thefossil record and the fit of phylogenetic hypothesesto stratigraphy. We use the concept of temporalparalogy to explain why all these measurementsare biased.2008040006印 度 奥 里 萨 冈 瓦 纳 盆 地 海 洋 的 影 响 和 侵 入 :评 论 = Marine influence and incursion in theGondwana basins of Orissa, India: A review. ( 英文 ). Goswami S. palaeoworld, 2008, 17(1): 21-32The Permian–Triassic succession of the IndianGondwana Sequence was previously consideredto have been deposited in a fluviatile-lacustrineenvironment. Similarly, earlier Lower Gondwanasof Orissa State (a major part of the MahanadiMaster basin) were considered entirely freshwater deposits. Faunal evidence is still scanty inthis master basin. Ichnology and palynologyalong with a few sedimentary records are reviewedand analysed for inferring marine signature.The marine nature of the Talchir, Karharbari,Barakar, Barren Measures and Kamthisediments of three major basins (Talcher, IbRiver and Athgarh) in Orissa State was predictedon the basis of typical marine ichnofossils. Mostof these sediments also contain acritarchs reflectingmarine marginal environment throughoutthe Permian. Moreover, evidence of waveactivity, salinity raise and discovery of phosphoritein Permian sediments also strengthen thisview.Hence, the previous model of continental faciesfor the Lower Gondwanas is found to beincorrect. The ichnofossils (Skolithos andCruziana ichno-facies), acritarchs (Foveofusa,Leiosphaeridia, Greinervillites, etc.) and otherpalynofossils of marine origin can be utilized asa tool for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Inthe Gondwana basins of Orissa (Mahanadi Masterbasin), consistent occurrence of marine acritarchsand trace fossils with some typical sedimentarystructures such as wave ripples has beenstudied and reviewed from the Talchir (EarlyPermian) to Upper Kamthi (Triassic) formationsat various time intervals. Here marine incursioncould have occurred due to the well knownglobal transgressions during Permian and Triassic.2008040007古 生 物 学 、 考 古 学 和 古 人 类 学 中 的 古 遗 传学 : 贡 献 与 局 限 = Palaeogenetics in palaeontology,archaeology and palaeoanthropology:Contributions and limits. ( 英 文 ). Vignea J D;Darlub P. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008, 7(2/3):81-902008040008研 究 化 石 保 存 的 微 观 、 化 学 和 分 子 方 法 =Microscopic, chemical and molecular methodsfor examining fossil preservation. ( 英 文 ).Schweitzer M H; Avci R; Collier T; Goodwin MB. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008, 7(2/3): 159-184Advances in technology over the past twodecades have resulted in unprecedented access todata from biological specimens. These data haveexpanded our understanding of physical characteristics,physiological, cellular and subcellularprocesses, and evolutionary relationships at themolecular level and beyond. Paleontological andarchaeological sciences have recently begun toapply these technologies to fossil and subfossilrepresentatives of extinct organisms. Data derivedfrom multidisciplinary, non-traditionaltechniques can be difficult to decipher, andwithout a basic understanding of the type of informationprovided by these methods, their usefulnessfor fossil studies may be overlooked.This review describes some of these powerfulnew analytical tools, the data that may be accessiblethrough their use, advantages and limitations,and how they can be applied to fossil materialto elucidate characteristics of extinct organismsand their paleoecological environments.2008040009海 洋 生 物 分 化 对 浮 游 植 物 化 学 计 量 比 的 响 应= Marine biodiversification in response to evolvingphytoplankton stoichiometry. ( 英 文 ). MartinaR E; Quiggb A; Podkovyrovc V. PalaeogeographyPalaeoclimatology Palaeoecology,2008, 258(4): 277-2912

derms and brachiopods). It developed in a confinedintra-platform basin progressively filled bydistal calcareous turbidites originating from thesouthward prograding shelf to the north. Thisbasin was bordered to the south by a discontinuousbarrier of Waulsortian mud mounds builtagainst a major synsedimentary fault separatingthe DSA from the southern Avesnois sedimentationarea (ASA). The alternations of laminated(black marble facies) and bioturbated (thickbeddedfacies) lithofacies occurring within theMolignée Formation imply that the palaeoenvironmentrecorded several anoxic to dysoxic periodsalternating with more oxygenated ones dueto sea-level fluctuations of low magnitude andwas strongly influenced by the basin architectureinherited from the late Tournaisian.遗 迹 化 石2008040015阿 根 廷 巴 塔 哥 尼 亚 地 区 中 部 新 生 代 蝉 的 遗 迹化 石 = Trace Fossils of Cicadas in the Cenozoicof Central Patagonia, Argentina. ( 英 文 ). KrauseJ M; Bown T M; Bellosi E S; Genise J F. Palaeontology,2008, 51(2): 405-418Hemispherical pan or dish-shaped trace fossilsfrom the Cenozoic of the Central Patagonia areattributed to the burrowing action of cicadas. Anew ichnotaxon, Feoichnus challa igen. et isp.nov. is characterized by its hemispherical shape,mostly subvertical orientation, smoothed internallining showing knobbly surface texture, andrough and irregular external surface devoid ofornamentation. The wall is composed of a liningplus a layer of soil material consolidated passivelyby cicada excretions. In other specimensthe wall shows a repetition of linings and soillayers reflecting changes in the position of thechambers. Grooves, which represent traces ofroots originally related to the feeding activitiesof cicada nymphs, are located in the wall ofmany specimens of F. challa. These grooves aresubvertical to subhorizontal and show smoothsurfaces with longitudinal striations. The cicadanorigin of these traces is supported by comparisonof the fossils to modern cicada nymph chambersand by laboratory experiments. The most significantcharacters that emerged from the comparisonare the differential preservation of the basalpart of the chambers, the interior lining withsimilar surface texture, and the presence of roottraces in the wall and in the interior of the chamber.Additional records of F. challa from theCretaceous–Pliocene of the USA, the Oligoceneof Ethiopia, and the Miocene of the United ArabEmirates and Kenya complete the current informationyielded by the known body fossil recordto help understand the evolutionary history ofcicadas.2008040016韩 国 上 白 垩 统 Uhangri 组 内 部 具 脊 恐 龙 脚 印的 重 新 解 释 = A reinterpretation of dinosaurfootprints with internal ridges from the UpperCretaceous Uhangri Formation, Korea. ( 英 文 ).Hwanga K; Lockleyb M G; Huhc M; Paik S.Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology,2008, 258(1-2): 59-70Very unusual dinosaur footprints with radialinternal ridges from the Late Cretaceous ofsouthern Korea have been the subject of muchcontroversy. All footprints are in black laminatedmudstone/shale, and have gently curvedcross-sections that show deformation of a flexiblesubstrate by dinosaur footprint registration.These peculiar patterns have not been recordedat any other site in the world, although naturalcasts of such features have been reported from afew localities. Each footprint consists of severalsectors or pockets partitioned by conspicuousradial ridges. These tracks were first interpretedas sauropod manus-only tracks, supporting RolandBird's swimming sauropod hypothesis.However, our study casts serious doubt on thistheory for two reasons. First, the footprintssometimes exhibit characteristic features such asungual, digit or heel impressions, suggesting thatthe mysterious traces are those of a tridactyl,bipedal dinosaur. Second, the unusual tracks areunderprints, and the internal ridges are molds ofradial cracks on the underside of a sand bed onwhich large bipeds were walking.2008040017澳 大 利 亚 曼 斯 菲 尔 德 盆 地 下 石 炭 统 SnowyPlains 组 的 一 种 遗 迹 化 石 组 合 = An ichnofossilassemblage from the Lower CarboniferousSnowy Plains Formation, Mansfield Basin, Australia.( 英 文 ). Garvey J M; Hasiotis S T. PalaeogeographyPalaeoclimatology Palaeoecology,2008, 258(4): 257-276Continental strata of the Home Station SandstoneMember of the Snowy Plains Formation ofthe Mansfield Group, Avon Supergroup, MansfieldBasin in Victoria, Australia, contains diverseand abundant trace fossils, includingdomichnia, fodinichnia, pascichnia, and repichnia.The ichna are found in numerous beds in anapproximately 28-m-thick unit referred to asFish Hill, within the 250- to 500-m-thick HomeStation Sandstone Member. The beds consist ofalternating laminated mudstone and siltstone,thick-bedded ripple laminated sandstone, andthick-bedded massive sandstone with occasionaldiscontinuous wavy lamination, trough crossbeddingand small-scale planar cross-bedding,interpreted as meandering river deposits.The trace-fossil assemblage includes Rusophycus,Cruziana, Palaeophycus, and Sagittich-5

nus, a new ichnospecies of Fuersichnus and ofMargaritichnus, and a new ichnotaxon Platicyteslioparadus. The geological and geographicaldistributions of many of these ichnotaxa areextended. Excellent examples of the compoundnature of Cruziana and Rusophycus are illustrated.Ichnotaxa are herein grouped into a Rusophycus,Margaritichnus, and Cruziana ichnocoenoses,each identified according to their paleoenvironmentaloccurrence. This is the firstdetailed description on ichnofossils reportedfrom Fish Hill, adding important palaeoenvironmentaland palaeoecological information towhat is previously known from these rocksbased on vertebrate fossils.2008040018西 班 牙 比 利 牛 斯 Ainsa-Jaca 盆 地 中 始 新 世 指示 深 海 环 境 的 特 征 性 的 遗 迹 化 石 = Trace fossilsas diagnostic indicators of deep-marine environments,Middle Eocene Ainsa-Jaca basin,Spanish Pyrenees. ( 英 文 ). Heard T G; PickeringK T. Sedimentology, 2008, 55(4): 809 - 844A quantitative study of trace fossil abundancein the Middle Eocene deep-marine clastic systems,Ainsa-Jaca basin, Spanish Pyrenees, showsthat they are powerful discriminators of submarinefan and related environments. Sixteen fanand related environments are recognized fromupper-slope gully to the distal basin-floor. Foreach environment, the degree of bioturbation(density), trace-fossil diversity, number of predepositionaland post-depositional trace fossils,as well as the number of graphoglyptid ichnospecieswere quantified. In the more laterallyconfined and channel-dominated Ainsa basin,there is a trend of increasing bioturbation intensityand trace-fossil diversity away from channel-axisto off-axis environments. In the moreunconfined and distal Jaca basin, there is a trendof increasing trace-fossil diversity and numberof pre-depositional trace fossils includinggraphoglyptids from the channel-lobe transitionto the fan-fringe. The trace-fossil assemblages ofthe Ainsa-Jaca basin are characteristic of a numberof sub-ichnofacies of the Nereites ichnofacies.In the distal Jaca basin, the Paleodictyonsub-ichnofacies occurs in the lobe-fringe andfan-fringe, whereas the distal basin-floor has atrace-fossil assemblage typical of the Paleodictyonsub-ichnofacies, but with a high proportionof post-depositional fodinichnia. Trace-fossilassemblages of proximal basin, axial, environmentsare characteristic of the Ophiomorpharudis sub-ichnofacies, whilst proximal off-axisenvironments, have a mixed Paleodictyon-Ophiomorpha rudis sub-ichnofacies trace-fossilassemblage.分 子 古 生 物 学2008040019解 译 后 口 动 物 的 系 统 演 化 : 分 子 的 、 形 态 的及 古 生 物 学 的 思 考 = Deciphering deuterostomephylogeny: molecular, morphological and palaeontologicalperspectives. ( 英 文 ). Swalla B J;Smith A B. Philosophical Transactions of theRoyal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2008,363(1496): 1557-1568Deuterostomes are a monophyletic group ofanimals that include the vertebrates, invertebratechordates, ambulacrarians and xenoturbellids.Fossil representatives from most major deuterostomegroups, including some phylum-levelcrown groups, are found in the Lower Cambrian,suggesting that evolutionary divergence occurredin the Late Precambrian, in agreementwith some molecular clock estimates. Molecularphylogenies, larval morphology and the adultheart/kidney complex all support echinodermsand hemichordates as a sister grouping (Ambulacraria).Xenoturbellids are a relatively newlydiscovered phylum of worm-like deuterostomesthat lacks a fossil record, but molecular evidencesuggests that these animals are a sister group tothe Ambulacraria. Within the chordates, cephalochordatesshare large stretches of chromosomalsynteny with the vertebrates, have a completeHox complex and are sister group to thevertebrates based on ribosomal and mitochondrialgene evidence. In contrast, tunicates have ahighly derived adult body plan and are sistergroup to the vertebrates based on the analyses ofconcatenated genomic sequences. Cephalochordatesand hemichordates share gill slits and anacellular cartilage, suggesting that the ancestraldeuterostome also shared these features. Genenetwork data suggest that the deuterostome ancestorhad an anterior–posterior body axis specifiedby Hox and Wnt genes, a dorsoventral axisspecified by a BMP/chordin gradient, and wasbilaterally symmetrical with left–right asymmetrydetermined by expression of nodal.2008040020从 直 接 发 育 的 半 索 动 物 Saccoglossuskowalevskii 洞 察 后 口 动 物 演 化 分 子 成 因 =Molecular genetic insights into deuterostomeevolution from the direct-developing hemichordateSaccoglossus kowalevskii. ( 英 文 ). Lowe CJ. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal SocietyB: Biological Sciences, 2008, 363(1496):1569-1578Progress in developmental biology, phylogenomicsand palaeontology over the past fiveyears are all making major contributions to along-enduring problem in comparative biology:the early origins of the deuterostome phyla. Recentadvances in the developmental biology ofhemichordates have given a unique insight into6

developmental similarities between this phylumand chordates. Transcriptional and signallinggene expression patterns between the two groupsduring the early development of the anteroposteriorand dorsoventral axes reveal close similarities,despite large morphological disparity betweenthe body plans. These genetic networkshave been proposed to play conserved roles inpatterning centralized nervous systems in metazoans,yet seem to play a conserved role in patterningthe diffusely organized basiepithelialnerve net of the hemichordates. Developmentalgenetic data are providing a unique insight intoearly deuterostome evolution, revealing a complexityof genetic regulation previously attributedonly to vertebrates. While these data allowfor key insights into the development of earlydeuterostomes, their utility for reconstructingancestral morphologies is less certain, and morphological,palaeontological and molecular datasetsshould all be considered carefully whenspeculating about ancestral deuterostome features.2008040021环 境 和 挖 掘 : 实 验 室 之 前 对 古 DNA 分 析 的 影响 = Environment and excavation: Pre-lab impactson ancient DNA analyses. ( 英 文 ). BollonginoR; Tresset A; Vigne J-Da. ComptesRendus Palevol, 2008, 7(2/3): 91-98Ancient DNA (aDNA) analyses enjoy an increasingrole in palaeontological, archaeologicaland archaeozoological research. The limitingfactor for aDNA studies is the degree of DNApreservation. Our study on 291 prehistoric cattleremains from Europe, the Near East and NorthAfrica revealed that DNA preservation is mainlyinfluenced by geographic and climatic conditions.Especially in hot climates, the preservationof sample material is generally low. We observedthat these specimens are prone to furtherdegradation and contamination during and afterexcavation. We give a description of the maincaveats and a short guideline for adequate samplehandling in order to facilitate the cooperationbetween archaeologists and geneticists and toimprove the outcome of future research.2008040022家 畜 驯 化 的 古 遗 传 学 : 对 西 南 亚 驯 化 中 心 保存 的 化 石 骨 骼 研 究 的 方 法 论 挑 战 = Palaeogeneticsof cattle domestication: Methodologicalchallenges for the study of fossil bones preservedin the domestication centre in SouthwestAsia. ( 英 文 ). Geig E M. Comptes RendusPalevol, 2008, 7(2/3): 99-112Recently, palaeogenetics encountered enormoussuccess when parts of the nuclear genomesof mammoth and Neanderthal man were analysed.Their bones, however, had been preservedin environments favourable to DNA preservation,i.e., permafrost regions and caves in temperateregions. Few studies have tackled archaeologicalbones from hot, arid regions, although they beargreat significance for the study of evolution ofhumans and the precursors of modern societies.According to archaeological evidence, a keyevent in neolithisation, the domestication of cattle,took place around 10,000 years ago inSouthwest Asia. Genetic data from prehistoricbovine bones preserved in this region might shedlight on this process, but the palaeogenetic approachhas been hampered by poor DNA preservation.Here, I discuss various aspects of DNApreservation in fossils and the production of reliablepalaeogenetic data and present methodologicalimprovements that have enabled us toshed light on the process of cattle domesticationin Southwest Asia and its spread into westernEurope.2008040023从 化 石 骨 骼 中 遗 迹 组 分 的 分 布 比 较 重 结 晶 速率 与 生 物 分 子 的 保 存 潜 力 = Comparing ratesof recrystallisation and the potential for preservationof biomolecules from the distribution oftrace elements in fossil bones. ( 英 文 ). TruemanC N; Palmer R M; Field J; Privat K; Ludgate N;Chavagnac V. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008,7(2/3): 145-158Preservation of intact macromolecules andgeochemical signals in fossil bones is mainlycontrolled by the extent of post-mortem interactionbetween bones and sediment pore waters.Trace elements such as lanthanum are added tobone post-mortem from pore waters, and whereuptake occurs via a simple process of diffusionand adsorption, the elemental distribution can beused to assess the relative extent of bone-porewater interaction and rate of recrystallisation.Distribution profiles can be parameterised effectivelyusing simple exponential equations, andthe extent of bone–water interaction comparedwithin and between sites. In this study, the distributionof lanthanum within bone was determinedby laser ablation ICP–MS in 60 archaeologicaland fossil bones from Pleistocene andCretaceous sites. The rates of recrystallisationand potential for preservation of intact biogeochemicalsignals vary significantly within andbetween sites. Elemental profiles within fossilbones hold promise as a screening technique toprospect for intact biomolecules and as a taphonomictool.古 生 态 学20080400247

以 松 柏 类 和 盾 籽 类 为 优 势 的 低 分 异 度 、 季 节性 热 带 景 观 : 新 墨 西 哥 早 二 叠 世 Abo 组 = Alow diversity, seasonal tropical landscape dominatedby conifers and peltasperms: Early PermianAbo Formation, New Mexico. ( 英 文 ). Di-Michele W A; Chaney D S; Nelson W J; LucasS G; Looy C V; Quick K; Wang Jun. Review ofPalaeobotany and Palynology, 2007, 145(3-4):249-273Walchian conifers (Walchia piniformis Sternberg,1825) and peltasperms similar to Supaiathinnfeldioides White and cf. Supaia anomalaWhite dominate floodplain deposits of a narrowstratigraphic interval of the middle Abo Formation,Lower Permian of central New Mexico.The plant fossils occur in thinly bedded units upto two meters thick, consisting of coarse siltstoneto very fine sandstone with clay partings.Bedding is primarily tabular, thin, and bears rareripple marks and trough cross beds. Beddingsurfaces display mud cracks, raindrop imprints,horizontal and vertical burrows of invertebrates,and footprints of terrestrial vertebrates. Thesefeatures indicate intermittent and generally unchannelizedstream flow, with repeated exposureto air. Channels appear to have cannibalized oneanother on a slowly subsiding coastal plain.Conifers are dominant at three collecting sitesand at three others Supaia dominates. Althougheach of these genera occurs in assemblagesdominated by the other, there are no truly codominantassemblages. This pattern suggestsalternative explanations. Landscapes could haveconsisted of a small-scale vegetational patchworkdominated almost monospecifically in anyone patch, meaning that these plants could havecoexisted across the landscape. On the otherhand, conifer and supaioid dominance couldhave been temporally distinct, occurring duringdifferent episodes of sedimentation; although inthe field there are no noticeable sedimentologicaldifferences between conifer-dominated andSupaia-dominated channel deposits, they mayrepresent slightly different climatic regimes. Theconsiderable morphological differences betweenconifers and Supaia suggest that the floristicpatterns are not a taphonomic effect of the lossof a significant part of the original biodiversity.In general, the climate under which this vegetationdeveloped appears to have been relativelywarm and arid, based on the geology (pervasivered color [oxidation], calcrete in paleosols, andabundant mud cracks evidencing ephemeral flowin streams) and biology (low floristic diversity,xeromorphic plant physiognomies).2008040025冰 岛 中 中 新 世 植 物 群 — 一 个 岛 屿 上 的 早 期 植被 ? = Middle Miocene floras of Iceland — theearly colonization of an island?. ( 英 文 ).Grímsson Friðgeir; Denk T; Símonarson L A.Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2007,144(3-4): 181-219Two macrofloras, 15 and 13.5 Ma old, are describedfrom the oldest exposed plant bearingsediments on Iceland. Many of the taxa are mentionedfor the first time and a lime tree, Tiliaselardalense, is described as a new species.In case of the older flora, differences in theenvironment are reflected in plants derived fromvolcanic sediments from high elevations (Selárdalur,15 Ma) and from lowland alluvial plains(Botn, 15 Ma). The former are characterized byzonal elements and dominated by Fagus. Thelatter is dominated by conifers inhabitingswamps and hummocks. The younger Ketilseyriflora (13.5 Ma) is poorer and more similar to theSelárdalur flora. Both floras suggest a humidwarm temperate climate (mostly Cfa climatesensu Köppen) with a number of exotic elements(Glyptostrobus, Sequoia, Magnolia, Cercidiphyllum).Evaluating the dispersal mechanisms of allthe taxa shows that at least some (Aesculus,Fagus) could not have possibly colonized Icelandcrossing large ocean barriers. Furthermore,most anemochorous taxa recorded have a verylimited dispersal radius. This suggests that when“proto-Iceland” was colonized, it was connectedto the mainland or accessible via a chain of islands.This land could have been part of theGreenland–Scotland Transverse Ridge that isbelieved to have persisted from the early Cenozoicto Late Oligocene and partly into the MiddleMiocene.2008040026晚 二 叠 世 热 带 地 区 古 代 野 火 的 证 据 — 来 自 约旦 Um Irna 组 的 炭 化 木 化 石 = Evidence forpalaeo-wildfire in the Late Permian palaeotropics– charcoalified wood from the Um Irna Formationof Jordan. ( 英 文 ). Uhl D; Hamad A A;Kerp H; Bandel K. Review of Palaeobotany andPalynology, 2007, 144(3-4): 221-230Charcoalified wood from the lower part of theLate Permian Um Irna Formation of Jordan isdescribed. This charcoal represents the first evidenceof palaeo-wildfire during the Late Permianin northern Gondwana. The source localityat the northeastern rim of the Dead Sea hasyielded excellently preserved gymnosperm charcoal.Taxonomically most remains are identifiedas Dadoxylon-type gymnosperm wood. However,one woody specimen exhibits features that suggesta potential taxonomic relationship to theCorystospermales, a group otherwise representedat this locality by compressed fronds assigned tothe genus Dicroidium. The occurrence of charcoalin the Um Irna Formation is in accordancewith sedimentological data, as well as palaeo-8

climatic interpretations of this formation thatsuggest a tropical climate with alternating wetand dry seasons, favourable for the occurrenceof wildfires. The charcoalified wood from theLate Permian of Jordan testifies for the first timeto the occurrence of palaeo-wildfire in the lowlatitudes of northern Gondwana during this period.2008040027动 态 深 部 生 物 圈 中 白 云 岩 的 形 成 : 来 自 秘 鲁边 缘 的 结 论 = Dolomite formation in the dynamicdeep biosphere: results from the PeruMargin. ( 英 文 ). Meister P; Mckenzie J A; VasconcelosC; Bernasconi S; Frank M. Sedimentology,2007, 54(5): 1007-1032Early diagenetic dolomite beds were sampledduring the Ocean Drilling Programme (ODP)Leg 201 at four reoccupied ODP Leg 112 siteson the Peru continental margin (Sites 1227/684,1228/680, 1229/681 and 1230/685) and analysedfor petrography, mineralogy, δ 13 C, δ 18 O and87 Sr/ 86 Sr values. The results are compared withthe chemistry, and δ 13 C and 87 Sr/ 86 Sr values ofthe associated porewater. Petrographic relationshipsindicate that dolomite forms as a primaryprecipitate in porous diatom ooze and siliciclasticsediment and is not replacing the smallamounts of precursor carbonate. Dolomite precipitationoften pre-dates the formation of framboidalpyrite. Most dolomite layers show87 Sr/ 86 Sr-ratios similar to the composition ofQuaternary seawater and do not indicate a contributionfrom the hypersaline brine, which ispresent at a greater burial depth. Also, the δ 13 Cvalues of the dolomite are not in equilibriumwith the δ 13 C values of the dissolved inorganiccarbon in the associated modern porewater. Bothpetrography and 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios suggest a shallowdepth of dolomite formation in the uppermostsediment (

Island, Papua New Guinea. ( 英 文 ). Lentfer C;Torrence R. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology,2007, 143(3-4): 83-105An integrated approach to the reconstructionof vegetation history and human land use duringthe Holocene on Garua Island, Papua NewGuinea analysed sediments and plant microfossils(phytoliths and starch granules) togetherwith archaeological data. The long-term recordis punctuated by a series of volcanic disasters,where repeated cycles of massive destructionwere followed by differing cycles of forest regeneration.The plant microfossil record showsthat instead of long-term forest recovery, theoverall pattern of regeneration was progressivelymore disrupted. Through time regeneration washalted earlier in the sequence and then revertedto increasingly open plant communities dominatedby grasses. The temporal patterns of burning,stone artefact discard, and plant introductionsdemonstrate that the increased impact ofhuman systems of land management was primarilyresponsible for the temporal patterning. Mostnotably, the study shows that human interferencebegins much earlier than expected given previousarchaeological research and relatively intensiveburning and landscape modification, possiblyindicating cultivation, predates the introductionof Lapita pottery.2008040030捷 克 内 陆 盆 地 凝 灰 岩 层 中 保 存 的 威 斯 特 法 阶- 下 斯 蒂 芬 阶 泥 沼 群 落 的 植 被 模 式 = Vegetationpatterns of Westphalian and Lower Stephanianmire assemblages preserved in tuff beds ofthe continental basins of Czech Republic. ( 英 文 ).Opluštil S; Pšenička J; Libertín M; Šimůnek Z.Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2007,143(3-4): 107-154Several volcanoclastic beds in coal-bearingstrata of the Late Palaeozoic continental basinsin the Czech Republic contain in situ buriedpeat-forming plant ecosystems the study ofwhich provides a unique insight into their structuralpattern and species composition. MiddlePennsylvanian peat-forming plant assemblagesat 14 localities in basins of central and westernBohemia and from the Intra-Sudetic Basin (NEBohemia) were characterised based on collectionsof plants preserved in five successive tuffbeds: the tuff of the 3rd Žd'árky Coal (Duckmantian),the Whetstone Horizon in the roof ofthe Lower Radnice Coal (Bolsovian), the Velkáopuka intercalated in the Upper Radnice Coal(Bolsovian), the Z-tuff capping the Lower LubnáCoal (Bolsovian), and the tuff of the ChotíkovCoal (Westphalian D/Cantabrian). Analysis ofplant remains preserved in these beds reveals theco-existence of several ecologically controlledplant assemblages ranging from structurallysimple, low-diversity to high-diversity phytocoenoses,with complex structural patterns andsynecological relationships. Most of these assemblagesrepresent variations of the basic lepidodendrid-dominatingforest with co-dominanceor sub-dominance of other basic plant groups.This pattern is comparable to the forests of theparalic basins located in coastal settings. An assemblagedominated by the sub-arborescent lycopsidOmphalophloios feistmantelii (Feistmantel)comb. nov. was recognised in the UpperRadnice Coal. Only a few assemblages are poorin lycopsids. These are mostly mixed fern–calamites or pteridosperm-dominated phytocoenoses.The assemblages described represent variousstages of hydroseral succession. The initial stageconsists of a low-diversity fern–calamitesdominatedassemblage of 5 species, not higherthen 1–1.5 m which re-colonised the previouslydrowned mire. The climax stage of the successionis represented by high-diversity lepidodendridforests with well-developed ground-coverand shrubs. The number of taxa of such assemblagesvaries between 20 and 30 species withinan area of about 100 m 2 .A comparison of the peat-forming flora withthe clastic substrate floras preserved in mudstonesor roof shales revealed substrate preferenceof individual species. Most of them grew inboth types of substrates; only a few wereadapted to only one type of substrate.2008040031奥 陶 纪 - 志 留 纪 界 线 附 近 多 种 危 机 时 期 的 生 物礁 : 加 拿 大 安 提 克 斯 提 岛 及 世 界 情 况 = Reefsduring the multiple crises towards the Ordovician-Silurianboundary: Anticosti Island, easternCanada, and worldwide. ( 英 文 ). Copper P. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(2):153-171Multiple latest Ordovician (Rawtheyan–Hirnantian) glaciations in central Africa, withconcomitant global sea-level lowstands andcooler, restricted, equatorial carbonate shelvesand ramps, interrupted by warmer interstadialhighstands, had a dramatic global impact on thetropical shallow-water reef ecosystem and carbonateproduction. With the Ordovician-Silurianboundary strata on Anticosti Island as a globalstandard for a carbonate shelf-ramp setting, thelatest Ordovician and earliest Silurian revealthree reef phases, ended by three extinctions.The first extinction, towards the end of the Rawtheyan,affected the last "Richmondian"-typereefs (Vaureal Formation, Mill Bay Member).The second extinction was less pronounced, endingwith reefs at the base of the Prinsta Member(Ellis Bay Formation), interpreted as the top ofthe Normalograptus extraordinarius graptolite10

Subzone. The third and most severe extinctionphase capped the Laframboise patch reef complex(Ellis Bay Formation), at the top of theNormalograptus persculptus Zone. In the paleotropics,the Hirnantian interglacials showedhigher biodiversity than either the precedingRawtheyan or following Rhuddanian (earlyLlandovery) warm intervals, a feature perhapsachieved by high innovation rates via introductionof "Silurian" reef biotas during theHirnantian. The Anticosti reef succession iscompared with latest Ordovician reefs fromnorthwestern Europe (Baltic Basin and U.K.),the northwestern margins of Gondwana (Spainand Austria), the Urals, Siberia, Kazakhstan,northeast Russia, and China. Reefs show aglobal decline from the late Caradoc through lateAshgill, marked by hiatuses towards the O–Sboundary. A protracted 3–4 million-year recoveryphase for Early Silurian tropical marine biotas,generally without reefs, marked the succeedingRhuddanian; full reef recovery was delayeduntil the mid-Aeronian.2008040032加 拿 大 魁 北 克 Charlevoix 地 区 一 个 南 方 永 冻泥 炭 田 的 古 生 态 分 析 = A paleoecologicalanalysis of a southern permafrost peatland, Charlevoix,Quebec. ( 英 文 ). Zimmermann C; LavoieC. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2001,38(6): 909-919The southernmost site where permafrost hasbeen located in the Quebec–Labrador peninsulais in a peatland on the subalpine summit of Lacdes Cygnes Mountain (47°41'N, 70°36'W). Becauseof the thickness of its peat deposit, this sitecontains rich ecological information about thehistory of the peatland and its surroundingsubalpine environment. We conducted a detailedmacrofossil analysis to reconstruct the 6000-yearhistory of the peatland. In general, the developmentof the Lac des Cygnes Mountain peatlandhas followed the classic succession of rich fen –poor fen – bog found in other peatlands in subarctic,boreal, and temperate environments. Anabrupt decline in all tree macrofossils ca. 4000BP suggests that a major deforestation eventoccurred on the summit of Lac des CygnesMountain. The exact cause of this deforestationevent is unknown, but fire is a possible factor.The lack of absolute chronological resolutionnear the top of the macrofossil record precludesproper dating of permafrost inception, but thebalance of evidence appears to indicate that thepermafrost is modern.2008040033阿 根 廷 西 北 部 高 纬 度 安 第 斯 湖 第 四 纪 湖 泊 石灰 华 和 叠 层 石 的 沉 积 环 境 = Depositional environmentsof Quaternary lacustrine travertinesand stromatolites from high-altitude Andeanlakes, northwestern Argentina. ( 英 文 ). Valero-Garcés B L; Arenas C; Delgado-Huertas A. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(8):1263-1283Four distinctive depositional subenvironmentsof fossil travertines and stromatolites are identifiedin three high-altitude (3500–4000m abovesea level) lacustrine basins: El Peinado, SanFrancisco (Las Coladas Salar subbasin), and LasPeladas (southern Andean Altiplano, northwesternArgentina). These late Quaternary occurrencesare characterized using geomorphological,sedimentological, petrographic, and stable isotopicdata. Stromatolites of cyanobacterial originonly develop in shallow lacustrine margins of ElPeinado basin. In the same basin, macrophytictravertines occur both near thermal spring seepageareas along the lake margin as in situ faciesand in littoral lacustrine environments up to waterdepths of several metres as phytoclastic travertinefacies. The stromatolites and macrophytictravertines have relatively heavy 18 Ocompositions, suggesting initial16 O-depletedwaters and (or) evaporation effects through time.Their high 13 C compositions are interpreted as areflection of intense CO 2 evasion from the thermalgroundwaters feeding the lakes. Similarlaminated travertine facies, with no petrographicevidence for biotic origin, occur in both Las Coladasand Las Peladas basins. Neither petrographicnor isotopic data alone can differentiatebetween these two cases. Besides, diageneticoverprint in Las Peladas facies precludes the useof isotopic values as original isotopic signatures.However, the depositional environmental conditionsdefined by the geomorphological andsedimentological features are different. Laminatedaragonitic crusts in Las Coladas basinformed in a shallow, saline lake and are associatedwith shoreline and terrace deposits cementedby aragonite. These travertine crusts representperiods of spring, 16 O-rich discharge tothe lake, as suggested by the lighter oxygen isotopiccompositions. In contrast, travertines fromLas Peladas occur as laminated calcitic and aragoniticunits intercalated at the top of finingupwardsequences composed of conglomerates,sandstones, and intraclastic limestones. Sedimentologicaldata suggest that these travertinesoriginated in fluvial-influenced lake marginsduring low lake-level episodes.2008040034加 拿 大 北 部 和 东 部 奥 陶 纪 、 志 留 纪 及 泥 盆 纪腕 足 动 物 多 起 因 壳 质 钻 孔 的 统 计 分 析 = Statisticalanalysis of mixed-motive shell borings inOrdovician, Silurian, and Devonian brachiopodsfrom northern and eastern Canada. ( 英 文 ). Daley11

A C. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2008,45(2): 213-229Hundreds of shell borings of different originand displaying variable patterns were found instrophomenide, pentameride, and orthidebrachiopods of five Paleozoic localities in northernand eastern Canada. The borings were analyzedusing simple statistics as well as clusterand nonmetric multidimensional scaling analyses.At the Ordovician Anticosti Island locality,all borings are parasitic or post-mortem in origin,while at the Wenlock-Ludlow Baillie-HamiltonIsland, almost all borings are predatory. At theremaining three localities, borings represent amix of predatory, parasitic, and post-mortemdomichnial borings in all three brachiopod taxa,the proportions of which were controlled largelyby brachiopod shell morphology and paleoecology.For the strophomenides, predatory boringscan be segregated from parasitic and postmortemdomichnial using simple and multivariatestatistical analyses. Sowerbyella-type strophomenideshave a higher proportion of predatoryborings at the Lochkovian localities than atthe Ordovician localities, while the reverse istrue for the Strophomena-type strophomenides.In pentamerides and orthides, very few predatoryborings are identified; most borings were emplacedby parasitic or post-mortem domichnialborers. In pentamerides, this is due to the internalstructure of the shells, which elevated themuscles of the organism above the shell floor,rendering them inaccessible to boring predators.In orthides, more deliberate defense mechanismssuch as toxins or external ornamentation mayhave deterred predation. This study indicates thatthroughout the Paleozoic interactions betweenborers and brachiopods were complex but can beelucidated using a large sample size and statisticalanalyses.2008040035美 国 辛 辛 那 提 地 区 上 奥 陶 统 泥 质 和 介 壳 层 发育 中 的 沉 积 供 给 与 风 暴 漂 选 = Sediment supplyversus storm winnowing in the developmentof muddy and shelly interbeds from the UpperOrdovician of the Cincinnati region, USA. ( 英文 ). Dattilo B F; Brett C E; Tsujita C J; FairhurstR. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2008,45(2): 243-265Shell-bed development can be a product ofcomplex sedimentological and biological factors.The Upper Ordovician sediments near Cincinnati,Ohio constitute a succession of thinly interbeddedshelly carbonates and mudrocks. Despiteyears of study, the development of Cincinnatianshell beds and metre-scale cycles has, until recently,been attributed solely to storm reworking.This “storm-winnowing model” treats shells aspassive sedimentary clasts, ignoring other factorsof shell-bed development. A recently proposedalternative is Brett and Algeo's idea thatthese shell beds grew during long periods ofnormally low sedimentation, while most mudaccumulated during brief periods of high sedimentation.Under this “episodic starvationmodel,” any storms would winnow pre-existingmuds and shell beds alike. We tested both modelsin the Edenian-Maysvillian (early to midKatian) strata of the Cincinnati region by compilingobservations on their petrologic, taphonomic,and paleoecologic characteristics.The storm-winnowing model does not explainseveral observed features that the episodic starvationmodel does, including (i)storm-relatedsedimentary structures in mudrocks and limestones;(ii) lack of a sufficiently fossiliferousprecursor deposit to winnow; (iii)deep-waterfaunas in grainstones; (iv)mixed taphonomicconditions of shell-bed fossils; (v) ubiquitousdiscontinuity surfaces; (vi)carbonate concretionhorizons; (vii)unwinnowed shell beds; and(viii)micrite in packstones. Episodic starvation isa superior explanation because it explains all ofthese features and allows for the complex interplayof other environmental and biological factorsthat contribute to shell-bed growth. It mayalso be applicable to other deposits, previouslyinterpreted as tempestites.2008040036埃 迪 卡 拉 纪 海 洋 和 动 物 的 协 同 演 化 = On thecoevolution of Ediacaran oceans and animals.( 英 文 ). Shen Y A; Zhang T G; Hoffman P F.proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,2008, 105(21): 7376-7381 3 图 版 .Fe speciation and S-isotope of pyrite datafrom the terminal Proterozoic Sheepbed Formationin Canada and Doushantuo Formation inChina reveal that ocean deep waters were anoxicafter the global glaciations (snowball Earth) ending635 million years ago, but that marine sulfateconcentrations and inferentially atmosphericoxygen levels were higher than before the glaciations.This supports a long-postulated link betweenoxygen levels and the emergence ofeumetazoa. Subsequent ventilation of the deepocean, inferred from shifts in Fe speciation inNewfoundland (previously published data) andwestern Canada (this report), paved the way forEdiacaran macrobiota to colonize the deep seafloors.2008040037动 物 的 黎 明 : 新 元 古 代 - 寒 武 纪 动 物 化 石 记 录的 演 化 和 古 生 态 模 式 = The dawn of animallife: Evolutionary and palaeoecological patternsin the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian animal fossilrecord. ( 英 文 ). Dornbos S Q; Xiao Shuhai. Pa-12

laeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology,2008, 258(3): 135-1372008040038早 寒 武 世 帽 天 山 页 岩 生 物 群 的 群 落 古 生 态学 : 鳃 曳 动 物 门 蠕 虫 的 生 态 优 势 = Communitypalaeoecology of the early Cambrian MaotianshanShale biota: Ecological dominance ofpriapulid worms. ( 英 文 ). Dornbos S Q; ChenJunyuan. Palaeogeography PalaeoclimatologyPalaeoecology, 2008, 258(3): 200-212The early Cambrian soft-bodied MaotianshanShale (Chengjiang) biota of Yunnan Province,China provides a critical glimpse of animal lifeduring the heart of the Cambrian radiation. TheShankou biota is the focus of this current work,and 9963 specimens from it have been examinedand tallied. This collection of fossils represents atime-averaged assemblage of unknown durationfrom a 10-meter thick sequence. The predominantlybenthic community recovered from thissection is presumably autochthonous. Thiscommunity was buried through several hundredmillimeter to centimeter thick burial events.Only specimens interpreted as buried alive,based on either soft-part preservation or fullyarticulated skeletons, were counted. Algae weretoo fragmented to be counted. To avoid includingsynonymous species, diversity was evaluatedat the genus level. A total of 57 genera from 9phyla, encompassing 14 ecological groups, werefound in this assemblage. The results reveal thatthe three most abundant genera comprise 43.2%of all specimens: the tubiform priapulid wormParaselkirkia (16.0%), the diminutive priapulidworm Sicyophorus (14.3%), and the brachiopodHeliomedusa (12.9%). No other genera totalmore than 9% of specimens. At the phylum level,there is an interesting dichotomy between taxonomicdiversity and ecological dominance. Thearthropods are the most diverse phylum (37% ofgenera) and rank second in relative abundance ofspecimens (26.3%). The priapulids, however,with only 17.5% of genera is the most abundantgroup in the assemblage (43.2%). All otherphyla, excluding brachiopods (19.6%), representonly 10.9% of the assemblage. Because of theirsheer numerical abundance, this study indicatesthat priapulid worms may have exerted moreinfluence on energy flow and community structurethan other phyla in this particular trophicweb. This result contrasts strongly with bothtraditional views of Maotianshan Shale biotapalaeoecology, which often claimed arthropoddominance based solely on taxonomic diversity,and the palaeoecology of modern priapulids,which are relegated to marginal marine settings.This result also demonstrates the importance ofcollecting quantitative relative abundance datawhen performing palaeoecological investigations.2008040039中 国 南 部 贵 州 中 寒 武 世 凯 里 生 物 群 高 茎 棘 皮动 物 的 栖 息 策 略 = Settling strategy of stalkedechinoderms from the Kaili Biota (middle Cambrian),Guizhou Province, South China. ( 英 文 ).Lin J; Ausich W; Zhao Y. Palaeogeography PalaeoclimatologyPalaeoecology, 2008, 258(3):213-221A total of 124 articulated echinoderms, includingSinoeocrinus lui (n = 30), “S. globus”(n = 92), one indeterminate gogiid, and one indeterminateedrioasteroid, from the Kaili Formation(Middle Cambrian), eastern Guizhou, Chinawas examined. Among them, 73% of gogiidechinoderms are preserved attached to skeletalsubstrates. Suitable skeletal substrates for gogiidholdfasts in the Kaili Biota are organophosphaticbrachiopods; large trilobite fragments, includingcranidia, free cheeks, thoracic segments, andpygidia; hyoliths; and Scenella shells. The highfrequency of “S. globus” attached to organophosphaticbrachiopods is due to the high richnessof organophosphatic brachiopods ratherthan a host-specific association in the Kaili Biota.However, the possible discrimination againstattachment to small trilobites, such as Pagetia,requires further investigation. Based on 11 handsamples, echinoderm population density (EPD)varies from 0.3 to 4.5 echinoderms per 50 grindpoints (0.06 to 0.96 echinoderms per cm 2 ), dependingon the percent coverage of skeletal debris.Crowding effect is evident when EPD isapproximately 0.32 echinoderms per cm 2 and theskeletal coverage is less than 20%.2008040040布 尔 吉 斯 页 岩 中 大 型 叶 脚 类 动 物 群 落 的 古 生态 学 = Paleoecology of the Greater PhyllopodBed community, Burgess Shale. ( 英 文 ). Caron J;Jackson D A. Palaeogeography PalaeoclimatologyPalaeoecology, 2008, 258(3): 222-256To better understand temporal variations inspecies diversity and composition, ecologicalattributes, and environmental influences for theMiddle Cambrian Burgess Shale community, westudied 50,900 fossil specimens belonging to158 genera (mostly monospecific and nonbiomineralized)representing 17 major taxonomicgroups and 17 ecological categories. Fossilswere collected in situ from within 26 massivesiliciclastic mudstone beds of the GreaterPhyllopod Bed (Walcott Quarry — Fossil Ridge).Previous taphonomic studies have demonstratedthat each bed represents a single obrution eventcapturing a predominantly benthic communityrepresented by census- and time-averaged assemblages,preserved within habitat. The GreaterPhyllopod Bed (GPB) corresponds to an esti-13

mated depositional interval of 10 to 100 KA andthus potentially preserves community patterns inecological and short-term evolutionary time.The community is dominated by epibenthicvagile deposit feeders and sessile suspensionfeeders, represented primarily by arthropods andsponges. Most species are characterized by lowabundance and short stratigraphic range andusually do not recur through the section. It islikely that these are stenotopic forms (i.e., tolerantof a narrow range of habitats, or having anarrow geographical distribution). The few recurrentspecies tend to be numerically abundantand may represent eurytopic organisms (i.e.,tolerant of a wide range of habitats, or having awide geographical distribution). Rarefactioncurves demonstrate variation in species richnessthrough the GPB and suggest that morestenotopic species could still be discovered withadditional sampling. Comparisons between richnessand evenness trends suggest that the communityis relatively stable overall, despite gradualspecies turnover through time, especially inassemblages from younger beds. Less diverseassemblages with low species evenness possiblyrepresent the onset of less favourable environmentalconditions.Fossil occurrences in individual beds wereanalysed using a range of statistical techniques(Correspondence Analysis, Canonical CorrespondenceAnalysis, Minimum Spanning Tree,Indicator Species Analysis, Mantel Test) to extractcommunity patterns. Results suggest thepresence of four fossil assemblages based ondistinct species associations. The different assemblagespresumably reflect variations in environmentaland ecological conditions, some actingthrough time, leading to species turnover.“Disturbances” (e.g., changes in paleo-redoxconditions), differences in substrate firmness,and limited taphonomic biases are probably themain factors contributing to community structure.The influence of ecological factors, however, isalso predicted from non-random patterns of speciesrecurrences in successive events. Preliminarycomparisons with Lower Cambrian Chengjiang-typeassemblages of southern China suggestthat the overall structure and ecology ofCambrian communities remained relatively stableuntil at least the Middle Cambrian in subtidalsiliciclastic soft substrate environments.Comparisons with modern marine benthicecosystems further suggest the Burgess Shalecommunity was probably highly dependent onimmigration from a regional pool of species aftereach burial event. This could support the viewthat species availability, habitat characteristics,and recolonisation processes were more importantin structuring the community in the longtermthan species interactions or environmentalvariations at a local scale.2008040041古 生 态 学 在 预 测 山 区 未 来 变 化 中 的 作 用 = Arole for palaeoecology in anticipating futurechange in mountain regions?. ( 英 文 ). Gosling WD; Bunting M J. Palaeogeography PalaeoclimatologyPalaeoecology, 2008, 259(1): 1-52008040042晚 泥 盆 世 法 门 晚 期 和 早 石 炭 世 杜 内 早 期 的 环境 变 化 : 来 自 南 欧 稳 定 同 位 素 和 牙 形 类 生 物相 的 启 示 = Environmental change during theLate Famennian and Early Tournaisian (LateDevonian-Early Carboniferous): implicationsfrom stable isotopes and conodont biofacies insouthern Europe. ( 英 文 ). Kaiser S I; Steuber T;Becker R T. Geological Journal, 2008, 43(2-3):241 - 260A biostratigraphic correlation of the Devonian/Carboniferous(D/C) boundary sectionsfrom the Carnic Alps, the Graz Palaeozoic, theMontagne Noire and the Pyrenees resulted in ahigh-resolution record of the carbon isotopiccomposition of micrites ( 13 C carb ), of sedimentaryorganic matter ( 13 C org ) and of oxygen isotoperatios of conodont apatite ( 18 O phosph ). The studiesfocused on the interval between the Upper posteraZone (Late Famennian) and the sandbergiZone (Lower Tournaisian). For the first time,weak but significant positive carbon isotope excursionsin micrites and in the sedimentary organicmatter is reported from the Middle andUpper expansa zones of the Carnic Alps. Theycoincide with a decrease in the oxygen isotopevalues of conodont apatite. The excursions indicatechanges in the global carbon cycle duringan episode of high seawater temperatures, andcorrelate with sedimentary change and a stepwiseeustatic rise in the Rhenish Massif. Highcarbon isotope values were also measured inlimestones from the Graz Palaeozoic in the Upperpraesulcata Zone, which were previouslyreported from the Rhenish Massif, Carnic Alps,Montagne Noire and the North America continent.The change from a palmatolepidpolygnathidconodont biofacies to a palmatolepid-bispathodid-branmehlidbiofacies in theexpansa Zone in the Carnic Alps is obviouslyinfluenced by anoxic conditions and repeatedtransgressive phases. The protognathodids andthe polygnathids start to radiate in the Upperpraesulcata Zone, after the main end-Famennianextinction episode. This is connected with thedisappearance of the palmatolepids, and environmentalstress created by worldwide anoxicconditions, climate change and sea-level changes,stimulated the radiation of both protognathodids14

and the polygnathids. The regional correlation ofthe geochemical records as well as interpretationsof these records on a global scale indicatethat changes in conodont biofacies of LateFamennian-Early Tournaisian limestones werecaused by a complex pattern of environmentalchanges.2008040043摩 洛 哥 东 北 部 石 炭 纪 Jerada 地 块 晚 维 宪 期 盆地 沉 积 层 序 中 微 生 物 海 绵 和 微 生 物 后 生 动 物岩 隆 = Microbial-sponge and microbialmetazoanbuildups in the Late Viséan basin-fillsequence of the Jerada Massif (Carboniferous,NE Morocco). ( 英 文 ). Aretz M; Herbig H G.Geological Journal, 2008, 43(2-3): 307 - 336Three distinctive Late Viséan buildup intervalsare differentiated on the southern limb ofthe Jerada Synclinorium. The oldest buildups(BI-1) are preserved as olistoliths in the Oued ElKoriche Formation (Fm). They were located ona southern platform prior to reworking. Theyounger Koudiat Es-Senn Fm contains twoautochthonous buildup intervals (BI-2 to BI-3).BI-1 and BI-2 buildups are large microbialspongebuildups, BI-3 are small microbialmetazoanbuildups in the capping bed successionabove BI-2. All buildups are characterized by arigid non-skeletal microbial framework. Growthof the largest BI-2 buildups started in aphotic todysphotic conditions in a water depth significantlyless than 100 m and continued into agitatedshallow-water. Smaller BI-2 buildups andall BI-3 buildups are encased in grainy shallowwatercarbonates. In contrast to a mostly homogeneousmicrobial-sponge facies below, the uppermostpart of the BI-2 buildups and all BI-3buildups consist of heterogeneous boundstoneswith differing frame builders. BI-1 to BI-3buildups represent different stages within aViséan basin-fill sequence. Carbonate sedimentationended with the deposition of peritidal oncoliticfloatstones below the unconformablyoverlying Namurian shales. The Jerada buildupshave many features commonly associated withreefs. Comparison with contemporaneous buildupsshows considerable similarities to buildupsfrom Algeria, the Eastern Moroccan Anti-Atlasand the British Isles.2008040044英 国 设 得 兰 群 岛 西 部 Foula 次 盆 地 坎 佩 尼 阶至 古 新 统 生 物 地 层 和 古 环 境 = Campanian toPalaeocene biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironmentsin the Foula Sub-basin, west of the ShetlandIslands, UK. ( 英 文 ). Van den Akker T J HA; Kaminski M A; Gradstein F M; Wood J.Journal of Micropalaeontology, 2000, 19(part 1):23-43For a detailed biostratigraphic framework ofthe Foula Sub-basin, located west of the ShetlandIslands (UK continental shelf), well 205/10-2B is chosen as a reference section. Based on thesuccession of last occurrence events of nominatetaxa, ten stratigraphically distinct Campanian toPalaeocene assemblages are described. The regionalapplicability of these events is tested bycorrelation between three wells in the Foula Subbasin(wells 205/10-2B, 206/3-1 and 206/5-1).Despite some local differences, the biostratigraphyof the Foula Sub-basin compares well withthe biostratigraphy of the Western Tethys andthe northern North Sea, and is therefore an importantlink between the southern and northernareas of the Northeast Atlantic margin. Amorphogroup analysis of agglutinating foraminiferain well 205/10-2B indicates depositionof Campanian and Maastrichtian mudstonesin a well oxygenated, lower bathyal environment,whereas Palaeocene sediments are deposited in amiddle to upper bathyal environment.微 体 古 生 物 学综 论2008040045意 大 利 南 亚 平 宁 山 脉 东 段 Faeto 和 Tufillo 组中 新 世 钙 质 浊 积 层 的 微 体 古 生 物 研 究 = Micropaleontologicalstudy on the Miocene calcareousturbidite deposits of Faeto and Tufilloformations (eastern sector of the Southern ApennineChain). ( 英 文 ). Lirer F; Cascella A; CesaranoM; Casciello E; Pappone G. Rivista Italianadi Paleontologia e stratigrafia, 2007,113(2): Calcareous plankton biostratigraphy;Early and Middle Miocene; Mediterranean; factoFormation; TufilA biostratigraphic study was carried out onfour sections of the Miocene Tufillo and FaetoFormation. This study indicates that the lowerLanghian portion of the Tufillo Formation ischaracterized by arkose sandstones which passupwards into calcarenites and /or calciruditesand marly deposits. Field data suggest that thesesandstones directly overly the "Numidian Sandstones".The Faeto Formation starts with calcarenitesand calcareous marls, in the calcareousnannofossil MNN3b Zone (Burdigalian), andlies on the "Numidian Sandstones" as well.High-resolution dampling and biostratigraphyreveal that the deposition of the "NumidianSandstones" ends in the late Burdigalian stage,just below the FCO of S. heteromorphus(MNN3b) and the LO of C. dissimilis (MMi2bSubzone).200804004615

北 海 古 近 纪 一 种 新 型 孢 型 : 有 机 微 化 石 ='Organic nannofossils': a new type of palynomorphfrom the Palaeogene of the North Sea.( 英 文 ). Hochuli P A. Journal of Micropalaeontology,2000, 19(part 2): 153-158Organic microfossils of regular dodecahedralshape are found in the Palaeogene (Lower Oligocene)of the central and northern parts of theNorwegian North Sea. The shape and structureof these fossils are very similar to coccospheresof the calcareous nannoplankton genus Braarudosphaera.The individual pentagonal platesshow the same morphological features as replicasof the inner surface of pentaliths formingcalcareous coccospheres. It is the first evidencethat a representative of calcareous nannoplankton(Haptophyta, Coccolithophorales) is found toproduce acid-resistant organic microfossils. Theorganic remains might have been produced by anundescribed species of the genus Braarudosphaeraor represent an unknown stage in the lifecycle of species which normally produce calcareousplates.2008040047一 个 北 海 盆 地 下 白 垩 统 微 化 石 带 = A LowerCretaceous nannofossil zonation for the NorthSea Basin. ( 英 文 ). Jeremiah J. Journal of Micropalaeontology,2001, 20(part 1): 45-80Analysis of cored sections from the CentralNorth Sea Basin, boreholes from the onshoreNetherlands and onshore sections from the UKand Germany has enabled a major reappraisal ofLower Cretaceous nannofossil datums. TheLower Albian to Upper Barremian interval hits,in particular. been comprehensively amended.Five new species, Crucibiscutum bosumensis sp.nov., Crucibiscutum ryazanicum sp. nov.,Lithraphidites houghtonii sp. nov., Seribiscutumdentatum sp. nov.. Staurolithites palmula sp. nov.and one new sub-species, Biscutum constanscavum ssp. nov. are described.孢 粉2008040048对 孢 粉 分 析 标 准 处 理 方 法 的 评 估 = A criticalassessment of standard processing methods forthe preparation of palynological samples. ( 英 文 ).Lignum J; Jarvis I; Pearce M A. Review of Palaeobotanyand Palynology, 2008, 149(3-4):133-149Standard processing techniques for the isolationof organic walled dinoflagellate cysts fromgeological samples are examined, with particularattention to the size and type of sieve mesh used.Variations within the ‘standard’ processing techniquesused by different laboratories are identified,and an assessment of the retention capacitiesof meshes of different sizes and differentmaterials is carried out. Some dinoflagellatecysts and large numbers of Lycopodium spores,used for the calculations of absolute abundancedata, were found to pass through 20 μm meshes.This is due to a combination of factors including:the diagonal aperture diameter of a 20 μm meshmeasuring over 28 μm; the three-dimensionalproperties of different mesh weaves (nylon andpolyester); and the non-spherical shape of theparticles. Experiments demonstrate that themaximum mesh size that should be used in palynologicalprocessing is 15 μm. Nylon mesh ismore practical to use than polyester as processingtime is reduced, but nylon is degraded bycontact with acid solutions. Meshes with apertures< 15 μm may be used, though this may beimpractical for large samples containing significantquantities of fine siliciclastic or organicmaterial.2008040049桑 科 各 属 之 间 的 花 粉 差 异 及 其 所 指 示 的 亚 马逊 地 区 古 生 态 意 义 = Palynological differentiationbetween genera of the Moraceae family andimplications for Amazonian palaeoecology. ( 英文 ). Burn M J; Mayle F E. Review of Palaeobotanyand Palynology, 2008, 149(3-4):187-201The Moraceae family is one of the most abundantand ecologically important families inNeotropical rainforests and is very wellrepresentedin Amazonian fossil pollen records.However, difficulty in differentiating palynologicallybetween the genera within this family,or between the Moraceae and Urticaceaefamilies, has limited the amount of palaeoecologicalinformation that can be extractedfrom these records. The aim of this paper is toanalyse the morphological properties of pollenfrom Amazonian species of Moraceae in order todetermine whether the pollen taxonomy of thisfamily can be improved. Descriptive and morphometricmethods are used to identify and differentiatekey pollen types of the Moraceae(mulberry) and Urticaceae (nettle) familieswhich are represented in Amazonian rainforestcommunities of Noel Kempff Mercado NationalPark (NKMNP), Northeast Bolivia. We demonstratethat Helicostylis, Brosimum, Pseudolmedia,Sorocea and Pourouma pollen can be identifiedin tropical pollen assemblages and present digitalimages of, and a taxonomic key to, theMoraceae pollen types of NKMNP. Indicatorspecies, Maquira coriacea (riparian evergreenforest) and Brosimum gaudichaudii (open woodlandand upland savanna communities), also exhibitunique pollen morphologies. The ability torecognise these ecologically important taxa inpollen records provides the potential for muchmore detailed and reliable Neotropical palae-16

ovegetation reconstructions than have hithertobeen possible. In particular, this improved taxonomicresolution holds promise for resolvinglong-standing controversies over the interpretationof key Amazonian Quaternary pollen records.2008040050中 阿 尔 卑 斯 地 区 山 谷 植 被 花 粉 代 表 性 的 探 索研 究 = A pilot study on pollen representation ofmountain valley vegetation in the central Alps.( 英 文 ). Sjögren P; van der Knaap W O; Kaplan JO; van Leeuwen J F N; Ammann B. Review ofPalaeobotany and Palynology, 2008, 149(3-4):208-218The relative pollen productivity (RPP) ofPinus cembra, Larix, Picea, Gramineae, andCyperaceae was estimated for the Upper Engadinearea, an inner-alpine sub-continental valleyin SE Switzerland lying above 1800 m a.s.l. Theinflux of pollen originating from lowlands wasassumed constant between the investigated sitesand could thus be used to establish relative pollenaccumulation rates (rPAR) as a basis for furthercalculations. Wind above the canopy wasassumed as the major mode of pollen transportand the effect of different wind speeds wastested. In order to evaluate the results pollen percentagevalues were simulated and comparedwith the empirical data. The method is sufficientlyaccurate for evaluation of spatiallyexplicitvegetation models, although the lownumber of sites eludes robust statistical testing.2008040051决 定 西 亚 草 场 不 同 空 间 尺 度 花 粉 分 布 的 因 素= Determinants of pollen dispersal in the EastAsian steppe at different spatial scales. ( 英 文 ).Liu Hongyan; Wei Fangling; Liu Kan; ZhuJiangling; Wang Hongya. Review of Palaeobotanyand Palynology, 2008, 149(3-4):219-228Two sites from the East Asian steppe, the MuUs Sandland as a regional case and the AnguliNuur catchment as a local one, were chosen todetect roles of vegetation, climate, landform, andhuman disturbance on pollen dispersal. 1) Vegetation:The semi-arid steppe vegetation is characterizedby Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae pollenunder various vegetation conditions; however,no evident correlation between pollen percentagesand corresponding plant species coveris found. 2) Climate: Samples under differentMean Annual Precipitations (MAPs) clearly distinguishthemselves in the Mu Us Sandland, implyingMAP-determined surface pollen spectrain regional scale. 3) Landform: Surface pollenassemblages in the azonal psammophytic vegetationand lowland meadow, show insignificantvariance from the zonal steppe vegetation. Theazonal halophilous vegetation, mostly distributedin the lowland or near the lake shore, leads tohigher than average percentages of Chenopodiaceaepollen. Signal of exotic Pinus pollen isalso strengthened in the lowland and lake sediment.4) Human disturbance: The role of humandisturbance on surface pollen assemblages isweak, as shown in the Mu Us Sandland.2008040052中 始 新 世 火 山 地 区 植 被 的 初 级 演 替 : 德 国Messel 地 区 玛 珥 湖 形 成 初 期 的 定 量 孢 粉 学 研究 = Recolonization of a Middle Eocene volcanicsite: quantitative palynology of the initialphase of the maar lake of Messel (Germany). ( 英文 ). Lenz O K; Wilde V; Riegel W. Review ofPalaeobotany and Palynology, 2007, 145(3-4):217-242The research well “Messel 2001” penetratedthe sediments of the Middle Eocene maar lake atMessel (near Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany) completely.The core includes 140 m of lacustrineoil-shale overlying 90 m of clastic lake sedimentswhich are assigned to the Middle andLower Messel Formation, respectively. Numericaltechniques like TWINSPAN and correspondenceanalysis have been applied to a highresolutionpalynological study. The Lower MesselFormation is equivalent to the Initial LakePhase and shows a clear succession of pollenand spore associations representing a successionof plant communities colonizing and invadingthe area which was previously devastated by theeruption(s). On the basis of the TWINSPAN, anEarly and a Late Initial Lake Phase may be distinguished.But, throughout the Initial LakePhase, the regional climax vegetation did notchange substantially and had re-occupied thearea finally at a time roughly representing theboundary between the Lower and the MiddleMessel Formation.2008040053辨 别 常 绿 与 落 叶 栎 属 花 粉 化 石 : 华 东 中 新 世个 案 分 析 = Discriminating fossil evergreen anddeciduous Quercus pollen: A case study from theMiocene of eastern China. ( 英 文 ). Liu C Y-S;Zetter R; Ferguson D K; Mohr B A R. Review ofPalaeobotany and Palynology, 2007, 145(3-4):289-303In palaeopalynology oaks are rarely identifiedbeyond the generic level. In order to recognizefossil evergreen and deciduous oak pollen, wecompiled distinguishing criteria from the literature,most under the SEM, on the living oaks.One of the most significant criteria is the natureof the sculpturing under the SEM. Evergreen oakpollen exhibit at least four kinds of sculpturing,viz. rod-like elements, uniformly fine granules,17

scabrate–verrucate, and rugulate micromorphology.The first two types of sculpturing aremostly limited to the evergreen oaks and can beused to identify fossil evergreen oak pollen,while the last two types can also be seen in manydeciduous oaks. On the other hand, deciduousoak pollen grains have relatively uniform sculpturing,with only two types encountered:scabrate–verrucate and rugulate sculpturing.This sculpturing is mainly present in deciduousoaks, despite its occurrence in some evergreenoaks. An absolute discrimination between evergreenand deciduous oak pollen is thus impossibleand would require additional evidence in theform of macrofossils. The diagnostic criteria areapplied to a Miocene pollen assemblage fromZhejiang Province, eastern China and demonstratethe high diversity of fossil oaks in thevegetation. The fossil pollen includes three morphotaxaof deciduous origin, two morphotaxa ofevergreen habit, and three oaks whose habit isuncertain.2008040054中 国 云 南 蛛 网 花 粉 分 析 = Pollen analysis ofspider webs from Yunnan, China. ( 英 文 ). SongXiao-Yan; Blackmore S; Bera S; Li Cheng-Sen.Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2007,145(3-4): 325-333This study concerns the palynological analysisof 19 spider webs, which were collected fromthe northwestern, central and southern parts ofYunnan, China. Pollen grains and spores of 20taxa belonging to 16 families were recordedfrom northwestern Yunnan and 28 taxa from 23families from central Yunnan. Spider webs fromsouthern Yunnan yielded 28 taxa belonging to25 families from Mengla County, 38 taxa in 34families from Wangtianshu Garden and 11 taxarepresenting 10 families from XishuangbannaBotanical Garden. The pollen grains and sporesextracted from spider webs reflect the distinctcharacteristics of the regional vegetation whichchanges from north to south Yunnan. This demonstratesthe potential of spider webs as a naturaltrap for the study of modern pollen rain.2008040055Pseudolarix amabilis 花 粉 的 描 述 与 区 分 : 古生 态 推 断 和 新 鲜 双 气 囊 花 粉 新 的 鉴 定 标 准 =Description and differentiation of Pseudolarixamabilis pollen Palaeoecological implicationsand new identification key to fresh bisaccatepollen. ( 英 文 ). Zanni M; Ravazzi C. Review ofPalaeobotany and Palynology, 2007, 145(1-2):35-75The differentiation of Pseudolarix from otherbisaccate pollen is considered as a tool to investigatethe fossil history of this genus. UsingLight Microscope (LM) and Scanning ElectronMicroscopy (SEM) we performed a descriptiveand morphometric analysis of Pseudolarixamabilis (Pinaceae) bisaccate fresh pollen grains.Descriptive differentiation characters from Pinusand from other bisaccates have been established.A morphometric differentiation from pine pollenbelonging to Pinus sylvestris type was obtainedthrough a study of twelve living species of Pinus.A new identification key for bisaccate pollengrains of living conifers has been elaborated.Although it is addressed to identification of freshpollen, the proposed descriptive criteria may alsobe applicable to well-preserved fossil material. APliocene site from N-Italy, rich in Pseudolarixcone scales and needles, was used to test the reliabilityof the proposed criteria on fossil pollen.We also identified Pseudolarix pollen from thelacustrine sediments from Massif Central(France), about 3 My.We carried out a complementary evaluation ofthe ecological and climate ranges both of theliving species and of the fossil assemblages thatincluded Pseudolarix. This tree was a componentof the warm-temperate mixed conifers rainforestsof the Cenozoic, a biome yielding, afterconsiderable reduction of floristic diversity,overall conifer decimation, to the modern“mixed mesophytic” and “mixed hardwood”forest types. Although its fossil record reveals awide distribution in the Northern Hemisphereduring the Cenozoic, macrofossils are only scattered.On the other hand, information about thepollen production, aerodynamics and taphonomyof Pseudolarix pollen suggests that this tree isamong the properly or moderately overrepresentedgenera in pollen images from itsnatural habitat. Therefore, its pollen record mayadd clarifications to palaeoclimate reconstructionsof Cenozoic environments.2008040056非 洲 树 木 和 灌 木 花 粉 类 型 数 据 库 = Africanpollen database inventory of tree and shrub pollentypes. ( 英 文 ). Vincens A; Lézine A-M;Buchet G; Lewden D; Thomas A L; Contributors.Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2007,145(1-2): 135-141African pollen data have been used in manyempirical or quantitative palaeoenvironmentalreconstructions. However, the pollen types usedin these studies were not controlled and standardised,preventing the precise understandingof pollen–plant and pollen–climate relation thatis necessary for the accurate quantification ofcontinental scale climate change or ecologicalprocesses in the past. This paper presents asummary of the progress made with the AfricanPollen Database (APD) inventory of plant diversityfrom pollen data extracted from 276 fossilsites and more than 1500 modern samples, with18

a focus on tropical tree pollen types. This inventory(1145 taxa) gives, for each pollen taxonwhose nomenclature is discussed, informationon the habit, habitat and phytogeographical distributionof the plants they come from. Specialattention has been paid to pollen types with similarmorphology, which include several plant speciesor genera, whose biological or environmentalparameters can differ considerably.2008040057哥 伦 比 亚 杜 伊 塔 马 内 安 第 斯 盆 地 Pantano deVargas 全 新 世 花 粉 记 录 所 反 映 的 植 被 变 化 和人 类 影 响 = A Holocene pollen record of vegetationchange and human impact from Pantanode Vargas, an intra-Andean basin of Duitama,Colombia. ( 英 文 ). Gómez A; Berrío J C;Hooghiemstra H; Becerra M; Marchant R. Reviewof Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2007,145(1-2): 143-157Holocene environments in the intra-Andeanbasin of Duitama (Eastern Cordillera of Colombia,2510 m altitude) are presented based on the620 cm long Vargas pollen and sediment record.Seven AMS radiocarbon dates show these lakeand swamp sediments represent the period from8800 to 2610 14 C yr BP. We identified sevendistinct periods of environmental conditions inthe basin.From ca. 8800 to 7700 14 C yr BP (9450–8300 cal yr BP) Alnus and Myrica swamp forestgrew on wet soils. On the surrounding slopesAndean forest was present with Hedyosmum,Melastomataceae and Quercus. Between 7700and 6090 14 C yr BP (8300–6750 cal yr BP) openwater with aquatics alternated with peat-formingPlantago meadows reflecting repeated lake levelschanges. From 6090 to 5220 14 C yr BP(6750–5680 cal yr BP) open water and grassyvegetation around the lake was replaced by Alnus-dominatedswamp forest, suggesting lowerlake levels and drier climatic conditions. Between5220 and 4500 14 C yr BP (5680–4810 calyr BP) an alternation between Alnus-dominatedswamp forest and open grassy vegetation continued,reflecting fluctuating water levels. Atthat time Hedyosmum, Miconia, Quercus, Solanaceae,Relbunium and Rubiaceae were commonelements in the Andean forest. From about4500 to 3680 14 C yr BP (4810–3800 cal yr BP)Alnus-dominated swamp forest alternated withMyrica shrub and much organic material accumulatedin the basin. Evidence of deforestation(reduction of Quercus in particular), lowering ofwater tables and increasing disturbance, probablyby erosion (presence of Amaranthaceae/Chenopodiaceae,Borreria and Dodonaea)point to the settlement of pre-Hispanic populations.Between 3680 and 2610 14 C yr BP (3800–2470 cal yr BP) there is clear evidence of cropcultivation (presence of Zea mays) and frequentfires (high amounts of charcoal in the sediments).Erosion all over the basin led to significantsediment supply and the lake gradually changedinto a swamp. By this time pre-Hispanic populationshad used nearly all alder wood in thecatchment area. The uppermost sediments areoxidised and the last 2610 radiocarbon years ofthe Holocene are not represented, possibly dueto agricultural activities.2008040058南 极 维 多 利 亚 地 南 部 Carapace Nunatak 早 侏罗 世 费 拉 群 的 孢 粉 = Early Jurassic miosporesfrom Ferrar Group of Carapace Nunatak, SouthVictoria Land, Antarctica. ( 英 文 ). Ribecai C.Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2007,144(1-2): 3-12Along the Transantarctic Mountains, thesiliciclastic foreland basin deposits of the BeaconSupergroup and the effusive rocks of theFerrar Group overlay the pre-Devonian metamorphicbasement. The Ferrar Group at CarapaceNunatak is composed of fluvial volcanicsandstones of the Carapace Sandstone Formation,which is overlain by the volcanic flows andbreccias of the Kirkpatrick Basalt Formation.Fossiliferous horizons are present in both formations.Palynological analyses have been carriedout on fifteen samples collected in marly–siltyhorizons within the Carapace Sandstone andKirkpatrick Basalt formations. Samples from theCarapace Sandstone Formation contain a scarcebut quite well preserved palynoflora, which isorange to light brown in colour. The spore–pollen assemblages lack dominant species andare very similar in composition. The stratigraphicallysignificant taxa Corollina torosa andPodosporites variabilis are present. The twosamples from the Kirkpatrick Basalt Formationcontain a very rich microflora dominated byCorollina species (mainly C. torosa) and Exesipollenitestumulus. Some representatives of thegenus Callialasporites are also present. Comparisonswith previous Carapace Nunatak andAntarctic palynological studies are discussed.2008040059日 本 宫 古 群 和 手 取 群 的 早 白 垩 世 陆 地 孢 粉 组合 及 其 古 植 物 地 理 区 系 意 义 = Early Cretaceousterrestrial palynomorph assemblages fromthe Miyako and Tetori Groups, Japan, and theirimplication to paleophytogeographic provinces.( 英 文 ). Umetsu Keita; Sato Yoko. Review ofPalaeobotany and Palynology, 2007, 144(1-2):13-24Terrestrial palynomorph assemblages werefound from the Lower Cretaceous MiyakoGroup in the Tanohata area, northeast Japan, and19

the Tetori Group in the Kuzuryu area, centralJapan. There is no obvious difference betweenthe assemblages from these two localities, althoughthese localities have been regarded asbelonging to different paleophytogeographicprovinces in East Asia on the basis of the plantmegafossils. This result is consistent with thesuggestion by the recent reconsideration on themegafossil flora from the Tetori Group that thepaleophytogeographic provincialism might haveweakened during middle to late Early Cretaceoustime.2008040060比 利 时 Bernissat 天 然 深 坑 含 恐 龙 化 石Wealden 相 中 的 孢 粉 学 = Palynology of thedinosaur-bearing Wealden facies in the naturalpit of Bernissart (Belgium). ( 英 文 ). Dejax J;Pons D; Yans J. Review of Palaeobotany andPalynology, 2007, 144(1-2): 25-38A palynological study of the dinosaur-bearingWealden facies at a depth of 322 m in the “naturalpit with Iguanodons” of Bernissart (Belgium)is presented. The palynomorphs of 16 clay andsilt samples collected in 1878–1881 during thedinosaur excavations are of continental origin.The botanical affinities of the 85 palynologicaltaxa are mainly ferns, gymnosperms and freshwateralgae. Also encountered are pollen grainsof angiospermous affinity (biorecord Superretcroton)whose germinal apparatus is questioned.The distinction between the biorecord Hauterivian-cactisulcand Cerebropollenites mesozoicusis discussed. It is suggested that the vegetationwas distributed around the unstable lacustrineenvironment of the Bernissart area, in relationto the formation of the natural pit and localdissolution of deep anhydrites. Ferns, Taxodiaceae,freshwater algae and angiosperms livedclose to the lake though gymnosperms werethriving on neighbouring hills. The occurrenceof early angiosperms at Bernissart documentstheir development in disturbed and unstable environmentsduring the Barremian–Aptian.2008040061白 垩 纪 - 古 近 纪 界 线 植 被 的 绝 灭 和 复 苏 模式 —— 一 种 解 开 二 叠 纪 末 集 群 绝 灭 事 件 之 谜的 方 法 = Extinction and recovery patterns of thevegetation across the Cretaceous–Palaeogeneboundary — a tool for unravelling the causes ofthe end-Permian mass-extinction. ( 英 文 ). VajdaV; McLoughlin S. Review of Palaeobotany andPalynology, 2007, 144(1-2): 99-112High-resolution palynofloral signaturesthrough the Cretaceous–Palaeogene boundarysuccession show several features in commonwith the Permian–Triassic transition but thereare also important differences. Southern HemisphereCretaceous–Palaeogene successions, todate studied at high resolution only in New Zealand,reveal a diverse palynoflora abruptly replacedby fungi-dominated assemblages that arein turn succeeded by low diversity suites dominatedby fern spores, then gymnosperm- andangiosperm-dominated palynofloras of equivalentdiversity to those of the Late Cretaceous.This palynofloral signature is interpreted to representinstantaneous (days to months) destructionof diverse forest communities associatedwith the Chicxulub impact event. The pattern ofpalynofloral change suggests wholesale collapseof vascular plant communities and short-termproliferation of saprotrophs followed by relativelyrapid successional recovery of pteridophyteand seed–plant communities. The Permian–Triassictransition records global devastationof gymnosperm-dominated forests in a shortzone synchronous with one or more peaks of thefungal/algal palynomorph Reduviasporonites.This zone is typically succeeded by assemblagesrich in lycophyte spores and/or acritarchs.Higher in the succession, these assemblages giveway to diverse palynofloras dominated by newgroups of gymnosperms. Although differentplant families were involved in the massextinctions,the general pattern of extinction andrecovery is consistent between both events. Themajor difference is the longer duration for eachphase of the Triassic recovery vegetation comparedto that of the Paleocene. The protractedextinction-recovery succession at the Permian–Triassic boundary is incompatible with an instantaneouscausal mechanism such as an impactof a celestial body but is consistent with hypothesesinvoking extended environmental perturbationsthrough flood-basalt volcanism andrelease of methane from continental shelf sediments.2008040062阿 根 廷 禾 叶 蕨 科 (Grammitidacea) 孢 子 的形 态 和 超 微 结 构 特 征 = Morphology and ultrastructureof the spores of the Grammitidaceaefrom Argentina. ( 英 文 ). Ramos Giacosa J P;Morbelli M A; Giudice G E. Review of Palaeobotanyand Palynology, 2007, 143(3-4):155-166Spores of Grammitidaceae that grow in Argentinawere studied, including Grammitis magellanica,G. patagonica, G. poeppigiana, Lellingeriatungurahue, and Melpomene peruviana.The study was performed on herbarium materialwith a light microscope and scanning and transmissionelectron microscopes. The spores aretrilete with circular outline in polar view, theequatorial diameter is 30–83 μm and the polardiameter is 28–64 μm. The exospore is 0.3–1.44 μm thick, tuberculate–papillate, verrucate20

and in some cases gemmulate. It is composed oftwo layers and includes radial channels and verysmall cavities with dark contents. The cavitiesare in the exospore outer layer, mostly arrangedalong the contact surface with the inner layer.They are tangentially aligned with respect to theinner exospore surface. The perispore is c.a.270 nm thick. It is composed of one to severalstrata and has irregular, spaced concentrations ofdense materials. Globules of different sizes, freeor fused together and covered with the perisporewere observed. The sporoderm organization andstructure are similar in the three genera studied.Nevertheless, differences in spore size, generalmorphology and the wall thickness were found.2008040063孢 粉 术 语 表 = Glossary of pollen and spore terminology.( 英 文 ). Punt W; Hoen P P; BlackmoreS; Nilsson S; Le Thomas A. Review of Palaeobotanyand Palynology, 2007, 143(1-2): 1-81The glossary of pollen and spore terminologywas first presented to the international palynologicalcommunity as the final outcome of theWorking Group on Palynological Terminologyat the 8th International Palynological Congressin Aix-en-Provence in 1992. It became widelyaccepted as reference guide for palynologists toassist in the preparation of accurate and consistentdescriptions of their material. It also servesas a practical source of information for nonspecialistswho wish to understand the meaningof the large number of existing palynologicalterms.2008040064白 垩 纪 - 第 三 纪 鹰 粉 植 物 地 理 区 内 孢 粉 植 物 群的 扰 动 和 绝 灭 = Cretaceous-Tertiary palynofloralperturbations and extinctions within theAquilapollenites Phytogeographic Province. ( 英文 ). Sweet A R; Braman D R. Canadian Journalof Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(2): 249-269A combination of detailed, intermediate andlarge scale stratigraphic perspectives is necessaryto understand the driving mechanisms forfloral change across the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K–T) boundary, because short-term physical andbiotic events occur within longer term trends.Most Maastrichtian palynofloral extinctionshave been identified within the northern circumpolar,supra-continental, Aquilapollenites Province.In mid-continental North America, thepresence of a physically defined K–T boundaryprovides opportunities to examine contemporaneousterrestrial palynofloras over a latitudinal(also approximately paleolatitudinal) distance of3200 km. Seventy-five percent of last appearancesoccur before the K–T boundary at highlatitudes and must have been caused by ongoingterrestrial processes. Palynofloral events directlyassociated with the K–T boundary include bothlocal last appearances, and inferred extinctions,and synchronous and diachronous changes inrelative abundances. Two different styles of factorsare reflected in these events. The first, possiblyattributable to chemical or other profoundatmospheric perturbations associated with theworldwide distribution of the "fireball" layer ofthe K–T claystone, resulted in extinctions of angiospermwith a zoophilous pollination strategy.The second factor, possibly reflecting energyreleased during the deposition of ballisticallytransported impact debris or hackly (ejecta) layerof the boundary claystone, resulted in the selective,northward-attenuating removal of the canopyvegetation, best documented for southwesternCanada, which was succeeded by a ferndominatedvegetation in mid-continental NorthAmerica. These consequences of the boundaryevent were mediated by independent, preexistingcircumstances: climate (regional and throughtime), local depositional environment, and ongoingbackground extinctions and origins.2008040065北 太 平 洋 东 北 部 阿 拉 斯 加 湾 大 洋 钻 孔 计 划 项目 887 井 位 中 更 新 世 至 全 新 世 孢 粉 地 层 =Middle Pleistocene to Holocene palynostratigraphyof Ocean Drilling Program Site 887 in theGulf of Alaska, northeastern North Pacific. ( 英文 ). Marret F; Vernal A D; Pedersen T F;McDonald D. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences,2001, 38(3): 373-386A palynological investigation was undertakenon the upper 29m of sediment at Ocean DrillingProgram (ODP) Site 887, spanning the last 430000 years (i.e., isotopic stages 12 to 1). Pollenand dinocyst assemblages reveal a majorecostratigraphical boundary at the Middle–LatePleistocene transition. The Middle Pleistocenepollen data document the occurrence of a spruceforest vegetation in the source area, likely locatedon the adjacent Alaskan coast, whereas theLate Pleistocene is marked by higher inputs ofpine, shrub, and herb taxa, suggesting predominantinputs from a more open landscape. TheMiddle Pleistocene is characterized by a lowdiversity in dinocyst assemblages, which aredominated by Operculodinium centrocarpum,whereas the Late Pleistocene is marked by thesignificant occurrence of Pentapharsodiniumdalei, Pyxidinopsis reticulata, and by high percentagesof Brigantedinium spp. Such assemblagessuggest open oceanic and cool temperateconditions during the Middle Pleistocene, changingtoward generally colder and less saline conditionsduring the Late Pleistocene. In addition,large fluctuations in the dinocyst assemblages21

during the Late Pleistocene are recorded in phasewith the main shifts in the isotopic stratigraphy.A new dinocyst taxon, Spiniferites alaskensis sp.nov., exclusively recorded in sediments of theisotopic substage 5e, is described herein.2008040066新 西 兰 白 垩 纪 至 古 近 纪 地 层 中 的 具 环 石 松 植物 孢 子 = Zonate lycophyte spores from NewZealand Cretaceous to Paleogene strata. ( 英 文 ).Raine J I. Alcheringa, 2008, 32(2): 99-127The morphology, taxonomy, and stratigraphicoccurrence of zonate lycophytic spores recoveredfrom New Zealand Cretaceous to Paleogenestrata are reviewed. Five species of Perotrilitesinclude the new species Perotrilites otagoensisdescribed from the Late Cretaceous, and Kraeuselisporitespapillatus Harris now transferred tothis genus. Kraeuselisporites is represented by anew Late Cretaceous species, Kraeuselisporitesalexii. Evansispora, based on the new speciesEvansispora senonica from Late Cretaceous toPaleocene strata, is proposed for distally reticulatezonate spores of the type met with in modernLycopodium volubile G. Forst.; Eocene andyounger populations are distinguished as Evansisporacenozoica sp. nov. Kraeuselisporiteslaceratus Norris is transferred to Evansispora.Waiparaspora is established for reticulate zonatespores of different morphology, based on thenew Paleocene species Waiparaspora wilsonii.2008040067埃 及 北 部 Siqeifa 1-X 钻 孔 的 白 垩 纪 孢 粉 和 沟鞭 藻 囊 孢 = Cretaceous palynology (spores, pollenand dinoflagellate cysts) of the Siqeifa 1-Xborehole, northern Egypt. ( 英 文 ). Mahmoud M;Deaf A S. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia estratigrafia, 2007, 113(2): 203-221Dinoflagellate cysts such as Subtilisphaerasenegalensis was regarded, with the spores Impardecisporaapiverrucata and Aequitriraditesspinulosus, as important Berriasian to Berremianspecies. Afropollis operculatus / zonatus pollenand spores such as Balmeisporites holodictyus,Trilobosporites laevigatus and Duplexisporitesgeneralis are diagnostic of Aptian. The lowestoccurrences of the pollen Afropollis jardinus, thespore Crybelosporites pannuceus and elateratessuch as Elaterosporites klaszii, Elaterocolpitescastelainii and Elateroplicites africaensis characterizethe Albian/lower Cenomanian interval.The palynofloras enabled the recognition of fivespore-pollen and four dinoflagellate zones,which are correlated with regional records,mainly from Egypt and Libya.2008040068新 西 兰 白 垩 纪 和 古 近 纪 地 层 中 的 带 状 石 松 类孢 子 = Zonate lycophyte spores from New ZealandCretaceous to Paleogene strata. ( 英 文 ).Raine J I. Alcheringa, 2008, 32(2): 99 - 127The morphology, taxonomy, and stratigraphicoccurrence of zonate lycophytic spores recoveredfrom New Zealand Cretaceous to Paleogenestrata are reviewed. Five species of Perotrilitesinclude the new species Perotrilites otagoensisdescribed from the Late Cretaceous, and Kraeuselisporitespapillatus Harris now transferred tothis genus. Kraeuselisporites is represented by anew Late Cretaceous species, Kraeuselisporitesalexii. Evansispora, based on the new speciesEvansispora senonica from Late Cretaceous toPaleocene strata, is proposed for distally reticulatezonate spores of the type met with in modernLycopodium volubile G. Forst.; Eocene andyounger populations are distinguished as Evansisporacenozoica sp. nov. Kraeuselisporiteslaceratus Norris is transferred to Evansispora.Waiparaspora is established for reticulate zonatespores of different morphology, based on thenew Paleocene species Waiparaspora wilsonii.2008040069一 种 氧 化 和 稳 定 固 定 技 术 处 理 西 Venezuela上 泥 盆 统 受 地 温 变 化 的 孢 型 化 石 = An oxidationand stable mounting technique for geothermallyaltered Upper Devonian palynomorphsfrom western Venezuela. ( 英 文 ). Harvey C.Journal of Micropalaeontology, 2001, 20(part 2):123-125Upper Devonian sediments from westernVenezuela have yielded palynomorphs that exhibitthe palynomorph re-darkening and crackingphenomenon during post-oxidation mounting. Apreparation technique has been developed, utilizinga diluted Schultze solution for prolongedperiods, that appears not to affect substantiallythe structure of the palynomorphs, and thus preventsre-darkening. The use of PVA and Petropoxy154 for mounting ensured the postoxidativestability of the palynomorphs at roomtemperature. Conversely, the Use Of Elvacite2044 as a mounting medium may cause crackingof the palynomorphs. related to shrinkage duringsolvent evaporation.2008040070孢 粉 处 理 技 术 的 检 验 : 以 歌 特 兰 志 留 纪 孢 型植 物 群 为 例 = Testing of palynological processingtechniques: an example using Silurian palynomorphsfrom Gotland. ( 英 文 ). Gelsthorpe D N.Journal of Micropalaeontology, 2002, 21(part 1):81-86Well-preserved acritarchs and prasinophytealgae recovered from the Lower Wenlock ofGotland (Sweden) were used to test the effects22

of centrifuging in heavy liquid, treatment withnitric acid to remove pyrite, and the loss of materialthrough a 7 pin sieve during washing of asample. The centrifuge test showed that the relativeproportions of different genera stabilizedafter three heavy liquid separations and thenumber of acritarchs extracted fell consistentlyby about 35% at each separation. Treatment withnitric acid yielded a slightly lower number ofacritarchs per gram of sediment. but it appears tohave yielded more herkomorph and sphaeromorphacritarchs. Treating samples with nitricacid renders them more comparable with thosenot containing pyrite. The loss of specimenswhilst washing through a 7 mum sieve proved tobe minimal. It was concluded that three heavyliquid separations should routinely be carried out,in Conjunction with treatment with nitric acidand regular tests to examine material passingthrough a 7 mum sieve.疑 源 类2008040071俄 罗 斯 Ust-Yenisei 地 区 上 白 垩 统 沉 积 的 生 物相 分 析 : 孢 型 体 的 意 义 = Biofacies analysis ofUpper Cretaceous deposits in the Ust-Yeniseiregion: Implications of palynomorphs. ( 英 文 ).Lebedeva N K. Stratigraphy and GeologicalCorrelation, 2008, 16(2): 182-197The results of palynomorph biofacies analysisin the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Ust-Yenisei region are presented. The establishedfacies confinement and indicative features ofseparate palynomorph groups are used, alongwith identified dinocyst morphotypes and taxa,in paleogeographic reconstructions. Seven palynomorphassociations characterizing continental,coastal-marine, shallow-and deep-water faciesare distinguished based on quantitative proportionsbetween morphological groupings and individualtaxa. As boundaries between distinguishablebiostratigraphic and facies subdivisionsdo not coincide, dinocysts were likely insignificantlydependent in distribution on faciesin the West Siberian epicontinental basin at least.On the other hand, distribution trends of particulardinocyst morphotypes and other microphytofossilsare correlative with transgressiveregressivecycles and can be used for reconstructionof paleoenvironments.牙 形 石2008040072美 国 东 部 阿 巴 拉 契 亚 盆 地 南 部 中 、 上 泥 盆 统Chattanooga 页 岩 牙 形 石 生 物 地 层 = Conodontbiostratigraphy of the Chattanooga shale,Middle and Upper Devonian, southern AppalachianBasin, eastern United States. ( 英 文 ). OverD J. Journal of Paleontology, 2007, 81(6): 1194-1217 8 图 版 .The Chattanooga Shale of the southern AppalachianBasin contains a diverse conodont faunaof the high Givetian, Frasnian, and Famennian.The predominantly fine-grained strata were depositedin an offshore setting where depositionalpackages are separated by unconformities.Conodonts allow regional and global correlationof these strata, recognition of the Frasnian-Famennian boundary, and narrow biostratigraphicconstraint of two Frasnian ash beds, MNZone 8 for the Belpre Ash and upper MN Zone13 for the Center Hill Ash. Three new Frasnianpalmatolepid conodonts are described in opennomenclature, and the holotype of Palmatolepisregularis Cooper is reillustrated.2008040073伊 朗 东 部 首 次 发 现 二 叠 纪 牙 形 类 化 石 以 及 再一 次 出 现 在 特 提 斯 区 的 二 叠 纪 剖 面 瓜 德 鲁 普统 的 底 部 = First finds of Permian conodonts ineastern Iran and once again on the Guadalupianseries base in Permian sections of the Tethyanrealm. ( 英 文 ). Leven E Ja; Reimers A N; KozurH W. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation,2007, 15(1): 57-66Conodonts found for the first time in easternIran (the Bage-Vang section) are characterized.Beds with conodonts also yield fusulinids that issuitable for refining correlation of conodont andfusulinid zonations. Stratigraphic ranges of differentconodont species in the Bage-Vang sectionare correlated with those in the Luodian section(South China), where conodonts are alsoaccompanied by fusulinids. As a result, someprevious inferences concerning position of theGuadalupian Series base in the Tethyan sectionsare refined.2008040074加 拿 大 不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 北 部 Cassiar 地 体 下至 上 奥 陶 统 Kechika 组 和 Road River 群 牙 形类 = Conodonts from the Kechika Formationand Road River Group (Lower to Upper Ordovician)of the Cassiar Terrane, northern BritishColumbia. ( 英 文 ). Pyle L J; Barnes C R. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(10):1387-1401This study examines the lower Paleozoicstratigraphy of the Cassiar Terrane from threekey sections comprising an east-west transectacross the terrane. The Cassiar Terrane, west ofthe Northern Rocky Mountain Trench, consistsof a Neoproterozoic to Triassic succession and isa fragment of the Cordilleran Miogeocline thathas been displaced northward. The amount ofdisplacement from its original position remainscontroversial. Conodonts from the Cassiar Ter-23

ane have been previously reported from only afew reconnaissance studies. More than 3000 mof strata have been measured and examined indetail and 85 conodont samples collected. A totalof 926 identifiable conodont elements areassigned to 31 species representing 21 genera.The conodonts are mainly representative of theMidcontinent Faunal Realm, but some also representthe Atlantic Realm. Conodonts from theupper Kechika Formation and base of the RoadRiver Group are Early Ordovician (Tremadocian)in age, and those from the upper Road RiverGroup range into the Upper Ordovician (Caradocian).The detailed Ordovician stratigraphyand temporal constraints established by conodontbiostratigraphy provide for correlation tocoeval facies of ancestral North America. Theonset of Road River sedimentation in the mid-Tremadocian is, however, older than that in theMacdonald Platform to the east (earlyArenigian). This onset timing may help link theCassiar Terrane to a specific part of the miogeoclinefrom which it was transported2008040075澳 大 利 亚 二 叠 纪 - 三 叠 纪 过 渡 期 牙 形 石 及 二 叠纪 - 三 叠 纪 界 线 的 位 置 = Conodonts from thePermian - Triassic transition in Australia andposition of the Permian - Triassic boundary. ( 英文 ). Metcalfe I; Nicoll R S; Willink R J. AustralianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2008, 55(3): 365-377Late Permian (late Changhsingian), possibleEarly Triassic Induan (Dienerian), and earlyOlenekian (Smithian) conodonts have been recoveredfrom the Hovea Member of the KockateaShale in the exploration well Corybas 1,northern Perth Basin, Western Australia. Placementof the biostratigraphic Permian - Triassicboundary is in the lower part of the SapropelicInterval of the Hovea Member. The Australianendemic Protohoploxypinus microcorpus palynofloralZone is confirmed to be of late (butnot latest) Changhsingion age. The Permian -Triassic boundary, based on international calibrationusing conodonts, carbon-isotope stratigraphyand new radio-isotopic dating, is placedin the lower part of the Kraeuselisporites saeptatusand Lunatisporites pellucidus Zones ofwestern and eastern Australia, respectively,which corresponds approximately to the basalpart of the Rewan Group and equivalents ineastern Australia.2008040076中 奥 陶 世 苏 格 兰 Midland 峡 谷 Lanark andStrathmore 盆 地 老 红 砂 岩 下 部 砾 岩 中 灰 岩 碎屑 里 的 牙 形 石 微 体 古 生 物 学 研 究 = Conodontmicropalaeontology of mid-Ordovician agedlimestone clasts from Lower Old Red Sandstoneconglomerates, Lanark and Strathmore basins,Midland Valley, Scotland. ( 英 文 ). Armstrong HA. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 2000, 19(part1): 45-59Mid-Ordovician limestone clasts in the LowerOld Red Sandstone conglomerates of the Lanarkand Strathmore basins of the Midland Valley,Scotland, were derived from a cryptic carbonateplatform, now hidden beneath the Southern UplandsAllochthon. These have yielded 17 multielementspecies of conodonts, which are systematicallydescribed herein and include the eponymousbiozonal species Pygodus serra and Pygodusanserinus. The fauna represents an outershelf-ocean margin biofacies, found only in UpperOrdovician conglomerates in the SouthernUplands and the Malopolska Terrane, Poland2008040077阿 根 廷 前 科 迪 勒 拉 阿 什 吉 期 牙 形 类 的 首 次 发现 = First record of Ashgillian conodonts in theArgentine Precordillera. ( 其 他 ). Heredia S.Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(1): 59-68A reworked conodont fauna from the EmpozadaFormation (Mendoza Precordillera) whichbelongs to the Caradoc-Ashgill (British Seriesfrom the Upper Ordovician) interval is reviewed.For the first time Amorphognathus cf. ordovicicusBranson & Mehl, 1933 is identified inArgentina. This species together with A. superbus,define the late Caradoc-earliest Ashgill ofthe Precordillera. The recovered conodont faunais similar in composition with those of the BritishProvince of the North Atlantic Realm, suggestingclose relationships between both areas.小 壳 化 石2008040078华 南 瓮 安 埃 迪 卡 拉 陡 山 陀 组 管 状 微 体 化 石 的系 统 描 述 及 系 统 发 育 亲 缘 = Systematic descriptionand phylogenetic affinity of tubularmicrofossils from the Ediacaran Doushantuoformation at Weng'an, South China. ( 英 文 ). LiuPengju; Xiao Shuhai; Yin Chongyu; ZhouChuanming; Gao Linzhi; Tang Feng. Palaeontology,2008, 51(2): 339-366This paper provides a systematic treatment oftubular microfossils collected from dolomiticphosphorites of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formationat Weng'an, South China. These microfossilswere investigated using petrographic,acid extraction and re-embedding techniques.Four morphological genera and five morphospeciesare described: Ramitubus increscens gen. etsp. nov., Ramitubus decrescens gen. et sp. nov.,Sinocyclocyclicus guizhouensis, Quadratitubusorbigoniatus, and Crassitubus costatus gen. et sp.nov. They are characterized by cylindrical (R.24

increscens, R. decrescens, S. guizhouensis and C.costatus) or tetragonal (Q. orbigoniatus) tubeswith closely spaced cross-walls. Ramitubus hasmostly complete cross-walls, whereas all othertaxa have regularly intercalated complete andincomplete cross-walls. Some of them branchdichotomously (R. increscens and R. decrescens),others have a longitudinal ridge running along acurved tube (C. costatus).The palaeoecology, ontogeny, and phylogeneticaffinity of these microfossils are still uncertain.They probably represent nonbiomineralizingorganisms in the Ediacaranocean. Ramitubus (and possibly all other morphotaxadescribed in this paper) was probablybenthic and grew unidirectionally and episodically.The incomplete cross-walls could havebeen formed through terminal addition or, alternatively,through intercalary insertion. It is possiblethat some or all morphotaxa described mayrepresent ontogenetic or ecophenotypic variationsof one or a few closely related biologicalspecies. If so, then the combination of morphologicalfeatures (complete and incomplete crosswalls,tetraradial symmetry, and longitudinalridge) can negate a cyanobacterial or algal interpretation,and point to a tentative cnidarian affinity.古 植 物 学综 论2008040079中 国 植 物 细 胞 化 石 的 首 次 观 察 = The FirstObservation on Plant Cell Fossils in China. ( 英文 ). Wang Xin; Cui Jinzhong. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2007, 81(1): 16-22For a long time, paleontologists have been focusingon hard parts of organisms during differentgeological periods while soft parts are rarelyreported. Well-preserved plant cells, if found infossils, are treated only as a rarity. Recent progressin research on fossil cytoplasm indicatesthat plant cytoplasm not only has excellent ultrastructurespreserved but also may be a quitecommonly seen fossil in strata. However, up tonow there is no report of plant cell fossils inChina yet. Here plant cell fossil...2008040080俄 罗 斯 滨 海 南 部 Partizanskaya 河 盆 地 晚 三 叠世 植 物 群 = Late triassic flora of the PartizanskayaRiver basin (Southern Primor’e). ( 英 文 ).Volynets E B; Shorokhova S A; Sun Ge. Stratigraphyand Geological Correlation, 2008, 16(1):47-58Flora from the lower Norian deposits of theUpper Triassic, which are exposed in the PartizanskayaRiver basin, has been studied in detail.A new Imalinovo floral assemblage is distinguished.As is established, its taxonomic compositionis represented by abundant cycadophytesand conifers occurring in association with insignificantferns and czekanowskialeans, rarehorsetails, pteridosperms, and ginkgoaleans. Thestudied floral assemblage is compared with severalfloras of East Asia: the Mongugai flora ofPrimor’e, the Tianqiaoling flora of northeasternChina, the Yamanoi and Nariwa floras of Japan.2008040081新 西 兰 极 濒 危 鹦 鹉 Kakapo(Strigops habroptilus)粪 化 石 中 微 体 植 物 化 石 的 分 析 =Plant microfossil analysis of coprolites of thecritically endangered kakapo (Strigops habroptilus)parrot from New Zealand. ( 英 文 ). HorrocksM; Salter J; Braggins J; Nichol S;, Moorhouse R;Elliott Graeme. Review of Palaeobotany andPalynology, 2008, 149(3-4): 229-245We present here the results of the analysis ofpollen, spores, starch and other microscopicplant material in 52 coprolites of the criticallyendangered kakapo (Strigops habroptilus), aNew Zealand endemic parrot. The six samplingsites (caves, rock overhangs) are in widely separategeographic regions in the South Island,across an altitudinal range encompassing lowland,montane and sub-alpine environments. Radiometrictesting gives average ages of discretecoprolite groups ranging from modern to2514 ± 43 14 C yr BP (Wk-19164). A wide varietyof plant taxa is identified in the coprolites,comprising cones, flowers, leaves and fronds of~ 30 podocarps, dicotyledonous trees, shrubsand lianas, grasses, ferns, lycopods, mosses andliverworts. This supports previous observationsthat kakapo are versatile feeders, using a broadspectrum of foods that may only be available forshort periods and intermittent years. Many of thefood taxa we identify are consistent with thestudies of modern kakapo diet. We also identifyseveral new foods, potentially of value in developingfood supplements to increase breedingfrequency of the current kakapo population. Themost commonly identified plant parts in coproliteswere fern fronds (monoletes, Hymenophyllum,Cyathea smithii), followed by podocarpcones and leaves. Lack of starch in the coprolitessuggests that the lycopod and fern rhizomes reportedin modern kakapo diet were not commonlyeaten. The data provide initial botanicalevidence of diet from coprolites of an extant bird.2008040082阿 纳 德 尔 - 科 利 亚 克 和 北 阿 拉 斯 加 亚 地 区 阿 尔比 期 - 早 古 新 世 的 古 植 物 群 比 较 第 三 部 分 跨越 白 垩 纪 - 古 近 纪 界 线 的 植 物 群 和 植 物 区 系 变化 的 比 较 = Comparative paleofloristics of the25

Albian-early Paleocene in the Anadyr-Koryakand North Alaska subregions, Part 3: Comparisonof floras and floristic changes across theCretaceous-Paleogene boundary. ( 英 文 ). HermanA B. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation,2007, 15(5): 516-524Floras characterizing comparable evolutionarystages in the Anadyr-Koryak and North Alaskasubregions of the North Pacific show some essentialdistinctions despite their similarity ingeneral. Factors responsible for appearance oftheir distinctive features were most likely thepaleoclimatic difference between the subregionsand the constrained or even interrupted trans-Beringia migration of plants in particular intervalsof geological history. Floras of both subregionssurvived the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundarycrisis without essential consequences fortheir evolution, and amplitude of floristicchanges across the boundary was not greaterthan by evolutionary changes in the crisis-freeLate Cretaceous. Evolution of the North Pacificfloras near this boundary has been likely controlledby the long-term paleogeographic andpaleoclimatic changes and by plants evolutionand migration.2008040083阿 纳 德 尔 - 科 利 亚 克 和 北 阿 拉 斯 加 亚 地 区 阿 尔比 期 - 早 古 新 世 的 古 植 物 群 比 较 第 二 部 分 北阿 拉 斯 加 亚 地 区 = Comparative paleofloristicsof the Albian-Early Paleocene in the Anadyr-Koryak and North Alaska Subregions, part 2:The North Alaska Subregion. ( 英 文 ). Herman AB. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation,2007, 15(4): 373-384The Albian-Paleocene phytostratigraphicscheme suggested in this work for the NorthAlaska Subregion of the North Pacific differsfrom the previous ones and includes three phytostratigraphichorizons of subregional extent andfour plant-bearing beds. The scheme is based ondistinguished successive stages in flora evolution,being substantiated by comprehensive data onthe described floral (plant macrofossils) assemblages.As is established, sedimentation environmentsgradually changed during the Albian-Paleogene from the west of the subregion to theeast so that the marine sedimentation and accumulationof sediments in general terminated ineastern areas later than western ones2008040084以 聚 酯 敷 涂 来 提 取 和 处 理 细 薄 碎 裂 的 化 石 角质 层 的 新 转 换 技 术 = A new transfer techniqueto extract and process thin and fragmented fossilcuticle using polyester overlays. ( 英 文 ). KouwenbergL L R; Hines R R; McElwain J C. Reviewof Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2007,145(3-4): 243-248Extraction and chemical processing of fragmentedcuticles from fossil leaves are facilitatedby a new non-destructive technique. Transfer offossil cuticle onto polyester overlays renderswhole-leaf maceration unnecessary. This techniqueis completely safe and extremely easy toapply for the preparation of fragile and fragmentedcuticles, while preserving the fossilspecimen and reducing chemical processing time.2008040085阿 纳 德 尔 - 科 利 亚 克 和 北 阿 拉 斯 加 亚 地 区 阿 尔比 期 - 早 古 新 世 的 古 植 物 群 比 较 第 一 部 分 安纳 德 尔 - 科 利 亚 亚 区 = Comparative paleofloristicsof the Albian-early Paleocene in the Anadyr-Koryak and North Alaska Subregions, Part 1:The Anadyr-Koryak Subregion. ( 英 文 ). HermanA B. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation,2007, 15(3): 321-332A high-resolution phytostratigraphic schemebased on plant macrofossils is suggested for thefirst time for the Albian and Upper Cretaceousof the Anadyr-Koryak Subregion of the NorthPacific. Seven phytostratigraphic horizons of thesubregion are distinguished based on successivestages in flora evolution substantiated by comprehensivedata on described floral assemblages.2008040086法 国 布 尔 戈 尼 Blanzy–Montceau-les 矿Martenet 点 奥 顿 阶 植 物 群 : 描 述 、 埋 葬 研 究和 古 环 境 意 义 = The Autunian flora of theMartenet site (Blanzy–Montceau-les-Mines,Burgundy, France): Description, taphonomicstudy and palaeoenvironmental implications. ( 法文 ). Bercovici A; Broutin J. Comptes RendusPalevol, 2008, 7(1): 1-16This work presents the first analysis of theMartenet fossiliferous site in the Blanzy – Montceau-les-Minesbasin, as well as a propositionfor transport and fossilisation conditions basedon the sole collection material. Description ofthe megaflora revealed a classical ‘Autunian’flora, out of which 90% is dominated by Walchianconifers. The taphonomical and sedimentologicalprospective based on the collectionspecimens allowed us to evaluate the transportationmodalities of plant remains and to have anidea of the palaeoenvironment surrounding theMartenet fossiliferous site. Fragmentation is presenton most plant remains, suggesting that a fairamount of transport has occurred prior to finaldeposition. This implies that the Martenet fossilsite is the result of plant material accumulationsampled from a broad area. Comparisons donewith previous palaeobotanical studies in otherPermian basins show that even if all Permian26

plant assemblages are conifer dominated, thedominant species is not the same. This suggeststhat within a similar sedimentological context,paleoecological and/or palaeogeographical preferencescan be observed within ‘Autunian’ conifers.2008040087阿 根 廷 圣 克 鲁 斯 圣 玛 丁 湖 1913 年 哈 莱 描 述 的白 垩 纪 植 物 群 的 新 记 录 = New records of theCretaceous flora described by Halle (1913) fromSan Martin lake, Santa Cruz, Argentina. ( 法 文 ).Passalia M G. Ameghiniana, 2007, 44(3): 565-595Two new sites with Cretaceous fossil plants,Bajo Comision 1 and 2, have been studied. Theyare located north of San Martin Lake, Santa CruzProvince, Argentina, and their deposits belong tothe Kachaike Formation (Late Albian - Cenomanian).This area was previously studied by ThorHalle who provided the description of a fossilplant assemblage. About twenty species havebeen recognized at the new sites, mostly belongingto pteridophytes, pteridosperms, conifers aswell as morphogenera of uncertain botanicalaffinity. Bryophytes, bermettites, ginkgophytesand angiosperms are also present as subordinatedcomponents. Among them, new taxa aredescribed: Pachypteris auriculata sp. nov.,Brachyphyllum kachaikensis sp. nov. andThorhallenia dentata gen. et sp. nov. In turn,two species, previously described by Halle, havebeen reassigned to other genera or species: Phyllopteroidescf. P. laevis Cantrill and Webb insteadof Asplenites lanceolatus Halle, and Gleichenitesjuliensis Herbst instead of Gleichenitescf. G. micromerus Heer and Phyllopteroides cf.P. laevis Cantrill y Webb instead of Aspleniteslanceolatus Halle. There is a considerable resemblancebetween Bajo Comision 1 and 2 assemblagesand the flora previously described byHalle, suggesting they belong to the same levels.2008040088法 国 西 南 部 Archingeay–Les Nouillers 地 区 塞诺 曼 期 植 物 枯 枝 落 叶 层 的 多 样 性 和 组 织 学 =Diversity and histology of a plant litter bed fromthe Cenomanian of Archingeay–Les Nouillers(southwestern France). ( 英 文 ). Gomez B; CoiffardC; Dépré E; Daviero-Gomez V; NéraudeauD. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008, 7(2/3): 135-144The exploitation of a third part of the sandquarry of Font-Benon (Archingeay–Les Nouillers,southwestern France) has exposed a claylens bearing a massive accumulation of plantmacro- and mesoremains. From the stratigraphicpoint of view, this lens corresponds to sub-unitA2sm1–2 dated as Lowermost Cenomanian inage. The plant assemblage is remarkable by lowfragmentation, association of vegetative and reproductiveorgans of the same taxa, and by thequality of histological cuticle preservations. Theplant remains were accumulated close to theproducing plants and deposited in paralic, calmand brackish environment, probably of coniferdominatedtype mangrove.2008040089高 温 是 植 物 细 胞 质 保 存 为 化 石 的 一 种 机 制 =High Temperature as a Mechanism for PlantCytoplasm Preservation in Fossils. ( 英 文 ). WangXin. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007, 81(2): 183-193Because the cytoplasm of a plant normallydegrades after the death of the plant, finding cytoplasmin a plant body after a prolonged periodof time, especially in fossil plants, is unexpected.Recent work on several 100-Myr-old plant fossilsfrom Kansas, USA indicates, however, thatcells and their contents can be preserved. Mostof the cells in these fossil plants appear to be in astate of plasmolysis, and these fossil cells bear astrong resemblance to laboratory-baked cells ofextant plant tissues. Base...2008040090福 建 前 湖 湾 水 下 古 森 林 群 落 类 型 = Coenotypesin Submerged Paleoforests in the QianhuBay,Fujian Province. ( 英 文 ). Liu Jianqiu; WuCairong; Wang Shaohong; Chen Binghua; FangYulin; Yu Mingtong. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2007, 81(5): 722-726The paleoforest remains studied are distributedwithin a range of 18000m~2 in the intertidalzone of the Qianhu Bay,Fujian Province.Eighty-nineancient tree stumps can beclearly recognized in the paleoforest remains.Microscopicstudies of 10 relatively lowcarbonizedstump samples definitely showedfour species: Glyptostrobus pensili (Staunt)Kouch, Schima superba Gardn., CinnamomumSchaeffer, and Litsea Lam.The ~(14)C dating ofsome samples yielded the ages of 42560±350to>43000 a B. P.,corresponding to the ...2008040091西 班 牙 马 德 里 省 Lozoya 河 谷 晚 全 新 世 植 被 变化 = Vegetation change during the Late Holocenein the Lozoya valley (guadarrama Range,Madrid). ( 其 他 ). Ruiz Zapata B; Gomez GonzalezC; Lopez Saez J A; Gill Garcia M J; VeraM S; Mediavilla R; Dominguez F; Santisteban J.Revista Espanola de paleontologia, 2007, 22(1):95-102The results shows a landscape dominated byherbaceous taxa, constituted mainlyCichorioideae, Asteraceae, Chenopodiaceae,27

