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Biol. Mar. Mediterr. (2008), 15 (suppl.): 110-124<br />

<strong>PLATYHELMINTHES</strong><br />

Marco Curini-Galletti<br />

Dipartimento di Zoologia e Genetica Evoluzionistica, Università di Sassari, Via Muroni, 25 - 07100 Sassari, Italia.<br />

curini@uniss.it<br />

Il phylum Platyhelminthes Gegenbaur, 1859 è<br />

sicuramente tra i gruppi animali la cui sistematica,<br />

nell’ultimo decennio, ha subito le maggiori<br />

vicissitudini. Uno dei primi risultati dell’approccio<br />

molecolare applicato allo studio delle<br />

relazioni intra- ed extra-gruppo è stato infatti<br />

la rivelazione che i Platelminti, come tradizionalmente<br />

intesi (vedi ad esempio Hyman, 1951)<br />

sono da considerare polifiletici. Ciò ha portato,<br />

in primo luogo, all’erezione del taxon Acoela al<br />

rango di phylum (Ruiz-Trillo et al., 1999), seguiti<br />

dai Nemertodermatida (Jondelius et al., 2002,<br />

ma vedi Baguña e Riutort, 2004, per una collocazione<br />

dei due gruppi nel singolo phylum Acoelomorpha).<br />

I due taxa sono di grande interesse<br />

filogenetico, costituendo l’outgroup dei restanti<br />

Bilateria (“Nephrozoa” sensu Jondelius et al.,<br />

2002). La “diaspora” dei platelminti è continuata<br />

con il riconoscimento degli Xenoturbellida come<br />

un taxon basale dei Deuterostomia (Bourlat et<br />

al., 2003). Manca peraltro un generale consenso<br />

sul nome da attribuire a quello che resta dei<br />

Platelminti, che risultano collocati all’interno<br />

dei Lophotrochozoa (vedi Baguña e Riutort,<br />

2004). Alcuni autori preferiscono infatti utilizzare<br />

il taxon Rhabditophora, inteso come clade<br />

meno inclusivo che comprenda Macrostomorpha<br />

e Neoophora – clade che ha superato ogni scrutinio<br />

teso ad accertarne il monofiletismo (Littlewood<br />

e Olson, 2001). È invece tutt’ora aperta<br />

la discussione sul monofiletismo del taxon Platyhelminthes,<br />

ridefinito come clade meno inclusivo<br />

comprendente Catenulida e Rhabdithophora. Per<br />

quanto riguarda la nomenclatura intra-gruppo,<br />

almeno il taxon ‘Turbellaria’ è chiaramente parafiletico<br />

(Ehlers, 1985) e non è più utilizzato in<br />

sistematica – è però tutt’ora ampiamente citato, a<br />

segnale dell’evidente scollamento dei due campi,<br />

in lavori ecologici (vedi, ad esempio, Urban-<br />

Malinga et al., 2004). Attualmente, lo studio delle<br />

relazioni filogenetiche all’interno dei Platelminti è<br />

un campo particolarmente attivo (cf Willems et<br />

al., 2005) e i numerosi taxa sopragenerici proposti<br />

sono con difficoltà inseribili negli schematismi<br />

del sistema gerarchico linneano.<br />

A fronte di tale vitalità di ricerche ai livelli<br />

gerarchici superiori, ben pochi sono stati, nell’ultimo<br />

decennio, gli studi a livello tassonomico<br />

di specie. I Platelminti a vita libera sono infatti<br />

esemplificativi della ‘crisi della tassonomia’, che<br />

ha particolarmente colpito i gruppi cosiddetti<br />

‘incospicui’. A ciò si devono aggiungere le particolari<br />

difficoltà che lo studio dei Platelminti a vita<br />

libera comporta, dato che deve essere affrontato<br />

tanto sull’esame di individui viventi che su sezioni<br />

istologiche (Cannon e Faubel, 1988), se non, data<br />

Few animal groups have undergone more<br />

radical changes in the last few decades than the<br />

Platyhelminthes. One of the first results of the<br />

use of molecular clues in the study of intra- and<br />

extra-group relationships was the realisation that<br />

the phylum Platyhelminthes Gegenbaur, 1859,<br />

as traditionally understood, is polyphyletic. The<br />

first step towards a more ‘natural’ systematic<br />

arrangement was thus the erection of the Acoela<br />

to phylum rank (Ruiz-Trillo et al., 1999), followed<br />

by the Nemertodermatida (Jondelius et al., 2002;<br />

Wallberg et al., 2007; but see Baguña and Riutort,<br />

2004, for an alternative placement of the two taxa<br />

in the single phylum Acoelomorpha). Acoela and<br />

Nemertodermatida have a particular phylogenetical<br />

interest, as they constitute the out-group of<br />

the remaining bilateria (“Nephrozoa” sensu Jondelius<br />

et al., 2002). This “Out-of-Platyhelminthes”<br />

process continued with the recognition of the<br />

Xenoturbellida as a basal taxon of the Deuterostomia<br />

(Bourlat et al., 2003). Consensus is at present<br />

lacking on the name to be given to what is<br />

left of the Platyhelminthes, which nest within the<br />

Lophotrochozoa (see Baguña and Riutort, 2004).<br />

Some authors adopt the taxon Rhabditophora,<br />

redefined as the least inclusive clade containing<br />

Macrostomorpha and Neoophora – a clade that<br />

has passed all scrutiny aimed at ascertaining its<br />

monophyletism (Littlewood and Olson, 2001).<br />

On the contrary, discussion is still open on the<br />

monophyletism of the taxon Platyhelminthes,<br />

redefined as the least inclusive clade containing<br />

Catenulida and Rhabdithophora. As far as ‘intragroup’<br />

systematics is concerned, at least the taxon<br />

“Turbellaria” has long been recognized as paraphyletic<br />

(Ehlers, 1985) and is no longer used by<br />

taxonomists; it is however still extensively used by<br />

ecologists (see, i.a., Urban-Malinga et al., 2004).<br />

At present, the study of the phylogenetic relationships<br />

within the Platyhelminthes is a particularly<br />

active field of research (cf Willems et al., 2005);<br />

in the last decade, however, there have been comparatively<br />

few studies at the species level.<br />

Free-living Platyhelminthes are among the taxa<br />

which best typify the effects of the “taxonomy<br />

crisis”, exacerbated by the particular difficulties<br />

of studying them, which includes observations on<br />

both living and sectioned specimens (Cannon and<br />

Faubel, 1988) or, in the case of the sibling species<br />

complexes, widespread in the group, the use of<br />

karyological and/or molecular markers (see Casu<br />

and Curini-Galletti, 2005). At the moment, for<br />

the whole Mediterranean, in-depth studies aimed<br />

at ascertaining a detailed composition of groups<br />

of free-living flatworm are lacking, and only for<br />

the Proseriata it was possible to give information

Platyhelminthes 111<br />

l’abbondanza di sibling species nel gruppo, utilizzando<br />

