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Page last updated at 12:40 GMT, Wednesday, 2 December 2009
The story of Tom Bawcock
The stormy seas lashed the harbour
Tom Bawcock braved the stormy seas to bring back fish for the villagers of Mousehole

Tom Bawcock was a resident in the west Cornwall village of Mousehole. One Christmas many years ago, Bawcock successfully fed the whole village.

This particular festive season was a stormy time for the village. The usually busy fishing boats were stuck in the harbour because of the weather.

The villagers were faced with starvation. Until Tom Bawcock came forward saying he would go out to sea and fish for the much needed food.

Each year his bravery is remembered.

Despite the sea lashing his boat, Tom Bawcock was able to catch enough fish to feed all the residents of Mousehole

When Tom returned from the stormy Cornish sea, all the fish were baked into a huge pie. This became known as Stargazy Pie.

Christmas is a special time for the village which is lit up with displays

The story of Tom Bawcock has become legendary. Each year the villagers of Mousehole remember their local hero.

Tom Bawcock's Eve sees plenty of music and song in the village on 23 December, the anniversary of Bawcock's mission.

Once again the highlight is the Stargazy Pie which is eaten at the local inn on the quay and in the surrounding houses.

The village is lit up with its Christmas display, including a tribute to Stargazy Pie. In between mouthfuls of the legendary dish, villagers sing the folllowing:

"Merry place you may believe, Tiz Mouzel 'pon Tom Bawcock's eve

To be there then who wouldn't wesh, to sup o' sibm soorts o' fish

When morgy brath had cleared the path, Comed lances for a fry

And then us had a bit o' scad an' Starry-gazie pie

As aich we'd clunk, E's health we drunk, in bumpers bremmen high,

And when up caame Tom Bawcock's name, We'd prais'd 'un to the sky"

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