Poaceae and Plantago lancelata. shrubs such asErica arborea, Rosaceae, Juniperus and Cistaceaehave certain role in the vegetation. Woodlandswith Pinus sylvestris, P. pinaster andQuercus, Corylus and Betula are also noticeablethroushout the sequence. Non-pollen palynomorphslike Pseudoschizaea circula and Glomusare used to infer the importance of erosive processesin situ. This information shows an openmediterranean landscape, due mainly to humanactivities, and changes in peatbog trophic condition.Changes in values of Alnus, Fraxinus andCyperaceae are used to detected humid changesin the are.The information provided by pH (5,4-6,2)and sediment conductivity serves to assessvegetation and land uses changes.2008040092智 利 中 南 部 四 个 上 三 叠 统 小 植 物 群 = FourUpper Triassic florules from central southernChile (Cerro Ranguili, Cerro Quilvo, CerroGupo and Rio Quillen).. ( 其 他 ). Troncoso A;Herbst R. Ameghiniana, 2007, 44(4): 661-672Four floristic assemblages mentioned in previousliterature from four localities of centralsouthern Chile are described. Localities are:Cerro Ranguili (Estero La Higuera Formation),Cerro Quilvo (La Patagua Formation or "Estratosde Pocillas"), Cerro Gupo (without stratigraphicdenomination) and Rio Quillen (probablyHuimpil-Llafquentue Formation). The plantlist includes: Neocalamites sp., Cladophlebis sp.,Dictyophyllum (T.) rothi Frenguelli, Dictyophyllum(Thaumatopteris) sp., Dicroidium odontopteroides(Morris) Gothan, Dicroidium lancifolium(Morris) Gothan, Dicroidium super-bum(Shirley) Retallack, Zuberia zuberi (Szajnocha)Frenguelli, Xylopteris sp., Pterophyllum sp. a.,Pterophyllum sp. b, Pterophyllum sp. c, Anomozamitessp., Sphenobaiera schenckii (Feistmantel)Florin, Taeniopteris sp. a., Taeniopteris sp. b,Linguifolium cf. lillieanum (Arber) Retallack, ?Linguifolium sp. and Heidiphyllum elongatum(Morris) Retallack. At Cerro Ranguili and CerroGupo there is a certain chronologic control withmarine invertebrates, but in any case the florulesindicate an undoubtedly Upper Triassic age.藻 类2008040093Wilsonidium pechoricum—— 古 新 世 / 始 新 世之 交 一 个 具 异 常 非 对 称 的 沟 鞭 藻 类 新 种 =Wilsonidium pechoricum new species- a newdinoflagellate species with unusual asymmetryfrom the Paleocene/Eocene transition. ( 英 文 ).Iakovleva A I; Heilmann-Clausen C. Journal ofPaleontology, 2007, 81(5): 1020-1030 4 图 版 .Fossil dinoflagellates, when asymmetrical,almost always have features such as antapicalhorns on the right side reduced relative to featureson the left side. A new species here described,Wilsonidium pechoricum, is thereforeunusual in having a reduced left antapical horn.W. pechoricum seems to have originated in thenorthern Tethys in the latest Paleocene. It subsequentlyspread northwards and became widelydistributed in the Peri-Tethys and parts of theArctic region during the short interval known asthe Initial Eocene Thermal Maximum (IETM).The new species was probably favored by extraordinarypaleoecological conditions (high seasurfacetemperatures and probably also high nutrientlevels) prevailing in neritic waters of theIETM; a time during which aberrant morphotypeswere also recorded among other planktonicprotists. The apparent absence of W. pechoricumfrom the North Atlantic region suggests that theTurgay Strait may have functioned as a waterwaybetween the Arctic and Peri-Tethys duringthe IETM. W. pechoricum is the oldest speciesof the genus Wilsonidium and possibly descendedfrom the genus Apectodinium. Its earlyappearance points to a Late Paleocene radiationof the Wetzelielloideae before the well-knownEarly Eocene radiation in the subfamily, and itsmorphology is in accordance with a monophyleticorigin of the group.2008040094基 于 丹 麦 Ristinge Klint 地 区 涡 鞭 毛 藻 化 石 对波 罗 的 海 西 南 地 区 末 次 间 冰 期 (Eemian ) 水文 地 质 条 件 的 研 究 = Last Interglacial (Eemian)hydrographic conditions in the southwesternBaltic Sea based on dinoflagellate cysts fromRistinge Klint, Denmark. ( 英 文 ). Head M J.Geological Magazine, 2007, 144(6): 987-1013A dinoflagellate cyst record with strong Mediterranean/Lusitanianaffinities is described frommarine deposits of Eemian age (Last Interglacial;Late Pleistocene) at Ristinge Klint, Denmark,revealing new information about the hydrographicevolution of the southwestern Baltic Sea.A revised correlation of the pollen record atRistinge Klint with that of the annually laminatedsite at Bispingen in northern Germany providestemporal control. Approximately the firstquarter of Eemian time is represented. A marineingression into a lake took place during theQuercus rise, about 300 years into the interglacial,and is marked by low (< c. 3 psu) salinitiesat the base of the Cyprina Clay that increasedprogressively. An abrupt and significant rise inthe inflow of warm, saline waters from the NorthSea occurred at about 750 years into the interglacial(the Corylus rise), and at about 1900 yearsinto the interglacial, strongly stratified watersdeveloped. Higher in the Cyprina Clay and continuingto its top, at nearly 3000 years into theinterglacial, more open-marine waters are indi-28

cated, although fully marine conditions were notreached. The dinoflagellate record throughoutthe Cyprina Clay at Ristinge Klint is thereforeone of increasing marine influence. Summer seasurfacetemperatures approached, and may haveexceeded, 26–28°C during early Eemian time,indicating temperatures at least 5°C warmer thanat present. These warm conditions persisted tothe top of the record at Ristinge Klint. No evidenceexists at Ristinge Klint for the influence ofArctic watermasses, and the paucity of coldwaterspecies throughout the section reflectsmild winter temperatures in the southwesternBaltic Sea. The new species Spiniferites ristingensisis formally described, and the name Operculodiniumcentrocarpum var. cezare de Vernal,Goyette & Rodrigues, 1989 is validated.2008040095俄 罗 斯 堪 察 加 东 北 部 半 岛 渐 新 世 古 生 物 特 征新 资 料 = New data on paleontological characteristicof the Oligocene in the Il’pinskii Peninsula,northeastern Kamchatka. ( 英 文 ).Gladenkov A Yu; Gladenkov Yu B. Stratigraphyand Geological Correlation, 2007, 15(2): 231-235Fossil diatom algae first found in the Paleogenemarine succession (Alugivayam Formation)of the Il’pinskii Peninsula, northeastern Kamchatkaare studied, and new data on molluscanassemblages from the same sequences are presented.Some of the diatom forms identifiedsuggest the Oligocene age of their host deposits.This is consistent with earlier inference frombenthic groups of marine organisms.2008040096根 据 孢 囊 化 石 , 重 新 确 定 美 国 西 部 内 陆 地 区阿 尔 必 阶 - 赛 诺 曼 阶 界 线 = Re-evaluation ofthe Albian–Cenomanian boundary in the U.S.Western Interior based on dinoflagellate cysts.( 英 文 ). Oboh-Ikuenobe F E; Benson D G; ScottR W; Holbrook J M; Evetts M J; Erbacher J.Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2007,144(1-2): 77-97The position of the Albian–Cenomanianboundary in the U.S. Western Interior Basin hasbeen the subject of debate because the ammonitesand foraminifers that define the boundaryare endemic. Traditionally, the boundary, as definedin Europe by planktonic foraminifers andammonites, is correlated with the last occurrenceof the ammonite genus, Neogastroplites [Reeside,J.B., Cobban, W.A., 1960. Studies of theMowry Shale (Cretaceous) and contemporaryformations in the United States and Canada. U.S.Geological Survey Professional Paper 355, 126pp]. More recently, the boundary was correlatedwith the first occurrence of Metengonoceras teigenensis[Cobban, W.A., 1951. Colorado shaleof central and northwestern Montana andequivalent rocks of Black Hills. American Associationof Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 35,2170–2198]. These ammonites are associatedwith bentonites, the ages of which have beenextrapolated to the type region of France to datethe base of the Cenomanian from the WesternInterior Basin. However, since cosmopolitandinoflagellates are common to this region andthe European reference sections where theboundary is defined, they can be used to reevaluatethe position of the Albian–Cenomanianboundary in the Western Interior Basin. In ourstudy, 224 samples from 29 outcrop sections inMontana, Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma andNew Mexico were analyzed for dinoflagellatecysts, as well as other palynomorphs, foraminifers,bivalves and ammonites; these fossilswere used for graphic correlation. The recoveryand preservation of the dinoflagellate cysts variedfrom poor to good, and diversity varied fromlow to moderate. Typical Late Albian to EarlyCenomanian taxa, including Ovoidinium verrucosum,Ovoidinium scabrosum and Palaeohystrichophorainfusorioides, dominate the assemblages;however, dinoflagellate ranges in the fivesections in which the neogastroplitid zones aredefined (Arrow Creek, Ayers Ranch, Belt Butte,Geyser, Teigen) suggest correlation with theuppermost Albian. Dinoflagellate ranges wereconfirmed in additional Montana, Wyoming andnorthern Colorado sections by a few diagnostictaxa (Aptea polymorpha, Apteodinium grande,Batioladinium jaegeri, Luxadinium propatulum,Chichaouadinium vestitum), and they weregraphically correlated with published Europeanranges. The result is that the Albian–Cenomanian boundary correlates with the97 million year old Clay Spur Bentonite.2008040097沿 东 欧 地 台 边 缘 分 布 的 里 菲 期 叠 层 石 组 合 =Riphean stromatolitic formations fringing theEast European platform. ( 英 文 ). Raaben M E.Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 2007,15(1): 30-40Riphean stromatolitic formations flank theEast European epi-Karelian platform only in theeast and northeast. They are traceable as long(over 3600km) relatively narrow belt consistingof two rectilinear segments, one running alongthe Urals western flank from southern extremityof the Bashkirian meganticlinorium to thePolyudov Ridge and the other one extendingfrom the southern and central Timan to theKil’din Island and northern Norway. Within thebelt there are known stromatolitic formations ofall Riphean erathems: the Lower and MiddleRiphean stromatolitic buildups are confined to29

the eastern segment of its southern part only,while the Upper Riphean occur everywhere.Their distribution conformable to large structuralelements of the plaform margin being replacedby carbonate-terrigenous rocks almost lackingstromatolites westward and southwestward in theKama-Belaya aulacogen system and by substantiallysiliciclastic succession eastward and northeastward.The distribution area of UpperRiphean stromatolitic formations includes theKaratavian stratotype region, where 12 stromatolitebeds ranging in age from ≥900 to 620 Ma areestablished. Many of the beds are traceablealong the strike far beyond the stratotype region.Representing relatively small reference units, thebeds facilitate reconstruction of distribution dynamicsof the Upper Riphean stromatolites. Distributionarea of the latter was always parallel tomarginal structures of the platform, though beingof changeable size, particularly of length. Originatedin the stratotype region eastern part, stromatolitesfirst advanced into northeastern areasnever crossing boundaries of the Upper Ripheandistribution area during the Early Karatavian. Inthe initial Late Karatavian, they occupied alongest distribution area that was sharply reducedat the end of that period. According todistribution peculiarities in space and with time,the Upper Riphean stromatolitic formations accumulatedlikely in peripheral areas of an opensea or oceanic basin adjacent to the East Europeanplatform, rather than in closed epiplatformbasins.2008040098作 为 海 进 标 志 层 的 含 红 藻 石 灰 岩 : 新 西 兰 北岛 的 化 石 和 现 代 标 本 实 例 = Rhodolith-bearinglimestones as transgressive marker beds: fossiland modern examples from North Island, NewZealand. ( 英 文 ). Nalin R D; Nelson C S; BassoD; Massari F. Sedimentology, 2008, 55(2): 249-274Rhodoliths are nodular structures composedmainly of the superimposed thalli of calcareousred algae. Because their development is controlledby an array of ecological parameters,rhodoliths are a valuable source of palaeoenvironmentalinformation. However, despite theircommon use in palaeoecological reconstructions,the stratigraphic significance of rhodolith accumulationsseldom has been addressed in detail.In a study of Cenozoic rhodolith-bearing depositsfrom the North Island of New Zealand,rhodolithic units, usually of limited lateral extent,typically occur above major unconformities atthe base of deepening upwards successions. Twotypes of transgressive rhodolith-bearing depositsmay be distinguished on the basis of texture andrhodolith internal structure: (i) type A depositsare clast-supported rhodolithic rudstones containingabundant pebbles and cobbles reworkedfrom the substrate, and are characterized byrhodoliths with a compact concentric to columnarinternal structure and a high nucleus to algalcover ratio; (ii) type B deposits are rhodolithicfloatstones with a matrix usually consisting ofbryozoan fragments, benthic foraminifera andechinoid fragments or terrigenous silty fine sand.The rhodoliths of type B units usually have aloose internal framework with irregular tobranched crusts. The two contrasting rhodolithbearingunits are interpreted as characteristicfacies of transgressive systems tract deposits,analogous to shell concentrations formed underconditions of low net sedimentation. Type Adeposits are correlated with relatively highenergysettings and/or narrow submerged palaeotopographiclows, whereas type B depositsare interpreted as forming in lower-energy settings.The association between transgression anddevelopment of rhodolithic facies is confirmedby observations of a modern rhodolith productionsite at Whangaparaoa Peninsula in NorthIsland, where algal nodules grow above aravinement surface cut during the Holocene sealevelrise, and also by a review of published fossilexamples, many of which show stratigraphicand compositional attributes analogous to thoseof the New Zealand occurrences. The reviewindicates that transgressive rhodolith accumulationsdevelop more commonly in, but are notrestricted to, non-tropical settings. It is suggestedthat a combination of factors, such as low netsedimentary input, nature of the substrate, sealevelrise and inherited physiography contributeto determine the relationship between rhodolithbearingdeposits and transgressive settings.Rhodoliths are nodular structures composedmainly of the superimposed thalli of calcareousred algae. Because their development is controlledby an array of ecological parameters,rhodoliths are a valuable source of palaeoenvironmentalinformation. However, despite theircommon use in palaeoecological reconstructions,the stratigraphic significance of rhodolith accumulationsseldom has been addressed in detail.In a study of Cenozoic rhodolith-bearing depositsfrom the North Island of New Zealand,rhodolithic units, usually of limited lateral extent,typically occur above major unconformities atthe base of deepening upwards successions. Twotypes of transgressive rhodolith-bearing depositsmay be distinguished on the basis of texture andrhodolith internal structure: (i) type A depositsare clast-supported rhodolithic rudstones containingabundant pebbles and cobbles reworkedfrom the substrate, and are characterized byrhodoliths with a compact concentric to columnarinternal structure and a high nucleus to algalcover ratio; (ii) type B deposits are rhodolithic30

floatstones with a matrix usually consisting ofbryozoan fragments, benthic foraminifera andechinoid fragments or terrigenous silty fine sand.The rhodoliths of type B units usually have aloose internal framework with irregular tobranched crusts. The two contrasting rhodolithbearingunits are interpreted as characteristicfacies of transgressive systems tract deposits,analogous to shell concentrations formed underconditions of low net sedimentation. Type Adeposits are correlated with relatively highenergysettings and/or narrow submerged palaeotopographiclows, whereas type B depositsare interpreted as forming in lower-energy settings.The association between transgression anddevelopment of rhodolithic facies is confirmedby observations of a modern rhodolith productionsite at Whangaparaoa Peninsula in NorthIsland, where algal nodules grow above aravinement surface cut during the Holocene sealevelrise, and also by a review of published fossilexamples, many of which show stratigraphicand compositional attributes analogous to thoseof the New Zealand occurrences. The reviewindicates that transgressive rhodolith accumulationsdevelop more commonly in, but are notrestricted to, non-tropical settings. It is suggestedthat a combination of factors, such as low netsedimentary input, nature of the substrate, sealevelrise and inherited physiography contributeto determine the relationship between rhodolithbearingdeposits and transgressive settings.2008040099贵 州 南 部 地 区 晚 石 炭 世 叶 状 藻 的 古 生 态 =Paleoecology of Late Carboniferous PhylloidAlgae in Southern Guizhou,SW China. ( 英 文 ).Gong Enpu; Zhang Yongli; Guan Changqing;Samankassou E; Sun Baoliang. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2007, 81(4): 566-572Phylloid algae are important reef-builders inthe late Carboniferous.This paper focuses on thepaleoecology of phylloid algae in the Late Carboniferouson well-exposed reefs in ZiyunCounty, Guizhou Province.Phylloid algae growingclosely packed are attached via holdfast orsimilar structure to substrate.They were growingin environments such as shallow water,photiczone and below the wave base with medium energycurrents.They have a variety of morphologicalforms,such as single cup-shaped, cabbage-shapedan...2008040100作 为 高 分 辨 率 气 候 记 录 的 珊 瑚 状 红 藻 = Corallinered algae as high-resolution climate recorders.( 英 文 ). Halfar J; Steneck R S; Joachimski M;Kronz A; Wanamaker A D. Geology, 2008,36(6): 463-466Most high-resolution, proxy-based paleoclimateresearch has concentrated on tropicaloceans, while mid- and high-latitude marine regionshave received less attention, despite theirimportance in the global climate system. At present,sclerochronological analyses of bivalvemollusks supply the bulk of annual- to subannual-resolutionextratropical marine climate data,even though interpretation is complicated by aslowdown of growth with increasing shell age.Hence, in order to address the need for additionalhigh-resolution proxy climate data fromextratropical regions, we conducted the firstyear-long in situ field calibration of the corallinered alga Clathromorphum compactum in theGulf of Maine, United States. Coralline red algaeare widely distributed in coastal regions worldwide,and individual calcified plants can livecontinuously for several centuries in temperateand subarctic oceans. Stable oxygen isotopesextracted at subannual resolution from growthincrements of monitored specimens of C. compactumrelate well to in situ–measured seasurfacetemperatures during the May to Decembercalcification period, highlighting the suitabilityof coralline red algae as an extratropical climatearchive. Furthermore, there is a strong correlationbetween a 30 yr 18 O record of C. compactumand an instrumental sea-surface temperaturerecord (r = –0.58, p = 0.0008) and a proxyreconstruction derived from the bivalve Arcticaislandica collected in the central Gulf of Maine(r = 0.54, p = 0.002).2008040101阿 根 廷 火 地 岛 中 古 近 世 沟 鞭 藻 囊 胞 : 地 层 学和 古 环 境 学 = Middle Palaeogene dinoflagellatecysts from Tierra del Fuego, Argentina: biostratigraphyand palaeoenvironments. ( 英 文 ).Guerstein G R; Guler M V; Williams G L; FensomeR A; Chiesa, J O. Journal of Micropalaeontology,2008, 27(part 1): 75-94Palynological data from four surface sectionsin northern Tierra del Fuego, southern Argentina,provide a biostratigraphical and palaeoenvironmentalframework for the lower member of theLa Despedida Formation and the Cabo PenaFormation in their type areas. Selected dinoflagellatecyst (dinocyst) events indicate that the ageof the lower member of the La Despedida Formationis Middle Eocene and that of the CaboPena Formation is Late Eocene-earliest Oligocene.The age assigned to the La DespedidaFormation agrees with determinations based oncalcareous microfossils, but there is a potentialdiscrepancy regarding the Cabo Pena Formation.According to recent stratigraphic studies, theCabo Domingo Group, which includes the CaboPena Formation, is Late Eocene-Miocene in age.The palynomorph assemblages from the lower31

member of the La Despedida Formation containthe endemic 'Transantarctic Flora', which reflectsmarginal marine conditions. The maximumabundance of Enneadocysta spp. reflects moreopen-sea conditions and a warming event duringthe late Middle Eocene. The lower part of theCabo Pena Formation has a high ratio of dinocyststo sporomorphs and an abundance ofNematosphaeropsis lemniscata, Reticulatosphaeraactinocoronata and Impagidinium spp.,suggesting an oceanic to outer neritic environment.Abundant Gelatia inflata and protoperidiniaceancysts indicate cool surface waters richin dissolved nutrients. These cold-water markersmay reflect the development of the AntarcticCircumpolar Current, an important event in thetransition from a greenhouse to an icehouse climatemode. Toward the top of the sections, thelower ratios of dinocysts to sporomorphs, as wellas the composition of the dinocyst assemblages,reflect a neritic rather than an oceanic setting.This palynological change may be due toeustatic sea-level lowering caused by coolingduring the latest Eocene-earliest Oligocene. Anew species, Spiniferites scalenus, is describedand the new combination Lingulodinium echinatumproposed; an emendation for the latterspecies is also proposed.2008040102森 诺 曼 阶 - 土 仑 阶 界 线 附 近 横 穿 大 西 洋 的 沟 鞭藻 囊 孢 生 物 地 层 学 = Trans-Atlantic dinoflagellatecyst stratigraphy across the Cenomanian-Turonian (Cretaceous) Stage boundary. ( 英 文 ).Dodsworth P. Journal of Micropalaeontology,2000, 19(part 1): 69-84The principal palynological proxy for theCenomanian-Turonian Stage boundary, the topof consistent/common Litosphaeridium siphoniphorum(a dinoflagellate cyst), occurs in GreenhornBed 73 at the international stratotype section,west of Pueblo, Colorado, USA. This datumoccurs in the same position, as indicated byplanktonic foraminifera (a few beds higher thanthe range top of R. cushmani), ammonites (upperpart of the S. gracile/M. geslinianum Zone) andgeochemistry (immediately below maximumdelta(13)C values), at Pueblo (Western InteriorBasin) and localities in southern England (Wessex-ParisBasin) and northern Germany (LowerSaxony Basin). Of over 100 dinoflagellate cysttaxa recorded from Pueblo and a correlative sectionat Lulworth, southern England, possibly asfew as six do not range into the Turonian. In theuppermost Cenomanian - lowermost Turoniansuccession at Pueblo, there are no consistent absencesof any common taxa (with four exceptions)and there is no evidence for a collapse incyst-forming dinoflagellate populations duringthe Cenomanian-Turonian boundary mass extinctioninterval/'oceanic anoxic event'. However,the composition of palynological assemblagesfrom the Upper Cenomanian appears to reflectpalaeoenvironmental stress and/or an increase inthe supply of land-derived and relatively nearshorepalynomorphs.2008040103值 得 注 意 的 光 球 类 (Tapajonites Sommer &van Boekel, 1963)( 草 绿 藻 ) 纹 饰 的 保 存 状况 = Note on the preservational nature of ornamentationin sphaeromorphs assignable to TapajonitesSommer & van Boekel, 1963 (Prasinaphyta?). ( 英 文 ). Turnau E. Journal of Micropalaeontology,2000, 19(part 2): 159-162Assemblages of Middle Devonian (Givetian)phytoplankton from the Holy Cross Mountainsinclude sphaeromorphs possessing blister-likeornamentation typical of the genus TapajonitesSommer & van Boekel, 1963. Study of thesculptural elements under high magnificationindicates the presence of patterns resemblingimpressions of pyrite crystals. It is suggestedthat ornamentation in Tapajonites, or at least insome sphaeromorphs assignable to that genus, isof a secondary nature.2008040104沟 鞭 藻 Suessiaceae 科 的 划 分 和 演 化 = Subdivisionof the dinoflagellate cyst Family Suessiaceaeand discussion of its evolution. ( 英 文 ).Palliani R B; Riding J B. Journal of Micropalaeontology,2000, 19(part 2): 133-137The recent description of Umbriadiniummediterraneense Bucefalo Palliani & Riding1997 from the Early Jurassic of central Italy andGreece has provided new information on thephylogeny of the dinoflagellate cyst FamilySuessiaceae. On the basis of the morphology ofthe five suessiacean genera, a subdivision of thefamily into two new subfamilies is proposed.These are the Late Triassic Suessioideae and theEarly Jurassic Umbriadinoideae. The evolutionof the Family Suessiaceae is related to the evolutionof scleractinian corals, largely on the basisof the similarity of their evolutionary patternsand geographical palaeodistributions.2008040105Gonyaulacaceae( 化 石 横 裂 甲 藻 纲 ) 的 一 个新 属 Ynezidinium = Ynezidinium, a new genuswithin the Gonyaulacaceae (fossil Dinophyceae).( 英 文 ). Lucas-Clark J; Helenes J. Journal ofMicropalaeontology, 2000, 19(part 2): 113-121Ynezidinium malloyi gen. nov., sp. nov,shows paratabulation details that indicate it belongsto the Family Gonyaulacaceae, subfamilyLeptodiniodeae, but which, in combination, distinguishit from previously described genera.32

The paratabulation details include: (1) pentagonalsixth precingular (li) in contact with bothfourth and first apicals (A and lu); (2) elongateand subparallel fourth and first apicals; (3)straight to slightly sigmoidal sulcal region; (4)lack of small intercalary (K) paraplates; and (5)Q/B preapical arrangement. Other species hereinassigned to :Ynezidinium include: Ynezidiniumbrevisulcatum (Michoux, 1985) comb. nov., Y.latolineatum (Yun, 1981) comb, nov., Y. pentahedrias(Damassa, 1979) comb, nov, and Y.waipawaense (Wilson, 1988) comb. nov.2008040106沟 鞭 藻 囊 胞 Subtilisphaera ? inaffecta (Drugg,1978) Bujak & Davies, 1983 and S.? paeminosa(Drugg, 1978) Bujak & Davies, 1983 的评 论 评 论 = Review of the dinoflagellate cystSubtilisphaera ? inaffecta (Drugg, 1978) Bujak& Davies, 1983 and S.? paeminosa (Drugg, 1978)Bujak & Davies, 1983. ( 英 文 ). Courtinat B.Journal of Micropalaeontology, 2000, 19(part 2):165-175Research carried out on the Upper Jurassicdinoflagellate cyst assemblages of the Sub-Tethyan marine realm, show that populations ofthe dinoflagellate cysts Subtilisphaera? inaffectaand S.? paeminosa are predominant in shallowwater marginal marine or brackish environments.The distribution of groups of dinoflagellate cysts,micrhystridid acritarchs and variations of terrestrialinputs represented by phytoclasts are presumedparameters of the salinity balance duringsuch Late Jurassic depositional environments. Inthis context, the shagreenate to faintly granulateS.? inaffecta appears to be an opportunistictaxon with an ability to prosper in brackish environments.In contrast, the coarsely granulate topustulate paeminosa form is seemingly less eurytopicand flourishes with success in shallow,marginal marine, environments. SEM studiesreveals that the two morphotypes possesstransapical archaeopyle sutures on what is usuallyconsidered the antapex. Following theseobservations the cysts are interpreted in a reversesense. Consequently, the attribution to the genusSubtilisphaera becomes inappropriate. The twomorphotypes, interpreted as variants of a singlespecies, are attributed to the genus CorculodiniumBatten & Lister, 1988 for which a newemendation is proposed. The specific epithetinaffecta is considered legal over paeminosa.2008040107大 西 洋 东 北 Goban Spur 大 陆 边 缘 沉 积 物 表面 的 硅 藻 流 = Diatom fluxes in surface sedimentsof the Goban Spur continental margin, NEAtlantic Ocean. ( 英 文 ). Bao R; De Stigter H;Van Weering T C E. Journal of Micropalaeontology,2000, 19(part 2): 123-131Continental slopes are presumed key areas fordeposition of organic carbon exported from theshelf. Analysis of across-slope differences indiatom and silicoflagellate fluxes recorded inbottom sediments of the Goban Spur margin, atypical North Atlantic slope environment, wascarried out to test if they can provide informationon the magnitude of advection of materialfrom the shelf into deeper waters. Total diatomand silicoflagellate accumulation rates showedstrong across-slope differences. Minimum valuesare recorded at the shelf break where maximumsurface productivity conditions occur while thedeeper sampling stations record fluxes as high as183x10(6) valves cm(-2) ka(-1). While high diatomfluxes show a clear correspondence with theactivity of a permanent bottom nepheloid layeroperating in the region, they do not correlatewith productivity patterns observed in the watercolumn. Diatom assemblages are mainly composedof Chaetoceros resting spores and Thalassionemanitzschioides (Grunow) Grunow exHustedt, typical indicators of spring bloom conditionsin the area. The absence of clear acrossslopetrends in the diatom assemblages is interpretedas the effect of random mixing driven bythe strong hydrodynamic regime provoked bythe activity of the bottom nepheloid layer. Thedominance of Chaetoceros resting spores acrossthe slope is related to important exportation ofshelf-derived production. However, due to thebroad ecological tolerances of the main taxacomposing the diatom assemblages, they do notallow precise estimations on the magnitude ofthe primary vertical flux vs, the secondary lateralflux in this slope environment. Use of thetychoplanktonic and benthic diatoms, which arerestricted to the neritic realm, allows only theestimation of the minimum amount of shelfderiveddiatoms reaching the slope sediments (atleast 13% of the total diatom assemblage for theupper slope area of the Goban Spur). This studyshows that major limitations exist for the use ofdiatoms preserved in surface sediments of thisarea as tracers of shelf-derived production transportedto the continental slope.2008040108Hallembaye 和 Turnhout ( 比 利 时 ) 和Beutenaken( 荷 兰 )Campanian-Danian 白垩 中 沟 鞭 藻 囊 胞 新 种 = New species ofdinoflagellate cysts from the Campanian-Danianchalks at Hallembaye and Turnhout (Belgium)and at Beutenaken (the Netherlands). ( 英 文 ).Slimani H. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 2001,20(part 1): 1-11A palynological study of Campanian-Danianchalks from the quarries at Beutenaken and Hal-33

lembaye (Maastricht region) and from a boreholeat Turnhout (northern Belgium) has revealedthe presence of seven new species andsubspecies of dinoflagellate cysts: Exochosphaeridium?Masureae sp. nov., Leberidocystachlamydata subsp. schiolerii subsp. nov., Odontochitinastreelii sp. nov., Pervosphaeridium septatumsp. nov., Spiniferites ramosus subsp.pterocoelus subsp. nov., Stephodinium? spinosumsp. nov. and Xenascus wetzelii sp. nov.Nexosispinum? complicatum described by Slimani(1996) as a new species is now a juniorsynonym of Pulchrasphaera minuscula Schioleret al. (1997).2008040109中 央 北 海 盆 地 2 种 白 垩 纪 早 期 沟 鞭 藻 囊 孢 =Two new Early Cretaceous dinocyst speciesfrom the Central North Sea Basin. ( 英 文 ). DuxburyS. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 2002,21(part 1): 75-80Two new species of dinocyst, Cerbia monilisand Hapsocysta susanac are described from theLower Cretaceous of the Central North Sea Basin.The first ranges across the Aptian/Albianboundary and the latter is restricted to the Earlyto Middle Albian interval; both are valuable indextaxa in this area. Hapsocysta susanae is remarkablysimilar to cysts 'without walls' describedfrom the Late Oligocene and Early Miocene,and detailed comparisons are made. Theranges of the two species described here are illustratedagainst regional lithostratigraphic andbiostratigraphic schemes.2008040110Lagerdorf ( 德 国 西 北 ) 坎 潘 期 晚 期polyplocum 带 地 区 钙 质 沟 鞭 藻 囊 孢 新 种Tetratropis terrina = Tetratropis terrina sp nov.,a new calcareous dinoflagellate cyst from theUpper Campanian polyplocum zone of Lagerdorf(NW Germany). ( 英 文 ). Bison K M;Wendler J; Versteegh G J M; Willems H. Journalof Micropalaeontology, 2004, 23(part 2):127-132A new calcareous dinoflagellate cyst species,Tetratropis terrina sp. nov., with an apparentstratigraphically narrow range is described fromthe Upper Campanian Bostrychoceras polyplocumzone of the Lagerdorf chalk sequence (NWGermany). The electron microscopic and lightmicroscopic analyses show that T terrina hasboth a pithonelloid wall type with uniformlyinclined wall crystallites and a reduced peridiniaceanparatabulation pattern. The prominentmorphological similarities of T terrina to theother two Tetratropis species (T patina and Tcorbula) justify the affiliation of the new speciesto the genus. As a result of the extension of themorphological spectrum by the new species, thegenus Tetratropis Willems 1990 has beenemended.真 菌2008040111美 国 爱 达 荷 Clarkia 地 区 中 新 世 化 石Entopeltacites remberi sp. nov. = Entopeltacitesremberi sp. nov. from the Miocene ofClarkia, Idaho, USA. ( 英 文 ). Phipps C J. Reviewof Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2007, 145(3-4):193-200The Vizellaceae is one of the few families offungi that can be identified solely on the basis ofvegetative features, which makes the fossilmembers of the family readily identifiable. Thefamily, with records to the Eocene of the northernand southern hemispheres, is a small groupcontaining approximately twenty extant andseven fossil species. A new representative of thegenus Entopeltacites within the Vizellaceae isdescribed from the Miocene Clarkia locality ofIdaho, USA. These fungi are present only onleaves of Persea. Hyphae extend across the entireleaf surfaces in straight lines, branching at30 to 60° angles, rarely close to 90, with overlapbetween adjacent colonies. The hyphae are 4 to5 μm in diameter, and regularly alternate betweendark segments that are 8 to 11 μm longand hyaline segments that are 20 to 26 μm long.Single-celled hyphopodia are present but infrequent.Reproductive structures are 30 to 80 μmin diameter and are ostiolate, but internal structuresare not preserved. No spores are present.This fungus differs from the other known speciesof Entopeltacites in its combination of hyphaland reproductive features, particularly in theregularity of cell type alternation.2008040112保 存 特 征 结 构 的 北 非 新 近 纪 多 孔 菌 目 灵 芝 科新 属 种 化 石 :Ganodermites libycus = Structurallypreserved polypores from the Neogene ofNorth Africa: Ganodermites libycus gen. et sp.nov. (Polyporales, Ganodermataceae). ( 英 文 ).Fleischmann A; Krings M; Mayr H; Agerer R.Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2007,145(1-2): 159-172A new fossil polypore, Ganodermites libycus(Polyporales, Ganodermataceae), occurs in theform of a structurally preserved (permineralized)basidiocarp from the Lower Miocene (Neogene)of Jebel Zelten in the northern part of the LibyanSahara, North Africa. The basidiocarp is characterizedby distinct growth increments, a stratifiedhymenium, and equidistantly arranged pores.The trimitic hyphal system consists of generative,skeletal, and binding hyphae; clavate pilocystidiaregularly occur among the tramal hyphae.The basidia are clavate and (2–)4-sterigmate.They produce ellipsoid, apically truncate34

asidiospores, which display a two-layered ganodermatoidspore wall. Ganodermites libycusrepresents the earliest persuasive fossil evidencefor polypores closely related to the extant genusGanoderma, and displays a mosaic of charactersseen in modern Ganoderma species. Coprolitefilledtunnels in the basidiocarp indicate that G.libycus was utilized as a food source by fungivorousarthropods or arthropod larvae.蕨 类 植 物 ( 广 义 )2008040113对 Sublepidodendron (Nathorst) Hirmer 1927模 式 指 定 的 修 正 = Corrections to the type designationof the genus Sublepidodendron (Nathorst)Hirmer 1927. ( 英 文 ). Wang Qi. Reviewof Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2008, 149(3-4):131-1322008040114加 拿 大 不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 温 哥 华 岛 上 白 垩 统 康尼 亚 克 阶 的 化 石 Paralygodium meckertii sp.nov. (Schizaeaceae) = Paralygodium meckertiisp. nov. (Schizaeaceae) from the Upper Cretaceous(Coniacian) of Vancouver Island, BritishColumbia, Canada. ( 英 文 ). Karafit S J; StockeyR A. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology,2008, 149(3-4): 163-173More than 50 specimens of permineralizedfertile pinnules with abaxially borne sporangiahave been discovered in calcareous marine nodulesfrom the Upper Cretaceous (Coniacian)Comox Formation from the Eden Main localitieson Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.Isolated pinnules 1.6–3.0 mm wide × 1.6–2.8 mm long are lobed and abaxially enrolled toform irregular globose structures. Pyriform sporangia216–300 μm wide × 360–468 μm longoccur in two rows on the abaxial surface of pinnulelobes. Sporangia have an apical annulus of15–18 cells. Spores are tetrahedral and trilete,33–42 μm in diameter, with straight to concaveinterradial sides, laesurae extending nearly to theequator, and a psilate exine. Spores are assignableto the sporae dispersae genus Deltoidospora.Fertile pinnules are compared to fossils of Anemiapoolensis and two previously described speciesof Paralygodium, and show closest similaritiesto P. vancouverensis from the Eocene ofBritish Columbia. The Cretaceous Eden Mainspecimens differ in number of pinnule lobes andtheir morphology and are described as a newtaxon: P. meckertii sp. nov. This discovery extendsthe Cretaceous geographic range of Paralygodiumfrom Japan to North America and addsto our knowledge of the diversity of extinctschizaeaceous ferns.2008040115波 罗 的 和 比 特 费 尔 德 琥 珀 中 的 新 生 代 马 通 蕨证 据 = Evidence of Cenozoic Matoniaceae fromBaltic and Bitterfeld amber. ( 英 文 ). Schmidt AR; Dörfelt H. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology,2007, 144(3-4): 145-156Matoniaceae occurred in European amber forestsin the Eocene and at the Oligocene–Mioceneboundary. This is now revealed by resinpreservedindusia, sporangia and spores. Theseinclusions are the first Cenozoic fossil records ofthis archaic fern family, which was previouslyknown from Mesozoic macrofossils and sporesand few relict species. The findings from nontropicalforests show that the Matoniaceae becamerestricted to the equatorial Southeast Asiaduring the Neogene and not during the Late Cretaceousor Palaeogene as indicated by the previousfossil record. The type specimen of Matoniastriata (Dörfelt et Striebich) Schmidt et Dörfelt,comb. nov. was previously described as a fungus,Palaeocybe striata [Dörfelt, H., Striebich, B.,2000. Palaeocybe striata, ein neuer fossiler Pilzin Bernstein des Tertiär. Zeitschrift für Mykologie66, 27-34.], based on the morphologicalsimilarity of the fossil indusium with a cap of abasidiocarpium. The indusia show close similaritiesto those of the extant genera Matonia andPhanerosorus.2008040116被 划 归 Calamodendron Brongniart 的 芦 木 类木 贼 植 物 , 其 正 确 名 称 应 为 Calamitea Cotta= Calamitea Cotta, the correct name for calamiteansphenopsids currently classified as CalamodendronBrongniart. ( 英 文 ). Röβler R; Noll R.Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2007,144(3-4): 157-180Recent investigation of calamite trunks fromthe Permian petrified forest of Chemnitz, Germany,show that the rare calamite form genusCalamodendron Brongniart 1849 can no longerbe sustained. The oldest form genus representingthis set of characteristics is Calamitea Cotta1832. Collection material from the type locality,including sizeable trunks, enabled re-evaluationof diagnostic characters of both the stem anatomyand branching patterns of Calamitea striataCotta, 1832. As a result, a mosaic of anatomicaland morphological characteristics has been recognised,that permit C. striata to be characterisedin much more detail than previously attempted.The genus is emended herein. The secondarybody consists of two types of tracheidsthat are mainly differentiated by their size. Theso-called “fibrous bands”, which were formerlythought diagnostic for Calamodendron, are actuallyfiles of small tracheids. The ratio of largediameterversus small-diameter tracheid files isproved to be highly variable, bringing into ques-35

tion the ontogenetic stage of the plant. A gradualtransition from clearly segmented wood (innermostwood cylinder) to wood almost exclusivelyconsisting of large-diameter tracheids (outerwood cylinder) was observed in both radial andvertical directions. Furthermore, tracheid wallthickening/pitting, which has usually been usedfor species separation, proved to be highly variablequestioning the justification and significanceof further described species. Tracheid wallthickening/pitting reaches from scalariformthickenings with simple elongated pits to reticulatedthickenings with oval to circular pits.Calamitea differs from Arthropitys Goeppert andArthroxylon Reed in having different tracheidtypes composing the secondary xylem and thesmallest parenchyma proportion of the woodamong calamitean plants. A reconstruction of thegrowth habit of C. striata is proposed, and comparisonsare made with other calamitean speciesand other preservational forms.2008040117中 国 中 侏 罗 世 Millerocaulis (Osmundaceae,Filicales) 的 一 个 新 种 = A new species of Millerocaulis(Osmundaceae, Filicales) from the MiddleJurassic of China. ( 英 文 ). Cheng Ye-Ming;Li Cheng-Sen. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology,2007, 144(3-4): 249-259A new species, Millerocaulis sinica, is establishedbased on a specimen collected from LanqiFormation (Middle Jurassic) near ChanggaoTown, Liaoning Province of China. The specimenrepresents a stem surrounded by a mantle ofstipular petiole bases and adventitious roots. Thestem, 11 × 12 mm in diameter, consists of ectophloicsiphonostele with rare complete leaf gapsand a two-layered cortex containing 31–35 leaftraces. The pith consists of homogeneous parenchyma.The outer cortex is composed of sclerenchyma,and is thicker than the parenchymatousinner cortex. When departing from the stem, theleaf traces are flattened C-shaped, with an endarchprotoxylem which bifurcates at the base ofpetiole. Sclerenchyma rings are heterogeneous.A crescent-shaped sclerenchymatous mass occursin the concavity of petiolar vascular strands.A large sclerenchymatous mass and severalsmall sclerenchymatous strands are aligned ineach stipular expansion at the periphery of thespecimen. M. sinica, which has thick band occupyingabaxial semicircle of sclerenchyma ringsas well as a heterogeneous sclerenchyma massand several sclerenchyma strands scattered in thestipular expansions, is much closer to these ofsubgenus Osmunda than subgenus Plenasiumand subgenus Osmundastrum in the genus Osmunda.Therefore, it is suggested that there is apossible phylogenetic relationship between M.sinica and subgenus Osmunda.2008040118无 叶 舌 的 草 本 石 松 类 在 石 炭 纪 的 地 层 中 就 出现 了 吗 ? 苏 格 兰 东 洛 锡 安 区 Oxroad 湾 密 西西 比 亚 纪 的 化 石 Hestia eremosa gen. et sp.nov. = Do eligulate herbaceous lycopsids occurin Carboniferous strata? Hestia eremosa gen. etsp. nov. from the Mississippian of Oxroad Bay,East Lothian, Scotland. ( 英 文 ). Bateman R M;Kenrick P; RothwelGar W l. Review of Palaeobotanyand Palynology, 2007, 144(3-4):323-335A new lycopsid, Hestia eremosa R.M. Bateman,Kenrick and Rothwell gen. et sp. nov., isdescribed based on three fragmentary permineralisedaxes from separate horizons of the LowerCarboniferous (Tn3) sequence of tuffs and lacustrinedeposits at Oxroad Bay, East Lothian, Scotland.These stem fragments are used to test thefeasibility of employing pre-existing cladisticmatrices to determine the range of credible phylogeneticplacements of poorly known fossils.Hestia is unusual for a post-Devonian fossil lycopsidin being putatively herbaceous and phylogeneticallyprimitive. As currently understood,this stem-genus lacks autapomorphies, but canbe diagnosed by the combination of a stellatestele, scalariform xylem pits and perforate sheetsof wall material partially infilling the pits. Reviewin the context of previous morphologicaland molecular phylogenetic analyses of Lycopsidasuggests that Hestia bears a suite of vegetativeanatomical characters largely consistentwith Huperzia, the most plesiomorphic extantgenus of Lycopodiaceae; this observation is particularlynoteworthy as Lycopodiales appearsurprisingly under-represented in the fossil record.However, the limited number of charactersthat can be scored from these fragmentary fossilaxes cannot preclude placement of Hestia withinthe mono- or paraphyletic Drepanophycales s.l.,which are generally viewed as being exclusivelyDevonian. Taphonomic inference suggestsscorching (presumably volcanically induced)followed by medium-distance transport. Nonetheless,Hestia persisted on this volcanigeniclandscape throughout a series of substantial environmentalperturbations.2008040119对 “ 北 美 西 部 白 垩 纪 树 蕨 :Rickwoodopterhirsuta gen et sp. nov. (Cyatheaceae s.l.)”〔Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 132 (2004) 103–114〕 的 勘 误 = Erratum to “Cretaceous treeferns of western North America: Rickwoodopterhirsuta gen et sp. nov. (Cyatheaceae s.l.)” [Rev.Palaeobot. Palynol. 132 (2004) 103–114]. ( 英 文 ).Stockey R A; Rothwell G W. Review of Pa-36

laeobotany and Palynology, 2007, 144(3-4):363-3642008040120中 国 南 方 发 现 两 种 工 蕨 新 种 及 用 生 物 地 层 学方 法 测 定 徐 家 冲 组 的 年 代 = Two Species ofZosterophyllum from South China and Dating ofthe Xujiachong Formation with a BiostratigraphicMethod. ( 英 文 ). Wang Deming. ActaGeologica Sinica, 2007, 81(4): 525-533+535-538+534Zosterophyllum longa sp.nov.is reported fromthe Lower Devonian Pingyipu Formation, JiangyouDistrict,northern Sichuan of China.Thisnew plant has vertically elongate sporangia differingfrom all known species of Zosterophyllum,demonstratingmorphological variations inZosterophyllophytina.New materials of Zosterophyllumyunnanicum from the Lower DevonianXujiachong Formation,Qujing District,easternYunnan of China show that fertile axes of thisspecies are anisotomous or pseudomonopodial orK-shaped in bra...2008040121中 国 西 南 地 区 上 二 叠 统 保 存 解 剖 结 构 的 观 音莲 座 蕨 类 : 盘 县 辉 木 ( 新 种 )Psaroniuspanxianensis sp. nov. 的 树 干 化 石 = Anatomicallypreserved marattialean plants from the UpperPermian of southwestern China: the trunk ofPsaronius panxianensis sp. nov.. ( 英 文 ). He X-Y;Wang S-J; Hilton J; Tian B-L; Zhou Y-L. PlantSystematics and Evolution, 2008, 272(1-4): 155-180A new species of the marattialean fern trunkPsaronius Cotta is described from the UpperPermian Cathaysian flora in the Xuanwei Formationof Guizhou Province, SW China, andnamed P. panxianensis sp. nov. Stems possess ahelically diverging sequence of leaf traces organizedin a 2/7 phyllotaxy and are characterizedby stages of leaf trace development that includean early ontogenetic stage with a single vascularbundle (Stewartiopteris-type), a middle stagewith two vascular bundles (Stipitopteris-type),and a late stage with three vascular bundles.Roots diverge singly or occasionally in pairs,arising alternately from the centrifugal surface ofthe peripheral cauline bundles (PCB) near the tip,and form both bound and free root mantles. Thisspecies is distinguished from all previously recognizedspecies from the Euramerican andGondwana floras in having an anchor-shapedsclerenchymatous strand internal to the PCB anda large V-shaped strand formed by the connectionof two anchor-shaped strands. Psaroniuspanxianensis sp. nov. is important as its leaftraces show three distinct ontogenetic developmentstages within the trunk, with this organizationinterpreted as a derived condition withinpsaroniaceous marattialean fern evolution. In thestem abundant air space suggests that P.panxianensis lived in waterlogged substrateswith aerenchyma facilitating gaseous exchange.However, the presence of marattialean ferndominated communities in the Upper Permian ofSW China suggest an overall drying trend withthese plants replacing earlier lycopsid andsphenopsid dominated wetland communities.2008040122华 北 下 二 叠 统 煤 核 中 保 存 解 剖 结 构 的 鳞 木 化石 : 过 渡 无 被 果 孢 ( 新 种 )Achlamydocarpon intermedium sp. nov. =Anatomically preserved lepidodendralean plantsfrom lower permian coal balls of northern China:Achlamydocarpon intermedium sp. nov.. ( 英 文 ).Zhou Yi-Long; Wang Shi-Jun; Hilton J; TianBao-Lin. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 2008,273(1-2): 71-85Lepidodendralean lycopsids, a dominant componentin Late Palaeozoic wetland plant communities,possess a diversity of reproductivestructures that are primarily known from theLate Palaeozoic floras of Europe and NorthAmerica. Here we document an anatomicallypreserved lepidodendralean lycopsid sporophyllwith attached megasporangium from the LowerPermian Taiyuan Formation in Shanxi Province,northern China. The sporophyll has a pedicelonto which the sporangium is attached, and thesporangium is dorsiventrally flattened, proximallydehiscent and longitudinal ridged. Themegasporangial wall comprises three zones: anouter uniseriate layer of columnar cells, a middlelayer 1–3 cells thick comprising isodiametricparenchymatous cells, and an inner zone 1–3cells thick of thick-walled cells. The vascularsystem comprises a single xylem strand surroundedby zone of parenchyma that continuesthrough the pedicel into the lamina. Within themegasporangium a single functional megasporeand three abortive megaspores occur. Features ofthis specimen conform to AchlamydocarponSchumacher-Lambry, and comparisons withother species show it shares similarities with A.takhtajanii (Sni.) Schumacher-Lambry and A.varius Taylor and Brack-Hanes. Although themorphology and anatomy of the specimen wedescribe overlaps with these two species, it isdistinct from both leading to the erection of thenew species A. intermedium sp. nov. The evolutionarysignificance of A. intermedium sp. nov.and the identity of its parent plant are considered,and the status and systematic position of “Orientallepidophytes” from the Cathaysian floras arediscussed.37

早 期 种 子 植 物2008040123约 旦 死 海 地 区 的 晚 二 叠 世 含 Dicroidium 植 物群 = A Late Permian flora with Dicroidium fromthe Dead Sea region, Jordan. ( 英 文 ). Hamad AA; Kerp H; Vörding B; Bandel K. Review of Palaeobotanyand Palynology, 2008, 149(3-4): 85-130Three new species of Dicroidium, D. irnensis,D. jordanensis and D. robustum, are describedfrom the Um Irna Formation (Upper Permian) ofthe Dead Sea region, Jordan. The plant remainsare preserved as compressions with excellentcuticles. These are the earliest unequivocal recordsof Dicroidium, a genus that is typical forthe Triassic of Gondwana. It is also the northernmostoccurrence of this genus that apparentlyoriginated in the Permian in the palaeotropics.Middle and Late Permian floras from the ArabianPeninsula and adjacent regions show a remarkablemixture of elements from differentfloral provinces, i.e. Euramerica, Cathaysia andGondwana. The climatic amelioration in theEarly Triassic apparently enabled Dicroidium tomigrate southward and eventually colonise theentire Gondwana region. Dicroidium is one ofthe very few megaplant genera not affected bythe end-Permian biotic crisis, the largest Phanerozoicextinction event.2008040124有 关 劳 亚 大 陆 盔 籽 目 植 物 (corystosperms)的 新 证 据 : 华 北 上 三 叠 统 的 化 石 属Umkomasia = New evidence for laurasian corystosperms:Umkomasia from the Upper Triassicof Northern China. ( 英 文 ). Zan Shuqin; AxsmithB J; Fraser N C; Liu Fengxiang; Xing Dehe. Reviewof Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2008,149(3-4): 202-207Recent finds of remarkable fossil plants fromthe Upper Triassic Yangcaogou Formation inLiaoning Province, PR China include branched,cupule-bearing structures referable to the corystospermovulate organ Umkomasia. This materialis described and assigned to the proposednew species Umkomasia asiatica. The collectionincludes numerous isolated cupules and fragmentsof ultimate cupule-bearing axes. Twospecimens consisting of portions of the mainaxis with attached, cupulate lateral axes havealso been found. The main axis was at least6.5 cm long, with each lateral axis bearing one toat least three pairs of stalked, ovoid cupules. Thenew Umkomasia is similar to U. franconica fromthe Jurassic of Germany, which is the only otherknown laurasian species, but the cupules aresmaller and more elongated. It is also similar tomany gondwanan forms, including the type speciesU. macleanii. Leaves associated with theChinese Umkomasia species are tentatively referredto Thinnfeldia, and may have been producedby the same plant. Associated ovoid seedswith elongated, curved micropyles are similar tothose of gondwanan species of Umkomasia. Thefossils described here are, therefore, significantin representing the first report of corystospermreproductive structures from Asia, and only thesecond report of Umkomasia from the entirenorthern hemisphere. The new Chinese fossilsalso support leaf-based evidence that the Corystospermaleswere present in Laurasia as early asthe Late Triassic.2008040125比 利 时 中 吉 维 特 期 Runcaria heinzeliniiStockmans 1968 emend. Gerrienne et al., 2004的 原 胚 珠 : 概 念 与 附 加 模 式 指 定 = The protoovuleRuncaria heinzelinii Stockmans 1968emend. Gerrienne et al., 2004 (mid-Givetian,Belgium): Concept and epitypification. ( 英 文 ).Gerrienne P; Meyer-Berthaud B. Review of Palaeobotanyand Palynology, 2007, 145(3-4):321-323The proto-ovule Runcaria heinzelinii Stockmans1968 has been re-described and interpretedas a precursor of seed plants; its generico–specifica diagnosis has been emended [Gerrienne,P., Meyer-Berthaud, B., Fairon-Demaret,M., Streel, M., Steemans, P. 2004. Runcaria, aMiddle Devonian seed plant precursor. Science306, 856–858.]. Here we define the concept of“proto-ovule” and designate an epitype to supportthe uninformative and poorly preservedholotype [Stockmans, F., 1968. Végétauxmésodévoniens récoltés aux confins du Massifdu Brabant (Belgique). Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belg.Mém. 159, 1–49., Plate VII: 8a].2008040126阿 根 廷 三 叠 纪 新 归 入 盔 籽 科 的 一 个 硅 化 的 茎化 石 种 新 联 合 Rhexoxylon cortaderitaense =Rhexoxylon cortaderitaense (Menndez) comb.nov., a species of permineralized stems newlyassigned to the Corystospermaceae, from theTriassic of Argentina. ( 英 文 ). Bodnar J. Alcheringa,2008, 32(2): 171 - 190Anatomically preserved stems of Late Triassiccorystosperms from the upper Cortaderita Formationin San Juan province, Argentina are describedand assigned to Rhexoxylon cortaderitaense(Menndez) comb. nov. These specimenswere originally attributed to conifers, a groupnot closely related to corystosperms. The silicifiedaxes preserve features of the cortex, pith,and secondary vascular system. Like allRhexoxylon species, these axes have two discontinuouscambial rings that develop centrifugalsecondary xylem (normal secondary xylem) and38

centripetal secondary xylem (inverted secondaryxylem). Both types of xylem are separated by aband of parenchymatous tissue developed by aremnant cambium. The centrifugal xylem is dividedby parenchymatous rays following differentialcambial activity. The secondary xylem ispycnoxylic with uniseriate rays; tracheids havemainly biseriate and alternate bordered pits onradial and tangential walls, and one simple ovalpit in cross-fields. The distinctive feature of R.cortaderitaense is the conspicuous amount ofcentripetal secondary vascular tissues not formingperimedullar bundles, this being interpretedas an apomorphic trait. This interpretation of thecharacter modifies previous hypothesized phylogeneticrelationships of corystosperm woodtaxa.2008040127阿 根 廷 三 叠 纪 产 出 的 新 归 入 盔 形 籽 科 的 一 个石 化 茎 种 新 联 合 Rhexoxylon cortaderitaense= Rhexoxylon cortaderitaense (Menndez) comb.nov., a species of permineralized stems newlyassigned to the Corystospermaceae, from theTriassic of Argentina. ( 英 文 ). Bodnar J. Alcheringa,2008, 32(2): 171-190Anatomically preserved stems of Late Triassiccorystosperms from the upper Cortaderita Formationin San Juan province, Argentina are describedand assigned to Rhexoxylon cortaderitaense(Men ndez) comb. nov. These specimenswere originally attributed to conifers, a groupnot closely related to corystosperms. The silicifiedaxes preserve features of the cortex, pith,and secondary vascular system. Like allRhexoxylon species, these axes have two discontinuouscambial rings that develop centrifugalsecondary xylem (normal secondary xylem) andcentripetal secondary xylem (inverted secondaryxylem). Both types of xylem are separated by aband of parenchymatous tissue developed by aremnant cambium. The centrifugal xylem is dividedby parenchymatous rays following differentialcambial activity. The secondary xylem ispycnoxylic with uniseriate rays; tracheids havemainly biseriate and alternate bordered pits onradial and tangential walls, and one simple ovalpit in cross-fields. The distinctive feature of R.cortaderitaense is the conspicuous amount ofcentripetal secondary vascular tissues not formingperimedullar bundles, this being interpretedas an apomorphic trait. This interpretation of thecharacter modifies previous hypothesized phylogeneticrelationships of corystosperm woodtaxa.裸 子 植 物2008040128中 国 西 北 地 区 宁 夏 巴 什 基 尔 期 ( 早 宾 西 法 尼亚 亚 纪 ) 新 型 封 印 木 型 大 孢 子 叶 球 —— =Nudasporestrobus ningxicus gen. et sp. nov., anovel sigillarian megasporangiate cone from theBashkirian (Early Pennsylvanian) of Ningxia,northwestern China. ( 英 文 ). Feng Zhuo; WangJun; Bek Jiří. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology,2008, 149(3-4): 150-162A large monosporangiate fructification Nudasporestrobusningxicus gen. et sp. nov. and itsin situ megaspores are described from the lowerPennsylvanian of Xiaheyan, Ningxia, northwesternChina. The cylindrical strobilus is at least210 mm long, 15–25 mm wide, and possesses a60–70 mm incomplete peduncle. There are 8–10imbricate sporophylls arranged in ascending spirals.The sporophylls consist of two parts, ahorizontal deltoid pedicel and an upwards-bent,concave lateral lamina; a heel is formed at thecorner of sporophyll. Each sporophyll adaxiallybears a single elliptical sporangium. The laevigatein situ megaspores in each sporangium withdeveloped subgula formed on the proximal pole.The megaspores are of the Sublagenicula nudatypeand are here described for the first time insitu. The hypothetical parent plant is interpretedas Sigillaria sp., the only vegetative lycopsidremains in the taphonomic association.2008040129南 极 三 叠 纪 的 伏 脂 杉 型 雄 球 花 化 石 = Avoltzialean pollen cone from the Triassic of Antarctica.( 英 文 ). Hermsen E J; Taylor T N; TaylorE L. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology,2007, 144(3-4): 113-122Leastrobus fallae gen. et sp. nov. is a morphotaxonrepresenting structurally preserved microsporangiatestrobili with in situ pollen from theTriassic of Antarctica. The small cone consistsof a central axis with a region of helically arrangedmicrosporophylls subtended by elongate,bilaterally symmetrical bracts. Each microsporophyllis differentiated into a pedicel and a laminarhead; numerous (ca. 7) elongate microsporangiaare attached to the inner surface of thelaminar head. Pollen is protosaccate with twolarge sacci, a corpus with reticulate ornamentation,and a well-defined distal aperture. Leastrobusrepresents the first documented microsporangiateconifer cone and the first evidence of"Voltziales" from the permineralized floras ofthe Triassic of Antarctica. The combination ofpolysporangiate microsporophylls, sporangiafree of the sporophyll pedicel, and bisaccate,protosaccate pollen suggests that Leastrobusrepresents a member of the “Voltziales” mostsimilar to the European genus Ruehleostachys.200804013039

中 国 内 蒙 古 东 北 部 晚 古 生 代 安 加 拉 沉 积 中 矿化 松 柏 类 木 化 石 的 分 类 学 研 究 及 及 古 气 候 意义 = Taxonomic investigations on permineralizedconifer woods from the Late Paleozoic Angarandeposits of northeastern Inner Mongolia,China and their palaeoclimatic significance. ( 英文 ). Zhang Wu; Wang Yongdong; ZhengShaolin; Yang Xiaoju; Li Yong; Fu Xiaoping; LiNan. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology,2007, 144(3-4): 261-285A diverse fossil conifer wood assemblage wasdescribed from the Late Paleozoic Angaran depositsin Inner Mongolia (=Nei Mongol) ofnortheastern China. The fossil wood materialswere collected from the Upper CarboniferousBaoligemiao Formation in Sunitezuo Qi and theMiddle Permian Zhesi Formation in Xi UjimginQi, northeastern Inner Mongolia, including fourspecies. Among them, Sinopalaeospiroxylonbaoligemiaoense gen. et sp. nov. represents anew taxon of secondary xylem with Araucarioidtypeand transitional type of radial wall pitting,and tertiary taxoid spiral thickenings. It is characterizedby the pinioid pitting and nodularthickening on the end wall on the horizontal wallof rays. Sclerospiroxylon neimongolense sp. nov.is represented by a xylem cylinder containing thesecondary and primary xylem and pith. The tracheidson the radial wall yield Araucarioid-typepitting as well as a taxoid tertiary spiral thickening.The primary xylem is of endarch, and thepith consists of heterogenous cells. The sclerochymacells are scattered among the parenchymatoustissues. Zalesskioxylon zhesiense sp. nov.is a wood species with very similar anatomicalfeatures to those of the genus Araucarioxylon. Itdiffers, however, in having simple and noborderedcross-filed pitting in Z. zhesiense.Chapmanoxylon xiugiense (Zhang and Zheng)comb. nov. is recognized based upon wood xylemscontaining Araucarioxylon-type secondaryxylem, endarch primary xylem and a pith yieldinghomogenous parenchyma cells. These coniferwood taxa show more or less growth rings inthe secondary xylem. Such fossil woods fromthe Late Paleozoic deposits of northeastern InnerMongolia imply a warm moderate vegetationtype. It is a composition part of the NorthernBiogeographic Realm in China showing seasonalvariation of the palaeoclimate.2008040131北 半 球 高 纬 地 区 白 垩 纪 ( 阿 尔 必 期 - 阿 普 丁期 ) 松 柏 类 木 化 石 : 森 林 组 成 和 古 气 候 =Cretaceous (Albian–Aptian) conifer wood fromNorthern Hemisphere high latitudes: Forestcomposition and palaeoclimate. ( 英 文 ). HarlandM; Francis J E; Brentnall S J; Beerling D J. Reviewof Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2007,143(3-4): 167-196Permineralised conifer wood is abundant inCretaceous (Albian–Aptian) sediments in highnorthern latitudes (> 60°). The wood providesevidence of conifer-dominated forests that extendedacross the northern polar regions duringgreenhouse periods when the climate waswarmer than today. This study investigates thecomposition of the Cretaceous (Albian–Aptian)high latitude Northern Hemisphere conifer forestsusing wood from Spitsbergen, and Ellesmereand Axel Heiberg islands in the CanadianArctic Archipelago. Identification of the fossilwoods indicates that the conifers included Pityoxylon,Piceoxylon, Laricioxylon, Protopiceoxylon,Palaoepiceoxylon, Taxodioxylon, Juniperoxylon,Protocedroxylon, Araucariopitys,Xenoxylon, Cupressinoxylon and Taxaceoxylon.This study shows that Spitsbergen was dominatedby Taxodioxylon (25%) and in the CanadianArctic Pityoxylon (33%) was dominant.Climate analysis of the conifers indicates that thenorthern Cretaceous (Albian–Aptian) forests ofSvalbard grew in moist cool upland areas withwarmer temperate areas in the lowlands, probablywith rivers and/or swampy areas present.The forests of the Canadian Arctic probablygrew under slightly cooler conditions than onSvalbard, similar to northern Canada today.2008040132下 奥 地 利 州 Lunz 地 区 上 三 叠 统 苏 铁 类 叶 片化 石 蕉 羽 叶 (Nilssonia) 的 形 态 和 表 皮 解 剖特 征 = Morphology and epidermal anatomy ofNilssonia (cycadalean foliage) from the UpperTriassic of Lunz (Lower Austria). ( 英 文 ). Pott C;Kerp H; Krings M. Review of Palaeobotany andPalynology, 2007, 143(3-4): 197-217The Carnian flora from Lunz (Lower Austria)ranks among the richest and most diverse fossilfloras from the Upper Triassic. It is one of thefirst modern Triassic floras with bennettitaleans.Although this flora is often referred to in theliterature, modern taxonomic studies are mostlyabsent; only some of the reproductive structureshave been studied in detail. Many of the plantremains yield excellently preserved cuticles.During a systematic study of the Pterophyllumleaves from Lunz, it appeared that several speciespreviously accommodated in that taxonhave to be transferred to other genera. This paperdeals with four species that are transferred toNilssonia (cycadalean foliage); the macromorphologyand epidermal anatomy are describedand discussed. The following new combinationis introduced: Nilssonia riegeri nov. comb. Twonew species are described (i.e. Nilssonia lunzensisand Nilssonia neuberi) based on materialoriginally mentioned in a species list as Ctenis40

lunzensis Stur nom. nud. and Pterophyllum neuberiStur nom. nud. The diagnosis for a fourthspecies, Nilssonia sturii Krasser, is emended.The Nilssonia species from Lunz range amongthe earliest representatives of the genus Nilssonia.2008040133西 班 牙 特 鲁 埃 尔 利 奥 马 丁 峡 谷 中 阿 尔 比 期 裸子 植 物 = Middle Albian gymnosperms from theRío Martín Valley (Teruel, Spain). ( 法 文 ).Sender L M; Diez J B; Pons D; Villanueva-Amadoz U; Ferrer J. Comptes RendusPalevol, 2008, 7(1): 37-49The fossil-rich site within the Albian EscuchaFormation in the Oliete Sub-basin, located in theNortheast of Spain, has provided a great abundanceof impressions, including leave remainsand seed cones of Coniferales (Sphenolepis kurriana,Sphenolepis sternbergiana, Elatides curvifolia,Brachyphyllum sp. and Geinitzia sp. cf.G. rigida), leaves of Caytoniales (Sagenopteriselliptica), Ginkgoales (Ginkgoites pluripartita,and Sphenobaiera sp. cf. S. longifolia), Bennettitales(Ptilophyllum sp. cf. P. pecten and aff.Zamites sp.), Cycadales (Nilssonia tenuinervisand Ctenozamites with entire and denticulatepinnae margins), Czekanowskiales, and reproductivestructures of Gnetales. The gymnospermremains are fairly abundant in the upper member,built up of sediments deposited in fluvial andswamp environments without marine influence.The different gymnosperm associations in thisoutcrop indicate a wide variety of environmentsin a subtropical climate, and a mixture of NorthAmerican and European taxa in the Iberian plateduring the Middle Albian2008040134阿 根 廷 内 乌 肯 省 白 垩 纪 Rayoso 组 和 Huincul组 Baieroxylon 和 Circoporoxylon 属 新 种 =New species of Baieroxylon Greguss and CircoporoxylonKrausel, in Rayoso and Huincul Formations(Cretaceous), Neuquen Province, Argentina.( 法 文 ). Martinez L C A; Lutz A I.Ameghiniana, 2007, 44(3): 537-546Gymnosperm woods from Neuquen Provinceare studied for the first time. Their xylematiccharacters allowed distinguish two new species,Baieroxylon patagonicum sp. nov. from the ElMangrullo (Rayoso Formation) and Circoporoxylonkrauseli sp. nov. from Cerros Colorados(Huincul Formation). The presence of thesetwo new species increases our knowledge of thexyloflorisctic composition in the area during theCretaceous. Also, the environmental conditionscould be inferred through the analysis of secondaryxylem features in which that species grew.Baieroxylon patagonicum sp. nov. probablygrew under tropical to subtropical conditionswithout marked seasons and an abundant hydricregimen while Circoporoxylon krauseli sp. nov.grew under mesophytic conditions2008040135宁 夏 晚 宾 夕 法 尼 亚 亚 系 斯 蒂 芬 期 裸 子 植 物 木化 石 新 种 Zalesskioxylon xiaheyanense = Zalesskioxylonxiaheyanense sp. nov., a gymnospermouswood of the Stephanian (Late Pennsylvanian)from Ningxia, northwestern China.( 英 文 ). Zhuo Feng Zhuo; Wang Jun; ShenGuanglong. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2008, 33(3/4): 219-228A new Late Pennsylvanian species of gymnospermousfossil wood, Zalesskioxylon xiaheyanensesp. nov. is described from the LowerTaiyuan Formation (Stephanian B-C) near thevillage of Xiaheyan, Ningxia Hui AutonomousRegion, northwestern China. The specimen consistsonly of silicified secondary xylem. The tracheidsare pycnoxylic with 2–3 seriate borderedpits, arranged in subcircular or hexagonal alternate(araucaroid) pattern. The pores of the pitsare small, linear, and regularly tilted. Xylem raysare homogeneous, uniseriate, 1–25 cells high.Cross-fields are filled with numerous mixedsimple pits of various sizes. Growth rings, axialparenchymatous elements and resin canals areabsent. The geographic distribution of Zalesskioxylonwoods is reviewed. Zalesskioxylon xiaheyanensesp. nov. grew at low latitudes, andbecause of the lack of growth rings, probablylived under relatively uniform climatic conditions.Our new species supplements the poorlyknown distribution of Carboniferous wood inChina.2008040136吉 林 汪 清 下 白 垩 统 发 现 Pseudofrenelopsisgansuensis 及 其 与 中 国 白 垩 纪 红 层 关 系 的 意义 = Discovery of Pseudofrenelopsis gansuensisfrom the Lower Cretaceous of Wangqing,JilinProvince,and Its Significance in Correlation ofCretaceous Red Beds in China. ( 英 文 ). YangXiaoju; Deng Shenghui. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2007, 81(6): 905-910New data from abundant vegetative shootsand cuticular analysis are provided for the Cretaceouscheirolepidiaceous conifer Pseudofrenelopsisgansuensis Deng,Yang et Lu.The materialwas found from a new locality of theLower Cretaceous strata in the Luozigou Basin,Wangqing,JilinProvince,northeasternChina.Pseudofrenelopsis is a common plant inthe Dalazi Formation of the Yanji Basin about150 km from Wangqing,but there exists differentspecies,Pseudofrenelopsis dalatzensis only.BothP.dalatzensis and P.gans...41

2008040137辽 西 北 票 中 侏 罗 世 髫 髻 山 组 发 现 雌 球 果 新 种Araucaria beipoiaoensis sp.nov. 及 其 演 化 意 义= A New Female Cone,Araucaria beipoiaoensissp.nov.from the Middle Jurassic TiaojishanFormation,Beipiao,Western Liaoning,China andIts Evolutionary Significance. ( 英 文 ). ZhengShaolin; Zhang Lidong; Zhang Wu; Ynag Yajun.Acta Geologica Sinica, 2008, 82(2): 266-282A new species of Araucaria,Araucaria beipiaoensissp.nov.,collected from the Middle JurassicTiaojishan Formation,southern hill of Shebudaivillage,near Beipiao city,western Liaoning isbased on a permineralized female cone,which isovate to elliptical in shape,about 11 cm×7cm×4.5 cm in size.The cone bears rhomboidbracts that are spirally attached,texturethicker,with wings on both sides,with a detachedlamina-like apex at the tip.In inner structure theovuliferous scales are thicker and fused withbracts...被 子 植 物2008040138气 候 和 玄 参 科 Nemesia 属 一 年 生 / 多 年 生 生 活史 的 演 化 = Climate and the evolution of annual/perenniallife-histories in Nemesia (Scrophulariaceae).( 英 文 ). Datson P M; Murray B G;Steiner K E. Plant Systematics and Evolution,2008, 270(1-2): 39-57The Cape Floristic Region and the SucculentKaroo in southwestern Africa are both noted fortheir plant species richness and high levels ofendemism. The southwestern tip of Africa is oneof the world's five Mediterranean-type climateregions. The biodiversity in the Cape FloristicRegion and Succulent Karoo is thought to be atleast partly due to changes to the climate of theseregions that have occurred since the middleMiocene. Annual species are usually a significantproportion of local flora in Mediterraneantypeclimate regions. Previous studies of speciesradiations in the Cape Floristic Region haveconcentrated on genera that predominantly containperennial species. Nemesia (Scrophulariaceae)comprises c. 65 species of annual andperennial herbs and sub-shrubs that are native tosouthern and tropical Africa. Annuals make up asignificant proportion (~75%) of Nemesia species.We have reconstructed a phylogeny of 23Nemesia species using nucleotide sequences ofthe ITS, ETS and trnL-spacer regions. Specieswere grouped into five clades, two composed ofannual species, one that contained two annualand one perennial species, one that containedone annual and two perennial species, and onethat was predominantly composed of perennialspecies. Phylogenetic dating of the ITS + ETSbased phylogenetic tree using penalised likelihoodsuggested the genus evolved during theMiocene, and that the majority of extant Nemesiaspecies studied radiated during the Pliocene.Ancestral state reconstruction supports at leastthree separate origins of the annual habit fromplants with a perennial life history. One origincan be traced to the late Miocene while the othertwo transitions occurred more recently duringthe Pliocene. The transition from perennial toannual life-histories in Nemesia may have been aresponse to climate change.2008040139波 兰 经 选 择 的 更 新 世 化 石 材 料 证 明Oenanthe(subgenus Phellandrium) 花 粉 和 分果 爿 的 微 演 化 趋 势 = Microevolutionary trendsin fossil Oenanthe pollen and mericarps (subgenusPhellandrium) evidenced by material fromselected Pleistocene sites in Poland. ( 英 文 ).Bińka K; Stachowicz-Rybka R; Winter H;Nitychoruk J. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology,2007, 145(1-2): 25-34Mericarps and pollen grains collected in thePleistocene lacustrine deposits in Poland wereanalyzed. Well-developed mericarps, resemblingrecent fruits of water dropwort Oenanthe (Phellandriumsubgenus), are found since the Eemian.Mericarps found in the Pliocene and in the AugustovianInterglacial (= Bavelian Complex orCromerian I), in the Mazovian Interglacial(= Holsteinian interglacial) and in one of theinterstadials after this interglacial are a distinctmorphological type. They differ from recentmericarps of Oenanthe aquatica in shape andsize. As late as the Vistulian, pollen grains aredecidedly smaller and in parts with different microsculpturethan recent reference material ofpollen of O. aquatica. Probably, changes ofvegetation in the late Pleistocene and in theHolocene could have induced changes in thecomposition of the pollinator assemblages, andas a consequence increase in size of pollen.Compared to mericarp evolution, the evolutionof pollen of O. aquatica is somewhat delayed.2008040140墨 西 哥 Coahuila 晚 坎 潘 期 至 早 马 斯 特 里 赫 特期 Olmos 组 出 产 的 木 化 石 = Fossil woodsfrom the late Campanian–early MaastrichtianOlmos Formation, Coahuila, Mexico. ( 英 文 ).Estrada-Ruiz E; Martínez-Cabrera H I; Cevallos-Ferriz S R S. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology,2007, 145(1-2): 123-133Three fossil wood types are described fromthe Olmos Formation, Coahuila, Mexico. Theanatomical characters of two of them enableidentification to Malvaceae and Fagaceae, whilethe affiliation of the third type is uncertain (Fa-42

gaceae?). The wood of the Malvaceae fossilplant is characterised by the presence of vesselrayand vessel-parenchyma pits with reducedborders, larger than the intervascular pits, scantyparatracheal parenchyma, septate fibres and storiedstructure. This wood type, Javelinoxylon,has been also found in the Maastrichtian JavelinaFormation, Texas. Aggregate and uniseriate homocellularrays, apotracheal diffuse and diffusein aggregates parenchyma, simple perforationplates, vessel-ray pits variable with reduced bordersand vasicentric tracheids relate the wood ofa second plant to Quercinium. The third woodtype, Sabinoxylon pasac Estrada-Ruiz, Martínez-Cabrera et Cevallos-Ferriz, is very similar tosome species of Quercinium; however, the presenceof heterocellular rays and the almost exclusivepresence of scalariform perforation platesmake unlikely its relationship with this genus.Since observation of vessel parenchyma andvessel ray pits was not possible, its inclusion inFagaceae cannot be confirmed. Nevertheless, S.pasac and Quercinium centenoae Estrada-Ruiz,Martínez-Cabrera et Cevallos-Ferriz representthe earliest record of fagaceous plants in Mexico,while the presence of Javelinoxylon weberiEstrada-Ruiz, Martínez-Cabrera et Cevallos-Ferriz extends the geographic distribution of thegenus in North America.2008040141马 斯 特 里 赫 特 型 地 区 ( 马 斯 特 里 赫 特 阶 , 丹宁 阶 , 比 利 时 东 北 部 , 荷 兰 东 南 部 ) 的 海 草叶 化 石 = Seagrass foliage from the Maastrichtiantype area (Maastrichtian, Danian, NEBelgium, SE Netherlands). ( 英 文 ). van der HamR W J M; van Konijnenburg-van Cittert J H A;Indeherberge L. Review of Palaeobotany andPalynology, 2007, 144(3-4): 301-321Seagrasses are the only angiosperms that haveinvaded the marine environment. Fossil seagrassesare rare and received only little attentionto date. However, among the scarce plant fossilsin the marine deposits of the Maastrichtian typearea, remains of seagrasses are relatively common.The present paper provides a detailed descriptionof the morphology and anatomy of theleaves. Maastrichtian and Danian material isconsidered here as a single species: Thalassotaeniadebeyi gen. nov., sp. nov. Campanian materialis assigned to Zosterites, but this is notnecessarily a seagrass.Thalassotaenia includesthe oldest anatomically preserved material ofseagrass leaves. Comparison with extant seagrassesshows that there is not an easy matchwith any of the extant genera or families. Amphibolisand Thalassodendron (Cymodoceaceae)and Posidonia (Posidoniaceae) show the greatestresemblance. Possibly, Thalassotaenia representsthe leaves of an ancestor of the Cymodoceaceae–Posidoniaceae(–Ruppiaceae) cladefound in several phylogenetic analyses. BecauseThalassotaenia also shows some features notfound in extant seagrasses, it might also representan extinct clade of seagrasses.2008040142阿 根 廷 卡 塔 玛 卡 省 下 上 新 统 Andalhuala 组 古植 物 群 ( 豆 科 和 漆 树 科 ) = Paleoflora (Fabaceaeand Anacardiaceae) from the AndalhualaFormation (Lower Pliocene), Catamarca Province,Argentina. ( 法 文 ). Anzotegui L M; Horn Y;Herbst R. Ameghiniana, 2007, 44(3): 525-535A leaf impression flora from the Pie delMedano locality, (on national route 40, km 914-915) in Catamarca Province, is described. Itcomes from the Andalhuala Formation, which atthat locality was dated as 5.22 +/- 0.9 W, indicatinga Lower Pliocene age. The flora is composedof Fabaceae (Prosopis sp. a, Eriosemapliocenica Anzotegui and Horn sp. nov. andMacroptilium sp.) and Anacardiaceae (Lithrea sp.and Schinus aff. terebinthifolia Raddi). The associationindicates a warm climate, xerophytevegetation and riparian vegetation along riverbanks.2008040143北 美 洲 西 部 晚 古 新 世 茶 茱 萸 科 Iodeae 族 果 实化 石 = Fruits of Icacinaceae (Tribe Iodeae) fromthe Late Paleocene of western North America.( 英 文 ). Pigg K B; Manchester S R; DeVore M L.American Journal of Botany, 2008, 95(7): 824-832 4 图 版 .The Icacinaceae occur pantropically today,but are well represented by fossil fruits of thewarm Early Middle Eocene, when tropical plantsthat currently occupy low latitudes were morewidely distributed in higher latitudes. Membersof this family are first known in the Late Cretaceous;however, fossil fruits of tribe Iodeae arequite rare before the Eocene. In this paper wedescribe the first formally recognized Late Paleoceneicacinaceous taxa from western NorthAmerica. We name two new species of Icacinicaryabased on anatomically preserved fruitsand establish a new genus, Icacinicaryites, forimpressions with a strong similarity to Icacinicaryathat lack anatomical preservation.These new records from the Almont/BeicegelCreek flora in North Dakota and several localitiesin Wyoming, Colorado, and Montana complementrecords known from the Early Eoceneof England and document an increased diversityof Iodeae and related forms in the Paleogene ofwestern North America.古 无 脊 椎 动 物 学43

综 论2008040144低 PH 值 对 Ammonia beccarii 实 验 变 形 的 影响 - 用 实 验 变 形 作 为 污 染 指 示 物 的 意 义 =Low pH effects on Ammonia beccarii test deformation:implications for using test deformationsas a pollution indicator. ( 英 文 ). Valérie LeCadre; Debenay J P; Lesourd M. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2003, 33(1): 1-9 3 图 版 .The use of foraminifers as bioindicators ofpollution in coastal and paralic environments hasundergone a very fast development. Amongvarious criteria, morphological abnormalities aresometimes considered as pollution indicators.However, responses to pollutants have not alwaysbeen distinguished from responses to naturalenvironmental parameters. In particular,endopelic foraminifers often live in changing pHconditions that may induce test deformation.To study pH effects, cultures with pH rangingfrom normal marine down to ph 7 were preparedusing hydrochloric acid to lower the pH. Ammoniabeccarii was collected and introduced intothese different cultures. Under neutral pH (7.0)conditions, pseudopodial emission was reducedor stopped. Then the test became opaque as aresult of superficial alteration, which is the firststage of test decalcification. Decalcification progressivelyextended over the whole test, firstdestroying the last chambers, which are thinner.After 15 days, only interlocular walls were preserved,giving the test a star-shape characteristicof an advanced stage of decalcification. If aspecimen was maintained in low pH conditions,the test was sometimes entirely destroyed andonly the cytoplasm, covered with the Inner OrganicLayer, remained. On the other hand, if aspecimen with a partially dissolved test wasplaced in a solution with normal pH, it was ableto rebuild its test. Recalcification was somewhatdifferent from the original calcification and wasaccompanied, in most cases, by morphologicalabnormalities (e.g., abnormal expansions, irregularchamber sizes, wall with concave form).These observations show that temporary acidificationof the environment, causing partial decalcificationof the test, is able to induce morphologicalabnormalities of foraminiferal tests duringrecalcification. This acidification may becaused by anthropogenic impact or a naturalcause. In both cases, deformation of foraminiferaltests yields information on environmentalcharacteristics of the area.2008040145埃 迪 卡 拉 期 两 侧 动 物 的 出 现 : 基 因 和 地 质 的 化石 记 录 的 一 致 性 = The Ediacaran emergence ofbilaterians: congruence between the genetic andthe geological fossil records. ( 英 文 ). Kevin J.Peterson1; James A. Cotton; James G Gehling;Davide Pisani. Philosophical Transactions of theRoyal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2008,363(1496): 1435-1443Unravelling the timing of the metazoan radiationis crucial for elucidating the macroevolutionaryprocesses associated with the Cambrianexplosion. Because estimates of metazoan divergencetimes derived from molecular clocksrange from quite shallow (Ediacaran) to verydeep (Mesoproterozoic), it has been difficult toascertain whether there is concordance or quitedramatic discordance between the genetic andgeological fossil records. Here, we show using arange of molecular clock methods that the majorpulse of metazoan divergence times was duringthe Ediacaran, which is consistent with a synopticreading of the Ediacaran macrobiota. Theseestimates are robust to changes in priors, and arereturned with or without the inclusion of a palaeontologicallyderived maximal calibrationpoint. Therefore, the two historical records oflife both suggest that although the cradle ofMetazoa lies in the Cryogenian, and despite theexplosion of ecology that occurs in the Cambrian,it is the emergence of bilaterian taxa in the Ediacaranthat sets the tempo and mode of macroevolutionfor the remainder of geological time.2008040146其 他 后 生 动 物 躯 体 造 型 的 起 源 : 幼 虫 形 式 的演 化 = Origins of the other metazoan body plans:the evolution of larval forms. ( 英 文 ). Raff R A.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal SocietyB: Biological Sciences, 2008, 363(1496): 1473-1479Bilaterian animal body plan origins are notsolely about adult forms. Most animals have larvaewith body plans, ontogenies and ecologiesdistinct from adults. There are two primary hypothesesfor larval origins. The first hypothesissuggests that the first animals were small pelagicforms similar to modern larvae, with adult bilaterianbody plans evolved subsequently. The secondhypothesis suggests that adult bilaterianbody plans evolved first and that larval bodyplans arose by interpolation of features into direct-developingontogenies. The two hypotheseshave different consequences for understandingparsimony in evolution of larvae and of developmentalgenetic mechanisms. If primitivemetazoans were like modern larvae and distinctadult forms evolved independently, there shouldbe little commonality of patterning genes amongadult body plans. However, sharing of patterninggenes is observed. If larvae arose by co-option ofadult bilaterian-expressed genes into independentlyevolved larval forms, larvae may showmorphological convergence, but with distinctpatterning genes, and this is observed. Thus,44

comparative studies of gene expression supportindependent origins of larval features. Precambrianand Cambrian embryonic fossils are alsoconsistent with direct development of the adultas being primitive, with planktonic larvae arisingduring the Cambrian. Larvae have continued toco-opt genes and evolve new features, allowingstudy of developmental evolution.2008040147古 生 代 动 态 的 生 物 礁 和 贝 类 的 生 物 群 落 = Thedynamic reef and shelly communities of the Paleozoic.( 英 文 ). Tapanila L; Jin Jisuo. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2008, 45(2): 117-1202008040148加 拿 大 安 提 库 斯 塔 岛 志 留 纪 腹 足 类 壳 上 的 底栖 岛 生 生 物 群 落 = Benthic island communityon the back of a snail: Silurian, Anticosti Island,Canada. ( 英 文 ). Ebbestad J O R; Tapanila L.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2008,45(2): 203-211A single specimen of the large Silurian gastropodPhanerotrema sp. from the GoélandMember on Anticosti Island preserves an outstandingmicrocosm of its surrounding community,including multiple trophic groups, strategiesfor niche partitioning, and innovative adaptationsfor survival in a mud-dominated marineecosystem. At least seven associations are recordedin this fossil specimen, including the gastropoditself, healed breakage from an apparentlyfailed attempt at durophagous predation,domichnial bioerosion, encrustation by a stromatoporoid,nestling behaviour and commensalembedment by a lingulid brachiopod, and epifaunalattachment by two cornulitids. As a benthicisland, the gastropod conch provided a favourableisolated habitat for hard substrate colonizers.This unique specimen sheds light on thebroader Paleozoic ecosystem, including the potentialimportance of benthic islands in the evolutionof niche-partitioning strategies in spacelimitedcommunities.A single specimen of thelarge Silurian gastropod Phanerotrema sp. fromthe Goéland Member on Anticosti Island preservesan outstanding microcosm of its surroundingcommunity, including multiple trophicgroups, strategies for niche partitioning, and innovativeadaptations for survival in a muddominatedmarine ecosystem. At least sevenassociations are recorded in this fossil specimen,including the gastropod itself, healed breakagefrom an apparently failed attempt at durophagouspredation, domichnial bioerosion, encrustationby a stromatoporoid, nestling behaviourand commensal embedment by a lingulidbrachiopod, and epifaunal attachment by twocornulitids. As a benthic island, the gastropodconch provided a favourable isolated habitat forhard substrate colonizers. This unique specimensheds light on the broader Paleozoic ecosystem,including the potential importance of benthicislands in the evolution of niche-partitioningstrategies in space-limited communities.2008040149巴 基 斯 坦 Karakorum 西 部 和 Hindu Kush 东部 二 叠 纪 蜓 和 珊 瑚 的 新 发 现 = New finding ofPermian fusulinids and corals from westernKarakorum and E Hindu Kush (Pakistan). ( 英 文 ).Leven E Ja.; Gaetani M; Schroeder S. RivistaItaliana di Paleontologia e stratigrafia, 2007,113(2): 151-165The Lashkargaz Fm. of Western Karakorum(Sakmarian-Kubergandian in age), is redefinedin its uppermost part. A new unit of sucrosicdolostone, the Ini Sar Fm., of early Murgabianage in its basal part, is established for a levelpreviously attributed to the Ailak Fm. The AilakFm. Is confirmed to be Late Permian in its lowerpar. A rich fusulinid fauna of early Kubergandianage was found in a carbonate nappe previouslyunidentified, along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border in the Eastern Hindu Kush.原 生 动 物2008040150二 叠 纪 中 期 瓜 达 鲁 普 世 蜓 类 希 瓦 格 蜓 科Eopolydiexodina 属 的 胚 胎 器 官 和 生 殖 模 式 =Embryonic apparati and patterns of reproductionin Eopolydiexodina (Fusulinida, Schwagerinoidea,Guadalupian,Middle Permian). ( 英 文 ).Vachard D; Gaillot J. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2006, 36(1): 77-89 3 图 版 .The "proloculus" of the giant fusulinid Eopolydiexodinadarvasica (Dutkevich) (Schwagerinoidea)from the Kubergandian (= Roadian =early Middle Permian) of Afghanistan is, in fact,an embryonic apparatus of the excentrilepidinoid-type,which has a small internal protoconchthat is completely surrounded by a wide deuteroconch.The protoconch is exceptionally well preserved,but this type of apparatus is probablypresent in other fusulinids including other speciesof Eopolydiexodina, such as E. megasphaerica(Leven), and some neoschwagerinidssuch as Lepidolina multiseptata (Deprat). Withinthe Fusulinoidea, Quasifusulina seems to be thefirst representative of this trend, beginning in theLate Pennsylvanian/Early Permian. This embryonicapparatus is a supplementary character of"larger foraminifera", linking the fusulinids tosuch classical, more recent groups as Orbitopsellidae,Orbitoididae and Discocyclinidae. Othercharacteristics shared with the larger foraminiferaare complexity of endoskeleton, endosymbioticalgae and trimorphism. The existence oftrimorphism among the fusulinids is postulated45

ut poorly studied. Dimorphism (or trimorphism?)has been present since the Early Permianin Robustoschwagerina, Anderssonites,Rugofusulina and Ruzhenzevites, and perhapsAlpinoschwagerina (formerly Pseudoschwagerina)and Zellia. Among the foraminifera, theschwagerinoids are probably the first group inwhich the trimorphic reproduction cycle becamecommon; this group may also have been the firstwhich lived in endosymbiosis with algae. Thedimorphism or trimorphism is especially conspicuousin the advanced schwagerinoids Parafusulina,Skinnerina, Eopolydiexodina andPolydiexodina. The life cycle of Eopolydiexodinais reconstructed to include cycles of gamonts,agamonts and schizonts, and the embryonic apparatus-bearingforms may correspond to thegamont A2 generation.2008040151北 欧 盐 沼 中 有 孔 虫 Trochammina inflata 包 括三 态 性 的 生 活 周 期 变 化 = Life cycle variationincluding trimorphism in the foraminifer Trochamminainflata from north European saltmarshes. ( 英 文 ). Lehmann G; Röttger R. Journalof Foraminiferal Research, 2006, 36(4):279-290 1 图 版 .The proloculus diameters were analyzed in 15samples of 200 individuals each of the agglutinatedforaminifer TTrochammina inflata fromfive salt marsh localities in Germany, Denmarkand Sweden. Accumulations of dead specimensfrom the uppermost centimeter of sediment betweenthe roots of salt marsh halophytes includemicrospheric and, as revealed by statisticalanalyses, two classes of megalospheric individuals.These size classes are consistent with theoccurrence of three generations in a trimorphiclife cycle as has been described in several otherforaminiferal taxa, and they support the interpretationof a biologically trimorphic life cycle inTrochammina inflata. The three size classes ofproloculi correlate with: agamonts (microspherictests), schizonts (smaller megalospheric tests)and gamonts (larger megalospheric tests). Thisinterpretation, however, has not been confirmedby studies on cultivated specimens. Other factorsthat may cause the bimodal size distribution ofthe megalospheric proloculi are discussed. Thesample means of the agamonts range from 16.1–22 µm, those of the supposed schizonts from28.6–34.2 µm and those of the supposed gamontsfrom 36.5–41.7 µm. The proportions ofthe three generations are used to infer long-termlife cycles in time-averaged assemblages. Samplesfrom Bottsand (Kiel Bight, Germany) containparticularly high proportions of schizonts,indicating that schizogony may be the dominantor sole mode of reproduction at the latter sites.Proportions of gamonts are relatively high in theHeden saltmarsh (Swedish west coast) and in theremaining localities, indicating a higher incidenceof the dimorphic cycle, relative to the trimorphiccycle. A varying importance of the respectivemode of reproduction results in differingproportions of reproductive products, agamonts,gamonts and schizonts in the sediment.Previous investigations have focussed on trimorphismin tropical environments; herein, we presentan example from temperate supralittoralsemiterrestrialhabitats subject to strong fluctuationsin water content, temperature and salinity.2008040152中 白 垩 世 Albian 末 期 至 Cenomanian 初 期 具经 向 壳 纹 的 浮 游 有 孔 虫 的 一 新 属Paracostellagerina = Paracostellagerina now.gen., a meridionally costellate planktonic foraminiferalgenus of the Middle Cretaceous (latestAlbian-earliest Cenomanian). ( 英 文 ). GeorgescuM D; Huber B T. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2006, 36(4): 368-373 2 图 版 .A new genus is proposed to accommodatestrongly ornamented hedbergellids of the latestAlbian-earliest Cenomanian. Paracostellagerinanov. gen. is characterized by asymmetrical testornamentation, rugosities, and costellae that aremeridionally arranged on the umbilical side andparallel to the periphery on the spiral side. Thisgenus has a global distribution within tropicalsubtropicallatitudes and, because of its shortstratigraphic range, it is a valuable biomarker forcorrelation of uppermost Albian-lowermostCenomanian sequences.2008040153Mornod 1949 描 述 的 Thalmanninella reicheli和 Rotalipora montsalvensis 所 遗 失 的 模 式 标本 的 扫 描 电 子 显 微 镜 记 录 = Scanning electronmicroscope documentation of the lost holotypesof Mornod, 1949: Thalmanninella reicheli andRotalipora montsalvensis. ( 英 文 ). Caron M;Spezzaferri S. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2006, 36(4): 374-378 2 图 版 .The species Globotruncana (Rotalipora)reicheli and Gobotruncana (Rotalipora) montsalvensis,were established in 1949 by Mornod.The two holotypes were figured only by drawingsand the specimens were never made publiclyavailable. Since their first description, thesetwo species have acquired great importance asbiostratigraphic markers. However, holotypeshad been considered as lost and neotypes wereestablished and described. Recently, these holotypeswere discovered. We present here for thefirst time Scanning Electron Microscope imagesof the holotypes and compare them with theoriginal drawings and neotypes to highlight possiblesimilarities and differences. Generic as-46

signment is made following a recent emendationfor the polyphyletic group of rotaliporids, withthe generic attribution as follows: Thalmanninellareicheli (Mornod) and Rotalipora montsalvensisMornod.2008040154印 度 尼 西 亚 苏 拉 威 西 岛 东 南 Wakatobi 海 上国 家 公 园 海 平 面 重 建 过 程 中 所 用 现 代 有 孔 虫资 料 研 究 的 进 展 发 展 = The development of amodern foraminiferal data set for sea-level reconstructions,Wakatobi marine national park,southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. ( 英 文 ). Horton BP; Whittaker J E. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2006, 35(1): 1-14 1 图 版 .We collected modern foraminiferal samples tocharacterize the foraminiferal environments andinvestigate the role that temporal and spatialvariability may play in controlling the nature andsignificance of foraminiferal assemblages of themangroves of Kaledupa, Wakatobi Marine NationalPark, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Thestudy of foraminiferal live and dead assemblagesindicates that dead assemblages are least proneto vary in time and space, and furthermore, theyaccurately represent the subsurface assemblagesthat are the focus of paleoenvironmental reconstructions.Further analyses of the dead assemblagesindicate a vertical zonation of foraminiferawithin the intertidal zone. Zone D-Ia isdominated by agglutinated foraminiferaArenoparrella mexicana, Miliammina fusca, M.obliqua and Trochammina inflata. Zone D-Ibhas mixed agglutinated/calcareous assemblageswith species such as T. inflata and Ammoniatepida. Zone D-II is dominated by numerouscalcareous species including A. tepida, Discorbinellabertheloti, Elphidium advenum andQuinqueloculina spp. Zone D-Ia is found to bethe most accurate sea-level indicator and its assemblagesare omnipresent world-wide. ZonesD-Ib and D-II are subject to both spatial andtemporal variations which must be included inany sea-level reconstructions.2008040155深 海 底 栖 有 孔 虫 对 新 鲜 供 给 的 有 机 物 质 的 行为 和 反 应 - 一 个 来 自 对 微 观 环 境 下 供 食 系 统的 实 验 = Behavior and response of deep-seabenthic foraminifera to freshly supplied organicmatter: a laboratory feeding experiment in microcosmenvironments. ( 英 文 ). Nomaki H;Heinz P. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2005, 35(2): 103-113The behavior of deep-sea benthic foraminiferain response to seasonal inputs of food materialwas examined through feeding experiments. Theexperiments using sediments from Sagami Bay(1425m water depth) containing living foraminiferawere carried out using microcosms(aquaria) with thin-walled glass sides. Threedifferent nutrient levels were tested in order toobserve how benthic foraminifera reacted to depositedorganic matter. Observations of bothbehavior and microhabitat segregation with respectto the sediment-water interface were conductedusing a sideways-mounted binocular microscope.Benthic foraminifera were verticallydistributed according to three types of microhabitatsegregation patterns, comparable to thoseof natural populations in Sagami Bay: shallowinfaunal, intermediate infaunal and deep infaunal.After addition of food into the aquaria, manyforaminifera migrated upwards to a shallowerpart of the sediment and some foraminifera ingestedfood. Shallow and intermediate infaunalspecies reacted faster to newly deposited foodmaterials than deep infaunal species. Amongdeep infaunal species, Globobulimina affinisreacted very slowly to added food, whereas Chilostomellaovoidea did not respond at all. Reactionsto newly deposited organic matter observedin this experiment vary from one microhabitat toanother. These different food preferences are animportant factor for understanding foraminiferalmicrohabitats and the degradation of phytodetritus.The size distribution of foraminiferal testsafter the experiment was completed suggests thatsome species reproduced during the experimentalrun, although there was no significant differencein total numbers of foraminifera betweenfed and unfed aquaria. Our results indicate thatsome benthic foraminifera may reproduce inresponse to organic matter arriving before thespring bloom.2008040156基 于 底 栖 有 孔 虫 大 陆 架 群 落 中 有 机 物 质 脉 动和 氧 气 损 耗 影 响 的 实 验 结 果 = Experimentaleffects of an organic matter pulse and oxygendepletion on a benthic foraminiferal shelf community.( 英 文 ). Ernst S; Bours R. Journal ofForaminiferal Research, 2005, 35(3): 177-197 1图 版 .Foraminiferal assemblages from a shelf environment(32 m water depth) in the northernAdriatic Sea were incubated in 26 mesocosms,in which six different environmental conditionswere created. A number of mesocosms weresealed to initiate anoxic conditions, and differentdoses of organic matter were added under boththe oxygenated and anoxic conditions. Themesocosms were harvested three times during anexperimental period of two months and foraminiferawere studied in the upper 3cm of thesediment. Certain taxa (Stainforthia fusiformis,Nouria polymorphinoides, Hopkinsina pacifica,Nonionella turgida) responded immediately tothe anoxic conditions: standing stocks declined47

and migration towards the sediment-water interfacewas observed. Other taxa (Caronia silvestrii,Epistominella vitrea, Acostata mariae) only reactedto a pulse of organic matter. These taxa arealso found in deeper infaunal habitats, but wereobserved to migrate towards shallower habitats.The quantity of organic matter appeared to be animportant factor: the highest dose resulted inhigher densities of certain taxa. Some taxa (H.pacifica, S. fusiformis) increased in abundanceunder anoxia when labile organic matter waspresent. A number of other taxa were not affectedby organic flux; perhaps one of these (N.turgida) depends on another food source, e.g.,bacteria, since it migrated to shallower depth inthe anoxic treatments. A last group (Bolivinaspp., Eggerella spp., Bulimina marginata) appearedto be less affected by or showed no clearresponse to the induced environmental changes.In total, five different groups of foraminiferaltaxa were distinguished, based on their responseto the treatments. Oxygen depletion inducedstrong changes in the vertical distribution anddensity of the foraminiferal taxa over a shorttermperiod (< 2 weeks). The addition of organicflux was more important in maintaining compositionand density of the assemblage over a longtermperiod (> 4 weeks).2008040157印 度 洋 26Ma 年 来 与 生 产 力 增 加 相 关 的 底 栖有 孔 虫 种 级 分 异 度 的 降 低 = Systematic declinein benthic foraminiferal species diversity linkedto productivity increases over the last 26 ma inthe Indian Ocean. ( 英 文 ). Singh R K; Gupta A K.Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2005, 35(3):219-227Deep-sea benthic foraminferal species diversityfrom the late Oligocene-Holocene sequenceof Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 757, HoleB, southeastern Indian Ocean (1652 m waterdepth), is examined in terms of the informationfunction (H), equitability (E), number of species(S) and Sanders’ rarefied values. The values ofthese parameters reached their maximum about18–15 Ma, and thereafter had a continuousstepwise decrease. Productivity increased significantlyin the Indo-Pacific Ocean (the "biogenicbloom") and the oxygen minimum zone(OMZ) intensified over large parts of the IndianOcean beginning about 15 Ma. The diversityvalues show more abrupt changes since 10–8 Ma,when the strength of the Indian summer monsoonsubstantially increased and there were significantchanges in Southern Hemisphere (SH)and Northern Hemisphere (NH) ice volume. Diversityvalues decreased abruptly 8–6 Ma (theChron-6 negative Carbon Shift), 3.2–2.3 Ma(major NH glaciation) and 1.6–0.9 Ma, coincidingwith increased percentages of Uvigerinaproboscidea, a species indicative of high surfaceproductivity. Thus, we suggest that fluctuationsin species diversity at ODP Site 757 were relatedto changes in productivity during the studiedinterval.2008040158Kuroshio 暖 流 区 日 本 海 沟 沉 积 物 捕 集 结 果 —— 浮 游 有 孔 虫 通 量 的 季 节 性 变 迁 = Sedimenttrap results from the Japan trench in the Kuroshiodomain: seasonal variations in the plankticforaminiferal flux. ( 英 文 ). Oda M; YamasakiM. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2005,35(4): 315-326Time-series sediment traps were deployed attwo depths at Station JT (Japan Trench) alongthe northern margin of the Kuroshio current systemdomain from March 1991 to May 1992. Total(>125 µm) foraminiferal fluxes were 334–1028 shells/m2/day in the shallow trap (1200 m)and 657–2130 shells/m2/day in the deep trap(3700 m). A total of 35 planktic foraminiferalspecies belonging to 13 genera were identified.The assemblage was dominated by Globigerinabulloides, Globigerinita glutinata, Globigerinoidesruber and Neogloboquadrina dutertrei,whose fluxes varied seasonally. Globigerinabulloides and Globigerina quinqueloba occurredduring the early spring phytoplankton bloom.These taxa were replaced by Globigerinoidesruber, Globigerinoides sacculifer, N. dutertreiand Pulleniatina obliquiloculata during the latespring to early autumn, with the development ofa sharp thermocline and a deep chlorophyll amaximum just below the thermocline. Themaximum shell flux of Globigerinita glutinata,Globigerina falconensis, Globorotalia inflataand Globorotalia truncatulinoides occurred duringthe winter near the 18 °C isotherm in wellmixedsurface water that resulted from the extensivevertical mixing induced by the wintermonsoon. Temporal changes in the path of theKuroshio current system caused by its meanderingappeared to be the dominant flux controlfactor, based on the correlation between the meandertypes of the Kuroshio and the timing oflarge fluxes in the deep trap. During the trap experiments,major meanderings were observedfrom September to October 1991 and from mid-April to May 1992. During these two periods,prominent flux peaks of Globigerina bulloidesand Neogloboquadrina incompta were observedin both shallow and deep traps. The major meanderof the Kuroshio current system was nearStation JT during these periods, and the nearshoreside of the Kuroshio Front, which is characterizedby high productivity in the euphoticzone, was very close to Station JT. These resultssuggest that these two species were produced onthe nearshore side of the Kuroshio Front and48