marcatori cariologici e/o molecolari (vedi<br />

Casu e Curini-Galletti, 2005). Anche per i gruppi<br />

più studiati, come i Proseriati (l’unico taxon di cui<br />

è al momento possibile fornire informazioni sullo<br />

status delle specie italiane), la scelta di riportare<br />

solo le specie formalmente descritte o, se non tali,<br />

comunque citate in letteratura, ha portato al non<br />

inserimento del materiale inedito rinvenuto in<br />

recenti ricerche (cf Curini-Galletti e Casu, 2003).<br />

Le check-list qui presentate dei gruppi riconducibili<br />

agli ‘ex-Turbellari’ sono pertanto da considerare<br />

inadeguate a riflettere la composizione<br />

e distribuzione dei taxa presenti lungo le coste<br />

italiane, e devono essere intese come una sintesi<br />

dei dati al momento disponibili in letteratura o in<br />

rete (si veda al proposito Tyler et al., 2005), e non<br />

come una realistica valutazione del contributo del<br />

gruppo alla biodiversità marina italiana.<br />

about the status of the Italian species.<br />

The checklists of the groups derived from the<br />

splitting of the former “Turbellaria” reported here<br />

are therefore to be considered as an inadequate<br />

reflection of the composition and distribution<br />

of taxa present along the Italian coasts, as they<br />

merely constitute a synthesis of the data available<br />

at the moment in literature or on the web (see, in<br />

this regard, Tyler et al., 2005). Therefore, the lists<br />

should not be taken as a realistic assessment of<br />

the contribution of free-living flatworms to Italian<br />

marine biodiversity.<br />

Bibliografia/References<br />

AX P., 1956. Les turbellariés des étangs côtiers du littoral méditerranéen de la France méridionale. Vie Milieu, suppl., 5: 1-215.<br />

AX P., WEIDEMANN E., EHLERS B., 1978. Zur Morphologie sublitoraler Otoplanidae (Turbellaria, Proseriata) von Helgoland<br />

und Neapel. Zoomorphologie, 90: 113-133.<br />

BAGUŇÀ J. & RIUTORT M., 2004. Molecular phylogeny of the Platyhelminthes. Can. J. Zool., 82: 168-193.<br />

BELLO G., FALLENI A., FREDJ G., GREMIGNI V., HOCHBERG F.G, VERNET G., 1995. ‘Turbellaria’, Gnathostomulida,<br />

Orthonectida, Dicyemida, Nemertea. In: A. Minelli, S. Ruffo, S. La Posta (eds), Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana 5.<br />

Calderini, Bologna.<br />

BOURLAT S.J., NIELSEN C., LOCKYER A.E., LITTLEWOOD D.T.J., TELFORD M.J., 2003. Xenoturbella is a deuterostome<br />

that eats molluscs. Nature, 424: 925-928.<br />

CANNON L.R.G. & FAUBEL A., 1988. Turbellaria. In: Higgins & Thiel (eds), Introduction to the study of meiofauna, Smithsonian<br />

Institution Press: 273-282.<br />

CASU M. & CURINI-GALLETTI M., 2004. Sibling species in interstitial flatworms: a case study using Monocelis lineata (Proseriata:<br />

Monocelididae). Marine Biology, 145: 669-679.<br />

CASU M. & CURINI-GALLETTI M., 2005. Genetic evidence for the existence of criptic species in the mesopsammic flatworm<br />

Pseudomonocelis ophiocephala (Rhabditophora; Proseriata). Biol. J. Linnean Society (in press).<br />

CURINI-GALLETTI M., 2001. The Proseriata. In: D.T.J. Littlewood, R.A. Bray (eds), Interrelationships of the Platyhelminthes,<br />

Taylor & Francis publ., London, New York: 41-48.<br />

CURINI-GALLETTI M. & MURA F., 1998. Two new species of the genus Monocelis Ehrenberg, 1831 (Platyhelminthes, Proseriata)<br />

from the Mediterranean, with a redescription of Monocelis lineata (O.F. Muller, 1774). It. J. Zool., 65: 207-217.<br />

EHLERS U., 1985. Das Phylogenetische System der Plathelminthes. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, New York: 317 pp.<br />

HYMAN L.H., 1951. The invertebrates. Vol. II. Platyhelminthes and Rhyncocoela. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.<br />

JONDELIUS U., RUIZ-TRILLO I., BAGUŇÀ J., RIUTORT M., 2002. The Nemertodermatida are basal bilaterians and not<br />

members of the Platyhelminthes. Zoologica Scripta, 31: 201-215.<br />

LANFRANCHI A., 1969. Nuovi Otoplanidi (Turbellaria Proseriata) delle coste della Liguria e della Toscana. Boll. Zool., 36:<br />

167-188.<br />

LANFRANCHI A., 1978. Morphology and taxonomy of two new otoplanids (Turbellaria: Proseriata) from the Ligurian Sea.<br />

Zoologica Scripta, 7: 249-254.<br />

LITTLEWOOD D.T.J. & OLSON P.D., 2001. Small subunit rDNA and the Platyhelminthes: signal, noise and compromise. In:<br />

D.T.J. Littlewood and R.D. Bray (eds), The interrelationships of the Platyhelminthes. Taylor & Francis, London, England:<br />

262-278.<br />

MARTENS P.M. & CURINI-GALLETTI M., 1994. Revision of the Archiloa genus complex, with description of seven new<br />

Archilina species from the Mediterranean (Proseriata, Platyhelminthes). Bijdragen Dierk., 64: 129-150.<br />

MEIXNER J., 1943. Über die Umbildung einer Turbellarienart nach Einwanderung aus dem Meere ins Süsswasser. Int. Revue<br />

ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr., 43: 458-468.<br />

MIDELBURG A., 1908. Zur Kenntniss der Monocelididae. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool., 89: 81-108.<br />

PALOMBI A., 1926. Digenobothrium inerme”n. gen., n. sp. (Crossocoela). Arch. Zool. Ital., 11: 143-175.<br />

RIEDL R., 1959. Turbellarien aus submarinen Hölen, 3. Seriata und Neorhabdocoela. Ergebnisse der Österreichischen Tyrrhenia-<br />

Expedition 1952, Teil IX. Publ. Staz. Zool. Napoli, 30 suppl.: 305-332.<br />

RUIZ-TRILLO I., RIUTORT M., LITTLEWOOD D.T.J., HERNIOU E.A., BAGUŇÀ J., 1999. Acoel Flatworms: earliest<br />

extant Bilaterian Metazoans, not members of Platyhelminthes. Science, 283: 1919-1923.<br />

TYLER S., SCHILLING S., HOOGE M, BUSH L.F. (comp.), 2005. Turbellarian taxonomic database. Version 1.4 http://devbio.<br />


112<br />

M. Curini-Galletti<br />


Composition and distribution of meiofauna, including nematode genera, in two contrasting Arctic beaches. Polar Biology, 27<br />

(8): 447-457.<br />

WALLBERG A., CURINI-GALLETTI M., AHMADZADEH A., JONDELIUS U., 2007. Dismissal of Acoelomorpha: Acoela<br />

and Nemertodermatida are separate early bilaterian clades. Zoologica Scripta, 36, 5: 509–523.<br />


T., 2005. Filling a gap in the phylogeny of flatworms: relationships within the Rhabdocoela (Platyhelminthes), inferred from<br />

18S ribosomal DNA sequences. Zoologica Scripta, 35: 1-17.<br />

Polystyphora filum

Platyhelminthes 113<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CAR SIN NOTE<br />

