The Network Nodes

I was playing around with the network nodes, using several workflows on the hub. I was interested to incorporate a network into a component.

Since all of the workflows from the Knime Challenge 35 used the Network Viewer (local), that’s the first one I tested. I found that it cant be incorporated into the view of a component like … say… a Table View does. I then tried all the image nodes which are recommended by the Workflow Coach. It seemed that the images produced when viewed as a component were truncated (not the whole screen was shown) as shown here:

One thing changed the course of my discovery:

I went on to play with the Network Viewer (not the Local version).

To my surprise, it can be viewed as a component! And it’s also interactive!

Hope this helps those in the future who’ll be looking for the same thing :cowboy_hat_face: considering there are two versions of the node available out there. Choose the right one for your purpose.

(Borrowed the Knime hub workflow uploaded by @AnilKS for my tests; thanks!)


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