collected in the sediment trap. The temporal occurrencesof N. incompta at Station JT associatedwith the meanders of the Kuroshio are consistentwith the high abundance of N. incomptain the surface sediment record from beneath themodern cold water mass off Kishu and Enshunada,between the Japanese coast and the axis ofthe Kuroshio current system.2008040159浮 游 有 孔 虫 演 化 记 录 中 的 分 类 级 别 层 次 结 构证 据 = Evidence of hierarchical organization inthe planktic foraminiferal evolutionary record.( 英 文 ). Patterson R T; Fowler A D. Journal ofForaminiferal Research, 2004, 34(2): 85-95 3 图版 .The Wavelet Transform was used to analyzethe evolutionary record of planktic foraminiferato distinguish specific structure not previouslyresolvable. Both the speciation and extinctionwavelets are characterized by a major singularityat the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) boundary,when there was a total breakdown in the interconnectednessof ecosystems related to sharplyreduced diversity following the Chicxulub impactevent. The speciation wavelet is also characterizedby an interval consisting of a hierarchicalarray of five orders of bifurcation, which arerelated to repeated iterative radiation of speciesfrom the Albian to Maastrichtian. These plankticforaminiferal extinction patterns were related toquasi-periodic orogenic cycles of the Cretaceousthat, in turn, produced episodic mantle CO2-degassing, oceanic volcanism and anoxia, andsea level fluctutations. We hypothesize that thehierarchical structure observed is a reflection ofthis process in an otherwise stochastic system.2008040160森 诺 曼 晚 期 Bonarelli 事 件 前 后 典 型 地 点 浮 游有 孔 虫 和 环 境 变 化 特 征 - 一 个 来 自 特 提 斯 参考 剖 面 ( 意 大 利 中 部 Gubbio 地 区Bottaccione 剖 面 ) 的 高 分 辨 率 研 究 = Planktonicforaminifera and environmental changesacross the Bonarelli event (oae2,latest Cenomanian) in its type area: a high-resolution studyfrom the tethyan reference Bottaccione section(Gubbio,central Italy). ( 英 文 ). Coccioni R;Luciani V. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2004, 34(2): 109-129 3 图 版 .The worldwide latest Cenomanian OceanicAnoxic Event 2 (OAE2) was investigated for theplanktonic foraminiferal assemblages in the typearea of its sedimentary expression, the Corg–richBonarelli Level (Gubbio, central Italy). The 313kyr preceding the onset of OAE2 and the 153kyr following the end of this event were analyzedin the deep-water setting of the Bottaccionesection (Umbria-Marche Basin). For thefirst time, a high-resolution approach and quantitativemethods were applied. Several events andbiotic changes, including the acme and crisis ofdifferent genera, were recognized. They provideevidence of a progressive and rapid deteriorationof paleoenvironmental conditions, reaching aclimax coincident with the Bonarelli Event, andof the subsequent, gradual (although not complete)recovery. Although no major mass extinctionin planktonic foraminifera occurred acrossthe Bonarelli Event, the extinction of the mostspecialized forms, i.e., the rotaliporids, and Globigerinelloidesbentonensis, is recorded just beforeits onset. The observed pattern of markedchanges in planktonic foraminiferal assemblagesindicates five discrete phases of different degreesof environmental perturbation within themarine ecosystem. Phase I (313–55 kyr prior tothe onset of OAE2) is characterized by a highplanktonic foraminiferal abundance and diversitythat imply a relatively stable environment,with different ecological niches occupied andstratified water column. On the other hand, relativelyhigh percentages of hedbergellids and heterohelicidsindicate a general mesoeutrophicenvironment and a well-developed oxygenminimum zone. Episodes of increased eutrophicconditions are indicated by pulses in abundanceof radiolarians. A well-developed oxygen minimumzone may be related to a long-term changethat precedes the onset of OAE2 (mid-Cenomanian Event). The most dramatic changestook place during Phase II and encompassed thelast 55 kyr preceding deposition of the BonarelliLevel. The onset of a high-stress environment isclearly shown by the shift to a distinctly unstableplanktonic foraminiferal structure, characterizedby low species diversity and marked foraminiferalchanges and events. Some of these tookplace at the same time (the rotaliporid crisis, theheterohelicid decline, the Hedbergella-Schackoina shift, the onset of the ‘large formeclipse’ when > 150 µm forms temporarily disappeared)followed by other sequential events(onset of dwarfism, schackoinid acme, and hedbergellidacme). The above-mentioned changesand events indicate for Phase II an increasedsurface productivity, enhanced oxygen minimumzone, and marked rapid changes of ecologicalparameters (e.g., temperature, salinity, tracemetals). These marked foraminiferal changesculminate at the base of the Bonarelli Level withthe temporary disappearance of all planktonicforaminifera. Phase III (100–900 kyr) coincideswith the Bonarelli Level deposition and is characterizedby highly eutrophic conditions, as indicatedby radiolarian proliferation. Phase IV (35kyr), similar to phase II except for the absence ofrotaliporids, is characterized by the proliferationof the opportunistic hedbergellids and49

schackoinids, indicating that the environmentremained ecologically unstable. The end of‘large form eclipse’ marks the base of Phase V.During Phase V (118 kyr), planktonic foraminiferalabundance and diversity return to valuescomparable to those of Phase I, showing thegradual recovery of the ecosystem. However,high numbers of hedbergellids and heterohelicidssuggest that the environmental perturbationrelated to the Bonarelli Event did not end duringthis phase, but continued well beyond depositionof the organic-rich layers. Our analysis showsthat, in deep-water settings, the severe paleoenvironmentalperturbation induced by the BonarelliEvent led to assemblages dominated by thesmall-sized, opportunistic hedbergellids andschackoinids. At the same time, the small-sizedand presumably low-oxygen-tolerant, opportunisticheterohelicids underwent a marked decline.This scenario may be related to the exceptionallyhigh-nutrient and low-oxygen content of theseawater, but also to variation of other ecologicalparameters. The perforate, elongated chambersand tubulospines of schackoinids may representthe best survivorship tool to haveachieved better oxygen and nutrient uptake. Weinfer that schackoinids are useful indicators forextremely stressed environments in low- to middle-latitude,open-marine, deep-water settingsduring the Late Cretaceous.2008040161晚 白 垩 世 河 口 高 分 辨 率 海 平 面 变 化 循 环 ——利 用 胶 结 有 孔 虫 对 变 化 幅 度 范 围 的 研 究 =High-resolution estuarine sea level cycles fromthe late Cretaceous: amplitude constraints usingagglutinated foraminifera. ( 英 文 ). Tibert N E;Leckie R M. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2004, 34(2): 130-143 2 图 版 .Agglutinated foraminifera provide highresolutionproxies for relative sea level change inLate Cretaceous coal-bearing strata. Three foraminiferalassemblages are recognized whereTrochammina (trochospiral) occurs in abundancewith either one of the following: 1)Miliammina (quinqueloculine) associated withcarbonaceous shale, interpreted as the marsh; 2)Ammobaculites (uncoiled) and estuarine ostracodesassociated with shelly mudstones, interpretedas the central, muddy estuary; and 3)Verneulinoides and Textularia (serial) associatedwith gray mudstones, interpreted as distal estuary(open bay). The marsh represents 0–1m waterdepth and this approximates absolute meansea level, the central estuary represents 5–8mwater depth, and the distal estuary (open bay)represents water depths of 10m or greater. Alternationsbetween foraminiferal associations in a25-m section of the upper middle TuronianSmoky Hollow Member, Straight Cliffs Formation,indicate sea level amplitude changes thatranged from 1–10 meters.2008040162理 查 德 岛 西 北 北 极 喀 斯 特 湖 的 有 壳 变 形 有 孔虫 类 的 特 征 = The characteristics of Thecamoebiansof Arctic Thermokarst lakes, Richards island,N.W.T.. ( 英 文 ). Dallimore A. Journal ofForaminiferal Research, 2004, 34(4): 249-257 2图 版 .Thecamoebian species and assemblages reportedfrom various limnological environmentsin North America are not appreciably differentacross a climatic gradient ranging from semitropicalto Arctic latitudes. However, certainmorphological characteristics of individual speciesreferred to as "strains" do appear to be verysensitive to changing environmental conditions.Thus, the identification of strains is a usefultechnique in the interpretation of paleoenvironmentalconditions. Other features considereddiagnostic of Arctic conditions in particular, areassemblages dominated by one or two species,and large and coarse tests. Some thecamoebianspecimens found in lakes on Richards Island,Northwest Territories, Canada, are two to threetimes larger than those reported from temperatelocations. These "giant" specimens are perhapsrelated to very short periods of warm water temperatureswhich appear to be favorable for reproduction.Tests grow to a large size after extendedfeeding periods during the short Arcticsummers. For the first time, continuous annuallake temperature data confirm the hypothesisthat the presence of abundant large tests in anassemblage may be indicative of cold climates,due to a short reproductive season.2008040163瑞 典 一 个 低 氧 海 湾 200 年 的 环 境 记 录 —— 来自 底 栖 有 孔 虫 、 沉 积 特 征 和 水 文 资 料 的 解 释= A 200-year environmental record of a lowoxygenfjord, Sweden, elucidated by benthicforaminifera, sediment characteristics and hydrographicdata. ( 英 文 ). Filipsson H L; NordbergK. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2004, 34(4): 277-293In this study, we have detailed the benthic environmentof a sill fjord on the Swedish westcoast, which is characterized by brackish conditions,intermittent water exchanges, and periodiclow oxygen. We have used three importanttools—benthic foraminifera, sediment characteristics,and historical records of hydrographicdata. Periods of low oxygen have resulted insequences of laminated sediments in the fjord.The foraminiferal fauna present in the fjord is oflow diversity and low abundance, mostly Elphidiumspecies—an assemblage that has domi-50

nated the foraminiferal fauna for at least 170years. During this time period, however, therehave been events when normal marine specieshave been introduced, or foraminiferal abundanceand faunal diversity have suddenly increased.These events are linked to short sequencesof homogenous sediments within thelaminated sequences that, in turn, suggest moreoxic conditions. Since the late 1940s, we have amore-or-less continuous salinity record from thefjord, the product of an instrumental monitoringprogram. This record has been used, togetherwith the foraminiferal distribution and sedimentcharacteristics, to reconstruct the salinity variationsthat occurred prior to the instrumentalmonitoring program. The salinity in the fjord hasalternated between periods of low salinity (26–28.5%), which correspond with non-laminatedsediments, and periods of higher salinity(>28.5%), corresponding with laminated sequences.Despite a general low abundance offoraminiferal fauna, there was a significantlyhigher diversity during deposition of laminatedsequences than non-laminated sequences. In thedeepest part of the record, corresponding to thelate eighteenth and early nineteenth century, adifferent fauna occurs, where species in additionto Elphidium occur, suggesting generally highersalinities (29–31).2008040164加 拿 大 北 极 区 Cape Phillips 组 Wenlock 统 上部 的 放 射 虫 Ceratoikiscidae 科 = UpperWenlock Ceratoikiscidae (Radiolaria) from theCape Phillips Formation, Arctic Canada. ( 英 文 ).Noble P J; Lenz A C. Journal of Paleontology,2007, 81(5): 1044-1052 6 图 版 .Taxa belonging to the Ceratoikiscidae are describedin detail from two measured sections ofMember C of the Cape Phillips Formation exposedalong Rookery Creek, Cornwallis Island,Arctic Canada. The sections encompass uppermostSheinwoodian (top lower Wenlock) to thebase of the Gorstian (base Ludlow) and are datedby graptolites assigned to the Cyrtograptusperneri–Monograptus opimus Zone (upperSheinwoodian), the Cyrtograptus lundgreniZone (lower Homerian), and the Colonograptuspraedeubeli–Colonograptus deubeli Zone (upperHomerian). Radiolarians are found in greatabundance throughout the lower Homerian, allowingfor the establishment of the first appearanceof the genus Helenifore Ormiston andNazarov. Helenifore is emended to accommodatethe Silurian species H. quadrispina n. sp.and H. speciosus (Furutani 1990). One new genus,Kappaforma, including the new species, K.insecta, is described, as is the new species H.quadrispina. Ceratoikiscum octapleura Renzand C. armiger Furutani are synonymized withC. lenoides Renz, and H. planus Umeda is synonymizedwith H. speciosus.2008040165天 堂 的 麻 烦 ?1953 年 和 2005 年 西 印 度 群 岛特 立 尼 达 岛 东 部 近 岸 Ibis Field 地 区 海 底 底 栖有 孔 虫 组 合 的 比 较 = Trouble in Paradise? Acomparison of 1953 and 2005 benthonic foraminiferalseafloor assemblages at the Ibis Field,offshore eastern Trinidad, West Indies. ( 英 文 ).Wilson B. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 2006,25(part 2): 157-164Foraminiferal communities are not static, butchange in response to environmental perturbations.Given sufficient time, the change will berecorded in the total (live+dead) seafloor assemblage,from which valuable information regardingenvironmental trends can be obtained by resamplingassemblages at the decadal scale.The seafloor assemblage in the 5km x 6kmIbis Field, off southeast Trinidad, first surveyedin 1953, was re-examined in 2005. The faunahad changed markedly between the surveys.Overall increases in the proportional abundancesof Uvigerina subperegrina, Ammonia pauciloculatal,Rolhauseniarolhauseni and Pseudononionattanticum indicate an increase in nutrient supplythat apparently killed off Cibicidoides pseudoungerianusand Miliolinella subrotunda, andreduced the relative abundance of Hanzawaiaconcentrica, but did not affect the relative abundanceof Cancris sagrai. As shown by similar1953 and 2005 planktonic/benthonic foraminiferalratios, the increased nutrient supply impactedon both surface and bottom waters.Of the six most abundant species in 2005, fiveshowed the same general biogeographical distributionswithin the field in 1953 and 2005. However,whereas the proportional abundance ofUvigerina subperegrina in 1953 increasedsouthwards, in 2005 it increased northwards.Trinidad cannot be the source for the nutrientenrichment: the island lies down-current fromthe Ibis Field. Sources must therefore be soughtup-current and to the southeast, in the Amazon,Essequibo and Orinoco river basins, or along theSouth American shoreline. It is speculated thatthe nutrient enrichment may be a consequence ofincreased phytoplankton primary productionassociated with nitrogen-rich run-off from SouthAmerican sugarcane plantations, or from flushingof organic carbon from poorly regulatedsewage systems or shrimp farms in South America.2008040166实 验 室 条 件 下 测 得 的 深 海 底 栖 有 孔 虫 的 呼 吸速 率 = Deep-sea benthic foraminiferal respirationrates measured under laboratory conditions.51

( 英 文 ). Nomaki H; Yamaoka A; Shirayama Y;Kitazato H. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2007, 37(4): 281-286Respiration rates of individual specimens ofdeep-sea benthic foraminifera were measuredunder laboratory conditions. Respiration rates ofnine foraminiferal species—sampled from thedeep-sea floor in Sagami Bay, Japan (750 and1430 m water depth)—were measured at 5°Cwith a microcathode oxygen electrode in a microchamber.Respiration rates ranged from 0.9–9.9 nmol O2 d– 1 ind–1 , with no apparent relationshipwith test size. However, respirationrates varied by species, even from the same microhabitat.The mineralization rate of organiccarbon by the total foraminiferal community wasestimated using the respiration data of this study.The total foraminiferal community is estimatedto respire~46 mg C m–2 to d–1, suggesting thatthe group is an important component of the carbonbudget in the deep sea. Measurement of individualrates of respiration will help determinethe metabolic activity of populations of foraminiferaand their contribution to the carbonbudget in sediments.2008040167捷 克 共 和 国 Umava 山 脉 Vltava 河 上 游 的 有壳 变 形 虫 —— 组 合 中 的 物 种 组 成 和 支 流 环 境的 关 系 = Thecamoebians from the upper Vltavariver (Umava mountains, Czech republic): speciescomposition of assemblages VS. environmentin streams. ( 英 文 ). Katarína H. Journal ofForaminiferal Research, 2007, 37(4): 287-299 2图 版 .Between 1999 and 2002, thecamoebian assemblageswere analyzed in one hundred samplescollected from tributaries of the UpperVltava River (umava Mts., Czech Republic,Middle Europe). The umava Mountains comprisethe largest forest complex in CentralEurope that is still preserved in a near naturalcondition. Diverse fresh-water environments(springs, wetlands, peat bogs, creeks, rivers andponds) characterize the area. Thecamoebian testswere picked from dried 36–500 µm residues. Intotal, eighteen thecamoebian species were identified.The number of species per sample variesfrom one to thirteen, and the assemblages arecharacterized by dominance of Centropyxis orbicularis,C. aculeata, Pontigulasia compressa,Difflugia oblonga and Centropyxis arcula. Anegative correlation (r = – 0.67) is notable betweenabundances of centropyxids and P. compressa.The negative correlation is caused by thedifferent environmental conditions preferred byeach taxon. Assemblages dominated by centropyxidsoriginate mainly from standing water,whereas assemblages with common to abundantoccurrences of P. compressa prefer runningwaterenvironments and substratum withoutcoarse organic debris. Following a flood event inAugust 2002, thecamoebian assemblages weremore diverse and abundant. While reworking ofthecamoebian tests from different biotopes duringflooding probably caused the increase in diversity,a boom in the population of Centropyxisorbicularis after the flood event confirmed theopportunistic character of this species. Boundaryabundances of diagnostic species defined forflowing and standing waters in the forest area (=more than 20% of Pontigulasia compressa forflowing water and more than 50% of centropyxidsfor standing water) can be applied in interpretationof ancient environments. Similarly,changes in thecamoebian assemblages beforeand after the flood event can be used in paleoecology.2008040168美 国 内 布 拉 斯 加 州 林 肯 地 区 附 近 Dakota 组 异常 保 存 的 白 垩 纪 Albian 晚 期 的 有 壳 变 形 虫 =Exceptionally preserved Late Albian (Cretaceous)Arcellaceans (Thecamoebians) from theDakota Formation near Lincoln, Nebraska,USA.( 英 文 ). Hengstum P J; Reinhardt E G; Medioli FS; Gröcke D R. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2007, 37(4): 300-308 2 图 版 .Thousands of exceptionally well-preservedArcellaceans (Thecamoebians) have been recoveredfrom a Late Albian (Cretaceous) deposit.Sedimentary samples were obtained from aclayey-silt leaf bed in the Dakota Formation,outcropping in a clay pit excavated by the YankeeHill Brick Company, located near Lincoln,Nebraska. Based on recovered freshwatermacrophyte spore and fossil remains, the leafbed is a lagerstätten of paleobotanical remains inwhich the paleoenvironment has been interpretedas a quiescent freshwater setting. The largenumber of recovered thecamoebians revealed ahigh intraspecific variability in test morphologythat is comparable to Holocene thecamoebianpopulations. Consequently, we employ the thecamoebianstrain taxonomic framework, a firstfor ancient thecamoebians. Extant species containedin this collection include Difflugia oblonga,Difflugia protaeiformis, Difflugia urens,Pontigulasia compressa, Lagenodifflugia vas,Cucurbitella tricuspis, Lesquereusia spiralis andthe cysts of environmentally stressed protozoans—withonly one new species reported, Difflugiabaukalabastron. The well-preserved natureof the taxa, suggesting little taphonomicbias, and the lack of significant new species supportsthe current hypothesis of minimal evolutionin thecamoebian lineages through geologictime.52

2008040169土 耳 其 马 尔 马 拉 海 底 栖 有 孔 虫 的 一 个 新 种Hyalinea marmarica = Hyalinea marmarica, anew species of benthic foraminifera from the Seaof Marmara (Turkey). ( 英 文 ). Spezzaferri S;Yanko-Hombach V. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2007, 37(4): 309-317 2 图 版 .Traditionally, the benthic foraminifera Hyalineabalthica (Schröter) has been considered aspecies with high intraspecific variability, possiblyrelated to climatic changes, and, therefore, apotential indicator of paleoclimate in the MediterraneanSea. However, a stable and characteristicmorphology very different from the syntypeof the species can be observed in specimensfrom the Sea of Marmara. By identification anddocumentation of this morphology and a subsequentcomparison to specimens similar to thetype species, clear differences between the twogroups have been established. Hyalinea marmarican. sp. is proposed as an example of possibleenvironment-related speciation in benthicforaminifera. It differs from H. balthica in havingless numerous chambers in the last whorl(maximum of eight), depressed sutures at least inthe last four chambers, a moderate increase inchamber size as added, a subacute profile andaccessory apertures on the peripheral margin.Speciation could have occurred between 14 and12 ka. At this time, increasingly efficient connectionswere progressively established betweenthe Sea of Marmara and the Eastern MediterraneanSea, allowing Hyalinea balthica to migrateinto the Sea of Marmara. Here this species mighthave modified its morphology in response to theextreme environmental conditions.2008040170德 国 中 部 两 个 内 陆 咸 水 湖 全 新 世 沉 积 物 中 的有 孔 虫 = Foraminifers from Holocene sedimentsof two inland brackish lakes in centralGermany. ( 英 文 ). Wennrich V; Meng S;Schmiedl G. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2007, 37(4): 318-326 1 图 版 .Two species of the genus Ammonia, Ammoniatepida and A. aberdoveyensis, occur in theHolocene sediment successions of the formerSalziger See and the Suesser See, two inlandbrackish-water lakes in central Germany. Thus,this work represents the first non-marine evidenceof calcareous foraminifers in centralEurope. A. aberdoveyensis permanently colonizedthe Suesser See from the early Atlantic tothe Subboreal interval (8500–4500 cal. yr BP),whereas tests of A. tepida were found only duringthe Atlantic interval (8500–5600 cal. yr BP).Except for some redeposited specimens, the foraminiferalrecord of the former Salziger See ischaracterized by the monospecific appearance ofA. tepida during the late Atlantic interval (6500cal. yr BP). Both a high rate of test aberrancy ofthe observed Ammonia specimens and their hightest porosity can be associated with enhancedenvironmental stress within the lake ecosystemscaused by hyposalinity and/or periodically lowoxygen concentration in the lake bottom waters.Because during the Quaternary, the study areahas never been connected to the ocean, an airbornecolonization of the Mansfeld lakes by migratorybirds can be assumed. The low diversityof the investigated foraminiferal fauna is consistentwith the remote position of the study area—more than 300km from the natural habitat offoraminifers in the Baltic and North Seas—andthe tolerance of the genus Ammonia to a widerange of environmental conditions.2008040171用 潮 下 带 有 孔 虫 来 重 建 澳 大 利 亚 大 堡 礁 中 部全 新 世 海 平 面 变 化 = Reconstructing Holocenesea-level change for the central great barrier reef(Australia) using subtidal foraminifera. ( 英 文 ).Horton B P; Culver S J; Hardbattle M I J; LarcombeP; Milne G A; Morigi G; Whittaker J E;Woodroffe S A. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2007, 37(4): 327-343 1 图 版 .We assessed the utility of subtidal foraminiferato reconstruct Holocene relative sea levelsfrom the central Great Barrier Reef shelf, Australia.We collected contemporary foraminiferalsamples from Cleveland Bay and Bowling GreenBay, with water depths from –4.2 m to –48.0 mAustralian Height Datum (AHD). The subtidalforaminiferal assemblages were divided into twodistinct foraminiferal zones: an inner shelf zoneoccupied by Elphidium hispidulum, Pararotaliavenusta, Planispirinella exigua, Quinqueloculinavenusta and Triloculina oblonga; and a middleshelf zone dominated by Amphistegina lessonii,Dendritina striata and Operculina complanata.The zonations of the study areas and relativeabundances of individual species indicate thatthe distributions of subtidal foraminifera are relatedto water depth. We used the subtidal datato develop a transfer function capable of inferringpast water depths of sediment samples fromtheir foraminiferal content. The results indicateda robust performance of the transfer function(r2jack = 0.90). We produced ten sea-level indexpoints, which revealed an upward trend of Holocenerelative sea level from –8.86 ± 4.5m AHDat 9.3–8.6 cal kyr BP to a mid-Holocene highstand of +1.72 ± 3.9m AHD at 6.9–6.4 cal kyrBP. Sea level subsequently fell from the highstandto the present-day. The sea-level reconstructionsare consistent with geophysical modelsand previous published data.200804017253

新 西 兰 Otago 南 海 岸 全 新 世 沉 降 和 断 层 位 移的 有 孔 虫 证 据 = Foraminiferal evidence ofHolocene subsidence and fault displacements,coastal south Otago,New Zealand. ( 英 文 ). HaywardB W; Grenfell H R; Sabaa A T; Southall KE; Gehrels W R. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2007, 37(4): 344-359Foraminiferal assemblages preserved in estuarinesedimentary sequences along the coast ofSouth Otago, New Zealand, provide evidence forthree Holocene fault-displacements and associatedearthquakes within the 250 km-wide continentalcollision zone along the Australian-Pacific plate boundary. The modern analoguetechnique was used to estimate paleotidal elevationsof the fossil foraminiferal faunas, based onan analogue set of 334 modern New Zealandfaunas (including data from three new intertidaltransects taken from the studied estuaries). Theseelevation estimates provide a record of abruptchanges in tidal elevation, which are inferred tohave been produced by vertical displacements onnearby faults. The foraminiferal record in cores(0.75–2.8 m long) from Akatore Estuary identifythe previously recognized last rupture (~1100 calyrs BP) on the Akatore Fault, with ~0.4 m ofsubsidence on the western side produced by actualdownthrow or shaking-related compactionof underlying sediment. The foraminiferal recordin cores (1.4–7.0m long) and in an uplifted terracesection from tidal Catlins Lake provides thefirst evidence of Holocene fault rupture and majorearthquake risk south of the Clutha Rivermouth. Three displacement events on the SettlementFault, which forms the eastern margin ofCatlins Lake, are recognized. The youngest(~1000 cal yrs BP) resulted in 0.4m of subsidence(downthrow or compaction) on its westside. The penultimate (~3600 cal yrs BP) resultedin ~1.2m of uplift of an extensive terraceon the east side of the fault with consequent narrowingof the estuarine entrance and reducedsalinity in the tidal lake (recorded by foraminiferalfaunas). The earliest event (~5000–4500 calyrs BP) is recognized by ~1m of abrupt subsidenceon the west (Catlins Lake) side of the fault.Foraminiferal faunas in the upper parts of themajority of cores (from high tidal salt meadows)also document ~0.3m of sea-level rise within thelast 150 years.2008040173土 耳 其 Tauride 带 中 部 中 二 叠 统 具 重 结 晶 壳壁 的 一 个 蜓 类 有 孔 虫 新 属 Necdetina =Necdetina, a new fusulinoidean foraminiferawith a recrystallized or replaced wall from theMiddle Permian of the central Tauride belt, Turkey.( 英 文 ). Altiner D; Groves J R; Özkan-Altiner S; Yilmaz I O; Atakul A. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2007, 37(4): 360-371 4 图版 .Necdetina (type species N. taurica n. sp.) isdescribed here as a new fusulinoidean genuswith a replaced or recrystallized wall from theMiddle Permian (Capitanian) of Turkey. In additionto its distinctive wall structure, which wasprobably originally keriothecal and composed ofaragonite or high-Mg calcite, the genus is characterizedby an ovate shell with rounded to acutepoles and axially elongated, biserially enrolledchambers. Chomata are absent, but inconsistentlydeveloped parachomata-like structures arepresent in the test where biserially enrolledchambers overlap. Circular foramina alternate intwo rows at the bases of the apertural face andsepta. Phylogenetic analysis indicates thatNecdetina belongs in the clade of staffellid fusulinoideans,a group whose walls are invariablyaltered. Among the staffellids, Necdetina is alliedwith other genera in which the coiling axisis elongated to produce a spherical, oval or fusiformtest. In this subclade, Necdetina is furtherunited with Thailandina and Neothailandina inpossessing parachomata and having wellorganizedforamina along the antetheca andsepta. Necdetina is the only known staffellid,indeed the only known fusulinoidean, with biserialchambers.2008040174晚 白 垩 世 有 孔 虫 亚 科 Clypeorbinae Sigal,1952 的 壳 体 构 造 = Shell architecture in theLate Cretaceous foraminiferal subfamily ClypeorbinaeSigal, 1952. ( 英 文 ). Hottinger L; CausE. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2007,37(4): 372-392 17 图 版 .The shell architecture of the genera Sirtina,Neumannites, Vanderbeekia and Clypeorbis isanalyzed in detail, and the genera are assignedhere to the subfamily Clypeorbinae Sigal, 1952.The Clypeorbinae, which lacks folia and anykind of plates in its spiral chambers, must beremoved from the rotaliids. The subfamily representsa Tethyan group of Late Cretaceous, spiral,benthic foraminifera that tended to become orbitoidiformin parallel with a Caribbean group,consisting of Sulcoperculina, Vaughanina,Pseudorbitoides and cohorts (PseudorbitoidinaeRutten, 1935, including Sulcoperculina), all ofwhich developed supplemental skeletons withextensive canal systems. The transition fromspiral to cyclical, orbitoidiform species withinthe Clypeorbinae was accompanied by the developmentof (primarily dorsal) lateral chamberlets.This development is interpreted as a transformationof elongate alar prolongations of involutespiral chambers into lateral chamberlet cyclesthat are arranged in a chessboard pattern.54

The functional significance of the dorsal superstructureas a greenhouse for symbionts is consideredas driving the frequent and repetitivetrend to acquire orbitoidiform shell architecture.The structural analysis for the taxonomy in thiswork resulted in validation of the genus NeumannitesRahaghi, 1976, attribution of the speciesIranites ornatus Rahaghi, 1976 to the genusSirtina and introduction of a new species Vanderbeekiacatalana.2008040175大 西 洋 东 部 热 带 现 生 底 栖 有 孔 虫 的 群 落 和 微生 境 - 不 同 生 产 力 的 作 用 结 果 = Communitiesand microhabitats of living benthic foraminiferafrom the tropical east atlantic: impact of differentproductivity regimes. ( 英 文 ). Licari L N;Schumacher S; Wenzhöfer F; Zabel M; MackensenA. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2003,33(1): 10-31Living (Rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminiferawere collected with a multicorer fromsix stations between 2°N and 12°S off West Africa.The foraminiferal communities in the investigatedarea reflect the direct influence of differentproductivity regimes, and are characterizedby spatially and seasonally varying upwellingactivity. At five stations, foraminiferal abundancecoincides well with the gradient of surfaceproductivity. However, at one station off theCongo River, the influence of strong fresh waterdischarge is documented. Although this stationlies directly in the center of an upwelling area,foraminiferal standing stocks are surprisinglylow. It is suggested that the Congo dischargemay induce a fractionation of the organic matterinto small and light particles of low nutritionalcontent, by contrast to the relatively fast-sinkingaggregates found in the centers of high productivityareas. Quality and quantity of the organicmatter seem to influence the distribution of microhabitatsas well. The flux of organic carbon tothe sea-floor controls the sequence of degradationof organic matter in sediment and the positionof different redox fronts. The vertical foraminiferalstratification within sediment closelyparallels the distribution of oxygen and nitrate inporewater, and reflects different nutritive strategiesand adaptation to different types of organicmatter. The epifauna and shallow infauna colonizeoxygenated sediments where labile organicmatter is available. The intermediate infauna (M.barleeanum) is linked to the zone of nitrate reductionin sediments where epifaunal and shallowinfaunal species are not competitive anymore,and must feed on bacterial biomass or onmetabolizable nutritious particles produced bybacterial degradation of more refractory organicmatter. The deep infauna shows its maximumdistribution in anoxic sediments, where no easilymetabolizable organic matter is available.2008040176凯 尔 特 海 底 栖 有 孔 虫 的 分 布 - 海 水 季 节 性 分层 作 用 的 重 要 性 = The distribution of benthicforaminifera in the Celtic sea:the significance ofseasonal stratification. ( 英 文 ). Scott G A;Scourse J D; Austin W E N. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2003, 33(1): 32-61Seasonal stratification is an important phenomenonin tidally-stirred shelf seas, influencingbiological productivity, sedimentation rates, theorganic content of shelf sediments, and the climateof surrounding landmasses. Previous micropaleontologicaland stable isotopic investigationinvestigation of a Holocene sequence fromthe Celtic Sea suggests that benthic foraminiferaldistributions are linked to the physical and biologicaloceanographic characteristics associatedwith stratification. We have tested this hypothesisby analyzing the living and dead foraminiferalfaunas from surface samples collected duringacross-frontal cruises during the summers of1995 and 1996. Foraminiferal and environmentaldata for 56 samples are presented. Live and deadforaminiferal data were analyzed by factoranalysis and, along with the environmental data,canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Fourdistinct assemblages were identified from factoranalysis of the live data: (1) a frontal assemblagecharacterized by Stainforthia fusiformis, (2) amixed water assemblage characterized by Cibicideslobatulus, Textularia bockii, Spiroplectamminawrightii, Ammonia batavus and Quinqueloculinaseminulum, (3) a stratified assemblagecharacterized by Bulimina marginata,Hyalinea balthica, Adercotryma wrighti andNonionella turgida, and (4) an eastern assemblagedominated by Bulimina gibba, Elphidiumexcavatum and Eggerelloides scaber. Factoranalysis of the dead data reproduces all groupingsexcept the frontal assemblage. These datatherefore support interpretations based on earlierstratigraphic data, and highlight the significanceof benthic foraminifera as faunal indicators ofpaleostratification in shelf seas. The distributionsalso support predicted cross-frontal transfer ofnutrients and the existence of surface convergingcirculation cells. Statistical analyses indicate thesignificance of unmeasured ecological variableswhich we speculate might be food supply, andoxygen concentration of bottom and sedimentpore waters.2008040177苏 格 兰 西 部 大 陆 架 沉 降 区 的 有 孔 虫 组 合 的 形成 = Foraminiferal assemblage formation in depositionalsinks on the continental shelf west of55

Scotland. ( 英 文 ). Murray J W. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2003, 33(2): 101-121The continental shelf west of Scotland has aveneer of medium to coarse sands and bioclasticgravels resting on basement, but in enclosed depressions(called deeps) the sediments aremuddy. Sediment cores from two deeps havebeen studied: Muck Deep (170 and 218 m) andStanton Deep (167 m). The live and dead foraminiferalassemblages from these shelf deepsdiffer in several ways. The live forms are mainlyfree-living taxa concentrated in the surface 0.0 to0.5 or 1.0 cm sediment layer. The standing crophas a positive correlation with % Total organiccarbon (TOC) and wt. % sediment

adyana. The strong currents and tides of theAmazon shelf could cause large tests to movealong the seabed by bed-load transport processes.In living foraminifera, such tests may break andlater regenerate abnormally. Such occurrencesvary stratigraphically and geographically, demonstratinghydrodynamic variations in time andspace.2008040180伊 朗 中 部 Abadeh 地 区 Surmaq 组Yahtashian 阶 至 Midian 阶 蜓 类 的 古 生 物 地理 分 析 = Paleobiogeographic analysis ofYahtashian to Midian Fusulinacean faunas of theSurmaq Formation in the Abadeh region, CentralIran. ( 英 文 ). Kobayashi F; Ishii K-I. Journal ofForaminiferal Research, 2003, 33(2): 155-165 3图 版 .Fusulinaceans consisting of 56 species assignableto 30 genera are distinguished in the SurmaqFormation in the Abadeh region, centralIran. Based on the stratigraphic distribution offusulinaceans, the Surmaq Formation is divisibleinto six biostratigraphic zones from lower toupper: Darvasites ordinatus, Pseudofusulinaquasifusuliniformis, Eopolydiexodina percica,Afghanella schencki, Neoschwagerina occidentalis,and Chusenella abichi. Faunal compositionand comparison between the Abadeh region,South West Asian, and Mediterranean Sea regionsindicates that the first zone is Yahtashianin age, the second and third are definitely indeterminable,the fourth and fifth are Murgabian,and the last is Midian. Fusulinacean faunas ofthe Pseudofusulina quasifusuliniformis, Eopolydiexodinapersica, and Chusenella abichiZones are less diversified compared to the twointervening zones which have many neoschwagerinidsand verbeekinids. The Surmaq fusulinaceans,characterized by Eopolydiexodina andAfghanella, are one of the most widely representedMiddle Permian faunas in the South WestAsian and Mediterranean Sea regions, belongingto the western part of the Western Tethyan paleobiogeographicprovince. Murgabian andMidian faunas in this province differ from thoseof the eastern Tethyan Province in having onlyrare occurrences of Colania and Lepidolina, andfrom the Panthalassan Province in having Afghanellaand Sumatrina. Permian carbonatedeposition began in Yahtashian time throughoutthe Cimmerian terranes including the Abadehregion. Differences in fusulinacean faunal compositionand species diversity in the SurmaqFormation are closely associated with differencesin limestone lithologies. For example, theChusenella abichi Zone is present mostly inlime-mudstone and wackestone that are partlydolomitized. These paleobiogeographic andlithologic chararacters have implications for thenorthward movement of this tectonic provenance,for the rift-drift-collision history of the westernpart of the Cimmerian Continent, and also forthe evolution and extinction of fusulinaceans inPermian time.2008040181墨 西 哥 加 利 福 尼 亚 Baja 地 区 San antonio delmar 剖 面 Rosario 组 晚 白 垩 世 有 孔 虫 、 古 环境 和 古 海 洋 学 = Late Cretaceous foraminifera,paleoenvironments, and paleoceanography of theRosario Formation, San antonio del mar, bajacalifornia, Mexico. ( 英 文 ). Maestas Y; MacleodK G; Douglas R; Self-Trail J; Ward P D. Journalof Foraminiferal Research, 2003, 33(3): 179-191 3 图 版 .The 315m of Rosario Formation exposed atthe San Antonio del Mar (SADM) section (BajaCalifornia, Mexico) contains moderately-to-wellpreserved benthic and planktic foraminifera, calcareousnannofossils, and molluscs. Nannofossilssuggest most of the SADM section was depositedwithin a narrow interval of the late Campanian(CC21-CC22), whereas foraminifera andmolluscs suggest a younger maximum age(younger than the Globotruncana ventricosaZone) and allow deposition over a longer intervalof time. Planktic foraminifera at SADM representcommon Tethyan taxa. They are largelyrestricted to the lower and middle portions of thesection and comprise 0-~40% of foraminiferalassemblages. Stable isotopic analyses ofRugoglobigerina rugosa yield 18Ov-PDB valuesfrom –2.27 to –2.82 corresponding to salinitycorrectedpaleotemperature estimates of 26–30°C for the Late Cretaceous eastern Pacific.These estimates are as warm as modern tropicaltemperatures and are similar to tropical paleotemperatureestimates from 18O analyses of exceptionallypreserved Maastrichtian samples;however, they are considerably warmer thanmost tropical Campanian-Maastrichtian estimates.Benthic foraminifera indicate outer shelfpaleo-depths with a slight increase in depth ordecrease in benthic oxygen levels in the upperparts of the interval studied. The change in thebenthic assemblage corresponds to an ~1 positiveshift in benthic O18, suggesting a relationshipbetween benthic assemblages and an inferredincrease in the local intensity of upwelling.2008040182委 内 瑞 拉 Cariaco 盆 地 浮 游 有 孔 虫 变 迁 和 群落 组 成 的 季 节 性 和 年 内 变 化 = Seasonal andinterannual variations in planktonic foraminiferalflux and assemblage composition in theCariaco basin,Venezuela. ( 英 文 ). Tedesco K A;Thunell R C. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2003, 33(3): 192-21057

A three-year sediment trap experiment tostudy the production and flux of planktonic foraminiferawas conducted in the Cariaco Basin,Venezuela, between January, 1997, and December,1999. The results allow direct comparisonbetween planktonic foraminiferal flux and assemblagecomposition, and the climatology andhydrography of the region on seasonal and interannualtime scales. The Cariaco Basin is locatedon the northern continental shelf of Venezuela ina region characterized by intense upwelling dueto the seasonal migration of the Inter-TropicalConvergence Zone (ITCZ) and associated variationsin tradewind intensity. Hydrographic observationsindicate that coastal upwelling occursduring the late winter-spring at which time seasurface temperatures are lowest (~22°C) andprimary productivity is high. Immediately followingmaximum primary production the totalflux of planktonic foraminifera increases fromless than 100 shells m–2 day–1 to 4000–8000shells m–2 day–1. Approximately half of thetotal annual flux is produced during this period(February–May). Nine species, or varieties, ofplanktonic foraminifera constitute >85% of theassemblages: Orbulina universa, Globigerinoidesruber (pink and white varieties), Globigerinabulloides, Globigerina quinqueloba,Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, Globorotalia crassaformis,Globorotalia menardii, and Globigerinitaglutinata. These species are present yearround;however, their flux and contribution tothe population vary seasonally and interannually.The peak annual flux of all nine species occursduring spring upwelling. However, Globigerinabulloides is dominant during this period, withvalues reaching ~4000 shells m–2 d–1, or 50 to75% of the total flux during upwelling. Sea surfacetemperatures were estimated for both sedimenttrap and core-top assemblages using theModern Analog Technique (MAT) and comparedwith conductivity-temperature-depth(CTD) data to evaluate the accuracy of thismethod for reconstructing paleotemperatures inCariaco Basin. The assemblage temperature estimatesare within ~1–3°C of the measured temperatures.2008040183意 大 利 撒 丁 岛 Bathonian 地 区 Hormosinidae科 Lituolida 亚 科 的 一 新 属 新 种 Posadia feroniensis= Posadia feroniensis n. gen.,n.sp.(Lituolida,Hormosinidae)from the Bathonianof Sardinia, Italy. ( 英 文 ). Giusberti L; CoccioniR. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2003,33(3): 211-218 4 图 版 .Detailed stratigraphical and paleobiologicalstudies on the Mesozoic carbonate platform ofeastern Sardinia (Italy) revealed the occurrenceof an unknown foraminifer in the Bathonian(Middle Jurassic) Dorgali Dolostone croppingout in the Posada hill. Posadia feroniensis n.gen., n. sp., a new distinctive agglutinated foraminiferreferable to the family HormosinidaeHaeckel, 1894, is formally described and figured.Posadia is morphologically characterized by anuniserial, roughly finished test with inverted"V"-like chambers in longitudinal section.2008040184巴 勒 斯 坦 印 度 盆 地 苏 来 曼 山 脉 始 新 世 浮 游 有孔 虫 的 生 物 地 层 学 = Eocene planktic foraminiferalbiostratigraphy of the Sulaimanrange,Indus basin,Pakistan. ( 英 文 ). Warraich MY; Nishi H. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2003, 33(3): 219-236 2 图 版 .Paleocene and Eocene marine sequences distributedin Rakhi Nala and Zinda Pir Anticlineareas of the eastern part of the Sulaiman Rangein Pakistan record the geological history andtectonic events during the last stage of collisionbetween the Indian and Eurasian Plates and closureof the Tethyan Ocean. The Eocene sequencesconsist of siltstone and mudstone withsome limestone intercalations, and are dividedinto the Shaheed Ghat, Baska and Kirthar Formationsin ascending order. We studied the Eocenebiostratigraphy of planktic foraminifers inthis region to reveal the geological ages of theEocene strata based on (international) correlationwith standard tropical/subtropical zones. Theplanktic foraminiferal assemblages are composedof 78 species of 19 different genera, includingmany zonal markers of tropical to subtropicalregions. We identified 8 biostratigraphiczones, Zone P7, Acarinina pentacamerata PartialRange Zone, Planorotalites palmerae TotalRange Zone, A. soldadoensis Assemblage Zone,Zone P12, Zone P13, Orbulinoides beckmanni-Truncorotaloides rohri Interval Zone, and Truncorotaloidesrohri-Turborotalia cerroazulensiscunialensis Interval Zone in ascending order.These zones correspond to Zones P7 to P15 oftropical/subtropical schemes. However, the upperpart of Zone P10 to Zone P11 is not recognizedbecause of an interval that is barren ofplanktic foraminifers in the Baska Formation.The geological age of the Shaheed Ghat Formationis assigned to the Early Eocene throughearly Middle Eocene (Zones P7 to P10,52.3~45.8 Ma). The Baska Formation is apparentlyequivalent to Zone P10 (early Middle Eocene),although its direct age is uncertain as it isbarren of planktic foraminifers. The fossiliferousmicritic limestone forming the lowermost part ofthe Kirthar Formation yielded recrystallizedplanktic foraminifers and calcareous nannoplanktonindicating an early Middle Eocene agespanning calcareous nannoplankton Zones NP14to NP15 (48.5~43.4 Ma), while the upper part of58

the Kirthar Formation ranges in age from middleMiddle Eocene to early Late Eocene (Zones P12to P15, 43.6~35.2 Ma). Hence the strata of theKirthar Formation spans in age from early MiddleEocene through early Late Eocene based onrecognition of the planktic foraminiferal ZonesP10 to P15 (49~35.2 Ma).2008040185始 新 世 浮 游 有 孔 虫 Hantkenina 的 起 源 和 形 态学 = Origin and morphology of the Eoceneplanktonic foraminifer Hantkenina. ( 英 文 ). CoxallH K; Huber B T; Pearson P N. Journal ofForaminiferal Research, 2003, 33(3): 237-261 9图 版 .Study of the origin and early evolution of thetubulospine-bearing planktonic foraminiferalgenus Hantkenina reveals that it evolved graduallyfrom the clavate species Clavigerinella eocanicain the earliest middle Eocene and is unrelatedto the genus Pseudohastigerina.Clavigerinella eocanica and the lower middleEocene species Hantkenina nuttalli share manymorphologic features and show similar developmentalpatterns but differ significantly inthese aspects from P. micra. Rare, transitionalClavigerinella-Hantkenina forms from the Helvetikumsection of Austria bridge the gap betweenclavate and tubulospinose morphologies,providing direct, stratigraphically-ordered evidenceof the evolutionary transition betweenHantkenina and Clavigerinella. Clavigerinellidancestry is traced to a previously undescribedlow-trochospiral species, Parasubbotina eoclavasp. nov., at Ocean Drilling Program Site 865.We speculate that Hantkenina originated throughcompetition for limited food resources in a deep,oxygen-deficient habitat below the thermocline.The tubulospines may represent a structural adaptationto this new trophic strategy, allowingthe organism to harvest a greater volume of waterat minimal metabolic cost. The abrupt occurrenceof Hantkenina in pelagic sediment coresfrom the central Pacific and other regions of theworld ocean may represent immigration intothese areas following speciation within the hydrographicallyevolving Tethys Seaway. Alternatively,cladogenesis may have occurred over awider area, but due to a contemporaneous globalhiatus the fossil record of this bioevent is poorlypreserved.2008040186分 子 生 物 学 数 据 揭 示 的 有 孔 虫 Nummulitid科 的 平 行 演 化 = Molecular data reveal parallelevolution in Nummulitid foraminifera. ( 英 文 ).Holzmann M; Hohenegger J; Pawlowski J.Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2003, 33(4):277-284 1 图 版 .Nummulitidae are the largest extant calcareousForaminifera, and are widely distributed intropical and subtropical shallow-water seas.Classical morphology-based taxonomy dividesthe Nummulitidae in two subfamilies, the Nummulitinaeand Heterostegininae, according to thepresence or absence of secondary septa. To testthe evolutionary importance of this morphologicalfeature, phylogenetic relationships of fiveRecent nummulitid genera were investigated bysequencing fragments of the SSU and LSUrRNA gene. According to our results, speciescharacterized by septate chambers (Heterosteginadepressa, Planostegina operculinoides, andCycloclypeus carpenteri) either group with specieslacking septate chambers (Operculina ammonoides,Nummulites venosus) or branch separately.This suggests that chamber subdivisionsdeveloped several times independently in theevolutionary history of the Nummulitidae, providingan example of parallel evolution in Foraminifera.2008040187得 克 萨 斯 科 罗 拉 多 河 生 境 破 坏 的 有 孔 虫 响 应= Foraminiferal response to habitat disruption:Arroyo Colorado, Texas. ( 英 文 ). Buzas-Stephens P; Pessagno E A. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2003, 33(4): 294-308 1 图版 .In order to assess the possible effects of pollutantson foraminifera along the Texas GulfCoast, sediment cores were taken in four areasconsidered to be at risk: southern Laguna Madre,Nueces Bay, the Arroyo Colorado, and LagunaAtascosa. Geochemical analyses indicate that thesediments are relatively uncontaminated. Foraminiferalanalyses, however, reveal otherwiseundetected inconsistencies and changes withtime. First, though foraminiferal assemblages inthe surface sediments of Laguna Madre, NuecesBay, and Laguna Atascosa are typical, they areatypical in the Arroyo Colorado. In Texas estuarineenvironments, Ammonia often comprises alarge proportion of the assemblage. But in theArroyo Colorado, an estuarine river, the assemblageis almost all Elphidium to the exclusion ofAmmonia. A second observation is that downcorein the Arroyo Colorado cores, Ammoniabecomes abundant as numbers of El-phidiumdecrease. The assemblage at the base of the ArroyoColorado cores is thus more typical for theGulf Coast, while that in the surface sediments isnot. This down-core change in the foraminiferalassemblage is coincident with a change in sedimentgrain size, both most likely due to thedredging of the Harlingen ship channel in thelate 1940s. The reasons why Ammonia, an opportunisticgenus that thrives in a wide range ofenvironmental conditions, was unable to tolerate59

a habitat disturbance and is nearly absent in thesurface sediments of the Arroyo Colorado areunclear.2008040188墨 西 哥 加 利 福 尼 亚 海 湾 南 部 现 代 暖 水 和 亚 热带 浅 水 底 栖 有 孔 虫 = Modern warm-temperateand subtropical shallow-water benthic foraminiferaof the southern Gulf of California ,Mexico. ( 英 文 ). Halfar J; Ingle J C. Journal ofForaminiferal Research, 2003, 33(4): 309-329 3图 版 .The La Paz area of the southwestern Gulf ofCalifornia, Mexico, provides an ideal setting forstudying the distribution of Recent warmtemperateto subtropical littoral to inner neriticforaminiferal assemblages in a carbonatedominatedsetting. Four representative subenvironmentsincluding two pocket bays, a rhodolithdominatedcarbonate bioherm, and a mixed carbonate-siliciclastichigh-energy beach were selectedfor detailed foraminiferal analysis. Assemblagesof benthic foraminifera were comparedto bottom observations, time-series temperaturerecordings, and occurrences of othercarbonate-producing biota. Foraminifera are ofintermediate importance among carbonate producersin the La Paz environments, making up4% of the total calcareous biota. However, theyreach abundances of up to 27% in middle shelflocalities where species numbers are also highest.Miliolid foraminifera, dominated by the genusQuinqueloculina, are the most abundant groupand frequently comprise more than 60% of foraminiferalassemblages. Larger foraminiferainclude Peneroplis pertusus pertusus, P. pertususarietina, Amphisorus hemprichii, Gypsinavesicularis, and Sphaerogypsina globulus. Thedistribution of shallow-water assemblages in theLa Paz environments is largely controlled bysubstrate type. Q- and R-mode cluster analysesrevealed eight distinct foraminiferal biofaciesthat appear to be related to microlithofacies definedon the basis of biogenic components. Assemblagesinclude mixtures of tropical and temperatespecies as demonstrated by the abundanceof Peneroplis pertusus, Amphisorus hemprichii,and Quinqueloculina spp., which are representativeof tropical communities. In contrast, themost abundant species with temperate affinitiesinclude Buccella parkerae, Gavelinopsis sp.,Haplophragmoides sp., and Oolina melo. Applicationof the Murray model for distinguishingcool-temperate, warm-temperate, and subtropicalfaunas clearly points to the warm-temperate tosubtropical character of the foraminiferal assemblagesassociated with the carbonate factoriesand environments of the southern Gulf of California.2008040189大 洋 南 部 记 录 中 特 提 斯 洋 晚 白 垩 世 的 浮 游 有孔 虫 生 物 事 件 - 综 述 = Late Cretaceous planktonicforaminiferal bioevents in thetethys and inthe southern Ocean record: an overview. ( 英 文 ).Petrizzo M R. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2003, 33(4): 330-337 1 图 版 .The Late Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferaldistribution recorded at several drill sites (DeepSea Drilling Project and Ocean Drilling Program)in the South Atlantic and south Indian Oceanand from sediment outcrops in the Tethyan region(Gubbio and El Kef) have been analyzed inorder to investigate the presence of a similar sequenceof bioevents occurring at low, middle,and high latitude. Comparative analysis highlightsthe co-occurrence of several bioevents;some of them are isochronous bioevents occurringin the Tethys and in the Southern Oceanrecord, whereas others are diachronous acrosslatitudes but can be used for correlation at regionalscale, as they show the same stratigraphicdistribution in the South Atlantic and IndianOcean record. Isochronous bioevents are the firstand the last occurrence of Helvetoglobotruncanahelvetica, and the first appearance of Falsotruncanamaslakovae in the lower-middle Turonian.The first occurrence of Heterohelix papula in theSouthern Ocean sites, correlated with the firstoccurrence of large heterohelicids in the Tethyanarea, allows the Coniacian/Santonian boundaryto be identified. The most reliable bioevents usefulfor correlation at a regional scale in theSouthern Ocean record are the last occurrence ofthe marginotruncanids in the upper Santonian,the first and the last occurrence of Globigerinelloidesimpensus from the uppermost Santonianto upper Campanian, the first occurrence of Heterohelixrajagopalani in the middle-upper Campanian,and the appearance of Abathomphalusmayaroensis in the lower Maastrichtian.2008040190土 耳 其 南 部 Taurides 中 部 Aydincik 地 区 下 侏罗 统 碳 酸 盐 的 生 物 地 层 学 和 Lituolipora termieri(hottinger, 1967) 的 形 态 分 析 = Biostratigraphyof the Lower Jurassic carbonates fromthe aydincik area (central taurides, S. Turkey)and morphological analysis of Lituolipora termieri(Hottinger, 1967). ( 英 文 ). Kabal Y; TasliK. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2003,33(4): 338-351 5 图 版 .Benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of theLower Jurassic platform carbonate successionfrom the Aydincik area (Central Taurides,Southern Turkey) has been carried out. Threemain biozones comparable to those from theLower Jurassic of Morocco and Northern Italyhave been identified. The Lituosepta recoarensis60

Phylozone has a well-defined relative biostratigraphicposition as well as the overlying OrbitopsellaPhylozone, which is widespread all overthe southern Tethys platforms of the Lower Jurassic.The species Lituosepta compressa Hottingeris first recorded in this biozone, i.e., belowthe Orbitopsella Zone. The Lituolipora termieriInterval Zone defined by the disappearance ofthe genus Orbitopsella characterizes the upperpart of the Lower Jurassic sections. A genericrevision of the species Mayncina termieri Hottinger,afterwards attributed to the genus PaleomayncinaSeptfontaine, has been made. Thisspecies has a keriothecal wall, nearly plani- tostreptospirally coiled test, and an ontogeneticevolution of the aperture from basal-central tocribrate; it is considered herein as a junior synonymof Lituolipora polymorpha GuI and Veli. Itis proposed that the genus Lituolipora should beretained due to priority. The variability of thespecies Lituolipora termieri is also described.2008040191遗 漏 的 Rotalia beccarii var. tepida cushman1926 的 模 式 标 本 = The lost types of Rotaliabeccarii var. tepida cushman 1926. ( 英 文 ).Haayward B W; Buzas M A; Buzas-Stephens P;Holzmann M. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2003, 33(4): 352-354 1 图 版 .In 1926, Cushman described Rotalia beccariivar. tepida from San Juan Harbor, Puerto Rico.His publication illustrates a strew slide withmany individuals, and no holotype was designated.Consequently, over the years, researchershave assumed that no holotype exists. A searchof the Cushman Collection, however, discovereda slide labeled as holotype and it is so recordedin the Cushman Catalog of 1929. Here, thisspecimen is re-described and designated as alectotype. All nine of the other surviving syntypesfrom the original collection in San JuanHarbor, Puerto Rico, now become paralectotypes.Hopefully, the designation of formal types forAmmonia tepida (Cushman) will help stabilizethe taxonomy of this important species. Ourstudy shows that the lectotype is morphologicallydistinguishable from other Ammonia typesand that the distribution of Ammonia tepida isrestricted to tropical shallow-water environments.2008040192巴 勒 斯 坦 盐 岭 Punjab 地 区 新 的 古 新 世 的 圆 片虫 形 的 有 孔 虫 = New Paleocene orbitoidiformforaminifera from Trhe punjab saltrange,Pakistan. ( 英 文 ). Carles Ferràndez-Cañadell. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2002, 32(1): 1-21 8 图 版 .The orbitoidiform foraminifers from the Paleoceneof the Pakistan Salt Range, traditionallydesignated by "Orbitosiphon" or "Actinosiphon",include two different genera, both with a concave-convextest shape. The first of these ischaracterized by a typically orbitoidal growthwith lateral chamberlet layers on both sides ofthe equatorial layer, and corresponds to Lepidocyclina(Polylepidina) punjabensis Davies, thetype species of the genus Orbitosiphon Rao. Thesecond genus, named here Setia nov. gen., ischaracterized by orbitoidal chamberlet cyclesand differentiated dorsal and ventral sides, withlateral chamberlets on the dorsal side and a canalsystem resembling that of miogypsinids on theventral side. It includes two species, S. tibetica(Douvillé 1916) and a stratigraphically lower,structurally more simple new species, S. primitivasp. nov. Both genera are found in the top ofthe Hangu Formation, the Lockhart Limestones,and at the base of Patala Formation from the SaltRange "Laki Beds", which comprise the middleand upper parts of the Paleocene. The test of thenew genus Setia shows a new morphostructuraltype, resembling that of miogypsinids, but withorbitoidal growth. Both Setia and Orbitosiphonbecame extinct before the arrival of orthophragminids(Discocyclina and Orbitoclypeus) to thebasin (together with Nummulites, Assilina andAlveolina), and therefore are never found togetherwith the latter. The reports of orthophragminidsfrom the Lockhart Limestones andthe lower part of Patala Shales actually correspondto misidentified O. punjabensis or S. tibetica.On the other hand, the American Paleocenegenus Actinosiphon cannot be related toeither Orbitosiphon or Setia. Although it is similarto the former, it differs in several characters,such as the shape and arrangement of equatorialchamberlets and the stolon system.2008040193西 班 牙 伊 比 利 亚 山 脉 和 巴 斯 克 - 坎 塔 布 连 盆地 中 下 侏 罗 统 有 孔 虫 筛 选 性 埋 藏 过 程 = Taphonomicprocesses in selected lower and MiddleJurassic foraminifera from the Iberian rangeand Basque-Cantabrian basin (Spain). ( 英 文 ).Herrero C; Canales M L. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2002, 32(1): 22-42 6 图 版 .Lower and Middle Jurassic foraminifera fromthe Iberian and Basque-Cantabrian Basins exhibitdistinct features due to different biostratinomicand diagenetic processes. The mainmechanisms of taphonomic alteration identifiedin our material are bioerosion, abrasion, fragmentation,dissolution, sedimentary infilling,cementation, mineralization, recrystallizationsensu lato, pressure-dissolution processes, distortionand removal. Sample preparation preventsthe detection of mechanism such as reorientation,regrouping or geopetal infillings. Bioerosionis represented by rare and isolated holes.61

Pitted surfaces associated with wall pores are themost important corrasion features. Abrasionsigns such as polished longitudinal and suturalribs have been recognized. Fragmentation iscommon and it is controlled by the shape of thetest rather than by the shell size or thickness.Different types and patterns of dissolution havebeen detected. Micritic infillings have been observedin most of the specimens; nevertheless,sparitic and pyrite cementations are also abundant.Neomorphism includes features such asinversions and recrystallization; pyrite and possiblysilica replacements have been recognized.A great number of the specimens show calciticcrusts that obscure wall surfaces and may preventidentification. Mineralization is representedby sylvite crystals on the surface of some uppermostToarcian and Aalenian foraminiferalshells. Fossil diagenetic distortion is frequentand affects the specimens independently of theirmorphology. Signals of reworking ("resedimentation")are common in the specimens. Two directcriteria for the recognition of reworking("reelaboration") are shown for the first time onthe foraminiferal shells. More research must bedone to discern the history of the foraminiferalassemblages in order to achieve accurate biostratigraphical,paleoecological and paleobiogeographicalinterpretations.2008040194得 克 萨 斯 西 部 Albian 阶 上 部 新 发 现 的 底 栖 有孔 虫 类 = Upper Albian benthic foraminifersnew in west Texas. ( 英 文 ). Scott R W. Journalof Foraminiferal Research, 2002, 32(1): 43-50 2图 版 .Part of the Lower Cretaceous Gulf Coast carbonateplatform is exposed in west Texas andmapped as the Albian Devils River Formation.Two species of larger benthic foraminifers aredescribed for the first time from this unit thathave biostratigraphic utility. Paracoskinolinacoogani n. sp. was first noted in 1977 but notnamed as a new species. Streptalveolina mexicanaFour-cade, Tardy, and Vila is known fromMexican uppermost Albian/Lower Cenomanianstrata. The Texas occurrence supports the UpperAlbian age of these species. Both species areendemic to the Caribbean Province, but theyappear to be related to species in the MediterraneanProvince, consistent with the known paleogeographicconnections between the regions,although few benthic foraminiferal species areshared.2008040195新 属 Albertinopsis sp.nov. 及 Gavelinellidae科 和 Rosalinidae 科 关 系 的 研 究 = The genusAlbertinopsis, gen. nov. and the relations betweenGavelinellidae and Rosalinidae. ( 英 文 ).Revets S A. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2002, 32(1): 51-56 2 图 版 .A new genus, Albertinopsis is proposed to accommodatethe unusual species Discorbis norrisiMellon and Wall, 1956, originally describedfrom Albian deposits in Alberta, Canada. Thenew genus is classified in the Rosalinidae,thereby extending the fossil record of this familyinto the Albian. This extension further complicatesthe attempts to understand the origin anddiversification of the rotaliine foraminifera,which appears to have taken place in the LowerCretaceous.2008040196Conorbina brotzen, 1936 的 系 统 位 置 = Thesystematic position of Conorbina brotzen, 1936.( 英 文 ). Revets S A. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2002, 32(1): 57-60 1 图 版 .Study of the type material of Conorbina marginata,the type species of Conorbina, revealsthe presence of a small open umbilicus and ofumbilical folia associated with the aperture. Theobservation of these characters forces a reclassificationof the genus into the Rosalinidae and thelapse into synonymy of the family taxon Conorbinidae.The dissolution of the Conorbinidae andthe extension of the fossil record of theRosalinidae into the Lower Cretaceous furthercomplicates any attempt towards reconstructingthe phylogeny of the rotaline Foraminifera.2008040197Gavelinopsis Hofker, 1951 的 绕 旋 特 性 = Onthe rotaliine nature of Gavelinopsis Hofker, 1951.( 英 文 ). Revets S A. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2002, 32(1): 61-67 3 图 版 .The discovery of coverplates sealing off theumbilical parts of foramina in the type species ofGavelinopsis suggests a reclassification of thegenus from the Rosalinidae to the Ammoniinae.Inhomogeneities in the ultrastructure of thecoverplate raises doubts about the phylogenetichomology of this anatomical feature. The uncertaintyof the taxonomic value of this characterincreases the fragility of the suprageneric taxonomicframework of the Rotaliina.2008040198佛 罗 里 达 印 第 安 河 泻 湖 五 年 间 的 有 孔 虫 丰 度变 化 - 一 种 脉 动 模 式 研 究 = Foraminiferal densitiesover five years in the Indian river Lagoon,Florida: a model of pulsating patches. ( 英 文 ).Buzas M A; Hayek L-A C; Reed S A; Jett J A.Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2002, 32(1):68-92Densities of 5 taxa along with 7 environmentalvariables were measured monthly with 462

eplicates at each of 3 stations over a period of 5years. The 720 observations of density for eachtaxon were analyzed by General Linear Modelswith density as the dependent variable. Differencesamong stations, years, seasons and theirinteractions are all significant. When treated ascovariates environmental variables contributedlittle to explaining the observed variability indensities. However, the observed densities of thetaxa are highly correlated and when a singletaxon is treated as a covariate most of the variabilityin the density of a related taxon is explained.There are no significant differencesamong replicates (taken within a square meter)or their interactions. Consequently, the biotic orabiotic factor(s), although unknown, responsiblefor the simultaneous density variation of the taxaoperate on a relatively small spatial scale. Basedon these observations and previous studies, wepropose a model wherein individual foraminifersare spatially distributed as a heterogeneous continuumforming patches with different densitiesthat are only meters apart; reproduction is asynchronouscausing pulsating patches that vary inspace and time. Thus, we would expect significantdifferences among stations, years, seasonsand their interaction. At the same time, no longtermincrease or decrease in density for any ofthe taxa is observed. Evidently, long-term stabilityis achieved through considerable short-termvariability in space and time. Although observationsat a single station are not indicative of alarger area at any particular time, the concept ofpulsating patches indicates that observations at astation will in the long-term give an assessmentof a larger area.2008040199Floresina, 一 个 捕 食 、 寄 生 还 是 食 腐 的 属 ?= Floresina: a genus of predators, parasites orscavengers?. ( 英 文 ). Nielsen K S S; Collen J D;Ferland M A. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2002, 32(1): 93-95 1 图 版 .Hallock and Talge (1994) described a smallpredatory foraminifer Floresina amphiphagaattacking the larger foraminifer Amphisteginagibbosa. The attack by F. amphiphaga on A.gibbosa often resulted in the death of the latterand formed a characteristic trace on its test. Wereport a similar trace on the test of the planktonicforaminifer, Globorotalia menardii, from a samplefrom 175 m water depth, collected seawardof the barrier reef at Suva, Fiji, that may be theresult of Floresina attack. If this supposition iscorrect, it suggests that drilling is more widespreadin the genus that previously known; thatthe phenomenon may extend beyond allegedpredation or parasitism of living foraminifera toscavenging on dead foraminifera; and that foraminfer-foraminiferinteractions involving drillingmay be more widespread than previouslysuspected.2008040200土 麦 那 孟 买 国 家 野 生 动 植 物 保 护 地 沼 泽 有 孔虫 组 合 一 年 内 的 变 化 - 有 孔 虫 组 合 可 以 记 录环 境 变 化 吗 ? = Interannual variation of marshforaminiferal assemblages (Bombay hook nationalwildlife refuge,smyrna,de):do foraminiferalassemblages have memory?. ( 英 文 ). HippensteeS P; Martin R E; Nikitina D; Pizzuto J E.Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2002, 32(2):97-109Seasonal reproduction and preservation of foraminiferawere monitored for three years atBombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge(Smyrna, DE). Cluster analysis of "seasonallyartificially time-averaged" (SATA) assemblagesindicates that assemblages reflect the most recenttest inputs, and that test inputs record subtlevariations in porewater chemistry related to ratesof sulfate reduction, pyrite oxidation, and verticaldifferentiation of geochemical gradients.Changes in geochemical gradients are caused byinterannual variation of rainfall: more rainfalldamps pyrite oxidation and weakens geochemicalgradients, whereas less rainfall allows morepyrite oxidation and strengthens vertical gradients.Geochemical overprinting of assemblagesrelated to rainfall tended to occur during thesummer and early fall. Therefore, as assemblagespass into the historical layer, they mayhave a "memory" of the most recent test inputsand environmental conditions.2008040201哥 伦 比 亚 Saanich 入 口 除 基 于 有 孔 虫 参 数 研究 的 冰 后 期 古 海 洋 演 变 = Post-glacial paleoceanographichistory of Sanich inlet, British Columbia,based on foraminiferal proxy data. ( 英文 ). Patterson R T; Kumar A. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2002, 32(2): 110-125 2 图版 .Five benthic foraminiferal biofacies characterizethe late Pleistocene to Recent succession atODP Sites 1033B and 1034B (Leg 169S) inSaanich Inlet, southern Vancouver Island, BritishColumbia. These faunas document three distinctpaleoceanographic phases in the evolutionof this inlet. From the latest Pleistocene, ~14,000years BP, to the earliest Holocene, the distributionof benthic foraminifera (Cribroelphidiumexcavatum [Biofacies 5]), Islandiella norcrossi[Biofacies 4], and Nonionella stella [Biofacies 3])in Saanich Inlet was strongly controlled by theinfluence of cold, low-salinity waters associatedwith deglaciation. Early Holocene sediments arecharacterized by Stainforthia feylingi Biofacies 2.Despite a shallower sill depth at the entrance of63

Saanich than exists today sedimentological andforaminiferal evidence indicate that bottom waterswere oxygenated. The foraminiferal faunaindicates that oxygen levels varied from a minimumlow oxic (1.5–3 ml/l [67–133 µM]) levelearly on to suboxic (0.3–1.5 ml/l [13.3–67 µM])conditions up section where sediments becomeprogressively more laminated. During the earlyHolocene air temperatures in the region were upto 4°C warmer, and it was much drier than atpresent. The resultant reduced freshwater flowinto the southern Strait of Georgia was conduciveto the free exchange of Saanich Inlet bottomwaters with those of well-oxygenated Haro Strait.After 7000 years BP the climate in the regioncooled and, as the influence of freshwater fromStrait of Georgia increased, oxygenation ofSaanich bottom waters became a rare occurrence.Finely-laminated sediments characterized mid-Holocene to Recent sediments in the inlet reflectingthe development of full anoxic conditionsat depth. The Lobatula fletcheri–Buccellafrigida Biofacies 1 characterizing this interval isallochthonous and derived by down-slope transportfrom shallower, more oxygenated regions ofSaanich Inlet.2008040202墨 西 哥 的 Lepidorbitoides minima Douville-坎 佩 尼 阶 有 孔 虫 的 标 志 化 石 = Lepidorbitoidesminima Duville from Mexico, a foraminiferalindex fossil for the Campanian. ( 英 文 ). AguilarM; Bernaus J M; Caus E; Hottinger L. Journalof Foraminiferal Research, 2002, 32(2): 126-134 8 图 版 .Mexican topotypes of Lepidorbitoides minimaDouvillé, type species of the genus OrbitocyclinaVaughan 1929, exhibit an orbitoidiform architectureconditioned by an obliquelyovercrossedstolon system in only three stolonplanes in the medium layer of the shell and arisingfrom a single auxiliary chamberlet. This architectureis identical with the one observed inCampanian early species of the Tethyan genusLepidorbitoides.Orbitocyclina is therefore placed in synonymywith Lepidorbitoides Silvestri, 1907. This opensthe way for a transatlantic biozonation based onquantitative methods supported by evolutionarytheory using nepionic acceleration as a measurablefeature.2008040203西 班 牙 Cantabrian 带 中 Gzhelian 早 期 的 蜓类 的 特 征 和 古 地 理 亲 缘 性 = Characteristicsand paleogeographic affinities of the early Ghelianfusulinoideans from the Cntabrian Zone(NW Spain). ( 英 文 ). Villa E; Ueno K. Journal ofForaminiferal Research, 2002, 32(2): 135-154 5图 版 .This paper deals with the fusulinoidean faunasfrom several recently found Gzhelian localitiesof the Cantabrian Zone (Spain). All localitieshave strata belonging to the Puentellés Formation,a lithostratigraphic unit exposed in thenorthern part of the Picos de Europa Massifs.Three Ferganites species, including F. obesus sp.nov., and several others belonging to the generaRauserites, Tumefactus, Triticites? and Quasifusulinaare described. The three Ferganites speciesbelong to a single species group, which is sofar only known from the Carboniferous of theCantabrian Zone. A comparison of these Cantabrianassemblages with contemporaneous faunasfrom other Carboniferous areas of westernEurasia shows that forms such as Rauserites cf.R. rossicus and Quasifusulina aff. Q. longissimaultima are either identical or closely related tospecies that were probably widespread in thepaleo-equatorial part of Eurasia. Other elements(e.g., Ferganites ex gr. F. obesus, Tumefactus exgr. Tu. expressus, Triticites? aff. Tr.? gusanicus)had a much more restricted geographic distributionand occurred only in the western part of thePaleo-Tethys. The assemblages are thus correlatedwith the lower Gzhelian of the RussianPlatform. The fusulinoidean faunas studieddemonstrate that the westernmost part of thePaleo-Tethys was still characterized by marinedeposits in Gzhelian times. Apparently, the CantabrianZone had close affinities with the CarnicAlps and Central Asia and, like these areas, itwas part of the Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)Paleo-Tethyan province.2008040204阿 曼 东 部 Batain 平 原 中 二 叠 统 米 德 阶 的 有 孔虫 组 合 及 它 们 对 新 特 提 斯 洋 古 地 理 研 究 的 意义 = Middle Permian (Midian) foraminiferalassemblages from the Batain plain (EasternOman):their significance Neotethyan paleogeography.( 英 文 ). Vachard D; Hauser M; MartiniR; Zaninetti L; Matter A; Peters T. Journalof Foraminiferal Research, 2002, 32(2): 155-172 6 图 版 .Exceptionally rich Permian fusulinid assemblages,varying in age from Yakhtashian toDzhulfian, were found in reworked limestoneblocks from conglomerates of the Aseelah Unit,recently defined in the Batain Plain and datedpossibly as Upper Triassic. This paper only dealswith the Middle Permian, Midian (= Capitanian)microfaunas from the conglomerates. The AseelahUnit is found associated with the Triassic SalFormation, tectonically overlying the QarariUnit, and is dated as Middle to Late Permianbased on ammonoid assemblages and conodonts.64

The boulders of the Aseelah Unit are composedof exclusively Permian skeletal limestones in asandy matrix; the limestones were deposited on ashallow marine shelf environment from thesouthern Neotethys. The Qarari Unit is interpretedas a hemipelagic series deposited on thedistal slope of the Arabian carbonate platform.The Midian foraminifers from the Batain Plainare similar to some assemblages of Transcaucasia,of the Abadeh area (Iran), of SW Turkey(Taurus Mountains), and some, especially theNeoschwagerinidae, exhibit affinities with microfaunasof the eastern Tethys terranes of Japan.However, similar Neoschwagerinid assemblageswere not found in any significant area of theArabian Peninsula (Oman Mountains, Huqf-Haushi area, and Khuff area).2008040205Notodendrodes hyalinosphaira 的 系 统 发 生 分析 和 属 的 分 异 度 = Phylogenetic analysis andgenetic diversity of Notodendrodes hyalinosphaira.( 英 文 ). Pawlowski J; José Fahrni;Bowser S S. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2002, 32(2): 173-176Partial small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSUrDNA) sequence analysis was used to determinethe phylogenetic position and genetic diversityof the arborescent agglutinated foraminiferNotodendrodes hyalinosphaira. Our results showthat N. hyalinosphaira is closely related to N.antarctikos, a co-occurring arborescent species.In all phylogenetic analyses employed, both speciesbranched within a well-defined group. Nosequence variations were observed within eitherspecies. However, molecular examination ofdifferent infaunal "quartz sphere" morphotypesattributed to N. hyalinosphaira, among others,reveals the presence of two distinct genotypeswhich may represent as yet undescribed ancestorsof Notodendrodes.2008040206Notodendrodes hyalinosphaira sp. nov. - 一种 似 allogromiid 的 胶 结 有 孔 虫 的 结 构 和 个 体生 态 学 = Notodendrodes hyalinosphaira(sp.nov.): structure and autecology of an allogromiid-likeagglutinated foraminifer. ( 英 文 ).Delaca T E; Bernhard J M; Reilly A A; BowserS S. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2002,32(2): 177-187 4 图 版 .We describe Notodendrodes hyalinosphaira, alarge (up to 2.7cm long), facultatively arborescent,agglutinated foraminifer. The species occursabundantly, and apparently exclusively, inExplorers Cove, an embayment of westernMcMurdo Sound, Antarctica. The primary agglutinatedtest is an infaunal, unilocular spherecomprised of a single layer of principally quartzsand grains. Two secondary test features may beassociated with the quartz sphere: (1) a thickcover of fine detrital material and/or (2) one, orrarely two, daisy-shaped appendages extendinginto the water column. These secondary test featuresin Notodendrodes hyalinosphaira apparentlyreflect trophic plasticity, ranging from infaunaluptake of dissolved nutrients to suspensionfeeding. Particle analysis reveals distinctsize-class distributions for each test component,indicating a high degree of particle selection.The cell body (sarcode), which occupies approximatelyhalf of the quartz-sphere volume, isencased by a theca possessing a single aperture.Notodendrodes hyalinosphaira belongs to unilocularagglutinated foraminifera possessing certainstructural similarities with allogromiids.2008040207意 大 利 亚 平 宁 东 北 晚 始 新 世 浮 游 有 孔 虫 对Massignano GSSP 点 显 示 的 地 外 因 素 影 响 的反 映 = Late Eocene planktonic foraminiferalresponse to an extraterrestrial impact at massignanoGSSP(Northeastern Apennines, Italy). ( 英文 ). Spezzaferri S; Basso D; Coccioni R. Journalof Foraminiferal Research, 2002, 32(2):188-199The 4–8m segment of the Global StratotypeSection and Point (GSSP) for the Eocene-Oligocene boundary at Massignano contains awell studied and documented impactoclasticlayer with anomalous concentrations of extraterrestrialiridium, shocked quartz, Ni-rich spinels,impact spherules, and a prominent 3He anomaly.This layer, located at 5.65 m and dated at 35.7 ±0.4 Ma (Late Eocene), appears to be coeval withthe Chesapeake Bay or the Popigai impact structure.We have investigated planktonic foraminifersfrom this interval with the aim of assessingthe effects that the impact may have hadon the environment and this group of organisms.Interpretation of data suggests that the impacthad no abrupt, dramatic effects on planktonicforaminifers. However, since it occurred in astressed environment characterized by gradualand progressive cooling, it enhanced climaticdeterioration and variations in water mass structure.The cooling produced shallowing of thethermocline depth and drastic reduction in abundanceof shallow- and warm-water species. Theshort-term warming episode in the lower part ofZone P16 between 5.8m and 5.9m may be due toa short-term-impact-induced greenhouse episodeand seems to be global in extent. Finally, therelatively long duration of the environmentalperturbation that followed the impact event,which culminated with the Early Oligocenesharp temperature drop, suggests that a feedbackmechanism sustained the initial impact-inducedchanges.65

2008040208大 堡 礁 区 域 绿 岛 礁 的 底 栖 有 孔 虫Calcarinidae 科 = Benthic foraminifera of thefamily Calcarinidae from Green Island reef,greatbarrier reef province. ( 英 文 ). Lobegeier M K.Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2002, 32(3):201-216 2 图 版 .The genera of calcarinids Calcarina andBaculogypsina are the dominant foraminifera inthe surface sediment of Green Island Reef of theGreat Barrier Reef Province, northeastern Australia.Two species of Calcarina are recognized:C. spengleri (Gmelin) and C. mayori Cushman.Both species are common and widely distributedon the Great Barrier Reef and in the Indo-Pacificregion but have been much confused in the literature.They are re-evaluated in this contribution.Hansen (1980) described and illustrated aneo-type of C. spengleri which is different inappearance to the lecto-type illustration ofGmelin, 1791. The neotype is inseparable fromC. hispida Brady, 1884 and therefore the namespengleri has priority over hispida. Calcarinaspengleri (Gmelin) is the dominant species atGreen Island and is common in shallow water onthe reef flat. Calcarina mayori Cushman, asmaller less hispid species, is subordinate to C.spengleri and dominates in deeper water off thereef flat. This species has commonly been reportedas C. spengleri or C. hispida. The monotypicgenus Baculogypsina, represented byBaculogypsina sphaerulata Parker & Jones, doesnot dominate in any region but is a shallow waterhigh-energy species on Green Island Reef.These species are common and abundant epiphyteson a variety of reef top macroalgae, especiallythe reef-rim restricted algal turf. Due totheir preference for shallow water, high-energyenvironments most calcarinid specimens sufferappreciable test surface degradation soon afterdeath due to physical abrasion, breakage andbioerosion. Four taphonomic groups characterizedby the preservation of Calcarina specimensare identified by cluster analysis of samples.Samples of groups 1 and 4, in which most Calcarinaspecimens are broken and abraded, characterizethe reef flat where sediment reworkingby biological agencies involving callianassidshrimp and endolith activity are dominant, aswell as physical processes of degradation. Group2 samples are composed primarily of Calcarinaspines and occur in the leeward shoals. Sedimentgrains in this area have a long surface residencetime and are little affected by waves and currentagitation. Spines are considered to represent themost resistant of Calcarina fragments. Group 3samples contain the best preserved Calcarina atGreen Island Reef and are located in the windwardshoals. A high production rate applies inthis zone but the tests have suffered significantimpact damage indicating that physical processesdominate degradation. Group 4 samplestypify shallow water samples close to the reefflat where physical energy plays a significantrole in these areas and therefore has a high degreeof abrasion and breakage. The distributionof all three calcarinid species is limited to thewestern Indo-Pacific. Despite the occurrence ofC. spengleri around India, these calcarinids areotherwise absent from the Indian Ocean and alsoabsent east of 170°W. They are shallow watertropical species and are particularly abundant oncoral reef flats.2008040209冰 岛 北 部 陆 架 和 斜 坡 上 底 栖 有 孔 虫 的 现 代 分布 = Modern distribution of benthic foraminiferaon the north icelandic shelf and slope. ( 英 文 ).Rytter F; Knudsen K L; Seidenkrantz M S;Eiríksson J. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2002, 32(3): 217-244Forty-six surface samples from the north Icelandicshelf and slope were analyzed with respectto both living (stained) and total (living/stained+ dead/unstained) benthic foraminiferalfaunas. Near-coastal samples are stronglydominated by species indicating a high-energyenvironment, among these various species of thegenus Cibicides. Nonionellina labradorica,which has a strong affinity to areas of high surfaceprimary production, is constrained to oceanicboundaries on the outer shelf. Faunistically,the area is further divided into eastern and westernparts, the submarine Kolbeinsey Ridge forminga barrier. Calcareous species, particularlyMelonis barleeanus, prevail in the western part,while the assemblages in the eastern part arestrongly dominated by agglutinated foraminifera.Principal Component Analyses (PCA) help distinguishfour main components of both the total(living + dead) assemblage (TA) and the totalliving assemblage (TLA), as well as of the total(living + dead) calcareous assemblage (CA) andthe living calcareous assemblage (CLA). Thecomponents of the TA and TLA are similar, themajor differences being controlled by speciesdependentvariables such as adaptability tochanges in food supply and, in the eastern part ofthe area, depth of microhabitat and possibly alimited primary production. The PCA analysesof the calcareous species alone (CA and CLA)define components with significant differencesin the foraminiferal population. The calcareousdistribution in particular is important in applicationof modern distribution patterns to paleoceanographicaland paleoclimatological reconstructionsin areas where post-mortem disintegrationof the agglutinated fauna may have occurred.66

2008040210浮 游 有 孔 虫 个 体 大 小 分 化 对 极 区 北 冰 洋 冰 期- 间 冰 期 古 海 洋 学 研 究 的 意 义 = Implicationsof planktic foraminiferal size fractions for theglacial-interglacial paleoceanography of the polarnorth Atlantic. ( 英 文 ). Kandiano E S; BauchH A. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2002,32(3): 245-251Foraminiferal abundances derived from differentmesh-size fractions were investigatedfrom the polar North Atlantic for the time intervalof the later part of marine oxygen isotope(MIS) 8 into early MIS 7 and the last 30 cal. kain order to select the most representative fractionfor paleoceanographic applications. The recordscover the time interval with quite different glacial-interglacialclimatic conditions. Whereas theinterval of MIS 8–7 represents "intermediate"glacial-interglacial conditions, the younger coresection characterizes more extreme climaticconditions consisting of the rather cold last glacialmaximum (LGM) and the very warmerHolocene. The records from MIS 8 to 7 showthat the larger size fractions (125–250 µm, >150µm) reveal almost monospecific assemblages ofthe polar species Neogloboquadrina pachyderma(s), indicating a prevalence of cold polar-likesurface water conditions during this time. Bycontrast, the smaller size fractions (100–150 µm,80–150 µm) exhibit considerable increase of thesubpolar species Turborotalita quinqueloba,which is representative of inflow of Atlantic waterinto the polar North Atlantic. In these smallerfractions, the two species show a strong negativecorrelation with respect to changes in glacialinterglacialconditions. Although T. quinquelobayielded sufficiently high numbers of total specimensin the two smallest fractions, which makesthis species useful for interpreting temporal watermass alterations, the relative abundancechanges in the 80–150 µm are twice as large asin the 100–150 µm fraction. Size fraction faunalanalysis covering the last 30 cal. ka revealedoccurrences of small-sized T. quinqueloba (80–150 µm) in the LGM interval, indicating seasonallyopen water conditions during this time. Thisfinding demonstrates the advantage of employingsmall-sized fractions for paleoceanographicreconstructions of periods when relatively coldconditions prevailed in the Nordic seas.2008040211喀 拉 海 南 部 一 个 具 河 流 影 响 的 极 区 海 相 环 境的 底 栖 有 孔 虫 组 合 = Benthic foraminiferal assemblagesfrom the Southern Kara sea, a riverinfluencedarctic marine environment. ( 英 文 ).Polyak L; Korsun S; Febo L A; Stanovoy V;Khusid T; Hald M; Paulsen B E; Lubinski D J.Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2002, 32(3):252-273 2 图 版 .Calcareous foraminifers and hydrographicparameters in 113 bottom samples from thesouthern Kara Sea were examined to improvethe usage of foraminifers as paleoenvironmentalproxies for river-dominated high-latitude continentalshelves. Foraminiferal taxa form a successionfrom near-estuarine to distal open-sea locations,characterized by a gradual increase in salinities.Foraminiferal assemblages are discriminatedinto three groups: river-proximal, -intermediate, and -distal. This succession appearsto be controlled by a combination of feedingconditions and bottom salinities, and are relatedto riverine fluxes of freshwater, organicmatter, and sediments. Morphological and behavioraladaptations of foraminifers to specificenvironments are discussed.2008040212太 平 洋 西 南 上 新 世 晚 期 至 中 新 世 中 期 深 海 底栖 有 孔 虫 的 灭 绝 (Stilostomella 灭 绝 ) = LatePliocene to Middle Pleistocene extinctions ofdeep-sea benthic foraminifera("stilostomellaextinction")in the southwest Pacific. ( 英 文 ).Hayward B W. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2002, 32(3): 274-307 3 图 版 .The last major turnover in deep-sea benthicforaminifera (the Stilostomella extinction) isdocumented in detail in six DSDP and ODP sitesaround New Zealand, South-west Pacific. Thiswas the final phase in the progressive decline ofelongate, cylindrical taxa (mostly stilostomellids,pleurostomellids and uniserial nodosariids),which reached their greatest relative abundancein the late Eocene, and exhibited major declinesduring periods of global cooling around the Eocene-Oligoceneboundary, in late middle Miocene,and through the late Pliocene to middlePleistocene. The Stilostomella extinction includesthe extinction of all elongate species withcribrate (Chrysalogonium, Cribronodosaria), slitlunate, hooded with two teeth (Pleurostomellidae),or secondarily toothed, necked (Stilostomellidae)apertures. Elongate and uniserialbenthic foraminifera are separated into: an ExtinctionGroup (53 taxa, including several elongateagglutinated and uvigerine forms, that becameextinct in the South-west Pacific during thelate Pliocene-middle Pleistocene); a Die-backGroup (8 species that dramatically declined inabundance but survived to the Recent); and aSurvivor Group (88 mostly rare species of uniserialnodosariids with little recognised decline). Inthe South-west Pacific, the absolute abundanceof the Extinction and Die-back groups began todecline in the late Pliocene. The decline becamemore dramatic during the late early and middlePleistocene (1.2–0.7 Ma). The rate of decline67

was pulsed, with major declines usually associatedwith the onset of cold intervals, and partialrecoveries in intervening warm intervals. Thepulses varied in timing between sites. The highestoccurrences (HOs or local disappearances) ofindividual Extinction Group species are variableand mostly diachronous between sites. Therewas a progressively increasing overall rate oflocal disappearances per time through the latePliocene (onset of northern hemisphere glaciation)to the middle Pleistocene climatic revolution,with the peak period of local disappearances(mostly 0.9–0.7 Ma) up to 0.5 Ma earlierat deeper and cooler water locations. The youngestoccurrence of any member of the ExtinctionGroup (Stilostomella extinction datum) is remarkablyconsistent in all sites (0.65–0.57 Ma).The timing of these abundance declines, highestoccurrences (or withdrawals) and extinctionswas essentially the same as in the Atlantic Ocean.The precise mechanistic cause of the Stilostomellaextinction (cooling, increased oxygenationof bottom waters, food supply changes)is yet to be resolved. This study reveals a muchlarger extinction of taxa than previously recorded(middle Pleistocene extinction rate of23% of the bathyal-upper abyssal fauna/myr).Becoming extinct, or virtually so, during thisperiod were at least two families (Stilostomellidae,Pleurostomellidae), one subfamily (Plectofrondiculariinae),at least 17 genera (Awhea,Chrysalogonium, Cribronodosaria, Ellipsoglandulina,Ellipsopleurostomella, Ellipsopolymorphina,Haeuslerella, Mucronina, Myllostomella,Nodosarella, Orthomorphina, Parafrondicularia,Pleurostomella, ?Rectuvigerina, Siphonodosaria,Stilostomella, Strictocostella) and 53 species.Their taxonomy is reviewed, revealing manysynonymies, often going back to Schwager’s(1866) pioneering study of Pliocene deep-seaforaminifera of Car Nicobar, Indian Ocean. Arevised generic subdivision of the Stilostomellidaeis proposed based primarily on aperturalfeatures, and Myllostomella n.gen. described.2008040213有 孔 虫 Cornuspiroides 的 演 化 和 两 极 分 布 -利 用 形 态 学 特 征 和 简 约 性 理 论 来 推 断 系 统 发生 = Evolutin and bipolar distribution of Cornuspiroides(foraminifera): phylogenetic inferenceusing morphological characters and parsimony.( 英 文 ). Gudmundsson G. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2002, 32(3): 308-318 3 图版 .The evolutionary relationship of three speciesbelonging to the genus Cornuspiroides is inferredusing four species of Cornuspira and themonotypic genus Cornuspirella as an outgroup.All known morphological features of the test arecoded as independent characters (synapomorphies)and their evolutionary relationship is inferredusing parsimony. The genus Cornuspiroidesappears as a monophyletic group on theresulting evolutionary trees, although evidentialsupport is weak (54%). The species Cornuspiroidesstriolatus and Cornuspiroides rotundusare endemics of the shallow and cold waters ofthe Arctic and the Antarctic seas, respectively.These two endemic species are found to share animmediate common ancestry, although supportis low (61%). The closest relative of the two polarspecies is inferred to be the little known Cornuspiroidesprofundum, which has been foundliving in the cold and shallow waters of the Arcticand also the temperate waters of the NorthAtlantic. Limitations of available data precludeC. profundum from being designated as theiractual ancestor. The current classificatory groupsof Cornuspiroidinae, Cornuspira, and Cornuspirinaeappear as artificial paraphyletic groupson the inferred tree and have no significant evidentialsupport of characters.2008040214利 用 有 孔 虫 的 同 位 素 参 数 对 上 部 水 团 的 分 层研 究 = A foraminiferal isotopic proxy for upperwater mass stratification. ( 英 文 ). Pak D K; KennettJ P. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2002, 32(3): 319-327Modern oceanographic investigations showthat surface ocean warming is associated withincreased thickness of the mixed layer, deepeningof the thermocline, and reduction of upwellingstrength. These changes can profoundly affectsurface ocean biological productivity. Proxiesto measure past changes in upper water massstructure and stability are often poorly constrained.Stable oxygen isotope studies of planktonicforaminifera collected in sediment traps inSanta Barbara Basin, Southern California, demonstratethat the 18O difference (18O) betweenG. bulloides and N. pachyderma (d.) closelymonitors changes in the depth of the thermoclineand related thickness and stability of the mixedlayer. This proxy can be employed in investigationsof past changes in sea surface temperature,upwelling and thermocline strength on the Californiamargin, an area of great sensitivity toglobal change.2008040215根 据 ssu rRNA 基 因 序 列 推 断 出 的Allogromiid 有 孔 虫 的 系 统 发 生 = Phylogenyof Allogromiid foraminifera inferred from ssurRNA gene sequences. ( 英 文 ). Pawlowski J;Holzmann M; Berney C; Fahrni J; Cedhagen T;Bowser S S. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2002, 32(4): 334-34368

Allogromiids are classically defined as agroup of monothalamous, soft-walled foraminiferans.Recent morphological, cytological, andmolecular studies, however, challenge this view,showing that the soft-walled allogromiids areclosely related to naked athalamids and unilocularagglutinated foraminiferans. To establish thephylogenetic relationships among these threegroups we obtained partial small-subunit ribosomalDNA sequences of 50 species and undeterminedmorphotypes, and compared them toother foraminiferal taxa. Phylogenetic analysesof our data show that allogromiids, athalamidsand astrorhizids comprise an assemblage of 13lineages branching together at the base of theforaminiferal tree. Among these lineages, twoare represented by a single species and fourcomprise similar genera, while the remainingseven are heterogeneous groups composed ofseveral species having different types of wallstructure and different test morphologies. Alllineages are relatively well supported, yet therelationships among them are not resolved. Inview of our data, we propose to revise the definitionof allogromiids to include all naked and testateunilocular granuloreticuloseans that divergedearly in the evolution of Foraminifera.2008040216日 内 瓦 湖 淡 水 有 孔 虫 类 的 过 去 和 现 在 =Freshwater foraminiferans from Lake Geneva:past and present. ( 英 文 ). Holzmann M; PawlowskiJ. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2002, 32(4): 344-350 1 图 版 .Allogromiid foraminiferans are distributedover a wide range of marine habitats, but someare also reported from freshwater environments.Most of these descriptions date back to the 19thcentury. Among them, five species of freshwaterforaminiferans have been described and redescribedfrom Lake Geneva by the Swiss protozoologistEugène Penard. The different foraminiferalspecies were classified by Penard inthe genus Gromia, which at that time includedboth, filosean and granuloreticulosan species andwere later grouped by De Saedeleer in two allogromiidgenera, Allelogromia and Diplogromia.We collected several sediment samplesfrom Lake Geneva and from two other bodiesof freshwater in Switzerland and investigatedthem subsequently under a stereomicroscope.None of the forms described by Penard wereobserved. On the other hand, we have obtainedforaminiferal DNA sequences from DNA extractsof the same sediment samples. Phylogeneticanalysis of these sequences shows that theybranch with a clade of saccamminid foraminiferans,represented by the genera Ovammina andCribrothalammina. This is in agreement with theobserved morphological similarity betweenPenard’s species and the marine saccamminidsused in our study. The possibility that our sequencesbelong to some undetermined nakedforaminiferans, however, cannot be excludedand the molecular identification of the speciesdescribed by Penard must await the confirmationby sequencing DNA of isolated specimens.2008040217瑞 典 西 海 岸 一 个 大 的 单 房 室 有 孔 虫 新 属 新 种Toxisarcon synsuicidica = Toxisarcon synsuicidican. gen., n. sp., a large monothalamousforaminiferan from the west coast of Sweden.( 英 文 ). Cedhagen T; Pawlowski J. Journal ofForaminiferal Research, 2002, 32(4): 351-357 3图 版 .A new foraminiferan, Toxisarcon synsuicidican. gen., n. sp., is reported from clay bottoms ofKosterfjorden (Sweden). The species is characterizedby a large irregular cell body covered byan organic lining to which foreign particles areattached. It resembles an irregular clump of detritusor sediment aggregation and it can thereforeeasily be overlooked. Marine biologists whohave worked intensively with benthic fauna inthe area have never observed it despite the factthat it is quite common. The peculiar feature ofthe new species is its capacity to stock toxicproducts that can be harmful to itself if accidentallyreleased.2008040218英 国 苏 格 兰 西 海 岸 Linnhe 海 湾 新 种Toxisarcon alba 的 系 统 学 和 生 态 学 = Taxonomyand ecology of Toxisarcon alba, sp. nov.from loch Linnhe, west coast of Scotland, UK.( 英 文 ). Wilding T A. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2002, 32(4): 358-363 2 图 版 .Toxisarcon alba n. sp., is a giant, naked marineforaminiferan recorded at two locations onthe west coast of Scotland, UK. Individuals werefound buried or semi-buried in well-oxygenatedsilty sand at 10 to 30m water depth. A distinctive,slightly raised mound of 18–40mm diameter,through which there were many perforations,indicated the presence of an individual on theseabed. Partial removal of the overlying sedimentrevealed the naked opaque, white, stickycell body. Toxisarcon alba exists in three distinctforms. In the most commonly occurringform (and the only form observed in the field),the central portion of the cytoplasm extends peripherallyinto numerous large cytoplasmic extensionsand reticulopodia (branched form). Inaquaria, some individuals transformed into aconsolidated form (spheroid form) by retractingmost or all of the reticulopods resulting in a cellwith a very well defined edge. On four occasionsa third very diffuse form, resembling a fungal69

mycelium, was observed where reticulopodiawere spread over the sediment surface. The closestrelated species, based on analysis of ribosomalDNA sequences, is the newly describedToxisarcon synsuicidica.2008040219南 极 洲 Explorer Cove 的 一 个 似 Allogromiid的 胶 结 有 孔 虫 Astrammina triangularis (Earland)的 结 构 、 系 统 分 类 位 置 和 生 态 = Structure,taxonomy and ecology of Astrammina triangularis(Earland), an allogromiid-like agglutinatedforaminifer from Explorers Cove, Antarctica.( 英 文 ). Bowser S S; Bernhard J M. Journalof Foraminiferal Research, 2002, 32(4): 364-374 6 图 版 .Astrorhiza triangularis (Earland) is transferredto the genus Astrammina based on structuraland molecular analyses of abundant materialcollected from Explorers Cove, McMurdoSound, Antarctica. This large, unilocular agglutinatedspecies was previously known from only14 specimens collected on the Atlantic side ofthe Antarctic continent. It resembles Astramminarara in possessing an allogromiid-like sarcode(cell body) and laminated theca surrounded by alarge intratest space. Astrammina triangularismakes an important contribution to foraminiferalbiomass in Explorers Cove. Live specimens areorientated upright in the sediment and, in laboratoryexperiments, feed on algal and metazoanprey.20080402203 个 现 代 Allogromiid 有 孔 虫 的 个 体 和 细 胞 体超 微 结 构 比 较 — 高 压 凝 结 和 冻 结 置 换 的 应 用= Comparison of test and cell body ultrastructurein three modern allogromiid foraminifera: applicationof high pressure freezing and freeze substitution.( 英 文 ). Goldstein S T; Richardson E A.Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2002, 32(4):375-383 4 图 版 .Three modern representatives from the OrderAllogromiida sensu lato (Myxotheca sp., Cribrothalamminaalba, and Hyperammina sp.)were prepared for ultra-structural observationsusing high pressure freezing followed by freezesubstitution, methods that greatly improve thequality of fixation of both the cell body ofsmaller Foraminifera and the test. The three taxaexamined illustrate three different types of testconstruction. Myxotheca sp. has an organic testcharacterized by a distinct herringbone pattern, afeature found in several other monothalamousForaminifera. Cribrothalammina alba, alongwith several other saccammininds, has a flexibletest that is in contact with the cell body andconsists of a finely fibrous IOL (inner organiclining) and prominent agglutinated layer.Though Hyperammina sp. also has an IOL andprominent agglutinated layer, the IOL consists ofa thin band of crescent-shaped fibers and thusdiffers from that found in C. alba and similarsaccamminids. Such ultrastructural differencesmay reflect differences in the mode of growth ofthese two taxa: C. alba grows by expanding itssingle-chambered test whereas Hyperamminagrows by lengthening a conical test. Foraminiferalsystematics has been based almost exclusivelyon test composition and structure. Identifyingthe general themes of test fine structureand construction in the otherwise morphologicallysimple allogromiids should contribute to abetter understanding of systematic relationshipswithin the group.2008040221有 机 质 壁 有 孔 虫 Allogromiids 在 海 洋 环 境 中的 产 出 、 分 异 度 和 生 态 = Organic-walled Allogromiids:aspects of their occurrence, diversityand ecology in marine habitats. ( 英 文 ). GoodayA J. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2002,32(4): 384-399 2 图 版 .Foraminifera with an organic, or predominantlyorganic, test wall (‘allogromiids’ in thetraditional sense) are an important, diverse butoften overlooked component of marine benthiccommunities. This paper reviews some of thescattered literature on these protists. They varyfrom 90%. In contrast, organic-walledallogromiids and other monothalamous formsare usually relatively uncommon in dysoxic settings.Experimental and field studies support the70

idea that, in a general sense, allogromiids areless tolerant of oxygen depletion than the calcareoustaxa that usually dominate foraminiferalfaunas in low-oxygen habitats. Organic-walledallogromiids occupy a variety of microhabitats.Intertidal and sublittoral species have been describedfrom the sheltered interiors of emptypolychaete tubes and large foraminiferal tests.Some species are associated with the sedimentwaterinterface while others occur at differentdepths within the sediment. Very elongate,thread-like morphotypes often live several centimetersbelow the sediment surface in bathyaland abyssal settings. The ecological role of organic-walledallogromiids is poorly known. Ingeneral, they seem to be less responsive to inputsof fresh organic matter than calcareous foraminifera.Indirect evidence suggests that manydeep-sea species, particularly forms with twoterminal apertures, consume bacteria.2008040222西 欧 亚 大 陆 极 区 陆 架 有 孔 虫 组 合 中 的Allogromiids = Allogromiids in foraminiferalassemblages on the western Eurasian arctic shelf.( 英 文 ). Sergei Korsun. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2002, 32(4): 400-413Allogromiids sensu lato, including the ordersAllogromiida and Astrorhizida, are a commonlyignored group of marine benthos. Allogromiidstanding crop was examined in 121 sedimentsamples from the Barents and Kara seas. In 44 ofthese samples, foraminiferal biomass was determinedby calculation of cytoplasmic volume.Foraminiferal standing crop is dominated bysmall allogromiids in two types of stressed marginalenvironments—river-influenced shallowsand glacially fed fjords. Allogromiid frequencyalso increases in oligotrophic depressions of theopen shelf. Large astrorhizids such as Rhabdamminaabyssorum, Pelosina variabilis andHyperammina subnodosa, being common onfine-grained sediments which dominate the shelf,constitute biomasses of ca 3 mg/10cm3, exceedingby an order of magnitude the biomass of allother foraminifera combined. Foraminiferalbiomass values are comparable to those of macrofaunain shelf depressions distant from land,thus suggesting that, at least in food-deficientareas, the allogromiid foraminifera are a keygroup in benthic energy flux.2008040223沉 积 物 和 有 孔 虫 的 相 互 作 用 - 食 物 降 解 和 生物 扰 动 过 程 = Sediment interactions of foraminifera:implications for food degradationand bioturbation processes. ( 英 文 ). Onno Groß.Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2002, 32(4):414-424 4 图 版 .Despite their small size, foraminifera oftenreach high standing stocks and play a significantrole in structuring the top layers of the sediment.However, the behavioral and ecological interactionsof foraminifera with the surrounding sedimentshave been rarely investigated. In order tostudy these poorly known aspects of foraminiferalecology, living foraminifera from bathyaland shallower water depths were successfullymaintained in microcosms and their relationshipwith the sediment was investigated. Sedimentinteractionsof foraminifera take part mainly as aresult of 1) locomotion, 2) deposit feeding withingestion and egestion within different sedimentlayers, thus causing constant bioturbation, and 3)the use of particles for the formation of cysts forfeeding, reproduction, chamber building or protection.Movement by foraminifera results in theventilation of the sea floor as demonstrated bythe active and passive transport of luminescentparticles. From the experiment conducted, a highmixing rate (Db 0.2cm 2/day) for the foraminiferalassemblage was calculated. Thus, benthicforaminifera contribute significantly to the bioturbationof surface sediments. These observationsare discussed in relation to microhabitatsand the fate of organic matter at and below thesediment-water interface.2008040224网 足 虫 有 孔 虫 的 自 动 重 组 = Autonomous reorganizationof foraminiferan Reticulopodia. ( 英文 ). Travis J L; Welnhofer E A. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2002, 32(4): 425-433 2 图版 .Reticulopodia, the diagnostic cytoplasmicappendage of the foraminifera, are complex networksof branched and anastomosed pseudopodia.The instantaneous patterns of these networksare highly variable and are remodeled almostcontinuously. Real-time light microscopic observationsdemonstrate that these morphogeneticprocesses occur autonomously throughout theentire networks, even at their farthest reacheswhich may be located at great distances from thecell body. Portions of reticulopodia severed fromthe cell body undergo autonomous and stereotypedmorphological rearrangements to formsatellites, which are a relatively large cytoplasmicmass located centrally within a radiatingpseudopodial network. Pseudopodial movementsand structural rearrangements are active energyrequiringprocesses that depend on intracellularfactors such as the formation and reorganizationof microtubule cytoskeletal elements. Here weshow that that reticulopodia consistently assumea spiral shape when placed on a cationic substrate,indicating that the pseudopodial pattern isalso influenced by environmental factors such asinteractions with the substratum. Our studies71

suggest that reticulopodia are self-organizing,and that their instantaneous reticular form is anemergent property continuously recalculatedfrom real-time processing of myriad physiologicaland environmental imputs. Reticulopodialform at any point or region appears to be thesummed behavioral response to these parameters.Our studies indicate that reticulopodial morphologyand behavior can be modified by environmentalstimuli, like substratum adhesivity, andsuggest that processes, such as shell patterning,that depend on pseudopodia could also be modifiedby environmental factors.2008040225有 孔 虫 七 个 种 中 的 伪 足 细 胞 器 官 移 动 的 温 度依 赖 性 和 它 的 相 关 结 果 = Temperature dependenceof pseudopodial organelle transport inseven species of foraminifera and its functionalconsequences. ( 英 文 ). Cedhagen T; FrimansonH. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2002,32(4): 434-439 1 图 版 .The rate of transportation of granules (mitochondria)within the pseudopodia was studied inseven sublittoral foraminiferan species from thewest coast of Sweden: Astrorhiza limicola, Cornuspirafoliacea, Crithionina granum, Globipelorhizasublittoralis, Phainogullmia aurata,Quinqueloculina seminulum and Technitellalegumen. The average organelle velocity wasfound to increase with temperature in all species.Five of these species showed a similar increaseof velocity (about 2–4 µm/s at 2°C, to about 6–8µm/s at 17°C). The velocity of Quinqueloculinaseminulum, however, increased far more than theothers at high temperatures (9–12 µm/s at 17°C),while the velocity of the komokiacean Globipelorhizasublittoralis was far less than all othersat all temperatures (about 2 µm/s at 2°C to 4µm/s at 13°C). The increased pseudopodial organellevelocity is interpreted to reflect an increasedmetabolism and consequently an increaseddemand for the exchange of oxygen,waste products, and material through the pseudopodialmembrane. The much branched granuloreticulosepseudo-podial network increases therespiratory surface many-fold. We suggest thatthis is a factor allowing the extreme increase incell size in foraminiferans.2008040226Reticulopodia— 根 据 结 构 和 行 为 基 础 探 讨 粒网 状 原 生 动 物 属 级 以 上 的 分 类 位 置 = Reticulopodia:structural and behavioral basis for thesuprageneric placement of granuloreticulosanprotists. ( 英 文 ). Bowser S S; Travis J L. Journalof Foraminiferal Research, 2002, 32(4): 440-447 3 图 版 .A complex array of branching and anastomosinggranular pseudopodia (reticulopodia) isthought to be a primary feature of the protistanphylum Granuloreticulosa. This essay summarizesthe results of detailed structural and behavioralanalyses of reticulopodia from representativespecies of "naked," "soft-shelled," andunilocular agglutinated Foraminifera. Promiscuousplasma membrane fusion, experimentallydemonstrated here for the first time, togetherwith the presence of tubulin polymorphs and aunique class of ellipsoid vesicles, form a suite ofphenotypic characters that further define the supragenericstatus of these protists. A theoreticalframework for exploring the evolution of reticulopodiais also presented.2008040227澳 大 利 亚 昆 士 兰 州 Moreton 岛 西 海 岸 远 岸 大型 有 孔 虫 Discobotellina biperforata 的 空 间 分布 = Spatial distribution of the large foraminiferanDiscobotellina biperforata, off the westshore of Moreton Island, Queensland, Australia.( 英 文 ). Souter P B; Cedhagen T. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2002, 32(4): 448-452 1 图版 .A hierarchical sampling study of the distributionof the large foraminiferan Discobotellinabiperforata (Collins, 1958) was conducted alongthe west shore of Moreton Island, at Shark Spitand Tangalooma, in Moreton Bay, Queensland,between March and June 1995. D. biperforata isdisc-shaped, with a test made up of organic matter,reinforced with sand grains. The species exhibitsdifferent test morphologies, the mostabundant type being the biperforate which hastwo holes, or lunules, through its test. A lesscommon type is the non-lunulate form, and themultiperforate and crescent-shaped types are rare.Possible abundance-substratum correlationswere studied and the results indicated that D.biperforata is strongly correlated to a band ofsiltier and more organic-rich sediment found atthe bottom of sand slopes running off MoretonIsland. There was a significant difference inabundance between Tangalooma, where themean abundance was 11.11 individuals persquare meter (SD = 3.63) and Shark Spit, whereit was found to be 7.73 individuals per squaremeter (SD = 3.06). No patchiness was apparentwithin the areas of siltier and organic-rich sediments.There was no significant difference in theratio between the different forms within the areassampled, but a size difference was apparentbetween locations, with larger specimens foundat Tangalooma. The mean size of the specimensfound was 27.7 mm in diameter. D. biperforatais the most abundant macrofaunal species in thearea studied.72

