


英 [ˈekwɪtəbl] 美 [ˈekwɪtəbl]

【英文释义 】

Just; consistent with principles of justice and right.


a.(1)公正的;公平的;合乎公平原则的 (2)衡平法的;衡平法上有效的;按照衡平法原则的


equitable action 衡平法上的诉讼 指为寻求衡平法上的救济而提起的诉讼。在美国,在规定取消普通法上的诉讼和衡平法上的诉讼之间区别的程序规则颁布后,该词已不具有多大意义。目前在美国联邦及大多数州的法院,两种诉讼已经合并,在程序上只存在一种类型的诉讼,即民事诉讼(civil action)。

equitable benefit doctrine 衡平法上的利益原则 这个原则允许破产法庭赋予破产官员以外、为破产财产工作的人享有优先受偿权。

equitable construction 衡平法上的解释 指依衡平法的规则或原则进行的解释。对法律的解释可以限制或扩大条文的字面意思。衡平法和普通法对合同的解释规则,在总体上是一致的,不论是衡平法院还是普通法法院,都不得在合同明确记载或必然含有的意思之外加入其他内容,对合同进行篡改。

equitable defense 衡平法上的答辩 以前指只有在衡平法院才能进行的答辩,在普通法诉讼与衡平法诉讼的程序合并后,衡平法上的答辩可以和普通法上的答辩在同一诉讼中一并提出。

equitable election 衡平法上的选择 指权利人对遗嘱或其他文件中所规定的两项权利或利益,只能从中任选其一,而不能两者同时享有。根据衡平法上的选择原则,如权利人接受了遗嘱中为其设立的某项利益,便不能否认遗嘱在其他方面的有效性。但该项原则不得用以损害第三人的利益。



Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), a Contracting Party that, on April15, 1994, had and continues to have in force a system of equitable remuneration of producers of phonograms for the rental of copies of their phonograms, may maintain that system provided that the commercial rental of phonograms is not giving rise to the material impairment of the exclusive rights of reproduction of producers of phonograms.



Performers and producers of phonograms shall enjoy the right to a single equitable remuneration for the direct or indirect use of phonograms published for commercial purposes for broadcasting or for any communication to the public.



Contracting Parties may establish in their national legislation that the single equitable remuneration shall be claimed from the user by the performer or by the producer of a phonogram or by both. Contracting Parties may enact national legislation that, in the absence of an agreement between the performer and the producer of a phonogram, sets the terms according to which performers and producers of phonograms shall share the single equitable remuneration.


发布于 2022-05-16 09:09