Natura 2000 related content is now shown on the Biodiversity Information System for Europe, BISE. Please go to BISE or use the Natura 2000 map viewer for the latest information.
Kingdom: Animalia > Phylum: Chordata > Class: Aves > Order: Passeriformes > Family: Turdidae > Genus: Turdus > Species: Turdus pilaris

Fieldfare - Turdus pilaris Linnaeus, 1758

Images from the web

Quick facts

Threat status Europe Least Concern (IUCN)
EU Population status
Protected by EU Birds Directive and 1 other international agreement
Natura 2000 sites 507 are designated for this species
Most preferred habitats
  • woodland and forest
Natura 2000 species code A284


The distribution map is currently disabled. A new map solution will soon become available. In the meantime, please consult other species distribution map providers listed in the Other resources panel below.

Threat and EU population status

IUCN Red List status of threatened species

The IUCN Red List threat status assesses the risk of extinction.

EU population status

The status of the population at the EU level was evaluated at the species level; this was based on the reports delivered by Member States under Article 12 of the Birds Directive (see fact sheet below). The EU status assessment can cover several subspecies/subspecific population units. For more information, please consult the species fact sheet and link below.

IUCN Red List Category
Not Evaluated
Near Threatened
Regionally Extinct
Not Applicable
Extinct in the Wild
Data Deficient
Least Concern
Critically Endangered
Population status categories for bird species under the Birds Directive
Near Threatened, declining or depleted
Threatened (i.e. vulnerable, endangered, critically endangered, regionally extinct)
Unknown or not evaluated