2008040228现 生 ( 染 色 的 ) 底 栖 有 孔 虫 对 瑞 典 西 海 岸Gullmar 海 湾 最 深 部 分 水 体 原 始 生 产 力 和 水文 状 况 的 的 响 应 以 及 和 Hoglund(1927) 材料 的 对 比 研 究 = Living (stained) benthic foraminiferalresponse to primary production andhydrography in the deepest part of the gullmarfjord, Swedish west coast, with comparisons toHoglund's 1927 material. ( 英 文 ). Gustafsson M;Nordberg K. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2001, 31(1): 2-11 1 图 版 .Living (stained) benthic foraminifera werestudied in the deepest part (116 m) of the classicalmarine study area, the Gullmar Fjord on theSwedish west coast. This is a silled fjord with astrongly stratified water column where stagnantconditions temporarily develop in the deeperparts. The aim of this study is to determine howthe living foraminiferal assemblage developswith seasonal variations in bottom water hydrographyand primary production in the surfacewater. From August 1993 to December 1994,monthly hydrographic and oxygen measurementswere made. Parallel undisturbed sedimentcores were taken using a Multiple-corer. Foraminiferafrom the >63 µm fraction werestained with Rose Bengal to separate living fromdead specimens. Monthly values of the surfacewater chlorophyll a content were also availableand give a measure of the primary production.During spring 1994 the dominant foraminiferalspecies, Stainforthia fusiformis, multiplied itspopulation size by seven times during one monthas a consequence of food input from the springphytoplankton bloom. The abundance of thisspecies correlates positively with the surfacewater chlorophyll a content. Populations of severalother species also increased during thespring of 1994. A deep-water inflow in February1994 may have triggered reproduction of severalforaminiferal species, recognized as a temporarypopulation decline. We also compared our resultswith Höglund’s (1947) foraminiferal study,performed in the same area in the summer of1927. We found that a major alteration trendingtowards a more opportunistic low oxygen tolerantfauna has occurred since then.2008040229英 国 南 部 潮 间 带 现 生 有 孔 虫 垂 直 分 布 的 短 期变 化 = Temporal variability in vertical distributionsof live(stained) intertidal foraminifera,southern England. ( 英 文 ). Alve E; Murray J W.Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2001, 31(1):12-24 2 图 版 .The temporal variability (over 27 months) inabundance, depth of life in the sediment, andspecies diversity of hard-shelled, live (stained)foraminifera in an intertidal area has been determined.Throughout the investigation period,the same three species (Haynesina germanica,Ammonia beccarii (tepida), Elphidium excavatum)were dominant at the two investigated stations,the maximum abundance of all species(dominant and subsidiary) was in the surface0.25cm, and there was a general lack of seasonalchange in the vertical distribution of the foraminifera.Seasonality does not seem to be acontrolling factor for the vertical distribution ofindividuals in this area and none of the foraminiferashowed high subsurface abundances.Because of the difference in depth position ofthe redox boundary within the sediment (often1cm) and the maximum abundance of individuals(surface 0.25cm) the former cannot be themain factor limiting their vertical distribution ofabundance. The generally high dominance ofindividuals in the surface few millimeters isprobably related to the presence there of microalgalfood and limited burrowing activity of thesparse macrofauna. Subsidiary species colonizedthe area ephemerally, thus the number of speciesrecorded varied from one season to another. Theminimum and maximum number of speciesfound at any single sampling event were 5 and22, whereas the cumulative number of stainedspecies found throughout the investigation periodwas 35 (plus at least three soft-shelledforms). Species diversity is one of the principalunivariate methods used to assess both naturalvariability and possible human impacts. Thelarge natural seasonal variability demonstratedhere suggests that caution should be taken inassessing the significance of diversity changeswhen based on occasional sampling only.2008040230四 个 浮 游 有 孔 虫 种 反 映 的 晚 第 四 纪 北 大 西 洋古 海 洋 学 和 稳 定 同 位 素 变 化 特 征 = Late Quaternarynorth Atlantic paleoceanographic recordsand stable isotopic variability in four planktonicforaminiferal species. ( 英 文 ). Bäckström D L;Kuijpers A. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2001, 31(1): 25-32The distribution of planktonic foraminiferalspecies in two cores, ENAM 30 and ENAM 94-13, taken within the framework of the EuropeanNorth Atlantic Margin (ENAM) project fromwater depths of around 1200 m, south-west ofthe Faeroe Islands, were investigated. The oxygenisotope record of the polar Neogloboquadrinapachyderma sinistral includes OxygenIsotope Stages (OIS) 4 to OIS 1 in core ENAM30, whereas that of core ENAM 94-13 precedesthe OIS 6/7 boundary. The age of the sedimentsis based on AMS 14C measurements. The micropaleontologicalrecord suggests much morevariable hydrographic conditions during OIS 773

to OIS 3, compared to the more stable OIS 2 andOIS 1. Trends of dramatic warming through glacial-interglacialboundaries are followed by ageneral trend of decreasing temperatures towardsthe end of interglacial stages. This implies thatcolder episodes could also develop in the nearfuture of the Holocene at a sub-Milankovitchtime scale, after the end of the recent warmingphase. The oxygen and carbon isotopic signal ofthe sub-polar species N. pachyderma dextral,Turborotalita quinqueloba and Globigerina bulloides,from deglacial, interglacial and interstadialsediments, were analyzed for comparisonwith the signal of N. pachyderma sinistral. Ourinvestigation shows that the low relative abundanceof the polar morphotype of N. pachydermain sediments from warmer climates can yieldan isotopic signal that does not correspond to theprevailing climatic conditions of the area at thetime slice studied, probably for not being themost representative species of the sample. Thisfact is further supported by the older AMS 14Cage of N. pachyderma, compared to the ages ofthe sub-polar species from the same level. Thesignals of the three sub-polar species, on theother hand, show a more coherent trend in theintervals investigated and may reflect better theactual environmental conditions. Warm climaticepisodes within Oxygen Isotope Stage 6, indicatedby the high relative abundance of subpolarspecies, were not apparent in the oxygenisotope record of N. pachyderma sinistral, whilethe lower values of the isotopic records of thesub-polar species accurately reflect these warmerintervals.2008040231西 西 里 岛 西 北 三 叠 系 Lercara 组 中 发 现 的 早二 叠 世 Artinskian 最 早 期 再 沉 积 的 蜓 类 =Earliest Artinskian (early Permian)fusulinidsreworked in the Triassic Lercara formation (NWSicily). ( 英 文 ). Vachard D; Martini R. Journalof Foraminiferal Research, 2001, 31(1): 33-47 5图 版 .The Permian limestone boulders reworked inthe Triassic Lercara Formation (NW Sicily) containcarbonate microfossils consisting of algae,smaller foraminifers and fusulinids. The followingfusulinids are described: Quasifusulina ultimaKanmera, Robustoschwagerina cf. R. schellwieni(Hanzawa), Chalaroschwagerina (?) globosa(Schellwien). The group of Chalaroschwagerina(?) vulgaris (Schellwien) is emended.Based on this fusulinid assemblage, the limestoneboulders of Lercara are age-dated as earlyYakhtashian; i.e., earliest Artinskian (circa –280to –275 Ma). Therefore at least two distinct olistostromesare present in Sicily: the post-Yakhtashian olistostrome studied here, and thesecond one post-Dorashamian in age. Similarassemblages do not occur in adjacent Europeanareas (Camic Alps, Montenegro or Greece), butthey have been recorded in Darvas (North Pamir)and Japan, revealing constant paleoecologicalconditions throughout the Paleotethys.2008040232红 海 中 部 深 水 相 底 栖 有 孔 虫 = Deep-sea benthicforaminifera from the central Red Sea. ( 英文 ). Edelman-Furstenberg Y; Scherbacher M.Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2001, 31(1):48-59The distribution of living (Rose Bengalstained),dead and fossil benthic foraminiferawas investigated in six short cores (multicores,30–32 cm total length) recovered from the centralRed Sea. The ecological preferences as wellas the relationship between the live anddead/fossil assemblages (preserved down-core)were examined. The sites, located along a W-Eprofile and between the depth of 366 and 1782 m,extend from the center of the oxygen minimumzone (OMZ, ~200–650 m), through its margin at~600 m, and down to the well-aerated deepwaterenvironment. Live (Rose-Bengal stained)and coexisting dead foraminifera were studied inthe upper 5cm of each of the sites, and the fossilrecord was studied down to ~32 cm. Q-modePrincipal Component Analysis was used andfour distinct foraminiferal fossil assemblageswere determined. These assemblages follow differentwater mass properties. In the center of theOMZ, where the organic carbon content is highestand the oxygen concentration is lowest (0.5ml O2/1), the Bolivina persiensis-Bulimina marginata-Discorbinellarhodiensis assemblagedominates. The slightly more aerated and lowerorganic-carbon-content seafloor, at the margin ofthe OMZ, is characterized by the Neouvigerinaporrecta-Gyroidinoides cf. G. soldanii assemblage.The transitional environment, between900–1200m, with its well-aerated and oligotrophicseafloor, is dominated by the Neouvigerinaampullacea-Cibicides mabahethi assemblage.The deeper water (>1500m), characterized bythe most oxygenated and oligotrophic seafloorconditions, is associated with the Astrononion sp.A-Hanzawaia sp. A assemblage. Throughout theRed Sea extremely high values of temperatureand salinity are constant below ~200m depth,but the flux of organic matter to the sea floorvaries considerably with bathymetry and appearsto be the main controlling factor governing thedistribution pattern of the benthic foraminifera.Comparison between live and the dead/fossilassemblages reveals a large difference betweenthe two. Processes that may control this differenceinclude species-specific high turnover rates,and preferential predation and loss of fragile taxa(either by chemical or microbial processes). Sig-74

nificant variations in the degree of loss of theorganic-cemented agglutinants were observeddown core. This group is preserved down to 5–10 cm at the shallow OMZ sites and down togreater depths at well-aerated and oligotrophicsites. The lower rate of disintegration of theseforms, in the deeper locations of the Red Sea,may be related to low microbial activity. Thisresults in the preservation of increasing numbersof organic-cemented shells down-core.2008040233关 于 底 栖 有 孔 虫 生 物 量 与 有 机 炭 通 量 的 关 系= On the coherence of organic carbon flux andbenthic forminiferal biomass. ( 英 文 ). AltenbachA V; Struck U. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2001, 31(2): 79-85Benthic foraminiferal biomass values from theliterature are compared with annual flux rates oforganic carbon to the sea floor. A data set of 212locations is compiled from 2m to 9300m waterdepth, covering the Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, andPacific Oceans. Annual flux rates nearly cover 3orders of magnitude (0.3g to >100g Corg m–2),and foraminiferal biomass covers more than 5orders of magnitude (0.01 mg to >4g Corg m–2).In shallow waters no coherence is observed dueto randomly distributed biomass values spanning4 orders of magnitude. Flux rates and biomassvalues are correlated (r = 0.7, p < 0.001) at waterdepth below 1000m, but within a broad range ofvariability (about factor 4 from the regressionline). Annual fluctuations of foraminiferal biomassvalues are reported by several authorswithin a factor of 5 to more than 10, corroboratingthese ranges of variability as natural. In addition,broad deviations were observed to resultfrom methodological errors or spatial gradients.In the deep sea, annual flux rates of organic carbonrange from 0.3 to 5g m–2. The gradient inmean foraminiferal biomass (Corg) is steeper,decreasing from 0.002 to 0.3g m–2. A decreaseof annual flux rates by a factor of about 10 producesa decrease in mean foraminiferal biomassby a factor of more than 100. As a result, thepotential nutritional supply per biomass unit orindividual is gradually improved by up to a factorof 10 for most oligotrophic environments.This may be considered an adaptation to loweredefficiency of food gathering and increasingamounts of biodegraded matter. From the calculationspresented, an annual turnover of foraminiferalbiomass can be estimated within 1 to2 years.2008040234底 栖 有 孔 虫 和 孔 隙 水 氧 含 量 -- 西 伊 比 利 亚 边缘 种 的 边 界 条 件 的 重 新 审 视 = Benthic foraminiferaand pore-water oxygen profiles: a reassessmentof species boundary conditions at thewestern Iberian Margin. ( 英 文 ). Joachim Schönfeld.Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2001,31(2): 86-107The depth distribution of living (Rose Bengalstained)benthic foraminifera in near-surfacesediments was analyzed along 4 short cores fromthe western Iberian Margin and Gulf of Cadiz atwater depths from 800 to 1920 m. Pore-wateroxygen, Chloroplastic Pigment Equivalent(CPE), and total organic carbon (Corg) concentrationswere measured in the same or adjacentcores. These values were used to constrain thelimiting oxygen and nutrient levels that definedthe ranges in sediment depth and abundancemaxima of foraminiferal species. The populationdensity showed a good correlation with porewateroxygenation indicating that oxygen is alimiting factor for endobenthic foraminiferalassemblages at mid-depths between 800 and1200m. At the deep-water site, however, thefauna appeared nutrient limited. More than halfof the benthic species occupied extended sedimentdepth habitats and a wide range of oxygenlevels among the sites studied. Thirty-nine of103 species occurred in two or more cores andshowed distinct abundance maxima, 36 in theuppermost 2.0 cm where the CPE concentrationswere high. Living foraminifers were not found atdepths where the CPE-values were lower than0.1 µg/g. This level indicates trophic conditionscritical for the survival of endobenthic species.The frequency distribution of the lower oxygenrange limits of all species showed maxima at thehigh oxic/low oxic (3 ml/l), low oxic/suboxic(1.5 ml/l), and suboxic/dysoxic (0.3 ml/l)boundaries and thus depicted the ecological significanceof these previously recognized ecolimits.Only 30 % of the species display consistentpatterns in relation to pore water oxygen. Dysoxicindicators were Globobulimina affinis,Chilostomella ovoidea and Bathysiphon capillare.Many species previously designated assuboxic indicators were ubiquitous or preferredmicrohabitats at oxic levels. Boundary conditionsfor the dysoxic indicator G. affinis werepelagic flux rates higher than 3.5g C m–2 yr–1, ahabitat depth below the homogeneously bioturbatedlayer in areas outside of high productivityzones, and CPE concentrations of 0.1 to 1.0,preferentially 0.7 to 0.8 µg/g. The distributionpattern suggested that G. affinis thrives mainlyon dysoxic bacteria and actively seeks this nutrientresource.2008040235加 拿 大 马 尼 托 巴 Winnipegosis 湖 北 部 非 海 相有 孔 虫 Cribroelphidium gunteri 的 发 现 =Non-marine occurrence of the foraminifer Cribroelphidiumgunteri in northern lake Winnipegosis,Manitoba, Canada. ( 英 文 ). Boudreau R E;75

Patterson R T. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2001, 31(2): 108-119 1 图 版 .Analysis of sediment samples from the sediment-waterinterface of Point River Bay, northernLake Winnipegosis, a very large lake in centralManitoba, indicates that Cribroelphidiumgunteri, a coastal marine foraminifer, is livingand has adapted to this northern lake environmentin salinities as low as 1–2. In Point RiverBay, summer water temperatures reach 15.6°C,marginally above the minimum 14.5°C requiredfor reproduction by C. gunteri. This benthic foraminifercolonized saline parts of the lake duringthe warm Holocene Hypsithermal (6000–3500 years BP), probably by avian transport.Previous analysis of stratigraphic data suggestedthat C. gunteri had died out in this area as conditionsbecame cooler. This hypothesis had beencorroborated by the post-Hypsithermal retreat ofthe marine range of C. gunteri from the Maritimesof Atlantic Canada to the south of CapeCod, MA. Although recent colonization of thelake cannot be precluded, marine source populationsof C. gunteri are now quite distant, makingthe only viable colonization mode, avian transport,very difficult. The adaptation of the mid-Holocene populations of this species to the progressivelycolder post Hypsithermal climate andoften to extremely low salinity values in LakeWinnipegosis is remarkable. The great abundanceof C. gunteri in sediments of Lake Winnipegosis,in some areas making up most of thesediment, also raises potential concerns aboutthe interpretation of supposed marine sectionsbased exclusively on the presence of foraminifera.2008040236中 新 世 具 极 端 种 内 变 异 的 微 孔 浮 游 有 孔 虫 新属 种 Mutabella mirabilis = Mutabella mirabilisgen. et sp. nov.,a Miocene microperforate planktonicforaminifer with an extreme level of intraspecificvariability. ( 英 文 ). Pearson P N; NorrisR D. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2001, 31(2): 120-132 5 图 版 .We describe Mutabella mirabilis, a new genusand species of Miocene microperforate planktonicforaminifera. The species is known fromseveral drill sites in the tropical Pacific, Indianand Atlantic Oceans (Deep Sea Drilling Project /Ocean Drilling Program Sites 78, 219, 865, 871,872, 873, 959, and 960). The taxon shows anunusually high level of intraspecific variabilityin chamber shape and arrangement, aperture position,and test ornament. Some specimens possesssupplementary sutural apertures, which mayhave bulla-like coverings. Others possess a compositetooth-plate reminiscent of certain Cretaceousspecies. Mutabella mirabilis first evolvedin early Miocene Biochron M3, and probablybecame extinct in middle Miocene Biochron M7.A morphometric study from Site 872 (west Pacific)demonstrates that substantial shape changeoccurred during its evolution, related to theheight of the trochospiral chamber arrangementand degree of involution of the test. A stableisotopic comparison with other coexisting speciesindicates that M. mirabilis occupied a shallow(mixed layer) planktonic habitat. A strongpositive correlation between test size and 13Cindicates that it probably associated with photosyntheticsymbionts. Mutabella mirabilis seemsto have evolved from the long-ranging speciesGlobigerinita glutinata, with which it fullyintergrades in morphology near the bottom of itsstratigraphic range.2008040237巴 西 Araruanma 地 区 一 个 超 盐 泻 湖 的 有 孔 虫组 合 = Foraminiferal assemblages in a hypersalinelagoon, Araruama (r.j.)Brazil. ( 英 文 ). DebenayJ-P; Geslin E. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2001, 31(2): 133-151 1 图 版 .Foraminiferal assemblages were studied in 93samples collected in the lagoon of Araruama andin the adjacent area. The lagoon of Araruama isone of the largest hypersaline lagoons in theworld, with a salinity range of 52–65 . Historicalreports show that the lagoon has been hypersalinesince at least the 16th century. Foraminiferalassemblages are dominated by miliolids,mainly Triloculina oblonga, and rotaliids, withAmmonia tepida and the less abundant Cribroelphidiumexcavatum var. selseyense. Textulariidsare almost absent. This assemblage is similar tothose usually reported from hypersaline lagoonswith sandy carbonate-rich sediments and fromsalt marshes. A high proportion of aberrant testswas observed. Anthropogenic stresses do notseem to be responsible for these morphologicalabnormalities, which are attributed to high salinityconditions and to changes of salinity. However,the higher proportion of Ammonia tepida inthe more impacted northern part of the lagoon isprobably due to human impact.2008040238Pararotalia cananeiaensis(n. sp.) 对 巴 西 的 海滨 和 近 海 环 境 的 海 洋 影 响 和 水 循 环 研 究 的 意义 = Pararotalia cananeiaensis n. sp.: indicatorof marine influence and water circulation in braziliancoastal and paralic environments. ( 英 文 ).Debenay J-P; Duleba W. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2001, 31(2): 152-163 1 图 版 .Pararotalia cananeiaensis, a new rotaliidspecies from modern shelf sediments of southernBrazil is described. This small species is wellrepresentedalong the southern coast of Brazil. Itwas recorded for the first time in the laguno-76

estuarine complex of Cananéia-Iguape in 1995.It had never been reported before, probably becauseit was confused with juveniles of Ammonia.Its distribution has been studied in Braziliancoastal and paralic environments from Cabo Frio(Rio de Janeiro state) near latitude 22°50'S, toFlorianopolis (Santa Catarina state) near latitude27°35'S. Very small tests of Pararotaliacananeiaensis are easily suspended in Brazilianhigh energy coastal environments and are transportedinward by tidal currents. Their presencein the sedimentary record can be used to gaugethe extent of the effects of this transport mechanismin the estuaries of southern Brazil.2008040239西 班 牙 石 炭 纪 浅 水 浊 积 岩 沉 积 下 蜓 类Ferganites 的 聚 集 = Accumulations of Ferganites(Fusulinacea) in shallow turbidite depositsfrom the Carboniferous of Spain. ( 英 文 ). Villa E;Bahamonde J R. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2001, 31(3): 173-190As occurs commonly in upper Kasimovianand lower Gzhelian strata from several parts ofEurasia, the lower part of the Puentellés Formation(Cantabrian Zone, NW Spain) contains highconcentrations of reworked Ferganites tests. Noother large fusulinacean taxa are recorded inthese beds, which are interpreted as shallow turbiditedeposits derived from flood-dominatedfan-delta and river-delta systems. These alluvialto shelfal lobes developed in a tectonically activesetting and were located in the proximal sectorsof a marine carbonate ramp, with hyposalinewater conditions. In contrast, the upper memberof the Puentellés Formation contains more variedfusulinacean assemblages, including Ferganitesand other large fusulinaceans. This upperpart is characterized by diverse biota, skeletalwackestone deposits with abundant boundstoneintervals (algal bafflestones and mud mounds),and represents the gradual backstepping fromdetrital lobes and re-establishment of normalmarine conditions, lacking clastic influx fromthe hinterland. The Ferganites species occurringin the lower member seem to have lived in nearshore,high-energy environments in which theirdurable morphology was advantageous. Theseforms seemingly were well adapted to relativelylow salinity conditions, which otherwise greatlyrestricted faunal diversity.Four Ferganites forms from the lower memberof the Puentellés Formation (including a newspecies, Ferganites martinezi) are described.2008040240西 澳 大 利 亚 沿 着 温 度 梯 度 带 的 表 栖 有 孔 虫 =Epiphytic foraminifera along a climatic gradient,western Australia. ( 英 文 ). Semeniuk T A. Journalof Foraminiferal Research, 2001, 31(3):191-200 1 图 版 .The presence of Posidonia australis seagrasshabitat along 1000km of the Western Australiancoast provides an opportunity to study variationin epiphytic foraminiferal populations along aclimatic gradient. Epiphytic foraminifera werecollected in summer and winter from three nearshoreshallow-water sites, which span a north-tosouthgradient in climate from subtropical semiaridto subtropical humid. Living epiphytic assemblagesat each geographic site are distinct.Warmer water assemblages are characterized byPeneroplis spp. Vertebralina, Amphisorus andMarginopora, whereas Lamellodiscorbis andRosalina spp characterize cooler water assemblages.The differences in assemblage compositionpartly reflect a north-to-south change inabundance of species related to climate, but alsoreflect local factors. Trends related to the climaticgradient include a decrease in miliolid andbuliminid specimens and taxa, as well as a decreasein species with tropical affinity fromnorth-to-south. Seasonal sampling at each geographicsite also shows a decrease in miliolidand buliminid specimens and taxa, as well as adecrease in species with tropical affinity betweensummer and winter. This suggests thatboth regional and seasonal differences in epiphyticforaminiferal populations reflect a spatialvs. temporal response to change in sea temperature.Porcellaneous taxa are particularly sensitiveto both regional and seasonal changes in seatemperature and appear to be good indicators ofclimatic setting. Using selected and critical speciesof foraminifera, it is possible to divide thesubtropical region of Western Australia, traditionallyviewed as a single biogeographic province,into at least two sub-climatic regions. Suchrefinement would be useful for interpreting paleoclimaticand paleoenvironmental settings offossil assemblages.2008040241大 西 洋 佛 得 角 高 原 Syringammina corbiculasp. nov. (Xenophyophorea) = Syringamminacorbicula sp. nov. (Xenophyophorea) from theCape Verde plateau, e. Atlantic. ( 英 文 ).Richardson S L. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2001, 31(3): 201-209 4 图 版 .A new xenophyophore species, Syringamminacorbicula, is described and illustrated from livespecimens collected at 3106m on the CapeVerde Plateau, off West Africa. This species ischaracterized by its epibenthic habitat and theunique basket-like depressions that rim the peripheryof its hemispherically-shaped test of anastomosing,agglutinated tubes. Morphologicalfeatures of the test and cytoplasm of S. corbiculaare described in detail and contrasted with other77

known xenophyophore species grouped in thegenus Syringammina. Laboratory observationsof the pseudopodia extruded by live individualsare presented and the potential feeding behaviorof S. corbicula is discussed briefly.2008040242地 中 海 深 水 底 栖 有 孔 虫 在 实 验 条 件 下 对 模 拟浮 游 植 物 波 动 的 反 映 = Response of deep-seabenthic foraminifera from the Mediterranean Seato simulated phytoplankton pulses under laboratoryconditions. ( 英 文 ). Heinz P; Kitazato H.Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2001, 31(3):210-227Food and oxygen concentrations have beenidentified as environmental constraints influencingthe vertical distribution of benthic foraminifera.Field studies, however, have been largelyinconclusive as to which degree each factorregulates the observed distribution pattern. Forthis reason, different experiments were performedto investigate the response of deep-seabenthic foraminifera to simulated phytodetrituspulses under laboratory conditions, where oxygenconcentrations can be influenced separately.In the laboratory, deep-sea foraminifera developeda normal vertical distribution pattern, andthe habitats of single species reflected the resultsobtained from field investigations. Therefore,conclusions from the data produced in the laboratorycan be transferred to nature. A mainlyepifaunal life style was shown for Adercotrymaglomerata and Spiroplectinella earlandi, butalso indicated for Uvigerina peregrina. Hippocrepinasp. was spread over the entire sedimentcolumn with a shallow infaunal maximum.Epistominella pusilla, Seabrookia earlandi andAlveolophragmium wiesneri showed an epifaunalto shallow infaunal distribution. Ceratobuliminaarctica, Trochammina inflata and Melonisbarleeanum preferred an infaunal habitat. Nosuspension feeders were observed in the experiments.The addition of algae as food materialresulted in elevated population densities. Underthe influence of high oxygen contents with no oronly short-term fluctuations, no migration to theupper layers was recorded after the addition offood. However, more specimens were found indeeper layers, because more organic materialwas transported downward into the sedimentafter the food pulse. The experimental laboratoryresults support the theoretical scenarios outlinedin the TROX-model.2008040243西 班 牙 西 南 的 一 个 Visean 晚 期 有 孔 虫Lasiodiscidae 的 新 属 Planohowchinia =Planohowchinia (Lasiodiscidae, foraminiferida),a new Late Visean genus, southwestern Spain.( 英 文 ). Pedro Cózar; Mamet B L. Journal ofForaminiferal Research, 2001, 31(3): 228-232 2图 版 .Planohowchinia n. gen. is a foraminiferal genus(Lasiodiscidae) identified from upper Viséanrocks of the Guadiato Area (SW Spain), forwhich a new species, Planohowchinia espielensis,is proposed. Previous authors had discoveredthe taxon, although they misinterpreted its morphologyand erroneously attributed it to typicalNamurian Eolasiodiscus. The species is confinedto foraminiferal zone 15, and its first appearancehas been locally used as a marker of the zone.The genus arose from Howchinia, and seemsendemic to Spain.2008040244中 国 云 南 西 部 保 山 地 块 中 二 叠 统 大 凹 子 组 的一 个 史 塔 夫 蜓 类 新 属 Jinzhangia = Jinzhangia,a new Staffellid fusulinoidea from the MiddlePermian Daaozi Formation of the Baoshan block,west Yunnan, China. ( 英 文 ). Ueno K. Journal ofForaminiferal Research, 2001, 31(3): 233-243 3图 版 .Permian foraminifers are reported and illustratedfor the first time from the lower part of theDaaozi Formation of the Baoshan Block, WestYunnan, China. The Baoshan Block is a Gondwana-derivedcontinental fragment that is believedto be a key to understanding Gondwanadispersion and Asian accretion during Paleozoicand Mesozoic time. Its Late Paleozoic foraminifershave been poorly documented untilnow. The Daaozi assemblage is dominated byoval staffellids representing the new genus,Jinzhangia, with J. shengi Ueno, n. sp. as thetype species, and several other smaller foraminifers,including Pachyphloia robustaformisWang, Okimuraites? cf. O. guvenci (Altiner),and Kamurana? sp. Although these foraminifersdo not provide a precise age determination, associatedcorals reveal a Murgabian age for the assemblage.Among the oval and fusiform staffellids fromEurasia, only Leella armenica Rozovskaya fromthe Middle Permian of Transcaucasia should bereferable to the new genus Jinzhangia. Thus,Jinzhangia apparently is restricted to Baoshanand Transcaucasia, which are parts of the Cimmeriancontinent and which was paleogeographicallyindependent of both Gondwanalandand the Cathaysian blocks, such as Indochinaand Yangtze, during Permian and Triassic time.2008040245美 国 卡 罗 莱 纳 州 北 部 Lee Creek 矿 区 上 新 世Yorktown 和 Cowan River 组 的 底 栖 有 孔 虫 和古 生 态 学 = Benthic foraminifera and paleoecologyof the Pliocene Yorktown and78

Cowan River Formations, Lee Creek mine, northCarolina,USA. ( 英 文 ). Snyder S W; Mauger L L.Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2001, 31(3):244-274Pliocene deposits assignable to the YorktownFormation (Sunken Meadow, Rushmere, andMorgarts Beach Members) and Chowan RiverFormation (Edenhouse Member) yielded 129species and subspecies of benthic foraminifera.Twenty-six taxa, selected on the basis of consistentoccurrence (present in 50% or more of thesamples) and relative abundance (3% or more ofthe benthic assemblage in at least one sample),account for 88% of the identifiable specimens.From among these 26, principal componentsanalysis identified 14 species that account fornearly 90% of the faunal variation, and clusteranalyses revealed distinct stratigraphic assemblagesthat in general conform to the lithologicsubdivisions. The most dramatic faunal changecorresponds to the boundary between the SunkenMeadow and Rushmere Members. Based uponthe benthic foraminiferal faunas, the SunkenMeadow, Rushmere, and Morgarts Beach Membersof the Yorktown Formation were depositedin middle to outer neritic, outer neritic, and middleneritic environments, respectively. TheEdenhouse Member of the Chowan River Formationwas deposited in an inner to middleneritic environment. Paleobathymetric interpretationsbased on benthic foraminifera are consistentwith those based on other fossil groups.Paleotemperature implications of the benthicforaminiferal assemblages are not entirely consistentwith previous studies. Whereas numerousstudies have concluded that Pliocene temperaturesat middle and high latitudes were significantlywarmer than modern temperatures, thebenthic foraminiferal faunas encountered in ourstudy suggest paleotemperatures comparable tothose of today. Evidence from benthic foraminiferaat the Lee Creek Mine is not sufficientbasis to question studies indicating warmermid-latitude Pliocene seas. Rather, it is likelythat localized conditions have overprinted thelarger-scale climatic signal.2008040246Maastrichtian 晚 期 全 球 变 暖 事 件 中Pseudotextularia elegans 的 古 生 物 地 理 学 =Paleobiogeography of Peudotextularia elegansduring the latest Mastrichtian global warmingevent. ( 英 文 ). Olsson R K; Wright J D. Journalof Foraminiferal Research, 2001, 31(3): 275-282A latest Maastrichtian global warming event,which began approximately 450 k.y. and endedabout 22 k.y. prior to the K/T boundary, is associatedwith the pole-ward migration of thewarm-water planktonic foraminifer Pseudotextulariaelegans. The warming event was apparentlyinititated by greenhouse warming due tothe main outpouring of the Deccan Traps in Indiaand is now well documented in the North andSouth Atlantic Oceans and in North America bythe poleward migration of warm-water planktonicforaminifera and subtropical vegetation. Acooling trend ca 22 kyr prior to the K/T boundarycaused marine 18O values to return to climaticconditions recorded prior to the onset ofwarming and thus does not represent a significantchange in long-term climate. Planktonicforaminifera responded by migration to the latestMaastrichtian global warming and cooling beforetheir mass extinction at the K/T.2008040247亚 德 里 亚 地 区 的 Palorbitolina lenticularis—古 地 理 和 演 化 的 意 义 = Palorbitolina lenticularisfrom the northern Adriatic region: paleogeographicaland evolutionary implications. ( 英文 ). Husinec A. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2001, 31(4): 287-293 1 图 版 .Samples bearing Palorbitolina were obtainedfrom three localities on the islands of Cres andLoinj in the northern Adriatic. Although a relativelysmall number (

aminiferal Research, 2001, 31(4): 294-308 6 图版 .Two sections of Epiligurian sediments(Northern Apennines, Italy) covering thechronostratigraphic interval from the MiddleEocene to the Lower Miocene were analyzed fortheir foraminiferal content. Several specimensbelonging to 25 selected species of agglutinatedforaminifera were analyzed using the energydispersivex-ray spectrometry (EDS) method.The collected data show how these species areselective in composition, size, and shape of theagglutinated grains and cement composition.Test microstructures can be subdivided into fourgroups:– microstructure I: silica cement anddominant quartz and feldspar grains,– microstructureII: indistinct siliceous mass withoutagglutinated grains,– microstructure III: abundantcalcite cement, fine-grained texture, andgrains selected for size and composition,– microstructureIV: scarce calcite cement, a coarsegrainedtexture and non-selected grains. A relationshipbetween test microstructure and paleobathymetricconditions for the Monte Piano Marl,Ranzano Sandstone, and Antognola Marl Formationswas observed. An almost exclusive presenceof agglutinated taxa showing microstructuresI and II characterized the "facies varicolori"of the Monte Piano Marls (lower-middlebathyal depths, from 2000 m to 1000 m). Asharp increase in species showing microstructuresIII and, subordinately, IV characterized theoverlying lithostratigraphic units ("facies grigia"of the Monte Piano Marls, Ranzano Sandstonesand Antognola Marls) whose paleobathymetrydecreases upwards (middle-upper bathyal up toslope/shelf break from 1000 to 200m).2008040249来 自 于 特 提 斯 域 的 新 属 种 Charliella rossae—晚 二 叠 世 双 列 虫 演 化 的 评 述 = Charliella rossaen. gen.,sp., from the tethyan realm:remarkson the evolution of Late Permian Biseriamminids.( 英 文 ). Altiner D; Sevinç Özkan-Altiner.Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2001, 31(4):309-314 1 图 版 .The name Charliella is proposed for a newbiseriamminid genus characterized by a fourlayeredwall that thickens along the anterior sideof the septa and partially occludes the chambercavity. Charliella rossae was derived from theGlobivalvulina graeca-Globivalvulina vonderschmittilineage which also constituted the rootstock of true Paraglobivalvulina (P. mira) in LatePermian time. The Globivalvulina decrouezae-Septoglobivalvulinagracilis-Paraglobivalvulinoides septulifer lineage is anothertrend in the evolution of biseriamminids.The recognition of such a lineage in the LatePermian necessitates taxonomic revision of thebiseriamminids to attribute globular and involuteforms with thin and undifferentiated walls toSeptoglobivalvulina, a genus which was synonymizedunder Paraglobivalvulina in previouswork.2008040250有 孔 虫 Rotorbinella Bandy, 1944 属 和 它 的 分类 = The genus Rotorbinella bandy, 1944 and itsclassification. ( 英 文 ). Revets S A. Journal ofForaminiferal Research, 2001, 31(4): 315-318 1图 版 .The study of the type series of Rotorbinellacolliculus Bandy, 1944, shows the presence ofcoverplates and thus confirms the rotaliaceannature of Rotorbinella. Notwithstanding preservationaldefects, Rotorbinella can now be distinguishedconsistently from the many genera withwhich it has been confused in the past.2008040251新 种 Cocoarota madrasensis Rajeshwara Raoand Revets n. sp.— 来 自 于 印 度 马 德 拉 斯Bengal 海 湾 内 陆 架 的 一 个 新 的 有 孔 虫 种 类 =Cocoarota madrasensis Rajeshwara Rao and Revetsn. sp.-a new foraminiferal taxon from theinner shelf of the bay of Bengal, off madras, India.( 英 文 ). Rao N R; Periakali P. Journal ofForaminiferal Research, 2001, 31(4): 319-323 1图 版 .Detailed examination of inner shelf sedimentsof the Bay of Bengal, off Karikkattukuppam,south-east coast of India near Madras, revealedquite a few rarely recorded or hitherto unidentifiedtaxa. Of these, one species is a living representativeof the genus Cocoarota Loeblich andTappan, considered to be extinct since the Eocene.The few existing records of this genusfrom the Upper Eocene, exclusively from theAmerican region, and lack of subsequent ones,raise questions with regard to its geographicaldistribution and possible migration since the Eocene.Cocoarota madrasensis n. sp. RajeshwaraRao and Revets is a calcareous, densely perforate(except for the apertural face and sutures),foraminifer characterized by the presence of aseries of irregularly shaped bosses clustered inthe depressed umbilical area, resembling spiralizedornamentation as a result of thickening offolia and inner ends of sutures of earlier whorls.The flaps or folia on the umbilical side hoverover the umbilical aperture that remains open inthe earlier parts of the test. It is one of the moreabundantly occurring species on the inner shelfoff Madras (now Chennai), associated with considerablenumbers of Asterorotalia trispinosa(Thalmann) and A. inflata (Millett), particularlyat depths between 38 and 55m, and on substrate80

with relatively higher mud content. The presentdiscovery necessitates not only extension of thestratigraphic range of the genus Cocoarota butalso a thorough review of the existing literature.2008040252苏 格 兰 北 部 Callovian 期 海 进 - 海 退 旋 回 中 有孔 虫 动 物 群 的 反 映 = Response of foraminiferalfacies to transgressive-regressive cycles in theCallovian of northeast Scotland. ( 英 文 ). JenöNagy; Finstad E K. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2001, 31(4): 324-349 2 图 版 .At Brora on the northwestern margin of theInner Moray Firth Basin, an Upper Bathonian toMiddle Oxfordian (Jurassic) sedimentary successionof marine shales, siltstones and sandstonesis subdivided into four 4th order transgressive–regressive(T-R) cycles. The middletwo of these cycles, B2 and B3, comprise theCallovian Brora Argillaceous Formation whichis the subject of this study, integrating foraminiferal,sedimentological and stratigraphicaldata. The principal factor acting on the foraminiferaldistribution pattern both in cycle B2and B3 is oxygen supply to the benthic environment.The oxygenation is controlled mainly bythe changing water depth during transgressiveand regressive episodes. In the studied faunalsuccession these changes are reflected by twomain biofacies trends: 1) Diversity decrease,accompanied by increasing dominance and decreasingproportion of calcareous taxa. This faunaltrend reflects increasing stagnation duringtransgression. 2) Diversity increase, coupledwith reduction in dominance and expansion inproportion of calcareous taxa. In typical cases,this development reflects improving oxygenationduring regression. The intervals which includethe maximum flooding surface, in both cycle B2and B3, are typified by significantly increasedorganic carbon content and strongly reducedfaunal diversity, developed in dark shales representingsevere oxygen depletion. The transgressivephase of cycle B2 shows a faunal diversitydecrease, while that of cycle B3 reveals a diversityexpansion in its lower part. The regressivephase of both cycles is characterized by a diversityincrease. In addition to these major faunaltrends, the distribution of species and generaappears useful for "fingerprinting" individualcomponents of T-R developments.2008040253非 洲 西 北 地 区 表 层 沉 积 物 中 的 底 栖 有 孔 虫 动物 群 及 其 与 洋 底 有 机 流 的 关 系 = Benthic foraminiferalfaunas in surface sediments off nwAfrica: relationship with organic flux to theocean floor. ( 英 文 ). Morigi C; Jorissen F J.Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2001, 31(4):350-368Benthic foraminiferal thanatocoenoses werestudied in 29 sediment surface samples off NWAfrica, between 19° and 27°N, and from waterdepths between 506 and 3314 m. The resultswere compared with estimated values of thedownward organic flux and measured bottomwater oxygen concentrations. Although the latter2 parameters show a strong negative correlationin the study area, we argue that the organic fluxis the main controlling ecological factor. On thebasis of an R-mode multivariate statistical analysis,6 species clusters are recognized, which areseparated geographically by differences in organicflux and water depth. The combined samplescores on the first 2 principal componentaxes show a strong positive correlation with theestimated downward organic flux (R2 = 0.83). Itis suggested that this relationship can be used ona local scale as a proxy for paleo-export production,as long as bottom water oxygenation doesnot fall below a critical level.2008040254南 极 州 东 部 Mac.Robertson 陆 架 再 沉 积 的 古新 世 到 始 新 世 的 有 孔 虫 及 其 古 环 境 学 的 意 义= Reworked Paleocene and Eocene foraminifera,Mac. Robertson shelf, east Antarctica: paleoenvironmentalimplications. ( 英 文 ). Quilty P G.Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2001, 31(4):369-384 3 图 版 .Paleogene planktonic and benthic foraminifera,reworked into young Cenozoic sediments,are recorded from Mac. Robertson Shelf, eastAntarctica. Paleocene and Eocene faunas includerelatively warm water faunas and include Globanomalinapseudomenardii and Globigerinathekakugleri. While all are minor componentsof the faunas, benthic species are more diverseand abundant than planktonic, and allow comparisonsto be made with coeval southern Australian,New Zealand, and South American faunas,at a time when the continents were muchcloser together and Antarctica lacked the currenticesheet. A new species of Ammoelphidiellarepresents the earliest occurrence of this Antarcticgenus, and indicates that an Antarctic bioprovinceexisted for foraminifera, as had alreadybeen recognised in marine microplankton. Theregion yields evidence of relative warmth laterthan envisaged in some models of the early evolutionof the Antarctic icesheet. Inoceramusprisms are evidence for some reworking of Cretaceousmaterial but no undoubted Cretaceousforaminifera have been recovered. Paleogeneshallow water marine sections on Mac. RobertsonShelf are a potential source of valuable informationconcerning the evolution of the Ant-81

arctic environment over this critical interval andfor which such sections are few.2008040255西 太 平 洋 有 孔 虫 Nummulitidae 的 评 述 = Remarkson west Pacific Nummulitidae (foraminifera).( 英 文 ). Hohenegger J; Yordanova E. Journalof Foraminiferal Research, 2000, 30(1): 3-28 5 图 版 .Living Nummulitidae achieve their highestdiversity in the subtropical and tropical WestPacific. Although all house symbiotic microalgae,they avoid highly illuminated areas near thewater surface, since their flat tests could be easilydamaged by the hydrodynamic regime. Thepreference for calm water conditions extendstheir depth distribution down to the base of thephotic zone. West Pacific Nummulitidae can bedifferentiated into ten species belonging to sixgenera according to an ecological species concept.The genus Operculina d’Orbigny is representedby three species. While O. discoidalis(d’Orbigny) prefers a fine-grained bottom undermedium light conditions (10% surface intensity),O. ammonoides (Gronovius) prefers a coarsersubstrate and sometimes can be found on hardbottoms. Light dependence ranges from 1.5% to68% surface intensity. Less illuminated coarsesands are inhabited by Operculina cf. O. complanata(Defrance), which is the dominant symbiont-bearingforaminifer between light intensitiesof 0.2% to 12% surface illumination. Thegenus Planostegina Banner and Hodgkinsondemonstrates transitions to the genus Operculinain test form and surface, while the division intochamberlets is similar to Heterostegina.Planostegina operculinoides (Hofker) is distinguishedby flat tests and delicate chamberlets. Itlives on sandy bottoms restricted to light intensitiesbetween 0.45% and 26% surface illumination.The more robust Planstegina aff. P. operculinoides(Hofker) prefers light intensities between0.4% and 2.7% surface illumination.Planoperculina heterosteginoides (Hofker)shows morphological transition to Operculina cf.O. complanata in developing incomplete septula.This species lives in low illuminated areas (0.3%to 2.5% surface intensity) and prefers medium tofine-grained sands. Heterostegina depressad’Orbigny spans a broad range in light intensities(2% to 70% surface illumination), and isprotected against irradiation by thick tests and acryptic life mode near the surface. Test constructionenables life under strong hydrodynamic regimes.This species lives firmly attached to hardsubstrates, thus counteracting transportation bywater movement. Nummulites venosus (Fichteland Moll) differs from H. depressa in havingundivided chambers. It lives exclusively oncoarse sand and avoids high sediment movement,thus starting its distribution beneath the fairweather wave base. According to light intensities,the upper limit may be similar to O. ammonoides(80%), while the lower limit is 2.5% surface illumination.Operculinella cumingii (Carpenter)inhabits coarse to medium sand in deeper regionsbetween 1.2% and 25% surface illumination.Tests of the cyclic, large-sized speciesCycloclypeus carpenteri Brady are easily transporteddue to the thin, plate-like form. The upperdistribution limit correlates with the storm wavebase, restricting C. carpenteri to depths below50 m. The lower distribution limit depends onlight intensity and is located near the base of thephotic zone (0.4% surface illumination).2008040256红 海 亚 喀 巴 湾 埃 拉 特 市 北 部 海 湾 网 笼 养 鱼 场对 底 栖 有 孔 虫 分 布 的 影 响 = Impact of a netcage fish farm on the distribution of benthic foraminiferain the northern Gulf of Eilat (Aqaba,Red Sea). ( 英 文 ). Angel D L; Verghese S. Journalof Foraminiferal Research, 2000, 30(1): 54-65Two sediment transects, at 23m depth, weresampled below a commercial fish farm at thenorthern end of the Gulf of Eilat in order to describethe benthic foraminiferal communityalong an organic enrichment gradient. Sedimentorganic matter, porewater ammonia and phosphateconcentrations reflected the input from theoverlying fish cages and there was generally adecrease in these variables with distance fromthe point source. Rose-bengal stained foraminiferawere found at all of the stations sampled belowthe fish farm, i.e. there were no azoic sediments.Fifty-one species of foraminifera (>45µm) were found in the sediments around the fishfarm but most were rare species. The most abundant(generally > 83% of the foraminifer abundance)species (stained + unstained) found wereAmphisorus hemprichii, Amphistegina lessonii,Assilina ammonoides, Borelis schlumbergeri,Challengerella bradyi, Hauerina diversa, andPeneroplis planatus. Five of these foraminiferaare algal symbiont bearing forms. The diatombearingspecies, A. lessonii and A. ammonoides,constituted 40 to 50% of the total number oftests. The most abundant stained species were A.ammonoides, B. schlumbergeri, H. diversa and P.planatus. Abundances of foraminifera werehighest in the "hypertrophic" zone, adjacent tothe fish cages. The most abundant speciesshowed negative correlations between totalabundance of tests and organic matter in the uppercentimeter of the sediment. Negative correlationswere also found between abundances ofboth total and stained tests of the most abundantspecies and integrated ammonia concentrations.No clear indicator species of the organically-82

enriched benthos were identified. Deformed tests(mainly P. planatus) were observed in the samplesand it is not clear whether they formed as aresult of adverse conditions related to the fishfarm because such variants also occurred at unenrichedsites.2008040257识 别 现 生 有 孔 虫 的 死 亡 率 、 原 生 质 腐 烂 率 和染 色 技 术 稳 定 性 的 综 述 = Mortality, protoplasmdecay rate, and reliability of stainingtechniques to recognize ‘living’ foraminifera: areview. ( 英 文 ). Murray J W; Bowser S S. Journalof Foraminiferal Research, 2000, 30(1): 66-70Non-vital staining, especially with rose Bengal,has been widely used in ecological studies todifferentiate between the tests of dead (unstained)foraminifera from those presumed to be living atthe time of collection (stained). Doubts havebeen expressed about staining methods becauseof the possibility that dead individuals may retainundecayed protoplasm for weeks or monthsafter death; when stained, such individualswould be recorded as living. To assess the importanceof such false positives, it is necessary toexamine rates of mortality, and the modes ofgeneration of empty tests, i.e., whether due toreproduction, growth stages (leaving empty testsduring growth) or death. It can be argued thatreproduction, ontogeny, and death through predationlead to tests devoid of protoplasm.Whereas reproduction may affect only a smallproportion of the population of each species (dueto high pre-reproductive mortality), predation inoxygenated environments may be responsible forthe major part of that pre-reproductive mortality.In oxygenated environments, disease or adverseenvironmental conditions are most likely to leadto dead individuals having tests containing protoplasm.In dysaerobic/anoxic environments,predation by macrofauna may be excluded, soforaminifera die through other causes and thusmore tests with dead protoplasm may be potentiallyavailable for staining. Therefore, for mostother environments, the problem of staining deadindividuals is almost certainly overstated. Furthermore,from comparative studies, it seemsthat the most commonly used technique (stainingwith rose Bengal) is as reliable as others. Nowthat new vital staining techniques, especially theuse of fluorescent probes, are being introduced,it is timely for further objective comparativestudies of all techniques to be made in order toevaluate data already gathered and to developthe best strategies for future ecological studiesaccording to whether they are field-based or experimental.2008040258远 东 地 区 渐 新 世 晚 期 到 中 新 世 的Lepidocyclina (L.) isolepidinoides 、 L.(Nephrolepidina) nephrolepidinoides sp.nov.、L. (N.) brouweri 和 L. (N.) ferreroi 的演 化 = The evolution of Lepidocyclina (L.)isolepidinoides, L. (Nephrolepidina) nephrolepidinoidessp. nov., l. (n.) brouweri and L. (N.)ferreroi in the Late Oligocene- Miocene of theFar East. ( 英 文 ). Boudagher-fade M K; Lord AR. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2000,30(1): 71-76 2 图 版 .Material from Borneo and Sumatra show thatthere is a morphological evolution from Lepidocyclina(Lepidocyclina) isolepidinoides van derVlerk, 1929, to L. (Nephrolepidina) nephrolepidinoidessp. nov., L. (N.) brouweri Rutten,1924 and L. (N.) ferreroi Provale, 1909. Thelineage demonstrates one of the evolutionaryprogressions from Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina)to Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) for the FarEast region.2008040259底 栖 有 孔 虫 和 介 形 类 对 不 同 污 染 源 的 反 应 —来 自 埃 及 两 个 泻 湖 的 研 究 = The response ofbenthic foraminifera and ostracods to variouspollution sources: a study from two lagoons inEgypt. ( 英 文 ). Samir A M. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2000, 30(2): 83-98 3 图 版 .A study of foraminiferal assemblages was carriedout at two Egyptian Nile Delta lagoons.Analysis of surficial sediment samples fromManzalah Lagoon shows enrichment in heavymetals (Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr and Cd). The environmenthas become so lethal to foraminifera thatno species can currently survive. Among ostracods,only one species (Cyprideis torosa) wasfound living and able to invade the polluted lagoonregion. Samples from Edku Lagoon, whichreceives only agricultural drainage water, showheavy metal concentrations close to natural baselinelevels, and yield living foraminifera. Thefrequent occurrence of deformed specimens inManzalah Lagoon, comparable to Edku Lagoon,reveals that: (1) benthic foraminifera are moresensitive to industrial wastes containing heavymetals; (2) agricultural wastes do not significantlyharm benthic foraminifera; (3) Ammoniabeccarii forma parkinsoniana is less resistant topollution than forma tepida; (4) morphologicalabnormalities of the foraminiferal tests dependupon the nature of the pollutant; and (5) benthicforaminifera are less tolerant to pollution thanostracods and molluscs.2008040260从 微 观 到 区 域 尺 度 下 附 生 有 孔 虫 的 空 间 分 布特 征 = Spatial variability in epiphytic foraminiferafrom micro-to regional scale. ( 英 文 ).83

Semeniuk T A. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2000, 30(2): 99-109 1 图 版 .Density of epiphytic foraminifera varies spatiallyfrom sub-leaf to regional scales withinPosidonia australis meadows of south WesternAustralia. Foraminiferal populations on individualseagrass leaves show compositional zoningand aggregation around algae and serpulid wormtubes. Such microscale spatial heterogeneitycould reflect microhabitat, leaf growth history,food source and recruitment patterns. Most foraminiferahave homogeneous densities on individualplants, and are distributed evenlythroughout seagrass samples from meadows at agiven geographic site. Only species associatedwith patchy epiphytic algae within the meadowsshow spatial heterogeneity at the local scale.Spatial homogeneity within the seagrassmeadow reflects repetition of seagrass leaf substrateand microhabitats, and the uniformity ofambient environmental variables at scales largerthan the seagrass leaves. Spatial homogeneity inthis environment permits characterization of agiven geographic site based on three samples. Atregional scales, foraminifera may have homogeneousand heterogeneous distributions. Abundanceof individual species is uniform, sporadic,or shows a gradient pattern along the coast. Patternsof variation in foraminiferal populationsregionally, partly reflect the climate gradient, butalso factors operating at micro- and local scales.Regionally distinct assemblages could be definedfor different climatic regions along thecoast. Thus, populations of the various foraminiferalspecies are regulated by environmentalor biotic variables at different scales.This study shows how sample composition ateach site reflects spatial variation of species atmicro-, local and regional scales and how thesedifferences can be used to define assemblageswhich characterize microhabitats, localities andregions.2008040261意 大 利 北 部 特 兰 托 地 台 Calcari Grigi 地 区 威尼 斯 早 三 叠 世 有 孔 虫 EverticyclamminaRedmond 1964( 新 种 E. praevirguliana) 的首 次 记 录 = First record of EverticyclamminaRedmond 1964(E.praevirguliana n. sp., foraminifera)from the early jurassic of the venetianprealps (Calcari Grigi,Trento platform,northern Italy). ( 英 文 ). Fugagnoli A. Journal ofForaminiferal Research, 2000, 30(2): 126-134 3图 版 .The rich fossil content of the Lower Jurassiccarbonate successions of the Trento Platform(northeastern Italy) have been studied since thebeginning of the nineteenth century. This detailedstudy on several stratigraphic sectionscropping out in this area, all spanning the LiassicRotzo Member (Calcari Grigi formation, VenetianPrealps), provides us new biostratigraphicdata about the genus Everticyclammina Redmond1964. A new species of Everticyclammina,E. praevirguliana n. sp., is formally describedfrom the Calcari Grigi, where it occurs in levelsattributed to the late Sinemurian to Domerianage. Everticyclammina praevirguliana n. sp.thus becomes the first representative of the genusin the Early Jurassic; this record consequentlyenables the stratigraphic distribution ofthe genus to be lowered to the Liassic. Hence theplexus of Everticyclammina evolving communitiesnow bridges the Liassic (late Sinemurian) toEarly Cretaceous (Aptian) interval.2008040262变 形 虫 Arcellaceans 作 为 印 度 尼 西 亚 IrianJaya 岛 Sentani 热 带 湖 中 的 湖 泊 指 示 物 的 初步 调 查 = Preliminary survey of Arcellaceans(Thecamoebians)as limnological indicators intropical lake Sentani, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. ( 英文 ). Dalby A P; Kumar A. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2000, 30(2): 135-142 1 图版 .Arcellacean (thecamoebian) assemblages recoveredfrom Lake Sentani, a large tropical lakesouthwest of Jayapura, Irian Jaya, Indonesia, arecharacterized by low diversity and low abundances.Dominated by Centropyxis aculeata andArcella vulgaris, this fauna is similar to thoseindicative of stressed environments (brackishconditions, high levels of industrial contaminants)in temperate regions. However, neithercondition exists in Lake Sentani. Previous workhas determined that the lake is oligomictic, characterizedby weak circulation with turnover occurringonly every few years. Prolonged isolationof the lake bottom produces progressivelyreduced oxygen levels and results in reducedproductivity among benthic organisms. The feeblestratification that exists here creates reducedoxygen levels at depth providing a likely explanationof the stressed arcellacean fauna. The oligomicticconditions observed here and the resultantfauna are widespread and are characteristicof a large proportion of tropical lakes around theworld. As the low bottom water oxygen conditionswill have a serious impact on most benthicorganisms in these lakes, other limnological signalsincluding anthropogenic contamination willbe masked. This is a disappointing result as theutility that has been developed for the group as alimnological indicator in temperate lakes doesnot appear to apply in a significant proportion oflow latitude lakes.200804026384

维 吉 尼 亚 Philips Creek 地 区 维 吉 尼 亚 盐 沼 中的 有 孔 虫 组 合 = Foraminiferal assemblagesfrom a virginia salt marsh, Phillips Creek, Virginia.( 英 文 ). Spencer R S. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2000, 30(2): 143-155Phillips Creek is a salt marsh located on theseaward side of the southern Delmarva Peninsulaof Virginia, is part of the World BiosphereReserve designated by the United Nations, and issituated within the Virginia Coast Reserve/LongTerm Ecological Research area (VCR/LTER).This marsh does not exhibit well-defined vegetationalzones but rather tends to be a patchy mixof vegetation. Cluster analysis indicates that thearea can be divided into low, middle or transitionaland high marsh. The low marsh zone doesnot exhibit any unique assemblages of agglutinatedforaminifera that would allow further subdivisionof this area. The fact that no calcareousspecies were found may be due to the season(May) when sampling was done. The low marshis dominated by M. fusca and T. inflata. The occurrenceof a transitional or middle marsh zoneappears to be dependent upon gradient. Traverse1 with a gradient of 3 percent has a poorly definedmiddle marsh zone while Traverse 2 with agradient of 0.6 percent has a broad, well definedtransitional zone. Tiphotrocha comprimata and T.inflata are the dominant species in this zone. Thehigh marsh can be subdivided into two subzones.The lower part of the high marsh is dominatedby T. inflata, T. comprimata and J. macrescenswhile the upper part has a relief ranging between5 and 8 cm, has a reduced population and containsJ. macrescens and T. salsa almost to theexclusion of all other foraminiferal species. Thissubzone, marking the occurrence of highest highwater, is topographically very narrow, requiringclosely spaced sampling to detect its presence.The highest high water zone can be extendedsouthward into Virginia.2008040264拉 普 帖 夫 外 海 和 Fram 海 峡 中 的 浮 游 有 孔 虫的 现 代 分 布 和 生 态 特 征 = Planktic foraminifersin the outer Laptev sea and the Fram straitmoderndistribution and ecology. ( 英 文 ). VolkmannR. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2000, 30(3): 157-176Planktic foraminifers were studied in the ArcticOcean in the outer Laptev Sea (76–80°N,100–150°E) in 1995, in the Fram Strait (81–82°N, 10°W–15°E) and in the western BarentsSea (76°N, 33°E) in 1997. Five depth intervalswere sampled vertically between 500 m waterdepth and the sea surface. In the 125–250 µmsize class, highest abundances of living individualswere present in the western Fram Strait(17 ind/m3) and the Barents Sea (14 ind/m3),decreasing to 4 ind/m3 near Severnaya Zemlyaand less than 2 ind/m3 at the eastern Laptev Seacontinental margin. The most common speciesNeogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral coiling)occured in cold Polar water masses between 50and 100m water depth, where they accounted for>70% of all shells. A synodic lunar reproductivecycle is demonstrated in all sampled areas,where reproduction takes place around full moon.In warmer Atlantic water masses of the WestSpitzbergen Current and the Barents Sea, Turborotalitaauinqueloba contributes >85% to thetotal assemblage. Most individuals were obtainedbetween 50 and 200 m water depth. In thewestern Fram Strait affected by the EastGreenland Current and at the outer Laptev Searelative abundances decrease to 2–10%. Allother species combined make up only 5% of thetotal fauna. In general, empty tests are mostabundant in water depths deeper than 200m as aresult of gametogenesis and due to high juvenilemortality. The strong gradient in absolute abundancesseems to be determined by the availabilityof food, low salinity due to freshwater dischargefrom the Siberian rivers and the ice coverageof the Arctic Ocean. The relative abundances,however, reflect the complex hydrographicinteraction between relatively warm Atlanticwater inflow and cold polar water exportin the Arctic Ocean.2008040265潮 间 带 有 孔 虫 月 变 化 的 主 要 特 征 ( 现 存 量 和生 物 量 ) 研 究 = Major aspects of foraminiferalvariability (standing crop and biomass) on amonthly scale in an intertidal zone. ( 英 文 ).Murray J W; Alve E. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2000, 30(3): 177-191Temporal and spatial variability of intertidalbenthic foraminiferal assemblages in the surface(0–1 cm) sediments have been determined by atime series survey (27 months) of the Hambleestuary, southern England. One pair of replicateswas collected each month from two stations atdifferent elevations in the intertidal zone. Theassemblages were dominated by three species,Haynesina germanica, Ammonia beccarii (formatepida), and Elphidium excavatum. Patchinessoccurred on a scale of a few centimeters and hada major impact on tracking temporal changes inthe standing crop. The study clearly shows theneed for replicate sampling in order to obtainreliable information especially on absoluteabundance data. The absence of juveniles is dueto loss through drying the samples prior to picking.The results show that it is not possible todetermine the lifespan of continuously reproducingspecies (i.e., young individuals always present)where it is impossible to follow the growthof cohorts, and for the same reason it is not pos-85

sible to make production calculations. Whilethere is a cyclicity in standing crop at station 2(mid intertidal zone), this is not the case at station1 (lower intertidal zone). Species diversityshowed reasonable annual cyclicity at both stations.At neither station is there any correlationbetween the size of the standing crop and thechlorophyll a content of the surface sediment.There was some cyclicity in the peaks of biomass(only determined for sta. 1) in all threespecies and considerable variability from oneyear to the next. Thus this area is extremelyvariable, there is no obvious annual pattern instanding crop, and the best measures of seasonalityseem to be species diversity and biomass.2008040266人 工 海 草 上 的 有 孔 虫 群 集 化 = Foraminiferalcolonization on artificial seagrass leaves. ( 英 文 ).Ribes T; Humbert Salvadó. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2000, 30(3): 192-201 1 图版 .Colonization of seagrass leaves was studiedusing artificial ribbon-like substrates. The studywas carried out in a seagrass (Posidonia oceanica(L.) Delile) meadow off the Medes Islands(NW Mediterranean). Artificial leaves of differentcolors and textures were immersed at twodepths (5 and 13m), and retrieved after 3 and 6months; epiphytic foraminifera were identifiedand counted, and the results were compared withthose obtained from natural leaves. Althoughsome differences were found in the colonizationof the various types of artificial leaf (e.g.,smooth, green leaves with float bladder had thehighest number of individuals and species)ANOVA and cluster analyses revealed that thetype of substrate did not significantly affect thecolonization by foraminifera; the main sourcesof variability were mainly seasonality and, to aminor extent, water depth. Thus, the dominantspecies were the same in both natural and artificialleaves. The calcareous perforated shells andthe trochospiral morphotype were the mostabundant, and the dominant biological typeswere groups B and C, i.e., temporarily or permanentlymobile species.2008040267突 尼 斯 Ain Settara 地 区 白 垩 纪 / 古 近 纪(K/P) 界 线 浮 游 有 孔 虫 突 然 灾 难 性 集 群 灭绝 = The Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/P) boundaryat Ain Settara, Tunisia: sudden catastrophic massextinction in planktic foraminifera. ( 英 文 ).Arenillas I; José A Arz. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2000, 30(3): 202-218 2 图 版 .The quantitative study and high resolutionsampling of an essentially continuous and expandedCretaceous/ Paleogene (K/P) boundarysection in Tunisia allow us to test the model ofextinction in planktic foraminifera. The extinctionat the Aïn Settara section occurred over ashort period of time similar to the Tunisian sectionsat El Kef and Elles and the Spanish sectionsat Agost, Caravaca and Zumaya. At AïnSettara only 3 species disappeared in the latestMaastrichtian, 45 became extinct precisely at theK/P boundary and 18 disappeared in the earliestDanian. The species that became extinct at theK/P boundary constitute about 20% of the individualsin the population larger than 63 micronsand 68% of the species, which suddenly becameextinct in a catastrophic event precisely coincidingwith the layer containing evidence for anasteroid impact. Most of these species are large,complex and low latitude deeper to intermediatedwelling forms. This extinction event is clearlythe most important catastrophic mass extinctionrecorded in the history of planktic foraminifera.This pattern of extinction is superimposed on acontroversial gradual pattern of extinction of 21species that apparently began in the latest Maastrichtianand ended in the early Danian. TheMaastrichtian species that seem to become extinctgradually are generally small, cosmopolitanand simple surface dwellers. The catastrophicmass extinction of the 45 species coincident withthe K/P boundary is compatible with the effectof the impact of a large asteroid, whereas thegradual extinction of 18 species in the basalDanian could also be attributed to the long termdisruptive effect of the impact.2008040268西 班 牙 坎 塔 布 连 山 脉 Las Llacerias 剖 面 一 些Moscovian 晚 期 和 Kasimovian 期 的 蜓 类 =Some Late Moscovian and Kasimovian fusulinaceansfrom the Las Llacerias section (Cantabrianmountains,Spain). ( 英 文 ). Villa E; Ginkel A C V.Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2000, 30(3):219-243 7 图 版 .The upper part of the Las Llacerias sectionshows an exceptionally complete sequence ofUpper Moscovian (Myachkovsky) and Kasimovian(Krevyakinsky-Khamovnichesky) stratawhich yielded fusulinacean foraminifera fromnumerous beds throughout the succession. Inaddition to the advanced fusulinellins and primitiveschwagerinins described already in a separatepaper, the present work completes the studyof the fusulinacean fauna with the description ofadditional fusulinids, schubertellinids, andozawainellids. The fusulinaceans of the studiedpart of this section provide a basis for recognizingthree biozones, i.e., the Fusulinella, Protriticitesand Montiparus Zones, and they allowa correlation of the Las Llacerias strata with theMoscow Basin and the Donets Basin. An earlyschwagerinid species intermediate between Pro-86

triticites and Triticites, found near the top of thesection, points to a correlation of the uppermostpart of the section with the basal Missourian ofNorth America. Some combined studies onspores and fusulinaceans, carried out previouslyin this and other Cantabrian Mountains sections,give clues for a tentative correlation with theWestern Europe stratigraphic scale.2008040269欧 洲 极 区 斯 瓦 尔 巴 特 群 岛 海 湾 冰 底 环 境 下 底栖 有 孔 虫 的 季 节 动 力 学 = Seasonal dynamicsof benthic foraminifera in a glacially fed fjord ofSvalbard, European arctic. ( 英 文 ). Korsun S;Hald M. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,2000, 30(4): 251-271 1 图 版 .Seasonal variations in benthic foraminiferalpopulations from a sediment-laden fjord wereanalyzed in order to provide insights into arcticforaminiferal ecology and to improve the interpretationof the late-glacial record. The fjord is25 km long and 100 m deep with a large tidewaterglacier at the fjord head. A pilot transect ofeight stations sampled in August 1995 revealedthe typical off-glacier sequence of foraminiferaltaxa. Unidentified allogromiids were abundant inthe vicinity of the ice front. Further down thefjord Elphidium excavatum f. clavatum andCassidulina reniforme co-dominated the glacierproximalfauna. Nonionellina labradorica andIslandiella norcrossi characterized the glacierdistalsetting. In 1996 three glacier-proximalstations were then sampled in March, May, July,August, September and November. Compared tothe summer of 1995 the summer of 1996 wascolder, resulting in weaker glacial meltwaterdischarge, and the foraminiferal fauna becameless influenced by glaciers. This is portrayed byan increase in glacier-distal N. labradorica and adecrease in glacier-proximal C. reniforme andespecially E. excavatum. Taxonomic diversitywas higher in winter, possibly reflecting a morestable environment in the absence of the turbidmeltwater plume, the source of ecological stress.2008040270美 国 亚 特 兰 大 海 岸 中 部 新 生 代 沼 泽 有 孔 虫 组合 的 形 成 及 对 新 生 代 海 平 面 变 化 研 究 的 意 义= The formation fo Holocene marsh foraminiferalassemblages, middle atlantic coast, U.S.A.:implications for Holocene sea-level change. ( 英文 ). Hippenstee S P; Marin R E. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2000, 30(4): 272-293Substantial spatio-temporal variation in foraminiferalinputs occur over short areal distancesat the sediment-water interface anddowncore as a result of patchy distributions andseasonal reproduction; foraminiferal assemblagesare in turn diagenetically overprinted byseasonal, inter-seasonal, and inter-annualchanges in pore-water chemistry. Seasonal surfaceand near-surface assemblages are typicallyunrepresentative of deeper assemblages that aremore likely to be incorporated into the sedimentaryrecord. Cluster analysis of "artificially timeaveraged"(ATA) assemblages revealed a distinctchange in assemblages at ~20cm depth.Differential preservation of foraminifera in theupper 60cm, and especially the upper 20cm, ofsediment may produce an apparent paleoenvironmentalchange that could potentially be misinterpretedas a rapid fall in sea-level over thelast ~100–200 years.2008040271上 白 垩 统 经 向 条 纹 的 Hedbergellids 的 属Meridionalla El-Nakhal, 1982 和Costellagerina Petters,El-Nakhal and Cifelli,1983 的 对 比 研 究 = Upper Cretaceous Meridionallycostellate Hedbergellids: the genus meridionallaEl-Nakhal, 1982 vs. the genus Costellagerinapetters,El-Nakhal and Cifelli, 1983. ( 英文 ). Petrizzo M R; Silva I P. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2000, 30(4): 306-309 2 图版 .The two genera, Meridionalla El-Nakhal,1982 and Costellagerina Petters, El-Nakhal andCifelli, 1983, both erected to accommodate allthe pre-Campanian meridionally costellate species,are discussed after comparison with theholotypes of the type species. Observationsclearly indicate that Costellagerina is the appropriategenus, while the genus Meridionalla isinappropriate because its type species, Hedbergellamurphyi Marianos and Zingula 1966 doesnot possess the textural ornamentation diagnosticfor the genus.2008040272变 形 有 孔 虫 Arcellacean 组 合 和 种 类 对 于 加 拿大 安 大 略 湖 东 北 James 湖 污 染 研 究 的 指 示 意义 = Assessment of Arcellacean (Thecamoebian)assemblages,species, and strains as contaminantindicators in James lake, northeasternOntario, Canada. ( 英 文 ). Patterson R T; KumarA. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2000,30(4): 310-320 2 图 版 .Conditions in James Lake vary from uncontaminatedand nearly neutral pH conditionsthrough most of the lake, to extremely low pHconditions (2.1 in places) contaminated with Fe,Al and SO4 adjacent to an abandoned pyritemine near the lake outlet. Six assemblages representativeof distinct arcellacean habitats wererecognized in sediment-water interface samplescollected in the lake using Q-mode ClusterAnalysis. R-Mode analysis of this distributionaldata corroborates previous results indicating that87

arcellacean strains from within the same speciesare useful for discriminating environments. Cucurbitellatricuspis dominates most samples andhad to be deleted from analysis to determinebenthic faunal relationships. This species is seasonallyplanktic and thus readily transported; itshould not be considered in intralake studies.Arcella vulgaris overwhelmingly dominates extremelyhostile low pH environments (

includes the Pulleniatina group, Neogloboquadrinadutertrei, Globorotalia tumida and G.menardii. Group B is dissolution resistant andalso characterizes the Kuroshio Current. (2)Group C consists of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma(dextral), N. incompta and Turborotaliainflata, all indicative of "relatively cold" water.(3) Group D composed of Globigerina bulloidesand Globigerinella calida suggests influence ofcoastal water invasion.2008040275加 拿 大 Territories 西 北 Bylot 岛 全 新 世 淡 水湖 泊 中 的 有 壳 变 形 虫 = Holocene Thecamoebiansin freshwater lakes on Bylot Island, NorthwestTerritories, Canada. ( 英 文 ). Kliza D A;Schroeder-Adams C J. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 1999, 29(1): 26-36 3 图 版 .Thecamoebian assemblages were studied intwo short cores from kettle lakes on Bylot Island,Canadian high arctic, within an area bounded by72 degrees and 74 degrees N and 75 degrees and82 degrees W. Cores did not provide suitablematerial for absolute age dating. Based onknown sedimentation rates of other arctic lakes,however, the time interval covered by lake coresreflect sedimentation during the Holocene ofapproximately the last 5000 years. On the BylotIsland lowlands, a low species diversity witheleven thecamoebian species was identifiedwhereas five lakes sampled on the Salmon Riverlowlands around Pond Inlet were barren of thecamoebians.Thecamoebian tests typically havea coarse texture. The shallower of the two lakeson Bylot Island is dominated by Difflugia globulus.The assemblage found in the deep lake containsnine taxa with a distinct transition fromDifflugia globulus dominance in the lower halfof the core to a Difflugia oblonga dominatedassemblage in the upper half. D. oblonga prefersorganic-rich substrates and its dominance coincideswith an increase of organic material in thecore. Late Holocene thecamoebian abundancefluctuates in the shallow lake whereas the deeplake is characterized by more constant numbers.Faunal results in both lakes show that local environmentalfactors have to be considered to explainpaleolimnological changes.2008040276异 时 性 对 Morozovella angulata 的 地 层 产 出的 影 响 = The influence of heterochrony on thestratigraphic occurrence of Morozovella angulata.( 英 文 ). Kelly D C; Arnold A J. Journal ofForaminiferal Research, 1999, 29(1): 58-68 3 图版 .Praemurica uncinata displays pronouncedallometry during its evolutionary transformationinto Morozovella angulata, an important speciesin Paleocene planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphy.The allometry is such that smaller specimensof P. uncinata resemble large specimens ofthe descendant, M. angulata. Biometric analysisof populations spanning this paedomorphic evolutionarytransition reveals that the event is recordedover an interval of 10.69 meters in sedimentsfrom the DeSoto Canyon, Gulf of Mexico,and involves specimens ranging in size from lessthan 100 to more than 300 mu m. Over this sizerange, failure to recognize the interdependenceof size and shape can lead to discordant zonationswhen biostratigraphers identify the firstappearance datum of Morozovella angulata afterusing different sieve sizes during standard laboratorytreatment of their samples.2008040277埃 及 沙 漠 西 部 的 Nummulites luterbacheri 的早 期 进 化 演 化 特 征 = Early progressive evolutionaryfeatures in Nummulites luterbacheri fromthe Western Desert of Egypt. ( 英 文 ). Wielandt U.Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 1999, 29(2):130-142 2 图 版 .Detailed morphometric data on the recentlydiscovered nummulitid Nummulites luterbacherifrom the earliest Eocene of the Western Desertof Egypt are presented and the description of thespecies is emended.The microspheric generationis 4 to 5 times larger than the largest individualsof all other associated nummulites and even itsmacrospheric forms are larger than the microspheresof these others. particularly the size ofthe proloculus in the A-forms, spiral multiplication,the development of several small polarpiles, and the complex septal fluting are veryprogressive characters and exceptional amongsuch early Ypresian nummulites. N.luterbacherifits in none of the pubished phylogenetic lineagesbut does show some affinity toN.praecursor and N.atacius. The morphologicalcharacters of Nummulites luterbacheri indicatean evolutionarily advanced species yet it cooccurswith some of the first and most primitivenummulites: N. deserti, N.solitarius and N.fraasi. Thus several architectural elements occurin Nummulits luterbacheri long before they aregenerally thought to have developed during thephylogeny of the genus.2008040278有 机 炭 变 化 对 底 栖 有 孔 虫 的 含 量 和 分 布 模 式的 影 响 = Scaling percentages and distributionalpatterns of benthic Foraminifera with flux ratesof organic carbon. ( 英 文 ). Altenbach A V;Pflaumann U. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,1999, 29(3): 173-185Seafloor organic matter flux from marine primaryproductivity is quantified, and the range of89

annual flux rates is calculated and compared tothe counts of benthic foraminifera at 382 surfacesediment stations from the equatorial GuineaBasin to the Arctic Ocean. Benthic foraminiferashow high variability in flux range dependentdistributional patterns, with maximum deviationsat lowest percentages. The occurrence of a singlespecies covers flux ranges within one to threeorders of magnitude. Only a small number ofspecies shows a correlation of this broad rangeof organic fluxes versus percentages in a count.For C. wuellerstorfi a functional relationship forthe recalculation of flux rates from percentagesin a count can be given within a standard deviationbelow 2 g organic carbon [m (super -2) yr(super -1) ]. However, such functions have to berestricted to a specific size range counted. Thepatterns of dominance more closely scale theenvironmental optimum of the species in general.For interspecific combinations, these patternsidentify the ranges of overlap, where it is impossibleto distinguish between higher or lowerfluxes on the basis of faunal composition. This isquantified for the co-occurrence of C. wuellerstorfiand U. peregrina near 20% for one species.On an ocean wide scale, a number of taxacan be used to define threshold values for thenutritive needs of the assemblages, most pronouncedwithin annual flux ranges at 2-3g org. C[m (super -2) ]. Different trophic needs of speciescan be attributed to their infaunal, epibenthic,or opportunistic behavior respectively, andexamples for the flux dependent takeover indominance are given. These quantifications mayoffer approximations for flux rate dependentfaunal patterns in surface sediments and for thedetection of flux rate dependent faunal fluctuationsin the Quaternary record.2008040279铜 污 染 沉 积 物 实 验 中 底 栖 有 孔 虫 的 群 集 化 研究 = Benthic foraminiferal colonization in experimentswith copper-contaminated sediments.( 英 文 ). Alve E; Olsgard F. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 1999, 29(3): 186-195Colonization experiments, carried out over a32-week period at 63m water depth in theOslofjord, Norway, have shown that sedimentCu-concentrations of >900 ppm cause a changein the living (stained) foraminiferal communitystructure as compared to control values of 70ppm. The changes, which are revealed throughmultivariate statistical analyses (MDS-ordinationand ANOSIM tests) of the different treatmentassemblages, are reflected by increased equitabilityand reduced abundances in treatments withhigh (967-977 ppm) and very high (1761-2424ppm) Cu-concentrations. At the species level, asignificant negative effect of the Cu-enrichmentcould be observed only for Stainforthia fusiformisand Bolivinellina pseudopunctata. There wasno significant decrease in the number of specieswith increasing sediment Cu-enrichment. Thisindicates that not even sediment [Cu] > 2000ppm had a severe negative impact on the foraminiferalspecies ability to colonize. Oneprominent effect of the Cu-contamination is that,at concentrations higher than about 900 ppm, theopportunistic and dominant S. fusiformis developedan increasingly patchy distribution pattern.Cu-contaminated sediments alone do not seem topromote development of deformed hard-shelledforaminiferal tests beyond the normal range.2008040280Juan de Fuca 海 峡 周 边 潮 上 带 沼 泽 中 有 孔 虫的 分 布 及 其 对 古 地 震 学 研 究 的 意 义 = Foraminiferaldistributions in tidal marshes borderingthe Strait of Juan de Fuca; implications forpaleoseismicity studies. ( 英 文 ). Williams H F L.Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 1999, 29(3):196-208Foraminiferal distributions are reported forthree marshes bordering the Strait of Juan deFuca-the Sooke River marsh on Vancouver Island,Canada and the Discovery Bay and GibsonSpit marshes on the north shore of WashingtonState. Cluster analysis was used to define foraminiferalbiofacies with distinct elevationranges for each marsh. Comparison of these biofaciesto foraminiferal zonations on othermarshes in the Pacific Northwest suggests somebroad similarities in foraminiferal distributions,but also reveals some important contrasts. Variationsin marsh zone foraminiferal assemblagesand position relative to mean tide level are presumablydue to differences in marsh characteristics,including freshwater influence, sedimentationrates and substrate texture, and to differencesin the sampling and statistical techniquesused to define biofacies. On the marshes includedin this study, foraminiferal biofaciesanalysis has the potential to estimate paleoelevationsof subsurface deposits with an accuracyranging from 0.05-0.45m. Potential use of biofaciesanalysis to estimate coseismic subsidenceon these marshes is more limited: Gibson Spitmarsh lacks a sufficient number of biofacies andat Sooke River marsh, coseismic subsidencewould had to have been unrealistically large forthis technique to be applicable. Only at DiscoveryBay does this approach have possible utility--here coseismic subsidence on the order 0.1-0.56m could potentially be detected. A review offoraminiferal distributions in marshes of the PacificNorthwest suggests that foraminiferalanalysis does have the potential to aid in identifyingtsunami layers in high marsh depositsthroughout the region.90

2008040281加 勒 比 海 上 新 世 海 洋 的 流 通 和 营 养 水 平 的 变化 — 来 自 底 栖 有 孔 虫 聚 集 比 率 的 证 据 =Changes in circulation and trophic levels in thePliocene Caribbean Sea; evidence from benthicforaminifer accumulation rates. ( 英 文 ). BornmalmL; Widmark J G V. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 1999, 29(3): 209-221Changes in benthic foraminifer faunasthroughout the late Neogene (about 5.8-1.8 Ma)were analyzed in DSDP Hole 502A (CaribbeanSea) to determine whether the development ofthe Isthmus of Panama and resulting changes inbottom-water circulation affected the benthicforaminifer community. Benthic foraminiferaccumulation rates (BFAR) of the 11 mostabundant and presumably also ecologically significantspecies revealed three intervals of distinctfaunal developments: Interval 1 (prior to4.65 Ma) exhibits a fluctuating pattern in thebenthic foraminifer fauna with an increase ofEpistominella exigua between 5.7 and 5.35 Ma,except at about 5.4 Ma. This variation of E. exiguamay indicate a period of increased verticalflux of organic (phytodetritial) matter to the seafloorat the base of the sequence. Also towardsthe upper part of Interval 1, E. exigua showsperiods of higher abundance, which could berelated to higher vertical flux of phytodetritus tothe seafloor. Interval 2 (4.65 to 3.9 Ma) ismarked by a gradual increase of C. wuellerstorfiand Oridorsalis umbonatus, and decrease of Nuttallidesumbonifera with periods of higher abundanceof E. exigua. This faunal change can berelated to alternations of sudden phyto-detritusinputs and increased circulation within the CaribbeanSea that resulted from the progressiveemergence of the Panamanian landbridge changingthe Caribbean Sea from a broad oceanicseaway into a marginal sea. The restricted surface-waterflow over the Isthmus of Panamaprobably enhanced northward transport of warm,high-salinity waters into the high latitudes viathe Gulf Stream and thus stimulated the totalproduction of North Atlantic Deep Water(NADW) leading to an increased inflow of UpperNorth Atlantic Deep Water (UNADW) intothe Caribbean Sea. The increased bottom-wateractivity in the Caribbean may have favored C.wuellerstorfi, which has been found to prefer anelevated suspension feeding position above thesediment surface. Intensified bottom-water circulationwould allow more water to pass andthus provide more available food for this particularspecies. Interval 3 (about 3.9 to 1.8 Ma) beganwith a striking decrease of C. wuellerstorficoeval with a rapid increase of N. umbonifera,which became the dominating species. This mayhave been a response to a declined velocity ofthe bottom-water currents in the Caribbean,probably caused by less inflow of bottom watersfrom the North Atlantic. The organic flux intothe area may have been similar to Interval 2, butlower bottom-water current velocities may havefavored the more oligotrophic species N. umboniferarelative to C. wuellerstorfi. The peak abundanceof E. exigua between about 3.55 and 3.45,and at 3.4-3.35 Ma may be a result of strong butinterrupted inputs of phyto-detritus into the ColombiaBasin. Also in the upper part of the intervalparticularly between approximately 2.5 and2.2 Ma the abundance of E. exigua exhibit increasedvalues. At about 3.0 Ma N. umboniferashows a drastic decrease and coeval recovery ofC. wuellerstorfi, O. umbonatus, and Pyrgo murrhina.This faunal change could be attributableto (a) mixing between the base of nutrient-richAntarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) and theupper layer of Upper North Atlantic Deep Water(UNADW), and/or (b) nutrient-rich local riveroutflow (e.g. from the Rio Magdalena) togetherwith, at least periodically, (c) increased bottomwatercurrents that favored the normally elevatedand suspension feeding C. wuellerstorfi. Theshort term alternation in the benthic foraminiferabundance, i.e. the instant recovery of N. umboniferain the lower part of the interval, may indicatean amelioration of deep-water conditions,which may have been associated with a slowerinflow of bottom water into the Caribbean Sea.Moreover, the increased average benthic delta 13C value during the upper part of Interval 3 mayalso be a result of a better bottom-water ventilationin the Colombia Basin linked to the onset ofthe modern deep-water circulation, which mostlikely is related to periodically increased inflowof UNADW into the Caribbean Sea.2008040282意 大 利 西 北 维 琴 察 市 威 尼 托 区 始 新 统 中 上 部界 线 的 Alveolinids = Alveolinids at the Middle-Upper Eocene boundary in northeastern Italy(Veneto, Colli Berici, Vicenza). ( 英 文 ). Bassi D;Broglio-Loriga C. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,1999, 29(3): 222-235 4 图 版 .The Middle and Upper Eocene successions ofthe Colli Berici (Veneto, northeastern Italy) havebeen studied since the beginning of the nineteenthcentury in order to describe the large, benthicforaminiferal-rich assemblages. The Bartonian-Priabonianexposures in the southeasternpart of the Colli Berici (Mossano) have been theproposed "parastratotype" for the Priabonianstage. The classic Mossano section and two additionalsections outcropping in this area, allspanning the Calcari Nummulitici (Middle Eocene)-Marnedi Priabona (Late Eocene) formations,provided us with new biostratigraphic dataabout two alveolinid species. Borelis vonderschmitti(Schweighauser) has so far been re-91

corded in the Colli Berici (type locality CavaZengele) within the Bartonian part of the CalcariNummulitici formation, and possibly in the Priabonianof Italy and Slovenia. This taxon isherein described from Mossano, and the associatedlarger foraminifera (Nummulites biedai)confidently establish the age of these beds asLate Bartonian (SBZ 18), enabling the stratigraphicdistribution of B. vonderschmitti to beextended to the base of SBZ 18. A new speciesof Glomalveolina Hottinger 1960, G. ungaroi n.sp. is formally described herein; this taxon differsfrom the other Middle Eocene representativesof this genus by having a lower elongationindex and a larger proloculus. It is so far knownonly from the Late Bartonian of the Colli Berici,and represents one of the smallest alveolinidsfollowing the peak diversity of the Lutetian.Both species occur in shallow water calcarenites,and are the only representatives of the Alveolinidaein Upper Bartonian carbonate units of theColli Berici2008040283土 耳 其 Malatya 西 北 Hekimhan 地 区Campanian 晚 期 到 Maastrichtian 早 期 的 新种 Pseudedomia hekimhanensis = Pseudedomiahekimhanensis n. sp. from the late Campanian(?)to Maastrichtian of Hekimhan, NWMalatya, Turkey. ( 英 文 ). Gormus M. Journal ofForaminiferal Research, 1999, 29(3): 236-242 3图 版 .Pseudedomia hekimhanensis, a new species ofPseudedomia Henson 1948 from the Late Campanian(?)to Maastrichtian of Hekimhan, NWMalatya, Turkey, is described. It differs from theother Pseudedomia species by its smaller testsize, having fewer chambers, and the presence ofsecondary septa that are more or less parallel tocoiling.2008040284堪 萨 斯 州 Hooster 附 近 下 二 叠 统 CouncilGrove 群 中 的 钙 质 小 有 孔 虫 = Calcareoussmaller foraminifers from the Lower PermianCouncil Grove Group near Hooster, Kansas. ( 英文 ). Groves J R; Boardman D R. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 1999, 29(3): 243-262 4 图版 .The classic work of Erich Spandel (1901) onEarly Permian foraminifers from Hooser, Kansasis revised here on the basis of new collections.The stratigraphic interval exposed at Hooser isassigned to a portion of the Council GroveGroup that spans the Asselian-Sakmarian stadialboundary within the Cisuralian Series. Preliminaryanalysis of the Hooser fauna demonstrateslittle congruence between foraminiferal biofaciesand fourth-order depositional sequences independentlydefined on both sedimentologic andconodont abundance criteria. The lack of congruenceis probably attributable to coarse andlithologically biased sampling for foraminifers.Nevertheless, diverse foraminiferal faunas correspondgenerally to shallow, normal marine depositionalphases and impoverished faunas to restrictedmarine phases. Among the taxa first describedfrom Hooser, only Geinitzina postcarbonicaSpandel retains its original nomenclaturaldesignation. The taxonomic status of MonogenerinaSpandel has been unclear historically,and it remains so because we are unable to relatethe type illustrations to anything recovered fromthe new samples. Specimens identified by Spandelas Bigenerina cf. eximia Eichwald and Textulariagibbosa d'Orbigny (sensu Brady) areprobably referrable to the Palaeotextulariidae.Ammodiscus concavus Spandel is reassigned toBrunsiella as B. concava (Spandel). We followprevious authors in elevating Tetrataxis conicaEhrenberg var. lata Spandel to Tetrataxis lataSpandel, and in referring Nodosaria postcarbonicaSpandel to Nodosinelloides. The genusTezaquina Vachard was described originally aspseudoseptate. Re-examination of the type species,T. clivuli Vachard, confirms that it lackssepta but possesses internal wall thickenings thatcrudely partition the test. Primitively septateforms previously identified as Tezaquina arereferred to Vervilleina n. gen., anchored by thetype species Dentalina bradyi Spandel from theHooser locality. The presence of septation delimitsthe Syzraniidae from the Geinitzinidae,both of which are classified here within the Lagenina.According to this interpretation, the Lageninaare probably a monophyletic group thatoriginated in Moscovian time, and then diversifiedthroughout the remaining Late Paleozoicbefore their major radiation in the Early Mesozoic.2008040285西 班 牙 坎 塔 布 连 山 脉 Las Llacerias 剖 面( Moscovian/Kasimovian 界 线 ) 有 孔 虫Fusulinellid 晚 期 分 子 和 Schwagerinid 早 期 分子 的 出 现 及 两 者 关 系 = Late Fusulinellid earlySchwagerinid Foraminifera; relationships andoccurrences in the Las Llacerias Section(Moscovian/Kasimovian), Cantabrian Mountains,Spain. ( 英 文 ). Adriaan C. van Ginke; Villa E.Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 1999, 29(3):263-290 6 图 版 .Several localities in the Cantabrian Mountains(Spain) yield data on the occurrence of the latefusulinellid/early schwagerinid genera Protriticitesand Montiparus, but the Las Llacerias sectionnear Covadonga (Asturias), offers the bestopportunity for a better understanding of the92

evolution of these fusulinaceans. Nine levels inthis undisturbed section were selected to describethe fusulinacean fauna. A new species,Triticites? leciae, is described from the top of thesection. The vertical distribution of this faunapoints to the presence of both the Protriticitesand the Montiparus Zones which in the RussianPlatform form the C 3 A Zone (Krevyakinskyand Khamovnichesky horizons). A level correspondingto the North American Desmoinesian/Missourianboundary lies either in thehigher part of the Montiparus Zone, near the topof the section, or slightly lower, but still abovethe underlying Protriticites Zone. The formertraditional Middle/Upper Carboniferous boundaryof Eurasia could be a major biostratigraphicboundary that coincides with a level of importantfaunal change. It is at about this level that thelate fusulinellid Protriticites (including speciesgroups commonly assigned to Praeobsoletes andObsoletes) evolved from different species groupsof Fusulinella. However, the evolutionarychange from Fusulinella to Protriticites, andthen to the earliest schwagerinid Montiparus,was quite gradual and may have started in olderstrata containing distinctly Middle Carboniferousfusulinaceans. No rapid turnover of the fusulinellid/schwagerinidfauna occurs near thatboundary. The minimal morphological divergenceinvolved in the evolution from Fusulinellato the late fusulinellids does not justify the recognitionof three genera (i.e. Protriticites, Obsoletes,and Praeobsoletes). For this reason, andalso in view of the practical difficulties with regardto their distinction, the genus Protriticites isredefined here to include the other two genera.2008040286美 国 加 利 福 尼 亚 北 部 Calera 灰 岩 白 垩 纪 浮 游有 孔 虫 的 生 物 地 层 学 = Cretaceous plankticforaminiferal biostratigraphy of the CaleraLimestone, Northern California, USA. ( 英 文 ).Sliter W V. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,1999, 29(4): 318-339 4 图 版 .The Calera Limestone is the largest, moststratigraphically extensive limestone unit of oceaniccharacter included in the Franciscan Complexof northern California. The aim of this paperis to place the Calera Limestone at its typelocality (Rockaway Beach, Pacifica) in a highresolutionbiostratigraphy utilizing planktic foraminifersstudied in thin section. A section,about 110 m-thick, was measured from the middlethrust slice exposed by quarrying on thesouthwest side of Calera Hill at Pacifica Quarry.Lithologically, the section is divided in two units;a lower unit with 73m of black to dark-greylimestone, black chert and tuff, and an upper unitwith 36.8m of light-grey limestone and mediumgreychert. Two prominent black-shale layersrich in organic carbon occur 11 m below the topof the lower black unit and at the boundary withoverlying light-grey unit, yielding a total organiccontent (TOC) of 4.7% and 1.8% t.w., respectively.The fossiliferous Calera Limestone sectionmeasured at Pacifica Quarry, from the lowerblack shale, contains eleven zones and threesubzones that span approximately 26 m.y. fromthe early Aptian to the late Cenomanian. Thezones identified range from the Globigerinelloidesblowi Zone to the Dicarinella algerianaSubzone of the Rotalipora cushmani Zone.Within this biostratigraphic interval, theTicinella bejaouaensis and Hedbergellaplanispira Zones at the Aptian/Albian boundaryare missing as are the Rotalipora subticinensisSubzone of the Biticinella breggiensis Zone andthe overlying Rotalipora ticinensis Zone in thelate Albian owing both to low-angle thrust faultingand to unconformities. The abundance andpreservation of planktic foraminifers are poor inthe lower part and improve only within the upperG. algerianus Zone. The faunal relationship indicatethat the lower black shale occurs in theupper part of the G. blowi Zone and correlateswith the Selli Event recognized at global scale inthe early Aptian. The upper black shale occurs ator near the boundary between the G. ferreolensisand G. algerianus Zone in the late Aptian. Thisblack layer, or Thalmann Event as named here,seems to represent the sedimentary expression,at the scale of Permanente Terrane, of a globalperturbation of the carbon cycle.2008040287北 大 西 洋 亚 热 带 区 Cenomanian-Turonian 界线 的 有 孔 虫 组 合 和 稳 定 同 位 素 变 化 = Foraminiferalassemblage and stable isotopicchange across the Cenomanian-Turonian boundaryin the subtropical North Atlantic. ( 英 文 ).Huber B T; Leckie R M. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 1999, 29(4): 392-417 3 图 版 .The Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval(CTBI) at Site 1050 (30 degrees 6'N, 76 degrees14'W) was investigated to characterize climaticand oceanographic changes during the OceanicAnoxic Event that was associated with it (OAE2). Because of unusually good foraminiferalpreservation for sediments of this age, we haveobtained an unaltered oxygen and carbon isotopeprofile and an accompanying record of plankticand benthic foraminifer abundance changesacross the OAE 2 interval. Biostratigraphic,sedimentologic, and chemostratigraphic analysesindicate that more than 0.5 m.y. between theonset and tail end of OAE 2 are missing. Thisexplains why organic-rich sediments are absentfrom the Site 1050 sequence and why the plankticand benthic carbon isotope shifts are minor( approximately 0.8 per mil) compared with the93

most complete OAE 2 sections. While plankticspecies diversity shows relatively minor changeacross the OAE 2 interval, extinction of the rotaliporidsand Globigerinelloides bentonensis, ashift to Heterohelix-dominated assemblages, andincreased abundance of helvetoglobotruncanidsat the onset of OAE 2 cause a dramatic changein the planktic foraminifer assemblage composition.The rotaliporid extinction occurs at thelevel where middle bathyal temperatures are estimatedto have increased from 15 to 19 degreesC, which is warmer than any other time duringthe Cretaceous and Cenozoic. This deep waterwarming may have caused a breakdown in thevertical structure of the water column, and couldexplain the extinction of deeper dwelling plankticspecies, including Rotalipora and G. bentonensis.On the other hand, sea surface temperatureestimates based on planktic foraminiferaldelta 18 O values (corrected for salinity) remainsteady throughout the CTBI, varying between 23to 26 degrees C. The presence of volcaniclasticsediments within the OAE 2 interval at Site 1050is consistent with previous suggestions that theCTBI was a time of anonymously high rates ofCO 2 flux into the atmosphere and oceans duringa major phase of explosive volcanic activity andlarge igneous province emplacement in the Caribbeanand other regions worldwide. Furtherinvestigation of the CTBI is needed to establishwhether increased PCO 2 can be accepted as theprimary forcing mechanism for the middle Cretaceous"supergreenhouse".2008040288新 属 Praepararotalia 和 Antarcticella Loeblichand Tappen 属 的 底 栖 古 生 境 = A benthicpaleohabitat for Praepararotalia gen. nov.and Antarcticella Loeblich and Tappan. ( 英 文 ).Liu C J; Olsson R K. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 1998, 28(1): 3-18 4 图 版 .Globorotalia inconspicua Howe, G. aculeataJenkins, G. Perclara Loeblich and Tappan (seniorsynonym of G. reissi Loeblich and Tappan),Globigerina pauciloculata Jenkins, andCandeina antarctica Leckie and Webb are Cenozoicspecies interpreted to have been adaptedto a planktic habitat. Their restriction, however,to shallow marine or marginal marine paleoenvironmentssuggests that they were benthic species.These taxa are associated with reduced plankticforaminiferal diversity, a low P/B (planktic/benthic)ratio, and an inner shelf benthic foraminiferalbiofacies. A new genus, Praepararotalia,is erected for several species interpreted tobe phylogenetically related to the benthic genusPararotalia. Praepararotalia cretacea (newspecies), which is described from the MaastrichtianNavesink Formation in New Jersey,gave rise to the early Paleocene species Praepararotaliaperclara. In addition, stable isotopic(delta 18 O and delta 13 C) signatures ofall praepararotaliid species in this study clustercloser to benthic foraminiferal signatures and aredistinct from normal marine planktic taxa fromthe Cretaceous and the Paleocene. A benthicpaleohabitat is suggested for the Danian speciesAntarcticella pauciloculata (Jenkins) because ofits dominant occurrence in shallow facies ofmarginal basins in the southern high latitudes.The species may be phylogenetically linked to P.cretacea n. sp. and is apparently the stem taxonof a Southern Ocean Paleogene evolutionarylineage that includes A. cecionii (Canon andErnst), A. zeocenica (Hornibrook and Jenkins),and A. antarctica (Leckie and Webb).2008040289Insolentitheca emend., Protoinsolentitheca n.gen. 和 Caligellidae 科 , 它 们 是 古 生 代 有 孔 虫的 永 久 胞 囊 ? = Insolentitheca emend., Protoinsolentithecan. gen. and Caligellidae emend.,permanent cysts of Palaeozoic foraminifera?. ( 英文 ). Vachard D; Cozar P. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologiae stratigrafia, 2004, 110(2): 591-603Insolentitheca was interpreted as a microproblematicum,a foraminiferal test, or a syxygialcyst. Protoinsolentitheca fundamenta n. gen. n.sp. is described, which links Insolentitheca andthe Caligellidae. Some elements of nomenclatureaqre introduced to describe the particular tests ofthe Caligellidae. These taxa could be basicallyrepresented by an infaunal naked or chitinaceousforaminifer, which secreted during its lifetime acalcified perimeter denominated the chimney,only present in the Caligellidae. To this initialsecretion are added two types of “agglutinated”and bioeroded tests: the fundamental in Protoinsolentithecaand Insolentitheca, land the bricks,in Insolentitheca only.2008040290Basque–Cantabrian 盆 地 和 西 班 牙 东 南 部 的底 栖 有 孔 虫 记 录 : 白 垩 - 古 近 纪 界 线 事 件 后深 海 洋 底 生 物 群 的 恢 复 = Recovery of thedeep-sea floor after the Cretaceous−Paleogeneboundary event: The benthic foraminiferal recordin the Basque–Cantabrian basin and inSouth-eastern Spain. ( 英 文 ). Alegret L. PalaeogeographyPalaeoclimatology Palaeoecology,2008, 255(1-2): 181-194A detailed analysis of the Upper Cretaceousand lower Paleogene benthic foraminiferal assemblages(> 63 μm) from the middle bathyalLoya section (Basque–Cantabrian Basin, SouthwesternFrance) has been carried out. The benthicforaminiferal and palaeoenvironmentalturnover across the K/Pg boundary at Loya hasbeen compared to that observed in the nearby94