Ordine Catenulida<br />

Famiglia Stenostomidae<br />

Stenostomum 3172 Schmidt, 1848<br />

Stenostomum sieboldi 3173 v.Graff, 1878 x<br />

Famiglia Thyrreniellidae<br />

Thyrreniella 3174 Riedl, 1959<br />

Thyrreniella sigillata 3175 Riedl, 1959 x<br />

Rhabditophora<br />

Ordine Macrostomida<br />

Famiglia Dolichomacrostomidae<br />

Myozonaria 3176 Rieger, 1968<br />

Myozonaria arcassonensis 3177 Rieger, 1971 x<br />

Myozonaria bistylifera 3178 Rieger, 1968 x x x<br />

Paromalostomum 3179 Ax, 1951<br />

Paromalostomum atratum 3180 Rieger, 1971 x<br />

Paromalostomum fusculum 3181 Ax, 1952 x<br />

Paromalostomum massiliensis 3182 Rieger, 1971<br />

x<br />

Paromalostomum minutum 3183 Rieger, 1971 x<br />

Paromalostomum parvum 3184 Rieger, 1971 x<br />

Famiglia Macrostomidae<br />

Macrostomum 3185 Schmidt, 1848<br />

Macrostomum lignano<br />

Ladurner, Schärer, Salvenmoser<br />

3186<br />

& Rieger, 2005<br />

x<br />

Macrostomum romanicum 3187 Mack-Fira, 1968 x<br />

Macrostomum timavi 3188 v.Graff, 1905 x<br />

Famiglia Microstomidae<br />

Alaurina 3189 Busch, 1851<br />

Alaurina alba 3190 v.Attems, 1896 x<br />

Microstomum 3191 Schmidt, 1848<br />

Microstomum melanophtalmum 3192 Steinböck, 1933 x x x x<br />

Microstomum ornatum 3193 Uljanin, 1870 x x<br />

Microstomum papillosum 3194 v.Graff, 1882 x<br />

Microstomum rubromaculatum 3195 v.Graff, 1882 x x<br />

Ordine Polycladida<br />

Acotylea<br />

Famiglia Cestoplanidae<br />

Acestoplana 3196 Faubel, 1983<br />

Acestoplana raffaelei 3197 (Ranzi, 1927) x<br />

Cestoplana 3198 Lang, 1884<br />

Cestoplana rubrocincta 3199 (Grube, 1840) x<br />

Famiglia Enantiidae<br />

Enantia 3200 v.Graff, 1889<br />

Enantia spinifera 3201 v.Graff, 1889 x<br />

Famiglia Gnesiocerotidae<br />

Echinoplana 3202 Haswell, 1907<br />

Echinoplana celerrima 3203 Haswell, 1907 x x<br />

Famiglia Hoploplanidae<br />

Hoploplana 3204 Laidlaw, 1902<br />

Hoploplana insignis 3205 (Lang, 1884) x x<br />

Hoploplana papillosa 3206 (Lang, 1884) x<br />

Hoploplana villosa 3207 (Lang, 1884) x<br />

Famiglia Leptoplanidae<br />

Comoplana 3208 Faubel, 1983<br />

Comoplana agilis 3209 (Lang, 1884) x<br />

Comoplana palmula 3210 (Quatrefages, 1845) x x x x

114<br />

M. Curini-Galletti<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CAR SIN NOTE<br />

Emprosthopharynx 3211 Bock, 1913<br />

Emprosthopharynx pallida 3212 (Quatrefages, 1845) x x x<br />

Leptoplana 3213 Ehrenberg, 1831<br />

Leptoplana tremellaris 3214 (Müller, 1774) Örsted, 1843 x x x x<br />

Notoplana 3215 Laidlaw, 1903<br />

Notoplana alcinoi 3216 (Schmidt, 1861) x x x x<br />

Notoplana igiliensis 3217 Galleni, 1974 x<br />

Notoplana vitrea 3218 (Lang, 1884) x<br />

Famiglia Planoceridae<br />

Planocera 3219 Blainville, 1828<br />

Planocera folium 3220 (Grube, 1840) x x<br />

Planocera graffi 3221 Lang, 1879 x<br />

Planocera papillosa 3222 Lang, 1884 x<br />

Planocera villosa 3223 Lang, 1884 x<br />

Famiglia Cryptocelididae<br />

Cryptocelis 3224 Lang, 1884<br />

Cryptocelis alba 3225 (Schmidtlein, 1880) x<br />

Cryptocelis compacta 3226 Lang, 1884 x<br />

Famiglia Latocestidae<br />

Trigonoporus 3227 Lang, 1884<br />

Trigonoporus cephalophthalmus 3228 Lang, 1884<br />

x<br />

Famiglia Stylochidae<br />

Imogine 3229 Girard, 1853<br />

Imogine mediterraneus 3230 (Galleni, 1976) x x<br />

Stylochus 3231 Ehrenberg, 1831<br />

Stylochus alexandrinus 3232 Steinböck, 1937 x<br />

Stylochus neapolitanus 3233 (Delle, Chiaje, 1841) x<br />

Stylochus pilidium 3234 (Goette, 1881) x x<br />

Stylochus plessisii 3235 Lang, 1884 x<br />

Famiglia Theamatidae<br />

Theama 3236 Marcus, 1949<br />

Theama mediterranea<br />

Curini-Galletti, Campus &<br />

3237<br />

Delogu, 2008<br />

x x x x x<br />

Cotylea<br />

Famiglia Anonymidae<br />

Anonymus 3238 Lang, 1884<br />

Anonymus virilis 3239 Lang, 1884 x<br />

Famiglia Euryleptidae<br />

Cycloporus 3240 Lang, 1884<br />

Cycloporus papillosus 3241 (Sars in Jensen, 1878) x x x<br />

Eurylepta 3242 Ehrenberg, 1831<br />

Eurylepta cornuta 3243 (Müller, 1776) x<br />

Oligocladus 3244 Lang, 1884<br />

Oligocladus sanguinolentus 3245 (Quatrefages, 1845) x x<br />

Prostheceraeus 3246 Schmarda, 1859<br />

Prostheceraeus albocinctus 3247 Lang, 1884 x<br />

Prostheceraeus giesbrechtii 3248 Lang, 1884 x x x x x x x<br />

Prostheceraeus moseleyi 3249 Lang, 1884 x x<br />

Prostheceraeus pseudolimax 3250 Lang, 1884 x<br />

Prostheceraeus roseus 3251 Lang, 1884 x<br />

Prostheceraeus rubropunctatus 3252 Lang, 1884,<br />

x<br />

Stylostomum 3253 Lang, 1884<br />

Stylostomum ellipse 3254 (Dalyell, 1853) x x<br />

Stylostomum variabile 3255 Lang, 1884 x

Platyhelminthes 115<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CAR SIN NOTE<br />

