Whole Prey Specimen Images

Whole specimen image results for Eunoe nodosa Polynoidae (polychaete)

Note: Polynoidae, with 3 antennae, 1 pair palps, 2 pairs tentacular cirri, dorsum bearing elytra, 2 pairs of jaws. Polynoidae can be distinguished from Sigalionidae by having only simple neuroseate, whereas Sigalionidae have compound neurosetae. Eunoe has 15 pairs of elytra, body with less than 50 segments, neurosetae without capillary tips, and unidentate, elytral margin fringed, elytral macrotubercles unbranched, in single row, nodular, rough (Banse and Hobson 1974).

Recommended Reference: Banse, K., and K. D. Hobson. 1974. Benthic errantiate polychaetes of British Columbia and Washington. Bull. Fish. Res. Board Can. 185: 111 p.

Link to taxonomic information for Eunoe nodosa Polynoidae (polychaete) at ITIS.gov

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