Bidart section. Both sections exhibit mesotrophicconditions in the uppermost Maastrichtian,and a drastic decrease in the nutrient supply tothe sea floor in coincidence with the K/Pgboundary. Moreover, a faunal recovery of theassemblages is observed through the lowermostDanian.The pattern of faunal and palaeoenvironmentalrecovery in the Basque–Cantabrian Basin hasbeen compared to that observed in the middlebathyal Agost and Caravaca sections (SoutheasternSpain), where a similar decrease in thefood supply to the sea floor is observed in coincidencewith the K/Pg boundary. However,whereas low oxygen conditions have been recordedin the lowermost Danian in these twosections, no evidence for oxygen deficiency hasbeen found in the Basque–Cantabrian Basin,thus pointing to the regional – and not global –nature of low oxygen conditions following theK/Pg boundary event.Benthic foraminifera from the G. cretaceaBiozone suggest environmental instability in theBasque–Cantabrian Basin and in SoutheasternSpain. Such environmental stress has been relatednot only to the collapse of the food webdue to the extinction of calcareous primary producers,but also to a rapidly changing food supplydriven by phytoplankton blooms. Althoughstabilization of the ecosystems in surface watersprobably occurred towards the upper part of theG. cretacea Biozone, data available from the Ps.pseudobulloides Biozone at Bidart and Agostindicate that food supply to the benthos had notcompletely recovered, at least, 200 kyr after theK/Pg boundary.2008040291日 本 侏 罗 纪 堆 积 杂 岩 中 记 录 的 中 侏 罗 世 阿 林阶 晚 期 放 射 虫 动 物 群 的 古 海 洋 亲 缘 关 系 =Paleoceanographic affinities of radiolarian faunasin late Aalenian time (Middle Jurassic) recordedin the Jurassic accretionary complex ofJapan. ( 英 文 ). Suzuki N; Ogane K. Journal ofAsian Earth Sciences, 2004, 23(3): 343-357A total of 140 polycystine radiolarians (84nassellarians and 56 spumellarians; called Mn-03 assemblage herein) were identified from amanganese nodule in mudstone of the chert–clastic sequence distributed in the Jurassic accretionarycomplex of the Kuzumaki–KamaishiBelt, Northern Kitakami Mountains, NortheastJapan. The horizon yielding this well-preservedassemblage was correlated to the uppermost partof the radiolarian JR4 Zone (the Upper Aalenian,Middle Jurassic) on the basis of the presence ofTricolocapsa tegiminis, the probable decendantof Laxtorum (?) jurassicum, and the absence of L.(?) jurassicum and Tricolocapsa plicarum. TheMn-03A assemblage is of high diversity butshows nearly half of the diversity of the contemporaneousassemblage which was reported frommanganese nodules in another Jurassic accretionarycomplex of the Mino Belt in Japan. Bothassemblages are considered to have been derivedfrom the same province due to faunal similarity.The difference between both assemblages is explainedby lower productivity in the depositionalregion of the Mn-03A assemblage. Comparisonof the Mn-03A assemblage to the contemporaneousassemblage indicates that the fauna livedin the equatorial to lower latitudinal zone of thePacific Superocean in late Aalenian time.2008040292印 度 始 新 世 中 期 最 早 的 Pellatispira: 祖 先 物种 的 形 态 特 征 = Earliest Pellatispira Boussacfrom the middle Eocene of India: morphologicalspeciality of the ancestral stock. ( 英 文 ). MukhopadhyayS K. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2003, 22(3): 209-225Pellatispira Boussac, known to be restrictedto Upper Eocene shallow marine sediments ofthe Tethyan and Indo-Pacific provinces, hasbeen recovered together with Assilina papillataNuttall, Assilina cancellata Nuttall, Nummulitesatacicus Leymerie and Orbulinoides beckmanni(Saito) in a thin marl bed in the Amravati Riversection near Bharuch, Western India. The assemblageoccurs in the Globigerapsis beckmanniZone of Middle Eocene age. Represented byPellatispira crassicolumnata Umbgrove, P. orbitoidea(Provale), P. aff. madaraszi (Hantken)and P. boussaci sp. nov., the genus of the MiddleEocene is distinct with its primitive state ofsome characters, including the presence of discontinuouslongitudinal canals in the outer whorlwall, irregular growth of radial canals in themarginal crest and low trochospiral coiling. Externallyit possesses heavy ornamentation like itsLate Eocene descendants. The wall structure andthe general structure of the tests of this primitivePellatispira permit its inclusion within the Pellatispiridae.2008040293含 放 射 虫 的 砾 石 层 作 为 侵 蚀 事 件 的 示 踪 物 :日 本 西 南 部 和 韩 国 近 期 研 究 状 态 的 回 顾 =Gravel bearing radiolaria as tracers for erosionalevents: a review of the status of recent researchin SW Japan and Korea. ( 英 文 ). Ishida K; KozaiT; Sun-Ok Park; Mitsugi. Journal of Asian EarthSciences, 2003, 21(8): 909-920The authors introduce a case study of researchon the provenance of radiolaria-bearing gravelsand clasts of the monomictic chert-pebble conglomeratesin the Lower Cretaceous MonobegawaGroup, a paralic molasse in the OuterZone of Southwest Japan. Reconstruction of95

oceanic plate stratigraphy from gravels andclasts in monomictic chert-pebble conglomeratesbased on their lithology and radiolarian ages ispossible and effective for the provenance researchin the case of the Monobegawa Group. Areview of provenance studies of radiolariabearinggravels in Mesozoic orogenic sedimentsin SW Japan and Korea is included. The paperconcludes with the discussion of the erosionalevents of the Jurassic and pre-Jurassic accretionarycomplexes in SW Japan with reference to theLate Mesozoic geological history in the easternmargin of Asian continent.2008040294利 用 碳 氧 同 位 素 对 有 孔 虫 壳 成 岩 作 用 产 物 的识 别 = Identification of diagenetic artifacts inforaminiferal shells using carbon and oxygenisotopes. ( 英 文 ). Shieh Yingtzung; You Chenfeng;Shea Kaishuan; Horng Chorngshern. Journalof Asian Earth Sciences, 2003, 21(1): 1-5We have analyzed carbon and oxygen isotopesof two groups of planktonic foraminiferalshells from sediments near the Pliocene/Pleistocene(P/P) and the Miocene/Pliocene(M/P) boundaries, in the Lower GutingkengFormation in southwestern Taiwan. The P/Pshells display heavier isotopic compositions(δ 18 O=−1.5‰, δ 13 C=1.5‰) over a narrow range,suggesting a pristine environmental signature.On the other hand, the M/P shells are muchlighter (δ 18 O=−3 to −7‰, δ 13 C=1 to −1.5‰),and more scattered, associated with secondarycarbonate diagenesis. Our detailed SEM examinationconfirms this proposition. The P/P shellsdisplay a clean micro-texture and are free fromcarbonate recrystallization. However, there areabundant secondary calcite crystals in the M/Pshells. Therefore, the extreme shift of δ 18 O andδ 13 C in foraminiferal shells provides a guidelinefor evaluation of diagenetic artifacts of deeplyburied sediments that have been uplifted on land.2008040295高 加 索 西 部 ( 拉 扎 雷 夫 斯 克 地 区 )Ananuri组 沉 积 中 上 赛 诺 曼 阶 - 下 土 仑 阶 放 射 虫 = Radiolariansof the upper Cenomanian and lowerTuronian from deposits of the Ananuri Formation,the western Caucasus (Lazarevskoe area).( 英 文 ). Bragina L G; Agarkov Yu V; Bragin NYu. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation,2007, 15(3): 310-320Diverse radiolarians (over 70 species) are detectedin cherty rocks above the bituminousshale horizon, the marker of anoxic event OAE-2 recorded across the Cenomanian-Turonianboundary in the upper part of the Ananuri Formationof flyschoid deposits, the Lazarevskoearea of the western Caucasus. The radiolarianassemblages studied are comparable in compositionwith radiolarians from concurrent Cenomanian-Turonianboundary strata in other Mediterraneanregions (e.g., in the Crimea and Turkey).The lower radiolarian assemblage includes indexspecies Dactyliosphaera silviae of synonymousCenomanian zone. Alievium superbum present inthe upper assemblage is index species of therelevant Turonian zone. Within the studied flyschoidsequence, sediments indicative of theabove event (bituminous shales and cherts) areconfined to upper elements of flysch rhythms.2008040296俄 罗 斯 东 北 部 Taigonos 半 岛 波 沃 罗 特 内 角 侏罗 纪 放 射 虫 和 燧 石 夹 层 的 时 代 = Jurassic radiolariansand age of cherty rocks in the PovorotnyiCape, the Taigonos Peninsula (northeastRussia). ( 英 文 ). Palechek T N; Palandzhan S A.Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 2007,15(1): 67-88Radiolaria-based dating of chert intercalationsin basaltic sequences of ophiolitic associations,which are widespread in the west of circum-Pacific foldbelt being barren of macrofossils, isan important source of information about tectonicevents and factors responsible for openingand destruction of basins floored by oceaniccrust and for emplacement of relevant tectonicsheets into accretionary prisms and orogenicstructures. Described in the work are the Middle(Bajocian-Callovian), Middle-Late (Callovian-Oxfordian) and Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian-Tithonian) radiolarian assemblages. Accordingto taxonomic composition and morphology ofradiolarian tests, the first assemblage is of theNorth Tethyan type, while the other two are ofthe Boreal affinity.2008040297关 于 大 型 底 栖 有 孔 虫 外 骨 骼 凝 固 、 推 移 和 挟带 作 用 的 研 究 : 浅 海 沉 积 岩 堆 积 特 点 研 究 的意 义 = Studies on settling, traction and entrainmentof larger benthic foraminiferal tests: implicationsfor accumulation in shallow marinesediments. ( 英 文 ). Yordanova E K; HoheneggerJ. Sedimentology, 2007, 54(6): 1273–1306Settling and traction velocities were measuredon optimally preserved tests of larger foraminiferausing a settling tube and flume tank. Withinlarger foraminifera with porcelaneous tests, thepeneroplids, Peneroplis antillarum, P. planatus,P. pertusus and Dendritina cf. D. zhengae, aredistinguished by low test densities (ca 1·2) thatdo not change with growth. Buoyancy is highbecause of low Reynolds numbers and increasesin large individuals because of the allometricchange of test shape. The fusiform Alveolinellaquoyi, with test densities ca 1·6, is characterized96

y high Reynolds numbers, inducing the weakestbuoyancy within porcelaneous larger foraminifera.The highest buoyancy was recorded for thethree soritids, Parasorites orbitolitoides, Soritesorbiculus and Amphisorus hemprichii, becauseof their low test densities (ca 1·25) and the extremelyflat, biconcave, plate-like shape. Flattests, however, reduce traction and entrainmentfrom smooth surfaces. Within hyaline larger foraminiferat,the amphisteginids show thicklenticular(Amphistegina lobifera, A. radiata) tothin-lenticular tests (A. bicirculata, A. papillosa),influencing buoyancy. Here, high test densities(ca 1·8) decrease with growth in A. lobifera, A.lessonii and A. bicirculata, and remain constantin A. radiata and A. papillosa. Minimum velocitiesrequired for entrainment are lower for thicklenticulartests and higher for thin-lenticular tests.Test densities remain constant with growth in thecalcarinid Baculogypsina sphaerulata (ρ 1·78)and decrease slightly in Calcarina gaudichaudiiand Neorotalia calcar (starting at ρ1·85), all livingunder extreme hydrodynamic conditions.Density decreases the most in Baculogypsinoidesspinosus (starting at ρ1·8), resulting in higherbuoyancy through low Reynolds numbers. Tractionis promoted in spherical tests of Baculogypsinaand Baculogypsinoides. Within nummulitids,the thick-lenticular Palaeonummulitesvenosus (test density decreasing with size; startingat 1·78) is less buoyant, expressed in highReynolds numbers, but easily entrained. Thicklenticularjuveniles and extremely flat adultsdistinguish Operculinella cumingii, Heterosteginadepressa and the giant Cycloclypeus carpenteri.Test densities increase during growth,starting from ca 1·6 and attaining a maximum of1·8. Buoyancy is low in small tests and high inlarge tests, while entrainment velocities are reducedas the tests flatten. High buoyancy is alsoa characteristic of the entirely flat tests in Operculinaammonoides (from deeper regions) andPlanostegina operculinoides, which is expressedin the lowest Reynolds numbers within largerforaminifera.2008040298浮 游 有 孔 虫 长 期 演 化 过 程 中 受 环 境 影 响 的 周期 性 自 组 织 特 性 = Periodically forced selforganizationin the long-term evolution of plankticforaminifera. ( 英 文 ). Prokoph A; Fowler A D;Patterson R T. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences,2001, 38(2): 293-308Wavelet transform and other signal analysistechniques suggest that the planktic foraminiferal(PF) long-term evolutionary record of thelast 127 Ma can be attributed to complex periodicand nonlinear patterns. Correlation of thePF extinction pattern with other geological seriesfavors an origin of the ~30 Ma periodicity andself-organization by quasi-periodic mantleplumecycles that in turn drive episodic volcanism,CO 2 -degassing, oceanic anoxic conditions,and sea-level fluctuations. Stationary ~30 Maperiodicity and a weak secular trend of ~100 Maperiod are evident in the PF record, even withoutconsideration of the mass extinction at the K–Tboundary. The 27–32 Ma periodicity in the impactcrater record and lows in the global sealevelcurve, respectively, are ~6.5 Ma and ~2.3Ma out of phase with PF-extinction data, althoughmajor PF-extinction events correspond tothe bolide impacts at the K–T boundary and inlate Eocene. Another six extinction events correspondto abrupt global sea-level falls betweenthe late Albian and early Oligocene. Selforganizationin the PF record is characterized byincreased radiation rates after major extinctionevents and a steady number of baseline species.Our computer model of long-term PF evolutionreplicates this SO pattern. The model consists ofoutput from the logistic map, which is forced at30 Ma and 100 Ma frequencies. The model hassignificant correlations with the relative PFextinctiondata. In particular, it replicates singularities,such as the K–T event, nonstationary2.5–10 Ma periodicities, and phase shifts in the~30 Ma periodicity of the PF record.2008040299南 大 洋 地 区 KH94-4-AMR-2PC 孔 更 新 世 放射 虫 分 布 和 系 统 分 类 = Distribution and taxonomyof Pleistocene radiolarians from KH94-4-AMR-2PC core of the Southern Ocean region.( 英 文 ). Sharmaa G K; Takahashib K. Palaeoworld,2008, 17(1): 57-82This paper presents first comprehensive accountof radiolarian taxa from the Pleistocenesequence of the Antarctic region. On the basis of54 samples from the piston core KH94-4-AMR-2PC, 71 well-preserved radiolarian species wereidentified and illustrated. Their systematics,morphological variability and distribution in thisSouthern Ocean region are given and also comparedwith similar data available from other regions.Ten new taxa are described in detail butare yet to be formally named. This study providesa more extensive database and new taxafor comparative studies of other parts of theocean sectors of the Antarctic region2008040300环 特 提 斯 东 北 部 上 Ypresian 腐 泥 层 有 孔 虫 古生 物 群 落 分 析 = Analysis of foraminiferal paleocoenosesfrom the upper Ypresian sapropeliclayers of the northeastern Peri-Tethys. ( 英 文 ).Stupin S I. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation,2008, 16(2): 198-20397

A series of layers rich in organic matter (sapropelites)is known in the upper Ypresian depositsof the northeastern Peri-Tethys. Study offormainifers and quantitative analysis of theirdifferent ecological groups showed that proportionof infauna is considerably grater in sapropeliclayers than in host deposits. In distinctionfrom infauna, tests of species not burrowing intosediments (epifauna) are partially dissolved. Theanalyzed paleocoenoses of benthic foraminifersimply that sapropelites have been formed mostlikely in dysoxic environments, under conditionsof the bottom waters contamination by carbondioxide in response to a high C org influx, weakenedwater circulation and low oxygen concentration.The comparison of foraminiferal assemblageswith paleocoenoses studied previously inthe Paleocene/Eocene boundary sapropelic interbedsuggests that deposits rich in C org originatedunder the same hydrogeochemical environments2008040301安 徽 巢 湖 长 兴 晚 期 ( 二 叠 纪 最 晚 期 ) 放 射 虫动 物 群 及 其 与 华 南 同 期 动 物 群 的 对 比 = A lateChanghsingian (latest Permian) radiolarian faunafrom Chaohu, Anhui and a comparison with itscontemporary faunas of South China. ( 英 文 ). HeWeihong; Zhang; Yang ; Zheng Yingerl; ZhangKexin; Gui Biwen; Feng Qinglai. Alcheringa,2008, 32(2): 199 - 222A well-preserved late Changhsingian radiolarianfauna (15 species attributed to 12 genera) isrecorded from the upper part of the Talung Formation,Chaohu, Anhui Province, South China.This radiolarian fauna includes Entactinia itsukaichiensis,Entactinia sashidai, Triaenosphaeraminutus, Hegleria mammilla, ?Wuyia dongpanica,Tetraspongodiscus stauracanthus,Tetrapaurinella discoidalis, Klaengspongusformosus, Klaengspongus spinosus, Paroertlispongusfontainei, Ormistonella elegans, Quadricaulisinflata, Ishigaum trifustis, Ishigaum obesum,and Foremanhelena robusta. This fauna ismore diverse than the fauna from the Meishansection in Zhejiang Province but is less diversethan the fauna of the Dongpan section inGuangxi Province, South China. The new faunaincorporates a higher percentage of Latentifistulariaforms than the fauna from the Meishan section,but incorporates a lower percentage of Latentifistulariaand Albaillellaria forms than thatfrom the Dongpan section. These differencescould be due to deposition of the Chaohu sedimentsin deeper waters than at Meishan, but inshallower waters than at Dongpan.2008040302土 耳 其 东 部 地 区 Taurides 东 部 Koseyahya 推覆 体 中 卡 尼 阶 织 纹 虫 = Middle Carnian (LateTriassic) Nassellaria (Radiolaria) of KoseyahyaNappe from eastern Taurides, Eastern Turkey.( 英 文 ). Tekin U K; Bedi Y. Rivista Italiana diPaleontologia e stratigrafia, 2007, 113(2): 167-190Abundant, very diverse, and well-preservedNassellarian fauna has been obtained. A comparisonwith the radiolarian faunas of Austria,Japan and Turkey allows us to assign a middleCarnian age to this radiolarian fauna from theElbistan region. This fauna contains Nassellariathat are typical for this time interval. Moreover,it contains Tetraporobrachia haeckeli Kozur &Mostler which is an index fossil that gives thename to the zone established by Kozur & Mostler.As a result of the taxonomic study of theNassellarian fauna, thirty-nine taxa amongwhich nine new species and twelve taxa remainedin open nomenclature are described andfigured in this study.2008040303法 国 - 意 大 利 边 境 法 国 - 意 大 利 边 境 滨 海 阿 尔卑 斯 山 脉 Dauphinois Domain 地 区 最 南 端 始新 世 大 有 孔 虫 生 物 地 层 = Eocene larger foraminiferalbiostratigraphy in the southernmostDauphinois Domain (Maritime Alps, France-Italy border). ( 英 文 ). Varrone D; Decrouez D.Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e stratigrafia,2007, 113(2): 257-267The Trucco Formation and the NummuliticLimestone are characterized by abundant largerforaminifera, specifically nummulitids, orthophragminidsand encrusting foraminifera. In theMaritime Alps, previous studies suggest a lateLutetian age for the Trucco Formation and a lateLutetian-Priabonian age for the NummuliticLimestone. Biostratigraphic analysis of thenummulitids, in 11 stratigraphic sections, allowedus to distinguish 3 biozones. According tocurrent larger foraminiferal biozonal shemes, theage of these local biozones corresponds to theBartonian p. p.. Moreover, the comparison withbiostratigraphic schemes established for theDauphinois Domain and for the Tethyan areaevidences that several typical nummulitid speciesof the late Bartonian are lacking in thesouthern Daupinois Domain, probably due to apaleogeographic control.2008040304土 耳 其 伊 斯 坦 布 尔 Baltalimani 组 Tournasian阶 中 上 部 的 放 射 虫 = Middle to Upper Tournasianradiolaria of the Baltalimani Formation,Istanbul, Turkey. ( 英 文 ). Noble P J; Tekin U K;Gedik I; Pehlivan S. Journal of Paleontology,2008, 82(1): 37-56 6 图 版 .Radiolarians collected from five localities ofthe Baltalimani Formation in the Istanbul region98

are described in detail, and the local stratigraphicranges and persistence of biostratigraphicallyimportant radiolarian species are documented.The spumellarian component is published for thefirst time, and four new species are described:Albaillella kayai n. sp., Ceratoikiscum jucundumn. sp., Meschedea akcetensis n. sp., and Stigmosphaerostylusistanbulensis n. sp. Two assemblagesare recognized: the A. paradoxa andthe A. sp. aff. A. undulata-A. deflandrei assemblage.The older A. paradoxa assemblage containsTraenosphaera sicarius, Pararchocyrtiumserrensis, Cyrtisphaeractenium mendax, andcommon to abundant A. paradoxa and Popofskyellium.Albaillella paradoxa is not restrictedto the older assemblage but is the only species ofAlbaillella present. The younger A. sp. aff. A.undulata-A. deflandrei assemblage contains eitherA. sp. aff. A. undulata or A. deflandrei. Albaillellaindensis ambigua, A. kayai n. sp., andKantollium sp. A occur exclusively in the A. sp.aff. A. undulata-A. deflandrei assemblage, butare rare and patchy in their occurrence. Distinctivetaxa common to both assemblages are Archocyrtiumlagabriellei, Pylentonema antiqua,C. avimexpectens, C. umbraculatum, C. jucundumn. sp., Trilonche palimbola, M. akcetensis n.sp., S. tortispina, Polyentactinia polygonia, P.aranea, and Cubaxonium? octaedrospongiosum.Many of the taxa present occur in middle andupper Tournasian sections from France, the centralPyrenees, and Germany and provide a solidbasis for re-assessing the age of the BaltalimaniFormation as middle to late Tournasian (Tn2–Tn3).2008040305墨 西 哥 西 北 部 索 诺 拉 宾 夕 法 尼 亚 亚 系 蜓 类 和钙 藻 及 其 生 物 地 层 和 生 物 地 理 意 义 = Pennsylvanianfusulinids and calcareous algae fromSonora (northwestern Mexico), and their biostratigraphicand palaeobiogeographic implications.( 英 文 ). Gomez-Espinosa C; Vachard D;Buitrón-Sánchez B; Almazán-Vazquez E; Mendoza-MaderaC. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008,7(5): 259-268Pennsylvanian carbonates are widespread inSonora (Mexico) and contain a diverse biota offoraminifers and calcareous algae. Detailed studieshere are devoted to the outcrops of the SierraAgua Verde and Cerro El Tule. The Late Atokan(early Late Moscovian part), Desmoinesian(= late Late Moscovian) and Missourian(= Kasimovian) stages are especially rich infusulinids and algae. The principal zones offusulinids of Wilde encountered are A3, DS1and MC1–2. New data are given about the generaFusulinella, Parawedekindellina, Zellerella,Komia and Paraepimastopora, in order to establishmigrations or vicariances between Mexicoand Palaeotethys2008040306帕 米 尔 东 南 部 下 三 叠 统 - 中 安 尼 阶 卡 拉 塔 什群 有 孔 虫 和 地 层 = Foraminifers and stratigraphyof the Karatash Group (lower Triassic-Middle Anisian), the southeastern Pamir. ( 英 文 ).Korchagin O A. Stratigraphy and GeologicalCorrelation, 2008, 16(3): 248-256First data on Middle Triassic foraminifers ofthe southeastern Pamir are considered. Thelower-middle Anisian sediments are reliablyrecognized within uniform limestone successionof the Karatash Group in the Southeastern Pamirbased on found foraminiferal species Meandrospiradeformata Salaj, Meandrospira cheni (Ho),Pilamminella ex gr. semiplana (Kochansky-Devide et Pantic), and Endotheba badouxi (Zaninettiet Bronnimann). The lower-middle AnisianMeandrospira deformata Zone is definedand the Karatash Group is subdivided into theKhan (lower) and Yulla (upper) formations. Theforaminifers found imply their migration betweenthe western (Alps, Carpathians, Balkans)and eastern (South China platform, Malaysia,Japan) Tethys across the southeastern Pamir region.Characteristic species of the genus Meandrospirarecorded in the southeastern Pamirs aredescribed with specifying their taxonomic scope.2008040307俄 罗 斯 白 令 海 南 部 浮 游 有 孔 虫 : 在 晚 更 新 世 -全 新 世 时 期 组 分 和 数 量 的 变 化 = Planktonicforaminifers in the southern Bering Sea:Changes in composition and productivity duringthe Late Pleistocene-Holocene. ( 英 文 ). ChekhovskayaM P; Basov I A; Matul A G; Khusid TA; Gorbarenko S A. Stratigraphy and GeologicalCorrelation, 2008, 16(3): 328-342Taxonomic composition and distribution ofplanktonic foraminifers are studied in section ofCore GC-11 that penetrated through Upper Quaternarysediments of the Bowers Ridge westernslope, the southern Bering Sea. As is shown,structure of foraminiferal assemblage and productivityhave varied substantially during thelast 32000 calendar years in response to changesin surface water temperatures and water masscirculation in the northern part of the Pacific, theBering Sea included. The productivity wasmaximal during deglaciation epoch, being notablylower in the Holocene and minimal at theglaciation time.2008040308丹 尼 阶 最 下 部 浮 游 有 孔 虫 新 属 Palaeoglobigerina的 形 态 、 生 物 统 计 和 系 统 分 类 研 究 =Morphology, biometry and taxonomy of the99

lowermost Danian planktonic foraminifera: Palaeoglobigerinan. gen.. ( 其 他 ). Arenillas I; ArzJ A; Nanez C. Revista Espanola de paleontologia,2007, 22(1): 21-62The lowermost Danian contains oligotaxicplanktic foraminiferal assemblages with speciesof small size and very simple morphology, derivedfrom an evolutionary radiation occurredafter the Cretaceous/Paleogene mass extinctionevent. The taxonomic classification of this foraminiferalgroup has been revised, after performingbiometric and morphological analysis inorder to delimit the species. Palaeoglobigerina n.gen. is proposed to include the small trochospiralglobigerinid species, with smooth wall-texture,3-4 chambers in the last spire whorl, occurring inthe guembelitria cretacea and Parvularugoglobigerinaeugubina Zones. Twenty two speciesare recognized, described and illustrated.2008040309安 徽 巢 湖 二 叠 系 最 晚 期 晚 长 兴 期 放 射 虫 动 物群 及 其 与 华 南 同 期 动 物 群 对 比 = A lateChanghsingian (latest Permian) radiolarian faunafrom Chaohu, Anhui and a comparison with itscontemporary faunas of South China. ( 英 文 ). HeWeihong; Zhang Yang; Zheng Yinger; ZhangKexin; Gui Biwen; Feng Qinglai. Alcheringa,2008, 32(2): 199-222A well-preserved late Changhsingian radiolarianfauna (15 species attributed to 12 genera) isrecorded from the upper part of the Talung Formation,Chaohu, Anhui Province, South China.This radiolarian fauna includes Entactinia itsukaichiensis,Entactinia sashidai, Triaenosphaeraminutus, Hegleria mammilla, ?Wuyia dongpanica,Tetraspongodiscus stauracanthus,Tetrapaurinella discoidalis, Klaengspongusformosus, Klaengspongus spinosus, Paroertlispongusfontainei, Ormistonella elegans, Quadricaulisinflata, Ishigaum trifustis, Ishigaum obesum,and Foremanhelena robusta. This fauna ismore diverse than the fauna from the Meishansection in Zhejiang Province but is less diversethan the fauna of the Dongpan section inGuangxi Province, South China. The new faunaincorporates a higher percentage of Latentifistulariaforms than the fauna from the Meishan section,but incorporates a lower percentage of Latentifistulariaand Albaillellaria forms than thatfrom the Dongpan section. These differencescould be due to deposition of the Chaohu sedimentsin deeper waters than at Meishan, but inshallower waters than at Dongpan.2008040310藏 南 萨 迦 县 混 杂 岩 晚 白 垩 世 有 孔 虫 动 物 群 =Late Cretaceous Foraminiferal Faunas from theSaiqu“mélange”in Southern Tibet. ( 英 文 ). LiGuobiao; Wan Xiaoqiao; Jiang Ganqing; HuXiumian; Goudemand N; Han Hongdou; ChenXi. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007, 81(6): 917-921+924+922-923As one of the mélanges in the southern side ofthe Yarlung-Zangbo suture zone,the Saiqu mélangein southern Tibet is important for understandingthe evolution of the Neo-Tethysocean.The age of the Saiqu mélange,however,hasbeen debated due to the lackof reliable fossil evidence in matrix strata.Basedon lithological similarities with platform strata insouthern Tibet and limited fossils from exoticblocks,previous studies variously ascribed theSaiqu mélange to be Triassic in general,LateTriassic,or Late...2008040311西 印 度 群 岛 尼 维 斯 岛 附 生 有 孔 虫 的 居 群 结 构= Population structures among epiphytal foraminiferalcommunities, Nevis, West Indies.( 英 文 ). Wilson B. Journal of Micropalaeontology,2008, 27(part 1): 63-73The taxocene of live epiphytal foraminiferawas for one year monitored monthly on six phytalsubstrates in shallow water (

depositional settings of the Mediterranean Sea(Alboran Sea, South Adriatic Sea and IonianSea). The constant presence of benthic foraminiferathroughout the sapropels at 3000 m) indicate that theseverity of oxygen depletion at the time of sapropelonset increases with increasing water depth.Planktonic and benthic foraminiferal patternsalso document an interruption during sapropeldeposition, which allows for the recognition oftwo sapropel phases. In all basins, the short interruptionappears to be related to climatic deterioration,which led to the break in stratificationand, hence, to the re-oxygenation of bottom waters.Since the interruption of the time-equivalentsapropel intervals has been documented previouslyin other Mediterranean areas, these datasupport the recent theory that this interruptionmust have been a trans-Mediterranean phenomenonand that the interruption records a short excursionout of the periods of wet climate associatedwith precessional minima.2008040313瑞 士 侏 罗 地 区 晚 Oxfordian 期 有 孔 虫Mohlerinabasiliensis 与 Bacinella-Lithocodium 核 形 石 共 同 产 出 的 古 环 境 和 古生 态 意 义 = Co-occurrence of the foraminiferMohlerina basiliensis with Bacinella-Lithocodium oncoids: palaeoenvironmental andpalaeoecological implications (Late Oxfordian,Swiss Jura). ( 英 文 ). Vedrine S. Journal of Micropalaeontology,2008, 27(part 1): 35-44The stratigraphical and spatial distribution ofthe foraminifer Mohlerina basiliensis and Bacinella-Lithocodiumoncoids was studied in thelagoonal deposits of the oncoid-richHauptmumienbank Member from the Swiss JuraMountains (Late Oxfordian, NW Switzerland).Mohlerina basiliensis has a double-layered wallstructure (thick outer hyaline-radial calcite layerwith a lamellar structure and thin inner microgranularcalcite layer) and is preferentially foundin low-energy facies and associated with normalmarinebioclasts and Bacinella-Lithocodium oncoids.The distribution of Mohlerina basiliensisis relatively patchy. The 'distal' platform faciespresent a higher abundance and a more extensivestratigraphic occurrence of this foraminifer. Thetiming of the ecological evolution is given by thesequence- and cyclostratigraphic framework andillustrates the stepwise flooding of the platform.Bacinella-Lithocodium oncoids have diametersof a few millimetres to several centimetres andare composed of an alternation of Bacinella-Lithocodium meshwork and thin micritic laminae.They are found preferentially in low-energyfacies (bioclastic wackestones) of open lagoons.The distribution of Bacinella-Lithocodium oncoidsthrough time and space is also patchy;however, they appear more abundantly in 'distal'platform facies. This study reveals the cooccurrenceof Mohlerina basiliensis and Bacinella-Lithocodiumoncoids and thus suggestssimilar environmental conditions.2008040314Acarinina multicamerata( 有 孔 虫 新 种 ): 一 个新 的 古 新 世 - 始 新 世 酷 热 环 境 的 标 志 种 =Acarinina multicamerata n. sp (Foraminifera): anew marker for the Paleocene-Eocene thermalmaximum. ( 英 文 ). Guasti E; Speijer R P. Journalof Micropalaeontology, 2008, 27(part 1): 5-12During the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum(PETM), low to mid-latitude planktic foraminiferalassemblages were characterized byblooms of the surface-dwelling Acarinina.Among this group a new 'excursion taxon' isidentified, Acarinina multicamerata n. sp. Previously,this taxon was lumped together withAcarinina sibaiyaensis El-Naggar. Consideringthat A. sibaiyaensis already occurred prior to thehyperthermal event, both in open ocean andocean margin deposits, it is proposed that thesetaxa are differentiated in order to avoid taxonomicand biostratigraphic ambiguities. Acarininamulticamerata n. sp. occurred exclusivelyduring the PETM, hence this taxon represents anexcellent biostratigraphic marker of the PETM,while its common occurrence in various marinesettings makes it an excellent marker of SubzoneP5b or its new equivalent zone El.2008040315基 于 核 糖 体 DNA 序 列 的 Ammonia 属 ( 有 孔虫 ) 分 子 的 分 类 学 关 系 = Taxonomic relationshipsin the genus Ammonia (Foraminifera)based on ribosomal DNA sequences. ( 英 文 ).Holzmann M; Pawlowski J. Journal of Micropalaeontology,2000, 19(part 1): 85-95The genus Ammonia is a common benthicforaminifer which is widely distributed in nearshoremarine environments. Its large morphologicalvariability causes considerable difficultiesin species identification. In the present study,we investigated taxonomic relationships in Ammoniaby using a molecular approach based onribosomal DNA sequences. We obtained 149partial large subunit ribosomal DNA (LSUrDNA) sequences and 23 small subunit ribosomalDNA (SSU rDNA) sequences from 88living Ammonia specimens which were collectedfrom free-living populations in 14 localities.Sequence analysis revealed the presence ofeight distinct genotypic groups (T1-T7, T9) andone distinct genotype that is represented by onespecimen (T8). Examination of morphological101

characters shows that only one genotypic groupcan be clearly distinguished by its morphology.Biogeographical and ecological features are usedfor an additional characterization and it seemsthat the different groups live in relatively welldefined environmental conditions and that onlyone genotypic group is cosmopolitan, while theothers have a rather restricted geographical distribution.According to our study, three of thegenotypic groups can be regarded as distinctspecies.2008040316一 种 新 的 温 暖 浅 水 型 微 体 有 孔 虫 :Aubignyna 属 的 模 式 种 和 A. hamblensis 的 描述 = On the type species of Aubignyna and adescription of A. hamblensis, a new microforaminiferfrom temperate shallow waters. ( 英文 ). Murray J W; Whittaker J E; Alve E. Journalof Micropalaeontology, 2000, 19(part 1): 61-67The genus Aubignyna Margerel, 1970 (type A.mariei) was originally described from the upperPliocene of NW France. Examination and reillustrationof topotypes of A. mariei Margerel,1970, the holotype of Buccella planidorso Atkinson,1969 (from the Recent of Cardigan Bay,Wales) and syntypes of Rotalia perlucida Heron-Allen & Earland, 1913 (from the Glare IslandSurvey, western Ireland) shows them to be conspecific.Consequently, the type species ofAubignyna becomes R. perlucida, for which alectotype is chosen. A new species of microforaminiferaformally described here is assignedto Aubignyna and shown to occur in a widerange of intertidal-shallow subtidal, brackishnormalmarine estuaries and lagoons in Europeand North America.2008040317英 国 奇 切 斯 特 港 Mill Rythe Creek 盐 沼 先 生有 孔 虫 组 合 年 变 化 和 补 丁 状 分 布 = Intraannualvariability and patchiness in living assemblagesof salt-marsh foraminifera from MillRythe Creek, Chichester Harbour, England. ( 英文 ). Swallow J E. Journal of Micropalaeontology,2000, 19(part 1): 9-22The areas of coastal marsh studied in MillRythe Creek, Chichester Harbour, southern England,support a fluctuating foraminiferal assemblagewhich, although similar to those recordedin other parts of the UK and the Atlantic seaboardof North America, has its own distinctiveassemblage of species. This is due to the constantlyhigh salinity of the water here. Unusually,these marshes do not receive freshwater inputfrom a nearby river and thus are not subject totidal fluctuations in salinity.The mid-marsh Site 1 has a fauna consistingof typical marsh species, e.g., Jadamminamacrescens, Trochammina inflata and Miliamminafusca. In addition, normal marine salinityallows Quinqueloculina oblonga to flourish andeven dominate the fauna in most samples. Thelower marsh Site 2 contains a typical marshfauna dominated by hyaline forms. The dominanceof Ammonia beccarii [aberdoveyensis] ismost characteristic of the lower marsh, togetherwith Haynesina germanica. The normal marinesalinity of the marsh can again be confirmed bythe high abundance of Quinqueloculina oblonga.The results of a replicate sampling regimeemployed in this study clearly demonstrate thepatchy nature of the living foraminiferal distributionin marsh environments over small lateraldistances as well as the high seasonal variabilityof foraminiferal abundances.2008040318部 分 中 新 世 浮 游 有 孔 虫 的 卷 曲 方 向 = Coilingdirections in some Miocene planktonic Foraminifera.( 英 文 ). Winter C J; Pearson P N.Journal of Micropalaeontology, 2001, 20(part 1):29-30We have measured the coiling directions ofapproximately 14000 Miocene planktonic Foraminiferashells belonging to three lineages(Dentoglobigerina altispira, Paragloborotaliamayeri and Fohsella spp.) from sites in the Pacific(ODP Site 871) and Atlantic (ODP Site 925)oceans. Stratigraphic patterns in the preferreddirection of coiling of these forms are assessedand their potential utility for biostratigraphiccorrelation is discussed. We find that all threelineages show a transition from approximatelyrandom coiling (although with a slight discerniblesinistral bias in D. altispira) to sinistral predominancein both oceans, although the timingand pattern of change is different in each case.2008040319有 孔 虫 孔 的 主 要 形 态 发 展 趋 势 及 其 分 类 学 意义 = The main morphological trends in the developmentof the foraminiferal aperture and theirtaxonomic significance. ( 英 文 ). Mikhalevich V;Debenay J P. Journal of Micropalaeontology,2001, 20(part 1): 13-28As a result of the intensive movement of thecytoplasm through the aperture when communicationwith the environment is required, this areahas an important and variable functional burden.Additional skeletal structures have a fundamentalsupporting function along the Course of thisstrong cytoplasmic stream and may be related tothe compartmentalization and differentiation ofthe cytoplasm. As a result of these importantfunctional roles, the structure of the aperture isone of the basic diagnostic features in foraminiferaltaxonomy.102

The simplest and least diverse apertural typesare found in the most ancient unilocular orpseudo-chambered representatives of the classesLagynata and Astrorhizata. Their developmentfrom simple to complicated ones in the differentclasses (following the new foraminiferal macrosystemproposed by Mikhalevich) shows a significantnumber of parallelisms and convergences.In both the lower agglutinated groups and thehigher calcareous members of the classesSpirillinata, Miliolata, Nodosariata and Rotaliata,the evolutionary trends of the apertures are similarwithin the same class, even if those of thelower groups are always structurally simpler andless diversified. These trends continue until allthe possibilities of the pre-existing structures areexhausted. Then, new structures, sometimes affectingthe whole cell organization arise and thepossibilities of morphological changes multiply,leading to evolutionary divergence.2008040320底 栖 有 孔 虫 : 德 国 西 北 盆 地 晚 Valanginian期 长 期 生 活 环 境 变 化 的 指 示 者 = Benthic foraminifera:indicators for a long-term improvementof living conditions in the Late Valanginianof the NW German Basin. ( 英 文 ). Klein C;Mutterlose J. Journal of Micropalaeontology,2001, 20(part 1): 81-95Foraminiferal occurrences in marine sedimentsof Late Valanginian age (Early Cretaceous)are described from NW Germany. Thedistribution patterns of benthic foraminifera arediscussed with respect to their abundance anddiversity. Benthic foraminifera are characterizedin terms of moderate diversity and abundance.Vertical fluctuations in foraminifera contents arediscussed with respect to their palaeoecologyand palaeobiogeography. Benthic foraminifera,which are represented by a total of 101 species,show a gradual increase of diversity throughoutthe Late Valanginian. This improvement of livingconditions in an epicontinental sea over aperiod of approximately 2 million years indicatesa gradual recolonization of the formerlynon-marine semi-restricted basin. The associationsare dominated by agglutinated taxa withcommon Ammobaculites, Ammovertella, Bulbobaculites.Haplophragmoides, Proteonina,Psammosphaera and Reophax. The calcareousspecies Epistomina caracolla. which is extremelycommon in certain intervals, may reach significantabundances. Further agglutinated and calcareoustaxa occur rarely. The early LateValanginian is marked by the occurrence of theTethyan species Cerobertinella subhercynica,reflecting a major sea-level highstand.2008040321Gippsland 陆 架 气 候 温 和 有 孔 虫 生 物 相 : 澳大 利 亚 东 南 新 近 纪 环 境 分 析 = The Recenttemperate foraminiferal biofacies of the GippslandShelf: an analogue for Neogene environmentalanalyses in southeastern Australia. ( 英文 ). Smith A J; Gallagher S J; Wallace M;Holdgate G; Daniels J; Keene J. Journal of Micropalaeontology,2001, 20(part 2): 127-142This study describes the foraminiferal biofaciesof a temperate stenohaline shelf and associatedcuryhaline marine lakes of Gippsland insoutheast Australia. The study incorporates faciesanalyses and interpretations of three types offoraminiferal distributional data: forms alive atthe time of collection, recently dead forms andrelict forms. Four principal biofacies types occur:(1) the euryhaline marine Gippsland Lakes siltsand sands; (2) inner shelf medium to coarsequartz-rich sands and bioclastic silty sands; (3)medium shelf bryozoan-rich bioclastic silt andsilty sand; (4) outer shelf bryozoan- and plankton-richsilts and fine sands.The euryhaline marine Gippsland Lakes siltsand sands contain abundant Ammonia beccariiand Eggerella, with minor Quinqueloculina, Elphidiumand Discorbinella. The Gippsland innershelf biofacies (0-50 m depths) consists of mediumto coarse quartz-rich sands and bioclasticsilty sand. Abundant living, relict and recentlydead miliolids occur in the inner shelf with rareplanktonic forms. Common planktonic foraminifera,with Cibicides, Parrellina, Elphidiumand Lenticulina and relict forms occur in thebryozoan-rich bioclastic silt and silty sand of theGippsland middle shelf (50-100 m depth). Bryozoanand plankton-rich silts and fine sand occurin the outer shelf to upper slope facies (100-300m) below swell wave base on the GippslandShelf. A diverse fauna with common textulariids,Uvigerina, Bulimina, Anomalinoides and Astranonionand rare relict forms, occurs in thisbiofacies. Planktonic foraminifera and Uvigerinaare most abundant ut the shelf break due to localupwelling at the head of the Bass Canyon.Estimates of faunal production rates fromlive/dead ratios and full assemblage data suggestthat the fauna of the Gippsland Shelf has notbeen significantly reworked by wave and/or bioturbationprocesses. Most relict foraminifera.occur in the inner shelf, with minor relict formsin the middle to outer shelf. This pattern is similarto other shelf regions in Australia, whereshelf areas were exposed during Pleistocenelowstand times, principally reworking preexistinginner to middle shelf faunas. Correspondenceanalyses of the foraminiferal datayield a clear depth-related distribution of thefaunal assemblage data. Most of the modernGippsland Shelf fauna are cosmopolitan speciesand nearly a third are (semi-)endemic taxa suit-103

able for regional palaco-environmental studies.From biostratigraphic studies it is clear that themodern Gippsland foraminiferal assemblageevolved since Early Miocene times, with mostelements present by the Late Miocene. Hence,the Recent Gippsland Shelf foraminiferal biofaciesdistribution is a good analogue for Neogenepalaeo-environmental studies in the region, Thelonger ranging pre-Miocene mixture of epifaunaland infaunal taxa are deeper shelf cosmopolitanforms and are inferred to be more conservativesince they evolved in relatively lower stress environments,typifying mesotrophic to eutrophicconditions compared to inner shelf epifaunalforms with ecological niches markedly affectedby sea-level and temperature fluctuations inzones of constant wave action, in oligotrophicenvironments.The foraminiferal and facies analogues or thisstudy on the Gippsland Shelf can be used forpalaco-environmental analyses of the Gippslandand Otway Neogene sedimentary successions,Such improvements will lead ultimately to a betterunderstanding of the evolution of the neriticrealm in southeastern Australia, an area facingthe evolving Southern Ocean during the Cenozoic.2008040322埃 及 西 奈 北 部 Risan Aneiza 地 区 恰 特 阶 大 有孔 虫 及 对 特 提 斯 古 地 理 研 究 的 意 义 = Chattianlarger foraminifera from Risan Aneiza, NorthernSinai. ( 英 文 ). Boukhary M; Kuss J; AbdelraoufM. Stratigraphy, 2008, 5(2): 179-192Micropaleontologic studies on newly discovered,isolated occurrences of carbonate strata atRisan Aneiza, Northern Sinai,identified sixcorallinacean taxa,five larger foraminifera taxaand two smaller foraminifera, among the largerforaminifera, one genus,Risananeiza (type species:Risananeiza pustulosa) and one species:Nephrolepidina sinaica n.sp. are believed to benew. The larger foraminifera are classified, describedand illustrated. Among them Miogypsinoidescomplanatus is an index taxon accordingto Cahuzacand Poignant (1997), for shallowwaterOligocene deposits of western Europeanbasins. This species indicates SB 23(SB=shallow waterbenthic) - a late Oligocene,Chattian age (24.5Ma, Gradstein et al. 2004).The exposures are the first documented shallowmarine strata of Upper Oligocene (Chattian) agefor the region. Their location between coevalcontinental strata to the south and fine-grainedsiliciclastics found in offshore wells is clear evidenceof the position of the contemporaneousshoreline, and adds an important segment tothepaleogeography of the final stage of Tethys evolution.2008040323哥 斯 达 黎 加 尼 科 亚 半 岛 晚 白 垩 世 和 古 近 纪 放射 虫 及 对 构 造 地 层 学 研 究 的 意 义 = Late Cretaceousand Paleogene Radiolaria from the NicoyaPeninsula, Costa Rica: a tectonostratigraphicapplication. ( 英 文 ). Bandini A N; FloresK; Baumgartner P O; Jackett S-J; Denyer P.Stratigraphy, 2008, 5(1): 3-21Detailed fi eld mapping and paleontologicaldating in the central and southeastern NicoyaPeninsula has revealed Late Cretaceous and Paleogeneradiolarian-bearing siliceous mudstones.These rocks belong to two terranes (Matambúand Manzanillo) that are partially contemporaneouswith the Nicoya Complex, but are geneticallydifferent. While the Nicoya Complex isformed exclusively by intraplate igneous rockswith associated radiolarites, the studied sectionsincludevariable amounts of arc-derived volcanicand terrigenous materials. These fore-arcterranes include mafi c tointermediate volcaniclasticsand associated pelagic and hemipelagicrocks rich in biogenic silica. Radiolarian preservationinthese sediments is often enhanced bythe presence of silica-saturated volcanic tuffsand debris. Seven out of 29 samplesfrom differentoutcrops yielded relatively well-preservedradiolarian faunas. In total, 60 species belongingto 34 generawere present in these faunas, rangingin age from middle Turonian-Santonian tolate Thanetian-Ypresian.2008040324日 本 西 南 部 九 州 西 部 南 Chichibu 地 体 晚 侏 罗世 放 射 虫 组 合 = Late Jurassic radiolarian assemblagesin the Southern ChichibuTerrane,western Kyushu, Southwest Japan. ( 英 文 ).Ishida N. Stratigraphy, 2008, 5(1): 22-38Late Jurassic (Oxfordian to Tithonian) radiolarianassemblages in the Southern ChichibuTerrane, SouthwestJapan, were obtained fromsedimentary sequences in the trench-fi ll YoshioFormation and the trench-slope basin Ebirase-Formation in western Kyushu. From seven samples,82 radiolarian taxa (15 spumellarians and67 nassellarians) were identified. The studiedsections are correlated to the Late Jurassic radiolarianzonation established for the SouthernChichibuTerrane and western Pacifi c ODP Site801B. Most of the radiolarians were species thatranged from Middle to Late Jurassic. Only threespecies, i.e., Loopus nudus (Schaaf), Loopusprimitivus (Matsuoka and Yao), and Solenotrymaichikawai Matsuoka first occurred in theUpper Jurassic in the study sections.2008040325根 据 单 一 组 合 建 立 的 一 个 新 的 晚 古 新 世 - 早 始新 世 放 射 虫 生 物 分 带 : 应 用 于 地 体 增 生 研 究104

= A new low-latitude late Paleocene-early Eoceneradiolarian biozonation based on unitaryassociations:applications for accreted terranes.( 英 文 ). Jackett S -J; Baumgartner P O; BandiniA N. Stratigraphy, 2008, 5(1): 39-62The late Paleocene – early Eocene sequencesof DSDP Leg 10 Sites 86, 94, 95, and 96, Leg 43Site 384 andODP Leg 171B Hole 1051A havebeen re-sampled and re-examined for radiolarians.A new late Paleocene to early Eocenelowlatituderadiolarian zonation suited for the correlationof accreted terranes is established by usingthe Unitary Association(UA) method. Thismethod has the property of attributing equalweight to each species occurrence, which hastheadvantage of not being dependant on a limitedset of key datums. Twenty-two UAs havebeen erected and correlated to theexisting agemodels (given by nannofossils, planktonic foraminiferaand radiolarians) for each site. The 22UAs have beenunited into seven Unitary AssociationsZones (UA Zones) (JP10- JE4) to increaselateral traceability. Herein we presenttheresulting composite range chart and correlationbetween the studied cores.The position ofthe UA Zones in the Paleogene timescale ofBerggren et al. (1995) have been estimated usinga generalconsensus correlation with calcareousmicrofossil groups and the existing radiolarianzonation. Reproducible radiolarianevents identified in the present work are bound to directly tiedand compiled absolute ages given by Nigrini etal. (2006)and Sanfi lippo and Nigrini (1998a).The RP zones (Sanfi lippo and Nigrini 1998a)and the UA Zones are consistent. UnitaryAssociationspermit to distinguish supplementaryzonal subdivisions within RP7 andRP6.Topotypes from DSDP Leg 10 have beenillustrated using mainly SEM imaging to facilitatethe identifi cation of re-crystallized forms.2008040326日 本 西 南 部 坦 巴 地 体 生 野 地 区 Wakai 堆 积 杂岩 黑 色 燧 石 中 下 侏 罗 统 ( 赫 塘 阶 - 辛 涅 缪 尔阶 ) 放 射 虫 组 合 = Lower Jurassic (Hettangian-Sinemurian) radiolarian assemblages from blackcherts in the Wakai accretionary complex, Ikunoarea,Tamba Terrane, Southwest Japan. ( 英 文 ).Shibutani S; Hori R S. Stratigraphy, 2008, 5(1):83-98Well-preserved Lower Jurassic (Hettangian-Sinemurian) radiolarian fossils were obtainedfrom black chertand shale of the Wakai complexin the Ikuno area, Tamba Terrane, SouthwestJapan. These faunas are dominated by the generaNatoba, Canoptum, Ovumella, and Droltus. Wedefi ne a Natoba-rich Assemblage as one containing>10% Natoba in the nassellarian assemblage.This assemblage is also characterized byrelatively high abundance of Canoptum andOvumella (combined abundance >15% nassellarianassemblage) and a low nassellarian/spumellarianratio (

margin of the southwest Caribbean. ( 英 文 ).Rincón D A; Arenas J E; Cuartas C H; CárdenasA L; Stratigraphy, 2007, 4(4): 261-311Biostratigraphy in northern Colombia has traditionallybeen done using foraminifera. Quantitativebiostratigraphic techniquescould improvethe zonations that have been proposed for theregion. We analyze the biostratigraphic informationfrom 190planktonic foraminifera species,and 1961 ditch-cutting samples from 26 oil wellsin northern Colombia to produce a zonation fortheregion. A quantitative biostratigraphic techniqueknown as Constrained Optimization wasused to analyze the data.The proposed zonationrelies exclusively on last occurrences, which arereadily applied to petroleum exploration. It hasthirteenzones and eight subzones for the Eoceneto Pliocene interval. Three zones and two subzonesare defined for the Eocene, three zones forthe Oligocene, six zones and six subzones for theMiocene, and one zone for the Pliocene. Thezonation reveals three major unconformities:(1) a late Eocene - early Oligocene hiatus; (2) alate Oligocene - early Miocene hiatus; and (3) alate Miocene hiatus; the hiatusesare related tothe collision of the Caribbean with the SouthAmerican plate.2008040329中 国 南 方 埃 迪 卡 拉 生 物 群 中 的 八 射 螺 旋 状 生物 = Octoradiate Spiral Organisms in the Ediacaranof South China. ( 英 文 ). Tang Feng; YinChongyu; Bengtson S; Liu pengju; WangZiqiang; Gao Linzhi. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2008, 82(1): 27-34Shales of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formationof South China contain a new disc-shapedmacrofossii, Eoandromeda octobrachiata, characterizedby eight spiral arms that were probablyhoused within an outer membrane.Although thepresence of eight radiating structures entails aresemblance to cnidarian octocorais as well as toctenophores,direct homologies with these extantgroups are unlikely.Instead we bring attention tothe helicospiral morphology of newly reportedembryos from the Doushantuo Formation,suggesti...古 杯 、 多 孔 及 腔 肠 动 物2008040330得 克 萨 斯 瓜 达 鲁 普 山 国 家 公 园 南 部 Bell Canyon组 Reef Trail 段 上 部 的 六 射 海 绵 和 伴 生 的其 他 海 绵 = Hexactinellid and associatedsponges from the upper Reef Trail Member ofthe Bell Canyon Formation, southern GuadalupeMountains National Park, Texas. ( 英 文 ). Rigby JK; Bell G L; Thompson K. Journal of Paleontology,2007, 81(6): 1241-1256 6 图 版 .A small faunule of silicified hexactinellidsponges and root tufts has been recovered fromthe upper Guadalupian Reef Trail Member of theBell Canyon Formation, from the Patterson Hills,in the southwestern part of the Guadalupe MountainsNational Park in western Texas. Somedemosponges from the type section of the ReefTrail Member, near the mouth of McKittrickCanyon on the front of the Guadalupe Mountainsin the park, have also been documented. Includedin the faunule from the Patterson Hillslocalities are the new amphidiscosid hexactinellidpelicasponge Trailospongia reischi n. gen.and sp., the questionable pelicaspongiid Hexirregularianana n. gen. and sp., and the dictyospongiidhexactinellids Microstaura doliolumFinks, 1960, and Microstaurella minima n. gen.and sp., and Microstaurella parva n. gen. and sp.They are associated with specimens of the lyssacinosidbrachiosponges Toomeyospongiellagigantia Rigby and Bell, 2005, Toomeyospongiamodica n. sp., and Toomeyospongia minuta n.gen. and sp., and fragments of three differenttypes of root tufts, termed Tufts 1, 3, and 4. Twospecimens of the new cylindrical demospongeMckittrickella pratti n. gen. and sp. are associatedwith Tuft 2 in the collection from the typesection of the Reef Trail Member, and a thirdspecimen was collected from the member in thePatterson Hills. These sponges from Localities1–7 are the youngest Permian sponges knownfrom the region, and possibly from North America.2008040331英 格 兰 和 法 国 侏 罗 纪 微 壳 管 状 蠕 虫 = Microconchidtubeworms from the Jurassic of Englandand France. ( 英 文 ). Vinn O; Taylor P D. Actapalaeontologica Polonica, 2007, 52(2): 391-399The Bajocian tubeworm Spirorbis midfordensis,previously regarded as a spirorbid polychaete,is reinterpreted as a microconchid andassigned to Punctaconchus gen. nov. along withtwo new species, Punctaconchus ampliporus sp.nov., the type species of the new genus, andPunctaconchus palmeri sp. nov.. Microconchidsare a mostly Palaeozoic group of tubeworms thatare probably more closely related to modern lophophoratephyla than they are to polychaetes.2008040332帕 米 尔 山 脉 中 三 叠 世 似 六 射 珊 瑚 Furcophyllia= The Middle Triassic scleractinia-like coralFurcohyllia from the Pamir Mountains. ( 英 文 ).Melnikova G K; Roniewicz E. Acta palaeontologicaPolonica, 2007, 52(2): 401-406Furcophyllia is an unusual coral with septaregularly splitting into branching sets called septalbrooms. This pattern of septal apparatus is soalien to scleractinians, that, despite a trabecular106

microstructure of septa resembling that of theScleractinia, the genus was originally ascribed toa rare group of corals informally referred to assleractiniamorphs, previously known from theOrdovician and Permian. Here, we report Furcophylliashaitanica sp. nov. from limestoneboulders found in the volcano-clastic deposits ofthe upper Ladinian Sajtan suite of the SouthEastern Pamirs. A new species of Furcophylliasignifies that the genus was a faunal elementwidely distributed in the Tethys.2008040333中 国 早 寒 武 世 澄 江 地 层 Palaeoscolecid 蠕 虫Cricocosmia 和 Tabelliscolex 属 的 躯 干 纹 饰 =Trunk ornament on the palaeoscolecid wormsCricocosmia and Tabelliscoles from the EarlyCambrian Chengjiang deposits of China. ( 英 文 ).Han Jian; Liu Jianni; Zhang Zhifei; ZhangXingliang; Shu Degan. Acta palaeontologicaPolonica, 2007, 52(2): 423-431New observation reveals that the ventral trunkbears an additional set of ventral sclerites whilethe lateral sclerited display a tubercle-bearing(inner surface) and net-like (outer surface) microstructuresimilar to that of Tabelliscolexhaxagonus. (1) Cricocosmia shows a dorsoventraland antero-posterior differentiation intrunk ornament; (2) as seen from the microstructure,Cricocosmia is close to Tabelliscolexhexagonus, supporting the idea that lobopodiansand arthropods, both of which show an uppercapping layer in the outer sclerites, are moreclosely related than the palaeoscolecidans; and(3) the similarities among the scalids, pharyngealteeth and the trunk spines of palaeoscolecidansare superficial. Tabelliscolex maanshanensis sp.nov., characterized by an inner concentric circletof laminae in each tubercle of the lateral trunkplate, is proposed herein. Element mapping revealthat four known pathways of preservationcan be found co-occurring in a single specimenof Cricocosmia or Tabelliscolex, which shedsnew light on the preservation of the Chengjiangfossils.2008040334加 拿 大 Manitoba 南 部 上 奥 陶 统 床 板 珊 瑚Manipora 的 形 态 特 征 = Morphometrics ofManipora (tabulata: Upper Ordovician: southernManitoba, Canada). ( 英 文 ). Bae B-Y; Elias R J;Lee D-J. Journal of Paleontology, 2008, 82(1):78-90 1 图 版 .Multivariate morphometric analysis was appliedfor differentiation of closely related speciesand evaluation of intra- and interspecific variationin Manipora from the Selkirk Member, RedRiver Formation, in southern Manitoba. Sevenmorphological characters were quantified intransverse thin sections of 46 coralla and statisticallytested for selecting effective characters indiscriminating species. Cluster analysis was performedon a raw data matrix coordinated with 46coralla by three selected characters. Two majorclusters on the resulting dendrogram were regardedas morphospecies, following comparativeexamination of the coralla using serial sections.Cluster analyses were also conducted on principalcomponent score matrices obtained from theraw data set coordinated with 46 coralla by allseven characters, and from an experimental dataset including the 46 coralla plus two replicates ofeach and six of the characters. The results agreeclosely with the first cluster analysis, but discriminationof morphospecies was slightly degraded.The validity of two morphospecies recognizedin the first cluster analysis was verifiedby discriminant analyses, descriptive statistics,and bivariate plots. The results show that tabulariumarea is the most meaningful character fordistinguishing these morphospecies; ranges ofvariations of the other six characters overlapbetween morphospecies. Another cluster analysislike the first was performed, but with the additionof 11 type specimens and reference corallaof Manipora species from the Upper Ordovicianof southern and northern Manitoba and Texas.Based on this analysis, together with comparativeexamination of thin sections, the two morphospeciesare identified as valid species: M.amicarum Sinclair, 1955 and M. manitoba(Sokolov, 1955). Manipora magna Flower, 1961is considered to be a synonym of M. amicarum,while M. trapezoidalis Flower, 1961 and M. garsonensisCaramanica, 1992 are considered to besynonyms of M. manitoba, and the hypotypes ofM. amicarum of Nelson (1963) are assigned toM. manitoba.2008040335贵 州 北 部 晚 奥 陶 世 四 射 珊 瑚 动 物 群 组 合 特征 、 古 生 物 地 理 亲 缘 关 系 及 群 体 灭 亡 = CombinationFeatures,paleobiogeographic affinityand mass extinction of the Latest Ordovician(Hirnantian)rugosan fauna from northernGuizhou,China. ( 英 文 ). He Xinyi; Chen Jianqiang;Xiao Jingyi. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007,81(1): 23-41The rugosan fauna from the Guanyinqiao Bed(latest Ordovician, Hirnantian) of northernGuizhou, China is known to belong to the coldor cool-water type corals. The components of thefauna are solitary corals only, and corallite septaare generally strongly dilated, especially thestreptelasmatid corals are dominant comprising98% of the whole fauna. The Guanyinqiao Bedis rich in rugosans of 18 genera, which are streptelasmatidStreptelasma (=Helicelasma),107

Brachyelasma, Amplexobrachyelasma, Salvadorea,Grew...苔 藓 动 物2008040336最 早 的 苔 藓 虫 - 来 自 中 国 三 峡 东 部 早 奥 陶 世特 马 豆 克 晚 期 的 新 证 据 = The oldest Bryozoans:new evidence from the Late Tremadocian(Early Ordovician) of east Yangtze Gorges inChina. ( 英 文 ). Xia F S; Zhang S G; Wang Z Z.Journal of Paleontology, 2007, 81(6): 1308-1326 7 图 版 .Previous reports of Cambrian bryozoans haveproved not to be bryozoans. No pre-Ordovicianbryozoans have been recognized. The oldest unequivocalbryozoans known from North America,Britain, and Russia are evidently of earlyArenigian age. New bryozoans recently collectedfrom the Fenxiang Formation in the Dapingand Guanzhuangping sections, situated in thearea east of the Yangtze Gorges, are describedhere, including one new genus, Orbiramus, andsix new species, Nekhorosheviella nodulifera, N.semisphaerica, Orbiramus normalis, O. ovalis,O. minus, and Prophyllodictya prisca. These areassigned to the Trepostomida, apart from the lastspecies which belongs to the Cryptostomida. Thenew bryozoans are from the conodont Paltodusdeltifer deltifer Zone of the late Tremadocianage, the first three species possibly being presentin the P. deltifer pristinus Subzone at the base.Therefore, they are the oldest bryozoans knownfrom anywhere in the world. Extensive reefsresulting from a major regression in the lateTremadocian were dominated by bryozoans inthe upper Fenxiang Formation. The bryozoanslived in a shoal environment and accumulatedessentially in situ, showing no signs of significanttransportation.2008040337西 班 牙 东 北 部 伊 比 利 亚 山 脉 阿 什 吉 尔 阶 苔 藓虫 及 其 对 北 冈 瓦 纳 晚 奥 陶 世 生 物 多 样 性 峰 值研 究 的 意 义 = Ashgill bryozoans from the IberianChains (NE Spain) and their contribution tothe Late Ordovician biodiversity peak in NorthGondwana. ( 英 文 ). Jimenez-Sanchez A; SpjeldnaesN; Villas E. Ameghiniana, 2007, 44(4):681-696In the lower-middle Ashgill Cystoid LimestoneFormation of the Iberian Chains (NE Spain)twenty one bryozoan genera have been identified,which belong to the four Stenolaemata ordersthat were already spread worldwide by the MidOrdovician: Cryptostomata, Cyclostomata,Cystoporata. and Trepostomata. Five of them:Cyclophaenopora Spjeldnaes, GlauconomellaBassler, Orbignyella Ulrich and Bassler,Phaenopora Hall and Pseudostictoporella Rosshave been identified here for the first time in theMediterranean Province. This list increases thenumber of bryozoan genera known to sixty six,making it the most diversified group in the regionfor that period.腕 足 动 物2008040338莱 茵 片 岩 山 脉 西 根 阶 穿 孔 贝 型 腕 足 类 一 新 属= A new genus of terebratulid brachiopod fromthe Siegenian of the Rheinisches Schiefergebire.( 英 文 ). Schemm-Gregory M; Jansen U. Actapalaeontologica Polonica, 2007, 52(2): 413-422A new genus Crassirensselaeria from theSiegenian of the Rheinisches Schiefergebirgewith the type-species Crassirensselaeria crassicostais erected. Representatives of the new genusare excellent index fossils for the Siegenianof the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, even in depositsof restricted-marine and probably brackishenvironments. New material of articulatedspecimens in life position shows that bothrhenorensselaeriid genera lived in clusters withthe longitudinal axes of the shells oriented steepor perpendicular to the seafloor. The new genusis abundant in the Rheinishes Shiefergebirge andthe northern Ardennes, it also occurs in theHruby Jesenik Mountains. Its occurrence inCornwall, however, is still questionable.2008040339扭 月 贝 类 腕 足 动 物 的 铰 链 变 型 和 肌 序 : 加 拿大 安 提 克 斯 提 岛 跨 越 奥 陶 纪 - 志 留 纪 界 线 的 实例 = Hinge modifications and musculature ofstrophomenoid brachiopods: examples across theOrdovician-Silurian boundary, Anticosti Island,Quebec. ( 英 文 ). Dewing K. Canadian Journal ofEarth Sciences, 2001, 38(2): 125-141Six modifications to the hinge occur in strophomenoidbrachiopods from Anticosti Island:(1) overhanging socket ridges; (2) posterolateralsocket ridges along the interarea articulate withgrooves on the posterior of teeth; (3) anteromediandental notches articulate with the crests ofsocket ridges; (4) dental crenulations on the surfacesof teeth mesh with socket ridges; (5) denticlesextend laterally to the cardinal extremities;and (6) the margin of the ventral interarea fitsinto a long socket along the dorsal interareaforming a lateral tooth. Denticulate hinges anddental notches that typify Silurian and Devonianstrophomenids begin in the fauna of the EllisBay Formation. Thus the most important intervalof strophomenid faunal turnover was at the baseof the Gamachian (the base of the Hirnantian)and not at the Ordovician–Silurian boundary.Muscle attachment pads in the delthyrial cavitydo not correspond to the positions of either theadductor or diductor muscle scars. Pedicle adjus-108

tor muscles in modern brachiopods occupy thisposition. The round gap between the median foldof the pseudodeltidium and groove on chilidiumis proposed as the point of emergence of thepedicle muscle. The tiny foramen, commonlysealed early in growth, is suggested to be part ofa neanic water-intake system, active before thegrowth of the cardinal process in ephebic shells.Once the cardinal process appeared, the foramenwas blocked. Recurring types of strophomenidornamentation, such as posteriorly steepenedrugae and checkerboard ornamentation, mayhave served as a plow to redistribute sediment asthe shell was pulled backwards along the pedicle.2008040340晚 奥 陶 世 北 美 Hiscobeccus 腕 足 动 物 群 的 演化 和 绝 灭 = Evolution and extinction of theNorth American Hiscobeccus brachiopod Faunaduring the Late Ordovician. ( 英 文 ). Jin Jisuo.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2001,38(2): 143-151The earliest rhynchonellid brachiopods weresmall-shelled and preferred cool-water conditionsin both siliciclastic and carbonate environments.Relatively large shells of Rhynchotremaevolved in mid-Caradoc time and rapidly becamewidespread in Laurentia. Hiscobeccusprobably evolved from Rhynchotrema during thelate Caradoc by developing a large, globular,strongly lamellose shell. The earliest form ofHiscobeccusshows transitional characteristicsbetween Rhynchotrema and typical Hiscobeccus,most notably in its nonglobular shell that iswrinkled by growth lamellae only on the anteriortwo thirds of the shell. By early Ashgill time,Hiscobeccus became widespread in NorthAmerican inland basins, although it remainedcommon in marginal carbonate platforms andbasins. During the Ashgill, Hiscobeccus, Lepidocyclus,and Hypsiptycha represented a distinctNorth American fauna, characterized by large,globular, and completely wrinkled shells. Thesemorphological features were adaptations to theshallow, well-circulated, epicontinental, tropicalseas with a soft muddy substrate. The gigantismexhibited by the Hiscobeccus Fauna is alsoshown by orthid and strophomenid brachiopods,gastropods, nautiloids, and trilobites. Extinctionof the HiscobeccusFauna was probably related toits narrow range of environmental tolerance,especially during the Gondwana continental glaciation,which brought a major global sea-leveldrawdown and lowered ocean temperature. Thecool-water Rostricellulaand Rhynchotrema wereuncommon in inland seas during the Ashgill andwere represented by several opportunistic speciesin the Anticosti Basin during the Hirnantianand Llandovery, and most of these preferredsiliciclastic-rich or deep-water shelf carbonateenvironments.2008040341德 国 贝 尔 吉 施 陆 地 上 泥 盆 统 弗 拉 斯 期 剥 鳞 贝属 和 相 关 无 洞 贝 腕 足 动 物 = Desquamatia andrelated atrypid brachiopods from the Frasnian(Upper Devonian) of Bergisches Land, Germany.( 英 文 ). Ma Xueping; Ebbighausen V; Becker RT. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2008,45(2): 121-134Tropical shallow-water deposits of the RefrathFormation (topmost Lower to lower part of MiddleFrasnian) of the Bergisch Gladbach area(Rhenish Massif, Germany) yielded diverse,well-preserved shelly faunas. New collectionsshow that there are in total over 30 brachiopodspecies, of which the Atrypida, Rhynchonellida,Spiriferida, and Athyridida orders are the mostdominant groups. Serial transverse sectionsshow that Pseudoatrypa schroeteri possessessmall dental cavities, and their spiralia have awhorl number ranging from 12-13 in ca. 29-30mm wide specimens to 15-16 in ca. 32-33mmwide specimens. Desquamatia (Seratrypa) pectinatahas slightly more numerous spiralialwhorls, from 14-15 in ca. 27mm wide specimensto 18 in ca. 35mm wide specimens. A new species,Desquamatia (Seratrypa) refrathensis, isdescribed based on material from the RefrathFormation in Refrath, near Köln (Cologne), eastof the Rhine River, Germany. It includes finelyribbed, longer than wide, moderate- to largesizedshells of Desquamatia, which possess tinydental cavities to nuclei and 20-21 spiralialwhorls in ca. 30mm wide and long specimens.2008040342贵 州 省 东 南 部 江 南 斜 坡 下 奥 陶 统 同 高 组 深 水动 物 群 的 向 岸 迁 移 = Onshore migration of adeep-water brachiopod fauna from the LowerOrdovician Tonggao Formation, Jiangnan Slope,southeastern Guizhou Province, South China.( 英 文 ). Zhan Renbin; Jin Jisuo. Canadian Journalof Earth Sciences, 2008, 45(2): 141-157Brachiopods from the lower Tonggao Formation(Floian, late Early Ordovician) of Sandu,southeastern Guizhou Province, represent adeep-water benthic shelly fauna from the JiangnanSlope facies of the South China paleoplate.The fauna contains 16 brachiopod taxa, withorthides, lingulates, and pentamerides being thecommon groups. Concurrent graptolites confinethe brachiopod fauna to the Tetragraptus approximatusand the Acrograptus filiformis biozones(early Floian). The first appearance datum(FAD) of several brachiopod genera, such asParalenorthis, Protoskenidioides, and Nereidella,in the Sandu slope facies is one or two grapto-109

litic biozones lower than their FAD in shallowerwater facies on the Yangtze Platform. Later inthe late Floian, these genera became major componentsof the Sinorthis fauna that flourishedover much of the Yangtze Platform, suggesting amigration of the benthic shelly fauna from slopeto platform facies during the Floian radiation inSouth China. Compared to the platform fauna,the deep-water brachiopod fauna of the Sanduarea has a lower level of richness, diversity, andcommunity organization. Three brachiopod associationsare recognized: the Paralenorthis-Nereidella, the Palaeoglossa longa, and the Lingulella-Protoskenidioidesassociations. An upsectiondecrease in shell size, faunal richness,and species diversity in the Tonggao Formationindicate a deteriorating environment towardshypersalinity in the Sandu area, resulting in theultimate disappearance of the deep-waterbrachiopod fauna.2008040343环 境 对 加 拿 大 东 部 安 提 库 斯 塔 岛 早 志 留 世 五房 贝 腕 足 动 物 群 落 时 空 变 化 的 控 制 = Environmentalcontrol on temporal and spatial differentiationof Early Silurian pentameride brachiopodcommunities, Anticosti Island, eastern Canada.( 英 文 ). Jin Jisuo. Canadian Journal ofEarth Sciences, 2008, 45(2): 159-187The Early Silurian carbonate succession ofAnticosti Island, eastern Canada, contains a richand diverse pentameride brachiopod fauna. Multivariateanalyses of 91 samples (total 17 230specimens) confirm a high degree of temporalsegregation but only moderate spatial differentiationof the Virgiana, Pentamerus, Stricklandia,Ehlersella, Microcardinalia, and Clorindacommunities. Most pentameride communitiesshow a wider range of water depth than previouslybelieved. The V. barrandei Communityoccupied a substrate setting from lower BA2 toupper BA3, whereas the V. mayvillensis Communitylived mainly in BA4. The P. oblongusCommunity preferred a BA3 setting, comparableto the classic Pentamerus Community, but the P.palaformis Community was predominantly BA4.The stricklandiid communities have a high βdiversity, dominated by various species ofStricklandia, Ehlersella, Microcardinalia, andKulumbella, and occurred most commonly inBA4, but could extend to BA3 environments.The Clorinda Community of Anticosti Islandpreferred deep and quiet water settings, comparableto its widely accepted BA5 assignmentelsewhere. At the generic level, the Virgiana,Pentamerus, and the stricklandiid communitieshave a largely overlapping BA range, but a clearstratigraphical separation. Thus, their temporalalternations were not likely controlled by waterdepth, water turbulence, or substrate conditions,but by fluctuating ocean water temperature, assuggested by chemostratigraphical and paleobiogeographicalevidence.2008040344加 拿 大 东 部 安 提 库 斯 塔 岛 早 志 留 世 兰 多 维 列统 正 形 贝 腕 足 动 物 组 合 = Llandovery (EarlySilurian) orthide brachiopod associations fromAnticosti Island, eastern Canada. ( 英 文 ). LiRong-Yu; Allen T. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 2008, 45(2): 189-201Five Llandovery orthide brachiopod associations,through cluster analysis, are delineated onAnticosti Island. The Levenea-Dicoelosia Association(A), occurring in the Goéland andRichardson members of the lower Jupiter Formation,represents a deep-water setting aroundor below the maximum storm wave base. TheFlabellitesia-Dalejina Association (B), appearingin the Cybèle, Ferrum, and Pavillon membersof the upper Jupiter Formation, indicateswater depth in between the maximum and normalstorm wave bases. The Isorthis (Ovalella)Association (C 1 ), present in the Fox Point Memberof Becscie Formation, corresponds to theshallower water setting around the normal stormwave base. The Mendacella bleikeriensis Association(C 2 ), occurring in the Innommée, Sandtop,and Macgilvray members of Gun RiverFormation, characterizes the water depth slightlybelow the normal storm wave base. The Mendacellaudauberis Association (D), appearing inthe Merrimack Formation, signifies a waterdepth around the maximum storm wave base.The water depth indication of these associationsmay bear potential as future reference for otherregions, but attention should be paid to the specieslevel as some congeneric species can belongto different associations of different depth. Thecluster analysis on orthide collections based onbinary data demonstrates that statistical methods,Jaccard coefficient and Ward's method of clustering,are practical and effective to delineatelarge brachiopod collections on Anticosti Island.2008040345华 南 早 三 叠 世 腕 足 动 物 舌 形 贝 类 新 属 和 新 种= New Early Triassic Lingulidae (Brachiopoda)genera and species from South China. ( 英 文 ).Peng Yuanqiao; Shi Guangrong. Alcheringa,2008, 32(2): 149 - 170Two new genera, Sinolingularia gen. nov. andSinoglottidia gen. nov., together with three newspecies, Sinolingularia huananensis gen. et sp.nov., Sinolingularia yini gen. et sp. nov. andSinoglottidia archboldi gen. et sp. nov., are describedon the basis of a large collection of wellpreservedspecimens from several sectionsstraddling the Permian - Triassic boundary inSouth China.110

2008040346腕 足 动 物 Yingtangella 属 和 Rhipidothyris 属之 间 的 亲 缘 关 系 = The relationship between thebrachiopod genera Yingtangella Bai & Ying,1978 and Rhipidothyris Cooper & Williams,1935. ( 英 文 ). Chen Xiuqin; Qiao Li. Alcheringa,2008, 32(2): 191 - 198The brachiopod genus Yingtangella Bai &Ying, 1978 from the early Middle Devonian(Eifelian) of Guangxi, China, was originally assignedto the Rhynchonellida. An examination oftopotype material indicates that it is a terebratulidand a junior synonym of Rhipidothyris Cooper& Williams, 19352008040347Mummpikia ( 新 属 , 新 种 ) 及 方 解 石 壳 体 腕足 类 的 起 源 = Mummpikia gen. nov. and theorigin of calcitic-shelled brachiopods. ( 英 文 ).Balthasar U. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(2): 263-279Phosphatised limestone-hosted and shalehostedspecimens of the obolellid Mummpikianuda gen. et comb. nov. and two further unidentifiedobolellids from the Early Cambrian MuralFormation (Jasper National Park, CanadianRocky Mountains) provide novel insights intothe shell microstructure of obolellids and thenature of their pedicle. The shell was penetratedby abundant canals of a sub-μm diameter and theanterior tip of the delthyrium forms a projectioninto the body cavity that is penetrated by a thincanal. It is argued that both shell microstructureand posterior margin are linguliformean charactersand that obolellids hold a position basal inthe rhynchonelliform stem-group.2008040348浙 江 省 ( 中 国 东 南 地 区 ) 西 部 淳 安 晚 奥 陶 世Katian 期 晚 期 长 武 组 扭 月 贝 科 腕 足 类 = StrophomenideBrachiopods from the ChangwuFormation (Late Katian, Late Ordovician) ofChun'an, Western Zhejiang, South-East China.( 英 文 ). Zhan Renbin; Jin Jisuo; Rong Jiayu;Chen Pengfei; Yu Guohua. Palaeontology, 2008,51(3): 737-766Late Ordovician strophomenide brachiopods(superfamilies Strophomenoidea and Plectambonitoidea)from the upper Changwu Formation(mid Ashgill, late Katian) of Jianglütang,Chun'an County, western Zhejiang Province,consist of ten genera and 12 species. Five newspecies of three new genera are recognized:Chunanomena triporcata, Chunanomena sembellina,Cheramomena subsolana, Lateriseptomenamodesta, and Lateriseptomena rugosa. The strophomenidebrachiopods from the upper Katianstrata described in this study and those from theborder region of Zhejiang and Jiangxi provincesreported in previous work contain 16 strophomenoidand 12 plectambonitoid genera, andmost of the strophomenoids are endemic toSouth China. Numerical analysis of welldocumentedlate Katian strophomenide brachiopodfaunas indicates a strong provincialism,characterized by the highly distinct NorthAmerican province (Laurentia), the SouthChina-Kazakhstan province, and the Avalonia-Baltica province (Wales, Belgium and Sweden).Surprisingly, the Girvan district of Scotland,which was a peri-Laurentian terrane during theOrdovician, contains a late Katian brachiopodfauna that is more closely related to the contemporaneousbrachiopods of Avalonia-Baltica thanto those of North America.2008040349华 南 早 三 叠 世 腕 足 动 物 舌 形 贝 科 新 属 种 =New Early Triassic Lingulidae (Brachiopoda)genera and species from South China. ( 英 文 ).Peng Yuanqiao; Shi Guangrong. Alcheringa,2008, 32(2): 149 - 170Two new genera, Sinolingularia gen. nov. andSinoglottidia gen. nov., together with three newspecies, Sinolingularia huananensis gen. et sp.nov., Sinolingularia yini gen. et sp. nov. andSinoglottidia archboldi gen. et sp. nov., are describedon the basis of a large collection of wellpreservedspecimens from several sectionsstraddling the Permian - Triassic boundary inSouth China.2008040350腕 足 动 物 Yingtangella 属 和 Rhipidothyris 属之 间 的 亲 缘 关 系 = The relationship between thebrachiopod genera Yingtangella Bai & Ying,1978 and Rhipidothyris Cooper & Williams,1935. ( 英 文 ). Chen Xiuqin; Qiao Li. Alcheringa,2008, 32(2): 191 - 198The brachiopod genus Yingtangella Bai &Ying, 1978 from the early Middle Devonian(Eifelian) of Guangxi, China, was originally assignedto the Rhynchonellida. An examination oftopotype material indicates that it is a terebratulidand a junior synonym of Rhipidothyris Cooper& Williams, 1935.2008040351古 地 中 海 地 区 隐 石 燕 动 物 群 ( 中 二 叠 世 腕 足类 ) 在 空 间 和 时 间 上 的 分 布 及 其 古 地 理 意 义= Spatial and Temporal Distribution of theCryptospirifer Fauna(Middle Permian Brachiopods)in the Tethyan Realm and Its PaleogeographicImplications. ( 英 文 ). Jin Xiaochi;Zhan Lipei. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2008, 82(1):1-16111

The middle Permian Cryptospirifer fauna(brachiopod) has hitherto been found in morethan 30 localities in the Yangtze Platform,SouthChina.Examination of data from various localitiesshows that it occurs stratigraphically in threeintervals in the range from the upper Kungurianto Wordian.In the Baoshan block in westernYunnan the fauna occurs in the basal part of theDaaozi Formation and is of possibly an earlyWordian age.Outside China the Cryptospiriferfauna has been reported from central and northwestI...2008040352智 利 北 部 科 顿 迪 里 拉 奥 陶 纪 腕 足 动 物 和 笔 石的 首 次 记 录 = First record of Ordovicianbrachiopods and graptolites from Cordon de Lila(Puna de Atacama),Northern Chile. ( 英 文 ).Benedetto J L; Niemeyer H; Gonzalez J; BrussaE D. Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(1): 3-12Brachiopods and graptolites are reported forthe first time from the Quebrada Grande Formationexposed at Cordon de Lila, south of theSalar de Atacama. The stratigraphic succession,over 1000m thick, consists of conglomeratesinterbedded with sandstones and shales. Thecalcareous microconglomerates and calcareniteslaying near the base of the unit have yielded thebrachiopods Paralenorthis sp., Monorthis transversaBenedetto, and Mollesella? sp. The threetaxa have been recorded elsewhere in the Sierrade Famatina, western Argentina, from beds ofwell-constrained Arenig age (O.. evae -B. navisconodont zones). The graptolite fauna recoveredc. 300 m above the brachiopod levels consists ofTetragraptus sp. and Cryptograptus? sp., suggestinga Yapeenian-early Darriwilian age (approximatelylate Arenig-early Llanvirn of theBritish Series). This discovery is significant as itconstitutes the westernmost occurrence of Ordovicianmarine faunas in the Argentine-ChileanPuna region, and supports a paleogeographicconnection between the western Puna Basin andthe Famatina volcaniclastic belt.软 体 动 物2008040353种 - 属 比 率 反 映 海 洋 双 壳 类 范 围 扩 张 和 生 物 多样 性 的 全 球 历 史 = Species–genus ratios reflecta global history of diversification and range expansionin marine bivalves. ( 英 文 ). Krug A Z;Jablonski D; Valentine J W. Proceedings of theRoyal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2008,275(1639): 1117-1123The distribution of marine bivalve speciesamong genera and higher taxa takes the form ofthe classic hollow curve, wherein few lineagesare species rich and many are species poor. Thedistribution of species among genera (S/G ratio)varies with latitude, with temperate S/G's fallingwithin the null expectation, and tropical and polarS/G's exceeding it. Here, we test several hypothesesfor this polar overdominance in thespecies richness of small numbers of genera. Wefind a significant positive correlation betweenthe latitudinal range of a genus and its speciesrichness, both globally and within regions. Genusage and species richness are also positivelyrelated, but this relationship breaks down whenthe analysis is limited to genera endemic to climatezones or with narrow latitudinal ranges.The data suggest a link between speciation andrange-expansion, with genera expanding out ofthe tropical latitudinal bins tending to speciatemore prolifically, both globally and regionally.These genera contain more species within climatezones than taxa endemic to that zone.Range expansion thus appears to be fundamentallycoupled with speciation, producing theskewed distribution of species among genera,both globally and regionally, whereas clade longevityis achieved through extinction—resistance conferred by broad geographicalranges2008040354克 里 米 亚 山 Berriasian 期 菊 石 亚 纲 新 考 米 菊石 科 Malbosiceras 属 和 Pomeliceras 属 的 代表 = Representatives of genera Malbosiceras andPomeliceras (Neocomitidae, Ammonoidea) fromthe Berriasian of the Crimean Mountains. ( 英 文 ).Arkad’ev V V; Bogdanova T N; Lysenko N I.Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 2007,15(3): 277-296The revised representatives of ammonite generaMalbosiceras and Pomeliceras from the Berriasianof the Crimean Mountains are classedwith seven species, four of the first genus [M.malbosi (Pictet), M. chaperi (Pictet), M. broussei(Mazenot), M. pictetiforme Tavera] and three ofthe second one [P. aff. boisseti Nikolov, P. breveti(Pomel), P. (?) funduklense Lysenko etArkadiev sp. nov.]. The identified species aredescribed. The genus Mazenoticeras is consideredas synonym of Malbosiceras. The abovespecies prove that all the Berriasian zones(jacobi, occitanica and boissieri) are characteristicof corresponding deposits in the CrimeanMountains.2008040355克 里 米 亚 山 Berriasian 阶 上 带 标 志 菊 石 化 石Fauriella boissieri = Ammonite Fauriella boissieri(Pictet), the index species of the Berriasianupper zone from the Crimean Mountains. ( 英 文 ).Arkad’ev V V. Stratigraphy and GeologicalCorrelation, 2007, 15(2): 185-192112

Ammonite Fauriella boissieri (Pictet), theindex species of the Berriasian upper zone, isdescribed for the first time as taxon occurring inthe Crimean Mountains. In the Berriasian sectionsof the central Crimea and Chatyr-Dag massif,species F. boissieri are encountered only inassociation with upper Berriasian ammonites.The Berriasian-Valanginian boundary has notbeen identified based on ammonites in the CrimeanMountains. Consequently, there is no reasonto include the otopeta Zone into the boissieriZone in the rank of its upper subzone.2008040356俄 罗 斯 中 部 下 白 垩 统 Ryazanian 阶 底 层 菊 石组 合 = Ammonite assemblages from basal layersof the Ryazanian Stage (Lower Cretaceous)of Central Russia. ( 英 文 ). Mitta V V. Stratigraphyand Geological Correlation, 2007, 15(2):193-205Five successive ammonite assemblages aredistinguished in the basal part (Riasanitesrjasanensis Zone s. l.) of the Ryazanian Stage ofthe East European platform. These are (from thebase upward) (1) Hectoroceras tolijense; (2)Hectoroceras kochi; (3) Riasanites swistowianus;(4) Riasanites rjasanensis; and (5) Transcaspiitestransfigurabilis assemblages. Twolower assemblages consist entirely of boreal taxa,which occur in association with diverse ammonitesof the Tethyan origin higher in the section.The data obtained show that three upper assemblagesare correlative with the Berriasian Dalmasicerastauricum, Riasanites rjasanensis-Spiticeras cautleyi, and Euthymiceras euthymisubzones of the northern Caucasus. The successionof five–six ammonite assemblages establishedin the East European platform above thetop of the Craspedites nodiger Zone may correspondto the same number of ammonite assemblagescharacterizing lower subzones of thestandard Berriasian. Berriasella rulevae Mitta,sp. nov. from the upper part of the Riasanitesrjasanensis Zone (transfigurabilis biohorizon) isdescribed.2008040357对 中 古 生 代 游 泳 生 物 的 不 成 功 捕 食 : 泥 盆 纪dacryoconarid 竹 节 石 的 壳 体 损 伤 和 异 常 情 况= Unsuccessful predation on Middle Paleozoicplankton: Shell injury and anomalies in Devoniandacryoconarid tentaculites. ( 英 文 ). BerkyovaS; Fryda J; Lukes P. Acta palaeontologicaPolonica, 2007, 52(2): 407-412Anomalous development of shell ornamentationand repaired shell injury in the Early Devoniandacryoconarid tentaculites are documentedand interpreted as either a repaired injury of theshell, or as a result of an anomalous function ofthe mantle, caused by injury of the soft body.The manner of shell repair, which resembles theway that some modern marine animals, such asmollusks, repair their shells, is discussed. Theissue of phylogenetic affinities of tentaculiteshas been also outlined. These findings representthe first documentation of unsuccessful predationon the Middle Paleozoic plankton.2008040358中 侏 罗 世 菊 石 的 灭 绝 模 式 、 假 灭 绝 和 分 布 :专 业 术 语 = Modes of extinction, pseudoextinctionand distribution in Middle Jurassicammonites: terminology. ( 英 文 ). Westermann GE. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2001,38(2): 187-195Mid-Jurassic Ammonitina (Cephalopoda,Mollusca) provide good examples of true andapparent "extinctions" (i.e., taxon or clade disappearances)at the local, regional, and globalscales. A terminology is presented. Extinction isthe termination of a phylogenetic lineage or entireclade (not of local demes or regional populations).Extinction was often preceded by progressiverange contraction that resulted in diachronousregional disappearance ("extirpation")and occurred with the elimination of the last refuge.Other range contractions, however, werenot terminal, but were followed by renewed expansions,resulting in temporary absence of thelineage over part of its known range only, due topseudo-extinction. Some lineages, called Lazarustaxa, apparently disappeared entirely forshort or extended periods by pseudotermination(causing a "phylogenetic hiatus"). This is an extremeform of pseudo-extinction with unknownrefuge due to small size and (or) unsuitable faciesand location. Lineage or clade reappearancemay be in the form of new species, whose relationshipto ancestral taxa has been problematic.Some disappearances can be explained with displacivecompetition, where the replacementtaxon is either of endemic origin or an immigrant.Recent research in previously underexploredfield areas has closed some of the gaps ofdocumentation by finding the refuges. Rangecontractions and expansions, together with theirregional disappearances and pseudo-extinctions,including pseudotermination, were often causallyrelated to sea-level changes, especiallyeustasy. Most true extinctions, however, cannotbe identified precisely, because they occurred insmall populations and (or) refuges. Extinctionspresumably did not coincide with global geoevents.2008040359加 拿 大 艾 伯 塔 上 白 垩 统 土 仑 阶 - 康 尼 亚 克 阶Cardium 组 和 相 邻 单 位 菊 石 动 物 群 :I. 船 菊113

石 科 = Ammonoid faunas from the CardiumFormation (Turonian-Coniacian, Upper Cretaceous)and contiguous units, Alberta, Canada: I.Scaphitidae. ( 英 文 ). Braunberger W F; Hall R L.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2001,38(3): 333-346While the Cardium Formation (Turonian–Coniacian, Upper Cretaceous) is one of the majorhydrocarbon sources, and consequently oneof the most intensely studied siliciclastic formationsin the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin,it remains one of the more controversial units interms of understanding the depositional environmentsand processes it represents, and correlationsbetween subsurface and outcrop. Proposedsubsurface subdivisions based on sequencestratigraphic concepts, and relation ofthese allomembers to long-established membersof the outcrop belt, have provoked further disagreements.The general lack of biostratigraphicdata within the Cardium Formation makes it difficultto test different models and to resolve conflictingproposals. This paper provides stratigraphicand taxonomic information on all knownscaphitid ammonoids from the Cardium Formationand correlation of these faunas with the Turonianand Coniacian zonal scheme establishedin the United States Western Interior; future publicationswill provide similar treatments of thecollignoniceratid ammonites and inoceramidbivalves.2008040360加 拿 大 艾 伯 塔 上 白 垩 统 土 仑 阶 - 康 尼 亚 克 阶Cardium 组 和 相 邻 单 位 菊 石 动 物 群 :II. Collignoniceratidae科 和 Placenticeratidae 科 =Ammonoid faunas from the Cardium Formation(Turonian–Coniacian; Upper Cretaceous) andcontiguous units, Alberta, Canada: II. Collignoniceratidaeand Placenticeratidae. ( 英 文 ).Braunberger W F; Hall R L. Canadian Journalof Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(7): 1117-1128Ammonite species of the genera Prionocyclus,Subprionocyclus, and Collignoniceras describedhere from the Cardium Formation, in combinationwith scaphitid ammonoids and inoceramidbivalves, allow recognition of all biozones forthe Turonian Stage (Upper Cretaceous) establishedfarther south in the United States WesternInterior Basin. Although many of the speciesused in this zonation were endemic to the WesternInterior seaway, more cosmopolitan forms atsome levels do allow correlation with westernEuropean sequences. The presence of Prionocyclusgermari Reuss is firmly established in thelower parts of the Leyland Member, confirmingthe position of the Turonian-Coniacian boundaryand earlier proposed constraints on the durationof the Cardinal–Leyland hiatus.2008040361北 美 下 侏 罗 统 菊 石 Amaltheidae 科 : 古 生 物地 理 和 大 地 构 造 意 义 = Lower JurassicAmaltheidae (Ammonitina) in North America:paleobiogeography and tectonic implications.( 英 文 ). Smith P L; Tipper H W; Ham D M. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(10):1439-1449The amaltheids are restricted temporally to thelate Pliensbachian and geographically to thenorthern part of the northern hemisphere.Amaltheus stokesi is the only species that occursin all areas of North America where amaltheidsare found. The craton north of the Canada–U.S.A. border yields the most diverse amaltheidfauna, including six of the seven taxa known inNorth America. On Quesnellia and Stikinia,there are no endemic amaltheids, and diversity islow; A. stokesi increases in abundance northwardswhere, in Stikinia, A. margaritatus makesrare appearances. Wrangellia, with its richPliensbachian Tethyan and east Pacific faunas, isalmost devoid of amaltheids, but its amaltheidfauna does include two specimens of A. viligaensis,an eastern Russian species that is unknownelsewhere in North America. Cratonalamaltheid faunas have more in common withthose of northwest Europe than eastern Eurasia,suggesting that the Arctic and northern NorthAtlantic constituted the main dispersal route.Paleobiogeographic patterns on the major allochthonousterranes argue against terrane rotationand in support of post-Pliensbachian northwarddisplacement relative to the North Americancraton. In addition, the presence of western Pacificfaunal elements on Wrangellia suggests amore significant longitudinal displacement relativeto the craton for this terrane compared tothat for Quesnellia and Stikinia.2008040362加 拿 大 安 大 略 曼 尼 托 林 岛 对 晚 奥 陶 世 腹 足 类失 败 的 捕 食 = Failed predation in Late Ordoviciangastropods (Mollusca) from ManitoulinIsland, Ontario, Canada. ( 英 文 ). Ebbestad J O R;Stott C A. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences,2008, 45(2): 231-241Shell repairs resulting from presumed failedpredation are documented in gastropods from theLate Ordovician (Cincinnatian; Richmondian)mid-to-upper Kagawong Submember of theGeorgian Bay Formation on Manitoulin Island,Ontario, Canada. The bryozoan-mollusc biotaand associated sediments generally suggest nearshore,shallow (

applied estimates of shell repair frequencies involvesdivision of the number of individualswith at least one scar by the total number of individualsin the sample (the Individuals withscars method). Using this calculation, 207specimens of Lophospira trilineata Ulrich andScofield yielded a shell repair frequency of 4.8%;in 28specimens of Trochonemella sp. the shellrepair frequency was 35.7%. Repairs in Trochonemellaoccur primarily in the larger size class,suggesting that a size refuge was achieved bythis species. Low repair frequencies in L. trilineatasuggest predation with a higher successrate or fewer encounters. This study demonstratesthat the paradigm of a standardized lowlevel of shell repair in Ordovician and Siluriangastropods is oversimplistic and a range of frequencyrates can be expected.2008040363加 拿 大 不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 省 Taseko 湖 晚 赫 塘 期( 早 侏 罗 世 ) 菊 石 动 物 = Late Hettangian(Early Jurassic) Ammonites from Taseko lakes,British Columbia, Canada. ( 英 文 ). Longridge L;Smith P L; Tipper H W. Palaeontology, 2008,51(2): 367-404The Taseko Lakes area yields the most diverseand well-preserved late Hettangian ammoniteassemblage in British Columbia. In total, 27ammonite taxa are described, of which Fergusoniteshendersonae, Eolytoceras constrictum andPseudaetomoceras victoriense are new. Basedon this study, Phylloceras cf. asperaense Hillebrandt,Togaticeras togatum (Neumayr), T. aff.goisernense Rakús, Eolytoceras aff. guexi Taylor,Discamphiceras aff. silberlingi Guex,Schlotheimia cf. cuevitensis Hillebrandt andFranziceras aff. graylockense Taylor are newlyrecognized in the North American MineralenseZone whereas Nevadaphyllites psilomorphus(Neumayr), N. aff. compressus Guex, Fergusoniteshendersonae sp. nov., Eolytoceras chongiHillebrandt, E. constrictum sp. nov., Paracalocerasspp. A and B, P.? spp., Metophioceras? sp.and Schreinbachites? aff. laqueoides (Hyatt) arenewly recognized in the Rursicostatum Zone.Discamphiceras silberlingi, D. sp. nov., Alsatitesaff. bipartitus (Hillebrandt), Alsatites sp., Pseudaetomocerasvictoriense sp. nov. and Paracalocerasaff. varaense Hillebrandt are newlyrecognized in both the Mineralense and Rursicostatumzones. The Taseko Lakes fauna allowsclear correlations with contemporaneous strata inother areas of North America as well as with theCanadensis Zone and probably the Arcuatumhorizon of the South American succession.Broad correlations are also possible with Hettangianor lowest Sinemurian strata in New Zealandand the eastern Tethys. Furthermore, theTaseko Lakes fauna permits correlation of theMineralense and Rursicostatum zones with thecircum-Mediterranean Marmoreum Zone. Finally,this fauna suggests that the MineralenseZone and the lower to middle portion of the RursicostatumZone in Taseko Lakes are equivalentto the Complanata Subzone whereas the upperportion of the Rursicostatum Zone correlateswith the Depressa Subzone of the north-westEuropean Angulata Zone.2008040364关 于 早 期 牡 蛎 演 化 的 问 题 : 答 复 Márquez-Aliaga 和 Hautmann = Problems concerningearly oyster evolution: A reply to Márquez-Aliaga and Hautmann. ( 英 文 ). Malchus N. PalaeogeographyPalaeoclimatology Palaeoecology,2008, 258(1-2): 130-134The reconstruction of early oyster phylogenyis hampered by multiple convergent, parallel (orboth) shell-character evolution outside andwithin the Ostreoidea and by poor knowledge ofcharacter distribution. This contribution brieflydiscusses the extent of the problem with referenceto controversial lines of arguments in twoprevious contributions concerning the alivincularligament, antimarginal ribs or plicae, shell mineralogyand microstructures, Quenstedt musclescar versus dorsal radial mantle retractor scars,amphi-pleurothetic cementation versus leftpleurotheticbyssal attachment or free recliningmode, and the convex versus concave resiliumsupport in the right valve of oysters. A preliminarycladistic analysis suggests that neither Gryphaeanor Enantiostreon derive from alivincular,crossed-lamellar taxa (Pseudomonotidae andProspondylidae, respectively). Triassic plicateEnantiostreon, Umbrostrea, and a palaeolophidspecies appear in a basal position withinOstreoidea s.l., but none of them appears to bedirectly related to Recent Lophinae, a result thatis consistent with numerous genetic analyses thatplace Lophinae in a terminal position rather thanclose to the root. The present data suggest thatOstreoidea s.l. (including Triassic plicate taxa)derive from a single, as yet unidentified stemgroup but that Ostreoidea s.l. is not necessarilymonophyletic in a strict sense.2008040365加 拿 大 大 不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 Grassy 岛 上 侏 罗统 - 下 白 垩 统 地 层 中 Buchia ( 双 壳 纲 :Buchiidae) 种 的 鉴 别 和 演 化 模 式 = Speciesdiscrimination and evolutionary mode of Buchia(Bivalvia: Buchiidae) from Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous strata of Grassy Island, BritishColumbia, Canada. ( 英 文 ). Grey M; HaggartJ W; Smith P L. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(3):583-595115

