Verlisify: Huge Palworld Breeding Discoveries – Palworld Breeding Combination Guide!

Discover the latest breeding mechanics in Palworld and learn how to obtain any pal through breeding. Get ready for some insane combinations!

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld breeding mechanics have been data mined, allowing players to figure out their own breeding chains to obtain any pal in the game. Breeding works by averaging the breeding power of both parents to determine the baby egg’s power. Gender doesn’t matter in breeding, and there are 28 special combinations that do not use breeding power to determine the result. The video also showcases updates to the parent search tab and a data mine spreadsheet that provides all the stats and numbers for breeding. This guide is a must-watch for Palworld players looking to optimize their breeding strategies!

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Key Takeaways:

  • Each pal has a hidden breeding power number between 10 and 1500, determining its rarity or power.
  • Breeding power is averaged between parents to determine the baby’s power.
  • Gender doesn’t matter in breeding, and there are 28 special combinations that produce unique results.
  • Data mine stats and parent search tools provide in-depth breeding information.

Breeding Mechanics: Understanding the Basics

In Palworld, breeding works by averaging the breeding power of both parents to determine the baby’s power. The lower the breeding power, the rarer or more powerful the pal is. Gender doesn’t matter in breeding, and there are exceptions that lead to unique breeding results. The game picks the pal with the closest power to the average as the result.

Updates: Parent Search Tab and Data Mine Spreadsheet

In the video, Verlisify showcases the updates to the parent search tab, which allows players to select their desired child pal and view all valid parent combinations to create it. This feature eliminates the need for manual searching and cross-referencing. Additionally, a data mine spreadsheet provides all the stats and numbers for breeding, including the value of each pal in terms of breeding power.

Optimizing Breeding Strategies: Tips and Tricks

Players can optimize their breeding strategies by understanding the breeding power of each pal and using the parent search tab to find the required parent combinations. It is important to consider the rarity and power of each pal when planning breeding chains. Comment your thoughts and tips to contribute to the community’s understanding of Palworld breeding!