Cardboard Puppet Theatre

A Sock Puppet Theatre Created from Cardboard

Finally, a post in the here and now, not some of this pre-blog rubbish. But don’t you worry, there’s still plenty of old stuff I plan to post. Let’s not get all theatrical. OK, maybe a little.

One recent Saturday morning, after the cartoons had lost their charm, my kids started making sock puppets behind the sofa cushion. I helped by fashioning all the cushions into one big structure the kids could hide behind, revealing only their hands, which made for some hilarious entertainment. The adventures of Socky were born.

The stage was a bit flimsy however and structural integrity of the cushions continuously became compromised. What’s a sock puppet to do? Later that day we sat in the shed, and with my trusty glue gun and the wife’s good scissors, I quickly threw together a puppet theatre made from cardboard.

Finished off with a bit of watercolour paint the kids had lying around and the help of their indirect painting style, we had ourselves a much better sock puppet theatre.



Thanks for reading!


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  1. Pingback: Cardboard Treasure Chest | Fold Out Fun·

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