Buchiid bivalves are geographically widespreadin Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceousstrata of the Northern Hemisphere. They are oftenabundant and their short stratigraphic rangesmake them ideal biostratigraphic index fossils;these characteristics also render them useful forstudy of evolutionary patterns. We used multivariatemethods to determine if we could discriminatebetween species of Buchia and examinehow morphological characters changethrough time within the genus. Using ten morphologicalcharacters to describe shell shape andsize, we tested for taxonomic differences andmorphologic change in populations of buchiidscollected from a single stratigraphic section onGrassy Island, located along the west coast ofVancouver Island, British Columbia. Morphometricanalysis utilized traditional morphologicalmetrics and techniques, including linearand angular measurements as well as Fourier(outline shape) analyses. Phenetic discriminationrevealed considerable overlap among the recognizedspecies in the morphospace, as well as afairly low discriminatory power between specieswhen compared as a group using a step-wisecanonical variate analysis. Step-wise discriminantanalyses between species pairs gave rise tomuch higher classification rates, suggesting thatdifferent characters are important for distinguishingbetween different species pairs. Ourresults also indicate that single individuals andsmall sample sizes of Buchia specimens are insufficientfor biostratigraphic discrimination(unless other rarely preserved features such asthe hinge and bysuss ear are available) and that anumber of previously described species variantsmay not be taxonomically valid. A biolog usingthe multivariate axis that best discriminates betweenspecies (CV1) and a random walk-basedtest using a Hurst estimate analysis indicate agradualistic evolutionary mode for the Buchiaspecies of Grassy Island. Shell shape and size ofbuchiids do not appear to be closely tied to lithofacieschanges over the c. 10 myr time interval,suggesting that ecophenotypic variation (as itrelates to substrate changes) probably had minimalinfluence on morphology.2008040366摩 洛 哥 早 中 侏 罗 世 Lytoceratid 菊 石 : 古 生 物地 理 与 演 化 意 义 = Early–Middle Jurassic LytoceratidAmmonites with constrictions from Morocco:palaeobiogeographical and evolutionaryimplications. ( 英 文 ). Bourillot R; Neige P; PierreA; Durlet C. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(3):597-609The ammonite genus Alocolytoceras Hyatt,1900 is an uncommon lytoceratid with distinctiveshell ornament. A set of 58 specimens, recentlycollected at Amellago in the central HighAtlas (Morocco), has enabled us to trace a successionof three species over eight biozones fromthe Toarcian to the Aalenian. Two specimensfrom the Lusitanian Basin are added for comparison.Following a review of the genus, basedon original specimens and data from the literature,seven species are considered valid. A palaeobiogeographicalsynthesis of 13 regionsdemonstrates irregular distribution patterns overtime, with a constant presence in the south-westTethys and an instance of rapid diversification ofan endemic fauna in north-west Europe. Ourdata challenge the conventional view that lytoceratidammonite evolution was 'conservative'.2008040367苏 格 兰 Girvan 地 区 晚 奥 陶 世 背 肌 痕 类 软 体 动物 Carcassonnella = The Tergomyan MolluscCarcassonnella from the Upper Ordovician ofGirvan, Scotland. ( 英 文 ). Ebbestad J O. Palaeontology,2008, 51(3): 663-675The tergomyan genus Carcassonnella Hornýand Peel, 1996 is common in and characteristicof the Mediterranean Province in peri-Gondwanan terranes during the late Tremadocand Arenig. It is united with other small, slitbearingcyrtonellids in the CarcassonnellidaeHorný, 1997b, of which Baltiscanella Horný,1997b from the Arenig of the Oslo Region,Norway, and Sarkanella from the Caradoc of theSiljan District, Sweden has been recognized outsidethe Mediterranean Province. The most inclusiveview of the Carcassonnellidae unitesPeelerophon Yochelson, 1982, CarcassonnellaHorný and Peel, 1996, Sarkanella Horný, 1997a,Baltiscanella Horný, 1997b, and TachillanellaHorný, 1997b. Patterns of distribution of generain the family are obscured, however, by widelydifferent phylogenetic relationships presented inthe literature. Here, Carcassonnella multilineata(Reed, 1920) is documented in the upper Whitehouseand Drummuck subgroups of the Girvandistrict, Midland Valley of Scotland, being thefirst record of the genus outside peri-Gondwana.Its enigmatic occurrence on the edge of Laurentiais opposed to the occurrence of low latitudebenthic faunas in higher latitudes during thistime interval (the Boda Event). It is likely, therefore,that the genus spread from the ancient stockfound on the Perunican microcontinent as thisdrifted away from Gondwana in the mid-Caradoc.2008040368奥 地 利 Calcareous 阿 尔 卑 斯 山 东 北 部 瑞 替 期( 晚 三 叠 世 )Monotis ( 双 壳 纲 :Pectinoida) 及 诺 利 期 末 游 泳 动 物 群 危 机 =Rhaetian (Late Triassic) Monotis (Bivalvia:Pectinoida) from the eastern Northern Calcare-116

ous Alps (Austria) and the end-norian crisis inpelagic faunas. ( 英 文 ). MCroberts C A; KrystynL; Shea A. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(3): 721-735Species of marine bivalves of the pectinoidgenus Monotis provide useful biochronologicindices for the Late Triassic (middle Norian–earliest Rhaetian). We report the succession ofMonotis at Hernstein in Lower Austria wheretypical late Norian Monotis salinaria(Schlotheim) are overlain by strata with apparentlythe youngest Monotis known of demonstrableRhaetian age: Monotis hoernesi Kittl andMonotis rhaetica sp. nov., a species closely relatedto M. rudis Gemmellaro. A Rhaetian(Sevatian 2) age is confirmed by the cooccurrenceof Monotis with the platform conodontMisikella posthernsteini and close associationwith the ammonoid Paracochloceras. Areview of late Norian monotid species indicatesthat a profound extinction event occurred in thepelagic realm at or close to the Norian/Rhaetianboundary where c. 15 monotids (Monotis s.l. andMaorimonotis) became extinct. The survivingMonotis are dwarfed when compared to theirNorian predecessors and may represent an ecological/phylogeneticresponse to the crisis.2008040369早 白 垩 世 凡 兰 吟 期 菊 石 Saynoceras verrucosum种 内 变 异 及 可 疑 的 二 态 性 = Intraspecificvariability and problematic dimorphism in theEarly Cretaceous(Valanginian)ammoniteSaynoceras verrucosum(d Orbigny,1841). ( 英 文 ).Ploch I. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007, 81(6):877-882The population of Saynoceras verrucosum(dOrbigny)from the Polish basin(Wawal section,centralPoland)shows no significant intraspecificvariability.Dimorphism has not beenfound in this population.Statistical analyses ofmaterial from the shallow epicratonic Polish basinand the relatively deep Vocontian basin(southeasternFrance)indicated two populations.Formsfrom the Polish basin are somewhatmore inflated and smaller than forms from theVocontian basin.节 肢 动 物2008040370Pannon 湖 晚 中 新 世 hemicytherid 介 形 类Tyrrhenocythere 属 的 系 统 发 育 , 古 生 态 和 淡水 浸 入 = Phylogeney, palaeoecology, and invasionof non-marine waters by the late Miocenehemicytherid ostracod Tyrrhenocythere fromLake Pannon. ( 英 文 ). Pipik R. Acta palaeontologicaPolonica, 2007, 52(2): 351-368Species of the ostracod genus Tyrrhenocytherewere found in sediments at the westernmargin of the Danube Basin, dated as Pannonianzone MN9-MN10 of the late Miocene, togetherwith the euryhaline ostracods Euxinocythere,Loxoconcha, cyprideis, Hemicytheria, Amplocypris,and Paratethyan Candoninae. Tyrrhenocythereis a polyphyletic genus. After the retreatof Lake Pannon, Tyrrhenocythere species immigrated,together with other ostracod and molluscanfauna, into the Bacian Basin and EasternParatethys. Later, in the uppermost Messinian,they colonized the western Mediterranean. LateMiocene and Pliocene Tyrrhenocythere arefound in brackish or mixed brackish/freshwatertophocoenoses, but the Pleistocene examplesalso adapted to freshwater/oligohaline lacustrineenvironment. While salinity ranges of Tyrrhenocytherehave shifted, toward freshwater since thelate Miocene, temperature preference did notchange.2008040371阿 根 廷 早 白 垩 世 双 壳 类 Phaladomyagigantea: 系 统 分 类 , 埋 葬 和 古 地 理 意 义 =The bivalve Phaladomya gigantean in the EarlyCretaceous of Argentina: Taxonomy, taphonomy,and paleogeographic implications. ( 英 文 ). LazoD G. Acta palaeontologica Polonica, 2007,52(2): 375-390It has been recorded in the North Temperate,Tethyan, and South Temperate Realms. Basedon recent field work and newly collected materialfrom the Neuquen Basin, the taxonomy,mode of occurrence and palaeobiogeography ofthis species is reviewed. In the Agrio FormationP. gigantean is neither abundant nor dominant,but occurs throughout the unit. It was faciesdependentbeing restricted to well-oxygenatedwaters and soft to firm, sandy and bioclastic substratesof shoreface to inner shelf environments.2008040372加 拿 大 西 部 两 个 泥 盆 纪 介 形 类 动 物 群 的 灭 绝模 式 = Modes of extinction in two Devonianostracode faunas of western Canada. ( 英 文 ).Braun W K. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences,2001, 38(2): 173-185The development of a prominent Middle DevonianEifelian and an Upper Devonian Frasnianostracode faunal sequence of western Canada isused to trace their evolutionary pathways, to illustrateevolutionary dynamics, and to evaluatethe most probable causes and implications of themajor and minor changes, which are clearly expressedin two sets of charts. A connection betweensedimentary transgressive–regressive andevolutionary cycles is evident and documentedin sample-for-sample accounts. Major changesin sea level were the primary cause for the mostobvious breaks and trends in the faunal sequencesand were responsible for the cyclic de-117

velopment of both the sedimentary and ostracoderecords. In contrast, numerous subordinatefaunal breaks impart a distinctly punctuated patternto both extinction and speciation pathways.Their regular spacing point to rhythmic influencesthat are interpreted to reflect primarilytemperature fluctuations to which ostracodes areknown to react in direct and indirect ways. Inturn, the periodicity of the changes falls withinthe time frame of the Milankovitch Effect or toany one, or a combination, of its three variables.By combining the overall cyclic developmentwith the punctuated progression of both extinctionand speciation events in an "eventstratigraphicchart," a blueprint of the evolutionarydynamics emerges, which can be directlyapplied in sequence-stratigraphic reconstructions.2008040373阿 根 廷 拉 里 奥 哈 Famatina 系 晚 寒 武 世 FiloAzul 段 Volcancrro 组 三 叶 虫 = Trilobites fromthe Volcancrro Formation (Filo Azul Member,Late Cambrian) of the Famatina System, LaRioja, Argentina: systematics and paleoenvironments.( 法 文 ). Tortello M F; Esteban S B.Ameghiniana, 2007, 44(3): 597-620The Filo Azul Member of the VolcancitoFormation (Famatina range, La Rioja, Argentina)consists of a lower part (30m) of thinly laminatedmarls and calcareous shales with intercalationsof fine-grained sandstones, a middle part(85 m) of massive middle to thick-grained calcareoussandstones, and an upper part (50 m) ofshales with interbedded layers of fine sandstones.Previous studies on trilobites, graptolites andconodonts assigned the section to the UpperCambrian-Lower Ordovician. The lower portionof the member (Parabolina frequens argentinaBiozone, lower part) contains a diverse trilobitefauna that was studied by Harrington and Leanzain the 1950s. Since then, new collections havebeen obtained, which are the subject of the presentstudy. New polymerid trilobites, originallydescribed on the basis of scarce material, are reillustrated(Onychopyge riojana Harrington, Asaphellusriojanus Harrington and Leanza,Rhadinopleura eurycephala Harrington andLeanza, Plicatolina scalpta Harrington andLeanza) and the assignations of several taxa arereconsidered (Angelina cf. hyeronimi (Kayser),Parabolinella sp. 1, Parabolinella sp. 2, Pseudokainellatosellii sp. nov., Conophrys sp.)(since the agnostoids have been recently revised,they are not included in this study). The faunacomprises several endemic species. On the otherhand, the occurrence of Parabolina (Neoparabolina)frequens (Barrande) permits the outcropto be correlated with other Upper Cambriansections. The abundance of nutrients in the seabottom must have favoured the development of adiverse trilobite community, which included differentmorphotypes and feeding habits. Severaltaxa were especially adapted to live under lowoxygenconditions, probably in symbiosis withsulfur bacteria.2008040374通 过 综 合 古 生 代 和 全 新 世 蝎 子 的 数 据 对 志 留纪 蝎 子 Proscorpius Osborni (Whitfield) 的 重新 解 释 = Reinterpretation of the Silurian ScorpionProscorpius Osborni (Whitfield): integratingdata from Palaeozoic and Recent Scorpions.( 英 文 ). Dunlop J; Tetlie O E; Prendini L. Palaeontology,2008, 51(2): 303-320The morphology of the Late Silurian (Přídolí)scorpion Proscorpius osborni (Whitfield, 1885a)(Arachnida: Scorpiones), from the Phelps Memberof the Fiddlers Green Formation of NewYork, the 'Bertie Waterlime' of earlier stratigraphicschemes, is revised based on studies ofnew and existing material (a total of 32 specimens).Previous reports of four cheliceral articles,gnathobasic coxae, a labium and gill slits inP. osborni can be dismissed. However, we confirmthe presence of both median and compoundlateral eyes, a pair of tarsal claws, albeit on amore digitigrade foot compared to that of modernscorpions, more than five ventral mesosomalsclerites and a fairly modern pattern of metasomal(i.e. tail) carinae. The co-occurring Archaeophonuseurypteroides Kjellesvig-Waering,1966 and Stoermeroscorpio delicatusKjellesvig-Waering, 1986 are regarded as junior synonymsof P. osborni. Fossil scorpion higher systematicsis plagued by a plethora of unnecessary andlargely monotypic higher taxa and we draw onthe results of Jeram's cladistic analysis from1998 to synonymize formally a series of familiesand superfamilies with Proscorpiidae Scudder,1885.2008040375枝 蝗 科 ( 昆 虫 纲 , 直 翅 目 , 蜢 总 科 ) 化 石 的首 次 发 现 , 及 对 该 科 演 化 及 历 史 生 物 地 理 学的 评 论 = The first fossil Proscopiidae (Insecta,Orthoptera, Eumastacoidea) with comments onthe historical biogeography and evolution of thefamily. ( 英 文 ). Heads S W. Palaeontology, 2008,51(2): 499-507Eoproscopia martilli gen. et sp. nov. is describedfrom the Early Cretaceous (Aptian)Crato Formation Lagerstätte of Ceará State,north-east Brazil. The new taxon is assigned tothe extant family Proscopiidae and represents thefirst occurrence of the group in the fossil record.Eoproscopia is similar to crown group proscopiidsin its stick-like habitus, elongate prothoraxand absence of the cryptopleuron, but differsin the presence of well-developed wings, the118

short head with a small, simple fastigium, theprothoracic legs being inserted near the posteriormargin of the prothorax, and the absence ofspines on the metathoracic tibiae. The discoveryof Eoproscopia extends the geological range ofthe family by approximately 110 myr and confirmsthe presence of stem-group proscopiids inthe Atlantic rift zone of South America duringthe Early Cretaceous.2008040376意 大 利 Sicily Lercara 组 ( 中 三 叠 统 - 卡 尼阶 ?) 中 的 二 叠 纪 介 形 类 = Permian Ostracodsfrom the Lercara Formation (Middle Triassic–Carnian?), Sicily, Italy. ( 英 文 ). Crasquin S; CarcioneL; Martini R. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(3):537-560A rich, diverse Permian ostracod fauna hasbeen recovered from the red and grey, laminatedshales and quartz-rich shales of the Triassic LercaraFormation. Forty-seven species have beenidentified, 13 of which are newly described here;they belong to 26 genera of which three are new:Anahuacia lercaraensis sp. nov., Aurigerites siciliaensissp. nov., Bairdia portellaensis sp. nov.,Cristanaria? katyae sp. nov., Fabalicypris gruendelisp. nov., Lethiersa salomonensis gen. etsp. nov., Lethiersia sinusoventralis gen. et sp.nov., Portella trapezoida gen. et sp. nov., Siciliellaelongata gen. et sp. nov., Siciliella infernespinosagen. et sp. nov., Siciliella prima gen.et sp. nov., Siciliella quadrata gen. et sp. nov.,and Siciliella spinorobusta gen. et sp. nov. Theassemblages contain or are composed of palaeopsychrosphericforms, which are regarded asindex fossils for deep environments. Thebathymetry of the different associations in life isevaluated.2008040377Euarthropods 上 茎 群 的 头 部 结 构 = Headstructure in upper stem-group Euarthropods. ( 英文 ). Budd G E. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(3): 561-573Continuing debate over the evolution andmorphology of the arthropod head has led toconsiderable interest in the relevance of the evidencefrom the fossil record. However, disputeover homology and even presence of appendagesand sclerites in Cambrian arthropods has resultedin widely differing views of their significance.The head structures of several importanttaxa, Fuxianhuia, Canadaspis, Odaraia, Chengjiangocarisand Branchiocaris are redescribed,revealing the essential similarity between them.In particular, all possessed an anterior sclerite,probably followed by a large posterior, ventralsclerite that is likely to be homologous to thehypostome of trilobites. The presence of a similarfeature in Sanctacaris is also possible, butless well-supported. An anterior sclerite, usuallybearing eyes, as in Fuxianhuia, appears to be awidespread feature of basal arthropods. Whetheror not this sclerite represents an original articulatingprotocerebral segment on its own is, however,open to debate.2008040378联 合 王 国 约 克 郡 南 洞 站 采 石 场 ( 侏 罗 系 上 卡洛 夫 阶 ) 牛 津 粘 土 中 一 甲 螨 ( 蛛 形 纲 : 蜱 螨亚 纲 ) = An Oribatid Mite (Arachnida: Acari)from the Oxford Clay (Jurassic: Upper Callovian)of South Cave Station Quarry, Yorkshire, UK.( 英 文 ). Selden P; Baker A S; Phipps K J. Palaeontology,2008, 51(3): 623-633A single specimen of a new species of oribatidmite belonging to the genus Jureremus Krivolutsky,in Krivolutsky and Krassilov 1977, previouslydescribed from the Upper Jurassic of theRussian Far East, is described as J. phippsi sp.nov. The mite is preserved by iron pyrite replacement,and was recovered by sieving fromthe Oxford Clay Formation (Jurassic: UpperCallovian) of South Cave, Yorkshire. It is thefirst record of a pre-Pleistocene mite, and thesecond species record of the family Cymbaeremaeidae,from the British Isles; also, it is onlythe third record of Acari from the Jurassic Period.The presence of a terrestrial mite in a sedimentarysequence of open marine origin is noteworthy,and suggestions for its mode of transport tothe site of deposition are discussed.2008040379丹 麦 始 新 统 最 下 部 豆 娘 的 首 次 发 现 , 及 对 一个 新 的 亚 科 ( 蜻 蜓 目 , 均 翅 亚 目 :Dysagrionidae) 的 描 述 = The first Damselfliesfrom the Lowermost Eocene of Denmark, with adescription of a new subfamily (Odonata, Zygoptera:Dysagrionidae). ( 英 文 ). Rust J;Petrulevičius J F; Nel A. Palaeontology, 2008,51(3): 709-713Eodysagrion mikkelseni gen. et sp. nov., typespecies of the new subfamily Eodysagrioninae,and the dysagrionine Primorilestes madseni sp.nov., the first thaumatoneurid damselflies fromthe lowermost Eocene of Denmark, are described.They confirm the presence of thisAmerican family in the Palaeogene of WesternEurope.2008040380中 国 内 蒙 古 中 侏 罗 世 蚜 虫 一 新 科 ( 昆 虫 纲 :半 翅 目 : 胸 喙 亚 目 :Sinojuraphididae, 新科 ) = A new Middle Jurassic Aphid family(Insecta: Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Sinojuraphididaefam. nov.) from Inner Mongolia,119

China. ( 英 文 ). Huang Diying; Nel A. Palaeontology,2008, 51(3): 715-719A new monotypic aphid family, Sinojuraphididae,is described from the Middle Jurassic ofChina. Its antennae and wing venation have veryplesiomorphic structures, even more than inknown Triassic taxa (e.g. 12 antennomeres, Cuwith a very long stem, very narrow pterostigma),confirming the persistence of ancient, probablyTriassic, lineages among Jurassic aphids.2008040381加 拿 大 纽 芬 兰 西 部 寒 武 系 - 奥 陶 系 界 线 间 隔 带Cow Head 群 Shallow Bay 组 油 栉 虫 为 主 的 三叶 虫 动 物 群 = Olenid-dominated trilobite faunafrom the Shallow Bay Formation (Cow HeadGroup), Cambrian-Ordovician boundary interval,western Newfoundland. ( 英 文 ). Karim T S. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2008, 45(4):407-425A single boulder (PH 8.14), recovered fromunit 8 on the Point of Head, Cow Head Peninsula,Shallow Bay Formation (Cow Head Group),contains a unique olenid-dominated trilobitefauna composed of the following taxa:Boeckaspis geordii n. sp., Leiobienvillia terranovica(Rasetti, 1954), hystricurid n. gen. n.sp., Tulepyge sp. A, Tulepyge sp. B, Tulepyge?sp. C, and Symphysurina sp. The pelturine trilobiteB. geordii dominates the assemblage. BoulderPH 8.14 consists of light grey-brown packstoneto grainstone. This is atypical for oleniddominatedfaunas, which usually occur in darklaminated limestones and shales. The fauna islikely earliest Ordovician in age, but a latestCambrian age cannot be entirely ruled out. Regardless,this assemblage is unique in that it isthe only known olenid-dominated fauna fromCambrian-Ordovicianboundary sediments inLaurentia. A phylogenetic analysis ofBoeckaspis and other putatively closely relatedtaxa (Westergaardia Raymond, 1924 and JujuyaspisKobayashi, 1936) was conducted. Theresults of the analysis indicate that Westergaardiais not monophyletic and as such it isconsidered a junior synonym of Boeckaspisherein.2008040382内 蒙 古 中 侏 罗 统 九 龙 山 组 直 翅 目 赤 峰 虫 亚 科新 属 = A new genus of Chifengiinae (Orthoptera:Ensifera: Prophalangopsidae) from theMiddle Jurassic (Jiulongshan Formation) of InnerMongolia, China. ( 英 文 ). Lin Qi-bin; HuangDi-ying; Nel A. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008,7(4): 205-209The Middle Jurassic Ashangopsis daohugouensis,gen. et sp. n., of the prophalangopsidsubfamily Chifengiinae is described based ontwo well-preserved specimens collected from thefossil locality near Daohugou at NingchengCounty, Inner Mongolia, Northeast China. Thenew genus is characterized by the particularshape of its pronotum, its hind leg, and stridulatoryveins that only concern the cubital area butnot the anal area, unlike in other Chifengiinae.2008040383法 国 和 英 国 晚 始 新 世 - 早 渐 新 世 直 翅 目Tettigoniidae 科 模 拟 叶 纺 织 娘 一 新 属 = Newgenus of leaf-mimicking katydids (Orthoptera:Tettigoniidae) from the Late Eocene–Early Oligoceneof France and England. ( 英 文 ). Nel A;Prokop J; Ross A J. Comptes RendusPalevol, 2008, 7(4): 211-216A new leaf-mimicking katydid (Orthoptera:Tettigoniidae: Pseudophyllinae), Archepseudophyllafossilis gen. et sp. nov. is described basedon tegmina from the Early Oligocene of France.Lithymnetes laurenti Théobald, 1937 from theLate Eocene of France is transferred to Archepseudophyllacomb. nov. The enigmatic ‘Poekilloptera’melanospila Cockerell, 1921 from theEarly Oligocene of the Isle of Wight (UK) istransferred to Archepseudophylla comb. nov.The present discoveries in the Palaeogene of theIsle of Wight, Céreste, and Marseilles Basinsrepresent the first fossil records of Pseudophyllinae.In addition, these records support warm andhumid forest conditions near the palaeolakes ofthe Isle of Wight, Camoins-les-Bains, andCéreste.2008040384中 国 Mesocupes ( 鞘 翅 目 : 原 鞘 亚 目 :Cupedidae) 首 次 化 石 记 录 = First Record ofFossil Mesocupes from China (Coleoptera:Archostemata:Cupedidae).( 英 文 ). Tan Jingjing;Huang Diying; Ren Dong. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2007, 81(5): 688-696Three new fossil species of the genusMesocupes of fossil cupedids,M.angustilabialissp. nov.,M.latilabialis sp.nov.and M.collarissp.nov.,are described from the Jiulongshan Formationof Inner Mongolia,China.These new speciesare the first three records of fossil Mesocupesin China as well as the oldest ones in theworld now.This finding also extends the geographicaldistribution of this genus from Centralto East Asia.In addition,based on the ratio of thelength of the last to the penultimate abdominalven...2008040385松 辽 盆 地 晚 白 垩 世 青 山 口 组 介 形 类 生 物 地 层学 = Ostracod Biostratigraphy of the Late CretaceousQingshankou Formation in the SongliaoBasin. ( 英 文 ). Zhang Zhili; Liu Zhenwen; Wang120

Baichang; Zhang Ying; Ye Dequan. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2007, 81(5): 727-738An ostracod biostratigraphic study was performedon 425 samples from the composite geologicalsection constructed by using cores takenfrom five selected wells drilled in the Late CretaceousQingshankou Formation in the Songliaobasin.A total of 19 ostracod zones are establishedin the formation,of which 3 are newlyestablished and 3 are revised.The 19 ostracodzones are described in detail.This study providesa basis for the detailed stratigraphic division andcorrelation of the Qingshankou Formation and t...2008040386浙 江 兰 溪 组 上 白 垩 统 介 甲 类 薄 壳 叶 肢 介 属 的修 正 及 其 在 中 国 东 南 地 区 的 生 物 地 层 意 义 =Revision of the Conchostracan Genus Tenuestheriafrom the Upper Cretaceous Lanxi Formationin Zhejiang and Its Biostratigraphic Significancein Southeast China. ( 英 文 ). Li Gang; WanXiaoqiao; Willems H; Bantten D J. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2007, 81(6): 925-930The diagnosis of the conchostracan genusTenuestheria from the Lanxi Formation in Jinhua,Zhejiang Province in Southeast China isrevised following an examination of the typespecies under a scanning electron microscope,whichrevealed some morphological featureson the carapace that had not been recognizedpreviously.The importance of the TenuestheriaFauna is considered in the context of correlationof six Turonian-Santonian formations inthis region of China.The value of the CenomanianNemestheria and Tur...2008040387墨 西 哥 普 埃 布 拉 Los Ahuehuetes 地 区 渐 新 世蝎 和 昆 虫 ( 褶 翅 目 和 鞘 翅 目 ) 化 石 = Oligocenescorpion and insects (Plecoptera and Coleoptera)from the Los Ahuehuetes locality, Puebla,Mexico. ( 英 文 ). Cifuentes-Ruiz P; Vega F J;Cevallos-Ferriz S R S; Gonzalez-Soriano E.Ameghiniana, 2007, 44(4): 673-679A scorpion prosoma, a plecopteran nymph,Euperlida parvicercifera Cifuentes-Ruiz gen. etsp. nov., and the elytra of an adult beetle (Coleoptera)are described from the OligoceneCoatzingo Formation, Puebla, Mexico. Specimenswere found at the Los Ahuehuetes locality,Puebla, from where numerous plant remainshave been previously described. A lacustrinepaleoenviromnent for these sediments is confirmedbased on habitat of recent Plecoptera.This report represents the first record of Oligocenecontinental arthropods from Central Mexico,and the first for a fossil Plecoptera in thiscountry. It is the first record for a Nearctic extinctgenus of Perlidae.2008040388所 罗 门 群 岛 介 形 类 。 第 四 部 分 :Cytheroidea :Hemicytheridae, Thaerocytheridae = Recentmarine Ostracoda from the Solomon Islands.Part 4: Cytheroidea : Hemicytheridae, Thaerocytheridae.( 英 文 ). Titterton R; Whatley R C.Journal of Micropalaeontology, 2008, 27(part 1):13-33Eleven species of family Hemicytheridae andseven of the family Thaerocytheridae are described.Together they comprise 14% of the totalRecent ostracod fauna described from the SolomonIslands. In the main the hemicytherids aremuch more endemic than the thacrocytherids.Three new species have been recorded only fromthe Solomon Islands, and three species ofCaudites, held in open nomenclature due to theirrarity, are also probably endemic to the islands.Another three new species have been recordedonly from Java and one species of Mimicocytheregen. et sp. nov. also occurs in Australia.The six new species described and illustrated are:Ambostracon (A.) micropopillatum, A. (A.) micromaculata,Caudites shortlandensis, ?C.atypicus, Mutilus dissimilis ssp. nov. and Mimicocytherepseudomelobesoides gen. et sp. nov.Only one of the hemicytherids, Caudites javanaKingma, occurs throughout the Indo-Pacific. It isthe Thaerocytheridae, however, that are almostpandemic in tropical regions, with Tenedocytheredeltoides and T. transoceanica beingdistributed particularly widely. A new species ofthe rare genus Neobuntonia, N. subalata sp. nov.,only the second modern species to be described,is also illustrated.2008040389巴 基 斯 坦 早 第 三 世 Neocyprideis 属 中 的 一 些种 = Some species of the genus Neocyprideis inthe early Tertiary of Pakistan. ( 英 文 ). Siddiqui QA. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 2000, 19(part1): 1-7Four species of the genus Neocyprideis describedin this paper are an addition to the ostracodfauna from the early Tertiary of Pakistan. N.sp. A occurs in the Upper Palaeocene of the SorRange, and three new species are found in theEocene of the Sulaiman Range. The new speciesare Neocyprideis simplex and N. regularis fromthe upper Lower Eocene, and N. formosa fromthe uppermost Eocene. The first two species, theassociated ostracod fauna and the lithology suggesta shallow marine shelf environment withevaporitic conditions, while N. formosa Lived inan open marine shelf environment. The shortvertical ranges of these three new species makesthem useful stratigraphic markers in this area.2008040390121

德 国 南 部 上 侏 罗 统 (Oxfordian-Tithonian)介 形 类 = Ostracods from the Upper Jurassic(Oxfordian-Tithonian) of southern Germany. ( 英文 ). Schudack U; Schudack M E. Journal of Micropalaeontology,2000, 19(part 2): 97-112At present the ostracod faunas from the UpperJurassic of southern Germany are incompletelyknown due to the absence of detailed studies.This preliminary systematic investigation hasyielded 46 species from 25 genera, of which 23species are left in open nomenclature, while 4are new species: Bythoceratina (Praebythoceratina)danuvensis, Nemoceratina (Pariceratina)urlichsi, Pokornyopsis punctata and Quasihermanitesspiralus. Diversity increases through thelate Jurassic with 16 species in the Oxfordian, 19species in the Kimmeridgian, and 23 species inthe Tithonian. Endemism is lowest in the Oxfordian,whilehighest in the Kimmeridgian.2008040391晚 奥 陶 世 Dicellograptus anceps 笔 石 带 内 跨Iapetus 洋 分 布 的 介 形 类 Kinnekullea comma(Jones, 1879) = Kinnekullea comma (Jones,1879), a trans-Iapetus ostracod locum for the lateOrdovician Dicellograptus anceps graptoliteBiozone. ( 英 文 ). Williams M; Floyd J D; MillerC G; Siveter D J; Stone P. Journal of Micropalaeontology,2000, 19(part 2): 163-164The ostracod Kinnekullea comma occurs inthe upper part of the Cautley Mudstone Formation(Ashgill Series) in the Cautley district ofnorthern England, thus geographically extendingthe stratigraphical value of K. comma as a locumfor the Dicellograptus anceps graptolite Biozonein Ordovician shelly marine facies of Britain andIreland. Its occurrence, in Scotland and England,confirms it as one of the earliest trans-IapetusOcean ostracod species.2008040392G.S Brady 收 集 的 印 度 洋 - 太 平 洋 太 地 区 一 些关 键 介 形 类 种 的 回 顾 = A review of some keyspecies of mainly Indo-Pacific Ostracoda fromthe collections of G.S Brady. ( 英 文 ). Titterton R;Whatley R C; Whittaker J E. Journal of Micropalaeontology,2001, 20(part 1): 31-44Fifteen key species of Recent Ostracoda (allbut one from Indo-Pacific waters), selected fromthe collections of G. S. Brady and deposited inthe Hancock Museum, Newcastle-upon-Tyneand The Natural History Museum, London, arereviewed. Holotypes and lectotypes have beenformally designated and illustrated (by SEM) inthe case of seven of these species: Neonesideacrosskeiana (Brady, 1866), Macrocyprina decora(Brady, 1866), Macrocyprina maculata (Brady,1866), Pontocypris attenuata (Brady, 1868),Neocyprideis spinulosa (Brady. 1868), Keijiademissa (Brady 1868), Cytherella semitalis(Brady 1868). Other taxa reviewed and reillustratedare five species erected by Brady in1880: Neonesidea woodwardiana, Paranesideaglobulus, Loxoconcha pumicosa, Kotaracythereinconspicua, Cletocythereis rastromarginata andCythercelloidea venusta. and one species describedby Brady in 1890: Neomonoceratina entomon.Lectotypes of these have been designatedpreviously, elsewhere. The final species. Neocyprideistimorensis which, although found byBrady in 1880. was first formally described byFyan in 1916.2008040393热 河 生 物 群 发 现 叩 头 虫 科 甲 虫 新 化 石 ( 鞘 翅目 : 多 食 亚 目 ) = New Fossil Beetles of theFamily Elateridae from the Jehol Biota ofChina(Coleoptera:Polyphaga). ( 英 文 ). ChangHuali; Ren Dong. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2008,82(2): 236-243Two new species of elaterids assigned to twonew genera with intriguing fossa on prosternumare described and illustrated: Bilineariselaterfoveatusgen.et sp. nov. and Curtelater wui gen.etsp.nov.from the Upper Jurassic-Lower CretaceousYixian Formation of western Liaoning,China.The origin of the clicking mechanism inthese beetles and the systematic position of thetwo genera are briefly discussed.2008040394辽 宁 义 县 组 Stoneflies( 昆 虫 纲 : 襀 翅 目 ) 的三 个 新 种 = Three New Stoneflies (Insecta:Plecoptera)from the Yixian Formation ofLiaoning,China. ( 英 文 ). Liu Yushuang; RenDong; Sinitshenkova N D; Shih Chungkun. ActaGeologica Sinica, 2008, 82(2): 249-256Three new genera and species Archaeoperlararissimus gen.et sp. nov. (Perlidae), Liaotaenionematenuitibia gen.et sp. nov. (Taeniopterygidae)and Parvinemoura parvus gen.etsp.nov. (?Nemouridae) are described and illustrated.Allof them were collected from YixianFormation of the western Liaoning, China. Hitherto,A. rarissimus is the oldest species possessingtypical characters of Perlidae;the finding ofL.tenuitibia indicates taeniopterygids once livedin the northeastern China in the late Mesozoic,butfrequent vol...2008040395阿 根 廷 西 北 部 芙 蓉 统 三 叶 虫 油 栉 虫 科Parabolina frequens argentina 的 个 体 发 育 、构 造 和 蜕 皮 = Ontogeny, structure and moultinof Parabolina frequens argentina (Kayser) (Trilobita,Olenidae) from the Furongian of northwesternArgentina. ( 英 文 ). Tortello M F; ClarksonE N K. Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(1): 13-31122

Parabolina frequens argentina (Kayser) (Trilobita,Olenidae) is a guide fossil occurring indifferent assemblages and lithologies of the upperCambrian (Furongian) of northwestern Argentina.The black and dark grey shales of theLampazar Formation at sierra de Cajas and theSanta Rosita Formation (lower part) at Iruya andAlfarcito (Jujuy and Salta provinces) containnumerous well-preserved specimens at differentstages of development. The juveniles representanaprotaspis, metaprotaspis and degrees 0-11meraspis. The latter exhibit a high variabilityrelated with the pattern of glabellar furrows andlobes, the sagittal length of the thoracic segments,the splay and length of the genal and thoracicspines, the relative width of the axis, andthe relative development of the axial tubercles.As in other species of Parabolina, the meraspidstages of P. frequens argentina do not formwell-defined instar groupings. Besides, in theadult specimens the length of the anterior cephalicborder and the preglabellar field are alsovariable characters. The hypostome is characterizedby having almost completely reduced anteriorwings; it lies in close association with theventral doublure (conterminant condition). Althoughsome authors suggested that P. frequensargentina and P. frequensfrequens (Barrande)could be synonyms, these taxa differ in havingdistinctive pygidia and hypostomes. Many exoskeletalconfigurations can be interpreted as exuviae.From a functional point of view, it islikely that the genal and macropleural spines onthe 8th thoracic segment supported the body ofthe trilobite when resting on the sea floor. Theexoskeleton can be reconstructed in two alternativepostures, the "alert" and "relaxed" attitudes.2008040396西 班 牙 莫 雷 纳 山 脉 下 寒 武 统 底 部 新 的 下Ovetian 阶 三 叶 虫 = New lower Ovetian trilobites(low lower Cambrian) from Sierra Morena(Spain). ( 其 他 ). Linani E; Gozalo R; Alvarez ME D. Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(1): 123-138Trilobites from two lower Ovetian (low lowerCambrian) localities in Sierra Morena (south ofSpain) are described. Serrania palaciosi nov. sp.and Serrania? gordaensis nov. sp. come from thewestern locality (Alconera). New specimens ofSerrania verae Linan Guijarro, 1978 come fromthe eastern locality (Sierra de Cordoba). Theontogenetic study of S. verae suggests that thisspecies evolved from S. palaciosi. The new materialallows us to include the genus Serraniawithin the new subfamily Serrinae definedherein, belonging to the family Bigotinidae. Weinclude also two more genera with a lateral spinein the glabella, Hupetina and Sdzuyia. Accordingto its stratigraphical position and the associatedtaxa, we can determinate that S. verae belongsto the Lemdadella linaresae Zone, correspondingto the lower part of the archaeocyatidsZone III. On the basis of stratigraphic and phylogeneticcriteria, S. palaciosi nov. sp. and S.?gordaensis nov. sp. from Alconera belongprobably to the Zone I of archaeocyathids. Someunclassifiable trilobite fragments have been alsofound in the Zone I of archaeocyathids at theOvetian stratotype in Sierra de Cordoba, belowthe trilobite zone of Bigotina bivallata (which isequivalent to the trilobite Zone 0, or EofallotaspisZone, of Morocco). The new species definedherein are, up to now, the oldest trilobitesdescribed from Gondwana.棘 皮 动 物2008040397密 西 西 比 亚 纪 海 百 合 Gilbertsocrinus tuberosus的 固 着 器 = The Holdfast of Gilbertsocrinustuberosus (Mississippian, Crinoidea). ( 英 文 ).Ausich W I; Hollis K A. Canadian Journal ofEarth Sciences, 2008, 45(2): 135-140Gilbertsocrinus is a common Middle Devonianto Lower Mississippian crinoid fromEurope, North America, and China. This crinoidhas several very unusual features, such as tegmenappendages, minute arms, a very flexiblecolumn, and an unusual holdfast. It is demonstratedthat a bulbous holdfast does not exist inGilbertsocrinus, as previously interpreted. Gilbertsocrinusis an unusual crinoid; however, ithas a distal coil rather than a tuberous holdfast.2008040398土 耳 其 中 部 新 的 中 泥 盆 统 gasterocomid 类 海百 合 及 Gasterocomidae 科 的 厘 定 = A newMiddle Devonian gasterocomid crinoid fromcentral Turkey and revision of the Gasterocomidae.( 英 文 ). Webster G D; Yilmaz I; Kozlu H.palaeoworld, 2008, 17(1): 12-20A juvenile cup, disarticulated arm plates, andcolumnals of the crinoid Arachnocrinus sarizensisn. sp. are described from the Eastern TaurusMountains of central Turkey. This is the firstPaleozoic crinoid based on a cup and arm platesreported from Turkey. Suggested revision of theGasterocomidae includes transfer of Arachnocrinusand Ancyrocrinus to the family andrejection of Kopficrinus from the family. Thestratigraphic range of Arachnocrinus is extendedupward into the Middle Devonian from the EarlyDevonian. The Devonian of Turkey is of specialinterest because it includes Laurasian andGondwanan components on different tectonicblocks. The paleogeographic range of Arachnocrinusis extended from the North Americanplate onto the Anatolian block, which wouldhave been located on the southern edge of thePaleotethys Sea in the Middle Devonian in a123

shelf basin off the northern coast of Gondwanaat approximately 42° south latitude.2008040399纽 约 Walcott-rust 采 石 场 上 奥 陶 统Shermanian 阶 的 一 些 不 等 海 百 合 类 = Somedisparid crinoids from the Upper Ordovician(Shermanian) Walcott-rust quarry of New York.( 英 文 ). Brower J C. Journal of Paleontology,2008, 82(1): 57-77 10 图 版 .Iocrinus trentonensis Walcott, 1883 ischaracterized by the widest food grooves and thelargest covering plates of any of the Walcott-Rust Quarry crinoids, which indicates that theanimal captured relatively large food particleswith large and widely separated tubefeet. Althoughiocrinids are generally considered asprimitive disparids, their anal sac is unique. Theholdfasts of I. trentonensis consist of distal stemcoils that are tightly wrapped around the columnsof other crinoids. The relatively long columnof Ectenocrinus simplex (Hall, 1847) wasattached to a wide range of shelly substrates by asmall irregular and somewhat lobate holdfast.Ectenocrinids ate much smaller food items thatwere collected by smaller and more tightlypacked tubefeet. The ontogeny of E. simplexillustrates the differences between the food gatheringsystems of conspecific crinoids from shallowand deep water habitats. The calceocrinidCalceocrinus barrandii Walcott, 1883 lived withits long stem forming a runner along the seafloor.The crown was movably hinged to the basal circletand the stem. Moderately wide food grooveswere probably present.2008040400西 班 牙 北 部 一 新 的 海 果 类 棘 皮 动 物 及 其 萼 盖功 能 形 态 的 意 义 = A new carpoid (class2, 1918)from northern Spain and its bearing on the functionalmorphology of the operculum. ( 英 文 ).Zamora S; Linan E; Vintaned J A G; Alonso P D;Gozalo R. Ameghiniana, 2007, 44(4): 727-738Cinctan carpoids from Middle Cambrian(Languedocian) rocks of northern Spain are described.Sampled specimens probably belong toa new species of the genus Gyrocystis Jaekel;nevertheless, the lack of some key features preventsagainst erecting formally a new taxon atthis moment. A functional interpretation of theoperculum is made, and the evolutionary meaningof some structures related with its movementis analysed herein. When the opercular area ofdifferent cinctans (Asturicystis, Sotocinctus andGyrocystis) are compared, it is concluded thatseveral features in Gyrocystis sp. L were probablyrelated to a better mobility of the operculum.These are the lesser number of postopercularplates anchored to the operculum, the reductionof the postopercular facet, a more rigid lintel,and the existence of quite big adopercular facetson the inner side of the adopercular processes.All these features permitted Gyrocystis sp. L ahigher efficiency in expelling water out of thetheca, and they can be interpreted as apornorphiesin the evolutionary history of cinctans. Theterm postopercular facet is defined here as thearticulation structure between the operculum andthe postopercular plates.笔 石 动 物2008040401加 拿 大 魁 北 克 Matane 地 区 综 合 的 下 至 中 奥陶 统 凝 缩 的 笔 石 序 列 = A condensed Lower toMiddle Ordovician graptolite succession at Matane,Quebec, Canada. ( 英 文 ). Maletz J. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(11):1531-1539The highly condensed Lower to Middle Ordoviciandeep-water succession from the Cap-des-Rosiers Group at Matane bears three conspicuousgraptolite faunas of late Tremadoc to mid-Darriwilian age. The Tremadoc fauna belongs tothe Aorograptus victoriae Zone. In the CastlemainianIsograptus victoriae maximodivergensZone fauna the earliest Pseudisograptus species,Pseudisograptus initialis n. sp., appears togetherwith the ancestral Arienigraptus gracilis. A Darriwilianfauna with Holmograptus spinosus andBergstroemograptus crawfordi represents theyoungest pre-Nemagraptus gracilis Zone faunadescribed from the Quebec Appalachians.分 类 位 置 不 明2008040402印 度 新 元 古 代 晚 期 文 迪 亚 超 群 班 达 尔 群 与 埃迪 卡 拉 类 型 相 似 的 可 能 的 生 物 = Possible organismssimilar to Ediacaran forms from theBhander Group, Vindhyan Supergroup, LateNeoproterozoic of India. ( 英 文 ). De C. Journalof Asian Earth Sciences, 2003, 21(4): 387-395Fossil Medusoid genera resembling Ediacaria(Sprigg 1947) and Hiemalora (Fedonkin 1982)and having distinctive Ediacaran affinity havebeen discovered in a shale horizon occurring atthe base of the Bhander Group, the uppermostunit of the Vindhyan Supergroup of central India.This is the first record of unequivocal occurrenceof Ediacara-like fossils in a Proterozoic basin ofthe Peninsular India. This finding substantiallyextends the previously known biogeographicrange of the Ediacaran elements to PeninsularIndia and further enhances their biostratigraphpicpotential for correlation of the upperVindhyans with some Ediacaran horizons ofCanada, Australia, South Africa and RussianPlatforms. With this extension, the representativesof the genus Ediacaria can be regarded as124

having a global distribution in places now occupyingboth lower and higher latitudes. The genusHiemalora, which appeared to be endemic to theRussian block, also has wide biogeographic coverage.These fossils assign an Ediacaran (550–543 Ma) age for the host Lakheri Limestone andsuggest that the Lakheri unit was depositedwithin 6 million years of the Precambrian–Cambrian boundary. They also support and refinethe traditional view of the Late Neoproterozoicage for the lower Bhander Group. Thesefossils provide positive stratigraphic clues forlocating the Precambiran–Cambrian boundarystrata in the overlying Lakheri–Sirbu segment ofthe Vindhyan sequence. They also indicate adepositional environment typical of a muddyshallow shelf setting above storm wave-base.2008040403新 旧 未 定 门 类 = Problematica old and new. ( 英文 ). Jenner R A; Littlewood D T J. PhilosophicalTransactions of the Royal Society B: BiologicalSciences, 2008, 363(1496): 1503-1512Problematica are taxa that defy robust phylogeneticplacement. Traditionally the term wasrestricted to fossil forms, but it is clear that extanttaxa may be just as difficult to place,whether using morphological or molecular (nucleotide,gene or genomic) markers for phylogenyreconstruction. We discuss the kinds andcauses of Problematica within the Metazoa, aswell as criteria for their recognition and possiblesolutions. The inclusive set of Problematicachanges depending upon the nature and qualityof (homologous) data available, the methods ofphylogeny reconstruction and the sister taxa inferredby their placement or displacement. Weaddress Problematica in the context of precladisticphylogenetics, numerical morphologicalcladistics and molecular phylogenetics, andfocus on general biological and methodologicalimplications of Problematica, rather than presentinga review of individual taxa. Rather thanexcluding Problematica from phylogeny reconstruction,as has often been preferred, we concludethat the study of Problematica is crucialfor both the resolution of metazoan phylogenyand the proper inference of body plan evolution.2008040404伊 朗 东 北 部 Kopet–Dagh 地 区 Alborz 山 脉 晚奥 陶 世 末 期 - 早 志 留 世 的 胞 石 化 石 : 生 物 地层 和 古 生 物 地 理 = Latest Ordovician–earlySilurian chitinozoans from the eastern AlborzMountain Range, Kopet–Dagh region, northeasternIran: biostratigraphy and palaeobiogeography.( 英 文 ). Ghavidel-syooki M; VecoliM. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology,2007, 145(1-2): 173-192Chitinozoans were extracted from latest Ordovicianto early Silurian strata in the AlborzMountain Range, northeastern Iran; 24 specieswere identified and six local biozones established.Five new chitinozoan species are described:Ancyrochitina bojnourdensis, Ancyrochitinafatemae, Ancyrochitina longifilosa, Angochitinairanica, and Angochitina multipodspina.Correlation with existing formal biozonationssuggests that the uppermost part of theGhelli Formation is of mid-Ashgill age and thatMember I of the Niur Formation ranges fromearly Rhuddanian to late Telychian. The recoveredchitinozoan fauna is dominated by specieswhich are endemic to the study area. A significantproportion of taxa is shared with typicalBaltican assemblages, suggesting palaeobiogeographicalaffinities between Iran and the Balticapalaeocontinent. Taxa shared with typicalNorth Gondwanan assemblages are only a minorcomponent of the Iranian chitinozoan fauna. Thepresent results confirm previous observationsthat current appreciation of chitinozoan provincialismmay be affected by sample-and (palaeo)geographiccoverage biases, particularly forthe Silurian. Similarly, the application of existingbiostratigraphic schemes for the dating of theIranian Silurian sediments proved problematical,confirming the need of incorporating more datafrom little known areas (such as Iran) in globaldatabases.2008040405加 拿 大 纽 芬 兰 Bonavista 半 岛 埃 迪 卡 拉 生 物群 = Ediacaran biota on Bonavista Peninsula,Newfoundland, Canada. ( 英 文 ). Hofmann H J;O'brien S J; King A F. Journal of Paleontology,2008, 82(1): 1-36 15 图 版 .Newly found fossils in the Conception and St.John's groups of the Bonavista Peninsula considerablyextend the known geographic distributionof the Ediacaran fossils in Newfoundland. Theyoccur in deepwater sediments and are preservedas epireliefs, forming census populations underneathvolcanic ash layers throughout a more than1 km thick turbiditic sequence. The exposed fossiliferousunits comprise the Mistaken Point,Trepassey, Fermeuse, and Renews Head formations.The remains are tectonically deformed,with long axes of elliptical discs aligned parallelto cleavage strike; shortening of originally circularbedding surface features is on the order of30–50% (averaging 35%). The assemblage includesAspidella, Blackbrookia, Bradgatia,Charnia, Charniodiscus, Fractofusus, Hiemalora,and Ivesheadia. These occur throughoutthe succession, with Aspidella being the mostcommon genus, followed by Charnia andCharniodiscus. Four new taxa are described,with candelabra-like fossils with a Hiemalora-125

like base referred to Primocandelabrum hiemaloranumn. gen. and sp., bush-like fossils toParviscopa bonavistensis n. gen. and sp., ladderlikefossils to Hadryniscala avalonica n. gen.and sp., and string-like fossils with basal disc toHadrynichorde catalinensis n. gen. and sp. Theremains also include dubiofossils. The stratigraphicranges of some taxa on the BonavistaPeninsula are longer than previously reportedfrom the Avalon Peninsula, with Fractofususspindles present in the Trepassey Formation,Bradgatia, Charnia, Charniodiscus, andIvesheadia reaching as high as the FermeuseFormation, and Aspidella extending into themiddle of the Renews Head Formation. Thespindles in the Trepassey Formation are comparableto those found mainly in the stratigraphicallyolder Briscal Formation on the AvalonPeninsula.2008040406缨 鳃 虫 ( 环 节 动 物 , 多 毛 纲 ) 管 状 物 的 超 微结 构 及 钙 化 的 起 源 = On the tube ultrastructureand origin of calcification in Sabellids (Annelida,Polychaeta). ( 英 文 ). Vinn O; Hove T; Mutvei.Palaeontology, 2008, 51(2): 295-301Tube ultrastructure of Jurassic and CretaceousGlomerula is very similar to that of Recent Calcisabella,supporting the synonymy of these generaand the early Mesozoic origin of calcificationin sabellids. Tube structure of serpulids differsfrom that of Glomerula; calcareous tubes probablyevolved convergently within Sabellida. Thetube wall in Recent Glomerula piloseta is composedof subparallel lamellae of aragonitic, irregularspherulitic prisms in the inner layer, andspherulites in the outer layer. Calcified lamellaeare separated by organic films of different thickness.The structure of the internal tube layer inGlomerula piloseta, and the structure of entirewall in fossil Glomerula, are similar to the tubestructure of Dodecaceria (Polychaeta, Cirratulidae).The irregular spherulitic prisms of Glomerulaare similar to those found in the externallayer of Hydroides dianthus and the internallayer of Spiraserpula caribensis.2008040407华 北 早 新 元 古 代 蠕 虫 状 碳 质 压 型 化 石Protoarenicola, Pararenicola 和Sinosabellidites 的 重 新 研 究 = Restudy of theworm-like carbonaceous compression fossilsProtoarenicola, Pararenicola, and Sinosabelliditesfrom early Neoproterozoic successions inNorth China. ( 英 文 ). Dong Lin; Xiao Shuhai;Shen Bing; Yuan Xunlai; Yan Xianqin; PengYongbo. Palaeogeography PalaeoclimatologyPalaeoecology, 2008, 258(3): 138-161The carbonaceous compression fossils Protoarenicolabaiguashanensis Wang, 1982,Pararenicola huaiyuanensis Wang, 1982, andSinosabellidites huainanensis Zheng, 1980, fromthe early Neoproterozoic Liulaobei and Jiuliqiaoformations in northern Anhui, North China, werepreviously interpreted as worm-like metazoans,largely on the basis of transverse annulations andpurported proboscis structures. If correct, thesewould be some of the earliest known bilateriananimals and would provide a key paleontologicalcalibration to molecular clock analyses. In thisstudy, we examine a large population of thesecarbonaceous fossils, clarify their taxonomy, andprovide new insights into their morphological,paleoecological, and phylogenetic interpretations.Although all three species are characterizedby annulated tubes, P. baiguashanensis bears abulbous terminal structure at one end of its tube.P. huaiyuanensis is characterized by a constrictedopening at one end and a closed terminationat the other. The two ends of S. huainanensistubes are both closed and round. The bulbousterminal structure in P. baiguashanensis waspreviously interpreted as an animal proboscis,but new observations suggest that it was morelikely a holdfast structure analogous to discoidalholdfast structures of the MesoproterozoicTawuia-like fossil Radhakrishnania Kumar,2001, and the frondose Ediacara fossil CharniodiscusFord, 1958. Furthermore, it is possiblethat at least P. baiguashanensis and P. huaiyuanensismay represent reproductive or taphonomicfragments of the same organism. Thisreinterpretation weakens the previous interpretationthat P. baiguashanensis and P. huaiyuanensiswere worm-like bilaterian animals. Instead,they can be alternatively interpreted as erectepibenthic organisms, possibly coenocytic algaereaching a tiering height of 30 mm. The predominanceof discoidal holdfasts, as opposed torhizoidal holdfasts, in pre-Ediacaran epibenthicorganisms was probably related to more stablesubstrates in the presence of microbial mats andin the absence of bioturbating animals.2008040408云 南 早 寒 武 世 Palaeoscolecids 新 记 录 = NewRecord of Palaeoscolecids from the Early Cambrianof Yunnan,China. ( 英 文 ). Hu Shixue; LiYong; Luo Huilin; Fu Xiaoping; You Ting; PangJiyuan; Liu Qi; Stetner M. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2008, 82(2): 244-248A new palaeoscolecid,Guanduscolex minorHu,Luo et Fu gen.et sp.nov.,with preserved softparts of introvert and intestines comes from theLower Cambrian Guanshan fauna of Yunnan,South China.Microstructural details of the cuticlerevealed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM)show that each annulation bears126

three rows of plates and each plate bears 9-10marginal and 4-5 central nodes.This discoverysheds new light on the relationships and evolutionarypathway of the palaeoscolecids and otherearly priapulids.2008040409贵 州 东 北 部 新 元 古 代 陡 山 沱 组 中 的 环 节 动 物= Annelid from the Neoproterozoic DoushantuoFormation in Northeastern Guizhou,China. ( 英文 ). Wang Yue; Wang Xunlian. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2008, 82(2): 257-265Wenghuiia jiangkouensis gen.et sp.nov., characterizedby modern annelid taxonomy in morphologyand functional biology,is found in blackcarbonaceous shale from the NeoproterozoicEdiacaran Doushantuo Formation (about 555 Ma)near Wenghui, Jiangkou,northeastern GuizhouProvince.The elongate,cylindrical body is composedof many homologous metameres with atrue coelom and coelomic pouches.The mouth isat the front of the first segment and the anus atthe end of body.A long 11~(th) or 12~(th) segmentis probably functionally for procreation,beingclitellum.There are parapodia on theventer of the segments from the rear of the secondsegment to the front of clitellum.The setaeon all metameres,on the parapodia,and aroundthe anus,differ.2008040410湖 北 宜 昌 分 乡 组 ( 早 奥 陶 世 ) 中 的 几 丁 虫 =Chitinozoans from the Fenxiang Formation(Early Ordovician) of Yichang,Hubei Province,China.( 英 文 ). Chen Xiaohong; Paris F;Zhang Miao. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2008, 82(2):287-294Chitinozoans collected from upper Tremadocianto lower Floian strata of Chenjiahe section,Yichang,western Hubei,China comprise six speciesbelonging respectively to the genera Euconochitinaincluding a new species, Euconochitinafenxiangensis,Lagenochitina and Bursachitina,together with Desmochitina sp.and Eremochitinasp.The chitinozoan succession acrossthe interval is correlated with relevant conodontand chitinozoan biozones and two new regionalchitinozoan biozones,the Lagenochitinadestombesi Biozone...古 脊 椎 动 物 学综 论2008040411化 石 记 录 中 脊 椎 动 物 三 级 营 养 链 的 第 一 个 直接 证 据 = First direct evidence of a vertebratethree-level trophic chain in the fossil record. ( 英文 ). Kriwet J; Klug S; Heidtke U H J. Proceedingsof the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences,2008, 275(1631): 181-186We describe the first known occurrence of aPermian shark specimen preserving two temnospondylamphibians in its digestive tract as wellas the remains of an acanthodian fish, which wasingested by one of the temnospondyls. This exceptionalfind provides for the first time directevidence of a vertebrate three-level food chain inthe fossil record with the simultaneous preservationof three trophic levels. Our analysis showsthat small-sized Lower Permian xenacanthidsharks of the genus Triodus preyed on larvalpiscivorous amphibians. The recorded trophicinteraction can be explained by the adaptation ofcertain xenacanthids to fully freshwater environmentsand the fact that in these same environments,large temnospondyls occupied theniche of modern crocodiles. This unique faunalassociation has not been documented after thePermian and Triassic. Therefore, this Palaeozoicthree-level food chain provides strong and independentsupport for changes in aquatic trophicchain structures through time2008040412老 挝 Tam Hang 地 区 喀 斯 特 充 填 中 更 新 世 动物 群 的 发 现 : 初 步 成 果 = The discovery of aPleistocene fauna in karstic fills at Tam Hang inLaos: preliminary results. ( 法 文 ). Bacon A M;Demeter F; Tougard C; de Vos J;Sayavongkhamdy T. Comptes RendusPalevol, 2008, 7(5): 277-288Tam Hang, located in northeastern Laos, inthe Hua Pan province, is a reference site not onlyfor its numerous archaeological and human remains,but also for its two faunal assemblages,whose composition suggests different dating inthe Pleistocene. Discovered in 1934 by JacquesFromaget, a new excavation of the site has beenundertaken in 2003. During this campaign, atTam Hang south, 575 isolated teeth of mammalswere extracted from a deep layer of calcareousbreccia. This assemblage corresponds to that onedescribed by Arambourg and Fromaget [C.Arambourg, J. Fromaget, Le gisement quaternairede Tam Nang (Chaîne Annamitique septentrionale).Sa stratigraphie et ses faunes, C. R.Acad. Sci. Paris 203 (1938) 793–795.], as characterizedby the presence of Ursus premalayanus,and the rarity of Pongo pygmaeus. Systematicsand analysis of teeth show that this newassemblage is composed of archaic subspecies,characteristic of the Middle Pleistocene. Thefaunal composition suggests ecological conditionsalso found in other Pleistocene sites of theSouth-East-Asia mainland area. Finally, theanalysis of the process of preservation and depositionenables a brief description of the taphonomyspecific of karstic systems.127

鱼 类2008040413大 西 洋 鳕 的 冰 期 残 存 物 : 古 生 态 和 遗 传 之 间的 一 致 性 = Ice-age survival of Atlantic cod:agreement between palaeoecology models andgenetics. ( 英 文 ). Bigg G R; Cunningham C W;Ottersen G; Pogson G H; Wadley M R; Williamson.Proceedings of the Royal Society B: BiologicalSciences, 2008, 275(1631): 163-172Scant scientific attention has been given to theabundance and distribution of marine biota in theface of the lower sea level, and steeper latitudinalgradient in climate, during the ice-age conditionsthat have dominated the past millionyears. Here we examine the glacial persistenceof Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) populationsusing two ecological-niche-models (ENM) andthe first broad synthesis of multi-locus gene sequencedata for this species. One ENM uses amaximum entropy approach (Maxent ); the otheris a new ENM for Atlantic cod, using ecophysiologicalparameters based on observed reproductiveevents rather than adult distribution. Boththe ENMs were tested for present-day conditions,then used to hindcast ranges at the last glacialmaximum (LGM) ca 21kyr ago, employing climatemodel data. Although the LGM range ofAtlantic cod was much smaller, and fragmented,both the ENMs agreed that populations shouldhave been able to persist in suitable habitat onboth sides of the Atlantic. The genetic resultsshowed a degree of trans-Atlantic divergenceconsistent with genealogically continuous populationson both sides of the North Atlantic sincelong before the LGM, confirming the ENM results.In contrast, both the ENMs and the geneticdata suggest that the Greenland G. morhuapopulation post-dates the LGM.2008040414俄 罗 斯 晚 泥 盆 世 肺 鱼 Orlovichthys limnatis头 颅 和 牙 齿 系 统 = The skull and tooth systemof Orlovichthys limnatis, a Late Devonian dipnoanfrom Russia. ( 英 文 ). Krupina N I; Reisz RR; Scott D. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences,2001, 38(9): 1301-1311The cranial anatomy of Orlovichthys limnatis,a Famennian, Late Devonian dipnoan from theOrel region of central Russia, is described on thebasis of an almost completely preserved skull, amandible, and numerous elements of the dentition.Orlovichthys is distinguished from othertooth-plated Devonian dipnoans by its relativelynarrow skull and its predatory type of tooth-platemorphology on the pterygoid and prearticular.The marginal dentition of Orlovichthys, whichextends transversely across the edge of the ossifiedethmoid (upper lip) and along the anteriorand lateral edges of the dentary, also appears tobe organized as tooth plates. The distribution ofmarginal dentition among Devonian dipnoansand their probable organization as tooth platesprompts us to suggest that an important developmentalconstraint may have been associatedwith the dipnoan dentition throughout the longhistory of this group.2008040415加 拿 大 麦 肯 齐 山 志 留 纪 棘 鱼 的 新 种 = Newspecies of Silurian acanthodians from theMackenzie Mountains, Canada. ( 英 文 ). Hanke GF; Wilson M V; Lindoe L A. Canadian Journalof Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(11): 1517-1529Two new acanthodian taxa are described. Theischnacanthid Xylacanthus kenstewarti is basedon large, dentigerous jaws, and Granulacanthusjoenelsoni is based on isolated spines. The isolatedremains of these species are similar in thatthey both possess pustulose denticles or tubercles,either on the mesial ridge (X. kenstewarti)or on the fin spines (G. joenelsoni). Jaws of X.kenstewarti are similar in size to those of Xylacanthusminutus, Ischnacanthus kingi, and I.wickhami and smaller than those of X. grandis.The jaws of X. kenstewarti are most similar tothose of X. minutus, but are distinguished fromthis and other ischnacanthid species by a taperingpatch of pustulose denticles that is widestmidway along the jaw, mesial denticles that aresimple blisterlike structures, the monocuspid,striated primary teeth that are subcircular incross section, and a posterodorsal process that isenlarged. The spines of G. joenelsoni have distinctivetubercular ornamentation. Tubercles, ornodular ornaments on fin spines, are characteristicof primitive acanthodians, but the slendershape of the spines, the low number of spine ribs,and the fine striations posterior to the main ribsof each spine suggest that G. joenelsoni is a relativelyadvanced acanthodian. Xylacanthus kenstewartiand G. joenelsoni are from the Silurian(Wenlock or Ludlow) of the southern MackenzieMountains. Xylacanthus kenstewarti representsthe earliest representative of the genus, the earliestunequivocal remains of a gnathostome fromthe Mackenzie Mountains, and extends theknown geographical range of the genus from theMackenzie Mountains east to Spitsbergen.2008040416大 不 列 颠 Coniacian, Santonian 及Campanian ( 上 白 垩 统 ) 真 鲨 目 鲨 鱼 =Sharks of the order Carcharhiniformes from theBritish Coniacian, Santonian and Campanian(Upper Cretaceous). ( 英 文 ). Underwood C J;Ward D J. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(3): 509-536Bulk sampling of phosphate-rich horizonswithin the British Coniacian to Campanian (Up-128

per Cretaceous) yielded very large samples ofshark and ray teeth. All of these samples yieldedteeth of diverse members of the Carcharhiniformes,which commonly dominate the fauna. Thefollowing species are recorded and described:Pseudoscyliorhinus reussi (Herman, 1977) comb.nov., Crassescyliorhinus germanicus (Herman,1982) gen. nov., Scyliorhinus elongatus (Davis,1887), Scyliorhinus brumarivulensis sp.nov., ?Palaeoscyllium sp., Prohaploblepharusriegrafi (Müller, 1989) gen. nov., ?Cretascyliorhinussp., Scyliorhinidae incertae sedis 1,Scyliorhinidae incertae sedis 2, Pteroscylliumhermani sp. nov., Protoscyliorhinus sp., Leptochariascretaceus sp. nov., PalaeogaleushavreensisHerman, 1977, Paratriakis subserratussp. nov., Paratriakis tenuis sp. nov., Paratriakissp. indet. and ?Loxodon sp. Taxa belonging tothe families ?Proscylliidae, Leptochariidae andCarcharhinidae are described from the Cretaceousfor the first time. The evolutionary andpalaeoecological implications of these newlyrecognised faunas are discussed.2008040417法 国 加 来 海 峡 Boulonnais 中 泥 盆 世 最 早 的 全头 鱼 化 石 = The oldest holocephalan (Chondrichthyes)from the Middle Devonian of theBoulonnais (Pas-de-Calais, France). ( 英 文 ). DarrasL; Derycke C; Blieck A; Vachard D.Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008, 7(5): 297-304The Couderousse Member of the BlacourtFormation in the Banc-Noir quarry, Ferquesinlier, Boulonnais (Pas-de-Calais, France) hasyielded a tooth plate whose morphology is similarto that of Synthetodus, which is considered aholocephalan. Its histology is made of an outerenameloid-like tissue, and an inner trabeculardentine. Its occlusal surface shows a beanshapedbulge. This tooth plate was preparedfrom a limestone that is dated from the Middle–Upper varcus Conodont Zone, that is lower upperGivetian. This limestone has also yielded aPokorninella bricae–Rothpletzella–Tentaculitesassemblage, which is indicative of an environmentof the inner to middle marine platformboundary. This specimen appears to be the oldestconfirmed holocephalan (‘bradyodont’) toothplate for which the name Melanodus loonesi nov.gen. et sp. is erected.两 栖 类2008040418中 亚 吉 尔 吉 斯 斯 坦 Fergana 盆 地 BalabansaiSvita 中 侏 罗 世 两 栖 类 = Amphibians from theMiddle Jurassic Balabansai Svita in the Ferganadepression, Kyrgyzstan (Central Asia). ( 英 文 ).Averianov A; Martin T; Skutschas P P; RezvyiA S; Bakirov A. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(2):471-485Larval and metamorphosed Ferganobatrachusriabinini (Temnospondyli, Brachyopoidea),metamorphosed Kokartus honorarius (Caudata,Karauridae), an indeterminated karaurid(Karauridae indet.) and, presumably, anurans(?Anura indet.) are represented by isolated cranialand postcranial skeletal elements in theMiddle Jurassic (Bathonian–Callovian) BalabansaiSvita of the Fergana Depression, Kyrgyzstan.The Balabansai vertebrate assemblage is one ofthe few faunas in which non-lissamphibian temnospondyls,stem caudates and anurans occurtogether. The presence of a supraglenoid foramenand a complex strap-like glenoid on thescapulocoracoid in Kokartus supports its basalphylogenetic position within the Caudata.2008040419日 本 下 白 垩 统 一 早 期 草 食 蜥 蜴 = An earlyHerbivorous Lizard from the Lower Cretaceousof Japan. ( 英 文 ). Evans S E; Manabe M. Palaeontology,2008, 51(2): 487-498The Lower Cretaceous Tetori Group of Japanhas yielded diverse freshwater and terrestrialvertebrate assemblages. The most productivesmall vertebrate locality is the 'Kaseki-Kabe' or'fossil-bluff' at Kuwajima, Hakusan City, IshikawaPrefecture. These deposits have producedat least six distinct lizard taxa of which one, describedand named here as Kuwajimalla kagaensis,has lanceolate denticulate teeth convergenton those of the living Iguana. This type of dentitionis rare among living lizards and is usuallyconsidered indicative of herbivory and, morespecifically, folivory. Kuwajimalla kagaensisprovides the earliest unambiguous record ofsquamate herbivory. Comparisons with modernand fossil lizards suggest that Kuwajimalla maybe an early relative of the macrocephalosaurines,a group of large herbivores well represented inthe Upper Cretaceous of Mongolia.爬 行 类2008040420中 国 东 北 发 现 早 白 垩 世 一 种 新 的 长 丝 状 皮 肤的 巨 大 新 颌 龙 = A New Giant CompsognathidDinosaur with Long Filamentous Integumentsfrom Lower Cretaceous of Northeastern China.( 英 文 ). Ji Shu’an; Ji Qiang; Lü Junchang; YuanChongxi. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007, 81(1): 8-15A new compsognathid dinosaur, Sinocalliopteryxgigas gen. et sp. nov., is erected based on acomplete skeleton from the Early CretaceousYixian Formation of western Liaoning, northeasternChina. It shares the features withHuaxiagnathus orientalis in having a manus as129

long as the humerus plus radius, very large andsubequally long manual claws I and II, and reducedolecranon process on the ulna. But it differsfrom Huaxiagnathus orientalis in having themuch large size, a very long maxillary process ofprem...2008040421在 maniraptoran 型 恐 龙 中 似 鸟 类 呼 吸 机 制 =Avian-like breathing mechanics in maniraptorandinosaurs. ( 英 文 ). Codd J R; Manning P; NorellM A;Perry S F. Proceedings of the Royal SocietyB: Biological Sciences, 2008, 275(1631): 157-161In 1868 Thomas Huxley first proposed thatdinosaurs were the direct ancestors of birds andsubsequent analyses have identified a suite of‘avian’ characteristics in theropod dinosaurs.Ossified uncinate processes are found in mostspecies of extant birds and also occur in extinctnon-avian maniraptoran dinosaurs. Their presencein these dinosaurs represents another morphologicalcharacter linking them to Aves, andfurther supports the presence of an avian-likeair-sac respiratory system in theropod dinosaurs,prior to the evolution of flight. Here we report aphylogenetic analysis of the presence of uncinateprocesses in Aves and non-avian maniraptorandinosaurs indicating that these were homologousstructures. Furthermore, recent work on Canadageese has demonstrated that uncinate processesare integral to the mechanics of avian ventilation,facilitating both inspiration and expiration. Inextant birds, uncinate processes function to increasethe mechanical advantage for movementsof the ribs and sternum during respiration. Ourstudy presents a mechanism whereby uncinateprocesses, in conjunction with lateral and ventralmovements of the sternum and gastral basket,affected avian-like breathing mechanics in extinctnon-avian maniraptoran dinosaurs.2008040422通 过 鹦 鹉 嘴 龙 表 皮 的 独 特 横 断 面 显 示 一 复 杂的 纤 维 结 构 = A unique cross section throughthe skin of the dinosaur Psittacosaurus fromChina showing a complex fibre architecture. ( 英文 ). Lingham-Soliar T. Proceedings of the RoyalSociety B: Biological Sciences, 2008, 275(1636):775-780This paper reports on a unique preservation ofsoft tissues in the ventrolateral region of theplant-eating dinosaur Psittacosaurus from theJehol biota of China. The preservation is of adeep cross section through the dermis, whichincludes multiple layers of collagenous fibres inexcess of 25, among the highest recorded in vertebrates,with a further 15 more layers (poorlypreserved) estimated for the entire height of thesection. Also, for the first time in a dinosaur twofibre layers parallel to the skin surface are preserveddeep within the dermis at the base of thecross section. These fibre layers comprise regularlydisposed fibres arranged in left- and righthandedgeodesic helices, matching the pattern atthe surface and reasonably inferred for the entiresection. As noted from the studies on moderndayanimals, this fibre structure plays a criticalpart in the stresses and strains the skin may besubjected to and is ideally suited to providingsupport and protection. Psittacosaurus gives aremarkable, unprecedented understanding of thedinosaur skin.2008040423羊 齿 和 裸 子 植 物 的 叶 的 In vitro 可 消 化 性 :对 蜥 脚 类 恐 龙 觅 食 生 态 和 饮 食 选 择 的 意 义 =In vitro digestibility of fern and gymnospermfoliage: implications for sauropod feeding ecologyand diet selection. ( 英 文 ). Hummel J; Gee CT; Südekum K H; Sander P M; Nogge G; ClaussM. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: BiologicalSciences, 2008, 275(1638): 1015-1021Sauropod dinosaurs, the dominant herbivoresthroughout the Jurassic, challenge general rulesof large vertebrate herbivory. With body weightssurpassing those of any other megaherbivore,they relied almost exclusively on preangiospermplants such as gymnosperms, fernsand fern allies as food sources, plant groups thatare generally believed to be of very low nutritionalquality. However, the nutritive value ofthese taxa is virtually unknown, despite theirimportance in the reconstruction of the ecologyof Mesozoic herbivores. Using a feed evaluationtest for extant herbivores, we show that the energycontent of horsetails and of certain conifersand ferns is at a level comparable to extantbrowse. Based on our experimental results,plants such as Equisetum, Araucaria, Ginkgoand Angiopteris would have formed a major partof sauropod diets, while cycads, tree ferns andpodocarp conifers would have been poor sourcesof energy. Energy-rich but slow-fermentingAraucaria, which was globally distributed in theJurassic, was probably targeted by giant, highbrowsingsauropods with their presumably verylong ingesta retention times. Our data make possiblea more realistic calculation of the dailyfood intake of an individual sauropod and improveour understanding of how large herbivorousdinosaurs could have flourished in preangiospermecosystems.2008040424鳄 类 Megadontosuchus arduini 的 系 统 发 育 位置 和 tomistomine 的 古 生 物 地 理 = Phylogeneticposition of the crocofylian Megadontosuchusarduini and tomidtomine palaeobio-130

geography. ( 英 文 ). Piras P; Delfino M; Del FaveroL; Kotsakis T. Acta palaeontologica Polonica,2007, 52(2): 315-328A cladistic analysis of Megadontosuchus arduinifrom the middle Eocene of Monte Duelloconfirms its tomistomine relationships, but thelow number of scorable characters determines alow resolution within the tomistomine clade. Asummary of tomistomine palaeobiogeographysuggests that despite only one species with arather restricted range survives at present, such aclade had a glorious past with a world wide distributiondocumented by a conspicuous fossilrecord that starts at least in the early Eocene. Atpresent, a detailed knowledge of tomistominepalaeobiogeography is hindered by the lack ofmodern taxonomic revisions of some fossil remainsand therefore by the poor understandingof phylogenetic relationships.2008040425日 本 早 白 垩 世 的 Monjurosuchus 属 = Thechoristoderan reptile Monjurosuchus from theEarly Cretaceous of Japan. ( 英 文 ). Matsumoto R;Evans S E; Manabe M. Acta palaeontologicaPolonica, 2007, 52(2): 329-350This is the first report of Monjurosuchus fromJapan, but a long-necked choristodere, Shokawa,has already been recorded from these deposits.Monjurosuchus was first described from theLower Cretaceous Jehol Biota of China, althoughit has only recently been recognized as achoristodere. A cladistic analysis was performedin order to place Japanese and Chinese taxa, includingthe incompletely described Chineselong-necked Hyphalosaurus lingyanensis, intochoristoderan phylogeny. The results support themonophyly of Neochoristodera and of a Sino-Japanese clade of long necked choristoderes.The placement of the European Tertiary Lazarussuchusremains problematic, but the analysissupports its placement within Choristoderarather than on the stem. The identification Monjurosuchusfrom Japan provides an additionallink between the fossil assemblages of the TetoriGroup and those of the slightly younger JeholBiota of China.2008040426绝 不 会 偶 然 发 生 “ 巨 大 绝 灭 ”: 从 恐 龙 死 亡 思考 = The "Great Extinction" that never happened:the demise of the dinosaurs considered. ( 英 文 ).Sarjeant W A; Currie P J. Canadian Journal ofEarth Sciences, 2001, 38(2): 239-247The concept of a sudden extinction of the dinosaurs,consequent upon the impact of someextraterrestrial object, is so dramatic that it hastaken hold upon the imaginations of many scientists,as well as of the general public. The evidencefor an impact, at approximately the levelof the Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary, is impressive.Whether it was the cause for the iridiumconcentrations, so widely distributed at that level,remains disputable. The wave of extinctions, sooften attributed to the impact, is equally disputable.It is now evident that no clear line can bedrawn between the smaller theropod dinosaursand the birds. In that sense, the dinosaurs are notextinct. The dating of the extinction of the largersaurischians and of the ornithischians, based as itis upon evidence from only one small corner ofthe globe, is equally disputable. Whenever ithappened, that extinction appears to have beenthe product of natural causes — a slow decline,occasioned by environmental changes, and notan extraterrestrially induced catastrophe.Whether the impact had any effect at all uponthe dinosaurs is questionable; if so, it appears tohave been not worldwide, but confined to a limitedregion of the Americas2008040427产 自 德 国 下 二 叠 统 Dimetrodon 属 一 新 种 记 录了 该 属 在 北 美 之 外 的 首 次 发 现 = A new speciesof Dimetrodon (Synapsida: Sphenacodontidae)from the Lower Permian of Germany recordsfirst occurrence of genus outside of NorthAmerica. ( 英 文 ). Berman D S; Reisz R R; MartensT; Henrici A C. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 2001, 38(5): 803-812A new species of the sphenacodontid synapsidDimetrodon, D. teutonis, is described on the basisof a single, adult specimen consisting of alarge portion of the presacral vertebral column.The holotype was collected from the LowerPermian Tambach Formation, lowermost formationalunit of the Upper Rotliegend, of the Bromackerquarry locality in the midregion of theThuringian Forest near Gotha, central Germany.This is the first record of the genus outside ofNorth America and, therefore, provides not onlyadditional biological evidence of a continuousEuramerican landmass during the Early Permian,but also the absence of any major physical orbiological barrier to faunal interchange of terrestrialvertebrates. An estimated weight of 14 kgfor D. teutonis is half that of the smallest, previouslyrecognized species, D. natalis. Sphenacodontidphylogeny indicates that the diminutivesize of D. teutonis represents an autapomorphyand is in general accord with the absence oflarge-sized, basal synapsid predators at this trulyterrestrial upland locality. It is speculated thatthe diminutive size of D. teutonis was probablyan adaptation to a truly terrestrial, relatively uplandsexistence like that represented by the Bromackerlocality. Here it subsisted on small vertebrates(and possibly large invertebrates) of theBromacker assemblage, in which the dominant131

members in both size and abundance were herbivorousdiadectids, and it was unlikely to encounterlarge predators.2008040428加 拿 大 不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 晚 三 叠 世 Pardonet 组鱼 龙 一 新 属 : 架 起 三 叠 纪 - 侏 罗 纪 间 隙 的 桥 梁= A new genus of ichthyosaur from the Late TriassicPardonet Formation of British Columbia:bridging the Triassic Jurassic gap. ( 英 文 ).Nicholls E L; Manabe M. Canadian Journal ofEarth Sciences, 2001, 38(6): 983-1002Both the genus Shastasaurus and the familyShastasauridae have long been hard to definedue to the fragmentary nature of the type specimens.Consequently, recent interpretations of thegenus have been based almost entirely on Shastasaurusneoscapularis from the Late TriassicPardonet Formation of British Columbia. Twonew specimens of this taxon, from Pink Mountain,British Columbia, demonstrate that it doesnot belong in the genus Shastasaurus. This paperdescribes the new specimens, and refers the speciesto Metashastasaurus gen nov. Post-cranially,the skeleton of Metashastasaurus resembles thatof shastasaurids, differing primarily only in theshape of the scapula and fibula. However, theskull has a unique combination of characters,including large diamond-shaped frontals thatenter the supratemporal fenestrae, and very narrowposterior extensions of the nasals, whichcontact the postfrontals. It also differs from theskull of Shastasaurus in the presence of both aparietal ridge and postparietal shelf. This is acombination of derived characters previouslyknown only in Jurassic forms. The front limb hasfour proximal carpals and four digits, indicatingthat previous reconstructions were based on incompletematerial. Shastasaurus pacificus Merriam1895, the type species of the genus Shastasaurus,must be considered a nomen dubium,making the genus Shastasaurus invalid. Untilthis problem is clarified, the use of the genericname Shastasaurus should be restricted to Merriam'stype specimens, of which only Shastasaurusalexandrae and Shastasaurus osmonti arebased on adequate material.2008040429晚 白 垩 世 恐 龙 Maiasaura peeblesorum 运 动时 的 个 体 发 育 = An ontogenetic perspective onlocomotion in the Late Cretaceous dinosaurMaiasaura peeblesorum (Ornithischia: Hadrosauridae).( 英 文 ). Dilkes D W. Canadian Journalof Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(8): 1205-1227Ontogenetic growth in the forelimb andhindlimb of the dinosaur Maiasaura peeblesorum(Ornithischia: Hadrosauridae) from theUpper Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian)Two Medicine Formation of Montana is investigatedby multivariate and bivariate morphometricsand the biomechanics of beam theory. Resultssupport a hypothesis of an age-dependentselection of stance. Juveniles walked primarilyas bipeds. As an individual matured, its predominantstance shifted to quadrupedality.Within the forelimb, morphometric results showa probable allometric enlargement of posturalmuscles, an allometric increase in the lever armsof protractor muscles, and an increased robustnessof the humerus to enhance its resistance tobending stresses. In contrast, the hindlimb ischaracterized by a relative decrease in the resistanceof the femur and tibia to bending stresses.In addition, there is an allometric enlargement ofthe femoral fourth trochanter and positive allometryof the lengths of metatarsals III and IV.The most likely explanation for the differentgrowth patterns is that the hindlimb was sufficientlyrobust at a young age to accommodateincreased postural and locomotory stressesthrough largely isometric growth, whereas a behavioralshift to quadrupedality in older individualsnecessitated an allometric response inthe forelimb. Osteological adaptations forweight-bearing in the manus include metacarpalsthat are united firmly with a resultant crosssectionalshape that is resistant to bending andhyperextendable joints between the metacarpalsand first phalanges. It is probable that flexormuscles that attached to the caudal surface of themetacarpals reinforced the reduced carpus andlessened the likelihood of collapse during quadrupedality.2008040430加 拿 大 艾 伯 塔 南 部 恐 龙 公 园 组 角 龙Chasmosaurus 属 一 新 种 = A new species ofChasmosaurus (Dinosauria: Ceratopsia) from theDinosaur Park Formation of southern Alberta.( 英 文 ). Holmes R B; Forster C; Ryan M; ShepherdK M. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences,2001, 38(10): 1423-1438Chasmosaurus irvinensis (sp. nov.) is distinguishedfrom other species of this genus by thepossession of a broad snout, absence of a browhorn (the position of which is occupied by a pitor rugosities suggestive of bone resorption),broadly rounded and open jugal notch, subrectangularsquamosal, straight posterior parietalbar bearing 10 epoccipitals, eight of which areflattened, strongly curved anterodorsally, andnearly indistinguishably coossified to theirneighbours, and small, transversely oriented parietalfenestrae restricted to the posterior portionof the frill. This species, restricted to the upperpart of the Dinosaur Park Formation, is significantlyyounger than the other recognized CanadianChasmosaurus species, C. belli and C. rus-132

selli. Phylogenetic analysis shows that C. irvinensisis most closely related to the other CanadianChasmosaurus species and more distantlyrelated to……2008040431新 疆 准 噶 尔 盆 地 Dracochelys 的 新 材 料 = Newmaterial of Dracochelys (Eucryptodira: Sinemydidae)from the Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, People'sRepublic of Chin. ( 英 文 ). Brinkman D B.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2001,38(12): 1645-1651A new specimen of Dracochelys bicuspisdocuments the lower jaws and postcranial skeletonof this taxon. A close relationship with Hangaiemysis supported by the presence of nineneural bones, with the sulcus between the fourthand fifth vertebral scute crossing the ninth neural.The two taxa differ in the contacts of the firstperipheral, shape of the vertebral scutes, andpattern of fenestration of the plastron. Dracochelysdiffers from "Sinemys" wuerhoensis and "S. "efremovi, which also occur in the Tugulu Group,in features of the carapace, especially the arrangementof the posterior neurals and suprapygals.2008040432中 国 东 北 部 松 辽 平 原 下 白 垩 统 一 新 鳄 类 的 头盖 骨 解 剖 = Cranial anatomy of a new crocodyliform(Archosauria: Crocodylomorpha) fromthe Lower Cretaceous of Song-Liao Plain, northeasternChina. ( 英 文 ). Wu X-C; Cheng Z-W;Russell A P. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences,2001, 38(12): 1653-1663Rugosuchus nonganensis, a new genus andspecies of crocodyliform, is erected on the basisof its peculiar cranial features. This late EarlyCretaceous species represents the second, andmost complete, crocodyliform known fromnortheastern China. Its discovery is significantfor our understanding of both the local vertebratefauna and its stratigraphical correlations, and thepaleobiogeography of the Crocodyliformes. Thepalatine contribution to the anterior border of thechoana excludes the new form from the Eusuchia,and evidence from osteoderms (not detailedin the present paper) suggests that the new formappears to be phylogenetically closer to theEusuchia than to the Goniopholididae. Therefore,comparisons are made primarily with those taxawhich have a closer relationship to the formerthan the latter. The unsculpted, depressed, andlobe-like posterolateral process of the squamosalis further demonstrated to be ontogeneticallyvariable and thus inappropriate for use as a characterin phylogenetic analyses.2008040433对 Leidyosuchus canadensis 的 回 顾 及 根 据 新材 料 对 头 盖 骨 变 异 的 评 价 = A review ofLeidyosuchus canadensis Lambe, 1907 (Archosauria:Crocodylia) and an assessment ofcranial variation based upon new material. ( 英文 ). Wu X-C; Russell A P; Brinkman D B. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(12):1665-1687Cranial morphology of Leidyosuchus canadensisLambe 1907 is reviewed based on previouslyundescribed material—seven skulls andeight mandibles. This species can be distinctivelydiagnosed by more than 10 derived features.New information supports the contentionthat L. canadensis is the sole representative ofLeidyosuchus, and indicates that it is very differentfrom the other species previously assigned tothis taxon. The membership of L. canadensiswithin Alligatoroidea is also demonstrated bynew information revealed in this study. Ontogeneticand individual variation in the cranial anatomyof L. canadensis are documented. The contactof the premaxillary–maxillary suture withthe incisive foramen is not diagnostic of thetaxon; rather, it exhibits individual variation.Leidyosuchus is endemic to North America.There was no faunal interchange of crocodyliformsbetween North America and central Asiaduring the last two stages of the Late Cretaceous.2008040434加 拿 大 艾 伯 塔 南 部 红 鹿 河 峡 谷 古 新 世 底 部 初龙 亚 纲 一 新 鳄 类 化 石 = A new crocodylian(Archosauria) from the basal Paleocene of theRed Deer River Valley, southern Alberta. ( 英 文 ).Wu X-C; Brinkman D B; Fox R C. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(12): 1689-1704Borealosuchus griffithi, sp. nov., is describedon the basis of an incomplete skeleton from thebasal Paleocene, southern Alberta. This newspecies records one of a few basal Cenozoic occurrencesof Crocodylia so far known. B. griffithiis most distinctive in having a markedlylaterally concavo-convex snout; a deep, elongaterecess or fossa on the anteroventral surface ofthe jugal; and a large, nearly rectangular incisiveforamen. Within Borealosuchus, B. griffithiprobably takes a "more crownward" positionthan does B. sternbergii of the late Late Cretaceous.With additional information from the newspecies, the diagnosis of Borealosuchus is revised.2008040435新 疆 准 噶 尔 盆 地 Urho 地 区 的 Psittacosaurusxinjiangensis 发 现 = The occurrence of Psittacosaurusxinjiangensis Sereno and Chow, 1988in the Urho area, Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, Peo-133

ple's Republic of China. ( 英 文 ). Brinkman D B;Eberth D A; Ryan M J; Chen P j. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(12): 1781-1786A partial specimen of Psittacosaurus xinjiangensisfrom the Urho locality in the WesternJunggar basin, China, extends the known geographicalrange of P. xinjiangensis and documentsthe adult morphology in this species.Variation in the number of denticles on the dentarytooth crowns is documented, possibly representinga decrease in the number of denticlesduring growth, although a high denticle countremains a diagnostic feature of the species.2008040436中 国 下 白 垩 统 一 新 的 甲 龙 类 及 关 于 甲 龙 类 间亲 缘 关 系 的 评 述 = A new ankylosaurid (Dinosauria:Ankylosauria) from the Lower Cretaceousof China, with comments on ankylosaurianrelationships. ( 英 文 ). Vickaryous M K;Russell A P; Currie P J; Zhao X J. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(12): 1767-1780Amongst the fossil material collected by theSino-Soviet Expeditions (1959–1960) to the AlshanDesert, China, was a large, virtually completeankylosaur skeleton. Gobisaurus domoculusgen. et sp. nov. closely resembles Shamosaurusscutatus, but is distinct in having an unfusedbasipterygoid–pterygoid contact and elongatepremaxillary processes of the vomers. Althoughit is difficult to make a definitive taxonomic assignmentwithout considering postcranial material,a preliminary phylogenetic analysis placesGobisaurus as the sister taxon of Shamosaurus,clustered as one of several successive outgroupsof the Ankylosaurinae.2008040437中 国 白 垩 纪 兽 足 亚 目 troodontids 的 新 信 息 =New information on Cretaceous troodontids (Dinosauria,Theropoda) from the People's Republicof China. ( 英 文 ). Currie P J; Zhiming D.. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(12):1753-1766Troodontid specimens were recovered fromthree localities in China by the Sino-Canadianexpeditions between 1987 and 1990. These includea Lower Cretaceous form (Sinornithoidesyoungi), which is the most complete troodontidskeleton ever found, isolated bones from the IrenDabasu Formation (?Turonian), and partialskeletons of Saurornithoides mongoliensis fromDjadokhta-equivalent beds (?Campanian). These,and other specimens recently described fromNorth America, allow a better assessment of thephylogenetic position of troodontids than hasbeen possible before. Although troodontids haveautapomorphies that eliminate them from considerationas bird ancestors, they are neverthelessone of the closest avian outgroups within theTheropoda.2008040438辽 宁 义 县 组 兽 足 亚 目 Sinornithosaurus millenii头 盖 骨 形 态 = Cranial morphology of Sinornithosaurusmillenii Xu et al. 1999 (Dinosauria:Theropoda: Dromaeosauridae) from theYixian Formation of Liaoning, China. ( 英 文 ).Xu Xing; Wu Xiaochun. Canadian Journal ofEarth Sciences, 2001, 38(12): 1739-1752The recent discovery of the early dromaeosauridSinornithosaurus millenii Xu et al.1999 is especially important for our understandingof maniraptoran evolution, particularly ofavian origins. This paper presents a thoroughdescription of the skull of this species, revisesthe diagnosis based on cranial features, and discussessimilarities to those of other dromaeosauridsand Archaeopteryx. Distinctive cranialcharacteristics of S. millenii include thepresence of a deep excavation on the posteroventralmargin of the premaxilla, a diastema betweenthe premaxillary and maxillary teeth, anumber of pits and ridges on the anterolateralsurface of the antorbital fossa, long posterolateralprocess of the parietal that are sharplyposteriorly directed, the column-like margin ofthe pterygoid process of the quadrate, the bifurcatedposterior end of the dentary, and a distinctivegroove posterior to the anterior carina on thelingual surface of the premaxillary tooth crowns.The present study on the skull of S. millenii providesnew information on the poorly known cranialanatomy of dromaeosaurid dinosaurs, revealingthat dromaeosaurids share more similaritieswith Archaeopteryx than previously thought.It also provides evidence suggesting that earlydromaeosaurids are more bird-like than the later,more derived ones, thus contradicting claims thatmore bird-like dinosaurs appeared later in fossilrecord than the earliest birds.2008040439中 国 晚 白 垩 世 幼 年 霸 王 龙 Shanshanosaurushuoyanshanensis 新 知 = New information onShanshanosaurus huoyanshanensis, a juveniletyrannosaurid (Theropoda, Dinosauria) from theLate Cretaceous of China. ( 英 文 ). Currie P J;Dong Zhiming. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences,2001, 38(12): 1729-1737Shanshanosaurus huoyanshanensis from theSubashi Formation (Upper Cretaceous) of Xinjiangin northwestern China has long been thoughtof as a distinctive genus of small theropod. Althoughusually assigned to its own family, it hasgenerally been included in the tyrannosaurid134

subfamily Aublysodontinae in recent years. Restudyand description of the only known specimenreveal that it is not a small species, but is ajuvenile tyrannosaurine, possibly Tarbosaurus.With a total estimated length of 2.3m, it is thesmallest tyrannosaurid skeleton known. Shanshanosaurusprovides the best information availableon ontogenetic changes in these enormouscarnivores and reveals that young tyrannosauridshad long, low skulls, huge pubic boots, and welldevelopedlimb joints. Evidence suggesting thatyoung tyrannosaurs had relatively longer forelimbsthan the adults is not supported by Shanshanosaurus.2008040440辽 宁 Sinosauropteryx prima 的 解 剖 = Anatomyof Sinosauropteryx prima from Liaoning,northeastern China. ( 英 文 ). Currie P J; Chen P J.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2001,38(12): 1705-1727A spectacular pair of Sinosauropteryx skeletonsfrom Jurassic–Cretaceous strata of Liaoningin northeastern China attracted worldwide notorietyin 1996 as the first dinosaurs covered withfeather-like structures. Sinosauropteryx prima isimportant not only because of its integument, butalso because it is a basal coelurosaur and representsan important stage in theropod evolutionthat is poorly understood. Coelurosauria, whichincludes (but is not limited to) dromaeosaurids,ornithomimosaurs, oviraptorosaurs, troodontids,and tyrannosaurids, formed the most importantradiation of Cretaceous carnivorous dinosaurs inthe Northern Hemisphere. It also includes Aves.Sinosauropteryx prima has a number of charactersthat were poorly preserved in known specimensof the closely related Compsognathuslongipes from Europe. These include the longesttail known for any theropod and a three-fingeredhand dominated by the first digit, which islonger and thicker than either of the bones of theforearm. Both specimens have a thick coat offeather-like structures, which seem to be simplebranching structures. The claim that one skeletonof Sinosauropteryx has preserved the shape ofthe liver is unsupportable, if only because thefossil had collapsed into a single plane, whichwould have distorted any soft, internal organs.2008040441阿 根 廷 巴 塔 哥 尼 亚 和 南 极 晚 白 垩 世 海 相 爬 行类 的 组 织 学 观 察 = Histological observations onmarine reptiles (elasmosauridae and mosasauridae)from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia andAntarctica. ( 英 文 ). Salgado L; Fernandez M;Talevi M. Ameghiniana, 2007, 44(3): 513-523Bones of two elasmosaurid plesiosaurs (onesubadult and one adult) from the Upper Cretaceousof Patagonia (Argentina), and one adultmosasaur from the Upper Cretaceous of Antarcticaare histologically described in order to obtaininformation related to their lifestyles. Thebones of the subadult elasmosaurid from LagoPellegrini (Rio Negro, Argentina), display a welldeveloped endosteal compaction or osteosclerosis,the degree of osteosclerosis being higher inthe vertebra than in the humerus or pelvic girdle.By contrast, the bones analyzed in the adult elasmosaurid(cf. Mauisaurus from the Salinas deTrapalco area, Rio Negro), display internal vacuitiesleading to a lightening of the bone (osteoporotic-likebone structure). The distributionof osteosclerotic bone structure in juvenile plesiosaursand osteoporotic-like structure in adultsis similar to the one described in plesiosaursfrom New Zealand, and could be related to adaptationsto different aquatic environments: estuariesand shallow waters for juveniles, and openseas for adults. Both situations are in agreementwith paleoenvironment reconstructions of theAllen and Jaguel Formations in Lago Pellegriniand Salinas de Trapalco respectively. In thebones of the mosasaur from the Lopez de BertodanoFormation (Upper Cretaceous, IslaMarambio, Antarctica), compact bone is in theinner part of the vertebra, while in the transverseprocess there is a high degree of osteoporotictissue.2008040442阿 根 廷 巴 塔 哥 尼 亚 关 节 在 一 起 的 巨 龙 类 : 新恐 龙 类 足 演 化 的 新 证 据 = An articulated titanosaurfrom Patagonia (Argentina): New evidenceof neosauropod pedal evolution. ( 英 文 ).Riga B J G; Calvo J O; Porfiri J. palaeoworld,2008, 17(1): 33-40Most titanosaur dinosaurs are represented byincomplete skeletal elements lacking articulatedpes. An exceptionally preserved specimen fromthe Late Campanian–Early Maastrichtian strataof Patagonia (Argentina) provides new data onpedal morphology and the evolutionary trends ofthese huge dinosaurs. This finding is one of thefew articulated titanosaur pes known in theworld, and shows a phalangeal formula of 2-2-2-2-0. The first three digits possess sickle-shapedclaws and the articular facets of ungual phalanges,suggesting mobility in horizontal andvertical planes. A comparative analysis of availablerecord suggests that titanosaurs had a progressivereduction of size and number of pedalphalanges in digits III and IV during the LateCretaceous.2008040443新 的 dyrosaurid 类 及 作 为 巴 西 K-P 过 渡 期 动物 群 更 新 的 证 据 = New dyrosaurid crocodylomorphand evidences for faunal turnover at the135

K–P transition in Brazil. ( 英 文 ). Barbosa J A;Kellner A W A; Viana M S S3. Proceedings ofthe Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2008,275(1641): 1385-1391The discovery of a new dyrosaurid crocodylomorphfrom the well-dated Palaeocene depositsof northeastern Brazil sheds new light on theevolutionary history of this extinct group of marinecrocodylomorphs that have survived theCretaceous–Palaeogene (K–P) extinction crisis.Guarinisuchus munizi, the most complete memberof this group collected in South America sofar, is closely related to the African forms, andthis fact suggests that dyrosaurids had crossedthe Atlantic Ocean before the K–P boundary anddispersed from there to North America and otherparts of South America. This discovery alsosuggests that on the coast of northeastern Brazil,dyrosaurids replaced the pre-existing Late Cretaceousfauna of diversified mosasaurs, a group ofmarine lizards, after the K–P extinction event,becoming the main predators, together withsharks, in shallow marine Palaeocene environments.More detailed stratigraphic records anddetailed dating of the deposits with dyrosauridsare necessary to correlate this particular patternfound in the ancient northeastern Brazilian coastwithin the evolution of the group, especially inAfrica.The discovery of a new dyrosaurid crocodylomorphfrom the well-dated Palaeocene depositsof northeastern Brazil sheds new light on theevolutionary history of this extinct group of marinecrocodylomorphs that have survived theCretaceous–Palaeogene (K–P) extinction crisis.Guarinisuchus munizi, the most complete memberof this group collected in South America sofar, is closely related to the African forms, andthis fact suggests that dyrosaurids had crossedthe Atlantic Ocean before the K–P boundary anddispersed from there to North America and otherparts of South America. This discovery alsosuggests that on the coast of northeastern Brazil,dyrosaurids replaced the pre-existing Late Cretaceousfauna of diversified mosasaurs, a group ofmarine lizards, after the K–P extinction event,becoming the main predators, together withsharks, in shallow marine Palaeocene environments.More detailed stratigraphic records anddetailed dating of the deposits with dyrosauridsare necessary to correlate this particular patternfound in the ancient northeastern Brazilian coastwithin the evolution of the group, especially inAfrica.The discovery of a new dyrosaurid crocodylomorphfrom the well-dated Palaeocene depositsof northeastern Brazil sheds new light on theevolutionary history of this extinct group of marinecrocodylomorphs that have survived theCretaceous–Palaeogene (K–P) extinction crisis.Guarinisuchus munizi, the most complete memberof this group collected in South America sofar, is closely related to the African forms, andthis fact suggests that dyrosaurids had crossedthe Atlantic Ocean before the K–P boundary anddispersed from there to North America and otherparts of South America. This discovery alsosuggests that on the coast of northeastern Brazil,dyrosaurids replaced the pre-existing Late Cretaceousfauna of diversified mosasaurs, a group ofmarine lizards, after the K–P extinction event,becoming the main predators, together withsharks, in shallow marine Palaeocene environments.More detailed stratigraphic records anddetailed dating of the deposits with dyrosauridsare necessary to correlate this particular patternfound in the ancient northeastern Brazilian coastwithin the evolution of the group, especially inAfrica.2008040444中 二 叠 世 四 足 类 化 石 记 录 全 球 缺 失 = A globalhiatus in the Middle Permian tetrapod fossil record.( 英 文 ). Lucas S G. Stratigraphy, 2004,1(1): 47-64For about a half century, most vertebrate paleontologistshave correlated the youngest Permiantetrapod assemblages inNorth America,which are from the San Angelo, Flowerpot andChickasha formations in Texas-Oklahoma, to theoldest therapsid-bearing assemblages of the RussianKazanian. This correlation was not based onshared low-level taxa (genera and species),buton the supposed therapsids in the American faunasand the presence of some “counterparts”(equivalent evolutionary grade) amongtheAmericanand Russian captorhinids and caseid pelycosaurs.Marinebiostratigraphy indicates that theyoungest tetrapod assemblages in Texas-Oklahoma are of Kungurian (late Leonardian)age, whereas the base of the Kazanian is noolder than late Roadian. Thus, a veryreal hiatusin the global tetrapod record, previously namedOlson’s gap, is evident between the youngest,pelycosaur-dominated assemblagesof NorthAmerica and the oldest, therapsid-dominatedtetrapod assemblages of Russia. This hiatus isequivalent to most of Roadian time, and is atleast two million years long. A review of theglobal record of Permian tetrapod body fossilsand footprints revealsthat this is a hiatus ofglobal extent. Olson’s gap corresponds to a significantremodelling of the Permian tetrapodfauna.2008040445意 大 利 Friuli 地 区 晚 三 叠 世 Langobardisaurusrossii 的 修 订 = A revision of Langobardisaurusrossii Bizzarini and Muscio, 1995from the Late Triassic of Friuli (Italy). ( 英 文 ).136

Renesto S; Dalla Vecchia F M. Rivista Italianadi Paleontologia e stratigrafia, 2007, 113(2):191-201A nearly complete but poorly preserved amniotefrom the Middle-Upper Norian of Friuli,previously attributed to a new species of the protorosaurgenus Langobardisaurus (L. rossii), isre-described. Study reveals that the specimendoes not exhibit any protorosaurian characters,instead all available evidence supports its attributionto the Lepidosauromorpha. Some skullcharacters might support sphenodontian affinities,but preservation is too jpoor to allow a firmassignment to this group.2008040446意 大 利 撒 丁 晚 更 新 世 San Giovanni di Sinis地 区 新 的 脊 椎 动 物 化 石 : 地 中 海 中 部 最 晚 的 爬行 动 物 Mauremys = New fossil vertebrate remainsfrom San Giovanni di Sinis (Late Pleistocene,Sardinia): The last Mauremys (Reptilia,Testudines) in the central Mediterranean. ( 英 文 ).Chesi F; Delfino M; Abbazzi L; Carboni S;Lecca L; Rook L. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologiae stratigrafia, 2007, 113(2): 287-297The fossils, aothough scarce and fragmentary,document the occurrence of a terrapin (Mauremyssp.) and the endemic Sardinian deer(Praemegaceros cazioti). Significant is the occurrenceof the terrapin because it is the youngestrepresentative of the genus Mauremys in thecentral Mediterranean area where it is extinct atpresent. The Late Pleistocene extinction ofMauremys in Italy follows the same pattern ofother Mediterranean reptiles, in being in somecases delayed on the islands. A comparison ofthe modern range of Mauremys and that of thepond turtle, Emys, as well as of their past rangesas evidenced by the fossil record, might suggestthat some sort of thermophily characterized theformer taxon and is responsible for its past andpresent distribution.2008040447亚 洲 白 垩 纪 一 种 新 的 具 最 深 体 腔 的 巨 型 蜥 脚类 恐 龙 = A New Gigantic Sauropod Dinosaurwith the Deepest Known Body Cavity from theCretaceous of Asia. ( 英 文 ). Lv Junchang; Xu Li;Zhang Xingliao; Hu Weiyong; Wu Yanhua; JiaSonghai;Ji Qiang. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007,81(2): 167-176A new species of sauropod dinosaur Huanghetitanruyangensis is erected based on the followingcharacters: deepest body cavity with adorsal rib reaching at least 2.93 m long, anteriorcaudal vertebrae with mushroom-shaped neuralspines. Based on this new specimen of Huanghetitanfound in the early Late CretaceousMangchuan Formation of Ruyang, Henan Province,the family Huanghetitanidae fam. nov. isproposed as a new rank to include only the genusHuanghetitan You et al. 2006. At present,Huanghetitan inclu...2008040448辽 西 Sinosauropteryx ( 兽 脚 亚 目 : 新 颌 龙科 ) 新 材 料 = New Material of Sinosauropteryx(Theropoda:Compsognathidae) from WesternLiaoning,China. ( 英 文 ). Ji Shu an; GaoChunling; Liu Jinyuan; Meng Qingjin;Ji Qiang.Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007, 81(2): 177-182An incomplete specimen of Sinosauropteryxprima collected from the Early CretaceousYixian Formation of the Dawangzhangzi area inLingyuan, western Liaoning is depicted. It representsthe first systematically described materialof this feathered compsognathid outside the Sihetunarea in Beipiao. This specimen showssome diagnostic features of Sinosauropteryxprima, such as the very short forelimb in relationto hindlimb with the length ratio of humerus plusradius to femur plus tibia just around 30%, andth...2008040449浙 江 丽 水 发 现 晚 白 垩 世 的 nodosaurid 恐 龙 新种 = New Nodosaurid Dinosaur from the LateCretaceous of Lishui, Zhejiang Province, China.( 英 文 ). Lu Junchang; Jin Xingsheng; ShengYiming; Li Yihong; Wang Guoping; YoichiAzuma. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007, 81(3):344-350A new genus and species of nodosaurid dinosaur:Zhejiangosaurus lishuiensis gen. et sp. nov.is erected herein. It is characterized by the sacrumconsisting of at least three true sacral vertebrae,5 caudal dorsal vertebrae fused to formthe presacral rod, wide divergence of long slenderpreacetabular process of the ilium from themiddle line of the body, and the fourth trochanterlocated at the femoral mid-length.2008040450新 疆 上 侏 罗 统 石 树 沟 组 的 第 一 只 剑 龙 ( 鸟 臀目 恐 龙 ) = The First Stegosaur (Dinosauria,Ornithischia) from the Upper Jurassic ShishugouFormation of Xinjiang, China. ( 英 文 ). JiaChengkai; Foster C A; Xu Xing; Clark J M. ActaGeologica Sinica, 2007, 81(3): 351-356A new stegosaur species, Jiangjunosaurusjunggarensis, gen. et sp. nov., is erected basedon a specimen collected from the Upper Jurassicupper section of the Shishugou Formation in theJunggar Basin, Xinjiang, China. It represents thefirst stegosaur from the Jurassic of Xinjiang andincreases the diversity of the dinosaur fauna inthe Shishugou Formation. The new genus ischaracterized by symmetrical and proportionally137

wide tooth crowns, a sub-rectangular axial neuralspine seen in lateral view, and large...2008040451辽 西 下 白 垩 统 九 佛 堂 组 珍 稀 化 石 层 = PreciousFossil-Bearing Beds of the Lower CretaceousJiufotang Formation in Western Liaoning Province,China. ( 英 文 ). Zhang Lijun; Yang Yajun;Zhang Lidong; Guo Shengzhe; Wang Wuli;Zheng Shaolin. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007,81(3): 357-364Based on the subdivision into three membersof the Lower Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation inwestern Liaoning, this paper deals mainly withthe division and correlation of precious fossilbird-and reptile-bearing beds of the formation inthe Dachengzi, Chaoyang, Dapingfang-Meileyingzi and Fuxin-Yixian basins. Amongthem, the precious fossil-bearing beds in theDachengzi Basin may be recognized as the XidagouBed of the second member and the YangcaogoudonggouBed of the third member; thosein the Chaoyang Basi...2008040452中 国 西 北 地 区 早 白 垩 世 的 巨 大Therizinosauroid ( 兽 脚 亚 目 恐 龙 ) = ALarge Therizinosauroid(Dinosauria:Theropoda)from the Early Cretaceous of NorthwesternChina. ( 英 文 ). Li Daqing; Peng Cuo; You Hailu;Lamanna M C; Harris J D; Lacovara K J; ZhangJianping. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007, 81(4):539-549We herein describe an associated partial postcranialskeleton of a theropod dinosaur discoveredin the Lower Cretaceous Xinminpu Groupof the Yujingzi Basin,in the Jiuquan area ofGansu Province,northwestern China.Features ofits humerus,such as strongly expanded proximaland distal ends,a well developed medial tuberosity,distalcondyles expressed on the humeral cranialsurface,and a hypertrophied entepicondyle,definitivelyestablish the therizinosauroidaffinities of the specimen.It differs fromother ther...2008040453中 国 南 方 的 第 一 只 鸭 嘴 龙 = The First HadrosauridDinosaur from Southern China. ( 英 文 ).Mo Jinyou; Zhao Zhongru; Wang Wei; Xu Xing.Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007, 81(4): 550-554A new hadrosaurid dinosaur,Nanningosaurusdashiensis gen.et sp.nov.,is described based onan incomplete skeleton from the Late Cretaceousred beds of the Nalong Basin,Guangxi,southernChina.Diagnostic features for the new taxon includethe presence of a tall and sharply peakeddorsal process of the maxilla with reduced processof the jugai and a distinct lacrimalfacet,gracile humerus with low,rounded deltopectoralcrest,mandibular condyle of the quadratetransversly broad with reduced paraquadratenotch,de...2008040454摩 洛 哥 古 新 世 一 长 鼻 Dyrosaurid( 鳄 形 动物 , 中 真 鳄 类 ): 系 统 发 生 及 古 生 物 地 理 学意 义 = A long-snouted Dyrosaurid (Crocodyliformes,Mesoeucrocodylia) from the Paleoceneof Morocco: Phylogenetic and Palaeobiogeographicimplications. ( 英 文 ). Jouve S; BouyaB; Amaghzaz M. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(2):281-294New material of a long-snouted dyrosauridhas been discovered in the Paleocene of Morocco.It consists of a well-preserved skull withembedded mandible and four dorsal vertebrae.The particularly elongate snout, proportionallythe longest of all known dyrosaurids, allows preciseidentification of this material as Atlantosuchuscoupatezi Buffetaut, 1979a, and presentationof an emended diagnosis for this speciespreviously known only from a mandibular symphysis.A phylogenetic analysis of the dyrosauridsindicates a close relationship between A.coupatezi and Rhabdognathus. It also confirms aprevious hypothesis that Congosaurus is distinctfrom Hyposaurus. It is more closely related toAtlantosuchus than Hyposaurus. The analysisalso allows palaeobiogeographic interpretationsto be made. Dyrosaurids ranged from North Africato other areas. They were rare during theMaastrichtian and endemic to each continent atthis time. Competition with large marine reptiles,such as mosasaurs, limited their dispersal duringthe Late Cretaceous. The disappearance of theserivals during the 'K-T crisis' enabled their diversificationand widespread dispersal during thePaleocene, with the same genera present on severalcontinents.2008040455联 合 王 国 牛 津 郡 中 侏 罗 世 MegalosaurusBucklandii( 恐 龙 , 兽 脚 亚 目 ) 的 分 类 位 置 =The taxonomic status of Megalosaurus Bucklandii(Dinosauria, Theropoda) from the MiddleJurassic of Oxfordshire, UK. ( 英 文 ). Benson R J;Barrett P M; Powell H P; Norman D B. Palaeontology,2008, 51(2): 419-424The lectotype of the Middle Jurassic theropoddinosaur Megalosaurus bucklandii, a right dentary,can be diagnosed on the basis of twounique characters: a longitudinal groove on theventral part of the lateral surface of the dentaryand a slit-like anterior Meckelian foramen. Thistaxon, the first dinosaur to be scientifically described,is therefore valid. Currently, however,no further material can be referred to this species138

with any certainty. Megalosaurus bucklandiioccupies an uncertain systematic position but isnot an abelisaurid or coelophysoid. Additionally,it does not possess the diagnostic dentary charactersthat are present in all known spinosauroids.Owing to this uncertainty, use of the familyMegalosauridae should be discontinued untilsuch time as its systematic position becomesclearer.2008040456中 国 辽 宁 省 一 新 翼 龙 及 翼 龙 类 的 系 统 发 育 和颈 椎 骨 的 趋 同 演 化 = A new Pterosaur from theLiaoning Province of China, the phylogeny ofthe Pterodactyloidea, and convergence in theircervical vertebrae. ( 英 文 ). Andres B; Ji Qiang.Palaeontology, 2008, 51(2): 453-469The largest known flying organisms are theazhdarchid pterosaurs, a pterodactyloid cladepreviously diagnosed by the characters of theirextremely elongate middle-series cervical vertebrae.The named species of the Azhdarchidae arefrom the Late Cretaceous. However, isolatedmid-cervical vertebrae with similar dimensionsand characters have been referred to this groupthat date back to the Late Jurassic, implying analmost 60 million year gap in the fossil record ofthis group and an unrecorded radiation in theJurassic of all the major clades of the Pterodactyloidea.A new pterosaur from the Early Cretaceousof Liaoning Province of China, Elanodactylusprolatus gen. et sp. nov., is described withmid-cervical vertebrae that bear these azhdarchidcharacters but has other postcranial material thatare distinct from the members of this group.Phylogenetic analysis of the new species and thePterodactyloidea places it with the Late Jurassicvertebrae in the Late Jurassic–Early CretaceousCtenochasmatidae and reveals that the charactersof the elongate azhdarchid vertebrae appearedindependently in both groups. These results arerealized though the large taxon sampling in theanalysis demonstrating that the homoplasticcharacter states present in these two taxa wereacquired in a different order in their respectivelineages. Some of these homoplastic characterswere previously thought to appear once in thehistory of pterosaurs and may be correlated tothe extension of the neck regions in both groups.Because the homoplastic character states in theAzhdarchidae and Ctenochasmatidae are limitedto the mid-cervical vertebrae, these states aretermed convergent based on a definition of theterm in a phylogenetic context. A number ofnovel results from the analysis presented producea reorganization in the different species andtaxa of the Pterodactyloidea.2008040457加 拿 大 北 极 群 岛 Melville 岛 新 的 侏 罗 纪 上 龙化 石 = A new Jurassic pliosaur from MelvilleIsland, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. ( 英 文 ).Sato T; Wu Xiao-chun. Canadian Journal ofEarth Sciences, 2008, 45(3): 303-320A partial skeleton of a plesiosaur (Reptilia:Sauropterygia) from the Hiccles Cove Formation(Middle Jurassic: Callovian) of Melville Island,Canadian Arctic Archipelago, is the first marinereptile fossil with well-preserved skull from theCanadian Arctic and represents a new genus andspecies of Rhomaleosauridae (Borealonectesrusselli). The Rhomaleosauridae are a problematicgroup, and a review of the current status ofincluded taxa is given prior to the description ofthe Canadian material. The holotype and onlyknown specimen of the new species consists ofthe skull, anterior cervicals, and right forelimb.The new taxon is characterized by the large prefrontaland the configuration of the postorbitalbar in which the postfrontal is excluded from thesupratemporal fenestra; these are potentiallyunique features among rhomaleosaurids. It exhibitsa combination of primitive and derivedcharacteristics that are variable amongrhomaleosaurids, such as the absence of the dorsomedianforamen and anterior pterygoid vacuityon the palate, and the presence of straightshaft of humerus. The occurrence of this specimensuggests a global distribution ofrhomaleosaurids, and it is also significant as oneof the few Jurassic plesiosaurs known fromNorth America.2008040458加 拿 大 不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 中 北 部 Sustut 盆 地 一鸟 臀 类 恐 龙 = An ornithischian dinosaur fromthe Sustut Basin, north-central British Columbia,Canada. ( 英 文 ). Graves M C; Arbour V M. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2008, 45(4):457-463Dinosaur bones were discovered in 1971 duringuranium exploration in the Sustut Basin,northern British Columbia, Canada. These boneshave more recently been prepared and describedand represent an indeterminate cerapodan dinosaur.Although dinosaur bones have been reportedfrom British Columbia before now, thisspecimen represents their earliest recorded discoveryfrom the province. The bones were collectedfrom loose blocks in a talus slope, nearthe intersection of Birdflat Creek and the SustutRiver. They are encased in hard siltstone thatshares characteristics with adjacent outcrops ofthe Upper Cretaceous Brothers Peak Formation.Bones collected include the right humerus, rightradius, the distal portion of the right tibia andfibula, two right pedal phalanges, including twounguals, and several unidentifiable fragments.139