Famiglia Prosthiostomidae<br />

Euprosthiostomum 3256 Bock, 1925<br />

Euprosthiostomum viscosum 3257 Palombi, 1936 x<br />

Prosthiostomum 3258 Quatrefages, 1845<br />

Prosthiostomum dohrni 3259 Lang, 1884 x<br />

Prosthiostomum hamatum 3260 Schmidt, 1861 x<br />

Prosthiostomum pellucidum 3261 (Grube, 1840) x x<br />

Prosthiostomum siphunculus 3262 (Delle, Chiaje, 1818) x<br />

Famiglia Pseudocerotidae<br />

Monobiceros 3263 Faubel, 1984<br />

Monobiceros langi 3264 Faubel, 1984 x<br />

Pseudobiceros 3265 Faubel, 1984<br />

Pseudobiceros splendidus 3266 (Lang, 1884) x<br />

Pseudoceros 3267 Lang, 1884<br />

Pseudoceros maximum 3268 Lang, 1884 x x x<br />

Pseudoceros velutinus 3269 (Blanchard, 1847) x x x x<br />

Thysanozoon 3270 Grube, 1840<br />

Thysanozoon brocchii 3271 (Risso, 1818) x x x x x x<br />

Yungia 3272 Lang, 1884<br />

Yungia aurantiaca 3273 (Delle, Chiaje, 1822) x x x<br />

Neoophora<br />

Ordine Lecithoepitheliata<br />

Famiglia Gnosonesimidae<br />

Gnosonesima 3274 Reisinger, 1924<br />

Gnosonesima mediterranea 3275 Martens & Schockaert, 1985 x<br />

Adiaphanida<br />

Ordine Prolecithophora<br />

Famiglia Cylindrostomidae<br />

Allostoma durum 3276 (Fuhrmann, 1896) x x<br />

Cylindrostoma luridum 3277 Riedl, 1959 x<br />

Cylindrostoma monotrochum 3278 (v.Graff, 1882) x x<br />

Cylindrostoma zooxanthella 3279 (v.Graff, 1886) x x<br />

Monoophorum striatum 3280 (v.Graff, 1878) x x x<br />

Famiglia Plagiostomidae<br />

Acmostomum 3281 Schmarda, 1859<br />

Acmostomum dioicum 3282 (Mecznikov, 1865) x x<br />

Acmostomum obscurum 3283 (An, der, Lan, 1936) x<br />

Plagiostomum 3284 Schmidt, 1852<br />

Plagiostomum benedeni 3285 Schmidt, 1852 x x<br />

Plagiostomum cavernae 3286 (Riedl, 1959) x<br />

Plagiostomum chromogastrum 3287 v.Graff, 1908 x x x x<br />

Plagiostomum filicauda 3288 Westblad, 1956 x x<br />

Plagiostomum girardi 3289 (Schmidt, 1857) x x x x<br />

Plagiostomum maculatum 3290 v.Graff, 1882 x x x x<br />

Plagiostomum melenadum 3291 v.Graff, 1911 x x<br />

Plagiostomum paradoxum 3292 An Der Lan, 1936 x x<br />

Plagiostomum productum 3293 (Riedl, 1959) x<br />

Plagiostomum reticulatum 3294 Schmidt, 1852 x x x x x<br />

Plagiostomum rovignense 3295 An Der Lan, 1936 x<br />

Plagiostomum sorrentinum 3296 Riedl, 1954 x<br />

Plagiostomum spadix 3297 (Riedl, 1959) x<br />

Plagiostomum spongophilum 3298 (Riedl, 1959)<br />

x<br />

Plagiostomum striatum 3299 Westblad, 1956 x x<br />

Plagiostomum sulphureum 3300 v.Graff, 1882 x x

116<br />

M. Curini-Galletti<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CAR SIN NOTE<br />

Plagiostomum vittatum 3301 (Frey & Leuckart, 1847) x<br />

Plagiostomum whitmani 3302 v.Graff, 1911 x<br />

Plagiostomum xenophtalmum 3303 (Riedl, 1959)<br />

x<br />

Plicastoma 3304 v.Graff, 1908<br />

Plicastoma bimaculatum 3305 (v.Graff, 1882) x x x<br />

Plicastoma glaucum 3306 Riedl, 1959 x<br />

Plicastoma micropharynx 3307 (An Der Lan, 1936) x<br />

Vorticeros 3308 Schmidt, 1852<br />

Vorticeros auriculatum 3309 (Müller, 1788) x x x x<br />

Vorticeros luteum 3310 Hallez, 1979 x x x<br />

Vorticeros pulchellum 3311 Schmidt, 1852 x x<br />

Vorticeros rude 3312 Riedl, 1959 x<br />

Famiglia Protomonotresidae<br />

Archimonotresis 3313 Meixner, 1938<br />

Archimonotresis limophila 3314 Meixner, 1938 x<br />

Archimonotresis perspicua 3315 Riedl, 1954 x<br />

Famiglia Pseudostomidae<br />

Pseudostomum 3316 Schmidt, 1848<br />

Pseudostomum klostermanni 3317 (v.Graff, 1874) x x x x x<br />

Pseudostomum quadrioculatum 3318 (Leuckart, 1847) x x<br />

Famiglia Ulianiniidae<br />

Ulianinia 3319 Levinsen, 1879<br />

Ulianinia mollissima 3320 Levinsen, 1879 x<br />

"Genostomatidae"<br />

Genostoma 3321 Dörler, 1900<br />

Genostoma marsiliensis 3322 (Calandruccio, 1897) x<br />

Genostoma tergestina 3323 (Calandruccio, 1897) x x<br />

"Urastomidae"<br />

Urastoma 3324 Dörler, 1900<br />

Urastoma cyprinae 3325 (v.Graff, 1882) x x<br />

Ordine Tricladida<br />

Maricola<br />

Famiglia Cercyridae<br />

Cerbussowia 3326 Wilhelmi, 1909<br />

Cerbussowia cerruti 3327 Wilhelmi, 1909 x x<br />

Sabussowia 3328 Böhmig, 1906<br />

Sabussowia dioica 3329 (Claparède, 1863) x x x<br />

Cercyra 3330 Schmidt, 1862<br />

Cercyra hastata 3331 Schmidt, 1862 x x x<br />

Procerodes 3332 Girard, 1851<br />

Procerodes plebeia 3333 (Schmidt, 1861) x<br />

Procerodes dohrni 3334 Wilhelmi, 1909 x x x<br />

Procerodes lobata 3335 (Schmidt, 1861) x x x x x<br />

Rhabdocoela<br />

Ordine Dalyellioida<br />

Famiglia Dalyelliidae<br />

Beauchampiola 3336 Luther, 1957<br />

Beauchampiola oculifera 3337 (de Beauchamp, 1927) x<br />

Thalassovortex 3338 Papi, 1956<br />

Thalassovortex tyrrhenicus 3339 Papi, 1956 x x<br />

Famiglia Graffillidae<br />

Graffilla 3340 Ihering, 1880<br />

Graffilla brauni 3341 Schmidt, 1886 x<br />

Graffilla muricicola 3342 Ihering, 1880 x x

Platyhelminthes 117<br />

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Graffilla parasitica 3343 (Czerniavsky, 1881) x<br />