Natura 2000 sites

Protected in the following Natura 2000 sites

Sitecode Country Site name Action
DE2752302 Germany Salveytal Map
DE3532401 Germany Vogelschutzgebiet Drömling Map
DE3639401 Germany Vogelschutzgebiet Fiener Bruch Map
DE4322301 Germany Stahlberg und Hölleberg bei Deisel Map
DE4519301 Germany Büchenberg und Platzberg bei Hesperinghausen Map
DE4917306 Germany Breite Heide bei Hatzfeld Map
DE4920301 Germany Bernertsgrund bei Löhlbach Map
DE5025302 Germany Säulingssee bei Kleinensee Map
DE5819308 Germany Erlensee bei Erlensee und Bulau bei Hanau Map
ES0000003 Spain Picos de Europa Map
ES0000007 Spain Cañón del Río Lobos - ZEPA Map
ES0000010 Spain Sierra de Guadarrama - ZEPA Map
ES0000014 Spain Monfragüe y las Dehesas del Entorno Map
ES0000037 Spain Es Trenc - Salobrar de Campos Map
ES0000054 Spain Somiedo Map
ES0000055 Spain Fuentes del Narcea y del Ibias Map
ES0000069 Spain Embalse de Cornalvo y Sierra Bermeja Map
ES0000073 Spain Costa Brava de Mallorca Map
ES0000115 Spain Hoces del Río Duratón Map
ES0000116 Spain Valle de Iruelas Map
ES0000118 Spain Arribes del Duero - ZEPA Map
ES0000143 Spain Marismas de Santoña, Victoria y Joyel y Ría de Ajo Map
ES0000144 Spain Urdaibaiko itsasadarra / Ría de Urdaibai Map
ES0000145 Spain Mondragó Map
ES0000184 Spain Valle del Tiétar - ZEPA Map
ES0000185 Spain Cerro de Guisando - ZEPA Map
ES0000186 Spain Pinares del Bajo Alberche - ZEPA Map
ES0000187 Spain Montes de Miranda de Ebro y Ameyugo - ZEPA Map
ES0000188 Spain Valles del Voltoya y el Zorita - ZEPA Map
ES0000189 Spain Campo Azálvaro - Pinares de Peguerinos - ZEPA Map
ES0000190 Spain Encinares de los ríos Adaja y Voltoya - ZEPA Map
ES0000191 Spain Embalse del Ebro Map
ES0000192 Spain Humada - Peña Amaya - ZEPA Map
ES0000193 Spain Sierra de la Tesla-Valdivielso - ZEPA Map
ES0000201 Spain Camino de Santiago Map
ES0000202 Spain Campo de Azaba - ZEPA Map
ES0000203 Spain Altos de Barahona - ZEPA Map
ES0000206 Spain Cañones del Duero - ZEPA Map
ES0000210 Spain Alto Sil Map
ES0000218 Spain Campo de Argañán - ZEPA Map
ES0000232 Spain La Mola i s'Albufera de Fornells Map
ES0000234 Spain S'Albufera des Grau Map
ES0000244 Spain Gorobel mendilerroa / Sierra Sálvada Map
ES0000255 Spain Páramo de Layna - ZEPA Map
ES0000278 Spain VIÑAMALA Map
ES0000315 Spain Ubiña-La Mesa Map
ES0000317 Spain Penarronda-Barayo Map
ES0000318 Spain Cabo Busto-Luanco Map
ES0000319 Spain Ría de Ribadesella-Ría de Tinamayor Map
ES0000358 Spain Campo de Aliste Map
ES0000361 Spain Dehesa de los Ríos Gamo y Margañán Map
ES0000363 Spain Monteagudo de las Vicarías Map
ES0000364 Spain Omaña - ZEPA Map
ES0000367 Spain La Serena y Sierras Periféricas Map
ES0000371 Spain Sierra de Moraleja y Piedra Santa Map
ES1200001 Spain Picos de Europa (Asturias) Map
ES1200002 Spain Muniellos Map
ES1200008 Spain Redes Map
ES1200010 Spain Montovo-La Mesa Map
ES1200011 Spain Peña Ubiña Map
ES1200043 Spain Sierra del Sueve Map
ES1300007 Spain Marismas de Santoña, Victoria y Joyel Map
ES2110004 Spain Arkamu-Gibillo-Arrastaria Map
ES2110009 Spain Gorbeia Map
ES2110013 Spain Arabako lautadako irla-hariztiak / Robledales isla de la llanada alavesa Map
ES2110015 Spain Gasteizko mendi garaiak / Montes altos de Vitoria Map
ES2110016 Spain Aldaiako mendiak / Montes de Aldaia Map
ES2110018 Spain Arabako hegoaldeko mendilerroak / Sierras meridionales de Álava Map
ES2110019 Spain Izki Map
ES2110022 Spain Entzia Map
ES2120001 Spain Arno Map
ES2120002 Spain Aizkorri-Aratz Map
ES2120003 Spain Izarraitz Map
ES2120007 Spain Garate-Santa Barbara Map
ES2120008 Spain Hernio-Gazume Map
ES2120011 Spain Aralar Map
ES2120016 Spain Aiako harria Map
ES2120017 Spain Jaizkibel Map
ES2130001 Spain Armañón Map
ES2130002 Spain Ordunte Map
