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god complex

A deeply ingrained narcissistic belief that one is infallible, deserving of success, and superior to others, even in the face of evidence to the contrary. The CEO has a very clear god complex—he never admits he is wrong or does not know something, and he fires anyone who dares oppose his opinions.
See also: complex, god

guilt complex

A very strong and persistent feeling of guilt regarding something or some event. John developed a guilt complex after forcing his brother to move out.
See also: complex, guilt

Napoleon complex

A compulsive need to overcompensate in other areas of one's life for some perceived weakness, disability, or shortcoming, typically with aggressive or domineering behavior. Traditionally in reference to people with particularly short height, commonly thought to be the cause for Napoleon Bonaparte's inferiority complex. The new project manager really has a Napoleon complex, don't you think? He kowtows to upper management like a little weasel, then belittles the people under him to make himself feel bigger and more important than he is. A: "He's always exercising, always trying to find new ways to make more money, always buying the most expensive and most impressive stuff." B: "It must be because he's only five foot one. Classic Napoleon complex."
See also: complex
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