Paravortex 3344 Wahl, 1906<br />

Paravortex scrobiculariae 3345 (v.Graff, 1882) x x<br />

Famiglia Provorticidae<br />

Hangethellia 3346 Karling, 1940<br />

Hangethellia calceifera 3347 Karling, 1940 x x<br />

Pogaina 3348 Marcus, 1954<br />

Pogaina annulata 3349 Ax, 1970 x<br />

Pogaina suecica 3350 (Luther, 1948) x x<br />

Vejdovskya 3351 Graff, 1905<br />

Vejdovskya adriatica 3352 (Dörler, 1900) x x<br />

Famiglia Umagillidae<br />

Anoplodiopsis 3353 Westblad, 1953<br />

Anoplodiopsis gracilis 3354 (Wahl, 1906) x x x<br />

Anoplodium 3355 Schneider, 1858<br />

Anoplodium graffi 3356 Monticelli, 1892 x<br />

Anoplodium parasita 3357 Schneider, 1858 x x x x<br />

Collastoma 3358 Dörler, 1900<br />

Collastoma minutum 3359 Wahl, 1906 x<br />

Syndesmis 3360 Silliman, 1881<br />

Syndesmis aethopharynx 3361 Westervelt & Kozloff, 1990 x<br />

Syndesmis echiniacuti 3362 Kozloff, 1997 x<br />

Syndesmis echinorum 3363 Francois, 1886 x x x<br />

Umagilla 3364 Wahl, 1909<br />

Umagilla forskalensis 3365 Wahl, 1909 x x<br />

Ordine Kalyptorhynchia<br />

Eukalyptorhynchia<br />

Famiglia Acrumenidae<br />

Acrumena 3366 Brunet, 1965<br />

Acrumena massiliensis 3367 Brunet, 1965 x<br />

Famiglia Cicerinidae<br />

Cicerina 3368 Giard, 1904<br />

Cicerina eucentrota 3369 Ax, 1959 x<br />

Diadema 3370 Brunet, 1965<br />

Didiadema picardi 3371 Brunet, 1965 x<br />

Nannorhynchides 3372 Karling, 1956<br />

Nannorhynchides corneus 3373 Brunet, 1965 x<br />

Nannorhynchides harparius 3374 Brunet, 1965 x<br />

Nannorhynchides vividus 3375 Brunet, 1965 x<br />

Paracicerina 3376 Meixner, 1928<br />

Paracicerina globulosa 3377 Brunet, 1973 x<br />

Pocillorhynchus 3378 Brunet, 1973<br />

Pocillorhynchus agilis 3379 Brunet, 1973 x<br />

Pocillorhynchus minutus 3380 Brunet, 1973 x<br />

Ptyalorhynchus 3381 Meixner, 1928<br />

Ptyalorhynchus piger 3382 Brunet, 1973 x<br />

Toia 3383 Marcus, 1952<br />

Toia calceformis 3384 Brunet, 1973 x<br />

Famiglia Cystiplanidae<br />

Cystiplex 3385 Karling, 1964<br />

Cystiplex axi 3386 Karling, 1964 x x<br />

Cystirete 3387 Brunet, 1965<br />

Cystirete graefei 3388 Brunet, 1965 x

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Famiglia Gnathorhynchidae<br />

Ancistrorhynchus 3389 L`Hardy, 1963<br />

Ancistrorhynchus ischnurus 3390 L`Hardy, 1963 x<br />

Drepanorhynchides 3391 L`Hardy, 1963<br />

Drepanorhynchides diodontus 3392 L`Hardy, 1966<br />

x<br />

Prognathorhynchus 3393 Meixner, 1929<br />

Prognathorhynchus parvulus 3394 Brunet, 1972 x<br />

Prognathorhynchus typhlus 3395 L`Hardy, 1964 x<br />

Uncinorhynchus 3396 Karling, 1947<br />

Uncinorhynchus flavidus 3397 Karling, 1947 x<br />

Uncinorhynchus hamatus 3398 Brunet, 1973 x<br />

Uncinorhynchus proporus 3399 Brunet, 1973 x<br />

Famiglia Koinocystidae<br />

Brunetia 3400 Karling, 1980<br />

Brunetia camarguensis 3401 (Brunet, 1965) x<br />

Gnorimorhynchus 3402 Brunet, 1972<br />

Gnorimorhynchus dividuus 3403 Brunet, 1972 x<br />

Itaipusa 3404 Marcus, 1949<br />

Itaipusa acerosa 3405 (Brunet, 1972) x<br />

Itaipusa similis 3406 (Brunet, 1972) x<br />

Koinocystis 3407 Meixner, 1924<br />

Koinocystis taeniophoris 3408 Steinböck, 1933 x<br />

Leguta 3409 Karling, 1980<br />

Leguta chelifera 3410 (Karling, 1954) x x<br />

Paratenerrhynchus 3411 Brunet, 1972<br />

Paratenerrhynchus triplex 3412 Brunet, 1972 x<br />

Tenerrhynchus 3413 Brunet, 1972<br />

Tenerrhynchus magnus 3414 Brunet, 1972 x<br />

Utelga 3415 Marcus, 1949<br />

Utelga vesiculata 3416 Brunet, 1972 x<br />

Famiglia Placorhynchidae<br />

Placorhynchus 3417 Karling, 1931<br />

Placorhynchus octaculeatus 3418 Karling, 1931 x<br />

Famiglia Polycystidae<br />

Albertorhynchus 3419 Schockaert, 1976<br />

Albertorhynchus amai 3420 Schockaert, 1976 x<br />

Annulorhynchus 3421 Karling, 1956<br />

Annulorhynchus adriaticus 3422 Karling, 1956 x x<br />

Austrorhynchus 3423 Karling, 1952<br />

Austrorhynchus bruneti 3424 Karling, 1977 x<br />

Austrorhynchus karlingi 3425 Brunet, 1965 x<br />

Austrorhynchus scoparius 3426 Brunet, 1965 x<br />

Gallorhynchus 3427 Schockaert &, Brunet, 1971<br />

Gallorhynchus mediterraneus 3428 Schockaert & Brunet, 1971 x<br />

Gallorhynchus simplex 3429 Schockaert & Brunet, 1971 x<br />

Gyratricella 3430 Karling, 1955<br />

Gyratricella attemsi 3431 (v.Graff, 1913) x<br />

Gyratrix 3432 Ehrenberg, 1831<br />

Gyratrix hermaphroditus 3433 Ehrenberg, 1831 complex x x x x x x x x x<br />

Gyratrix proavus 3434 Meixner, 1938 x<br />

Lagenorhynchus 3435 Brunet, 1965<br />

Lagenorhynchus peresi 3436 Brunet, 1965 x<br />

Macrorhynchus 3437 Graff, 1882<br />

Macrorhynchus bivittatus 3438 (Uljanin, 1870) x x x

Platyhelminthes 119<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CAR SIN NOTE<br />