ES2130008 Spain Urdaibaiko artadi kantauriarrak / Encinares cantábricos de Urdaibai Map
ES2130009 Spain Urkiola Map
ES4110002 Spain Sierra de Gredos Map
ES4110086 Spain Encinares de la Sierra de Ávila - ZEPA Map
ES4120012 Spain Sierra de la Demanda - ZEPA Map
ES4120028 Spain Monte Santiago Map
ES4120030 Spain Montes Obarenes Map
ES4120031 Spain Sabinares del Arlanza - ZEPA Map
ES4120036 Spain Hoces del Alto Ebro y Rudrón - ZEPA Map
ES4130003 Spain Picos de Europa en Castilla y León Map
ES4130010 Spain Sierra de los Ancares Map
ES4130022 Spain Montes Aquilanos Map
ES4130024 Spain Sierra de la Cabrera - ZEPA Map
ES4130035 Spain Valle de San Emiliano Map
ES4140011 Spain Fuentes Carrionas y Fuente Cobre-Montaña Palentina Map
ES4150005 Spain Las Batuecas-Sierra de Francia -ZEPA Map
ES4150006 Spain Candelario - ZEPA Map
ES4150039 Spain Quilamas - ZEPA Map
ES4160008 Spain Hoces del Río Riaza - ZEPA Map
ES4160048 Spain Lagunas de Cantalejo - ZEPA Map
ES4170013 Spain Sierra de Urbión Map
ES4170044 Spain Sierra del Moncayo - ZEPA Map
ES4180017 Spain Riberas de Castronuño Map
ES4190009 Spain Lago de Sanabria y alrededores - ZEPA Map
ES4320039 Spain Sierra de las Villuercas y Valle del Guadarranque Map
IT1110006 Italy Orsiera Rocciavré Map
IT1110080 Italy Val Troncea Map
IT1120004 Italy Baraggia di Rovasenda Map
IT1120023 Italy Isola di Santa Maria Map
IT1140001 Italy Fondo Toce Map
IT1140016 Italy Alpi Veglia e Devero - Monte Giove Map
IT1150007 Italy Baraggia di Piano Rosa Map
IT1160021 Italy Gruppo del Tenibres Map
IT1160024 Italy Colle e Lago della Maddalena, Val Puriac Map
IT1160056 Italy Alpi Marittime Map
IT1180004 Italy Greto dello Scrivia Map
IT1313712 Italy Cima di Piano Cavallo - Bric Cornia Map
IT1314611 Italy Monte Gerbonte Map
IT1314679 Italy Toraggio - Gerbonte Map
IT1315380 Italy Testa d'Alpe - Alto Map
IT1315421 Italy Monte Toraggio - Monte Pietravecchia Map
IT1320425 Italy Piana Crixia Map
IT1321205 Italy Rocchetta Cairo Map
IT1321313 Italy Foresta della Deiva - Torrente Erro Map
IT1323112 Italy Monte Carmo - Monte Settepani Map
IT1323115 Italy Lago di Osiglia Map
IT1323920 Italy Monte Galero Map
IT1330213 Italy Conglomerato di Vobbia Map
IT1330620 Italy Pian della Badia (Tiglieto) Map
IT1330905 Italy Parco dell'Antola Map
IT1331012 Italy Lago Marcotto - Roccabruna - Gifarco - Lago della Nave Map
IT1331019 Italy Lago Brugneto Map
IT1331104 Italy Parco dell'Aveto Map
IT1331578 Italy Beigua - Turchino Map
IT2010012 Italy Brughiera del Dosso Map
IT2020003 Italy Palude di Albate Map
IT2020005 Italy Lago di Alserio Map
IT2030003 Italy Monte Barro Map
IT2030301 Italy Monte Barro Map
IT2040001 Italy Val Viera e Cime di Fopel Map
IT2040004 Italy Valle Alpisella Map
IT2040006 Italy La Vallaccia - Pizzo Filone Map
IT2040008 Italy Cime di Plator e Monte delle Scale Map
IT2040009 Italy Valle di Fraele Map
IT2040011 Italy Monte Vago - Val di Campo - Val Nera Map
IT2040012 Italy Val Viola Bormina - Ghiacciaio di Cima dei Piazzi Map
IT2040013 Italy Val Zebrù - Gran Zebrù - Monte Confinale Map
IT2040014 Italy Valle e Ghiacciaio dei Forni - Val Cedec - Gran Zebrù - Cevedale Map
IT2040016 Italy Monte di Scerscen - Ghiacciai di Scerscen - Monte Motta Map
IT2040017 Italy Disgrazia - Sissone Map
IT2040018 Italy Val Codera Map
IT2040021 Italy Val di Togno - Pizzo Scalino Map
IT2040022 Italy Lago di Mezzola e Pian di Spagna Map
IT2040034 Italy Valle d'Arigna e Ghiacciaio di Pizzo di Coca Map
IT2040039 Italy Val Zerta Map
IT2040040 Italy Val Bodengo Map
IT2040044 Italy Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio Map
IT2050003 Italy Valle del Rio Pegorino Map
IT2050004 Italy Valle del Rio Cantalupo Map
IT2050006 Italy Bosco di Vanzago Map
IT2050007 Italy Fontanile Nuovo Map
