Sweetgum or American Sweetgum
Liquidambar styraciflua
Hamamelidaceae - Witch-hazel


Leaves: Alternate; simple; 6" to 7" wide; deciduous; star-shaped with 5 to 7 palmately arranged lobes; finely serrate margins; bright green and glossy above; hairy where veins meet below; petioles long and slender; fall color yellow to purple to red.

Twigs/buds: Twigs slender to stout; green to yellow-brown; round or slightly angled and may develop corky wings; glossy; pith star-shaped in cross-section. Terminal buds 1/4" to 1/2" long, with several orange-brown scales; lateral buds similar but smaller.

Flowers/fruit: Monoecious. Flowers small and inconspicuous, in small heads; no petals; bloom in April to May. Fruit a globose head of 2-celled, beaked capsules; 1" to 1-1/2" in diameter; woody; brown; held on a long, slender stalk; persists on trees into winter.

Bark: Thick; gray-brown; deeply furrowed into narrow, tight ridges.

Wood: Very important; light colored sapwood; reddish-brown heartwood; moderately heavy, hard, and strong; diffuse-porous; used for lumber for furniture and boxes, veneer, railroad ties, and pulp.

General: Native to the southern two-thirds of the eastern U.S., extending west to southeastern Missouri, eastern Oklahoma, and eastern Texas. Shade intolerant. Fruit and/or plant part can be nuisances; use fruitless varieties if possible.

Landscape Use: A large tree that can be planted in Utah, but may winter kill in colder areas and will not do well in our highest pH soils; otherwise a desirable landscape tree with beautiful fall color. I have not seen many of these in Utah, but the ones I have seen are doing well. Several doing very well on the USU campus. The strong, pyramidal habit is very appealing and the leaf shape is interesting. Zones 5-9.

Cultivars: 'Emerald Sentinel', 'Golden Treasure', 'Grandmaster', 'Gumball', 'Moraine', 'Oconee'', 'Rotundiloba', 'Silver King', 'Variegata'.



Family Hamamelidaceae - Witch-hazel
Cultivar Availability Yes
Hardiness Zone 5-9
Type Broadleaf
Utah Native No


Growth Rate High
Mature Height High
Longevity High
Is Good Under Power Lines No
Crown Shapes Pyramidal


Bark No
Fall Color Yes
Flowers No
Foliage Yes
Fruit Yes


Shade Low
Salt Medium
Drought Medium
Poor Drainage High
Alkalinity Low
Transplanting Medium