Art of Inspector Gadget (1983)

Inspector Gadget is an animation series co-created by Bruno Bianchi, Andy Heyward, and Jean Chalopin in 1983. The anime was based on the homonym novel written by Lucy Maud Montgomery. The pictures on this page are a collection of artworks created for this series.


Inspector Gadget is a world-famous cyborg police inspector who works for a secret police organization that combats crime across the globe, and many of his missions focused on thwarting the criminal schemes of M.A.D. - a criminal organization led by the nefarious Dr. Claw, and conducted by his agents. Despite the fact that Inspector Gadget is equipped with numerous gadgets to help him, the investigations are often conducted by Inspector Gadget's niece Penny, who secretly operates behind the scenes to thwart M.A.D.'s plot and ensure that her uncle remains out of harm's way…

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