2008040459罗 马 尼 亚 特 兰 西 瓦 尼 亚 晚 白 垩 世 发 现 新 的 恐龙 = New Late Cretaceous dinosaur findingsfrom northwestern Transylvania (Romania). ( 法文 ). Codrea V A; Godefroit P. Comptes RendusPalevol, 2008, 7(5): 289-295In 1905, Nopcsa tentatively identified a fragmentaryrib from the Jibou Formation at SomeşOdorhei as belonging to an ornithopod dinosaur.Therefore, he concluded that the base of thisformation is Late Cretaceous, but this hypothesiswas subsequently ignored or rejected by otherauthors. New dinosaur bones discovered in thislocality by new excavations are here interpretedas belonging to the euornithopod Zalmoxesshqiperorum Weishampel, Jianu, Csiki andNorman, 2003. The base of the Jibou Formationcan therefore be regarded as Maastrichtian, correlativeto the Sânpetru Formation and to themiddle member of the Densuş Ciula Formationfrom the Haţeg Basin, as well as the base of theŞard Formation in the southwestern Basin ofTransylvania, in the Alba Iulia area. The presenceof Zalmoxes at Someş Odorhei also confirmsthe northeastern extension for the ‘HaţegIsland’ in Transylvania.2008040460辽 西 早 白 垩 世 Huaxiapterus ( 翼 龙 目 :Tapejaridae ) 一 新 种 = A New Species ofHuaxiapterus (Pterosauria:Tapejaridae) from theEarly Cretaceous of Western Liaoning,China.( 英 文 ). Lv Junchang; Gao Yubo; Xing Lida; LiZhixin; Ji Qiang. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007,81(5): 683-687A new species of Huaxiapterus:H.benxiensissp.nov.is erected based on the new specimen.The diagnostic characters of Huaxiapterusbenxiensis are well-developed premaxillary crestand parietal spine,the crest and spine parallel andextending posterodorsally,and a shallow groovepresent on the dorsal surface of the anterior portionof the mandibular symphysis.The differentskull morphologies of Chinese tapejarid pterosaursindicate that they are much more diversethan the previous thought.2008040461辽 宁 早 白 垩 世 Liaoceratops yanzigouensis 的新 标 本 = A New Specimen of Liaoceratopsyanzigouensis(Dinosauria:Neoceratopsia)fromthe Early Cretaceous of Liaoning Province,. ( 英文 ). You Hailu; Tanoue K; Dodson P. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2007, 81(6): 898-904A new specimen of basal neoceratopsian dinosaurLiaoceratops yanzigouensis is described.The specimen comes from the Lujiatun Bed ofthe Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation in BeipiaoCity of western Liaoning Province,and isrepresented by a very well preserved threedimensionalpartial skull and mandible.It is alsothe smallest among the three specimens ofL.yanzigouensis,and several features in the newspecimen,such as the short preorbital length andthe round rostroventral orbital rim,can be ontogeneticall...2008040462Dongbeititan dongi, 辽 西 晚 白 垩 世 热 河 动 物 群第 一 只 蜥 脚 类 恐 龙 = Dongbeititan dongi,theFirst Sauropod Dinosaur from the Lower CretaceousJehol Group of Western Liaoning Province,China.( 英 文 ). Wang Xuri; You Hailu;Meng Qingjin; Gao Chunling; Cheng Xiaodong;Liu Jinyuan. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007, 81(6):911-916We herein describe a partial postcranial skeletonof a sauropod dinosaur recovered from theLower Cretaceous Jehol Group in the Beipiaoarea of western Liaoning Province,northeasternChina. A suite of features it possesses,includingthe camellate internal structure of its presacralelements,the existence of pneumatocoels on theproximal ends of the dorsal ribs,and especiallythe medially deflected proximal portion of thefemur,definitively establish the titanosauriformaffinities of the specimen.It differs ...2008040463云 南 元 谋 发 现 中 侏 罗 世 马 门 溪 龙 新 种 = ANew Mamenchisaurid Dinosaur from the MiddleJurassic of Yuanmou,Yunnan Province, China.( 英 文 ). Lv Junchang; Li Tianguang; ZhongShimin; Ji Qiang; Li Shaoxue. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2008, 82(1): 17-26A new mamenchisaurid dinosaur, Eomamenchisaurusyuanmouensis gen et sp.nov.iserected based on an incomplete skeleton fromthe Zhanghe Formation,the Middle Jurassic ofYuanmou,Yunnan Province.The new taxon ischaracterized by absence of pleurocoeis in dorsalvertebrae and the dorsal verterbrae with slightlyconvex anterior articular surfaces,moderatelyconcave posterior articular surfaces;the fourthtrochanter is developed posteromedially on thefemur; length ratio of the tibia to the femur isapproximately ....2008040464浙 江 东 阳 发 现 晚 白 垩 世 早 期 Titanosauriform类 一 新 种 = A New Titanosauriform Sauropodfrom the Early Late Cretaceous of Dongyang,ZhejiangProvince. ( 英 文 ). Lv Junchang;Azuma Y; Chen Rongjun; Zheng Wenjie; JinXingsheng. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2008, 82(2):225-235140

A new titanosauriform sauropod Dongyangosaurussinensis gen.et sp.nov.from the early LateCretaceous of Dongyang County, Zhejiang Province,iserected based on a partial postcranialskeleton.It is characterized by complex laminaeon the lateral surface of the neural spines andpostzygapophyses of dorsal vertebrae,a distinctfossa on the ventral surfaces of the prezygapophysesof dorsal vertebrae,distinct fossae arealso present on the lateral surface of the postzygapophysisof anterior caudal vertebrae;pubis ....2008040465云 南 发 现 最 完 整 的 三 叠 纪 皮 氏 吐 龙 骨 骼 = TheMost Complete Pistosauroid Skeleton from theTriassic of Yunnan,China. ( 英 文 ). Zhao Lijun;Sato T; Li Chun. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2008,82(2): 283-286A new specimen discovered from the FalangFormation in northeastern Yunnan represents themost complete skeleton of Triassic pistosauroids.Thenew specimen is referred to YunguisaurusCheng et al.,2006 on the basis of the skullfeatures,such as the presence of a separated nasalentering the external naris,a large pineal foramenlocated at the frontal/parietal suture and an interpterygoidvacuity with a narrow anterior extension.Thenew specimen differs from the typespecies of Yunguisaurus liae Cheng et al....鸟 类2008040466羽 毛 的 早 期 演 化 : 来 自 法 国 白 垩 纪 琥 珀 的 化石 证 据 = The early evolution of feathers: fossilevidence from Cretaceous amber of France. ( 英文 ). Perrichot V; Marion L; Néraudeau D; VulloR; Tafforeau P. Proceedings of the Royal SocietyB: Biological Sciences, 2008, 275(1639): 1197-1202The developmental stages of feathers are ofmajor importance in the evolution of body coveringand the origin of avian flight. Until now,there were significant gaps in knowledge ofearly morphologies in theoretical stages offeathers as well as in palaeontological material.Here we report fossil evidence of an intermediateand critical stage in the incremental evolutionof feathers which has been predicted by developmentaltheories but hitherto undocumented byevidence from both the recent and the fossil records.Seven feathers have been found in anEarly Cretaceous (Late Albian, ca 100Myr) amberof western France, which display a flattenedshaft composed by the still distinct and incompletelyfused bases of the barbs forming two irregularvanes. Considering their remarkablyprimitive features, and since recent discoverieshave yielded feathers of modern type in somederived theropod dinosaurs, the Albian feathersfrom France might have been derived eitherfrom an early bird or from a non-avian dinosaur.2008040467巴 塔 哥 尼 亚 一 新 的 中 新 世 企 鹅 及 其 系 统 发 育关 系 = A new Miocene penguin from Patagoniaand its phylogenetic relationships. ( 英 文 ).Acosta Hospitaleche C; Tambussi C; Donato M;Cozzuol M. Acta palaeontologica Polonica,2007, 52(2): 299-314We describe a new medium-sized penguin,Madrynornis mirandus gen. et sp. nov., from theearly late Miocene Puerto Madryn Formation,Chubut Province, Argentina. In order to identifythe phylogenetic position of the new taxon, weconducted a phylogenetic analysis using 44 osteologicalcharacters sampled from 14 representativespecies of all living genera and five fossilspecies of Spheniscidae. The family is clearlymonophyletic and Madrynornis mirandus isclosely related to living taxa. Our phylogeneticinterpretation is congruent with biostratigraphicdata, with Paraptenodytes from the early Miocenelocated at the base of the Spheniscidae.2008040468丹 麦 Fur 组 始 新 统 下 部 两 新 的 鹦 鹉 ( 鹦 形目 ) = Two new Parrots (Psittaciformes) fromthe Lower Eocene Fur Formation of Denmark.( 英 文 ). Waterhouse D M; Lindow B K; ZelenkovN; Dyke G J. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(3):575-582Two new fossil psittaciform birds from theLower Eocene 'Mo Clay' (Fur Formation) ofDenmark (c. 54 Ma) are described. An unnamedspecimen is assigned to the extinct avian familyof stem-group parrots, Pseudasturidae (genusand species incertae sedis), while a second(Mopsitta tanta gen. et sp. nov.) is the largestfossil parrot yet known. Both specimens are thefirst fossil records of these birds from Denmark.Although the phylogenetic position of Mopsittais unclear (it is classified as family incertaesedis), this form is phylogenetically closer toRecent Pstittacidae than to other known Palaeogenepsittaciforms and may, therefore, representthe oldest known crown-group parrot.2008040469新 西 兰 St Bathans 动 物 群 的 中 新 世 水 禽 的 亲缘 关 系 = Affinities of Miocene Waterfowl(Anatidae: Manuherikia, Dunstanetta and Miotadorna)from the St Bathans Fauna, New Zealand.( 英 文 ). Worthy T H; Lee M S Y. Palaeontology,2008, 51(3): 677-708The recently described St Bathans Fauna,from the Manuherikia Group, Early–MiddleMiocene, 19–16 Ma, New Zealand, includes sixanatid taxa. Here we present detailed morpho-141

logical descriptions of all available skeletal elementsof the three best represented anatids:Manuherikia lacustrina (551 specimens), Dunstanettajohnstoneorum (7 specimens), and Miotadornasanctibathansi (115 specimens). Theaffinities of these taxa, and of the similar-agedEuropean taxon Mionetta blanchardi, are evaluatedwith phylogenetic analyses using a datasetof 133 characters (128 osteological, 5 integumental)and 57 terminal taxa. Representatives ofall main anatid groups were included, with densesampling of Australasian taxa including the recentlyextinct New Zealand forms (Cnemiornis,Chenonetta finschi), and relatively primitive taxa(anserines, Dendrocygna, oxyurines, tadornines).Analyses were conducted with no constraints,and with certain taxa constrained to conform toarrangements supported by multiple independentgenetic studies. In the preferred (constrained)analyses: (1) anserines were the most basal anatids;(2) the four Tertiary fossil taxa were morederived than anserines and Dendrocygna; and (3)the European Mionetta blanchardi was basal toan oxyurine clade. The New Zealand fossilsManuherikia and Dunstanetta either associatedwith this oxyurine clade or formed separate lineagesof an approximately oxyurine evolutionarygrade, depending on whether diving characterswere included or excluded. Similarly, Biziura,Thalassornis, and a Stictonetta–Malacorhynchusclade either associated with oxyurines or formedindependent lineages of approximately oxyurinegrade. Above oxyurines, a well-supported cladegroups Miotadorna with Tadorna species exclusiveof T. radjah. These results cast doubt on thedistinctiveness of Dendrocheninae Livezey andMartin, 1988, and instead suggest oxyurine affinitiesfor the Miocene fossils Mionetta, Dendrochen,Manuherikia and Dunstanetta, and themodern Biziura, Thalassornis, Oxyura, Nomonyx,Stictonetta and Malacorhynchus. The associationof Mionetta with oxyurines indicates thatthe divergence between oxyurines and higheranatids occurred around 25 Ma, while the positionof Miotadorna within Tadorna indicates thatthe basal divergence between living Tadornaoccurred by the Early–Middle Miocene; together,these two dates indicate that many basal splitswithin anatids occurred within a short intervalduring the Miocene.2008040470来 自 辽 西 下 白 垩 统 Sapeornithidae 的 新 属 新种 = A New Genus and Species of Sapeornithidaefrom Lower Cretaceous in Western Liaoning,China. ( 英 文 ). Yuan Chongxi. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2008, 82(1): 48-55Sapeornithidae is a basal pygostylian familyof Early Cretaceous primitive birds,in whichonly one genus and species,Sapeornis chaoyangensis,wasreported before.This paper deals witha new genus and species of this family,Didactylornisjiigen.et sp.nov.,which wasunearthed from the Early Cretaceous JiufotangFormation in western Liaoning.According to ourphylogenetic analyses,both Didactylornisgen.nov.and Sapeornis form a sister group,whichis basal to the clade formed by Confuciusornisand all the more de...哺 乳 类2008040471新 墨 西 哥 古 新 世 早 期 哺 乳 纲 Mioclaenidae 科的 Bomburia 属 和 Ellipsodon 属 = Bomburiaand Ellipsodon (Mammalia: Mioclaenidae) fromthe Early Paleocene of New Mexico. ( 英 文 ).Williamson T E; Carr T D. Journal of Paleontology,2007, 81(5): 966-985 9 图 版 .Bomburia and Ellipsodon are poorly knowntaxa from the early Paleocene of western NorthAmerica. New fossil material from New Mexicoexpands morphological information and allowstaxonomic revision of these taxa. Bomburia is avalid genus, whereas Platymastus palantir, previouslyconsidered to be a loxolophine arctocyonid,is probably a junior synonym of B.prisca and as such reveals the upper molar morphologyof this taxon. Ellipsodon is highly derivedrelative to other mioclaenid condylarths. Ithas a reduced mesial dentition, with the probableloss of the P1/p1. P2–3/p2–3 are reduced andshow a simple incisor-like morphology. M1/m1and especially M2/m2 are simple with highlyinflated protocones/ protoconid-metaconids accentuatinga mortar-and-pestle-like chewingfunction. The M3/m3 are more reduced than inany other mioclaenid. Mioclaenidae is monophyleticand endemic to western North America.There is no support for a close relationship betweenMioclaenidae and South American or Africanungulates.2008040472澳 大 利 亚 昆 士 兰 洲 Riversleigh 世 界 遗 产 区 渐新 世 至 中 新 世 袋 鼠 Nambaroo 一 个 新 种 的 意义 = Implications of a new species of the Oligo-Miocene kangaroo (Marsupialia: Macropodoidea)Nambaroo, from the Riversleigh world heritagearea, Queensland, Australia. ( 英 文 ). Kear B P;Cooke B N; Archer M; Flannery T F. Journal ofPaleontology, 2007, 81(6): 1147-1167 10 图 版 .A partial skeleton (including both skull andpostcranium) and referred dental material attributableto a new species of Oligo-Miocene kangaroo,Nambaroo gillespieae, are described fromthe Riversleigh World Heritage Area, northwesternQueensland, Australia. The holotype specimenis one of the oldest articulated fossil kangarooskeletons yet discovered and includes the142

first postcranial material definitively attributableto the extinct family Balbaridae. Functionaladaptiveanalysis (including comparisons withmodern taxa) of the hindlimb and pedal elementssuggests consistent use of quadrupedal progressionrather than true hopping. Robust forelimbsand an opposable first pedal digit (lost in mostmacropodoids) might also indicate limitedclimbing ability. Cladistic analysis of 104 discretecranio-dental and postcranial characterscoded for 25 ingroup and one outgroup taxonplaces N. gillespieae in a plesiomorphic sisterclade (also containing other Balbarids and thepropleopine Ekaltadeta ima) to all other macropodoids.This result supports recent revisions tothe classification of kangaroos, which recognizeBalbaridae as the most basal macropodoid family-leveltaxon.2008040473印 度 上 希 瓦 利 克 哺 乳 动 物 群 和 共 生 的 事 件 =Upper Siwalik mammalian faunas of India andassociated events. ( 英 文 ). Nanda A C. Journalof Asian Earth Sciences, 2003, 21(1): 47-58Tatrot and Pinjor mammalian faunas are wellknown from the Chandigarh and Jammu regionsof India. The Pinjor Formation of the type areain the Chandigarh region has been dated bymagnetostratigraphy and ranges from 2.48 to0.63 Ma. The pre-Pinjor beds of the Upper SiwalikSubgroup are referred to as the SaketiFormation and are characterized by the presenceof the Tatrot Fauna. These are well exposed inthe type area of the Pinjor Formation. The PinjorMammalian Fauna marks the end of the recordof the Siwalik vertebrate faunal succession sincethe overlying Boulder Conglomerate Formation,the youngest formation of the Siwalik Group, isdevoid of fossils. About 49 mammalian taxa arerestricted to the Pinjor Formation. The Saketibeds are differentiated from the Pinjor beds by30 Tatrot taxa. In the Jammu region, the NagrotaFormation of the Upper Siwalik Subgroup containsboth the Tatrot and Pinjor faunas; howeverboth faunas are not as well developed as comparedto those of the Chandigarh region. Theextinction or migration of the Pinjor MammalianFauna began near the Olduvai subchron (i.e. nearNeogene\Quaternary boundary). However, in theParmandal-Utterbeni (Jammu) and Patiali Rao(Chandigarh) sections, the fauna survived wellafter the Olduvai subchron, and extinction invarious sections ranges in age from 1.72 to0.6 Ma. Near the Olduvai subchron, the lastphase of the Himalayan orogeny was marked byinitial deposition of the Boulder ConglomerateFormation and was probably one of the reasonsfor the gradual extinction of the Pinjor MammalianFauna. Two biostratigraphic interval-zones,Elephas planifrons Interval-Zone (3.6–2.6 Ma)and Equus sivalensis Interval-Zone (2.6–0.6 Ma)are also recognized on the basis of mammalianfossils and magnetostratigraphy. Twenty-fivetaxa made their first appearance in the olderzone whereas forty-eight taxa are restricted tothe younger zone.2008040474最 大 的 啮 齿 类 化 石 = The largest fossil rodent.( 英 文 ). Rinderknecht A; Blanco R E. Proceedingsof the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences,2008, 275(1637): 923-928The discovery of an exceptionally wellpreservedskull permits the description of thenew South American fossil species of the rodent,Josephoartigasia monesi sp. nov. (family:Dinomyidae; Rodentia: Hystricognathi: Caviomorpha).This species with estimated body massof nearly 1000kg is the largest yet recorded. Theskull sheds new light on the anatomy of the extinctgiant rodents of the Dinomyidae, which areknown mostly from isolated teeth and incompletemandible remains. The fossil derives fromSan José Formation, Uruguay, usually assignedto the Pliocene–Pleistocene (4–2Myr ago), andthe proposed palaeoenvironment where this rodentlived was characterized as an estuarine ordeltaic system with forest communities2008040475印 度 西 部 早 始 新 世 兔 形 类 及 兔 形 类 的 早 期 分异 = Early Eocene lagomorph (Mammalia) fromWestern India and the early diversification ofLagomorpha. ( 英 文 ). Kenneth D; Rose K D;DeLeon V B; Missiaen P. Proceedings of theRoyal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2008,275(1639): 1203-1208We report the oldest known record of Lagomorpha,based on distinctive, small ankle bones(calcaneus and talus) from Early Eocene deposits(Middle Ypresian equivalent, ca 53Myr ago)of Gujarat, west-central India. The fossils predatethe oldest previously known crown lagomorphsby several million years and extend therecord of lagomorphs on the Indian subcontinentby 35Myr. The bones show a mosaic of derivedcursorial adaptations found in gracile Leporidae(rabbits and hares) and primitive traits characteristicof extant Ochotonidae (pikas) and morerobust leporids. Together with gracile and robustcalcanei from the Middle Eocene of Shanghuang,China, also reported here, the Indian fossils suggestthat diversification within crown Lagomorphaand possibly divergence of the familyLeporidae were already underway in the EarlyEocene2008040476143

东 副 特 提 斯 晚 萨 马 期 哺 乳 动 物 产 地 : 地 层 剖面 、 磁 性 技 术 及 与 欧 洲 大 陆 地 层 表 对 比 =Late Sarmatian mammal localities of the EasternParatethys: Stratigraphic position, magnetochronology,and correlation with the European continentalscale. ( 英 文 ). Vangengeim E A; TesakovA S. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation,2008, 16(1): 92-103Analysis of geological sections, paleogeography,and paleomagnetic data is used to revealsuccession of the middle to late Sarmatianmammal localities of the Eastern Paratethys andtheir correlation with the continental stratigraphicscale of Western Europe. Until recently,the late Sarmatian localities were correlated withMN10 and even MN11 zones. As is proved, allthe known late Sarmatian localities should becorrelated with the upper half of Zone MN9. Theterminal late Sarmatian faunas only, which arecorrelative with the lowermost Chron C4Ar3rand older than 9.6 Ma, can be referred to ZoneMN10. According to essential changes in taxonomiccomposition of faunas from continentallocalities around the Eastern Paratethys, whichare recorded in the mid-late Sarmatian, ZoneMN9 can be divided in two subzones MN9a andMN9b separated by boundary at ∼10.5 Ma. Therefined correlation can be used to establish differencebetween faunas of the Southeastern,Central, and West European paleozoogeographicprovinces and to assess diachronism in dispersalof mammals. In the Southeastern province, manyforms characteristic of the Turolian in Centraland Western Europe first appeared as early as inthe mid-Vallesian. The results obtained indicatethat faunal criteria used to define boundaries ofMN zones in Western Europe are of a regionalimportance being inapplicable to the entireNorth Eurasia and even to Europe as a wholethat is unfortunately ignored by many paleontologists.Criteria of distinction should beworked out for each paleozoogeographic province.As geochronological levels of faunalchanges are identical throughout the northernPalearctic, they suggest impact of global factorsdespite variable manifestation in different regions.2008040477加 拿 大 埃 尔 斯 米 尔 岛 Eureka Sound 群 早 始 新世 啮 齿 类 = Early Eocene rodents (Mammalia)from the Eureka Sound Group of Ellesmere Island,Canada. ( 英 文 ). Dawson M R. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(7): 1107-1116Rodents are a minor element in the Early Eoceneterrestrial fauna from the Eureka SoundGroup of Ellesmere Island. Nevertheless, at leastfive taxa can be recognized, all members of thefamily Ischyromyidae. Two are paramyines, ofwhich one is described as Paramys hunti, sp.nov. Three of the rodents are microparamyines,Microparamys bayi, sp. nov., and two species ofthe new genus Strathcona, S. minor, sp. nov.,and S. major, sp. nov. The paramyines areHolarctic in distribution in the Early Eocene, butthe microparamyines are known only from NorthAmerica and Europe. The Arctic Microparamyinaeprovide the first clearly documented case foran early Cenozoic mammalian taxon having aNorth American origin and later dispersal intoEurope across a North Atlantic terrestrial biogeographicprovince.2008040478阿 曼 上 始 新 统 Aydim 组 首 次 描 述 的Arsinoitherium 属 : 生 物 地 理 意 义 = The firstdescribed Arsinoitherium from the upper EoceneAydim Formation of Oman: Biogeographic implications.( 英 文 ). Al-Sayigh A R; Nasir S;Schulp A S; Stevens N J. Palaeoworld, 2008,17(1): 41-46A new fossiliferous locality is discoveredfrom the upper Eocene Aydim Formation, inDhofar, Southern Sultanate of Oman. A left ulnaof Arsinoitherium is described, and cranial andpostcranial specimens found in close proximityare referred to the same taxon. The locality ispromising for the recovery of additional fossilspecimens. Moreover, the presence of Arsinoitheriumin Oman is of biogeographic significance;as the Red Sea did not exist during the late Eocene,these large-bodied animals were able tofreely travel between what is now the ArabianPeninsula and continental Africa.2008040479印 度 喜 马 拉 雅 啮 齿 目 鼠 科 化 石 Mus 属 一 新种 : 演 化 和 系 统 发 育 意 义 = A new species offossil Mus (Rodentia, Muridae) from the IndianHimalaya: Evolutionary and phylogenetic implications.( 英 文 ). Kotlia B S. Palaeoworld, 2008,17(1): 47-56A new species of fossil Mus (Rodentia,Mammalia) is reported from the Late Pleistocenefluvio-lacustrine deposits of the Kumaun sectorof Indian Himalaya. The fossiliferous horizon,medium-coarse grained sand lenses embedded inthe massive carbonaceous mud, is exposed atlocality Dulam and is Late Pleistocene (ca. 30 ka)in age. A new species, Mus dulamensis n. sp., isproposed. Characterized by strongly distortedand moderately elongated M 1 (about 170% ofM 2 length) with prominent conules in front ofthe t 2 , higher magnitude of stephanodonty (betweenthe t 1 and t 4 and between the t 3 and t 6 ),moderately reduced M 3 (about 56% of M 2 length)and stronger connection between the cusps, this144

species is distinct from all other species of thegenus and is included in the “booduga group”. Isuggest that M. dulamensis n. sp. is comparativelymore derived than M. auctor, M. flynni, M.jacobsi and Mus sp. and it may have given riseto M. booduga or M. dunni. It is further suggestedthat presently living M. booduga and M.dunni are more specialized than Mus dulamensisn. sp.2008040480加 勒 比 僧 海 豹 的 绝 灭 速 率 、 历 史 种 群 结 构 和生 态 控 制 = Extinction rate, historical populationstructure and ecological role of the Caribbeanmonk seal. ( 英 文 ). McClenachan L; CooperA B. Proceedings of the Royal Society B:Biological Sciences, 2008, 275(1641): 1351-1358The productivity and biomass of pristine coralreef ecosystems is poorly understood, particularlyin the Caribbean where communities havebeen impacted by overfishing and multiple otherstressors over centuries. Using historical data onthe spatial distribution and abundance of the extinctCaribbean monk seal (Monachus tropicalis),this study reconstructs the population size, structureand ecological role of this once commonpredator within coral reef communities, and providesevidence that historical reefs supportedbiomasses of fishes and invertebrates up to sixtimes greater than those found on typical modernCaribbean reefs. An estimated 233000–338000monk seals were distributed among 13 coloniesacross the Caribbean. The biomass of reef fishesand invertebrates required to support historicalseal populations was 732–1018gm −2 of reefs,which exceeds that found on any Caribbean reeftoday and is comparable with those measured inremote Pacific reefs. Quantitative estimates ofhistorically dense monk seal colonies and theirconsumption rates on pristine reefs provide concretedata on the magnitude of decline in animalbiomass on Caribbean coral reefs. Realistic reconstructionof these past ecosystems is criticalto understanding the profound and long-lastingeffect of human hunting on the functioning ofcoral reef ecosystems.2008040481啮 齿 目 和 古 遗 传 学 : 新 前 景 = Rodents andpalaeogenetics: New perspectives. ( 英 文 ). TougardC; Renvoiséa E. Comptes RendusPalevol, 2008, 7(2/3): 125-134Rodents are the most diversified mammalianorder (484 extant genera including 2277 species),and they have a worldwide distribution. Palaeontological,morphological and molecular datahave greatly helped to resolve their systematicsand evolutionary history. However, some discrepanciesremain between palaeontologists andmolecular biologists. New techniques in molecularbiology, and especially in palaeogenetics,allow us to have direct access to the hereditarymaterial of extinct organisms, and they cancompensate for some morphological limits. Unfortunately,few studies are dealing with rodentpalaeogenetics, despite the amount of museumand fossil material available. Here, we reviewthe major research activities in rodent palaeogenetics(phylogeny, genetic diversity, migration),and we present the promising research perspectivesin this field (phylochronology, palaeoparasitology).2008040482巴 布 新 几 内 亚 高 地 diprotodon 化 石 时 代 可 能是 早 期 的 = A possible early age for a diprotodon(Marsupialia: Diprotodontidae) fossil fromthe Papua New Guinea highlands. ( 英 文 ). MenziesJ; Davies H L; Dunlap W J; Golding SD.Alcheringa, 2008, 32(2): 129 - 147A fossil diprotodon jawbone coated and impregnatedwith a well-cemented fine breccia ortuff was recovered from weakly consolidatedPleistocene lacustrine sediments near Yonki inthe Papua New Guinea highlands. The fine brecciaincludes angular rock and mineral fragmentsderived from country rock, accretionary lapilliand clay minerals. It does not include any identifiableprimary volcanic material. The presenceof accretionary lapilli and lack of volcanic clastssuggests an origin by phreatic eruption—an explosiveeruption driven by the violent escape ofgas. Minerals in the fine breccia have an age of13.2 ± 0.2 Ma, middle Miocene, as indicated by40 Ar/ 39 Ar analysis. This is the age of the countryrock that was blasted by the phreatic eruption.Igneous activity in the Yonki area is thought tohave ceased at 7.4 Ma (younger age limit ofElandora Porphyry; late Miocene), and so it islikely, but not certain, that the phreatic eruptionoccurred not later than 7.4 Ma. The jawbone, asfar as can be told from its poor condition, is dentallysimilar to the late Pliocene and possiblyPleistocene 'Kolopsis' watutense recovered fromother sites in New Guinea. Probably, the jawbone,or the living marsupial, was buried in thefine breccia at the time of the phreatic eruption,and its remains were subsequently reworked byriver erosion and redeposited in the lacustrinesediments. Recrystallization and loss of primarytexture in some of the bone may be a result ofheating at the time of, or preceding, the eruption.2008040483意 大 利 托 斯 卡 纳 地 区 上 新 统 下 部 地 层 新 的 海牛 类 = New sirenian record from Lower Pliocenesediments of Tuscany (Italy). ( 英 文 ). Sorbi145

S; Vaiani S C. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologiae stratigrafia, 2007, 113(2): 299-304A left humerus of a sirenian found in the upperpart of a marine succession from Camiglianois described. Foraminiferal assemblages revealthat this humerus belongs to a specimenlivingduring the early Zanclean (Globorotalia margaritaeZone) in a shallow marine environment andthat was probably subjected to postmortemtransporto to a shelf environment under stormwave action. This new Tscan record can be ascribed,for size and stratigraphic position, toMetaxytherium cf. subapenninum.The dimensionalcomparison of this humerus with those ofits supposed ancesto M. serresii confirms theremarkable increase in body size of M. subapenninumcompared with the former M. serresii.2008040484乍 得 中 新 世 - 上 新 世 长 鼻 类 新 材 料 及 其 对Primilephas 属 的 修 订 = New Mio-Plioceneproboscidean remains from Chad: the genusPrimilephas revisited. ( 法 文 ). Mackaye H T;Coppens Y; Vignaud P; Lihoreau F; Brune M.Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008, 7(4): 227-236The genus Primelephas Maglio 1970 gatherstwo primitive species of Elephantinae, onlyknown through dental remains. A large sampleof new fossils, discovered by the MPFT fieldmissions in northern Chad Mio-Pliocene localitiesand attributed to this genus, allowed questioningthe validity of one of the species. Anintrageneric morphological variability analysisled us to consider this species as a synonym.Therefore, Primelephas should be conserved as amonospecific genus, P. korotorensis being itstype and sole species. The provincialism previouslydescribed for Primelephas is rejected infavour of a large African distribution ofP. korotorensis.2008040485西 班 牙 穆 尔 西 亚 奎 瓦 维 多 利 亚 下 更 新 统 兔 形类 一 新 种 Oryctolagus giberti = Oryctolagusgiberti n. sp. (Lagomorpha, Mammalia) from theLower Pleistocene of Cueva Victoria (Murcia,Spain). ( 法 文 ). De Marfà R. Comptes RendusPalevol, 2008, 7(5): 305-313A new species of leporid (Lagomorpha,Mammalia) is described based on the materialfrom the Lower Pleistocene of Cueva Victoria(Murcia, Spain). This species, named Oryctolagusgiberti n. sp., presents several intermediatecharacters between the first known representativeof the genus, O. laynensis, from the MiddlePliocene of Spain, and the modern Europeanrabbit (O. cuniculus), specially at the level of thepalate, the mandible, the third lower premolar,the ulna, the coxal and the femur. In this respect,Oryctolagus giberti n. sp. is a firm candidate tooccupy the vacant phylogenetic place betweenthese two species. It also questions the results ofmolecular studies that date the divergence ofgroups A and B of Oryctolagus cuniculus atabout 2 Myr ago.2008040486非 洲 中 部 乍 得 晚 中 新 世 一 新 的 兔 形 类 = Anew lagomorph from the Late Miocene of Chad(central Africa). ( 英 文 ). Lopez-Martinez N;Likius A; Mackaye H T; Vignaud P; Brunet M.Revista Espanola de paleontologia, 2007, 22(1):1-20A new species of the genus Serengetilagus,here named S. tchadensis n. sp., is describedfrom Toros Menalla deposits, Late Miocene ofDjurab Erg. It shows primitive features, such asa simple archaeolagine-type p3, with only twomain external folds, and upper cheek teehstrongly widened with wear. Its size and skeletalfeatures resemble S. praecapensis from the MiddlePliocene of Laetoli (Tanzania).They differ inseveral cranial and dental features (choanaewidth, zygoma, orbits, basicranial-basifacial angle,lack of hypoflexus in P2, short and asymmetrichypoflexus in P3-M2, lck of lingual foldsin p3, etc.)2008040487阿 根 廷 Pampean 西 部 地 区 更 新 世 哺 乳 动 物 =Pleistocene mammals of the western Pampeanregion, Argentina. ( 其 他 ). Zurita A E; GaspariniG M; Soibelzon E; Alcaraz A; Mino-Boilini A R.Revista Espanola de paleontologia, 2007, 22(1):77-87In this contribution we reportan association ofPleistocene mammals comes from the westernarea of the Pampean region. This association,composed basically by taxa adapted to the coldan arid environment present in the later Pleistocene,is compatible with a glacial moment. Froma biostratigraphic point of view, it is important toremark the presence of the Equidae Equus(Amerhippus) neogeus and the GlyptodontidaeNeosclerocalyptus pskoensis, both taxa limitedto the Lujanian Stage. finally, and from a taxonomicpoint of view, this association of Pleistocenemammals is similar to that developed in theeastern area of the pampean region, studied fromthe middle of the XIX century.古 人 类 学古 人 类 学2008040488蒙 古 东 北 部 早 期 Homo sapiens 头 盖 骨 的 发 现= Discovery of an archaic Homo sapiens skullcapin Northeast Mongolia. ( 英 文 ). Coppens Y;146

Tseveendorj D; Demeter F; Turbat T; Giscard PH. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008, 7(1): 51-60This preliminary study of a human skullcapdiscovered at Salkhit, Northeast Mongolia, in2006, shows a mosaic of traits. Plesiomorphiescan be seen on the frontal bone: developed browridges and a keeled squama. Apomorphies canbe observed: high and back-located parietal eminencesand absence of a sagittal keel. The skullcapseems to share also some features with Neanderthalsthat can be observed on the lower partof the frontal bone and in the nasal and orbitalregion such as a supratoral sulcus, a prominentglabella, prominent rounded lateral supraorbitalmargins, and a well-defined inward nasion. Thecomparison of the dimensions of the skullcapwith those of skullcaps of a reference sample bymultidimensional scaling analysis shows similaritieswith Neanderthals, Chinese Homo erectus,and West/Far East archaic Homo sapiens.However, the too fragmentary condition of thefossil does not allow any further comparison.Nevertheless, this discovery tackles the modernhuman origins debate in a region of the worldwhere no human fossil had been discovered before.2008040489格 鲁 吉 亚 Dmanisi 人 类 的 死 亡 可 能 是 火 山 的碰 撞 = Probable volcanic impact on the death ofthe Dmanisi Hominids. ( 法 文 ). de Lumley M-A;Bardintzeff J-M; Bienvenu P; Bilcot J-B.Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008, 7(1): 61-79The human remains unearthed at the LowerPleistocene site of Dmanisi (Georgia), are numerous,well preserved and show no evidence oftransportation or predation. They were discoveredover a small surface and correspond to atleast five Homo georgicus individuals, whoseage at death is regularly distributed from theteenager to the elder over 40 years old. Thesecharacteristics evoke a family group who diedsuddenly. Granulometry and chemical analysesof ca. 30 volcanic tephra samples prove its unicityand its primary position. Since this tephracannot correspond to a nuée ardente, it is probablethat the Dmanisi Hominids were surprisedand asphyxiated, 1 810 000 years ago, by volcanicashfalls2008040490印 尼 弗 洛 勒 斯 发 现 的 小 型 似 人 类 化 石 是 地 方性 的 痴 呆 病 患 者 吗 ? = Are the small humanlikefossils found on Flores human endemic cretins?.( 英 文 ). Obendorf P J; Oxnard C E; KeffordB J. Proceedings of the Royal Society B:Biological Sciences, 2008, 275(1640): 1287-1296Fossils from Liang Bua (LB) on Flores, Indonesia,including a nearly complete skeleton (LB1)dated to 18kyr BP, were assigned to a new species,Homo floresiensis. We hypothesize thatthese individuals are myxoedematous endemic(ME) cretins, part of an inland population of(mostly unaffected) Homo sapiens. ME cretinsare born without a functioning thyroid; theircongenital hypothyroidism leads to severedwarfism and reduced brain size, but less severemental retardation and motor disability than neurologicalendemic cretins. We show that the fossilsdisplay many signs of congenital hypothyroidism,including enlarged pituitary fossa, andthat distinctive primitive features of LB1 such asthe double rooted lower premolar and the primitivewrist morphology are consistent with thehypothesis. We find that the null hypothesis (thatLB1 is not a cretin) is rejected by the pituitaryfossa size of LB1, and by multivariate analysesof cranial measures. We show that critical environmentalfactors were potentially present onFlores, how remains of cretins but not of unaffectedindividuals could be preserved in caves,and that extant oral traditions may provide a recordof cretinism.2008040491通 过 共 生 的 太 平 洋 鼠 确 定 史 前 后 期 波 利 尼 西亚 人 向 新 西 兰 岛 的 扩 散 年 代 = Dating the lateprehistoric dispersal of Polynesians to New Zealandusing the commensal Pacific rat. ( 英 文 ).Wilmshurst J M; Anderson A J; Higham T F G;Worthy T H. proceedings of the National Academyof Sciences, 2008, 105(22): 7676-7680 3 图版 .The pristine island ecosystems of East Polynesiawere among the last places on Earth settledby prehistoric people, and their colonizationtriggered a devastating transformation. Overhuntingcontributed to widespread faunal extinctionsand the decline of marine megafauna, firesdestroyed lowland forests, and the introductionof the omnivorous Pacific rat (Rattus exulans)led to a new wave of predation on the biota. EastPolynesian islands preserve exceptionally detailedrecords of the initial prehistoric impacts onhighly vulnerable ecosystems, but nearly all suchstudies are clouded by persistent controversiesover the timing of initial human colonization,which has resulted in proposed settlement chronologiesvarying from ≈200 B.C. to 1000 A.D.or younger. Such differences underpin radicallydivergent interpretations of human dispersalfrom West Polynesia and of ecological and socialtransformation in East Polynesia and ultimatelyobfuscate the timing and patterns of thisprocess. Using New Zealand as an example, weprovide a reliable approach for accurately datinginitial human colonization on Pacific islands by147

adiocarbon dating the arrival of the Pacific rat.Radiocarbon dates on distinctive rat-gnawedseeds and rat bones show that the Pacific rat wasintroduced to both main islands of New Zealand≈1280 A.D., a millennium later than previouslyassumed. This matches with the earliest-datedarchaeological sites, human-induced faunal extinctions,and deforestation, implying there wasno long period of invisibility in either the archaeologicalor palaeoecological records.历 史 地 质 学 、 地 层 学综 论2008040492加 拿 大 不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 中 部 石 炭 纪 至 侏 罗 纪Cache Creek 地 体 生 物 地 层 和 生 物 地 理 控 制 =Biostratigraphic and biogeographic constraintson the Carboniferous to Jurassic Cache CreekTerrane in central British Columbia. ( 英 文 ). OrchardM J; Cordey F; Rui Lin; Bamber E W;Mamet B; Struik L C; Sano H; Taylor H J. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(4):551-578Conodonts, radiolarians, foraminiferids, andcorals provide constraints on the geology andtectonics of the Nechako region. They also supportthe notion that the Cache Creek Terrane isallochthonous with respect to the North Americancraton. The 177 conodont collections, assignedto 20 faunas, range in age from Bashkirian(Late Carboniferous) to Norian (Late Triassic);70 radiolarian collections representing 12zones range from Gzhelian (Late Carboniferous)to Toarcian (Early Jurassic); 335 collections assignedto 11 fusulinacean assemblages (withassociated foram-algal associations) range fromBashkirian to Wordian (Middle Permian); andtwo coral faunas are of Bashkirian and Wordianage. The fossils document a long but sporadichistory of sedimentary events within the CacheCreek Complex that included two major carbonatebuildups in the Late Carboniferous (Popelimestone) and Middle Permian (Copley limestone),punctuated by intervening Early Permiandeepening; basaltic eruptions during the midCarboniferous and mid Permian; the onset ofoceanic chert sedimentation close to the Carboniferous–Permianboundary and its persistencethrough the Late Triassic (Sowchea succession);latest Permian and Early Triassic mixed clasticsand volcanics (Kloch Lake succession); Middleand Late Triassic reworking of carbonates(Whitefish limestone), including cavity fill inolder limestones (Necoslie breccia), and finegrainedclastic sedimentation extending into theEarly Jurassic (Tezzeron succession). Tethyan,eastern Pacific, and (or) low-latitude biogeographicattributes of the faunas are noted inthe Gzhelian (fusulines), Artinskian (conodonts,fusulines), Wordian (fusulines, corals, conodonts),and Ladinian (conodonts, radiolarians).The Cache Creek Terrane lay far to the west ofthe North American continent during these times.2008040493化 学 地 层 的 定 量 方 法 = A quantitative procedurefor chemostratigraphy. ( 英 文 ). Reyment RA. Stratigraphy, 2004, 1(1): 103-104A method for condensing a sequence of geochemicaldeterminations into a set of vectorlengthsfor plotting is proposed. Data from theeastern Chinese non-marine Upper Cretaceousare used for exemplifying the procedure. Theeffect of reducing the dimensionality by deletingminor elements is illustrated.2008040494超 越 GSSP: 年 代 地 层 学 的 新 进 展 前 言 =Beyond the GSSP: New developments inchronostratigraphy Preface. ( 英 文 ). McGowranB. Stratigraphy, 2007, 4(2/3): 81-82,2008040495年 代 地 层 学 史 = A history of chronostratigraphy.( 英 文 ). Vai G B. Stratigraphy, 2007, 4(2/3):83-97Chronostratigraphy has a “prehistory” beginningwith Leonardo’s and Steno’s twofold relativegeologic time division. It developed furtherwith Marsili’s (1728), Lehmann’s (1756), Arduino’s(1759-60) and Werner’s (1787) threefold,fourfold, and fivefold divisions respectively.Meanwhile, the initial steps were being taken inunderstanding Earth’s chronometry. Geologicalmapping exponentially increased the number oflithostratigraphic and chronostratigraphic unitsand forced the need for a common language andpractice by international agreement. That objectivebecame feasible with the establishment ofthe International Geological Congress (IGC),and the bipolar or dual classification ofchronostratigraphic and chronologic units wasformally established during the 2nd IGC in Bolognain 1881. Chronostratigraphic classificationhas displayed a remarkable nomenclatural stability,notwithstanding continuously changing criteriaof use, correlation, improvement, and redefinitionof the standard chronostratigraphic units.The development of chronostratigraphy was byscientific research and the necessary stabilitywas through the IGC, as it appears from this reviewof the main chronostratigraphic resolutionsand recommendations adopted by the IGC sessionsfrom Bologna in 1881 to Sydney in 1976.An hierarchical classification and an historicalapproach underpin the evolution of chronostratigraphicclassification. Five stages of evolutionare outlined. Their succession illustrates chang-148

ing paradigms, ongoing improvement by newtools of correlation, and the stability of namesdefined and used in a permanent common language.This flexibility should guide future developmentsin chronostratigraphy.2008040496年 代 地 层 学 术 语 : 建 立 在 原 则 之 上 =Chronostratigraphic terminology: Building onprinciples. ( 英 文 ). Aubry M-P. Stratigraphy,2007, 4(2/3): 117-125Relative time in earth history is linked togeometrical relationships —below means older,and above means younger—and is rooted in thethree fundamental principles of horizontality,lateral continuity and superposition enunciatedby Steno (1669). This relationship between spatialgeometry and time is the reason for dualterminology in chronostratigraphy, with rockunits(Lower/Upper) determining time-units(Early/Late). Abandoning the former wouldsever chronostratigraphy from its roots, and leadto semantic confusion. Lower and Upper specifyposition, and apply only to the observed sedimentaryrecord. Early and Late specify interpretedtime, and denote not only relative age (i.e.,time of deposition) but also time of subsequentdiagenesis or alteration. Although each conceptclosely implies the other, they are not the samelogically. Dual terminology should be retained.2008040497金 钉 子 之 后 的 年 代 地 层 学 = Chronostratigraphybeyond the GSSP. ( 英 文 ). Aubry M-P.Stratigraphy, 2007, 4(2/3):The introduction of the GSSP concept hasbeen successful to the extent that it has fostereda considerable amount of stratigraphicstudies. Ithas also led to a re-thinking of stratigraphicprinciples and practices. Chronostratigraphy aspracticed today attempts to reconcile two oppositephilosophical principles, the rock-timemodel of Hedberg and the time-rock model ofHarland. I argue here that the time-rock modeldoes not serve chronostratigraphy well and that areturn to Hedbergian principles is necessary toensure the correct application of chronostratigraphicprinciples. As the definition of GSSPsfor the Phanerozoic record is nearing completion,new complementary steps should be undertakento strengthen the GSSP concept. One concernsthe elaboration of frameworks of correlationso that GSSP sections would not stand isolated.The designation of reference sections at highlatitude or in terrestrial records would validatethis effort. Another concerns the re-introductionof unit stratotypes, for the benefit of the AstronomicalTime Scale, and to broaden the use ofchronohorizons for worldwide correlations.Bothundertakings will foster continued scientific discussionand openness in the stratigraphic communit2008040498层 时 关 系 的 比 例 尺 依 存 性 : 对 地 层 分 类 的 意义 = The scale-dependence of strata-time relations:implicationsfor stratigraphic classification.( 英 文 ). Zalasiewicz J; Smith A; Hounslow M;Williams M; Gale A et al. Stratigraphy, 2007,4(2/3): 139-144The establishment of chronostratigraphic unitssuch as geological Systems and Series dependsupon an ability to equate succession in rockstrata with the passage of time, and upon a pervasiveLaw of Superposition. These assumptionshold true at a gross scale. But, at fine scales ofstratigraphic resolution, they commonly breakdown. Thus, bioturbation in Phanerozoic marinedeposits typically homogenizes sedimentarypackages spanning millennia, affecting biostratigraphic,isotopic and paleomagnetic signals, andpost-burial mass transport phenomena such aslarge-scale sedimentary slumps and intra-strataldiapirs locally disrupt superpositional relationshipson a larger scale. Furthermore: the multistagetransport of microfossils prior to final burialcomplicates the relationship between depositionaland biostratigraphic ages; paleomagneticsignals, imposed at shallow burial depths, maybe distinct from depositional ages; and high precisionzircon U-Pb dates from tuff layers determinetime of crystallization in the magma, ratherthan depositional age. In such circumstances,depositional units cannot be unambiguouslyequated with time units: because they includemultiple temporal components, they cannot besubdivided precisely into time-rock units. Bycontrast, the different phenomena which havecontributed to constructing sedimentary deposits,pre-, syn- and post-depositional, may be effectivelyaccommodated within a unitary geologicaltime framework2008040499俄 罗 斯 新 的 地 层 标 准 和 地 层 分 类 的 一 些 问 题= The new Russian Stratigraphic Code and someproblems of stratigraphic classification. ( 英 文 ).Gladenkov Y B. Stratigraphy, 2007, 4(2/3): 169-172A new version of Stratigraphic Code of Russiawas published in 2006. The suggested approachto the stratigraphic classification somewhat differsfrom that of the International StratigraphicGuide. Stratigraphic categories consist of primary(chronostratigraphic) and auxiliary (accordingto method applied). Primary units maybe of global (stages and others), regional (regionalstages, provincial zones), and local (suites)scale. The chronozone is considered to be a partof the stage and belongs to primary units. Debat-149

able problems, particularly different opinions ona role of lithostratigraphy and on the GSSP conceptare discussed.2008040500地 层 学 : 通 往 地 质 历 史 和 生 物 历 史 的 途 径 =Stratigraphy: gateway to geohistory and biohistory.( 英 文 ). McGowran B; Li Qianyu. Stratigraphy,2007, 4(2/3): 173-185Concerned with the ordination, correlationand age determination of the rock record and theevents entombed therein, stratigraphy is the centraldiscipline in geohistory and biohistory. Weconsider (from our Cenozoic perch) changes instratigraphy since the gestation of the InternationalStratigraphic Guide—changes in responseto the “revolutions” of plate tectonics, bolidetheory, sequence stratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy,and a cultural shift away from Lyelliangradualism. We discuss certain strictly stratigraphicmatters in terms of the “Hedberg triad”of lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy andchronostratigraphy, which triad has had its dayas the core structure of the Guide. Sequencestratigraphy challenges both the lithostratigraphicformation and the notion of pervasivediachrony. Biostratigraphy flourishes in both itsoppelzone and phylozone modes and is integratedincreasingly with geomagnetic (the Cenozoicspine) and radiometric evidence in a sequence-andcyclostratigraphic context.Chronostratigraphic classification is hierarchicalbut rigid nesting is questioned.2008040501进 入 21 世 纪 的 地 层 学 = Stratigraphy into the21st century. ( 英 文 ). Carter R M. Stratigraphy,2007, 4(2/3): 187-19319th and 20th century stratigraphy often concerneditself primarily with classification andnomenclature, during what can be termed theheroic and codex ages of stratigraphy. In contrast,21st century stratigraphy will fall withinthe post-modern age. In possession of agreedclassification schemes, future stratigraphers willconcentrate on (i) the reconstruction of earthenvironments and processes (including evolution)through time, (ii) the eficient location and recoveryof useful earth resources, and (iii) the studyof those geological hazards that can be understoodwithin a stratigraphic context. The firstobjective - reconstructing environments throughtime - requires the use of a conceptual frameworksimilar to the one that we term the geologicaltime scale (GTS). The 21st century GTS willbe based on GSSP designations at the base of allgeological Periods and, ultimately, Ages, i.e. itwill comprise an internationally agreed chronologichierarchy. Recognition of local chronologicschemes (as distinct from biostratigraphiesbased on Oppelzones) will thereafterserve no useful purpose and local “Ages” willbecome redundant. Globally, recognition of aseparate but completely parallel chronostratigraphicclassification will also serve no usefulpurpose, and this hierarchy too will be abandoned.Correlation of events into the GTS willbe undertaken using a wide variety of methods,including numeric dating, fossil occurrence,physical and chemical properties, tephrochronologyand astrochronologic retrodictions. Biostratigraphy,though remaining a vital tool, especiallyfor Phanerozoic strata, will carry no necessarycorrelation primacy. Meeting the secondand third objectives - locating and recoveringearth resources, and studying hazards - requiresfirst and foremost the creation of detailed geologicalmaps and stratigraphic columns. Thelithostratigraphic hierarchy of Bed-Member-Formation- Group-Supergroup is an efficient andmostly objective classification whereby usefulmaps and columns are created. Because geologicalmapping is concerned with local stratigraphicdetail and complexity, it cannot, like chronology,be organized within a global nomenclature. Overdifferent large areas, different major, genetically-relatedpackages of sediments correspondto the formation, filling and sometimes destructionof sedimentary basins - as driven by regionaltectonic events, and as influenced by regionalclimatic and oceanographic histories. Atthe supra-Group or supra-Supergroup level, majorsediment assemblages of this type are separatedby regional unconformities, as recognizedby the creation of a category of UnconformityboundedUnits (UBU) in the 1994 2nd edition ofthe International Stratigraphic Guide. Whetheror not UBU are continued with as a formal unitof classification, the strong need will persist forthe type of regional, unconformity-boundedunits that have successively been termed Sequenceand Synthem, for use as the highest levelwithin the lithostratigraphic hierarchy.2008040502定 量 生 物 地 层 在 年 代 地 层 和 年 代 表 构 建 中 的应 用 = Applications of quantitative biostratigraphyin chronostratigraphy and time scale construction.( 英 文 ). Pálfy J. Stratigraphy, 2007,4(2/3): 195-199Quantitative biostratigraphy finds useful applicationsin chronostratigraphy and time scalecalibration. Fixing the Global Stratotype Sectionand Point (GSSP) is made more objective if correlationpotential of alternative boundary levelsis compared using the Unitary Association (UA)method. The base of the Ladinian (Middle Triassic)GSSP is a case in which not the regionallymost easily correlatable ammonoid datum wasselected. Radio-isotopic dates are often obtained150

outside the province where the primary standardbiozonation is established, introducing a correlationuncertainty into time scale calibration. Inthe Early Jurassic, an uncertainty of approximatelyone standard ammonoid substage is demonstratedusing the UA method, if using a NorthAmerican U-Pb date requires correlation withthe northwest European zonation. The resolutionof the time scale was significantly improved forthe Ordovician and Silurian by employing constrainedoptimization to construct a global sequenceof graptolite bioevents. Interpolation betweenthe available U-Pb dates is possible byscaling using the assumption of near-constantsedimentation rate in pelagic facies. Future usesof quantitative biostratigraphymay include exploitationof large paleontologic databases(e.g.the Paleobiology Database) and contributionto the generation of dynamic, interactive geologictime scales.2008040503原 乌 氏 观 点 到 新 乌 氏 观 点 :“ 层 叠 地 层 学 ” 的复 兴 = Eo-Ulrichian to Neo-Ulrichianviews:The renaissance of “layer-cake stratigraphy”.( 英 文 ). Brett C E; McLaughlin P I; BairdG C. Stratigraphy, 2007, 4(2/3): 201-215Classical notions of “layer-cake stratigraphy”have been denigrated as representing an antiquated“Neptunian” view of the geologic recordwith the American paleontologist-stratigrapherE.O. Ulrich vilified as its quintessential advocate.Some of the extreme“layer-cake” interpretationsof E.O. Ulrich are demonstrably incorrect, especiallywhere applied in marginal marine and terrestrialsettings. However, close scrutiny of Ulrich’swork suggests that the bulk was correctand demonstrated considerable insight for thetime. Subsequent development of facies conceptsrevolutionized geologists’ view of timespacerelationships in stratigraphy, but ratherthan focusing on facies patterns within the establishedstratigraphic (layer-cake) frameworksmany geologists in North America came to viewstrata as parts of diachronous facies mosaics.Recent advances in the development of eventand sequence stratigraphic paradigms are beginningto swing the pendulum back the other way.Possible causes of “layer-cake” patterns are numerousand varied, including: (1) parallelism ofdepositional strike and outcrop belts, especiallyin foreland basins, (2) very widespread environmentalbelts developed in low-relief cratonicareas, (3) time-averaging homogenizes facies toa limited extent, resulting in a very subtle signatureof lateral change, (4) condensed beds(hardgrounds, bone beds, ironstones, etc.) oftenform in responses to extrabasinal forces, thusthey cross-cut facies, and (5) large events (i.e.hurricanes, floods, tsunamis, eruptions, etc.) are“over represented” in the rock record. A revised(“Neo-Ulrichian”) layer-cake paradigm carriesmany of the original correct empirical observationsof pattern, noted by Ulrich, recast in termsof event and sequence stratigraphy.2008040504旋 回 地 层 学 和 天 文 年 代 表 = Cyclostratigraphyand the Astronomical Time Scale. ( 英 文 ). HinnovL A; Ogg J G. Stratigraphy, 2007, 4(2/3):239-251An important innovation in the InternationalGeologic Time Scale 2004 is the use of astronomicallyforced stratigraphy, or cyclostratigraphy,to define geologic time over 0 to 23.03 Ma,much of it at an unprecedented resolution of 0.02myr. In addition,‘floating’ astronomical timescales with 0.10 to 0.40 myr resolution are definedfor entire epochs and stages in the Paleogeneand all three Mesozoic periods. Some ofthese calibrations use a new astronomical modelwith an hypothesized high accuracy over 0-250Ma. These accomplishments have motivated theInternational Commission on Stratigraphy tocomplete a continuous Astronomical Time Scale(‘ATS’) for the past 250 Ma, and to initiate acoordinated prospecting for astronomical-likesignals in Paleozoic cyclostratigraphy. Astronomicallycalibrated geologic time with a 0.02 to0.40 myr resolution is a major breakthrough forthe geosciences. Chronostratigraphy betweenwidely spaced horizons dated with highprecisionradioisotope geochronology sufferstotal loss in precision and accuracy; a continuousATS between horizons can restore this hard-wonprecision and accuracy. Consequently, estimatesof rates and magnitudes for a wide range ofEarth system processes that can be examinedonly in the context of Earth history, e.g., paleoclimatology,geochronology, geodynamics,structural geology, geochemical cycles and bioticevolution, will be improved up to an orderof magnitude over what is possible today.2008040505过 去 的 将 来 : 数 字 时 代 的 地 质 年 代 = The futureof the past: Geological time in the digitalage. ( 英 文 ). Van Couvering J A; Ogg J G.Stratigraphy, 2007, 4(2/3): 253-257The advances in information handling that aremade possible by digitization force us to considerwhether the existing procedures for updatingand using the standard Geological TimeScale, based on printed books, may be obsolete.Not only does print publishing require expensiveinvestment, but the publication process imposeslimits on participation and distribution, as wellas setting a deadline on improvement. In addition,digitization means that the way we use theinformation is no longer limited to what can be151

done with glyphs on paper. In this report weconsider some aspects of the inevitable migrationof the Geological Time Scale (GTS) intodigitized formats. On one hand we envisage theorganization and design of a dynamically interactive,community-based consensus GTS on theinternet, in open public access for worldwide use.On the other hand, the complete dataset from thelast published time scale, the “GTS2004” (Gradstein,Oggand Smith 2004a) is already availablein digital form, and has been used to generatecustom visualizations in TimeScale Creator, amachine resident application. The migration ofthe GTS2004 dataset to the internet, as the basisfor a communityconsensus GTS, would greatlyfacilitate the improvement of the dataset throughuser interaction. It would also transformthe GeologicalTime Scale from a shelf reference, or acomputer program, to an integrated worldwideresource in geoscience research, education, andpublic programming.古 地 理 学 、 古 气 候 学2008040506自 3.0 Ga 以 来 冰 期 和 超 级 大 陆 的 循 环 : 冰 川作 用 的 构 造 边 界 条 件 = Glacio-epochs and thesupercontinent cycle after 3.0 Ga: Tectonicboundary conditions for glaciation. ( 英 文 ). EylesN. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology,2008, 258(1-2): 89-129Tectonic influences on long-term climatechange are of considerable current interest anddebate. This paper reviews the relationship betweenmulti-million year periods of glaciation(glacio-epochs) over the last 3 Ga of Earth historyand phases of supercontinent breakup andassembly. A preferred but not exclusive relationshipis evident between glacio-epochs and theirmostly glacially influenced marine record, withrifting. The earliest known glaciation (mid Archean2.9 Ga) is recorded in the marine MozaanGroup of South Africa deposited along the passivemargin of the Kapvaal Craton then part ofthe early continent Ur. The Paleoproterozoicglacio-epoch, exemplified by the Huronian Supergroupof Ontario, Canada ( 2.4 Ga) and stratain northern Europe and the U.S., is associatedwith rifting of Kenorland. A long Paleo-Mesoproterozoic non-glacial interval (c. 2.3 Gato 750 Ma?) coincides with continental collisionsand high standing Himalayan-scale orogenicbelts marking the suturing of supercontinentsNena-Columbia and Rodinia. A near absenceof glacial deposits other than at 1.8 Ga,may reflect lack of preservation. The extensiveand prolonged Neoproterozoic glacio-epoch recordseither diachronous glaciations or discretepulses of cooling between 750 and 580 Ma, andis overwhelmingly recorded by substantialthicknesses (1 km+) of glacially influenced marinestrata stored in rift basins. These formed onthe mid to low latitude (< 30°) oceanic marginsof western (Panthalassa: Australia, China,Western North America) and eastern (Iapetus:Northwest Europe) margins of a disintegratingRodinia. The youngest glacially influenced depositsformed about 580 Ma along the compressionalCadomian Belt exterior to Rodinia(Gaskiers Formation) possibly correlative withthe classic passive margin Marinoan deposits ofSouth Australia.A short-lived (1 to 15 Ma?) Early Paleozoicice sheet about 440 Ma grew over highlands onthe polar North Africa margin of Gondwana possiblylikely triggered by uplift at high paleolatitudesas large terranes (e.g., Meguma, Avalonia)rifted away from North Africa. Incised valleys,coarse glacial fills and thick (1 km +) ‘postglacial’shales suggest a continuing tectonic influence.Devonian cooling across the Frasnian-Famennian boundary (c. 376 Ma) is recorded bylocal ice covers in Brazil and Bolivia and islinked to elevated topography and enhanced erosionof continental crust. The Late Paleozoicglacio-epoch ( 350 and 250 Ma) coincides with ahigh paleolatitude positioning of Gondwana andthe growth of high standing topography whenGondwana collided with Laurasia to createPangea. Breakup after 180 Ma moved landmassesinto higher northerly latitudes and wasthe backdrop to global cooling of the Cenozoicglacio-epoch that commenced after the Paleocene–EoceneThermal Maximum (< 55 Ma).Earliest Antarctic ice at 40 Ma most likely nucleatedon the high shoulders of the TransantarcticRift coeval with opening of Drake Passage,and coincides with the earliest ice rafting in theArctic Basin at 43 Ma, followed by anotherpulse at 34 Ma. Accelerated glacierization inboth hemispheres occurred at 14 Ma during themiddle Miocene Transition but Milankovitchforcedcontinental-scale ice sheets did not nucleatein the northern hemisphere until after 3.5 Maon uplifted borderlands along North Atlanticpassive margins.A preferred association of the deposits of Proterozoicand Phanerozoic glacio-epochs with riftbasins reflects either a causal link between riftrelateduplift and regional cooling, or simplyenhanced preservation of glacial sediments. Glacialdeposits are poorly preserved in areas ofcompressional tectonics.前 古 生 界2008040507俄 罗 斯 西 伯 利 亚 地 台 文 德 期 Vanavara 组 的沉 积 环 境 = Sedimentation settings of the VendianVanavara Formation, the Siberian platform.152

( 英 文 ). Kochnev B B. Stratigraphy and GeologicalCorrelation, 2008, 16(1): 20-30A model of sedimentation settings is elaboratedfor siliciclastic deposits of the VendianVanavara Formation, the Katanga saddle, innerareas of the Siberian platform. Four lithologiccomplexes are distinguished in the formation.The lower complex is composed of proluvialcontinental deposits exemplifying a dejectioncone of ephemeral streams. Its eroded surface isoverlain by second complex largely representedby sandstones of coastal zone, which grade upwardinto siltstones and shales of deeper sedimentationsettings (third complex). Sea transgressionadvanced in northeastern direction. Thefourth complex resting with scouring on the thirdone was deposited in settings of a spacious shallow-watersea zone: in a tidal flat, sand shoalsand islands. Sedimentological data are used tocorrelate more precisely the Vendian siliciclasticdeposits of the Katanga saddle and northeasternNepa-Botuoba anteclise, and to verify subdivisionof the Vanavara Formation into subformationsand character of its boundary with theoverlying Oskoba Formation.2008040508前 寒 武 纪 有 机 世 界 演 化 中 的 主 要 阶 段 :1. 太古 代 和 早 元 古 代 = Principal stages in evolutionof Precambrian organic world: Communication 1.Archean and Early Proterozoic. ( 英 文 ). SergeevV N; Semikhatov M A; Fedonkin M A; Veis A F;Vorob’eva N G. Stratigraphy and GeologicalCorrelation, 2007, 15(2): 141-160Expounded in this work are the results ofcritical consideration of published and originaldata on biologic nature and appearance chronologyof different groups of Archean and LowerProterozoic (3.5–1.65 Ga) paleontological remainsknown from geological record. Conclusionsare substantiated by morphological analysisof structurally preserved microfossils, theirfacies distribution, and by inferable genesis andprincipal evolutionary trends of Archean stromatolites.A special attention is paid to variations oforganic and carbonate carbon isotope compositionin sedimentary successions with paleontologicalremains and to recent informationabout discovered, most ancient biomarkers oflarge groups of organic world. As a result of thisapproach, a detailed model of Precambrian organicworld evolution is suggested.2008040509俄 罗 斯 安 纳 巴 尔 地 区 北 部 Billyakh 群 新 的 里菲 期 微 生 物 群 : 西 伯 利 亚 地 台 里 菲 期 生 物 地层 = New Riphean microbiotas of the BillyakhGroup, the north Anabar region (Fomich Riverbasin): To Riphean biostratigraphy of the Siberianplatform. ( 英 文 ). Sergeev V N; Vorob’evaN G; Petrov P Yu. Stratigraphy and GeologicalCorrelation, 2007, 15(1): 1-11Excellently preserved organic-walled andsilicified microfossils are first found in theLower Riphean Ust-Il’ya and Kotuikan formationsof the Billyakh Group in the northern slopeof the Anabar Uplift (the Fomich River basin).Similar assemblages were previously knownonly from sections located southward in the KotuikanRiver basin, and taxonomic compositionof organic-walled microbiotas from the Ust-Il’yaand Kotuikan formations became a corner stonein competitive microphytological models that arebased on different approaches. In their compositionand general appearance, microbiotas fromthe Kotuikan and Ust-Il’ya formations in theFomich River basin are similar to microbiotasreported from the Kotuikan River basin, althoughnorthern sections of the above formationscharacterize deeper sedimentation settings thanin localities known before. The Ust-Il’ya andKotuikan assemblages of organic-walled microfossilsinclude sphaeromorphic Chuaria circularisand Leiosphaeridia, two-layer vesicles thegenus Simia, filamentous Plicatidium and Taenitrichoides,and some others. The silicified microbiotafrom the lower Kotuikan Subformationis largely composed of akinetes of Anabaenalikecyanobacteria Archaeoellipsoides, sphericalMyxococcoides grandis, and short trichomesFiliconstrictosus and Orculiphycus representinginitial germination stages of Anabaena-likecyanobacterial spores. Acanthomorphic acritarchsknown from lithology-similar Lower andMiddle Riphean (Mesoproterozoic) formationsof Australia and China have not been observedin the Ust-Il’ya and Kotuikan microbiotas, whichare probably of older age. The found microbiotasoutline substantially wider distribution area oforganic-walled and silicified microfossils, supplementmicrophytological characteristics ofRiphean sediments in the Anabar Uplift, provideinformation on taxonomic composition of microbiotasfrom a wider spectrum of facies, andspecify relationships between Early and MiddleRiphean assemblages of microorganisms fromdifferent continents.2008040510乌 拉 圭 埃 迪 卡 拉 纪 : 古 气 候 和 古 生 物 意 义 =Ediacaran in Uruguay: palaeoclimatic and palaeobiologicalimplications. ( 英 文 ). Pecoits E;Gingras M; Aubet N; Konhauser K. Sedimentology,2008, 55(3): 689-719The Ediacaran to lowermost Cambrian successionsof south-eastern Uruguay preserve anunusual and significant record of deposits generatedduring the Gondwana assembly (ca 590 to535 Ma). This study presents a review of data153

obtained through extensive field-based mappingcoupled with detailed sedimentology and stratigraphyof key formations. The geological unitswithin the study area consist of the MaldonadoGroup (Playa Hermosa, Las Ventanas and SanCarlos formations), the Arroyo del SoldadoGroup (Yerbal, Polanco Limestones, BarrigaNegra and Cerro Espuelitas formations) and theArroyo de la Pedrera Group (Piedras de Afilarand Cerro Victoria formations). The MaldonadoGroup is characterized by a glacially influencedvolcanogenic-sedimentary sequence with icerafteddebris and dropstones in the Playa Hermosaand Las Ventanas formations. The Arroyodel Soldado Group is a mixed siliciclasticcarbonatesuccession, mainly represented by anintercalation of basal pink dolostones, bandedsiltstones, rhythmites of dolostone-limestone,iron formations, cherts and conglomerates. Carbonatesin the Polanco Limestones Formationare characterized by a negative δ 13 C excursionup to −3·26‰ PeeDeeBelemnite. The Arroyo dela Pedrera Group consists of quartz arenites andstromatolitic/oolitic dolostones. Preliminary dataindicate that the Precambrian–Cambrian couldbe contained within or at the base of this group.The entire succession is almost 6000 m thick,and contains a rich fossil assemblage composedof organic-walled microfossils and small shellyfauna, including the index fossil Cloudina riemkeae.The stratigraphic and chemostratigraphicfeatures are suggestive of a Gaskier age (ca580 Ma) for the basal glacial-related units. Inthis scenario, the results show the importance oflithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic andchemostratigraphic data of these Ediacaran unitsin the global correlation of terminal Proterozoicsedimentary rocks.2008040511华 南 贵 州 东 部 埃 迪 卡 拉 纪 至 寒 武 纪 过 渡 期 有机 碳 同 位 素 变 化 及 其 古 环 境 和 地 层 意 义 =Organic Carbon Isotopic Evolution during theEdiacaran-Cambrian Transition Interval in EasternGuizhou,South China: Paleoenvironmentaland Stratigraphic Implications. ( 英 文 ). YangXinglian; Zhu Maoyan; Guo Qingjun; ZhaoYuanlong. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007, 81(2):194-203Secular variations of carbon isotopic compositionof organic carbon can be used in the studyof global environmental variation, the carboncycle, stratigraphic delimitation, and biologicalevolution, etc. Organic carbon isotopic analysisof the Nangao and Zhalagou sections in easternGuizhou reveals a negative excursion near thePrecambrian-Cambrian boundary that correlateswith a distinct carbonate carbon isotopic negativeexcursion at this boundary globally.2008040512前 寒 武 纪 非 叠 层 石 碳 酸 盐 岩 序 列 沉 积 特 征 及其 指 示 意 义 —— 以 北 京 延 庆 千 沟 剖 面 中 元 古代 高 于 庄 组 为 例 = Sedimentary Features andImplications for the Precambrian NonstromatoliticCarbonate Succession:A CaseStudy of the Mesoproterozoic GaoyuzhuangFormation at the Qiangou Section in YanqingCounty of Beijing. ( 英 文 ). Mei Mingxiang. ActaGeologica Sinica, 2008, 82(2): 295-309In the long Precambrian period, stromatoliticcarbonate successions were very common. However,the non-stromatolitic carbonate successionthat is marked by subtidal deposits shows asharp contrast to the stromatolitic carbonate succession.Both the non-stromatolitic and the stromatoliticcarbonate successions are importantclues for the further understanding of the evolvingcarbonate world of the Precambrian. TheMesoproterozoic Gaoyuzhuang Formation at theQiangou section in northwestern suburb of Beijingis a set of more than 1000 m-thick carbonatestrata that can be divided into four members (orsubformation), in which a non-stromatolitic carbonatesuccession marked by the scarcity ofstromatolites makes up the third member of theformation.古 生 界2008040513关 于 下 寒 武 统 的 阶 划 分 问 题 = To the problemof stage subdivision of the Lower Cambrian. ( 英文 ). Rozanov A YU; Khomentovsky V V.Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 2008,16(1): 1-19It was a serious mistake when subdivisionstratotypes had been disposed of in practice ofconstructing the General stratigraphic scale, becausethey cannot be substituted by the boundarystratotypes. A subdivision stratotype and respectiveGSSP are complementary parts characterizingany stratigraphic unit. The best candidatesfor stage stratotypes of the Lower Cambrian arecertainly sections of the Lena-Aldan region inthe Siberian platform, which have been studiedin detail during many years, are well exposed,and contain abundant and diverse fossils, beinginsignificantly disturbed by tectonic dislocations.Nomenclature, stage and boundary stratotypes ofthe Siberian standard can be successfully usedtherefore for stratigraphic subdivision of theLower Cambrian.2008040514俄 罗 斯 西 伯 利 亚 地 台 东 南 周 边 中 、 上 泥 盆 统= The Middle and Upper Devonian in southeasternflank of the Siberian platform (SouthernVerkhoyansk Region, Sette-Daban Mountain154

Range). ( 英 文 ). Baranov V V. Stratigraphy andGeological Correlation, 2007, 15(5): 470-484Data on Middle and Upper Devonian depositsstudied in southeastern flank of the Siberian platformare considered. A scheme of stratigraphiczoning in the study region is presented. Nineteensedimentological and biotic events, which arerecorded in the studied sections, are of the regional,interregional and global ranks. Theirconnection with eustatic sea-level fluctuations isestablished. Sections of the formation and regionalhorizon stratotypes and parastratotypesare described. The revision of species Mucrospirifernovosibiricus (Toll) is carried out.2008040515东 北 亚 鄂 霍 次 克 北 部 地 区 二 叠 纪 生 物 地 层 =Permian biostratigraphy of the northern Okhotskregion (Northeast Asia). ( 英 文 ). Biakov A S.Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 2007,15(2): 161-184Fossil biota and detailed biostratigraphy ofthe Permian northeastern Okhotsk and Ayan-Yuryakh sedimentary basins located in thenorthern Okhotsk region are characterized. Thebiota core is represented by bivalves associatedwith gastropods, brachiopods, and other faunalgroups. It is shown that a new regional stratigraphicscale of northeastern Russia based onbrachiopods and bivalves may be used for subdivisionof Permian sections in these basins.Fossil assemblages have many features in commonwith their counterparts from the Verkhoyanskregion; at the same time, there are endemicspecies and the big group of species characteristicof the Omolon basin. The upper part of theKhivach regional horizon is subdivided into subzonesbased on the evolutionary lineages of theMaitaia and Intomodesma genera. Changes inthe taxonomic composition of coeval communitiesin different basins are shown to be largelycontrolled by the basin depths and facies environments.Impoverished fauna of the Ayan-Yuryakh basin was less diverse in taxonomicaspect, represented almost entirely by bivalves(mostly Inoceramus-like) accompanied by raregastropods. The discovered taxa are figured inmajority, and table of their stratigraphic distributionis presented.2008040516从 美 国 亚 利 桑 那 州 - 新 墨 西 哥 州 Earp 组 和 相当 地 层 的 上 古 生 代 粉 砂 岩 的 古 气 候 推 断 =Palaeoclimatic inferences from upper Palaeozoicsiltstone of the Earp Formation and equivalents,Arizona-New Mexico (USA). ( 英 文 ). Gerilyn S;Soreghan G S; Moses A M; Soreghan M J; HamiltonM A; Fanning C M; Link P K. Sedimentology,2007, 54(3): 701-719The Late Palaeozoic configuration of Pangaeacontributed to a palaeoclimatic extreme that wascharacterized by both icehouse and monsoonalconditions. This study uses sedimentological,geochemical, and provenance data from siltyfacies of the Earp and equivalent Supai Formations(Arizona, New Mexico) to shed light onatmospheric circulation and glacial–interglacialclimate change in westernmost equatorial Pangaea.Five silt-rich facies comprise both loessiteand marine and fluvially reworked loessite. Aninitial aeolian origin for the silt is indicated bythe remarkably invariant grain size and the laterallycontinuous, sheet-like geometry of beds.The silt-rich facies occur in repetitive facies associations(1–20 m scale) that form mixed continental-marine(loess, marine-reworked loess),shallow-marine, and continental (loess, palaeosol)‘sequences’. Facies repetitions of bothmixed continental-marine and shallow-marinesequences reflect a linked glacioeustatic–glacioclimatic control, whereas the continental(loess–palaeosol) couplets reflect a primary glacial–interglacialclimatic cyclicity linked to glacioeustasy.Stratigraphic interpretations suggestthat aeolian silt flux maximized during glacial toincipient interglacial stages (lowstand to earlytransgression), and decreased significantly orceased during interglacials (highstand to earlyfalling stage). Detrital-zircon geochronologicaldata indicate a transition from dominantly northeasterlywinds during the Middle Pennsylvanianto north-westerly and south-easterly winds bythe Early Permian, which trend is inferred toreflect the onset of monsoonal circulation inwestern Pangaea. Relative grain-size data supportthe detrital-zircon data, and exhibit a significantdecrease from the Sedona arch/CentralArizona shelf (north) to the Pedregosa basin(south) sections. Whole-rock geochemical datasuggest a relatively unweathered source for thesilt in the north, and detrital-zircon data indicatesignificant silt was derived from the local basement.These large piles of silt(stone) preservevaluable information for reconstructing bothlong-term evolution in atmospheric circulationand short-term fluctuations in glacial–interglacial climate. Many such indicators forlong have been applied to ‘recent’ (Plio-Pleistocene) loess, but are equally applicable to‘deep-time’ strata.2008040517加 拿 大 纽 芬 兰 西 部 中 奥 陶 世 Cape Cormorant组 上 部 几 丁 虫 、 牙 形 类 和 笔 石 综 合 生 物 地 层= Integrated chitinozoan, conodont, and graptolitebiostratigraphy from the upper part of theCape Cormorant Formation (Middle Ordovician),western Newfoundland. ( 英 文 ). Albani R; Bag-155

noli G; Maletz J; Stouge S. Canadian Journal ofEarth Sciences, 2001, 38(3): 387-409The Cape Cormorant Formation of the TableHead Group exposed on the Port au Port Peninsula,western Newfoundland, is composed ofdark-brown to black shales with interbeds of thincalcareous silty and sandy distal turbidites. Distinctivecarbonate conglomerates and brecciasderived from the foundering shelf are occasionallyfound in the formation. The sediments accumulatedin the foreland basin formed duringthe early stage of the Taconic orogeny. The faunasfrom the upper part of the Cape CormorantFormation include graptolites, conodonts, andchitinozoans. The graptolites are well preserved,but are of low diversity and are referred to theDarriwil Pterograptus elegans Zone. Conodontsrecorded from the distal turbidites are rare andfragmented. The faunas include taxa that areknown from the St. George and Table Headgroups. The conodont fauna is tentatively assignedto the Histiodella kristinae Phylozoneand to the younger, unzoned interval. Thechitinozoans are well preserved and the yield ishigh. The fauna is assigned to the Cyathochitinajenkinsi Zone and to an undefined interval. Theabundance and diversity of the chitinozoan assemblagesdisplay a cyclic pattern, which is relatedto changes of the oceanic watermass in theforeland basin. The new chitinozoan species Belonechitinanevillensis n. sp., Belonechitina uniformipunctatan. sp., and Cyathochitina cormoranin. sp. are described.2008040518Quebrada de Moya 地 区 寒 武 系 - 奥 陶 系 CasaColorada 组 对 阿 根 廷 胡 胡 伊 东 科 迪 耶 拉 经 典地 区 的 年 代 地 层 的 贡 献 = The Casa ColoradaFormation at the Quebrada de Moya (Cambrian-Ordovician): contributions to the chronostratigraphyof a classical locality in the CordilleraOriental of Jujuy (Argentina. ( 法 文 ). Vergel MD; Acenolaza G F. Ameghiniana, 2007, 44(3):621-630The Casa Colorada Formation is representedby a thick siliciclastic sequence that crops out inthe mid-sector of the Quebrada de Humahuaca,Jujuy Province. Trilobites, conodonts, brachiopods,echinoderms, trace fossils and palynomorphsare recorded in the strata and allowed,with some minor differences, to a generalchronostratigraphic understanding of the Cambrian-Ordoviciantransition in the region. TheCasa Colorada Formation was formally definedin the 1960's on the basis of an informal nominationdone in the 1950's. During the last years, anincreasing amount of publications in the arealeaded to the creation, use and missuse of stratigraphicnominations, generating some inconsitenciesin the literature. This contribution proposesa new stratigraphycal frame for the abovementioned situation, and presents palynologicaldata for the Casa Colorada Formation that cropsout at Quebrada de Moya in Chucalezna. EarlyOrdovician acritarchs include Buedingiisphaeridiumtremadocum Rasul, Cymatiogaleacristata (Downie) Rauscher, C. membranispinaDeunff, Dasydiacrodium tremadocum(Gorka) Tongiorgi in Bagnoli et al.,Polygonium symbolum Rasul, Saharidia downieCombaz, Solisphaeredium akrochordum (Rasul)Moczydlowska y Stockfors, S. lucidum (Deunff)Turner, and Vulcanisphaera britannica Rasul,among the most important forms recorded in theupper levels of the unit, and represents the earliestTremadocian association in the South AmericanCentral Andean Basin.2008040519中 国 奥 陶 纪 地 层 和 古 生 物 最 新 进 展 = Aspectsof recent advances in the Ordovician stratigraphyand palaeontology of China. ( 英 文 ). ZhanRenbin; Jin Jisuo. , 2008, 17(1): 1-11The continuous and richly fossiliferous Ordoviciansuccession of China (particularly SouthChina) comprises a heterogeneous suite of lithoandbio-facies, which has been a main focus ofstratigraphical and palaeontological research inrecent years. Among the seven GSSPs establishedin China, three are within the OrdovicianSystem, and the GSSP of the Darriwilian Stageat Huangnitang, Changshan County, westernZhejiang Province, was the first “golden spike”in China and the first for the Ordovician System.A series of case studies have revealed that: (1)the Ordovician radiation of some fossil groupson the Upper Yangtze Platform (e.g., brachiopodsand graptolites) reached their first -diversity acme in the Didymograptellus eobifidusBiozone, four zones earlier than the globaltrend; (2) the β-diversity peak was attained 3–4zones later than the -diversity peak; (3) manybrachiopod communities or faunas first occurredin the central part of the Upper Yangtze Platformand subsequently expanded to both more offshoreand near-shore facies; (4) diachroneityexisted in many aspects of the radiation. Theend-Ordovician mass extinction was a severeevent in South China. Two pulses of the extinctionare recognized for a number of major fossilgroups, some being most strongly affected duringthe first pulse whereas the others sufferedduring the second pulse. Macroevolution duringthe Ordovician–Silurian transition has been investigatedin detail, and the role of the Lazaruseffect has been found to be less important thanpreviously believed.2008040520156

寒 武 纪 两 侧 对 称 动 物 的 辐 射 : 演 化 起 源 与 古生 物 的 出 现 ; 地 球 历 史 改 变 与 生 物 因 素 = TheCambrian radiation of bilaterians: Evolutionaryorigins and palaeontological emergence; earthhistory change and biotic factors. ( 英 文 ). LiebermanB S. Palaeogeography PalaeoclimatologyPalaeoecology, 2008, 258(3): 180-188Evidence from a variety of research areas, includingphylogenetic palaeobiogeographic studiesof trilobites, indicates that there may be afuse to the Cambrian radiation, with a durationon the order of 20–70 myr. Evolution in trilobitesappears to have been powerfully influencedby the tectonic changes occurring at the end ofthe Neoproterozoic: especially the breakup ofPannotia. This continental fragmentation mayhave also elevated opportunities for vicarianceand speciation in trilobites, and other metazoans,given that speciation rates at this time periodwere high, though not phenomenally so. Thisprovides clear evidence that abiotic factorsplayed an important role in motivating evolutionduring this key episode in the history of life;biotic factors probably also played a role. Theevidence for the role of biotic factors is consideredin light of information from some problematicCambrian taxa. These may show affinitieswith modern problematic pseudocoelomatephyla, although Cambrian and modern exponentsdiffer dramatically in body size.2008040521漫 游 迹 (Planolites) 在 寒 武 纪 底 质 剧 变 中 的重 要 性 = The importance of Planolites in theCambrian substrate revolution. ( 英 文 ). MarencoK N; Bottjer D J. Palaeogeography PalaeoclimatologyPalaeoecology, 2008, 258(3): 189-199Early Cambrian subtidal shelf substrates werecharacterized by low water content and steepchemical gradients, conditions likely facilitatedby the presence of microbial mats as reflected byan abundance of microbially-mediated sedimentarystructures in Lower Cambrian strata. Suchsubstrate conditions would have been unfavourablefor burrowing by benthic metazoans. Acombination of environmental restrictions and alack of adaptations to vertical burrowing likelyprevented most benthic metazoans from burrowinginfaunally in Early Cambrian subtidal shelfsubstrates. The eventual acquisition of burrowingadaptations by benthic metazoans later in theCambrian promoted an increase in the depth andintensity of bioturbation and initiated a transitiontoward well-hydrated substrates in which extensiveinfaunal activity was possible.Siliciclastic units of the Lower Cambrian successionin the White–Inyo Mountains, easternCalifornia, contain abundant horizontal bioturbationon bedding planes, as documented by beddingplane bioturbation indices, but little verticalbioturbation, as shown by ichnofabric indicesand x-radiography. Planolites, a simple horizontaltrace fossil, represents the dominant type ofbioturbation in these units. Planolites is found ina range of diameters, indicating that more thanone species of tracemaker likely produced thistype of trace. Although these Planolites do nothave a vertical component, their abundance onbedding planes indicates that the activities ofPlanolites tracemakers had a significant impacton subtidal shelf substrates, represented byLower Cambrian units in the White–Inyo Mountains,early in the Cambrian substrate revolution.2008040522加 拿 大 安 大 略 Hungry Hollow 中 泥 盆 世 艾 菲尔 - 吉 维 特 阶 界 线 Kačák-otomari 事 件 稳 定 同位 素 记 录 = Stable isotope record of theEifelian-Givetian boundary Kačák-otomariEvent (Middle Devonian) from Hungry Hollow,Ontario, Canada. ( 英 文 ). Gröcke D R; vanHengstum P J. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences,2008, 45(3): 353-366The Kačák Event in the Middle Devonian(Eifelian-Givetian (E-G) boundary) is a periodof apparent global anoxia coincident with widespreaddeposition of black shale in hemipelagic,pelagic, and some neritic facies. Conodont biostratigraphyin the North American AppalachianBasin has proven to be problematic in preciselydemarcating the E-G boundary. In this study, weshow that the E-G boundary may be definedmore accurately through isotope stratigraphy(δ 13 C) in conjunction with a conodont faunalchange across this boundary, identified as theKačák-otomari Event. The Canadian HamiltonGroup outcropping in Hungry Hollow, Ontario,is a 22m sedimentary succession spanning theMiddle Devonian. Conodont biostratigraphy forthis section makes it difficult to define the E-Gboundary, but the otomari Event can be detected.High-resolution isotopic analysis of bulk sedimentarycarbonate and organic matter for thissuccession records a significant negative δ 13 Cexcursion (δ 13 C carb = up to 2‰; δ 13 C org = ~3.0‰)that is synchronous with total organic carbon(TOC) values up to 12.5%. We identify thisnegative δ 13 C excursion as a result of marineanoxia associated with the Kačák-otomari Eventand suggest that the excursion is a global eventdriven by a source of isotopically light carbon,followed by a productivity event, similar toMesozoic oceanic anoxic events. Such similaritiesbetween Devonian and Mesozoic oceanicanoxic events may become more evident withincreased high-resolution isotopic and geochemicalinvestigations of Devonian successions.2008040523157

法 国 蒙 塔 格 尼 努 尔 中 纬 度 混 合 地 台 寒 武 纪 - 奥陶 纪 过 渡 期 的 碳 化 学 地 层 = Carbonchemostratigraphy of the Cambrian-Ordoviciantransition in a midlatitude mixed platform, MontagneNoire, France. ( 英 文 ). Álvaro J J; BauluzB; Subías I; Pierre C; Vizcaïno D. GeologicalSociety of America Bulletin, 2008, 120(7-8):962-975The Cambrian Drumian Carbon Isotope Excursion(DICE) and the Steptoean Positive CarbonIsotope Excursion (SPICE) have been so farreported in subtropical platforms: the DICEevent is a large negative excursion in 13 C carb recordthat nearly coincides with the beginning ofthe Drumian (Cambrian Series 3), whereas theSPICE event is a large positive shift in 13 C carbidentified close to the base of the Paibian (FurongianSeries). The chemostratigraphic excursionshave been recognized in carbonatedominatedplatforms, and their application tomid- and high-latitude, siliciclastic-dominatedplatforms has been problematic. This paper offers,for the first time, a high-resolution stratigraphicanalysis of this time span in a temperatewaterplatform (Montagne Noire, France) thatrecorded episodes of carbonate productivity innearshore environments. Two sections were analyzedin detail: a complete Cambrian Series 3–Tremadocian succession, devoid of carbonateinterbeds and paleogeographically located in thedistal part of the platform (Pardailhan nappe),and a Furongian-Tremadocian succession, whichhas limestone interbeds and represents theproximal part of the platform (Minervois nappe).The lower part of the La Gardie Formation inthe Pardailhan nappe displays background 13 C orgvalues of –22 punctuated by a large negative,middle Languedocian (regional substage) shift,peaking at –24.5. This negative excursion issimilar to the DICE event reported close to thebase of the Drumian, although the latter is exclusivelybased on 13 C carb values. Stable isotopes of13 C carb and 13 C org from both sections also indicatea common chemostratigraphic shift at the onsetof the Furongian. In nearshore deposits of theMinervois nappe, the 13 C carb background valuesfor the interbedded limestone strata of the Vald'Homs Formation gradually increase from –3 to–1 and are punctuated by a sharp increase in13 C carb values to >3.0. By contrast, in basinalshales of the La Gardie Formation in the Pardailhannappe, the 13 C org background values decreasefrom –22 to –27.1. This trend is directly controlledby total organic carbon (TOC) contentsand is interpreted to have been initiated bychanges in the degree of biodegradation of organicmatter, sulfate reduction, and methanogenesisbefore or soon after burial. Despite thisoverprinting and the very low degree of metamorphismreached by the shales, the 13 C org backgroundtrend is also punctuated by a sharp positiveshift in 13 C org values to >4.0, similar to theSPICE event. In addition, the asymmetric shapeof the SPICE excursion in the Montagne Noireshows evidence for the HERB event, a late Furongiannegative carbon isotope excursion notyet accepted as a worldwide chemostratigraphicanomaly.The recognition of both chemostratigraphicshifts in mixed and clayey strata opens new possibilitiesof chemostratigraphic correlation inmid- and high-latitude platforms, where carbonatefactories did not widely develop, and strataonly contain endemic fauna. This implication hasa major consequence because the Global StratotypeSection and Point (GSSP) of the Drumianand Paibian stages occurs near the base of bothexcursions.2008040524石 炭 纪 - 二 叠 纪 奥 斯 陆 裂 谷 经 历 六 个 阶 段 和65My = The permo-Carboniferous Olso Riftthrough six stages and 65 million years. ( 英 文 ).Larsen B T; Olaussen S; Sundvoll B; HeeremansM. Episodes, 2008, 31(1): 52-58The Oslo Rift is the northernmost part of theRotliegendes basin system in Europe. The riftwas formed by lithospheric stretching north ofthe Tornquist fault system and is related tectonicallyand in time to the last phase of the Variscanorogeny. The main graben forming period inthe Oslo Region began in Late Carboniferous,culminating some 20-30 Ma later with extensivevolcanism and rifting, and later with uplift andemplacement of major batholiths. It. ended witha final termination of intrusions in the Early Triassic,some 65 Ma after the tectonic and magmaticonset.We divide the geological development of therift into six stages. Sediments, even with marineincursions occur exclusively during the forerunnerto rifting. The magmatic products in the OsloRift vary in composition and are unevenly distributedthrough the six stages along the lengthof the structure.2008040525西 欧 密 西 西 比 亚 系 岩 石 的 生 物 地 层 分 带 和 对比 : 一 些 晚 维 宪 期 / 谢 尔 普 霍 夫 期 实 例 研 究 =Biostratigraphic zonation and correlation of Mississippianrocks in Western Europe: some casestudies in the late Viséan/Serpukhovian. ( 英 文 ).Somerville I D. Geological Journal, 2008, 43(2-3): 209 - 240In the Mississippian in Western Europe, biostratigraphiczonation and correlation of sequenceshas been refined using a combination offaunal and floral groups. In deep-water basinsand on shelves advances have been made in recognizingevolutionary lineages of conodonts,158

particularly in the early Viséan to Serpukhovian,for example the Gnathodus praebilineatus - G.bilineatus bilineatus - G. bilineatus bollandensislineage, which is closely tied to ammonoid zonesin the Culm facies of Western and CentralEurope, and the Lochriea saharae - L. commutata- L. nodosa - L. ziegleri lineage. Moreover,progress has been made in recognizing the UpperViséan/Serpukhovian boundary, based on thefirst appearance datum (FAD) of Lochrieaziegleri.Greater precision in the dating and correlationof shallow-water platform facies has beenachieved using foraminiferans. Although evolutionarydevelopments in the Archaediscidae arestill of major importance in terms of biostratigraphicdating, alternative lineages have beenproposed recently for the late Asbian/Brigantian(late Viséan) interval, involving the Cribrospira- Bradyina - Parajanischewskina -Janischewskina lineage. These large cribratecomplexed-walled forms are widely recognizedthroughout Western Europe. The base of theViséan has recently been defined in South Chinausing foraminiferans with the FAD ofEoparastaffella simplex in the lineageEoparastaffella ovalis - E. simplex. The samecriterion has been used to define the base of theViséan (base of emended Moliniacian) in Belgium.Recent studies in Britain, Ireland, France,Spain and Poland have demonstrated that in theUpper Viséan many calcareous algal taxa andproblematica are widespread in their distributionthroughout the western Palaeotethys Realm.Moreover, five algal assemblages can be distinguished,based either on the first appearance ofcertain taxa or their acme developments, such asFalsocalcifolium punctatum and Calcifoliumokense. In addition, there have been new discoveriesin the Brigantian and Serpukhovian of algaltaxa and problematica such as Archaeolithophyllum,Paraepimastopora and Claracrusta thatwere regarded previously as being restricted tothe Pennsylvanian-Permian interval.Advances in rugose coral biostratigraphy havealso been made in the upper Tournaisian andUpper Viséan, particularly using dissepimentedtaxa which occur in shallow-water platforms.The presence of uraliniids and Keyserlingophyllumin the upper Tournaisian of Western Europe(Belgium) are also recognized in South Chinaand Siberia. In the Upper Viséan, refinements inzonation have been made using well-definedcolonial and solitary species and species groupsbelonging to the families Lithostrotionidae andAxophyllidae and solitary taxa of the familiesAulophyllidae and Cyathopsidae which are recognizedthroughout the western Palaeotethys.2008040526伊 拉 克 泥 盆 纪 - 石 炭 纪 序 列 的 相 和 沉 积 环 境 =Facies and depositional environments of the Devonian-Carboniferoussuccession of Iraq. ( 英 文 ).Al-Juboury A; Al-Hadidy A. Geological Journal,2008, 43(2-3): 383 - 396Facies associations and depositional environmentsof the Late Devonian-Early Carboniferoussuccession in Iraq have been studied in severalboreholes from north and northwestern Iraq. The>400 m-thick succession comprises the Kaista,Ora, Harur and Raha formations which are composedgenerally of mixed siliciclastic-carbonatefacies. The Kaista Formation consists of sandstonesintercalated with siltstones and calcareousshale that were deposited in a mixed fluvialmarineenvironment. The Ora Formation is composeddominantly of black shale with subordinatesandstone and dolomite deposited in a shallow-marine,sub-tidal shelf environment. TheHarur Formation is composed mainly of dolomitewith subordinate shale and was deposited ina deep sub-tidal environment. The Raha Formationconsists mainly of marine shales intercalatedwith sandstones and concluded theKaskaskia megasequence. The depositional settingis considered as a subsiding basin with awide geographic distribution. It extended fromthe Ora region in the extreme north of Iraq towest and southwestern Iraq and reflects an epicontinentalor epeiric sea setting on a homoclinalramp inclined to the southeast.2008040527摩 洛 哥 南 部 Anti-Atlas 东 北 部 Todrha 峡 谷 密西 西 比 亚 系 地 台 和 盆 地 序 列 = MississippianPlatform and Basin Successions from the TodrhaValley (northeastern Anti-Atlas), southern Morocco.( 英 文 ). Graham J R; Sevastopulo G D.Geological Journal, 2008, 43(2-3): 361 - 382Carboniferous rocks of Mississippian age areexposed in Jebel Asdaf and Jebel Tisdafine,south and north respectively of the faultcontrolledTodrha Valley, between the towns ofTinerhir and Tinejdad in the Anti-Atlas of southernMorocco. The age, as determined by microfossils,and facies of the dominantly siliciclasticsuccessions of the two areas are different. TheJebel Asdaf Formation (245 m exposed; baseand top not seen) is a shallow shelf sequence oflate Tournaisian age. The Jebel Tisdafine Formationis a succession of turbidites (at least 1500 mthick), which rests unconformably on Devonianlimestones and is of late Viséan age. Limestonebeds in each formation have different origins.Skeletal grainstones and packstones in the JebelAsdaf Formation formed when sand supply tothe shelf was episodically reduced. Ooid-richskeletal packstones and grainstones in the JebelTisdafine Formation, characterized also by the159

presence of well-rounded, coarse-sand gradequartz grains, were derived from a contemporarycarbonate platform. Individual beds in the JebelTisdafine Formation are essentially tabular andcan be followed for long distances. Channellingis very rare. The turbidites, which are quartz-rich,were transported from west to east across a basinfloor with low slopes. Jebel Azguine, northwestof Tinejdad, is separated from Jebel Tisdafine bya major shear zone. It is made up of quartz sandstonesthat differ from those of both the JebelAsdaf and Jebel Tisdafine formations in not containingany carbonate or body fossils, in its tracefossil assemblage dominated by vertical burrows,and in the presence of very thick beds. It is tentativelysuggested that the Jebel Azguine sandstonesare older than Carboniferous, to whichthey are assigned on some geological maps. Theconclusions of this research are markedly differentfrom accounts of the geology of the areapublished previously.2008040528俄 罗 斯 乌 拉 尔 南 部 Usolka 剖 面 卡 西 莫 夫 阶 -格 舍 尔 阶 过 渡 期 的 动 物 群 组 合 及 对 比 ( 确 定格 舍 尔 阶 底 部 金 钉 子 的 一 个 有 潜 力 的 候 选 剖面 ) = Faunal assemblage and correlation ofKasimovian-Gzhelian Transition at Usolka Section,Southern Urals, Russia (a potential candidatefor GSSP to define base of Gzhelian Stage).( 英 文 ). Davydov V I; Chernykh V V; SchmitzM; Snyder W S; Chuvashov B I. Stratigraphy,2008, 5(2): 113 - 136The conodont species Streptognathodus simulatorEllison 1941 has been proposed to definethe Kasimovian-Gzhelian boundary of the globalchronostratigraphic scale based in part on itsglobal distribution (Heckel et al. 2005). TraditionallySt. simulator has been used as a markerof the base of the Gzhelian Stage in the type sectionsin Moscow Basin and Urals, but the proposeddefinition places the FAD of St. simulatorabove its traditional lithostratigraphic boundary.This allows the stage boundary to be movedfrom a position where it is corresponds to a sequenceboundary to where it is at or close to amaximum flooding surface. This new boundaryappears within the range of Rauserites rossicus(sensu lato) and therefore affects regional andinterregional fusulinid biostratigraphy and correlation.Also, the proposed boundary appearsabove the FAD of fusulinid genus Rugosofusulina.Fusulinid and conodont biostratigraphywithin the Kasimovian-Gzhelian transition inMoscow, S. Urals and Donets Basin is reviewedand new fusulinid species that allow recognizingnewly defined boundary are described.2008040529伊 朗 西 北 部 上 二 叠 统 及 三 叠 纪 最 下 部 地 层 、相 和 介 形 类 化 石 — 对 P/T 绝 灭 事 件 的 意 义 =Upper Permian and lowermost Triassic stratigraphy,faciesand ostracods in NW Iran -implications for the P/T extinction event. ( 英 文 ).Mette W. Stratigraphy, 2008, 5(2): 205-219,Ostracod faunas from Upper Permian toLower Triassic shelf deposits of NorthwesternIran were investigated with respect to theirstratigraphical range, palaeoecology and extinctionpatterns. Faunal changes caused by sea levelrise are recorded in the lower Dzhulfian, lowerand upper Dorashamian. The global End-Permian mass extinction event is recorded inNW Iran by a complete ostracod faunal turnoverin the uppermost Dorashamian (C. meishanensis– H. praeparvus Zone) and disappearance of thedeep neritic communities. The lithofacies andmicropalaeontological data show that there wasno shelf anoxia in Northwest and Central Iranduring the P/T Boundary (PTB) interval and earliestTriassic. Ostracod extinction patterns inIran indicate that the Late Permian mass extinctionwasnot directly effected by the onset ofshelf anoxia. According to quantitative palaeobiogeographicalresults faunal exchange ofneritic ostracods in the Palaeo- and Neotethyswas very limited during the Late Permian.Occurrencesof closely related species atthe PTB and in the lowermost Triassic of Iran(Sandandaj-Sirjan region), Taurus and SouthChina however, suggest that these regions wereconnectedby shelf migration routes during thistime interval.2008040530美 国 得 克 萨 斯 Wise 县 Canyon 群 下 部 ( 上 宾夕 法 尼 亚 亚 系 密 苏 里 阶 ) 的 历 史 分 析 和 重 新解 释 = Historical analysis and reinterpretation ofthe lower part of the Canyon Group (Missourian,Upper Pennsylvanian), Wise County,Texas: Afine can of worms. ( 英 文 ). Nestell M K; KimballR A. Stratigraphy, 2007, 4(4): 313-328Late Pennsylvanian (Early Missourian) agelimestone strata exposed in several isolated outcropsin the Trinity River Valley in southwestWise County, Texas were last described by Böse(1917), and Scott and Armstrong (1932).Thesestrata can be correlated with the Upper PennsylvanianPalo Pinto and Posideon formations ofLaury (1962) in the lower part of the CanyonGroup in the Brazos River Valley. The two reportswere stratigraphically inconsistent concerningthe seven limestone units of the PaloPinto Formation as named by Scott and Armstrong(1932), and both included many poorlylocated type sections. The Böse (1917) reportincluded no map and many key geographic referenceswere to 1914 ranch names. Wise County160

ecords have helped to pinpoint these locationsand allowed the reconciliation of the Böse (1917)Palo Pinto limestone localities to those of Scottand Armstrong (1932). Examination of exposuresof these strata, and their associated fusulinidand conodont faunas has demonstrated thatthefollowing correlations to the Canyon Groupin the type area in the Brazos River Valley inPalo Pinto County can be made (in descendingorder): (i) a conodont-rich black mudstone (indicatingmaximum transgression and a deep basinenvironment) at the base of the Wolf MountainShale and just above the Wiles Limestone correlatesto a similar interval just abovethe WillowPoint Limestone, well exposed in the areaaround the southwest shore of Lake Bridgeport;(ii) the Willow Point Limestone (= BridgeportLimestone of Böse) correlates to the WilesLimestone (top of the Posideon Formation); (iii)strata in the Martin Lake area just south ofBridgeport correlate to equivalent age conodontrichblack mudstones present in the middle partof the Posideon Formation; (iv) the Martin LakeLimestone is a fusulinid/algal grainstone containinga distinctive nankinellid fusulinacean atall outcrops and indicates very shallow marinedeposition. It correlates with the top part(=Wynn Limestone) of the Palo Pinto Formation;(v) the Hudson Bridge Limestone correlates withthe lower part of the Palo Pinto Formation. Ablack shale interval a few centimeters thickfound in a core taken in an abandoned quarry inthe Palo Pinto Formation in southwestern WiseCounty is correlated to a crinoid - conodont-rich10-25cm unit that marks the base of the PaloPinto Formation on top of the Keechi CreekShale in much of Palo Pinto County.The newcorrelation of the Willow Point Limestone, theuppermost member that Scott and Armstrong(1932) reported asbeing in the Palo Pinto Formation,and its placement into the overlyingPosideon Formation, leaves six limestone membersin the Palo Pinto Formation identifi ed inWise County. Its top and bottom members, theMartin Lake Limestone and theHudson Bridge Limestone, respectively, now arefirmly correlated to the top and bottom, respectively,of the Palo PintoFormation in the typearea.2008040531美 国 得 克 萨 斯 Wise 县 Canyon 群 下 部 ( 上 宾夕 法 尼 亚 亚 系 密 苏 里 阶 ) 的 多 因 素 地 层 和 新的 对 比 标 准 = Multi-factored stratigraphy andnew correlation standards in the lower part of theCanyon Group (Missourian, Upper PennsylvanianWise County, Texas: A can of worms untangled.( 英 文 ). Kimball R A; Nestell M K.Stratigraphy, 2007, 4(4): 329-352,Several Late Pennsylvanian (Early Missourian)age limestone beds exposed in isolated outcropsin the Trinity River Valley in southwestern WiseCounty and named by Böse (1917), and Scottand Armstrong (1932) are assigned tothe Palo Pinto Formation (lower part of the CanyonGroup). Clearly designated type localities ortype sections were not given for some limestonebeds named in these two previous studies. Theselimestone units in southwest Wise County occurin coherent stratigraphic sequences in three keyareas: along Dry Creek, around Martin Lake, andalong Boons Creek. Original type localities havebeen located and suitable reference sections havebeen established for these limestone beds. TheCanyon Group was established for outcrops ofstrata in the Brazos River Valley. Correlation ofstrata between the type area and strata in theTrinity River Valley is based on stratigraphicposition, textural characteristics of the limestone,and similarities in fl ora and fauna, including thepresence of distinctive algae and fusulinaceanspecies of Triticites and Nankinella. Equivalenceof several of the units named by Scott and Armstrong(1932) is established: the Boone CreekLimestone and Hudson Bridge Limestone; theSanders Bridge Limestone and unnamed (Yl4)limestone; and the Martin Lake Limestone andBalsora Limestone. The names fi rst used in theliterature and retained here are the Boone CreekLimestone, Sanders Bridge Limestone, and theMartin Lake Limestone. Two additional limestoneunits present between the Martin LakeLimestone and the Willow Point Limestone areformally designated here as the Bridgeport RoadLimestone and the Kirkman Limestone. The findings of this investigation follow the CanyonGroup nomenclature established by Laury(1962). The two new limestone units, along withthe Bridgeport Coal and the Willow Point Limestone,are placed in the Posideon Formation,with the Willow Point Limestone forming thetop member. In the Posideon Formation, theBridgeport Road Limestone may correlate to oneof the lower limestone units within the Pp1 shaleof Laury (1962) in the type area. The timesynchronousoverlying conodont rich core shalehas been correlated previously to the Pp1 shalein the type area. The Kirkman Limestone is correlatedto the Pp2 limestone, and the WillowPoint Limestone to the Wiles Limestone, bothcorrelations based on the presence of overlyingtime-synchronous core shale in both river valleys.The Sanders Bridge Limestone is correlatedto the middle of the Palo Pinto Formation in thetype area in the Brazos River Valley.中 生 界2008040532161