IT2060001 Italy Valtorta e Valmoresca Map
IT2060002 Italy Valle di Piazzatorre - Isola di Fondra Map
IT2060003 Italy Alta Val Brembana - Laghi Gemelli Map
IT2060004 Italy Alta Val di Scalve Map
IT2060005 Italy Val Sedornia - Val Zurio - Pizzo della Presolana Map
IT2060006 Italy Boschi del Giovetto di Paline Map
IT2060007 Italy Valle Asinina Map
IT2060008 Italy Valle Parina Map
IT2060009 Italy Val Nossana - Cima di Grem Map
IT2060015 Italy Bosco de l'Isola Map
IT2060304 Italy Val di Scalve Map
IT2070001 Italy Torbiere del Tonale Map
IT2070002 Italy Monte Piccolo - Monte Colmo Map
IT2070003 Italy Val Rabbia e Val Galinera Map
IT2070005 Italy Pizzo Badile - Alta Val Zumella Map
IT2070006 Italy Pascoli di Crocedomini - Alta Val Caffaro Map
IT2070010 Italy Piz Olda - Val Malga Map
IT2070017 Italy Valli di San Antonio Map
IT2070020 Italy Torbiere d'Iseo Map
IT2070021 Italy Valvestino Map
IT2070301 Italy Foresta di Legnoli Map
IT2070302 Italy Val Caffaro Map
IT2070303 Italy Val Grigna Map
IT2080004 Italy Palude Loja Map
IT2080014 Italy Boschi Siro Negri e Moriano Map
IT2080015 Italy San Massimo Map
IT2080016 Italy Boschi del Vignolo Map
IT2080017 Italy Garzaia di Porta Chiossa Map
IT2080018 Italy Garzaia della Carola Map
IT2080019 Italy Boschi di Vaccarizza Map
IT2080021 Italy Monte Alpe Map
IT2080301 Italy Boschi del Ticino Map
IT2090001 Italy Monticchie Map
IT2090007 Italy Lanca di Soltarico Map
IT20A0001 Italy Morta di Pizzighettone Map
IT20A0002 Italy Naviglio di Melotta Map
IT20A0003 Italy Palata Menasciutto Map
IT20A0004 Italy Le Bine Map
IT20A0005 Italy Lanca di Gabbioneta Map
IT20A0006 Italy Lanche di Azzanello Map
IT20A0007 Italy Bosco della Marisca Map
IT20A0008 Italy Isola Uccellanda Map
IT20A0009 Italy Bosco di Barco Map
IT20B0001 Italy Bosco Foce Oglio Map
IT20B0002 Italy Valli di Mosio Map
IT20B0003 Italy Lanca Cascina S. Alberto Map
IT20B0004 Italy Lanche di Gerra Gavazzi e Runate Map
IT20B0005 Italy Torbiere di Marcaria Map
IT20B0006 Italy Isola Boscone Map
IT20B0007 Italy Isola Boschina Map
IT20B0008 Italy Paludi di Ostiglia Map
IT20B0009 Italy Valli del Mincio Map
IT20B0010 Italy Vallazza Map
IT20B0011 Italy Bosco Fontana Map
IT20B0012 Italy Complesso morenico di Castellaro Lagusello Map
IT3110002 Italy Biotopo Ontaneto di Sluderno Map
IT3110004 Italy Biotopo Ontaneto di Cengles Map
IT3110005 Italy Biotopo Ontaneto di Oris Map
IT3110011 Italy Val di Fosse nel Parco Naturale Gruppo di Tessa Map
IT3110012 Italy Lacines - Catena del Monteneve nel Parco Naturale Gruppo di Tessa Map
IT3110013 Italy Biotopo Delta del Valsura Map
IT3110014 Italy Biotopo Gisser Auen Map
IT3110017 Italy Parco Naturale Vedrette di Ries - Aurina Map
IT3110018 Italy Ontaneti dell'Aurino Map
IT3110019 Italy Biotopo Rasner Möser Map
IT3110020 Italy Biotopo Monte Covolo - Alpe di Nemes Map
IT3110022 Italy Biotopo Ontaneto della Rienza - Dobbiaco Map
IT3110026 Italy Valle di Funes - Sas De Putia - Rasciesa nel Parco Naturale Puez-Odle Map
IT3110027 Italy Gardena - Valle Lunga - Puez nel Parco Naturale Puez-Odle Map
IT3110029 Italy Parco Naturale dello Sciliar - Catinaccio Map
IT3110036 Italy Parco Naturale Monte Corno Map
IT3110038 Italy Ultimo - Solda nel Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio Map
IT3110039 Italy Ortles - Monte Madaccio nel Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio Map
IT3110040 Italy Alpe di Cavallaccio nel Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio Map
IT3110049 Italy Parco Naturale Fanes - Senes - Braies Map
IT3110050 Italy Parco Naturale Tre Cime Map
IT3120001 Italy Alta Val di Rabbi Map
IT3120002 Italy Alta Val La Mare Map
IT3120003 Italy Alta Val del Monte Map
IT3120034 Italy Paludi di Sternigo Map
