

Zoological Science Award for scientific paper describing the new species Churaumi actinernid sea anemone

We are proud to announce that the scientific paper describing the new species Churaumi actinernid sea anemone that was published in the Japanese journal Zoological Science was awarded with the 2020 Zoological Science Award.

  •  チュラウミカワリギンチャクの新種記載論文が「Zoological Science Award」を受賞!

The Zoological Science Award is presented to outstanding research published in the journal Zoological Science that year. The award was announced in December 2019 and was received by the staff of Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium with cooperation of Takato Izumi from the University of Tokyo Graduate School, Professor Takuma Fujii from the Kagoshima University Research Center for the Pacific Islands, Professor Kensuke Yanagi from the Coastal Branch of the Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba and Professor Toshihiko Fujita from the National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo.  

The following is the award comment from the Zoological Society of Japan
In 1918, there was the discovery of a new species of sea anemone Synactinernus flavus. It was part of the family Actinernidae and the only member of the genus Synactinernus. In recent years, scientific papers were published on the invalidation of the theory that Synactinernus flavus was the same as another sea anemone Isactinernus quadrilobatus. In this paper, a sea anemone that was collected from locations in western Japan was discovered to be in the same Synactinernus genus. The results of morphology and molecular phylogenetics confirmed that the Churaumi antinernid sea anemone was a new species in the genus Synactinernus.
Furthermore, based on rearing records, transverse fission of S. flavus was confirmed in Actinernoidea sea anemones for the first time, and this has contributed to an understanding of its ecological features.  The specimen used for the re-description and confirmation of the genus Synactinernus was an individual that had been reared as an unidentified species in the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium. This important discovery, that began 100 years ago, was achieved through collaboration between the aquarium and researchers.

※The Churaumi actinernid sea anemone that was described as a new species in the awarded paper is displayed in the Journey into the Deep Sea area on the first floor of the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium.
※Exhibit may close depending on the condition of the animals.


Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium

424 Ishikawa, Motobu-cho, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa Prefecture
TEL:+81-980-48-3748 FAX:+81-980-48-4444