get in(to) line

(redirected from getting into line)
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get in(to) line

1. To become straight; to form into a line or row. The teacher waited for her students to get into line before they walked to the auditorium. The cars all got in line after the traffic merged into a single lane.
2. To conform, adhere to, or agree with that which is established or generally accepted, such as rules, beliefs, modes of behavior, etc. You might have some wild ideas for the future, but you'll never get anywhere in this business if you don't start getting into line with your boss's expectations. We all tend to have revolutionary ideals in our youth, but we usually get in line with the general populace as we grow older.
See also: get, line
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
All Rushworth's victims were right-handers beaten by balls moving into them, but Hain was more resolute in getting into line and showed excellent judgment of what to leave.
Fellow worker Pauline Millar said: "The child was not quite getting into line so Dawn kind of pushed her into line, but she pushed her a bit too hard and she fell flat on her face."
It was about getting into line with what every other player in the Premiership was earning.
"It was a bit scary at times but it taught me a lot about getting into line and playing straight."
Extend it to its logical conclusion and the M1 would be one long, single-lane queue with drivers getting into line at Watford for road works in Edinburgh.
"More and more companies are getting into lines of non-wood windows, and in the marketplace non-wood windows are gaining a superior market share over traditional wood windows," Campbell said.