IT3120054 Italy La Rupe Map
IT3120061 Italy La Rocchetta Map
IT3120092 Italy Passo del Broccon Map
IT3120093 Italy Crinale Pichea - Rocchetta Map
IT3120094 Italy Alpe di Storo e Bondone Map
IT3120095 Italy Bocca D'ardole - Corno della Paura Map
IT3120096 Italy Bocca di Caset Map
IT3230068 Italy Valpiana - Valmorel (Aree palustri) Map
IT4020021 Italy Medio Taro Map
IT4030007 Italy Fontanili di Corte Valle Re Map
IT4040014 Italy Valli Mirandolesi Map
IT4040016 Italy Siepi e Canali di Resega - Foresto Map
IT4050001 Italy Gessi Bolognesi, Calanchi dell'Abbadessa Map
IT4050022 Italy Biotopi e Ripristini ambientali di Medicina e Molinella Map
IT4050023 Italy Biotopi e Ripristini ambientali di Budrio e Minerbio Map
IT4050024 Italy Biotopi e Ripristini ambientali di Bentivoglio, S. Pietro in Casale, Malalbergo e Baricella Map
IT4050025 Italy Biotopi e Ripristini ambientali di Crevalcore Map
IT4050026 Italy Bacini ex-zuccherificio di Argelato e Golena del Fiume Reno Map
IT4060001 Italy Valli di Argenta Map
IT4060002 Italy Valli di Comacchio Map
IT4060008 Italy Valle del Mezzano Map
IT4060015 Italy Bosco della Mesola, Bosco Panfilia, Bosco di Santa Giustina, Valle Falce, La Goara Map
IT4070007 Italy Salina di Cervia Map
IT5210001 Italy Boschi di Monti di Sodolungo - Rosso (Città di Castello) Map
IT5210002 Italy Serre di Burano Map
IT5210004 Italy Boschi di Pietralunga Map
IT5210006 Italy Boschi di Morra - Marzana Map
IT5210007 Italy Valle delle Prigioni (Monte Cucco) Map
IT5210008 Italy Valle del Rio Freddo (Monte Cucco) Map
IT5210009 Italy Monte Cucco (sommità) Map
IT5210010 Italy Le Gorghe Map
IT5210011 Italy Torrente Vetorno Map
IT5210012 Italy Boschi di Montelovesco - Monte delle Portole Map
IT5210013 Italy Boschi del Bacino di Gubbio Map
IT5210014 Italy Monti Maggio - Nero (sommità) Map
IT5210015 Italy Valle del Torrente Nese - Monti Acuto - Corona Map
IT5210023 Italy Colli Selvalonga - Il Monte (Assisi) Map
IT5210031 Italy Col Falcone (Colfiorito) Map
IT5210032 Italy Piani di Annifo - Arvello Map
IT5210037 Italy Selva di Cupigliolo Map
IT5210041 Italy Fiume Menotre (Rasiglia) Map
IT5210072 Italy Palude di Colfiorito Map
IT5210076 Italy Monte Alago (Nocera Umbra) Map
IT5220025 Italy Bassa Valnerina: Monte Fionchi - Cascata delle Marmore Map
IT5310018 Italy Serre del Burano Map
IT5310026 Italy Monte Carpegna e Sasso Simone e Simoncello Map
IT6020005 Italy Monti Reatini Map
IT8010026 Italy Matese Map
IT8020006 Italy Bosco di Castelvetere in Val Fortore Map
IT8030037 Italy Vesuvio e Monte Somma Map
IT8040021 Italy Picentini Map
IT8050046 Italy Monte Cervati e dintorni Map
IT8050055 Italy Alburni Map
IT9120007 Italy Murgia Alta Map
IT9210190 Italy Monte Paratiello Map
IT9210195 Italy Monte Raparo Map
IT9210200 Italy Monte Sirino Map
ITA020016 Italy Monte Quacella, Monte dei Cervi, Pizzo Carbonara, Monte Ferro, Pizzo Otiero Map
ITA040002 Italy Isola di Lampedusa e Lampione Map
MT0000006 Malta Is-Simar (limiti ta' San Pawl il-Baħar) Map
PTCON0001 Portugal Peneda / Gerês Map
PTZPE0002 Portugal Serra do Gerês Map
SE0820035 Sweden Rödkallen-SörÄspen Map
SE0820295 Sweden Laidauredeltat Map
IT3110051 Italy Biotopo Ahrau di Stegona Map
IT1342907 Italy Monte Antessio - Chiusola Map
IT1324818 Italy Castell'Ermo - Peso Grande Map
IT2040042 Italy Pian di Spagna e Lago di Mezzola Map
IT2080023 Italy Garzaia di Cascina Villarasca Map
IT5220014 Italy Valle del Serra (Monti Martani) Map
IT1331810 Italy Monte Ramaceto Map
IT5210027 Italy Monte Subasio (sommità) Map
IT2030601 Italy Grigne Map
ITA020038 Italy Sugherete di Contrada Serradaino Map
IT2010401 Italy Parco Regionale Campo dei Fiori Map
IT3270022 Italy Golena di Bergantino Map
IT20A0401 Italy Riserva Regionale Bosco Ronchetti Map