缅 甸 北 部 Hukawng 峡 谷 琥 珀 产 地 的 地 质 =Geology of an amber locality in the HukawngValley, Northern Myanmar. ( 英 文 ). CruickshankR D; Ko Ko. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2003, 21(5): 441-455Amber (‘Burmite’) from the Hukawng Valleyof Myanmar has been known since at least the1st century AD. It is currently being producedfrom a hill known as Noije Bum, which was firstdocumented as a source of amber in 1836. Severalgeologists visited the locality between 1892and 1930. All of them believed that the hostrocks to the amber are Tertiary (most said Eocene)in age, and this conclusion has beenwidely quoted in the literature. However, recentwork indicates a Cretaceous age. Insect inclusionsin amber are considered to be Turonian–Cenomanian, and a specimen of the ammoniteMortoniceras (of Middle-Upper Albian age) wasdiscovered during the authors' visit. Palynomorphsin samples collected by the authors suggestthat the amber-bearing horizon is UpperAlbian to Lower Cenomanian. The preponderanceof the evidence suggests that both rocksand amber are most probably Upper Albian. Thisdetermination is significant for the study of insectevolution, indicating that the oldest knowndefinitive ants have been identified in this amber[American Museum Novitates 3361 (2002) 72].This site occurs within the Hukawng Basin,which is comprised of folded sedimentary(±volcanic) rocks of Cretaceous and Cenozoicage. The mine exposes a variety of clastic sedimentaryrocks, with thin limestone beds, andabundant carbonaceous material. The sedimentswere deposited in a nearshore marine environment,such as a bay or estuary. Amber is foundin a fine clastic facies, principally as disk shapedclasts, oriented parallel to bedding. A minorityoccurs as runnels (stalactite shaped), with concentriclayering caused by recurring flows ofresin. An Upper Albian age is similar to that ofOrbitolina limestones known from a number oflocations in northern Myanmar. One of these, atNam Sakhaw, 90 km SW of Noije Bum, has alsobeen a source of amber.2008040533关 于 三 叠 纪 底 部 全 球 层 型 剖 面 和 点 位 = Onthe global stratotype section and point of theTriassic base. ( 英 文 ). Sadovnikov G N. Stratigraphyand Geological Correlation, 2008, 16(1):31-46A unique succession of volcanogenic depositswith representative paleontological remainscharacterizing the Permian-Triassic boundaryinterval in the North Siberian platform and Taimyris described. The succession is suitable forselecting a standard for the Triassic base innonmarine deposits. Abundant and diverse fossilsoccurring in the succession evidence thatvolcanism responsible for origin of the plateaubasalt province in Siberia was not a brief epochof paroxysmal eruptions, which eliminated everythingalive. Throughout the formation historyof relevant plateau basalts, the organic world ofthe plateau and around existed and graduallyevolved.2008040534北 极 区 早 侏 罗 世 至 阿 林 阶 古 生 物 地 理 : 微 底栖 生 物 ( 有 孔 虫 和 介 形 类 ) 的 意 义 = TheEarly Jurassic to Aalenian paleobiogeography ofthe Arctic realm: Implication of microbenthos(Foraminifers and Ostracodes). ( 英 文 ).Nikitenko B L. Stratigraphy and GeologicalCorrelation, 2008, 16(1): 59-80Stages in evolution of the Early Jurassic toAalenian foraminifers and ostracodes are establishedbased on the analyzed diversity dynamicsof respective microfauna associations. Evolutionof foraminifers is divided in two, the Hettangianinitialearly Toarcian and the late early Toarcian-Aalenian stages, while the identical first stage inevolution of ostracodes has been followed by thelate early Toarcian-Callovian stage. During theJurassic, periodic migrations of foraminiferaland ostracod genera and species, which wereinterrelated with large transgressions and climaticchanges, took place in the initial late andmid-late Pliensbachian, initial early Toarcian,and the late Toarcian-early Aalenian. Being isolatedto the maximum extent in the second halfof the late Aalenian, the Arctic basin lost connectionswith seas of northwestern Europe. TheEarly Jurassic to Aalenian biogeography of theArctic basin is established based on the results ofcluster analysis (group average link method, Jaccardcoefficient, presence or absence of foraminifersand ostracodes genera) with due accountfor preceding and subsequent formationhistory of microbenthos structure in biochores.The distinguished biochores are ranked asrealms and provinces of foraminifers and ostracodes.As is established, contours of the realmsand provinces populated by different groups ofmicrobenthos did not coincide and changed withtime. Ecotones between the realms (e.g., theNorth Sea province) changed their localitizationto be a part of the Arctic or Boreal Atlanticrealms in different epochs. The Early-MiddleJurassic sedimentary successions of the Arcticbasins reveal several levels of sharp taxonomicchanges in composition of microbenthos underinfluence of the first-order abiotic factors.2008040535西 西 伯 利 亚 北 极 地 区 白 垩 纪 - 古 近 纪 界 线 沉 积的 有 孔 虫 生 物 地 层 学 = Biostratigraphy of theCretaceous-Paleogene boundary deposits in the162

Arctic region of West Siberia (Implications ofForaminifers). ( 英 文 ). Bugrova E M. Stratigraphyand Geological Correlation, 2008, 16(1):81-91Benthic foraminifers from borehole sectionsrecovered by drilling in the Yamal Peninsula,West Siberia, characterize the Ceratobuliminacretacea Beds (the upper Campanian-lowerMaastrichtian) and the Spiroplectammina variabilis-Gaudryinarugosa spinulosa and Spiroplectamminakasanzevi-Bulimina rosenkrantziregional zones of the lower and upper Maastrichtian,respectively. The Danian Stage is missingfrom the sections, which include marine depositsof the Selandian Stage attributed to theCeratolamarckina tuberculata Beds. Foraminiferalassemblages of the beds include the Siberianendemic species associated with Paleocene foraminifersof the Midway-type fauna of subglobaldistribution range. Occurrence of the lattersuggests that warm-water surface currentsfrom the North Atlantic reached southern areasof the Kara Sea.2008040536俄 罗 斯 西 伯 利 亚 北 部 下 白 垩 统 沟 鞭 囊 胞 生 物地 层 学 = Dinocyst biostratigraphy of the LowerCretaceous in North Siberia. ( 英 文 ). PestchevitskayaE B. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation,2007, 15(7): 577-609The described scheme of the Lower Cretaceous(Berriasian-Barremian) stratigraphic subdivisionsis elaborated based on palynologicalstudy of sections in the Khatanga depression,Ust-Yenisei region, Pur-Taz interfluve, andaround the Ob River latitudinal segment, theNorth Siberia. Stratigraphic distribution of microphytoplanktonstudied in detail is used to distinguish10 biostratigraphic units in the rank ofdinocysts zones. Stratigraphic position of thezones is determined with confidence using dataon the Lower Cretaceous reference sections inthe Khatanga depression, which were principalones by constructing the Boreal standard zonation.In majority, boundaries of the dinocystsbeds are of a high correlation potential and canbe regarded as reliable stratigraphic markers, asthey are recognizable not only in Siberia, butalso in northern Europe and America2008040537俄 罗 斯 萨 拉 托 夫 西 北 部 上 白 垩 统 沉 积 , 第 一部 分 :Vishnevoe 剖 面 岩 石 - 和 生 物 地 层 学 分析 = Upper Cretaceous deposits in the northwestof Saratov oblast, Part 1: Litho- and biostratigraphicanalysis of the Vishnevoe section. ( 英文 ). Olfer’ev A G; Beniamovski V N; VishnevskayaV S. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation,2007, 15(7): 610-655The work is dedicated to multidisciplinarystudy of Upper Cretaceous deposits exposed atthe day surface in a ravine near the village ofVishnevoe, the Petrovsk district of Saratovoblast. The exposed section includes deposits ofthe Bannovka, Mozzhevelovyi Ovrag, Mesino-Lapshinovka, Rybushka, Ardym, Lokh formationsand of the Borisoglebsk sequence first distinguishedin the Volga River basin. Age rangesof the formations studied are confirmed or definedmore precisely (the Ardym and Lokh formations)based on fossil faunas of cephalopods,bivalves, radiolarians, planktonic and benthicforaminifers. The middle-upper Coniacian rangeof the Borisoglebsk sequence is substantiated.Distribution of brachiopods, sponges, radiolarians,ostracodes and calcareous nannoplankton inthe section is established. Radiolarian assemblagesare used to distinguish biostratigraphicsubdivisions corresponding in rank to faunalbeds. Based on nannofossil assemblages, zonesand subzones of standard zonations after Perch-Nielsen (1985) and Burnett (1998) are established.Stratigraphic ranges of certain radiolarian,ostracode and calcareous nannoplankton taxa areverified.2008040538俄 罗 斯 中 伏 尔 加 地 区 Prosek 剖 面 巴 通 期 - 卡洛 夫 期 界 线 沉 积 的 地 层 . 第 一 部 分 菊 石 和 内带 生 物 地 层 = Stratigraphy of the Bathonian-Callovian boundary deposits in the Prosek section(Middle Volga Region). Article 1. Ammonitesand infrazonal biostratigraphy. ( 英 文 ). KiselevD N; Rogov M A. Stratigraphy and GeologicalCorrelation, 2007, 15(5): 485-515In European Russia, the most complete successionof Boreal sediments of the terminal Bathonianand lower Callovian is exposed near theProsek Settlement. After its revision, the infrazonaldivision of the upper Bathonian and lowerCallovian and position of the Bathonian-Callovian boundary are difined more carefully.The Calyx Zone and bodylevskyi Biohorizon areestablished in the upper Bathonian. The base ofthe lower Callovian is defined at the first occurrencelevel of Macrocephalites jacquoti. Basedon four successive ammonite assemblages occurringin lower part of the Elatmae Zone, the breve,frearsi, quenstedti, and elatmae biohorizons areidentified. The joint occurrence of Boreal, Subboreal,and Tethyan ammonites in the sectionfacilitate its correlation with the other sections ofthe Panboreal paleobiogeographic superrealm.2008040539东 俄 罗 斯 板 块 中 - 上 侏 罗 统 沉 积 地 层 = Stratigraphyof Middle-Upper Jurassic deposits in theEast Russian plate. ( 英 文 ). Zorina S O. Strati-163

graphy and Geological Correlation, 2007, 15(3):267-276The work is aimed at litho-, bio- and magnetostratigraphicsubdivision of the Middle-UpperJurassic sedimentary succession in the northeastof the Ul’yanovsk-Saratov depression (the EastRussian plate). Problems of regional and interregionalcorrelation of distinguished subdivisionsare considered. As is shown, the ammonite biostratigraphyis most effective method for solvingproblems of chronostratigraphy.2008040540根 据 磁 性 地 层 学 和 生 物 地 层 学 对 北 方 区 - 特 提斯 区 侏 罗 纪 - 白 垩 纪 界 线 之 间 对 比 = Borealtethyancorrelation of the Jurassic-Cretaceousboundary interval by magneto- and biostratigraphy.( 英 文 ). Houša V; Pruner P; Zakharov V A.Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 2007,15(3): 297-309As a result of detail sampling and paleomagneticstudy of the 27-m-thick section of Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary beds in the Nordvik Peninsula(Anabar Bay, Laptev Sea), a succession ofM-zones correlative with chrons M20n-M17r isestablished for the first time in the Boreal deposits.Inside the normal polarity zone correspondingto Chron M20n, a thin interval of reversedpolarity, presumably an equivalent of the KysucaSubzone (M20n.1r), is discovered. The otherthin interval of reversed polarity establishedwithin the next normal polarity zone (M19n) iscorrelated with the Brodno Subzone (M19n.1r).The same succession of normal and reversedpolarity zones has been discovered recently inthe Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary beds of theTethyan sections: in the Bosso Valley (Italy), atthe Brodno (Slovak Republic) and Puerto Escaño(Spain) sites. Correlation of successionsestablished lead us to conclusion, that the Jurassic-Cretaceousboundary corresponds in thePanboreal Superrealm to a level within theCraspedites taimyrensis Zone of the upper VolgianSubstage. Hence, the greatest part of VolgianStage should be included into the JurassicSystem. Biostratigraphic data do not contradictthis conclusion.2008040541俄 罗 斯 伏 尔 加 中 部 地 区 古 新 世 末 期 的 生 物 地层 和 古 环 境 = Terminal paleocene of the Volgamiddle reaches: Biostratigraphy and paleosettings.( 英 文 ). Oreshkina T V; Aleksandrova G N.Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 2007,15(2): 206-230Diatoms and marine palynomorphs from severalsections of the Kamyshin Formation (Sengilei-1,Sengilei-2, Balasheika, Kuz’kino, boreholes38 and 50) are jointly studied for the firsttime in the Volga middle reaches. According toresults, the formation lower part correspondshere to Viborg Zone 4-Viborg Zone 5 (Heilmann-Clausen,1985)/Alisocysta margarita(part)-Apectodinium hyperacanthum (Powell,1992) diatom zones of Northern Europe. Higherlevels of the formation are correlative with Trinacriaventriculosa and Hemiaulus proteus dinocystzones (Strelnikova, 1992). Thus, the Kamyshinsedimentary cycle in the Volga middlereaches corresponds to the interval of NP8 (part)and NP9 zones of the general scale. As is established,different terrigenous to siliceous facies ofthat cycle (sands, diatomites, opokas and clay)are mostly confined to eastern and southeasternareas of the study region. Judging from taxonomiccomposition, assemblages of diatoms andmarine palynomorphs originated in coastal paleosettingswith active hydrodynamics and highproductivity of water mass. Diatom assemblagesfrom different facies are dissimilar. Three phasesof Thanetian transgression are distinguishedbased on quantitative proportions of differentecologic groups (Paralia/Pyxidicula ratio variations).Within transition from the Trinacria ventriculosato Hemiaulus proteus Zone, there arerecorded considerable changes in composition ofdiatom assemblages: the appearance of new generawith considerable morphologic innovations(Podosira, Craspedodiscus, Fenestrella, Moisseevia,Solium, Gyrocylindrus) and compositionalrenewals of genera Pyxidicula, Trinacria,and Hemiaulus. These changes are indicative ofa global biotic crisis in the Paleocene-Eocenetransition related with thermal maximum andnegative C-isotope excursion and extinction ofbenthic fauna groups.2008040542大 型 浅 水 泥 质 缓 坡 的 古 环 境 、 古 地 理 和 自 然地 理 : 西 加 拿 大 陆 前 盆 地 晚 赛 诺 曼 期 - 土 仑 期Kaskapau 组 = Palaeoenvironments, palaeogeography,and physiography of a large, shallow,muddy ramp: Late Cenomanian-TuronianKaskapau Formation, Western Canada forelandbasin. ( 英 文 ). VARBAN B L; PLINT A G.Sedimentology, 2008, 55(1): 201–233The Kaskapau Formation spans Late Cenomanianto Middle Turonian time and was depositedon a low-gradient, shallow, stormdominatedmuddy ramp. Dense well log control,coupled with exposure on both proximal anddistal margins of the basin allows mapping ofsedimentary facies over about 35 000 km 2 . Thestudied portion of the Kaskapau Formation is amudstone-dominated wedge that thins from700 m in the proximal foredeep to 50 m near theforebulge about 300 km distant. Regional floodingsurfaces permit mapping of 28 allomembers,each of which represent an average of ca 125 kyr.164

More than 200 km from shore, calcareous siltyclaystone predominates, whereas 100 to 200 kmoffshore, mudstone and siltstone predominate.From about 30 to 100 km offshore, centimetrebeddedvery fine sandstone and mudstone recordalong-shelf (SSE)-directed storm-generatedgeostrophic flows. Five to thirty kilometres fromshore, decimetre-bedded hummocky crossstratifiedfine sandstone and mudstone recordstrongly oscillatory, wave-dominated flowswhereas some gutter casts indicate shore-oblique,apparently mostly unidirectional geostrophicflows. Nearshore facies are dominated by swaleycross-stratified or intensely bioturbated cleanfine sandstone, interpreted as recording, respectively,areas strongly and weakly affected bydischarge from distributary mouths. Shorefacesandstones grade locally into river-mouth conglomeratesand sandstones, including conglomeratechannel-fills up to 15 m thick. Locally,brackish lagoonal shelly mudstones are presenton the extreme western margin of the basin.There is no evidence for clinoform stratification,which indicates that the Kaskapau sea floorhad extremely low relief, lacked a shelf-slopebreak, and was probably nowhere more than afew tens of metres deep. The absence of clinoformsprobably indicates a long-term balancebetween rates of accommodation and sedimentsupply. Mud is interpreted to have been transported>250 km offshore in a sea-bed nepheloidlayer, repeatedly re-suspended by storms. Finegrainedsediment accumulated up to a ‘mud accommodationenvelope’, perhaps only 20 to40 m deep. Continuous re-working of the seafloor by storms ensured that excess sedimentwas redistributed away from areas that had filledto the ‘accommodation envelope’, being depositedin areas of higher accommodation furtherdown the transport path. The facies distributionsand stratal geometry of the Kaskapau shelfstrongly suggest that sedimentary facies, especiallygrain-size, were related to distance fromshore, not to water depth. As a result, the ‘100 to>300 m’ depth interpreted from calcareous claystonefacies for the more central parts of the InteriorSeaway, might be a significant overestimate.2008040543海 地 富 含 小 球 体 沉 积 的 时 代 、 化 学 地 层 和 生物 地 层 : 多 事 件 K–T 景 象 = Age, chemo- andbiostratigraphy of Haiti spherule-rich deposits: amulti-event K–T scenario. ( 英 文 ). Keller G;Adatte T; Stinnesbeck W; Stüben D; Berner Z.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2001,38(2): 197-227Examination of two new expanded K–T transitionsand reexamination of road outcrops nearBeloc, Haiti, reveals that deposition of the glassspherule-rich deposit (SRD) occurred within theearly Danian Parvularugoglobigerina eugubina(Pla(1)) Zone, followed by an Ir anomaly, and50 cm above it, a second Pd-dominated platinumgroup element (PGE) anomaly. The K–T boundaryis at an erosional unconformity between thebase of the SRD and underlying Maastrichtianlimestone, where an interval representing about100–250 thousand years appears to be missing(juxtaposition of planktic foraminiferal zones(Pla(1)) and Plummerita hantkeninoides (CF1)).It is possible that the spherule layers are reworkedfrom original deposits at or below theK–T boundary. The Ir anomaly is of roughlychondritic-type and compatible with an impactevent, whereas the Pd-dominated PGE anomalyis a more basalt-type and compatible with amagmatic origin. This suggests a multi-eventscenario consistent with one impact followed bya major volcanic event in the Caribbean or elsewhere2008040544美 国 墨 西 哥 湾 北 部 侏 罗 纪 和 白 垩 纪 海 进 和 海退 旋 回 = Jurassic and Cretaceous Transgressive-Regressive(T-R) Cycles, Northern Gulf ofMexico, USA. ( 英 文 ). Mancini E A; Puckett TM. Stratigraphy, 2005, 2(1): 31-48Establishment of a chronostratigraphicframework is fundamental to the correlation ofstrata and for the interpretation ofthe geohistoryof a basin. For the onshore basins in the northernGulfofMexico, an integrated sequence stratigraphicand biostratigraphicapproach has utilityas amethod for establishing such a framework.Eleven transgressive-regressive (T-R) cycles andnumerous biozones are recognized in Jurassicand Cretaceous non-marine, coastal and marineshelf strata of basins of the northern Gulf of-Mexico. The cyclesconsist of a transgressivephase (aggrading and backstepping intervals)and a regressive phase (infilling interval). Cyclerecognitionis based on stratal geometries, thenature of the cycle boundaries, facies stackingpatterns and large-scale shifts in major faciesbelts. Cycles are primarily controlled by thechange inaccommodation space resulting fromstratigraphic base-level changes (eustatic andtectoniceffects) and sediment supply. Utilizingthis integrated approach, 12 regional unconformitiesand 11 surfaces of maximum transgression(regionalmarine flooding surfaces) wereidentified as major events in theMesozoicgeohistory of the northern Gulf ofMexicoregion.The surfaces of maximum transgression havepotential as events for chronocorrelation.2008040545伊 朗 西 北 部 Khoy 杂 岩 构 造 地 层 学 = Tectonostratigraphyof the Khoy Com-165

plex,northwestern Iran. ( 英 文 ). Pessagno E A;Ghazi A M; Kariminia M; Duncan R A; HassanipakA A. Stratigraphy, 2005, 2(1): 49-63Previous studies suggested that only oneophiolite, the “Khoy ophiolite”, existed nearKhoy, northwestern Iran. This thesis is no longertenable.Combined investigations (biostratigraphic,chronostratigraphic, geochonometric,geochronologic, and geochemical) demonstratethat there are at least two and perhaps threeophiolite remnants in the Khoy area:(1) A LateJurassic (early to middle Oxfordian: 156 Ma to159 Ma 40Ar-39Ar on gabbro) remnant;(2) ALate Cretaceous (early Coniacian: Radiolaria)remnant (~N-MORB geochemistry); and, possibly,(3)A Late Cretaceous (latest Campanian)remnant (E-MORB geochemistry).Because it isimpossible to use the term “Khoy ophiolite” inthis report, we refer the ophiolitic rocks in theKhoy area to the “Khoy Complex” (sensu InternationalStratigraphic Guide). The sedimentarycontact between Late Cretaceous (early Coniacian)red manganiferous ribbon chert lackingcalc-alkaline volcanic contributions and overlyingpyroclastics (tuff and tuff breccia) in the farnorthwestern part of the Khoy complex is ofgreat tectonostratigraphic significance. This interfacerepresents a sudden change from pelagicto pyroclastic sedimentation. Field evidence indicatesthat the contact is disconformable and isassociated with a hiatus of unknown magnitude.Red ribbon chert (lacking calcalkaline contributions)in the same area overlies and is interbeddedwith N-MORB pillow basalt; early ConiacianRadiolaria were recovered from interpillowsiliceous mudstone. We postulate that by theearly Coniacian oceanic crust (covered with aveneer of Radiolarian ooze) had moved closeenough to an island arc system to receive calcalkalinepyroclastics.Tectonic mélange in theKhoy Complex represents a subduction complexprobably associated with the island arc notedabove.Micrite (pelagic limestone) knockers inthe tectonic mélange belt contain Early Cretaceous(late Albian: Vraconian) planktonic foraminifera;Late Cretaceous (early Cenomanian)Radiolaria; Late Cretaceous (early Campanian toearly Maastrichtian) planktonic foraminifera;Late Cretaceous (late Maastrichtian) planktonicforaminifera; and early Middle Eocene planktonicforaminifera. The age of the micriteknockers in the tectonic mélange, suggests thatsubduction associated with island arc volcanismcontinued from the Early Cretaceous (latest Albian)to the Early Tertiary (early middle Eocene).2008040546中 国 东 南 部 中 、 新 生 代 盆 地 特 征 与 构 造 演 化= Mesozoic-Cenozoic Basin Features and Evolutionof Southeast China. ( 英 文 ). Shu Liangshu;Zhou Xinmin; Deng Ping; Zhu Wenbin. ActaGeologica Sinica, 2007, 81(4): 573-586The Late Triassic to Paleogene(T_3-E) basinoccupies an area of 143100 km~2,being the sixtharea of the whole of SE China;the total area ofsynchronous granitoid is about 127300 km~2;itprovides a key for understanding the tectonicevolution of South China.From a new 1:1500000geological map of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic basinsof SE China,combined with analysis of geometricaland petrological features,some new insightsof basin tectonics are obtained.Advances includepetrotectonic assemblages, basin classificat...2008040547豫 西 熊 耳 山 - 外 方 山 地 区 中 生 代 花 岗 岩 的 演 化及 构 造 意 义 = Evolution of the Mesozoic Granitesin the Xiong ershan-Waifangshan Region,WesternHenan Province,China,and Its TectonicImplications. ( 英 文 ). Han Yigui; ZhangShihong; Pirajno F; Zhang Yuanhou. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2007, 81(2): 253-265Based on the new data of isotopic ages andgeochemical analyses, three types of Mesozoicgranites have been identified for the Xiong ershan-Waifangshanregion in western HenanProvince: high-Ba-SrⅠ-type granite emplacedin the early stage (~160 Ma),Ⅰ-type granite inthe middle stage (~130 Ma) and anorogenic A-type granite in the late stage (~115 Ma). Geochemicalcharacteristics of the high-Ba-SrⅠtypegranite suggest that it may have been generatedfrom the thickened lower crust by partialmelting with prim...2008040548基 于 箭 石 重 建 的 西 班 牙 中 部 及 北 部 海 水 温 度及 碳 同 位 素 变 化 与 早 侏 罗 世 土 阿 辛 期 大 绝 灭的 关 联 , 及 与 欧 洲 其 它 剖 面 的 对 比 = Seawatertemperature and carbon isotope variationsin Belemnites linked to mass extinction duringthe Toarcian (Early Jurassic) in Central andNorthern Spain. Comparison with other Europeansections. ( 英 文 ). Gómeza J J; Goyb A; CanalesM L. Palaeogeography PalaeoclimatologyPalaeoecology, 2008, 258(1-2): 28-58The Early Toarcian mass extinction marks oneof the critical events in the history of the Earth.Many of these events have been linked to importantclimate changes. Two sections of the Toarcianshowing high-resolution ammonite-basedbiostratigraphy are studied in Central and NorthernSpain. Stable isotope datasets, based on theanalysis of 192 diagenetically screened belemnitecalcite and 41 bulk carbonates, allowed theconstruction of δ 13 C curves and a δ 18 O-basedpalaeotemperature. Comparison of the extinctionpattern with other sections in Europe and northernAfrica shows that the Early Toarcian mass166

extinction boundary occurred at the Tenuicostatum–Serpentinumtransition, and that the organic-richfacies linked to the Oceanic AnoxicEvent and the associated negative δ 13 C excursionare diachronous.From a latest Pliensbachian cooling interval, afirst increment of seawater temperature averagingabout 4.5 °C, started around the Pliensbachian–Toarcianboundary and developed duringthe earliest Toarcian Tenuicostatum Biochron,marking the beginning of the main extinctioninterval. From the Tenuicostatum–Serpentinumtransition up to the Bifrons Biochron, a rise inseawater temperature averaging 5.7 °C to 7.8 °Cwas recorded. This warming interval, whichstarted rapidly and which seems to be synchronousat least in Western Europe, is consideredone of the main factors responsible for mass extinction.For some authors this rapid warmingwas probably due to a massive injection ofgreenhouse gases into the atmosphere, but itdoes not seem to be recorded in belemnite calcite,and the origin of these possible gases islargely debated in the literature.Additional isotope excursions were found in thestudied sections in Spain during the Middle andLate Toarcian. A negative δ 13 C bel excursion hasbeen recorded at the latest Bifrons Biochron.Above this shift, the Illustris–Vitiosa subzonesthermal peak, which represents a 2–3 °C ΔT,could be linked to one of the tectonomagmaticactivity peaks recorded in the Karoo Basin. Arenewal in the ammonite and brachipod faunascoincident with this climatic change has beenrecognized in NW Europe and Western Tethys.An interesting thermal peak has also been detectedin belemnites of the Insigne Subzone. ΔTis in the order of 3 °C, and in both sections thethermal peak is included into a δ 13 C bel negativeexcursion of about − 1.5‰. Relative synchronywith the new age for the Karoo main magmaticactivity (178–180 Ma) indicates that the δ 13 Cnegative anomaly and the warming intervalcould be caused by the release of volcanogenicgreenhouse gases. At this short interval, noteworthychanges in the abundance and diversityof the recorded assemblages in several faunalgroups of NW Europe and Tethys are observed.The uppermost Levesquei Subzone thermal peakhas only been recognized in the deposits of thesection located in Central Spain and coincideswith a positive δ 13 C excursion.2008040549“ 突 尼 斯 山 脊 ” 里 阿 斯 统 - 道 格 统 过 渡 。 新 的 地层 数 据 和 特 提 斯 扩 张 到 上 土 阿 辛 阶 = TheLias–Dogger transition in the ‘Tunisian ridge’.New stratigraphical data and Tethyan distensionup to the Upper Toarcian. ( 法 文 ). Sekatni N;Fauré P; Alouani R; Zargouni F. Comptes RendusPalevol, 2008, 7(4): 185-194In the Jebel Bou Kornine of Hammam Lif(northern Tunisia), the transition between Liasand Dogger is located in a carbonate formationthat is approximately 150 m thick (Kef El OrmaFormation). Based on ammonite faunas, its agecan be determined as Upper Toarcian (AalensisZone) up to Lower Bajocian (Propinquans Zone).Four successive conglomeratic units are recognizedin this formation. The two earlier ones aresituated in the Uppermost Toarcian (AalensisZone, Lugdunensis Subzone), while the later twoare in the Opalinum Zone of the Lower Aalenian(Opalinum and Comptum Subzones). These deposits,which associate carbonate-bearing conglomerateswith laminated/slumped calcarenites,result from a gravitational flow on a palaeoslopeinduced by extensive palaeofaults. They testifyto a tectonic instability during the Upper Toarcian,causing the formation of two distinct palaeostructuralunits: the ‘Tunisian trough’ andthe ‘Tunisian ridge’ carbonated platform, bothbelonging to the Maghrebian passive margin ofthe Tethys. We must insist on the part played, assoon as the Upper Toarcian, by the polyphasedtilted-blocks tectonics on the deposition of thedifferent conglomeratic units of the Bou KornineJebel.2008040550西 环 比 利 牛 斯 域 坎 潘 阶 - 马 斯 特 里 赫 特 阶 有 孔虫 Radotruncana calcarata,Gilianelles 和 其 他微 疑 问 化 石 生 物 地 层 = Biostratigraphy ofRadotruncana calcarata (foraminifera), gilianelles,and other microproblematica of theCampanian–Maastrichtian of the westerncircum-Pyrenean domain. ( 法 文 ). Odin G S.Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008, 7(4): 195-203Microproblematica from the Campanian–Maastrichtian boundary stratotype (Tercis,France) include the continuously evolving genusAturella, short-living taxa, and widely distributedtaxa. The same is true in the immediate vicinityas well as in the southern Pyrénées,100 km apart. These newly established microfossilsallow the most precise regional biostratigraphicalcorrelations. Amongst contemporaneousforaminifera, Radotruncana calcarata wascollected from seven sections from the platformand flysch facies where it was formerly unknownor poorly known. Regionally, this foraminiferis the most precise foraminiferalmarker of the end of the Cretaceous, as it wasalready elsewhere in the world. Absent from theflysch facies, the microproblematica are restrictedto the pithonellid-rich platform facies.2008040551167

松 辽 盆 地 晚 白 垩 世 青 山 口 组 介 形 类 生 物 地 层序 列 = Ostracod Biostratigraphy of the LateCretaceous Qingshankou Formation in theSongliao Basin. ( 英 文 ). Zhang Zhili; Liu Zhenwen;Wang Baichang; Zhang Ying; Ye Dequan.Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007, 81(5): 727-738An ostracod biostratigraphic study was performedon 425 samples from the composite geologicalsection constructed by using cores takenfrom five selected wells drilled in the Late CretaceousQingshankou Formation in the Songliaobasin.A total of 19 ostracod zones are establishedin the formation,of which 3 are newlyestablished and 3 are revised.The 19 ostracodzones are described in detail.This study providesa basis for the detailed stratigraphic division andcorrelation of the Qingshankou Formation and t...2008040552根 据 底 栖 有 孔 虫 建 立 的 东 欧 生 物 省 上 白 垩 统地 壳 内 带 生 物 地 层 第 一 部 分 赛 诺 曼 阶 -康 尼 亚 克 阶 = Infrazonal biostratigraphy of theUpper Cretaceous in the East European provincebased on benthic foraminifers, Part 1: Cenomanian-Coniacian.( 英 文 ). Beniamovski V N.Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 2008,16(3): 257-266A chart of infrazonal biostratigraphic subdivisionof Cenomanian-Coniacian deposits in theEast European paleobiogeographic province isbased on distribution of benthic foraminifers.The suggested chart characterizes successivetrend of changes in ecologic assemblages of benthicforaminifers and morphologic evolution ofcertain agglutinated (Gaudryina, Bolivinopsis,Heterostomella, Arenobulimina, Ataxophragmium,Ataxoorbignyna, Marssonella) and secretory(Globorotalites, Valvulinera, Gyroidinoides,Stensioeina, Osangularia, Berthelina, Pseudovalvulineria,Gavelinella, Cibicides, Praebulimina,Reussella) foraminiferal genera. Thechart includes 7 zones and 13 subzones, most ofwhich are recognizable over the vast territoryfrom the Mangyshalk to southern Baltic areas. Itis correlated with the acknowledged ammonoidand inoceramid zonations. Five stadia of taxonomicchanges in foraminiferal assemblages,which are substantiated in this work, show thatprincipal biotic events took place in the mid-lateCenomanian, during the Cenomanian-Turonianand early-middle Turonian transitions, in the lateTuronian, and at the early-middle Coniacianboundary time. A chart of infrazonal biostratigraphicsubdivision of Cenomanian-Coniaciandeposits in the East European paleobiogeographicprovince is based on distribution ofbenthic foraminifers. The suggested chart characterizessuccessive trend of changes in ecologicassemblages of benthic foraminifers and morphologicevolution of certain agglutinated(Gaudryina, Bolivinopsis, Heterostomella,Arenobulimina, Ataxophragmium, Ataxoorbignyna,Marssonella) and secretory (Globorotalites,Valvulinera, Gyroidinoides, Stensioeina,Osangularia, Berthelina, Pseudovalvulineria,Gavelinella, Cibicides, Praebulimina, Reussella)foraminiferal genera. The chart includes 7 zonesand 13 subzones, most of which are recognizableover the vast territory from the Mangyshalk tosouthern Baltic areas. It is correlated with theacknowledged ammonoid and inoceramid zonations.Five stadia of taxonomic changes in foraminiferalassemblages, which are substantiatedin this work, show that principal biotic eventstook place in the mid-late Cenomanian, duringthe Cenomanian-Turonian and early-middle Turoniantransitions, in the late Turonian, and atthe early-middle Coniacian boundary time.2008040553俄 罗 斯 萨 拉 托 夫 地 区 西 北 部 上 白 垩 统 沉 积第 二 部 分 年 代 地 层 和 地 质 史 问 题 = UpperCretaceous deposits in the northwest of Saratovregion, Part 2: Problems of chronostratigraphyand regional geological history. ( 英 文 ). Olfer’evA G; Beniamovski V N; Vishnevskaya V S et al..Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 2008,16(3): 267-294Problems of geochronological correlation areconsidered for the formations established in thestudy region with due account for data on theMezino-Lapshinovka, Lokh and Teplovka sectionsstudied earlier on the northwest of theSaratov region. New paleontological data areused to define more precisely stratigraphicranges of some stratigraphic subdivisions, toconsider correlation between standard and localzones established for different groups of fossils,and to suggest how the Upper Cretaceous regionalscale of the East European platform canbe improved. Considered in addition are paleogeographicenvironments in the study regionduring the Late Cretaceous epoch and principalstages of the regional geological evolution.2008040554俄 罗 斯 侏 罗 系 第 二 届 全 俄 会 议 : 地 层 和 古 地理 问 题 = The Second All-Russia Conference onthe Jurassic System of Russia: Problems ofStratigraphy and Paleogeography. ( 英 文 ). ZakharovV A; Rogov M A; Dzyuba O S; Kiselev DN. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation,2008, 16(3): 343-3462008040555斯 堪 的 纳 维 亚 西 部 和 东 格 陵 兰 中 生 代 = Themesozoic of western Scandinavia and East168

Greenland. ( 英 文 ). Nottvedt A; Johannessen E P;Surlyk F. Episodes, 2008, 31(1): 59-65Thick Mesozoic sediments are found offshoreNorway and Denmark, and Mesozoic rocks arepresent and well exposed in Denmark, along thecoast of East Greenland and on the arctic islandsof Svalbard.During the Mesozoic, Scandinavia andGreenland were subject to major extension in theLate Permian-Early Triassic and Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, prior to Ceno-zoic opening ofthe North Atlantic. Deep basins developed alongthe rift zones of the North Sea and between EastGreenland and Norway, and were filled withsediments derived from mainland Scandinaviaand Greenland. The marginal areas bordering therift zones suffered less subsidence, as did theepicontinental Barents Sea.2008040556撞 击 构 造 和 事 件 — 北 欧 国 家 的 透 视 = Impactstructures and events - a Nordic perspective. ( 英文 ). Dypvik H; Plado J; Heinberg C; HakanssonE; Pesonens L J. Episodes, 2008, 31(1): 107-114Impact cratering is one of the fundamentalprocesses in the formation of the Earth and ourplanetary system, as reflected, for example in thesurfaces of Mars and the Moon. The Earth hasbeen covered by a comparable number of impactscars, but due to active geological processes,weathering, sea floor spreading etc, the numberof preserved and recognized impact craters onthe Earth are limited. The study of impact structuresis consequently of great importance in ourunderstanding of the formation of the Earth andthe planets, and one way we directly, on theEarth, can study planetary geology.The Nordic-Baltic area have about thirty confirmedimpact structures which makes it one ofthe most densely crater populated terrains onEarth. The high density of identified craters isdue to the level of research activity, coupledwith a deterministic view of what we look for. Inspite of these results, many Nordic structures arepoorly understood due to the lack of 3Dgeophysicalinterpretations, isotopeor other datingefforts and better knowledge of the amountof erosion and subsequent tectonic modifications.The Nordic and Baltic impact community isclosely collaborating in several impact-relatedprojects and the many researchers (about forty)and PhD students (some seventeen) promise thatthis level will continue for many more years.The main topics of research include geological,geophysical, and geochemical studies in combinationwith modeling and impact experiments.Moreover, the Nordic and Baltic crust containssome hundred suspect structures which call fordetailed analysis to define their origin.New advanced methods of analyzing geophysicalinformation in combination with detailedgeochemical analyses and numerical modelingwill be the future basic occupation of theimpact scientists of the region. The unique Cretaceous/Tertiaryboundary (K-T) occurrences inDenmark form an important source of informationin explaining one of the major mass2008040557中 国 东 南 地 区 中 生 代 、 新 生 代 盆 地 特 征 及 演化 = Mesozoic-Cenozoic Basin Features andEvolution of Southeast China. ( 英 文 ). Shu Liangshu;Zhou Xinmin; Deng Ping; Zhu Wenbin.Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007, 81(4): 573-586The Late Triassic to Paleogene(T_3-E) basinoccupies an area of 143100 km~2,being the sixtharea of the whole of SE China;the total area ofsynchronous granitoid is about 127300 km~2;itprovides a key for understanding the tectonicevolution of South China.From a new 1:1500000geological map of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic basinsof SE China,combined with analysis of geometricaland petrological features,some new insightsof basin tectonics are obtained.Advances includepetrotectonic assemblages, basin classificat...2008040558西 班 牙 伊 比 利 亚 半 岛 noroccidental 区 域 的 上侏 罗 统 = Upper Jurassic at noroccidental area ofIberian Peninsula (Spain). ( 其 他 ). Delvene G;Perez-Urresti I; Melendez G. Revista Espanolade paleontologia, 2007, 22(1): 63-76Upper Jurassic deposits i the North-westernIberian Range around the locality of Ricla(Zaragoza) form a thick carbonate and terrigenousmarly section showing an increasingcontent in siliciclastic components. The scarceammonite associations recorded significantlyimprove the biostratigraphic data, allowing delineateapproximately the zone boundaries, fromupper Oxfordian Bimammatum Biozone tolower Kimmeridgian(?) Platynota Biozone. Bivalveassociations in turn are rich and diversified,and their detail study supplies consistent informationto reconstruct sedimentary environmentalchanges.2008040559罗 马 尼 亚 喀 尔 巴 阡 山 脉 河 曲 地 区 晚 白 垩 世 沉积 地 层 学 = Stratigraphy of the Lower CretaceousSediments from the Carpathian BendArea,Romania. ( 英 文 ). Melinte-Dobrinescu M C;Jipa D C. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007, 81(6):949-956The Lower Cretaceous sediments of the CeahlǎuNappe (from the bend region of the RomanianCarpathians) were investigated fromlithological and micropaleontological (calcare-169

ous nannoplankton) points of view.Our investigationsrevealed that the studied deposits weresedimented within the latest Tithonian-Albianinterval.The calcareous nannofossil assemblagesof the turbidite calcareous successions (the SinaiaFormation) were assigned to the NJK-?NC5calcareous nannofossil zones,which cover theLate Tithonian-Eariy ...2008040560中 国 的 白 垩 系 = The Cretaceous System inChina. ( 英 文 ). Wan Xiaoqiao; Chen Peiji; WeiMingjian. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007, 81(6):957-983This paper provides an outline of Cretaceousstratigraphy and paleogeography in China,which is based on rich data obtained from recentresearches.Cretaceous deposits are widespread inChina.Most strata are of nonmarine origin andmarine sediments occur only in Tibet,westernTarim Basin of Xinjiang,Taiwan and limitedlocalities of eastern Heilongjiang.All depositsare rich in fossils and well-constrained biostratigraphically.Thestratigraphic successions of differentregions are illustrated,and general stra...2008040561松 辽 盆 地 白 垩 纪 火 山 层 序 、 沉 积 序 列 以 及 构造 演 化 = The Cretaceous Songliao Basin:VolcanogenicSuccession,Sedimentary Sequenceand Tectonic Evolution,NE China. ( 英文 ). Wang Pujun; Xie Xiao an; Frank M; RenYanguang; Zhu Defeng; Sun Xiaomeng. ActaGeologica Sinica, 2007, 81(6): 1002-1011The Songliao basin(SB)is a superposed basinwith two different kinds of basin fills.The lowerone is characterized by a fault-bounded volcanogenicsuccession comprising of intercalated volcanic,pyroclasticand epiclastic rocks.The volcanicrocks,dating from 110 Ma to 130 Ma,areof geochemically active continental margintype.Fast northward migration of the SB blockoccurred during the major episodes of the volcanisminferred from their paleomagnetic information.Theupper one of the basin fill is dominatedb...2008040562活 性 磷 埋 藏 对 藏 南 白 垩 纪 黑 色 页 岩 到 海 洋 红层 沉 积 变 迁 的 反 应 = Response of ReactivePhosphorus Burial to the Sedimentary Transitionfrom Cretaceous Black Shales to Oceanic RedBeds in Southern Tibet. ( 英 文 ). Huang Yongjian;Wang Chengshan; Chen Xi. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2007, 81(6): 1012-1018The mechanism of sedimentary transitionfrom the Cretaceous black shales to the oceanicred beds is a new and important direction of Cretaceousresearch.Chemical sequential extractionis applied to study the burial records of reactivephosphorus in the black shale of the GyabulaFormation and oceanic red beds of the ChuangdeFormation,Southern Tibet.Results indicate thatthe principal reactive phosphorus species is theauthigenic and carbonate-associated phosphorus(CaP) in the Gyabula Formation and iron oxid...2008040563藏 南 江 孜 县 床 得 剖 面 ( 晚 侏 罗 世 - 白 垩 纪 ) 孢粉 相 的 初 步 观 察 = A Primary Observation onPalynofacies of the Chuangde Section(Late Jurassic-Cretaceous),Gyangzi,SouthernTibet. ( 英文 ). Li Jianguo; Guo Zhenyu. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2007, 81(6): 1019-1025A primary study on palynofacies,which concernsthe paleoenvironments from the sight ofassociation of sedimentary organic matter preservedin sedimentary rocks,is conducted for aLate Jurassic-Cretaceous succession at Gyangz(?),southernTibet.Two palynofacies arerecognized,which are formed in different sedimentaryenvironments.The one in the pelagic isinfertile in organic productivity and monotonousin component and is dominated by AOMA,whilethe other,being closely bound up with theslope,is characterize...2008040564坎 佩 尼 时 期 气 候 变 化 : 来 自 远 东 、 北 美 、 北大 西 洋 及 西 欧 的 同 位 素 证 据 = CampanianClimatic Change:Isotopic Evidence from FarEast,North America,North Atlantic and WesternEurope. ( 英 文 ). Zakharov Y D; Shigeta Y; TanabeK; Y IBA;Smyshlyaeva O P; Sokolova E A;Popov A M; Velivetskaya T A; Afanasyeva T B.Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007, 81(6): 1049-1069Paleoclimatic settings have been reconstructedfor the Campanian using original oxygen- isotopicanalyses of well-preserved molluskan andforaminifera shells from Russian Far East, Hokkaido,USA,Belgiumand some DSDP holes(95,98,102,390A,and 392A) in North Atlantic.EarlyEarly Campanian climatic optimum hasbeen recognized from data on high bottom shelfwater paleotemperatures in middle latitudes ofboth the western circum-Pacific(to 24.2 ℃ )andthe eastern circum-Pacific(to 26.4 ℃ )areas andhigh bottom shallow ...2008040565日 本 京 都 东 南 部 Tamba 地 体 Jifukudani 小 河卡 尼 阶 - 诺 利 阶 界 线 牙 形 类 生 物 地 层 = Conodontbiostratigraphy across the Carnian-Norian,Boundary in the Jifukudani Creek,Tamba Terrane,SE Kyoto, Japan. ( 英 文 ). MikamiT; Ishida K; Suzuki S. Stratigraphy, 2008,5(2): 163-178170

A4mthick bedded-chert sequence in the JifukudaniCreek, Tamba Terrane, SoutheastKyoto(SWJapan), yields Late Triassic conodonts.Metapolygnathus lindae, M. polygnathiformis, M.echinatus, M. primitius, Ancyrogondolella quadrata,A. spatulataand Mockina shamiseni spanthe Late Carnian polygnathiformis and primitiusbiozones, the Early Norian quadrata - spatulatabiozoneand the Middle Norian postera - shamisenibiozone. The Carnian - Norian boundarymay coincide in the field with a layer of blackclay. The conodont fauna shows affinities withboth the Tethys and Izanami Plateau of theIzanagi Plate, where the terranes of Japan originated,andto some extent with the WrangelliaTerrane (British Columbia, Canada).2008040566奥 地 利 北 钙 质 阿 尔 卑 斯 特 尔 奇 地 区 普 林 斯 巴阶 放 射 虫 : 再 造 特 提 斯 早 侏 罗 世 演 化 的 主 旨= Pliensbachian radiolarians in TeltschengrabenNorthern Calcareous Alps, Austria): a keystonein reconstructingthe Early Jurassic evolution ofthe Tethys. ( 英 文 ). O’Dogherty L; Gawlick H J.Stratigraphy, 2008, 5(1): 63-81In the “Hallstatt Mélange” in northwest BadMitterndorf, a slide of earliest late Pliensbachianmarly radiolarites occurs in an upper-Middle tolower-Upper Jurassic succession. The successionconsists of radiolarites, cherty limestones andmarls, dated by radiolarians as upper-MiddleJurassic (Callovian) and different slides of Triassicto early Jurassic age derived from the Hallstattfacies zone. The facies and lithology(mainly cherty sediments) of the Pliensbachianslide arenearly identical to those of the succession,but it belongs to the Lower JurassicDürrnberg Formation of the outer-shelf area ofthe Northern Calcareous Alps (Hallstatt Zone),which was paleogeographically situated in thenorth-western rim of the Neotethys Ocean. Theradiolarian fauna has low diversity but its goodpreservation allows an accurate age determination.The dating of the cherty slide as earliestlate Pliensbachian is of great importance because:1) it is the fi rst record of sedimentsyounger thanSinemurian in the Hallstatt Zone of the NorthernCalcareous Alps; 2) it is the first record ofPliensbachianradiolarians in the European Alpinearea; 3) it confi rms that the northwesternpassive margin of the Neotethys Oceanpersistedin this region at least until the Pliensbachian.Our paleontological and stratigraphic data provethat the closureof the Neotethys Ocean in thisregion is younger than earliest late Pliensbachian,but older than Callovian. The completeradiolarianfauna is illustrated and described. Fourteentaxa are identifi ed to species level, fromwhich one new genus Paradroltusand two newspecies Paradroltus mitterndorfensis and Lantussutnal are formally described.2008040567川 东 北 宣 汉 - 达 县 地 区 二 叠 纪 、 三 叠 纪 界 线 及其 相 关 性 = Permian/Triassic Boundary and ItsCorrelation in the Daxian-Xuanhan Area, NortheasternSichuan Province, China. ( 英 文 ). MaYongsheng; Mou Chuanlong; Tan Qinyin; YuQian; Wang Ruihua. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2008, 82(1): 56-62There are different opinions about the Permian/Triassicboundary and its correlation in theDaxian-Xuanhan area because of lacking typicallithological symbols and fossil criterions.Especially,itis very hard to determine thePermian/Triassic boundary in the Daxian-Xuanhan buried areas.This brings many difficultiesto geological research and oil and gas exploration.Basedon field investigation and studies ofwell cores,newly found fossils,lithological characteristicsand well log analyses,the authors discus...2008040568综 评 华 北 侏 罗 纪 大 地 构 造 = Jurassic Tectonicsof North China:A Synthetic View. ( 英 文 ).Zhang Yueqiao; Dong Shuwen; Zhao Yue;Zhang Tian. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2008, 82(2):310-326This paper gives a synthetic view on the Jurassictectonics of North China,with an attemptto propose a framework for the stepwise tectonicevolution history.Jurassic sedimentation, deformationand magmatism in North China havebeen divided into three stages.The earliest Jurassicis marked by a period of magmatism quiescence(in205-190 Ma)and regional uplift,whichare considered to be the continuation ofthe"Indosinian movement"characterized by continent-continentcollision between the North andSo...2008040569中 国 侏 罗 纪 大 地 构 造 演 化 及 燕 山 运 动 新 解 =Jurassic Tectonic Revolution in China and NewInterpretation of the “Yanshan Movement”. ( 英文 ). Dong Shuwen; Zhang Yueqiao; LongChangxing; Yang Zhenyu; Ji Qiang; Wang Tao;Hu Jianming; Chen Xuanhua. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2008, 82(2): 334-347With acquisition and accumulation of newdata of structural geological investigations andhigh-resolution isotopic dating data,we havegreatly improved our understanding of the tectonicevents occurring in eastern China duringthe period from the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceousand may give a new interpretation of thenature,timing and geodynamic settings of171

the"Yanshan Movement".During the Mid-LateJurassic(165±5 Ma),great readjustment of plateamalgamation kinematics took place in EastAsia an...2008040570新 疆 东 部 觉 罗 塔 山 脉 晚 中 生 代 热 构 造 演 化 :来 自 磷 灰 石 裂 变 径 迹 数 据 的 证 据 = LateMesozoic Thermotectonic Evolution of the JueluotageRange,Eastern Xinjiang,NorthwestChina:Evidence from Apatite Fission Track Data.( 英 文 ). Zhu Wenbin; Wan Jinglin; Shu Liangshu;Zhang Zhiyong; Su Jinbao; Sun Yan; GuoJichun; Zhang Xueyun. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2008, 82(2): 348-357Although many authors have emphasized theCenozoic history of deformation,exhumation andcooling in the Tianshan area related to the India-Asia collision,very little is known about theMesozoic history of compression and upliftwithin the Tianshan.In order to obtain informationabout the Mesozoic exhumation history andprocesses of cooling in eastern Tianshan,fissiontrack methods on apatite were used.Samplingwas made in the Jueluotage Range.Three samples(Z001-Z003)weretaken from granite inborehole ZK630...2008040571美 国 密 西 西 比 西 南 部 下 赛 诺 曼 阶 下Tuscaloosa 组 陆 相 和 古 气 候 记 录 = Early-Cenomanian terrestrial facies and paleoclimaterecords of the Lower Tuscaloosa Formation,southwesternMississippi. ( 英 文 ). Ufnar D F.Stratigraphy, 2007, 4(1): 49-66Sphaerosiderite oxygen isotope values fromthe Early Cenomanian Lower Tuscaloosa Formation,or LTF, extend a mid-Cretaceous meteoric18O latitudinal gradient 9° south to 25° Npaleolatitude, and contribute to a better understandingof the hydrologic cycle in North Americaduring a “greenhouse” period in Earth history.Sphaerosiderites have been used to reconstructpaleolatitudinal trends in meteoric 18O valuesthroughout western North America, and the 18Ovalues have been used in a stable isotopemass balance model to produce quantitative estimatesof mid-Cretaceous precipitation rates andlatent heat flux values. The LTF meteoric 18Ovalues help constrain the critical subtropical valueson the coastal plain bordering Tethys and thesoutheasterncoast of the Western Interior Seaway.The LTF, an important subsurface petroleumunit (2800-4000 m depths) in southernMississippi, contains amalgamated pedogenicallymodified,sphaerosiderite-bearing mudstonesand sandstones. Cored intervals of the Early-Cenomanian Stringer Sandstone Member of theLower Tuscaloosa Formation (LTF) of SouthwesternMisississippi are characterized by 6lithofacies units. The descriptive lithofacies unitsinclude: (1) thickly-bedded sandstones; (2)thinly bedded sandstones; (3) carbonaceousmudstones and siltstones; (4) red-mottled mudstones;(5) purple and yellow mottled mudstones;and (6) flaser and lenticular bedded carbonaceousmuddy sandstones. The sphaerosideritesare most commonly observed in gleyed domainsof the red-mottled mudstones. These mudstoneswere clays, and silty clay loam soils, and arecharacterized by prominent red mottles in agleyed matrix with an abundance of translocatedclays, pedogenic slickensides, carbonaceous debris,and root traces.The sphaerosiderites yield18O vs. 18C values, meteoric sphaerosideritelines (MSLs), that may be used as a proxy forpaleoprecipitation 18O values. TheMSL (18O)values range新 生 界2008040572德 国 下 莱 茵 盆 地 第 三 系 中 含 大 量 果 实 沉 积 物的 成 因 = The genesis of mass carpological deposits(Bedload Carpodeposits) in the Tertiary ofthe Lower Rhine Basin, Germany. ( 英 文 ). Gee CT. Palaios, 2005, 20(5): 463–478Large, well-preserved carpofloras from Mioceneand Pliocene lignite-bearing sequences ofthe Lower Rhine Basin in Germany occur in avariety of fluvial and lacustrine facies, includingchannel, point-bar, cut-off channel (oxbow-lake),crevasse-splay, channel-bar (sand-gravel flat),and lake-delta deposits. Despite their occurrencein a wide spectrum of depositional facies, theaccumulations share a suite of distinctive characteristics.They appear as a jumble of woody materialdominated by abraded pieces of wood, includingconifer cones, woody fruits, seeds, smallbranches, and charcoal in an unconsolidated matrixof medium- or coarse-grained sand. The keycharacteristic of the fossil plant remains iswoodiness. Close association between the lignifiedmaterial and these grain sizes indicates thatthese woody fruits are hydrodynamically equivalentto medium- to coarse-sized sand, and weretransported as bedload during flood events.Transport by bedload also is evidenced by thehigh degree of roundness in associated woodclasts, by abrasion in some diaspores, and by thelack of non-resistant plant parts (e.g., leaves,flowers, fleshy or delicate tissues) in the accumulations.Thus, the lignified plant remains behaveas sedimentary clasts in the water column,but only after they have been fully saturated withwater. Mass carpological accumulations in verycoarse-grained sand on active point bars in theSieg River near Bonn and their formation duringevents of extreme discharge serve as a modern172

analog for the fossil carpofloras. New terminologyand concepts pertaining to these mass carpologicaldeposits, or “bedload carpodeposits,”also include the terms “bedload carpobiofacies,”and “bedload carpolithofacies.” A basic depositionalmodel for the genesis of bedload carpodepositsis presented.2008040573埃 及 Sinai 中 东 部 古 新 世 单 调 的 半 浮 游 相 的“ 层 序 地 层 学 ” = The Paleocene of central EastSinai, Egypt; "sequence stratigraphy" in monotonoushemipelagites. ( 英 文 ). Luening S;Marzouk A M. Journal of Foraminiferal Research,1998, 28(1): 19-39Tracking sequences in hemipelagic facies iscomplicated because of the rather monotonousappearance of the hemipelagic deposits, lack ofsubaerial exposure, and absence of typical sequencestratigraphic geometries. This study addresseshow the sequence stratigraphic modelcan be applied in hemipelagic environments.Eight latest Maastrichtian to early Eocenehemipelagic sections from central East Sinaihave been recorded and biostratigraphically andpaleobathymetrically studied by means of plankticand benthic foraminifera, calcareous nannofossilsand sedimentological observations. Sealevelchanges were reconstructed using the foraminiferalplanktic/benthic ratio, hiatuses, hardcalcareous marl beds, and benthic foraminifera.Correlation of the observed paleobathymetriccycles yielded a sea-level history for the regionconsistent with the existing literature. Candidatesystems tracts boundaries were interpreted usinga simple model that provides an approximaterelationship between relative sea level and systemstracts. Sequence stratigraphic history wascompared with regional sea-level curves fromcentral/southern Egypt, Tunisia and Texas, aswell as with European (Hardenbol and others, inpress) and "global" (Haq and others, 1987) sequencecharts. Correlation is excellent for theearly and middle Paleocene (K/T boundary tomid Globanomalina pseudomenardii Zone).Deposition in central Sinai during this time may,therefore, have been predominantly controlledby eustatic sea level rather than local tectonics.Interpretation of sea-level development in thelate Thanetian is more ambiguous. The studydemonstrates the applicability of the sequencestratigraphic concept in suitable hemipelagicenvironments. The Paleocene hemipelagites ofSinai represent a paleobathymetric interval suitablefor sea-level changes to be recorded in theforaminiferal faunal composition in terms of theplanktic/benthic ratio.2008040574地 中 海 的 再 次 海 泛 早 于 中 新 世 - 上 新 世 界 线 ?来 自 意 大 利 托 斯 卡 尼 (Tuscany) 上 莫 西 拿 阶(Messinian) 地 层 序 列 的 古 生 物 和 地 球 化 学证 据 = Did the Mediterranean marine refloodingprecede the Mio–Pliocene boundary? Paleontologicaland geochemical evidence from upperMessinian sequences of Tuscany, Italy. ( 英 文 ).Carnevale G; Longinelli A; Caputo D; BarbieriM; Landini Walter. Palaeogeography PalaeoclimatologyPalaeoecology, 2008, 257(1-2): 81-105The events related to the Messinian salinitycrisis are among the most deeply investigated ofEarth's history. According to the current hypothesisof Neogene paleogeographic evolution,approximately 5.5 Ma ago, after evaporiticsedimentation and before the Mio–Plioceneboundary, the Mediterranean was characterizedby the widespread development of non-marineenvironments inhabited by molluscs and ostracodsof brackish affinity. The Messinian postevaporiticdeposits that testify such a dramaticenvironmental change are commonly referred toas ‘Lago-mare’ and have been reported fromseveral outcrops and boreholes throughout theentire Mediterranean basin. The origin of ‘Lagomare’conditions is commonly interpreted as theresult of the synergistic effect of both the humidclimatic conditions and change of the drainagepatterns at the Mediterranean scale, with the captureof Paratethyan brackish waters. A few recentstudies, however, suggest that such a scenarioprobably represents an oversimplificationof the original context, from both a paleogeographicaland paleoenvironmental point ofview. Unfortunately, the results of these studieshave never been commonly accepted and theproposed evidences have been considered questionable.In this paper we describe the fish assemblagesfrom the ‘Lago-mare’ deposits of twolocalities, Cava Serredi and Podere Torricella,located in the Neogene hinterland basins of Tuscany,central Italy. These assemblages consistsof a mixture of marine euryhaline and stenohalinetaxa suggesting that the depositional environmentswere characterized by permanentlyopen connections with a marine basin filled withnormal marine waters. In order to better definethe paleontological significance of these upperMessinian fish assemblages, the oxygen, carbonand strontium isotopic composition of fish otolithsand other fossils has been measured. Theseisotopic compositions are strongly indicative ofthe presence of normal marine conditions closeto the depositional environments testified by thesedimentary sequences, thereby implying thatthe interpretation of the geochemical results areconsistent with those derived from the paleoecologicalanalyses of the fish assemblages.Based on the integrated paleoichthyological–173

geochemical approach discussed in this paper itis possible to unambiguously demonstrate thatnormal marine rather than fresh- or brackish waterswere present in the Mediterranean at leastduring the upper part of the ‘Lago-mare’ event,providing an unquestionable evidence that themarine refilling of the basin preceded the Mio–Pliocene boundary.2008040575上 新 世 - 更 新 世 中 印 度 洋 深 海 钻 探 237 井 位 南赤 道 洋 流 的 驱 动 变 化 : 来 自 底 栖 有 孔 虫 和 稳定 同 位 素 的 证 据 = South Equatorial Current(SEC) driven changes at DSDP Site 237, CentralIndian Ocean, during the Plio-Pleistocene: Evidencefrom Benthic Foraminifera and StableIsotopes. ( 英 文 ). Gupta A K; Das M; Bhaskar K.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2006, 28(4-6):276-290This study attempts to analyse paleoceanographicchanges in the Central Indian Ocean(Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 237), linked tomonsoon variability as well as deep-sea circulationduring the Plio-Pleistocene. We used factorand cluster analyses of census data of the 34most dominant species of benthic foraminiferathat enabled us to identify five biofacies: Astrononionumbilicatulum–Uvigerina proboscidea(Au–Up), Pullenia bulloides–Buliminastriata (Pb–Bs), Globocassidulina tumida–Nuttallides umbonifera (Gt–Nu), Gyroidinoidesnitidula–Cibicides wuellerstorfi (Gn–Cw) andCassidulina carinata–Cassidulina laevigata(Cc–Cl) biofacies. Knowledge of the environmentalpreferences of modern deep-sea benthicforaminifera helped to interpret the results offactor and cluster analyses in combination withoxygen and carbon isotope values. The biofaciesindicative of high surface productivity, resultingfrom a stronger South Equatorial Current (Au–Up and Pb–Bs biofacies), dominate the earlyPliocene interval (5.6–4.5 Ma) of global warmth.An intense Indo-Pacific ‘biogenic bloom’ andstrong Oxygen Minimum Zone extended to intermediatedepths ( 1000–2000 m) over largeparts of the Indian Ocean in the early Pliocene.Since 4.5 Ma, the food supply in the Central IndianOcean dropped and fluctuated while deepwaters were corrosive (biofacies Gt–Nu, Gn–Cw). The Pleistocene interval is characterized byan intermediate flux of organic matter (Cc–Clbiofacies).2008040576沉 积 物 中 花 粉 所 记 录 的 晚 全 新 世 Laja 湖 盆 地( 智 利 中 部 ) 植 被 和 气 候 历 史 = Vegetationaland climatic history during the late Holocene inLake Laja basin (central Chile) inferred fromsedimentary pollen record. ( 英 文 ). Torres L;Parra O; Araneda A; Urrutia R; Cruces F; ChirinosL. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology,2008, 149(1-2): 18-28This study reports a pollen analysis from LakeLaja, an Andean lake in central Chile, from800 cal. yr BC to present. A 522-cm core wastaken from the deepest part of the lake and pollenwas analyzed according to conventionalmethods. The core was dated using 210 Pb and 14 Ctechniques. Lake Laja is located at 1360 masl,next to Antuco volcano and, due to the westerlycirculation belt, the predominant climate in thearea is humid-temperate and cool. Interannualclimate variability is related to El Niño-SouthernOscillation. Currently, the vegetation cover is53% native forest, 27.8% shrub, 16% Andeansteppe, and 3.2% annual and perennial prairies.The study results indicated that Nothofagusdombeyi-type, Nothofagus obliqua-type,Ephedra chilensis, and Poaceae were the mostimportant taxa during the last 2800 yr BP. Theclimate was slightly less humid between 800 cal.BC and 660 AD than at present. Between660 AD and 1561 AD, humid conditions increasedwith respect to the previous period.Later pollen records evidenced a drier periodbetween 1561 and 1894 AD, corresponding tothe last phase of the LIA in Europe. Finally, between1938–1968 AD, intense human impactswere evidenced by the appearance of Plantagoand the increased frequency of Poaceae and Asteraceae.After 1968 AD, the pollen recordsshow decreased anthropic disturbances, as wellas increased humid conditions.2008040577根 据 地 中 海 东 部 北 厄 斯 帕 尔 塔 角 古 近 纪 地 层超 微 化 石 、 有 孔 虫 和 沉 积 记 录 得 出 的 新 的 地层 结 果 和 再 沉 积 意 义 = New stratigraphicalresults and significance of reworking based onnannofossil, foraminiferal and sedimentologicalrecords in the Lower Tertiary sequence from thenorthern Isparta Angle, Eastern Mediterranean.( 英 文 ). Sagular E K; Görmüş M. Journal ofAsian Earth Sciences, 2006, 27(1): 78-98This study presents new stratigraphical dataon the sediments of the Lower Tertiary sequenceoutcropping in the northern Isparta Angle,Southwest Anatolia. These data, which are basedon field observations, foraminifera and nannofossilstudies, and sedimentological findings,contribute to the paleoenvironmental and structuralinterpretations. Reworking of fossils thatwas neglected in previous work is an importantfactor for understanding and clarifying the EarlyTertiary geological evolution of the region. Thisinvestigation particularly focuses on the significanceof reworking in the stratigraphic record.The Early Tertiary unconformity-bounded unitconsist of two transitional lithofacies, varying174

from marine clastics to carbonates. The firstlithofacies mainly composed of clastics, whereasthe second contains carbonate-dominated sediments.The Lower Tertiary sequence unconformablyoverlies an irregular surface composedof ophiolitic rocks, deep marine bedded chertsand carbonates of early Mesozoic age, Mesozoiccarbonates and marine clastics and carbonates ofLate Cretaceous age. The unit is unconformablyoverlain by Lower Miocene marine clastics.Both the unconformity and tectonic relationshipsbetween the Eocene and Lower Miocene sequencesare seen in the northern study area.These exposures are proof of pre-Miocene erosionand post-Miocene deformation. In this study,two nannofossil interval zones, NP12 and NP13,were identified from fine-grained clastics andcarbonates. According to benthic foraminiferaand nannofossil contents, the formation is EarlyEocene (Ypresian) in age. The percentages ofreworked (older) fossils range from 75% in thelower levels to 15% in the higher levels of theLower Tertiary sequence. This study demonstratesthat detailed analyses of fossil reworkingare needed in order to obtain more reliable results.The evidence of strong reworking, planttraces, biostratigraphical and sedimentologicaldata indicate that a single cycle of Early Eocenesedimentation occurred in a shallow to openmarinedepositional environment, becomingshallower as time progressed. The obtained dataindicate a marine transgression from north tosouth in the northern part of the Isparta Angleduring Eocene time.2008040578尼 泊 尔 中 部 塔 科 拉 盆 地 中 全 新 世 古 土 壤 及 其古 气 候 意 义 = Paleosols of middle Holocene agein the Thakkhola basin, central Nepal, and theirpaleoclimatic significance. ( 英 文 ). Saijo K; TanakaS. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2003,21(3): 323-329The characteristics and climatic implication ofpaleosols widely distributed in the Thakkholabasin, upper Kali Gandaki, central Nepal, wereinvestigated. The paleosols were buried in surficialdeposits of eolian or colluvial origin. Theywere composed not only of humus, but also includedabundant inorganic matter. Some of themyielded charcoal fragments, pollen, and phytoliths.Radiocarbon dating suggested that the paleosolsformed between 6200 and 4500 yr B.P.,i.e. during the middle Holocene. The paleosolsare interpreted to indicate stronger summer monsoonsand increased rainfall at the time of theirformation. The vegetation cover at that time isthought to have been relatively dense. Charcoal,plant fossils, and carbon isotope data suggestthat grasslands were dominant in the northernpart of the basin while trees grew in the southernmostpart during the period of paleosol formation.The paleosols were buried by surficialdeposits under drier climatic conditions after4500 yr B.P.2008040579根 据 印 度 河 三 角 洲 大 陆 边 缘 沉 积 的 孢 粉 资 料推 断 巴 基 斯 坦 3 万 年 以 来 的 植 被 史 和 古 气 候= Vegetation history and palaeoclimate of thepast 30 kyr in Pakistan as inferred from the palynologyof continental margin sediments off theIndus Delta. ( 英 文 ). Ansari M H; Vink A. Reviewof Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2007,145(3-4): 201-216Palynological investigations on a continuousuppermost Pleistocene to Holocene highresolutiongravity core collected from the continentalmargin off the Indus Delta provide thefirst, uninterrupted, 30-kyr-long record of vegetationhistory and palaeoclimate of the Pakistanhinterland. Core analysis and interpretation allowsthe recognition of (1) greater glacial ariditythan during the following postglacial period upto the present day; (2) a significant southwardextension of the Himalayan sub-alpine and deciduoushardwood tree zone during the time intervalfrom the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) tothe Younger Dryas cold interval; (3) extremearidity and climatic deterioration during theLGM and the equivalent to Heinrich event 1; (4)a marked change to early Holocene humid conditions,starting already during the Bölling/Allerödand increasing abruptly during thePreboreal period; and (5) a gradual reduction ofhumidity from the middle Holocene to the present.These results are in general agreement withpalaeoclimatic reconstructions based on multipleproxies from the Indian subcontinent as well asthe Arabian Sea, and especially confirm the occurrenceof a clear precipitation maximum inPakistan between ca. 9 and 7 cal. kyr BP whichprobably resulted from a combination of increasedand prolonged summer (SW) monsoonalstrength; both processes ultimately being controlledby orbital changes in northern hemispheresummer insolation and shifts in the positionof the Intertropical Convergence Zone.2008040580全 新 世 时 期 鄂 霍 次 克 海 北 部 大 陆 架 古 环 境 变化 = Paleoenvironmental changes in the northernshelf of the Sea of Okhotsk during the Holocene.( 英 文 ). Gorbarenko S A; Tsoi I B; Astakhov A S;Artemova A V; Gvozdeva I G; Annin V K.Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 2007,15(7): 656-671The combined micropaleontological (sporesand pollen, diatoms, benthic foraminifers),lithologic, and isotopic-geochemical analysis of175

sediments from the northern shelf of the Sea ofOkhotsk recovered by hydrostatic corer from thedepth of 140 mbsl elucidated environmentalchanges in this part of the basin and adjacentland areas during the last 12.7 thousands cal.years. Geochronological scale of the core is establishedusing the acceleration massspectrometrymethod for radiocarbon dating ofbenthic Foraminifera tests. The first insignificantwarming in the northern part of the sea after glaciationoccurred in the mid-Boreal time (9.6 kaago) but not at the onset of the Holocene. Thestrongest warming in the region took place in themid-Atlantic epoch to reach climatic optimum inthe second half of the Subboreal (6 to 2.5 kaago). A cooling in the northern shelf and adjacentland areas is established at the beginning ofthe Subatlantic (2.5 ka). A comparison of resultsobtained for Core 89211 with dated hydrologicaland climatic changes in central and southernparts of the Sea of Okhotsk (Gorbarenko et al.,2003, 2004) is used for a high-resolution analysisof climatic fluctuations in the study regionand other areas of the basin during deglaciationand the Holocene.2008040581俄 罗 斯 上 新 生 界 研 究 中 的 问 题 和 新 目 标 =Problems and new objectives of studying theUpper Cenozoic of Russia. ( 英 文 ). GladenkovYu B. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation,2007, 15(6): 672-6732008040582堪 察 加 西 北 部 古 近 纪 火 山 层 序 的 地 层 学 方 法= Approaches to stratigraphy of the paleogenevolcanogenic sequences in northwestern Kamchatka.( 英 文 ). Shantser A E. Stratigraphy andGeological Correlation, 2007, 15(5): 525-535Volcanogenic Complex” as a stratigraphicterm is substantiated. Also discussed are peculiaritiesof the volcanic process, the nature andevolution time of the volcanic structures, thecomplete and incomplete volcanic cycles. Dataof comprehensive geological, stratigraphic andpaleovolcanologic study are used to subdividethe Kinkil’skii Formation of Paleogene volcanogenicrocks in the northwestern Kamchatka,which has undivided previously, into the Shamanka,Rebro, Bozhedomova, and Geeklen volcanogeniccomplexes of concurrent or differentages. As a result, two epochs of volcanism (thelate Ypresian-Lutetian and late Bartonian-Priabonian) are distinguished. A hiatus separatingthe epochs was a time of intense scouringand leveling the landforms and of the weatheringcrust formation. In conclusions, some problemsof the paleogeography in Kamchatka and adjacentterritories are discussed.2008040583关 于 里 海 地 区 新 更 新 世 - 全 新 世 区 域 和 当 地 层型 细 分 的 资 料 = Data on stratotypes of the neopleistocene-holoceneregional and local subdivisionsin the Caspian region. ( 英 文 ). Svitoch A A;Yanina T A. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation,2007, 15(5): 536-552Considered in the work are data characterizingstratotypes of regional and local stratigraphicsubdivisions, which are distinguished in theNeopleistocene-Holocene sedimentary successionof the Caspian region. The succession iscomposed of sediments deposited by the Caspiantransgressions and intervening continental sedimentsof the late Quaternary. Except for stratotypesof the Tyurkyany Horizon and GyurgyanyFormation, which are established in boreholesections, the other ones represent the wellstratifiednatural sections accessible for examinationof their subdivisions distinguished basedon biostratigraphic criteria. Mollusks of the genusDidacna Eichwald and fossil assemblages oflarge mammals are used to substantiate stratigraphyof marine and terrestrial deposits, respectively.2008040584俄 罗 斯 泽 亚 - 布 列 亚 沉 积 盆 地 Erkovtsy 褐 煤矿 区 的 孢 粉 地 层 = Palynostratigraphy of theErkovtsy field of brown coal (the Zeya-Bureyasedimentary basin). ( 英 文 ). Kezina T V; LitvinenkoN D. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation,2007, 15(4): 385-400The Erkovtsy brown coal field in the northwesternZeya-Bureya sedimentary basin (129°–130° E, 46°–47° N) is structurally confined tosouthern flank of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Belogor’edepression. The verified stratigraphicscheme of the coalfield sedimentary sequence issubstantiated by palynological data on core samplesfrom 18 boreholes sampled in the course ofdetailed prospecting and by paleobotanicalanalysis of sections in the Yuzhnyi sector of thecoalfield (data of 1998 by M.A. Akhmetiev andS.P. Manchester). Sections of the Erkovtsy,Arkhara-Boguchan, and Raichikha brown-coalmines are correlated. Stratigraphic subdivisionsdistinguished in the studied sedimentary successionare the middle and upper Tsagayan subformations(the latter incorporating the Kivda Beds),Raichikha, Mukhino, Buzuli, and Sazanka formations.2008040585俄 罗 斯 北 欧 部 分 的 新 更 新 世 : 地 层 、 古 地 理和 古 气 候 = The Neopleistocene of North EuropeanRussia: Stratigraphy, paleogeography, andpaleoclimate. ( 英 文 ). Andreicheva L N;Marchenko-Vagapova T I. Stratigraphy and176

Geological Correlation, 2007, 15(4): The Pleistocenesediments of North European Russia havebeen studied using different methods to estaThe Pleistocene sediments of North EuropeanRussia have been studied using different methodsto establish their composition and identifythe enclosed organic remains. The results obtainedelucidate natural climatic environments ofthe Pleistocene and corresponding sedimentationcycles and development stages. Glaciation centersare identified for different Pleistocene epochsbased on lithological criteria. The establishedsecular trends characterizing spatial distributionand composition of different-age glacialhorizons facilitate their regional correlation.Climatic conditions and paleogeographic settingsof sedimentation during interglacial epochsof the middle-late Pleistocene and Holocene arereconstructed. Variations in development ofvegetation, temperature, and humidity are detectedfor the first time in the Timan-Pechora-Vychegda, Arkhangel’sk and Vologda regionswith parallel coordination of obtained data. As isconcluded, there was a tendency of climate coolingin North European Russia during the Neopleistocene.2008040586中 国 西 北 地 区 柴 达 木 盆 地 库 尔 雷 克 湖 全 新 世植 被 和 气 候 历 史 = Holocene vegetation andclimate history at Hurleg Lake in the QaidamBasin, northwest China. ( 英 文 ). Zhao Yan; YuZicheng; Chen Fahu; Ito E; Zhao Cheng. Reviewof Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2007, 145(3-4):275-288We present fossil pollen data and discuss theirclimatic interpretations from a 688-cm-longsediment core from Hurleg Lake, a freshwaterlake located in the Qaidam Basin on the NE TibetanPlateau, just beyond the northern limit ofthe East Asian summer monsoon influence. Thereconstruction of the Holocene vegetation andclimate history was aided by modern surfacepollen analysis. The 14000-yr chronology of thesediment core was controlled by seven AMS 14 Cdates on plant macrofossils. The results of thesurface pollen analysis showed that modern pollenspectra faithfully reflect the regional vegetationalong a transect from alpine meadow to desertsteppe and desert, so fossil pollen record canbe used to reconstruct Holocene vegetationchange. The pollen data showed that vegetationchanged from desert before the Holocene to desertsteppe dominated by Artemisia from 11.9 to9.5 ka, desert dominated by Chenopodiaceaefrom 9.5 to 5.5 ka, and steppe desert dominatedby Artemisia and Poaceae after 5.5 ka. Thisvegetation sequence indicates that climate wasrelatively wet before 9.5 ka, dry and variablefrom 9.5 to 5.5 ka, and relatively wet and stableafter 5.5 ka. The climate pattern reconstructedfrom pollen data appears to be opposite to thepaleoclimate pattern inferred at Qinghai Lake,300 km east of our study site. That site shows amoist early Holocene during the insolation andmonsoon maximum followed by a drying trendduring the mid- and late Holocene. The contrastbetween the two sites suggests the importance ofthe position of the subtropical monsoon, themid-latitude westerlies and interactions betweenlocal topography and regional climate. Our findinghas important implications for understandingcomplex regional vegetation and climate responsesto large-scale forcings in arid centralAsia.2008040587罗 马 尼 亚 末 次 冰 期 孑 遗 居 群 的 影 响 和 早 全 新世 植 被 的 变 迁 = The influence of refugial populationon Lateglacial and early Holocene vegetationalchanges in Romania. ( 英 文 ). Feurdean A;Wohlfarth B; Björkman L; Tantau I; Bennike O;Willis K J; Farcas S; Robertsson A M. Review ofPalaeobotany and Palynology, 2007, 145(3-4):305-320Romania has for a long time been lackinggood palaeoenvironmental records, particularlyfor the Late Quaternary. A chronological frameworkhad been nearly absent and the vegetationdevelopment had been reconstructed entirelyfrom pollen data. Data sets from this part ofEurope are important for assessing the spatialvariability of past vegetation and climaticchanges and to reconstruct tree migration routesat the end of the last glacial period. New palaeobotanicalevidence has enabled us to addressthis gap and to provide a more comprehensivepicture of the Lateglacial and early Holocenecontinental environment. This paper reviewsresults from radiocarbon dated sequences inRomania with the aim to place them in a largerperspective with regard to glacial refugia andtree immigration, and to asses the vegetationresponse to climatic oscillation from the end ofthe Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to the earlyHolocene. This study documents that some coniferousand broad-leaved trees were presentprior to 14,700 cal. yr BP in Romania, and thusit appears that this region may have been a refugialarea for some tree species. During the Lateglacial,the vegetation shows a distinct responseto climatic oscillations at all elevations, althoughthe response is stronger at mid altitude (800–1100 m. a.s.l) than at high altitudes. Moreover,smaller climatic oscillations are only recorded atsites situated at mid altitudes, probably becausethese areas were located close to the tree lineecotone.2008040588177

意 大 利 北 亚 平 宁 Lamone 谷 植 被 对 早 更 新 世气 候 旋 回 的 响 应 = Vegetation response to earlyPleistocene climatic cycles in the Lamone valley(Northern Apennines, Italy). ( 英 文 ). Fusco F.Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2007,145(1-2): 1-23The vegetation response to cyclic climaticchanges has been investigated by means of pollenanalysis carried out on marine deposits outcroppingin the Lamone valley (Northern Italy).The deposits consist of grey–blue silty–clays ofthe “Argille Azzurre” Formation. Three sedimentarysuccessions, which form the Lamonesection, have been analysed. These successions,according to previous studies, have been referredto the first two substages of the lower Pleistocene,the Santernian and the Emilian.Pollen data from sixty-nine samples documentvegetation dynamics consisting of a temporalspread of three distinct forest formations: mixeddeciduousforest (with Quercus dominating),Juglandaceae forest (with Carya dominating)and mountain coniferous forest (with Piceadominating). Each forest formation formed avegetation belt, characterized by distinct temperatureand precipitation conditions. The spreadof the mixed deciduous forest indicates that thetemperature increases whereas the humidity islow. The transition to a Juglandaceae forest indicatesthe increase of humidity; this phase ischaracterized by “optimum” of temperature andprecipitations. The spread of mountain coniferousforest points out temperature drop and humiditystill high. When forest dynamics is interruptedby the spread of open vegetation, indicatingdecrease of humidity, a complete vegetationcycle occurs. Such cycle suggests that temperatureand humidity independently vary, withminimum and maximum of temperature generallypreceding humidity extremes. Each vegetationcycle, therefore, reveals the response ofvegetation to cyclic climatic changes occurringduring the early Pleistocene (glacial/interglacialcycles).Comparison with coeval pollen series fromother Italian sites shows wider spread of Piceaand minor expansion of open vegetation inNorthern Italy with respect to Central andSouthern Italy, suggesting the hypothesis ofmore humid conditions at the North (as alsodocumented by previous works). Taxodium pollen-typeis continuously represented in the Lamonepollen record, exhibiting values of 7% onaverage excluding Pinus ( 4% including pine).Sciadopitys shows a discontinuous presence andvery low percentages. Local and peculiar climateconditions may have favoured the long survivalof these taxa into the Pleistocene.On the basis of a comparison between the profileof Picea + Tsuga pollen curve (recorded atLamone) and the δ 18 O signal established at Site607 (North Atlantic), the vegetation cyclesdocumented in the Lamone valley have beententatively correlated to oxygen isotope stagesfrom 64 to 46. Stages 59 and 51 seem to be partiallyrecorded, whereas, stages 58, 57, 50 and49 are not recorded.2008040589俄 罗 斯 堪 察 加 古 近 纪 沉 积 磁 性 地 层 学 = Magnetostratigraphyof Paleogene deposits in Kamchatka.( 英 文 ). Minyuk P S; Gladenkov Yu B.Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 2007,15(1): 100-111Paleomagnetic characteristics of several Paleogenesections in Kamchatka (Il’pinskii Peninsula,Bering Island, Chemurnaut Bay, MametchaBay) are considered. The sections are correlatedwith due account for biostratigraphic data, andpossible correlation of magnetic polarity zonesdistinguished in the sections with the internationalmagnetostratigraphic scale is presented.2008040590较 干 旱 早 - 中 全 新 世 气 候 对 亚 马 孙 陆 森 林 的 影响 = Impact of a drier Early–Mid-Holocene climateupon Amazonian forests. ( 英 文 ). Mayle FE; Power M J. Philosophical Transactions of theRoyal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2008,363(1498): 1829-1838This paper uses a palaeoecological approachto examine the impact of drier climatic conditionsof the Early–Mid-Holocene (ca 8000–4000years ago) upon Amazonia's forests and their fireregimes. Palaeovegetation (pollen data) and palaeofire(charcoal) records are synthesized from20 sites within the present tropical forest biome,and the underlying causes of any emergent patternsor changes are explored by reference toindependent palaeoclimate data and present-daypatterns of precipitation, forest cover and fireactivity across Amazonia. During the Early–Mid-Holocene, Andean cloud forest taxa werereplaced by lowland tree taxa as the cloud baserose while lowland ecotonal areas, which arepresently covered by evergreen rainforest, wereinstead dominated by savannahs and/or semideciduousdry forests. Elsewhere in the AmazonBasin there is considerable spatial and temporalvariation in patterns of vegetation disturbanceand fire, which probably reflects the complexheterogeneous patterns in precipitation and seasonalityacross the basin, and the interactionsbetween climate change, drought- and fire susceptibilityof the forests, and Palaeo-Indian landuse. Our analysis shows that the forest biome inmost parts of Amazonia appears to have beenremarkably resilient to climatic conditions significantlydrier than those of today, despitewidespread evidence of forest burning. Only in178

ecotonal areas is there evidence of biome replacementin the Holocene. From this palaeoecologicalperspective, we argue against theAmazon forest ‘dieback’ scenario simulated forthe future.2008040591中 副 特 提 斯 西 部 中 新 统 上 部 萨 尔 马 特 阶 综 合地 层 研 究 = Integrated stratigraphy of the Sarmatian(UpperMiddle Miocene) in the westernCentral Paratethys. ( 英 文 ). Harzhauser M; PillerW E. Stratigraphy, 2004, 1(1): 65-86The Vienna Basin and the Styrian Basin havebeen cornerstones for the definition and descriptionof the Central EuropeanSarmatian Stage.New inter- and intrabasin correlations of welllogsand surface outcrops reveal a rather uniformdevelopment of depositional systems in all consideredbasins, which excludes local autocyclicprocesses as the sole trigger. The lithostratigraphyofthese basins is critically summarized andthe Wolfsthal Member is introduced as a newlithostratigraphic unit.The more than 1000-mthickSarmatian basin-fill is recorded in geophysicallogs by a characteristic succession ofserrated funneltobell-shaped curves separated byshale-line intervals. The correlative floodings arewell preserved in marginal settings and accessiblein surface outcrops. Slight falls of the relativesea-level are also reflected in the littoralzone by erosive surfaces, caliche formation andprogradation of fluvial facies. The stratigraphicposition and duration of the Sarmatian suggests arelation to the 3rd order cycle TB. 2.6.Internally,two 4th order cycles are depicted. An exact correlationwith Mediterranean standard stages andthe “Haq-cycles” is difficult due to the endemicmarine fauna thatflourished in the nearly landlockedParatethys Sea during the Sarmatian. Thisobstacle may be overcome by a first cautiouscalibrationof the sedimentary sequence with astronomicaltarget curves. Hence, the 400-Ka eccentricitycomponent might have triggered the4th ordercycles, with the maximum floodingsurfaces coinciding with the maxima of thatband. An overall trend from a pelitic-siliciclasticLower Sarmatian 4th order cycle towards anoolitic Upper Sarmatian 4th order cycle could beforced by the inflection of the 2.35-Macomponent. The tentative calibration requiresa new positioning of the Badenian/Sarmatianboundary close to 12.7 Ma, which would fitexcellentlyto the glacio-eustatic isotope eventMSI-3.The coincidence of the final retreat of thesea from the Molasse Basin with a major phaseof progradation of alluvial fans into theStyrianand the Vienna Basins suggests a pulse of upliftin the eastern Alpine region at 12.1-12.3 Ma.2008040592修 订 的 Massignano 始 新 世 - 渐 新 世 金 钉 子 剖面 = The Massignano Eocene-Oligocene goldenspike section revisited. ( 英 文 ). Van Mourik C A;Brinkhuis H. Stratigraphy, 2005, 2(1): 13-30In common practice, the Eocene/Oligocene(E/O) boundary is linked to the Oi-1 18O benthicisotope event, reflecting the oldest phase ofmajor Antarctic glaciation, calibrated againstmagnetosubchron C13n. Yet, the IUGS-ratified,current E/O GlobalStratigraphic Section andPoint (GSSP) at the pelagic Massignano quarrysection, central Italy, occurs within the oldermagnetosubchronC13r. To extend the Massignanorecord further into the early Oligocene, toinclude the critical C13n episode missing in thesurfacesection, a core was drilled in the directvicinity of the quarry section. First correlationsbetween the core and the quarry sectionhaverecently been proposed. In this paper, we usehigh-resolution organic-walled dinoflagellatecyst (dinocyst) analysis to significantlyimprovecorrelation between the two sections. In addition,we build on earlier studies, and demonstrate thatthe current E/O GSSP criterion, which is basedon the local extinctionof the tropical planktonicforaminifera genus Hantkenina represents anisolated event that is not suitable for global correlation.Instead,we argue that selection of theOi-1 event be the main criterion for the determinatingthe E/O boundary, and that this providesamuch better basis for global correlation, Moreover,the Oi-1 is also related to the TA4.3/4.4third order sequence boundary andthe last occurrenceof the dinocyst Areosphaeridium diktyoplokum.Selection of this slightly youngercriterion would place the upperboundary of theclassic Priabonian Stage back in the latest Eocene,and the base of the Rupelian Stage in theearliest Oligocene. Since the proposed correlativeOi-1 event level is not represented in thesurface (quarry) section, but only resides in thecored section atMassignano, a new GSSP siteshould be selected, for example in one of theother central Italian sections that does span C13n.2008040593Massignano 始 新 世 - 渐 新 世 金 钉 子 剖 面 的 修订 = The Massignano Eocene-Oligocene goldenspike section revisited. ( 英 文 ). Van Mourik C A;Brinkhuis H. Stratigraphy, 2005, 2(1): 13-30In common practice, the Eocene/Oligocene(E/O) boundary is linked to the Oi-1 18O benthicisotope event, reflecting the oldest phase ofmajor Antarctic glaciation, calibrated againstmagnetosubchron C13n. Yet, the IUGS-ratified,current E/O GlobalStratigraphic Section andPoint (GSSP) at the pelagic Massignano quarrysection, central Italy, occurs within the oldermagnetosubchronC13r. To extend the Massig-179

nano record further into the early Oligocene, toinclude the critical C13n episode missing in thesurfacesection, a core was drilled in the directvicinity of the quarry section. First correlationsbetween the core and the quarry sectionhaverecently been proposed. In this paper, we usehigh-resolution organic-walled dinoflagellatecyst (dinocyst) analysis to significantly improvecorrelation between the two sections.In addition,we build on earlier studies, and demonstrate thatthe current E/O GSSP criterion, which is basedon the local extinction of the tropical planktonicforaminifera genus Hantkenina represents anisolated event that is not suitable for global correlation.Instead,we argue that selection of theOi-1 event be the main criterion for the determinatingthe E/O boundary, and that this providesamuch better basis for global correlation, Moreover,the Oi-1 is also related to the TA4.3/4.4third order sequence boundary andthe last occurrenceof the dinocyst Areosphaeridium diktyoplokum.Selection of this slightly youngercriterion would place the upperboundary of theclassic Priabonian Stage back in the latest Eocene,and the base of the Rupelian Stage in theearliest Oligocene. Since the proposed correlativeOi-1 event level is not represented in thesurface (quarry) section, but only resides in thecored section atMassignano, a new GSSP siteshould be selected, for example in one of theother central Italian sections that does span C13n.2008040594巴 黎 盆 地 Sparnacian 期 的 沉 积 : 岩 石 地 层 分类 = The Sparnacian deposits of the Paris Basin:Alithostratigraphic classification. ( 英 文 ).Aubry M P; Thiry M; Dupuis C; Berggren W A.Stratigraphy, 2005, 2(1): 65-100As the result of a study integrating lithostratigraphyand biostratigraphy of the Upper Paleocene(Thanetian) and Lower Eocene (Sparnacian-Ypresian)of the Paris Basin, a newlithostratigraphic unit, the Mont Bernon Group,can be formally recognized.The group includesfour formational units: the Mortemer (MortemerLimestone), the Vaugirard (Plastic Clay), theSoissonnais (LigniticClay of Soissons) andEpernay (Lignitic Clay of Epernay) formationsand associated members. An integration ofcharophyte,dinoflagellate cyst and, to a lesserextent, calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphyallows us to place the succession in an approximate,integratedbiostratigraphic framework.Ourintroduction of a formal lithostratigraphicframework for the Upper Paleocene-Lower Eocenesuccession in the Paris Basincontributes toemphasize the distinctiveness of the Sparnaciandeposits as an independent stratigraphic unit.2008040595中 国 陆 相 中 新 统 通 古 尔 阶 = The TunggurianStage of the Continental Miocene in China. ( 英文 ). Deng Tao; Hou Sukuan; Wang Hongjiang.Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007, 81(5): 709-721The Tunggurian Age was nominated in 1984,and the Second National Commission on Stratigraphyof China formally suggested establishingthe corresponding chronostratigraphic unit, theTunggurian Stage, based on the Tunggurian Agein 1999. The name of this stage comes from alithostratigraphic unit, the Tunggur Formation,andthe stratotype section is located at theTunggur tableland, 15 km southeast of SaihanGobi Township, Sonid Left Banner, Inner Mongolia.The Tunggurian Age is correlated to theAstaracian of the Eur...2008040596印 度 山 脉 中 部 Vityaz 断 裂 带 早 上 新 世 古 海 洋学 = Early Pliocene Paleoceanography of theVityaz Fracture Zone,Central Indian Ridge. ( 英文 ). Guptha M V S; Banerjee R; Mergulhao L P;Banerjee P; Parthiban G; Tewari M. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2007, 81(4): 614-621Planktic foraminifera from the calcareous substrateof a ferromanganese crust in the VityazFracture Zone (VFZ), Central Indian Ridgewere studied to reconstruct the early Pliocenepaleoceanography of this region. Eleven speciesof planktic foraminifera were encountered,among them Globorotalia menardii, Neogloboquadrinadutertrei, Globigerina bulloides andGlobigerinoides tuber are prominent. Predominanceof N. dutertrei in the top 3 cm of the carbonatesubstrate is attributed to an influx of freshwater which eventually triggered their productivityby increasing the nutrient level. The presenceof G. bulloides and G. menardii in significantproportions in deeper layers suggests the prevalenceof open ocean upwelling. The bulk chemicalcompositions of the substrate at differentdepth intervals indicates higher enrichment oftrace metals in the upper sections which couldhave been supplied through oceanic water by thechemical weathering of terrestrial matter duringthe peak of Pliocene Asian monsoon. Thus, it isconcluded that during the early Pliocene the biogeniccomponents of the substrate were distinctlycontributed by both upwelling and productivitytriggered by an influx of fresh wateroriginating from the intensification of the Asianmonsoon during the early Pliocene Period.2008040597埃 及 西 北 El-Dabaa 地 区 中 新 世 - 更 新 世 生 物地 层 学 和 古 生 态 解 释 = Biostratigraphy andpalaeoecological interpretation of the Miocene-Pleistocene sequence at El-Dabaa, northwesternEgypt. ( 英 文 ). Ibrahim M I A; Mansour A M S.180

Journal of Micropalaeontology, 2002, 21(part 1):51-65Thirteen shallow boreholes were drilled by theQattara Project Authority (QPA) on the top ofthe second limestone ridge in the El-Dabaa area,along the Mediterranean coast. northwest Egypt.Five foraminiferal biozones could be recognizedin ascending stratigraphic order: the Heterosteginacostata, Praeorbulina sicana, Borelis melomelo, Globigerinoides obliquus extremus zonesand an un-named zone, embracing the MiddleMiocene Marmarica Formation and the Pliocene-PleistoceneAlexandria Formation. Thedeposition of the fossiliferous carbonate rocks ofthe Marmarica Formation probably took place ina warm water, inner shelf environment (0-20mpalaeodepth) subjected to some current activity,and with salinity ranging from normal to slightlyhypersaline (35-50parts per thousand). Thesediments of the oncolitic/shelly rocks were depositedin slightly deeper water than the overlyingfossiliferous rocks and in less agitated conditions,as indicated from the high percentages ofrotaliids and rarity of miliolids. The foraminiferalassociations in the Alexandria Formationindicate a clear, relatively agitated, near-shoremarine depositional environment in a vegetatedinner neritic zone (10-25m palaeodepth) with25degreesC surface water isotherms. On theother hand, the accumulation of the clayey sedimentsand some geosoils (basal part of the AlexandriaFormation) occurred in less agitated, intertidalwater conditions, as deduced from theoccurrence of planktic foraminiferal species asGlobigerinoides trilobus trilobus, G. trilobusimmaturus. G. obliquus extremus, G. obliquusobliquus, Globorotalia inflata, and Orbulina universa.2008040598西 藏 札 达 盆 地 晚 新 生 代 地 层 学 和 古 地 磁 年 代学 以 及 青 藏 高 原 抬 升 记 录 = Late CenozoicStratigraphy and Paleomagnetic Chronology ofthe Zanda Basin,Tibet, and Records of the Upliftof the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. ( 英 文 ). MengXiangang; Zhu Dagang; Shao Zhaogang; YangChaobin; Han Jianen; Yu Jia; Meng Qingwei; LuRongping. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2008, 82(1):63-72The characteristics of Late Cenozoic tectonicuplift of the southern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau may be inferred from fluviolacustrinestrata in the Zanda basin, Ngari, Tibet.Magnetostratigraphic study shows that the verythick fluvio-lacustrine strata in the basin are5.89- 0.78 Ma old and that their deposition persistedfor 5.11 Ma, i.e. starting at the end of theMiocene and ending at the end of the early Pleistocene,with the Quaternary glacial stage startingin the area no later than 1.58 Ma.Anal...2008040599新 生 代 年 代 地 层 学 未 解 决 的 问 题 = Unresolvedissues in Cenozoic chronostratigraphy.( 英 文 ). Fluegeman R H. Stratigraphy, 2007,4(2/3): 109-116Cenozoic chronostratigraphy has been an activearea of research over the past 50 years. Theexpanding search for energy and the developmentof international scientific drilling have resultedin a wealth of stratigraphic data. Manyissues in Cenozoic chronostratigraphy, however,remain unresolved. For example, of the 18 recognizedstages within the Cenozoic, only 9 havea ratified Global Stratotype Section and Point(GSSP). Only the Pliocene Series has all of itscomponent stages defined by GSSPs. Good progresshasbeen made on the remaining 9 stages.Almost all have guide events identified whichshould serve for correlation and many have candidatesections which may serve as GSSPs. Theoutlook is good for the ratification of all CenozoicGSSPs within several years but the targetdate of 2008 may be too optimistic. At leastthree other unresolved issues dealing with Cenozoicchronostratigraphy need further discussionand research. They include the status andchronostratigraphic rank of the Tertiary, thestage nomenclature at the Paleocene-Eoceneboundary, and the “decapitation” of the historicPriabonian Stage. The unresolved GSSPs representan immediate concern. The stability of correlationswithin the Cenozoic depends on theestablishmentand maintenance of GSSPs. Futurework on Cenozoic Earth history will be enhancedby the completion of this task.2008040600南 太 平 洋 中 始 新 世 的 气 候 旋 回 : 对 全 球 冰 量的 指 示 = Middle Eocene climate cyclicity in thesouthern Pacific: Implications for global ice volume.( 英 文 ). Burgess C E; Pearson P N; Lear CH; Morgans H E G. Geology, 2008, 36(8): 651-654We use a multiproxy approach to determinesurface and bottom water temperatures off thecoast of New Zealand during the middle Eoceneand to constrain the 18 O of seawater. We usethese data to place constraints on the size andvariability of global ice sheets at that time. TheHampden Section in South Island is characterizedby exceptionally well preserved micro fossilsand clear sedimentary cyclicity, providing aremarkable window into conditions at paleo latitude~55°S in the Pacific Ocean. The cyclicitywas studied in detail over a ~4m section correspondingto an interval of ~70 k.y., ca. 41.7 Ma.The sedimentary cycles are defined by fluctuationsin the sand (>63 µm) component, occurringon a wavelength of ~1m, corresponding to Mi-181

lankovitch-scale frequency. Analyses of foraminiferoxygen isotopic ( 18 O) and Mg/Cacomposition, combined with TEX 86 analysesfrom organic carbon, are used to generate recordsof seawater temperature and oxygen isotopiccomposition ( 18 O SW ). These indicate bottomwater temperatures of ~11–13 °C and seasurface temperatures of ~23–25°C with goodagreement between the proxies. Temperaturecyclicity with a magnitude of ~1.5 °C occurs inboth surface and bottom waters, approximatelyin phase with the sedimentary cycles. Estimatesof 18 O SW have a mean value of –1.2 throughoutthe study section. Taken together, the data suggesta largely ice-free world with orbital-scalecycles expressed as temperature and hydrologicalvariation with little or no ice volume change.182

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