Hermia – A character from A Midsummer Nights Dream

  • Hermia is one of the best known characters in the play.
  • Hermia is in her early twenties and small and attractive, she dresses in pretty clothes, such as expensive dresses and jewellery.
  • Hermia is the young lady of the court.
  • Hermia is the daughter of Eques.
  • Hermia is in love with lysander and lysander loves her too, Helena is one of Hermia’s close friends.Hermia is being forced to marry Demetrius (the man her father chose for her to marry) but Hermia disagrees.
  • Hermia is so in love with Lysander and not Demetrius that she is willing to disobey her father by running into the woods with lysander, risking the death penalty and travelling through the dangerous woods.
  • At the end of the play Hermia and Lysander awake together with Helena and Demetrius by their side at the edge of the woods.
  • Then Theseus and Hippolyta find all the lovers together and suggest that they should be their guests of honour at there up coming wedding.
  • My favourite scene in the play is when Bottom is turned into a donkey by Puck, and then he walks back towards the group and the are scarred and run away from him.
  • The reason I chose that as my favourite scene is because I think it is really funny and because bottom doesn’t know what has happened and makes him look like an idiot.