CY5000001 Cyprus DASOS LEMESOU Map
ES4310010 Spain La Serena Map
ITA040013 Italy Arcipelago delle Pelagie - area marina e terrestre Map
IT2040403 Italy Riserva Regionale Paluaccio di Oga Map
IT8050024 Italy Monte Cervati, Centaurino e Montagne di Laurino Map
IT8020001 Italy Alta Valle del Fiume Tammaro Map
ITA020004 Italy Monte S. Salvatore, Monte Catarineci, Vallone Mandarini, ambienti umidi Map
IT20A0018 Italy Cave Danesi Map
IT5220010 Italy Monte Solenne (Valnerina) Map
IT20B0501 Italy Viadana, Portiolo, San Benedetto Po e Ostiglia Map
IT8040009 Italy Monte Accelica Map
ITA020003 Italy Boschi di San Mauro Castelverde Map
IT2040602 Italy Valle dei Ratti - Cime di Gaiazzo Map
IT1331909 Italy Monte Zatta - Passo Bocco - Passo Chiapparino - Monte Bossea Map
ITA020020 Italy Querceti sempreverdi di Geraci Siculo e Castelbuono Map
IT4020025 Italy Parma Morta Map
IT20A0502 Italy Lanca di Gussola Map
IT1342806 Italy Monte Verruga - Monte Zenone - Roccagrande - Monte Pu Map
IT2040401 Italy Parco Regionale Orobie Valtellinesi Map
IT9110035 Italy Monte Sambuco Map
IT1180028 Italy Fiume Po - tratto vercellese alessandrino Map
DE4719304 Germany Langenstein, Klinger Klippen und Hochstein Map
IT1323203 Italy Rocca dei Corvi - Mao - Mortou Map
ES4320077 Spain Monfragüe Map
IT8050052 Italy Monti di Eboli, Monte Polveracchio, Monte Boschetiello e Vallone della Caccia di Senerchia Map
IT8050030 Italy Monte Sacro e dintorni Map
IT5220013 Italy Monte Torre Maggiore (Monti Martani) Map
IT9210250 Italy Timpa delle Murge Map
IT3120157 Italy Stelvio Map
ITA070019 Italy Lago Gurrida e Sciare di S. Venera Map
IT9110003 Italy Monte Cornacchia - Bosco Faeto Map
ES4310040 Spain Sierra de Moraleja Map
IT1160062 Italy Alte Valli Stura e Maira Map
IT2020010 Italy Lago di Segrino Map
IT20B0401 Italy Parco Regionale Oglio Sud Map
IT1343511 Italy Monte Cornoviglio - Monte Fiorito - Monte Dragnone Map
IT5220016 Italy Monte la Pelosa - Colle Fergiara (Valnerina) Map
IT8040006 Italy Dorsale dei Monti del Partenio Map
IT1342908 Italy Monte Gottero - Passo del Lupo Map
IT9210155 Italy Marina di Castrocucco Map
IT5220015 Italy Fosso Salto del Cieco (Ferentillo) Map
IT1322219 Italy Tenuta Quassolo Map
IT5220021 Italy Piani di Ruschio (Stroncone) Map
IT3321001 Italy Alpi Carniche Map
IT8040020 Italy Bosco di Montefusco Irpino Map
IT4020024 Italy San Genesio Map
IT8020009 Italy Pendici meridionali del Monte Mutria Map
IT8030021 Italy Monte Somma Map
IT20A0020 Italy Gabbioneta Map
IT2070401 Italy Parco Naturale Adamello Map
IT1315503 Italy Monte Carpasina Map
IT1345109 Italy Montemarcello Map
IT4030023 Italy Fontanili di Gattatico e Fiume Enza Map
CY4000014 Cyprus PERIOCHI DRYMOU Map
IT20B0014 Italy Chiavica del Moro Map
IT1140018 Italy Alte Valli Anzasca, Antrona e Bognanco Map
IT2070402 Italy Alto Garda Bresciano Map
CY3000005 Cyprus KAVO GKREKO Map
CY4000002 Cyprus CHA - POTAMI Map
IT8010013 Italy Matese Casertano Map
IT20A0016 Italy Spiaggioni di Spinadesco Map
IT2040402 Italy Riserva Regionale Bosco dei Bordighi Map
IT8050033 Italy Monti Alburni Map
IT9110024 Italy Castagneto Pia, Lapolda, Monte la Serra Map
IT2020011 Italy Spina verde Map
IT8020008 Italy Massiccio del Taburno Map
IT1343412 Italy Deiva - Bracco - Pietra di Vasca - Mola Map
IT9110027 Italy Bosco Jancuglia - Monte Castello Map
ITA020050 Italy Parco delle Madonie Map
CY5000006 Cyprus KOILADA LIMNATI Map
IT20A0015 Italy Bosco Ronchetti Map
IT4070024 Italy Podere Pantaleone Map
IT3120160 Italy Lagorai Map
IT2050401 Italy Riserva Regionale Fontanile Nuovo Map
CY2000004 Cyprus DASOS MACHAIRA Map
IT1322326 Italy Foresta Cadibona Map
IT4020026 Italy Boschi dei Ghirardi Map
IT1331402 Italy Beigua - Monte Dente - Gargassa - Pavaglione Map
