
Mobile Cultural Objects Listed in the National Cultural Heritage

Thematic Galleries

Thematic Galleries

Dimitrie Cantemir (1673-1723)

The work of Dimitrie Cantemir, as reflected by the movable cultural goods listed in the National Cultural Heritage

European Year of Rail (2021)`

European Railway Heritage, as reflected by the movable cultural goods listed in the National Cultural Heritage

200 years since Tudor Vladimirescu's Revolution (1821-2021)

Tudor Vladimirescu's revolution, as reflected by the movable cultural goods listed in the National Cultural Heritage

250 years of industry in Reșița (1771-2021)

Industry of Reșița, as reflected by the movable cultural goods listed in the National Cultural Heritage

Constantin Brâncuși

Mobile Cultural Objects Listed in the National Cultural Heritage associated with Constantin Brâncuși (19 februarie 1876)

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Mobile Cultural Objects Listed in the National Cultural Heritage associated with Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 15)

Fruit and Vine Processing

Mobile Cultural Objects Listed in the National Cultural Heritage associated with Wine and Fruit Traditional Processing Instalations

Saints Constantine and Helena

Mobile Cultural Objects Listed in the National Cultural Heritage associated with St. Constantine and Helena (May 21)

St. George - Icons

Mobile Cultural Objects Listed in the National Cultural Heritage associated with St. George (April 23) - icons

Union of Romanian Principalities

Mobile Cultural Objects Listed in the National Cultural Heritage associated with Union of Romanian Principalities

Mihai Eminescu

Poet Mihai Eminescu in the light of the objects listed in the Movable National Cultural Heritage

Saint Nicholas

Mobile Cultural objects associated with Saint Nicholas Listed in the National Cultural Heritage

Great Union of December 1, 1918

Mobile Cultural objects associated with the Great Union of December 1, 1918 Listed in the National Cultural Heritage

Royal Family in Romania

Mobile Cultural objects associated with the Royal Family in Romania Listed in the National Cultural Heritage

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ - Movable National Cultural Heritage