Macrorhynchus croceus 3439 (Fabricius, 1826) x x<br />

Neopolycystis 3440 Meixner, 1938<br />

Neopolycystis tridentata 3441 Karling, 1955 x<br />

Papia 3442 Karling, 1956<br />

Papia bifida 3443 Karling, 1956 x<br />

Paulodora 3444 Marcus, 1948<br />

Paulodora contorta 3445 Schockaert & Karling, 1975 x<br />

Paulodora dolichocephala 3446 (Pereyaslawzewa, 1892) x<br />

Paulodora riedli 3447 Karling, 1956 x<br />

Polycystis 3448 Köliker, 1845<br />

Polycystis naegelii 3449 Köliker, 1845 x x x x<br />

Phonorhynchus 3450 Graff, 1905<br />

Phonorhynchus helgolandicus 3451 (Metschnikow, 1863) x x<br />

Progyrator 3452 Sekera, 1901<br />

Progyrator mamertinus 3453 (Graff, 1874) x x<br />

Psammopolycystis 3454 Meixner, 1938<br />

Psammopolycystis forcipiens 3455 Brunet, 1979 x<br />

Psammopolycystis riegeri 3456 Brunet, 1979 x<br />

Psammopolycystis trilobata 3457 Brunet, 1979 x<br />

Rogneda 3458 Uljanin, 1870<br />

Rogneda acuta 3459 Brunet, 1979 x<br />

Rogneda capulata 3460 Karling, 1953 x x<br />

Rogneda cincta 3461 Brunet, 1969 x<br />

Rogneda colpaerti 3462 Artois, 2008 x<br />

Rogneda exilis 3463 Brunet, 1979 x<br />

Rogneda falcata 3464 Brunet, 1965 x<br />

Rogneda gallica 3465 Ax, 1956 x<br />

Rogneda licyae 3466 Artois, 2008 x<br />

Rogneda minuta 3467 Uljanin, 1870 x x<br />

Rogneda palula 3468 Brunet, 1969 x<br />

Rogneda reticulata 3469 Brunet, 1969 x<br />

Rogneda schaereri 3470 Artois, 2008 x<br />

Rogneda steueri 3471 (Steinböck, 1933) x<br />

Rogneda valkei 3472 Artois, 2008 x<br />

Rogneda vangronsveldi 3473 Artois, 2008 x<br />

Rogneda westbladi 3474 Karling, 1953 x x<br />

Typhlopolycystis 3475 Karling, 1956<br />

Typhlopolycystis coomansi 3476 Schockaert & Karling, 1975 x<br />

Typhlopolycystis mediterranea 3477 Brunet, 1965<br />

x<br />

Schizorhynchia<br />

Famiglia Karkinorhynchidae<br />

Cheliplana 3478 Beauchamp, 1927<br />

Cheliplana firmata 3479 Brunet, 1968 x<br />

Cheliplana hiemalis 3480 Brunet, 1968 x<br />

Cheliplana hypergyna 3481 Boaden, 1965 x<br />

Cheliplana piriformis 3482 Brunet, 1968 x<br />

Cheliplana pusilla 3483 Brunet, 1968 x<br />

Cheliplana rubescens 3484 Brunet, 1966 x<br />

Cheliplana terminalis 3485 Brunet, 1968 x<br />

Cheliplana varicauda 3486 Brunet, 1971 x<br />

Cheliplanilla 3487 Meixner, 1938<br />

Cheliplanilla caudata 3488 Meixner, 1938 x<br />

Cheliplanilla implicata 3489 Brunet, 1968 x

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Famiglia Schizorhynchidae<br />

Carcharodorhynchus 3490 Meixner, 1938<br />

Carcharodorhynchus flavidus 3491 Brunet, 1967 x<br />

Carcharodorhynchus infundibulatus<br />

Brunet, 1970<br />

3492<br />

x<br />

Carcharodorhynchus multidentatus<br />

Brunet, 1979<br />

3493<br />

x<br />

Carcharodorhynchus subterraneus<br />

Meixner, 1938<br />

3494<br />

x<br />

Carcharodorhynchus tenuis 3495 Brunet, 1979 x<br />

Proschizorhynchus 3496 Meixner, 1928<br />

Proschizorhynchus lunatus 3497 Brunet, 1970 x<br />

Proschizorhynchus reniformis 3498 Brunet, 1970<br />

x<br />

Schizochilus 3499 Boaden, 1963<br />

Schizochilus parvulus 3500 Brunet, 1970 x<br />

Schizochilus spiniferus 3501 Brunet, 1970 x<br />

Schizochilus tubulatus 3502 Brunet, 1970 x<br />

Schizorhynchoides 3503 Meixner, 1928<br />

Schizorhynchoides globulosus 3504 Brunet, 1970<br />

x<br />

Typhlorhynchus 3505 Laidlaw, 1902<br />

Typhlorhynchus nanus 3506 Laidlaw, 1902 x<br />

Ordine Typhloplanoida<br />

Famiglia Promesostomidae<br />

Brinkmanniella 3507 Luther, 1943<br />

Brinkmanniella macrostomoides 3508 Luther, 1948<br />

x<br />

Einarella 3509 Luther, 1948<br />

Einarella argillophila 3510 Luther, 1948 x<br />

Promesostoma 3511 Graff, 1882<br />

Promesostoma ellipticum 3512 (Uljanin, 1870) x<br />

Promesostoma gallicum 3513 Ax, 1956 x<br />

Promesostoma marmoratum 3514 (Schultze, 1851) x x x x x<br />

Promesostoma ovoideum 3515 (Schmidt, 1852) x x<br />

Promesostoma solea 3516 (Schmidt O, 1857) x x x x<br />

Westbladiella 3517 Luther, 1943<br />

Westbladiella angulifera 3518 Riedl, 1954 x<br />

Westbladiella falcifera 3519 Riedl, 1954 x x x<br />

Westbladiella tubifera 3520 Riedl, 1956 x x<br />

Famiglia Solenopharyngidae<br />

Culleopharynx 3521 Ehlers, 1972<br />

Culleopharynx armatus 3522 (Riedl, 1956) x x<br />

Solenopharynx 3523 Graff, 1882<br />

Solenopharynx flavidus 3524 v.Graff, 1882 x x<br />

Famiglia Trigonostomidae<br />

Ceratopera 3525 Hartog, 1964<br />

Ceratopera axi 3526 (Riedl, 1954) x x<br />

Ceratopera gracilis 3527 (v. Graff, 1882) x x x<br />

Ceratopera reisingeri 3528 (Riedl, 1959) x<br />

Ceratopera sellai 3529 (Steinböck, 1933) x<br />

Ceratopera steinböki 3530 (Riedl, 1959) x<br />

Marinellia 3531 Riedl, 1954<br />

Marinellia lingulifera 3532 Riedl, 1954 x<br />

Paramesostoma 3533 Attems, 1896<br />

Paramesostoma neapolitanum 3534 (v. Graff, 1882) x x<br />

Proxenetes 3535 Jensen, 1878<br />

Proxenetes angustus 3536 Ax, 1951 x

Platyhelminthes 121<br />

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Proxenetes flabellifer 3537 Jensen, 1878 x x<br />

Ptychopera 3538 Hartog, 1964<br />

Ptychopera plebeia 3539 (Beklemishev, 1927) x<br />

Trigonostomum 3540 Schmidt, 1852<br />

Trigonostomum coronatum 3541 (v. Graff, 1882) x x<br />

Trigonostomum penicillatum 3542 (Schmidt, 1857) x x x x x<br />

Trigonostomum quadrifolium 3543 Riedl, 1954<br />

x<br />

Trigonostomum setigerum 3544 Schmidt, 1852 x x x x<br />

Trigonostomum venenosum 3545 (Uljanin, 1870) x x<br />

Famiglia Typhloplanidae<br />

Haloplanella 3546 Luther, 1946<br />

Haloplanella multifida 3547 Riedl, 1954 x x<br />

Haloplanella pusilla 3548 Riedl, 1959 x<br />

Lioniella 3549 Riedl, 1954<br />

Lioniella petiti 3550 Riedl, 1954 x x<br />

Notomonoophorum 3551 Luther, 1948<br />

Notomonoophorum coecum 3552 Luther, 1948 x<br />

Phaenocora 3553 Ehrenberg, 1835<br />

Phaenocora salinarum 3554 (v. Graff, 1882) x<br />

Ordine Proseriata<br />

Subordine Lithophora<br />

Famiglia Coelogynoporidae<br />

Subfamiglia Coelogynoporinae<br />

Coelogynopora 3555 Steinböck, 1924<br />

Coelogynopora gallica 3556 Sopott-Ehlers, 1976 x<br />

Coelogynopora schulzii 3557 Meixner, 1938 x<br />

Coelogynopora cf gynocotyla 3558 Steinböck, 1924 x x x x x x a1<br />

Vannuccia 3559 Marcus 1948<br />

Vannuccia campana 3560 Ehlers & Ehlers, 1980 x x x x x x<br />

Subfamiglia Calviriinae<br />

a2<br />

Calviria<br />

Martens &, Curini-Galletti,<br />

3561<br />

1993<br />

Calviria banyulensis<br />

Martens & Curini-Galletti,<br />

3562<br />

1993<br />

x<br />

Calviria solaris<br />

Martens & Curini-Galletti,<br />

3563<br />

1993<br />

x x x<br />

Calviria sublittoralis<br />

Martens & Curini-Galletti,<br />

3564<br />

1993<br />

x<br />

Famiglia Archimonocelididae<br />

Archimonocelis 3565 Meixner, 1938<br />

Archimonocelis carmelitana<br />

Martens & Curini-Galletti,<br />

3566<br />

1993<br />

x x x<br />

Archimonocelis crucifera<br />

Martens & Curini-Galletti,<br />

3567<br />

1993<br />

x x x<br />

Archimonocelis mediterranea 3568 Meixner, 1938 x x<br />

Archimonocelis meixneri<br />

Martens & Curini-Galletti,<br />

3569<br />

1993<br />

x<br />

Archimonocelis staresoi<br />

Martens & Curini-Galletti,<br />

3570<br />

1993<br />

x x<br />

Archimonocelis scopulicola<br />

Curini-Galletti, Delogu,<br />

3571<br />

Campus & Casu, 2007<br />

x<br />

Archimonocelis cygnicollis<br />

Curini-Galletti, Delogu,<br />

3572 x<br />

Archimonocelis parastaresoi<br />

3573<br />

Famiglia Monocelididae<br />

Subfamiglia Duplomonocelidinae<br />

Archilina 3574 Ax, 1959<br />

Campus & Casu, 2007<br />

Curini-Galletti, Delogu,<br />

Campus & Casu, 2007<br />


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Archilina biselenifera<br />