IT20A0019 Italy Barco Map
ITA020017 Italy Complesso Pizzo Dipilo e Querceti su calcare Map
CY2000005 Cyprus MADARI - PAPOUTSA Map
IT8030005 Italy Corpo centrale dell'Isola di Ischia Map
IT5220020 Italy Gole di Narni - Stifone Map
CY2000006 Cyprus DASOS PAFOU Map
IT4020022 Italy Basso Taro Map
IT2080501 Italy Risaie della Lomellina Map
IT1333307 Italy Punta Baffe - Punta Moneglia - Val Petronio Map
IT2060401 Italy Parco Regionale Orobie Bergamasche Map
IT9110030 Italy Bosco Quarto - Monte Spigno Map
IT20A0013 Italy Lanca di Gerole Map
IT20A0017 Italy Scolmatore di Genivolta Map
IT20B0017 Italy Ansa e Valli del Mincio Map
IT20B0016 Italy Ostiglia Map
ITA020002 Italy Boschi di Gibilmanna e Cefalù Map
IT5210026 Italy Monti Marzolana - Montali Map
IT1322304 Italy Rocca dell'Adelasia Map
IT1324011 Italy Monte Ravinet - Rocca Barbena Map
IT1315313 Italy Gouta - Testa d'Alpe - Valle Barbaira Map
IT9110032 Italy Valle del Cervaro, Bosco dell'Incoronata Map
IT20A0014 Italy Lancone di Gussola Map
CY4000004 Cyprus VOUNI PANAGIAS Map
IT20B0015 Italy Pomponesco Map
IT20B0402 Italy Riserva Regionale Garzaia di Pomponesco Map
IT9110033 Italy Accadia - Deliceto Map
IT9110004 Italy Foresta Umbra Map
IT1343502 Italy Parco della Magra - Vara Map
ITB021103 Italy Monti del Gennargentu Map
IT5210029 Italy Boschi e brughiere di Cima Farneto - Poggio Fiorello (Mugnano) Map
CY4000007 Cyprus XEROS POTAMOS Map
IT9210271 Italy Appennino Lucano, Valle Agri, Monte Sirino, Monte Raparo Map
IT2090502 Italy Garzaie del Parco Adda Sud Map
IT20A0402 Italy Riserva Regionale Lanca di Gerole Map
IT9110002 Italy Valle Fortore, Lago di Occhito Map
ROSPA0022 Romania Comana Map
ROSPA0045 Romania Grădiștea Muncelului - Ciclovina Map
ROSPA0082 Romania Munții Bodoc - Baraolt Map
ROSPA0011 Romania Blahnița Map
ROSPA0036 Romania Dumbrăveni Map
ROSPA0107 Romania Vânători-Neamț Map
ROSPA0083 Romania Munții Rarău - Giumalău Map
ROSPA0002 Romania Allah Bair - Capidava Map
ROSPA0106 Romania Valea Oltului Inferior Map
ROSPA0073 Romania Măcin - Niculițel Map
ROSPA0090 Romania Ostrovu Lung - Gostinu Map
ROSPA0062 Romania Lacurile de acumulare de pe Argeș Map
ROSPA0067 Romania Lunca Barcăului Map
ROSPA0025 Romania Cozia - Buila - Vânturarița Map
ROSPA0068 Romania Lunca inferioară a Turului Map
ROSPA0037 Romania Dumbrăvița - Rotbav - Măgura Codlei Map
ROSPA0031 Romania Delta Dunării și Complexul Razim - Sinoie Map
ROSPA0003 Romania Avrig - Scorei - Făgăraș Map
ROSPA0081 Romania Munții Apuseni - Vlădeasa Map
ROSPA0020 Romania Cheile Nerei - Beușnița Map
ROSPA0093 Romania Pădurea Bogata Map
ES1200006 Spain Ría de Villaviciosa Map
ES1200009 Spain Ponga-Amieva Map
IT9210150 Italy Monte Coccovello - Monte Crivo - Monte Crive Map
CY4000022 Cyprus KREMMOI EZOUSAS Map
CY3000007 Cyprus FRAGMA ACHNAS Map
CY4000021 Cyprus KOILADA EZOUSAS Map
IT4090006 Italy Versanti occidentali del Monte Carpegna, Torrente Messa, Poggio di Miratoio Map
IT5170009 Italy Lago di Santa Luce Map
AT3301000 Austria Hohe Tauern, Tirol Map
AT2236000 Austria Ober- und Mittellauf der Mur mit Puxer Auwald, Puxer Wand und Gulsen Map
AT3304000 Austria Karwendel Map
AT2211000 Austria Hartberger-Gmoos Map
AT2207000 Austria Hörfeld, Steiermark Map
AT3225000 Austria Weidmoos Map
AT3309000 Austria Tiroler Lech Map
AT3305000 Austria Ötztaler Alpen Map
AT3308000 Austria Schwemm Map
ES1200056 Spain Fuentes del Narcea, Degaña e Ibias Map
ES1200055 Spain Cabo Busto-Luanco Map
ES5310127 Spain Costa Brava de Tramuntana Map
IT2030008 Italy Il Toffo Map
IT4020027 Italy Cronovilla Map
IT4050032 Italy Monte dei Cucchi, Pian di Balestra Map
CY3000002 Cyprus SPA KAVO GKREKO Map
ES2110024 Spain Valderejo-Sobrón-Árcenako mendilerroa / Valderejo-Sobrón-Sierra de Árcena Map

