


A Brighter Future for Virginia

I am running for Delegate to help Virginia's General Assembly continue their recent legislative momentum.  Let's continue to move forward, Virginia, for equality and fairness.  Let's continue creating common sense legislation that represents all Virginians, especially those of us who reside in House District 88, or what I like to call the Fighting 88th... because we fight for what is right.  Our Commonwealth is at a crossroads.  Are we going to choose the side of compassion, of solving problems, or are we going to move backwards and fall prey to our worse impulses?

As we rise out of the pandemic we need leaders who can help our small businesses, our fellow workers and our schools.  That includes increasing the pay for our educators while funding programs for special education and mental health.  Virginia started passing legislation to reform our criminal justice system.  I'm going to work hard to ensure that is continued and expanded.  

I hold a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, a master’s degree in Cybersecurity/Digital Forensics from the University of Maryland University College, and a master in laws degree in National Security Law from Regent School of Law.  I have more than 22 years of experience in criminal justice, 16 of those years working for an agency that provides exceptional advocacy and quality legal representation to indigent adults and juveniles.

I am married with four children and two dogs, and we have lived in Stafford County since 2015.  I'm actually a Jersey Girl.  I was born in Asbury Park, NJ, but my father served in the U.S. Air Force, so we moved around a bit. This gave me the privilege of living in other countries and experiencing diversity among other cultures.  We settled down in Virginia in 1992, and I graduated from Garfield Senior High School in Woodbridge in 1996.  No matter where we ventured, I've always volunteered and tried to make my community a better place.  By helping to improve the community, you're also making it better for your own family.

Currently in Stafford, my volunteering efforts include the Stafford County Board of Zoning Appeals where I serve as Secretary.  I am the former chair of the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) for the Stafford County School Board and also the former chair of Stafford County's Parks and Recreation Committee.  Until I decided to run for office, I led the Legal Redress and Criminal Justice committees for the Stafford Branch of the NAACP, and I was their representative on the Human Rights Coalition for the Rappahannock Regional Jail.  

Like all of you, I've had many challenges throughout my life, but I'm a stronger person for having successfully made it through to where I am today.  It took a lot of dedicated work, but I was able to get a good education and develop that into a great career.  Now I want to use that experience to create a better life for my sons and daughters, and for my neighbors and fellow Virginians.  We have serious problems to solve and I believe in finding ways to meet the serious issues facing all of us, but I know we can't just throw money at our problems.  What we need is good old-fashioned teamwork and tenacity.  We can only get the job done if we work hard together and keep at it.  I'm ready to roll up my sleeves Virginia.  Let's get to work!

We can become a great community, but only when we ensure everyone has access to the same opportunities.

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