Martens & Curini-Galletti,<br />

3575<br />

1994<br />

x E A1<br />

Archilina brachycirrus<br />

Martens & Curini-Galletti,<br />

3576<br />

1994<br />

x<br />

Archilina caliban<br />

Martens & Curini-Galletti,<br />

3577<br />

1994<br />

x<br />

Archilina deceptoria<br />

Martens & Curini-Galletti,<br />

3578<br />

1994<br />

x x<br />

Archilina endostyla 3579 Ax, 1959 x x x<br />

Archilina etrusca<br />

Martens & Curini-Galletti,<br />

3580<br />

1994<br />

x x<br />

Archiloa 3581 Beauchamp, 1910<br />

Archiloa petiti 3582 Ax, 1956 x x x<br />

Boreocelis 3584 Westblad, 1952<br />

Boreocelis filicauda 3585 Westblad, 1952 x<br />

Boreocelis urodasyoides 3586 Ax, 1963 x x<br />

Digenobothrium 3587 Palombi, 1926<br />

Digenobothrium inerme 3588 Palombi, 1926 x E A2<br />

Duplominona 3589 Karling, 1966<br />

Duplominona corsicana 3590 Martens, 1984 x x<br />

Duplominona istambulensis 3591 (Ax, 1959) x<br />

Duplominona longicirrus 3592 Martens, 1984 x<br />

Duplominona paucispina 3593 Martens, 1984 x<br />

Inaloa<br />

Martens & Curini-Galletti,<br />

3594<br />

1994,<br />

Inaloa cirrifera 3595 (Meixner, 1943) x E A3<br />

Monotoplana 3596 Meixner, 1938<br />

Monotoplana diorchis 3597 Meixner, 1938 x x<br />

Promonotus 3598 Beklemischev, 1927<br />

Promonotus ponticus 3599 Ax, 1959 x x<br />

Promonotus schultzei 3600 Meixner, 1943 x<br />

Promonotus sphaerobursa<br />

Martens & Curini-Galletti,<br />

3601<br />

1999<br />

x<br />

Subfamiglia Monocelidinae<br />

Minona 3602 Marcus, 1956<br />

Minona trigonopora 3603 Ax, 1956 x M A4<br />

Monocelis 3604 Ehrenberg, 1831<br />

Monocelis fürmanni 3605 Midelburg, 1908 x E A5<br />

Monocelis lineata 3606 (Müller, 1774) complex: sp. A x x x x a3<br />

Monocelis lineata 3607 (Müller, 1774) complex: sp. B x<br />

Monocelis lineata 3608 (Müller, 1774) complex: sp. C x x<br />

Monocelis lineata 3609 (Müller, 1774) complex: sp. D x<br />

Monocelis lineata 3610 (Müller, 1774) complex: sp. E x E,M A6<br />

Monocelis longiceps 3611 (Ant. Duges, 1830) complex x x x x a4<br />

Monocelis longistyla<br />

Martens & Curini-Galletti,<br />

3612<br />

1987<br />

x x x x x x x<br />

Monocelis mediterranea 3613 Curini-Galletti & Mura, 1998 x<br />

Monocelis nitida 3614 Riedl, 1959 x a5<br />

Monocelis parvula 3615 Curini-Galletti & Mura, 1998 x E A7<br />

Pseudomonocelis 3616 Meixner, 1943<br />

Pseudomonocelis ophiocephala 3617 (Schmidt, 1861) x x x x x<br />

Pseudomonocelis caputserpentis 3618 Casu & Curini-Galletti, 2005 x x M A8<br />

Pseudomonocelis n.sp. 3619 x a6<br />

Famiglia Otoplanidae<br />

Subfamiglia Archotoplaninae<br />

Archotoplana 3620 Ax, 1956<br />

Archotoplana holotricha 3621 Ax, 1956 x x

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Subfamiglia Otoplaninae<br />