Protected sites

Please note the site map takes a while to display.

Common names and synonyms

Common Name Language Reference
Björktrast Swedish Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Cesena Italian Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Fieldfare English Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Grive litorne French Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Kramsvogel Dutch Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Räkättirastas Finnish Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Tordo-zornal Portuguese Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Wacholderdrossel German Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Zorzal Real Spanish Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.

Other resources

CoL (accepted name) Catalogue of Life
EBCC Atlas of breeding birds European Bird Census Council's Atlas of Breeding Birds
EURing code:11980 European bird-ringing
EoL Encyclopedia of Life
Fauna Europaea Fauna Europaea
GBIF Global Biodiversity Information Facility
ITIS (Valid name) Interagency Taxonomic Information System
NCBI search National Center for Biotechnology Information
PESI (Accepted) Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure
Wikipedia Wikipedia

External data

Population distribution from "Birds in Europe" editions 1 and 2

These publications present a thorough and detailed review of the conservation status of European birds. Based on detailed breeding and wintering population data collected in each country, the report provides a review of the population sizes and trends of Species of European Conservation Concern.

45 items found, displaying all items.1
Country Biogeographic region Min / Max (Units) Period Status Quality Source Published
Austria 30000/60000 (pairs) 1998-2002 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Azerbaijan 100/1000 (individuals) 1996-2002 Wintering Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Belarus 10000/19999 (individuals) 1997-2002 Wintering Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Belarus 300000/500000 (pairs) 1997-2002 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Belgium 10500/20000 (pairs) 2001-2002 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Bulgaria 1/1 (pairs) 1993 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Croatia 5000/10000 (individuals) 2002 Wintering Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Croatia 3/5 (pairs) 2002 Breeding Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Czech Republic 80000/160000 (pairs) 2000 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Denmark 2000/5000 (pairs) 2000 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Denmark - Greenland 0/50 (individuals) 1990-2000 Wintering Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Estonia 1000/50000 (individuals) 1998 Wintering Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Estonia 100000/200000 (pairs) 1998 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Finland 1000000/2000000 (pairs) 1998-2002 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
France 10000/20000 (pairs) 2000 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Germany 350000/600000 (pairs) 1995-1999 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Greece 10/100 (pairs) 1995-2000 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Greece 50000/100000 (individuals) 1995-2000 Wintering Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Hungary 30/100 (pairs) 1998-2002 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Iceland 0/1 (pairs) 1990-2000 Breeding Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Iceland 250/999 (individuals) 1990-2000 Wintering Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Italy 5000/10000 (pairs) 2003 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Latvia 40000/150000 (pairs) 1990-2000 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Liechtenstein 300/1000 (pairs) 1998-2000 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Lithuania 1000/10000 (individuals) 1992-2002 Wintering Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Lithuania 80000/120000 (pairs) 1999-2001 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Luxembourg 2000/3000 (pairs) 2002 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Moldova, Republic of 2000/5000 (individuals) 1990-2000 Wintering Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Moldova, Republic of 0/5 (pairs) 1990-2000 Breeding Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Netherlands 150/200 (pairs) 1998-2000 Breeding Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Norway 1000000/3000000 (pairs) 1995-2002 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Poland 200000/400000 (pairs) 2000-2002 Breeding Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Portugal Present/Present (individuals) 2002 Wintering Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Romania 1000/2000 (individuals) 1990-2000 Wintering Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Romania 64000/78000 (pairs) 2000-2002 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Russian Federation 10000000/15000000 (pairs) 1990-2000 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Serbia and Montenegro 0/10 (pairs) 1995-2002 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Slovakia 60000/500000 (individuals) 1990-1999 Wintering Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Slovakia 10000/20000 (pairs) 1990-1999 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Slovenia 1000/3000 (pairs) 1994 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Sweden 500000/999999 (pairs) 1999-2000 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Switzerland 60000/100000 (pairs) 1998-2002 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Ukraine 280000/365000 (pairs) 1990-2000 Breeding Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
United Kingdom 720000/720000 (individuals) 1981-1984 Wintering Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
United Kingdom 1/4 (pairs) 1996-2000 Breeding Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Source: BirdLife International

Population trends from "Birds in Europe" editions 1 and 2

These publications present a thorough and detailed review of the conservation status of European birds. Based on detailed breeding and wintering population data collected in each country, the report provides a review of the population sizes and trends of Species of European Conservation Concern.

45 items found, displaying all items.1
Country Biogeographic region Period Status Trend Quality Source Published
Austria 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Azerbaijan 1990-2000 Wintering Stable between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Belarus 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Belarus 1990-2000 Wintering Unknown Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Belgium 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing between 0% to 19% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Bulgaria 1990-2000 Breeding Unknown Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Croatia 1990-2000 Breeding Unknown Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Croatia 1990-2000 Wintering Unknown Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Czech Republic 1990-2000 Breeding Increasing between 10% to 19% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Denmark 1990-2000 Breeding Fluctuating between 30% to 49% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Denmark - Greenland 1990-2000 Wintering Unknown Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Estonia 1990-2000 Wintering Stable between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Estonia 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing between 20% to 29% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Finland 1990-2000 Breeding Increasing : 30 % Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
France 1990-2000 Breeding Increasing between 0% to 19% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Germany 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Greece 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Greece 1990-2000 Wintering Unknown Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Hungary 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Iceland 1990-2000 Breeding Fluctuating Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Iceland 1990-2000 Wintering Unknown Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Italy 1990-2000 Breeding Increasing between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Latvia 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Liechtenstein 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Lithuania 1990-2000 Wintering Fluctuating : 80 % Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Lithuania 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Luxembourg 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Moldova, Republic of 1990-2000 Breeding Increasing but of unknown magnitude Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Moldova, Republic of 1990-2000 Wintering Stable between 0% to 19% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Netherlands 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing : 80 % Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Norway 1990-2000 Breeding Fluctuating between 30% to 49% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Poland 1990-2000 Breeding Increasing between 20% to 29% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Portugal 1990-2000 Wintering Unknown Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Romania 1990-2000 Breeding Increasing between 0% to 19% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Romania 1990-2000 Wintering Stable between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Russian Federation 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Serbia and Montenegro 1990-2000 Breeding Fluctuating between 50% to 79% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Slovakia 1990-2000 Breeding Increasing between 20% to 29% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Slovakia 1990-2000 Wintering Unknown Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Slovenia 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Sweden 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing : 6 % Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Switzerland 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Ukraine 1990-2000 Breeding Increasing between 10% to 19% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
United Kingdom 1990-2000 Wintering Unknown Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
United Kingdom 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing : 50 % Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Source: BirdLife International
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