Ambystoma Tigrinum | axolotls-cie
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Ambystoma Tigrinum or

Tiger salamander

Depending on the type of tiger salamander you have, their back color tends to vary between olive green, gray, and golden yellow. They have black, brown or gray spots on their body, which gives them their name (tiger).

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Tiger salamanders are usually between 6 and 10 inches in length, but it is not uncommon for them to reach 13 inches.

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Tiger salamanders can live between 10 and 25 years with proper care.

They come from North America.

The Tiger Salamander has two specific phases in its life cycle, both of which determine the habitat in which they are found. The larvae are fully aquatic, living in shallow ponds and lakes. The adults are terrestrial and only return to the water for breeding purposes. They are found digging in the meadows and hiding in the undergrowth. they are hardly ever seen in the open.


They are very curious and lively, and can often be seen exploring. They are relatively easy to maintain.

Adults are quite large and will require a larger terrarium than most terrestrial amphibians. A 120 liter terrarium should be sufficient for 2 adult salamanders. However, offering them more will obviously be ideal. They are quite sociable and can cohabit with other tiger salamanders.

They do well in a woody setting with a coconut shell substrate.

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The larvae are fully aquatic, so if you have a tiger salamander in the larval stage you will need an aquarium heated to around 19 ° C with 15cm of water at the bottom. A filter, a descent / exit trail, and rocks to hide behind will also be necessary to ensure the health of your larvae.

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Adult salamanders should be fed daily a varied diet of appropriately sized insects, including mealworms, crickets, small leafhoppers, meal beetles, waxworms, moths, caterpillars, earthworms, woodlice. Feed with 3 or 4 insects per salamander per food bowl.

Live foods should be sprinkled with calcium and vitamin supplements once a week.

Tiger salamanders will actively hunt for their food, instead of waiting for it to come to them like other frogs and salamanders. This makes them fun to watch at mealtime.

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Your Tiger Salamander's terrarium should be inspected and cleaned daily when changing the water. Every two to three weeks, thoroughly clean the tank and sterilize using a reptile / amphibian friendly disinfectant. Sterilize any decor and carefully remove any live plants to be replaced when the bin has been cleaned. Your salamander (s) should be moved to a temporary bin during cleaning.

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All amphibians have delicate skin and the oils and salts on our skin can cause them damage. It is recommended to wear gloves if handling is required.

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MUE: Tiger salamanders shed their skin at regular intervals as they grow older. The old skin is pushed back with the hind legs and the skin peels off from the back. The skin should come off in one piece and is normally eaten by the salamander. The skin is pushed forward using its legs towards the mouth.

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Females tend to be taller than males, with males being more slender.

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Your terrarium must contain:

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A thick-layered coconut fiber substrate as they like to burrow, sphagnum moss, peat moss, live moss and a selection of live plants (see in paludarium and vivarium) can all be used in your setup. Avoid using vermiculite and gravel as they are not good for digging.

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A place your salamander can hide and climb

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All amphibians need a place to hide and can become stressed if this is not provided. It could be a flowerpot on the side, a hiding place (see site shop).

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Logs and cork bark make great natural additions to your terrarium and make great hiding places. Plants and stones can also be used.

Stones or branches of nature should be disinfected by first soaking them in a chlorine / water solution, then rinsing thoroughly, soaking in clean water, and then left to dry in the sun.

Some live plants can be harmful to your salamander, if in doubt please consult the list of safe plants that can be used.


A change of scenery

Tiger salamanders are very curious animals and love to explore new environments. From time to time, change the layout of the terrarium; this will keep your salamander from getting bored. You will notice that once you put your salamander (s) back in the bin, it will start exploring its new surroundings again.

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All amphibians need fresh water daily. A large bowl of water should be provided (no deeper than the height of the resting salamanders) with spring water. The water should be changed daily to avoid the build-up of bacteria.

Salamanders like most amphibians will absorb water through their skin and since their water bowl is used as the primary place for defecation, it is important that it is cleaned regularly.

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Regularly misting the tank with spring water will ensure that the substrate does not dry out. Placing the water bowl in the warmer side of the terrarium will also increase humidity levels, although your salamanders are unlikely to need additional humidity. In the wild, they live in fairly dry grasslands, so just keep your substrate moist.

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The ideal temperature for your salamander (s) is 18-21 ° C with a slight drop in temperature at night of 2 or 3 degrees.

Additional heating should not be needed for most of the year, but in winter, heat can be provided using a heating mat regulated with a thermostat. Heating mats should only cover between one-third and one-half of the floor or wall space to allow your salamander to thermoregulate itself. A cool skin should be placed on one end of the tank and a warmer skin on the warmer end, giving your salamanders a place to hide at both ends.

Never use heat lamps or lamps for amphibians, as they can cause your salamanders to dehydrate.

It is helpful to have a small thermometer at each end of the terrarium to check the temperature.


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Tiger salamanders do not need UV lighting if they have enough vitamins and variations in their diet. Although the living plants in your terrarium will die without any light. A low UV led tube is ideal because it does not give off heat and will help plants thrive. You need to place the light on one side of the terrarium creating a gradient of light so that your salamanders can find a darker spot away from light though. Ideally, you should turn on lighting to mimic the natural habitat of salamanders by having a 12/12 - 12 hour light and 12 hour dark system.

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