Monostichoplana 3622 Ax, 1956<br />

Monostichoplana filum neapolitana<br />

Ax, Weidemann & Ehlers, 1978<br />

3623<br />

x x<br />

Napoliplana 3624 Ax, Weidemann & Ehlers, 1978<br />

Napoliplana cinctata<br />

Ax, Weidemann & Ehlers,<br />

3625<br />

1978,<br />

x<br />

Notocaryoturbella 3626 Lanfranchi, 1969<br />

Notocaryoturbella bigermaria 3627 Lanfranchi, 1969 x E A9<br />

Orthoplana 3628 Steinböck, 1935<br />

Orthoplana mediterranea 3629 Ax, 1956 x<br />

Otoplana 3630 Plessis, 1889<br />

Otoplana intermedia 3631 Du Plessis, 1889 x x x x<br />

Otoplana truncaspina 3632 Lanfranchi, 1969 x x<br />

Otoplana oxyspina 3633 Lanfranchi & Melai, 2007 x<br />

Pseudorthoplana 3634 Ax, Weidemann & Ehlers, 1978<br />

Pseudorthoplana foliacea 3635 (Meixner, 1939) x x<br />

Xenotoplana 3636 Ax, Weidemann & Ehlers, 1978,<br />

Xenotoplana acus 3637 Ax, Weidemann & Ehlers, 1978 x x x<br />

Xenotoplana thyrrhenica 3638 Ax, Weidemann & Ehlers, 1978 x E A10<br />

Subfamiglia Parotoplaninae<br />

Parotoplana 3639 Meixner, 1938<br />

Parotoplana jondelii 3640 Delogu & Curini-Galletti, 2007 x<br />

Parotoplana macrostyla 3641 Lanfranchi, 1978 x x<br />

Parotoplana multispinosa 3642 Ax, 1956 x<br />

Parotoplana procerostyla 3643 Ax, 1956 x x<br />

Parotoplana pythagorae 3644 Delogu & Curini-Galletti, 2007 x<br />

Parotoplana renatae 3645 Ax, 1956 x x<br />

Parotoplana rosignana 3646 Lanfranchi & Melai, 2008 x<br />

Parotoplana spathifera 3647 Delogu & Curini-Galletti, 2007 x<br />

Parotoplana terpsichore 3648 Delogu & Curini-Galletti, 2007 x<br />

Parotoplana uncinata 3649 Lanfranchi, 1978 x E A11<br />

Parotoplanella 3650 Ax, 1956<br />

Parotoplanella heterorhabditica 3651 Lanfranchi, 1969 x<br />

Postbursoplana 3652 Ax, 1956<br />

Postbursoplana fibulata 3653 Ax, 1956 x x x<br />

Postbursoplana macromystax 3654 Lanfranchi, 1969 x x<br />

Postbursoplana tyrrhenica 3655 Lanfranchi, 1969 x x<br />

Triporoplana 3656 Ax, 1956<br />

Triporoplana synsiphonioides 3657 Ax, 1956 x x x<br />

Subordine Unguiphora<br />

Famiglia Nematoplanidae<br />

Nematoplana 3658 Meixner, 1938<br />

Nematoplana corsicana<br />

Curini-Galletti & Martens,<br />

3659<br />

1992<br />

x x<br />

Nematoplana riegeri<br />

Curini-Galletti & Martens,<br />

3660<br />

1992<br />

x x x x<br />

Nematoplana n.sp. 3661 x a7<br />

Polystyliphora 3662 Ax, 1958<br />

Polystyliphora filum 3663 Ax, 1958 x

124<br />

M. Curini-Galletti<br />

Sinonimi<br />

a1: l’effettiva conspecificità delle popolazioni tipiche atlantiche<br />

e delle popolazioni mediterranee necessita di conferma<br />

a2: trasferita alla fam. Coelogynoporidae da Curini-Galletti,<br />

2001<br />

a3: indagini molecolari sulla morfospecie “Monocelis lineata”<br />

hanno rivelato la presenza di numerose sibling species<br />

(Casu e Curini-Galletti, 2004), tuttora in fase di studio<br />

e indicate provvisoriamente, in attesa di una descrizione<br />

formale, con lettere dell’alfabeto<br />

a4: le popolazioni mediterranee afferibili morfologicamente<br />

a Monocelis longiceps (Ant. Duges, 1830) differiscono,<br />

anche notevolmente, su base cariologica e suggeriscono<br />

l’esistenza di un complesso di sibling species, ancora non<br />

studiato nei dettagli<br />

a5: specie dubbia, inadeguatamente descritta (Riedl, 1959)<br />

a6: riportata erroneamente come Pseudomonocelis agilis (M.<br />

Schultze, 1851) nella “Check-list” (Bello et al., 1995); in<br />

attesa di una descrizione formale<br />

a7: specie dalla peculiare pigmentazione cefalica, riportata da<br />

Ax (1956) per gli stagni costieri del Rouissillon (Francia)<br />

e risultata abbondante in ambienti salmastri delle coste<br />

toscane e sarde (Curini-Galletti, dato non pubblicato), la<br />

cui descrizione formale è resa impossibile dal fatto che<br />

sinora non è mai stata rinvenuta in fase di maturità sessuale<br />

Synonyms<br />

a1: the effective conspecificity of the atlantic and mediterranean<br />

populations attributed to this species needs to be<br />

assessed<br />

a2: transferred to the fam. Coelogynoporidae by Curini-Galletti,<br />

2001<br />

a3: molecular investigations on the morphospecies “Monocelis<br />

lineata” revealed the presence of numerous sibling<br />

species both in Atlantic and in the Mediterranean (Casu<br />

& Curini-Galletti, 2004), still waiting formal descriptions<br />

a4: the noticeable differences in karyotype observed among<br />

mediterranean populations morphogically attributable to<br />

the taxon Monocelis longiceps (Ant. Duges, 1830)(Curini-<br />

Galletti, unpubl. data) suggest the existence of a complex<br />

of sibling species, yet to be studied in details<br />

a5: dubious species, inadequately described by Riedl (1959)<br />

a6: erronously reported as Pseudomonocelis agilis (M. Schultze,<br />

1851) in a previous “Check-list” (Bello et al., 1995)<br />

a7: species with peculiar cephalic pigmentation, reported by<br />

Ax (1956) for the coastal lagoons of Rouissillon (France)<br />

and found in brackish habitats of sardinian and tuscan<br />

coasts, where it can be abundant (Curini-Galletti, unpubl.<br />

data); its formal desciption is however prevented by the<br />

fact that only juvenile specimens have been found so far<br />

Note<br />

A1: nota solo per le coste toscane (Punta Ala, Secca delle<br />

Melorie) (Martens e Curini-Galletti, 1994)<br />

A2: specie nota solo per lo stretto di Messina, mai più<br />

ritrovata dalla descrizione originale (Palombi, 1926); di<br />

incerta collocazione sistematica<br />

A3: specie nota solo per la Laguna di Grado (Meixner, 1943)<br />

e di Venezia (Curini-Galletti, dato non pubblicato)<br />

A4: specie descritta su esemplari degli stagni costieri del<br />

Roussillon, Francia (Ax, 1956), nota in Italia per una<br />

sola stazione (Stagno di Porto Pollo, Sardegna) (Curini-<br />

Galletti, dato non pubblicato), in avanzato stato di<br />

degrado<br />

A5: specie nota solo per il Golfo di Trieste, mai più ritrovata<br />

dalla descrizione originale (Midelburg, 1908)<br />

A6: sibling species del complesso di Monocelis lineata nota<br />

esclusivamente per un habitat salmastro nei pressi di<br />

Porto Puddu (Sardegna settentrionale), area non protetta<br />

e minacciata da un forte sviluppo edilizio<br />

A7: specie nota per la sola località tipica (Curini-Galletti e<br />

Mura, 1998)<br />

A8: specie a distribuzione limitata (complesso sardo-corso,<br />

isola d’Elba e Punta Ala, Grosseto). Minacciata (vedi<br />

Casu e Curini-Galletti, 2005) per l’habitat ristretto ai<br />

sedimenti ridotti sottostanti la “banquette” spiaggiata di<br />

Posidonia oceanica – la cui rimozione determina la scomparsa<br />

delle popolazioni della specie<br />

A9: specie nota solo per il Mar Ligure orientale (Lanfranchi,<br />

1969)<br />

A10: specie nota solo per il locus typicus (Golfo di Napoli)<br />

(Ax et al., 1978)<br />

A11: specie nota solo per il locus typicus (Secche della Meloria)<br />

(Lanfranchi, 1978)<br />

Remarks<br />

A1: only known for the coast of Tuscany (Punta Ala, Meloria<br />

shoals) (Martens & Curini-Galletti, 1994)<br />

A2: only known for its locus typicus (the strait of Messina)<br />

and not found again after the original description (Palombi,<br />

1926); its systematic placement is uncertain<br />

A3: only known for Grado and Venice lagoons (Meixner,<br />

1943; Curini-Galletti, unpubl. data)<br />

A4: described on specimens found in the coastal lagoons of<br />

Roussillon, (Ax, 1956); it is known for a single population<br />

in Italy (Porto Pollo lagoon, Sardinia) (Curini-<br />

Galletti, unpubl. data), threatened by habitat alteration<br />

A5: species described on specimens from the Gulf of Trieste,<br />

not found again after the original description (Midelburg,<br />

1908)<br />

A6: sibling species of the Monocelis lineata complex, only<br />

known for a brackish habitat near Porto Puddu (northern<br />

Sardina), in an unprotected site threatened by heavy<br />

habitat alteration<br />

A7: only known for its locus typicus (Capo Caccia, Sardinia)<br />

(Curini-Galletti & Mura, 1998)<br />

A8: species limited to the corsican-sardinian complex, Elba<br />

Island and Punta Ala (Grosseto). Threatened (see Casu<br />

& Curini-Galletti, 2005) for its habitat restricted to the<br />

reduced sediments below the “banquette” of Posidonia<br />

oceanica – whose removal causes the disappearance of<br />

local populations of the species<br />

A9: species only known for the eastern Ligurian Sea (Lanfranchi,<br />

1969)<br />

A10: only known for its locus typicus (Gulf of Napoli) (Ax et<br />

al., 1978)<br />

A11: only known for its locus typicus (Meloria shoals) (Lanfranchi,<br />


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