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Introduce your children or grandchildren to the beauty of praying Scripture!

This colorful board book for babies and toddlers welcomes the youngest members of the family to join in prayer at home or at church.
Bless the Lord
Illustrated by Eileen Ryan Ewen
Word on Fire Votive  |  November 1, 2023
Board Book  |  26 Pages  |  10" x 8"
Suggested Age Range:  1 - 5
Retail Price: $19.95 
$15.96 (20% OFF) + $4.95 S&H
Retail Price: $19.95 $15.96 (20% OFF) + $4.95 S&H
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Mark Galli was the editor in chief of Christianity Today for seven years, a Presbyterian pastor for ten years, and a passionate evangelical Protestant since first responding to an altar call in 1965 at thirteen years old. But in 2020, Galli formally returned to the faith in which he was baptized as an infant: the Roman Catholic Church. 

With All the Saints: My Journey to the Roman Catholic Church is the compelling memoir of one man’s search for the fullness of truth. Through honest and engaging storytelling, Galli recounts the various spiritual, theological, mystical, and ecclesial tributaries that led him to “cross the Tiber” back to Catholicism. Each tradition he passed through—Evangelical, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Anglican, and Eastern Orthodox—he embraced without satisfaction and left without bitterness, drawing him finally to the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church: a Church of saints and sinners, all striving together in the great company of heaven; a Church that he could finally call home.

Honest, insightful, and entertaining, With All the Saints is a memorable love letter to Christ and his Church.

Introduce children to the beauty of praying Scripture through this song featured in the ancient Liturgy of the Hours. The charming illustrations will help young children engage in worship and encounter the goodness of God’s creation, which calls us all to bless the Lord!
This colorful board book for babies and toddlers features the Canticle of the Three Children found in the book of Daniel (3:57–88, 56) and welcomes the youngest members of the family to join in prayer at home or at church.






Introducing Word on Fire Spark!

If you have children in your life, you want to cultivate wonder and joy in their hearts. In a world full of noise and distraction, you want their imagination to be formed by beauty so they will be drawn to God who is Beauty itself. You want them to be inspired by the saints and led to holiness. Word on Fire Spark is publishing the resources you have been waiting for. Spark offers carefully crafted stories with stunning illustrations designed to turn young hearts to the Gospel. 

More about Bless the Lord and Word on Fire Spark

If you have children in your life, you want to cultivate wonder and joy in their hearts. In a world full of noise and distraction, you want their imagination to be formed by beauty so they will be drawn to God who is Beauty itself. You want them to be inspired by the saints and led to holiness. Word on Fire Spark is publishing the resources you have been waiting for. Spark offers carefully crafted stories with stunning illustrations designed to turn young hearts to the Gospel. 




Here’s What People Are Saying...

“This book will awaken the interest of and bless both the children to whom it is read and the adults who read and explain it to their children. For the first, it will be a charming and engaging introduction to biblical prayer; for the second, it will be welcome to read to their children a book with rich biblical content—and is likely to stir their own interest in biblical prayer.”

Timothy M. Gallagher, OMV, author of A Layman’s Guide to the Liturgy of the Hours
“We are always looking for ways to incorporate prayer into our daily living, and this book is a great way to engage our kids and to teach them one of the oldest and most beautiful canticles in our Church. Our kids love this canticle, and the beautiful imagery in these pages will deepen their prayer and certainly take root in their hearts forever. It’s also a great entry point for the Liturgy of the Hours!”

Rachel Bulman, editor of With All Her Mind: A Call to the Intellectual Life

Bless the Lord is a delightful rendition of a timeless prayer. This whimsically illustrated tour of God’s creation will enthrall children for many bedtimes to come.”

Alexi Sargeant, author of Saintly Creatures: 14 Tales of Animals and Their Holy Companions

Bless the Lord offers even the smallest of children a glimpse into what it means to see the world with Catholic eyes, recognizing that every thing and being in this world is loved by God and was made by him to reflect his glory. I can’t wait to share this sweet book, with its charming illustrations, with my own toddlers.”

Emily Stimpson Chapman, author of Mary, Mother of All

“With incredible artwork, inspiring Scripture, and marvelous design, Bless the Lord by Eileen Ryan Ewen sets the standard for what a board book should be: memorable, interactive, and beautiful. Join your little ones in blessing the Lord!”

Paul Rose, creator of Sing the Hours




About the Illustrator

Eileen Ryan Ewen is a freelance artist with a background in Fine Art and Creative Writing. She uses traditional mediums such as watercolor, ink, and gouache to make characters and worlds come to life on paper. Eileen has had the privilege of illustrating many picture books that range from whimsical fiction to historical nonfiction. She lives and works in Cleveland Heights, OH, with her husband, four children, and three cats.